NR586NP Week 4 Application of Epidemiology Assignment Template


General Instructions

· Carefully read the assignment guidelines and rubric.

· Complete the Application of Epidemiology template below to answer the questions related to your investigation. Use complete sentences. Use of this template is required. If the template is not used, a 10% deduction will be applied. See the rubric. Save the template and include your name in the file name.

· Follow APA grammar, spelling, word usage, and punctuation rules consistent with formal, scholarly writing.

· Provide an in-text citation from three scholarly sources to support your writing.

· Investigate population health and epidemiological data to learn about prevalent disease trends within your geographic region. Compare and contrast your findings with disease rates and trends in a different geographic area of your choosing.

· Statistics from valid, reliable sources such as professional population health-focused organizations, governmental agencies, local and state health departments, and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention are appropriate sources to validate assessment findings.

Include the following sections (detailed criteria listed below and in the grading rubric

Prevalent Infectious and Chronic Diseases

Prevalent Infectious and Chronic Diseases



· Describe the selected geographic region.

· Identify the prevalent infectious and chronic diseases in the region.

· Compare and contrast the prevalence of those diseases in a separate geographic region of your choosing, noting similarities and differences.

· Discuss the variables that contribute to the noted similarities and differences.

· Integrate sufficient scholarly literature to support the information presented.

a) Describe the selected geographic region.

b) Identify the prevalent infectious and chronic diseases in the region.

c) Compare and contrast the prevalence of diseases in the selected region with disease rates and trends in a different geographic area of your choosing, noting similarities and differences.

d) Discuss the variables that contribute to the noted similarities and differences.

e) Provide an in-text citation from one scholarly source to support your writing.

Application of the Epidemiological Model

Application of Epidemiological Model



· Select and describe one of the prevalent diseases noted in the previous section.

· Discuss physical and social determinants of health that influence the disease process.

· Identify and explain one epidemiological model that will be applied to the selected disease (e.g., Epidemiological Triangle, Web of Causation, or another legitimate epidemiological model).

· Apply the epidemiological model to the selected disease in a well-developed, comprehensive manner, addressing the entire model.

· Integrate sufficient scholarly literature to support the information presented.

a) Select and describe one of the prevalent diseases noted in the previous section.

b) Discuss physical and social determinants of health that influence the disease process.

c) Identify and explain one epidemiological model that will be applied to the selected disease (i.e., Epidemiological Triangle, Web of Causation, or another legitimate epidemiological model).

d) Apply the epidemiological model to the selected disease in a well-developed, comprehensive manner, addressing the entire model.

e) Provide an in-text citation from one scholarly source to support your writing.

Levels of Prevention

Levels of Prevention



· Explain the levels of prevention used within population health practice.

· Discuss one primary prevention to address the disease.

· Discuss one secondary prevention to address the disease.

· Discuss one tertiary prevention to address the disease.

· Integrate sufficient scholarly literature to support the information presented.

a. Explain the levels of prevention used within population health practice.

b. Discuss one primary prevention to address the disease.

c. Discuss one secondary prevention to address the disease.

d. Discuss one tertiary prevention to address the disease.

e. Provide an in-text citation from one scholarly source to support your writing.





· Describe how the advanced practice nurse can monitor the application and efficacy of the prevention strategy.

· Discuss how you will apply the identified prevention strategies in your practice.

· Reflect on what you have learned from this assignment.

a. Describe how the advanced practice nurse can monitor the application and efficacy of the prevention strategy.

b. Discuss how you will apply the identified prevention strategies in your practice.

c. Reflect on what you have learned from this assignment.


NR585: Literature Summary Assignment Template



Follow the instructions located in the Assignment Guidelines and Rubric to complete the information below.

Select and review five research articles related to the practice issue and proposed intervention of your PICOT question from your Week 2 assignment. These articles may include quantitative, qualitative, or mixed methods studies (original research), systematic reviews, meta-analyses, or meta-syntheses (synthesis), or clinical practice guidelines (CPGs).  

Complete one table for each selected article. 

Follow APA grammar, spelling, word usage, and punctuation rules consistent with formal, scholarly writing. 

1. Use this Literature Summary Template to complete the assignment.

2. Use complete sentences to document findings.

3. State the PICOT Statement from Week 2, including:

· Population (P)

· Intervention (I)

· Comparison (C)

· Outcome (O)

· Timeframe (T)


Use standard PICOT format and label each element Answer based on this PICOT question In adult patients in intensive care units with urinary catheters ( population), what is the effect of implementing a CAUTI prevention bundle ( intervention) compared to standard care ( comparison) on CAUTI incidence and patient outcomes ( outcome) over six months ( time)?


4. Complete the tables below for each research article and include the relevant information. You may use the following articles:

· Original research article types: single quantitative, qualitative, or mixed methods study

· Synthesis article types: systematic review, meta-analysis, or meta-synthesis.

1. Ensure each article meets the following:

2. Article is published in a peer-reviewed nursing journal

3. Publication date is current within five years

PICOT Statement

State your PICOT statement from Week 2 in the standard format and label each element (e.g., P, I, C, O, T).

In adult patients in intensive care units with urinary catheters ( population), what is the effect of implementing a CAUTI prevention bundle ( intervention) compared to standard care ( comparison) on CAUTI incidence and patient outcomes ( outcome) over six months ( time)?

Article #1

Full reference for article (APA Format)

Shadle, H. N., Sabol, V., Smith, A., Stafford, H., Thompson, J. A., & Bowers, M. (2021). A Bundle-Based Approach to Prevent Catheter-Associated Urinary Tract Infections in the Intensive Care Unit. Critical Care Nurse, 41(2), 62–71.

Purpose and Type of Research

Methods used in article

Search strategy

Sample and Participants

Discussion of Inclusion Criteria

Study Findings

Limitations of the Study

Relevance to Practice Issue or Proposed Intervention

Article #2

Full reference for article (APA Format)

Huang, A., Hong, W., Zhao, B., Lin, J., Xi, R., & Wang, Y. (2022). Knowledge, attitudes and practices concerning catheter‐associated urinary tract infection amongst healthcare workers: a mixed methods systematic review. Nursing Open, 10(3).

Purpose and Type of Research

Methods used in article

Search strategy

Sample and Participants

Discussion of Inclusion Criteria

Study Findings

Limitations of the Study

Relevance to Practice Issue or Proposed Intervention

Article #3

Full reference for article (APA Format) and Chamberlain University hyperlink to article

Purpose and Type of Research

Methods used in article

Search strategy

Sample and Participants

Discussion of Inclusion Criteria

Study Findings

Limitations of the Study

Relevance to Practice Issue or Proposed Intervention

Article #4

Full reference for article (APA Format)

Purpose and Type of Research

Methods used in article

Search strategy

Sample and Participants

Discussion of Inclusion Criteria

Study Findings

Limitations of the Study

Relevance to Practice Issue or Proposed Intervention

Article #5

Full reference for article (APA Format)

Purpose and Type of Research

Methods used in article

Search strategy

Sample and Participants

Discussion of Inclusion Criteria

Study Findings

Limitations of the Study

Relevance to Practice Issue or Proposed Intervention

NR585 Week 5 Assignment: Literature Summary Template Rev 0724

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