Marketing Management
Branding Presentation:
Develop a brand presentation of 8–12 slides for a new pet food product (or new product or line extension at your employer or future employer), using the speaker's notes sections of each slide to expand your talking points.
Branding is a means of differentiating a product from its competitors. Branding is an important aspect of marketing because it provides a distinctive identity to a product or family of products that sets it apart from competitors. This assessment introduces the concept of brands and discusses the various ways marketers position their products within the brand structure. By the end of the assessment, you may look at branding and products a bit differently than you do right now!
In Assessment 1 you chose a company and product to market and created a basic marketing plan. Now, you will create a brand presentation slide deck for that product.
The Vice President of Marketing at MSH Brands (or at your employer or future employer company) was impressed with your marketing plan submitted in Assessment 1. They have now asked you to develop a brand presentation based on this work.
Your Role:
You are a Brand Manager at MSH Brands (
at your employer or future employer company). You are being asked to develop a brand presentation for a new pet food product (or new product or line extension at your employer or future employer.)
Develop a brand presentation including the following elements based on your research, building on your work submitted in Assessment 1. Develop a PowerPoint presentation of 8–12 slides that synthesize the work, using the speaker's notes sections of each slide to expand your talking points. Be sure your presentation includes:
-Title Slide.
-Product Overview.
-Market Objectives.
-Marketing Mix.
Your presentation should answer the following:
-What is the brand name for the product?
-What role does the new product play in the brand portfolio? Optional: For fun, you might create a logo or packaging for your product.
-Who is the target market?
-Who are the main competitors and what strengths do they have that you must compete against?
-What will be the new product’s objectives (create greater customer loyalty, increase trials, expand usage among current users, support trade relations)?
-What will be the new product position? How will it complement the objectives?
Describe at least 2–3 of the 8Ps that you did not mention in the previous assessment, discussing how they will complement the objectives. Refer to
Marketing Basics: The 8Ps, Positioning Statements, and SMART Objectives [PDF]
Use and cite at least 3 sources, in APA format. Use
Academic Writer
for guidance in citing sources in proper APA style. See the
Writing Center
for more APA resources specific to your degree level.
Deliverable Format:
-PowerPoint presentation. For help with PowerPoint, review these resources:
PowerPoint Tips and Tutorials
Guidelines for Effective PowerPoint Presentations [PPTX]
-8–12 slides (in addition to the title and references slides).
-Include additional details on each slide in the speaker’s notes section.
-Additional requirements:
*Title slide.
*References slide.
*APA-formatted references from at least five sources. Use
Academic Writer
for guidance in citing sources in proper APA style. See the
Writing Center
for more APA resources specific to your degree level.
*Be sure you consider the audience.
The following readings will support your development of a marketing plan:
Kotler, P. T., & Keller, K. L. (2016).
Framework for marketing management
(6th ed.). Pearson.
Available in the courseroom via the VitalSource Bookshelf link.
Marketing Basics: The 8Ps, Positioning Statements, and SMART Objectives [PDF]
Product Branding: Creating a Cohesive Image for Products and Services [PDF]
Digital Marketing Plans [PDF]
Marketing Management

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