N4455 Nursing Leadership and Management

Change Theories Project

Note: You will create a PowerPoint slide presentation (not an APA paper) for this assignment. Submit your assignment through Canvas for grading for this module. If you do not submit a PowerPoint slide presentation you will not receive credit for this assignment.

Overview: Change Theories Project

Each student will produce a plan for implementing a change project in nursing departments throughout the organization. You will begin by selecting one of the options provided in module one and propose a change to solve the problem. If you do not select one of the provided options you will not receive credit for this assignment. Then you will select one of the change theories you have studied that models how you want to implement the proposed change. You will conduct a SWOT analysis and develop a comprehensive action plan.

You will create a PowerPoint presentation of your plan with a “script” in the Notes section below each slide, as if you are presenting this to an audience. Your script must be in the Notes section that is below each slide within your PowerPoint presentation. See the Resource tab for examples. These will be your speaker notes as if you are presenting your PowerPoint to an audience. You MUST have a notes section for your slides. There will be a 50 point deduction if your notes are not below each slide.

During and after your work, you will examine the types of communications, decision-making processes, and processes you use, and comment upon those in the last part of the “script.”


1. Select and utilize a change theory model to implement the proposed change (chapter 5)

2. Analyze the leadership roles and management skills necessary to implement a new program.

3. Identify your decision-making process.

4. Demonstrate the elements of the change process.


Use this rubric to guide your work.

Assignment: Change Theories Project




This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Introduction

8 to >6.0 pts


Target: Clear statement of a scenario (problem) and proposed change and rationale Target: Clear statement of a scenario (problem) and proposed change and rationale A clear statement of change theory model to be employed and how it will assist you in the change within your organization).

6 to >5.0 pts


Statement of a proposed change Statement of theory model addressed vaguely addressed

5 to >0 pts


No statement of a proposed change No statement of theory model Not an approved topic (Refer to module 1 for a list of approved topics) 5 points if no note section NO POINTS FOR NOT AN APPROVED TOPIC

8 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning outcome analysis

12 to >10.0 pts


Clear identification of the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats associated with implementing or failing to implement the proposed plan

10 to >8.0 pts


Description of some potential strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats associated proposed plan

8 to >0 pts


Missing description of viable strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, or threats associated with proposed plan Not an approved topic (Refer to module 1 for a list of approved topics) 8 points if no note section NO POINTS FOR NOT AN APPROVED TOPIC

12 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Action Plan

40 to >32.0 pts


Each of these components addressed in detail • Change Theory Model • Steps and processes • Communication plan • Leadership styles • Management functions • Budget requirements/ implications • Steps to assure staff compliance • Evaluation Formatted correctly as PowerPoint slideshow for stakeholders with script in Notes sections

32 to >17.0 pts


Each of these components addressed generally (See list under “Target”) in PowerPoint slideshow for some audiences and script in some slides

17 to >0 pts


Some components addressed minimally or not at all PowerPoint slideshow not written as a script and/or not recorded in the Notes sections (0-5 pts) Not an approved topic (Refer to module 1 for a list of approved topics) NO POINTS FOR NOT AN APPROVED TOPIC 17 points if no note section

40 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Decision-Making Process

15 to >14.0 pts


Analysis of the decision-making process used by the group, including effective/ineffective processes and what you would change in the future

14 to >9.0 pts


General analysis of the decision-making process used by the group, including effective/ineffective processes or what you would you change in the future

9 to >0 pts


Some components addressed minimally or not at all PowerPoint slideshows not written as a script and/or not recorded in the Notes sections (0-5 pts) Not an approved topic 0 points (Refer to module 1 for a list of approved topics) NO POINTS FOR NOT AN APPROVED TOPIC 17 points if no note section

15 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome References

15 to >14.4 pts


At least 3 references to professional literature, with correct APA citations

14.4 to >6.0 pts


At least 2 references to professional literature, with mostly correct APA citations

6 to >0 pts


6 to >0 pts Unacceptable One reference to professional literature, with correct APA citation - Not an approved topic (Refer to module 1 for a list of approved topics) 5 points if no note section NO POINTS FOR NOT AN APPROVED TOPIC

15 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Attractive

10 to >9.0 pts

Full Marks

Professional, appropriate appearance with no spelling or grammar errors; designed with appropriate use of color, graphics, and fonts. Up to 5 points will be deducted if images, pictures, graphics, direct quotes used are not cited.

9 to >5.0 pts


One or more spelling or grammar errors; design missing graphics and/ or inappropriate fonts, unprofessional in appearance

5 to >0 pts


Design or grammar/spelling errors prohibit reading or understanding content and if images used are not cited. Content unorganized and lacks professionalism NO POINTS FOR NOT AN APPROVED TOPIC

10 pts

Total Points: 100

Assignment: Change Theories Project

Action Plan (Pivotal portion of project)

Your plan will include at least-

· Supporting rationale for implementing the new program.

· Steps and processes necessary to assure staff compliance.

· Ways in which you will communicate your plan.

· The change process you have chosen with an explanation of how and why this model was selected.

· A definition of the leadership style you expect to be most effective.

· What management functions you will utilize.

· Any budget requirements/implications.

· The advantages and disadvantages of using a work group vs. sending an e-mail announcing the change.

· A plan for how you will handle noncompliance, late majority, laggards, and rejecters.

· Specifications regarding how you will evaluate the effectiveness of your proposal.

You are expected to use current professional references to support your work throughout. At least two of your references must be from separate professional nursing management journals.

Project Presentation

Your presentation should be constructed as follows:

You will open a new PowerPoint presentation and save it to your computer desktop or other storage device with the filename: N4455_ YOURNAME. In the actual file, YOURNAME should be replaced by your name.

The presentation should include slides with the script in the Notes section of each slide. This script reflects what would be said at an oral presentation of the change proposal to key stakeholders. The slides should be created as follows-

Slide 1: Title Slide – Title and Your Name Slide 2: Introduction with chosen

Change Theory (Chapter 5)

How will this theory assist you in leading the change within your organization)

Slide 3: SWOT Analysis

Identify the Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats associated with implementing or failing to implement the proposed plan.

Slides 4-14: Action Plan

Discuss the details of the implementation plan. Demonstrate the application of theory to the specific decisions and recommendations.

· Change theory model

· Steps and processes

· Communication plan

· Leadership styles

· Management functions

· Budget requirements/implications

· Steps to ensure staff compliance

· Evaluation

Slide 15: Decision-making process

Analyze the decision-making process used. What was effective or ineffective and what would you change in the future? (Note-Your slides should be indicative of what would be used in the presentation to the stakeholders, and the script in the Notes section should describe to the stakeholders how you arrived at decisions. Then, also in the Notes, describe in parentheses the effective and ineffective methods or situations involved in your work. You would probably not go into such details in your presentation to stakeholders!)

Slide 16: References- at least three references

Throughout: Minimum of three APA references, correct APA format, spelling, and grammar

©2018 University of Texas at Arlington

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Overview of Case Study Types

Your Name

School of Business, Liberty University

Author Note

By submitting this assignment, I attest this submission represents my own work, and not that of another student, scholar, or internet source. I understand I am responsible for knowing and correctly utilizing referencing and bibliographical guidelines. I have not submitted this work for any other class.




(Don’t forget 3-5 Keywords)

Overview of Case Study Types

Provide an introductory paragraph to the paper.

Remove all guidance verbiage in this document. Keep all headings.

Case Study Types

Discuss the purpose of different case study types for research.

Exploratory Case Studies

Provide a description of exploratory case studies.

Application of Exploratory Case Studies

Provide a discussion of the application of exploratory case studies with a minimum of one example.

Explanatory Case Studies

Provide a description of explanatory case studies.

Application of Explanatory Case Studies

Provide a discussion of the application of explanatory case studies with a minimum of one example.

Descriptive Case Studies

Provide a description of descriptive case studies.

Application of Descriptive Case Studies

Provide a discussion of the application of descriptive case studies with a minimum of one example.

Case Study Compositional Structures (Designs/Formats)

Primary Case Study Structures (Designs)

Singel Case Study Format

Provide a description of the single case study format (design)

Multiple Case Case Study Format

Provide a description of the multiple case case study format (design)

Holistic Case Study Format

Provide a description of the holistic case study format (design)

Embedded Case Study Format

Provide a description of the embedded case study format (design)

Alternative Case Study Compositional Structures

Describe each of the six types of alternative case study compositional structures (formats) used for research purposes: (a) Linear-Analytical, (b) Comparative, (c) Chronological, (d) Theory Building, (e) ‘Suspense’, and (f) Unsequenced. Provide a summary, highlighting the key points of the six case study types.




Theory Building



Goodness of Work—Biblical Integration

Discuss how an exploratory case study could be goodness of work that is pleasing to the Lord. Keller (2016) discusses this in Chapter 1 .




Format references using the current APA style. Ensure all DOIs or journal URLs are active hyperlinks.

BUSI 830

Overview of Case Study Types Assignment Instructions


Each case study type and compositional structure is slightly different. These differences are important for researchers to consider when selecting a case study type most appropriate for researching their business problem. The primary focus of this course is exploratory case study design; however, it is important to understand explanatory and descriptive case study designs and formats.


After reviewing the required material stated in this week’s module, address the following in a written paper using the current APA format:

· Provide an introduction to case study types and provide an applicable example.

· Explain the 4 primary case study designs/structures (formats).

· Describe each of the six types of alternative case study compositional structures (formats) used for research purposes: (a) Linear-Analytical, (b) Comparative, (c) Chronological, (d) Theory Building, (e) ‘Suspense’, and (f) Unsequenced. Provide a summary, highlighting the key points of the six case study types.

· Describe how an exploratory case study could be goodness of work that is pleasing to the Lord. (See Chapter 1 in Keller’s book).

Required Format

Cover page



Case Study Types

Case Study Compositional Structures

Goodness of Work – Biblical Intergration



Additional Requirements

Use the provided Overview of Case Study Types Assignment Template .

This 1,000 minimum, 1,500 maximum word paper needs to be written to include these guidelines:

· The required cover page, abstract, table, and reference pages are not included in the required assignment word count but are required as part of your paper.

· Materials submitted to fulfill requirements in one course may not be submitted in another course. Concerns about the propriety of obtaining outside assistance and acknowledging sources should be addressed to the instructor of the course before the work commences and as necessary as the work proceeds.

· In addition to the course texts and the Bible, this paper must include at least 6 references from peer-reviewed scholarly articles that have publication dates no older than 5 years. Do not use any books other than the Bible and the books.

· All parts of the assignment must be based on peer-reviewed scholarly sources, Biblical literature, and course texts.

· There should be at least one instance of Biblical integration (at least one scripture reference).

· In-text citations are required to support your (a) statements, (b) points, (c) assertions, (d) issues, (e) arguments, (f) concerns, (g) paragraph topic sentences, and (h) statements of fact and opinion. Refer to Section 8.1, Appropriate Level of Citation on pages 253 and 254 in the APA Manual (7th ed.).

· Do not provide any personal opinions.

· The introduction and conclusion sections should not be longer than ½ page each since the assignment is short in the word count.

· Refrain from using phrases such as, “in this paper.”

· Sources of information from Wikipedia, dictionaries, websites, blogs, and encyclopedias will not be accepted.

· A paragraph is defined in this course as being at least 4 sentences in length and structured in a cohesive manner. Consider using the MEAL approach for writing paragraphs:

· M – Main topic using peer-reviewed scholarly sources.

· E – Evidence to support the main topic using peer-reviewed scholarly sources.

· A – Analysis (e.g., for and against) of the evidence using peer-reviewed scholarly sources.

· L – Lead back to the main topic or to the main topic in the next paragraph using peer-reviewed scholarly sources.

· Avoid (a) clichés, (b) slang, (c) jargon, (d) exaggerations, (e) abbreviations, (f) figurative language, and (g) language that is too informal and too subjective.

· Submit your final document for grading with file name syntax: LastNameFirstInitial Assignment Name #. For example: SmithJ_Assignment Name.doc (no .pdfs)

Grading Metrics

Consult the accompanying rubric for how this assignment will be graded. Also, any form of plagiarism, including copying and pasting, will result in zero points for the entire assignment. All quoted materials must be properly cited in the current APA format.

Note: The Turnitin plagiarism tool will be used to check your assignment for originality. The tool is a starting point for instructors to check overall Academic Integrity; higher scores generally indicate a higher probability of Academic Misconduct. The higher the score, the higher the probability that there are too many quotations included in the narrative, and/or there are passages that have not been properly cited.

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