University of Phoenix Material
Rhetorical Strategies and Fallacies Worksheet
The following are some common rhetorical strategies:
Innuendo: a leading suggestion
Stereotype: generalized statements relating to a group of people
Loaded questions: questions based on unjustified assumptions
Hyperbole:an extreme exaggeration
Identify the rhetorical strategy in each of the following statements.
I did not say the meat was tough. I said I did not see the horse that is usually outside (W. C. Fields).  _________________
Have you stopped beating your wife? _____________
The Maserati is the best car in the world! _________________
All men love football; all women love the ballet. ______________                      
The following are some common rhetorical fallacies:
Slippery slope: If A happens, then B–Z will follow. Therefore, to prevent B–Z from happening, do not allow A to occur.
Hasty generalization: rushing to form a conclusion based on assumptions; not based on clear evidence
Post hoc ergo propter hoc: If A occurs after B, then B caused A.
Either/or: looking at a situation from only two sides, or oversimplifying the situation
Ad hominem: attacking the person rather than attacking the argument
Red herring or smoke screen: introducing an unrelated topic as a diversionary tactic
Identify the rhetorical fallacy in each of the following statements.
We can either stop using plastic, or destroy the Earth  ______________
I ate tuna for lunch and now I do not feel well, so the tuna made me ill. ___________
If you enjoy a social drink, it could lead to you becoming an alcoholic, so you probably should never drink. __________
Even though this is the first week of class, I can tell this is going to be a very easy course. ______________
We know that smoking can affect your health, but how else will tobacco farmers earn a living? ______________
As the candidate for mayor, he has some good ideas, but we know that all politicians are dishonest.___________
Individual Assignment
Rhetorical Strategies and Fallacies Worksheet
Purpose of Assignment
The worksheet evaluates the student’s knowledge of rhetorical strategies and fallacies. Common rhetorical strategies and fallacies are presented. The responses should be provided in the worksheet.
Resources Required
University of Phoenix Material: Rhetorical Strategies and Fallacies Worksheet
Grading Guide
Partially Met
Not Met
In the statements, the student identified the correct rhetorical strategy.
In the statements, the student identified the correct rhetorical fallacy.
Total Available
Total Earned
Writing Guidelines
Partially Met
Not Met
Rules of grammar and usage are followed, including spelling and punctuation.
Total Available
Total Earned
Assignment Total
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