Humanities 303
Essay Draft Assignment
150 points
due end of week 6
Originality (no more than 20 – 30% content is cited or quoted), academic tone and proper use of APA for in-text citations and list of references are major aspects of this assignment.
The essay content must be
five to seven double-spaced pages
in length
(not including the title page or reference pages).
Include list of references identified from Annotated Bibliography Assignments.
Only list the reference in APA format (no annotated commentary)
The margins should be no more than one in. (right and left). The essay should be composed in 12-point Times New Roman or Arial font. All of the sources must be documented and cited using APA format.
Writing for the Humanities:
Composing for the humanities is “technical” in its own way.
Students are to read broadly in philosophy, art, literature, political science, and history and are to show that they can bridge conceptually across humanistic inquiry, innovate meanings that are not apparent at the surface of texts, locate controversies and conflicts that are worthy of researched exploration, and show depth of contemplative thought and character in conducting work of this kind.
Essay Draft Assignment
150 pts
points per category
With Thesis
Page count 5 - 7 pages of content
(not including title page
or list of references page)
Word Choice, Sentence Structure
In-Text Citations
List of References Page
5 different resources listed in APA format identified in Annotated bibliography
(no annotations
Thesis & Introduction
There is a clear and focused
thesis is clear, original, and sophisticated.
The ideas embedded in the thesis are appropriate to the length of the assignment Effort and sensitivity to the study is evident.
Topic Named
5 - 7 pages of content
List of Reference Page
The content provides quality
(not padded, dull writing, repetitive or margin/enlarged
Word Choice & Sentence Structure:
The language is rich, effective, natural, precise, and vivid. Words used to convey images are appropriate to the audience and purpose. Vocabulary is varied, specific, and accurate. It is appropriate for college-level writing.
Sentences add interest and flow to text.
There is strong control over simple and complex sentence structures.
In-text citations
In-text citations are included when material is used
from a source and
references page includes full citations.
Sources do not exceed 30% of the content and are cited correctly (in text and in a full reference page).
List of References Page
There is a minimum of 5 academic sources.
5 different resources listed in APA format identified in
Annotations Assignment
(no annotations)
Quotations from Resources
Paragraphs are composed around topics, which naturally and organically emerge from a complex, focused, and sophisticated thesis.
Each paragraph explores one topic and one topic only.
Topics directly relate TO the thesis and are not theses in
and of themselves.
The paragraph completely and fully develops and explains the topic and provides details, examples, illustrations, and quotations from research as well as from the primary texts.
Topics and paragraphs rise above commonplace thinking and summary.
Quoted material is used powerfully to support analytical points (and not as padding).
There is a graceful transition to the next paragraph.
The ideas explored are significant, substantive, and instructive.
Ideas/topics support the overarching thesis so that the paper is a unified whole, and not a concatenation of appended mini-essays.
At least 2 quotes included that were identified in the Annotations Assignments
Writing for the Humanities
Writing for Humanities
Composing for the humanities is “technical” in its own way.
Students are to read broadly in philosophy, art, literature, political science, and history; and are to show that they can bridge conceptually across
humanistic inquiry, innovate meanings that are not apparent at the surface of texts, locate controversies and conflicts that are worthy of researched exploration,
and show
depth and focus
of contemplative thought and character in conducting work of this kind.
Progress throughout these assignments is also valued
APA Formatting &
page layout
Grammar refers to the correct usage of Standard American English.
Mechanics refers to idiomatic conventions (capitalization of proper nouns, spelling,
and punctuation).
Style refers to persuasiveness, sophistication, wit, and transcendent quality.
Sentences should be varied in length and complexity without loss of clarity or precision of meaning.
Style makes a paper a pleasure to read.
It has a clear introduction, body, and conclusion.
The writing is structured to enhance meaning.
Transitions are used to move from point to point. Transitions provide logical sequence appropriate for the purpose.
Academic tone, and avoidance of slang
APA Formatting:
Margins: no more than 1-inch on all sides
12-point Times New Roman or Arial
Pagination is in the upper right of the page.
Citations are scrupulously observed
In-text and have a matching full reference on a reference page
Formatted correctly with double spaced in
Time New Roman 12 point font
Both in-text and full references are complete according to the APA style sheet.
Academic Integrity
Originality no more than 30% content is quoted or cited references
Academic Integrity
Original work
Sources do not exceed 30% of the content
and are cited correctly
points earned

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