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Assignment Details Immunization Presentation


For this Assignment you are creating a PowerPoint® presentation. Your presentation audience is the community. The topic is immunization/ vaccination. Information should include herd immunity, types of immunity related to vaccination, immunization effects on the individual, and community as well as worldwide effects of immunization. Additionally content should include vaccination trends, myths, disease statistics for those conditions prevented with vaccination, and pediatric vaccination schedule/s. Legal, ethical, and cultural considerations should be addressed. The presentation must have speaker notes per slide; 1–3 paragraphs. The PowerPoint should be developed in a professional design and style; succinct, not overly wordy, with a tasteful amount of elegant text and visual appeal, as well as accurate and complete content.

Number of content slides are 12, not to exceed 14. Title slide and reference slide required and not included in the total. This presentation should adhere to appropriate 6th edition APA format.

This link provides Microsoft tutorials in PPTX:

PowerPoint 2013 videos and tutorials. (n.d.). Retrieved from https://support.office.com/en- us/article/PowerPoint-2013-videos-and-tutorials-bd93efc0-3582-49d1-b952-3871cde07d8a

DUE: to Dropbox on end of Day 7 of Unit 8.

To view the Grading Rubric for this Assignment, please visit the Grading Rubrics section of the Course Home.

How to Submit:

When you are ready to submit your Assignment, select the unit Dropbox and then attach your file. Make sure to save a copy of the Assignment you submit.

Class 505 Unit 8


Unit 8: Immunization Presentation
Introductory Emergent Practiced Proficient/Mastered Score Weight Final Score
0 -1.9 2 - 2.9 3 - 3.9 4
Immunity The assignment does not address any or all of this section. Content is present regarding herd immunity, types of immunity related to vaccination but needs more clarity. Topic needs to be developed more thoroughly on slides or speaker notes Adequate content on slides and speaker notes re: herd immunity, types of immunity related to vaccination Comprehensive content on slides and speaker notes re: herd immunity, types of immunity related to vaccination 15% 0.00
Effects of Immunization The assignment does not address any or all of this section. Content is present on individual, community and worldwide effects of immunization but needs more clarity. Topic needs to be developed more thoroughly on slides or speaker notes Adequate content on slides and speaker notes re:individual, community and worldwide effects of immunization Comprehensive content on slides and speaker notes re:individual, community and worldwide effects of immunization 20% 0.00
Trends The assignment does not address any or all of this section. Content is present on vaccination trends, disease trends, myths and statistics for those conditions prevented with vaccination but needs more clarity or is limited on speaker notes Adequate content on slides and speaker notes re:vaccination trends, myths, and disease statistics for those conditions prevented with vaccination Comprehensive content on slides and speaker notes re: vaccination trends, myths, disease statistics for those conditions prevented with vaccination 20% 0.00
Schedules The assignment does not address any or all of this section. Pediatric vaccination schedule is included but more clarity needed. Content may be missing on slides or no speaker notes Pediatric vaccination schedule is included in presentation and speaker notes; additional clarity/detail is needed. Pediatric vaccination schedule is included in slides and speaker notes 10% 0.00
Legal, ethical cultural issues The assignment does not address any or all of this section. Content is present on legal, ethical and cultural considerations but needs more clarity or is limited on slides or speaker notes. Adequate content on slides and speaker notes re: legal, ethical and cultural considerations Comprehensive content on slides and speaker notes re: legal, ethical and cultural considerations 15% 0.00
Length Less than 12 content slides NA NA At least 12 content slides. 10% 0.00
Format/Style Text, title page and references page do not follow APA guidelines. There may not be a reference page or title page. Slides are rather disorganzied or chaotic. Font size, colors, and or pictures, distract from the theme and the topic. Needs multiple revisions and additions to be an adequate presentation work. Text, title page and references page follow APA guidelines with some limited errors. Slides are clear, though some improvement in wordiness may be needed. Font size, colors, pictures, are present and support the theme/content of the presentation but need editing for a professional work. May have minor grammar errors Text, title page and references page follow APA guidelines. Slides are clear,and are not wordy. All graphics and texts are attractive; size, font, colors and pictures, support the theme/content of the presentation. Errors do not interfere with professional work.. Minor references and grammar errors Text, title page and references page follow APA guidelines. No grammar, word usage or punctuation errors. Slides are clear, have variety and are not overdone or wordy. All graphics and texts are attractive; size, font, colors, and pictures, support the theme/content of the presentation. Overall style is consistent with professional work. 10% 0.00
100% 0.00
Final Score 0
Percentage 0.00%
Total available points = 100 4
Rubric Score Grade points Percentage
Low High Low High Low High
3.5 4.0 90 100 90% 100%
2.5 3.49 80 90 80% 89.99%
1.7 2.49 70 80 70% 79.99%
1.0 1.69 60 70 60% 69.99%
0.0 1.00 0 60 0 59.99%

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