Select four different ads from a particular product category (say, cars) from at least 3 different paid media environments (i.e.,
not ad clips from YouTube
; pick an ad from a magazine, a newspaper ad, a billboard, a TV ad—be sure to know which show it aired on for your analysis, a radio ad—be sure to know what station and what ‘daypart’ i.e., time of day).  Analyze each of the four ads based on concepts learned in class:  
What type of ad is it?  E.g., Product, Institutional (corporate, nonprofit,etc.), Retail, B2B, etc. 
How does the ad gain attention?  Does the attention getting device reinforce the brand message?  HOW?  Be specific.  
What is the media strategy?  What are the pros/cons of the media category?  Is it appropriate for the product?  Does the specific media vehicle reach the target market?  Is there wasted coverage?  
Offer suggestions for improvement.  
:  Papers should be between 4-6 pages (typewritten, 12-point font, double-spaced); the pages should be numbered, starting page 1 with the first full page of text.
Grading Criteria
:  My grading of your papers will be based primarily on your ability to provide a
systematic, critical analysis of your topic, based on class concepts
.  In addition (because writing clearly, concisely, and accurately with correct grammar and spelling is very important, not only for this class, but also for your future), proficient use of writing skills will be part of my assessment.  
40% of your grade will be based your detailed elaboration on class concepts appropriate for your  paper.  Be sure to include sufficient supporting detail to communicate a clear understanding of class concepts in your paper (independent of your application of them).  Be sure to cite and reference your textbook appropriately.  
40% of your grade will be based on your accurate application of the class concepts to your example, including your critical evaluation in applying class concepts to your example.  Is the company using the concepts correctly?  Why/why not?  
20% of your grade will be based on writing skills. 
The frequent presence of the common grammar problems (next page--over) will result in the loss of these points
Please see me if you have ANY questions.  I am available to look at outlines of your paper in advance to give you feedback.  Please use me as a resource.  
Common Grammar Problems in Papers:  
 Avoid (Do Not Use) "You" (second person) in any professional paper.  
Instead, use "the consumer," or "the company," or a noun for whatever referent "you" was referring to.  
Use correct forms of possessives.   Here are two examples: 
its (as in "look at its hair).  (It's = it is) 
a company's strategy (not a companies strategy) 
Use correct punctuation.  Here are some examples:  
A semi-colon (;) is used to separate two complete sentences (each with its own noun and verb).  "The product strategy makes sense; however, the pricing strategy seems a bit off.  
A colon (:) is used when a list is to follow:  There were a variety of marketing tools used by the company including:  product, price, promotion, and distribution.  
Use commas to set off phrases (one at the start, and one at the end of the phrase):  It was hard to tell, based on my understanding, just what she meant.  
Eliminate sentence fragments.  Each sentence should have its own noun and verb.  
Bad:  "Like my dad, for example.  
Good:  People, like my dad for example, would be offended by that strategy.  
Use headings in your paper to help organize the material.
6.  Cite appropriately the references and sources you use in writing your paper.  

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