Assignment 1: Discussion Question

Important note: Discussion questions in this course use a case study that is found in Shared Documents in the file named "Project Management Case." It is strongly recommended that you read this case study before attempting an assignment. Also, it is mandatory that you attempt all assignment questions in the order they are presented in.

By the due date assigned, respond to the discussion question. Submit your responses to the Discussion Area. Start reviewing and responding to your classmates as early in the week as possible.

Discussion Question

Many projects today operate within some sort of a matrix organization. Discuss the differences between a strong and a weak matrix organization.

 Discuss the pros and cons of a matrix organization for project management. As a project manager, what types of things would you need to do well in order for your project to work within a matrix organization? Justify your responses.

Grading Criteria 

Maximum Points


Quality of initial posting, including fulfillment of assignment instructions 16


Quality of responses to classmates 12


Frequency of responses to classmates 4


Reference to supporting readings and other materials 4


Language and grammar 4


Total: 40 

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