Annotated Bibliography

May, Grit, and Joe Courneya. "Information Technology Career Guide: Information Technology Experiences for Students and Teachers (ITEST)." Information Technology Career Guide (2012): n. pag. International Water Institute. Web. The article provides information on different jobs on the subject of Information Technology. It provides career pathways as well as different IT jobs with detailed information. Although this article was produced by the International Water Institute, it was funded by the National Science Foundation as well.

Malec, Brian, Dr., PhD; Malec, Brian T., PhD; Wyant, David, PhD; Cortelyou-Ward, Kendall, PhD. Careers in Health Information Technology. New York: Springer Publishing Company, 2014. Ebook Library. Web. 29 Apr. 2017. This article focuses on medicine and provides information on a specific job that can be obtained in the technology industry known as HIT. This article gives incite on what to expect working in this field and well as some helpful tips.

SOC120: W5D1 Consumerism and Planned Obsolescence

Tuan Pham Email this Author

4/27/2017 2:11:24 PM

Describe consumerism. Describe a specific context and explain what consumerism means in the setting.

Consumerism is society’s desire to purchase products and services. You and I purchase clothes to wear, because it is culturally inappropriate to be nude, but also it helps keep us warm or to impress other members of society. The clothes we purchase are manufactured products, which have limited resources, that are produced by either natural or man-made materials. This process is called “materials economy,” the materials are extracted, then manufactured, next distributed, consumed by people, and finally disposed of (Leonard, 2007). Over consumerism is wasting our resources and producing massive amounts of waste.

What is planned obsolescence? What role does planned obsolescence play in consumerism? Describe one product or service and explain how planned obsolescence is incorporated into its design.

Planned obsolescence is a marketing strategy design by manufacturers to produce a product with limited technology, service, or use for consumers. Companies limit functionality in their products to entice consumers to purchase their next upgrade when trends in technology is demanded by the consumers. This ensure the customers desire for the manufacturer’s future products and sales cost stay at a premium. Auto manufacturers uses this strategy in their model vehicles by redesigning the shape, performance, and durability. If the vehicles do not have a new desired effect on consumers. Sales will decline and the business will cease. In the case of Pontiac, Saab, Saturn, etc.

What are your personal beliefs and biases about consumption?

I’m for the school of environmental impact, such as waste. It’s not to say that I do not consume, but I look at a product and ask myself… How long will I keep this product for, how long will I have a use for it, and how long will it last for me? I am a handyman, so I have a good collection of tools. Most of my tools will last a very long time. Some have been pasted to me by my father, I will probably pass them on to my son, and hopefully he can pass them on to his or repurpose them. A lot of my tools have unlimited warranties so they can be replaced if they are broken, but also they are recycled to the manufacturer when replaced, therefore limiting waste. There are products that I buy that are planned obsolescence, like my computer and other appliances in the house, but I recycle everything that has electronics. Our family tries not to purchase anything that requires a battery, our car is the exception.

Having separated your personal beliefs and biases, use ethical theories and concepts to present how you feel about consumerism and planned obsolescence as societal issues.

Ethical egoism is a theory that can be used to describe consumerism and planned obsolescence. According to Mosser (2013), “Some economists have suggested that acting in one's self-interest is the basic mechanism through which capitalism operates… And that is how the free market is supposed to work. In a capitalistic society, consumerism is the quintessential desire and for those desires to match the company’s profitability. Manufacturers will limit the functionalities of their products to keep demands for newer and improved products.

Tuan Pham


Leonard, A. (2007). Story of Stuff. [Video file]. Retrieved from

Mosser, K. (2013). Ethics and social responsibility (2nd ed.) [Electronic version]. Retrieved from

Consumerism and Planned Obsolescence

Knutsford Thompson Email this Author

4/22/2017 1:02:06 PM

Consumerism and Planned Obsolescence

· Describe consumerism. Describe a specific context and explain what consumerism means in the setting. While doing my research on this topic I came to an understanding that Consumerism as many meaning when used in certain context. One of those contexts provided by Merriam-Webster dictionary is “the theory that an increasing consumption of goods is economically desirable” So the more we spend the better the economy grow. In some way this is true, that was one of the reasons why President Obama gave out Stimulus checks in 2009 in hope people will spend them to help build by the economy.

· What is planned obsolescence ? - is an approach to the conception, design and production of a product, such as hardware or software, involving the intent that it should be useful, functional or popular for only a limited length of time. What role does planned obsolescence play in consumerism? Obsolescence plays a vital role in consumerism, because it provides the need to better and more functioning products, which consumers will buy known that the product that they current own is adequate but it will have less function as the new and updated version. An also appealing to the buy who are into trends and want to feel superior to others that still have the older version. Describe one product or service and explain how planned obsolescence is incorporated into its design. Electronics is the best example of how Obsolescence thrive on Consumerism. Also, every year a new or better product is produce that will out do its previous editions, due to the demands form customers reviews. Before Smart TVs there was Desk-top computers, you could watch DVDs/ Blue-rays DVD, and listen CDs. Now that there are smart TVs with access to the internet, you have a much bigger display screen, you can browse and listen to music from the various apps while sharing the experiences with other in a much wider setting

· What are your personal beliefs and biases about consumption? My take on consumption is knowing my limits, just because the new craze is the Samsung S8, doesn’t mean I need to put myself in more debit to purchase a $720 phone. There are too many waste full people in our society, a good example of this too falls in an ethical background of the person, they might be a Relativism (they grow up in an area where who had the newest Jordan’s, Marc Jacob Watch, Michael Kors fashion trend, et al.)

· Having separated your personal beliefs and biases, use ethical theories and concepts to present how you feel about consumerism and planned obsolescence as societal issues. Consumerism fit all the key ethical theories depending on who or what the situation is. utilitarianism: the act we should choose is that which produces the best results for the greatest number affected by that choice. “Organized-efforts by individuals, groups, and governments to help protect consumers from policies and practices that infringe consumer rights to fair business practices.”

· deontology: It is particularly important to see that the deontologist does not say that actions do not have consequences; rather, the deontologist insists that actions should not be evaluated on the basis of the action's consequences. Regarding healthcare “Consumers are now demanding more choices and better service, and home care providers need to be able to deliver. In the early days of home care, consumerism was inherently built into treatment; nurses came in and helped the client however he or she needed.” (Dodd, 2005)

Virtue ethics emphasizes the moral, or virtuous, person who exemplifies moral behavior. President Bush and Obama, when they implemented the Stimulus checks. Planned obsolescence more falls in the realm of Ethical Egoism where the manufacture “is maximizes their utility” when they with-out updated products till they now they can make a profit


Dodd, K. (2005, April). Consumerism. Home Health Care Management & Practice, 17(3), 225-226. doi:10.1177/1084822304271822

Mosser, K. (2013). Ethics and social responsibility (2nd ed.) [Electronic version]. Retrieved from



Conglomerates and Corporations

Barbara Grady

Ashford University

Difference Between Conglomerate and Corporation

Conglomerates refer to the merge between two or more companies, which engaged in completely different business practices all under one corporate group while a corporation refers to a company or a group of individuals all legalized to act as a single entity (Kunz, 2007).

Ethics of allowing large conglomerates to control the mass media

The advantage that comes with this practice is that large content shown in the media will be less government controlled and more people-oriented (Croteau & Hoynes, 2006). People will hence have total control over what they intend to view without any intervention from the government. This leads to another advantage enjoyed by the mass media companies. If it were to deliver to the consumer what they need, large profits will be realized. One disadvantage of this practice, however is that the media house will pay more attention to the needs of their own advertisers, viewers and sponsors. They will air what is most suitable for this group of people (Croteau & Hoynes, 2006).

Alternative Ways of Ensuring Ethical Practices in Media Houses

One way is by disintegrating the conglomerate media houses into single entities. The ones with the most ethical habits will thrive while those with not will ultimately fall. They hence will be forced to engage in ethical practices (Croteau et al., 2012). Doing so will allow the companies to work and thrive through their own sweat to gain recognition, while allowing flourishing of the conglomerates will allow the less resourceful companies to feed off the sweat of more productive companies. This is unethical by all means (Croteau et al., 2012). The above presents an ethical approach to the issue.


Croteau, D. & Hoynes, W. (2006). The business of media: corporate media and the public interest. Thousand Oaks, Calif: Pine Forge Press.

Croteau, D., Hoynes, W. & Milan, S. (2012). Media/society: industries, images, and audiences. Thousand Oaks, Calif: SAGE.

Kunz, W. (2007). Culture conglomerates: consolidation in the motion picture and television industries. Lanham, Maryland: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, Inc.

Ashford 6: - Week 5 - Discussion 2

Lori Smith Email this Author

4/27/2017 11:07:36 PM

Conglomerates and Market Domination

The purpose of this discussion is to help you understand the role of corporations in the modern world while evaluating ethical aspects of corporate market domination. Prepare and post a response to the following prompts:

· Describe the difference between a corporation and a conglomerate.


As nouns the difference between corporation and conglomerate

is that corporation is a group of individuals, created by law or under authority of law, having a continuous existence independent of the existences of its members, and powers and liabilities distinct from those of its members while conglomerate is a cluster of heterogeneous things.

As a adjective conglomerate is clustered together into a mass.

As a verb conglomerate is to combine together into a larger mass. (

I am not going to pretend to know or understand what conglomerates mean, to my knowledge its sounds like goulash to me something just thrown together. A conglomerate is the combination of two or more corporations engaged in entirely different businesses that fall under one corporate group, usually involving a parent company and many subsidiaries. Often, a conglomerate is a multi-industry company. Conglomerates are often large and multinational.

Market Domination is the internal and external forces that can affect the longevity of a products and services your business offers. Understanding how your business excels where your competition does not is a crucial element in dominating the market. (

· Consider the ethics of media conglomerates in the United States. What are the ethical advantages and disadvantages of allowing large conglomerates to control the mass media? What are alternative ways the media might be organized that would be more ethical or moral? Explain your reasoning using both concepts from the course and academic resources.


Allowing large conglomerates to control the mass media has its own set of advantages and disadvantages. Some of the advantages include minimal control by the government. If conglomerates control the mass media, and it is the people who decide what they want to see, then the control of the government is reduced.


Consider-the-ethics-of-media-conglomerates-What-are-the-advantages and disadvantages?

Corporation vs Conglomerate - What's the difference? corporation/conglomerate

Yakov Amihud and Baruch Lev(Autumn, 1981) The Bell Journal of Economics Journal Article Risk Reduction as a Managerial Motive for Conglomerate Mergers Vol. 12, No. 2, pp. 605-617 http://www.jstor.or

Library Research Assignment SP2017 (Group Project)


Students will use the information, strategies, and research tools presented by the “Librarian” in order to complete a research assignment. Questions on the research strategies and tools should be directed to the Reference Librarians. During this presentation, you are required to take hand written notes . Then you must turn in the notes before leaving class. This assignment is worth 75 points of the overall grade. The notes are worth 25 pts.

Ask a librarian is located at: Assistance/askus.html

Overview of Research Assignments

Students will develop a more in-depth understanding of research topics. This will be achieved through the use of research strategies and a systematic exploration of appropriate information sources introduced in the library Resources lecture.

Assignment Requirements

1. Since you will have already formed your group and NOW MUST SELECT A research subject; You want to collaborate as a team, exchange contact information, choose someone to lead, delegate roles, and generate the report. I would encourage all of you to read again and study Word 2016 Chapter 3 “Collaborating with Others and Working with Reports.” This will be very helpful to you now and in the future


3. The annotated bibliography will contain Four (4) current sources; as suggested by the librarian (LESS THAN 4 YEARS OLD). You will use the Modern Language Association (MLA) writing style.

(Reference attached ).

4. Each source listed will also include appropriate paragraph(s) which will describe the relevance between the information in the source and the topic of the research.

5. The annotated bibliography should be typed in MLA style, double spaced with one inch margins (top, bottom, left, right size 12 font, minimum 3 pages. include the names of each student in your group and page number in the header (top-aligned right). The Summary Activities for each member of the group (which is described on the next page) will be added to the bottom of the last page. Followed by another page for the Works sited.

6. A cover sheet is NOT necessary in MLA Format

7. The completed annotated bibliography is due to Prof Macias ON A DATE TO BE ANNOUNCED, for possible full credit of 75 points. Papers received prior to TO THAT DATE will receive an additional 35 points. After THE DUE DATE no papers will be accepted.

8. And lastly, justify your report to make it more attractive

Research Topics


· Is it being done today? Is it On-Line? Is it easier on the physician & Patient?

· What are the advantages? What are the risks?


· How old is it?

· Who started it?

· What does it cost?

· What are some examples?


· Where are they?

· How much education should one have?

· What salary could one expect?

· Etc. etc. etc.


· What is it? Is there funding for it? If yes, from where? If not, why not?

· What and where are the resources (NOT MONEY) to assist those deaf or blind.

· What is the Name of the University on the east coast for the deaf & who found it.

· What educational rights does one have that has Autism?


· What kind of education should be achieved?

· Where are the jobs?

· What could be the starting salary?

· Etc. etc.etc.


· Is it possible?

· Are there existing prototypes?

· What kind of performance can we expect?

· Will it be very expensive and who would by it?


· What is it?

· How is it used?

· What makes it possible?

· Where is it used?


· What is it?

· What benefit is it?

· Where can it / and is it being implemented anywhere?


1st Generation 1951-1957, 2nd Generation 1958 -1963,

3rd Generation 1964-1969, 4th Generation 1970-1990,

5th Generation 1991-2015 And Beyond.

· What was the significance for each generation?

· What Companies and Universities got involved in each generation?

· What are the names of some of the people who played a major role during each generation?

· What were & are some of the results used today that we have learned from each generation?






Summary Activity

When the annotated bibliography is complete as indicated in STEP 2 OF THE ASSIGNMENT REQUIREMENTS, EACH STUDENT IN THE GROUP IS TO answer the following question on a separate page and attach it to the report. “If a friend asked you where you found the best information on your selected topic, based on your research activities, what would you tell them you discovered about the process and/or the information sources?”

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