Adherence to Modifiable Risk Factors

Your lifestyle—how you live, eat, emote, and think—determines your health. To prevent disease, you may have to change how you live.

—Brian Carter

Many people are aware of the health risks posed by the behaviors and habits of their daily lives, but continue to engage in those behaviors and habits, regardless of the risks. Most of us understand the importance of maintaining a balanced diet and exercising regularly, and yet unhealthy foods and fast food restaurants are still in high demand. Avoiding and changing modifiable risk factors of disease involves more than just awareness to potential health problems, it requires motivation and action.

In this Discussion, you consider the psychosocial, behavioral, and cultural elements that promote adherence to modifiable risk factors. You recommend strategies and measures for individuals who want to avoid or change behaviors that put them at increased risk for disease.

Reference: (n.d.). Retrieved October 4, 2011, from

To prepare
for this Discussion,

of the following modifiable risk factors of disease: 


Alcohol use

Unsafe sexual practices 

Inadequate sleep 

Inadequate physical activity or sedentary lifestyle 

High intake of one of the following: caffeine, sugar, cholesterol, salt, trans-fatty acids 

Low intake of one of the following: omega-3 fatty acids, fruits and vegetables, polyunsaturated fatty acids 

Identify diseases or health problems that can result  from the factors you selected. 

Review the Learning Resources that address health-related behaviors. Consider the psychosocial, behavioral, and      cultural influences that perpetuate the risk factors you selected. 

Consider recommendations you would make to individuals trying to change their behavior related to the factors you selected.

Due by Thursday 11-9-2017

Post a 500-word response
that includes a description of the two modifiable risk factors you selected and the diseases or health problems related to those factors. Then, for each of the two factors you selected, identify at least two psychosocial, behavioral, and/or cultural influences that may perpetuate the risk factors you selected. Finally, describe measures you would recommend for individuals trying to change or avoid behaviors related to the factors you selected.

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