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Literature Review

Include the literature review information here.

Important Note: Students should refer to the information presented in the Unit I study guide and the Unit I syllabus instructions to complete this section of the project. Use the following subheadings to include all required information. Delete instructions and examples highlighted in yellow before submitting this assignment.

Particulate Matter (PM) Article

Safety Training Effectiveness Article

Sound-Level Exposure Article

New Employee Training Article

Lead Exposure Article

Return on Investment Article


Include references here using hanging indentations.

Creswell, J. W., & Creswell, J. D. (2018). Research design: Qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methods approaches (5th ed.). SAGE.

Read the article: Race, Surveillance, and Empire by Kundnani & Kumar, 2015


- List 3 takeaways from the paper that are most interesting to you.

- List 3 strengths points from the paper.

- List 3 weaknesses points from the paper.

Each point should have complete sentences (1 sentences for each one should be the most, no

more than 1). You should have a clear point.

- Write 2 short paragraphs about two different point from the article and talk about your own

thoughts. You will be expected to expand a little bit on these thoughts.

Exceeded Expectations

For example, by drawing on materials outside the paper (e.g. news, other research, personal


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