Assignment (2-4 Pages)
Best Workplace
Review the most current results of
Magazine's annual ranking of America's “100 Best Companies to Work For.” Explore the website of at least three of the companies noted. Develop a two- to four page paper that addresses the following:

When reviewing the descriptions of the work environments, identify elements that appear to foster employee motivation and group cohesion among employees.
Top common elements:
Unlimited Sick Days
Paid time off for Volunteering
Tuition Reimbursement

Relate your analysis to the material presented in the chapters assigned for reading this week. For example, there may be elements that support George Homans’ theory, or another theory of exchange in groups.

George Homans theory:
George Homans's
of exchange in groups
(1974) emphasized "minimax" principles—that minimal costs and maximum rewards make a group more attractive to recruits or even to current members.
believed that if the costs of group membership increased to become greater than its rewards, or if rewards dropped or costs increased during one's tenure as a member, individuals would begin to leave the group. Here one might consider the Internet-based company Google. Its business model has been remarkably successful by emphasizing the importance of employees for meeting its goals. Google insists that its employees feel part of the organization, and make that clear by emphasizing its innovations, from its health and retirement plans, to its flexible and generous scheduling options for vacation and maternity leave, and even free laundry facilities. Google's workers consistently point out how much time they spend at work, but just as consistently identify it as one of the best companies to work for in the United States (see "100 Best Companies," 2011)
Course text:
Group Behavior in Organizations:

Chapter 5: Attraction to Groups

Chapter 6: Group Cohesiveness 

Use at least three resources in addition to the course text and the
Magazine article. The paper is to follow APA guidelines.

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