Film (even the rain) Reaction Papers 
 (between 350 and 500 words )

Films review rubric (no less than 350 words)

1) Film review title


2) Student and course identification information


3) Film/documentary title and release year


4) Summary


3) Relevance to class [How does the content of the documentary/film fit into the course topic? Is it important for historical accuracy?]


6) Opinion [State your opinion position about the documentary. Explain the factors leading you to sustain such opinion]


7) Neatness and clarity of writing


TOTAL (max. 100 pts.)



Tracing its background to its indigenous, African and Iberian components (among others), Latin America has been transformed into a mosaic of great diversity. However, its definitional character is still vigorously debated: Is there a Latin America? What are its supposed shared historical, cultural or social characteristics? This course is based on the traditional proposition that: yes, in effect and regardless all its diversity and complexity, Latin America shares fundamental commonalities that transcend its predominant languages (such as Portuguese, Spanish or French - all romance languages) to the point that English could be considered part of the picture (i.e. Guyana, Puerto Rico or even the Hispanic population in the US).

The prolonged colonial period functioned as a socio-cultural matrix for contemporary Latin-American peoples. As it was during colonial times, nowadays the region is still largely characterized by a pervasive inequality, where an extremely small group of Latin American business magnates—frequently featured among the richest people in the world in magazines such as Forbes— coexist along vast segments of people suffering from the devastating effects of resurgent economic crisis and wealth concentration under the control of a few.

This course aims to provide an overview of Latin American society, from a multidisciplinary perspective including history, sociology, economics, geography, anthropology and arts. The course explores some of the historical processes that have provided the basic matrix of the attributed commonalities of what Latin America is today. The historical perspective is complemented by thematic approaches to gender, ethnicity, religion, urbanism, violence, music and dance. The course will explore some aspects of what are becoming growing concerns in the region: from the social processes involved in the production and consumption of drugs, to other aspects such as sports. Based on this multidisciplinary approach it is expected the student will gain a better understanding of present day Latin American societies.

In addition to a set of readings, a number of films have been included in the course to complement some of the class topics.


This course aims at providing students with the basic tools for a scholarly approach to:

· Latin American socio-cultural characteristics and historical trajectory 

· Latin America’s geography and political boundaries 

· Latin America’s major historical processes 

· US-Latin America relations throughout history, including the impact of Hispanic populations 
in the US 

· Discussion of some of the current events affecting the sub-continent 

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