Levi Strauss at Home and Abroad
Directions: Read case study 5.3 “Levi Strauss at Home and Abroad.” (The case study is in your textbook.) Once you have finished reading the case study, write a 2-3 page paper in which you discuss the following: Do corporations have a responsibility to monitor the conduct of foreign companies that they do business with – in particular, their contractors and suppliers? What would a Kantian and a virtue ethicist have to say about the conduct of Levi Strauss and Nike? Your answer should demonstrate that you understand both these moral philosophies and the facts of the case..
It is all right if you exceed the 2-3 page limit. However, no paper should be more than 5 pages in length. Do not waste space retyping the question or summarizing the article. Use the space allotted to answer the question. The paper should be written as one, unified essay; it should not be written as the answer to a series of questions.
This paper should be written in your own words. Do not quote.
Plagiarism is never acceptable and will be punished.
Papers should be typed and double-spaced with standard margins. Do not leave gaps between paragraphs or divide your paper into subtopics. Use 12-point Times New Roman type (the same size and font used in these directions). Pages should be numbered and stapled together. No cover page is required.
Papers will be graded based on the following criteria:
· Understanding of the ethical issue involved in this case
· Understanding of the moral theories involved and ability to apply them to the facts of the case
· Clarity and depth of discussion. Explain your answers. Provide details.
· Organization and writing (including the presence of an introduction and a conclusion, sentence structure, grammar, punctuation, word use, and spelling)
· Length and format

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