access/Access_Final_Project_1 (1).accdb
Call Number | Call Date | Caller Name | Company | Recipient Code | Subject | Note | Degree of Urgency Code | Status Code | Date Read | Recipient Note | Phone Number | Extension |
Recipient Code | Recipient Name |
1 | Luke |
2 | Gina |
3 | Mary |
4 | Sylvio |
5 | Richard |
6 | Elena |
7 | Cesar |
8 | Christine |
9 | Bianca |
Status Code | Status Description |
0 | Unread |
1 | Read and Unanswered |
2 | Read and Answered |
3 | Save |
9 | Delete |
Degree of Urgency Code | Urgency Description |
0 | Normal |
1 | For Your Information |
2 | Call Back |
3 | Urgent |
access/Final_Project_Instructions (1).pdf
Creating and Using Databases
1 | P a g e
Final Project Grade value: 40% Due: April 4th (48 hours after last live class) Context: Your company wants you to create a call messaging database application. The operator will record the received calls directly into your application. The recipients will be able to find out about their calls from their workstation. Use the Access Final Project 1 database to carry out this project. PART 1:
Add the Windows User field (text, maximum of 20 characters) to the Recipients table.
1. Clear the existing recipients from the Recipients table. 2. Enter your name and Windows user code in the Recipients table. 3. Enter two other names and Windows user codes into the Recipients table. 4. In the Current Database section found through the Office Button, add Add Messages-‐Operator’s
Version as the application title. 5. Make the start-‐up form Unread Messages open automatically when the application starts. 6. Split the table in two using the Access Database button, and name the Back-‐end database Message
Data. 7. Close your database. 8. In Windows, rename the file Access Final Project 1.accdb as Messages-‐Operator’s Version.accdb. 9. Copy the Messages-‐Operator’s Version.accdb file, and name the copy Messages-‐Recipient
Version.accdb. Take note that these files contain the programs, the first file is for the operator and the renamed version is for the recipients (users).
PART 2: Now open the Messages-‐Recipient’s Version.accdb file in programming mode by pressing the Shift key as you open it. Change the Unread Messages query to Recipient Messages. 10. Remove the criteria from the Status Code column, allowing all the messages to be displayed. 11. Add ReadUser() as the criteria for the Windows User field so that users can read only their own
messages. 12. Add a descending sort on the Degree of Urgency Code field for the more urgent messages to be
shown first. This is based on the fact that a 3 is the most urgent while a 0 is the least urgent. 13. Change the Call Number sort order to ascending for the messages to be displayed in chronological
order. Also, make sure that the Degree of Urgency Code field has priority in the multiple sort. 14. Close the query.
Creating and Using Databases
2 | P a g e
15. Change the name of the Unread Messages form to Recipient Messages in the Form Header and in the Caption property.
16. Change the form’s title to Recipient Messages. 17. Change the application title to Messages-‐Recipient Version. 18. Change the start-‐up form to Recipient Messages. 19. Change the name of the Unread Messages report to Recipient Messages. 20. Change the title of the report to Recipient Messages 21. Close your database and test it. Make some data entries to make sure that the databases work after
the changes have been made. PART 3: In the two versions of the programs database, modify the options so that the users do not have access the complete menus, context menus, or the navigation pane. To show the menus, hold down the Shift key while opening the database. PART 4: In the Current Database section, found through the Office Button:
• Deactivate the Layout View. • Deactivate the Enable design changes for tables in Datasheet view option. • Activate the Compact on Close option.
Nota bene: Make backups of the databases before compiling to avoid having to start from scratch if there are problems. Compile the Messages-‐Operator’s Version.accdb database. You should obtain the file Messages-‐ Operator’s Version.accde in your directory. Test the file Messages-‐Operator’s Version.accde by entering several messages for the two recipients. Compile the Messages-‐Recipient’s Version.accdb database. You should obtain the file Messages-‐ Recipient’s Version.accde in your directory. Test the Messages-‐Recipient’s Version.accde file for the new arrangements you made for user accessibility. You should only see your messages. Assignment Submission: In the case of online courses, all evaluated work (assignments, projects, internship reports, etc.) must be submitted to the teacher on Omnivox.

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