PTSD-Annotated Bibliography
Lisa M. Buentello
GEN499: General Education Capstone
Professor Kurt Mosser
September 21, 2015
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)- Annotated Bibliography
People are affected by trauma in many different ways, particularly veterans returning home from war. Vietnam veterans experienced anxiety, depression, turmoil, and guilt for their actions in war. During this period in history Vietnam veterans were not glorified for their fighting but instead ridiculed and blamed causing doubt and frustration. Service members struggled to reestablish and reacquaint psychologically after the stress and trauma they faced from being involved in war. Stress developments from combat have been around since the Civil War. Although, developments and clinical experiences of stress disorders were seemingly forgotten during the Vietnam War. Not until 1980 when the DSM-III was published did post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) have a description and diagnosis. The publication of PTSD in the DSM-III allowed service members to finally receive a diagnosis that gave them access to find and receive treatment and answers for PTSD. In the 1980's public recognition of more and more causes of PTSD surfaced and nearly 800,000 veterans were able to begin treatment for the problems they suffered with from the war. War is inevitable but the trauma that war causes is still being researched and studied.
This research paper will examine the experiences of PTSD on services members as well as their families, specifically children and spouses and the roles that go into the healing process. Research will explore the options of veterans and their families prior to and after being able to receive a diagnosis in the 1980's. The main purpose of this paper will be to explore the social stigma and struggles of PTSD on veterans and their families.
Annotated Bibliography
Andreasen, N. C. (2010). Posttraumatic Stress Disorder: A History and a Critique Andreasen PTSD history. Annals Of The New York Academy Of Sciences, 1208(1), 67-71. doi:10.1111/j.1749-6632.2010.05699.x
The article gives history of PTSD before it was put in the DSM and when it was classified. Nancy Andreasen also dwells into PTSD with civilians and not just service members. The article discusses how PTSD is not only in the history of war but also how it affects those that experience natural disasters, severe accidents, traumatic events and natural disasters.
Presley, C. (2012, Nov 11). 'Thirty days with my father': Christal Presley writes about life with her father, who has PTSD. The Atlanta Journal - Constitution Retrieved from
From the perspective of a child Presley writes about growing up with a parent who suffers from PTSD and how their father was confronted about the illness later in life. It shows firsthand discussions from a victim and their child as an adult.
Black, D. W., Carney, C. P., Forman-Hoffman, V. L., Letuchy, E., Peloso, P., Woolson, R. F., & Doebbeling, B. N. (2004). Depression in Veterans of the First Gulf War and Comparable Military controls. Annals of Clinical Psychiatry, 16(2), 53-61.
This study explains the mental disorder and the issues and problems associated with outcomes of PTSD. By studying subjects and gathering data psychologist are able to gain valid information about the disorder as well as treatment options and drugs that will aid in those that suffer with PTSD.
Elbogen, Eric B.; Johnson, Sally C.; Newton, Virginia M.; Straits-Troster, Kristy; Vasterling, Jennifer J.; Wagner, H. Ryan; Beckham, Jean C. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, Vol 80(6), Dec 2012, 1097-1102.
This article describes the criminal behavior PTSD causes in veterans and why some veterans are more at risk than others of being arrested. The anger and irritability of PTSD and traumatic brain (TBI) injuries in veterans increases the rates of criminal activity.
Matsakis, Aphrodite. Vietnam Wives: Facing the Challenges of Life with Veterans
Suffering Post-traumatic Stress. Lutherville, MD: Sidran Press, 1996.
This book gives firsthand accounts from wives of husbands that suffered with PTSD or mental disorders. Matsukis's book gives accounts of the affect PTSD has on spouses and how they are tormented socially and emotionally by their husbands mental disease.