Aging Population
November 20, 2017
Currently, the issue of aging population and its social effects has become one of the most discussed topics across the globe. The world is shifting to an aging population where most developed nations are having more individuals at the age of 65 and over. Besides, an aging population can be defined as population structure with the elderly individuals occupying a larger bracket at the top (Dall et al., 2013). Several studies have indicated that the rate of aging population is increasing rapidly than ever in the human history pointing out reduced fertility rates as the primary cause. For instance, in the United States, the aging population comprises of about 46 million (15%), and this number is expected to rise to 98 million (24%) by 2060 (Ortman et al., 2014). In the Philippines, the aging population had accelerated from 4.6 million in 2000 to 6.5 million in 2010. Moreover, the issue of aging population is not only a concern of the developed nations but, developing countries as well. Additionally, aging population come along with various social implications that would require redress since these individuals need to be taken care of and treated in unique ways. This paper aims to compare and contrast the issue of the aging population by looking at two different nations, one developed and the other developing.
In this study, two nations will be selected; Germany as a developed nation and Philippines as a developing country.
The bracket of older people keeps on increasing gradually and is projected to be more in years to come. For instance, in the Philippines which is a developing nation, the aging population had accelerated from 4.6 million in 2000 to 6.5 million in 2010. Currently, Philippines has a total population about 103.3 million people constituting approximately 1.39% of the world's population (Wieser et al., 2015). However, the number of aging population in the Philippines continues to increase. This can be demonstrated in the aging workforce in the Philippines’ labor market. Additionally, this figure is expected to grow in the future where the Philippines population will comprise of older people that the young ones.
Similarly, in Germany with a total population of about 82 million people, its aging bracket is also increasing each year. Several studies have pointed out that the aging population of Germany is expanding rapidly than any other nation which requires immediate concern. It is projected to rise to about 60 million people by 2050. Besides, the aging population of these countries results in significant economic, social and political implications. As such, several steps have been put in place to contain the issue of aging population.
A. Both Germany and the Philippines are facing the same aging social issue.
In the Philippines, older people are treated in special ways through the enactment and implementation of various policies. Particular programs have been established to take care of the elderly. For instance, the National Policy of Older People, The Philippine Plan of Action for Senior Citizens (2011-2016), Health and care, Older People’s Associations, and Social pension are intended to respond to the social needs of the elderly (Kim et al., 2014). Similar to the United States approach, these programs are funded and regulated by the government. There are also particular eligibility requirements to be a beneficiary of the programs. However, in the U.S the program focused on helping the older people are implemented efficiently through various state organs compared to how it is carried out in the Philippines. Also, the U.S. federal government provides relatively adequate funds to support the program than in the Philippines.
Moreover, in Germany, older people are also treated in special ways through various policies and programs such as elderly care needs. There are also other financial support that is meant to raise the well-being of the elderly individuals. Besides, just like in the United States, the support programs are financed and regulated by the government through various state organs. In addition, these services are offered after passing through the eligibility criteria (Schulz et al., 2013). Also, these programs cover a large group of the elderly population as in the United States. However, the treatment of the elderly in the U.S is given much considering compared with Germany. The beneficiaries are provided with the services as well as monitored to ensure that their effectiveness.
The issue of aging population has been taken seriously by both Philippines and Germany due to the significant consequences that this problem presents. They have put up various mechanisms to contain the aging issue.
As stated above, they have put various policies and treatment programs that are working efficiently regarding the response on this particular issue.
Besides, I think the policies enacted in the Philippines could also work in the United States. For instance, the Older People’s Associations could efficiently work in the U.S because it will ensure that the elderly people form associations where they can air out their issues. As such, it would be easier for the government to respond to them. The most important thing is making sure that the elderly receive better treatment that improves their lives and not the approach. In conclusion, aging population keeps on increasing across the globe which calls for appropriate strategies to respond to economic, political, and social problems that come along with this issue.
Dall, T. M., Gallo, P. D., Chakrabarti, R., West, T., Semilla, A. P., & Storm, M. V. (2013). An aging population and growing disease burden will require a large and specialized healthcare workforce by 2025. Health Affairs, 32(11).
Kim, J., Yang, S. B., & Torneo, A. (2014). Marriage immigration and multicultural families: Public policies and their implications for the Philippines and South Korea. Asian Politics & Policy, 6(1), 97-119.
Ortman, J. M., Velkoff, V. A., & Hogan, H. (2014). An aging nation: the older population in the United States (pp. 25-1140). United States Census Bureau, Economics and Statistics Administration, US Department of Commerce.
Schulz, J. H., Barkai, E., & Metzler, R. (2013). Aging effects and population splitting in single-particle trajectory averages. Physical review letters, 110(2), 020602.
Wieser, S., Brunner, B., Plessow, R., Eichler, K., Solomons, N., Malek, O., & Bruegger, U. (2015). Cost-Effectiveness of Price Reductions in Fortified Powdered Milk for the Reduction of Micronutrient Deficiencies in 6-23-Month-Old Children in the Philippines.
Recall: S o ciety ge ner al l y deci des whic h pr o ble ms ar e most ser ious an d what sho ul d be done thr o ug h deb ate. D ebates gener a lly n ot based o n fa cts but base d upo n peo ple’s opin ions and life ex per i ences. Yo ur fin al pr oje c t is to wr ite a one p age positio n letter that pr ovides f actu al i nfor m ation t o sway a n or ga ni zatio n to pr omote your ‘best solut ion’ fr om your midter m pr oject .
Goal: To objectivel y promote your issue with factual information in order to educate others and gain advoca cy support from others. The letter should be written in order to sway support of your best solution with FACTUAL information . You need to use accu rate facts, cite your s ources in a concise fo rmat.
Writing Your Position Paper Your position paper must represent only One Issue
1. Identify an organization, agency or indiv idual in a position of power that you want to take on your issue.
2. Introduce your issue and your position of the issue. 3. Present facts that support the reasons why the issue needs to be addressed 4. Summarize the facts of your argument and present your solution. 5. Detail a call to action -action or activitie s that could be or can be taken to
implement your solution.
Formatting: Position paper should be one (1) page long. One page equates to between
200-375 words. Single spaced and typ ed in 12 point font either Arial or Times N ew Roman . Top of Page: place yo ur name and information Identify: Address to the organizations, age ncies and individuals that you
should have identified who might support to your ‘best’ solution. This inform ation s houl d not be included in the 200-375 word count.
Separate Page: Work Cited page that gives a fully referenced resource listing of where the facts in your paper ca me from. This i nform ation s houl d not be included in the 200-375 word count
POSITIONAL FORMATTING EXAMPLE: NOTE: The words in parentheses & XXX have been added for instructional purposes and should NOT appear on your position paper.
(Date) (Identified potential support Organizations, Agencies and Individuals) (Actual Individual within the Organization or Agency) (Actual Mailing Address) (Introduction of self and position) I am, XXXX and I propose XXXXX. (Facts, statistics supporting why your issue needs to be addressed) The reason that this issue needs to be addressed XXXXXXXX (Summary of the facts and your solution) As shown XXXXXXXXXXX. We must start XXXXXXX. Solution to this problem XXXXXXX. It can be accomplished XXXXXX. (Action that can be taken to implement your solution) I urge you to {attend, write, participate, adopt practices} XXXXX Sincerely, (Your Name) (Your Mailing Address) (Your email information)
Works Cited Administration, N. H. (2017). Fatality Analysis Reporting System. Retrieved from NCSA Data
Assembly Committee on Transportation. (1999). State Bill 335. Sacramento.
Ball, K. (1997). Attentional Problems and Older Drivers. Alzheimer Disease and Associated Disorders, 11(42-47).
Beck, J. G., & Coffey, S. F. (2007, Dec). Assessment and treatment of PTSD after a motor vehicle collision: Empircal findings and clinical observations. Prof Psychol Res Pr, 38(6), 629-639. Retrieved from
O'Connor, M. L. (2010). How does mobilty change over time for older adults, and how are changes influenced by cognitive functioning? Retrieved Janurary 12, 2017, from Scholar Commons:
Policy, M. O. (2000). Factor Affecting the Ability of Older People to Live Independently. Retrieved from work/publications-resources/archive/2000-factors-affecting-ability-of-older-people- researchreport.pdf
- Works Cited

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