Organizations and information systems

. Organization

- Formal collection of people and other resources established to accomplish a set of goals

- A system

- Constantly uses money, people, materials, machines, and other equipment, data, information, and decisions

. Value chain

· Series(chain) of activities that includes inbound logistics and warehouse and storage

. Supply chain management (SCM)

· Determines:

· What supplies are required for value chain

· What quantities are needed to meet customer demand

· How supplies should be processed into finished goods and services

· How shipment of supplies and products to customer should be scheduled, monitored, and controlled

. Customer relationship management (CRM) programs

· Help companies manage all aspects of customer encounters

· Can help a company collect customer data, contact customers, and educate them about new products

. Organizational structure

· Organizational subunits and the way they relate to the overall organization

. Categories of organizational structure

· - traditional

· - project

· - team

· - virtual

Traditional organizational structure

· Hierarchical structure

· Major department heads report to a president or top-level manager

· Flat organizational structure

(-empowers employees at lower levels)

· Empowerment

- gives employees and their managers more responsibility and authority to make decisions

Project and Team Organizational Structures

. Project organizational structure

· Centered on major products or services

· Many project teams are temporary

. Team organizational structure

· Centered on work teams or groups

· Team can be temporary or permanent, depending on tasks

Virtual Organizational Structure and Collaborative Work

. Virtual organizational structure

· Employs business units in geographically dispersed areas

· People may never meet face to face

· Allows collaborative work

. Managers and employees can effectively work in groups even those composed of members from around the world

Organizational culture and change

. Organizational culture

· Major understandings and assumptions

· Influences information systems

. Organizational change

· How organizations plan for, implement, and handle change

. Change model

· Represents change theories by identifying phases of change and the best way to implement them

. Unfreezing

· Ceasing old habits and creating a climate that is receptive to change

. Moving

· Learning new work methods, behaviors, and systems

. Refreezing

· Involves reinforcing changes to make the new process second nature, accepted, and part of the job

Reengineering and continuous improvement

. Reengineering

· Process redesign

· radical redesign of business processes, organizational structures, information systems, and values of the organization to achieve a breakthrough in business results

. Continuous improvement

· Constantly seeking ways to improve business processes

User Satisfaction and Technology Acceptance

. Technology acceptance model (TAM)

· Specifies the factors that can lead to better attitudes about the information system

. Technology diffusion

· Measure of how widely technology is spread throughout and organization

. Technology infusion

· Extent to which technology permeates a department

why learn about information systems? .information systems used in most professions -sales representatives -managers -financial planners .Indispensable for achieving career goals introduction . information system (IS) - a set of interrelated components that collect, manipulate, and disseminate data and information, and provide feedback to meet an objective -businesses .can use inforamtion systems to increase revenues and reduce costs inforamtion concepts . information -one of an organizations's most valuable resources -often confused with the term data Data, Information, and Knowledge . Data -Raw facts . Information - collection of facts organized in such a way that they have value beyond the facts themselves Process - set of logically related tasks . knowledge -awareness and understanding of a set of information data, information, and knowledge (continued) data represented by alphanumeric data numbers,letters and other characters image data graphic images and pictures audio data sound, noise or tones video data moving images or pictures data -> the transformation process (applying knowleged by selecting organizing and manipulating data) -> information Note: the process of transforming data into information the characteristics of valuable information .If an organization's information is not accurate or complete - people can make poor decisions, costing thousands, or even millions, of dollars . Depending on the type of data you need - some characteristics become more valuable than others the value of information . directly linked to how it helps decision makers achieve their organization's goals . valuable information - can help people and their organizations perform tasks more efficiently and effectively system concepts . system - set of elemetns or components that interact to accomplish goals . components of a system - inputs - processing mechanisms - outputs - feedback system performance and standards . efficiency - measure of what is produced divided by what is consumed . effectiveness - extent to which system attains its goals . system performance standard - specific objective of the system input processing output feedback . input - activity of gathering and capturing raw data . processing - converting data into useful outputs . output - production of useful information, usually in the form of documents and reports . feedback - information from the system that is used to make changes to input or processing activities Manual and computerized information systems . an information system can be: - manual - computerized computer-based information systems . single set of hardware, software, databased, telecommunications, people, and procedures - that are configured to collect, manipulate, store, and process data into information . technology infrastructure - includes all hardware, software, databasses, telecommunications, people, and procedures . com

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