NAME ___________________________________________________ LAB DAY________________________ Lab Exercise 3: Tissues DATE____________________________
Identify the following structures while reviewing Animation, Dissection, Histology, and models. All questions on lab quizzes and practicals will come from the objectives below. Use Anatomy & Physiology Revealed and models to help find the structures first by yourself or working with another student. If unsuccessful, then ask the lab instructor to guide you.
Animation: Epithelial tissue overview Connective tissue overview Muscle tissue overview Nervous tissue overview Histology: Epithelial tissue - Simple Simple squamous epithelium Nucleus of squamous cell Simple squamous epithelium Squamous cell Simple cuboidal epithelium Cuboidal epithelial cell Nucleus of cuboidal epithelial cell Simple cuboidal epithelium (tangential section) Lumen of collecting duct Simple cuboidal epithelium Simple columnar epithelium (ciliated) Cilia on simple columnar epithelium Lumen of uterine tube Lamina propria of simple columnar epithelium (ciliated) Simple columnar epithelium (ciliated) Simple columnar epithelium (nonciliated) Basement membrane of simple columnar epithelium Columnar epithelial cell (nonciliated) Goblet cell in nonciliated simple columnar epithelium
Lamina propria of simple columnar epithelium (nonciliated) Lumen of jejunum Microvilli (brush border) Nucleus of columnar epithelial cell (nonciliated) Simple columnar epithelium (nonciliated) Pseudostratified columnar epithelium Basal body Cilia on pseudostratified columnar epithelium Columnar epithelial cell (ciliated) Goblet cell in pseudostratified columnar epithelium Lamina propria of pseudostratified columnar epithelium Lumen of trachea Nucleus of basal cell Pseudostratified columnar epithelium Epithelial tissue - Stratified Stratified squamous epithelium (keratinized) Dermis Epidermis Squamous cell (without nucleus) Stratified squamous epithelium (keratinized) Stratum basale Stratum corneum Stratum granulosum Stratum spinosum
Stratified squamous epithelium (nonkeratinized) Lamina propria of stratified squamous epithelium Squamous cell (with nucleus) Stratified squamous epithelium (nonkeratinized) Stratified cuboidal epithelium Lumen of interlobular duct of parotid gland Stratified cuboidal epithelium Venule Stratified columnar epithelium Basement membrane of stratified columnar epithelium Lamina propria of stratified columnar epithelium Stratified columnar epithelium Columnar epithelial cell Lumen of spongy urethra Transitional epithelium Dome-‐shaped luminal cells of transitional epithelium Lumen of allontoic duct Loose connective tissue Transitional epithelium Connective tissue proper – loose Areolar connective tissue Capillary Ground substance of areolar connective tissue Nucleus of fibroblast Collagen fiber in areolar connective tissue
NAME ___________________________________________________ LAB DAY________________________ Lab Exercise 3: Tissues DATE____________________________
Mast cell and granules Elastic fiber in areolar connective tissue Nucleus of endothelial cell Adipose connective tissue Adipocyte Lipid inclusion in adipocyte Nucleus of adipocyte Reticular connective tissue Ground substance of recticular connective tissue Reticular fiber Connective tissue proper – dense Dense regular connective tissue Collagen fiber in dense regular connective tissue Ground substance of dense regular connective tissue Dense irregular connective tissue Collagen fiber in dense irregular connective tissue Ground substance of dense irregular connective tissue Elastic connective tissue Elastic lamellae Lumen of elastic a. Tunica media of elastic a. Endothelium Nucleus of smooth muscle cell Internal elastic lamella
Supporting connective tissue – cartilage Hyaline cartilage Chondrocyte (in lacuna) in hyaline cartiage Lacuna (with chondrocyte) in hyaline cartilage Perichrondium of hyaline cartilage Extracellular matrix of hyaline cartilage Nucleus of chondrocyte Fibrocartilage Chondrocyte (in lacuna) in fibrocartilage Ground substance of fibrocartilage Collagen fiber in fibrocartilage Lacuna (with chondrocyte) in fibrocartilage Elastic cartilage Chondrocyte (in lacuna) in elastic cartilage Elastic fiber in elastic cartilage Ground substance of elastic cartilage Lacuna (with chondrocyte) in elastic cartilage Perichondrium of elastic cartilage Supporting connective tissue – bone Compact bone Interstitial lamella Osteon Osteocyte in lacuna
Spongy bone Marrow cavity in spongy bone Trabecula of spongy bone Fluid connective tissue Blood Erythrocyte Leukocyte Platelet Muscle tissue Skeletal muscle A band I band Nucleus of skeletal muscle fiber Cardiac muscle Branched cardiac muscle fiber Intercalated disc Nucleus of cardiac muscle fiber Smooth muscle Longitudinal smooth muscle fiber Nucleus of smooth muscle fiber Smooth muscle fiber Nervous tissue Nervous tissue Axon Dendrite Neuron Nucleolus in nucleus of neuron Nucleus of glial cell Nucleus of neuron
Total Structures: 113
NAME ___________________________________________________ LAB DAY________________________ Lab Exercise 3: Tissues DATE____________________________
Station 1: Anatomy & Physiology Revealed
Module 3: Tissues Make Sure to CLICK TAGS ‘ON’ for Histology Views
A. Animation: Epithelial Tissue Overview 1. What does epithelium mean? _______________________________________________________________________ 2. What is the purpose for your body to have epithelium? _________________________________________ 3. How are epithelial cells classified? _________________________________________________________________ 4. What is the difference between simple and stratified? ___________________________________________ 5. Where might you find keratinized stratified epithelium? ________________________________________ 6. Which part of the epithelial cell will increase absorption? _______________________________________ 7. What are the four types of intercellular junctions? _______________________________________________ 8. What are connexons? ________________________________________________________________________________
B. Histology: Epithelial tissue – simple squamous
1. What does ‘simple squamous’ mean? ______________________________________________________________ 2. Does the term ‘simple stratified’ exist? Why or why not? ________________________________________ 3. Name the locations where you will find simple cuboidal? _______________________________________ 4. What is the difference between a cuboidal and a columnar cell? ________________________________ 5. What is the function of the cilia that is attached to the columnar cell? __________________________ 6. Draw an example of each cell:
Simple Squamous Stratified Cuboidal Simple Columnar
C. Histology: Epithelial tissue – stratified squamous 1. What is the function of the keratinized squamous layer? ________________________________________ 2. Name a location where you will find keratinized squamous cells. ______________________________
D. Animation: Connective Tissue Overview 1. What two substances that makes the matrix? _____________________________________________________ 2. Difference between loose and dense connective tissue? _________________________________________ 3. Areolar tissue is a subcategory of what type of connective tissue? ______________________________ 4. Dense regular tissue help form _____________________________________________________________________ 5. Where might you find hyaline cartilage? __________________________________________________________
E. Histology: Connective tissue proper – loose 1. What is the function of elastic fiber in areolar tissue? ____________________________________________ 2. What type of cells are adipocytes? _________________________________________________________________ 3. True or False: Adipose tissues contain a peripherally-‐located nucleus in their cells. _________
NAME ___________________________________________________ LAB DAY________________________ Lab Exercise 3: Tissues DATE____________________________
4. True or False: Reticular tissue is greatly involved in the lymphatic system. ___________________
F. Histology: Connective tissue proper – dense 1. True or False: Dense tissue has more ground substance than loose. ___________________________ 2. Why is dense regular tissue used for tendons and ligaments? ___________________________________ 3. How does the arrangement of fibers differ in dense regular vs. dense irregular tissue? ______
_________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 4. What is the function of elastic tissue in the tunica media of an elastic artery? _________________ 5. Draw the following
Dense regular Dense irregular Adipose Tissue
G. Histology: Supporting connective tissue – cartilage 1. What is the purpose of a lacuna? ___________________________________________________________________ 2. What type of cell is a chondrocyte? ________________________________________________________________
H. Histology: Supporting connective tissue – bone 1. What is an osteocyte? _______________________________________________________________________________ 2. What is the structural unit of bone? ________________________________________________________________ 3. True or False: Compact bone is the outer portion and the spongy bone is inner ______________
I. Histology: Fluid connective tissue – blood 1. What type of cell has the kidney shaped nuclei? __________________________________________________ 2. Red blood cells are also known as __________________________________________________________________ 3. Why do you think the center of the erythrocyte is light in color? _______________________________ 4. What is the function of platelets? __________________________________________________________________ 5. What is the function of white blood cells? _________________________________________________________
J. Animation: Muscle Tissue Overview 1. What type of fibers form muscle tissue? ___________________________________________________________ 2. Which type of muscle tissue is usually attached to bones? _______________________________________ 3. Describe the perimysium. ___________________________________________________________________________ 4. Each myofibril is composed of what type of bundles? ____________________________________________ 5. What type of tissue forms a covering around the muscle fibers? ________________________________ 6. What organ is cardiac muscle is found in? _________________________________________________________ 7. True or False: Intercalated discs are a unique feature to all muscle tissue. ____________________ 8. Where is smooth muscle tissue located? __________________________________________________________ 9. Describe the shape of a smooth muscle cell. ______________________________________________________
NAME ___________________________________________________ LAB DAY________________________ Lab Exercise 3: Tissues DATE____________________________
K. Histology: Muscle tissue – skeletal muscle 1. Describe what the dark band represents. _________________________________________________________ 2. Describe what the light band represents. __________________________________________________________
L. Histology: Muscle tissue – cardiac muscle 1. What is the function of an intercalated disc? ______________________________________________________
2. Draw the following Skeletal Muscle Cardiac Muscle
M. Histology: Muscle tissue – smooth muscle 1. Smooth muscle fiber is also known as _____________________________________________________________
N. Animation: Nervous Tissue Overview 1. What are the two types of cells that compose nervous tissue? __________________________________ 2. What is the purpose of an axon? ___________________________________________________________________ 3. What are the four types of glial cells? ______________________________________________________________ 4. True or False: Schwann cells are found in the CNS. ______________________________________________ 5. Describe the blood-‐brain barrier. __________________________________________________________________ 6. Which glial cell plays an important role in the production and circulation of CSF? ____________ 7. When are microglia activated? _____________________________________________________________________ 8. Which type of PNS cell myelinate the axons? ______________________________________________________
O. Histology: Nervous tissue - nervous 1. Draw a neuron Label the axon, cell body, and dendrite
NAME ___________________________________________________ LAB DAY________________________ Lab Exercise 3: Tissues DATE____________________________
P. Fill in the tables Type of Epithelium Describe structure Location Function
One layer of flattened cell
Urinary bladder
One layer cube Glandular secretion
Simple columnar
Type of Tissue Location Function
Stores fat
Tendons and ligaments Anchors muscles IVD Shock absorption Bone
Areolar connective Articular cartilage, synovial joints
Type of Muscle Voluntary/Involuntary Location Function
Internal organ function