Annotated Bibliography
Picchi, A. (October 20, 2016). The gender pay gap is real, and here’s who is hit hardest. CBS
News . Retrieved from
While some people still say that the pay gap doesn’t exist, it does exist. However, the
problem is more complex than women making less money than men. While that is the heart of
the issue – women make less money than men even when variables like school and years on the
job are removed – there are other dimensions to the problem like hours worked, age, profession,
and motherhood. Surprisingly, it’s women in high income professions that are the most
impacted. If women have to combine a home (whether motherhood or caring for aging family
members) life with a professional life, they work fewer hours and they are penalized for this.
When women enter the work force, the difference in pay is not that large, but, as women age,
they make less and less. Again, this is the result of women stopping out or working fewer hours
to care for families; women typically “…spend 50 percent more time than men engaging in in
care activities within the home” (Economic Policy Institute in Picchi, 2016). While the wage gap
has narrowed, it’s because men’s wages have fallen instead of women’s wages increasing. This
fact points to a another issue of stagnant wage growth overall.
One thing that people always bring up is that the wage gap is because women have lower
paying, less dangerous jobs. This report doesn’t even get into that – Picchi and the authors from
the Economic Policy Institute focus on education and family life as the focus of what impacts
wages. This report features that while women are getting penalized professionally, they also get
penalized personally because they do a significantly larger amount of work at home. Instead of
seeing Real Housewives of Atlanta , I’m still waiting for a woman to be on the ship for The
World’s Most Dangerous Catch or that show about driving trucks across ice.
Week 4
Mrs. Law, a 77-year-old female, is at home recovering from a surgery that she had after falling and breaking her hip 5 days ago. She lives with her husband, Dean, who helps to care for her. Mrs. Law is a former smoker and has a past medical history of hypertension and hyperlipidemia.
You are the visiting nurse, assigned to check on her postoperative progress. You ask the client how she is feeling, do an assessment, and inquire as to what she has eaten over the past 24 hours. Mrs. Law states that she has "no pep," no appetite, has been taking her pain medication as prescribed (every 4 hours—but not real helpful!), cannot sleep well, doesn’t feel much like walking except to the bathroom, and has been unable to move her bowels for several days.
· Breakfast: Two glazed doughnuts, coffee (black)
· Lunch: Tossed salad with oil and vinegar, diet soda
· Dinner: Tomato soup, 1 cup; four soda crackers; and red homemade wine
· Snack: Pretzels, diet soda
1.What nutrients that contribute to bone health are missing in Mrs. Law’s diet?
2.What other dietary concerns do you have?
3.Is Mrs. Law getting the appropriate amount of vitamins and minerals for her age and current condition? Why or why not?
HUM 361 Final Presentation
Over the seven weeks of this class, we will discuss many aspects of the human experience and we consider how many of them have changed over time. Your job, for the final presentation, is to choose ONE of these aspects of humanity to delve into deeper and then present a persuasive argument about: why is the idea that you’re exploring especially important to humanity?
For the presentation, you will need to know some of the background of the topic:
How has it historically affected humanity?
What events or ideas have altered the aspect of human life?
You will also need to comment on the current status of the topic.
How is the issue/idea impacting people in modern America?
Are there current ideas or events influencing the topic?
And conclude by drawing some conclusions about the topic in the future.
Will the issue continue to impact modern people and if so, how?
Will there be changes for the issue in the future? How do you know?
Review the list of general topics that you might choose to discuss in your presentation. If you have an idea for one, but don’t see it here, ask the instructor for approval.
General Topics:
Equality—gender, race, etc.
Labor issues
Natural resources
Social class
Visual Arts
Western relations with Africa
Western relations with Asia
Western relations with the Middle East
Women in (other cultural topics)
Requirements of the Final Project (these are also requirements of the first draft):
A PowerPoint presentation with Voiceover posted (voiceover only for final draft)
The first slide should include your name, the title of your presentation, and HUM
361/Wilmington University
The next slide should present your thesis statement
At least 3 main sections/points
Details to support your 3 main sections
Context of the event/idea/person in history (the longest section)
The impact of the event/idea/person on present day
The impact of the event/idea/person on the future
The presentation must include 10 images (5 informational and 5 graphic)
Including your cover slide and references slide, your presentation should be
15-17 slides
The last slide must be your references in APA format
The presentation must include APA formatted in-text citations for sources
Graphics cited directly on the slides (but not in the References section)
At least 6 different academic sources should be cited in the presentation
(NOT blogs or any encyclopedia)
The milestone assignments will be as follows:
Assignment |
Description |
Point Value |
Week 1 Milestone |
Brainstorm three potential topics
Grading as follows: · Clear, logical topics (3 point) · Clearly written idea about the topic (2 point) |
5 |
Week 2 Milestone |
Decision of the Topic and Annotated Bibliography for first THREE informational or graphic sources
Grading as follows: · 5 points per source · Source/graphic is reliable and academic · The source’s reference in is APA format (1 point) · Short summary of the source/graphic (2 points) · Short description of HOW the source will be used in your paper (1 point)
The instructor will give approval or rejection of your sources when the assignment is graded. If a source is rejected, do NOT use it for your project. |
15 |
Week 3 Milestone |
Annotated Bibliography for second THREE informational or graphic sources
Grading as follows: · 5 points per source · Source/graphic is reliable, and academic · The source’s reference in is APA format (1 point) · Short summary of the source/graphic (2 points) · Short description of HOW the source will be used in your paper (1 point)
The instructor will give approval or rejection of your sources when the assignment is graded. If a source is rejected, do NOT use it for your project. |
15 |
Week 4 Milestone |
Graphics for the Presentation (at least 10)
Grading as follows: · Graphics are on topic and visually appealing (5 points) · Graphics are from reliable sources (5 points) · The sources of the graphics are referenced in APA format (5 points) |
15 |
Week 5 Milestone |
First Draft of Presentation with Graphics
Grading as follows: · The draft has a clear thesis statement (5 points) · The draft is logically organized and clearly written (15 points) · The draft has in-text citations and a list of references (10 points) · The citations and references are in APA format (10 points) · Few grammar or mechanical errors (5 points |
45 |
Week 6 Milestone |
Feedback from SafeAssign, feedback from the Student Success Center or SmarThinking, and a revision plan
Grading as follows: · Discussion of what your SafeAssign, Student Success Center or SmarThinking found for the Rough Draft Outline (3 points) · Discussion of what your SafeAssign, Student Success Center or SmarThinking found for the First Draft of PowerPoint Presentation (2 points) · A clearly written, detailed plan of what you will do to improve both your outline and your presentation (10 points) |
15 |
Week 7 |
Final Project- Complete
· View the Rubric for Grading information |
200 |

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