Running Head: MT400
Candace Poole
Business Process Management
November 14, 2016
When we want to do progress we need expert advice and without expert advice it's too tough carry things according to objectives of company. To move in excellence zone companies use stakeholder engagement in order to improve their corporate policies. Stakeholders are of two types internal as well as external.
I selected Amazon and stake holders of Amazon includes
· Customers: They are related to the company in relation to sales and their objective is to get quality products like books digital contents and all other products company sells that customers use on daily basis.
· Suppliers: They supply different things to company and want development in company so that they can sell more to the company and reap good profits.
· Society: Amazon help many social communities like orphan houses, hunger trust and many other NGO's for welfare cause, their main objective is progress of company so that they can get more help from company.
· Governments: Government is a main stakeholder because government offer certain subsidies and collect taxes from company.
· Shareholders and the financial community: Shareholder want the development of company as they share profit of company and all those financial institutes who lends to the company also share profit and dividends.
Process is intended to provide its customer knowledgeable digital contents and cloud computing facilities to the general public in order to raise educated community. Success is to accomplish the goal of providing quality contents and solution to cloud computing. Goal is to effective contents and to make agreements with supplier in order to accomplish the order of client.
Metric 1: Customer Satisfaction Score:
1. Definition:
To make customer happy and service quality better in order to reach on apex of success.
2. Significance in assessment
Customer satisfaction is the key player to accomplish all goals and objectives of company.
3. Example: To check via surveys whether customers are satisfied and happy with services of company.
Metric 2: Perfect order percentage (POP)
1. Definition: An effective measure to check the percentage of orders that are perfectly taken processed, and accomplished according to the exact need of customer.
2. Significance: It's very important measure to check whether POP will accomplish the goal of quality milk of company.
3. Example: To check the list of order processing and customer feedback
Metric 3: Gross Margin
1. Definition: What percent of Profit Company is reaping from each sale?
2. Significance: Its main indicator or metric of success in any process. It ensures whether company is on right track to accomplish its goals.
3. Example: Amazon reaping 31.91% gross margin on sale of ecommerce related products and cloud computing services.
Identify two quick wins for your process. For each, describe a quick win is a visible improvement in the process of anything company or office make, it results in immediate benefit, and can be delivered quickly after the project starts.
Two Quick Wins
1. (a) What they are: Training of staff
(b) How they can be accomplished quickly: On job training will boost up the service and efficiency quickly. Moreover there will be no extra cost on training.
(c) Why they will provide a boost to the project: It will help to boost up the productivity of employees and they will be able to increase the production as a result sales will increase.
2. (a) What they are: Change inefficient process in order taken service
(b) How they can be accomplished quickly: Identify what is unnecessary process involved in order taking form and quit that phase instantly and introduce an effective change.
(c) Why they will provide a boost to the project: They will boost sales and revenue of company by increasing clientage.
Chang, R.Y. and Morgan, M.W. (2000). Performance scorecards: Measuring the right things in the real world. San Francisco: Jossey Bass.
Barnett, W. P., M. Feng, and X. Luo(2014) "Social Identity, Market Memory, and Firstmover Advantage." Industrial and Corporate Change (2012): 1-31. Oxford Journels. Web.
Gross, Doug.(2014) "Amazon's Drone Delivery: How Would It Work?" CNN. Cable News Network, 2 Dec. 2013. Web. 10 Nov. 2014.
This is a group project that allows students to apply the skills and knowledge that they gained
throughout the course. Students will be working in groups (5 students per group) to complete all the
tasks required and specified for this project. Towards the en d of the semester, students might present
their project to their classmates (date TBD). Each student needs to submit a peer evaluation form that
reflects the contribution of all the group members, including his / her own, to the project.
In this project, students are asked to simulate a situation in which a group of individuals are interested
in starting a business, and present a subset of all the considerations / aspects that they need to address
in order to achieve their goal. As such, each group shoul d decide on a specific business and demonstrate
how the topics that were discussed in class apply to that specific business , in line with what was
discussed in class. For example, based on the discussions of chapter 6, the group should specify whether
the business in which they are engaging is a sole proprietorship, partnership, corporation, or a
cooperative. More importantly, the group should justify and support their choices and decisions.
The final outcome of this project should be a word document (appro ximately 15 pages long) and a PPT
presentation (approximately 20 slides). A “checklist” is presented below to help students address the
various concepts that were discussed in class so far. The list is not comprehensive and should only be
considered as a guide.
Areas that you can address in your report:
Describe the business
Describe the type of ownership and the reasons for choosing it
List your stakeholders
What sources of financing will you go after and why?
What government services you think might be helpful in starting your business?
Describe the general business environment (e.g., Economic and competitive environment, fiscal
and monetary policies, etc.)
What are your vision and mission statements?
What set of values would you have in place that best describe the organizational culture?
How would you structure the organization (i.e., organization chart) ?
What are your goals and objectives that will help you realize your vision ?
What performance measures would you put in place?
Perform a SWOT analysis (this may incorporate a number of the bullets stated above)?
What leadership style would you use to lead and run the business?
Do you have a code of ethics?
Will you engage in corporate social responsibility?
Do you need to plan your facility layout?
Will you need to implement a quality management system?
Construct a project plan to illustrate how your project will be implemented.
What is your HR plan? Here you can address different aspects of HR; such as, recruitment,
retention, compensation, scheduling, training and development, etc.
What marketing strategy will you have in place to promote your business?
Can you address the 4Ps in the marketing mix?
Evaluation of each project will be performed as follows:
70% of the grade will based on the application of the concepts that were discussed in class
30% of the grade will be based on the writing/presentation style
The detailed breakdown of the above percentages will be as follows :
Evaluation Criteria Weight
Description of Business 10
Stakeholders 5
Type of Ownership 5
Sources of Financing 5
Government Sources 5
Environmental Scanning 5
SWOT Analysis 10
Vision & Mission Statements 5
Goals & Objectives 5
Performance Measures 5
Code of Ethics 5
Corporate Social Responsibility 5
Organization Chart 5
Leadership Style 5
HR Plan 5
Quality System 5
Marketing Strategy 5
Project Plan 5
Overall Line of Reasoning 50
Clear &Concise 20
Smooth Transition Between Passages 20
Proper References 10
Running Head: BPM and Process
Candace Poole
Business Process Management
November 7, 2016
Amazon.com is a company that is based out of Seattle, Washington. The net sales of Amazon in 2015 was $107.01 billion. Amazon has over 230,800 associates employed throughout the world. Amazon has 304 million worldwide active Amazon customer accounts.
Amazon.com is a Fortune 500 e-commerce company situated in Seattle, WA. Amazon was one of the principal organizations to offer merchandise over the Internet for the first time in history. The organization was established by Jeff Bezos in 1994, and propelled in 1995. They began as an online book shop and afterward immediately expanded by including different things, for example, VHS tapes and DVDs, music CDs, programming, computer games, gadgets, MP3s, garments, furniture, toys and many other items.
I have worked for Amazon.com for last 8½ years. So I was able to consult my company information and utilize the internet for any additional information needed. I started as a temporary associate and worked my way up to a Program Manager. I have been privileged to work at three different facilities in three different states.
Customer Intimacy model is met by the company as it have full range of services available to serve the customers on order and it may assist customer to pick a wide range of services available from other suppliers at very short notice through contract arrangements like it sells Apple products in stores.
The objective of the process is to ease customer in making orders and online shopping experience. The scope of the process begins from browsing and ends at order accomplishment service. There are a few people involved and affected by the process. Browse: It involves selection of ordered things from main store. Shop: This process help the customer in shopping. Manage Account: Account management process help the customer to check out and make payment securely.
The Appian BPM Suite system requirements resemble to the mission and many other mission-critical platforms. It encompasses
· Separate ranks for development, quality check, production, and failover
· Enterprise section consists of hardware and at least 64 GB RAM and 200 GB of disk space per stack in model
· Daily backups are maintained in case of disaster recovery
· NFS utilized in system for mounted file and servers to support the data and application libraries It establish a strong link to Microsoft SQL Server databases and a financial data warehouse
According to table the triggers were:
· Lack of clear goals in process change
· Unclear objectives for change
· Too many complex things involved in ordering
Amazon will benefit from this BPM
· It consists of all essential phases required for business growth
· All phases are clear enough to understood by every concerned person
· Due to implementation of this BPM sales revenue will be boost up
The process used for order placement and delivery is aligned with the strategy of company in a way to place ease on the customer, to make a permanent customer and to facilitate customer on portal by providing all items.
According to table 13.6, it falls in the category of products services and supplier relations. As it deals with process and customer service relations.
Davies, Matt. (2013) "Data-Driven BPM: Making "Big Data" Actionable." RSS. Smart Data Collective Data centre
Goodfellow, Pam. (2012) "Amazon #1 In Customer Service, But Will This Lead To Sustainable Loyalty?" Forbes. Forbes Magazine
Jeston, John, Nelis, Johan. (01/2014). Business Process Management, 3rd Edition. [VitalSource Bookshelf Online]. Retrieved from https://kaplan.vitalsource.com/#/books/9781136172984/
Kucera, Danielle 2012) "Amazon Acquires Kiva Systems in Second-Biggest Takeover."Bloomberg.com. Bloomberg, 19 Mar. 2012. Web. 29 Sept. 2013.
Manjoo, Farhad. (2013) "Amazon's New Push for Same-Day Delivery Will Destroy Local Retail."Slate Magazine
Richardson, Clay. (2013) "Big Process." Big Data Ain't Worth Diddly Without Big Process. Forrester,
Kaplan University School of Business
MT 400 Unit 6 Assignment
Unit 6 Assignment Rubric Unit 6 Assignment: Innovation, RASCI Models and Performance Management In this Assignment, you are going to evaluate a specific business process based on criteria detailed below. If you have already selected a business process, continue using that and skip to the next paragraph. If you have not yet selected the business process you will use for these Assignments, then begin by selecting one. Email your instructor and clearly describe the objective of this process, the participants, and the strategic significance for the company. The business process you select must have a clear beginning and an end, with identifiable, specific steps. Your instructor will confirm that the process you selected is suitable or will ask you to select another one. For this Assignment, write a paper that answers the following questions (use the subheadings/numbered questions below to organize your paper): Part 1: Innovation Activities
There are many different activities for creating solutions identified in the Understand phase. The effectiveness of these activities depends on many factors, including the organizational makeup and the circumstances of the process. Describe an innovation activity to generate improvement ideas that you think will work best for your selected organization. Include the following details:
1. Describe the activity; how is it tied to the activities in your selected process? 2. Describe the objectives of the activity; how will it improve the deficiencies in
your selected process? 3. Who should be participating, and why?
Part 2: RASCI Model
In any process, it is important to have a clear definition of who is responsible for the activity and to whom they are accountable, in addition to identifying those that may be in support positions. Following the RASCI model described on p. 362, create a table similar to 18.2 that defines these roles for your selected process. Begin by describing at least 4 steps in your selected process. Be specific about who does what in each step. Then fill out the table to denote the roles. In addition to including the table, describe each role briefly. Part 3: Performance Management
Kaplan University School of Business
MT 400 Unit 6 Assignment
As you explored in the Discussion Board, the performance measures play a large role in determining the actions of the employees involved in the process. Identify three performance management metrics you will use to promote effective behavior from those involved in your selected process. Clearly explain:
1. How the metric will be assessed,
2. What the expected targets would be, and
3. How the metrics fit the process objectives.
Directions for Submitting Your Assignment Compose your Assignment as a Microsoft Word document and save it as Username-MT400- Assignment-Unit#.docx (Example: TAllen-MT400 Assignment-Unit 6.docx). Submit your file by selecting the Unit 6: Assignment Dropbox by the end of Unit 6.
Grading note: In the grading rubric below, you will see a section on analysis and critical thinking. The points in this section will partly be based on your ability to apply the concepts discussed in your Assignment to the specific circumstances and details of the process/organization you selected. Writing in general terms without applying the concepts and analyzing your specific project may get you points for content section, but you will lose points in the analysis section.
Review the grading rubric below before beginning this Activity. Assignment grading rubric = 120 points
Unit 6 Assignment: RASCI Model and Performance Management
Content, Focus, Use of Text, and Research
Points Possible
Points Earned
Described an appropriate innovate activity to generate solutions
Completed a RASCI table properly 30
Developed performance measurement metrics
Kaplan University School of Business
MT 400 Unit 6 Assignment
Analysis and Critical Thinking
Responses demonstrated critical thinking and analysis and exhibited application of information.
Spelling, Grammar, APA Format
Clear business writing; spelling and grammar acceptable; effective use of APA; followed the required format and instructions
Total 120

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