Peer Posting
Childhood anxiety is a prevalent disorder affecting several children of all ages. The population being served will be in children between the ages of 3 and 12 years old who suffer from anxiety disorders.
The treatment of anxiety in children is dependent on the developmental level of a child and those factors need to be assessed in assessing and treating the child (Barrett, 2000). Additionally, anxiety disorders among children can also lead to lifetimes of different issues or disorders if not treated effectively (Bittner, Egger, Erkanli, Costello, Foley, and Angola, 2007).
As I continue researching, I may narrow down the type of anxiety or have anxiety disorders due to trauma.

Barrett, P. M. (2000). : Treatment of childhood
anxiety: developmental aspects. Clinical
Psychology Review, 20(4), 453-471.

Bittner, A., Egger, H. L., Erkanli, A., Costello,
J., Foley, D. L., & Angold, A. (2007). What
do childhood anxiety disorders predict?
Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry,
48(12), 1174-1183
Peer Posting
Population: Caucasian, female, between age of 13-17
Concern: depression, self-harm
It is found that 3 teenagers will self-harm within an hour. Self-harm includes cutting or burning themselves or taking an overdose of some form of drug to deal with difficult emotions. Some of these teens may feel suicidal and wish to die while others are trying to express their pain (Teenage self-harm ‘soars’, 2000). Self-harm is the fourth most common problem that teenagers are facing (Naughton, 2013). “Self-harm is a clear sign of immense psychological and emotional distress, and that person cannot cope” (Naughton, 2013; 16).
There is a belief that the child may not get the idea of self-harm by themselves. There is a possibility that they go to the internet looking for some way to express how they are feeling and they find that there are other children whom are causing self-harm to express themselves (Naughton, 2013). Self-harm can be used to distract oneself from intense emotional pain, release bad feelings; it could follow trauma, bereavement or abuse or learned from older siblings or peers among many other reasons. 
Bullying is a trigger, this is something that is very difficult to prevent. Even several schools that are enforcing no bullying rule, students still find ways to bully one another (Naughton, 2013). Self-harm can also meant that an individual has an unmet mental health need; depression or personality disorder. It is very difficult to know if the individual is self-harming due to psychological difficulties or if the individual is trying to cope with something they are going through.
Naughton, L. (2013). Too much, too young.
 Community Practitioner, 86
(5), 16-9. 
Teenage self-harm 'soars'. (2000). 
Emergency Nurse (through 2013), 8
(4), 4.

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