Maha AL-Sulaiti
Research on communication in the workplace
I would base my research on an English language work community. My research question is how orders, ideas, and changes in a working community communicated and adapted? My approach to this research is to ask workers concerning their working environment. My visit to the workplace would also help me observe the workers' behavior and why they also need to give their superiors feedback. I will also use questionnaires as a data collection method to get deeper answers on the study topic. I am interested in understanding why the members of the work community need for the community. Comment by Mary Queen: Which work community? There are so many and each has very different conventions, behaviors, ways of using language, etc. Comment by Mary Queen: Only if I approve it! Focus on specific interviews, observations, and artifacts of the community
After a few days visiting the place of study, I found out that there was consistent communication between the subordinates and the lowest level of workers. The supervisors and managers, in turn, communicate to the superior management if need be. Communication can be through mobile phones, especially if the issue that needs consulting is oral or just needs confirming. Emails are also used to communicate if there may be a memo communication, sending documents, or even message to one or more people in the organization. From the questions I asked the workers, I realized some were feeling left out when decision-making. Even when they raised ideas on areas that would be improved, the ideas would not be implemented nor communicated to superiors. That makes them feel oppressed. Some workers had a strong opinion that the organization's communication system and authority were working well since their opinions were listened to and adhered to. In the questionnaires, I received responses that proved that there were privileged workers and oppressed workers. I interviewed more people to find out if it was true. The authority in the organization was strictly adhered to, and rules were also followed. Comment by Mary Queen: What one? Comment by Mary Queen: Please show me the questionnaire BEFORE you have people complete it. Also, I would like to see the one you distributed, please.
While I was at the organization, I found out that the management carries out knowledge sharing in different approaches. The team usually gathers for morning briefings. At this time, the supervisors select one of the workers to teach the other staff something or about the organization's services. During this time, all the other staff learns something new that helps them better understand the organization's flow of duties and leadership. In case the teaching staff gets something wrong, he or she is corrected on that spot. This polishes their skills during their daily activities. Once a worker gets their task well done and presents their work well, they are rewarded. The process is repeated, and all workers are engaged. Comment by Mary Queen: Which one?
During the introduction of new staff, the workers welcome the new staff, and once the supervisor has introduced new staff, another staff is allocated to show the new member how work is done and teach new things to the new staff. The new staff is shown their roles in the organization. This helps them fit in very fast and adapt to the organization. During my observation, I noted that during breaking hours or evenings, the staff usually gather in groups, especially in departments, and mostly discuss work issues and discuss any arising problems. The staff also talk about family issues, especially about their own families, and educate each other on some issues. Again, this makes the workers feel open to others and discuss their problems with their work friends. Communication within the same level of workers seemed to be very efficient. I also noted in the organization some workers generally do not communicate.
In my research, I found out that there were people of different cultures and religions. There were even rumors about some workers concerning their beliefs, which made them neglected and discriminated against. Also, this affected the communication and relationship among the workers. Some questionnaires that I gathered showed that there was indeed discrimination from leaders towards workers. The main factor is that there was favoritism from the leadership to some workers. Sometimes supervisors would receive information through rumors from the superiors. The information which should have first passed through the supervisor through electronic means or a memo addressed to the supervisors. This would jeopardize the flow of information in a way that it would not be efficient.
There are some workers who would have problems either psychologically or financially; the organization has a human resource department that represents the workers. After my research, I came to find that the staff is very confident in the human resource department in that their grievances are heard. Even when any worker approaches supervisors from any department, they are always ready to listen and help the worker. The organization has a big responsibility to build the society around it, and hence the management looks after its staff. Though there was limited time to conduct the research, I observed that all staff work together as a team to achieve the organizational goals despite the differences in beliefs or personal grudges. After collecting all the data, I came to an analysis that communication in the organization was working correctly. There is the proper authority in the workplace as all rules are followed, and workers are punctual.
This led to the conclusion that there was job satisfaction in the organization. There was little supervision of workers, yet there was an efficient and effective workflow. Out of that, I realized that the ideas brought forward by the oppressed workers were vague and could not be implemented. The problem arose when the supervisors did not communicate back to the workers that the ideas brought forward could not be implemented. The workers easily adapted even in extreme conditions and strict orders from superiors. There was also high respect for the seniors since the low-level workers and supervisors spoke to the superiors with a lot of humbleness. The leaders also communicated through the supervisors to the low-level workers. This created the organization's authority, and a worker could not report directly to seniors without the supervisors' consent. The instructions from superiors to supervisors and down to workers at the lower levels were easily communicated and executed. This also applied to communication upwards to the seniors from workers.
This made the workflow even smoother as the workers' needs were quickly heard and attended to. There was little discrimination on workers' knowledge, and there was teamwork amongst the workers. There were monthly meetings in the organization that involved every worker and superior, which created a forum to bring forward new ideas or make changes in the organization. In conclusion, the organization is fair to workers with little discrimination and oppression while also providing a conducive working environment. Communication is a very crucial segment of our lives since it is through communication that one explains themselves and what they need.
Maha: You have absolutely the right idea about what this rhetorical analysis should do! The second draft should FOCUS ON SPECIFICS. At this point, I don’t even know what the organization is, who’s involved, what it does, etc. etc. etc. It’s also very important that you “situate” yourself in this organization. What role do you play? How does your role and your perspective shape what you observe and what you concluded? Again, this sounds like a really rich community to study, but I need to understand what it is first so that I can guide you a bit more specifically.
I will be sharing a sort of “template” with everyone in the next day to help you understand what kinds of information you’ll need to develop to help us “outsiders” really understand your community.
Maha AL-Sulaiti
Research on communication in the workplace
I would base my research on an English language work community. My research question is how orders, ideas, and changes in a working community communicated and adapted? My approach to this research is to ask workers concerning their working environment. My visit to the workplace would also help me observe the workers' behavior and why they also need to give their superiors feedback. I will also use questionnaires as a data collection method to get deeper answers on the study topic. I am interested in understanding why the members of the work community need for the community. Comment by Mary Queen: Which work community? There are so many and each has very different conventions, behaviors, ways of using language, etc. Comment by Mary Queen: Only if I approve it! Focus on specific interviews, observations, and artifacts of the community
After a few days visiting the place of study, I found out that there was consistent communication between the subordinates and the lowest level of workers. The supervisors and managers, in turn, communicate to the superior management if need be. Communication can be through mobile phones, especially if the issue that needs consulting is oral or just needs confirming. Emails are also used to communicate if there may be a memo communication, sending documents, or even message to one or more people in the organization. From the questions I asked the workers, I realized some were feeling left out when decision-making. Even when they raised ideas on areas that would be improved, the ideas would not be implemented nor communicated to superiors. That makes them feel oppressed. Some workers had a strong opinion that the organization's communication system and authority were working well since their opinions were listened to and adhered to. In the questionnaires, I received responses that proved that there were privileged workers and oppressed workers. I interviewed more people to find out if it was true. The authority in the organization was strictly adhered to, and rules were also followed. Comment by Mary Queen: What one? Comment by Mary Queen: Please show me the questionnaire BEFORE you have people complete it. Also, I would like to see the one you distributed, please.
While I was at the organization, I found out that the management carries out knowledge sharing in different approaches. The team usually gathers for morning briefings. At this time, the supervisors select one of the workers to teach the other staff something or about the organization's services. During this time, all the other staff learns something new that helps them better understand the organization's flow of duties and leadership. In case the teaching staff gets something wrong, he or she is corrected on that spot. This polishes their skills during their daily activities. Once a worker gets their task well done and presents their work well, they are rewarded. The process is repeated, and all workers are engaged. Comment by Mary Queen: Which one?
During the introduction of new staff, the workers welcome the new staff, and once the supervisor has introduced new staff, another staff is allocated to show the new member how work is done and teach new things to the new staff. The new staff is shown their roles in the organization. This helps them fit in very fast and adapt to the organization. During my observation, I noted that during breaking hours or evenings, the staff usually gather in groups, especially in departments, and mostly discuss work issues and discuss any arising problems. The staff also talk about family issues, especially about their own families, and educate each other on some issues. Again, this makes the workers feel open to others and discuss their problems with their work friends. Communication within the same level of workers seemed to be very efficient. I also noted in the organization some workers generally do not communicate.
In my research, I found out that there were people of different cultures and religions. There were even rumors about some workers concerning their beliefs, which made them neglected and discriminated against. Also, this affected the communication and relationship among the workers. Some questionnaires that I gathered showed that there was indeed discrimination from leaders towards workers. The main factor is that there was favoritism from the leadership to some workers. Sometimes supervisors would receive information through rumors from the superiors. The information which should have first passed through the supervisor through electronic means or a memo addressed to the supervisors. This would jeopardize the flow of information in a way that it would not be efficient.
There are some workers who would have problems either psychologically or financially; the organization has a human resource department that represents the workers. After my research, I came to find that the staff is very confident in the human resource department in that their grievances are heard. Even when any worker approaches supervisors from any department, they are always ready to listen and help the worker. The organization has a big responsibility to build the society around it, and hence the management looks after its staff. Though there was limited time to conduct the research, I observed that all staff work together as a team to achieve the organizational goals despite the differences in beliefs or personal grudges. After collecting all the data, I came to an analysis that communication in the organization was working correctly. There is the proper authority in the workplace as all rules are followed, and workers are punctual.
This led to the conclusion that there was job satisfaction in the organization. There was little supervision of workers, yet there was an efficient and effective workflow. Out of that, I realized that the ideas brought forward by the oppressed workers were vague and could not be implemented. The problem arose when the supervisors did not communicate back to the workers that the ideas brought forward could not be implemented. The workers easily adapted even in extreme conditions and strict orders from superiors. There was also high respect for the seniors since the low-level workers and supervisors spoke to the superiors with a lot of humbleness. The leaders also communicated through the supervisors to the low-level workers. This created the organization's authority, and a worker could not report directly to seniors without the supervisors' consent. The instructions from superiors to supervisors and down to workers at the lower levels were easily communicated and executed. This also applied to communication upwards to the seniors from workers.
This made the workflow even smoother as the workers' needs were quickly heard and attended to. There was little discrimination on workers' knowledge, and there was teamwork amongst the workers. There were monthly meetings in the organization that involved every worker and superior, which created a forum to bring forward new ideas or make changes in the organization. In conclusion, the organization is fair to workers with little discrimination and oppression while also providing a conducive working environment. Communication is a very crucial segment of our lives since it is through communication that one explains themselves and what they need.
Maha: You have absolutely the right idea about what this rhetorical analysis should do! The second draft should FOCUS ON SPECIFICS. At this point, I don’t even know what the organization is, who’s involved, what it does, etc. etc. etc. It’s also very important that you “situate” yourself in this organization. What role do you play? How does your role and your perspective shape what you observe and what you concluded? Again, this sounds like a really rich community to study, but I need to understand what it is first so that I can guide you a bit more specifically.
I will be sharing a sort of “template” with everyone in the next day to help you understand what kinds of information you’ll need to develop to help us “outsiders” really understand your community.
Maha AL-Sulaiti
Research on communication in the workplace
I would base my research on an English language work community. My research question is how orders, ideas, and changes in a working community communicated and adapted? My approach to this research is to ask workers concerning their working environment. My visit to the workplace would also help me observe the workers' behavior and why they also need to give their superiors feedback. I will also use questionnaires as a data collection method to get deeper answers on the study topic. I am interested in understanding why the members of the work community need for the community. Comment by Mary Queen: Which work community? There are so many and each has very different conventions, behaviors, ways of using language, etc. Comment by Mary Queen: Only if I approve it! Focus on specific interviews, observations, and artifacts of the community
After a few days visiting the place of study, I found out that there was consistent communication between the subordinates and the lowest level of workers. The supervisors and managers, in turn, communicate to the superior management if need be. Communication can be through mobile phones, especially if the issue that needs consulting is oral or just needs confirming. Emails are also used to communicate if there may be a memo communication, sending documents, or even message to one or more people in the organization. From the questions I asked the workers, I realized some were feeling left out when decision-making. Even when they raised ideas on areas that would be improved, the ideas would not be implemented nor communicated to superiors. That makes them feel oppressed. Some workers had a strong opinion that the organization's communication system and authority were working well since their opinions were listened to and adhered to. In the questionnaires, I received responses that proved that there were privileged workers and oppressed workers. I interviewed more people to find out if it was true. The authority in the organization was strictly adhered to, and rules were also followed. Comment by Mary Queen: What one? Comment by Mary Queen: Please show me the questionnaire BEFORE you have people complete it. Also, I would like to see the one you distributed, please.
While I was at the organization, I found out that the management carries out knowledge sharing in different approaches. The team usually gathers for morning briefings. At this time, the supervisors select one of the workers to teach the other staff something or about the organization's services. During this time, all the other staff learns something new that helps them better understand the organization's flow of duties and leadership. In case the teaching staff gets something wrong, he or she is corrected on that spot. This polishes their skills during their daily activities. Once a worker gets their task well done and presents their work well, they are rewarded. The process is repeated, and all workers are engaged. Comment by Mary Queen: Which one?
During the introduction of new staff, the workers welcome the new staff, and once the supervisor has introduced new staff, another staff is allocated to show the new member how work is done and teach new things to the new staff. The new staff is shown their roles in the organization. This helps them fit in very fast and adapt to the organization. During my observation, I noted that during breaking hours or evenings, the staff usually gather in groups, especially in departments, and mostly discuss work issues and discuss any arising problems. The staff also talk about family issues, especially about their own families, and educate each other on some issues. Again, this makes the workers feel open to others and discuss their problems with their work friends. Communication within the same level of workers seemed to be very efficient. I also noted in the organization some workers generally do not communicate.
In my research, I found out that there were people of different cultures and religions. There were even rumors about some workers concerning their beliefs, which made them neglected and discriminated against. Also, this affected the communication and relationship among the workers. Some questionnaires that I gathered showed that there was indeed discrimination from leaders towards workers. The main factor is that there was favoritism from the leadership to some workers. Sometimes supervisors would receive information through rumors from the superiors. The information which should have first passed through the supervisor through electronic means or a memo addressed to the supervisors. This would jeopardize the flow of information in a way that it would not be efficient.
There are some workers who would have problems either psychologically or financially; the organization has a human resource department that represents the workers. After my research, I came to find that the staff is very confident in the human resource department in that their grievances are heard. Even when any worker approaches supervisors from any department, they are always ready to listen and help the worker. The organization has a big responsibility to build the society around it, and hence the management looks after its staff. Though there was limited time to conduct the research, I observed that all staff work together as a team to achieve the organizational goals despite the differences in beliefs or personal grudges. After collecting all the data, I came to an analysis that communication in the organization was working correctly. There is the proper authority in the workplace as all rules are followed, and workers are punctual.
This led to the conclusion that there was job satisfaction in the organization. There was little supervision of workers, yet there was an efficient and effective workflow. Out of that, I realized that the ideas brought forward by the oppressed workers were vague and could not be implemented. The problem arose when the supervisors did not communicate back to the workers that the ideas brought forward could not be implemented. The workers easily adapted even in extreme conditions and strict orders from superiors. There was also high respect for the seniors since the low-level workers and supervisors spoke to the superiors with a lot of humbleness. The leaders also communicated through the supervisors to the low-level workers. This created the organization's authority, and a worker could not report directly to seniors without the supervisors' consent. The instructions from superiors to supervisors and down to workers at the lower levels were easily communicated and executed. This also applied to communication upwards to the seniors from workers.
This made the workflow even smoother as the workers' needs were quickly heard and attended to. There was little discrimination on workers' knowledge, and there was teamwork amongst the workers. There were monthly meetings in the organization that involved every worker and superior, which created a forum to bring forward new ideas or make changes in the organization. In conclusion, the organization is fair to workers with little discrimination and oppression while also providing a conducive working environment. Communication is a very crucial segment of our lives since it is through communication that one explains themselves and what they need.
Maha: You have absolutely the right idea about what this rhetorical analysis should do! The second draft should FOCUS ON SPECIFICS. At this point, I don’t even know what the organization is, who’s involved, what it does, etc. etc. etc. It’s also very important that you “situate” yourself in this organization. What role do you play? How does your role and your perspective shape what you observe and what you concluded? Again, this sounds like a really rich community to study, but I need to understand what it is first so that I can guide you a bit more specifically.
I will be sharing a sort of “template” with everyone in the next day to help you understand what kinds of information you’ll need to develop to help us “outsiders” really understand your community.

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