Question 1

(2 points)
People who are both consumers and producers.
Question 2

(2 points)
The process by which the principles of the fast-food restaurant are coming to dominate more and more sectors of American society as well as of the rest of the world.
Question 3

(2 points)
Churches with more than 2,000 members.
Question 4

(2 points)
Weber’s term for the mode of operation of a society where the search by people of the optimum means to a given end is shaped by rules, regulations, and larger social structures.
Question 5

(2 points)
A society that is less rational, more irrational, and more flexible than modern society.
Question 6

(10 points)
Watch the NBC Learn video below, and answer the following questions in an essay at least 8-lines long. Direct quotes from the book will be penalized as cheating:
Which dimension(s) of McDonaldization is/are emphasized? 
From the perspective of consumers, what are the pros and cons?
Play NBC Learn video: “National report card assesses grade school reading”
Question 7

(10 points)
Explain how the area below has become more efficient for consumers in an essay at least 8-lines long. Direct quotes from the book will be penalized as cheating:

Higher education
Question 8

(10 points)
After giving a short definition, compare and contrast the two concepts below in an essay at least 8-line long. Direct quotes from the book will be penalized as cheating.

Disneyization and McDonaldization
Question 9

(10 points)
Describe at least three ways that predictability is emphasized in the area below in an essay at least 8-lines long. Direct quotes from the book will be penalized as cheating:

Question 10

(10 points)
Apply the six characteristics of bureaucracy (hierarchy of offices, specialization, technical competence, impersonality, rules and regulations, formal written communication) to the setting below in an essay at least 8-lines long. Direct quotes from the book will be penalized as cheating:

A hospital or doctor's office

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