Pasadena City College Spring 2021 Music 24B – History of Rock Music Kyle Luck, Instructor

Classic Album Documentary Report (50pts.)

Papers must be submitted electronically (Word Doc or PDF) through CANVAS By Saturday, May 22 (11:59pm cut off)

Eagle Vision Classic Album DVD Series – Available to purchase through Amazon or view on YouTube and view/rent on Amazon Prime

The Jimi Hendrix Experience: Electric Ladyland Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers: Damn the Torpedoes The Doors: The Doors Elvis Presley: Elvis Presley Rush: 2112 & Moving Pictures (discuss both albums) Pink Floyd : The Dark Side of The Moon Cream: Disraeli Gears Elton John: Goodbye Yellow Brick Road Queen: A Night at the Opera Bob Marley and the Wailers: Catch a Fire U2: The Joshua Tree The Who: Who’s Next Duran Duran: Rio Black Sabbath: Paranoid Steely Dan: Aja Fleetwood Mac: Rumours Paul Simon: Graceland Iron Maiden: The Number of the Beast Judas Priest: British Steel Metallica: Metallica Def Leppard: Hysteria Phil Collins: Face Value Look for this logo on DVD Peter Gabriel: So Meat Loaf: Bat Out of Hell The Grateful Dead: Anthem to Beauty (2 albums) Lou Reed: Transformer The Band: The Band Motorhead: Ace of Spades Simply Red: Stars *DVDs are available to purchase through – Eagle Vision Classic Album series. Make sure you purchase/rent/view the correct documentary DVD.

Choose one of the listed Classic Album DVD Documentaries. Watch the Entire Video (you can certainly view the extras, if accessible, but they are not required to complete this paper assignment.)

Keep your entire paper in essay/paragraph form – NO LISTS Also Do Not restate questions in paper followed by answer.

PAGE 1 – Title page with the full title of the documentary, your name, course info (Music 24B – Prof. Luck) and Date (this page does not count towards your 4 pages) – see sample paper PAGES 2-5 – Discuss the following: Items to discuss in your paper:

• Name of the classic album – artist and album title • Year of album’s release (not DVD’s release) • State/Give all the tracks from this album as they are presented on the DVD

documentary*. (Do not include the bonus material section.) *Be aware that these DVD documentaries often present music in a different order than found on their related albums.

• Name band members and their respective instruments (or discuss important performers if album is a solo artist)

• Where does this album appear in artist’s discography? Include all albums that precede (come before, if any) this album and the one that immediately follows (if applicable).

• Discuss the evolution of the artist/band and how they developed. Discuss historical info about band/artist from documentary. However, DO NOT make this the focus of your paper.

• Pick five musical selections discussed in documentary (state the song titles). For each selection state a minimum of three important in-depth, detailed and distinct facts, given in DVD documentary. These must be three dissimilar facts. State facts given only and not personal opinions. Each song discussion must be its own paragraph.

• Discuss any special recording techniques utilized discussed in documentary. • Discuss the critical and commercial impact of the album itself. (use and cite

additional research sources) • Mention important information given in documentary on album’s production, concept,

title, instruments, etc…. • Why the album is considered important enough to be a “classic album” worthy of a

documentary? (cite additional research sources)

Final Page – Works Cited - THIS IS A MUST for an academic paper!

Use or comparable web site to generate a proper bibliography citing for the documentary that is the subject of your paper. Films citations need to include the director’s name and publishing or production company along with year it was produced.

See sample at end of instructions

IMPORTANT – Keep the paper’s focus on the album and the info given in documentary - not on the overall history of the artist/band.

DO NOT SIMPLY LIFT INFO FROM WIKIPEDIA or OTHER WEB SITES. Any papers with more then 10% Turnitin rating may be subject to Plagiarism penalties (zero grade and academic dishonesty report filed with Student Affairs). You MUST ALWAYS CITE YOUR SOURCES. This includes citing the Classic Album Documentary. Use PAPER SPECIFICS*

• Chicago style (preferred) or MLA writing format – or hybrid of both.

• 4 pages (5 maximum) in the paper’s body along with a cover page and bibliography page.

• Include a separate WORK(S) CITED or BIBLIOGRAPHY page Use to generate legitimate bibliographic entries (include the documentary film in your bibliography).

• Papers 2 pages or less will not be accepted (0 points allotted). There is no partial

credit for partial work. Only complete papers will be accepted.

• 12pt. Times, Times New Roman or Cambria font used throughout paper.

• 1-1.25 inch margins on ALL SIDES – especially top and bottom.

• Left Justification only (NEVER use full justification for academic papers).

• Double-spaced throughout paper. Do not use 2.5 or larger spacing EVER!

• Indent all paragraphs (and please use paragraphs – it’s not easy to read and comprehend a 1 plus page paragraph)

• No 1st or 2nd Person references (I, we, us, you) Stay 3rd person (he, she, they, it)


• No lists – keep the entire paper in paragraph form throughout.

• SPELL CHECK – there is simply no excuse for typos. Proof your paper carefully before submitting. (Have a friend or family member read it for additional proofing.)

• Use correct punctuations throughout – see provided guide on last page of instructions.

• Avoid contractions. Don’t – Do not use contractions in a formal writing style.

• No background graphics or photos to be used in the paper’s main body.

*Papers not conforming to all directed formatting and punctuation instructions will be subject to grade penalty or may not be accepted. LATE PAPERS WILL BE ACCEPTED UNTIL MAY 25 (11:59pm) with a 10 point penalty assessed.


This is an ACADEMIC PAPER and not a creative writing assignment. Do not state personal opinions. Back up statements with facts and always cite your sources. Always refer to the film source as the documentary or documentary film and not to the DVD or any other platform. A DVD is simply a platform to display the documentary. Assume your reader knows nothing of the subject matter. You, the writer, are the expert on the subject matter. Be concise but thorough. Keep to the facts and avoid flowery statements like “The Doors’ music made me feel groovy,” or subjective opinionated proclamations like, “Nirvana is the greatest band of all-time.” (According to whom?) STATING NAMES When stating names ALWAYS give the person’s first and last name and then either refer to them with their full name or last name for the remainder of the paper. NEVER refer to only first names. According to Kyle Luck it is important to state the full name. Luck then went on to give additional facts. Kurt Cobain was the lead singer of the band. Cobain (NOT KURT) also composed the songs…

This paper is considered an academic work so utilize consistent formal writing styles throughout.

• Papers not citing sources fully and accurately will not be accepted. • Never copy or lift material from a source and claim it is your own. This is called

plagiarism and will result in an automatic zero (F) and a Student Misconduct Report for Academic Dishonesty.

Dates January 1, 2020 not January 1st 2020 do not add th st to numbers. It’s understood. it’s vs. its it’s is a conjunction of it is and its is the possessive (no apostrophe used here) Album Titles are italicized Band Names are not

Examples BAND ALBUM TITLES FILM TITLES Nirvana Nevermind Hired Guns The Doors The Doors The Wrecking Crew The Who Who’s Next David Foster: Off the Record Black Sabbath Paranoid Miss Americana: Taylor Swift

Punctuations for Song Titles – “Smells Like Teen Spirit,” “Lithium,” and “Polly” are all on the album Nevermind by Nirvana. (NOTE the commas go inside the double quotations)

n Place double quotation marks on both ends of the title of the song. "Here Comes the Sun" is an example.

n Put question marks and exclamation marks that are part of the song title (as in "Does He Love Me?") inside the quotation marks.

n Place all commas and periods inside the quotation marks even if they are not part of the song when the song title is part of a text: The band played "Statesboro Blues.”

n Capitalize the first word, the last word and the nouns in the title. Conjunctions ("but," "and" or "or"), prepositions ("on," "to" or "in," for example) or articles ("a," "an" or "the") are not capitalized unless they are the first or last words. However, many publications and styles require that you capitalize any preposition or conjunction that is four letters in length or longer (for example, "With" or "Either").

The Apostrophe the 1990’s (incorrect) the 1990s (correct) the 90s (incorrect) the ’90s (correct) rock ‘n roll (incorrect) rock ‘n’ roll (correct) FYI – do not capitalize rock ‘n’ roll, jazz, punk, heavy metal, etc… Papers will be graded on content and structure. Please take the time to correct all typos and punctuations before submitting your final work.

HOW TO DO YOUR BIBLIOGRAPHY or WORKS CITED PAGE Bibliography or Work(s) Cited Example for a full length film such as the one assigned for this paper.

(centered) Work Cited

(Works if more than one entry) For a movie on an online platform like Netflix, Hulu, Amazon Prime, etc…

Last Name, First Name, director. Year. Title of Movie. Production Company or Distributor. URL. Indent for any info that goes beyond the first line so last name sticks out on left. Scorsese, Martin, director. 2019. The Irishman. Netflix. If viewing a disc (DVD/Blu-ray), then do the following: Last Name, First Name, director. Year. Title of Movie. Production Company or Distributor. Indent for any info that goes beyond the first line so last name sticks out on left. Coppola, Francis Ford, director. 1972 The Godfather. Paramount Pictures.

HR Attrition Report

Monthly attrition Report - 2020
Sr. No. Month Opening Balance Employees Joined Employees Left Closing Balance Attrition %
1 January 37 3 1 39 2.56%
2 February 39 1 5 35 14.29%
3 March 35 4 2 37 5.41%
4 April 37 1 0 38 0.00%
5 May 38 0 6 32 18.75%
6 June 32 12 3 41 7.32%
7 July 41 1 2 40 5.00%
8 August 40 1 0 41 0.00%
9 September 41 1 2 40 5.00%
10 October 40 1 1 40 2.50%
11 November 40 1 1 40 2.50%
12 December 40 1 2 39 5.13%

Mothly Attrition report

Opening Balance January February March April May June July August September October November December 37 39 35 37 38 32 41 40 41 40 40 40 Employees Joined January February March April May June July August September October November December 3 1 4 1 0 12 1 1 1 1 1 1 Employees Left January February March April May June July August Septembe r October November December 1 5 2 0 6 3 2 0 2 1 1 2 Closing Balance January February March April May June July August September October November December 39 35 37 38 32 41 40 41 40 40 40 39 Attrition % January February March April May June July August September October November December 2.5641 02564102564E-2 0.14285714285714285 5.4054054054054057E-2 0 0.1875 7.3170731707317069E-2 0.05 0 0.05 2.5000000000000001E-2 2.5000000000000001E-2 5.128205128205128E-2


Employee Turnover Solutions

Employee Turnover Solutions

In this changed perspective, employees fear they are not being appreciated because the organization no longer compensates or believes in them, and the information exchange has deteriorated. It communicates simply and often. Few of us consider work accomplishment to be an assessment of their ability to do the jobs they are given. It is shown that among most people who leave their jobs, the idea of loss of further respect is the most prominent. Also, it is important to show a willingness to put in the effort. Encouragement is a key ingredient of accomplishment in the workplace (Al Mamun & Hasan, 2017). When their efforts are recognized and appreciated, workers feel more motivated. In order to strengthen the leadership's leadership position, executives should take the role of cheerleaders for their staff. In the process of pursuing a target, vast amounts of energy are required. They have to be applauded every step of the way. A manager should reward accomplishments. Diverse performance should be appreciated in several different ways—a slap on the back, a heartfelt note of thanks, a token of gratitude, or a nice bonus. It's a very critical part of the equation: workers would have the same sense of worth if the compensation is equal to the outcome or greater. When the compensation is very large, a job well done is hardly recognized.

The second problem is an increase in operations workload, which leads to employees becoming overworked, and as a result, most of them have left their jobs. The best approach to this issue is to break the workload according to capability. The first one needs to define the project schedule so that each team member gets to contribute their greatest possible amount of work. For greater efficiency and project management, split larger tasks into smaller pieces. For projects in real-time, one can see just what the team members are working on and their rate of progress. One way to recognize a projects' vital route and to be sure it is finished on schedule and the budget is to determine the things that may be completed by tackling key milestones early on a month or two ahead of time. So, the management lets the workload get out of hand, and then the management identifies the dependencies. When a project comes up, it's usually easy to identify top performers for the role; but the system will overload and severely underutilize the others. As a result, no one else gains expertise or trust concerning working on any projects outside the scope of the best performers.

Employees believe like they are not allowed to learn and develop creatively because of the first and second problems. Due to this, they are not eligible for bonuses to improve their qualifications, so their experience will still lag behind their professional salary. Companies don't only hire capable employees, and they use systems that have a high impact. They go through a meticulous preparation and design process to select and place them in an effective learning and growth pipeline. Following these measures will allow the management to ensure that the training schedule is specific to the company's needs. There is a great need for educational programs to be established to overcome this challenge. Successful educational systems rely on multilayered, sequential practices to lead to greater long-term gains. A balanced strategy ensures the program is directed at the key person and serves the target customer. To get the most out of the investment, combine instruction and practice.

The fourth issue was how quickly they were losing their jobs. They needed to relocate, and so a large number decided to leave. For most people in the company, it is tiring and stressful because they are burdened with plenty of jobs, not the least of them. If an employee turnover rate is high, either the employees are dissatisfied with the business or need new challenges. Perhaps they are tired of working long hours and feel as if they are being underpaid, whether overlooked or believe there are no job or business prospects due to poor organizational culture.

Finally, the majority of administrators are not proficient in teaching. Thus, few are prepared to deal with employees' working hours, expectations, and open communication. Since the management has not engaged in the workers to ensure employee well-being, they have to recognize that there is a tough problem to deal with. Though honesty and direct communication are critical factors in the outcome, creativity often plays a critical role. Learn as much as the management can about the situation and discuss it with others.

Furthermore, let individuals be themselves. At times, feelings of frustration and/injuries are mixed. Fourthly, identify the problem. The managers should first talk one-on-one with their staff to try to learn what has happened. Often, discern the fundamental need. Conflict settlement is not to discover who is right or who is wrong. Directing the attention toward what a person might want, rather than what the management want, is valuable leverage in generating win/win decisions. In order to meet customer demands, it is important to figure out why customers ask for solutions.

Figure 1: Monthly Attrition Report for Employee Turnover


Al Mamun, C. A., & Hasan, M. N. (2017). Factors affecting employee turnover and sound retention strategies in business organization: A conceptual view. Problems and Perspectives in Management, (15, Iss. 1), 63-71.

Aliyu, O. A., & Nyadzayo, M. W. (2018). Reducing employee turnover intention: A customer relationship management perspective. Journal of Strategic Marketing, 26(3), 241-257.



Paper Title


Professors Name

School Affiliation

Organizational tasks are considered productive when they are seen to accomplish or meet set targets or surpasses those targets as desired by stakeholders or partners of the organization. Partners are essential to organizations as they are the people who have a direct interest in an organization's progress and have personal stakes in a business venture. These people can either be the population who directly finance a business venture or have various undertakings that help propel an organization to achieving its goals and set objectives. Examples of other people who can make up stakeholders of an organization also include suppliers, customers, and subcontractors.

People in an organization like chief managers and task supervisors are always seen as having to manage many employees throughout the life cycle of a project in an organization. Such responsibilities always mean that they will always have a perplexing occupation controlling all the tasks required to meet the lifecycle of a project. Without them, it can lead to a crashing of the whole project and its outcomes. An example is when suppliers conveying pivotal parts to producing a product in the organization are late. This can put a setback to the already existing plan, which can disorganize the whole production processes of the business or organization.

We can investigate various partners found in an organization and their connections to the undertaking supervisor, like in this scenario.

Top Management Stakeholders

Stakeholders who make up top management in an organization may include division supervisors, chiefs, VPs, and other corporate members of the management panel. Individuals found in this level of the organizational hierarchy are involved in the coordination and advancement of the organization. One advantage of having top management stakeholders in an organization is that they make it easy for an organization to hire the best staff and get all the required materials and assets. Moreover, top management officials can improve other administration undertakings that require expert handling in the organization. However, the downside of having top management stakeholders in an organization is that any breakdown in the top management can have adverse effects on the rest of the staff and the business operations. Some proposals that can help manage top management stakeholders may include; ensuring that the top management positions have accurate data reporting needs and recurrence. Keeping them educated on dangers related to the various tasks of the organization and their potential effects on the business. Finally, developing both inside and outside arrangements on significant reference points must be endorsed by the top administration in all the organization's undertakings.

The Project Team

The project team is comprised of stakeholders who are devoted to undertaking those low maintenance projects that make up part of the larger organization. Project managers or directors are responsible for heading organizational projects while also backing those colleagues working under them to accomplish various organizational errands. Team project managers and directors need to work intimately with the employees to tackle issues better. Such experiences can help one gain much from such a team while also assembling affinity. A good demonstration of one's backing for the task group and every other part of the project team can help such stakeholders get the organization's backing and participation as a whole. Some of the troubles that project managers can run into when handling teams that work under them may include; clashing in personalities that can emerge because of contrasting social values or styles. Disloyalty among employees because of their interests lying somewhere else and beating deadlines because of unmotivated and lazy staff. Therefore, such stakeholders need to have interpersonal aptitudes that can go a long way in improving working relations with other members. Such interpersonal aptitudes may include involving everyone in running any work-related projects, being available to listen to the worries or concerns of all colleagues. Most importantly, ensuring that one completes a task execution audit for every member to gauge their participation and commitment to achieving the project at hand.

The Manger

It is common for supervisors to choose which tasks are to be undertaken first and work with the undertaking chief or manager on such a venture. Keeping one’s administrator educated is vital as it guarantees that you get all the crucial assets to finish a prioritized undertaking. If things turn out badly with an undertaking or a task, having an understanding and focused manager can help allay any fears of such a project failing. Supporting administrators can go a long way in ensuring managers provide the needed backing every time. Therefore, it is crucial for managers to always focus on such things as; often communicating, requesting illumination of projects when feeling hazy about specific procedures, or even finding how certain executions are measurable to achieve organizational success.


Peers or associates refer to individuals belonging to the same level in associations and who might be working together on an undertaking. Peers always have a personal stake in the performance of the organization. Moreover, peers always have neither the authority duties nor the responsibility for organizational achievements or their failures. For peers, their associations can be hindered by such things as political moving or personality clashes, conflicting guidelines from people like their directors or associate supervisors, and inadequate control over associates.


Inside Customers

Inside clients refer to those individuals within the organization that are clients with activities that deal with inward demands. Customers always have the right to reject or accept one’s work. Project managers can plan, clear up, and record project decisions and deliverables at the start of the partnership. After the project begins, the project manager must be aware of the client's concerns and problems and keep the client informed. Some hindrances that can arise from handling interior clients may include the absence of information about the association and functional attributes, the absence of clarity on what the client needs, and changes to the venture's scope. Therefore, it is vital to specify such things as system change to customers and clarify all anticipations that might be required to make customers more understanding and composed to such changes.

Outside Customers

When marketing events to outside customers, they are referred to as "outside clients." For Ford Motor Company, for example, the cars will be purchased by outside customers. In addition, if you are working on a project for Ford Motor Company at your company, they will be your outside customer.

Asset Managers

Since undertaking administrators are obtaining assets, asset managers always have different control over their assets. Thus, their relations with individuals are primarily vital. If their relationship is excellent, asset managers might have the capacity to reliably work with the best staff and acquire the best gear for tasks. On the other hand, connections considered not outstanding can mean that managers miss out on great individuals or gears that such a venture might require.

Contractual Workers, Subcontractors, and Suppliers

When organizations don't have the necessary skills or resources in-house, labor is outsourced to foreign staff or subcontractors. This could be a development administration foreman, system advisor, circuit repairman, craftsman, planner, or any other non-representative. Government

Those administrators working in those industries seen as intensely directed situations like in military businesses or pharmaceuticals are required to manage government controllers and divisions. Such can incorporate all or a few levels of governments, including civil, global, and or elected individuals.


Di Maddaloni, F., & Davis, K. (2017). The influence of local community stakeholders in megaprojects: Rethinking their inclusiveness to improve project performance. International journal of project management, 35(8), 1537-1556.

Eskerod, P., & Larsen, T. (2018). Advancing project stakeholder analysis by the concept ‘shadows of the context’. International Journal of Project Management, 36(1), 161-169.

Nguyen, T. S., Mohamed, S., & Panuwatwanich, K. (2018). Stakeholder Management in Complex Project: Review of Contemporary Literature. Journal of Engineering, Project & Production Management, 8(2).

Instructors feedback on stakeholders assignment

Points: 21.1/40.0

Instructors Comments: Thank you for your homework. In week 3, you should use spreadsheet found in the assignment description and analyze the following 5 sections: 1. stakeholder attitudes about the identified problem 2. stakeholder attitudes related to previously implemented problem solutions and potential solutions 3. Who are the stakeholders you will seek to act as sponsors 4. Who are the stakeholders that will likely be directly affected by solving the problem? 5. Who are the stakeholders who could pose potential roadblocks to solving the problem? In addition to the excel spreadsheet showing supporting data, you should create a 500-word summary of your findings (preferably an MS Word document, but it is fine if you type it in your spreadsheet). 1. Excel spreadsheet: missing 2. A 500—word summary of findings, addressing above 5 items: Requirements listed above are missing or not clearly addressed (sponsor and roadblock cannot be found in your paper) 3. Sources: included *Recommendation: please create separate titles for each requirement listed in grading rubrics and assignment description to ensure that all of them are included in your paper and for a paper to look better organized. Thank you, Dr. John

Points: 41.6/80.0

Instructors Comments: Thank you for your homework. In week 2, you should: 1. Collect your data and present in MS Excel (you can use different tabs for 3 required charts (items 1 to 3 below) and 1 tab for textual part (items 4 and 5 below). 1. Data Chart or Graph Summarizing Costs of Failure to Address the Problem (it should be expressed in dollar amounts, indicating loses created by your defined problem) 2. Data Chart or Graph Summarizing Results of Previous Attempts to Address the Problem (it should list previous attempts to overcome your identified problem) 3. Data Chart or Graph Summarizing Five Potential Solutions for Addressing the Problem (it should list 5 proposed solutions to address and resolve your identified problem) 4. Excel Spreadsheet Summarizing Collected Data: Excel spreadsheet, including date, source, type (qualitative or quantitative), and summary (1-2 sentences) of findings of collected data, is complete and accurate. 5. Research (Research is supportive of the rationale presented. Sources are distinctive and address all of the issues stated in the assignment criteria.) 6. Visual Appeal (Appropriate and thematic graphic elements are used to make visual connections that contribute to the understanding of concepts, ideas, and relationships. Differences in type size or color are used well and consistently.) 7. Mechanics of Writing (includes spelling, punctuation, grammar, and language use) (The writer is clearly in command of standard, written, academic English.) 8. Documentation of Sources (citations, footnotes, references, bibliography, etc., as appropriate to assignment and style) (Sources are completely and correctly documented, as appropriate to assignment and style, and format is free of error.) You should create three very specific charts: 1. Cost of failure - expressed in dollar amounts, indicating loses created by your defined problem 2. Previous solutions – it should list previous attempts to overcome your identified problem 3. Five potential solutions to resolve problem - it should list five proposed solutions to address and resolve your identified problem 4. Label your data as quantitative and qualitative Three charts are required. You submitted only one. Even that one is not one that is listed above as required – you presented something other than required information. For one chart, I will give you partial credit. For missing charts, I must assign zero points, based on grading rubrics. Thank you, Dr. John


For this assignment, you need to use the template I have attached

The biggest effort should be invested in column A. In this column, you should describe Previous Problem Solution and source of that information (something that did not work well and you want to improve it), and Proposed Problem Solution (new solution that should improve the process). In all other columns (B to F) you will enter numbers 1, 3, or 5, depending on your assessment. For example, if quality of old solution was poor, you will enter number 1. If quality of a new solution, in your opinion, is very high, you will enter number 5. Once you update columns B to F for all existing and proposed solution, you will see which solutions have more points than others and you should focus on implementation of these solutions.

You should select the three, typically highest-point solutions, and use for Business Proposal Presentation in Topic 7 and the Final Business Proposal you submit in Topic 8. In addition to the number of points, you should base your selection of the best solutions on: timeline for implementation, costs, benefits, stakeholders needed to implement these solutions, potential roadblocks to your solutions, and success criteria.

The purpose of this assignment is to review the root causes of the problem and all of the previously tried and new solutions you researched to address the problem. From that information, potential solutions should be ranked based upon how well they meet the needs of the business and address the identified problem. Once this process is completed, the best solution for solving the problem within your organization can be selected.

Complete the "Problem Solutions Matrix" spreadsheet using data and information you collected through research and completion of the Stakeholder Analysis in Topics 2 and 3. Select the top three solutions for addressing the problem within your organization. Be sure to consider the "Solutions Score" column number when selecting the top three solutions. Additionally, you must also consider the timeline for implementation, costs and benefits to key stakeholders and the greater good, potential roadblocks to implementation, and how you will measure and validate whether or not a solution is successful in addressing the problem. All of this must be considered prior to selecting your final solution.

Solutions Design Matrix

Problem Solutions Matrix
Directions: You will use this matrix to record previous attempts to address the problem and proposed problem solutions. Complete the columns on the matrix as directed. For the "Previous Problem Solution/Proposed Problem Solution" column, include a detailed description of the solution, including the source of the solution. In the case of a previous solution, the source could be a manager interview, while the source for a proposed solution could be a link to an online reference article or resource. All other columns must rank the specified element as it relates to the solution using a 1, 3, or 5, with 5 being the highest ranking. Note that the "Customer Importance" column is weighted at twice the value of the other categories, since the impact of a solution on customers if of utmost importance. For example, if the solution was very important to the customer experience, it would earn a 5. If that same solution was only a 1 in efficiency and quality, then a 1 would be used in those two columns. If employees were somewhat satisfied with the solution and it was in the middle in terms of cost-effectiveness, then both of those columns would be ranked as a 3. When calculated, the overall solution score would be 18. This number could then be used to compare the solution to other solutions as a means of determining whether or not it should receive further consideration for implementation as a problem-solving strategy.
Customer Importance Efficiency Quality Employee Satisfaction Cost-Effectiveness Solutions Score
Previous Problem Solution Rank each item as a 1, 3, or 5, with 5 as highest ranking. Note: Customer Importance is weighted more heavily than other categories.
Proposed Problem Solution Rank each item as a 1, 3, or 5, with 5 as highest ranking. Note: Customer Importance is weighted more heavily than other categories.

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