Mr. Tony Spacken
321 North Michigan Avenue, Suite 700
Chicago, IL 60601
I understand that you are interested in a property that we are selling. I am Tony Spacken, Sales Manager at Select National Properties Group. We are a diversified real estate company that develops, builds, manages and acquires properties nationwide. Our company is focused on quality and commitment to the environment and economic development of the areas where we operate. Listed below are the types of properties in our portfolio.
Select National Properties Group will use resources at our disposal to work with you to finance the purchase of the Harvest Properties Warehouse in which you expressed an interest. We have calculated the monthly payment for you based on a 30-year loan financed at 7.5% interest. The selling price and payment are shown below.
We understand that you are interested in property in either Florida or Georgia. We have a number of properties in both of these states that might be of interest to you. I have provided a list of the properties which includes the addresses as well as the selling price.
Please let me know if you are interested in any of these properties and would like more information on them.
I would like to thank you for your interest in the Harvest Properties Warehouse and look forward to hearing from you on how you would like to proceed on this property or any of the other properties in Florida or Georgia.
Tony Spacken
Sales Manager
IT 549 Milestone Two Guidelines and Rubric
Employing information assurance best practices will ensure a firm is able to eliminate hierarchical structures, become more f lat, and have greater customer touch points by leveraging the correct information at the right time. Successful firms will maintain an established information assurance plan and posture that is implemented and reviewed on a weekly basis.
The ability to properly assign roles is crucial to the design of an effective information assurance pla n. Without clearly identified roles and responsibilities, the key members of an organization would not have a clear understanding of what was expected of them. The establishment of roles and responsibilities assists each member to communicate clearly and effectively throughout the organization.
Prompt: In Module Four, you will submit your roles and responsibilities portion of the final project. Your submission should answer the following questions: Who are the key leaders of the organization specific to how their responsibilities are connected to the security of the organization’s information ? You must also identify key ethical considerations. What are the ramifications of key leaders not properly accounting for ethical and legal considerations? What are t he key components of information assurance as they relate to individual roles and responsibilities within t he information assurance plan? For example, examine the current policies as they relate to confidentiality, integrity, and availability of information.
Specifically, the following critical elements must be addressed:
II. Information Security Roles and Responsibilities a) Analyze the role of the key leaders within the organization specific to how their responsibilities are connected to the security of the organization’s
information. What is the relationship between these roles? b) Evaluate key ethical and legal considerations related to information assurance that must be taken into account by the key lea ders within the
organization. What are the ramifications of key leaders not properly accounting for ethical and legal considerations? c) What are the key components of information assurance as they relate to individual roles and responsibilities within the infor mation assurance
plan? For example, examine the current policies as they relate to confidentiality, integrity, and availability of information.
Rubric Guidelines for Submission: Your paper must be submitted as a two- to three-page Microsoft Word document with double spacing, 12-point Times New Roman font, one-inch margins, and at least three sources cited in APA format.
Critical Elements Proficient (100%) Needs Improvement (75%) Not Evident (0%) Value
Responsibilities of Key Leaders
Anal yzes the rol e of the key l eaders wi thi n the organi zati on
s peci fi c to how thei r res pons i bi lities are connected to the s ecuri ty of the organi zati on’s i nformati on
Anal yzes the rol e of the key l eaders wi thi n the organi zati on
but mi s s es key rol es or as pects of res pons i bi lities s peci fic to the s ecuri ty of the organi zati on’s i nformati on
Does not anal yze the rol e of the key l eaders wi thi n the
organi zati on
Key Ethical and Legal Considerations
Accuratel y eval uates key ethi cal and l egal cons i derations rel ated to i nformati on as s urance that mus t be taken i nto account by
the key l eaders wi thi n the organi zati on, i ncluding the rami fi cati ons of key l eaders not properl y accounti ng for ethi cal
and l egal cons i derations
Eval uates ethi cal and l egal cons i derati ons rel ated to i nformati on as s urance that mus t be taken i nto account by the key
l eaders wi thi n the organi zati on but does not i ncl ude the rami fi cati ons of key l eaders not properl y accounti ng for ethi cal
and l egal cons i derations , or eval uati on i s i naccurate
Does not eval uate ethi cal and l egal cons i derati ons rel ated to i nformati on as s urance that mus t be taken i nto account by the key
l eaders wi thi n the organi zati on
Key Components of Information Assurance
Comprehens i vel y addres s es components of i nformati on as s urance as they rel ate to
i ndi vi dual roles and res pons i bi lities wi thi n the i nformati on as s urance pl an
Addres s es components of i nformati on as s urance as they rel ate to i ndi vi dual roles and
res pons i bi lities wi thi n the i nformati on as s urance pl an but does not addres s confi denti al ity,
i ntegri ty, and/or avai lability of i nformati on
Does not addres s any components of i nformati on as s urance as they rel ate to
i ndi vi dual roles and res pons i bi lities wi thi n the i nformati on as s urance pl an
Articulation of Response
Submi s s i on has no major errors rel ated to ci tati ons , grammar, s pel l i ng, s yntax, or organi zati on
Submi s s i on has major errors rel ated to ci tati ons , grammar, s pel l i ng, s yntax, or organi zati on
that negati vel y i mpact readabi lity and arti cul ation of mai n i deas
Submi s s i on has criti cal errors rel ated to ci tati ons , grammar, s pel l i ng, s yntax, or organi zati on
that prevent unders tandi ng of i deas
Earned Total 100%
- IT 549 Milestone Two Guidelines and Rubric
- Rubric
Property | Address | City | State | ZIP | Selling Price |
AmberTechnical Training | 789 W. Main St. | Albuquerque | NM | 87110 | $ 604,500 |
Allen Surgical Center | 106 E. 1500 N. | Rugby | ND | 58368 | $ 53,999,000 |
All American Service Industry Fulfillment | 1401 Mother Lode Cir. | Port Huron | MI | 48060 | $ 751,500 |
Archer Square Shopping Mall | 4980 Hwy. 14 E | St. Louis | MO | 63122 | $ 6,390,000 |
Ardenna Wood Medical Center | 306 W. Central Ave. | Arlington | TX | 76012 | $ 68,433,000 |
Arroh Surgical Hospital | 42 W. 35th Ave. | Ulysses | KS | 67880 | $ 55,500,000 |
Arroun Grande Rehabilitation Hospital | 500 NW Cheyenne | Salem | NH | 03079 | $ 75,520,000 |
Astin Office Solutions Warehouse | 2211 SE 16 St. | Battle Creek | MI | 49017 | $ 6,230,000 |
Austin & Ball Warehouse | 712 E. 108th Ave. | Paterson | NJ | 07514 | $ 9,189,500 |
Ballyhoo Office Building | 4161 N. 1500 W. | Green Bay | WI | 54305 | $ 5,675,000 |
Barton, Oaks & Colina Building | 1119 NE Thorn Hill Rd. | Jefferson City | MO | 65101 | $ 5,460,000 |
Belmar Group Warehouse | 30 Imperial Way | Bolivar | TN | 38008 | $ 4,900,000 |
Bergstrom Industries Warehouse | 209 Elice Cir. | Littleton | CO | 80122 | $ 7,326,000 |
Best Electronics Manufacturing | 8692 Technology Blvd. | Berkeley | MI | 48072 | $ 6,030,000 |
Bloomington Hospital | 843 Fayette Ave. | Amarillo | TX | 79106 | $ 60,450,000 |
Boulder Community Training Services | 176 Van Buren St. | Boulder | CO | 80026 | $ 848,900 |
Broaddus Surgical Center | 145 Tudor Dr. | Waterloo | IA | 50702 | $ 68,150,000 |
Broatman Hospital | 22161 N. Randolph Dr. | Auburn | WA | 98001 | $ 47,146,000 |
Builder Supply Warehouse | 103 Cleveland St. | Elkhorn | WI | 53121 | $ 6,412,000 |
Cardman Facility | 100 Linden Ln. | Rock Springs | WY | 82901 | $ 3,980,000 |
Casa Mesa Regional Medical Center | 926 Camino Blvd. | Inglewood | CA | 90301 | $ 81,950,000 |
Cayeta County Educational Services | 6921 1st Ave. W. | Brookfield | WI | 53045 | $ 597,500 |
Cincinnati Career Center | 9653 Jackson St. | Cincinnati | OH | 45221 | $ 399,900 |
Circuits Computing Training | 900 Tech Dr. Suite 340 | Salt Lake City | UT | 84106 | $ 714,300 |
Community Hospital West | 33 Herman Ave. | Concord | MA | 01742 | $ 56,275,000 |
Contrail Engineering | 11042 Woodruff Ave. | Gresham | OR | 97030 | $ 584,600 |
Crescent Media Consultants Building | 3718 W. Sardis Rd. | Colorado Springs | CO | 80906 | $ 2,560,000 |
Crosswinds Educational Partners | 690 Kings Highway Blvd. | Claremont | CA | 91711 | $ 627,500 |
Cullen Refrigeration Systems | 806 W. Texas Ave. | Edmond | OK | 73013 | $ 851,700 |
Dallas Training and Educational Center | 533 Lanceford St. | Dallas | TX | 75205 | $ 523,000 |
Daytona Automobile Assembly Systems | 22161 N. Randall Dr. | Princeton | WV | 30375 | $ 547,600 |
Deaconness Medical Center | 8465 Skyline Way Blvd. | Alameda | CA | 94501 | $ 88,489,000 |
Fayette Memorial Medical Center | 423 Hazel Dell Blvd. | Wallingford | CT | 06492 | $ 32,850,000 |
Finlay Supply Co. | 8444 Helms Ave. | West Mifflin | PA | 15122 | $ 887,000 |
Goshen County Hospital | 4813 Augusta Cir. | Cambridge | MN | 55008 | $ 47,900,000 |
Guyan Valley Medical Center | 2045 Lynne Blvd. | Marion | KY | 42064 | $ 59,750,000 |
Pleasant Properties Warehouse | 400 Pivot Rock Blvd. | Gainesville | FL | 33030 | $ 5,630,000 |
Hiniston Building | 30050 Walmsley Rd. | Forth Worth | TX | 76014 | $ 5,740,000 |
Illiana Training Institute | 860 Brilliance Way | Evansville | IN | 47740 | $ 552,000 |
Jadon Michels Shopping Mall | 412 E. Frontage Rd. | Minneapolis | MN | 55407 | $ 6,470,000 |
Javitch Office Park | 460 Montagne Way | Ballinger | TX | 76821 | $ 6,489,000 |
JIT Fulfillment Facilities | 106 NW Osage | Pocatello | ID | 36188 | $ 641,700 |
JM Facilities | 403 Industrial Blvd. | Holyoke | MA | 01040 | $ 4,580,000 |
Koler Whole Foods | 6815 Reseda Blvd. | Aurora | CO | 80017 | $ 650,500 |
La Costa Research Industrial Building | 2600 E. Itetbury Ln. | Davenport | IA | 52803 | $ 4,785,000 |
Lidle Manufacturing Inc. | 705 Fargo Ave. | Bardstown | KY | 40004 | $ 410,000 |
Littleton Professional Outreach and Training | 68 Brittany Rd. | Lexington | SC | 29072 | $ 643,300 |
Lyman Test Prep Services | 730 S. Monte Park Pkwy. | Lake George | WI | 54501 | $ 435,000 |
Madison Logistics Co. | 208 E. Central Ave. | Cabot | AK | 72023 | $ 746,200 |
Marco Supply Warehouse | 2445 E. 51st St. | Coventry | RI | 02816 | $ 637,800 |
Maricopa Medical Center | 582 Deering Ave. | Macon | GA | 31208 | $ 77,080,000 |
Miami-Dade Employment Training Services | 4245 Carvine Dr. | Miami | FL | 33131 | $ 685,000 |
Midwest Regional Hospital | 706 Valencia St. | Bay City | MI | 48708 | $ 69,512,000 |
Milwaukee Health Services Training | 4211 Cohen Dr. W. | Milwaukee | WI | 53219 | $ 714,600 |
Mississippi Mentoring Associates | 5491 Lynhurst Pkwy. | Coldwater | MS | 68618 | $ 713,500 |
Montana Agricultural Supply | 1545 Park Dr. | Springfield | MA | 01111 | $ 5,410,000 |
Mykala Michels Office Building | 2250 Heritage Rd. | Detroit | MI | 48201 | $ 8,570,000 |
Organic Textiles Inc. | 8742 Circuitry Way | Norman | OK | 73069 | $ 461,300 |
Padme Parts Services | 8851 Skyline Blvd. | Atlanta | GA | 30310 | $ 741,000 |
Parton & Simms Warehouse | 1050 Luther Ave. | Wenatchee | WA | 98801 | $ 4,659,000 |
Peterson Testing Services | 10302 Heartfield Dr. | Oak Forest | IL | 60452 | $ 675,000 |
Pleasant Valley Rehabilitation Hospital | 50 Tulip St. | Nashville | GA | 31639 | $ 77,143,000 |
Preston General Hospital | 36815 Bethesda Blvd. | Jamaica Plain | MA | 02130 | $ 77,135,000 |
Riverdale Medical Center | 872 Riverdale Way | Montgomery | AL | 36117 | $ 54,350,000 |
San Mateo Mentors | 412 Valencia St. | San Mateo | CA | 94401 | $ 651,200 |
Sloane-Reynolds County Hospital | 2345 E. Sloane St. | Lebanon | NH | 03756 | $ 55,230,000 |
Steiner Group Building | 801 Hwy. 25 | Camden | TN | 38320 | $ 7,465,000 |
Tangier Industrial Design | 12045 Lakewood Blvd. | Grinnell | IA | 50112 | $ 715,000 |
Tanglewood After School Services | 4591 Spinnaker Cove Way | Lincoln | NE | 68522 | $ 550,000 |
Technology Parts Inc. | 3422 Lees Ave. | Marietta | GA | 30008 | $ 698,000 |
Telcom Ltd. Phone Systems Office Park | 1 Basildon Cir. | Jeffersonville | IN | 47130 | $ 3,390,000 |
Test Prep Training Services | 2003 N. 14th St. | Miami | FL | 33131 | $ 708,000 |
Tillecum Metalworks | 581 Hwy. 31 S. | Blackfoot | ID | 83221 | $ 576,500 |
University Hospital of Austin | 683 Hwy. 36 N. | Quincy | IL | 62305 | $ 46,750,000 |
University of Tempe Outreach Center | 43 Educational Dr. | Tempe | AZ | 85282 | $ 385,000 |
Woodland Daycare Center | 320 Lindon St. | Frankford | WV | 24938 | $ 895,000 |
Zeldman Technology Buiding | 1188 Boswell St. | North Little Rock | AR | 72118 | $ 7,886,000 |
Zionsville Centre for Health Occupations | 1111 Meadowbrook Rd. | Burlington | VT | 05401 | $ 479,000 |

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