Module 6BUIL003W:
Module Coursework 1
Application of Construction Technologies
– Case Studies
· Coursework rationale
· Introduction to the project
· Coursework requirements
· Format of the report
· Submission details
· Individual coursework assessment criteria
186BUIL003W Construction Technology and Innovation 2020_21
186BUIL003W Construction Technology and Innovation 2020_21
6BUIL003W Construction Technology and Innovation 2020_21
Coursework Rationale Coursework aims:
· To analyse the construction technologies demanded by the emerging needs of industry and society.
· To relate innovation in building design and use through environmental impact and sustainability considerations.
· To consolidate and develop the technological framework introduced in technology at Level 4 & 5.
· High-level intellectual and practical skills required for the selection of construction methodologies and their implementation, to successfully produce low energy buildings.
· Critical thinking skills (analysis, evaluation, synthesis) to be used in developing novel and unique solutions to problems.
Skills of communication and presentation in the form of documentation prepared and presented to a professional standard
This coursework addresses the module learning outcomes, namely:-
At the end of the module the student, with minimal guidance and a significant degree of autonomy, should be able to:
· Critically review the principles of construction technology, evaluating the contribution of a range of construction and passive design technologies and methods towards achieving low- and zero- carbon buildings.
· Examine and evaluate innovative and technological advanced materials, assessing their suitability for their application to improve current industry practices.
· Analyse and assess recommendations for projects, evaluating the content and through further research provide innovative solutions.
Introduction to the Project
The coursework is an individual report, with a word count of 1500 words +/-10%. It has a weighting of 40% towards your final module mark.
Key elements of the project will require in-depth research and proposals.
You will be given time within the module timetable to undertake site visits and conduct your own research to allow you to progress your coursework.
You need to choose one of 2 options for this coursework:-
For both options you will be given time within the module timetable to undertake site visits and your own research to allow you to progress your coursework.
Coursework Requirements
The coursework requires you to produce a written report (1500 words +/- 10%), including a minimum of 3 details (hand drawn or CAD). The aim of the coursework is for you to demonstrate your understanding of how construction technologies can be applied to proposed or existing buildings to help reduce their energy consumption.
Self-selected case study (2 options)
In allowing you to use a self-selected case study, you have the freedom to find your own building to use as the subject of the coursework. The building could be local to where you live or work, perhaps a signature building in which you have an interest, or a project you have worked on or are working on at present.
Be creative and enjoy the opportunity to study in detail.
Option 1
Option 1 is aimed particularly at part-time students to allow you to use a project which you have access to within your organisation or wider network.
The project need not be current but must allow you to comply with the coursework requirements.
Option 1
Select an existing project you have current, or previous, involvement with, and to submit proposals on the following: -
· Details, design (including calculations where applicable), and rationale behind 2 construction technologies that have been, or could be, adopted within your proposed project. Both refurbishment and new-build projects will be suitable.
· The report needs to demonstrate that your proposals work with this site and location, and the benefits they would, or do, provide with regards to eg. reducing building energy consumption, water consumption, construction phase energy consumption, operational phase energy consumption.
· The proposals need to be fully compatible with the existing/proposed construction method and your report is to show how they interface.
Your report is to be presented with the following supporting information (as a minimum):-
1. A title page.
Do NOT include your name or student number within the file name or anywhere within your submission. The submission will be subject to anonymous marking. Having logged into Turn-it-in on Blackboard, the system will record your details anonymously and tutors will only see your name after the entire submission has been assessed and provisional marks have been released to all students at the same time."
2. A contents page.
3. An abstract
4. A clear introduction setting out the constraints brought about by the following:
a. the building’s use
b. it’s existing, or proposed, construction
c. the site and location
5. Proposals and rationale behind your 2 selected construction technologies including demonstrating how they are compatible with the building’s existing or proposed construction. Drawings should be of relevant technical details complete with explanatory notes.
6. The report should be professionally presented, organised in a logical manner. It should be easy to follow and to identify the main points.
7. The graphic material should add value, not confuse or have a neutral effect.
8. A conclusion, providing a clear summary of your proposals.
9. The text is to be written with correct spelling, grammar and punctuation.
10. The content is to be fully cited and referenced using the Harvard system.
Option 2
Option 2: aimed particularly at full-time students who may not have access to a case study documentation. You will need to locate a commercial building dating from the 1950’s, 60’s or 70’s. You will be required to familiarise yourself with the site and existing condition of the building.
Option 2
Through your research you will need to arrive at detailed, sensible, executable proposals as follow: -
· Details, design (including calculations where applicable), and rationale behind proposals to upgrade the following external elements of the building: Walls (including cladding where applicable)
· The report needs to demonstrate that your proposals would work with the subject building’s site and location, and the benefits they would provide with regards to reducing building energy consumption.
· The proposals need to be fully compatible with the existing construction method and your report is to show how they interface.
Your report is to be presented with the following supporting information (as a minimum):-
1. A title page.
Do NOT include your name or student number within the file name or anywhere within your submission. The submission will be subject to anonymous marking. Having logged into Turn-it-in on Blackboard, the system will record your details anonymously and tutors will only see your name after the entire submission has been assessed and provisional marks have been released to all students at the same time."
2. A contents page.
3. An abstract
4. A clear introduction setting out the constraints brought about by the following:
a. the building’s use
b. it’s existing, or proposed, construction
c. the site and location
5. Your proposals and rationale behind your proposals including demonstrating how they are compatible with the building’s existing or proposed construction. Drawings should be of relevant technical details complete with explanatory notes.
6. The report should be professionally presented, organised in a logical manner. It should be easy to follow and to identify the main points.
7. The graphic material should add value, not confuse or have a neutral effect.
8. A conclusion, providing a clear summary of your proposals.
9. The text is to be written with correct spelling, grammar and punctuation.
10. The content is to be fully cited and referenced using the Harvard system.
Both Option 1 and Option 2: -
Once you have selected your building you will need to conduct detailed research to establish detail about it, including where applicable:
· Its age
· Its location, site and orientation
· The local area climatic conditions
· The construction methods used
· The materials used
· The suitability of materials to limit external fire spread
· It’s condition
Submission Details - You should submit an electronic copy of your report, via turn-it-in, no later than 1pm on 12th January 2021. Please refer to the Module Handbook for details of anonymous marking.
Individual Coursework Assessment Criteria - This document is for your guidance. You are NOT required to submit a copy of this with your work.
6BUIL003W Construction Technology and Innovation 2020_21
6BUIL003W Construction Technology and Innovation 2020_21
6BUIL003W Construction Technology and Innovation 2020_21

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