
To: Chris N. Charge From: Taylor P., leading salesperson Subject: Happy Bunny Energy Juice Date: March 18, 2020

Since Happy Bunny Energy Drinks sells one of the world’s best selling energy drinks, our company has made the correct decisions to make us a top competitor; however, I fear the creation of Happy Bunny Energy Juice will make us lose this position. Even though the creation of this new product may earn us a revenue of $30 million in profit, the risks our company will take for this profit may end up damaging the company in the process. Below I have listed reasons as to why it would not be wise for us to open up ourselves to this new market.

Cancel Culture Once someone has a problem, it is known immediately as social media makes it easy for information to spread. Cancel culture has made it so there is truly no difference between the type of backlash someone will receive no matter how big or small the problem is. Because of how dangerous and present cancel culture is for brands, it would be of no surprise if Happy Bunny Energy Juice was “canceled” right before it is even sold.

• Marketed to Children. Even though Happy Bunny will not be marketing an energy drink to children, people will have a problem with this new product because it is so similar to the products this company is known for. There is a widely held negative opinion towards giving children energy drinks because they are linked to health problems. Because of this people will think that we are acting unethical and putting children in danger.

• Intense Backlash. As with anything that gets “canceled,” the anger and negativity spreads quickly and the topic will soon be on the trending page. People would easily be able to read negative comments about our new product and company if we appeared on the trending page and Happy Bunny’s name would be tarnished within a matter of seconds. This intense hate we would receive would also carry on for the rest of our company’s existence. As history has shown, no matter how many times a brand apologizes for their mistakes, people never forgive them and will continuously bring the situation up, forever ruining the brand.

• Decreased Sales. The negativity we would receive would instantly decrease our sales. Not only would this effect the possible revenue we could earn from the Happy Bunny Energy Juice, but this would significantly decrease the revenue we earn from our already existing products. Our name would be ruined because of the energy juice and would in turn lead people to not trust our name and no longer buy our products.

Legal Liability Adding fruit juice can avoid some of the legal liability but it will not eliminate all of it. The possibility of having a lawsuit against Happy Bunny because the product involves energy drinks as well as children is very strong. In the longterm, this would be costly for the company as it will have to pay for high lawyer fees and possibly even settlements or court fees if the case is strong enough.

• Angry parents. Even though it is not Happy Bunny’s responsibility to protect children, parents will try to blame us for endangering their children. Whether the reason is that there is a negative side effect or parents simply don’t like the fact that we are known for selling energy drinks, angry parents will not hesitate to bring a lawsuit against us if they think it will protect their children.

• American Beverage Association. According to the American Beverage Association website,“energy drink manufacturers will not market their energy drink products to children under 12 years of age” ( While Happy Bunny Energy Juice is not directly an energy drink, this rule could still get us in trouble as the drink is an energy juice and we are a company known for being a best seller in energy drinks.

• Lawyers against energy drinks. There are several different websites already in existence to file lawsuits against energy drink companies such as or to name a few. If these types of websites already exist for adults who are fully conscious of their own decisions, these websites would surely dramatically increase as people are always trying to protect innocent children.

Harsh Competition There are already countless brands that market their juice to children so it would be hard for us to distinguish our juice from the rest. On top of that, it would be hard for us to be a front runner because we are getting into this market so late and the other front runners have been on top for many years.

• Large competition pool. According to the CNN Health page, there is a minimum of 34 different juice options aimed towards children as a headline for one of their articles reads “top 34 bestselling ‘fruit’ drinks for kids deemed unhealthy” ( If there is already at least 34 best selling different options, it doesn’t seem like our brand has much of a chance to stand out when there are already so many options flooding the market.

• Front runners. Some of the front runners for this market include Kool-Aid Jammers as well as Capri Sun Roarin’ Waters ( Both of these companies have been around for many years and have had a strong footing in the market for almost as long as they have been in production. Because there are already best sellers that have thrived in this market for several years, people would not easily be able to sway away from what they have known and loved for so long to give Happy Bunny Energy Juice a try.

The risks of entering a new market with Happy Bunny Energy Juice are far greater than the possible benefits the company may receive and because of that, I do not think it would be a wise decision for us to sell this product.

Memorandum To: Mr. Chris N. Charge From: A.B. Student Subject: Happy Bunny Energy Juice Marketing Concerns Date: March 18, 2020 To dramatically increase profit margins, it is imperative that our company target all available demographics- including preteens and teenagers There is no reasonable argument against marketing our products to this new age group. This promising age groups is already full of regular customers of popular coffee shop chains- there is not significant backlash at their companies, and there will not be for ours either. This untapped demographic will yield large profit margins as well as long term customers- younger customers will develop a positive association with our brand and consume our drinks for years to come. Our company must proceed with this new campaign before we risk losing potential profits. Teens already consume lots of caffeine There have been concerns expressed by a vocal minority related to the consumption of caffeine and its effect on young adults, but these concerns are mostly unfounded and hypocritical. These concerns ignore the caffeine consumption parents seem completely fine with- coffee shops, and they should be just as fine with their children consuming our drinks as well.

• Caffeine is a staple: In a 2017 Business Insider article titled “Teens have a new favorite

restaurant — and it’s not Starbucks” noted that until recently “Starbucks has won the

No. 1 spot among teens in almost every semi-annual Piper Jaffray survey for the last

seven years” (


• Soda is also a concern: Those who voice concerns about the caffeine consumption by

teens often ignore the caffeine in many colas such as popular Pepsi and Coca-Cola

products simply because they are not listed as “energy drinks”. This leads many to

understand the concerns are mostly superficial and illegitimate.

• Our drinks are as safe as coffee: The amount of caffeine in our energy drinks (as with

many other brands) is comparable to the caffeine content in an average cup of coffee.

Getting customers at a young age will improve long term customer loyalty Though our current marketing aims at young adults ages 18-34, just as our competitors do on average, we must aim at a younger demographic to ensure brand loyalty and consistent profits into the future. If we start a marketing campaign targeting the youth, we could see great profit margins from this untapped demographic for years to come.

• Develop brand loyalty early: Our company must strike first and attract younger

consumers to our brand before other companies have a chance to develop a good

relationship with them.

• Increased buying power: A 2019 FONA International article titled “Consumer Insight:

Purchase Power of Today’s Teens” reported that ages 10-17 demographic is

“responsible for up to $143 billion of direct spending”

( This buying power could

bring in well over the previously estimated $30 million our company expects from this

business venture.

There is no moral dilemma There is no ethical concern related to selling our products to a younger demographic. Any concerns are only minor decisions between the variety of drinks we offer such as flavors or zero calorie options, (not whether it is safe to drink). To ensure all legal responsibility related to any potential health risks (no matter how small) is on the shoulders of the consumer or their parent/guardian, we can print a small warning on cans to advise for moderate consumption of caffeine- but I assure you, this step is not necessary.

• Correlation, but not causation: A 2016 study titled “Demographics, Health, and Risk

Behaviors of Young Adults Who Drink Energy Drinks and Coffee Beverages ” concluded

that just as with energy drink consumers, “the high-end coffee drink population also

tended to have a higher prevalence of mental illness diagnosis”

( This is a far cry from a

dramatic moral concern, and at most would put our company’s products on-par with

coffee, not worse.

• Sugar is the concern: Parents are more concerned with sugar than with caffeine

content. We can capitalize on this by producing energy drinks with zero sugar content.

Increased sugar intake will lead to a series of medical concerns such as unwanted weight

gain, blood sugar problems, and an increased risk of cardiovascular disease.

• We are already regulated: As a producer of a beverage, the FDA already regulates us.

The only risk considered by them is the relationship between caffeine intake and

anxiety, and as Joyce A. Generali points out in her 2013 study “Energy Drinks: Food,

Dietary Supplement, or Drug?”, “the role of co-ingredients as risk factors or confounders

has not been established” (

This would also be true of the many coffee chains and parents who have no real qualms

with allowing their children to drink their brew.

We are a business and must focus on profits first and foremost. Happy Bunny Energy Juice must

not waver when facing a small group that shows unfounded concerns. The idea that we should

simultaneously be a successful business and morally sound is a fine aspiration. The combination

of these two ideas is the balance we must strike to maintain increased profits and a degree of

good consumer satisfaction. However, to be concerned about the ethics of marketing to a

younger age group would be a waste of energy, as it is both an illogical concern (based on our

current competition and consumer statistics), as well as a tremendous missed opportunity for

previously unseen profits. I urge you to move forward with the plans to begin our new

marketing campaign with a younger demographic.

METZ MGMT 3500 Business Ethics Memo

EXTREME BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY (Your Product...Your Responsibility?)

Here’s the dilemma - are you going to be a GOOD person and take responsibility for the effects of your product? Or, are you going to be a GREAT businessperson and put profit ahead of everything else? Or, can you do both?

You are the owner of a company (306 SPORTS INC.) that produces a new, technologically advanced skateboard. This board is smaller and much faster than any skateboard ever created. Your creation has become the best selling sports product in the country, with many extreme sports stars buying, using, and promoting your new skateboard. You are making millions for you and your shareholders!

Because of its capability for tremendous speed, the “Rocket Board” is considered an extremely dangerous board. In the past year, several customers, some as young as 5 years old, have been injured while riding the “Rocket Board.” Injuries range from bumps and bruises, to broken arms and legs, to concussions.

Some pediatricians and politicians claim your product should be recommended only for advanced riders, preferably over the age of 18. And, they want a warning label printed on the package. But, these restrictions and warnings would, of course, hurt your sales and profits.

Your company also faces several lawsuits and tremendous public criticism because of the injuries sustained by some users of your product. The public is calling for you and your company to take responsibility for the injuries your product has caused.

Some want 306 SPORTS INC. held financially responsible for creating a product that you knew to be dangerous to many users/customers. Many critics have said creating a product such as the “Rocket Board” is unethical because skateboards are traditionally children’s toys and your product is causing harm to many young consumers.

As owner of 306, it is time to answer your critics. How do you plan on defending your company and its reputation and make critics happy? How do you plan to maintain sales and keep employees, investors, and shareholders happy?


• Explain your plan to answer your critics who claim you are responsible for the injuries and your company has behaved unethically.

• Explain what you are going to do about the current lawsuits filed against your company and any lawsuits moving forward.

• Finally, explain what steps you are going to take to make sure the Rocket Board’s sales continue to grow and your company remains profitable so your investors and shareholders have confidence in your leadership.

Write a properly formatted memo to the 306 Sports Inc. Community. The readers include shareholders, employees, and even critics. Your memo must explain your position and answer all of their concerns. Your memo should be well-written and detailed. Give as many specific examples that you deem necessary.

Memos are still an important form of business communication!

-For the most part, email has taken the place of memos. However, there are still professions where writing an effective, detailed, convincing memo is essential.

-Not every worker sits in front of a computer waiting for an email to inform them about a meeting, a policy change, a company picnic, or an open position within the company.

-Law enforcement, medical professionals, construction workers, factory workers, usually work away from computer screens. They might rely on a posted memo to inform them of important company news. Therefore, many companies still value a well written company communication = a MEMO!

To write a good looking memo, you must use the correct MEMO format! - Yes, a business memo has a specific LOOK. There are lots of variations, but some specific aspects must always be used.

Creating a Professional MEMO Letters, emails, reports, and other written business communications are often created for

others outside your organization.

Memos are “intra-office” communications.

Memos are written to those within your organization - for the employees and management. (This is why there is no address used, or phone number, or even


Some memos can contain sensitive, secretive, or important information designed to be read by ONLY individuals within the organization!

Be certain you understand the importance some memos will have on the business.

Going UP? Going Down?

• You will write memos for those above you: your boss, supervisor, Board Members, executives. These memos should be written with these people in mind. Be sure to be respectful, clear, specific, and concise with your writing. These people are busy: get to the point, don’t use unnecessary words, use plenty of specific details and examples.

• You will also create memos for those beneath you: employees, contractors, subordinates. Your approach should similarly be respectful - the tone can be a little more informal- but the writing style should still be extremely professional.

Memo Length Long enough to be detail and clear - short enough to be

interesting and easy to read!

I watched a fascinating new program, which discussed the changing business world. One of the primary ideas was this: small is now big.

For example, smaller offices and workspaces are more effective for creativity and production. Smaller groups and work-forces are more focused. Smaller benefit packages (which give employees only what the really want) are more popular.

The examples given were very convincing and made me think about the writing process.

So, I have FINALLY given in and seen the light.

MEMOS CAN BE ONE PAGE in length!!! (Smaller is better, right?)

Memo Length Memos CAN BE one page if…

• In the business world, most memos are a page. As we have already established, business people are busy, and they do not have time to read LONG business documents. If the reader (your boss or employees) wants to know more about the ideas you mention in the memo, he or she will ask you to explain further in a face-to-face meeting. Or, he might ask you to write another memo with added detail. (More examples!)

• HOWEVER, there are exceptions. When the subject of the memo is complex or extensive, you owe it to your audience (boss or employees) to fully explain the idea. This means occasionally you will need to create a memo that is 2-3 pages.

• In a business writing class (Management 306, for example) you will be expected to write with sufficient depth and detail. Be sure your ideas are fully explained, detailed, and clear. If you can do this using ONLY one page, go ahead and create a one page masterpiece. Most writers will have to use more than one page.

Memo Format Memo at the top of the page &

To: From: Subject: Date: - That’s ALL


To: From: Subject: Date:

The order of these can be altered somewhat, but “TO” and “FROM” should be listed first. “Date” and “Subject” can be reversed. To save space on your page, single space these parts of the memo. Be sure to add a COLON ( : ) after each part of the memo. The “MEMO” on the top is now considered standard.


Memorandum / Memo

• You need to place the word “Memo” or “Memorandum” at the top of a business memo.

• Add this heading (Memo/Memorandum) at the top of the page - it should be a slightly larger font and centered.

Memos are NOT Letters • Memos do NOT use greetings: Dear John,

• The “To:” will indicate who the memo is written for.

• Memos do NOT use signature blocks or a complimentary close:


Mary Smith - The “From:” will indicate the memo was written by you.

• If you use these “letter” elements on your memo, the reader will know you do not know how to write a proper business memo. You will be seen as “unprofessional.” And, your grade will be reduced.

Format Continued

• Any memo can benefit from the tools we have discussed. Be sure to use headings, bullets, lists, white space and other tools to create a memo that is professional looking. Using these writing tools will help create a memo that is easy to read, organized, clear, and inviting.

• As is the case with all of the documents we create this quarter, memos will be written using STANDARD BUSINESS structure. This means using block paragraphs, singles space inside the paragraphs, double space between paragraphs, and any of the tools we have discussed, which make a document LOOK good!

Always Have a CONCLUSION

• Do you end a phone call by just hanging up? No. You tell the other person you are done speaking by saying goodbye some how, right?

• OK, well I have to get to class now, so I will talk to you when I get home tonight.

• Sounds good. I will meet you at the movies at 7:00. Thanks. See you there. • MOST BUSINESS DOCUMENTS REQUIRE A SMALL CONCLUSION OR


• If we implement these ideas, the next quarter will certainly see an increase in sales. If you have any questions, please contact me.

• Our employees deserve these new benefits. They work hard, and I am delighted to be able to give them a few small luxuries that will help improve morale.

ONE Page - Sample Memo

• Look at the following memo closely; it is excellent. The layout is effective and inviting. The reader can easily see how many ideas are used because of the headings and the bullets that are used.

• The most impressive aspect of the memo is the detailed EXAMPLES!!! The ideas are all clearly written as PRIMARY EXAMPLES. Each of these examples is then detailed and explained using very effective, interesting, unique SECONDARY EXAMPLES.

• This is the kind of memo you should strive to create!!! • IT LOOKS GOOD, HAS SOMETHING TO SAY, AND IS WELL

WRITTEN! (These are the THREE KEYS to Writing Well we have already discussed.)

• It has “economy” of words! Every word counts. There are no “filler” words... “in my opinion, I think, first and foremost, blah, blah.”

To: SC Employees From: Joe Brown Subject: Tips to Lessen Stress Date: April 18, 2015

Stress can affect employees in different ways. Common effects of stress are not being able to concentrate, forgetfulness, becoming short-tempered, feeling overloaded, experiencing aches and pains, changes in eating behaviors and irregular sleeping habits. Here are a few ideas on ways to help manage stress at work.

Time management approach When you have tight deadlines or multiple projects that make you feel strapped for time, use one of these tips or all of them:

! Make a list. Prioritize your work load. Make a list of all your tasks and projects and then rank them. Take care of the important things first.

! Make reasonable goals. Become aware of your limits and set realistic deadlines and goals for yourself. Do not stretch yourself too thin, you will only add pressure on yourself.

! Schedule your time. When working on multiple projects or a project with many parts, schedule your time. Set aside certain hours in your day so you can work on the task.

Quick stress relief methods Stress relief methods can slow your heart rate, lessen your frustration, and improve your concentration. There are many relaxation methods.

! Having a notebook on hand to use as an outlet. Write down your thoughts and feelings. This method helps you get your emotions out so they do not frustrate you further.

! Massaging your fingers and palms while drinking hot tea or coffee. This method focuses on tactile and taste sensations, helping to relieve physical tension.

! Bringing a portable music player with headphones. Listen to your favorite soundtrack or a mix of relaxing nature sounds. This method helps create a peaceful environment and works well for soothing stress for music lovers.

Relaxation techniques Relaxation techniques can help relieve muscle tension, increase blood flow to your muscles, and lower blood pressure. Relaxation can not only lessen the stress you feel now, but also can improve your general well-being.

! Tai chi. Tai chi uses graceful, controlled movements to help relax both your body and your mind. Tai chi focuses on creating a sense of inner calm by using rhythmic movements and controlled breathing patterns.

! Yoga. Yoga uses a series of poses, controlled breathing, and meditation to encourage relaxation. Yoga tries to create harmony and peace between your body and mind, which is helpful when trying to manage your stress.

! Muscle tension relaxation. This technique can be done anywhere and is fairly simple. All you do is tense your muscles in an area for five to ten seconds and then relax for 30 to 40 seconds, and repeat it two to three times. Start at your toes and work your way up to your neck.

Recharge yourself Getting away for short periods of time can help relieve the stress you feel. Spending time away from what causes you stress, and doing things you enjoy instead, can rejuvenate your body and mind. Some ways you can recharge are:

! Taking time off. Use your vacation time to get in some quality personal time and recharge yourself. ! Sleeping it off. Stress can often times make you lose sleep. Sleep is an important aspect of health and stress

management, because it helps renew both your body and mind. Get some more SLEEP! ! Meeting up with friends or family. Although you may want to isolate yourself during stressful times, being

social can relieve stress. Your friends and family can help get your mind off your troubles or give you the support you need to get through them.

We live in a stressful time; it’s not unusual to feel some pressure from time to time. The best way to deal with stress varies from person to person. Our goal is to make our workplace as stress-free as possible and deal with any stress that might be impacting our organization. I am happy to speak with anyone who has any questions regarding the ideas mentioned. See me in my office, or send me a quick email.

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