1. state briefly the purpose of the biochemical connection ( no more than 250 words)
2. Report three of the main findings of the biochemical connection
3. State the most important outcome as a conclusion of the biochemical connection.
Questions 4. What is the direct cause of sickle-cell anemia (think primary structure)? 5. What is the effect of the altered amino acid sequence in Hb S that causes the cells
to form sickle shapes?
1. State briefly the purpose of the biochemical connection ( no more than 250 words)
2. Report three of the main findings of the biochemical connection
3. State the most important outcome as a conclusion of the biochemical connection.
Questions 4. Why do scientists believe that the sickle-cell trait has not evolved out of the human
population yet considering how deadly it is to be homozygous for the sickle cell gene?
5. What is the purpose of treating a sickle-cell patient with hydroxyurea?
1. State briefly the purpose of the biochemical connection ( no more than 250 words)
2. Report three of the main findings of the biochemical connection
3. State the most important outcome as a conclusion of the biochemical connection.
Questions 4. What is BCL11A and how is it related to hemoglobin? 5. Given the purpose of hemoglobin, what could one envision as a downside to having
all our hemoglobin as Hb F instead of Hb A?
1. State briefly the purpose of the biochemical connection ( no more than 250 words)
2. Report three of the main findings of the biochemical connection
3. State the most important outcome as a conclusion of the biochemical connection.
Questions 4. What is the most significant difference between prion diseases and other diseases
caused by amyloid type plaques, such as Alzheimer’s? 5. What aspects of the transmission of scrapie or other spongiform encephalopathies
act like genetic diseases? What aspects act like transmittable diseases?
1. State briefly the purpose of the biochemical connection ( no more than 250 words)
2. Report three of the main findings of the biochemical connection
3. State the most important outcome as a conclusion of the biochemical connection.
Questions 4. What enzymes are known to be involved in Alzheimer’s disease? 5. What proteins are involved in the formation of the destructive plaques found in
Alzheimer’s disease?
1. State briefly the purpose of the biochemical connection ( no more than 250 words)
2. Report three of the main findings of the biochemical connection
3. State the most important outcome as a conclusion of the biochemical connection.
Questions 4. Describe what happens according to the “amyloid cascade hypothesis.” 5. Why would doctors not want to just completely inhibit β-secretase in a patient with
Alzheimer’s disease?
1. State briefly the purpose of the biochemical connection ( no more than 250 words)
2. Report three of the main findings of the biochemical connection
3. State the most important outcome as a conclusion of the biochemical connection.
Questions 4. Severe combined immunodeficiency disease (SCID) is characterized by the
complete lack of an immune system. Strains of mice have been developed that have SCID. When SCID mice that carry genetic predisposition to prion diseases are infected with PrPsc, they do not develop prion diseases. How do these facts relate to the transmission of prion diseases?
5. An isolated strain of sheep was found in New Zealand. Most of these sheep carried the gene for predisposition to scrapie, yet none of them ever came down with the disease. How do these facts relate to the transmission of prion diseases?
1. State briefly the purpose of the biochemical connection ( no more than 250 words)
2. Report three of the main findings of the biochemical connection
3. State the most important outcome as a conclusion of the biochemical connection.
Questions 4. What part of the HIV lifecycle is disrupted by the drugs indinavir and amprenavir? 5. What part of the HIV lifecycle is disrupted by MK-0518?
1. State briefly the purpose of the biochemical connection ( no more than 250 words)
2. Report three of the main findings of the biochemical connection
3. State the most important outcome as a conclusion of the biochemical connection.
Questions 4. What has been the historical method used in drug design? 5. What is a main reason for side effects with traditional drugs that bind to the active
site of a receptor?
1. State briefly the purpose of the biochemical connection ( no more than 250 words)
2. Report three of the main findings of the biochemical connection
3. State the most important outcome as a conclusion of the biochemical connection.
Questions 4. What are three advantages of using allosteric drugs as opposed to orthosteric ones? 5. How does Valium work?
1. State briefly the purpose of the biochemical connection ( no more than 250 words)
2. Report three of the main findings of the biochemical connection
3. State the most important outcome as a conclusion of the biochemical connection.
Questions 4. Why is taking too much Valium not as dangerous as taking too much Phenobarbital? 5. What are two recent allosteric drugs that are currently on the market? What do they
1. State briefly the purpose of the biochemical connection ( no more than 250 words)
2. Report three of the main findings of the biochemical connection
3. State the most important outcome as a conclusion of the biochemical connection.
Questions 4. Why can cocaine addiction not be treated with a drug that blocks the cocaine
receptor? 5. Explain how abzymes can be used to treat cocaine addiction.
1. State briefly the purpose of the biochemical connection ( no more than 250 words)
2. Report three of the main findings of the biochemical connection
3. State the most important outcome as a conclusion of the biochemical connection.
4. What are glycoproteins? 5. Briefly indicate the role of glycoproteins as antigenic determinants for blood groups.
1. State briefly the purpose of the biochemical connection ( no more than 250 words)
2. Report three of the main findings of the biochemical connection
3. State the most important outcome as a conclusion of the biochemical connection.
Questions 4. Cancer cells grow so rapidly that they have a higher rate of anaerobic metabolism
than most body tissues, especially at the center of a tumor. Can you use drugs that poison the enzymes of anaerobic metabolism in the treatment of cancer? Why, or why not?
5. Can modification of enzymes of aerobic glycolysis play a role in cancer treatment?
1. State briefly the purpose of the biochemical connection ( no more than 250 words)
2. Report three of the main findings of the biochemical connection
3. State the most important outcome as a conclusion of the biochemical connection.
Questions 4. What is the connection between material in this chapter and hemolytic anemia? 5. List two ways in which glutathione functions in red blood cells.
1. State briefly the purpose of the biochemical connection ( no more than 250 words)
2. Report three of the main findings of the biochemical connection
3. State the most important outcome as a conclusion of the biochemical connection.
Questions 4. Why do some people call GLUT4 the training glucose transporter? 5. How are insulin, GLUT4, obesity, and type II diabetes related?
1. State briefly the purpose of the biochemical connection ( no more than 250 words)
2. Report three of the main findings of the biochemical connection
3. State the most important outcome as a conclusion of the biochemical connection.
Questions 4. What types of normal cells typically have insulin receptors? 5. What is the relationship between obesity and cancer?
1. State briefly the purpose of the biochemical connection ( no more than 250 words)
2. Report three of the main findings of the biochemical connection
3. State the most important outcome as a conclusion of the biochemical connection.
Questions 4. What is the Warburg effect? 5. Why would cancer cells favor such inefficient metabolism?
1. State briefly the purpose of the biochemical connection ( no more than 250 words)
2. Report three of the main findings of the biochemical connection
3. State the most important outcome as a conclusion of the biochemical connection.
Questions 4. What is PTEN and what is its relationship to cancer? 5. What is the natural function of PTEN?
1. State briefly the purpose of the biochemical connection ( no more than 250 words)
2. Report three of the main findings of the biochemical connection
3. State the most important outcome as a conclusion of the biochemical connection.
Questions 4. What are the structural differences between the peptide hormones oxytocin and
vasopressin? How do these peptides hormones differ in function? 5. What is the role of the disulfide bond in oxytocin and vasopressin?
1. State briefly the purpose of the biochemical connection ( no more than 250 words)
2. Report three of the main findings of the biochemical connection
3. State the most important outcome as a conclusion of the biochemical connection.
Questions 4. How do the KM values for glucokinase and hexokinase reflect their roles in sugar
metabolism? 5. When does Kcat / KM value approximate the catalytic efficiency of an enzyme?
1. State briefly the purpose of the biochemical connection ( no more than 250 words)
2. Report three of the main findings of the biochemical connection
3. State the most important outcome as a conclusion of the biochemical connection.
Questions 4. You are planning to go on a strenuous hike and are advised to eat plenty of high-
carbohydrates foods, such as bread and pasta for several days beforehand. Suggest a reason for the advice. Would it be advantageous to consume a candy bar with a high refined-sugar content immediately before you start the strenuous hike?
5. Would eating candy bars, high in sucrose rather than complex carbohydrates, help build up glycogen stores?
1. State briefly the purpose of the biochemical connection ( no more than 250 words)
2. Report three of the main findings of the biochemical connection
3. State the most important outcome as a conclusion of the biochemical connection.
Questions 4. An infant with galactosemia can utilize d-glucose in milk but not D-galactose. How
does the Fischer projection of D-galactose differ from that of D-glucose? Explain 5. Identify the monosaccharide that fits each of the following descriptions:
a. is also called blood sugar b. found in high blood levels in diabetes Explain.
1. State briefly the purpose of the biochemical connection ( no more than 250 words)
2. Report three of the main findings of the biochemical connection
3. State the most important outcome as a conclusion of the biochemical connection.
Questions 4. Increasing thermogenesis has been thought to be a way to lose weight. In fact, 2,4-
dinitrophenol is available as a supplement most often used by bodybuilders to burn fat. This dangerous drug is also marketed as a pesticide and kills insects in a similar manner. What might be a side effect of using this compound?
5. Oligomycin is an antibiotic that inhibits ATP synthase. If ATP synthase is not operable, what happens to the energy from electron transport?
1. State briefly the purpose of the biochemical connection ( no more than 250 words)
2. Report three of the main findings of the biochemical connection
3. State the most important outcome as a conclusion of the biochemical connection.
Questions 4. Diabetics often display signs of ketosis if insulin levels are not maintained. What is
ketosis? 5. Why do diabetics produce high levels of ketone bodies?
1. State briefly the purpose of the biochemical connection ( no more than 250 words)
2. Report three of the main findings of the biochemical connection
3. State the most important outcome as a conclusion of the biochemical connection.
Questions 4. Why might a glass of warm milk help you sleep at night? 5. Which would be better to eat before an exam, a glass of milk or a piece of cheese?
1. State briefly the purpose of the biochemical connection ( no more than 250 words)
2. Report three of the main findings of the biochemical connection
3. State the most important outcome as a conclusion of the biochemical connection.
Questions 4. How would low oxygen levels affect the production of ATP? If Natalie has low levels
of NADH, how would her production of ATP be affected? 5. Natalie’s low O2 gives her only a 24% efficiency of ATP production from glucose.
How many moles of ATP would she obtain from 25 g of glucose if glucose has a molar mass of 180.2 g/mole?
1. State briefly the purpose of the biochemical connection ( no more than 250 words)
2. Report three of the main findings of the biochemical connection
3. State the most important outcome as a conclusion of the biochemical connection.
Questions 4. What does “epigenetics” and “epimutation” mean? 5. What is the link between epigenetics and cancer? What is the epigenetic change
that Peleg studied with respect to aging mice?
1. State briefly the purpose of the biochemical connection ( no more than 250 words)
2. Report three of the main findings of the biochemical connection
3. State the most important outcome as a conclusion of the biochemical connection.
Questions 4. Why would IAV evolve to be less lethal? 5. Explain how a frameshift in reading mRNA affects the translation of the mRNA for
the IAV viral protease.
1. State briefly the purpose of the biochemical connection ( no more than 250 words)
2. Report three of the main findings of the biochemical connection
3. State the most important outcome as a conclusion of the biochemical connection.
Questions 4. What species excrete excess nitrogen as ammonia? Which ones excrete it as uric
acid? 5. Would you expect an ostrich to excrete excess nitrogen as uric acid, urea, or
ammonia? Make an argument for your answer
1. State briefly the purpose of the biochemical connection ( no more than 250 words)
2. Report three of the main findings of the biochemical connection
3. State the most important outcome as a conclusion of the biochemical connection.
Questions 4. Draw the condensed structural formulas for the products of the reaction of alanine
and α-ketoglutarate, which is catalyzed by alanine transaminase (ALT). Explain the reaction.
5. Draw the condensed structural formulas for the products of the reaction of aspartate and α-ketoglutarate, which is catalyzed by aspartate transaminase (AST). Explain the reaction.

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