#include <stdio.h>

#include "boolean.h"

int main(void) {

boolean quit = FALSE;

boolean showmenu = TRUE;

int menu_sel;

while (!quit) {

if (showmenu) {

printf("1 First Option\n");

printf("2 Second Option\n");

printf("3 Third Option\n");

printf("4 Toggle Menu\n");

printf("5 Quit\n");

printf("Enter Selection: ");

scanf("%d", &menu_sel);


else {

printf("Enter Selection (4 to turn menu on): ");

scanf("%d", &menu_sel);


switch (menu_sel){

case 1: printf("Doing First Option\n");


case 2: printf("Doing Second Option\n");


case 3: printf("Doing Third Option\n");


case 4: showmenu = !showmenu;


case 5: quit = TRUE;


default: printf("%d is not a valid menu option\n", menu_sel);





Email Wording

Students’ Name

Department, Institutional Affiliation

Course Code

Due Date

Based on the audience that is meant to receive this email I would be keen to change the entire email. Nonnative speakers of English are more likely to understand only the most basic and fundamental of English words (Drljača Margić, 2017). Since this is written communication, it does not have the advantage associated with spoken words. Nonverbal cues will hardly be present and the whole conversation is hinged on what is portrayed on the email.

Some words that are likely to be found offensive or incomprehensible are words like ASAP. While this is commonly accepted slang within the American culture, there is a very high probability that none of the new entrants are aware of the same. Besides the choice of words, there is a struggle in coherence. The email does not really sound welcoming and instead seems to suggest that the new employees need help from the Americans in order to settle. The words sell you to the Americans sounds weird to say the least. It creates an impression and leaves a bad taste in an email to non-natives. The word states rather than United States of America sound too informal for such a high level mail.

“I would love to welcome you all to the United States of America. Feel at home in this new land. We finally get a chance to meet face to face and embrace each other at a close range. Receiving you and getting to interact further is really an honor for me. I believe as we work and interact will get to know each one of you more. I commit to ensuring you have the simplest transition in this new place of work, I will give you my best and where possible link you with all our networks to enable easy delivery for your tasks.


Drljača Margić, B. (2017). Communication courtesy or condescension? Linguistic accommodation of native to non-native speakers of English. Journal of English as a Lingua Franca, 6(1). https://doi.org/10.1515/jelf-2017-0006

Complex Arithmetic

Defining a new type for a complex number consisting of two parts, real and img, both of which will contain integers:

typedef struct { int real; int img; } complex;

Declaring variables of this type:

complex num;

Accessing variables of this type: printf(“Enter the real part of the number: “); scanf(“%d”, &num.real); printf(“Enter the imaginary part of the number: “); scanf(“%d”, &num.img); Note: The member notation is a PERIOD indicating which member of the structure you are referring to. Files and subprograms needed for this activity:

 main.c o The main program will consist of a menu driven program that provides the user with a menu to

manipulate complex numbers. The menu options will include add, subtract, multiply, divide, conjugate, negate, toggle menu, and quit.

o The switch statement will have a case for each menu option and will make use of a variety of subprograms to perform the necessary actions associated with the menu option selected. Example:

case 1: num1 = Read_Complex(); num2 = Read_Complex(); ans = Add_Complex(num1, num2); Write_Complex(ans); break;

 complex.h o Will contain the type definition for the complex type

 boolean.h o Will contain the #define statements for TRUE and FALSE as well as the type definition for the boolean


 Complex_IO (Note: Will need Complex_IO.h for prototypes and Complex_IO.c for definitions)

o Read_Complex will prompt for input of the real and imaginary part of a number and then return the complex number to the main program where it will be assigned to the appropriate variable.

o Write_Complex will take a single complex number sent to it and display it in the standard format 2 + 3i where 2 is the real part and 3 is the imaginary part. Note: If the imaginary part is negative, then this should appear as 2 – 3i and not 2 + -3i

 Complex_Arith (Note: Will need Complex_Arith.h for prototypes and Complex_Arith.c for definitions)

o Add_Complex will take two complex numbers passed to it, calculate the sum, and then return the complex answer.

o Subtract_Complex will take two complex numbers passed to it, calculate the difference (1st – 2nd), and then return the complex answer.

o Multiply_Complex will take two complex numbers passed to it, calculate the product, and then return the complex answer.

o Divide_Complex will take two complex numbers passed to it, divide 1st by the 2nd, and then print the answer locally because it will not be able to be assigned to our complex type because the parts will be real numbers and not integers. Note: Need to prevent division by zero in the main program before calling subprogram.

o Conjugate_Complex will take a single complex number sent to it, multiply the imaginary part only by negative one, and return the resulting complex number.

o Negate_Complex will take a single complex number sent to it, multiply both the real and the imaginary parts by negative one, and return the resulting complex number.

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