elines for Selecting an Evidence‐Based Program What Works, Wisconsin – Research to Practice Series, #3
In recent years there has been a significant increase in the number of evidence‐ based programs designed to reduce individual and family problems and promote healthy development. Because each program has undergone rigorous testing and evaluation, program practitioners can reassure potential program sponsors that the program is likely to be effective under the right conditions, with the appropriate audience and with the proper implementation. However, knowing which program is the “right” one for a particular setting and audience is not always easy to determine. When selecting a program, it is important to move beyond current fads or what the latest salesperson is selling and consider whether a program fits with the local agency’s goals and values, the community setting and the needs of the targeted audience. The long‐term success of a program depends on the program being not only a good one, but also the right one. Unfortunately, there is currently little research on how to best go about the process of selecting an evidence‐based program. Consequently, the guidelines we present in this brief are based primarily on our experiences working with community‐based organizations, the experiences of practitioners, and common sense. We have identified a number of factors that we believe should be considered when deciding which program is the most appropriate for a particular audience and sponsoring organization. These factors can be grouped into three general categories: program match, program quality and organizational resources. In order to assist with the process of program selection, we have developed a set of questions to consider when selecting an evidence‐based program for your particular agency and audience.
Guidelines for selecting an evidence‐based program: Balancing community needs, program quality,
and organizational resources
University of Wisconsin–Madison and University of Wisconsin–Extension
Guidelines for Selecting an Evidence‐Based Program 2 What Works, Wisconsin – Research to Practice Series, #3
Program match: Questions to ask How well do the program’s goals and objectives
reflect what your organization hopes to achieve?
How well do the program’s goals match those of your intended participants?
Is the program of sufficient length and intensity (i.e., “strong enough”) to be effective with this particular group of participants?
Are potential participants willing and able to make the time commitment required by the program?
Has the program demonstrated effectiveness with a target population similar to yours?
To what extent might you need to adapt this program to fit the needs of your community? How might such adaptations affect the effectiveness of the program?
Does the program allow for adaptation?
How well does the program complement current programming both in your organization and in the community?
The issues raised by program match, program quality and organizational resources are overlap‐ ping. Selecting a program usually requires balancing different priorities, so it’s important to have a good understanding of all three of these before determining the usefulness of a program for a particular situation.
PROGRAM MATCH A first set of factors to consider is related to how well the program will fit with your purposes, your organization, the target audience, and the com‐ munity where it will be implemented. Perhaps the most obvious factor to consider is whether the goals and objectives of a program are consistent with the goals and objectives that the sponsoring organization hopes to achieve. While this may seem apparent, it is not uncommon for sponsors to select a program because there is grant money available to support it or everyone else is doing it. Just because a program is the latest fad or
there’s funding to support it doesn’t necessarily mean it is going to accomplish the goals of the sponsoring organization or meet the needs of the targeted audience. A second aspect of program match involves whether a program is strong enough to address the level and complexity of risk factors or current problems among participants. This refers to the issue of adequate program duration and intensity. Changing existing problem behaviors or counter‐ acting a large number of risk factors in partici‐ pants’ lives requires many hours of engaging programming over a period of time. For example, a short primary prevention program designed for families facing few problems or risks may not be effective for an audience already experiencing more severe problems. Another facet of program match concerns the length of the program and whether your intended audience will be willing and able to attend the required number of sessions. Many evidence‐ based programs are of fairly long duration, involving multiple sessions over weeks or months. A common concern of program pro‐ viders is whether potential participants will make such a long‐term commitment. Because this is a realistic concern, program sponsors need to assess the targeted audience’s availability for and interest in a program of a particular length.1 The reality is, if people don’t attend, then they can’t reap the program’s benefits. However, it is also important to keep in mind that programs of longer duration are more likely to produce lasting behavior change in participants. Program sponsors sometimes need to find a compromise between the most effective program and one that will be a realistic commitment for participants. Matching a program with the values and culture of the intended audience is also critically import- ant. Some programs are intentionally designed for particular populations or cultural groups. Most are more culturally generic and designed
1 Issue #2 in this series addresses strategies for recruiting and retaining participants.
Guidelines for Selecting an Evidence‐Based Program 3 What Works, Wisconsin – Research to Practice Series, #3
Program quality: Questions to ask Has this program been shown to be effective?
What is the quality of this evidence?
Is the level of evidence sufficient for your organization?
Is the program listed on any respected evidence‐ based program registries? What rating has it received on those registries?
For what audiences has the program been found to work?
Is there information available about what adaptations are acceptable if you do not implement this program exactly as designed? Is adaptation assistance available from the program developer?
What is the extent and quality of training offered by the program developers?
Do the program’s designers offer technical assistance? Is there a charge for this assistance?
What is the opinion and experience of others who have used the program?
for general audiences.2 It’s important to consider whether the targeted audience will find the program acceptable and will want to participate. The ideal situation would be finding evidence that a program is effective for the specific pop- ulation(s) you intend to use it with. In that case, you could reasonably expect the program to be effective when it is implemented well. Unfortunately, many evidence‐based programs have only been evaluated with a limited number of populations and under a relatively narrow range of conditions. While many evidence‐based programs are effective and appropriate for a range of audiences and situations, it is rare to find a program that is suitable or effective for every audience or situation. In many cases, you will need to carefully read program materials or talk to the program’s designers to see whether adapting a program or using it with an audience for which it hasn’t been evaluated is reasonable. Depending on the design, programs may or may not be amenable to adaptation. If adapting a program to a particular cultural group is important, then program sponsors should serious- ly consider whether such changes are possible. Some program designers are willing to help you with program adaptation so that the program’s effectiveness will not be undermined by these changes.3 Finally, when considering which program to select, sponsors should consider whether the pro- gram complements other programs being offered by the sponsoring organization and by other organizations in the community. The most effective approaches to prevention and inter- vention involve addressing multiple risk and
2 Issue #1 in this series addresses the issue of culture and evidence‐based programs. 3 Issue #4 in this series will address issues of program fidelity and adaptation.
protective factors, developmental processes and settings. Any new program implemented in a community should address needs that other community programs fail to address, which will help to create the kind of multi‐pronged approach that leads to greater overall effectiveness.
PROGRAM QUALITY A second set of factors to consider when selecting a program are related to the quality of the pro‐ gram itself and the evidence for its effectiveness. The program should have solid, research‐based evidence showing that it is effective. For a pro‐ gram to be deemed evidence‐based, it must go through a series of rigorous evaluations. Such evaluations have experimental or quasi‐experi‐ mental designs – meaning they compare a group of program participants to a similar group of people who did not participate in the program to determine whether program participation is assoc‐ iated with positive changes. These kinds of eval‐
Guidelines for Selecting an Evidence‐Based Program 4 What Works, Wisconsin – Research to Practice Series, #3
TABLE 1: Selected evidence‐based program registries
Blueprints for Violence Prevention http://www.colorado.edu/cspv/blueprints/index.html This registry is one of the most stringent in terms of endorsing programs as Model or Promising. Programs are reviewed by an expert panel and staff at the University of Colorado, and endorsements are updated regularly. Programs are added and excluded from the registry based on new evaluation findings.
Helping America’s Youth http://guide.helpingamericasyouth.gov/programtool.cfm This registry was developed with the help of several federal agencies. Programs focus on a range of youth outcomes and are categorized as Level 1, Level 2, or Level 3 according to their demonstrated effectiveness. The registry is updated regularly to incorporate new evidence‐based programs.
Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Model Program Guide http://www.dsgonline.com/mpg2.5/mpg_index.htm This registry is one of the largest currently available and is continuously updated to include new programs. Programs found on this registry are designated as Exemplary, Effective, or Promising.
Promising Practices Network http://www.promisingpractices.net/ A project of the RAND Corporation, this registry regularly updates its listings of Effective and Promising programs. Programs are reviewed and endorsed by project staff.
Strengthening Americaʹs Families http://www.strengtheningfamilies.org/html/ Although this registry was last revised in 1999, it is the only registry with a focus specifically on family‐based programs. Programs were reviewed by expert panels and staff at the University of Utah and the Center for Substance Abuse Prevention. They were then designated as Exemplary I, Exemplary II, Model, or Promising.
Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) National Registry of Evidence‐ Based Programs and Practices http://www.nrepp.samhsa.gov This recently re‐launched site no longer categorizes programs as Model, Effective, or Promising. Instead, programs are summarized and the quality of the research findings is rated separately for each outcome that has been evaluated. SAMHSA has also introduced a “Readiness for Dissemination” rating for each reviewed program. Nominations are accepted each year for programs to be reviewed; SAMHSA funds independent consultants to review nominated programs and update the registry.
uations allow for a reasonable assumption that it was the program itself that changed people’s knowledge, attitudes or behavior. As funders and program sponsors become more committed to implementing evidence‐based pro‐ grams, program developers are increasingly likely to promote their programs as evidence‐based. However, just because a program developer ad‐ vertises a program as evidence‐based doesn’t
mean that it meets the standards discussed above. For example, a program might be “research‐ based,” but not “evidence‐based.” A research‐ based program has been developed based on research about the outcomes or processes it add‐ resses. However, it has probably not been subjected to the rigorous evaluations and real‐ world testing that are needed to designate a program as evidence‐based. The simplest way to determine evidence of a program’s effectiveness is
Guidelines for Selecting an Evidence‐Based Program 5 What Works, Wisconsin – Research to Practice Series, #3
Organizational resources: Questions to ask
What are the training, curriculum, and implementation costs of the program?
Can your organization afford to implement this program now and in the long‐term?
Do you have staff capable of implementing this program? Do they have the qualifications recommended or required to facilitate the program?
Would your staff be enthusiastic about a program of this kind and are they willing to make the necessary time commitment?
Can this program be implemented in the time available?
What’s the likelihood that this program will be sustained in the future?
Are your community partners supportive of your implementation of this program?
to examine the designations given by well‐estab‐ lished and respected evidence‐based program registries. Program registries classify programs at different levels of endorsement based on evidence of effectiveness for certain participant outcomes. See Table 1 for an annotated listing of program registries. If a program is not listed on a respected registry, then it is important to seek out scientific evidence of the program’s effectiveness. At a minimum, you should review any evaluation studies that have been conducted by the program developer and external evaluators. Ideally, these evaluations use an experimental or quasi‐experimental research design. Another sign of a high‐quality evaluation is that its results have been published in a well‐ respected, peer‐reviewed, scientific journal. An additional indicator of program quality to consider is the level of training and follow‐up support available from the program designers. Some programs have a great deal of resources available to help program implementers. These
resources can be especially important if you’re working with a unique audience and need to make adaptations or if program implementation is particularly complex. As a general rule, more in‐ tensive training and more follow‐up support from the program developer will increase the effective‐ ness and sustainability of a program over time. Some programs provide excellent technical assis‐ tance; staff members are accessible and willing to address questions that arise while the program is being implemented. Often this technical assistance is free, but sometimes program designers charge an additional fee for it. Therefore, the benefits and costs of technical assistance should be kept in mind when selecting an evidence‐based program. Finally, while the scientific literature and infor‐ mation from the program developer provide key information about program quality, don’t over‐ look the experience of practitioners who have imp‐ lemented the program. Ask whether they encountered any obstacles when implementing the program, whether they believe the program was effective, which audiences seemed to respond most positively to the program, and whether they would recommend the program for your sit‐ uation. This type of information is usually not included in scientific program evaluations but is a critically important consideration for most practitioners.
ORGANIZATIONAL RESOURCES A final set of factors to consider when selecting a program is related to the resources required for carrying out the program. Consider whether your organization has the expertise, staff, financial sup‐ port and time available to implement the pro‐ gram. Implementing evidence‐based programs is usually fairly time‐ and resource‐intensive. For example, evidence‐based programs often require facilitators to attend multi‐day trainings or call for facilitators with particular qualifications. Even if a program is a good fit for your community, if your organization doesn’t have the human or financial resources to adequately implement the program, its chances of success are limited.
Guidelines for Selecting an Evidence‐Based Program 6 What Works, Wisconsin – Research to Practice Series, #3
WHAT WORKS, WISCONSIN: RESEARCH TO PRACTICE SERIES This is one of a series of Research to Practice briefs prepared by the What Works, Wisconsin team at the University of Wisconsin–Madison, School of Human Ecology, and Cooperative Extension, University of Wisconsin–Extension. All of the briefs can be downloaded from: http://whatworks.uwex.edu This series expands upon ideas that are discussed in What Works, Wisconsin: What Science Tells Us about Cost‐ Effective Programs for Juvenile Delinquency Prevention, which is also available for download at the address above. This publication may be cited without permission provided the source is identified as: Small, S.A., Cooney, S.M., Eastman, G., & O’Connor, C. (2007). Guidelines for selecting an evidence‐based program: Balancing community needs, program quality, and organizational resources. What Works, Wisconsin Research to Practice Series, 3. Madison, WI: University of Wisconsin–Madison/Extension. This project was supported by Grant Award No. JF‐04‐PO‐0025 awarded by the Wisconsin Office of Justice Assistance through the Wisconsin Governor’s Juvenile Justice Commission with funds from the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention. The authors wish to thank Mary Huser of the University of Wisconsin–Extension for her edits, comments, and suggestions in the development of this Research to Practice brief.
In addition, when selecting a program it makes sense to assess your organization’s long‐term goals and consider which programs have the best chance of being continued in the future. Programs that require significant external funding are especially prone to abandonment after the funding runs out. Some programs are more readily adopt‐ ed by existing organizations and are easier to support over the long run. Think about whether a program has a good chance of being integrated into the base programming of your organization. Can the program be continued in the future with existing staff and resources or will it always require external support? Lastly, because many evidence‐based programs are resource intensive, think about collaborating with other organizations in the community to deliver a program. Selecting a program that meets the needs of two or more agencies may allow for the pooling of resources, thus enhancing the
likelihood that the program can be adequately funded, implemented and sustained over time. Additionally, such an arrangement can lead to positive, long‐term partnerships with other com‐ munity agencies. While all three of these factors are important, some may be more crucial to your organization than others. The key to selecting the best program for your particular situation involves balancing different priorities and trade‐offs and finding a program that best meets these competing demands. By selecting a high quality program that matches the needs of your audience and com‐ munity and the resources of your organization, you greatly enhance the likelihood that you will have an effective program that will have a long‐ term impact and improve the lives of its participants.
Exemplary |
Proficient |
Progressing |
Emerging |
Element (1): Responsiveness: Did the student respond to the main question of the week? 9 points (28%)
Posts exceed requirements of the Discussion instructions (e.g., respond to the question being asked; go beyond what is required [i.e., incorporates additional readings outside of the assigned Learning Resources, and/or shares relevant professional experiences]; are substantive, reflective, and refers to Learning Resources demonstrating that the student has considered the information in Learning Resources and colleague postings). 9 points |
Posts are responsive to and meet the requirements of the Discussion instructions. Posts respond to the question being asked in a substantive, reflective way and refer to Learning Resources demonstrating that the student has read, viewed, and considered the Learning Resources and colleague postings. 7–8 points |
Posts are somewhat responsive to the requirements of the Discussion instructions. Posts are not substantive and rely more on anecdotal evidence (i.e., largely comprised of student opinion); and/or does not adequately demonstrate that the student has read, viewed, and considered Learning Resources and colleague postings. 4–6 points |
Posts are unresponsive to the requirements of the Discussion instructions; miss the point of the question by providing responses that are not substantive and/or solely anecdotal (i.e., comprised of only student opinion); and do not demonstrate that the student has read, viewed, and considered Learning Resources and colleague postings. 0–3 points |
Element (2): Critical Thinking, Analysis, and Synthesis: Is the student able to make meaning of the information? 9 points (28%)
Posts demonstrate the student’s ability to apply, reflect, AND synthesize concepts and issues presented in the weekly Learning Objectives. Student has integrated and mastered the general principles, ideas, and skills presented. Reflections include clear and direct correlation to authentic examples or are drawn from professional experience; insights demonstrate significant changes in awareness, self-understanding, and knowledge. 9 points |
Posts demonstrate the student’s ability to apply, reflect OR synthesize concepts and issues presented in the weekly Learning Objectives. The student has integrated many of the general principles, ideas, and skills presented. Reflections include clear and direct correlation to authentic examples or are drawn from professional experience, share insights that demonstrate a change in awareness, self- understanding, and knowledge. 7–8 points |
Posts demonstrate minimal ability to apply, reflect, or synthesize concepts and issues presented in the weekly Learning Objectives. The student has not fully integrated the general principles, ideas, and skills presented. There are little to no salient reflections, examples, or insights/experiences provided. 4–6 points |
Posts demonstrate a lack of ability to apply, reflect, or synthesize concepts and issues presented in the weekly Learning Objectives. The student has not integrated the general principles, ideas, and skills presented. There are no reflections, examples, or insights/experiences provided. 0–3 points |
Element (3): Professionalism of Writing: Does the student meet graduate level writing expectations? 5 points (16%)
Posts meet graduate-level writing expectations (e.g., are clear, concise, and use appropriate language; make few errors in spelling, grammar, and syntax; provide information about sources when paraphrasing or referring to it; use a preponderance of original language and directly quote only when necessary or appropriate). Postings are courteous and respectful when offering suggestions, constructive feedback, or opposing viewpoints. 5 points |
Posts meet most graduate-level writing expectations (e.g., are clear; make only a few errors in spelling, grammar, and syntax; provide adequate information about a source when paraphrasing or referring to it; use original language wherever possible and directly quote only when necessary and/or appropriate). Postings are courteous and respectful when offering suggestions, constructive feedback, or opposing viewpoints. 4 points |
Posts partially meet graduate-level writing expectation (e.g., use language that is unclear/inappropriate; make more than occasional errors in spelling, grammar, and syntax; provide inadequate information about a source when paraphrasing or referring to it; under-use original language and over-use direct quotes). Postings are at times less than courteous and respectful when offering suggestions, feedback, or opposing viewpoints. 2–3 points |
Posts do not meet graduate-level writing expectations (e.g., use unclear/inappropriate language; make many errors in spelling, grammar, and syntax; do not provide information about a source when paraphrasing or referring to it; directly quote from original source materials or consistently paraphrase rather than use original language; or are discourteous and disrespectful when offering suggestions, feedback, or opposing viewpoints). 0–1 points |
Element (4): Responses to Peers: Did the student respond to peer posts and contribute professionally? 9 points (28%)
Responds to two or more peers in a manner that significantly contributes to the Discussion. 9 points |
Responds to one or more peers in a manner that significantly contributes to the Discussion. 7–8 points |
Responds to one or more peers in a manner that minimally contributes to the Discussion. 4–6 points |
Does not respond to any peer posts. 0–3 points |
32 points 100% |
25–28 points 78–88% |
14–21 points 44–66% |
0–10 points 0–31% |
© 2015 Laureate Education, Inc. Page 2 of 3
In recent years, there has been increased pressure from funding agencies and federal, state and local governments for greater effectiveness and accountability of prevention and intervention programs. This rising demand for program quality, and evidence of that quality, has fueled a growing interest in evidence‐ based programs (EBPs). However, there remains some confusion about what constitutes an EBP, whether some EBPs are better than others, and the advantages and disadvantages of implementing EBPs. In this Research to Practice brief, we provide an overview of what it means for a program to be evidence‐based, discuss the advantages and disadvantages of implementing EBPs, and point readers in the direction of resources to help locate these programs and learn more about them.
What are evidence‐based programs? A growing body of research in the social and behavioral sciences has demonstrated that certain approaches and strategies for working with youth and their families can positively impact important social problems such as delinquency, teen pregnancy, substance abuse and family violence. Many of these effective approaches and strategies have been packaged into programs targeting outcomes specific to individuals, schools, families, and communities. Those programs that have been found to be effective based on the results of rigorous evaluations are often called “evidence‐based.”
Evidence‐based programs: An overview
University of Wisconsin–Madison and University of Wisconsin–Extension
Evidence‐based programs: An overview 2 What Works, Wisconsin – Research to Practice Series, #6
The importance of rigorous evaluation A rigorous evaluation typically involves either an experimental design (like that used in randomized controlled trials) or a quasi‐experimental design. In an experimental design, people are randomly assigned to either the treatment group, which participates in the program, or the control group, which does not. After the program is completed, the outcomes of these two groups are compared. This type of research design helps ensure that any observed differences in outcomes between the two groups are the result of the program and not other factors. Given that randomization is not always possible, a quasi‐ experimental design is sometimes used. In evaluations using this design, the program participants are compared to a group of people similar in many ways to the program participants. However, because a quasi‐experimental design does not randomly assign participants to program and non‐program groups, it is not as strong a design as the experimental approach. Because there may be unobserved differences between the two groups of people who are being compared, this design does not allow program evaluators to conclude with the same certainty that the program itself was responsible for the impacts observed. Most programs have evaluation evidence from less rigorous studies. Evaluations that do not include any type of comparison group, for example, do not allow for any conclusions to be made about whether the changes seen in program participants are related to or caused by the program. These studies sometimes show the promise of positive results, but they do not allow the program to be classified as evidence‐based. Programs with evidence from less rigorous studies are often referred to as “promising” programs.
An important element of EBPs is that they have been evaluated rigorously in experimental or quasi‐experimental studies (see box on this page). Not only are the results of these evaluations important, but it is also essential that the evaluations themselves have been subjected to
critical peer review. That is, experts in the field – not just the people who developed and evaluated the program – have examined the evaluation’s methods and agreed with its conclusions about the program’s effects. Thus, EBPs often have evaluation findings published in peer‐reviewed scientific journals.
When a program has sufficient peer‐ reviewed, empirical evidence for its effectiveness, its developer will typi‐ cally submit it to certain federal agencies and respected research organizations for consideration. These organizations “certify” or “endorse” programs by including them in their official lists of effective programs. This lets others in the field know the program meets certain standards of effectiveness. (See Appendix A for examples of these organizations.) Simply put, a program is judged to be evidence‐based if (a) evaluation re‐ search shows that the program pro‐ duces the expected positive results; (b) the results can be attributed to the program itself, rather than to other extraneous factors or events; (c) the evaluation is peer‐reviewed by experts in the field; and (d) the program is “endorsed” by a federal agency or respected research organization and included in their list of effective programs. Given this definition of an EBP, it is important to distinguish the term “evidence‐based” from “research‐ based.” Consider our earlier description of how most, if not all, EBPs were developed based on years of scientific research on what program components, such as content and activities, are likely to work for youth
Evidence‐based programs: An overview 3 What Works, Wisconsin – Research to Practice Series, #6
and families. Because EBPs contain program components with solid empirical bases, they can safely be called “research‐based” programs. However, the reverse is not true. Not all, or even the majority, of research‐based programs fit the definition of an EBP. Just because a program contains research‐based content or was guided by research‐based information, doesn’t mean it has been proven effective. Unless it also has scientific evidence that it works, it is incorrect to call it “evidence‐based.”
Are some evidence‐based programs better than others? Programs that meet the definition of evidence‐ based are not all similarly effective or equally likely to work in a given community. For example, some EBPs have been evaluated rigorously in several large‐scale evaluations that follow participants for a long period of time. Others have only undergone one or two less rigorous evaluations (for example, those using the quasi‐experimental design described on page 2). Those programs that are shown to be effective multiple times in experimental studies are generally considered to be of a higher standard. Furthermore, many EBPs have been successfully replicated and evaluated in a variety of settings with a range of different audiences. Others have only been evaluated with a particular audience in a certain geographical area, for example. When a program has been shown to be effective in different settings and with different audiences, it is more likely that it will be effective when implemented elsewhere.
Finally, EBPs can vary in the strength of their effects. For example, one program may have evidence that it reduces delinquent acts in its participants by 10 percent over the subsequent year, while another program has evidence of reducing delinquency by 20 or 25 percent. Generally, those programs that consistently pro‐ duce a greater effect than other programs are thought to be better programs. Thus, the level of evidence for effectiveness varies across programs, and practitioners must use a critical eye when judging where on the continuum of effectiveness a program lies.
Advantages of evidence‐based programs There are numerous merits to adopting and implementing EBPs. First, utilizing an EBP in‐ creases the odds that the program will work as intended and that the public good will be enhanced. There is also greater efficiency in using limited resources on what has been proven to work as compared to what people think will work or what has traditionally been done. Instead of putting resources toward program development, organizations can select from the growing number of EBPs, which are not only known to be effective but also often offer well‐ packaged program materials, staff training, and technical assistance. Using EBPs where appropriate can thus be viewed as a responsible and thoughtful use of limited resources. The proven effectiveness that underlies EBPs can help secure resources and support from funding agencies and other stakeholders, such as policy makers, community leaders, and members of the targeted population. Increasingly, funders and policy makers are recommending, if not requiring, that EBPs be used to qualify for their financial support. Additionally, the demonstrated effectiveness of these programs can facilitate community buy‐in
Evidence‐based programs: An overview 4 What Works, Wisconsin – Research to Practice Series, #6
and the recruitment and retention of program participants. A final benefit of EBPs is that they may have cost‐benefit information available. This type of information helps to convey the potential eco‐ nomic savings that can accrue when funds are invested in a program. Cost‐benefit information can be very influential in an era where accountability and economic factors often drive public policy and funding decisions.
Disadvantages of evidence‐based programs Despite the numerous advantages of EBPs, there are some limitations that are important to consider. A major constraint is the financial resources needed to adopt and implement them. Most EBPs are developed, copyrighted, and sold at rather substantial costs. Program designers often require that organizations purchase curricula and other specially developed program materials, that staff attend specialized training, and that program facilitators hold certain degrees or certifications. Furthermore, EBPs are often intended to be im‐ plemented exactly as designed, allowing little room for local adaptation. Finally, organizations sometimes find that there are few or no EBPs that are both well‐suited to meet the needs of targeted audiences and appropriate for their organization and local community setting. This situation is especially common when it comes to the promotion of positive outcomes rather than the prevention of negative ones. Because the development of many EBPs was sponsored by federal agencies concerned with addressing specific problems, such as substance abuse, mental illness,
violence, or delinquency, there currently exist many more problem‐focused EBPs than ones designed specifically to promote positive developmental outcomes like school success or social responsibility.
Where to find evidence‐based programs Practitioners looking for an EBP to implement in their community or learn more about these programs will find the Internet to be their most useful resource. As mentioned earlier, a number of federal agencies and respected research organizations “certify” or “endorse” programs that meet the organizations’ specified standards for effectiveness. Many of these agencies have established on‐line registries, of lists of EBPs that they have identified as effective. While there are some differences in the standards used by various organizations to assess whether a program should be endorsed and thus included on their registry, most share the primary criteria regarding the need for strong empirical evidence of program effectiveness. Organizations that endorse EBPs typically limit such endorsements, and thus their program registry, to those programs that have shown an impact on specific outcomes of interest to the organization. For example, programs listed on the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention’s Model Programs Guide have all been shown to have an impact on juvenile delinquency or well‐known precursors to delinquency. As previously mentioned, because the development of many EBPs was funded by federal agencies focused on specific problems, most existing registries of EBPs are problem‐ oriented. Occasionally, EBPs are categorized according to a strengths‐based orientation and address outcomes related to positive youth
Evidence‐based programs: An overview 5 What Works, Wisconsin – Research to Practice Series, #6
This is one of a series of Research to Practice briefs prepared by the What Works, Wisconsin team at the University of Wisconsin–Madison, School of Human Ecology, and Cooperative Extension, University of Wisconsin–Extension. All of the briefs can be downloaded from http://whatworks.uwex.edu. This series expands upon ideas that are discussed in What Works, Wisconsin: What Science Tells Us about Cost‐Effective Programs for Juvenile Delinquency Prevention, which is also available for download at the web address above. This publication may be cited without permission provided the source is identified as: Cooney, S.M., Huser, M., Small, S., & O’Connor, C. (2007). Evidence‐based programs: An overview. What Works, Wisconsin Research to Practice Series, 6. Madison, WI: University of Wisconsin–Madison/Extension. This project was supported, in part, by Grant Award No. JF‐04‐PO‐0025 awarded by the Wisconsin Office of Justice Assistance through the Wisconsin Governor’s Juvenile Justice Commission with funds from the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention.
development, academic achievement, school readiness and family strengthening. While registries of EBPs are usually organized around the particular outcomes the programs have been found to impact, many programs, especially those focused on primary prevention, often have broader effects than this pattern would suggest. Many EBPs have been found to be effective for reducing multiple problems and promoting a number of positive outcomes. For example, a parenting program that successfully promotes effective parenting practices may not only reduce the likelihood of particular problems such as drug abuse or aggression, but may also promote a variety of positive outcomes like academic success or stronger parent‐child relationships. For this reason, you will often see the same program appear on
multiple registries that focus on different types of outcomes. Now, more than ever, practitioners have available to them a wealth of EBPs that build on the best available research on what works. Unfortunately, they are currently underused and often not well‐understood. Although EBPs do have some limitations, they can contribute to a comprehensive approach to preventing a range of social and health‐related problems and enhancing the well‐being of individuals, families and communities.
Evidence‐based programs: An overview – Appendix A 6 What Works, Wisconsin – Research to Practice Series, #6
Appendix A Evidence‐based program registries
The following websites contain registries, or lists of evidence‐based programs, that have met specific criteria for effectiveness. Program registries are typically sponsored by federal agencies or other research organiza‐ tions that endorse programs at different rating levels based on evidence of effectiveness for certain participant outcomes. The registries listed below cover a range of areas including substance abuse and violence preven‐ tion as well as the promotion of positive outcomes such as school success and emotional and social compe‐ tence. Generally, registries are designed to be used for finding programs for implementation. However, registries can also be used to learn about evidence‐based programs that may serve as models as organizations modify aspects of their own programs. Best Practices Registry for Suicide Prevention http://www.sprc.org/featured_resources/ebpp/index.asp This registry, developed by the Suicide Prevention Resource Center (SPRC) and the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention, includes two registries of evidence‐based programs. The first draws directly from a larger registry‐ that of the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Administration’s (SAMHSA) National Registry of Evidence‐Based Programs and Practices (NREPP). Users interested in finding out more about programs drawn from this registry will be directed to the NREPP site. The second registry was developed by SPRC in 2005 and lists Effective and Promising evidence‐based programs for suicide prevention. This portion has fact sheets in PDF format for users interested in learning more about the listed programs. Center for the Study and Prevention of Violence, Blueprints for Violence Prevention http://www.colorado.edu/cspv/blueprints/index.html This research center site provides information on model programs in its “Blueprints” section. Programs that meet a strict scientific standard of program effectiveness are listed. These model programs (Blueprints) have demonstrated their effectiveness in reducing adolescent violent crime, aggression, delinquency, and sub‐ stance abuse. Other programs have been identified as promising programs. Endorsements are updated regularly, with programs added to and excluded from the registry based on new evaluation findings. The Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning (CASEL) http://www.casel.org/programs/selecting.php The Safe and Sound report developed at CASEL lists school‐based programs that research has indicated are effective in promoting social and emotional learning in schools. This type of learning has been shown to con‐ tribute to positive youth development, academic achievement, healthy behaviors, and reductions in youth problem behaviors. Ratings are given on specific criteria for all programs listed, with some designated “Select” programs. This registry has not been updated since programs were reviewed in 2003.
Evidence‐based programs: An overview – Appendix A 7 What Works, Wisconsin – Research to Practice Series, #6
Exemplary and Promising Safe, Disciplined and Drug‐Free Schools Programs http://www.ed.gov/admins/lead/safety/exemplary01/index.html The Department of Education and the Expert Panel on Safe, Disciplined and Drug‐Free Schools identified nine exemplary and 33 promising programs for this 2001 report. The report, which can be found at this site, provides descriptions and contact information for each program. The focus is on programs that can be imp‐ lemented in a school setting whether in the classroom, in extra‐curricular activities, or as after‐school pro‐ gramming. Helping America’s Youth http://guide.helpingamericasyouth.gov/programtool.cfm This registry is sponsored by the White House and was developed with the help of several federal agencies. Programs focus on a range of youth outcomes such as academic achievement, substance use, and delin‐ quency, and are categorized as Level 1, Level 2, or Level 3 according to their demonstrated effectiveness. The registry can be searched with keywords or by risk or protective factor, and is updated regularly to incorpo‐ rate new evidence‐based programs. Northeast Center for the Application of Prevention Technology (CAPT) Database of Prevention Programs http://www.hhd.org/capt/search.asp This site features a simple or advanced search function to find substance abuse and other types of prevention programs and determine their effectiveness according to a variety of criteria. Also included is information about the sources those agencies used for their evaluations, contact information, websites, domains, relevant references, and a brief description of each program. Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (OJJDP) Model Programs Guide http://www.dsgonline.com/mpg2.5/mpg_index.htm The OJJDP Model Programs Guide is a user‐friendly, online portal to prevention and intervention programs that address a range of issues across the juvenile justice spectrum. The Guide now profiles more than 200 programs – rated Exemplary, Effective, or Promising – and helps communities identify those that best suit their needs. Users can search the Guide’s database by program category, target population, risk and protec‐ tive factors, effectiveness rating, and other parameters. This registry is continuously updated and contains more programs than other well‐known registries, although many of these are Promising rather than Exem‐ plary or Effective. Promising Practices Network on Children, Families and Communities http://www.promisingpractices.net/programs.asp A project of the RAND Corporation, the Promising Practices Network website contains a registry of Proven and Promising prevention programs that research has shown to be effective for a variety of outcomes. These programs are generally focused on children, adolescents, and families. The website provides a thorough summary of each program and is updated regularly.
Evidence‐based programs: An overview – Appendix A 8 What Works, Wisconsin – Research to Practice Series, #6
Social Programs that Work, Coalition for Evidenced‐Based Policy http://www.evidencebasedprograms.org/ This site is not a registry in the conventional sense of the word in that it does not include and exclude pro‐ grams based on some criteria of effectiveness. Instead, it summarizes the findings from rigorous evaluations of programs targeting issues such as employment, substance use, teen pregnancy, and education. Some of the programs have substantial evidence of their effectiveness, while others have evaluation results suggesting their ineffectiveness. Users are welcome to sign up for emails announcing when the site is updated. Strengthening America’s Families: Effective Family Programs for Prevention of Delinquency http://www.strengtheningfamilies.org/ This registry summarizes and rates family strengthening programs which have been proven to be effective. Programs are designated as Exemplary I, Exemplary II, Model, or Promising based upon the degree, quality and outcomes of research associated with them. A program matrix is also included, which can be helpful in determining “at a glance” which programs may best meet community needs. This registry was last revised in 1999. Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration’s (SAMHSA’s) National Registry of Evidence‐Based Programs and Practices http://nrepp.samhsa.gov/ The National Registry of Evidence‐based Programs and Practices (NREPP) is a searchable database with up‐ to‐date, reliable information on the scientific basis and practicality of interventions. Rather than categorizing programs as Model, Effective, or Promising, NREPP rates the quality of the research findings separately for each outcome that has been evaluated, as well as readiness for dissemination. Users can perform customized searches to identify specific interventions based upon desired outcomes, target populations and settings. Youth Violence: A Report of the Surgeon General http://www.surgeongeneral.gov/library/youthviolence/chapter5/sec3.html This report designates programs as Model or Promising and goes further than many other registries to also include a “Does Not Work” category. General approaches and specific programs for the prevention of youth violence are described at three levels of intervention: primary, secondary and tertiary. This report has not been updated since its publication in 2001, but it is rare in that it discusses the cost‐effectiveness of the programs.
Introductory Principles of Social Work Research
Bruce A. Thyer
The scientific approach to unsolved problems is the only one which contains any hope of learning to deal with the unknown.
A -Bertha Capen Reyno lds (1942, p . 20)
n emphasis on the value of scientific research has always characterized professional social work education and practice. Indeed, this emphasis is one of the hallmarks that distinguishes genuinely "professional" services from other forms of private/public philanthropy and charity and the provision of social care motivated by religious, familial, altruistic, or
philosophical reasons. In the history of social work in )Jorth America and Great Britain, as well as in other European nations, the system of poor laws and other rel- atively unsystematic attempts to care for the destitute gave rise during the latter part of the 19th century to an orientation labeled scientific philanthropy. Coincident with the emergence of "friendly visiting;' settlement houses, formalized academic train ing, and ot her prec ursors to the professionalization of social work, the development of charitable se rvices gui ded h y a sc ienti fic orienta ti o n has evolved to the present day.
Social work historian John Graham provides a good case study o n a To ronto charity hom e for women called The Haven, established in 1878 by re li gio us elites, that gra dually made Lhe tra nsition Lo a rn o re secularl y o riented and p rofess ional service. Gr aham (l.992) describes the completion of this tra nsition in 1927 ::is follows:
Profess ional social work, therefore, had been firm ly installed at The Haven, and the last vestiges of the benevolent philanthropy of the nineteenth century were aban- doned. A growing sense of professional identity moreover demanded a strict delin- eation bet.ween the social worker and the social agency volunteer. Differentiating the former from the latter was a scientific knowledge base and specialized skills which were the social worker's alone. (p. 304, italics added)
Such a transition can be said to characterize the. majority of social work programs across orth America by the early part of the 20th century. Currently, one widely used definition
of social work can be found in The Social Work Dictionary published by the N'ational Association of Social Workers- "the applied science of helping people achieve an effective
le\rel of psychosocial function and effecting societal changes to enhance the well-being of all people" (Ril rker, 2003, p. 408, italics added). Many states further defme the practice of clinical social work, and Florida's definition provides a representative examp le of the inter- connec tedness of social work and science: "The ' practice of clinical social work' is defined as the use of scientific and applied knowledge, theories and methods for the purp oses of describing, preventing, evaluating, and treating, indiv idual, couple, fa mi ly o r gro up behav- ior " (Florida Departmen L of Hea.lth, 2008, ita lics added) . These definitions illustrate the close lin kage between the practice of social work and the world of scientific inquiry.
\'\'here do we social workers come from organizationally? V\lc have many roots, but a central one was the establishment in 1865 of the American SocjaJ Science Association (ASSA), a generalist organization influenced by French sociologist Auguste Com te's then novel philosophy of science labeled positivism, which called for the objective study of human society and behav io r using the same tools of scientific inquiry that were proving so successful in the biological and physical scie nces. rrom the ASSA sprouted numerous o ffs hoots, some of which thrive to this day, although the parent g roup crumbled in 1909. from the ASSA, in 1879, eme rged the Co nfe rence of Charities, which in 1.881 evolved into the Nat ional Conference of Charities and Correction (NCCC), described as "a forum for the communication of the ideas and values co nnccLcd with scientific char ity" (Germain, 1970, p. 9). In turn, the NCCC was renamed the Na tional Conference on Social Work in 19 17. This label lasted until 1957, when it was altered to the National Conference on Social Welfare, which gradually expired during the 1980s.
More recently, in 1994, a small group of social workers led by Janet B. W. Williams estab- lished a new scientifically oriented social work membership organization known as the Society for Social Work and Research (SSWR). AIJ social workers with a n interest in scien- tific research in social wo rk are eligible to join. T he SSWR quickly grew from 27 1 members in 1995 to more than 1,300 in 2009, and the organization has an active news letter and program of annual in tern ational conferences. The first professional SSWR co nference was held in 1995 in Washingto n, D.C., and has been followed annually since that time with very successful and high-quality conferences (see www.sswr.org) . The SSWR conferences offer a hos t of competitively reviewed symposia, papers, and posters; P.lcnary addresses by promi- nent social work researchers; and an awards program that recognizes outstanding e..xamples of recen tl y published social work research. Because of its superb organization and the top quality of its presentations, the SSWR conference has rapidly become Lhe preferred venu e for social work researchers to present their research findings. Moreover, it has become the conference ol choice for schools of social work to seek interviews w it h potential new faculty and fo r potential new faculty to seek academ ic positions. In 1999, lhc SSWR began provid- ing its members a subscription to Lhc bimon thly peer-reviewed journal Research on Social Work Practice, an in dependen t periodical established in 1991. This grow th of the SSWR augurs well for the continuing voice of science within mainstream social work.
A related bu t independent development was the establishment of the Institute for the Advancemc11l of Social Work Research (IASWR) in 1993. The mission of the IASWR is to create infrasrructure for social work research, to lead advocacy efforts to fund social work research, to help stakeholders view social work research as valuable, to provide training and professional development programs for social work researchers, to persuade social workers to undertake careers in research, to provide a free Web-based research-focused newsletter, and to promote disc ip l.in ary and inte rdisciplinary resea rch collaboration . Pive nalional pro fess io nal social work organizations contributed to the developrncn l o f the IASWR and are represented on its governing board. Its origi nal p urpose of advocating for the establishment of a federally funded Na 1ional Center for Social Work Research failed in the face of fiscal austerity, bu t the IASWR has expanded its remit as described above (see http://ww\>v.iaswresearch.org/) .
Anolhcr organizalional reso urce for social work research is the Social Work Topical Interest Group (TIG) found within the American Evaluation Association (AEA) . The AEA has about 5,000 members, and several hundred of these comprise the social work TIC. The AEA holds an annual conference as well as regional ones, has an active journals program, and provides training and consultation services, and its Web site has a wealth of useful resources (e.g., locating measurement instruments, how to locate an evaluator; see hup://www.cval.org/aboutus/organization/aboutus.asp).
The National Association of Social Workers is the largest professional social work group in the world, with about 150,000 members. Almost aJJ are M.S.W. and B.S.W.-lcvcl trained professionals, and the organization primarily serves Lhc needs of ils practitioner member base, not those of social work research ers. The NASW does not host an annual conference but does have one research journal, Social Work Research J\ new initia tive is a social wo rk resea rch Well page (see www.socialworkers.org/research/), cosponsored with the IASWR, which is itself ostensibly independent but is actual1y h oused within the NJ\SW offices in Washinglon, D.C.
Social work resea rchers also find welcoming organizational suppo rt from various dis- ciplinary (e.g., American Psychological Association, American Sociological Associatio n, Associa li on for Behavior Anal ysis) and in terdisciplinary (e.g., Am erican P ublic Health Association, Associatio n fo r Advancement of Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies, American Orthopsychiatric Association, the Gerontological Society of America) groups. These groups typically have thriving annual conferences, a wcll-cslablished journals program, and training opportunities social workers can take advantage of. Thus, both budding and experienced social workers have ample opporlunities to network with research -oriented colleagues both within and oulsidc of lhe discipline.
Scientific Perspectives on Practice
The role of scientific research in social welfare can be seen through many early writings, including a11 article titled "Scientific Charity," presented at the 1889 meeting of the NCCC (cited in Germain, 1970, p. 8), and one titled "A Scientific Basis for Charity" (Wayl and, 1894), which appeared in the influential journal The Cha.rities Review. Such perspectives cu lmi n ated in the publication of Richmond's (1917) Social Diagnosis, an influenLial text that wholeheartedly extolled the virtues of positivist science. lndeed, in 1921, Richmond received an honorary M.A. degree from Smith College for "esLablishing th e scientific basis of a new profession" (cited in Germain, l 970, p. J 2).
The possible examples of conference talks, journaJ articles, chapters, and books illus- trating the central reliance on scientific research as a guiding force within early social work arc roo numerous to mention further here. Germain (1970) remains one of the very best reviews of this "ancient" history of our profession. More recent is the history of the Social Work Research Group (SWRG), a short-lived professional membership organ ization established in 1949 that became one of the original seven constituents of the l\'ational Association of Social Workers (NASW) in 1955, transmogrifying itself into the NASW's Research Section. In 1963, this became the NASW's Council on Social Work Research, where it gradually faded from v iew by the mid-1960s as the NASW allowed the research mission established in its bylaws to Largely lapse. Graham, Al-Krenawi, and J3radshaw (2000) have prepared an excellent historical study of the rise and demise of the SWRG.
Coinciden t with these organizational and policy developments related to the integra- tion of science and social work during the past quarter century have been t hree related perspectives on practice. The first is known as empirical clinica.l practice (ECP), the second
is called empirically supported treatments (ESTs), and the third is labeled evidence-based practice (F.BP ). Th ese are reviewed briefly in turn.
Empirical Clinical Practice
Empirical clinical practice was the name of a book authored by social workers Siri Jayaratne and Rona Levy (1979), who describe the characteristics of the ECP model they espouse: "Empirical practice is conducted by clinicians who strive Lo measure and demonstrate the effect of their clin ical practice by adapting traditional experimental research techniques to clinical practice" (p. xiii). The authors focus on teaching social workers the use of relatively simple research methods ca lled single-system research designs to empirically evaluate the outcomes of their work. l'hey be lieve t hat "clinical practice that can empirically demonstrate its effect prov ides the basis for the best service to the client" (p. xiv). They contended that ECP ca n be ::idopted by p ractitioners using vir- tually any theoretical model of practice so long as it is possib le to measure changes in the client, re late t·hese changes (provis ionally) Lo soc ial work inle rvc nlion , and Lhen base future services on these observations. The auth ors advoca te that social workers should rely on previo us research to help guide their cho ices of interve11tions that they offer clients. In their words, "The clinician would first be inte rested in us in g a n in terventi on strategy that has been successful in the past . . .. When established techniques are avail - able, they should be used, but they should be based on objective evaluation rather than subjective feelin g" (p. 7) . ECP involves the careful and repeated measure of client func- tioning, using reliable and valid measures repeated over time, combined with selected treatments based on the best available scientific evidence. Their entire book is devoted to describing how to do these activities. A similar social work text by Wodarski ( 1981 ), titled The Role of Research in Clinical Practice, advocated for much the sa m e thing- a preference to make use of psychosocial treatments that scientific research had really demonstrated to be of benefit to clients, measuring client functioning in reliable an<l valid ways, and empirically evaluating outcomes with individual clients and larger groups.
The banner of ECP was picked up by a number of subsequent social workers, and a rather large (a nd not uncontroversial ) literalure has grown around Lhese nolions (e.g., Corcoran, 1985; Ivanoff, Blythe, & .8riar, 1987; Ivanoff, H.obinson, & Blythe, 1987; G. MacDonald, 1994; Thyer, 1996). The influence of ECP has not been inconsiderable. For example, in 1982, just 3 years fol lowin g the publicalion of F.mpirical Clinical Practice (Jayaratne & Levy, 1979) , the curriculum policy statement of the Co un ci l on Social Work Ed ucation (CSWE, 1982) included a new mandate Lh a l research co urses musl now Leach "designs for the systematic evaluation of the student's ow n practice . . . [and should] pre- pare them systematically to evaluate their own practice and co ntr ibute to the generation of knowledge for practice" (pp. 10- 11). Similar sta ndards still ca n be found in the curren t CSWE guidel ines. Insistin g that individual practi tio ners co ndu cl systema tic outcome evaluations of their own services was a remarkable professional standard, one that has not ycl bee11 cm ul a lcd by educational and practice guidelines wiLhin clinical psychology o r psychiatry in the present day. Reid ( 1994) provides a ni ce overview of the rise, influence, an d dissemjnation of the ECP movement.
Empirically Supported Treatments Subscquenl lo Lhc ECP movement within social work, a rclaled iniLiaLive developed within clinical psychology called empirically validated treatments. During the mid - l 990s, the president of Section lll (Society for a Science of Clinical Psychology) of Division 12
(Clinical Psychology) of the American Psychological Association convened a Task Force on Promotion and Dissemination of Psychological Procedures, a gro up charged with two functions: (a) develop a scientifically defen sible set of criteria that can be used to deter- mine whether a given psychological technique ca n be called empirically va lida ted and ( b) cond uct co mprehensive reviews of the research literature, apply these cr iter ia, a nd come up with, in effec t, lists of psychological procedures that fulfill these criteria and, therefore, can be co nsidered, in a scientific sense, empirically validated.
Th e evid enti ary sta ndards ultimately decided o n by the task force were actually rather modest, consisting of the following criteria:
I. At least two good between-group design experiments demonstrating efficacy in one or mo re of the following ways:
A. Superior to pill or psychological placebo or to another treatment B. Equivalent LO an already established treatment in experiments with adequate
statistical power
II. A large ser ies of single-case design expe rim en ts ( N > 9) demonstratin g efficacy that must have done the following:
A Used good experimental designs B. Compared the intervention to another treatment (as in I.A. )
Among the further criteria are that the psychological techniques must be based on well-proceduralized treatmenL manuals, that the characteristics of the client sam ples are clearly defined, and th at the positive effects must have been demon strated by at least two different inves tigators or investigatory teams. A psychological treatment m eeting the preceding criteria co uld be said to be well established. A som ewhat less stringent set of cr i- teria could be followed to potentially label a treat ment as probably efficacious (Chambless et al. , 1996).
With the criteria in place, the task force busily got to work in seeing which psycholog- ical treatments co uld be labeled empirically validated and probably efficacious, and reports soon began appearing indicating empirically validated inLerventions for a wide array of psychosocial disorders such as depression, panic disorder, pain, and schizophre nia. As with the ECP movement within social work, the task force within psychology did not escape controversy. For one thing, the task force recognized that labeling a treatm ent as empirically validaled see med to close the discussio n off, implying perhaps a stronger level of research evidence than was justified. Subseq uent reports of the task force used lhe more t empered language of empirically supporled lreatments (ESTs) . Entire issues oflead- ing professional journals (i.e., a 1996 issue of Clinical Psychology: Science and Practice, a 1998 issue of the Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, a 1998 issue of Psychotherapy Research) were devoted to the topic, as were considerable independent lit- eratures (e.g., Sanderson & Woody, 1995). The influence of the EST movem ent also has been strong, and the work of the Division 12 task fo rce was commented on extrem ely favorably in Mental Health: A Report of the Surgeon General (Hatcher, 2000). The volume titled A Guide lo Treatments That Work (Natha n & Go rman, 2007), now in its third edi- tion, i.s an exemp lary resource for social workers seeking relatively current information about empirically sup ported treatments for a wide va ri ety of m ental hea lth prob lems. Division 12, Sec.:Lion HT (The Society for a Science of Clinical Psychology) co ntinues its work in defining the cr iteria and language used to describe empirically suppo rted treat- ments and maintains a Web site providing curre nt information on this influential initia- tive (see http://www.psychology.sunysb.edu/eklonsky-/divisionl2/index.html).
Evidence-Based Practice Coinc ident with the EST initiatives in clinical psychology have b een related activities in med ic ine labeled evidence-based practice, defined as "the conscientious, explicit, and judi- ciou s use of the current best evidence in making decisions about the care of individual patients" (Sackett, Richardson, Rosenberg, & Haynes, 1997, p. 2). On its face, EBP would not seem to be a radical notion, and indeed, most readers would ass ume that such a sta n- dard already was in place in most of the hea Ith professions. St'td ly, to a great extent, this is not the case, altho ugh a small but in fluen tit'tl grou p of health care providers is attempting to make it so. EBP and EST actually are much more sophisticated var iants of th e earlier ECP model of social work, but the spirit and intent of all three movements ECP (devel- oped within social work), EST (developed within psychology), and EBP (developed within medicine)-are the same. EBP is gradually supplanting the ECP and EST initia- tives within social work and psychology. The current president of the Society for the Science of Clinical Psychology (a section of Division 12 of the Amer ican Psychological Association) pub lished an edito rial titled "Evidence-Based Psychoth erapy: A Graduate Course Proposal" (Persons, 1999 ), and some social workers have begun using the EBP language, most notably Gambrill (1999) w ith her thoughtful arLicle titled "Evidence- Based Practice: An Alternative to Authority-Based Practice," which introduced El3P to the socia l work literature. The past decade has seen the publication of enough social work books on the EBP topic to fill a bookshelf. The melding of these disciplinary perspectives i11lo an interdisciplinary human services movemen t generically ca lled evidence-based prac- tice seems likely. Consider Perso ns's ( J 999) description of EBP:
T he evidence- based practitioner:
• Provides informed consent for treatment • Relies on the efficacy data (especially from RCTs [randomized cl inical trials]) when
recomm ending and selecting and carrying out treatm ents • Uses the empirical literature Lo gu ide decision-m aking • Uses a systematic, hypothesis -testing approach to the treatment of each case:
o Begins with careful assessment o Sets dear and measurable goals o Develops and individualized fo rmulation and a treatment plan based on the
formulation o Monitors progress toward the goals frequently and mod ifies or ends treatment
as needed (p. 2)
WeU, perhaps Jayaralne and Levy ( 1979) were simply two decades al1cad of their time. An issue of the NASW News contained an article on the Surgeon General's Report on Mental Health and noted, "A challenge in the near term is to speed transfer of new evidence-based treatments and prevenlion interventions into diverse service delivery settings and systems" (O' Neill, 2000, p. 6, italics added ). The Surgeon General's repo rt itself states clearly,
Responding to th e calls of managed menta l health and behavioral heaJth ca re sys- Lcms for evidence-based interventions will have a much needed and discernable impact on practice .... It is essential to expand the supply of effective, evidence- based services throughout the nation. (Hatcher, 2000, chap. 8, p. 453 )
EBP requires knowin g what helps socia l work clients and what does not help them. It requires being able Lo distinguish b etween unverified opin-io ns a bout p sychosocial
interventions and facts about their effectiveness. And separa ting facts from fictions is what science is prelly good at doing. Jot perfectly, and not without false starts, but the publicly verifiable and potentially testable conclusion s of scientific research render this form of knowledge buil ding an inherently self-correctin g one (in the long nm), a con- siderable advan Lagc over o ther "ways of knowing."
EBP differs from its precursor initiatives in that it does not tell socia l workers what interven tions should be provided to clients. TL d oes not list so -called best practices, create practice guidel ines, or develop lists of supposedly emp irically based treatments. Nor docs it unduly privilege certain forms of evidence above all others. Each of the above three sen - tences represents commo n misconceptions of EB P. EBP is actually a process of inquiry offered to practitioners, described for physicians in Straus, Richardson, Galsziou, and Haynes (2005), but readily adaptable to providers in all of the h uman service professions. These steps are as follows (from Straus ct al., 2005, pp. 3-4) :
Step l: converting th e need for information (abou t prevention, diagnosis, prognosis, therapy, causa tion, etc.) in to an answerable qucs Lion.
Step 2: tracking down Lhe besl evidence with which to answer that question.
Step 3: critically appraising that evidence for its validity (closeness to the truth), impact (size of the effect), and applicability (usefulness in our clinical practice) .
Step 4: integrating the critical appraisal with our clinical expertise and wil11 our patient's unique biology, values, and circumstances.
Step 5: Evaluating our effectiveness and efficiency in executing steps 1-4 and seeking ways to im prove them b oth for next time.
Each chapter in Straus et al. (2005) addresses on.e of these steps, and they have been adapted for use by soc ial workers in an exce ll ent series of entries appearing in 171e Social Worker's Desk Reference (see Roberts, 2009, pp. 1115-1182). EBP states that social workers need to be familiar with the best available evidence addressing the questions related to client services and to their particular practice situation and to integrate their appraisal of this information into an assessment of their own skills, the client's preferences, relevant professional and personal val ues and ethical standards, cost, feasibility, and resources . All of these factors a re rcleva n L, no t just what the research evidence indicates. And by best evidence, what is meant is not so-called gold-standard st udies such as randomi zed con- trolled trials or meta -analyses (see later chapters on Lh esc LOpics in thi s book) but simply t he best available relevan t ev idence. If there are no stud ies of superlative quality, then you locate and assess those of lesser quality. Lots of evidence can go in to th e mix, including quasi-experimental studies, single-subject studies, corrclational studies, descriptive work, epidemiological evidence, qualitative investigations, case h istories, theory, and infom1ed clinical opinion. There is always evidence for a social worker to consult, even if it is nol evidence of the highest quality. As with ECP, EBP also encourages practitioners to evalu- ate the outcomes of their work with individual cl ients using a research methodology called si ngle-subject designs .
Another option is for social workers to co nsu lt systematic reviews (SRs) of the research evidence related to various answerable que~tions invo lving assessment and interven tive meth ods. The two gro ups most responsible for preparing high-quality and independent SRs are called the Cochrane Collaboration (sec www.cochrane.o rg), focusing on issues related to health care, and the Campbell Co ll aboration (see www.campbellcollaboration .org), focusing on social welfare, education, and criminal justice. SRs are prepared by
qualified research teams who obtain articles and reports from all over the world dealing with a specific issue. These reports are minutely analyzed and critiqued and the collected information surrunar ized in a readable format, with a take-away .message something like Treatment Xis well-supported as an effective treatment for clients with Problem Y; The avail- able evidence indicates that Treatment X is ineffective in helping clien ts with Problem Y; Clients with Problem Y who receive Treatment X demonstrated impaired outcomes, com - pared to clients who receive no treatment. You can see hmV" this information would be of immense value to social workers. Here is a sampling of SRs currently available on the Cochrane database that is of relevance to social workers:
• Behavioral and cognitive-behavioral therapy for obsessive-compulsive disorder in children and adolescents
• Family intervention for bipolar disorder • Family therapy for depression • Psychological debriefing for preventing posttraurnatic stress disorder • Psychotherapy for bulimia nervosa and binging • Short-term psychodynamic psychotherapy for common mental disorders
And here are some fonnd on the Campbell Collaboration Web site:
• Cognitive-behavioral therapy for men who physically a buse their partner • Cognitive-behavioral intervention for children who have been sexually abused • Interventions intended to reduce pregnancy-related outcomes among adolescents • School-based educational programs for the prevention of childhood sexual abuse • Work programs for welfare recipients
These systematic reviews represent the highest quality and up -to-date critical appraisals of the existing research literature addressing particular psychosocial and health problems e:>..'})erienced by social work clients. They are a wonderful resource for practitioners seeking such information and are integral to the conduct of evidence-based practice.
To sum marize, ECP suggested that social work treatment should be chosen based on support via randomized controlled studies and that social workers need to evaluate the outcomes of their practice with clients using single-system research designs. The EST ini- tiative came up with a list of evidentiary criteria needed to label a given treatmen t as "empirically supported." Once these criteria were in hand, lists of psychosocial interven- t ions meeting these standards were published. RBP provides more of a process to guide clinical and practice decision making, which explicitly embraces evidence from many sources (albeit urging one to pay particular attention to evidence of the highest quality) and explicitly includes nonscientific considerations such as client preferences and values into this decision -making process. In many ways, EBP is a more sophisticated and mature conceptualization of the conduct of practice than ECP and EST, and these latter two in i- tiatives largely have been subsurn.ed by EBP.
On Terms
The preceding brief overview helps to bring us to the present, wherein social work is attempting to really implement our original aspirations pcrtainiillg to being based on a foundation of scientific research. As in most intellectual undertakings, it always is helpful

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