Region | State | County | median listing price | median $'s per square foot | median square feet | ||||
Mountain | az | cochise | $200,261 | $113 | 1792 | list price | sq ft | ||
Mountain | az | gila | $360,235 | $192 | 1944 | mean | $367,828 | 2193 | |
Mountain | az | mohave | $304,891 | $171 | 1765 | median | $321,639 | 2104 | |
Mountain | az | pima | $291,769 | $150 | 2027 | st dev s | 134739.028113896 | 380.9027533122 | |
Mountain | az | yavapai | $457,534 | $204 | 2216 | ||||
Mountain | co | adams | $418,735 | $168 | 2576 | ||||
Mountain | co | boulder | $620,894 | $267 | 2687 | ||||
Mountain | co | denver | $534,393 | $330 | 1680 | ||||
Mountain | co | eagle | $699,443 | $368 | 1765 | ||||
Mountain | co | garfield | $611,190 | $260 | 2445 | ||||
Mountain | co | la plata | $540,468 | $261 | 2092 | ||||
Mountain | co | weld | $417,120 | $149 | 2953 | ||||
Mountain | id | bannock | $255,125 | $105 | 2506 | ||||
Mountain | id | canyon | $287,786 | $151 | 2024 | ||||
Mountain | id | twin falls | $265,805 | $139 | 2011 | ||||
Mountain | mt | flathead | $485,857 | $222 | 2242 | ||||
Mountain | mt | lewis and clark | $318,840 | $148 | 2173 | ||||
Mountain | mt | yellowstone | $281,365 | $125 | 2302 | ||||
Mountain | nm | dona ana | $223,966 | $116 | 1944 | ||||
Mountain | nm | lea | $186,791 | $104 | 1798 | ||||
Mountain | nm | otero | $190,429 | $108 | 1822 | ||||
Mountain | nm | sandoval | $304,791 | $138 | 2271 | ||||
Mountain | nm | valencia | $231,239 | $114 | 2034 | ||||
Mountain | nv | clark | $319,031 | $173 | 1838 | ||||
Mountain | nv | elko | $290,651 | $146 | 1936 | ||||
Mountain | nv | washoe | $467,923 | $233 | 2115 | ||||
Mountain | ut | davis | $398,894 | $139 | 3101 | ||||
Mountain | ut | tooele | $336,615 | $119 | 2951 | ||||
Mountain | ut | washington | $408,547 | $180 | 2243 | ||||
Mountain | wy | laramie | $324,248 | $129 | 2545 | ||||
removed | |||||||||
Mountain | nm | chaves | $201,301 | $95 | 2013 | ||||
Mountain | co | mesa | $348,958 | $177 | 1966 |
Summary statistics:
Column n Mean Std. dev. Min Q1 Median Q3 Max median listing price 978 288,407 163,986 75,309 186,742 256,936 337,342 1,653,763 median $'s per square foot
978 142 92 21 95 121 157 1,084
median square feet 978 1,944 367 697 1,726 1,901 2,126 3,945
This graph shows the frequency for median listing price in thousands.
The graph shows the frequency of median square feet.
Median Housing Price Prediction Model for D.M. Pan National Real Estate Company 2
[Note: To complete this template, replace the bracketed text with your own content. Remove this note before you submit your report.]
Median Housing Price Prediction Model for D.M. Pan Real Estate Company
[Your Name]
Southern New Hampshire University
Median Housing Price Prediction Model for D.M. Pan Real Estate Company 1
Module Two Notes
[Copy and paste any relevant information from your Module Two assignment here to assist you in completing this assignment. This section is not graded and is only provided to help you easily review Module Two assignment information while completing this assignment.]
Regression Equation
Determine r
[Determine r and what it means, including determining the strength of the correlation and discussing how you determine the direction of the association between the two variables.]
Examine the Slope and Intercepts
[Draw conclusions from the slope and intercept in the context of this problem and determine the value of only the land.]
R-squared Coefficient
[Explain what R-squared means in the context of this analysis.]
[Reflect on the relationship between square feet and sales price by addressing key considerations such as the comparison between your selected region and overall homes in the United States, as well as analyzing how the slope can help identify price changes, how the regression equation can help identify appropriate listing prices, and which graph would be best suited to informing square footage ranges.]
Selling Price Analysis for D.M. Pan National Real Estate Company 2
Report: Selling Price and Area Analysis for D.M. Pan National Real Estate Company
Chelsey Welch
Selling Price and Area Analysis for D.M. Pan National Real Estate Company 1
Southern New Hampshire University
The purpose of this report is to provide the sales team at D.M. Pan Real Estate Company with data that examines the relationship between the selling price of properties and their size in square feet. The data will be from Mountain region of the US.
Representative Data Sample
Region |
State |
County |
median listing price |
median $'s per square foot |
median square feet |
Mountain |
az |
cochise |
$200,261 |
$113 |
1792 |
Mountain |
az |
gila |
$360,235 |
$192 |
1944 |
Mountain |
az |
mohave |
$304,891 |
$171 |
1765 |
Mountain |
az |
pima |
$291,769 |
$150 |
2027 |
Mountain |
az |
yavapai |
$457,534 |
$204 |
2216 |
Mountain |
co |
adams |
$418,735 |
$168 |
2576 |
Mountain |
co |
boulder |
$620,894 |
$267 |
2687 |
Mountain |
co |
denver |
$534,393 |
$330 |
1680 |
Mountain |
co |
eagle |
$699,443 |
$368 |
1765 |
Mountain |
co |
garfield |
$611,190 |
$260 |
2445 |
Mountain |
co |
la plata |
$540,468 |
$261 |
2092 |
Mountain |
co |
weld |
$417,120 |
$149 |
2953 |
Mountain |
id |
bannock |
$255,125 |
$105 |
2506 |
Mountain |
id |
canyon |
$287,786 |
$151 |
2024 |
Mountain |
id |
twin falls |
$265,805 |
$139 |
2011 |
Mountain |
mt |
flathead |
$485,857 |
$222 |
2242 |
Mountain |
mt |
lewis&clark |
$318,840 |
$148 |
2173 |
Mountain |
mt |
yellowstone |
$281,365 |
$125 |
2302 |
Mountain |
nm |
dona ana |
$223,966 |
$116 |
1944 |
Mountain |
nm |
lea |
$186,791 |
$104 |
1798 |
Mountain |
nm |
otero |
$190,429 |
$108 |
1822 |
Mountain |
nm |
sandoval |
$304,791 |
$138 |
2271 |
Mountain |
nm |
valencia |
$231,239 |
$114 |
2034 |
Mountain |
nv |
clark |
$319,031 |
$173 |
1838 |
Mountain |
nv |
elko |
$290,651 |
$146 |
1936 |
Mountain |
nv |
washoe |
$467,923 |
$233 |
2115 |
Mountain |
ut |
davis |
$398,894 |
$139 |
3101 |
Mountain |
ut |
tooele |
$336,615 |
$119 |
2951 |
Mountain |
ut |
washington |
$408,547 |
$180 |
2243 |
Mountain |
wy |
laramie |
$324,248 |
$129 |
2545 |
This is my random sample of 30 from the Mountain region.
Mean |
Median |
Standard deviation |
Median Square Feet |
2193 |
2104 |
380.90 |
Median Listing Price |
$367,828 |
$321,639 |
134739 |
Data Analysis
When comparing median listing price my sample has a larger mean and median than the regional sample but a smaller standard deviation. When comparing square feet my sample had a larger mean, median, and standard deviation. For my sample I used systematic sampling, which is a method of random sampling where you select data based on every nth unit from a population. The Mountain region consists of a population of 63. I took every 2nd entry and used it to create the sample of 30.
The Pattern
The variables I have are the median square feet and the median listing price. The predictor variable is the median square feet and the response variable is the median listing price because the “response variable is the variable being modeled or predicted, while the predictor variable is the variable used to predict the response” (Zybooks).
There is one outlier and I marked it with a blue glow. It’s from the sample of Eagle, CO listing price $699,443 and 1765 square feet. This might have occurred due to other housing price determinants such as age, locality, etc.
The regression equation on this graph is Y = 74.683X + 204027
So, if I plug X for a 1,200 square foot this is the equation:
Y= 74.683(1200) + 204027 = $293.592.60
If I had a 1,200 square foot house, based on the regression equation the price I would list it at is $293.592.60.
ZyBooks. (2016). MAT 240: Applied Statistics. Zyante. ISBN: 978-1-394-04892-2
Median Square Feet and Median Listing Price
Listing Price
1792.375 1943.8511904999998 1765.4523808333333 2026.9821429166666 2216.0773810000001 2575.8035713333334 2687.3809523333334 1679.6666666666667 1765.3154761666665 2445.1726190833333 2092.4821428333335 2953.3452380833332 2505.7083332500001 2024.0476190833335 2011.3690476666668 2241.7142856666665 2173.2857143333335 2301.5476189999999 1944.36309525 1797.7142858333334 1821.8928572499999 2271.2678570833336 2033.5297620000001 1837.6011904166669 1935.61309525 2115.0357143333335 3101.0654761666665 2950.8392856666669 2243.2619047499998 2544.5416666666665 200260.64881666665 360235.11904166668 304891.14880000002 291768.57738333335 457533.88691666658 418734.79762499995 620894.32739166671 534393.24404999998 699442.85713333322 611189.88095000002 540468.00595000002 417120.20832500001 255125 287786.03570833331 265805.3571416667 485857.14285833336 318840.47619166668 281365.47619166668 223966.2321416667 186790.83333333334 190429.16666666666 304790.68452499999 231238.77976666667 319031.48215 290651.14880833332 467923.03572500002 398894.40476666664 336614.95832500001 408546.97618333326 324247.51189999998

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