Running head: week six wedding budget 1

week six wedding budget 4

Wedding Project Budget

Brandon Coleman

Kim Chapman

Project Management

Herzing University

For the purposes of ensuring that the project is carried out in an effective manner, a detailed budget should be created. The budget will, therefore, play important roles in ensuring that the processes in the project are completed in the best way possible. The funding of the processes in the project will be achieved especially when the budget is created in an effective manner. (Cranmer, 2019)

According to the project, different amounts of money should be used in funding the purchase of the materials to be used. However, this will play important roles in ensuring that the project is carried out successfully. Moreover, the budget will cater for the payment of the people carrying out the project.

This will ensure that they are motivated to work towards the success of the project. The management of the project should, therefore, encourage the people carrying out the project to utilize the available resources according to so as to ensure that the budget is effective. The effective handling of the resources in the project will again ensure that the success of the project is achieved in the set time.

On the other hand, a plan on the manner in which the project’s budget will be used is required. However, this will play important roles in ensuring that the cases of losses are not experienced especially when the project is carried out. I think that the plan will enable the people carrying out the project to make effective use of the funds put in place in the best way possible. (Kim, 2019)

However, the project will be carried out through the following budget;

Budget category










Wedding planner








Ceremony Rental











My project sponsor will be Mr. Mark who is the Chief Executive Officer in one of the largest companies in the United States. He offered to sponsor the project due to the relationship we have had when working in the company. Moreover, the company will again contribute a portion of the budget for the purposes of ensuring that the success of the project is achieved.

The sponsor to the project has again offered to pay a trip to the stakeholders as an appreciation of the work well done. On the other hand, the support provided by the sponsor of the project will help in ensuring that incomplete activities are not experienced. As a result, this will play important roles in ensuring that the set goals and objectives are achieved in the set time. The sponsors to the project will, therefore, be controlled by the budget hence ensuring that the resources provided are utilized in an effective manner.

For the purposes of ensuring that the success of the project is achieved, the budget should be detailed enough hence ensuring that the shortage of money and other resources are not experienced. According to researches, consultations should be carried out for effective planning of the budget to be carried out. The consultation will, therefore, play important roles in ensuring that ideas are shared on what should be carried out for the success of the project to be achieved.

On the other hand, third parties are required so as to make it easy for the project to achieve its success. The third parties will play important roles in ensuring that the budget making process is made effective hence ensuring that the success of the project is achieved. (Vu, 2019)

References Cranmer, F. (2019). Does an unregistered nikah wedding give rise to a valid marriage, a void marriage or a non-marriage? Journal of Social Welfare and Family Law, 41(1), 96-99. Kim, H. J., & Yu, J. (2019). Development of a scale for the selection criteria of wedding planners. , 27(4), 323-335. Vu, K. V. (2019). Constructing a business plan for a wedding application based on Business Model Canvas.

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