Running head: OUTLINE 1



Tiara M. Davis

Herzing University

February 16, 2021


i. Introduction

Current Problem: Increased rates of juvenile delinquency in the United States

Area of focus: Teenagers

Key Terms: Delinquency, juveniles

Thesis statement: The paper explains on how increased rates of juvenile delinquency calls for the authorities to take drastic measures in addressing the issue in collaboration with the society.

ii. Background

Historical overview: Over the past few years the rate of teenage, related crimes is on the rise presenting a threat to the wellbeing of the future generation.

The authorities and society have a duty of developing a long-term solution to the problem that is being faced. They need to ensure that they create a lasting solution to the problem (Barros & Maia, 2017).

Link between juveniles and the problem: The society and teenagers are the ones that are affected by the rate of delinquencies in the country. taking up the appropriate measures in addressing the complication is a key point of concern that needs to be positively addressed.

iii. Major point: The government needs to identify the factors that leads to the increased cases of juvenile delinquency (Ilgova et al., 2020).

Minor point 1: Investigations needs to be done to ensure that the matter is addressed before it become a key social problem.

Minor point 2: Allocating enough funds in ensuring that the matter is addressed is a positive approach that needs to be addressed to present a lasting solution.

iv. Major point 2: The involvement of the society in addressing the matter offers a long-term solution to the issue that is being focused upon.

Minor point 1: The society needs to identify the social factors that contributes to the creation of the problems which involves increased juvenile delinquency cases (Barros & Maia, 2017)

Minor point 2: The society has a duty of instilling positive morals and values among the teenagers to ensure that the cases of delinquency are significantly reduced before they affect the society in a negative way (Ilgova et al., 2020).

v. Major point 3: The involvement of the juveniles in ensuring that the problems that they face is adequately addressed before it affects them in a negative way.

Minor point 1: Understanding the factors that lead to the increased cases of juvenile delinquency is a key approach that needs to be put in place while addressing the matter.

Minor point 2: It is a long-term approach that is focused on ensuring that a lasting solution is created in the process (Barros & Maia, 2017).

Minor point 3: Understanding the social factors that lead to the increased cases of delinquencies is effectual and important to reflect on.

vi. Conclusion

Reinstatement of Thesis: The increased level of juvenile delinquency is a key issue that involves addressing the matter through the authorities and society taking drastic measures to ensure that the issues do not prevail.

Next step: The government and authorities need to ensure that the appropriate measures are put in place in a way that is reflective of the positive outcomes that needs to be applied and reflected in a way that is essential. The solution lies between the juveniles, society, and government in addressing the matter.

Challenges in outline creation

The collection of the relevant information that was needed for the research seemed to be the key issue of concern in this case. The focus is reflecting on the necessary points that are relevant to understand the reason behind the case. The practice entails the application of the correct ideal that are relevant and effective. Ideally, the points are focused on the reflection of the important ideals that involves reflecting on the necessary points that involves focusing on the correct set of resources. The arrangement of the outline is the issue that creates complications to the matter that needs to be appropriately focused on in a way that is effective to reflect upon in a way that is reflector on the key points that needs to be focused on.


Barros, M. P., & Maia, A. D. (2017). Juvenile Delinquency, Crime, And Social Marginalization: Social And Political Implications. Bingley, UK: Emerald Publishing Limited, 2017.

Ilgova, E., Dorodonova, N., Gorbachev, M., Evstifeeva, E., & Smagina, T. (2020). Conceptual and Categorical Framework in The Sphere of Prevention of Child Neglect and Juvenile Delinquency: Comparative Analysis. Journal of Advanced Research in Law and Economics, 11(1), 59-64.


Total possible points: 40

In this exercise, you are going to use Windows and Linux command line interface on to create directories and files and organize them according to the following instructions. In a new folder which you will create, you are going to create a directory structure as shown below. The names in bold letters are folder names. The names with  bold, italic and underline  mean they are the top-level folders, the names with  bold and italic  mean they are sub-folders, the names just in bold means they are sub-sub-folders and the remaining names are files made by application programs. Replace the all “xx” in each name with your initials in capital.

File Map

Folders Sub-folders Sub-sub-folders



















my recipe1_xx.docx



my recipe2_xx.docx

fruit salad_xx.jpg














· Using the command line interface, create a folder named   Exam_YourFirstName_YourLastName (type your real name) on your desktop, in your home “home” directory, or anywhere you can find it.

· Create a folder named “Snapshots” in the created folder. You will use it to save screenshots.

· Create directories and folders as described in the table above. Take a screenshot of ALL your commands and the outputs and save it in the “Snapshots” folder you created earlier.

· Use the “cd” command to log in each and every directory you created according to the table (10 in total) to display its contend, each element on a line, with details. Take a screenshot of your commands (including “cd”) and the outputs and save it in the “Snapshots” folder you created earlier.

· Display a “tree” structure of the main directory Exam_YourFirstName_YourLastName and take a screenshot.

· Zip the Exam_YourFirstName_YourLastName  directory using the command line and submit (using GUI) the zip file to Blackbord.

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