Please fix post below following the this feedback


The PICOT question is not not logical. Your population does not include patients between 16-40 years of age and what about patients between 41-44 years of age. How are you using the patient portal as an intervention since that is too vague. Explain how a lack of understanding is the sole reason the information was lost. You stated earlier that it was the tech savvy that were at higher risk of losing personal information.

A Brief Description of the Clinical Issue

The identified clinical issue is the breaches to the confidentiality of patient information confidentiality breaches encompass the security issues that harm the integrity of organizational information (Hammouchi, 2019). A data breach occurs anytime malicious people access information without legal permission. Therefore, the biggest confidentiality threat is hacking.

The medical profession needs to protect their patients’ confidentiality. They have a moral obligation to ensure the confidentiality and discretion in the healthcare facilities. Medical practice should involve trust between the patients and the physicians (Yeng, 2021). This responsibility of maintaining patient confidentiality provides the basic framework for the presence of some trust level among the healthcare professionals, specifically when developing relationships between the physicians and the patients.

All healthcare officials and personnel need to respect patient confidentiality and safeguard their wellbeing. Health information of patients does not only depend on the diagnoses, objective observations, and recreational activities but also the personal impressions about the clients, their characters, lifestyle, and other recreational activities (Pathak, 2019). Improper disclosure of patient information could potentially harm their reputation and lead to cases of personal humiliation, financial fraud, and loss in great opportunities.

Various people practice medicine today. They include physicians, surgeons, nurses, nurse practitioners, and other healthcare personnel. The large number of people visiting hospitals always leaves their information in the hospital’s records (McLeod, 2018). It is for this reason that the healthcare professionals need to protect this information by ensuring strict measures to ensure the confidentiality to patient information. Therefore, healthcare organizations do not condone careless behaviors such as sharing patient information in public, indiscretion, and maliciously using this information.

PICO (T) Question

The PICO (T) question identifies the research problems and the major components that constitute the research. In exploring the research about confidentiality in patient information, this research develops a PICOT question that will enable the researchers to drive the research process. The PICO question is: Patients between the ages of 45-70 years who have signed up for the hospital's portal are likely to lose their private information for lack of understanding of the portal compared to patients between 16-40 years of age.

· Population (P): Patients between 45-70 years.

· Intervention (I): Patient portal.

· Comparison (C): Patients between 16-40 years of age.

· Outcome (O): Losing private information for lack of understanding of the portal.

The search terms used for the development of the PICO (T) question included PICO, PICOT, PICOT question, PICOT process. The search database included Google Scholar, JSTOR, and Walden University Library. During the search, I came across different research articles that are relevant to the search item while others were completely irrelevant. The two different databases in the Walden University Library included the Computer Science Database and the Ovid Nursing Books Database. These databases helped in finding the peer-reviewed articles that will be used throughout this research process.

I identified six major strategies that can be applied to increase the effectiveness and rigor of the database search for the PICOT question. They include conceptualizing the search process, using relevant vocabulary, revising the search process, combining concepts and terms using Boolean operators, learning about the rules and regulations of database search, and searching different databases.


Hammouchi, H., Cherqi, O., Mezzour, G., Ghogho, M., & El Koutbi, M. (2019). Digging deeper into data breaches: An exploratory data analysis of hacking breaches over time. Procedia Computer Science, 151, 1004-1009.

McLeod, A., & Dolezel, D. (2018). Cyber-analytics: Modeling factors associated with healthcare data breaches. Decision Support Systems, Science Direct. 108, 57-68.

Pathak, P. R., & Chou, A. (2019). Confidential care for adolescents in the US Health Care System. Journal of patient-centered research and reviews, 6(1), 46.

Yeng, P. K., Szekeres, A., Yang, B., & Snekkenes, E. A. (2021). Mapping the Psychosocialcultural Aspects of Healthcare Professionals’ Information Security Practices: Systematic Mapping Study. JMIR Human Factors, 8(2), e17604.


Project Management Plan Disclaimer: Conduct research on Project Management Plans to better understand their content (example: The goal of this assignment is to understand the process of creating a Project Management Plan. When enough detail is not provided, use your best judgement to fill in the blanks. The IT Project that was completed earlier in the semester involved only the implementation phase of deploying IT resources to a new building. This assignment goes beyond the earlier project to look at the project from the analysis of the IT needs through the evaluation of the IT project. Background: The university plans to acquire additional facilities in the future. The state notifies the university’s Chief Executive Officer (CEO) when legislation approves the acquisition of new facilities (the actual construction of the facility is outside the scope of this assignment). The CEO notifies the Chief Operations Officer (COO) who acts as the project sponsor and approves the opening of the facility. The COO identifies the administrative and academic departments (to include the IT department) that will occupy the facility. The COO and each department then assign a representative to work on the project team and represent their interests. The IT department may assign multiple members to represent specialized areas involved in the project. The COO then tasks the Project Manager to begin the analysis phase to determine the occupant’s IT requirements and specifications. The scope of the project includes analyzing, designing, developing, implementing, and evaluating the IT requirements of the new facility. The Project Manager works with each department and the IT department to document all their IT requirements and design/develop the best solution. Once completed, a final IT budget is established, and the project sponsor approves any changes to cost, schedule, quality and scope. The typical order of execution includes 1) analyzing and documenting requirements; 2) design and develop the best solution; 3) review and signoff by the departments who will occupy the facility; 4) approval of the budget and project management plan by the COO; 5) execution/implementation of the project; and 6) an after-action evaluation of the project. The major milestones (and only the milestones) from the earlier IT Project Plan will be incorporated into the Project Management Plan schedule. One significant difference here is that the earlier IT Project Plan might contain separate milestones for each area of the facility (i.e. “offices completed”, “admin areas completed”, etc.) but, since the layout of a new facility is dynamic, the milestone can be consolidated. Additional milestones for the analysis, design, development and evaluation must also be included in the Project Management Plan schedule. While the building is under construction, the COO will notify the Project Manager, on a monthly basis, via email, the status of the facility’s construction and the estimated date of delivery. The Project Manager will notify the Project Team and the IT department of the project status, via email immediately. Thirty days before construction is completed, in-person meetings will be scheduled on a


weekly basis with the project team. These meetings will be facilitated by the Project Manager who will ensure meeting notes are captured and distributed. The Project Manager will also communicate with the COO and senior management when requested. The Project Manager is responsible for monitoring the project and reporting to the project sponsor should the scope, cost and schedule be adversely affected. The assignment includes identifying at least 10 risks that might be documented and tracked during the project implementation. These risks must be based on the requirements from this document and not from generic risks found during your research of other project management plans.

ITS-535 Section #___ Enter Your Name

Project Management Plan



<Replace this section with an Introduction based on the Project Management Plan assignment requirements.

· The Introduction provides a high-level overview of the project and what is included in this Project Management Plan.

· This should include a high-level description of the project and describe the projects deliverables and benefits.

Excessive detail is not necessary in this section as the other sections of the project plan will include this information. This section should provide a summarized framework of the project and its purpose.>

Project Management Approach

<Replace this section with an outline of the overall management approach for the project.

· This section should describe, in general terms, the roles and authority of project team members.

· It should also include which units within the organization or outside the organization will provide resources (people) for the project and any resource constraints or limitations.

· If there are any decisions which must be made by specific individuals—for example authorizing changes by the project sponsor—this should also be stated here.

It should be written as an Executive Summary for the Project Management Plan.>

Project Scope

<Replace this section with a detailed scope of the project.

· This detail should include what the project does and does not include.

The more detail included in this section, the better the product. This will help to clarify what is included in the project and help to avoid any confusion from project team members and stakeholders.>

Milestone List

<Replace this section with a summary list of milestones.

· Include an introductory paragraph in this section which provides some insight to the major milestones.

· Milestones will include the major milestones from the earlier IT Project Plan as well as the additional Milestones identified in the Project Management Plan requirements.

· This section should also mention or discuss actions taken if any changes to the milestones are required.>














Schedule Baseline and Work Breakdown Structure

<Replace this section with the words: TO BE DETERMINED.

Normally you would replace this section by discussing the WBS and Schedule baseline and how they will be used in managing the project’s scope. The WBS provides the work packages to be performed for the completion of the project. The schedule baseline provides a reference point for managing project progress as it pertains to schedule and timeline. Normally the schedule baseline and work breakdown structure (WBS) would be created in Microsoft Project.>

Change Management Plan

< Replace this section with the words: TO BE DETERMINED.

Normally you would replace this section by describing the change control process. Ideally, this process will be some type of organizational standard which is repeatable and done on most or all projects when a change is necessary.

· Changes to any project must be carefully considered and the impact of the change must be clear in order to make any type of approval decisions. Many organizations have change control boards (CCBs) which review proposed changes and either approve or deny them. This is an effective way to provide oversight and ensure adequate feedback and review of the change is obtained.

· This section should also identify who has approval authority for changes to the project, who submits the changes, how they are tracked and monitored.

For complex or large projects, the Change Management Plan may be included as an appendix to the Project Management Plan or as a separate, stand-alone document. A detailed Change Management Plan template is available at>

Communications Management Plan

<Replace this section by:

· defining the communication requirements for the project and how information will be distributed to ensure project success. You should give considerable thought to how you want to manage communications on every project. By having a solid communications management approach you’ll find that many project management problems can be avoided. In this section you should provide an overview of your communications management approach. Generally, the Communications Management Plan defines the following:

· Communication requirements based on roles

· What information will be communicated

· How the information will be communicated

· When will information be distributed

· Who does the communication

· Who receives the communication

· Communications conduct

For larger and more complex projects, the Communications Management Plan may be included as an appendix or separate document apart from the Project Management Plan. A detailed Communications Management Plan template is available at

Include communications identified in the Project Management plan requirements and replace the items in the table below as needed.>

Communication Type




Participants/ Distribution



Weekly Status Report

Email summary of project status



Project Sponsor, Team and Stakeholders

Status Report

Project Manager

Weekly Project Team Meeting

Meeting to review action register and status


In Person

Project Team

Updated Action Register

Project Manager

Project Monthly Review (PMR)

Present metrics and status to team and sponsor


In Person

Project Sponsor, Team, and Stakeholders

Status and Metric Presentation

Project Manager

Project Milestone Reviews

Present closeout of project phases and kickoff next phase

As Needed

In Person

Project Sponsor, Team and Stakeholders

Phase completion report and phase kickoff

Project Manager

Technical Design Review

Review of any technical designs or work associated with the project

As Needed

In Person

Project Team

Technical Design Package

Project Manager

Cost Management Plan

< Replace this section with the words: TO BE DETERMINED.

Normally you would replace this section by defining how the costs on a project will be managed throughout the project’s lifecycle. It sets the format and standards by which the project costs are measured, reported, and controlled. Working within the cost management guidelines is imperative for all project team members to ensure successful completion of the project. These guidelines may include which level of the WBS cost accounts will be created in and the establishment of acceptable variances. The Cost Management Plan:

· Identifies who is responsible for managing costs

· Identifies who has the authority to approve changes to the project or its budget

· How cost performance is quantitatively measured and reported upon

· Report formats, frequency and to whom they are presented

For complex or large projects the Cost Management Plan may be included as an appendix to the Project Management Plan or as a separate, stand-alone document. A detailed Cost Management Plan template is available at>

Procurement Management Plan

<Replace this section with the words: TO BE DETERMINED.

Normally you would replace this section by identifying the necessary steps and responsibilities for procurement from the beginning to the end of a project. The project manager must ensure that the plan facilitates the successful completion of the project and does not become an overwhelming task to manage. The project manager will work with the project team, contracts/purchasing department, and other key players to manage the procurement activities.

For larger projects or projects with more complicated procurement management requirements, you can include the Procurement Management Plan as a separate document apart from the Project Management Plan. A detailed Procurement Management Plan is available at>

Project Scope Management Plan

< Replace this section with the words: TO BE DETERMINED.

Normally, it is important that the approach to managing the projects’ scope be clearly defined and documented in detail. Failure to clearly establish and communicate project scope can result in delays, unnecessary work, failure to achieve deliverables, cost overruns, or other unintended consequences. This section provides a summary of the Scope Management Plan in which it addresses the following:

· Who has authority and responsibility for scope management

· How the scope is defined (i.e. Scope Statement, WBS, WBS Dictionary, Statement of Work, etc.)

· How the scope is measured and verified (i.e. Quality Checklists, Scope Baseline, Work Performance Measurements, etc.)

· The scope change process (who initiates, who authorizes, etc.)

· Who is responsible for accepting the final project deliverable and approves acceptance of project scope

A detailed Scope Management Plan available at and can be included as an appendix to the Project Management Plan for larger or more complex projects.>

Schedule Management Plan

< Replace this section with the words: TO BE DETERMINED.

Normally you would replace this section by providing a general framework for the approach which will be taken to create the project schedule. Effective schedule management is necessary for ensuring tasks are completed on time, resources are allocated appropriately, and to help measure project performance. This section should include discussion of the scheduling tool/format, schedule milestones, and schedule development roles and responsibilities.

Be sure to check out the detailed Schedule Management Plan available at The separate Schedule Management Plan is suitable for larger projects or projects where the schedule management is more formalized.>

Quality Management Plan

< Replace this section with the words: TO BE DETERMINED.

Normally you would replace this section by discussing how quality management will be used to ensure that the deliverables for the project meet a formally established standard of acceptance. All project deliverables should be defined in order to provide a foundation and understanding of the tasks at hand and what work must be planned. Quality management is the process by which the organization not only completes the work but completes the work to an acceptable standard. Without a thorough Quality Management Plan, work may be completed in a substandard or unacceptable manner. This section should include quality roles and responsibilities, quality control, quality assurance, and quality monitoring.

For larger or more complex projects, the Quality Management Plan may be included as an appendix or separate document. A detailed Quality Management Plan is available for use at>

Risk Management Plan

< Replace this section with the words: TO BE DETERMINED.

Normally you would replace this section by providing a general description for the approach taken to identify and manage the risks associated with the project. It should be a short paragraph or two summarizing the approach to risk management on this project.

Since risk management is a science in itself, we have many risk management templates available at>

<Complete the following Risk Register by identify risks specifically associated with this IT project>

Risk Register













Staffing Management Plan

<Replace this section with the words: TO BE DETERMINED.

Normally you would replace this section by discussing how you plan to staff the project. This section should include discussion on matrixed or projectized organizational structure depending on which is being used for this project. This section should also include how resources will be procured and managed as well as the key resources needed for the project.>

Resource Calendar

<Replace this section with the words: TO BE DETERMINED.

Normally you would replace this section by including a Resource Calendar as part of your project plan. The resource calendar identifies key resources needed for the project and the times/durations they'll be needed. Some resources may be needed for the entire length of the project while others may only be required for a portion of the project. This information must be agreed to by the Project Sponsor and Functional Managers prior to beginning the project.>

Cost Baseline

< Replace this section with the words: TO BE DETERMINED.

Normally you would replace this section with the cost baseline for the project upon which cost management will be based. Used the costs identified in the specifications.>

Project Phase

Budgeted Total










Transition and Closeout


Quality Baseline

<Replace this section with the words: TO BE DETERMINED.

Normally you would replace this section by including the quality baseline for the project. The purpose of this baseline is to provide a basis for ensuring that quality can be measured to determine if acceptable quality levels have been achieved. It is important for all projects to clearly define and communicate quality standards and the quality baseline serves this purpose.>

Sponsor Acceptance

Approved by the Project Sponsor:


<Project Sponsor>

<Project Sponsor Title>

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