PA 3150
Professor Sharon Velarde Pierce
Title of Paper
Begin your paper with the introduction of the case. The active voice, rather than passive voice, should be used in your writing.
This template is formatted according to APA Style guidelines, with one inch top, bottom, left, and right margins; Times New Roman font in 12 point; double-spaced; aligned flush left; and paragraphs indented 5-7 spaces. The page number appears one inch from the right edge on the first line of each page, excluding the Figures page.
Ethical Dilemma
What is the issue at hand? Why is it being considered an ethical dilemma. Use headings and subheadings to organize the sections of your paper. The first heading level is formatted with initial caps and is centered on the page. Do not start a new page for each heading.
Who are the stakeholders? Identify internal and external stakeholders in the case. Make sure to include how they are being affected. Subheadings are formatted with italics and are aligned flush left.
Case Study Questions
Each case study is unique and will have their own set of questions.
What was the conclusion and what would you have done differently? This is where you will make your recommendations.
Anderson, Charles & Johnson (2003). The impressive psychology paper. Chicago: Lucerne Publishing.
Smith, M. (2001). Writing a successful paper. The Trey Research Monthly, 53, 149-150.
Entries are organized alphabetically by surnames of first authors and are formatted with a hanging indent. Most reference entries have three components:
Authors: Authors are listed in the same order as specified in the source, using surnames and initials. Commas separate all authors. When there are seven or more authors, list the first six and then use “et al.” for remaining authors. If no author is identified, the title of the document begins the reference.
Year of Publication: In parenthesis following authors, with a period following the closing parenthesis. If no publication date is identified, use “n.d.” in parenthesis following the authors.
Assignment: The Humility Code
Length 4 pages (maximum) with page 1 the Title Page and pages 2-4 the narrative.
Follow Essay Rubric and APA Guidelines
Brooks’ “Humility Code” is composed of 15 interrelated character traits that Brooks feels are essential for developing the moral integrity of Adam 11. In this section, the task is to Identify and Describe Four Character Traits from Brooks’ List that you feel are essential for human services workers to emulate.
(A) Identify and define Four Traits that you feel are essential to human services workers.
(B) Describe the reasons “why” you selected these Four Traits and why you feel these Four Traits are so important for human services workers to emulate. Try and Use examples from your field placements.
(C) What is your understanding of the last paragraph (below) of The Road To Character? (p. 270)? “Joy is not produced because others praise you. …Joy comes as a gift when you least expect it. At those fleeting moments you know why you were put here and what truth you serve. You may not feel giddy at those moments, you may not hear the orchestra’s delirious swell or see flashes of crimson and gold, but you will feel a satisfaction, a silence, a peace- a hush. Those moments are the blessings and the signs of a beautiful life. “
How does this statement apply to the work that human service workers perform?
In your reflection provide an example to illustrate your response.
Field Placement & Seminar I, II & III Video Observations and Reflections: Part Two
As part of our ongoing plan to provide you with opportunities to get the most out of your field placement experience while schools and sites are closed, the following assignment will be available. It is each
student’s responsibility to complete the requirements outlined below. After completion, use your field placement hours sheet to record the date (or dates if you choose to do the activity if more than one day) you finished the task. Keep you hours sheet active and current as you will be required to submit this by
the end of the semester.
Topic: Social-Emotional Development & Guiding Behavior
1) Watch the following videos on this topic; click on the links below or copy and paste in your web browser:
a) Practical Strategies for Teaching Social Emotional Skills v=h973WVZ9eAw
b) Understanding Challenging Behavior in Young Children
c) Role Playing Emotions in Early Childhood v=OwEqmxRTrH4
d) Social Emotional Read Aloud Playlist (click on link below and choose ONE book to view)
e) Building Supportive Environments: Setting Rules and Expectations
f) Morning Meetings: Building Community in the Classroom v=U6_pLkwaCeY
g) Getting Started with Trauma-Informed Practices
2) After watching the videos, please reflect on what you observed and answer the following questions. Your responses can be imbedded into this document or typed on a separate document.
-What new information did you learn about the importance of social emotional development in early childhood? Why do you think as a caregiver/practitioner, it is helpful for you to know what these skills are and what it looks like when children are exhibiting them?
-In the practical strategies for building social-emotional skills video, there was a 3-stage approach to implementation. What were these strategies? Of the methods that you observed the practitioners utilize in the video, describe two (2) that you thought would be useful. Have you tried these strategies these before? How did it go? If you have not tried these before, would you consider using them?
-To be a responsive educator, it is important to understand causes for challenging behavior in young children. What were some of the possible influences on children’s behavior identified in the video? Choose one of the influences and discuss how you would respond objectively. Why is it critical for practitioners, families, and other adults to work together when helping to guide the child?
-Young children often choose to take on the roles of people they see and admire in their own lives (i.e. parents, relatives, superheroes, etc.). Role playing in early childhood can also be a powerful tool for educators to use when trying to teach a specific skill, rule, or point-of-view. As you observed the preschool teacher using role playing to help children express their emotions, what were your thoughts? Was this an effective lesson? Why or why not? Did the children seem to comprehend they were expressing emotions in a healthy way? How is this helpful in teaching them self-regulation skills?
-Which book did you choose to listen to on the social-emotional read aloud playlist? Briefly summarize the plot of the story. What were the big ideas featured in this story? In your opinion, was the author and/or illustrator successful in conveying the big ideas related to social and emotional development for young children? Now that you have read this book, would you consider using it yourself when working with young children?
-Communicating expectations helps children learn social rules and norms within their environments. Why is it important to “start early” with communicating expectations? Why should adults acknowledge children when they follow rules? How do messages get communicated in the environment? Give one example from the video.
-In the video about morning meetings and building a sense of community in the classroom, how did the educators say children needed to feel before learning could take place? What were some of the things the teachers had the children do during morning meeting? How do these activities help children learn social skills and create a sense of community?
-All educators work with children who come into their classrooms with varied life experiences. While many of these experiences are positive and enriching, some are painful and may cause trauma. After watching the video on trauma-informed practices, what did the narrators say could happen when children experience adverse life events? What do you think they meant by the term “uneven development”? Why are schools an ideal place to create positive relationships for children who may have experienced trauma? If you were to work with a child who had experienced trauma, how would you approach the situation?
3) Once you complete this video observation and reflection package, please submit on Blackboard for comments from the Instructor. Don’t forget to mark your time sheet for the amount of time it took to complete this virtual field experience. (The average amount of time should be between 10-15 hours for this package.)

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