Case Scenario Analysis
Azurdee Brown
Liberty University
Scenario #2
Personal information
In this case, I will consider the scenario two, which involves predicaments that Jane is facing in her life and how she can be assisted in regaining the best path of her life in her general engagement and association. Jane’s story is very traumatizing, as she has not known peace and tranquility in her life. Therefore, there is significant information that I would seek to understand regarding her whole situation to develop a better idea on how she can be assisted. Thus, personal information is very important as in the case it will create a better understanding and relating to Jane’s predicaments. The first thing that I would like to have more information on is the family set up. Understanding the family set up will help in understanding how others perceived the situation, she was in and what they did regarding the situation. I would also want to know if she has any other siblings and how they were treated. The kind of life that they were exposed in their early, her social interactions. The reasons why she started abusing drugs as well as the reasons as to why she decided to get married while being so young since she is past her fourth divorce while still in her early thirties while also having three kids from her past relations. I would also ask her about her religious identity to understand if she has received any spiritual guidance in her life. Past medical history is also important since it will help me to understand if she had any previous engagement regarding her conditions.
Understanding these factors will create a significant environment where her actions can be related to her behavior and other factors that influenced her well-being. The fact that she is addicted means that she requires urgent support since she has three kids who need her desperately. Thus, understanding her personal life will improve on my understanding of her situation and be in a position to develop a better counseling plan as per the information provided. Since it is in the past, it is important to concentrate on the future aspect of her life since it is quite clear that she has had a troubled life thus far.
Maslow’s taxonomy model in this would be appropriate. This model outlines different needs both intrinsic and extrinsic. He focuses on the deficiency of growth and how they can be met. Thus, there are different types of needs that can be effectively considered which provide a better understanding of the predicaments that Jane’s has gone through in her life. It is quite evident that she does not have peace at all and thus why she decided to turn to addiction to bypass some of her troubles. The basic belonging needs depend on support that other individuals may provide which is extrinsic although there is a significant connection between intrinsic and extrinsic needs.
Personal bias and limitation
Every counselor needs to effectively put into consideration personal bias and limitations in every case more critically to ensure that they understand the issue at hand. My life story and that of Janet are very different since I have not received much pain and suffering in my entire life and I have not struggled with substance abuse or anything in my life. Although there are points in my life, where I have had serious issues and contemplated turning into drugs. I tend to think this is the only point of potential bias and limitation that I have in this case.
Jane’s case is very critical and complex at the same time since she has a series of issues that she needs to deal with. Therefore, some of the goals that I would recommend for her in this case. Therefore, the important goal to be achieved in this case is to ensure that Jane recovers from her predicaments through a proper therapy. Other objectives, in this case, would include helping her get through her fears and learn to forgive those that messed up her life. This is a very important objectives on her road to recovery since it is not easy to heal without necessarily focusing on the key issues that need to be addressed. In a scenario where an individual refuses to acknowledge some of the objectives that have been outlined then I would be forced to ensure that I convince them of the need to undertake those objectives since they are systematic in nature where they can be in a position to easily recover. Thus, if they have any chance of getting better, it is important to ensure that they put in place all the objectives outlined.
Theoretic Approach
Cognitive theory approach would be the most appropriate in this case since it aims at understanding the functioning of an individual’s mind by relating their behaviors to their actions. Thus, this model will help since there is need to understand the why she is behaving in the manner that she is currently engaged. Thus, it creates a significant understanding of individual’s behavior and their actions.
Therapeutic techniques
Journaling, in this case, is the best-suited technique since it helps in outlining important steps to the whole process. These steps are developed to help an individual to get better thus I will include critical information and ensure that progress is monitored to create a better engagement as well as understanding if there is any significant improvement on the part of the patient. Since she is currently in a very dangerous and critical point and thus I would consider two short sessions daily, which will take place in the morning and evening to create room for serious thought. However, the sessions will decrease, as she gets better with time. I would encourage my client to seek other areas since individuals have varying skills and art of reasoning which means that they may find important additional information, which would be very important in helping the clients’ course. This technique closely reminds me of the scripture in (Psalms 9:9, King James Version), “The LORD also will be a refuge for the oppressed, a refuge in times of trouble”. The same way someone can journal their thoughts, they can also take them to the Lord in prayer.
Measurement of progress and success
Client feedback is extremely vital to understanding the overall progress made in different counseling sessions. Thus, I will measure the progress, and the success of the therapy applied on the feedback I will get from the client since it is quite easy to know if there is progress or not. This method is interactive, and decisions are made based on an interaction between the client and myself.
My Biblical Worldview
I read everything dealing with the client’s past leading up to her current state and immediately thought “The earth also was corrupt before God, and the earth was filled with violence” (Genesis 6:11, King James Version). This passage addresses her alcoholism as well as sexual abuse. Although I would like to think sexual abuse does not occur, it often occurs within a family and can affect someone’s life long term. My approach to this client would most certainly have to help her understand that the world can be cruel and harsh but with constant care, she can overcome the obstacles that have led to her current state.
Beck, J. S. (2006). Cognitive-behavioral therapy. Primary Psychiatry, 13(4), 31-34.
Bewick, B. M., Trusler, K., Mullin, T., Grant, S., & Mothersole, G. (2006). Routine outcome measurement completion rates of the CORE-OM in primary care psychological therapies and counselling. Counselling and Psychotherapy Research, 6(1), 33-40.
Meichenbaum, D., Carlson, J., & Kjos, D. (2001). Cognitive-behavioral therapy. Allyn and Bacon.
HSCO 509
Case Study Instructions
Select a scenario below and discuss how you would proceed if working with this client.
Scenario #1
Mario is an illegal alien from Mexico. He has lived in the U.S. for five years and worked various construction jobs in the South. Mario’s family stayed behind in Mexico so he struggles with loneliness and has a poor social network except for an outreach ministry at a local Catholic Church.
Mario was pulled over and charged with a DUI. He was sent to your agency for mandatory counseling in addition to attending a drug treatment support group like Alcoholics Anonymous. You are assigned Mario’s case.
Scenario #2
Janet just completed her fourth divorce. She is in her early 30s. Her personal life is in chaos. She has children by three of her former husbands. Janet has struggled with addiction issues over the years including alcohol and drugs. She came from a very difficult family where her parents were alcoholics and often fought with each other. Janet was sexually abused by her uncle on more than one occasion when he lived with the family during her early teen years. Janet’s problems with drugs and alcohol began as a teenager.
Scenario #3
Roger is an obese 40-year old man and suffers from other health issues like diabetes and high blood pressure. Roger reports that he lives alone and has very few friends. Roger is single and would like to be married. However, he is afraid that women will reject his advances due to his weight. To further complicate the issue, he reports struggling with homosexual thoughts and feelings. Roger sought your help because he recently contemplated suicide.
Assignment Instructions
Select a scenario and explain how you would proceed in counseling this client. The following items can serve as sections in the paper. Be sure to identify each section in the paper as a heading.
1. Personal Information
Discuss the information you want to obtain from the client in the first session. Why do you want this information? Would one of the taxonomy models such as the one offered by Hays or Maslow be appropriate? Be clear in identifying this information such as Family Background or Relationship Background and explain why you would want to know this information.
2. Personal Biases and Limitations
Every counselor needs to consider personal biases and limitations carefully. If the topic is a hot-button or you lack sufficient knowledge to be effective with the client then you would need to refer. Identify possible problems in working with the client. Be clear in explaining why these issues could detract from counseling.
3. Goals
What goals would you like to achieve with the client? Why do you believe that these goals are important? What would you do if the client refused to accept a goal that you believe would be helpful? If you were allowed only one goal, what would that goal be? Why do you believe this would be the most beneficial goal?
4. Theoretical Approach
Discuss the theoretical approach or model that you believe will be most effective for the client. Why will this model be the best model to use?
5. Therapeutic Techniques
What counseling techniques would be appropriate (e.g., genograms, journaling)? How many sessions would you schedule? Would you encourage the client to seek other areas of psycho-educational assistance or resources?
6. Measurement of Progress and Success
How do you plan to measure success? Why is this form of measurement the best method to use with this client?
7. Conclusion
The conclusion should provide a brief summary of your closing thoughts or concerns about the future progress of the client.
Paper Requirements
The body of the paper must be 3–5 pages.
The paper must include a minimum of 3 peer-reviewed or scholarly sources published within the past 5 years. The information borrowed from the resources should offer support for your comments. Use the course materials and peer-reviewed journals easily accessed through Liberty University’s online library. If you have questions about the online library, contact the online librarian.
Information borrowed from other resources must be cited APA style in the body of the paper in addition to listing the source citations alphabetically on the reference page.
The assignment must include a title page and an abstract page in addition to a References page that are current APA format compliant. Follow current APA formatting throughout the paper.
Here are my suggestions to achieve the most learning and highest grade for your Case Study:
1) Please follow closely the:
a. Case Study Instructions
2) Please use the following Sub headers or the equivalent to make sure you cover the key elements of this assignment:
Personal Information
(Relates to the person in the case you selected)
Personal Biases and Limitations
(Relates to YOUR perceived biases and limitations)
(What are the expected outcomes of your work with this client?)
Theoretical Approach
(What Theoretic Therapy Model (s) would you use with this client and WHY?)
Therapy Technique(s)
(How will you put your theoretic model into actual practice? What will you do?)
Metrics for Sustained Therapeutic Success
(How and when will you measure the ongoing improvement of your client?)
My Biblical World View
(What is your underlying biblical world view related to your work with this client?)
Summary Conclusion
(Include a BRIEF integration of ALL the key elements of this assignment and your professional recommendations for ongoing treatment of this client.)
(Reminder: Work must be academically referenced throughout and must contain Topic Specific Bible verses to support your Biblical World View.)
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