Running head: BRAINSTORMING 1



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Brainstorming refers to the process of generating numerous ideas about the given topic at hand through further evaluations of the written ideas. Evaluations are not done in the process of brainstorming of ideas it comes after the idea is generated. An instructor may begin a brainstorming session by asking a probing question or introducing a topic which leads to leaners contributing to the topic before getting down to the main points, (Kotb, 2016). All learners are encouraged to participate in this process of coming up with creative ideas that will be evaluated and analyzed by the instructor later to see if each idea fits in that particular context. A teacher should employ the ability to brainstorm at all times in order to come up with extra teaching strategies that will help in the development of the lesson. Making the teaching-learning process to be enjoyable and interesting it means that the teacher can think of something like a field trip or a concert which will help learners grip concepts through an open discussion forum about the problem presented to them, (Ramadan & Altamimi, 2019)

However, the activities that a teacher may deploy in the classroom to enhance learning might face several challenges. Student behavior in the classroom might make the process of discussing the problem at hand not be achieved. This is done in the evaluation process where the instructor may find out that the learners are not well-equipped in that subject area. Gaining the learners' attention in that subject area may be difficult with regard to the teaching strategy used. The time assigned for the lesson may be limited to the learners because they may not be in a position to capture everything that was to be accomplished. It may fail to cover and include all the learners, (Cheung, 2015). Activities like drama and inclusion of song performances of the content may pose a challenge to the teacher because of the limited space of the classroom. In case the instructor wants to utilize concerts or a field trip, resources is another great challenge in achieving this to improve the teaching-learning process.


Cheung, D. (2015). The combined effects of classroom teaching and learning strategy use on students’ chemistry self-efficacy. Research in Science Education45(1), 101-116.

Kotb, A. G. (2016). Effect of Brainstorming Program on Teaching Skills for Student's Teacher. Journal of Applied Sports Science6(1).

Ramadan, R. A., & Altamimi, A. B. (2019). BCLO—Brainstorming and Collaborative Learning Optimization Algorithms. In Machine Learning Paradigms: Theory and Application (pp. 393-412). Springer, Cham.

EDUC 742

Biblical Character Analysis Grading Rubric


Levels of Achievement






Not present

Issues Faced

39 to 42 points

Identifies at least 4 issues that the biblical leader faced.

37 to 38 points

Identifies at least 3 issues that the biblical leader faced.

1 to 36 points

Identifies at least 2 issues that the biblical leader faced.

0 points

Not present.

Handling Issues

20 to 21 points

Identifies the ways the biblical leader handled the 4+ issues.

18 to 19 points

Identifies the ways the biblical leader handled 3 issues.

1 to 17 points

Identifies the ways the biblical leader handled 2 issues.

0 points

Not present.

Consequences of Actions

20 to 21 points

Identifies the consequences of the leader’s actions towards the 4+ issues.

18 to 19 points

Identifies the consequences of the leader’s actions towards the 3 issues.

1 to 17 points

Identifies the consequences of the leader’s actions towards the 2 issues.

0 points

Not present.






Not present


17 to 18 points

A title page, abstract, and reference page are included. The title page, abstract, and reference page are formatted in current APA style.

16 points

A title page, abstract, and reference page are included. Only a few APA formatting errors are present in the title page, abstract, and reference page.

1 to 15 points

A title page, abstract, or reference page is not included. The title page, abstract, or reference page is not formatted in current APA style.

0 points

Not present.


17 to 18 points

· The paper consists of 3–5 pages, not including the title page, abstract, and reference page.

· Two to three scholarly resources published within the last 8 years are included.

· There are 0–1 errors in grammar or spelling that distract the reader from the content.

16 points

· The paper consists of 2 pages, not including the title page, abstract, and reference page.

· One scholarly resource published within the last 8 years is included.

· There are 1–2 errors in grammar or spelling that distract the reader from the content.

1 to 15 points

· The paper consists of less than 2 pages, not including the title page, abstract, and reference page.

· No scholarly resources are included.

· There are 3–4 errors per page in grammar or spelling that distract the reader from the content.

0 points

Not present.


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