Running head: BOOK REVIEW 1
Book Review
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Falling in love with the process: Cultivating resilience in health challenges--A stroke survivor's story of recovery and advocacy
My favorite passage in the book would be in the prologue when Bill meets Patricia. Their meeting sparked the collaborative relationship between them that later inspired the narration of the book. The passage is crucial because it portrays how persistence, determination, strength, optimism, and courage could be instrumental in helping a stroke patient in his recovery process. Patricia notes in one of the conversations that Bill did not accomplish his recovery process on his own. These sentiments depict the essence of family support during the rehabilitation process of a stroke survivor hence connecting with the experiences in the Health Communication class that also acknowledge that caregivers, family members, and friends offer patients hope, inspiration, and a reason to believe in the recovery (Yamasaki, Geist-Martin & Sharf, 2016). The essay will commence by giving a summary of the book and evaluate the first and fifth chapters of the book. Apart from the primary source, "Falling in love with the process: Cultivating resilience in health challenges--A stroke survivor's story of recovery and advocacy" and the class material, an additional resource will be used to emphasize the ideas presented in chapter 5. Discussion questions will be formulated from Chapter 2 before concluding the review with connections from the class material, "Storied Health & Illness."
Summary of the Book
The book, "Falling in love with the process: Cultivating resilience in health challenges--A stroke survivor's story of recovery and advocacy," narrates the real events pertaining Bill's recovery story and advocacy as a stroke survivor. It commences with his early life and the chronology of events from the time he contracted stroke onwards and issues that contributed to his recovery. While the book addresses some of the challenges experienced by victims of stroke, it emphasizes the essence of family support in the recovery process.
Chapter one is selected as the first section of this book review. In this chapter, the authors explore how stigma, depression, and other internalized ableism play an instrumental role in shaping the challenges that Bill experienced in his early emotional response to stroke. They point out how communication with others and having a HealthCare provider is essential in making individuals have the drive and courage to work on their rehabilitation. An extremely useful idea that I found in this chapter is that having certain attributes is crucial in recovering stroke patients. It is written that "For Bill, showing up implies committing to giving it your best" (Parsloe & Geist-Martin, 2019, p.14). Here, resilience and commitment are highlighted as some of the vital attributes that contribute to a quicker recovery. The idea is instrumental when dealing with a stroke patient because various challenges accompany the recovery process. Majorly, these challenges are cognitive, emotional, and physical. Finding an idea that was not helpful in the book was challenging. However, it is only normal for Bill to credit his father and mother for his work ethics, considering that parents play a significant role in the socialization process of their children. Nevertheless, the chapter is crucial in pointing out the early symptoms of stroke that are mostly assumed by many. Indeed, Levine (2013) emphasizes that the first step to recovering from a stroke is by acknowledging and discovering stroke symptoms. It ensures immediate treatment and hastens the recovery process.
Chapter five takes into account Bill's capacity to configure his rehabilitation process and how his group of friends offered him support throughout his recovery process. The chapter reveals how his colleagues and friends were instrumental in preparing him on his road to a successful career. Notably, the same attributes that drove him towards his recovery were also vital in shaping his career. Apart from the development of a network of friends, an additional activity that could be incorporated in this chapter would be the Ankle-Foot-orthosis, since it is highly recommended for enabling patients with their movements. Foot drop is the challenge that individuals experience when lifting the front part of their foot because of damage or fatigue, affecting nerves and muscles that help in movement. To assist in dealing with such issues, AFO should be set in a way that ensures that the front part of the foot is curbed from dipping down or disrupting walking movements hence making it an essential aid in recovery.
Chapter 2 discussion questions
· Do you think the relationship between John William Torres and Bill played any role in his recovery process?
· What impact did growing up during the great depression have on Bill's childhood?
· What does it feel like to experience a stroke in front of your parents?
· Does personality impact an individual's ability to recover from stroke?
Bill uses his narrative to connect with fellow survivors who feel disheartened or are on the verge of giving up. Whenever he walks in a hospital setting and comes in contact with a stroke survivor, he is a living witness of successful stroke recovery. Bill's narrative is connected with the class textbook "Storied Health and Illness" since they provide a methodological and theoretical description of health communication issues in various contexts. They both opine that human health treatment as a whole can be comprehended as a series of interconnected activities. Most importantly, they depict how social, cultural, and political beliefs shape individuals' consequences and stories of their health. The perceptions that people have on their values and beliefs shape how they approach their medical care and how they are treated.
Levine, P. G. (2013). Stronger aster stroke: Your recovery roadmap to recovery (2nd ed.). New York, NY: demos HEALTH.
Yamasaki, J., Geist-Martin, P., & Sharf, B. F. (2016). Storied health and illness: Communicating personal, cultural, and political complexities. Waveland Press.
Running head: BOOK REVIEW
Book Review
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Running head: BOOK REVIEW 1
Book Review
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Systems of Effective Time Management
A growing number of individuals tend to mistake systems of effective time management to tracking systems. Yet, time management systems are essential resources that every organization requires to enable them realize their desired goals and objectives. Time is a delicate thing in the sense that it cannot be saved and used later on since once it is misused, it can never be recovered. Every organization is exploring ways that they can plan and implement systems that can guarantee effective time management. Thus, in order to ensure proper management of time, managers should be creative enough and introduce ways that they can implement systems that produce output within the stipulated set timeliness.
The research was governed by the following hypothesis; first, systems of effective time management possess an instrumental effect on the success of an organization. The tools used for analysis of these hypotheses were Regression and Correlation analysis. The second hypothesis stated that Systems of effective time management are highly correlated with the achievement and performance of employees. The tool used for analysis and exploration of these hypotheses was Correlation. The third hypothesis of this research indicated that Systems of effective time management explains the achievements and success of employees as well as organizations. The tool used for analysis here was Regression.
The research was based on two variables. The independent variable was systems of effective time management and the dependent variable was organizational performance. The relationship between these two variables was established with the help of Regression and Correlation Analysis.
Background of the Topic
Today, organizations worldwide value time as an important resource to achieving their objectives. Most of these organizations have made effective time management a critical element of their culture. This is because organizations the improvement of other resources, such as human capital and materials are pegged on time management (Nasrullah and Khan 67). Despite the significance of time to organizational performance, none of the businesses have the capacity to own time as a resource. For this reason, there is a growing interest in the development of systems of effective time management in most organizations. The secret to realizing success in most companies is managing time effectively as a resource since it is possessed on equal basis hence the organization should concentrate highly on planning. Development of systems of effective time management in an organization plays an instrumental role in leveraging the performance of its employees (Nasrullah and Khan 69). More specifically, it enables employees to possess the capacity and ability to manage time that encompasses setting realistic goals.
Reasons For Choosing the Topic
Systems of effective time management possess an instrumental effect on individuals lives commonly for those working in organizations or students studying in higher learning institutions where there is little or no supervision. The primary objective of the current research revolved around exploring the systems of effective time management and helping in comprehending to what extent the practice of time management influence the performance and achievement of human beings in various institutions or organizations (Silvestre). The situation in the developing countries is worse (Nasrullah and Khan 67), as the issues of time management has affected many organizations and this presents the best opportunity for the research to unearth the issue and possible findings.
Systems of time management for a long time have affected the findings and results of different organizations as previous research studies have shown in the past. In spite of the information and available knowledge on the implications of time on employees performance and achievement, this relationship and development of systems to help in making this issue a reality is not given much importance (Nasrullah and Khan 67). At any organization, it is crucial that systems are properly implemented, planned and controlled so as to realize exemplary results. Yet, it is imperative to note that there is an ongoing challenge when it comes to understanding systems of effective time management because of lack of easiness and the expensive means of collecting data. Therefore, driven by this ideology, there is need to place particular interests in systems of time management in organizations through a field research.
· To assist organizations to comprehend the way appropriate systems of time management can help in improving their success and achievement
· To establish the interrelationships between systems of effective time management and the performance of the organization
· To establish an effort to fill the gaps in the current research revolving around systems of effective time management and the performance of an organization
· To explore information and knowledge about systems of effective time management
· To examine the hidden interrelationship between an organization’s performance and the development of systems of effective time management.
Anticipated Lessons or Learning outcomes
In this research, I looked forward to understanding the relationship between organizational performance and systems of time management. Systems of time management are instrumental and they might actually play a crucial role in the achievements of various institutions, organizations, and individuals. Yet, all of these are correlated in the way individuals can fit through the systems of effective time management to suit their day to day operations. It is vital to comprehend the way conducive settings can contribute to systems of effective time management and the way they can promote a positive outcome on the overall performance of individuals. As such, one of the major lessons anticipated is the implications of systems of time management and the best way they can be established.
Research Methodology
The research took a mixed research form. It involved both qualitative and quantitative research. In this case, the researcher used both inferential and descriptive methods muster data, especially numerical and textual. The use of thematic analysis was essential in rationalizing quantitative or qualitative data. Importantly, the researcher relied on statistical tools to analyze the numerical data.
The survey approach employed in this research was a social research methodology. The managers have at their disposal the social research survey to collect data, especially using interviews and questionnaires. With these instrumental tools, the managers can measure the individual attitudes and perceptions. However, the primary form of survey that was employed in this research was a questionnaire technique since it is one of the commonly employed tools of observation and it is simple and easy to administer. In this research, Population and Sample was classified as the whole group of objects that the research is interested in and desires to generalize and design. In other words, all the elements that were being explored and upon which the researcher was attempting to draw conclusions from are the population. For this reason, to help in comprehending the purpose and realizing the aim of this research, an institution of higher learning was chosen as the most preferred research setting since it is one of the organizations that are impacted by systems of effective time management. The population of interest in this research was made up of students from Harvard University.
The data collection methods used in this research focused on both primary sources and secondary sources. All research studies make extensive use of documentary materials, pamphlets, books, periodicals and other sources of information in libraries. In essence, without getting this preliminary orientation on the research topic, it is somehow challenging for a research project to be successful. For this reason, this research made good use of previous research studies and various literatures to help in getting information and insights on the topic of research. Apparently, this form of data is known as secondary. The research also employed primary sources of data. From the insights obtained from the secondary sources of information, and by first, extracting variables coupled with their characteristics, a structured questionnaire was constructed to help in data collection. The questionnaire was made up of research and demographic variables. In addition, to help in recording the responses of research, it is imperative to note that a Five-point Likert Scale was adopted.
Different tools of data analysis were also employed in the research, with preference given to descriptive tools, such as table and cross tabulation. These descriptive tools enhanced data comprehension, cleaning, and manipulation. For example, cross tables made it possible for the researcher to use the demographic factors to classify the respondents. Besides, the researcher used descriptive table to record research variables including mean values and standard deviations. The correlation among the variables had to be determined through hypotheses testing and with the help of the inferential tools. A number of techniques have been used based on the demographic characteristics of the respondents and the interrelationship between the variables of research themselves. For this reason, the researcher used both Multiple Regression and Step-wise Regression in Regression Analysis process. The research also used Correlations Analysis in showcasing the relationship between variables.
Demographic variables (Descriptive analysis)
Gender |
Frequency |
% |
Cumulative % |
Female |
35 |
30.2 |
75.8 |
Male |
85 |
69.8 |
100 |
Total |
120 |
100 |
Table 1: Description of Demographic variables
Domicile |
Percentage |
Frequency |
Cumulative Percent |
Non Local |
51.2 |
62 |
100 |
Local |
48.8 |
58 |
55.8 |
Total |
100 |
120 |
Table 2: Description of Demographic variables
Max |
Min |
Mean |
Std. Deviation |
Variance |
Short Range |
4.25 |
1.50 |
3.1083 |
.68961 |
.476 |
Long Range |
4.67 |
1.67 |
3.0347 |
0.62953 |
.396 |
Time Attitude |
5.00 |
1.33 |
3.0208 |
.70828 |
.502 |
Table 3: Descriptive Statics on the Variables of Research
Hypothesis Testing
AA |
Short |
Long |
Time |
AA |
Pearson Correlation Sig.(2-tailed) |
1 |
.-046 .621
.032 .732 |
.182 .047 |
Short range |
Pearson Correlation Sign (2-tailed) |
.041 .654 |
.-046 .621 |
1 |
.033 .724 |
Long Range |
Pearson Correlation Sign (2-tailed) |
.041 .654 |
1 |
.041 .654 |
.032 .730 |
Time Attitude |
Pearson Correlation Sig. (2-tailed) |
.032 .730 |
.182 .047 |
.033 .724 |
1 |
Table 4: Correlation analysis
Based on table 4, the correlation between short-term systems of effective time management is 0.032 and this was based on the significance value 0.742. The results imply that it is not significant at 0,05%. Simultaneously, it is imperative to note that the correlation between time attitude and the performance of the organization is –0.056 based on the significance value 0.621 that falls short of the 0.05% significance value. However, it is also imperative to note that the long range systems of effective time management correlation are 0.182 and the significance value is at 0.05 % because of 0.047. When the Pearson matrix of the five-interval scale is obtained, it is clear that both short-term and long-term effective time management is related with performance whereas time attitude is negatively related. For this reason, the most predictive predictor with effective decisions when it comes to time management is short-range systems.
The primary purpose of this research revolved around determining the systems of effective time management and the way it is related to individual performance in an organization setting. The findings of this research revealed that time managed is highly associated with exemplary performance in institutions of higher learning. Based on the findings of this research, it is clear that successful institutions of higher learning are those that possess systems of effective time management both long-range and short-range planning. In this case, it was established that the behavior of employees and students when it comes to time planning was at highest relative to time management. There was a growing relationship between time planning, management and the performance of individuals in higher learning institutions. There was also a positive and lower relationship between performance and time consumption. In addition, the findings also revealed a moderate and meaningful relationship between systems of effective time management and performance. The systems of time management scores for employees and a student at Harvard University is an indicator of the way organizations can improve their performance. The Correlation analysis also showed an association between effective time management and educational outcomes, management capacity and the performance of an organization.
Based on the findings of this research, it is imperative to note that time is the only thing that is equal to all the employees and students working at Harvard University. For this reason, systems of effective time management are an instrumental element for the success of the organization and any other institution. However, implementing an appropriate system that can be used in managing time effectively is also a rare skill. Some individuals possess some sort of system in place to help in managing their tasks or comprehend where to commence. Most of the students pointed out that short range planning systems is one of the most appropriate and effective system that can help them manage time to produce exemplary results. The students and employees also indicated that there was a negative relationship between time attitude and performance in an organization. One of the ways that appropriate systems of effective time management can be implemented is purging everything that is not helpful for the advancement of organizational goals before optimizing. Such issues will ensure that the system is functioning effectively and in the process, will enable the organization to improve on their productivity and performance.
Works Cited
Nasrullah_PhD, Shazia, and Muhammad Saqib Khan_PhD. "The Impact of Time Management on the Students’ Academic Achievements." Journal of Literature, Languages and Linguistics, vol.11, 2015, pp. 66-71.
Osawe, Cyril Onyepuemu. "Time Management: An Imperative Factor to Effective Service Delivery in the Nigeria Public Service." International Journal of Development and Management Review, vol. 12, no. 1, 2017, pp.152-167.
Silvestre, Dan. Effective Time Management: How to BYO Productivity System. 2018. system-9ad4e182dfb7. Accessed on November 15, 2019.

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