
Course Code Class Code Assignment Title Total Points
NRS-493 NRS-493-O502 Benchmark - Professional Capstone and Practicum Reflective Journal 90.0
Criteria Percentage 1: Unsatisfactory (0.00%) 2: Less Than Satisfactory (75.00%) 3: Satisfactory (79.00%) 4: Good (89.00%) 5: Excellent (100.00%) Comments Points Earned
Group 1 100.0%
New Practice Approaches 8.0% New practice approaches are not present. New practice approaches are present, but they are incomplete or otherwise lacking in required detail. New practice approaches are present. Some minor details or elements are missing, but the omissions do not impede understanding. New practice approaches are present and complete. The submission provides the basic information required. New practice approaches are present, complete, and incorporate additional relevant details and critical thinking to engage the reader.
Interprofessional Collaboration (C4.3) 8.0% Interprofessional collaboration information is not present. Interprofessional collaboration information is present, but it is incomplete or otherwise lacking in required detail. Interprofessional collaboration information is present. Some minor details or elements are missing, but the omissions do not impede understanding. Interprofessional collaboration information is present and complete. The submission provides the basic information required. Interprofessional collaboration information is present, complete, and incorporates additional relevant details and critical thinking to engage the reader.
Health Care Delivery and Clinical Systems 8.0% Health care delivery and clinical systems information is not present. Health care delivery and clinical systems information is present, but it is incomplete or otherwise lacking in required detail. Health care delivery and clinical systems information is present. Some minor details or elements are missing, but the omissions do not impede understanding. Health care delivery and clinical systems information is present and complete. The submission provides the basic information required. Health care delivery and clinical systems information is present, complete, and incorporates additional relevant details and critical thinking to engage the reader.
Ethical Considerations In Health Care (C2.3) 8.0% Information regarding ethical considerations in health care is not present. Information regarding ethical considerations in health care is present, but it is incomplete or otherwise lacking in required detail. Information regarding ethical considerations in health care is present. Some minor details or elements are missing, but the omissions do not impede understanding. Information regarding ethical considerations in health care is present and complete. The submission provides the basic information required. Information regarding ethical considerations in health care is present, complete, and incorporates additional relevant details and critical thinking to engage the reader.
Practice of Culturally Sensitive Care (C5.3) 8.0% Information regarding the practice of culturally sensitive care is not present. Information regarding the practice of culturally sensitive care is present, but it is incomplete or otherwise lacking in required detail. Information regarding the practice of culturally sensitive care is present. Some minor details or elements are missing, but the omissions do not impede understanding. Information regarding the practice of culturally sensitive care is present and complete. The submission provides the basic information required. Information regarding the practice of culturally sensitive care is present and complete, and incorporates additional relevant details and critical thinking to engage the reader.
Preservation of Integrity of Human Dignity in the Care of All Patients (C5.4) 8.0% Information regarding the preservation of integrity and human dignity in the care of all patients is not present. Information regarding the preservation of integrity and human dignity in the care of all patients is present, but it is incomplete or otherwise lacking in required detail. Information regarding the preservation of integrity and human dignity in the care of all patients is present. Some minor details or elements are missing, but the omissions do not impede understanding. Information regarding the preservation of integrity and human dignity in the care of all patients is present and complete. The submission provides the basic information required. Information regarding the preservation of integrity and human dignity in the care of all patients is present and complete, and incorporates additional relevant details and critical thinking to engage the reader.
Population Health Concerns 8.0% Information regarding population health concerns is not present. Information regarding population health concerns is present, but it is incomplete or otherwise lacking in required detail. Information regarding population health concerns is present. Some minor details or elements are missing, but the omissions do not impede understanding. Information regarding population health concerns is present and complete. The submission provides the basic information required. Information regarding population health concerns is present, complete, and incorporates additional relevant details and critical thinking to engage the reader.
Role of Technology in Improving Health Care Outcomes (C4.1) 8.0% Information on the role of technology in improving health care outcomes is not present. Information on the role of technology in improving health care outcomes is present, but it is incomplete or otherwise lacking in required detail. Information on the role of technology in improving health care outcomes is present. Some minor details or elements are missing, but the omissions do not impede understanding. Information on the role of technology in improving health care outcomes is present and complete. The submission provides the basic information required. Information on the role of technology in improving health care outcomes is present, complete, and incorporates additional relevant details and critical thinking to engage the reader.
Health Policy 8.0% Health policy information is not present. Health policy information is present, but it is incomplete or otherwise lacking in required detail. Health policy information is present. Some minor details or elements are missing, but the omissions do not impede understanding. Health policy information is present and complete. The submission provides the basic information required. Health policy information is present, complete, and incorporates additional relevant details and critical thinking to engage the reader.
Leadership and Economic Models 8.0% Information on leadership and economic models is not present. Information on leadership and economic models is present, but it is incomplete or otherwise lacking in required detail. Information on leadership and economic models is present. Some minor details or elements are missing, but the omissions do not impede understanding. Information on leadership and economic models is present and complete. The submission provides the basic information required. Information on leadership and economic models is present, complete, and incorporates additional relevant details and critical thinking to engage the reader.
Health Disparities 8.0% Information on health disparities is not present. Information on health disparities is present, but it is incomplete or otherwise lacking in required detail. Information on health disparities is present Some minor details or elements are missing, but the omissions do not impede understanding. Information on health disparities is present and complete. The submission provides the basic information required. Information on health disparities is present, complete, and incorporates additional relevant details and critical thinking to engage the reader.
Outline of Overall Personal Discovery 8.0% Outline of what student discovered about professional practice, personal strengths and weaknesses that surfaced, additional resources and abilities that could be introduced to a given situation to influence optimal outcomes, and how the student met the competencies aligned to this course is not present. Outline of what student discovered about professional practice, personal strengths and weaknesses that surfaced, additional resources and abilities that could be introduced to a given situation to influence optimal outcomes, and how the student met the competencies aligned to this course is present, but it is incomplete or otherwise lacking in required detail. Outline of what student discovered about professional practice, personal strengths and weaknesses that surfaced, additional resources and abilities that could be introduced to a given situation to influence optimal outcomes, and how the student met the competencies aligned to this course is present. Some minor details or elements are missing, but the omissions do not impede understanding. Outline of what student discovered about professional practice, personal strengths and weaknesses that surfaced, additional resources and abilities that could be introduced to a given situation to influence optimal outcomes, and how the student met the competencies aligned to this course is present and complete. The submission provides the basic information required. Outline of what student discovered about professional practice, personal strengths and weaknesses that surfaced, additional resources and abilities that could be introduced to a given situation to influence optimal outcomes, and how the student met the competencies aligned to this course is present and complete, and incorporates additional relevant details and critical thinking to engage the reader.
Mechanics of Writing (includes spelling, punctuation, grammar, language use) 4.0% Surface errors are pervasive enough that they impede communication of meaning. Inappropriate word choice or sentence construction is used. Frequent and repetitive mechanical errors distract the reader. Inconsistencies in language choice (register), sentence structure, or word choice are present. Some mechanical errors or typos are present, but they are not overly distracting to the reader. Correct sentence structure and audience-appropriate language are used. Prose is largely free of mechanical errors, although a few may be present. A variety of sentence structures and effective figures of speech are used. Writer is clearly in command of standard, written, academic English.
Total Weightage 100%

STA2023 Application 1 (2016-17) 1

STA2023 Application 1: Sample Data and Descriptive Statistics The completed application should be submitted to the Assignments link in Falcon Online. Purpose: The purpose of this assignment is to organize a random sample of data values and create statistics, tables, and a graph based on the data. The information will then be analyzed in a written summary. Part 1: Introduction Write an introduction to this application. Discuss the random variable and the source of the sample data. Refer to the textbook or class notes to describe the basic components of the application and the statistical concepts that are applied. The introduction should be at least 50 words and be written with proper grammar and spelling. (See Formatting paragraph at the end) Part 2: Collect and Organize Random Data Values and their Summary Statistics Methods: Use Excel (or similar software) to create the tables and graph. Then copy the items and paste them into a Word document. The tables should be formatted vertically, have borders, and be given the labels and titles stated in the assignment. The proper symbols should be used. Do not submit this assignment as an Excel file. The completed assignment should be a Word (or .pdf) document. 1. All relevant information is posted in the course website (Falcon Online). The data sets will be in the Applications folder. Choose one data set to work with. 2. Use technology (Excel, graphing calculator, etc.) to sort the 40 sample data values from low to high. Use Excel or similar software to put the data into a table with 4 columns and 10 rows. Label this “Table 1: Sorted Set of Sample Data.” 3. Using 5 to 10 class intervals, organize the sample data as a frequency distribution in a table. The intervals of the frequency distribution should be rounded to the tenths so that they match the data. Label this “Table 2: Frequency Distribution.” 4. Use Excel (or similar software) to construct a frequency histogram to illustrate the data. Give the axes the proper titles. Label this “Graph 1: Histogram.” 5. Use technology to find the mean, median, standard deviation, and variance of the sample data organized in Table 1. Put these values into a table with the proper symbol in the left column and the value of the statistic in the right column. Also put the values of the range and sample size in the table. The median and range do not generally have symbols so the terms “Median” and “Range” can be used in the left column. The statistics should be rounded properly (one more decimal place than the data). Label this “Table 3: Statistics from the Frequency Distribution.”

STA2023 Application 1 (2016-17) 2

6. Use the sample mean and standard deviation to find the minimum and maximum usual values (the boundaries for outliers). Put these values in a table with the proper symbol(s) in the left column and the values in the right column. Label this “Table 4: Minimum and Maximum Usual Values.” Part 3: Summary Write a summary of the application, considering the following topics. The summary should be at least 150 words and be written with proper grammar and spelling. Refer to the tables and graph (by label and number) throughout the summary. Connect the statistical information to the population that is being studied. Use the proper statistical terms and symbols in the summary. Write about the concepts in the application rather than the steps followed.

 Discuss the difference between population and sample values.  Describe the features of the histogram, including the shape of the distribution.  Discuss measures of center and variation as related to the sample data and the random

variable  Discuss characteristics of the sample data such as outliers and skewness, providing

support and examples. Use both the histogram and measures of center to identify whether there is skewness.

 Explain what these reveal to us about the population that is being studied. Part 4: Format Requirements

 Include a title page with your name, STA2023 Application 1, the word count for the introduction, the word count for the summary, and which data set is used.

 The introduction and summary should be written in paragraphs that are typed and double-spaced, with 1-inch margins and a readable font type and font size. The preferred font size could be 12 Times New Roman.

 The introduction by itself should be at least 50 words.  The summary should be at least 150 words.  The introduction and summary should be college-level writing with proper grammar and

spelling. Do not use first or second person (I, you, etc.).  Do not write about the parts of the assignment or the use of a calculator or excel to

complete steps in the application. Write about the concepts used in the application.  Throughout the introduction, tables, graph, and summary, proper statistical symbols and

terms should be used.  The tables should be formatted vertically, have 2 columns, have borders, and be given

the labels and titles stated in the assignment.  The title page, introduction, tables, graphs, and summary should be a single document

(.doc, .docx, or .pdf) which is submitted to the Assignments link in Falcon Online by the due date.

STA2023 Application 1 (2016-17) 3

 Assemble the application in the following order to create a single document. o Title page o Introduction o Tables and Graph o Summary

Part 5: Grading: Application 1 is worth up to 36 points, based on the following criteria.

 The statistical content (Part 2) is worth up to 12 points, based on completion of all the listed requirements.

 The introduction and written summary (Part 1 and 3) are worth up to 12 points, based on completion of all the listed requirements.

 The format (Part 4) of the complete document submitted to the Assignments link is worth up to 12 points, based on completion of all the listed requirements.

Rubric/allocation of 12 points:

 0 points for completing none of the requirements  3 points for attempting the requirements  6 points for completing some of the requirements  9 points for completing most of the requirements  12 points for completing all of the requirements

STA2023 Example for Application 1: Sample Data and Descriptive


Do not number these items in your application. Create a single document with these items,

numbering the tables and graph as stated in the assignment.

Item 1: Title Page

Item 2: Introduction

Item 3: Tables and Graph

21.8 34.7 40.6 48.6

26.8 35.0 40.7 49.2

28.5 35.6 40.8 49.3

29.7 36.0 40.9 49.6

31.1 36.3 41.0 50.9

31.3 39.7 45.9 51.8

32.1 39.8 46.0 52.3

33.1 40.2 46.4 55.1

33.7 40.3 48.3 57.5

33.7 40.3 48.3 59.8

Table 1: Sorted Set of Sample Data

Data Values Frequency

21.0-25.9 1

26.0-30.9 3

31.0-35.9 9

36.0-40.9 11

41.0-45.9 2

46.0-50.9 9

51.0-55.9 3

56.0-60.9 2

Table 2: Frequency Distribution

Graph 1: Histogram

Statistic Value

𝑥 40.83

Median 38.45

s 8.70

s2 75.63

n 40

Range 38

Modal Class 36.0-40.9

Table 3: Statistics

Statistic Value

Minimum Usual Value

𝑥 – 2s


Maximum Usual Value

𝑥 + 2s


Table 4: Minimum and Maximum Usual Values

Item 4: Summary








21.0-25.9 26.0-30.9 31.0-35.9 36.0-40.9 41.0-45.9 46.0-50.9 51.0-55.9 56.0-60.9

Data Values


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