Project ManagementProject Management
Project ManagementProject Management
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© Adrienne Watt 2014. Unless otherwise noted, Project Management is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 Unported License. If you redistribute this textbook, in whole or in part, in either a print or digital format, then you must retain on every physical and/or electronic page the following attribution:
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Cover image: Colors and lines… by Shashank Gupta used under a CC-BY license
Project Management by Adrienne Watt is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.
Introduction vii
Preface viii
About the Book ix
1. 1. Project Management: Past and Present Adrienne Watt
2. 2. Project Management Overview Adrienne Watt
3. 3. The Project Life Cycle (Phases) Adrienne Watt
4. 4. Framework for Project Management Adrienne Watt
5. 5. Stakeholder Management Adrienne Watt
6. 6. Culture and Project Management Adrienne Watt
7. 7. Project Initiation Adrienne Watt
8. 8. Overview of Project Planning Adrienne Watt
9. 9. Scope Planning Adrienne Watt
10. 10. Project Schedule Planning Adrienne Watt
11. 11. Resource Planning Adrienne Watt
12. 12. Budget Planning Adrienne Watt
13. 13. Procurement Management Adrienne Watt
14. 14. Quality Planning Adrienne Watt
15. 15. Communication Planning Adrienne Watt
16. 16. Risk Management Planning Adrienne Watt
17. 17. Project Implementation Overview Adrienne Watt
18. 18. Project Completion Adrienne Watt
19. 19. Celebrate! Adrienne Watt
Appendix 1: Project Management PowerPoints 171
Appendix 2: Chapter Questions 172
Appendix 3: Chapter Audio Files 180
About the Author 182
Versioning History 183
People have been undertaking projects since the earliest days of organized human activity. The hunting parties of
our prehistoric ancestors were projects. Large complex projects such as the pyramids and the Great Wall of China
were also projects. Even something as simple as creating a dinner is considered a project. We use the term “pro-
ject” frequently in our daily conversations. This book covers the basics of project management. This includes the
process of initiation, planning, execution, control, and closeout that all projects share.
The primary purpose of this text is to provide an open source textbook that covers most project management
courses. The material in the textbook was obtained from a variety of sources. All the sources are found in the
reference section at the end of each chapter. I expect, with time, the book will grow with more information and
more examples.
I welcome any feedback that would improve the book. If you would like to add a section to the book, please let
me know.
About the Book
Project Management is a remix and adaptation. The adaptation is a part of the BCcampus Open Textbook project.
The B.C. Open Textbook Project began in 2012 with the goal of making post-secondary education in British
Columbia more accessible by reducing student cost through the use of openly licensed textbooks. The BC Open
Textbook Project is administered by BCcampus and funded by the British Columbia Ministry of Advanced Edu-
Open textbooks are open educational resources (OER); they are instructional resources created and shared in ways
so that more people have access to them. This is a different model than traditionally copyrighted materials. OER
are defined as teaching, learning, and research resources that reside in the public domain or have been released
under an intellectual property license that permits their free use and re-purposing by others (Hewlett Founda-
tion). Our open textbooks are openly licensed using a Creative Commons license, and are offered in various e-
book formats free of charge, or as printed books that are available at cost. For more information about this project,
please contact [email protected]. If you are an instructor who is using this book for a course, please let us
Project Management by Adrienne Watt is a remix of the following works:
100 Percent Rule by Pabipedia licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 License
Communication Plans by Inte6160 Wiki licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported.
Decision Matrix Method and Project Charter by Wikipedia the Free Encyclopedia licensed under Creative Com-
mons Alike Attribution 3.0 Unported.
Gantt Chart by Wikipedia licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported
How to Build Relationships with Stakeholders By Erin Palmer licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 3.0
Planning a Project by OpenLearn Labspace under Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported.
Project Decelerators – Lack of Stakeholder Support By Jose Solera licensed under Creative Commons Attribution
3.0 Unported
Project Management by Merrie Barron and Andrew Barron licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 3.0
Project Management for Instructional Designers by Amado, M., Ashton, K., Ashton, S., Bostwick, J., Clements,
G., Drysdale, J., Francis, J., Harrison, B., Nan, V., Nisse, A., Randall, D., Rino, J., Robinson, J., Snyder, A., Wiley,
D., & Anonymous. (DATE). Project Management for Instructional Designers. Retrieved from
under Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported.
Project Management for Skills for All Careers by Project Management Open Resources and TAP-a-PM licensed
under Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported.
Project Management from Simple to Complex by Russel Darnall, John Preston, Eastern Michigan University
licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported.
Project Management/PMBOK/Human Resources Management and Development Cooperation Handbook/How do
we manage the human resources of programmes and projects?/Manage the Project Team by Wikibooks licensed
under Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0,
Project Management/PMBOK/Scope Management and Development Cooperation Handbook/Designing and Exe-
cuting Projects/Detailed Planning or design stage by Wikibooks licensed under Creative Commons Attribution
3.0 Unported.
Resource Management and Resource Leveling by Wikipedia licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-Share
Alike 3.0 License.
Work Breakdown Structure by Wikipedia licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 License
x • A B O U T T H E B O O K
1. Project Management: Past and Present
Careers Using Project Management SkillsCareers Using Project Management Skills
Skills learned by your exposure to studying project management can be used in most careers as well as in your
daily life. Strong planning skills, good communication, ability to implement a project to deliver the product or ser-
vice while also monitoring for risks and managing the resources will provide an edge toward your success. Project
managers can be seen in many industry sectors including agriculture and natural resources; arts, media, and enter-
tainment; building trades and construction; energy and utilities; engineering and design; fashion and interiors;
finance and business; health and human services; hospitality, tourism, and recreation; manufacturing and product
development; public and private education services; public services; retail and wholesale trade; transportation;
and information technology.
Below we explore various careers and some of the ways in which project management knowledge can be lever-
Business OwnersBusiness Owners
Business owners definitely need to have some project management skills. With all successful businesses, the prod-
uct or service being delivered to the customer meets their needs in many ways. The product or service is of the
quality desired, the costs are aligned with what the consumer expected, and the timeliness of the product or ser-
vice meets the deadline for the buyer of that item.
The pillars of project management are delivering a product/service within schedule, cost, scope, and quality
requirements. Business owners need planning, organizing, and scoping skills and the ability to analyze, commu-
nicate, budget, staff, equip, implement, and deliver.
Understanding the finances, operations, and expenses of the business are among the skills that project managers
learn and practice. Some businesses may focus more on accounting, providing financial advice, sales, training,
public relations, and actuary or logistician roles. Business owners may own a travel agency or provide hospitality.
Business owners could be managing a storefront or a location in their town’s marketplace.
Example: Restaurant Owner/ManagerExample: Restaurant Owner/Manager
Restaurant managers are responsible for the daily operations of a restaurant that prepares and serves meals and
beverages to customers. Strong planning skills, especially coordinating with the various departments (kitchen,
dining room, banquet operations, food service managers, vendors providing the supplies) ensure that customers
are satisfied with their dining experience. Managers’ abilities to recruit and retain employees, and monitor
employee performance and training ensure quality with cost containment. Scheduling in many aspects, not only
the staff but also the timing of the food service deliveries, is critical in meeting customer expectations.
Risk management is essential to ensure food safety and quality. Managers monitor orders in the kitchen to deter-
mine where delays may occur, and they work with the chef to prevent these delays. Legal compliance is essential
in order for the restaurant to stay open, so restaurant managers direct the cleaning of the dining areas and the
washing of tableware, kitchen utensils, and equipment. They ensure the safety standards and legality, especially
in serving alcohol. Sensitivity and strong communication skills are needed when customers have complaints or
employees feel pressured because more customers arrive than predicted.
Financial knowledge is needed for the soundness of running the restaurant, especially tracking special projects,
events, and costs for the various menu selections. Catering events smoothly can be an outcome of using project
plans and the philosophy of project management. The restaurant manager or the executive chef analyzes the
recipes to determine food, labor, and overhead costs; determines the portion size and nutritional content of each
serving; and assigns prices to various menu items, so that supplies can be ordered and received in time.
Planning is the key for successful implementation. Managers or executive chefs need to estimate food needs, place
orders with distributors, and schedule the delivery of fresh food and supplies. They also plan for routine services
(equipment maintenance, pest control, waste removal) and deliveries, including linen services or the heavy clean-
ing of dining rooms or kitchen equipment, to occur during slow times or when the dining room is closed. A suc-
cessful restaurant relies on many skills that the project management profession emphasizes.
Outsourcing ServicesOutsourcing Services
Figure 1.1: Sample status chart, which is typical with the use of a red-yellow-green, by Maura Irene Jones in Project Management Skills for All Careers ( ProjectManagementforAllCareersEdition2.pdf), used under CC-BY license (
Many businesses explore outsourcing for certain services. Below is a sample status and project plan that reflects
the various tasks needed for a project. A review of finances, the importance of communicating to stakeholders,
and the importance of time, cost, schedule, scope, and quality are reflected. Many companies may use these steps
in their business. These plans show the need for the entire team to review the various proposals to choose the best
plan. Figure 1.1 represents a sample project status report.
2 • P R O J E C T M A N A G E M E N T
Example: Construction ManagersExample: Construction Managers
Construction managers plan, direct, coordinate, and budget a wide variety of residential, commercial, and indus-
trial construction projects including homes, stores, offices, roads, bridges, wastewater treatment plants, schools,
and hospitals. Strong scheduling skills are essential for this role. Communication skills are often used in coordi-
nating design and construction processes, teams executing the work, and governance of special trades (carpentry,
plumbing, electrical wiring) as well as government representatives for the permit processes.
A construction manager may be called a project manager or project engineer. The construction manager ensures
that the project is completed on time and within budget while meeting quality specifications and codes and main-
taining a safe work environment. These managers create project plans in which they divide all required construc-
tion site activities into logical steps, estimating and budgeting the time required to meet established deadlines,
usually utilizing sophisticated scheduling and cost-estimating software. Many use software packages such as
Microsoft Project® or Procure® or online tools like BaseCamp®. Most construction projects rely on spreadsheets
for project management. Procurement skills used in this field include acquiring the bills for material, lumber for
the house being built, and more. Construction managers also coordinate labor, determining the needs and oversee-
ing their performance, ensuring that all work is completed on schedule.
Values including sustainability, reuse, LEED-certified building, use of green energy, and various energy efficien-
cies are being incorporated into today’s projects with an eye to the future. Jennifer Russell, spoke about project
management and global sustainability” at the 2011 Silicon Valley Project Management Institute (PMI) conference.
She informed the attendees of the financial, environmental, and social areas in expanding the vision of project
management with the slide in Figure 1.2. These values are part of the PMI’s code of ethics and professionalism.
By adhering to this code, project managers include in their decisions the best interests of society, the safety of the
public, and enhancement of the environment.
Figure 1.2: Project Management by Jennifer Russell (, used under CC-BY license (
Creative ServicesCreative Services
Creative service careers include graphic artists, curators, video editors, gaming managers, multimedia artists,
media producers, technical writers, interpreters, and translators. These positions use project management skills,
especially in handling the delivery channel and meeting clients’ requirements.
Let us look at one example, graphic artists, to understand and identify some of the project management skills that
aid in this career.
Example: Graphic ArtistsExample: Graphic Artists
Graphic artists plan, analyze, and create visual solutions to communication problems. They use many skills found
in project management, especially communications. They work to achieve the most effective way to get messages
1 . P R O J E C T M A N A G E M E N T : P A S T A N D P R E S E N T • 3
across in print and electronic media. They emphasize their messages using color, type, illustration, photography,
animation, and various print and layout techniques. Results can be seen in magazines, newspapers, journals, cor-
porate reports, and other publications. Other deliverables from graphic artists using project management skills
include promotional displays, packaging, and marketing brochures supporting products and services, logos, and
signage. In addition to print media, graphic artists create materials for the web, TV, movies, and mobile device
Initiation in project management can be seen in developing a new design: determining the needs of the client, the
message the design should portray, and its appeal to customers or users. Graphic designers consider cognitive,
cultural, physical, and social factors in planning and executing designs for the target audience, very similar to
some of the dynamics a project manager considers in communicating with various project stakeholders. Designers
may gather relevant information by meeting with clients, creative staff, or art directors; brainstorming with others
within their firm or professional association; and performing their own research to ensure that their results have
high quality and they can manage risks.
Graphic designers may supervise assistants who follow instructions to complete parts of the design process.
Therefore scheduling, resource planning, and cost monitoring are pillars of project management seen in this indus-
try. These artists use computer and communications equipment to meet their clients’ needs and business require-
ments in a timely and cost-efficient manner.
“Educator” is a broad term that can describe a career in teaching, maybe being a lecturer, a professor, a tutor, or a
home-schooler. Other educators include gurus, mullahs, pastors, rabbis, and priests. Instructors also provide voca-
tional training or teach skills like learning how to drive a car or use a computer. Educators provide motivation to
learn a new language or showcase new products and services. Educators use project management skills including
planning and communication.
Let us look at teachers, since we all have had teachers, and see if we can recognize the project management skills
that are demonstrated in this profession.
Example: TeachersExample: Teachers
Some teachers foster the intellectual and social development of children during their formative years; other teach-
ers provide knowledge, career skill sets, and guidance to adults. Project management skills that teachers exhibit
include acting as facilitators or coaches and communicating in the classroom and in individual instruction. Project
managers plan and evaluate various aspects of a project; teachers plan, evaluate, and assign lessons; implement
these plans; and monitor each student’s progress similar to the way a project manager monitors and delivers goods
or services. Teachers use their people skills to manage students, parents, and administrators. The soft skills that
project managers exercise can be seen in teachers who encourage collaboration in solving problems by having
students work in groups to discuss and solve problems as a team.
Project managers may work in a variety of fields with a broad assortment of people, similar to teachers who
work with students from varied ethnic, racial, and religious backgrounds. These teachers must have awareness
and understanding of different cultures.
4 • P R O J E C T M A N A G E M E N T
Teachers in some schools may be involved in making decisions regarding the budget, personnel, textbooks, cur-
riculum design, and teaching methods, demonstrating skills that a project manager would possess such as financial
management and decision making.
Engineers apply the principles of science and mathematics to develop economical solutions to technical problems.
As a project cycles from an idea in the project charter to the implementation and delivery of a product or service,
engineers link scientific discoveries to commercial applications that meet societal and consumer needs.
Engineers use many project management skills, especially when they must specify functional requirements.
They demonstrate attention to quality as they evaluate a design’s overall effectiveness, cost, reliability, and safety
similar to the project manager reviewing the criteria for the customer’s acceptance of delivery of the product or
Estimation skills in project management are used in engineering. Engineers are asked many times to provide an
estimate of time and cost required to complete projects.
Health CareHealth Care
There are many jobs and careers in health care that use project management skills. Occupations in the field
of health care vary widely, such as athletic trainer, dental hygienist, massage therapist, occupational therapist,
optometrist, nurse, physician, physician assistant, and X-ray technician. These individuals actively apply risk
management in providing health care delivery of service to their clients, ensuring that they do not injure the person
they are caring for. Note: There is a section on nursing later in this chapter.
Many of you may have had a fall while you were growing up, and needed an X-ray to determine if you had a
fracture or merely a sprain. Let us look at this career as an example of a health care professional using project
management skills.
Example: Radiology TechnologistsExample: Radiology Technologists
Radiology technologists and technicians perform diagnostic imaging examinations like X-rays, computed tomog-
raphy (CT), magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), and mammography. They could also be called radiographers,
because they produce X-ray films (radiographs) of parts of the human body for use in diagnosing medical prob-
Project management skills, especially people skills and strong communication, are demonstrated when they pre-
pare patients for radiologic examinations by explaining the procedure and what position the patient needs to be
in, so that the parts of the body can be appropriately radiographed. Risk management is demonstrated when these
professionals work to prevent unnecessary exposure to radiation by surrounding the exposed area with radiation
protection devices, such as lead shields, or limiting the size of the X-ray beam. To ensure quality results, the health
technician monitors the radiograph and sets controls on the X-ray machine to produce radiographs of the appro-
priate density, detail, and contrast.
Safety and regulations concerning the use of radiation to protect themselves, their patients, and their coworkers
1 . P R O J E C T M A N A G E M E N T : P A S T A N D P R E S E N T • 5
from unnecessary exposure is tracked in an efficient manner and reported as a control to ensure compliance. Pro-
ject management skills are also used in preparing work schedules, evaluating equipment for purchase, or manag-
ing a radiology department.
Some radiological technologists specialize in CT scans; as CT technologists they too use project management
skills. CT uses ionizing radiation to produce a substantial number of cross-sectional X-rays of an area of the body.
Therefore, it requires the same precautionary measures that are used with X-rays, hence the need for risk manage-
ment and monitoring for exposure.
Teamwork, not only with the patient that the radiological technologist supports and the doctor who ordered the
request, but also with other health care providers, relies on strong communication, quality, work done in a timely
manner, and wise use of hospital resources. This all boils down to ensuring that the three elements of the project
management triangle of cost, schedule, and scope with quality delivered remain the essentials that provide a cor-
nerstone to project management and the skills needed to obtain the objective.
Example: NursesExample: Nurses
Nurses treat and educate patients and their families and the public about various medical conditions and provide
advice and emotional support. Nurses establish a care plan for their patients that include activities like scheduling
the administration and discontinuation of medications (e.g., intravenous (IV) lines for fluid, medication, blood,
and blood products) and application of therapies and treatments. Communication with the patient, their family,
physicians and other health care clinicians may be done in person or via technology. Telehealth allows nurses to
provide care and advice through electronic communications media including videoconferencing, the Internet, or
Risk management is very important for a nurse, with some cases having a life or death consequence. Nurses mon-
itor pain management and vital signs and provide status reports to physicians to help in responding to the health
care needs of the patient.
The nursing field varies. Some nurses work in infection control. They identify, track, and control infectious out-
breaks in health care facilities and create programs for outbreak prevention and response to biological terrorism.
Others are educators who plan, develop, execute, and evaluate educational programs and curricula for the profes-
sional development of students and graduate nurses. Nurses may use project management skills while conducting
health care consultations, advising on public policy, researching in the field, or providing sales support of a prod-
uct or service.
Attorneys assume the ultimate responsibility for legal work but they often obtain assistance. Paralegals assume
this role in law firms and perform many tasks to aid the legal profession. However, they are explicitly prohibited
from carrying out duties considered to be the practice of law (e.g., giving legal advice, setting legal fees, present-
ing court cases).
Project management skills such as planning are used in helping lawyers prepare for closings, hearings, trials, and
corporate meetings. Communication skills are used in preparing written reports that help attorneys determine how
cases should be handled or drafts for actions such as pleading, filing motions, and obtaining affidavits.
6 • P R O J E C T M A N A G E M E N T
Monitoring skills aid paralegals who may track files of important case documents, working on risk containment
related to filing dates and responses to the court. Procurement skills, which a project manager uses, can also be
seen from a paralegal perspective in negotiating terms of hiring expert witnesses as well as other services such as
acquiring services from process servers.
Financial skills may be used as well, such as assisting in preparing tax returns, establishing trust funds, and plan-
ning estates or maintaining financial office records at the law firm.
Government, litigation, personal injury, corporate law, criminal law, employee benefits, intellectual property, labor
law, bankruptcy, immigration, family law, and real estate are some of the many different law practices where a
paralegal professional may use project management skills.
Software developerSoftware developer
Computer software developers and computer programmers design and develop software. They apply the prin-
ciples of computer science and mathematics to create, test, and evaluate software applications and systems that
make computers come alive. Software is developed in many kinds of projects: computer games, business applica-
tions, operating systems, network control systems, and more. Software developers us project management skills
to develop the requirements for the software, identify and track the product development tasks, communicate
within the development team and with clients, test cases, and manage quality, the schedule, and resources (staff,
equipment, labs, and more).
Science TechniciansScience Technicians
Science technicians use principles and theories of science and mathematics to assist in research and development
and help invent and improve products and processes. In their jobs, they are more practically oriented than scien-
tists. Planning skills project managers use can be seen as science technicians set up, operate, and maintain lab-
oratory instruments; monitor experiments; and observe, calculate, and record results. Quality is a factor here as
it is in project management; science technicians must ensure that processes are performed correctly, with proper
proportions of ingredients, for purity or for strength and durability.
There are different fields in which science technicians can apply project management skills. Agricultural and food
science technicians test food and other agricultural products and are involved in food, fiber, and animal research,
production, and processing. Control and risk management are important here in executing the tests and experi-
ments, for example, to improve the yield and quality of crops, or the resistance of plants and animals to disease,
insects, or other hazards. Quality factors are paramount when food science technicians conduct tests on food addi-
tives and preservatives to ensure compliance with government regulations regarding color, texture, and nutrients.
Biological technicians work with biologists studying living organisms. Many assist scientists who conduct med-
ical research or who work in pharmaceutical companies to help develop and manufacture medicines. Skills in
scheduling, especially in incubation periods for the study of the impact on cells, could impact projects, such as
exploring and isolating variables for research in living organisms and infectious agents. Biotechnology techni-
cians apply knowledge and execution skills and techniques gained from basic research, including gene splicing
and recombinant DNA, to product development. Project management skills are used in collaboration and commu-
nication among team members to record and understand the results and progress toward a cure or product.
1 . P R O J E C T M A N A G E M E N T : P A S T A N D P R E S E N T • 7
Other kinds of technicians are chemical technicians who may work in laboratories or factories, using monitoring
and control skills in the way they collect and analyze samples. Again, quality assurance is an important factor for
most process technicians’ work in manufacturing, testing packaging for design, ensuring integrity of materials,
and verifying environmental acceptability.
Technicians use a project management skill set to assist in their initiation, planning, and executing tasks, while
managing risks with some measure of reporting to determine if their objectives satisfy the constraints of cost,
schedule, resource, and quality standards set.
Could the Great Wall of China, the pyramids, or Stonehenge have been built without project management? It is
possible to say that the concept of project management has been around since the beginning of history. It has
enabled leaders to plan bold and massive projects and manage funding, materials, and labor within a designated
time frame.
In late 19th century, in the United States, large-scale government projects were the impetus for making important
decisions that became the basis for project management methodology such as the transcontinental railroad, which
began construction in the 1860s. Suddenly, business leaders found themselves faced with the daunting task of
organizing the manual labor of thousands of workers and the processing and assembly of unprecedented quantities
of raw material.
Figure 1.3: MindView Gantt Chart, by Matchware Inc (MindView) ( File%3AMindView-Gantt_Chart.png), used under CC-BY-SA license (
Henry Gantt, studied in great detail the order of operations in work and is most famous for developing the Gantt
chart in the 1910s. A Gantt chart (Figure 1.3) is a popular type of bar chart that illustrates a project schedule and
has become a common technique for representing the phases and activities of a project so they can be understood
by a wide audience. Although now a common charting technique, Gantt charts were considered revolutionary at
the time they were introduced. Gantt charts were employed on major infrastructure projects in the United States
including the Hoover Dam and the interstate highway system and are still accepted today as important tools in
project management.
By the mid-20th century, projects were managed on an ad hoc basis using mostly Gantt charts and informal tech-
niques and tools. During that time, the Manhattan Project was initiated and its complexity was only possible
because of project management methods. The Manhattan Project was the code name given to the Allied effort to
develop the first nuclear weapons during World War II. It involved over 30 different project sites in the United
States and Canada, and thousands of personnel from the United States, Canada, and the U.K. Born out of a small
research program that began in 1939, the Manhattan Project would eventually employ 130,000 people, cost a total
8 • P R O J E C T M A N A G E M E N T
of nearly US$2 billion, and result in the creation of multiple production and research sites operated in secret. The
project succeeded in developing and detonating three nuclear weapons in 1945.
The 1950s marked the beginning of the modern project management era. Two mathematical project-scheduling
models were developed.
The program evaluation and review technique (PERT) was developed by Booz-Allen and Hamilton as part of
the United States Navy’s Polaris missile submarine program. PERT is basically a method for analyzing the tasks
involved in completing a project, especially the time needed to complete each task, the dependencies among tasks,
and the minimum time needed to complete the total project (Figure 1.4).
The critical path method (CPM) was developed in a joint venture by DuPont Corporation and Remington Rand
Corporation for managing plant maintenance projects. The critical path determines the float, or schedule flexibil-
ity, for each activity by calculating the earliest start date, earliest finish date, latest start date, and latest finish date
for each activity. The critical path is generally the longest full path on the project. Any activity with a float time
that equals zero is considered a critical path task. CPM can help you figure out how long your complex project
will take to complete and which activities are critical, meaning they have to be done on time or else the whole
project will take longer. These mathematical techniques quickly spread into many private enterprises.
Figure 1.4: Pert Chart by Jeremykemp derivative work: Hazmat2 from Wikimedia Commons ( File:Pert_chart_colored.svg), in the Public Domain (
Project management in its present form began to take root a few decades ago. In the early 1960s, industrial and
business organizations began to understand the benefits of organizing work around projects. They understood the
critical need to communicate and integrate work across multiple departments and professions.
This chapter of Project Management is a derivative copy of Project Management by Merrie Barron and Andrew
Barron licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported and Project Management for Skills for All
Careers by Project Management Open Resources and TAP-a-PM licensed under Creative Commons Attribution
3.0 Unported.
1 . P R O J E C T M A N A G E M E N T : P A S T A N D P R E S E N T • 9
2. Project Management Overview
The starting point in discussing how projects should be properly managed is to first understand what a project is
and, just as importantly, what it is not.
People have been undertaking projects since the earliest days of organized human activity. The hunting parties
of our prehistoric ancestors were projects, for example; they were temporary undertakings directed at the goal of
obtaining meat for the community. Large complex projects have also been with us for a long time. The pyramids
and the Great Wall of China were in their day of roughly the same dimensions as the Apollo project to send men
to the moon. We use the term “project” frequently in our daily conversations. A husband, for example may tell his
wife, “My main project for this weekend is to straighten out the garage.” Going hunting, building pyramids, and
fixing faucets all share certain features that make them projects.
Project AttributesProject Attributes
A project has distinctive attributes that distinguish it from ongoing work or business operations. Projects are tem-
porary in nature. They are not an everyday business process and have definitive start dates and end dates. This
characteristic is important because a large part of the project effort is dedicated to ensuring that the project is com-
pleted at the appointed time. To do this, schedules are created showing when tasks should begin and end. Projects
can last minutes, hours, days, weeks, months, or years.
Projects exist to bring about a product or service that hasn’t existed before. In this sense, a project is unique.
Unique means that this is new; this has never been done before. Maybe it’s been done in a very similar fashion
before but never exactly in this way. For example, Ford Motor Company is in the business of designing and
assembling cars. Each model that Ford designs and produces can be considered a project. The models differ from
each other in their features and are marketed to people with various needs. An SUV serves a different purpose
and clientele than a luxury car. The design and marketing of these two models are unique projects. However, the
actual assembly of the cars is considered an operation (i.e., a repetitive process that is followed for most makes
and models).
In contrast with projects, operations are ongoing and repetitive. They involve work that is continuous without
an ending date and with the same processes repeated to produce the same results. The purpose of operations is
to keep the organization functioning while the purpose of a project is to meet its goals and conclude. Therefore,
operations are ongoing while projects are unique and temporary.
A project is completed when its goals and objectives are accomplished. It is these goals that drive the project,
and all the planning and implementation efforts undertaken to achieve them. Sometimes projects end when it is
determined that the goals and objectives cannot be accomplished or when the product or service of the project is
no longer needed and the project is cancelled.
Definition of a ProjectDefinition of a Project
There are many written definitions of a project. All of them contain the key elements described above. For those
looking for a formal definition of a project, the Project Management Institute (PMI) defines a project as a tempo-
rary endeavor undertaken to create a unique product, service, or result. The temporary nature of projects indicates
a definite beginning and end. The end is reached when the project’s objectives have been achieved or when the
project is terminated because its objectives will not or cannot be met, or when the need for the project no longer
Project CharacteristicsProject Characteristics
When considering whether or not you have a project on your hands, there are some things to keep in mind. First,
is it a project or an ongoing operation? Second, if it is a project, who are the stakeholders? And third, what char-
acteristics distinguish this endeavor as a project?
Projects have several characteristics:
• Projects are unique.
• Projects are temporary in nature and have a definite beginning and ending date.
• Projects are completed when the project goals are achieved or it’s determined the project is no longer
A successful project is one that meets or exceeds the expectations of the stakeholders.
Consider the following scenario: The vice-president (VP) of marketing approaches you with a fabulous idea.
(Obviously it must be “fabulous” because he thought of it.) He wants to set up kiosks in local grocery stores as
mini-offices. These offices will offer customers the ability to sign up for car and home insurance services as well
as make their bill payments. He believes that the exposure in grocery stores will increase awareness of the com-
pany’s offerings. He told you that senior management has already cleared the project, and he’ll dedicate as many
resources to this as he can. He wants the new kiosks in place in 12 selected stores in a major city by the end of the
year. Finally, he has assigned you to head up this project.
Your first question should be, “Is it a project?” This may seem elementary, but confusing projects with ongoing
operations happens often. Projects are temporary in nature, have definite start and end dates, result in the creation
of a unique product or service, and are completed when their goals and objectives have been met and signed off
by the stakeholders.
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Using these criteria, let’s examine the assignment from the VP of marketing to determine if it is a project:
• Is it unique? Yes, because the kiosks don’t exist in the local grocery stores. This is a new way of offering
the company’s services to its customer base. While the service the company is offering isn’t new, the way it
is presenting its services is.
• Does the product have a limited timeframe? Yes, the start date of this project is today, and the end date is
the end of next year. It is a temporary endeavor.
• Is there a way to determine when the project is completed? Yes, the kiosks will be installed and the services
will be offered from them. Once all the kiosks are installed and operating, the project will come to a close.
• Is there a way to determine stakeholder satisfaction? Yes, the expectations of the stakeholders will be docu-
mented in the form of requirements during the planning processes. These requirements will be compared to
the finished product to determine if it meets the expectations of the stakeholder.
If the answer is yes to all these questions, then we have a project.
The Process of Project ManagementThe Process of Project Management
You’ve determined that you have a project. What now? The notes you scribbled down on the back of the napkin
at lunch are a start, but not exactly good project management practice. Too often, organizations follow Nike’s
advice when it comes to managing projects when they “just do it.” An assignment is made, and the project team
members jump directly into the development of the product or service requested. In the end, the delivered product
doesn’t meet the expectations of the customer. Unfortunately, many projects follow this poorly constructed path,
and that is a primary contributor to a large percentage of projects not meeting their original objectives, as defined
by performance, schedule, and budget.
In the United States, more than $250 billion is spent each year on information technology (IT) application devel-
opment in approximately 175,000 projects. The Standish Group (a Boston-based leader in project and value per-
formance research) released the summary version of their 2009 CHAOS Report that tracks project failure rates
across a broad range of companies and industries (Figure 2.1).
Figure 2.1: Summary of 2009 Standish Group CHAOS report. Chaosreport2009 by Merrie Barron & Andrew R. Barron ( used under CC-BY license ( by/3.0/).
Jim Johnson, chairman of the Standish Group, has stated that “this year’s results show a marked decrease in pro-
ject success rates, with 32% of all projects succeeding which are delivered on time, on budget, with required fea-
tures and functions, 44% were challenged-which are late, over budget, and/or with less than the required features
and functions and 24% failed which are cancelled prior to completion or delivered and never used.”
When are companies going to stop wasting billions of dollars on failed projects? The vast majority of this waste
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is completely avoidable: simply get the right business needs (requirements) understood early in the process and
ensure that project management techniques are applied and followed, and the project activities are monitored.
Applying good project management discipline is the way to help reduce the risks. Having good project manage-
ment skills does not completely eliminate problems, risks, or surprises. The value of good project management is
that you have standard processes in place to deal with all contingencies.
Project management is the application of knowledge, skills, tools, and techniques applied to project activities in
order to meet the project requirements. Project management is a process that includes planning, putting the project
plan into action, and measuring progress and performance.
Managing a project includes identifying your project’s requirements and writing down what everyone needs from
the project. What are the objectives for your project? When everyone understands the goal, it’s much easier to
keep them all on the right path. Make sure you set goals that everyone agrees on to avoid team conflicts later on.
Understanding and addressing the needs of everyone affected by the project means the end result of your project
is far more likely to satisfy your stakeholders. Last but not least, as project manager, you will also be balancing
the many competing project constraints.
On any project, you will have a number of project constraints that are competing for your attention. They are cost,
scope, quality, risk, resources, and time.
• Cost is the budget approved for the project including all necessary expenses needed to deliver the project.
Within organizations, project managers have to balance between not running out of money and not under-
spending because many projects receive funds or grants that have contract clauses with a “use it or lose it”
approach to project funds. Poorly executed budget plans can result in a last-minute rush to spend the allo-
cated funds. For virtually all projects, cost is ultimately a limiting constraint; few projects can go over bud-
get without eventually requiring a corrective action.
• Scope is what the project is trying to achieve. It entails all the work involved in delivering the project out-
comes and the processes used to produce them. It is the reason and the purpose of the project.
• Quality is a combination of the standards and criteria to which the project’s products must be delivered for
them to perform effectively. The product must perform to provide the functionality expected, solve the iden-
tified problem, and deliver the benefit and value expected. It must also meet other performance require-
ments, or service levels, such as availability, reliability, and maintainability, and have acceptable finish and
polish. Quality on a project is controlled through quality assurance (QA), which is the process of evaluating
overall project performance on a regular basis to provide confidence that the project will satisfy the relevant
quality standards.
• Risk is defined by potential external events that will have a negative impact on your project if they occur.
Risk refers to the combination of the probability the event will occur and the impact on the project if the
event occurs. If the combination of the probability of the occurrence and the impact on the project is too
high, you should identify the potential event as a risk and put a proactive plan in place to manage the risk.
• Resources are required to carry out the project tasks. They can be people, equipment, facilities, funding, or
anything else capable of definition (usually other than labor) required for the completion of a project activ-
2 . P R O J E C T M A N A G E M E N T O V E R V I E W • 1 3
• Time is defined as the time to complete the project. Time is often the most frequent project oversight in
developing projects. This is reflected in missed deadlines and incomplete deliverables. Proper control of the
schedule requires the careful identification of tasks to be performed and accurate estimations of their dura-
tions, the sequence in which they are going to be done, and how people and other resources are to be allo-
cated. Any schedule should take into account vacations and holidays.
You may have heard of the term “triple constraint,” which traditionally consisted of only time, cost, and scope.
These are the primary competing project constraints that you have to be most aware of. The triple constraint is
illustrated in the form of a triangle to visualize the project work and see the relationship between the scope/qual-
ity, schedule/time, and cost/resource (Figure 2.2).
In this triangle, each side represents one of the constraints (or related constraints) wherein any changes to any one side cause a change in the other sides. The best projects have a perfectly balanced triangle. Maintaining this balance is difficult because projects are prone to change. For example, if scope increases, cost and time may increase disproportionately. Alternatively, if the amount of money you have for your project decreases, you may be able to do as much, but your time may increase. Figure 2.2: A schematic of the triple constraint triangle. The triad constraints by John M. Kennedy T. ( File:The_triad_constraints.jpg) used under CC-BY-SA license (
Your project may have additional constraints that you must face, and as the project manager, you have to balance
the needs of these constraints against the needs of the stakeholders and your project goals. For instance, if your
sponsor wants to add functionality to the original scope, you will very likely need more money to finish the pro-
ject, or if they cut the budget, you will have to reduce the quality of your scope, and if you don’t get the appro-
priate resources to work on your project tasks, you will have to extend your schedule because the resources you
have take much longer to finish the work.
You get the idea; the constraints are all dependent on each other. Think of all of these constraints as the classic
carnival game of Whac-a-mole (Figure 2.3). Each time you try to push one mole back in the hole, another one
pops out. The best advice is to rely on your project team to keep these moles in place.
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Figure 2.3: Whac-a-mole. Go to online fun/mole.cfm to play Whac-a-mole. whack-a-mole by sakura ( sa_ku_ra/18984918/sizes/o/) used under CC-BY-SA license (
Here is an example of a project that cut quality because the project costs were fixed. The P-36 oil platform (Figure
2.4) was the largest footing production platform in the world capable of processing 180,000 barrels of oil per day
and 5.2 million cubic meters of gas per day. Located in the Roncador Field, Campos Basin, Brazil, the P-36 was
operated by Petrobras.
Figure 2.4.: The Petrobras P-36 oil platform. P36 No 010 by Richard Collinson ( photos/richard_collinson/2083526793/sizes/o/) used under CC-BY-ND license ( 2.0/).
In March 2001, the P-36 was producing around 84,000 barrels of oil and 1.3 million cubic meters of gas per day
when it became destabilized by two explosions and subsequently sank in 3,900 feet of water with 1,650 short tons
of crude oil remaining on board, killing 11 people. The sinking is attributed to a complete failure in quality assur-
ance, and pressure for increased production led to corners being cut on safety procedures. It is listed as one of the
most expensive accidents with a price tag of $515,000,000.
The following quotes are from a Petrobras executive, citing the benefits of cutting quality assurance and inspec-
tion costs on the project.
“Petrobras has established new global benchmarks for the generation of exceptional shareholder wealth through an aggressive and innovative program of cost cutting on its P36 production facility.”
“Conventional constraints have been successfully challenged and replaced with new paradigms appropriate to the global- ized corporate market place.”
“Elimination of these unnecessary straitjackets has empowered the project’s suppliers and contractors to propose highly economical solutions, with the win-win bonus of enhanced profitability margins for themselves.”
“The P36 platform shows the shape of things to come in the unregulated global market economy of the 21st century.”
The dynamic trade-offs between the project constraint values have been humorously and accurately described in
Figure 2.10.
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Figure 2.5: A sign seen at an automotive repair shop. Illustration from Barron & Barron Project Management for Scientists and Engineers. Source: latest/?collection=col11120/1.4
Project Management ExpertiseProject Management Expertise
In order for you, as the project manager, to manage the competing project constraints and the project as a whole,
there are some areas of expertise you should bring to the project team (Figure 2.11). They are knowledge of the
application area and the standards and regulations in your industry, understanding of the project environment,
general management knowledge and skills, and interpersonal skills. It should be noted that industry expertise is
not in a certain field but the expertise to run the project. So while knowledge of the type of industry is important,
you will have a project team supporting you in this endeavor. For example, if you are managing a project that
is building an oil platform, you would not be expected to have a detailed understanding of the engineering since
your team will have mechanical and civil engineers who will provide the appropriate expertise; however, it would
definitely help if you understood this type of work.
Let’s take a look at each of these areas in more detail.
Application knowledgeApplication knowledge
By standards, we mean guidelines or preferred approaches that are not necessarily mandatory. In contrast, when
referring to regulations we mean mandatory rules that must be followed, such as government-imposed require-
ments through laws. It should go without saying that as a professional, you’re required to follow all applicable
laws and rules that apply to your industry, organization, or project. Every industry has standards and regulations.
Knowing which ones affect your project before you begin work will not only help the project to unfold smoothly,
but will also allow for effective risk analysis.
Figure 2.6: Areas of expertise that a project manager should bring to the project team. Table from Barron & Barron Project Management for Scientists and Engineers, Source:
Some projects require specific skills in certain application areas. Application areas are made up of categories of
projects that have common elements. They can be defined by industry group (pharmaceutical, financial, etc.),
department (accounting, marketing, legal, etc.), technology (software development, engineering, etc), or man-
agement specialties (procurement, research and development, etc.). These application areas are usually concerned
with disciplines, regulations, and the specific needs of the project, the customer, or the industry. For example,
1 6 • P R O J E C T M A N A G E M E N T
most government agencies have specific procurement rules that apply to their projects that wouldn’t be applicable
in the construction industry. The pharmaceutical industry is interested in regulations set forth by government reg-
ulators, whereas the automotive industry has little or no concern for either of these types of regulations. You need
to stay up-to-date regarding your industry so that you can apply your knowledge effectively. Today’s fast-paced
advances can leave you behind fairly quickly if you don’t stay abreast of current trends.
Having some level of experience in the application area you’re working in will give you an advantage when it
comes to project management. While you can call in experts who have the application area knowledge, it doesn’t
hurt for you to understand the specific aspects of the application areas of your project.
Understanding the Project EnvironmentUnderstanding the Project Environment
There are many factors that need to be understood within your project environment (Figure 2.12). At one level,
you need to think in terms of the cultural and social environments (i.e., people, demographics, and education).
The international and political environment is where you need to understand about different countries’ cultural
influences. Then we move to the physical environment; here we think about time zones. Think about different
countries and how differently your project will be executed whether it is just in your country or if it involves an
international project team that is distributed throughout the world in five different countries.
Figure 2.7: The important factors to consider within the project environment. Table from Barron & Barron Project Management for Scientists and Engineers, Source:
Of all the factors, the physical ones are the easiest to understand, and it is the cultural and international factors
that are often misunderstood or ignored. How we deal with clients, customers, or project members from other
countries can be critical to the success of the project. For example, the culture of the United States values accom-
plishments and individualism. Americans tend to be informal and call each other by first names, even if having
just met. Europeans tend to be more formal, using surnames instead of first names in a business setting, even if
they know each other well. In addition, their communication style is more formal than in the United States, and
while they tend to value individualism, they also value history, hierarchy, and loyalty. The Japanese, on the other
hand, tend to communicate indirectly and consider themselves part of a group, not as individuals. The Japanese
value hard work and success, as most of us do.
How a product is received can be very dependent on the international cultural differences. For example, in the
1990s, when many large American and European telecommunications companies were cultivating new markets in
Asia, their customer’s cultural differences often produced unexpected situations. Western companies planned their
telephone systems to work the same way in Asia as they did in Europe and the United States. But the protocol
of conversation was different. Call-waiting, a popular feature in the West, is considered impolite in some parts of
Asia. This cultural blunder could have been avoided had the team captured the project environment requirements
and involved the customer.
It is often the simplest things that can cause trouble since, unsurprisingly, in different countries, people do things
differently. One of the most notorious examples of this is also one of the most simple: date formats. What day
2 . P R O J E C T M A N A G E M E N T O V E R V I E W • 1 7
and month is 2/8/2009? Of course it depends where you come from; in North America it is February 8th while
in Europe (and much of the rest of the world) it is 2nd August. Clearly, when schedules and deadlines are being
defined it is important that everyone is clear on the format used.
The diversity of practices and cultures and its impact on products in general and on software in particular goes
well beyond the date issue. You may be managing a project to create a new website for a company that sells prod-
ucts worldwide. There are language and presentation style issues to take into consideration; converting the site
into different languages isn’t enough. It is obvious that you need to ensure the translation is correct; however, the
presentation layer will have its own set of requirements for different cultures. The left side of a website may be
the first focus of attention for a Canadian; the right side would be the initial focus for anyone from the Middle
East, as both Arabic and Hebrew are written from right to left. Colors also have different meanings in different
cultures. White, which is a sign of purity in North America (e.g., a bride’s wedding dress), and thus would be a
favored background color in North America, signifies death in Japan (e.g., a burial shroud). Table 2.1 summarizes
different meanings of common colors.
Color United States China Japan Egypt France
Red Danger, stop Happiness Anger, danger Death Aristocracy
Blue Sadness, melancholy Heavens, clouds Villainy Virtue, faith, truth Freedom, peace
Green Novice, apprentice Ming dynasty, heavens Future, youth, energy Fertility, strength Criminality
Yellow Cowardice Birth, wealth Grace, nobility Happiness, prosperity Temporary
White Purity Death, purity Death Joy Naturality
Table 2.1: The meaning of colors in various cultures. Adapted from P. Russo and S. Boor, How Fluent is Your Interface? Designing for International Users, Proceedings of the INTERACT ’93 and CHI ’93, Association for Computing Machinery, Inc. (1993). Table from Barron & Barron Project Management for Scientists and Engineers, Source:
Project managers in multicultural projects must appreciate the culture dimensions and try to learn relevant cus-
toms, courtesies, and business protocols before taking responsibility for managing an international project. A pro-
ject manager must take into consideration these various cultural influences and how they may affect the project’s
completion, schedule, scope, and cost.
Management Knowledge and SkillsManagement Knowledge and Skills
As the project manager, you have to rely on your project management knowledge and your general management
skills. Here, we are thinking of items like your ability to plan the project, execute it properly, and of course con-
trol it and bring it to a successful conclusion, along with your ability to guide the project team to achieve project
objectives and balance project constraints.
There is more to project management than just getting the work done. Inherent in the process of project manage-
ment are the general management skills that allow the project manager to complete the project with some level
of efficiency and control. In some respects, managing a project is similar to running a business: there are risk and
1 8 • P R O J E C T M A N A G E M E N T
rewards, finance and accounting activities, human resource issues, time management, stress management, and a
purpose for the project to exist. General management skills are needed in every project.
Interpersonal SkillsInterpersonal Skills
Last but not least you also have to bring the ability into the project to manage personal relationships and deal with
personnel issues as they arise. Here were talking about your interpersonal skills as shown in Figure 2.13.
Project managers spend 90% of their time communicating. Therefore they must be good communicators, promot-
ing clear, unambiguous exchange of information. As a project manager, it is your job to keep a number of people
well informed. It is essential that your project staff know what is expected of them: what they have to do, when
they have to do it, and what budget and time constraints and quality specifications they are working toward. If
project staff members do not know what their tasks are, or how to accomplish them, then the entire project will
grind to a halt. If you do not know what the project staff is (or often is not) doing, then you will be unable to mon-
itor project progress. Finally, if you are uncertain of what the customer expects of you, then the project will not
even get off the ground. Project communication can thus be summed up as knowing “who needs what information
and when” and making sure they have it.
Figure 2.8: Interpersonal skills required of a project manager. Table from Barron & Barron Project Management for Scientists and Engineers, Source:
All projects require sound communication plans, but not all projects will have the same types of communication or
the same methods for distributing the information. For example, will information be distributed via mail or email,
is there a shared website, or are face-to-face meetings required? The communication management plan documents
how the communication needs of the stakeholders will be met, including the types of information that will be
communicated, who will communicate them, and who will receive them; the methods used to communicate; the
timing and frequency of communication; the method for updating the plan as the project progresses, including the
escalation process; and a glossary of common terms.
Project management is about getting things done. Every organization is different in its policies, modes of opera-
tions, and underlying culture. There are political alliances, differing motivations, conflicting interests, and power
struggles. A project manager must understand all of the unspoken influences at work within an organization.
Leadership is the ability to motivate and inspire individuals to work toward expected results. Leaders inspire
vision and rally people around common goals. A good project manager can motivate and inspire the project team
to see the vision and value of the project. The project manager as a leader can inspire the project team to find a
solution to overcome perceived obstacles to get the work done.
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Motivation helps people work more efficiently and produce better results. Motivation is a constant process that
the project manager must guide to help the team move toward completion with passion and a profound reason
to complete the work. Motivating the team is accomplished by using a variety of team-building techniques and
exercises. Team building is simply getting a diverse group of people to work together in the most efficient and
effective manner possible. This may involve management events as well as individual actions designed to improve
team performance.
Recognition and rewards are an important part of team motivations. They are formal ways of recognizing and pro-
moting desirable behavior and are most effective when carried out by the management team and the project man-
ager. Consider individual preferences and cultural differences when using rewards and recognition. Some people
don’t like to be recognized in front of a group; others thrive on it.
Project managers must negotiate for the good of the project. In any project, the project manager, the project spon-
sor, and the project team will have to negotiate with stakeholders, vendors, and customers to reach a level of
agreement acceptable to all parties involved in the negotiation process.
Problem SolvingProblem Solving
Problem solving is the ability to understand the heart of a problem, look for a viable solution, and then make a
decision to implement that solution. The starting point for problem solving is problem definition. Problem defini-
tion is the ability to understand the cause and effect of the problem; this centers on root-cause analysis. If a project
manager treats only the symptoms of a problem rather than its cause, the symptoms will perpetuate and continue
through the project life. Even worse, treating a symptom may result in a greater problem. For example, increas-
ing the ampere rating of a fuse in your car because the old one keeps blowing does not solve the problem of an
electrical short that could result in a fire. Root-cause analysis looks beyond the immediate symptoms to the cause
of the symptoms, which then affords opportunities for solutions. Once the root of a problem has been identified, a
decision must be made to effectively address the problem.
Solutions can be presented from vendors, the project team, the project manager, or various stakeholders. A viable
solution focuses on more than just the problem; it looks at the cause and effect of the solution itself. In addition,
a timely decision is needed or the window of opportunity may pass and then a new decision will be needed to
address the problem. As in most cases, the worst thing you can do is nothing.
All of these interpersonal skills will be used in all areas of project management. Start practicing now because it’s
guaranteed that you’ll need these skills on your next project.
This chapter of Project Management is a derivative copy of Project Management by Merrie Barron and Andrew
Barron licensed under and Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported
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3. The Project Life Cycle (Phases)
The project manager and project team have one shared goal: to carry out the work of the project for the purpose of
meeting the project’s objectives. Every project has a beginning, a middle period during which activities move the
project toward completion, and an ending (either successful or unsuccessful). A standard project typically has the
following four major phases (each with its own agenda of tasks and issues): initiation, planning, implementation,
and closure. Taken together, these phases represent the path a project takes from the beginning to its end and are
generally referred to as the project “life cycle.”
Initiation PhaseInitiation Phase
During the first of these phases, the initiation phase, the project objective or need is identified; this can be a busi-
ness problem or opportunity. An appropriate response to the need is documented in a business case with recom-
mended solution options. A feasibility study is conducted to investigate whether each option addresses the project
objective and a final recommended solution is determined. Issues of feasibility (“can we do the project?”) and
justification (“should we do the project?”) are addressed.
Once the recommended solution is approved, a project is initiated to deliver the approved solution and a project
manager is appointed. The major deliverables and the participating work groups are identified, and the project
team begins to take shape. Approval is then sought by the project manager to move onto the detailed planning
Planning PhasePlanning Phase
The next phase, the planning phase, is where the project solution is further developed in as much detail as possible
and the steps necessary to meet the project’s objective are planned. In this step, the team identifies all of the work
to be done. The project’s tasks and resource requirements are identified, along with the strategy for producing
them. This is also referred to as “scope management.” A project plan is created outlining the activities, tasks,
dependencies, and timeframes. The project manager coordinates the preparation of a project budget by providing
cost estimates for the labor, equipment, and materials costs. The budget is used to monitor and control cost expen-
ditures during project implementation.
Once the project team has identified the work, prepared the schedule, and estimated the costs, the three funda-
mental components of the planning process are complete. This is an excellent time to identify and try to deal with
anything that might pose a threat to the successful completion of the project. This is called risk management. In
risk management, “high-threat” potential problems are identified along with the action that is to be taken on each
high-threat potential problem, either to reduce the probability that the problem will occur or to reduce the impact
on the project if it does occur. This is also a good time to identify all project stakeholders and establish a com-
munication plan describing the information needed and the delivery method to be used to keep the stakeholders
Finally, you will want to document a quality plan, providing quality targets, assurance, and control measures,
along with an acceptance plan, listing the criteria to be met to gain customer acceptance. At this point, the project
would have been planned in detail and is ready to be executed.
Implementation (Execution) PhaseImplementation (Execution) Phase
During the third phase, the implementation phase, the project plan is put into motion and the work of the project
is performed. It is important to maintain control and communicate as needed during implementation. Progress is
continuously monitored and appropriate adjustments are made and recorded as variances from the original plan.
In any project, a project manager spends most of the time in this step. During project implementation, people
are carrying out the tasks, and progress information is being reported through regular team meetings. The pro-
ject manager uses this information to maintain control over the direction of the project by comparing the progress
reports with the project plan to measure the performance of the project activities and take corrective action as
needed. The first course of action should always be to bring the project back on course (i.e., to return it to the
original plan). If that cannot happen, the team should record variations from the original plan and record and pub-
lish modifications to the plan. Throughout this step, project sponsors and other key stakeholders should be kept
informed of the project’s status according to the agreed-on frequency and format of communication. The plan
should be updated and published on a regular basis.
Status reports should always emphasize the anticipated end point in terms of cost, schedule, and quality of deliv-
erables. Each project deliverable produced should be reviewed for quality and measured against the acceptance
criteria. Once all of the deliverables have been produced and the customer has accepted the final solution, the
project is ready for closure.
Closing PhaseClosing Phase
During the final closure, or completion phase, the emphasis is on releasing the final deliverables to the customer,
handing over project documentation to the business, terminating supplier contracts, releasing project resources,
and communicating the closure of the project to all stakeholders. The last remaining step is to conduct lessons-
learned studies to examine what went well and what didn’t. Through this type of analysis, the wisdom of experi-
ence is transferred back to the project organization, which will help future project teams.
Example: Project Phases on a Large Multinational ProjectExample: Project Phases on a Large Multinational Project
A U.S. construction company won a contract to design and build the first copper mine in northern Argentina.
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There was no existing infrastructure for either the mining industry or large construction projects in this part of
South America. During the initiation phase of the project, the project manager focused on defining and finding a
project leadership team with the knowledge, skills, and experience to manage a large complex project in a remote
area of the globe. The project team set up three offices. One was in Chile, where large mining construction project
infrastructure existed. The other two were in Argentina. One was in Buenos Aries to establish relationships and
Argentinian expertise, and the second was in Catamarca—the largest town close to the mine site. With offices
in place, the project start-up team began developing procedures for getting work done, acquiring the appropriate
permits, and developing relationships with Chilean and Argentine partners.
During the planning phase, the project team developed an integrated project schedule that coordinated the activi-
ties of the design, procurement, and construction teams. The project controls team also developed a detailed bud-
get that enabled the project team to track project expenditures against the expected expenses. The project design
team built on the conceptual design and developed detailed drawings for use by the procurement team. The pro-
curement team used the drawings to begin ordering equipment and materials for the construction team; develop
labor projections; refine the construction schedule; and set up the construction site. Although planning is a never-
ending process on a project, the planning phase focused on developing sufficient details to allow various parts of
the project team to coordinate their work and allow the project management team to make priority decisions.
The implementation phase represents the work done to meet the requirements of the scope of work and fulfill the
charter. During the implementation phase, the project team accomplished the work defined in the plan and made
adjustments when the project factors changed. Equipment and materials were delivered to the work site, labor was
hired and trained, a construction site was built, and all the construction activities, from the arrival of the first dozer
to the installation of the final light switch, were accomplished.
The closeout phase included turning over the newly constructed plant to the operations team of the client. A punch
list of a few remaining construction items was developed and those items completed. The office in Catamarca was
closed, the office in Buenos Aries archived all the project documents, and the Chilean office was already working
on the next project. The accounting books were reconciled and closed, final reports written and distributed, and
the project manager started on a new project.
This chapter of Project Management is a derivative copy of Project Management by Merrie Barron and Andrew
Barron licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported and Project Management From Simple to
Complex by Russel Darnall, John Preston, Eastern Michigan University licensed under Creative Commons Attri-
bution 3.0 Unported.
3 . T H E P R O J E C T L I F E C Y C L E ( P H A S E S ) • 2 3
4. Framework for Project Management
Many different professions contribute to the theory and practice of project management. Engineers and architects
have been managing major projects since pre-history. Since approximately the 1960s, there have been efforts to
professionalize the practice of project management as a specialization of its own. There are many active debates
around this: Should project management be a profession in the same way as engineering, accounting, and med-
icine? These have professional associations that certify who is legally allowed to use the job title, and who can
legally practice the profession. They also provide a level of assurance of quality and discipline members who
behave inappropriately. Another ongoing debate is: How much industry knowledge is required of a seasoned pro-
ject manager? How easily can a project manager from one industry, say, IT, transition to another industry such as
There are two major organizations with worldwide impact on the practice of project management: the Project
Management Institute (PMI), with world headquarters in the United States, and the International Project Manage-
ment Association (IPMA), with world headquarters in Switzerland. This textbook takes an approach that is closer
to the PMI approach ( More details are included in this chapter, along with a section on the
project management office.
Project Management Institute OverviewProject Management Institute Overview
Five volunteers founded the Project Management Institute (PMI) in 1969. Their initial goal was to establish an
organization where members could share their experiences in project management and discuss issues. Today, PMI
is a non-profit project management professional association and the most widely recognized organization in terms
of promoting project management best practices. PMI was formed to serve the interests of the project management
industry. The premise of PMI is that the tools and techniques of project management are common even among
the widespread application of projects from the software to the construction industry. PMI first began offering the
Project Management Professional (PMP) certification exam in 1984. Although it took a while for people to take
notice, now more than 590,000 individuals around the world hold the PMP designation.
To help keep project management terms and concepts clear and consistent, PMI introduced the book A Guide to
the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK Guide) in 1987. It was updated it in 1996, 2000, 2004,
2009, and most recently in 2013 as the fifth edition. At present, there are more than one million copies of the
PMBOK Guide in circulation. The highly regarded Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) has
adopted it as their project management standard. In 1999 PMI was accredited as an American National Stan-
dards Institute (ANSI) standards developer and also has the distinction of being the first organization to have its
certification program attain International Organization for Standardization (ISO) 9001 recognition. In 2008, the
organization reported more than 260,000 members in over 171 countries. PMI has its headquarters in Pennsylva-
nia, United States, and also has offices in Washington, DC, and in Canada, Mexico, and China, as well as having
regional service centers in Singapore, Brussels (Belgium), and New Delhi (India). Recently, an office was opened
in Mumbai (India).
Because of the importance of projects, the discipline of project management has evolved into a working body of
knowledge known as PMBOK – Project Management Body of Knowledge. The PMI is responsible for develop-
ing and promoting PMBOK. PMI also administers a professional certification program for project managers, the
PMP. So if you want to get grounded in project management, PMBOK is the place to start, and if you want to
make project management your profession, then you should consider becoming a PMP.
So what is PMBOK?So what is PMBOK?
PMBOK is the fundamental knowledge you need for managing a project, categorized into 10 knowledge areas:
1. Managing integration: Projects have all types of activities going on and there is a need to keep the
“whole” thing moving collectively – integrating all of the dynamics that take place. Managing integration is
about developing the project charter, scope statement, and plan to direct, manage, monitor, and control pro-
ject change.
2. Managing scope: Projects need to have a defined parameter or scope, and this must be broken down and
managed through a work breakdown structure or WBS. Managing scope is about planning, definition,
WBS creation, verification, and control.
3. Managing time/schedule: Projects have a definite beginning and a definite ending date. Therefore, there
is a need to manage the budgeted time according to a project schedule. Managing time/schedule is about
definition, sequencing, resource and duration estimating, schedule development, and schedule control.
4. Managing costs: Projects consume resources, and therefore, there is a need to manage the investment
with the realization of creating value (i.e., the benefits derived exceed the amount spent). Managing costs is
about resource planning, cost estimating, budgeting, and control.
5. Managing quality: Projects involve specific deliverables or work products. These deliverables need to
meet project objectives and performance standards. Managing quality is about quality planning, quality
assurance, and quality control.
6. Managing human resources: Projects consist of teams and you need to manage project team(s) during
the life cycle of the project. Finding the right people, managing their outputs, and keeping them on schedule
is a big part of managing a project. Managing human resources is about human resources planning, hiring,
and developing and managing a project team.
7. Managing communication: Projects invariably touch lots of people, not just the end users (customers)
who benefit directly from the project outcomes. This can include project participants, managers who over-
4 . F R A M E W O R K F O R P R O J E C T M A N A G E M E N T • 2 5
see the project, and external stakeholders who have an interest in the success of the project. Managing
communication is about communications planning, information distribution, performance reporting, and
stakeholder management.
8. Managing risk: Projects are a discovery-driven process, often uncovering new customer needs and iden-
tifying critical issues not previously disclosed. Projects also encounter unexpected events, such as project
team members resigning, budgeted resources suddenly changing, the organization becoming unstable, and
newer technologies being introduced. There is a real need to properly identify various risks and manage
these risks. Managing risk is about risk planning and identification, risk analysis (qualitative and quantita-
tive), risk response (action) planning, and risk monitoring and control.
9. Managing procurement: Projects procure the services of outside vendors and contractors, including the
purchase of equipment. There is a need to manage how vendors are selected and managed within the project
life cycle. Managing procurement is about acquisition and contracting plans, sellers’ responses and selec-
tions, contract administration, and contract closure.
10. Managing stakeholders: Every project impacts people and organizations and is impacted by people
and organizations. Identifying these stakeholders early, and as they arise and change throughout the project,
is a key success factor. Managing stakeholders is about identifying stakeholders, their interest level, and
their potential to influence the project; and managing and controlling the relationships and communications
between stakeholders and the project.
This is the big framework for managing projects and if you want to be effective in managing projects, then you
need to be effective in managing each of the 10 knowledge areas that make up PMBOK (see Figure 4.1)
Figure 4.1: PM Star Model suggested by GeekDisplaced ( File:PM_StarModel_suggested.jpg) used under CC-BY-SA license ( by-sa/3.0/deed.en).
Certification in project management is available from the PMI, PRINCE2, ITIL, Critical Chain, and others. Agile
project management methodologies (Scrum, extreme programming, Lean Six Sigma, others) also have certifica-
Introduction to the Project Management Knowledge AreasIntroduction to the Project Management Knowledge Areas
As discussed above, projects are divided into components, and a project manager must be knowledgeable in each
2 6 • P R O J E C T M A N A G E M E N T
area. Each of these areas of knowledge will be explored in more depth in subsequent chapters. For now, lets look
at them in a little more detail to prepare you for the chapters that follow.
Project Start-Up and IntegrationProject Start-Up and Integration
The start-up of a project is similar to the start-up of a new organization. The project leader develops the project
infrastructure used to design and execute the project. The project management team must develop alignment
among the major stakeholders—those who have a share or interest—on the project during the early phases or
definition phases of the project. The project manager will conduct one or more kickoff meetings or alignment ses-
sions to bring the various parties of the project together and begin the project team building required to operate
efficiently during the project.
During project start-up, the project management team refines the scope of work and develops a preliminary sched-
ule and conceptual budget. The project team builds a plan for executing the project based on the project profile.
The plan for developing and tracking the detailed schedule, the procurement plan, and the plan for building the
budget and estimating and tracking costs are developed during the start-up. The plans for information technology,
communication, and tracking client satisfaction are also all developed during the start-up phase of the project.
Flowcharts, diagrams, and responsibility matrices are tools to capture the work processes associated with execut-
ing the project plan. The first draft of the project procedures manual captures the historic and intuitional knowl-
edge that team members bring to the project. The development and review of these procedures and work processes
contribute to the development of the organizational structure of the project.
This is typically an exciting time on a project where all things are possible. The project management team is work-
ing many hours developing the initial plan, staffing the project, and building relationships with the client. The pro-
ject manager sets the tone of the project and sets expectations for each of the project team members. The project
start-up phase on complex projects can be chaotic, and until plans are developed, the project manager becomes the
source of information and direction. The project manager creates an environment that encourages team members
to fully engage in the project and encourages innovative approaches to developing the project plan.
Project ScopeProject Scope
The project scope is a document that defines the parameters—factors that define a system and determine its behav-
ior—of the project, what work is done within the boundaries of the project, and the work that is outside the project
boundaries. The scope of work (SOW) is typically a written document that defines what work will be accom-
plished by the end of the project—the deliverables of the project. The project scope defines what will be done,
and the project execution plan defines how the work will be accomplished.
No template works for all projects. Some projects have a very detailed scope of work, and some have a short
summary document. The quality of the scope is measured by the ability of the project manager and project stake-
holders to develop and maintain a common understanding of what products or services the project will deliver.
The size and detail of the project scope is related to the complexity profile of the project. A more complex project
often requires a more detailed and comprehensive scope document.
According to the PMI, the scope statement should include the following:
4 . F R A M E W O R K F O R P R O J E C T M A N A G E M E N T • 2 7
• Description of the scope
• Product acceptance criteria
• Project deliverables
• Project exclusions
• Project constraints
• Project assumptions
The scope document is the basis for agreement by all parties. A clear project scope document is also critical to
managing change on a project. Since the project scope reflects what work will be accomplished on the project, any
change in expectations that is not captured and documented creates the opportunity for confusion. One of the most
common trends on projects is the incremental expansion in the project scope. This trend is labeled “scope creep.”
Scope creep threatens the success of a project because the small increases in scope require additional resources
that were not in the plan. Increasing the scope of the project is a common occurrence, and adjustments are made
to the project budget and schedule to account for these changes. Scope creep occurs when these changes are not
recognized or not managed. The ability of a project manager to identify potential changes is often related to the
quality of the scope documents.
Events do occur that require the scope of the project to change. Changes in the marketplace may require change in
a product design or the timing of the product delivery. Changes in the client’s management team or the financial
health of the client may also result in changes in the project scope. Changes in the project schedule, budget, or
product quality will have an effect on the project plan. Generally, the later in the project the change occurs, the
greater the increase to the project costs. Establishing a change management system for the project that captures
changes to the project scope and assures that these changes are authorized by the appropriate level of management
in the client’s organization is the responsibility of the project manager. The project manager also analyzes the cost
and schedule impact of these changes and adjusts the project plan to reflect the changes authorized by the client.
Changes to the scope can cause costs to increase or decrease.
Project Schedule and Time ManagementProject Schedule and Time Management
The definition of project success often includes completing the project on time. The development and manage-
ment of a project schedule that will complete the project on time is a primary responsibility of the project manager,
and completing the project on time requires the development of a realistic plan and the effective management of
the plan. On smaller projects, project managers may lead the development of the project plan and build a schedule
to meet that plan. On larger and more complex projects, a project controls team that focuses on both costs and
schedule planning and controlling functions will assist the project management team in developing the plan and
tracking progress against the plan.
To develop the project schedule, the project team does an analysis of the project scope, contract, and other infor-
mation that helps the team define the project deliverables. Based on this information, the project team develops a
milestone schedule. The milestone schedule establishes key dates throughout the life of a project that must be met
for the project to finish on time. The key dates are often established to meet contractual obligations or established
intervals that will reflect appropriate progress for the project. For less complex projects, a milestone schedule
2 8 • P R O J E C T M A N A G E M E N T
may be sufficient for tracking the progress of the project. For more complex projects, a more detailed schedule is
To develop a more detailed schedule, the project team first develops a work breakdown structure (WBS)—a
description of tasks arranged in layers of detail. Although the project scope is the primary document for devel-
oping the WBS, the WBS incorporates all project deliverables and reflects any documents or information that
clarifies the project deliverables. From the WBS, a project plan is developed. The project plan lists the activities
that are needed to accomplish the work identified in the WBS. The more detailed the WBS, the more activities
that are identified to accomplish the work.
After the project team identifies the activities, the team sequences the activities according to the order in which
the activities are to be accomplished. An outcome from the work process is the project logic diagram. The logic
diagram represents the logical sequence of the activities needed to complete the project. The next step in the plan-
ning process is to develop an estimation of the time it will take to accomplish each activity or the activity duration.
Some activities must be done sequentially, and some activities can be done concurrently. The planning process
creates a project schedule by scheduling activities in a way that effectively and efficiently uses project resources
and completes the project in the shortest time.
On larger projects, several paths are created that represent a sequence of activities from the beginning to the end
of the project. The longest path to the completion of the project is the critical path. If the critical path takes less
time than is allowed by the client to complete the project, the project has a positive total float or project slack. If
the client’s project completion date precedes the calculated critical path end date, the project has a negative float.
Understanding and managing activities on the critical path is an important project management skill.
To successfully manage a project, the project manager must also know how to accelerate a schedule to compensate
for unanticipated events that delay critical activities. Compressing—crashing—the schedule is a term used to
describe the techniques used to shorten the project schedule. During the life of the project, scheduling conflicts
often occur, and the project manager is responsible for reducing these conflicts while maintaining project quality
and meeting cost goals.
Project CostsProject Costs
The definition of project success often includes completing the project within budget. Developing and controlling
a project budget that will accomplish the project objectives is a critical project management skill. Although clients
expect the project to be executed efficiently, cost pressures vary on projects. On some projects, the project com-
pletion or end date is the largest contributor to the project complexity. The development of a new drug to address
a critical health issue, the production of a new product that will generate critical cash flow for a company, and
the competitive advantage for a company to be first in the marketplace with a new technology are examples of
projects with schedule pressures that override project costs.
The accuracy of the project budget is related to the amount of information known by the project team. In the
early stages of the project, the amount of information needed to develop a detailed budget is often missing. To
address the lack of information, the project team develops different levels of project budget estimates. The con-
ceptual estimate (or “ballpark estimate”) is developed with the least amount of knowledge. The major input into
4 . F R A M E W O R K F O R P R O J E C T M A N A G E M E N T • 2 9
the conceptual estimate is expert knowledge or past experience. A project manager who has executed a similar
project in the past can use those costs to estimate the costs of the current project.
When more information is known, the project team can develop a rough order of magnitude (ROM) estimate.
Additional information such as the approximate square feet of a building, the production capacity of a plant, and
the approximate number of hours needed to develop a software program can provide a basis for providing a ROM
estimate. After a project design is more complete, a project detailed estimate can be developed. For example,
when the project team knows the number of rooms, the type of materials, and the building location of a home, they
can provide a detailed estimate. A detailed estimate is not a bid.
The cost of the project is tracked relative to the progress of the work and the estimate for accomplishing that work.
Based on the cost estimate, the cost of the work performed is compared against the cost budgeted for that work.
If the cost is significantly higher or lower, the project team explores reasons for the difference between expected
costs and actual costs.
Project costs may deviate from the budget because the prices in the marketplace were different from what was
expected. For example, the estimated costs for lumber on a housing project may be higher than budgeted or the
hourly cost for labor may be lower than budgeted. Project costs may also deviate based on project performance.
For example, a project team estimated that the steel design for a bridge over a river would take 800 labor hours,
but 846 hours were actually expended. The project team captures the deviation between costs budgeted for work
and the actual cost for work, revises the estimate as needed, and takes corrective action if the deviation appears to
reflect a trend.
The project manager is responsible for assuring that the project team develops cost estimates based on the best
information available and revises those estimates as new or better information becomes available. The project
manager is also responsible for tracking costs against the budget and conducting an analysis when project costs
deviate significantly from the project estimate. The project manager then takes appropriate corrective action to
ensure that project performance matches the revised project plan.
Project QualityProject Quality
Project quality focuses on the end product or service deliverables that reflect the purpose of the project. The pro-
ject manager is responsible for developing a project execution approach that provides for a clear understanding
of the expected project deliverables and the quality specifications. The project manager of a housing construction
project not only needs to understand which rooms in the house will be carpeted but also what grade of carpet is
needed. A room with a high volume of traffic will need a high-grade carpet.
The project manager is responsible for developing a project quality plan that defines the quality expectations and
ensures that the specifications and expectations are met. Developing a good understanding of the project deliv-
erables through documenting specifications and expectations is critical to a good quality plan. The processes for
ensuring that the specifications and expectations are met are integrated into the project execution plan. Just as the
project budget and completion dates may change over the life of a project, the project specifications may also
change. Changes in quality specifications are typically managed in the same process as cost or schedule changes.
The impact of the changes is analyzed for impact on cost and schedule, and with appropriate approvals, changes
are made to the project execution plan.
3 0 • P R O J E C T M A N A G E M E N T
The PMI’s A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK Guide) has an extensive chapter
on project quality management. The material found in this chapter would be similar to material found in a good
operational management text.
Although any of the quality management techniques designed to make incremental improvement to work
processes can be applied to a project work process, the character of a project (unique and relatively short in dura-
tion) makes small improvements less attractive on projects. Rework on projects, as with manufacturing opera-
tions, increases the cost of the product or service and often increases the time needed to complete the reworked
activities. Because of the duration constraints of a project, the development of the appropriate skills, materials,
and work processes early in the project is critical to project success. On more complex projects, time is allocated
to developing a plan to understand and develop the appropriate levels of skills and work processes.
Project management organizations that execute several similar types of projects may find process improvement
tools useful in identifying and improving the baseline processes used on their projects. Process improvement tools
may also be helpful in identifying cost and schedule improvement opportunities. Opportunities for improvement
must be found quickly to influence project performance. The investment in time and resources to find improve-
ments is greatest during the early stages of the project, when the project is in the planning stages. During later
project stages, as pressures to meet project schedule goals increase, the culture of the project is less conducive to
making changes in work processes.
Another opportunity for applying process improvement tools is on projects that have repetitive processes. A hous-
ing contractor that is building several identical houses may benefit from evaluating work processes in the first few
houses to explore the opportunities available to improve the work processes. The investment of $1,000 in a work
process that saves $200 per house is a good investment as long as the contractor is building more than five houses.
Project Team: Human Resources andProject Team: Human Resources and CommunicationsCommunications
Staffing the project with the right skills, at the right place, and at the right time is an important responsibility of the
project management team. The project usually has two types of team members: functional managers and process
managers. The functional managers and team focus on the technology of the project. On a construction project,
the functional managers would include the engineering manager and construction superintendents. On a training
project, the functional manager would include the professional trainers; on an information technology project,
the software development managers would be functional managers. The project management team also includes
project process managers. The project controls team would include process managers who have expertise in esti-
mating, cost tracking, planning, and scheduling. The project manager needs functional and process expertise to
plan and execute a successful project.
Because projects are temporary, the staffing plan for a project typically reflects both the long-term goals of skilled
team members needed for the project and short-term commitment that reflects the nature of the project. Exact
start and end dates for team members are often negotiated to best meet the needs of individuals and the project.
The staffing plan is also determined by the different phases of the project. Team members needed in the early or
conceptual phases of the project are often not needed during the later phases or project closeout phases. Team
members needed during the implementation phase are often not needed during the conceptual or closeout phases.
Each phase has staffing requirements, and the staffing of a complex project requires detailed planning to have the
right skills, at the right place, at the right time.
4 . F R A M E W O R K F O R P R O J E C T M A N A G E M E N T • 3 1
Typically a core project management team is dedicated to the project from start-up to closeout. This core team
would include members of the project management team: project manager, project controls, project procurement,
and key members of the function management or experts in the technology of the project. Although longer pro-
jects may experience more team turnover than shorter projects, it is important on all projects to have team mem-
bers who can provide continuity through the project phases.
For example, on a large commercial building project, the civil engineering team that designs the site work where
the building will be constructed would make their largest contribution during the early phases of the design. The
civil engineering lead would bring on different civil engineering specialties as they were needed. As the civil engi-
neering work is completed and the structural engineering is well underway, a large portion of the civil engineers
would be released from the project. The functional managers, the engineering manager, and civil engineering lead
would provide expertise during the entire length of the project, addressing technical questions that may arise and
addressing change requests.
Project team members can be assigned to the project from a number of different sources. The organization that
charters the project can assign talented managers and staff from functional units within the organization, con-
tract with individuals or agencies to staff positions on the project, temporarily hire staff for the project, or use
any combination of these staffing options. This staffing approach allows the project manager to create the project
organizational culture. Some project cultures are more structured and detail oriented, and some are less structured
with less formal roles and communication requirements. The type of culture the project manager creates depends
greatly on the type of project.
Completing a complex project successfully requires teamwork, and teamwork requires good communication
among team members. If those team members work in the same building, they can arrange regular meetings, sim-
ply stop by each other’s office space to get a quick answer, or even discuss a project informally at other office
functions. Many complex projects in today’s global economy involve team members from widely separated loca-
tions, and the types of meetings that work within the same building are not possible. Teams that use electronic
methods of communicating without face-to-face meetings are called virtual teams.
Communicating can be divided into two categories: synchronous and asynchronous. If all the parties to the com-
munication are taking part in the exchange at the same time, the communication is synchronous. A telephone con-
ference call is an example of synchronous communication. When the participants are not interacting at the same
time, the communication is asynchronous. (The letter a at the beginning of the word means not.) Communications
technologies require a variety of compatible devices, software, and service providers, and communication with a
global virtual team can involve many different time zones. Establishing effective communications requires a com-
munications plan.
Project RiskProject Risk
Risk exists on all projects. The role of the project management team is to understand the kinds and levels of risks
on the project and then to develop and implement plans to mitigate these risks. Risk represents the likelihood that
an event will happen during the life of the project that will negatively affect the achievement of project goals. The
type and amount of risk varies by industry type, complexity, and phase of the project. The project risk plan will
3 2 • P R O J E C T M A N A G E M E N T
also reflect the risk profile of the project manager and key stakeholders. People have different comfort levels with
risk, and some members of the project team will be more risk averse than others.
The first step in developing a risk management plan involves identifying potential project risks. Some risks are
easy to identify, such as the potential for a damaging storm in the Caribbean, and some are less obvious. Many
industries or companies have risk checklists developed from past experience. The Construction Industry Insti-
tute published a 100-item risk checklist that provides examples and areas of project risks. No risk checklist will
include all potential risks. The value of a checklist is the stimulation of discussion and thought about the potential
risks on a project.
The project team analyzes the identified risks and estimates the likelihood of the risks occurring. The team then
estimates the potential impact on project goals if the event does occur. The outcome from this process is a pri-
oritized list of estimated project risks with a value that represents the likelihood of occurrence and the potential
impact on the project.
The project team then develops a risk mitigation plan that reduces the likelihood of an event occurring or reduces
the impact on the project if the event does occur. The risk management plan is integrated into the project execu-
tion plan, and mitigation activities are assigned to the appropriate project team member. The likelihood that all
the potential events identified in the risk analysis would occur is extremely rare. The likelihood that one or more
events will happen is high.
The project risk plan reflects the risk profile of the project and balances the investment of the mitigation against
the benefit for the project. One of the more common risk mitigation approaches is the use of contingency. Con-
tingency is funds set aside by the project team to address unforeseen events. Projects with a high-risk profile will
typically have a large contingency budget. If the team knows which activities have the highest risk, contingency
can be allocated to activities with the highest risk. When risks are less identifiable to specific activities, contin-
gency is identified in a separate line item. The plan includes periodic risk-plan reviews during the life of the pro-
ject. The risk review evaluates the effectiveness of the current plan and explores possible risks not identified in
earlier sessions.
Project ProcurementProject Procurement
The procurement effort on projects varies widely and depends on the type of project. Often the client organization
will provide procurement services on less complex projects. In this case, the project team identifies the materials,
equipment, and supplies needed by the project and provides product specifications and a detailed delivery sched-
ule. When the procurement department of the parent organization provides procurement services, a liaison from
the project can help the procurement team better understand the unique requirements of the project and the time-
sensitive or critical items of the project schedule.
On larger, more complex projects, personnel are dedicated to procuring and managing the equipment, supplies,
and materials needed by the project. Because of the temporary nature of projects, equipment, supplies, and mate-
rials are procured as part of the product of the project or for the execution of the project. For example, the bricks
procured for a construction project would be procured for the product of the project, and the mortar mixer would
be equipment procured for the execution of the project work. At the end of the project, equipment bought or rented
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for the execution of the work of the project are sold, returned to rental organizations, or disposed of some other
More complex projects will typically procure through different procurement and management methods. Com-
modities are common products that are purchased based on the lowest bid. Commodities include items like con-
crete for building projects, office supplies, or even lab equipment for a research project. The second type of
procurement includes products that are specified for the project. Vendors who can produce these products bid for
a contract. The awarding of a contract can include price, ability to meet the project schedule, the fit for purpose
of the product, and other considerations important to the project. Manufacturing a furnace for a new steel mill
would be provided by a project vendor. Equipment especially designed and built for a research project is another
example. These vendors’ performances become important parts of the project, and the project manager assigns
resources to coordinate the work and schedule of the vendor. The third procurement approach is the development
of one or more partners. A design firm that is awarded the design contract for a major part of the steel mill and
a research firm that is conducting critical subparts of the research are examples of potential project partners. A
partner contributes to and is integrated into the execution plan. Partners perform best when they share the project
vision of success and are emotionally invested in the project. The project management team builds and imple-
ments a project procurement plan that recognizes the most efficient and effective procurement approach to support
the project schedule and goals.
ProjectProject Stakeholder ManagementStakeholder Management
People and organizations can have many different relationships to the project. Most commonly, these relationships
can be grouped into those who will be impacted by the project and those who can impact the project.
A successful project manager will identify stakeholders early in the project. For each stakeholder, it is important
to identify what they want or need and what influence or power they have over the project. Based on this infor-
mation, the need to communicate with the stakeholder or stakeholder group can be identified, followed by the
creation of a stakeholder management plan. A stakeholder register is used to identify and track the interactions
between the project and each stakeholder. This register must be updated on a regular basis, as new stakeholders
can arise at any time, and the needs and interest levels of a particular stakeholder may change through the course
of the project.
Table 4.1 Stakeholder Register Source: A.Watt
3 4 • P R O J E C T M A N A G E M E N T
Scrum Development OverviewScrum Development Overview
“Scrum” is another formal project management/product development methodology and part of agile project man-
agement. Scrum is a term from rugby (scrimmage) that means a way of restarting a game. It’s like restarting the
project efforts every X weeks. It’s based on the idea that you do not really know how to plan the whole project up
front, so you start and build empirical data, and then re-plan and iterate from there.
Scrum uses sequential sprints for development. Sprints are like small project phases (ideally two to four weeks).
The idea is to take one day to plan for what can be done now, then develop what was planned for, and demonstrate
it at the end of the sprint. Scrum uses a short daily meeting of the development team to check what was done yes-
terday, what is planned for the next day, and what if anything is impeding the team members from accomplishing
what they have committed to. At the end of the sprint, what has been demonstrated can then be tested, and the
next sprint cycle starts.
Scrum methodology defines several major roles. They are:
• Product owners: essentially the business owner of the project who knows the industry, the market, the cus-
tomers, and the business goals of the project. The product owner must be intimately involved with the
Scrum process, especially the planning and the demonstration parts of the sprint.
• Scrum Master: somewhat like a project manager, but not exactly. The Scrum Master’s duties are essentially
to remove barriers that impede the progress of the development team, teach the product owner how to maxi-
mize return on investment (ROI) in terms of development effort, facilitate creativity and empowerment of
the team, improve the productivity of the team, improve engineering practices and tools, run daily standup
meetings, track progress, and ensure the health of the team.
• Development team: self-organizing (light-touch leadership), empowered group; they participate in planning
and estimating for each sprint, do the development, and demonstrate the results at the end of the sprint. It
has been shown that the ideal size for a development team is 7 +/- 2. The development team can be broken
into “teamlets” that “swarm” on user stories, which are created in the sprint planning session.
Typically, the way a product is developed is that there is a “front burner” (which has stories/tasks for the current
sprint), a “back burner” (which has stories for the next sprint), and a “fridge” (which has stories for later, as well
as process changes). One can look at a product as having been broken down like this: product -> features -> sto-
ries -> tasks.
Often effort estimations are done using “story points” (tiny = 1 SP, small = 2 SP, medium = 4 SP, large = 8 SP, big
= 16+ SP, unknown = ? SP) Stories can be of various types. User stories are very common and are descriptions of
what the user can do and what happens as a result of different actions from a given starting point. Other types of
stories are from these areas: analysis, development, QA, documentation, installation, localization, and training.
Planning meetings for each sprint require participation by the product owner, the Scrum Master, and the develop-
ment team. In the planning meeting, they set the goals for the upcoming sprint and select a subset of the product
backlog (proposed stories) to work on. The development team decomposes stories to tasks and estimates them.
The development team and product owner do final negotiations to determine the backlog for the following sprint.
4 . F R A M E W O R K F O R P R O J E C T M A N A G E M E N T • 3 5
The Scrum methodology uses metrics to help with future planning and tracking of progress; for example, “burn
down” – the number of hours remaining in the sprint versus the time in days; “velocity” – essentially, the amount
of effort the team expends. (After approximately three sprints with the same team, one can get a feel for what the
team can do going forward.)
Some caveats about using Scrum methodology: 1) You need committed, mature developers; 2) You still need to
do major requirements definition, some analysis, architecture definition, and definition of roles and terms up front
or early; 3) You need commitment from the company and the product owner; and 4) It is best for products that
require frequent new releases or updates, and less effective for large, totally new products that will not allow for
frequent upgrades once they are released.
The Project Management OfficeThe Project Management Office
Many large and even medium-sized organizations have created a department to oversee and support projects
throughout the organization. This is an attempt to reduce the high numbers of failed projects (see the Project Man-
agement Overview chapter.) These offices are usually called the project management office or PMO.
The PMO may be the home of all the project managers in an organization, or it may simply be a resource for all
project managers, who report to their line areas.
Typical objectives of a PMO are:
• Help ensure that projects are aligned with organizational objectives
• Provide templates and procedures for use by project managers
• Provide training and mentorship
• Provide facilitation
• Stay abreast of the latest trends in project management
• Serve as a repository for project reports and lessons learned
The existence and role of PMOs tends to be somewhat fluid. If a PMO is created, and greater success is not expe-
rienced in organizational projects, the PMO is at risk of being disbanded as a cost-saving measure. If an orga-
nization in which you are a project manager or a project team member has a PMO, try to make good use of the
resources available. If you are employed as a resource person in a PMO, remember that your role is not to get in
the way and create red tape, but to enable and enhance the success of project managers and projects within the
This chapter of Project Management is a derivative copy of Project Management by Merrie Barron and Andrew
Barron licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported and Project Management From Simple to
3 6 • P R O J E C T M A N A G E M E N T
Complex by Russel Darnall, John Preston, Eastern Michigan University licensed under Creative Commons Attri-
bution 3.0 Unported.
4 . F R A M E W O R K F O R P R O J E C T M A N A G E M E N T • 3 7
5. Stakeholder Management
A project is successful when it achieves its objectives and meets or exceeds the expectations of the stakeholders.
But who are the stakeholders? Stakeholders are individuals who either care about or have a vested interest in your
project. They are the people who are actively involved with the work of the project or have something to either
gain or lose as a result of the project. When you manage a project to add lanes to a highway, motorists are stake-
holders who are positively affected. However, you negatively affect residents who live near the highway during
your project (with construction noise) and after your project with far-reaching implications (increased traffic noise
and pollution).
NOTE:NOTE: Key stakeholders can make orKey stakeholders can make or break the success of a project. Even if allbreak the success of a project. Even if all
the deliverables are met and thethe deliverables are met and the objectives are satisfied, if your keyobjectives are satisfied, if your key
stakeholders aren’t happy, nobody’sstakeholders aren’t happy, nobody’s happy.happy.
The project sponsor, generally an executive in the orga-
nization with the authority to assign resources and
enforce decisions regarding the project, is a stakeholder.
The customer, subcontractors, suppliers, and sometimes
even the government are stakeholders. The project man-
ager, project team members, and the managers from
other departments in the organization are stakeholders
as well. It’s important to identify all the stakeholders in
your project upfront. Leaving out important stakeholders or their department’s function and not discovering the
error until well into the project could be a project killer.
Figure 5.1 shows a sample of the project environment featuring the different kinds of stakeholders involved on a
typical project. A study of this diagram confronts us with a couple of interesting facts.
First, the number of stakeholders that project managers must deal with ensures that they will have a complex job
guiding their project through the lifecycle. Problems with any of these members can derail the project.
Second, the diagram shows that project managers have to deal with people external to the organization as well
as the internal environment, certainly more complex than what a manager in an internal environment faces. For
example, suppliers who are late in delivering crucial parts may blow the project schedule. To compound the prob-
lem, project managers generally have little or no direct control over any of these individuals.
Figure 5.1: Project stakeholders. Illustration from Barron & Barron Project Management for Scientists and Engineers, Source:
Let’s take a look at these stakeholders and their relationships to the project manager.
Project StakeholdersProject Stakeholders
Top ManagementTop Management
Top management may include the president of the company, vice-presidents, directors, division managers, the
corporate operating committee, and others. These people direct the strategy and development of the organization.
On the plus side, you are likely to have top management support, which means it will be easier to recruit the best
staff to carry out the project, and acquire needed material and resources; also visibility can enhance a project man-
ager’s professional standing in the company.
On the minus side, failure can be quite dramatic and visible to all, and if the project is large and expensive (most
are), the cost of failure will be more substantial than for a smaller, less visible project.
Some suggestions in dealing with top management are:
• Develop in-depth plans and major milestones that must be approved by top management during the plan-
ning and design phases of the project.
• Ask top management associated with your project for their information reporting needs and frequency.
• Develop a status reporting methodology to be distributed on a scheduled basis.
• Keep them informed of project risks and potential impacts at all times.
The Project TeamThe Project Team
The project team is made up of those people dedicated to the project or borrowed on a part-time basis. As project
manager, you need to provide leadership, direction, and above all, the support to team members as they go about
accomplishing their tasks. Working closely with the team to solve problems can help you learn from the team and
build rapport. Showing your support for the project team and for each member will help you get their support and
5 . S T A K E H O L D E R M A N A G E M E N T • 3 9
Here are some difficulties you may encounter in dealing with project team members:
• Because project team members are borrowed and they don’t report to you, their priorities may be elsewhere.
• They may be juggling many projects as well as their full-time job and have difficulty meeting deadlines.
• Personality conflicts may arise. These may be caused by differences in social style or values or they may be
the result of some bad experience when people worked together in the past.
• You may find out about missed deadlines when it is too late to recover.
Managing project team members requires interpersonal skills. Here are some suggestions that can help:
• Involve team members in project planning.
• Arrange to meet privately and informally with each team member at several points in the project, perhaps
for lunch or coffee.
• Be available to hear team members’ concerns at any time.
• Encourage team members to pitch in and help others when needed.
• Complete a project performance review for team members.
Your ManagerYour Manager
Typically the boss decides what the assignment is and who can work with the project manager on projects. Keep-
ing your manager informed will help ensure that you get the necessary resources to complete your project.
If things go wrong on a project, it is nice to have an understanding and supportive boss to go to bat for you if
necessary. By supporting your manager, you will find your manager will support you more often.
• Find out exactly how your performance will be measured.
• When unclear about directions, ask for clarification.
• Develop a reporting schedule that is acceptable to your boss.
• Communicate frequently.
Peers are people who are at the same level in the organization as you and may or may not be on the project team.
These people will also have a vested interest in the product. However, they will have neither the leadership respon-
sibilities nor the accountability for the success or failure of the project that you have.
Your relationship with peers can be impeded by:
• Inadequate control over peers
• Political maneuvering or sabotage
• Personality conflicts or technical conflicts
• Envy because your peer may have wanted to lead the project
4 0 • P R O J E C T M A N A G E M E N T
• Conflicting instructions from your manager and your peer’s manager
Peer support is essential. Because most of us serve our self-interest first, use some investigating, selling, influenc-
ing, and politicking skills here. To ensure you have cooperation and support from your peers:
• Get the support of your project sponsor or top management to empower you as the project manager with as
much authority as possible. It’s important that the sponsor makes it clear to the other team members that
their cooperation on project activities is expected.
• Confront your peer if you notice a behavior that seems dysfunctional, such as bad-mouthing the project.
• Be explicit in asking for full support from your peers. Arrange for frequent review meetings.
• Establish goals and standards of performance for all team members.
Resource ManagersResource Managers
Because project managers are in the position of borrowing resources, other managers control their resources. So
their relationships with people are especially important. If their relationship is good, they may be able to consis-
tently acquire the best staff and the best equipment for their projects. If relationships aren’t good, they may find
themselves not able to get good people or equipment needed on the project.
Internal CustomersInternal Customers
Internal customers are individuals within the organization who are customers for projects that meet the needs of
internal demands. The customer holds the power to accept or reject your work. Early in the relationship, the pro-
ject manager will need to negotiate, clarify, and document project specifications and deliverables. After the pro-
ject begins, the project manager must stay tuned in to the customer’s concerns and issues and keep the customer
Common stumbling blocks when dealing with internal customers include:
• A lack of clarity about precisely what the customer wants
• A lack of documentation for what is wanted
• A lack of knowledge of the customer’s organization and operating characteristics
• Unrealistic deadlines, budgets, or specifications requested by the customer
• Hesitancy of the customer to sign off on the project or accept responsibility for decisions
• Changes in project scope
To meet the needs of the customer, client, or owner, be sure to do the following:
• Learn the client organization’s buzzwords, culture, and business.
• Clarify all project requirements and specifications in a written agreement.
• Specify a change procedure.
• Establish the project manager as the focal point of communications in the project organization.
5 . S T A K E H O L D E R M A N A G E M E N T • 4 1
External customerExternal customer
External customers are the customers when projects could be marketed to outside customers. In the case of Ford
Motor Company, for example, the external customers would be the buyers of the automobiles. Also if you are
managing a project at your company for Ford Motor Company, they will be your external customer.
Project managers working in certain heavily regulated environments (e.g., pharmaceutical, banking, or military
industries) will have to deal with government regulators and departments. These can include all or some levels of
government from municipal, provincial, federal, to international.
Contractors, subcontractors, and suppliersContractors, subcontractors, and suppliers
There are times when organizations don’t have the expertise or resources available in-house, and work is farmed
out to contractors or subcontractors. This can be a construction management foreman, network consultant, elec-
trician, carpenter, architect, or anyone who is not an employee. Managing contractors or suppliers requires many
of the skills needed to manage full-time project team members.
Any number of problems can arise with contractors or subcontractors:
• Quality of the work
• Cost overruns
• Schedule slippage
Many projects depend on goods provided by outside suppliers. This is true for example of construction projects
where lumber, nails, bricks, and mortar come from outside suppliers. If the supplied goods are delivered late or
are in short supply or of poor quality or if the price is greater than originally quoted, the project may suffer.
Depending on the project, managing contractor and supplier relationships can consume more than half of the pro-
ject manager’s time. It is not purely intuitive; it involves a sophisticated skill set that includes managing conflicts,
negotiating, and other interpersonal skills.
Politics of ProjectsPolitics of Projects
Many times, project stakeholders have conflicting interests. It’s the project manager’s responsibility to understand
these conflicts and try to resolve them. It’s also the project manger’s responsibility to manage stakeholder expec-
tations. Be certain to identify and meet with all key stakeholders early in the project to understand all their needs
and constraints.
Project managers are somewhat like politicians. Typically, they are not inherently powerful or capable of imposing
their will directly on coworkers, subcontractors, and suppliers. Like politicians, if they are to get their way, they
have to exercise influence effectively over others. On projects, project managers have direct control over very few
things; therefore their ability to influence others – to be a good politician – may be very important
4 2 • P R O J E C T M A N A G E M E N T
Here are a few steps a good project politician should follow. However, a good rule is that when in doubt, stake-
holder conflicts should always be resolved in favor of the customer.
Assess the environmentAssess the environment
Identify all the relevant stakeholders. Because any of these stakeholders could derail the project, you need to con-
sider their particular interest in the project.
• Once all relevant stakeholders are identified, try to determine where the power lies.
• In the vast cast of characters, who counts most?
• Whose actions will have the greatest impact?
Identify goalsIdentify goals
After determining who the stakeholders are, identify their goals.
• What is it that drives them?
• What is each after?
• Are there any hidden agendas or goals that are not openly articulated?
• What are the goals of the stakeholders who hold the power? These deserve special attention.
Define the problemDefine the problem
• The facts that constitute the problem should be isolated and closely examined.
• The question “What is the real situation?” should be raised over and over.
Culture of StakeholdersCulture of Stakeholders
When project stakeholders do not share a common culture, project management must adapt its organizations and
work processes to cope with cultural differences. The following are three major aspects of cultural difference that
can affect a project:
1. Communications
2. Negotiations
3. Decision making
Communication is perhaps the most visible manifestation of culture. Project managers encounter cultural differ-
ences in communication in language, context, and candor.
Language is clearly the greatest barrier to communication. When project stakeholders do not share the same lan-
guage, communication slows down and is often filtered to share only information that is deemed critical.
5 . S T A K E H O L D E R M A N A G E M E N T • 4 3
The barrier to communication can influence project execution where quick and accurate exchange of ideas and
information is critical.
The interpretation of information reflects the extent that context and candor influence cultural expressions of ideas
and understanding of information. In some cultures, an affirmative answer to a question does not always mean
yes. The cultural influence can create confusion on a project where project stakeholders represent more than one
Example: Culture Affects Communication in MumbaiExample: Culture Affects Communication in Mumbai
A project management consultant from the United States was asked to evaluate the effectiveness of a U.S. project
management team executing a project in Mumbai, India. The project team reported that the project was on sched-
ule and within budget. After a project review meeting where each of the engineering leads reported that the design
of the project was on schedule, the consultant began informal discussions with individual engineers and began to
discover that several critical aspects of the project were behind schedule. Without a mitigating strategy, the project
would miss a critical window in the weather between monsoon seasons. The information on the project flowed
through a cultural expectation to provide positive information. The project was eventually canceled by the U.S.
corporation when the market and political risks increased.
Not all cultural differences are related to international projects. Corporate cultures and even regional differences
can create cultural confusion on a project.
Example: Cultural Differences between American RegionsExample: Cultural Differences between American Regions
On a major project in South America that included project team leaders from seven different countries, the greatest
cultural difference that affected the project communication was between two project leaders from the United
States. Two team members, one from New Orleans and one from Brooklyn, had more difficulty communicating
than team members from Lebanon and Australia.
Managing StakeholdersManaging Stakeholders
Often there is more than one major stakeholder in the project. An increase in the number of stakeholders adds
stress to the project and influences the project’s complexity level. The business or emotional investment of
the stakeholder in the project and the ability of the stakeholder to influence the project outcomes or execution
approach will also influence the stakeholder complexity of the project. In addition to the number of stakeholders
and their level of investment, the degree to which the project stakeholders agree or disagree influences the pro-
ject’s complexity.
A small commercial construction project will typically have several stakeholders. All the building permitting
agencies, environmental agencies, and labor and safety agencies have an interest in the project and can influence
the execution plan of the project. The neighbors will have an interest in the architectural appeal, the noise, and the
purpose of the building.
4 4 • P R O J E C T M A N A G E M E N T
Example: Tire Plant in IndiaExample: Tire Plant in India
A U.S. chemical company chartered a project team to design and build a plant to produce the raw materials for
building truck tires designed for unpaved roads. The plant was to be built in India a few years after an accident
that killed several Indians and involved a different U.S. chemical company. When the company announced the
new project and began to break ground, the community backlash was so strong that the project was shut down. A
highly involved stakeholder can significantly influence your project.
Example: Wind Turbine on a College CampusExample: Wind Turbine on a College Campus
A small college in South Carolina won a competitive grant to erect and operate a wind turbine on campus. The
engineering department submitted the grant as a demonstration project for engineering students to expose students
to wind technology. The campus facilities department found only one location for the wind turbine that would not
disrupt the flow of traffic on campus. The engineering department found that location unacceptable for students
who had to maintain the wind turbine. The county construction permitting department had no policies for per-
mitting a wind turbine and would not provide a building permit. The college had to go to the county council and
get an exception to county rules. The marketing department wanted the wind turbine placed in a highly visible
location to promote the innovative approach of the college.
Each of the college’s stakeholders had a legitimate interest in the location of the wind turbine. The number of
stakeholders on the project, multiplied by their passion for the subject and the lack of agreement on the location,
increased the complexity of the project. Significant time and resources of a project will be dedicated to identify-
ing, understanding, and managing client expectations.
Example: Stakeholders and a Bridge ProjectExample: Stakeholders and a Bridge Project
The Department of Highways chartered a project to upgrade a number of bridges that crossed the interstate in one
of the larger cities in South Carolina. The closing of these bridges severely impacted traffic congestion, including
a large shopping mall. The contract included provisions for minimizing the impact on the traffic and communities
near the construction areas. This provision allowed businesses or interested parties to review the project schedule
and make suggestions that would lessen the impact of the construction. The project leadership invested significant
time and resources in developing alignment among the various political stakeholders on the project approach and
Relationship Building TipsRelationship Building Tips
Take the time to identify all stakeholders before starting a new project. Include those who are impacted by the
project, as well as groups with the ability to impact the project. Then, begin the process of building strong rela-
tionships with each one using the following method.
• Analyze stakeholders: Conduct a stakeholder analysis, or an assessment of a project’s key participants, and
how the project will affect their problems and needs. Identify their individual characteristics and interests.
Find out what motivates them, as well as what provokes them. Define roles and level of participation, and
determine if there are conflicts of interest among groups of stakeholders.
• Assess influence: Measure the degree to which stakeholders can influence the project. The more influential
5 . S T A K E H O L D E R M A N A G E M E N T • 4 5
a stakeholder is, the more a project manager will need their support. Think about the question, “What’s in it
for them?” when considering stakeholders. Knowing what each stakeholder needs or wants from the project
will enable the project manager to gauge his or her level of support. And remember to balance support
against influence. Is it more important to have strong support from a stakeholder with little influence, or
lukewarm support from one with a high level of influence?
• Understand their expectations: Nail down stakeholders’ specific expectations. Ask for clarification when
needed to be sure they are completely understood.
• Define “success”: Every stakeholder may have a different idea of what project success looks like. Discov-
ering this at the end of the project is a formula for failure. Gather definitions up front and include them in
the objectives to help ensure that all stakeholders will be supportive of the final outcomes.
• Keep stakeholders involved: Don’t just report to stakeholders. Ask for their input. Get to know them better
by scheduling time for coffee, lunch, or quick meetings. Measure each stakeholder’s capacity to participate
and honor time constraints.
• Keep stakeholders informed: Send regular status updates. Daily may be too much; monthly is not enough.
One update per week is usually about right. Hold project meetings as required, but don’t let too much time
pass between meetings. Be sure to answer stakeholders’ questions and emails promptly. Regular communi-
cation is always appreciated – and may even soften the blow when you have bad news to share.
These are the basics of building strong stakeholder relationships. But as in any relationship, there are subtleties
that every successful project manager understands – such as learning the differences between and relating well to
different types stakeholders.
How to Relate to Different Types of StakeholdersHow to Relate to Different Types of Stakeholders
By conducting a stakeholder analysis, project managers can gather enough information on which to build strong
relationships – regardless of the differences between them. For example, the needs and wants of a director of mar-
keting will be different from those of a chief information officer. Therefore, the project manager’s engagement
with each will need to be different as well.
Stakeholders with financial concerns will need to know the potential return of the project’s outcomes. Others will
support projects if there is sound evidence of their value to improving operations, boosting market share, increas-
ing production, or meeting other company objectives.
Keep each stakeholder’s expectations and needs in mind throughout each conversation, report or email, no matter
how casual or formal the communication may be. Remember that the company’s interests are more important than
any individual’s – yours or a stakeholder’s. When forced to choose between them, put the company’s needs first.
No matter what their needs or wants, all stakeholders will respect the project manager who:
• Is always honest, even when telling them something they don’t want to hear
• Takes ownership of the project
• Is predictable and reliable
• Stands by his or her decisions
4 6 • P R O J E C T M A N A G E M E N T
• Takes accountability for mistakes
Supportive Stakeholders are Essential to Project SuccessSupportive Stakeholders are Essential to Project Success
Achieving a project’s objectives takes a focused, well-organized project manager who can engage with a com-
mitted team and gain the support of all stakeholders. Building strong, trusting relationships with interested parties
from the start can make the difference between project success and failure.
Tools to Help Stakeholder ManagementTools to Help Stakeholder Management
There are many project decelerators, among them lack of stakeholder support. Whether the stakeholders support
your project or not, if they are important to your project, you must secure their support. How do you do that?
First, you must identify who your stakeholders are. Just because they are important in the organization does not
necessarily mean they are important to your project. Just because they think they are important does not mean
they are. Just because they don’t think they need to be involved does not mean they do not have to be. The typical
suspects: your manager, your manager’s manager, your client, your client’s manager, any SME (subject matter
expert) whose involvement you need, and the board reviewing and approving your project. Note that in some sit-
uations there are people who think they are stakeholders. From your perspective they may not be, but be careful
how you handle them. They could be influential with those who have the power to impact your project. Do not
dismiss them out of hand.
Second, you need to determine what power they have and what their intentions toward your project are. Do they
have the power to have an impact on your project? Do they support or oppose you? What strategies do you follow
with them?
Third, what’s the relationship among stakeholders? Can you improve your project’s chances by working with
those who support you to improve the views of those who oppose you? Figure 5.2 summarizes the options based
on an assessment of your stakeholders’ potential for cooperation and potential for threat.
Figure 5.2 Stakeholder Analysis Source: project-decelerators-%E2%80%93-lack-of-stakeholder-support
Now that you have this information, you can complete a stakeholder analysis template (Table 5.1) that will help
you define your strategies to improve their support:
5 . S T A K E H O L D E R M A N A G E M E N T • 4 7
Stakeholder Names and Roles
How important? (Low – Med – High)
Current level of sup- port? (Low – Med – High)
What do you want from stakeholders?
What is impor- tant to stakehold- ers?
How could stakehold- ers block your efforts?
What is your strategy for enhancing stakeholder sup- port?
Table 5.1 Stakeholder Analysis Template Source:
Finally, a key piece of your stakeholder management efforts is constant communication to your stakeholders.
Using the information developed above, you should develop a communications plan that secures your stakehold-
ers’ support. The template in Table 5.2 can be used.
Table 5.2 Stakeholder Analysis Template
This chapter of Project Management is a derivative copy of Project Management by Merrie Barron and Andrew
Barron licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported And Project Decelerators – Lack of Stake-
holder Support By Jose Solera licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported And How to Build
Relationships with Stakeholders By Erin Palmer licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported And
Project Management From Simple to Complex by Russel Darnall, John Preston, Eastern Michigan University
licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported
4 8 • P R O J E C T M A N A G E M E N T
6. Culture and Project Management
What Is Organizational Culture?What Is Organizational Culture?
When working with internal and external customers on a project, it is essential to pay close attention to relation-
ships, context, history, and the corporate culture. Corporate culture refers to the beliefs, attitudes, and values that
the organization’s members share and the behaviors consistent with them (which they give rise to). Corporate cul-
ture sets one organization apart from another, and dictates how members of the organization will see you, interact
with you, and sometimes judge you. Often, projects too have a specific culture, work norms, and social conven-
Some aspects of corporate culture are easily observed; others are more difficult to discern. You can easily observe
the office environment and how people dress and speak. In one company, individuals work separately in closed
offices; in another, teams may work in a shared environment. The more subtle components of corporate culture,
such as the values and overarching business philosophy, may not be readily apparent, but they are reflected in
member behaviors, symbols, and conventions used.
Project Manager’s ChecklistProject Manager’s Checklist
Once the corporate culture has been identified, members should try to adapt to the frequency, formality, and type
of communication customary in that culture. This adaptation will strongly affect project members’ productivity
and satisfaction internally, as well as with the client organization.
• Which stakeholders will make the decision in this organization on this issue? Will your project decisions
and documentation have to go up through several layers to get approval? If so, what are the criteria and val-
ues that may affect acceptance there? For example, is being on schedule the most important consideration?
Cost? Quality?
• What type of communication among and between stakeholders is preferred? Do they want lengthy docu-
ments? Is “short and sweet” the typical standard?
• What medium of communication is preferred? What kind of medium is usually chosen for this type of situa-
tion? Check the files to see what others have done. Ask others in the organization.
• What vocabulary and format are used? What colors and designs are used (e.g., at Hewlett-Packard, all rec-
tangles have curved corners)?
Project Team ChallengesProject Team Challenges
Today’s globally distributed organizations (and projects) consist of people who have differing “worldviews.”
Worldview is a looking glass through which people see the world as Bob Shebib describes: “[It is] a belief system
about the nature of the universe, its perceived effect on human behavior, and one’s place in the universe. World-
view is a fundamental core set of assumptions explaining cultural forces, the nature of humankind, the nature of
good and evil, luck, fate, spirits, the power of significant others, the role of time, and the nature of our physical
and natural resources” (Shebib, 2003, p. 296).
If, for example, a Canadian manager is sent to India to manage an R&D team or a joint venture, they are likely
to have to “[cope] with eco-shock or the physiological, psychological, and social reaction to a new assignment
ecology.” Hanging a shingle in a fluid and culturally diverse organization, project team, and work culture, a pro-
ject manager may find new working relationships and hidden challenges have significant implications for perfor-
mance and knowledge exchange – for the manager and colleagues at home and in the host country.
In most situations, there is simply no substitute for having a well-placed person from the host culture to guide
the new person through the cultural nuances of getting things done. In fact, if this “intervention” isn’t present,
it is likely to affect the person’s motivation or desire to continue trying to break through the cultural (and other)
barriers. Indeed, optimal effectiveness in such situations requires learning of cultures in developing countries or
international micro-cultures and sharing perceptions among the culturally diverse task participants on how to get
things done. Project leaders require sensitivity and awareness of multicultural preferences. The following broad
areas should be considered:
• Individual identity and role within the project versus family of origin and community
• Verbal and emotional expressiveness
• Relationship expectations
• Style of communication
• Language
• Personal priorities, values, and beliefs
• Time orientation
There are many interpersonal dynamics and intra-project challenges faced by a globally distributed team. Individ-
ual members and the team itself requires important social supports to mitigate uncertainty, conflict, motivational
challenges, culture shock, and the more-encompassing eco-shock that comes from facing head-on the unfamiliar
and diverse situations consistent with a different cultural and geographically distributed context.
Diverse and globally distributed project teams (i.e., different ethnic cultures, genders, ages, and functional capa-
bilities), often working on complex projects spanning multiple time zones, geography, and history, and operating
5 0 • P R O J E C T M A N A G E M E N T
with tight deadlines in cost-conscious organizations, need to make time and resources available to physically meet
each other, and connect (at the very least) at a formal “kick-off” meeting. Especially when working with team
members from high-context cultures, it is essential to meet face-to-face, discover member’s individual identities
and cultural preferences, share professional knowledge and personal stories, and observe critical verbal and non-
verbal cues (that may not easily be observed online, or on the telephone). This is key to establishing a safer climate
and building trust for stronger relationships among both team members and management.
Dealing with ConflictDealing with Conflict
The question isn’t whether, when, or with what frequency conflict will occur among intercultural team members
— or what will create the conflict. If a team wants to overcome (or harness) conflict for effectiveness and produc-
tivity, the question is how to navigate and resolve the conflicts. Conflict that springs from diversity can actually
assist the team in completing complex problem solving. However, if not navigated successfully, it can create rela-
tionship strain and derail achievement due to increased difficulties in communication and coordination.
As the global marketplace continues its rapid expansion, researchers are increasingly turning their attention to
the issue of conflict management. Differing social and cultural values don’t necessarily increase the number of
conflicts a team will experience, but they can have an impact on how conflicts are managed and resolved. Cul-
tural awareness is needed for understanding and appreciating others’ values and behavioral norms. Without that,
foreign assignments will become an overwhelming challenge. Self-awareness and skill development can aid in
resolving the problematic conflict arising from cultural differences to help a team maintain good relations and
remain productive.
Shebib, B. (2003). Choices: Interviewing and Counselling Skills for Canadians, 2nd edition, Pearson Education
Canada Inc.
This chapter of Project Management is a derivative copy of Project Management for Skills for All Careers by Pro-
ject Management Open Resources and TAP-a-PM licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported.
6 . C U L T U R E A N D P R O J E C T M A N A G E M E N T • 5 1
7. Project Initiation
The project initiation phase is the first phase within the project management life cycle, as it involves starting up
a new project. Within the initiation phase, the business problem or opportunity is identified, a solution is defined,
a project is formed, and a project team is appointed to build and deliver the solution to the customer. A business
case is created to define the problem or opportunity in detail and identify a preferred solution for implementation.
The business case includes:
• A detailed description of the problem or opportunity with headings such as Introduction, Business Objec-
tives, Problem/Opportunity Statement, Assumptions, and Constraints
• A list of the alternative solutions available
• An analysis of the business benefits, costs, risks, and issues
• A description of the preferred solution
• Main project requirements
• A summarized plan for implementation that includes a schedule and financial analysis
The project sponsor then approves the business case, and the required funding is allocated to proceed with a feasi-
bility study. It is up to the project sponsor to determine if the project is worth undertaking and whether the project
will be profitable to the organization. The completion and approval of the feasibility study triggers the beginning
of the planning phase. The feasibility study may also show that the project is not worth pursuing and the project
is terminated; thus the next phase never begins.
All projects are created for a reason. Someone identifies a need or an opportunity and devises a project to address
that need. How well the project ultimately addresses that need defines the project’s success or failure.
The success of your project depends on the clarity and accuracy of your business case and whether people believe
they can achieve it. Whenever you consider past experience, your business case is more realistic; and whenever
you involve other people in the business case’s development, you encourage their commitment to achieving it.
Often the pressure to get results encourages people to go right into identifying possible solutions without fully
understanding the need or what the project is trying to accomplish. This strategy can create a lot of immediate
activity, but it also creates significant chances for waste and mistakes if the wrong need is addressed. One of
the best ways to gain approval for a project is to clearly identify the project’s objectives and describe the need
or opportunity for which the project will provide a solution. For most of us, being misunderstood is a common
occurrence, something that happens on a daily basis. At the restaurant, the waiter brings us our dinner and we
note that the baked potato is filled with sour cream, even though we expressly requested “no sour cream.” Pro-
jects are filled with misunderstandings between customers and project staff. What the customer ordered (or more
accurately what they think they ordered) is often not what they get. The cliché is “I know that’s what I said, but
it’s not what I meant.” Figure 7.1 demonstrates the importance of establishing clear objectives.
The need for establishing clear project objectives cannot be overstated. An objective or goal lacks clarity if, when
shown to five people, it is interpreted in multiple ways. Ideally, if an objective is clear, you can show it to five
people who, after reviewing it, hold a single view about its meaning. The best way to make an objective clear is to
state it in such a way that it can be verified. Building in ways to measure achievement can do this. It is important
to provide quantifiable definitions to qualitative terms.
Figure 7.1: Project Management by Andreas Cappell ( used under CC-BY-NC-SA ( by-nc-sa/2.0/)
For example, an objective of the team principle (project manager) of a Formula 1 racing team may be that their
star driver, “finish the lap as fast as possible.” That objective is filled with ambiguity.
How fast is “fast as possible?” Does that mean the fastest lap time (the time to complete one lap) or does it mean
the fastest speed as the car crosses the start/finish line (that is at the finish of the lap)?
By when should the driver be able to achieve the objective? It is no use having the fastest lap after the race has
finished, and equally the fastest lap does not count for qualifying and therefore starting position, if it is performed
during a practice session.
The ambiguity of this objective can be seen from the following example. Ferrari’s Michael Schumacher achieved
the race lap record at the Circuit de Monaco of 1 min 14.439 sec in 2004 (Figure 7.2). However, he achieved this
on lap 23 of the race, but crashed on lap 44 of a 77-lap race. So while he achieved a fastest lap and therefore
met the specific project goal of “finish the lap as fast as possible,” it did not result in winning the race, clearly a
different project goal. In contrast, the fastest qualifying time at the same event was by Renault’s Jarno Trulli (1
min 13.985 sec), which gained him pole position for the race, which he went on to win (Figure 7.2). In his case,
7 . P R O J E C T I N I T I A T I O N • 5 3
he achieved the specific project goal of “finish the lap as fast as possible,” but also the larger goal of winning the
The objective can be strengthened considerably if it is stated as follows: “To be able to finish the 3.340 km lap at
the Circuit de Monaco at the Monaco Grand Prix in 1 min 14.902 sec or less, during qualifying on May 23, 2009.”
This was the project objective achieved by Brawn GP’s Jenson Button (Figure 7.2).
Figure 7.2: Despite achieving the project goal of the “finish the lap as fast as possible,” Ferrari’s Michael Schumacher crashed 21 laps later and did not finish the race (top); Renault’s Jarno Trulli celebrating his win at the 2004 Monaco Grand Prix (middle); Jenson Button took his Brawn GP car to pole position at the Monaco Grand Prix with a lap time of 1 min 14.902 sec. He also went on to win the race, even though he did not achieve that lap time during the race (bottom). Monaco 2004 by Cord Rodefeld ( rodefeld/386917280/) used under CC-BY license ( licenses/by/2.0/) (top); Jarno Trulli by ph-stop ( photos/ph-stop/4698634584/) used under CC-BY-SA license ( licenses/by-sa/2.0/) (middle); Jenson Button by Evoflash ( evoflash/7614681230/) used under CC-BY license ( licenses/by/2.0/) (bottom)
There is still some ambiguity in this objective; for example, it assumes the star driver will be driving the team’s
race car and not a rental car from Hertz. However, it clarifies the team principal’s intent quite nicely. It should be
noted that a clear goal is not enough. It must also be achievable. The team principal’s goal becomes unachievable,
for example, if he changes it to require his star driver to finish the 3.340 km lap in 30 sec or less.
5 4 • P R O J E C T M A N A G E M E N T
To ensure the project’s objectives are achievable and realistic, they must be determined jointly by managers and
those who perform the work. Realism is introduced because the people who will do the work have a good sense
of what it takes to accomplish a particular task. In addition, this process assures some level of commitment on all
sides: management expresses its commitment to support the work effort and workers demonstrate their willing-
ness to do the work.
Imagine an office manager has contracted a painter to paint his office. His goal or objective is to have the office
painted a pleasing blue color. Consider the conversation that occurs in Figure 7.3 after the job was finished.
Figure 7.3: The consequence of not making your objective clear. Illustration from Barron & Barron Project Management for Scientists and Engineers,
This conversation captures in a nutshell the essence of a major source of misunderstandings on projects: the
importance of setting clear objectives. The office manager’s description of how he wanted the room painted meant
one thing to him and another to the painter. As a consequence, the room was not painted to the office manager’s
satisfaction. Had his objective been more clearly defined, he probably would have had what he wanted.
Comparing Options Using a Weighted Decision MatrixComparing Options Using a Weighted Decision Matrix
Sometimes we have multiple options to choose from when determining requirements and deciding which project
to work on. To select the best option, we can use tools such as a weighted decision matrix.
A basic decision matrix consists of establishing a set of criteria for options that are scored and summed to gain a
total score that can then be ranked. Importantly, it is not weighted to allow a quick selection process.
A weighted decision matrix operates in the same way as the basic decision matrix but introduces the concept of
weighting the criteria in order of importance. The resultant scores better reflect the importance to the decision
maker of the criteria involved. The more important a criterion, the higher the weighting it should be given. Each
of the potential options is scored and then multiplied by the weighting given to each of the criteria to produce a
The advantage of the weighted decision matrix is that subjective opinions about one alternative versus another can
be made more objective. Another advantage of this method is that sensitivity studies can be performed. An exam-
ple of this might be to see how much your opinion would have to change in order for a lower-ranked alternative
to outrank a competing alternative.
7 . P R O J E C T I N I T I A T I O N • 5 5
A weighted decision matrix therefore allows decision makers to structure and solve their problem by:
1. Specifying and prioritizing their needs with a list a criteria; then
2. Evaluating, rating, and comparing the different solutions; and
3. Selecting the best matching solution.
A weighted decision matrix is a decision tool used by decision makers.
A decision matrix is basically an array presenting on one axis a list of alternatives, also called options or solu-
tions, that are evaluated regarding, on the other axis, a list of criteria, which are weighted depending on their
respective importance in the final decision to be taken.
Weighted Decision Matrix SampleWeighted Decision Matrix Sample
The example in Figure 7.4 shows a weighted decision matrix that compared three options for a web development
project (SJS Enterprises). This method is especially useful when choosing purchase alternatives and comparing
them against specific desirable system requirements.
Figure 7.4: Weighted Decision Matrix for Game Delivery Project Source: A. Watt
Financial ConsiderationsFinancial Considerations
In many new project endeavors, we need to find out if our project is financially feasible. We do that by using net
present value (NPV), rate of return (ROI), and payback analysis.
A dollar earned today is worth more than a dollar earned one or more years from now. The NPV of a time series
of cash flows, both incoming and outgoing, is defined as the sum of the present values (PVs) of the individual
cash flows of the same entity.
In the case when all future cash flows are incoming and the only outflow of cash is the purchase price, the NPV
is simply the PV of future cash flows minus the purchase price (which is its own PV). NPV is a standard method
for using the time value of money to appraise long-term projects. Used for capital budgeting and widely used
throughout economics, finance, and accounting, it measures the excess or shortfall of cash flows, in present value
terms, once financing charges are met.
5 6 • P R O J E C T M A N A G E M E N T
NPV can be described as the “difference amount” between the sums of discounted cash inflows and cash outflows.
It compares the present value of money today to the present value of money in the future, taking inflation and
returns into account.
The NPV of a sequence of cash flows takes as input the cash flows and a discount rate or discount curve and
outputs a price.
Each cash inflow/outflow is discounted back to its present value (PV). Then they are summed. Therefore NPV is
the sum of all terms.
t is the time of the cash flow
i is the discount rate (the rate of return that could be earned on an investment in the financial markets with similar
risk; the opportunity cost of capital)
Rt is the net cash flow (i.e., cash inflow – cash outflow, at time t).
NPV is an indicator of how much value an investment or project adds to the firm. With a particular project, if
NPV is a positive value, the project is in the status of positive cash inflow in the time t. If NPV is a negative value,
the project is in the status of discounted cash outflow in the time t. Sometimes risky projects with a positive NPV
could be accepted. This does not necessarily mean that they should be undertaken since NPV at the cost of capital
may not account for opportunity cost (i.e., comparison with other available investments). In financial theory, if
there is a choice between two mutually exclusive alternatives, the one yielding the higher NPV should be selected.
7 . P R O J E C T I N I T I A T I O N • 5 7
If… It means… Then…
NPV > 0 The investment would add value to the firm.
The project may be accepted.
NPV < 0 The investment would sub- tract value from the firm.
The project should be rejected.
NPV = 0 The investment would nei- ther gain nor lose value for the firm.
We should be indifferent in the decision whether to accept or reject the project. This project adds no monetary value. Decision should be based on other criteria (e.g., strategic positioning or other factors not explicitly included in the calculation).
Table 7.1: Net Present Value Source:
Present Value Table
Periods 6% 8% 10% 12% 14%
1 0.943 0.926 0.909 0.893 0.877
2 0.890 0.857 0.826 0.797 0.769
3 0.840 0.794 0.751 0.712 0.675
4 0.792 0.735 0.683 0.636 0.592
5 0.747 0.681 0.621 0.567 0.519
6 0.705 0.630 0.564 0.507 0.456
7 0.665 0.583 0.513 0.452 0.400
8 0.627 0.540 0.467 0.404 0.351
9 0.592 0.500 0.424 0.361 0.308
10 0.558 0.463 0.386 0.322 0.270
Table 7.2: Take note of the decreasing value of money as the period increases from 1 to 10 years.
Source: A. Watt
NPV ExampleNPV Example
The following example is calculating the NPV of a project at a discount rate of 12%. The project takes five years
to complete with given benefits and costs for each year. In Year 0, there is no benefit to the organization, just an
initial cost of $75,000 with no discount rate. In Year 1, the discount rate is 89%. This means that at 12% assumed
interest, the time value of money says that the $1 today is worth $0.89 in one year, $0.80 in two years, etc. By
calculating the NPV for the benefits and the costs, you subtract the NPV of all costs from the NPV of all benefits.
The final result is a positive value of $105,175.
5 8 • P R O J E C T M A N A G E M E N T
Table 7.3: Table of NPV of costs and benefits. Source: A. Watt
Return on investment (ROI) is a performance measure used to evaluate the efficiency of an investment or to
compare the efficiency of a number of different investments. It is one way of considering profits in relation to
capital invested.
This is calculated by subtracting the project’s costs from the benefits and then dividing by the costs. For example,
if you invest $100 and your investment is worth $110 next year, the ROI is (110-100)/100 = 0.1 or a 10% return.
In our example: (306,425-201,175)/ 201,175 = .52 = 52% return. That’s considered a nice return on investment.
Payback PeriodPayback Period
Payback analysis is important in determining the amount of time it will take for a project to recoup its investments.
This is the point at which the benefits start to outweigh the costs. The best way to see that is by charting the
cumulative benefits and costs. As you can see in the example in Figure 7.5, the cumulative benefits outweigh the
cumulative costs in the second year.
Figure 7.5: Payback Analysis Chart. Source: A. Watt
Project CharterProject Charter
A project charter, project definition, or project statement is a statement of the scope, objectives, and participants in
a project. It provides a preliminary delineation of roles and responsibilities, outlines the project objectives, iden-
tifies the main stakeholders, and defines the authority of the project manager. It serves as a reference of authority
for the future of the project.
Purpose of the Project CharterPurpose of the Project Charter
The purpose of a project charter is to:
7 . P R O J E C T I N I T I A T I O N • 5 9
• Provide an understanding of the project, the reason it is being conducted, and its justification
• Establish early on in the project the general scope
• Establish the project manager and his or her authority level. A note of who will review and approve the pro-
ject charter must be included.
Simple example of project charterSimple example of project charter
Identification Section
List the project name, the date of the current version of the project charter, the sponsor’s name and authority, and
the project manager’s name.
Project Name: Rice University Computer Store Creation
Project Sponsor: Jane Ungam, Facilities Manager
Date: Jan 12, 2010
Revision: 1
Project Manager: Fred Rubens
Overview of the Project
Provide a simple but precise statement of the project.
Example: Rice University is planning to create a store to sell computer supplies.
State the objectives of the project clearly and ensure they contain a measure of how to assess whether they have
been achieved. The statement should be realistic and should follow the SMART protocol:
• Specific (get into the details)
• Measurable (use quantitative language so that you know when you are finished)
• Acceptable (to stakeholders)
• Realistic (given project constraints)
• Time based (deadlines, not durations)
Example: The objective of this project is to implement a campus store that is ready to sell computer supplies
such as memory sticks, mouse pads, and cables, when class starts in August 2010, with enough inventory to last
through the first two weeks of classes.
6 0 • P R O J E C T M A N A G E M E N T
Specify the scope of the project by identifying the domain or range of requirements.
Example: The scope of the Rice’s school supplies store project includes the activities listed below:
1. Determine what supplies will be sold in the store.
2. Establish competitive prices for the computer supplies.
3. Source and secure supply vendors.
4. Establish marketing, procurement, operations, and any other necessary departments, schools, centers, and
It is equally important to include in the scope what is not included in the project.
Example: The scope of the project does not include:
• Development of any other school store departments
• Store design or construction
Major Milestones
List all major milestones needed to ensure project completion successfully.
• All vendors selected
• Contracts or orders completed with all vendors
• Supplies delivered to the store
• Pricing determined
Major Deliverables
List and describe the major deliverables that will result from the project.
• Supplies procured
• Operations, procurement, marketing, and other teams established
• Store supplies stocked and displayed
• Store staffing completed, including work schedules
• Store operations policies, including hours of operation, established
Outline the assumptions made in creating the project. An assumption is a fact you are unsure of but can either
confirm at a later time or are simply stating so that the project can proceed as if the statement were true.
7 . P R O J E C T I N I T I A T I O N • 6 1
• Only computer supplies will be sold in the store.
• Customers will be the Rice University student body and faculty.
• Rice University students will manage the project and be responsible for ongoing operations.
• A store sponsor from the university faculty or staff will be assigned to mentor students and provide over-
• Store hours of operation will be approved by the Rice University students or store sponsor.
• Supplier deliveries will be arranged or the store sponsor will pick them up with students.
• Students will be empowered to contact vendors for order placement and inquiries via telephone.
Define any and all constraints on the project or those working on the project. This is an important part of the pro-
ject charter. A constraint is anything that limits the range of solutions or approaches.
• Student availability to meet for project planning is limited to school hours.
• Software is not available for project planning and control.
Business Need or Opportunity (Benefits)
Provide a concise statement of the business need or opportunity that led to the creation of the project. Why was it
created? What are the benefits? How does the project contribute to organizational objectives?
Example: The goal of this project is to provide income for the Rice Student Center while supplying necessary
items to students and faculty at competitive prices. The school store will be a convenience to students since nec-
essary supplies will be available on campus. This will help students learn to manage their personal supplies.
Preliminary Cost for the Project
Provide a statement indicating how the cost of the project will be defined and controlled.
Example: The procurement team will assemble a proposal based on expected costs for review by the Dean of
Undergraduate Studies.
Project Risks
A risk is anything uncertain that may occur that will reduce or decrease the chances of project success.
1. There is a state election coming and the new government may change the taxation rules for private university
retail outlets.
6 2 • P R O J E C T M A N A G E M E N T
2. The cloud is changing student demand for media such as flash drives in somewhat unpredictable ways. If this
happens faster than we forecast, we may be building a store that students don’t need.
3. Deliveries of store shelves, etc. will be delayed if a major hurricane occurs.
Project Charter Acceptance
Provide the names, titles, and signature lines of the individuals who will sign off on the project charter.
Project Stakeholders
Provide the key stakeholders and team members by function, name, and role.
Function Name Role
Project Manager Monica Styles Leads the project
Sponsor Adrienne Watt Project sponsor
This chapter of Project Management is a derivative copy of Project Management by Merrie Barron and Andrew
Barron licensed under and Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported and Decision Matrix Method and Project
Charter by Wikipedia the Free Encyclopedia licensed under Creative Commons Share Alike Attribution 3.0
7 . P R O J E C T I N I T I A T I O N • 6 3
8. Overview of Project Planning
After the project has been defined and the project team has been appointed, you are ready to enter the second
phase in the project management life cycle: the detailed project planning phase.
Project planning is at the heart of the project life cycle, and tells everyone involved where you’re going and how
you’re going to get there. The planning phase is when the project plans are documented, the project deliverables
and requirements are defined, and the project schedule is created. It involves creating a set of plans to help guide
your team through the implementation and closure phases of the project. The plans created during this phase will
help you manage time, cost, quality, changes, risk, and related issues. They will also help you control staff and
external suppliers to ensure that you deliver the project on time, within budget, and within schedule.
The project planning phase is often the most challenging phase for a project manager, as you need to make an
educated guess about the staff, resources, and equipment needed to complete your project. You may also need to
plan your communications and procurement activities, as well as contract any third-party suppliers.
The purpose of the project planning phase is to:
• Establish business requirements
• Establish cost, schedule, list of deliverables, and delivery dates
• Establish resources plans
• Obtain management approval and proceed to the next phase
The basic processes of project planning are:
• Scope planning – specifying the in-scope requirements for the project to facilitate creating the work break-
down structure
• Preparation of the work breakdown structure – spelling out the breakdown of the project into tasks and sub-
• Project schedule development – listing the entire schedule of the activities and detailing their sequence of
• Resource planning – indicating who will do what work, at which time, and if any special skills are needed
to accomplish the project tasks
• Budget planning – specifying the budgeted cost to be incurred at the completion of the project
• Procurement planning – focusing on vendors outside your company and subcontracting
• Risk management – planning for possible risks and considering optional contingency plans and mitigation
• Quality planning – assessing quality criteria to be used for the project
• Communication planning – designing the communication strategy with all project stakeholders
The planning phase refines the project’s objectives, which were gathered during the initiation phase. It includes
planning the steps necessary to meet those objectives by further identifying the specific activities and resources
required to complete the project. Now that these objectives have been recognized, they must be clearly articulated,
detailing an in-depth scrutiny of each recognized objective. With such scrutiny, our understanding of the objective
may change. Often the very act of trying to describe something precisely gives us a better understanding of what
we are looking at. This articulation serves as the basis for the development of requirements. What this means is
that after an objective has been clearly articulated, we can describe it in concrete (measurable) terms and identify
what we have to do to achieve it. Obviously, if we do a poor job of articulating the objective, our requirements
will be misdirected and the resulting project will not represent the true need.
Users will often begin describing their objectives in qualitative language. The project manager must work with
the user to provide quantifiable definitions to those qualitative terms. These quantifiable criteria include schedule,
cost, and quality measures. In the case of project objectives, these elements are used as measurements to determine
project satisfaction and successful completion. Subjective evaluations are replaced by actual numeric attributes.
Example 1
A web user may ask for a fast system. The quantitative requirement should be all screens must load in under
three seconds. Describing the time limit during which the screen must load is specific and tangible. For that rea-
son, you’ll know that the requirement has been successfully completed when the objective has been met.
Example 2
Let’s say that your company is going to produce a holiday batch of eggnog. Your objective statement might be
stated this way: Christmas Cheer, Inc. will produce two million cases of holiday eggnog, to be shipped to our dis-
tributors by October 30, at a total cost of $1.5 million or less. The objective criteria in this statement are clearly
stated and successful fulfillment can easily be measured. Stakeholders will know that the objectives are met when
the two million cases are produced and shipped by the due date within the budget stated.
When articulating the project objectives you should follow the SMART rule:
• Specific – get into the details. Objectives should be specific and written in clear, concise, and under-
standable terms.
8 . O V E R V I E W O F P R O J E C T P L A N N I N G • 6 5
• Measurable – use quantitative language. You need to know when you have successfully completed the task.
• Acceptable – agreed with the stakeholders.
• Realistic – in terms of achievement. Objectives that are impossible to accomplish are not realistic and not
attainable. Objectives must be centered in reality.
• Time based – deadlines not durations. Objectives should have a time frame with an end date assigned to
If you follow these principles, you’ll be certain that your objectives meet the quantifiable criteria needed to mea-
sure success.
This chapter of Project Management is a derivative copy of Project Management by Merrie Barron and Andrew
Barron licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported
6 6 • P R O J E C T M A N A G E M E N T
9. Scope Planning
You always want to know exactly what work has to be done before you start it. You have a collection of team
members, and you need to know exactly what they’re going to do to meet the project’s objectives. The scope plan-
ning process is the very first thing you do to manage your scope. Project scope planning is concerned with the
definition of all the work needed to successfully meet the project objectives. The whole idea here is that when you
start the project, you need to have a clear picture of all the work that needs to happen on your project, and as the
project progresses, you need to keep that scope up to date and written down in the project’s scope management
Defining the ScopeDefining the Scope
You already have a head start on refining the project’s objectives in quantifiable terms, but now you need to plan
further and write down all the intermediate and final deliverables that you and your team will produce over the
course of the project. Deliverables include everything that you and your team produce for the project (i.e., any-
thing that your project will deliver). The deliverables for your project include all of the products or services that
you and your team are performing for the client, customer, or sponsor. They include every intermediate docu-
ment, plan, schedule, budget, blueprint, and anything else that will be made along the way, including all of the
project management documents you put together. Project deliverables are tangible outcomes, measurable results,
or specific items that must be produced to consider either the project or the project phase completed. Intermediate
deliverables, like the objectives, must be specific and verifiable.
All deliverables must be described in a sufficient level of detail so that they can be differentiated from related
deliverables. For example:
• A twin engine plane versus a single engine plane
• A red marker versus a green marker
• A daily report versus a weekly report
• A departmental solution versus an enterprise solution
One of the project manager’s primary functions is to accurately document the deliverables of the project and then
manage the project so that they are produced according to the agreed-on criteria. Deliverables are the output of
each development phase, described in a quantifiable way.
Project RequirementsProject Requirements
After all the deliverables are identified, the project manager needs to document all the requirements of the project.
Requirements describe the characteristics of the final deliverable, whether it is a product or a service. They
describe the required functionality that the final deliverable must have or specific conditions the final deliverable
must meet in order to satisfy the objectives of the project. A requirement is an objective that must be met. The
project’s requirements, defined in the scope plan, describe what a project is supposed to accomplish and how the
project is supposed to be created and implemented. Requirements answer the following questions regarding the
as-is and to-be states of the business: who, what, where, when, how much, and how does a business process work?
Requirements may include attributes like dimensions, ease of use, color, specific ingredients, and so on. If we go
back to the example of the company producing holiday eggnog, one of the major deliverables is the cartons that
hold the eggnog. The requirements for that deliverable may include carton design, photographs that will appear
on the carton, color choices, etc.
Requirements specify what the final project deliverable should look like and what it should do. Requirements
must be measurable, testable, related to identified business needs or opportunities, and defined to a level of detail
sufficient for system design. They can be divided into six basic categories: functional, non-functional, technical,
business, user, and regulatory requirements.
Functional RequirementsFunctional Requirements
Functional requirements describe the characteristics of the final deliverable in ordinary non-technical language.
They should be understandable to the customers, and the customers should play a direct role in their development.
Functional requirements are what you want the deliverable to do.
Vehicle Example
If you were buying vehicles for a business, your functional requirement might be: “The vehicles should be able to
take up to a one ton load from a warehouse to a shop.”
Computer System Example
For a computer system you may define what the system is to do: “The system should store all details of a cus-
tomer’s order.”
The important point to note is that what is wanted is specified and not how it will be delivered.
Non-Functional RequirementsNon-Functional Requirements
Non-functional requirements specify criteria that can be used to judge the final product or service that your project
delivers. They are restrictions or constraints to be placed on the deliverable and how to build it. Their purpose is
6 8 • P R O J E C T M A N A G E M E N T
to restrict the number of solutions that will meet a set of requirements. Using the vehicle example, the functional
requirement is for a vehicle to take a load from a warehouse to a shop. Without any constraints, the solutions being
offered might result in anything from a small to a large truck. Non-functional requirements can be split into two
types: performance and development.
To restrict the types of solutions, you might include these performance constraints:
• The purchased trucks should be American-made trucks due to government incentives.
• The load area must be covered.
• The load area must have a height of at least 10 feet.
Similarly, for the computer system example, you might specify values for the generic types of performance con-
• The response time for information is displayed on the screen for the user.
• The number of hours a system should be available.
• The number of records a system should be able to hold.
• The capacity for growth of the system should be built in.
• The length of time a record should be held for auditing purposes.
For the customer records example, the constraints might be:
• The system should be available from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.Monday to Friday.
• The system should be able to hold 100,000 customer records initially.
• The system should be able to add 10,000 records a year for 10 years.
• A record should be fully available on the system for at least seven years.
One important point with these examples is that they restrict the number of solution options that are offered to you
by the developer. In addition to the performance constraints, you may include some development constraints.
There are three general types of non-functional development constraints:
• Time: When a deliverable should be delivered
• Resource: How much money is available to develop the deliverable
• Quality: Any standards that are used to develop the deliverable, development methods, etc.
Technical RequirementsTechnical Requirements
Technical requirements emerge from the functional requirements to answer the questions: how will the problem
be solved this time and will it be solved technologically and/or procedurally? They specify how the system needs
to be designed and implemented to provide required functionality and fulfill required operational characteristics.
For example, in a software project, the functional requirements may stipulate that a database system will be devel-
9 . S C O P E P L A N N I N G • 6 9
oped to allow access to financial data through a remote terminal. The corresponding technical requirements would
spell out the required data elements, the language in which the database management system will be written
(due to existing knowledge in-house), the hardware on which the system will run (due to existing infrastructure),
telecommunication protocols that should be used, and so forth.
Business RequirementsBusiness Requirements
Business requirements are the needs of the sponsoring organization, always from a management perspective.
Business requirements are statements of the business rationale for the project. They are usually expressed in broad
outcomes, satisfying the business needs, rather than specific functions the system must perform. These require-
ments grow out of the vision for the product that, in turn, is driven by mission (or business) goals and objectives.
User RequirementsUser Requirements
User requirements describe what the users need to do with the system or product. The focus is on the user expe-
rience with the system under all scenarios. These requirements are the input for the next development phases:
user-interface design and system test cases design.
Regulatory requirementsRegulatory requirements
Regulatory requirements can be internal or external and are usually non-negotiable. They are the restrictions,
licenses, and laws applicable to a product or business that are imposed by the government.
An Example of RequirementsAn Example of Requirements
Automated teller machines (ATMs) can be used to illustrate a wide range of requirements (Figure 9.1). What are
some of the physical features of these machines, and what kinds of functions do they perform for the bank’s cus-
tomers? Why did banks put these systems in place? What are the high-level business requirements?
Figure 9.1 Automated Teller Machine. ATM ( 6bHE21) by megawatts86 ( 32317927@N07/) under CC-BY-SA license (
The following represents one possible example of each type of requirement as they would be applied to a bank’s
external ATM.
• ATM functional requirement: The system will enable the user to select whether or not to produce a hard-
copy transaction receipt before completing a transaction.
• ATM non-functional requirement: All displays will be in white, 14-point Arial text on black background.
• ATM technical requirement: The ATM system will connect seamlessly to the existing customer’s database.
• ATM user requirement: The system will complete a standard withdrawal from a personal account, from
7 0 • P R O J E C T M A N A G E M E N T
login to cash, in less than two minutes.
• ATM business requirement: By providing superior service to our retail customers, Monumental Bank’s
ATM network will allow us to increase associated service fee revenue by 10% annually on an ongoing
• ATM regulatory requirement: All ATMs will connect to standard utility power sources within their civic
jurisdiction, and be supplied with an uninterrupted power source approved by the company.
The effective specification of requirements is one of the most challenging undertakings project managers face.
Inadequately specified requirements will guarantee poor project results.
Documenting requirements is much more than just the process of writing down the requirements as the user sees
them; it should cover not only what decisions have been made, but why they have been made, as well. Under-
standing the reasoning that was used to arrive at a decision is critical in avoiding repetition. For example, the fact
that a particular feature has been excluded, because it is simply not feasible, needs to be recorded. If it is not, then
the project risks wasted work and repetition, when a stakeholder requests the feature be reinstated during devel-
opment or testing.
Once the requirements are documented, have the stakeholders sign off on their requirements as a confirmation of
what they desire.
While the project manager is responsible for making certain the requirements are documented, it does not mean
that the project manager performs this task. The project manager enlists the help of all the stakeholders (business
analysts, requirement analysts, business process owners, customers and other team members) to conduct the dis-
cussions, brain-storming, and interviews, and to document and sign off the requirements. The project manager is
responsible only for enabling the process and facilitating it. If the project manager feels that the quality of the
document is questionable, his or her duty is to stop the development process.
The project manager reviews the requirements, incorporates them into the project documentation library, and uses
them as an input for the project plan.
Software Requirements FundamentalsSoftware Requirements Fundamentals
This section refers to requirements of “software” because it is concerned with problems to be addressed by soft-
ware. A software requirement is a property that must be exhibited by software developed or adapted to solve a
particular problem. The problem may be to automate part of a task of someone who will use the software, to sup-
port the business processes of the organization that has commissioned the software, to correct shortcomings of
existing software, to control a device, etc. The functioning of users, business processes, and devices is typically
complex. Therefore, the requirements on particular software are typically a complex combination of requirements
from different people at different levels of an organization and from the environment in which the software will
An essential property of all software requirements is that they be verifiable. It may be difficult or costly to verify
certain software requirements. For example, verification of the throughput requirement on a call center may neces-
sitate the development of simulation software. Both the software requirements and software quality personnel
must ensure that the requirements can be verified within the available resource constraints.
9 . S C O P E P L A N N I N G • 7 1
Requirements have other attributes in addition to the behavioral properties that they express. Common examples
include a priority rating to enable trade-offs in the face of finite resources and a status value to enable project
progress to be monitored. Typically, software requirements are uniquely identified so that they can be monitored
over the entire software life cycle.
Measuring RequirementsMeasuring Requirements
As a practical matter, it is typically useful to have some concept of the volume of the requirements for a particular
software product. This number is useful in evaluating the size of a change in requirements, in estimating the cost
of a development or maintenance task, or simply in using it as the denominator in other measurements (see Table
Table 9.1: Table of Measuring Requirements. Source: A Watt.
Scope InputsScope Inputs
The project manager gathers initial project facts from the project charter. In addition, background information on
the stakeholder’s workplace, existing business model and rules, etc. assist in creating the vision of the final prod-
uct/service, and consequently, the project scope (see Figure 9.2).
Figure 9.2: Scope input-output by Flaming Sevens ( in the Public Domain (
Certainly being a seasoned project manager broadens the repertoire of one’s scope planning techniques. An expe-
rienced project manager can draw on past experiences with like projects to determine the work that is realistically
doable, given time and cost constraints, for a current project. Communication and negotiation skills are a “must-
have” as well. Project managers need to educate stakeholders about the project impacts of some requirements.
Adding complexity to a project may require more staff, time, and/or money. It may also have an impact on project
quality. Some aspects of the project may be unfeasible – stakeholders need to know this so they can adjust their
vision or prepare for future challenges.
Gathering requirements is part of scope definition, and it can be done using one or more of following techniques:
• Interviews
7 2 • P R O J E C T M A N A G E M E N T
• Focus groups
• Facilitated groups such as JAD (joint application development)
• Group creativity techniques: brainstorming, nominal groups, delphi, mind map, affinity diagnostics
• Prototyping
• Observation
• Questions and surveys
• Group decision-making techniques: unanimity, majority, plurality, dictatorship
Requirements Traceability MatrixRequirements Traceability Matrix
The requirements traceability matrix is a table that links requirements to their origin and traces them throughout
the project life cycle. The implementation of a requirements traceability matrix helps ensure that each requirement
adds business value by linking it to the business and project objectives. It provides a means to track requirements
throughout the project life cycle, helping to ensure that requirements approved in the requirements documentation
are delivered at the end of the project. Finally, it provides a structure for managing changes to the product scope.
This process includes, but is not limited to, tracking:
• Requirements to business needs, opportunities, goals, and objectives
• Requirements to project objectives
• Requirements to project scope/work breakdown structure deliverables
• Requirements to product design
• Requirements to product development
• Requirements to test strategy and test scenarios
• High-level requirements to more detailed requirements
Attributes associated with each requirement can be recorded in the requirements traceability matrix. These attrib-
utes help to define key information about the requirement. Typical attributes used in the requirements traceability
matrix may include a unique identifier, a textual description of the requirement, the rationale for inclusion, owner,
source, priority, version, current status (such as active, cancelled, deferred, added, approved), and date completed.
Additional attributes to ensure that the requirement has met stakeholders’ satisfaction may include stability, com-
plexity, and acceptance criteria.
Matrix FieldsMatrix Fields
These are suggestions only and will vary based on organizational and project requirements.
• A unique identification number containing the general category of the requirement (e.g., SYSADM) and a
number assigned in ascending order (e.g., 1.0, 1.1, 1.2)
• Requirement statement
• Requirement source (conference, configuration control board, task assignment, etc.)
9 . S C O P E P L A N N I N G • 7 3
• Software requirements specification/functional requirements document paragraph number containing the
• Design specification paragraph number containing the requirement
• Program module containing the requirement
• Test specification containing the requirement test
• Test case number(s) where requirement is to be tested (optional)
• Verification of successful testing of requirements
• Modification field (If a requirement was changed, eliminated, or replaced, indicate disposition and authority
for modification.)
• Remarks
Requirements Traceability Matrix by DHWiki licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No
Derivative Works 3.0 United States License.
Work Breakdown StructureWork Breakdown Structure
Now that we have the deliverables and requirements well defined, the process of breaking down the work of
the project via a work breakdown structure (WBS) begins. The WBS defines the scope of the project and breaks
the work down into components that can be scheduled, estimated, and easily monitored and controlled. The idea
behind the WBS is simple: you subdivide a complicated task into smaller tasks, until you reach a level that can-
not be further subdivided. Anyone familiar with the arrangements of folders and files in a computer memory or
who has researched their ancestral family tree should be familiar with this idea. You stop breaking down the work
when you reach a low enough level to perform an estimate of the desired accuracy. At that point, it is usually
easier to estimate how long the small task will take and how much it will cost to perform than it would have been
to estimate these factors at the higher levels. Each descending level of the WBS represents an increased level of
detailed definition of the project work.
WBS describes the products or services to be delivered by the project and how they are decomposed and related.
It is a deliverable-oriented decomposition of a project into smaller components. It defines and groups a project’s
discrete work elements in a way that helps organize and define the total work scope of the project.
A WBS also provides the necessary framework for detailed cost estimating and control, along with providing
guidance for schedule development and control.
WBS is a hierarchical decomposition of the project into phases, deliverables, and work packages. It is a tree struc-
ture, which shows a subdivision of effort required to achieve an objective (e.g., a program, project, and contract).
In a project or contract, the WBS is developed by starting with the end objective and successively subdividing
7 4 • P R O J E C T M A N A G E M E N T
it into manageable components in terms of size, duration, and responsibility (e.g., systems, subsystems, compo-
nents, tasks, subtasks, and work packages), which include all steps necessary to achieve the objective.
The WBS creation involves:
• Listing all the project outputs (deliverables and other direct results)
• Identifying all the activities required to deliver the outputs
• Subdividing these activities into subactivities and tasks
• Identifying the deliverable and milestone(s) of each task
• Identifying the time usage of all the resources (personnel and material) required to complete each task
The purpose of developing a WBS is to:
• Allow easier management of each component
• Allow accurate estimation of time, cost, and resource requirements
• Allow easier assignment of human resources
• Allow easier assignment of responsibility for activities
Example of a WBSExample of a WBS
If I want to clean a room, I might begin by picking up clothes, toys, and other things that have been dropped on
the floor. I could use a vacuum cleaner to get dirt out of the carpet. I might take down the curtains and take them
to the cleaners, and then dust the furniture. All of these tasks are subtasks performed to clean the room. As for
vacuuming the room, I might have to get the vacuum cleaner out of the closet, connect the hose, empty the bag,
and put the machine back in the closet. These are smaller tasks to be performed in accomplishing the subtask
called vacuuming. Figure 9.3 shows how this might be portrayed in WBS format.
Figure 9.3: A WBS for cleaning a room Source: Project Management Skills for All Careers
It is very important to note that we do not worry about the sequence in which the work is performed or any depen-
dencies between the tasks when we do a WBS. That will be worked out when we develop the schedule. For exam-
ple, under 3.0 Vacuum, it would be obvious that 3.3 Vacuum carpet would be performed after 3.4 Connect hose
and plug! However, you will probably find yourself thinking sequentially, as it seems to be human nature to do so.
The main idea of creating a WBS is to capture all of the tasks, irrespective of their order. So if you find yourself
and other members of your team thinking sequentially, don’t be too concerned, but don’t get hung up on trying to
diagram the sequence or you will slow down the process of task identification. A WBS can be structured any way
it makes sense to you and your project. In practice, the chart structure is used quite often but it can be composed
in outline form as well (Figure 9.4).
9 . S C O P E P L A N N I N G • 7 5
Figure 9.4: Clean Room in an outline view. Source: Project Management Skills for All Careers
You’ll notice that each element at each level of the WBS in both figures is assigned a unique identifier. This
unique identifier is typically a number, and it’s used to sum and track costs, schedules, and resources associated
with WBS elements. These numbers are usually associated with the corporation’s chart of accounts, which is used
to track costs by category. Collectively, these numeric identifiers are known as the code of accounts.
There are also many ways you can organize the WBS. For example, it can be organized by either deliverable or
phase. The major deliverables of the project are used as the first level in the WBS. For example, if you are doing
a multimedia project the deliverables might include producing a book, CD, and a DVD (Figure 9.5).
Figure 9.5: A WBS for a multimedia project Source: Project Management Skills for All Careers
Many projects are structured or organized by project phases (Figure 9.6). Each phase would represent the first
level of the WBS and their deliverables would be the next level and so on.
Figure 9.6: WBS Project Phases Source: Project Management Skills for All Careers
The project manager is free to determine the number of levels in the WBS based on the complexity of the project.
You need to include enough levels to accurately estimate project time and costs but not so many levels that are
difficult to distinguish between components. Regardless of the number of levels in a WBS, the lowest level is
called a work package.
Work packages are the components that can be easily assigned to one person or a team of people, with clear
accountability and responsibility for completing the assignment. The work-package level is where time estimates,
cost estimates, and resource estimates are determined.
100 Percent Rule100 Percent Rule
The 100 percent rule is the most important criterion in developing and evaluating the WBS. The rule states that
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each decomposed level (child) must represent 100 percent of the work applicable to the next higher (parent) ele-
ment. In other words, if each level of the WBS follows the 100 percent rule down to the activities, then we are
confident that 100 percent of the activities will have been identified when we develop the project schedule. When
we create the budget for our project, 100 percent of the costs or resources required will be identified.
Scope StatementScope Statement
Scope statements may take many forms depending on the type of project being implemented and the nature of the
organization. The scope statement details the project deliverables and describes the major objectives. The objec-
tives should include measurable success criteria for the project.
A scope statement captures, in very broad terms, the product of the project: for example, “development of a soft-
ware-based system to capture and track orders for software.” A scope statement should also include the list of
users using the product, as well as the features in the resulting product.
As a baseline scope statements should contain:
• The project name
• The project charter
• The project owner, sponsors, and stakeholders
• The problem statement
• The project goals and objectives
• The project requirements
• The project deliverables
• The project non-goals (what is out of scope)
• Milestones
• Cost estimates
In more project-oriented organizations, the scope statement may also contain these and other sections:
• Project scope management plan
• Approved change requests
• Project assumptions and risks
• Project acceptance criteria
This chapter of Project Management is a derivative copy of Project Management by Merrie Barron and Andrew
Barron licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported, Project Management/PMBOK/Scope Man-
agement and Development Cooperation Handbook/Designing and Executing Projects/Detailed Planning or design
9 . S C O P E P L A N N I N G • 7 7
stage by Wikibooks licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 License, Work Breakdown
Structure by Wikipedia licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 License., and 100 Percent
Rule by Pabipedia licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 License.
7 8 • P R O J E C T M A N A G E M E N T
10. Project Schedule Planning
In order to develop our schedule, we first need to define the activities, sequence them in the right order, estimate
the resources needed, and estimate the time it will take to complete the tasks.
Defining ActivitiesDefining Activities
The activity definition process is a further breakdown of the work package elements of the WBS. It documents the
specific activities needed to fulfill the deliverables detailed in the WBS. These activities are not the deliverables
themselves but the individual units of work that must be completed to fulfill the deliverables. Activity definition
uses everything we already know about the project to divide the work into activities that can be estimated. You
might want to look at all the lessons learned from similar projects your company has done to get a good idea of
what you need to do on the current one.
Expert judgment in the form of project team members with prior experience developing project scope statements
and WBS can help you define activities. If you are asked to manage a project in a new domain, you might also use
experts in that particular field to help define tasks so you can understand what activities are going to be involved.
You may want to create an activity list and then have the expert review it and suggest changes. Alternatively, you
could involve the expert from the very beginning and ask to have an activity definition conversation with him or
her before even making your first draft of the list.
Sometimes you start a project without knowing a lot about the work that you’ll be doing later. Rolling-wave plan-
ning lets you plan and schedule only the portion that you know enough about to plan well. When you don’t know
enough about a project, you can use placeholders for the unknown portions until you know more. These are extra
items that are put at high levels in the WBS to allow you to plan for the unknown.
A Case StudyA Case Study
Susan and Steve have decided to tie the knot, but they don’t have much time to plan their wedding. They want the
big day to be unforgettable. They want to invite many people and provide a great time. They’ve always dreamed
of a June wedding, but it’s already January. Just thinking about all of the details involved is overwhelming. Susan
has been dreaming of the big day since she was 12, but it seems that there’s so little time for all the tasks to be
completed. When they were choosing the paper for the invitations, the couple realized that they needed help.
Susan: Steve, we need some help.
Steve Don’t worry. My sister’s wedding planner was great. Let me give her a call. [Steve calls the wedding planner Sally.]
Wedding Planner Hello Susan and Steve.
Steve We want everything to be perfect.
Susan There is so much to do! Invitations, food, guests, and music.
Steve Oh no, we haven’t even booked a place!
And it has to be done right. We can’t print the invitations until we have the menu planned. We can’t do the seating arrangements until we have the RSVPs. We aren’t sure what kind of band to get for the reception, or should it be a DJ? We’re just overwhelmed.
Steve My sister said you really saved her wedding. I know she gave you over a year to plan.
Steve But I’ve always dreamed of a June wedding, and I’m not willing to give that up. I know it’s late, but Sally can you help us?
Wedding Planner
Take it easy, guys. I’ve got it under control. We’ve a lot of people and activities to get under control. You guys really should have called six months ago, but we’ll still make this wedding happen on time.
Much work has to be done before June. First, Sally figures out what work needs to be done. She starts to put
together a to-do list:
• Invitations
• Flowers
• Wedding cake
• Dinner menu
• Band
Since many different people are involved in the making of the wedding, it takes much planning to coordinate all
the work in the right order by the right people at the right time. Initially, Sally was worried that she didn’t have
enough time to make sure that everything would be done properly. However, she knew that she had some power-
ful time management tools on her side when she took the job, and these tools would help her to synchronize all
the required tasks.
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To get started, Sally arranged all the activities in a work breakdown structure. The next exercise presents part of
the WBS Sally made for the wedding.
WBS Exercise (Solution follows)WBS Exercise (Solution follows)
Arrange the following activities into the WBS (Figure 10.1) to show how the work items decompose into activi-
• Shop for shoes
• Create guest list
• Have the tailoring and fitting done
• Shop for dress
• Find caterer
• Cater the wedding
• Wait for RSVPs
• Mail the invitations
• Finalize the menu
• Print the invitations
• Choose the bouquet
Figure 10.1: Work breakdown structure (WBS) based on project phase. Illustration from Barron & Barron Project Management for Scientists and Engineers,
Solution to Exercise: Figure 10.2
1 0 . P R O J E C T S C H E D U L E P L A N N I N G • 8 1
Figure 10.2: Work breakdown structure (WBS) based on project phase – solution. Illustration from Barron & Barron Project Management for Scientists and Engineers,
ActivityActivity ListList
Now that the activity definitions for the work packages have been completed, the next task is to complete the
activity list. The project activity list is a list of everything that needs to be done to complete your project, includ-
ing all the activities that must be accomplished to deliver each work package. Next you want to define the activity
attributes. Here’s where the description of each activity is kept. It includes all the information you need to figure
out plus the order of the work. Any predecessor activities, successor activities, or constraints should be listed in
the attributes along with descriptions and any other information about resources or time that you need for plan-
ning. The three main kinds of predecessors are finish-to-start (FS), start-to-start (SS), and finish-to-finish (FF).
The most common kind of predecessor is the finish-to-start. It means that one task needs to be completed before
another one can start. When you think of predecessors, this is what you usually think of; one thing needs to end
before the next can begin. It’s called finish-to-start because the first activity’s finish leads into the second activ-
ity’s start (Figure 10.3).
Figure 10.3: An example of a finish-to-start (FS) predecessor. Illustration from Barron & Barron Project Management for Scientists and Engineers,
The start-to-start predecessor is a little less common, but sometimes you need to coordinate activities so they
begin at the same time (Figure 10.4).
Figure 10.4: An example of a start-to-start (SS) predecessor. Illustration from Barron & Barron Project Management for Scientists and Engineers,
The finish-to-finish predecessor shows activities that finish at the same time (Figure 10.5).
8 2 • P R O J E C T M A N A G E M E N T
Figure 10.5: An example of a finish-to-finish (FF) predecessor. Illustration from Barron & Barron Project Management for Scientists and Engineers, 1.4/
It is possible to have start-to-finish (SF) predecessors. This happens when activities require that another task be
started before the successor task can finish. An example might be that the musicians cannot finish playing until
the guests have started leaving the ceremony. In addition, there are some particular types of predecessors that must
be considered.
External PredecessorsExternal Predecessors
Sometimes your project will depend on things outside the work you’re doing. For the wedding, we are depending
on the wedding party before us to be out of the reception hall in time for us to decorate. The decoration of the
reception hall then depends on that as an external predecessor.
Discretionary PredecessorsDiscretionary Predecessors
These are usually process- or procedure-driven or best-practice techniques based on past experience. In the wed-
ding example, Steve and Susan want the bridesmaids to arrive at the reception before the couple arrives. There’s
no necessity; it is just a matter of preference.
Mandatory PredecessorsMandatory Predecessors
You can’t address an invitation that hasn’t been printed yet. So printing invitations is a mandatory predecessor for
addressing them. Mandatory predecessors are the kinds that have to exist just because of the nature of the work.
Leads and LagsLeads and Lags
Sometimes you need to give some extra time between activities. Lag time is when you purposefully put a delay
between the predecessor task and the successor. For example, when the bride and her father dance, the others wait
awhile before they join them (Figure 10.6).
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Figure 10.6: A lag means making sure that one task waits a while before it gets started. Illustration from Barron & Barron Project Management for Scientists and Engineers,
Lead time is when you give a successor task some time to get started before the predecessor finishes (Figure
10.7). So you might want the caterer preparing dessert an hour before everybody is eating dinner.
Figure 10.7: A lead is when you let a task get started before its predecessor is done. Illustration from Barron & Barron Project Management for Scientists and Engineers,
All of the important checkpoints of your project are tracked as milestones. Some of them could be listed in your
contract as requirements of successful completion; some could just be significant points in the project that you
want to keep track of. The milestone list needs to let everyone know which milestones are required and which are
Some milestones for Susan and Steve’s wedding might be:
• Invitations sent
• Menu finalized
• Location booked
• Bridesmaids’ dresses fitted
As you figure out which activities will need to be done, you may realize that the scope needs to change. When
that happens, you need to create a change request and send it through the change control system.
Some things that could go wrong:
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Wedding planner We just got the programs back from the printer and they’re all wrong.
Steve The quartet cancelled. They had another wedding that day.
Susan Aunt Jane is supposed to sing at the service, but after what hap- pened at her uncle’s funeral, I think I want someone else to do it.
Steve Should we really have a pan flute player? I’m beginning to think it might be overkill.
Susan Apparently! Maybe we should hold off on printing the invitations until these things are worked out.
Wedding Planner OK, let’s think about exactly how we want to do this. I think we need to be sure about how we want the service to go before we do any more printing.
The Activity Sequencing ProcessThe Activity Sequencing Process
Now that we know what we have to do to make the wedding a success, we need to focus on the order of the work.
Sally sat down with all of the activities she had defined for the wedding and decided to figure out exactly how
they needed to happen. That’s where she used the activity sequencing process.
The activity attribute list Sally created had most of the predecessors and successors necessary written in it. This is
where she thought of what comes first, second, third, etc. Sally’s milestone list had major pieces of work written
down, and there were a couple of changes to the scope she had discovered along the way that were approved and
ready to go.
Example milestone list: Steve and Susan had asked that the invitations be printed at least three months in advance to be sure that everyone had time to RSVP. That’s a milestone on Sally’s list.
Example change request: When Sally realized that Steve and Susan were going to need another limo to take the bridesmaids to the reception hall, she put that change through change control, including running everything by Susan’s mother, and it was approved.
Creating the Gantt ChartCreating the Gantt Chart
A Gantt chart is a type of bar chart, developed by Henry Gantt, that illustrates a project schedule. Gantt charts are
easy to read and are commonly used to display schedule activities. These charts display the start and finish dates of
the terminal elements and summary elements of a project. Terminal elements and summary elements comprise the
work breakdown structure of the project. Some Gantt charts also show the dependency relationships (i.e., prece-
dence network) between activities.
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Gantt charts show all the key stages of a project and their duration as a bar chart, with the time scale across the
top. The key stages are placed on the bar chart in sequence, starting in the top left corner and ending in the bot-
tom right corner (Figure 10.8). A Gantt chart can be drawn quickly and easily and is often the first tool a project
manager uses to provide a rough estimate of the time that it will take to complete the key tasks. Sometimes it is
useful to start with the target deadline for completion of the whole project, because it is soon apparent if the time
scale is too short or unnecessarily long. The detailed Gantt chart is usually constructed after the main objectives
have been determined.
Figure 10.8 Gantt chart for directory production – source: resource/view.php?id=451673
In this example in Figure 10.8, key stage K (Organize distribution) starts at week 23 so that its end point coincides
with key stage L (Distribute directory). However, K could begin as early as week 17, as soon as key stage J is
completed. Key stage K is therefore said to have “slack.” Key stage H (Agree print contract) has been placed to
end at week 12. However, it could end as late as week 22, because key stage I (Print directory) does not begin
until week 23. Key stage H is therefore said to have “float.” Float time can be indicated on the chart by adding
a line ahead of the bar to the latest possible end point. Slack and float show you where there is flexibility in the
schedule, and this can be useful when you need to gain time once the project is up and running.
You can add other information to a Gantt chart, for example:
• Milestones could be indicated by using a symbol such as a diamond or triangle.
• Project meetings could be indicated by another symbol such as a circle.
• Reviews of progress could be indicated by a square.
For a complex project, you may decide to produce a separate Gantt chart for each of the key stages. If you do this
shortly before each key stage begins, you will be able to take any last-minute eventualities into account. These
charts provide a useful tool for monitoring and control as the project progresses.
Gantt charts are relatively easy to draw by hand, but this doesn’t offer the same level of flexibility during moni-
toring that you would get from a software package. Various programs are available to assist project managers in
scheduling and control. Once the data have been entered, a program helps you to work on “what if” scenarios,
showing what might happen if a key stage is delayed or speeded up. This is more difficult if you are working
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Creating the Network DiagramCreating the Network Diagram
Many project managers use network diagrams when scheduling a project. The network diagram is a way to visu-
alize the interrelationships of project activities. Network diagrams provide a graphical view of the tasks and how
they relate to one another. The tasks in the network are the work packages of the WBS. All of the WBS tasks must
be included in the network because they have to be accounted for in the schedule. Leaving even one task out of
the network could change the overall schedule duration, estimated costs, and resource allocation commitments.
The first step is to arrange the tasks from your WBS into a sequence. Some tasks can be accomplished at any
time throughout the project where other tasks depend on input from another task or are constrained by time or
Figure 10.9: The relationship between the work breakdown structure (WBS) and the network diagram. Illustration from Barron & Barron Project Management for Scientists and Engineers,
The WBS is not a schedule, but it is the basis for it. The network diagram is a schedule but is used primarily to
identify key scheduling information that ultimately goes into user-friendly schedule formats, such as milestone
and Gantt charts.
The network diagram provides important information to the project team. It provides information about how the
tasks are related (Figure 10.9), where the risk points are in the schedule, how long it will take as currently planned
to finish the project, and when each task needs to begin and end.
In our wedding planner example, Sally would look for relationships between tasks and determine what can be
done in parallel and what activities need to wait for others to complete. As an example, Figure 10.10 shows how
the activities involved in producing the invitations depend on one another. Showing the activities in rectangles
and their relationships as arrows is called a precedence diagramming method (PDM). This kind of diagram is also
called an activity-on-node (AON) diagram.
Another way to show how tasks relate is with the activity-on-arrow (AOA) diagram. Although AON is more com-
monly used and is supported by all project management programs, PERT is the best-known AOA-type diagram
and is the historical basis of all network diagramming. The main difference is the AOA diagram is traditionally
drawn using circles as the nodes, with nodes representing the beginning and ending points of the arrows or tasks.
In the AOA network, the arrows represent the activities or tasks (Figure 10.11).
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Figure 10.10: An example of an activity on node (AON) diagram. Illustration from Barron & Barron Project Management for Scientists and Engineers,
All network diagrams have the advantages of showing task interdependencies, start and end times, and the critical
path (the longest path through the network) but the AOA network diagram has some disadvantages that limit the
use of the method.
Figure 10.11: An example of an activity arrow (AOA) network diagram. Illustration from Barron & Barron Project Management for Scientists and Engineers,
The three major disadvantages of the AOA method are:
• The AOA network can only show finish-to-start relationships. It is not possible to show lead and lag except
by adding or subtracting time, which makes project tracking difficult.
• There are instances when dummy activities can occur in an AOA network. Dummy activities are activities
that show the dependency of one task on other tasks but for other than technical reasons. For example,
one task may depend on another because it would be more cost effective to use the same resources for the
two; otherwise the two tasks could be accomplished in parallel. Dummy activities do not have durations
associated with them. They simply show that a task has some kind of dependence on another task.
• AOA diagrams are not as widely used as AON diagrams simply because the latter are somewhat simpler to
use, and all project management software programs can accommodate AON networks, whereas not all can
accommodate AOA networks.
The Critical PathThe Critical Path
The critical path describes the sequence of tasks that would enable the project to be completed in the shortest
possible time. It is based on the idea that some tasks must be completed before others can begin. A critical path
diagram is a useful tool for scheduling dependencies and controlling a project. In order to identify the critical path,
the length of time that each task will take must be calculated.
Let’s take a look at an example. The length of time in weeks for each key stage is estimated:
8 8 • P R O J E C T M A N A G E M E N T
Key stage Estimated time in weeks
A Secure funds 0
B Negotiate with other agen- cies
C Form advisory group 4
D Establish data collection plan
E Collect data 4
F Write directory text 4
G Identify printer 2
H Agree print contract 2
I Print directory 4
J Agree distribution plan 12
K Organize distribution 4
L Distribute directory 2
Table 10.1 Stages of the Critical Path
We have given the key stage “Secure funds” an estimated time of zero weeks because the project cannot start
without the availability of some funding, although estimates would provide detail at a later stage. The stages can
now be lined up to produce a network diagram that shows that there are three paths from start to finish and that
the lines making up each path have a minimum duration (Figure 10.12).
If we now trace each of the possible paths to “Distribute directory” (the finishing point), taking dependencies into
account, the route that has the longest duration is known as the critical path. This is the minimum time in which it
will be possible to complete the project.
Figure 10.12: Critical Path Diagram
In this example, the critical path is A–B–C–D–E–F–I–L, and the earliest completion date for the project is the sum
of the estimated times for all the stages on the critical path – 28 weeks – from the point of securing the funding.
All the key stages on the critical path must be completed on time if the project is to be finished on schedule.
If the projected total time is much longer than the project sponsor’s expectations, you will need to renegotiate the
time scale. Mapping the critical path helps to identify the activities that need to be monitored most closely.
1 0 . P R O J E C T S C H E D U L E P L A N N I N G • 8 9
This chapter of Project Management is a derivative copy of Project Management by Merrie Barron and Andrew
Barron licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported, Gantt Chart by Wikipedia licensed under
Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported and Planning a Project by OpenLearn Labspace under
Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported.
9 0 • P R O J E C T M A N A G E M E N T
11. Resource Planning
In the previous wedding case study, it is clear that Steve and Susan have resource problems. Getting a handle on
all of the tasks that have to be done is a great start, but it’s not enough to know the tasks and the order they come
in. Before you can put the final schedule together, you need to know who is going to do each job, and the things
they need so they can do it.
“We’ve got so much to do! Invitations, catering, music… and I’ve got no idea who’s going to do it all. I’m totally
overwhelmed.” From this statement it is clear that Susan is worried about human resources. In comparison, Steve
realizes that not all resources are people: “And it’s not just people. We need food, flowers, a cake, a sound system,
and a venue. How do we get a handle on this?”
Resources are people, equipment, place, money, or anything else that you need in order to do all of the activities
that you planned for. Every activity in your activity list needs to have resources assigned to it. Before you can
assign resources to your project, you need to know their availability. Resource availability includes information
about what resources you can use on your project, when they’re available to you, and the conditions of their avail-
ability. Don’t forget that some resources, like consultants or training rooms, have to be scheduled in advance, and
they might only be available at certain times. You’ll need to know this before you can finish planning your pro-
ject. If you are starting to plan in January, a June wedding is harder to plan than one in December, because the
wedding halls are all booked up in advance. That is clearly a resource constraint. You’ll also need the activity list
that you created earlier, and you’ll need to know how your organization typically handles resources. Once you’ve
got a handle on these things, you’re set for resource estimation.
Estimating the ResourcesEstimating the Resources
The goal of activity resource estimating is to assign resources to each activity in the activity list. There are five
tools and techniques for estimating activity resources.
Expert judgment means bringing in experts who have done this sort of work before and getting their opinions on
what resources are needed.
Alternative analysis means considering several different options for how you assign resources. This includes
varying the number of resources as well as the kind of resources you use. Many times, there’s more than one way
to accomplish an activity and alternative analysis helps decide among the possibilities.
Published estimating data is something that project managers in a lot of industries use to help them figure out
how many resources they need. They rely on articles, books, journals, and periodicals that collect, analyze, and
publish data from other people’s projects.
Project management software such as Microsoft Project will often have features designed to help project man-
agers estimate resource needs and constraints and find the best combination of assignments for the project.
Bottom-up estimating means breaking down complex activities into pieces and working out the resource assign-
ments for each piece. It is a process of estimating individual activity resource need or cost and then adding these
up together to come up with a total estimate. Bottom-up estimating is a very accurate means of estimating, pro-
vided the estimates at the schedule activity level are accurate. However, it takes a considerable amount of time
to perform bottom-up estimating because every activity must be assessed and estimated accurately to be included
in the bottom-up calculation. The smaller and more detailed the activity, the greater the accuracy and cost of this
Estimating Activity DurationsEstimating Activity Durations
Once you’re done with activity resource estimating, you’ve got everything you need to figure out how long each
activity will take. That’s done in a process called activity duration estimating. This is where you look at each
activity in the activity list, consider its scope and resources, and estimate how long it will take to perform.
Estimating the duration of an activity means starting with the information you have about that activity and the
resources that are assigned to it, and then working with the project team to come up with an estimate. Most of the
time you’ll start with a rough estimate and then refine it to make it more accurate. You’ll use these five tools and
techniques to create the most accurate estimates:
Expert judgment will come from your project team members who are familiar with the work that has to be done.
If you don’t get their opinion, there’s a huge risk that your estimates will be wrong.
Analogous estimating is when you look at similar activities from previous projects and how long they took. This
only works if the activities and resources are similar.
Parametric estimating means plugging data about your project into a formula, spreadsheet, database, or computer
program that comes up with an estimate. The software or formula that you use for parametric estimating is based
on a database of actual durations from past projects.
Three-point estimating is when you come up with three numbers: a realistic estimate that’s most likely to occur, an
optimistic one that represents the best-case scenario, and a pessimistic one that represents the worst-case scenario.
The final estimate is the weighted average of the three.
Reserve analysis means adding extra time to the schedule (called a contingency reserve or a buffer) to account for
extra risk.
9 2 • P R O J E C T M A N A G E M E N T
In each of the following scenarios of planning Steve and Susan’s wedding, determine which of the five activity
resource estimation tools and techniques is being used. (Solutions follow.)
Exercise 11.1 Sally has to figure out what to do for the music at Steve and Susan’s wedding. She considers using a DJ, a rock band, or a string quartet.
Exercise 11.2 The latest issue of Wedding Planner’s Journal has an article on working with caterers. It includes a table that shows how many waiters work with various guest-list sizes.
Exercise 11.3 There’s a national wedding consultant who specializes in Caribbean-themed weddings. Sally gets in touch with her to ask about menu options.
Exercise 11.4 Sally downloads and fills out a specialized spreadsheet that a project manager developed to help with wedding planning.
Exercise 11.5 There’s so much work that has to be done to set up the reception hall that Sally has to break it down into five different activities in order to assign jobs.
Exercise 11.6 Sally asks Steve and Susan to visit several different caterers and sample various potential items for the menu.
Exercise 11.7 Sally calls up her friend who knows specifics of the various venues in their area for advice on which one would work best.
Exercise 11.8 There are two different catering companies at the wedding. Sally asks the head chef at each of them to give her an estimate of how long it will take each of them to do the job.
Exercise 11.9 There’s a spreadsheet Sally always uses to figure out how long it takes guest to RSVP. She enters the number of guests and their zip codes, and it calculates estimates for her.
Exercise 11.10 Sally’s done four weddings that are very similar to Steve and Susan’s, and in all four of them, it took exactly the same amount of time for the caterers to set up the reception hall.
Solution to Exercise 11.1 Alternative analysis
Solution to Exercise 11.2 Published estimating data
Solution to Exercise 11.3 Expert judgment
Solution to Exercise 11.4 Project management software
Solution to Exercise 11.5 Bottom-up estimating
Solution to Exercise 11.6 Alternative analysis
Solution to Exercise 11.7 Expert judgment
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Solution to Exercise 11.8 Expert judgment
Solution to Exercise 11.9 Parametric estimating
Solution to Exercise 11.10 Analogous estimating
The activity duration estimates are an estimate of how long each activity in the activity list will take. This is a
quantitative measure usually expressed in hours, weeks, days, or months. Any work period is fine, and you’ll use
different work periods for different jobs. A small job (like booking a DJ) may take just a few hours; a bigger job
(like catering, including deciding on a menu, ordering ingredients, cooking food, and serving guests on the big
day) could take days.
Another thing to keep in mind when estimating the duration of activities is determining the effort involved. Dura-
tion is the amount of the time that an activity takes, while effort is the total number of person-hours that are
expended. If it takes two people six hours to carve the ice sculpture for the centerpiece of a wedding, the duration
is six hours. But if two people worked on it for the whole time, it took 12 person-hours of effort to create.
You’ll also learn more about the specific activities while you’re estimating them. That’s something that always
happens. You have to really think through all of the aspects of a task in order to estimate it. As you learn more
about the specific activities remember to update the activity attributes.
If we go back to our case study of the wedding, we can see that while Sally has a handle on how long things are
going to take, she still has some work to do before she has the whole project under control. Steve and Susan know
where they want to get married, and they have the place booked now. But, what about the caterer? They have no
idea who’s going to be providing food. And what about the band they want? Will the timing with their schedule
work out? “If the caterers come too early, the food will sit around under heat lamps. But if they come too late, the
band won’t have time to play. I just don’t see how we’ll ever work this out.”
It’s not easy to plan for a lot of resources when they have tight time restrictions and overlapping constraints. How
do you figure out a schedule that makes everything fit together? You’re never going to have the complete resource
picture until you have finished building the schedule. And the same goes for your activity list and duration esti-
mates! It’s only when you lay out the schedule that you’ll figure out that some of your activities and durations
didn’t quite work.
Project Schedule and Critical PathProject Schedule and Critical Path
The project schedule should be approved and signed off by stakeholders and functional managers. This ensures
they have read the schedule, understand the dates and resource commitments, and will cooperate. You’ll also need
to obtain confirmation that resources will be available as outlined in the schedule. The schedule cannot be final-
ized until you receive approval and commitment for the resource assignments outlined in it. Once the schedule is
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approved, it will become your baseline for the remainder of the project. Project progress and task completion will
be monitored and tracked against the project schedule to determine if the project is on course as planned.
The schedule can be displayed in a variety of ways, some of which are variations of what you have already seen.
Project schedule network diagrams will work as schedule diagrams when you add the start and finish dates to each
activity. These diagrams usually show the activity dependencies and critical path.
The critical path method is an important tool for keeping your projects on track. Every network diagram has some-
thing that is called the critical path. It’s the string of activities that, if you add up all of the durations, is longer than
any other path through the network. It usually starts with the first activity in the network and usually ends with
the last one.
Aunt Jane is a vegetarian. That won’t be a problem, right?
Well, let’s see. What menu did we give the caterers?
We didn’t give it to them yet; because we won’t have the final menu until everyone RSVPs and lets we know
which entrée they want.
But they can’t RSVP because we haven’t sent out the invitations! What’s holding that up?
We’re still waiting to get them back from the printer. We can’t send them out if we don’t have them yet!
Oh no! I still have to tell the printer what to print on the invitations and what paper to use.
But you were waiting on that until we finished the guest list.
What a mess!
Steve thought Aunt Jane being a vegetarian was just a little problem. But it turns out to be a lot bigger than either
Steve or Susan realized at first. How did a question about one guest’s meal lead to such a huge mess?
The reason that the critical path is critical is that every single activity on the path must finish on time in order for
the project to come in on time. A delay in any one of the critical path activities will cause the entire project to be
delayed (Figure 11.1).
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Figure 11.1: An example of problems that can be caused within the critical path. Illustration from Barron & Barron Project Management for Scientists and Engineers,
Knowing where your critical path is can give you a lot of freedom. If you know an activity is not on the critical
path, then you know a delay in that activity may not necessarily delay the project. This can really help you handle
emergency situations. Even better, it means that if you need to bring your project in earlier than was originally
planned, you know that adding resources to the critical path will be much more effective than adding them else-
It’s easy to find the critical path in any project. Of course, on a large project with dozens or hundreds of tasks,
you’ll probably use software like Microsoft Project to find the critical path for you. But when it does, it’s follow-
ing the same exact steps that are followed here (Figure 11.12).
Step 1. Start with a network diagram.
Figure 11.2 Step 1 Network Diagram Illustration from Barron & Barron Project Management for Scientists and Engineers,
Step 2. Find all the paths in the diagram. A path is any string of activities that goes from the start of the project to
the end.
Step 3. Find the duration of each path by adding up the durations of each of the activities on the path.
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Step 4. The first path has a duration of 11, which is longer than the other paths, so it’s the critical path.
The schedule can also be displayed using a Gantt chart (Figure 11.3).
Figure 11.3: An example of a Gantt chart. Illustration from Barron & Barron Project Management for Scientists and Engineers,
Resource ManagementResource Management
Resource management is the efficient and effective deployment of an organization’s resources when they are
needed. Such resources may include financial resources, inventory, human skills, production resources, or infor-
mation technology (IT). In the realm of project management, processes, techniques, and philosophies for the best
approach for allocating resources have been developed. These include discussions on functional versus cross-
functional resource allocation as well as processes espoused by organizations like the Project Management Insti-
tute (PMI) through the methodology of project management outlined in their publication A Guide to the Project
Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK). Resource management is a key element to activity resource estimat-
ing and project human resource management. As is the case with the larger discipline of project management,
there are resource management software tools available that automate and assist the process of resource allocation
to projects.
HR PlanningHR Planning
The most important resource to a project is its people—the project team. Projects require specific expertise at spe-
cific moments in the schedule, depending on the milestones being delivered or the given phase of the project. An
organization can host several strategic projects concurrently over the course of a budget year, which means that
its employees can be working on more than one project at a time. Alternatively, an employee may be seconded
away from his or her role within an organization to become part of a project team because of a particular exper-
tise. Moreover, projects often require talent and resources that can only be acquired via contract work and third
party vendors. Procuring and coordinating these human resources, in tandem with managing the time aspect of the
project, is critical to overall success.
Managing the TeamManaging the Team
In order to successfully meet the needs of a project, it is important to have a high-performing project team made
up of individuals who are both technically skilled and motivated to contribute to the project’s outcome. One of the
many responsibilities of a project manager is to enhance the ability of each project team member to contribute to
1 1 . R E S O U R C E P L A N N I N G • 9 7
the project, while also fostering individual growth and accomplishment. At the same time, each individual must
be encouraged to share ideas and work with others toward a common goal.
Through performance evaluation, the manager will get the information needed to ensure that the team has ade-
quate knowledge, to establish a positive team environment and a healthy communication climate, to work prop-
erly, and to ensure accountability.
Managing the project team includes appraisal of employee performance and project performance. The perfor-
mance reports provide the basis for managerial decisions on how to manage the project team.
Employee performance includes the employee’s work results such as:
• Quality and quantity of outputs
• Work behavior (such as punctuality)
• Job-related attributes (such as cooperation and initiative)
After conducting employee performance reviews, project managers should:
• Provide feedback to employees about how well they have performed on established goals
• Provide feedback to employees about areas in which they are weak or could do better
• Take corrective action to address problems with employees performing at or below minimum expectations
• Reward superior performers to encourage their continued excellence
Techniques for Managing ResourcesTechniques for Managing Resources
One resource management technique is resource leveling. It aims at smoothing the stock of resources on hand,
reducing both excess inventories and shortages.
The required data are the demands for various resources, forecast by time period into the future as far as is rea-
sonable; the resources’ configurations required in those demands; and the supply of the resources, again forecast
by time period into the future as far as is reasonable.
The goal is to achieve 100% utilization. However that is very unlikely, when weighted by important metrics and
subject to constraints; for example: meeting a minimum quality level, but otherwise minimizing cost.
Resource LevelingResource Leveling
Resource leveling is used to examine unbalanced use of resources (usually people or equipment) over time and
for resolving over-allocations or conflicts.
When performing project planning activities, the manager will attempt to schedule certain tasks simultaneously.
When more resources such as machines or people are needed than are available, or perhaps a specific person is
needed in both tasks, the tasks will have to be rescheduled sequentially to manage the constraint. Resource level-
ing during project planning is the process of resolving these conflicts. It can also be used to balance the workload
9 8 • P R O J E C T M A N A G E M E N T
of primary resources over the course of the project, usually at the expense of one of the traditional triple con-
straints (time, cost, scope).
When using specially designed project software, leveling typically means resolving conflicts or over-allocations in
the project plan by allowing the software to calculate delays and update tasks automatically. Project management
software leveling requires delaying tasks until resources are available. In more complex environments, resources
could be allocated across multiple, concurrent projects thus requiring the process of resource leveling to be per-
formed at company level.
In either definition, leveling could result in a later project finish date if the tasks affected are in the critical path.
Working with IndividualsWorking with Individuals
Working with other people involves dealing with them both logically and emotionally. A successful working rela-
tionship between individuals begins with appreciating the importance of emotions and how they relate to person-
ality types, leadership styles, negotiations, and setting goals.
Emotional IntelligenceEmotional Intelligence
Emotions are both a mental and physiological response to environmental and internal stimuli. Leaders need to
understand and value their emotions to appropriately respond to the client, project team, and project environment.
Emotional intelligence includes the following:
• Self-awareness
• Self-regulation
• Empathy
• Relationship management
Emotions are important to generating energy around a concept, building commitment to goals, and developing
high-performing teams. Emotional intelligence is an important part of the project manager’s ability to build trust
among the team members and with the client. It is an important factor in establishing credibility and an open dia-
logue with project stakeholders. Emotional intelligence is critical for project managers, and the more complex the
project profile, the more important the project manager’s emotional intelligence becomes to project success.
Personality TypesPersonality Types
Personality types refer to the differences among people in such matters as what motivates them, how they process
information, how they handle conflict, etc. Understanding people’s personality types is acknowledged as an asset
in interacting and communicating with them more effectively. Understanding your personality type as a project
manager will assist you in evaluating your tendencies and strengths in different situations. Understanding others’
personality types can also help you coordinate the skills of your individual team members and address the various
needs of your client.
The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) is one of most widely used tools for exploring personal preference, with
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more than two million people taking the MBTI each year. The MBTI is often referred to as simply the Myers-
Briggs. It is a tool that can be used in project management training to develop awareness of preferences for pro-
cessing information and relationships with other people.
Based on the theories of psychologist Carl Jung, the Myers-Briggs uses a questionnaire to gather information on
the ways individuals prefer to use their perception and judgment. Perception represents the way people become
aware of people and their environment. Judgment represents the evaluation of what is perceived. People per-
ceive things differently and reach different conclusions based on the same environmental input. Understanding
and accounting for these differences is critical to successful project leadership.
The Myers-Briggs identifies 16 personality types based on four preferences derived from the questionnaire. The
preferences are between pairs of opposite characteristics and include the following:
Extroversion (E)-Introversion (I)
Sensing (S)-Intuition (N)
Thinking (T)-Feeling (F)
Judging (J)-Perceiving (P)
Sixteen Myers-Briggs types can be derived from the four dichotomies. Each of the 16 types describes a prefer-
ence: for focusing on the inner or outer world (E-I), for approaching and internalizing information (S-I), for mak-
ing decisions (T-F), and for planning (J-P). For example, an ISTJ is a Myers-Briggs type who prefers to focus on
the inner world and basic information, prefers logic, and likes to decide quickly.
It is important to note that there is no best type and that effective interpretation of the Myers-Briggs requires
training. The purpose of the Myers-Briggs is to understand and appreciate the differences among people. This
understanding can be helpful in building the project team, developing common goals, and communicating with
project stakeholders. For example, different people process information differently. Extroverts prefer face-to-face
meetings as the primary means of communicating, while introverts prefer written communication. Sensing types
focus on facts, and intuitive types want the big picture.
On larger, more complex projects, some project managers will use the Myers-Briggs as a team-building tool dur-
ing project start-up. This is typically a facilitated work session where team members take the Myers-Briggs and
share with the team how they process information, what communication approaches they prefer, and what deci-
sion-making preferences they have. This allows the team to identify potential areas of conflict, develop commu-
nication strategies, and build an appreciation for the diversity of the team.
Another theory of personality typing is the DISC method, which rates people’s personalities by testing a person’s
preferences in word associations in the following four areas:
Dominance/Drive—relates to control, power, and assertiveness
Inducement/Influence—relates to social situations and communication
Submission/Steadiness—relates to patience, persistence, and thoughtfulness
Compliance/Conscientiousness—relates to structure and organization
Understanding the differences among people is a critical leadership skill. This includes understanding how people
process information, how different experiences influence the way people perceive the environment, and how peo-
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ple develop filters that allow certain information to be incorporated while other information is excluded. The
more complex the project, the more important the understanding of how people process information, make deci-
sions, and deal with conflict. There are many personality-type tests that have been developed and explore different
aspects of people’s personalities. It might be prudent to explore the different tests available and utilize those that
are most beneficial for your team.
Leadership StylesLeadership Styles
Leadership style is a function of both the personal characteristics of the leader and the environment in which the
leadership must occur, and a topic that several researchers have attempted to understand. Robert Tannenbaum and
Warren Schmidt described leaders as either autocratic or democratic (1958). Harold Leavitt described leaders as
pathfinders (visionaries), problem solvers (analytical), or implementers (team oriented) (1986). James MacGregor
Burns conceived leaders as either transactional (focused on actions and decisions) or transformational (focused on
the long-term needs of the group and organization) (1978).
Fred Fiedler introduced his contingency theory, which is the ability of leaders to adapt their leadership approach
to the environment (1971). Most leaders have a dominant leadership style that is most comfortable for them.
For example, most engineers spend years training in analytical problem solving and often develop an analytical
approach to leadership.
A leadership style reflects personal characteristics and life experiences. Although a project manager’s leadership
style may be predominantly a pathfinder (using Leavitt’s taxonomy), most project managers become problem
solvers or implementers when they perceive the need for these leadership approaches. The leadership approach
incorporates the dominant leadership style and Fiedler’s contingency focus on adapting to the project environ-
No particular leadership approach is specifically appropriate for managing a project. Due to the unique circum-
stances inherent in each project, the leadership approach and the management skills required to be successful vary
depending on the complexity profile of the project. However, the Project Management Institute published Shi and
Chen’s research that studied project management leadership traits and concluded that good communication skills
and the ability to build harmonious relationships and motivate others are essential (2006). Beyond this broad set
of leadership skills, the successful leadership approach will depend on the profile of the project. For example, a
transactional project manager with a strong command-and-control leadership approach may be very successful on
a small software development project or a construction project, where tasks are clear, roles are well understood,
and the project environment is cohesive. This same project manager is less likely to be successful on a larger,
more complex project with a diverse project team and complicated work processes.
Matching the appropriate leadership style and approach to the complexity profile of the project is a critical element
of project success. Even experienced project managers are less likely to be successful if their leadership approach
does not match the complexity profile of the project.
Each project phase may also require a different leadership approach. During the start-up phase of a project, when
new team members are first assigned to the project, the project may require a command-and-control leadership
approach. Later, as the project moves into the conceptual phase, creativity becomes important, and the project
management takes on a more transformational leadership approach. Most experienced project managers are able
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to adjust their leadership approach to the needs of the project phase. Occasionally, on very large and complex pro-
jects, some companies will bring in different project managers for various phases of a project. Changing project
managers may bring the right level of experience and the appropriate leadership approach, but is also disruptive
to a project. Senior management must balance the benefit of matching the right leadership approach with the cost
of disrupting established relationships.
Example: Multinational Textbook Publishing ProjectExample: Multinational Textbook Publishing Project
On a project to publish a new textbook at a major publisher, a project manager led a team that included members
from partners that were included in a joint venture. The editorial manager was Greek, the business manager was
German, and other members of the team were from various locations in the United States and Europe. In addition
to the traditional potential for conflict that arises from team members from different cultures, the editorial man-
ager and business manager were responsible for protecting the interest of their company in the joint venture.
The project manager held two alignment or team-building meetings. The first was a two-day meeting held at a
local resort and included only the members of the project leadership team. An outside facilitator was hired to
facilitate discussion, and the topic of cultural conflict and organizational goal conflict quickly emerged. The team
discussed several methods for developing understanding and addressing conflicts that would increase the likeli-
hood of finding mutual agreement.
The second team-building session was a one-day meeting that included the executive sponsors from the various
partners in the joint venture. With the project team aligned, the project manager was able to develop support for
the publication project’s strategy and commitment from the executives of the joint venture. In addition to build-
ing processes that would enable the team to address difficult cultural differences, the project manager focused on
building trust with each of the team members. The project manager knew that building trust with the team was as
critical to the success of the project as the technical project management skills and devoted significant manage-
ment time to building and maintaining this trust.
Leadership SkillsLeadership Skills
The project manager must be perceived to be credible by the project team and key stakeholders. A successful pro-
ject manager can solve problems and has a high degree of tolerance for ambiguity. On projects, the environment
changes frequently, and the project manager must apply the appropriate leadership approach for each situation.
The successful project manager must have good communication skills. All project problems are connected to
skills needed by the project manager:
• Breakdown in communication represents the lack of communication skills
• Uncommitted team members represents the lack of team-building skills
• Role confusion represents the lack of organizational skill
Project managers need a large numbers of skills. These skills include administrative skills, organizational skills,
and technical skills associated with the technology of the project. The types of skills and the depth of the skills
needed are closely connected to the complexity profile of the project. Typically on smaller, less complex projects,
project managers need a greater degree of technical skill. On larger, more complex projects, project managers
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need more organizational skills to deal with the complexity. On smaller projects, the project manager is intimately
involved in developing the project schedule, cost estimates, and quality standards. On larger projects, functional
managers are typically responsible for managing these aspects of the project, and the project manager provides
the organizational framework for the work to be successful.
One of the most important communication skills of the project manager is the ability to actively listen. Active
listening is placing oneself in the speaker’s position as much as possible, understanding the communication from
the point of view of the speaker, listening to the body language and other environmental cues, and striving not
just to hear, but to understand. Active listening takes focus and practice to become effective. It enables a project
manager to go beyond the basic information that is being shared and to develop a more complete understanding
of the information.
Example: Client’s Body LanguageExample: Client’s Body Language
A client just returned from a trip to Australia where he reviewed the progress of the project with his company’s
board of directors. The project manager listened and took notes on the five concerns expressed by the board of
directors to the client.
The project manager observed that the client’s body language showed more tension than usual. This was a cue to
listen very carefully. The project manager nodded occasionally and clearly demonstrated he was listening through
his posture, small agreeable sounds, and body language. The project manager then began to provide feedback on
what was said using phrases like “What I hear you say is…” or “It sounds like.…” The project manager was clar-
ifying the message that was communicated by the client.
The project manager then asked more probing questions and reflected on what was said. “It sounds as if it was
a very tough board meeting.” “Is there something going on beyond the events of the project?” From these obser-
vations and questions, the project manager discovered that the board of directors meeting did not go well. The
company had experienced losses on other projects, and budget cuts meant fewer resources for the project and an
expectation that the project would finish earlier than planned. The project manager also discovered that the client’s
future with the company would depend on the success of the project. The project manager asked, “Do you think
we will need to do things differently?” They began to develop a plan to address the board of directors’ concerns.
Through active listening, the project manager was able to develop an understanding of the issues that emerged
from the board meeting and participate in developing solutions. Active listening and the trusting environment
established by the project manager enabled the client to safely share information he had not planned on sharing
and to participate in creating a workable plan that resulted in a successful project.
In the example above, the project manager used the following techniques:
• Listening intently to the words of the client and observing the client’s body language
• Nodding and expressing interest in the client without forming rebuttals
• Providing feedback and asking for clarity while repeating a summary of the information back to the client
• Expressing understanding and empathy for the client
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Active listening was important in establishing a common understanding from which an effective project plan
could be developed.
When multiple people are involved in an endeavor, differences in opinions and desired outcomes naturally occur.
Negotiation is a process for developing a mutually acceptable outcome when the desired outcome for each party
conflicts. A project manager will often negotiate with a client, team members, vendors, and other project stake-
holders. Negotiation is an important skill in developing support for the project and preventing frustration among
all parties involved, which could delay or cause project failure.
Negotiations involve four principles:
1. Separate people from the problem. Framing the discussions in terms of desired outcomes enables the
negotiations to focus on finding new outcomes.
2. Focus on common interests. By avoiding the focus on differences, both parties are more open to finding
solutions that are acceptable.
3. Generate options that advance shared interests. Once the common interests are understood, solutions that
do not match with either party’s interests can be discarded, and solutions that may serve both parties’ inter-
ests can be more deeply explored.
4. Develop results based on standard criteria. The standard criterion is the success of the project. This
implies that the parties develop a common definition of project success.
For the project manager to successfully negotiate issues on the project, he or she should first seek to understand
the position of the other party. If negotiating with a client, what is the concern or desired outcome of the client?
What are the business drivers and personal drivers that are important to the client? Without this understanding, it
is difficult to find a solution that will satisfy the client. The project manager should also seek to understand what
outcomes are desirable to the project. Typically, more than one outcome is acceptable. Without knowing what
outcomes are acceptable, it is difficult to find a solution that will produce that outcome.
One of the most common issues in formal negotiations is finding a mutually acceptable price for a service or prod-
uct. Understanding the market value for a product or service will provide a range for developing a negotiating
strategy. The price paid on the last project or similar projects provides information on the market value. Seeking
expert opinions from sources who would know the market is another source of information. Based on this infor-
mation, the project manager can then develop an expected range within the current market from the lowest price
to the highest price.
Additional factors will also affect the negotiated price. The project manager may be willing to pay a higher price
to assure an expedited delivery or a lower price if delivery can be made at the convenience of the supplier or
if payment is made before the product is delivered. Developing as many options as possible provides a broader
range of choices and increases the possibility of developing a mutually beneficial outcome.
The goal of negotiations is not to achieve the lowest costs, although that is a major consideration, but to achieve
the greatest value for the project. If the supplier believes that the negotiations process is fair and the price is fair,
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the project is more likely to receive higher value from the supplier. The relationship with the supplier can be
greatly influenced by the negotiation process and a project manager who attempts to drive the price unreason-
ably low or below the market value will create an element of distrust in the relationship that may have negative
consequences for the project. A positive negotiation experience may create a positive relationship that may be
beneficial, especially if the project begins to fall behind schedule and the supplier is in a position to help keep the
project on schedule.
Conflict ResolutionConflict Resolution
Conflict on a project is to be expected because of the level of stress, lack of information during early phases of the
project, personal differences, role conflicts, and limited resources. Although good planning, communication, and
team building can reduce the amount of conflict, conflict will still emerge. How the project manager deals with
the conflict results in the conflict being destructive or an opportunity to build energy, creativity, and innovation.
David Whetton and Kim Cameron developed a response-to-conflict model that reflected the importance of the
issue balanced against the importance of the relationship (2005). The model presented five responses to conflict:
• Avoiding
• Forcing
• Collaborating
• Compromising
• Accommodating
Each of these approaches can be effective and useful depending on the situation. Project managers will use each
of these conflict resolution approaches depending on the project manager’s personal approach and an assessment
of the situation.
Most project managers have a default approach that has emerged over time and is comfortable. For example, some
project managers find the use of the project manager’s power the easiest and quickest way to resolve problems.
“Do it because I said to” is the mantra for project managers who use forcing as the default approach to resolve
conflict. Some project managers find accommodating with the client the most effective approach to dealing with
client conflict.
The effectiveness of a conflict resolution approach will depend on the situation. The forcing approach often suc-
ceeds in a situation where a quick resolution is needed, and the investment in the decision by the parties involved
is low.
Example: Resolving an Office Space ConflictExample: Resolving an Office Space Conflict
Two senior managers both want the office with the window. The project manager intercedes with little discussion
and assigns the window office to the manager with the most seniority. The situation was a low-level conflict with
no long-range consequences for the project and a solution all parties could accept.
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Sometimes office size and location is culturally important, and this situation would take more investment to
Example: Conflict Over a Change OrderExample: Conflict Over a Change Order
In another example, the client rejected a request for a change order because she thought the change should have
been foreseen by the project team and incorporated into the original scope of work. The project controls manager
believed the client was using her power to avoid an expensive change order and suggested the project team refuse
to do the work without a change order from the client.
This is a more complex situation, with personal commitments to each side of the conflict and consequences for
the project. The project manager needs a conflict resolution approach that increases the likelihood of a mutually
acceptable solution for the project. One conflict resolution approach involves evaluating the situation, develop-
ing a common understanding of the problem, developing alternative solutions, and mutually selecting a solution.
Evaluating the situation typically includes gathering data. In our example of a change order conflict, gathering
data would include a review of the original scope of work and possibly of people’s understandings, which might
go beyond the written scope.The second step in developing a resolution to the conflict is to restate, paraphrase,
and reframe the problem behind the conflict to develop a common understanding of the problem. In our example,
the common understanding may explore the change management process and determine that the current change
management process may not achieve the client’s goal of minimizing project changes. This phase is often the most
difficult and may take an investment of time and energy to develop a common understanding of the problem.
After the problem has been restated and agreed on, alternative approaches are developed. This is a creative process
that often means developing a new approach or changing the project plan. The result is a resolution to the con-
flict that is mutually agreeable to all team members. If all team members believe every effort was made to find a
solution that achieved the project charter and met as many of the team member’s goals as possible, there will be a
greater commitment to the agreed-on solution.
Delegating responsibility and work to others is a critical project management skill. The responsibility for execut-
ing the project belongs to the project manager. Often other team members on the project will have a functional
responsibility on the project and report to a functional manager in the parent organization. For example, the pro-
curement leader for a major project may also report to the organization’s vice-president for procurement. Although
the procurement plan for the project must meet the organization’s procurement policies, the procurement leader
on the project will take day-to-day direction from the project manager. The amount of direction given to the pro-
curement leader, or others on the project, is the decision of the project manager.
If the project manager delegates too little authority to others to make decisions and take action, the lack of a timely
decision or lack of action will cause delays on the project. Delegating too much authority to others who do not
have the knowledge, skills, or information will typically cause problems that result in delay or increased cost to
the project. Finding the right balance of delegation is a critical project management skill.
When developing the project team, the project manager selects team members with the knowledge, skills, and
abilities to accomplish the work required for the project to be successful. Typically, the more knowledge, skills,
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abilities, and experience a project team member brings to the project, the more that team member will be paid. To
keep the project personnel costs lower, the project manager will develop a project team with the level of experi-
ence and the knowledge, skills, and abilities to accomplish the work.
On smaller, less complex projects, the project manager can provide daily guidance to project team members and
be consulted on all major decisions. On larger, more complex projects, there are too many important decisions
made every day for the project manager to be involved at the same level, and project team leaders are delegated
decision-making authority. Larger projects, with a more complex profile will typically pay more because of the
need for the knowledge and experience. On larger, more complex projects, the project manager will develop a
more experienced and knowledgeable team that will enable the project manager to delegate more responsibility to
these team members.
Example:Example: Learning Project in PeruLearning Project in Peru
An instructional design project in Peru was falling behind schedule, and a new manager was assigned to the design
team, which was the one most behind schedule. He was an experienced project manager from the United States
with a reputation for meeting aggressive schedules. However, he failed to see that as a culture, Peruvians do a
great deal more socializing than teams in the U.S. The project manager’s communication with the team was then
limited because he did not go out and spend time with them, and his team did not develop trust or respect for him.
Due to these cultural differences, the project fell further behind, and another personnel change had to be made at
a significant cost of time, trust, and money.
The project manager must have the skills to evaluate the knowledge, skills, and abilities of project team members
and evaluate the complexity and difficulty of the project assignment. Often project managers want project team
members they have worked with in the past. Because the project manager knows the skill level of the team mem-
ber, project assignments can be made quickly with less supervision than with a new team member with whom the
project manager has little or no experience.
Delegation is the art of creating a project organizational structure with the work organized into units that can be
managed. Delegation is the process of understanding the knowledge, skills, and abilities needed to manage that
work and then matching the team members with the right skills to do that work. Good project managers are good
Adjusting Leadership StylesAdjusting Leadership Styles
Remember that personality traits reflect an individual’s preferences, not their limitations. It is important to under-
stand that individuals can still function in situations for which they are not best suited. It is also important to
realize that you can change your leadership style according to the needs of your team and the particular project’s
attributes and scope.
For example, a project leader who is more thinking (T) than feeling (F) (according to the Myers-Briggs model)
would need to work harder to be considerate of how team members who are more feeling (F) might react if they
were singled out in a meeting because they were behind schedule. If individuals knows their own preferences
and which personality types are most successful in each type of project or project phase, they can set goals for
improvement in their ability to perform in those areas that are not their natural preference.
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Another individual goal is to examine which conflict resolution styles you are least comfortable and work to
improve those styles so that they can be used when they are more appropriate than your default style.
Working with Groups and TeamsWorking with Groups and Teams
A team is a collaboration of people with different personalities that is led by a person with a favored leadership
style. Managing the interactions of these personalities and styles as a group is an important aspect of project man-
Trust is the foundation for all relationships within a project. Without a minimum level of trust, communication
breaks down, and eventually the project suffers in the form of costs increasing and schedules slipping. Often,
when reviewing a project where the performance problems have captured the attention of upper management,
the evidence of problems is the increase in project costs and the slippage in the project schedule. The underlying
cause is usually blamed on communication breakdown. With deeper investigation, the communication breakdown
is associated with a breakdown in trust.
On projects, trust is the filter through which we screen information that is shared and the filter we use to screen
information we receive. The more trust that exists, the easier it is for information to flow through the filters. As
trust diminishes, the filters become stronger and information has a harder time getting through, and projects that
are highly dependent on an information-rich environment will suffer from information deprivation.
Contracts and Trust RelationshipsContracts and Trust Relationships
A project typically begins with a charter or contract. A contract is a legal agreement that includes penalties for any
behavior or results not achieved. Contracts are based on an adversarial paradigm and do not lend themselves to
creating an environment of trust. Contracts and charters are necessary to clearly establish the scope of the project,
among other things, but they are not conducive to establishing a trusting project culture.
A relationship of mutual trust is less formal but vitally important. When a person or team enters into a relationship
of mutual trust, each person’s reputation and self-respect are the drivers in meeting the intent of the relationship.
A relationship of mutual trust within the context of a project is a commitment to an open and honest relationship.
There is nothing that enforces the commitments in the relationship except the integrity of the people involved.
Smaller, less complex projects can operate within the boundaries of a legal contract, but larger, more complex
projects must develop a relationship of mutual trust to be successful.
Types of TrustTypes of Trust
Svenn Lindskold describes four kinds of trust (1978):
• Objective credibility. A personal characteristic that reflects the truthfulness of an individual that can be
checked against observable facts.
• Attribution of benevolence. A form of trust that is built on the examination of the person’s motives and the
conclusion that they are not hostile.
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• Non-manipulative trust. A form of trust that correlates to a person’s self-interest and the predictability of a
person’s behavior in acting consistent in that self-interest.
• High cost of lying. The type of trust that emerges when persons in authority raise the cost of lying so high
that people will not lie because the penalty will be too high.
Creating TrustCreating Trust
Building trust on a project begins with the project manager. On complex projects, the assignment of a project man-
ager with a high trust reputation can help establish the trust level needed. The project manager can also establish
the cost of lying in a way that communicates an expectation and a value for trust on the project. Project managers
can also assure that the official goals (stated goals) and operational goals (goals that are reinforced) are aligned.
The project manager can create an atmosphere where informal communication is expected and reinforced.
The informal communication is important to establishing personal trust among team members and with the client.
Allotting time during project start-up meetings to allow team members to develop a personal relationship is impor-
tant to establishing the team trust. The informal discussion allows for a deeper understanding of the whole person
and creates an atmosphere where trust can emerge.
Example: High Cost of Lying in a Charleston ProjectExample: High Cost of Lying in a Charleston Project
On a project in Charleston, South Carolina, the client was asking for more and more backup to information from
the project. The project manager visited the client to better understand the reporting requirements and discov-
ered the client did not trust the reports coming from the project and wanted validating material for each report.
After some candid discussion, the project manager discovered that one of the project team members had provided
information to the client that was inaccurate. The team member had made a mistake but had not corrected it with
the client, hoping that the information would get lost in the stream of information from the project. The project
manager removed the team member from the project for two main reasons. The project manager established that
the cost of lying was high. The removal communicated to the project team an expectation of honesty. The project
manager also reinforced a covenant with the client that reinforced the trust in the information the project pro-
vided. The requests for additional information declined, and the trust relationship between project personnel and
the client remained high.
Small events that reduce trust often take place on a project without anyone remembering what happened to create
the environment of distrust. Taking fast and decisive action to establish a high cost of lying, communicating the
expectation of honesty, and creating an atmosphere of trust are critical steps a project manager can take to ensure
the success of complex projects.
Project managers can also establish expectations of team members to respect individual differences and skills,
look and react to the positives, recognize each other’s accomplishments, and value people’s self-esteem to increase
a sense of the benevolent intent.
Managing Team MeetingsManaging Team Meetings
Team meetings are conducted differently depending on the purpose of the meeting, the leadership style that is
appropriate for the meeting, and the personality types of the members of the team.
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Action Item MeetingsAction Item Meetings
Action item meetings are short meetings to develop a common understanding of what the short-term priorities are
for the project, individual roles, and expectations for specific activities. This type of meeting is for sharing, not
problem solving. Any problems that emerge from the discussion are assigned to a person, and another meeting is
established to address the issue. Action item meetings focus on short-term activities, usually less than a week in
The action item meeting is fact based and information oriented. It is a left-brain-type focus. The action item meet-
ing has very little dialogue except to ask clarification questions. If discussion is needed or disagreement is not
easily resolved, another problem-solving meeting is established to deal with that issue. On smaller topics, that
meeting might take place immediately after the action item meeting and only include those people with an interest
in the outcome of the discussion.
The project manager keeps the successful action item meeting short in duration and focused on only those items of
information needed for the short-term project plan. The project manager will restate the common understandings
of what activities are priorities and who will be responsible for the activities. Often these meetings can include a
review of safety procedures or security procedures when these issues are important to the project. The leadership
approach to action item meetings focuses on data, actions, and commitments. Although the project manager may
observe stresses between project team members or other issues, they are not addressed in this meeting. These are
fact-based meetings. If issues begin to arise between people, the project manager will develop other opportunities
to address these issues in another forum. Using the Myers-Briggs descriptions, team members who favor thinking
more than feeling and judging more than perceiving are more comfortable with this type of meeting.
Management MeetingsManagement Meetings
Management meetings are longer in duration and are focused on planning. They are oriented toward developing
plans, tracking progress of existing plans, and making adjustments to plans in response to new information.
These meetings include focused discussion on generating a common understanding of the progress of the existing
plan. This discussion is based on quantitative information provided on the progress of the schedule and other data,
but the discussion is qualitative in evaluating the data to develop a more complete understanding of the data. The
experience and opinions of the project leaders are solicited, and disagreement about meaning of the data is even
encouraged to develop a deeper understanding of the data. Through this discussion, a common understanding of
the status of the project should emerge, and the project manager invites discussion, invites people to offer their
thoughts, and assures that disagreements are positive discussions about interpretation of the information and that
disagreements do not become personal.
Management meetings also focus on developing mid-term goals. For larger, more complex projects, the goals
may be monthly or even quarterly. For smaller or less complex projects, weekly goals will provide the focus. The
project manager focuses the discussion on the broad priorities for the next period and includes all the functional
leaders in the discussion. The goals that emerge from the discussion should represent a common understanding of
the priorities of the project for the next term.
For example, during the early phases of a project, the team is focused on developing a conceptual understanding
of the project. A major milestone on complex projects is typically the completion of the conceptual plan. The pro-
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ject manager would lead a discussion on what needs to be accomplished to meet the project milestone and asks
what potential barriers exist and what key resources are needed. From the discussion, the project team develops a
few key goals that integrate the various functions of the project team and focus the team on priorities.
The following are some examples of goals during the conceptual phase:
• Developing a list of the procurement long-lead items and defining critical dates
• Developing a human resources plan that identifies critical positions
• Developing and building agreement with the client on the project scope of work
Each of these goals is measurable and has a time frame specified. They can be developed as positive motivators
and will take the project leaders and most of the project team to accomplish. They develop a general understanding
of the priorities and are easy to remember.
Management meetings are a combination of left-brain thinking, which is fact based, and right-brain thinking,
which is creative and innovative. Using the Myers-Briggs terminology, team members who prefer feeling over
thinking and perceiving over judging can contribute ideas and perspectives on the project that the more fact-ori-
ented members might miss.
The project manager allows and encourages conversation in developing and evaluating the goals but focuses the
discussion on the goals and obstacles. Management meetings take on a different focus during the month. Meetings
at the beginning of the month spend time addressing the progress and potential barriers to the goals developed
the previous month. During the middle of the month, the project manager leads the team to develop next month’s
goals as the team also works on the current month’s goals. Toward the end of the month as the goals for the month
are accomplished, the meeting focuses more on the next month, enabling the team to remain goal focused during
the life of the project.
Management meetings are also an opportunity to discover obstacles to goal achievement. The project team real-
locates resources or develops alternative methods for accomplishing the goals. As the project team discusses the
progress of project goals, the project manager explores possible obstacles and encourages exposing potential prob-
lems in achieving goals. The project manager focuses the team on finding solutions and avoids searching for
The project manager uses a facilitative leadership approach, encouraging the management team to contribute their
ideas, and builds consensus on what goals will bring the appropriate focus. The project manager keeps the focus
on developing the goals, tracking progress, identifying barriers, and making adjustments to accomplish the man-
agement goals. Although there are typically meetings for scheduling and procurement and other meetings where
goals are established and problems solved, the management meeting and the goal development process create
alignment among the project leadership on the items critical to the project’s success.
Leadership MeetingsLeadership Meetings
Leadership meetings are held less frequently and are longer in length. These meetings are used by the project man-
ager to reflect on the project, explore the larger issues of the project, and back away from the day-to-day problem
solving. The project manager will create a safe environment for sharing thoughts and evaluations of issues that
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are less data oriented. This is a right-brained, creative meeting that focuses on the people issues of the project: the
relationship with the client, vendors, and project team. Team members who favor feeling, perceiving, and intu-
ition often contribute valuable insights in this type of meeting. The team might also share perceptions by upper
management and perceptions of the community in which the project is being executed. Where the time frame for
action item meetings is in weeks and management meetings is in months, the time frame for leadership meetings
is longer and takes in the entire length and impact of the project.
The project manager’s meeting management skill includes creating the right meeting atmosphere for the team dis-
cussion that is needed. For discussions based on data and facts, the project manager creates the action item type
meeting. The conversation is focused on sharing information and clarification. The conversation for leadership
meetings is the opposite. Discussion is more open ended and focused on creativity and innovation. Because each
type of meeting requires a different meeting atmosphere, mixing the purposes of a meeting will make it difficult
for the project manager to develop and maintain the appropriate kind of conversation.
Skilled project managers know what type of meeting is needed and how to develop an atmosphere to support the
meeting type. Meetings of the action item type are focused on information sharing with little discussion. They
require efficient communication of plans, progress, and other information team members need to plan and execute
daily work. Management type meetings are focused on developing and progressing goals. Leadership meetings
are more reflective and focused on the project mission and culture.
These three types of meetings do not cover all the types of project meetings. Specific problem-solving, vendor
evaluation, and scheduling meetings are examples of typical project meetings. Understanding what kinds of meet-
ings are needed on the project and creating the right focus for each meeting type is a critical project management
Types of TeamsTypes of Teams
Teams can outperform individual team members in several situations. The effort and time invested in developing
a team and the work of the team are large investments of project resources, and the payback is critical to project
success. Determining when a team is needed and then chartering and supporting the development and work of the
team are other critical project management abilities.
Teams are effective in several project situations:
• When no one person has the knowledge, skills, and abilities to either understand or solve the problem
• When a commitment to the solution is needed by large portions of the project team
• When the problem and solution cross project functions
• When innovation is required
Individuals can outperform teams on some occasions. An individual tackling a problem consumes fewer resources
than a team and can operate more efficiently—as long as the solution meets the project’s needs. A person is most
appropriate in the following situations:
• When speed is important
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• When one person has the knowledge, skills, and resources to solve the problem
• When the activities involved in solving the problem are very detailed
• When the actual document needs to be written (Teams can provide input, but writing is a solitary task.)
In addition to knowing when a team is appropriate, the project manager must also understand what type of team
will function best.
Functional TeamsFunctional Teams
A functional team refers to the team approach related to the project functions. The engineering team, the procure-
ment team, and the project controls team are examples of functional teams within the project. On a project with
a low complexity profile that includes low technological challenges, good team member experience, and a clear
scope of work, the project manager can utilize well-defined functional teams with clear expectations, direction,
and strong vertical communication.
Cross-Functional TeamsCross-Functional Teams
Cross-functional teams address issues and work processes that include two or more of the functional teams. The
team members are selected to bring their functional expertise to addressing project opportunities.
Example:Example: Cross-Functional TeamworkCross-Functional Teamwork
A cross-functional project team in Tennessee was assigned to develop a project approach to drafting, shooting, and
editing educational videos without storing the videos on the school server. Although the complexity of this goal
is primarily related to creating the videos and procuring editing equipment, the planning involved coordination
of the script drafting, procurement of equipment and talent, and establishment of project controls. Team members
from each of these functions developed and tracked a plan to meet the project goal. Because they communicated
so frequently and clearly, the cross-functional team was successful in designing a process and executing the plan
in a way that saved three weeks on the video schedule and several thousand dollars in cost by hosting off-site.
Problem-Solving TeamsProblem-Solving Teams
Problem-solving teams are assigned to address specific issues that arise during the life of the project. The project
leadership includes members that have the expertise to address the problem. The team is chartered to address that
problem and then disband.
Qualitative Assessment of Project PerformanceQualitative Assessment of Project Performance
Project managers should provide an opportunity to ask such questions as “What is your gut feeling about how the
project going?” and “How do you think our client perceives the project?” This creates the opportunity for reflec-
tion and dialogue around larger issues on the project. The project manager creates an atmosphere for the team to
go beyond the data and search for meaning. This type of discussion and reflection is very difficult in the stress of
day-to-day problem solving.
The project manager has several tools for developing good quantitative information—based on numbers and mea-
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surements—such as the project schedules, budgets and budget reports, risk analysis, and goal tracking. This quan-
titative information is essential to understanding the current status and trends on the project. Just as important is
the development of qualitative information—comparisons of qualities—such as judgments made by expert team
members that go beyond the quantitative data provided in a report. Some would label this the “gut feeling” or
intuition of experienced project managers.
The Humm Factor is a survey tool developed by Russ Darnall to capture the thoughts of project participants. It
derived its name from a project manager who always claimed he could tell you more by listening to the hum of
the project than reading all the project reports. “Do you feel the project is doing the things it needs to do to stay
on schedule?” and “Is the project team focused on project goals?” are the types of questions that can be included
in the Humm Factor. It is distributed on a weekly or less frequent basis depending on the complexity profile of
the project. A project with a high level of complexity due to team-based and cultural issues will be surveyed more
The qualitative responses are converted to a quantitative value as a score from 1 to 10. Responses are tracked by
individuals and the total project, resulting in qualitative comparisons over time. The project team reviews the rat-
ings regularly, looking for trends that indicate an issue may be emerging on the project that might need exploring.
Example: Humm Survey Uncovers ConcernsExample: Humm Survey Uncovers Concerns
On a project in South Carolina, the project surveyed the project leadership with a Humm Survey each week. The
Humm Factor indicated an increasing worry about the schedule beginning to slip when the schedule reports indi-
cated that everything was according to plan. When the project manager began trying to understand why the Humm
Factor was showing concerns about the schedule, he discovered an apprehension about the performance of a crit-
ical project supplier. When he asked team members, they responded, “It was the way they answered the phone or
the hesitation when providing information—something didn’t feel right.”
The procurement manager visited the supplier and discovered the company was experiencing financial problems
and had serious cash flow problems. The project manager was able to develop a plan to help the supplier through
the period, and the supplier eventually recovered. The project was able to meet performance goals. The Humm
Factor survey provided a tool for members of the project team to express concerns that were based on very soft
data, and the project team was able to discover a potential problem.
Another project team used the Humm Factor to survey the client monthly. The completed surveys went to a person
who was not on the project team to provide anonymity to the responses. The responses were discussed at the
monthly project review meetings, and the project manager summarized the results and addressed all the concerns
expressed in the report. “I don’t feel my concerns are being heard” was one response that began increasing during
the project, and the project manager spent a significant portion of the next project review meeting attempting to
understand what this meant. The team discovered that as the project progressed toward major milestones, the pro-
ject team became more focused on solving daily problems, spent more time in meetings, and their workday was
becoming longer. The result was fewer contacts with the clients, slower responses in returning phone calls, and
much fewer coffee breaks where team members could casually discuss the project with the client.
The result of the conversation led to better understanding by both the project team and client team of the change
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in behavior based on the current phase of the project and the commitment to developing more frequent informal
discussion about the project.
Creating a Project CultureCreating a Project Culture
Project managers have a unique opportunity during the start-up of a project. They create a project culture, some-
thing organizational managers seldom have a chance to do. In most organizations, the corporate or organizational
culture has developed over the life of the organization, and people associated with the organization understand
what is valued, what has status, and what behaviors are expected. Edgar Schein identified three distinct levels in
organizational culture.
1. Artifacts and behaviours
2. Espoused values
3. Assumptions
Artifacts are the visible elements in a culture and they can be recognized by people not part of the culture.
Espoused values are the organization’s stated values and rules of behavior. Shared basic assumptions are the
deeply embedded, taken-for-granted behaviors that are usually unconscious, but constitute the essence of culture.
Characteristics of Project CultureCharacteristics of Project Culture
A project culture represents the shared norms, beliefs, values, and assumptions of the project team. Understanding
the unique aspects of a project culture and developing an appropriate culture to match the complexity profile of
the project are important project management abilities.
Culture is developed through the communication of:
• The priority
• The given status
• The alignment of official and operational rules
Official rules are the rules that are stated, and operational rules are the rules that are enforced. Project managers
who align official and operational rules are more effective in developing a clear and strong project culture because
the project rules are among the first aspects of the project culture to which team members are exposed when
assigned to the project.
Example: Operational Rules on a Multi-site ProjectExample: Operational Rules on a Multi-site Project
During an instructional design project that required individuals to collaborate remotely, an official rule had been
established that individuals would back up their work in a location other than the shared folders they were using
every week. It did not take long, however, for everyone involved to see that one member was actively backing
up all work. Believing that was sufficient, the operational rule became simply leaving the backing up to a single
individual. They assumed that official rules could be ignored if they were difficult to obey.
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When this individual fell ill, however, no one picked up the slack and followed the official rule. When some files
were corrupted, the team found that their most recent backups were weeks old, resulting in redoing a lot of work.
The difference between the official rules and the operational rules of the project created a culture that made com-
munication of the priorities more difficult.
In addition to official and operational rules, the project leadership communicates what is important by the use of
symbols, storytelling, rituals, rewards or punishments, and taboos.
Example: Creating a Culture of CollaborationExample: Creating a Culture of Collaboration
A project manager met with his team prior to the beginning of an instructional design project. The team was
excited about the prestigious project and the potential for career advancement involved. With this increased com-
petitive aspect came the danger of selfishness and backstabbing. The project leadership team told stories of previ-
ous projects where people were fired for breaking down the team efforts and often shared inspirational examples
of how teamwork created unprecedented successes—an example of storytelling. Every project meeting started
with teambuilding exercises—a ritual—and any display of hostility or separatism was forbidden—taboo—and
was quickly and strongly cut off by the project leadership if it occurred.
Culture guides behavior and communicates what is important and is useful for establishing priorities. On projects
that have a strong culture of trust, team members feel free to challenge anyone who breaks a confidence, even
managers. The culture of integrity is stronger than the cultural aspects of the power of management.
Innovation on ProjectsInnovation on Projects
The requirement of innovation on projects is influenced by the nature of the project. Some projects are chartered
to develop a solution to a problem, and innovation is a central ingredient of project success. The lack of avail-
ability of education to the world at large prompted the open education movement, a highly innovative endeavor,
which resulted in the textbook you are now reading. Innovation is also important to developing methods of lower-
ing costs or shortening the schedule. Traditional project management thinking provides a trade-off between cost,
quality, and schedule. A project sponsor can typically shorten the project schedule with an investment of more
money or a lowering of quality. Finding innovative solutions can sometimes lower costs while also saving time
and maintaining the quality.
Innovation is a creative process that requires both fun and focus. Stress is a biological reaction to perceived
threats. Stress, at appropriate levels, can make the work environment interesting and even challenging. Many peo-
ple working on projects enjoy a high-stress, exciting environment. When the stress level is too high, the biological
reaction increases blood flow to the emotional parts of the brain and decreases the blood flow to the creative parts
of the brain, making creative problem solving more difficult. Fun reduces the amount of stress on the project.
Project managers recognize the benefits of balancing the stress level on the project with the need to create an
atmosphere that enables creative thought.
Example:Example: Stress Managed on a Website Design ProjectStress Managed on a Website Design Project
When a project manager visited the team tasked with designing the website for a project, she found that most of
the members were feeling a great deal of stress. As she probed to find the reason behind the stress, she found that
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in addition to designing, the team was increasingly facing the need to build the website as well. As few of them
had the necessary skills, they were wasting time that could be spent designing trying to learn building skills. Once
the project manager was able to identify the stress as well as its cause, she was able to provide the team with the
support it needed to be successful.
Exploring opportunities to create savings takes an investment of time and energy, and on a time-sensitive project,
the project manager must create the motivation and the opportunity for creative thinking.
Burns, J.M. (1978). Leadership. New York: Harper & Row.
Fiedler, F.E. (1971). Validation and Extension of the Contingency Model of Leadership Effectiveness. Psycholog-
ical Bulletin, 76(2), 128–48.
Leavitt, H. (1986). Corporate Pathfinders. New York: Dow-Jones-Irwin and Penguin Books.
Lindskold, S. (1978). Trust Development, the GRIT Proposal, and the Effects of Conciliatory Acts on Conflict
and Corporation. Psychological Bulletin 85(4), 772–93.
Shi, Q., & Chen, J. (2006). The Human Side of Project Management: Leadership Skills. Newtown Square, PA:
Project Management Institute, Inc.
Tannenbaum, R., & Schmidt, W. (1958). How to Choose a Leadership Pattern. Harvard Business Review 36,
Whetton, D., & Cameron, K. (2005). Developing Management Skills. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education.
This chapter of Project Management is a derivative copy of Project Management by Merrie Barron and Andrew
Barron licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported, Project Management/PMBOK/Human
Resources Management and Development Cooperation Handbook/How do we manage the human resources of
programmes and projects?/Manage the Project Team by Wikibooks licensed under Creative Commons Attribu-
tion-Share Alike 3.0, Resource Management and Resource Leveling by Wikipedia licensed under Creative Com-
mons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0, Resource Management, and Project Management for Instructional Designers
by Amado, M., Ashton, K., Ashton, S., Bostwick, J., Clements, G., Drysdale, J., Francis, J., Harrison, B., Nan,
V., Nisse, A., Randall, D., Rino, J., Robinson, J., Snyder, A., Wiley, D., & Anonymous. (DATE). Project Man-
agement for Instructional Designers. Retrieved from under Creative Commons Attribution 3.0
Unported and
1 1 . R E S O U R C E P L A N N I N G • 1 1 7
12. Budget Planning
Every project boils down to money. If you had a bigger budget, you could probably get more people to do your
project more quickly and deliver more. That’s why no project plan is complete until you come up with a budget.
But no matter whether your project is big or small, and no matter how many resources and activities are in it, the
process for figuring out the bottom line is always the same.
It is important to come up with detailed estimates for all the project costs. Once this is compiled, you add up the
cost estimates into a budget plan. It is now possible to track the project according to that budget while the work is
Often, when you come into a project, there is already an expectation of how much it will cost or how much time it
will take. When you make an estimate early in the project without knowing much about it, that estimate is called a
rough order-of-magnitude estimate (or a ballpark estimate). This estimate will become more refined as time goes
on and you learn more about the project. Here are some tools and techniques for estimating cost:
• Determination of resource cost rates: People who will be working on the project all work at a specific
rate. Any materials you use to build the project (e.g., wood or wiring) will be charged at a rate too. Deter-
mining resource costs means figuring out what the rate for labor and materials will be.
• Vendor bid analysis: Sometimes you will need to work with an external contractor to get your project
done. You might even have more than one contractor bid on the job. This tool is about evaluating those bids
and choosing the one you will accept.
• Reserve analysis: You need to set aside some money for cost overruns. If you know that your project has a
risk of something expensive happening, it is better to have some cash available to deal with it. Reserve
analysis means putting some cash away in case of overruns.
• Cost of quality: You will need to figure the cost of all your quality-related activities into the overall budget.
Since it’s cheaper to find bugs earlier in the project than later, there are always quality costs associated with
everything your project produces. Cost of quality is just a way of tracking the cost of those activities. It is
the amount of money it takes to do the project right.
Once you apply all the tools in this process, you will arrive at an estimate for how much your project will cost. It’s
important to keep all of your supporting estimate information. That way, you know the assumptions made when
you were coming up with the numbers. Now you are ready to build your budget plan.
Estimating Costs to Compare and Select ProjectsEstimating Costs to Compare and Select Projects
During the conceptual phase when project selection occurs, economic factors are an important consideration
in choosing between competing projects. To compare the simple paybacks or internal rates of return between pro-
jects, an estimate of the cost of each project is made. The estimates must be accurate enough so that the com-
parisons are meaningful, but the amount of time and resources used to make the estimates should be appropriate
to the size and complexity of the project. The methods used to estimate the cost of the project during the selec-
tion phase are generally faster and consume fewer resources than those used to create detailed estimates in later
phases. They rely more on the expert judgment of experienced managers who can make accurate estimates with
less detailed information. Estimates in the earliest stages of project selection are usually based on information
from previous projects that can be adjusted—scaled—to match the size and complexity of the current project or
developed using standardized formulas.
Analogous EstimateAnalogous Estimate
An estimate that is based on other project estimates is an analogous estimate. If a similar project cost a certain
amount, then it is reasonable to assume that the current project will cost about the same. Few projects are exactly
the same size and complexity, so the estimate must be adjusted upward or downward to account for the differ-
ences. The selection of projects that are similar and the amount of adjustment needed is up to the judgment of the
person who makes the estimate. Normally, this judgment is based on many years of experience estimating pro-
jects, including incorrect estimates that were learning experiences for the expert.
Less-experienced managers who are required to make analogous estimates can look through the documentation
that is available from previous projects. If projects were evaluated using the Darnall-Preston Complexity Index
(DPCI), the manager can quickly identify projects that have profiles similar to the project under consideration,
even if those projects were managed by other people.
The DPCI assesses project attributes, enabling better-informed decisions in creating the project profile. This index
assesses the complexity level of key components of a project and produces a unique project profile. The profile
indicates the project complexity level, which provides a benchmark for comparing projects and information about
the characteristics of a project that can then be addressed in the project execution plan. It achieves this objective by
grouping 11 attributes into four broad categories: internal, external, technological complexity, and environmental.
Comparing the original estimates with the final project costs on several previous projects with the same DPCI rat-
ings gives a less-experienced manager the perspective that it would take many years to acquire by trial and error.
It also provides references the manager can use to justify the estimate.
Example: Analogous Estimate for John’s MoveExample: Analogous Estimate for John’s Move
John sold his apartment and purchased another one. It is now time to plan for the move. John asked a friend for
advice about the cost of his move. His friend replied, “I moved from an apartment a little smaller than yours last
year and the distance was about the same. I did it with a 14-foot truck. It cost about $575 for the truck rental, pads,
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hand truck, rope, boxes, and gas.” Because of the similarity of the projects, John’s initial estimate of the cost of
the move was less than $700 so he decided that the cost would be affordable and the project could go forward.
Parametric EstimateParametric Estimate
If the project consists of activities that are common to many other projects, average costs are available per unit.
For example, if you ask a construction company how much it would cost to build a standard office building, the
estimator will ask for the size of the building in square feet and the city in which the building will be built. From
these two factors—size and location—the company’s estimator can predict the cost of the building. Factors like
size and location are parameters—measurable factors that can be used in an equation to calculate a result. The
estimator knows the average cost per square foot of a typical office building and adjustments for local labor costs.
Other parameters such as quality of finishes are used to further refine the estimate. Estimates that are calculated
by multiplying measured parameters by cost-per-unit values are parametric estimates.
Example: ParametricExample: Parametric Estimate for John’s MoveEstimate for John’s Move
To estimate the size of the truck needed for John’s move, the parameter used by a truck rental company is the
number of bedrooms (Figure 12.1). The company assumes that the number of bedrooms is the important parame-
ter in determining how big a truck is needed for a move. John has a one-bedroom apartment, so he chooses the
14-foot truck. Once the size is determined, other parameters, such as distance and days, are used to estimate the
cost of the truck rental.
Figure 12.1 Parametric Cost Estimate Source:
Bottom-Up EstimatingBottom-Up Estimating
The most accurate and time-consuming estimating method is to identify the cost of each item in each activity of
the schedule, including labor and materials. If you view the project schedule as a hierarchy where the general
descriptions of tasks are at the top and the lower levels become more detailed, finding the price of each item at the
lowest level and then summing them to determine the cost of higher levels is called bottom-up estimating.
Example: Bottom-Up Estimate for John’s MoveExample: Bottom-Up Estimate for John’s Move
Figure 12.2 Detailed Cost Estimate Source:
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After evaluating the bids by the moving companies, John decides the savings are worth his time if he can get the
packing done with the help of his friends. He decides to prepare a detailed estimate of costs (Figure 12.2) for
packing materials and use of a rental truck. He looks up the prices for packing materials and truck rental costs on
company websites and prepares a detailed list of items, quantities, and costs.
This type of estimate is typically more accurate than an analogous or parametric estimate. In this example, the
sum of packing materials and truck expenses is estimated to be $661.25.
The estimate can be rolled up—subtotaled—to display less detail. This process is made easier using computer
software. On projects with low complexity, the cost estimates can be done on spreadsheet software. On larger
projects, software that manages schedules can also manage costs and display them by activity and category. For
example, the subtotal feature could be used in Excel and collapsed to show the subtotals for the two categories of
costs (Figure 12.3).
Figure 12.3 Sum of Detailed Costs by Type Source:
Activity-Based EstimatesActivity-Based Estimates
An activity can have costs from multiple vendors in addition to internal costs for labor and materials. Detailed
estimates from all sources can be reorganized so those costs associated with a particular activity can be grouped
by adding the activity code to the detailed estimate (Figure 12.4).
Figure 12.4 Detailed Costs Associated with Activities Source :
The detailed cost estimates can be sorted and then subtotaled by activity to determine the cost for each activity.
1 2 . B U D G E T P L A N N I N G • 1 2 1
Managing the BudgetManaging the Budget
Projects seldom go according to plan in every detail. It is necessary for the project manager to be able to identify
when costs are varying from the budget and manage those variations.
Managing Cash FlowManaging Cash Flow
If the total amount spent on a project is equal to or less than the amount budgeted, the project can still be in trouble
if the funding for the project is not available when it is needed. There is a natural tension between the financial
people in an organization, who do not want to pay for the use of money that is just sitting in a checking account,
and the project manager, who wants to be sure that there is enough money available to pay for project expenses.
The financial people prefer to keep the company’s money working in other investments until the last moment
before transferring it to the project account. The contractors and vendors have similar concerns, and they want to
get paid as soon as possible so they can put the money to work in their own organizations. The project manager
would like to have as much cash available as possible to use if activities exceed budget expectations.
Contingency ReservesContingency Reserves
Most projects have something unexpected occur that increases costs above the original estimates. If estimates are
rarely exceeded, the estimating method should be reviewed because the estimates are too high. It is impossible to
predict which activities will cost more than expected, but it is reasonable to assume that some of them will. Esti-
mating the likelihood of such events is part of risk analysis, which is discussed in more detail in a later chapter.
Instead of overestimating each cost, money is budgeted for dealing with unplanned but statistically predictable
cost increases. Funds allocated for this purpose are called contingency reserves. Because it is likely that this
money will be spent, it is part of the total budget for the project. If this fund is adequate to meet the unplanned
expenses, then the project will complete within the budget.
Management ReservesManagement Reserves
If something occurs during the project that requires a change in the project scope, money may be needed to deal
with the situation before a change in scope can be negotiated with the project sponsor or client. It could be an
opportunity as well as a challenge. For example, if a new technology were invented that would greatly enhance
your completed project, there would be additional cost and a change to the scope, but it would be worth it. Money
can be made available at the manager’s discretion to meet needs that would change the scope of the project. These
funds are called management reserves. Unlike contingency reserves, they are not likely to be spent and are not
part of the project’s budget baseline, but they can be included in the total project budget.
Evaluating the Budget During the ProjectEvaluating the Budget During the Project
A project manager must regularly compare the amount of money spent with the budgeted amount and report this
information to managers and stakeholders. It is necessary to establish an understanding of how this progress will
be measured and reported.
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Example: Reporting Budget Progress on John’s MoveExample: Reporting Budget Progress on John’s Move
In the John’s move example, he estimated that the move would cost about $1,500 and take about 16 days. Eight
days into the project, John has spent $300. John tells his friends that the project is going well because he is halfway
through the project but has only spent a fifth of his budget. John’s friend Carlita points out that his report is not
sufficient because he did not compare the amount spent to the budgeted amount for the activities that should be
done by the eighth day.
As John’s friend pointed out, a budget report must compare the amount spent with the amount that is expected
to be spent by that point in the project. Basic measures such as percentage of activities completed, percentage of
measurement units completed, and percentage of budget spent are adequate for less complex projects, but more
sophisticated techniques are used for projects with higher complexity.
Earned Value AnalysisEarned Value Analysis
A method that is widely used for medium- and high-complexity projects is the earned value management
(EVM) method. EVM is a method of periodically comparing the budgeted costs with the actual costs during the
project. It combines the scheduled activities with detailed cost estimates of each activity. It allows for partial com-
pletion of an activity if some of the detailed costs associated with the activity have been paid but others have not.
The budgeted cost of work scheduled (BCWS) comprises the detailed cost estimates for each activity in the pro-
ject. The amount of work that should have been done by a particular date is the planned value (PV). These terms
are used interchangeably by some sources, but the planned value term is used in formulas to refer to the sum of
the budgeted cost of work up to a particular point in the project, so we will make that distinction in the definitions
in this text for clarity.
Example: Planned Value on Day Six of John’s MoveExample: Planned Value on Day Six of John’s Move
On day six of the project, John should have taken his friends to lunch and purchased the packing materials. The
portion of the BCWS that should have been done by that date (the planned value) is shown in Figure 12.5. This is
the planned value for day six of the project.
Figure 12.5 Planned Value for Lunch and Packing Materials Source:
The budgeted cost of work performed (BCWP) is the budgeted cost of work scheduled that has been done. If
you sum the BCWP values up to that point in the project schedule, you have the earned value (EV). The amount
spent on an item is often more or less than the estimated amount that was budgeted for that item. The actual cost
(AC) is the sum of the amounts actually spent on the items.
1 2 . B U D G E T P L A N N I N G • 1 2 3
Example: Comparing PV, EV, and AC in John’s Move on Day SixExample: Comparing PV, EV, and AC in John’s Move on Day Six
Dion and Carlita were both trying to lose weight and just wanted a nice salad. Consequently, the lunch cost less
than expected. John makes a stop at a store that sells moving supplies at discount rates. They do not have all the
items he needs, but the prices are lower than those quoted by the moving company. They have a very good price
on lifting straps so he decides to buy an extra pair. He returns with some of the items on his list, but this phase of
the job is not complete by the end of day six. John bought half of the small boxes, all of five other items, twice
as many lifting straps, and none of four other items. John is only six days into his project, and his costs and per-
formance are starting to vary from the plan. Earned value analysis gives us a method for reporting that progress
(Figure 12.6).
Figure 12.6 Planned Value, Earned Value, and Actual Cost Source:
The original schedule called for spending $261.65 (PV) by day six. The amount of work done was worth $162.10
(EV) according to the estimates, but the actual cost was only $154.50 (AC).
Schedule VarianceSchedule Variance
The project manager must know if the project is on schedule and within the budget. The difference between
planned and actual progress is the variance. The schedule variance (SV) is the difference between the earned
value (EV) and the planned value (PV). Expressed as a formula, SV = EV − PV. If less value has been earned than
was planned, the schedule variance is negative, which means the project is behind schedule.
Example: Schedule Variance on John’s MoveExample: Schedule Variance on John’s Move
Planning for John’s move calls for spending $261.65 by day six, which is the planned value (PV). The difference
between the planned value and the earned value is the scheduled variance (SV). The formula is SV = EV − PV. In
this example, SV = $162.10 − $261.65 = ($99.55) A negative SV indicates the project is behind schedule.
The difference between the earned value (EV) and the actual cost (AC) is the cost variance (CV). Expressed as a
formula, CV = EV – AC. A positive CV indicates the project is under budget.
Example: Cost Variance on John’s MoveExample: Cost Variance on John’s Move
The difference between the earned value of $162.10 and the actual cost of $154.50 is the cost variance (CV). The
formula is CV = EV − AC. In this example, CV = $162.10 − $154.50 = $7.60.
Variance Indexes for Schedule and Cost
1 2 4 • P R O J E C T M A N A G E M E N T
The schedule variance and the cost variance provide the amount by which the spending is behind (or ahead of)
schedule and the amount by which a project is exceeding (or not fully using) its budget. They do not give an idea
of how these amounts compare with the total budget.
The ratio of earned value to planned value gives an indication of how much of the project is completed. This ratio
is the schedule performance index (SPI). The formula is SPI = EV/PV. In the John’s move example, the SPI
equals 0.62 (SPI = $162.10/$261.65 = 0.62) An SPI value less than 1 indicates the project is behind schedule.
The ratio of the earned value to the actual cost is the cost performance index (CPI). The formula is CPI = EV/
Example:Example: Cost Performance Index of John’s MoveCost Performance Index of John’s Move
In the John’s move example, CPI = $162.10/$154.50 = 1.05. A value greater than 1 indicates that the project is
under budget.
Figure 12.7 Schedule Variance and Cost Variance Source:
The cost variance of positive $7.60 and the CPI value of 1.05 tell John that he is getting more value for his money
than planned for the tasks scheduled by day six. The schedule variance (SV) of negative $99.55 and the schedule
performance index (SPI) of 0.62 tell him that he is behind schedule in adding value to the project (Figure 12.7).
During the project, the manager can evaluate the schedule using the schedule variance (SV) and the schedule per-
formance index (SPI), and the budget using the cost variance (CV) and the cost performance index (CPI).
Estimated Cost to Complete the ProjectEstimated Cost to Complete the Project
Part way through the project, the manager evaluates the accuracy of the cost estimates for the activities that have
taken place and uses that experience to predict how much money it will take to complete the unfinished activi-
ties—the estimate to complete (ETC).
To calculate the ETC, the manager must decide if the cost variance observed in the estimates to that point are
representative of the future. For example, if unusually bad weather causes increased cost during the first part of
the project, it is not likely to have the same effect on the rest of the project. If the manager decides that the cost
variance up to this point in the project is atypical—not typical—then the estimate to complete is the difference
between the original budget for the entire project—the budget at completion (BAC)—and the earned value (EV)
up to that point. Expressed as a formula, ETC = BAC − EV.
Example:Example: Estimate to Complete John’s MoveEstimate to Complete John’s Move
For his move, John was able to buy most of the items at a discount house that did not have a complete inventory,
1 2 . B U D G E T P L A N N I N G • 1 2 5
and he chose to buy an extra pair of lift straps. He knows that the planned values for packing materials were
obtained from the price list at the moving company where he will have to buy the rest of the items, so those two
factors are not likely to be typical of the remaining purchases. The reduced cost of lunch is unrelated to the future
costs of packing materials, truck rentals, and hotel fees. John decides that the factors that caused the variances
are atypical. He calculates that the estimate to complete (ETC) is the budget at completion ($1,534) minus the
earned value at that point ($162.10), which equals $1,371.90. Expressed as a formula, ETC = $1,534 − $162.10 =
If the manager decides that the cost variance is caused by factors that will affect the remaining activities, such as
higher labor and material costs, then the estimate to complete (ETC) needs to be adjusted by dividing it by the
cost performance index (CPI). For example, if labor costs on the first part of a project are estimated at $80,000
(EV) and they actually cost $85,000 (AC), the cost performance (CPI) will be 0.94. (Recall that the CPI = EV/
To calculate the estimate to complete (ETC), assuming the cost variance on known activities is typical of future
cost, the formula is ETC = (BAC – EV)/CPI. If the budget at completion (BAC) of the project is $800,000, the
estimate to complete is ($800,000 – $80,000)/0.94 = $766,000.
Estimate Final Project CostEstimate Final Project Cost
If the costs of the activities up to the present vary from the original estimates, this will affect the total estimate
of the project cost. The new estimate of the project cost is the estimate at completion (EAC). To calculate the EAC,
the estimate to complete (ETC) is added to the actual cost (AC) of the activities already performed. Expressed
as a formula, EAC = AC + ETC.
Example: Estimate at Completion for John’s MoveExample: Estimate at Completion for John’s Move
The revised estimate at completion (EAC) for John’s move at this point in the process is EAC = $154.50 +
$1,371.90 = $1,526.40.
Figure 12.8 Summary of Terms and Formulas for Earned Value Analysis Source:
To summarize (Figure 12.8):
• Extra money is allocated in a contingency fund to deal with activities where costs exceed estimates. Funds
are allocated in a management reserve in case a significant opportunity or challenge occurs that requires
change of scope but funds are needed immediately before a scope change can typically be negotiated.
• Schedule variance is the difference between the part of the budget that has been spent so far (EV) versus the
1 2 6 • P R O J E C T M A N A G E M E N T
part that was planned to be spent by now (PV). Similarly, the cost variance is the difference between the EV
and the actual cost (AC).
• The schedule performance index (SPI) is the ratio of the earned value and the planned value. The cost per-
formance index (CPI) is the ratio of the earned value (EV) to the actual cost (AC).
• The formula used to calculate the amount of money needed to complete the project (ETC) depends on
whether or not the cost variance to this point is expected to continue (typical) or not (atypical). If the cost
variance is atypical, the ETC is simply the original total budget (BAC) minus the earned value (EV). If they
are typical of future cost variances, the ETC is adjusted by dividing the difference between BAC and EV by
the CPI.
• The final budget is the actual cost (AC) to this point plus the estimate to complete (ETC).
Establishing a BudgetEstablishing a Budget
Once you have broken your project down into activities, you will be able to calculate your overall project costs by
estimating and totaling the individual activity costs.
This process of subtotaling costs by category or activity is called cost aggregation.
Budget TimelineBudget Timeline
Costs are associated with activities, and since each activity has a start date and a duration period, it is possible to
calculate how much money will be spent by any particular date during the project. The money needed to pay for
a project is usually transferred to the project account shortly before it is needed. These transfers must be timed so
that the money is there to pay for each activity without causing a delay in the start of the activity. If the money is
transferred too far in advance, the organization will lose the opportunity to use the money somewhere else, or they
will have to pay unnecessary interest charges if the money is borrowed. A schedule of money transfers is created
that should match the need to pay for the activities. The process of matching the schedule of transfers with the
schedule of activity payments is called reconciliation. Refer to Figure 12.9, which shows the costs of 10 major
activities in a project. Funds are transferred into the project account four times. Notice that during most of the
project, there were more funds available than were spent except at activity 6 when all the available funds were
Figure 12.9 Fund Transfers and Expenditures Source:
1 2 . B U D G E T P L A N N I N G • 1 2 7
In the project budget profile shown in Figure 12.9, there is no margin for error if the total of the first six activities
exceeds the amount of funding at that point in the project.
Contractual agreements with vendors often require partial payment of their costs during the project. Those con-
tracts can be managed more conveniently if the unit of measure for partial completion is the same as that used
for cost budgeting. For example, if a graphic designer is putting together several pieces of artwork for a textbook,
their contract may call for partial payment after 25% of their total number of drawings is complete.
This chapter of Project Management is a derivative copy of Project Management for Instructional Designers by
Amado, M., Ashton, K., Ashton, S., Bostwick, J., Clements, G., Drysdale, J., Francis, J., Harrison, B., Nan, V.,
Nisse, A., Randall, D., Rino, J., Robinson, J., Snyder, A., Wiley, D., & Anonymous. (DATE). Project Management
for Instructional Designers. Retrieved from under Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported.
1 2 8 • P R O J E C T M A N A G E M E N T
13. Procurement Management
Procurement management follows a logical order. First, you plan what you need to contract; then you plan how
you’ll do it. Next, you send out your contract requirements to sellers. They bid for the chance to work with you.
You pick the best one, and then you sign the contract with them. Once the work begins, you monitor it to make
sure that the contract is being followed. When the work is done, you close out the contract and fill out all the
You need to start with a plan for the whole project. Before doing anything else, you need to think about all of the
work that you will contract out for your project. You will want to plan for any purchases and acquisitions. Here’s
where you take a close look at your needs to be sure that contracting is necessary. You figure out what kinds of
contracts make sense for your project, and you try to define all of the parts of the project that will be contracted
Contract planning is where you plan out each individual contract for the project work. You work out how
you’ll manage the contract, what metrics it will need to meet to be considered successful, how you’ll pick a seller,
and how you’ll administer the contract once the work is happening.
The procurement management plan details how the procurement process will be managed. It includes the follow-
ing information:
• The types of contracts you plan to use and any metrics that will be used to measure the contractors’ perfor-
• The planned delivery dates for the work or products you are contracting
• The company’s standard documents you will use
• The number of vendors or contractors involved and how they will be managed
• How purchasing may impact the constraints and assumptions of the project plan
• The coordination of purchasing lead times with the development of the project schedule
• The identification of prequalified sellers (if known)
The procurement management plan, like all other management plans, becomes a subsidiary of the project manage-
ment plan. Some tools and techniques you may use during the procurement planning stage include make-or-buy
analysis and definition of the contract type.
Make-or-Buy AnalysisMake-or-Buy Analysis
This means figuring out whether or not you should be contracting the work or doing it yourself. It could also mean
deciding whether to build a solution to your problem or buy one that is already available. Most of the same factors
that help you make every other major project decision will help you with this one. How much does it cost to build
it as opposed to buying it? How will this decision affect the scope of your project? How will it affect the project
schedule? Do you have time to do the work and still meet your commitments? As you plan out what you will and
won’t contract, you need to think through your reasoning very carefully.
There are some resources (like heavy equipment) that your company can buy, rent, or lease depending on the sit-
uation. You’ll need to examine leasing-versus-buying costs and determine the best way to go forward.
Contract TypesContract Types
You should know a little bit about the major kinds of contracts available to you (the client) so that you choose
the one that creates the most fair and workable deal for you and the contractor. Some contracts are fixed price: no
matter how much time or effort goes into them, the client always pay the same. In Figure 13.1 the cost to the client
stays the same, but as more effort is exerted the profit to the contractor goes down. Some are cost reimbursable
also called cost plus. This is where the seller charges you for the cost of doing the work plus some fee or rate.
Figure 13.2 illustrates this by showing that as efforts increase, costs to the client go up but the contractor’s profits
stay the same. The third major kind of contract is time and materials. That’s where the client pays a rate for the
time spent working on the project and also pays for all the materials used to do the work. Figure 13.3 shows that
as costs to the client go up, so does the profit for the contractor.
Fixed-Price ContractsFixed-Price Contracts
The fixed-price contract is a legal agreement between the project organization and an entity (person or company)
to provide goods or services to the project at an agreed-on price. The contract usually details the quality of the
goods or services, the timing needed to support the project, and the price for delivering goods or services. There
are several variations of the fixed-price contract. For commodities and goods and services where the scope of
work is very clear and not likely to change, the fixed-price contract offers a predictable cost. The responsibil-
ity for managing the work to meet the needs of the project is focused on the contractor. The project team tracks
the quality and schedule progress to ensure the contractors will meet the project needs. The risks associated with
fixed-price contracts are the costs associated with project change. If a change occurs on the project that requires a
change order from the contractor, the price of the change is typically very high. Even when the price for changes
is included in the original contract, changes on a fixed-price contract will create higher total project costs than
other forms of contracts because the majority of the cost risk is transferred to the contractor, and most contractors
will add a contingency to the contract to cover their additional risk.
1 3 0 • P R O J E C T M A N A G E M E N T
Figure 13.1: A fixed-price contract the cost to the client is constant regardless of effort applied or delivery date. Illustration from Barron & Barron Project Management for Scientists and Engineers,
Fixed-price contracts require the availability of at least two or more suppliers that have the qualifications and per-
formance histories that ensure the needs of the project can be met. The other requirement is a scope of work that
is most likely not going to change. Developing a clear scope of work based on good information, creating a list of
highly qualified bidders, and developing a clear contract that reflects that scope of work are critical aspects of a
good fixed-priced contract.
If the service provider is responsible for incorporating all costs, including profit, into the agreed-on price, it is a
fixed-total-cost contract. The contractor assumes the risks for unexpected increases in labor and materials that
are needed to provide the service or materials and in the materials and timeliness needed.
The fixed-price contract with price adjustment is used for unusually long projects that span years. The most
common use of this type of contract is the inflation-adjusted price. In some countries, the value of its local cur-
rency can vary greatly in a few months, which affects the cost of local materials and labor. In periods of high
inflation, the client assumes the risk of higher costs due to inflation, and the contract price is adjusted based on an
inflation index. The volatility of certain commodities can also be accounted for in a price-adjustment contract. For
example, if the price of oil significantly affects the costs of the project, the client can accept the oil price volatility
risk and include a provision in the contract that would allow the contract price adjustment based on a change in
the price of oil.
The fixed-price contract with incentive fee provides an incentive for performing on the project above the estab-
lished baseline in the contract. The contract might include an incentive for completing the work on an important
milestone for the project. Often contracts have a penalty clause if the work is not performed according to the con-
tract. For example, if the new software is not completed in time to support the implementation of the training, the
contract might penalize the software company a daily amount of money for every day the software is late. This
type of penalty is often used when the software is critical to the project and the delay will cost the project signifi-
cant money.
If the service or materials can be measured in standard units, but the amount needed is not known accurately, the
price per unit can be fixed—a fixed-unit-price contract. The project team assumes the responsibility of estimat-
ing the number of units used. If the estimate is not accurate, the contract does not need to be changed, but the
project will exceed the budgeted cost.
1 3 . P R O C U R E M E N T M A N A G E M E N T • 1 3 1
Figure 13.2 Table of Fixed Price Contracts and Characteristics Source:
Cost-Reimbursable ContractsCost-Reimbursable Contracts
In a cost-reimbursable contract, the organization agrees to pay the contractor for the cost of performing the
service or providing the goods. Cost-reimbursable contracts are also known as cost-plus contracts. Cost-reim-
bursable contracts are most often used when the scope of work or the costs for performing the work are not well
known. The project uses a cost-reimbursable contract to pay the contractor for allowable expenses related to per-
forming the work. Since the cost of the project is reimbursable, the contractor has much less risk associated with
cost increases. When the costs of the work are not well known, a cost-reimbursable contract reduces the amount of
money the bidders place in the bid to account for the risk associated with potential increases in costs. The contrac-
tor is also less motivated to find ways to reduce the cost of the project unless there are incentives for supporting
the accomplishment of project goals.
Figure 13.3: In a cost-reimbursable or cost-plus contract, the contractor is guaranteed a fee, but the client’s costs can increase based on effort. Illustration from Barron & Barron Project Management for Scientists and Engineers,
Cost-reimbursable contracts require good documentation of the costs that occurred on the project to ensure that
the contractor gets paid for all the work performed and to ensure that the organization is not paying for something
that was not completed. The contractor is also paid an additional amount above the costs. There are several ways
to compensate the contractor.
• A cost-reimbursable contract with a fixed fee provides the contractor with a fee, or profit amount, that is
determined at the beginning of the contract and does not change.
• A cost-reimbursable contract with a percentage fee pays the contractor for costs plus a percentage of the
costs, such as 5% of total allowable costs. The contractor is reimbursed for allowable costs and is paid a fee.
• A cost-reimbursable contract with an incentive fee is used to encourage performance in areas critical to
the project. Often the contract attempts to motivate contractors to save or reduce project costs. The use of
the cost reimbursable contract with an incentive fee is one way to motivate cost-reduction behaviors.
1 3 2 • P R O J E C T M A N A G E M E N T
• A cost-reimbursable contract with award fee reimburses the contractor for all allowable costs plus a fee
that is based on performance criteria. The fee is typically based on goals or objectives that are more subjec-
tive. An amount of money is set aside for the contractor to earn through excellent performance, and the
decision on how much to pay the contractor is left to the judgment of the project team. The amount is suffi-
cient to motivate excellent performance.
On small activities that have a high uncertainty, the contractor might charge an hourly rate for labor, plus the cost
of materials, plus a percentage of the total costs. This type of contract is called time and materials (T&M). Time
is usually contracted on an hourly rate basis and the contractor usually submits time sheets and receipts for items
purchased on the project. The project reimburses the contractor for the time spent based on the agreed-on rate and
the actual cost of the materials. The fee is typically a percentage of the total cost.
Figure 13.4: In a time-and-materials contract the profit to the contractor increases with increased effort, as does the costs to the client. Illustration from Barron & Barron Project Management for Scientists and Engineers,
T&M contracts are used on projects for work that is smaller in scope and has uncertainty or risk. The project,
rather than the contractor, assumes the risk. Since the contractor will most likely include contingency in the price
of other types of contracts to cover the high risk, T&M contracts provide lower total cost to the project.
Figure 13.5: Table of cost-reimbursable contracts Source:
To minimize the risk to the project, the contractor typically includes a not-to-exceed amount, which means the
contract can only charge up to the agreed amount. The T&M contract allows the project to make adjustments as
more information is available. The final cost of the work is not known until sufficient information is available to
complete a more accurate estimate.
1 3 . P R O C U R E M E N T M A N A G E M E N T • 1 3 3
Progress Payments and Change ManagementProgress Payments and Change Management
Vendors and suppliers usually require payments during the life of the contract. On contracts that last several
months, the contractor will incur significant cost and will want the project to pay for these costs as early as possi-
ble. Rather than wait until the end of the contract, a schedule of payments is typically developed as part of the con-
tract and is connected to the completion of a defined amount of work or project milestones. These payments made
before the end of the project and based on the progress of the work are called progress payments. For example,
the contract might develop a payment schedule that pays for the design of the curriculum, then the development
of the curriculum, and then a final payment is made when the curriculum is completed and accepted. In this case
there would be three payments made. There is a defined amount of work to be accomplished, a time frame for
accomplishing that work, and a quality standard the work must achieve before the contractor is paid for the work.
Just as the project has a scope of work that defines what is included in the project and what work is outside the
project, vendors and suppliers have a scope of work that defines what they will produce or supply to the company.
(Partners typically share the project scope of work and may not have a separate scope of work.) Often changes
occur on the project that require changes in the contractor’s scope of work. How these changes will be managed
during the life of the project is typically documented in the contract. Capturing these changes early, documenting
what changed and how the change impacted the contract, and developing a change order (a change to the contract)
are important to maintaining the progress of the project. Conflict among team members may arise when changes
are not documented or when the team cannot agree on the change. Developing and implementing an effective
change management process for contractors and key suppliers will minimize this conflict and the potential nega-
tive effect on the project.
Procurement ProcessProcurement Process
The project procurement cycle reflects the procurement activities from the decision to purchase the material or
service through to the payment of bills and closing of procurement contracts.
Procurement PlanProcurement Plan
After the decision has been made to purchase goods or outsource services, the procurement team develops a plan
that includes the following:
• Selecting the appropriate relationships and contract approaches for each type of purchased goods or out-
sourced service
• Preparing requests for quotes (RFQs) and requests for proposals (RFPs) and evaluating partnership opportu-
• Evaluating RFQs, RFPs, and partnerships
• Awarding and signing contracts
• Managing quality and timely performance
1 3 4 • P R O J E C T M A N A G E M E N T
• Managing contract changes
• Closing contracts
Depending on the complexity level of the project, each of these steps can take either hours or sometimes weeks
of work to complete. Each of these steps is also included in the project master schedule. The time involved in
the procurement cycle can influence the scheduling of critical activities, including the decision to self-perform
the work or contract the work to others. The delivery dates for equipment and materials and the work completion
dates for contracted works are placed on the project schedule. Any procurement activities that create a project
delay or fall on the project critical path may require special attention.
Selecting the Contract ApproachSelecting the Contract Approach
The technical teams typically develop a description of the work that will be outsourced. From this information,
the project management team answers the following questions:
• Is the required work or materials a commodity, customized product or service, or unique skill or relation-
• What type of relationship is needed: supplier, vendor, or partnership?
• How should the supplier, vendor, or potential partner be approached: RFQ, RFP, or personal contact?
• How well known is the scope of work?
• What are the risks and which party should assume which types of risk?
• Does the procurement of the service or goods affect activities on the project schedule’s critical path and
how much float is there on those activities?
• How important is it to be sure of the cost in advance?
The procurement team uses the answers to the first three questions listed above to determine the approach to
obtaining the goods or services and the remaining questions to determine what type of contract is most appropri-
A key factor in selecting the contract approach is determining which party will take the most risk. The team deter-
mines the level of risk that will be managed by the project and what risks will be transferred to the contractor.
Typically, the project management team wants to manage the project risk, but in some cases, contractors have
more expertise or control that enable them to better manage the risk associated with the contracted work.
Soliciting BidsSoliciting Bids
A solicitation is the process of requesting a price and supporting information from bidders. The solicitation usu-
ally takes the form of either an RFQ or an RFP. Partnerships are pursued and established differently on a case-by-
case basis by senior management.
Qualifying BiddersQualifying Bidders
Potential bidders are people or organizations capable of providing the materials or performing the work required
1 3 . P R O C U R E M E N T M A N A G E M E N T • 1 3 5
for the project. On smaller, less complex projects, the parent company typically has a list of suppliers and vendors
that have successfully provided goods and services in the past, and the project has access to the performance
record of companies on that list. On unique projects, where no supplier lists exist, the project team develops a
list of potential suppliers and then qualifies them to become eligible to bid on project work. Eligible bidders are
placed on the bidders list and provided with a schedule of when work on the project will be put out for bid.
The eligibility of a supplier is determined by the ability to perform the work in a way that meets project require-
ments and demonstrates financial stability. Ability to perform the work includes the ability to meet quality specifi-
cations and the project schedule. During times when economic activity is high in a region, many suppliers become
busy and stretch their resources. The project team investigates the potential suppliers, before they are included on
the bidder’s list, to ensure that they have the capacity and track record to meet deadlines.
The potential supplier must also be financially stable to be included on the bidders list. A credit check or a finan-
cial report from Dun and Bradstreet (D&B)—a well-known provider of financial information about individual
companies—will provide the project with information about the potential bidder’s financial status. D&B services
include the following:
• D&B proprietary rankings and predictive creditworthiness scores
• Public filings, including suits, liens, judgments, and UCC (uniform commercial code) filings—standardized
financial disclosure documents that conform to the uniform commercial code
• Company financial statements and history
Request for QuoteRequest for Quote
An RFQ focuses on price. The type of materials or service is well defined and can be obtained from several
sources. The bidder that can meet the project quality and schedule requirements usually wins the contract by quot-
ing the lowest price.
Request for ProposalRequest for Proposal
An RFP accounts for price but focuses on meeting the project quality or schedule requirements. The process of
developing a proposal in response to an RFP can be very expensive for the bidder, and the project team should not
issue an RFP to a company that is not eligible to win the bid.
Evaluating BidsEvaluating Bids
Evaluation of bids in response to RFQs for commodity items and services is heavily graded for price. In most
cases, the lowest total price will win the contract. The total price will include the costs of the goods or services,
any shipping or delivery costs, the value of any warranties, and any additional service that adds value to the pro-
The evaluation of bids based on RFPs is more complex. The evaluation of proposals includes the price and also an
evaluation of the technical approach chosen by the bidder. The project team evaluating the proposal must include
people with the expertise to understand the technical aspects of the various proposal options and the value of each
proposal to the project. On more complex projects, the administrative part of the proposal is evaluated and scored
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by one team, and the technical aspect of the proposal is evaluated by another team. The project team combines the
two scores to determine the best proposal for the project.
Awarding the ContractAwarding the Contract
After the project team has selected the bidder that provides the best value for the project, a project representative
validates all conditions of the bid and the contract with the potential contractor. Less complex awards, like con-
tracts for printed materials, require a reading and signing of the contract to ensure that the supplier understands
the contract terms and requirements of the project schedule. More complex projects require a detailed discussion
of the goals, the potential barriers to accomplishing those goals, the project schedule and critical dates, and the
processes for resolving conflicts and improving work processes.
Managing the ContractsManaging the Contracts
The contract type determines the level of effort and the skills needed to manage the contract. The manager of sup-
plier contracts develops detailed specifications and ensures compliance with these specifications. The manager of
vendor contracts ensures that the contractors bidding on the work have the skills and capacity to accomplish the
work according to the project schedule and tracks the vendor’s performance against the project needs, supplying
support and direction when needed. The manager of partnering arrangements develops alignment around common
goals and work processes. Each of these approaches requires different skills and various degrees of effort.
Items that take a long time to acquire—long-lead items—receive early attention by the project leadership. Exam-
ples of long-lead items are equipment that is designed and built specifically for the project, curriculum that is
created for training a new workforce, and a customized bioreactor for a biotech project. These items might require
weeks, months, or years to develop and complete. The project team identifies long-lead items early to begin the
procurement activities as soon as possible because those procured through the normal procurement cycle may
cause delays in the project.
After the contract is awarded, the project team tracks the performance of the contractor against performance cri-
teria in the contract and his or her contribution to the performance of the project. Usually, contractors deliver
the product or service that meets the quality expectations and supports the project schedule. Typically, there are
also one or two contractors that do not perform to project expectations. Some project managers will refer to the
contract and use it to attempt to persuade the contractor to improve performance or be penalized. Other project
managers will explore with the contractor creative ways to improve performance and meet project requirements.
The contract management allows for both approaches to deal with non`-performing contractors, and the project
team must assess what method is most likely to work in each situation.
Managing contractor performance on a project is as important to the overall project outcomes as the work per-
formed by the project team.
Logistics and ExpeditingLogistics and Expediting
Equipment and materials that are purchased for use on the project must be transported, inventoried, warehoused,
and often secured. This area of expertise is called logistics. The logistics for the project can be managed by the
project team or can be included in the RFP or RFQ. On international projects, materials may be imported, and
the procurement team manages the customs process. On smaller projects, the logistical function is often provided
1 3 . P R O C U R E M E N T M A N A G E M E N T • 1 3 7
by the parent company. On larger projects, these activities are typically contracted to companies that specialize in
logistical services. On larger, more complex projects, the procurement team will include logistical expertise.
The project work often depends on materials procured for the project. The delivery of these materials influences
the scheduling of the project, and often some materials are needed earlier than normal procurement practices
would deliver. On long-lead items, the project schedule is included in the contracting plans and contractors must
explain how they will support the project schedule.
On large, complex projects, critical items might be scheduled for delivery after they are needed on the project. The
procurement team then explores ideas with the contractor to expedite the manufacturing or transportation of the
equipment or materials. The contract can often place a priority on the fabrication of the equipment and delivery
of the equipment to meet the project schedule. The project logistics team can also explore ways of shortening the
transportation time. For example, a project in Argentina flew some critical equipment from Sweden rather than
transport the equipment by ship to save several weeks in transit. The logistics costs were higher, but the overall
value to the project was greater.
This chapter of Project Management is a derivative copy of Project Management for Instructional Designers by
Amado, M., Ashton, K., Ashton, S., Bostwick, J., Clements, G., Drysdale, J., Francis, J., Harrison, B., Nan, V.,
Nisse, A., Randall, D., Rino, J., Robinson, J., Snyder, A., Wiley, D., & Anonymous. (DATE). Project Management
for Instructional Designers. Retrieved from under Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported.
1 3 8 • P R O J E C T M A N A G E M E N T
14. Quality Planning
It’s not enough to make sure you get a project done on time and under budget. You need to be sure you make the
right product to suit your stakeholders’ needs. Quality means making sure that you build what you said you would
and that you do it as efficiently as you can. And that means trying not to make too many mistakes and always
keeping your project working toward the goal of creating the right product.
Everybody “knows” what quality is. But the way the word is used in everyday life is a little different from how
it is used in project management. Just like the triple constraint (scope, cost, and schedule), you manage quality
on a project by setting goals and taking measurements. That’s why you must understand the quality levels your
stakeholders believe are acceptable, and ensure that your project meets those targets, just like it needs to meet
their budget and schedule goals.
Customer satisfaction is about making sure that the people who are paying for the end product are happy with
what they get. When the team gathers requirements for the specification, they try to write down all of the things
that the customers want in the product so that you know how to make them happy. Some requirements can be left
unstated. Those are the ones that are implied by the customer’s explicit needs. For example, some requirements
are just common sense (e.g., a product that people hold can’t be made from toxic chemicals that may kill them).
It might not be stated, but it’s definitely a requirement.
“Fitness to use” is about making sure that the product you build has the best design possible to fit the customer’s
needs. Which would you choose: a product that’s beautifully designed, well constructed, solidly built, and all
around pleasant to look at but does not do what you need, or a product that does what you want despite being ugly
and hard to use? You’ll always choose the product that fits your needs, even if it’s seriously limited. That’s why
it’s important that the product both does what it is supposed to do and does it well. For example, you could pound
in a nail with a screwdriver, but a hammer is a better fit for the job.
Conformance to requirements is the core of both customer satisfaction and fitness to use, and is a measure of
how well your product does what you intend. Above all, your product needs to do what you wrote down in your
requirements document. Your requirements should take into account what will satisfy your customer and the best
design possible for the job. That means conforming to both stated and implied requirements.
In the end, your product’s quality is judged by whether you built what you said you would build.
Quality planning focuses on taking all of the information available to you at the beginning of the project and
figuring out how you will measure quality and prevent defects. Your company should have a quality policy that
states how it measures quality across the organization. You should make sure your project follows the company
policy and any government rules or regulations on how to plan quality for your project.
You need to plan which activities you will use to measure the quality of the project’s product. And you’ll need to
think about the cost of all the quality-related activities you want to do. Then you’ll need to set some guidelines
for what you will measure against. Finally, you’ll need to design the tests you will run when the product is ready
to be tested.
Quality and GradeQuality and Grade
According to the International Organization for Standardization (ISO), quality is “the degree to which a set of
inherent characteristics fulfill requirements.” The requirements of a product or process can be categorized or given
a grade that will provide a basis for comparison. The quality is determined by how well something meets the
requirements of its grade.
For most people, the term quality also implies good value—getting your money’s worth. For example, even low-
grade products should still work as expected, be safe to use, and last a reasonable amount of time. Consider the
following examples.
Example: Quality of Gasoline GradesExample: Quality of Gasoline Grades
Petroleum refiners provide gasoline in several different grades based on the octane rating because higher octane
ratings are suitable for higher compression engines. Gasoline must not be contaminated with dirt or water, and
the actual performance of the fuel must be close to its octane rating. A shipment of low-grade gasoline graded as
87 octane that is free of water or other contaminants would be of high quality, while a shipment of high-grade 93
octane gas that is contaminated with dirt would be of low quality.
Example: Quality of Furniture PackingExample: Quality of Furniture Packing
John has antique furniture in excellent condition that was left to him by his grandmother. The pieces are important
to John for sentimental reasons, and they are valuable. John decides to hire movers (high-grade professionals) to
load his furniture into the truck using appropriate padding and restraints to prevent dents and scratches during the
move. John’s standard for high quality is that no observable damage occurs to his large pieces of furniture, espe-
cially the antiques. If the furniture arrives in his new apartment without a single dent, scratch, or other damage,
the activity will be of high quality. John’s standard for packing his kitchen is lower. His dishes are old and cheap,
so he decides to trust his inexperienced friends (low-grade amateurs) to help him pack his kitchen. If a few of the
dishes or glassware are chipped or broken in the process, the savings in labor cost will more than make up for the
loss and will be a good value.
1 4 0 • P R O J E C T M A N A G E M E N T
Determining how well products meet grade requirements is done by taking measurements and then interpreting
those measurements. Statistics—the mathematical interpretation of numerical data—are useful when interpreting
large numbers of measurements and are used to determine how well the product meets a specification when the
same product is made repeatedly. Measurements made on samples of the product must be within control lim-
its—the upper and lower extremes of allowable variation—and it is up to management to design a process that
will consistently produce products between those limits.
Instructional designers often use statistics to determine the quality of their course designs. Student assessments
are one way in which instructional designers are able to tell whether learning occurs within the control limits.
Example: Setting Control LimitsExample: Setting Control Limits
A petroleum refinery produces large quantities of fuel in several grades. Samples of the fuels are extracted and
measured at regular intervals. If a fuel is supposed to have an 87 octane performance, samples of the fuel should
produce test results that are close to that value. Many of the samples will have scores that are different from 87.
The differences are due to random factors that are difficult or expensive to control. Most of the samples should be
close to the 87 rating and none of them should be too far off. The manufacturer has grades of 85 and 89, so they
decide that none of the samples of the 87 octane fuel should be less than 86 or higher than 88.
If a process is designed to produce a product of a certain size or other measured characteristic, it is impossible to
control all the small factors that can cause the product to differ slightly from the desired measurement. Some of
these factors will produce products that have measurements that are larger than desired and some will have the
opposite effect. If several random factors are affecting the process, they tend to offset each other, and the most
common results are near the middle of the range; this phenomenon is called the central limit theorem.
If the range of possible measurement values is divided equally into subdivisions called bins, the measurements
can be sorted, and the number of measurements that fall into each bin can be counted. The result is a frequency
distribution that shows how many measurements fall into each bin. If the effects that are causing the differences
are random and tend to offset each other, the frequency distribution is called a normal distribution, which resem-
bles the shape of a bell with edges that flare out. The edges of a theoretical normal distribution curve get very
close to zero but do not reach zero.
Example: Normal DistributionExample: Normal Distribution
A refinery’s quality control manager measures many samples of 87 octane gasoline, sorts the measurements by
their octane rating into bins that are 0.1 octane wide, and then counts the number of measurements in each bin.
Then she creates a frequency distribution chart of the data, as shown in Figure 14.1.
It is common to take samples—randomly selected subsets from the total population—and measure and compare
their qualities, since measuring the entire population would be cumbersome, if not impossible. If the sample mea-
surements are distributed equally above and below the center of the distribution as they are in Figure 14.1, the
average of those measurements is also the center value that is called the mean, and is represented in formulas by
the lowercase Greek letter µ (pronounced mu). The amount of difference of the measurements from the central
value is called the sample standard deviation or just the standard deviation.
1 4 . Q U A L I T Y P L A N N I N G • 1 4 1
The first step in calculating the standard deviation is subtracting each measurement from the central value (mean)
and then squaring that difference. (Recall from your mathematics courses that squaring a number is multiplying
it by itself and that the result is always positive.) The next step is to sum these squared values and divide by the
number of values minus one. The last step is to take the square root. The result can be thought of as an average
difference. (If you had used the usual method of taking an average, the positive and negative numbers would have
summed to zero.) Mathematicians represent the standard deviation with the lowercase Greek letter σ (pronounced
sigma). If all the elements of a group are measured, instead of just a sample, it is called the standard deviation of
the population and in the second step, the sum of the squared values is divided by the total number of values.
Figure 14.1 Normal Distribution of Measurements Source:
Figure 14.1 shows that the most common measurements of octane rating are close to 87 and that the other mea-
surements are distributed equally above and below 87. The shape of the distribution chart supports the central
limit theorem’s assumption that the factors that are affecting the octane rating are random and tend to offset each
other, which is indicated by the symmetric shape. This distribution is a classic example of a normal distribution.
The quality control manager notices that none of the measurements are above 88 or below 86 so they are within
control limits, and she concludes that the process is working satisfactorily.
Example:Example: Standard Deviation of Gasoline SamplesStandard Deviation of Gasoline Samples
The refinery’s quality control manager uses the standard deviation function in her spreadsheet program to find the
standard deviation of the sample measurements and finds that for her data, the standard deviation is 0.3 octane.
She marks the range on the frequency distribution chart to show the values that fall within one sigma (standard
deviation) on either side of the mean (Figure 14.2).
Figure 14.2 One Sigma Range Most of the measurements are within 0.3 octane of 87. Source:
For normal distributions, about 68.3% of the measurements fall within one standard deviation on either side of
the mean. This is a useful rule of thumb for analyzing some types of data. If the variation between measurements
is caused by random factors that result in a normal distribution, and someone tells you the mean and the standard
deviation, you know that a little over two-thirds of the measurements are within a standard deviation on either side
of the mean. Because of the shape of the curve, the number of measurements within two standard deviations is
95.4%, and the number of measurements within three standard deviations is 99.7%. For example, if someone said
the average (mean) height for adult men in the United States is 178 cm (70 inches) and the standard deviation is
about 8 cm (3 inches), you would know that 68% of the men in the United States are between 170 cm (67 inches)
1 4 2 • P R O J E C T M A N A G E M E N T
and 186 cm (73 inches) in height. You would also know that about 95% of the adult men in the United States were
between 162 cm (64 inches) and 194 cm (76 inches) tall, and that almost all of them (99.7%) are between 154 cm
(61 inches) and 202 cm (79 inches) tall. These figures are referred to as the 68-95-99.7 rule.
Example: Gasoline Within Three Standard DeviationsExample: Gasoline Within Three Standard Deviations
The refinery’s quality control manager marks the ranges included within two and three standard deviations, as
shown in Figure 14.3. Some products must have less variability than others to meet their purpose. For example,
if training designed to operate highly specialized and potentially dangerous machinery was assessed for quality,
most participants would be expected to exceed the acceptable pass rate. Three standard deviations from the con-
trol limits might be fine for some products but not for others. In general, if the mean is six standard deviations
from both control limits, the likelihood of a part exceeding the control limits from random variation is practically
zero (2 in 1,000,000,000).
Figure 14.3 The 68-95-99.7 Rule Source:
Example:Example: A Step Project Improves Quality of GasolineA Step Project Improves Quality of Gasoline
A new refinery process is installed that produces fuels with less variability. The refinery’s quality control manager
takes a new set of samples and charts a new frequency distribution diagram, as shown in Figure 14.4.The refin-
ery’s quality control manager calculates that the new standard deviation is 0.2 octane. From this, she can use the
68-95-99.7 rule to estimate that 68.3% of the fuel produced will be between 86.8 and 87.2 and that 99.7% will
be between 86.4 and 87.6 octane. A shorthand way of describing this amount of control is to say that it is a five-
sigma production system, which refers to the five standard deviations between the mean and the control limit on
each side.
Figure 14.4 Smaller Standard Deviation Source:
Quality planning toolsQuality planning tools
High quality is achieved by planning for it rather than by reacting to problems after they are identified. Standards
are chosen and processes are put in place to achieve those standards.
Measurement TerminologyMeasurement Terminology
During the execution phase of the project, services and products are sampled and measured to determine if the
1 4 . Q U A L I T Y P L A N N I N G • 1 4 3
quality is within control limits for the requirements and to analyze causes for variations. This evaluation is often
done by a separate quality control group, and knowledge of a few process measurement terms is necessary to
understand their reports. Several of these terms are similar, and it is valuable to know the distinction between
The quality plan specifies the control limits of the product or process; the size of the range between those limits
is the tolerance. Tolerances are often written as the mean value, plus or minus the tolerance. The plus and minus
signs are written together, ±.
Example: Tolerance in Gasoline ProductionExample: Tolerance in Gasoline Production
The petroleum refinery chose to set its control limits for 87 octane gasoline at 86 and 88 octane. The tolerance is
87 ± 1.
Tools are selected that can measure the samples closely enough to determine if the measurements are within con-
trol limits and if they are showing a trend. Each measurement tool has its own tolerances.
The choice of tolerance directly affects the cost of quality (COQ). In general, it costs more to produce and measure
products that have small tolerances. The costs associated with making products with small tolerances for variation
can be very high and not proportional to the gains. For example, if the cost of evaluating each screen as it is cre-
ated in an online tutorial is greater than delivering the product and fixing any issues after the fact, then the COQ
may be too high and the instructional designer will tolerate more defects in the design.
Defining and Meeting Client ExpectationsDefining and Meeting Client Expectations
Clients provide specifications for the project that must be met for the project to be successful. Recall that meeting
project specifications is one definition of project success. Clients often have expectations that are more difficult
to capture in a written specification. For example, one client will want to be invited to every meeting of the pro-
ject and will then select the ones that seem most relevant. Another client will want to be invited only to project
meetings that need client input. Inviting this client to every meeting will cause unnecessary frustration. Listening
to the client and developing an understanding of the expectations that are not easily captured in specifications is
important to meeting those expectations.
Project surveys can capture how the client perceives the project performance and provide the project team with
data that are useful in meeting client expectations. If the results of the surveys indicate that the client is not pleased
with some aspect of the project, the project team has the opportunity to explore the reasons for this perception
with the client and develop recovery plans. The survey can also help define what is going well and what needs
Sources of Planning InformationSources of Planning Information
Planning for quality is part of the initial planning process. The early scope, budget, and schedule estimates are
used to identify processes, services, or products where the expected grade and quality should be specified. Risk
analysis is used to determine which of the risks to the project could affect quality.
1 4 4 • P R O J E C T M A N A G E M E N T
Several different tools and techniques are available for planning and controlling the quality of a project. The extent
to which these tools are used is determined by the project complexity and the quality management program in use
by the client.
The following represents the quality planning tools available to the project manager.
Cost-benefit analysis is looking at how much your quality activities will cost versus how much you will gain
from doing them. The costs are easy to measure; the effort and resources it takes to do them are just like any other
task on your schedule. Since quality activities don’t actually produce a product, it is sometimes harder for people
to measure the benefit. The main benefits are less reworking, higher productivity and efficiency, and more satis-
faction from both the team and the customer.
Benchmarking means using the results of quality planning on other projects to set goals for your own. You might
find that the last project in your company had 20% fewer defects than the one before it. You should want to learn
from a project like that and put in practice any of the ideas they used to make such a great improvement. Bench-
marks can give you some reference points for judging your own project before you even start the work.
Design of experiments is the list of all the kinds of tests you are going to run on your product. It might list all
the kinds of test procedures you’ll do, the approaches you’ll take, and even the tests themselves. (In the software
world, this is called test planning.)
Cost of quality is what you get when you add up the cost of all the prevention and inspection activities you are
going to do on your project. It doesn’t just include the testing. It includes any time spent writing standards, review-
ing documents, meeting to analyze the root causes of defects, reworking to fix the defects once they’re found by
the team: in other words, absolutely everything you do to ensure quality on the project. Cost of quality can be
a good number to check to determine whether your project is doing well or having trouble. Say your company
tracks the cost of quality on all of its projects; then you could tell if you are spending more or less than has been
spent on other projects to get your project up to quality standards.
Control charts can be used to define acceptable limits. If some of the functions of a project are repetitive, sta-
tistical process controls can be used to identify trends and keep the processes within control limits. Part of the
planning for controlling the quality of repetitive processes is to determine what the control limits are and how the
process will be sampled.
Cause-and-effect diagrams can help in discovering problems. When control charts indicate an assignable cause
for a variation, it is not always easy to identify the cause of a problem. Discussions that are intended to discover
the cause can be facilitated using a cause-and-effect or fishbone diagram where participants are encouraged to
identify possible causes of a defect.
Example:Example: Diagramming Quality ProblemsDiagramming Quality Problems
A small manufacturing firm tries to identify the assignable causes to variations in its manufacturing line. They
assemble a team that identifies six possibilities, as shown in the fishbone diagram in Figure 14.5.
1 4 . Q U A L I T Y P L A N N I N G • 1 4 5
Figure 14.5 Cause-and-Effect (Fishbone) Diagram Source:
Each branch of the diagram can be expanded to break down a category into more specific items. An engineer and
an electrician work on one of the branches to consider possible causes of power fluctuation and add detail to their
part of the fishbone diagram, as shown in Figure 14.6.
Figure 14.6 Possible Causes of Power Fluctuation Source:
Check sheets, histograms, and Pareto charts are used to solve several quality problems. When a quality-control
issue occurs, a project manager must choose which problem to address first. One way to prioritize quality prob-
lems is to determine which ones occur most frequently. These data can be collected using a check sheet, which
is a basic form on which the user can make a check in the appropriate box each time a problem occurs or by
automating the data collection process using the appropriate technology. Once the data are collected, they can be
analyzed by creating a type of frequency distribution chart called a histogram. A true histogram is a column chart
where the widths of the columns fill the available space on the x-axis axis and are proportional to the category
values displayed on that axis, while the height of the columns is proportional to the frequency of occurrences.
Most histograms use one width of column to represent a category, while the vertical axis represents the frequency
of occurrences.
A variation on the histogram is a frequency distribution chart invented by economist Vilfredo Pareto known as a
Pareto chart, in which the columns are arranged in decreasing order with the most common on the left and a line
added that shows the cumulative total. The combination of columns and a line allows the user to tell at a glance
which problems are most frequent and what fraction of the total they represent.
Once you have your quality plan, you know your guidelines for managing quality on the project. Your strategies
for monitoring project quality should be included in the plan, as well as the reasons for all the steps you are taking.
It’s important that everyone on the team understand the rationale behind the metrics being used to judge success
or failure of the project.
Quality AssuranceQuality Assurance
The purpose of quality assurance is to create confidence that the quality plan and controls are working properly.
Time must be allocated to review the original quality plan and compare that plan to how quality is being ensured
during the implementation of the project.
1 4 6 • P R O J E C T M A N A G E M E N T
Process AnalysisProcess Analysis
The flowcharts of quality processes are compared to the processes followed during actual operations. If the plan
was not followed, the process is analyzed and corrective action taken. The corrective action could be to educate
the people involved on how to follow the quality plan, or it could be to revise the plan.
The experiments that sample products and processes and collect data are examined to see if they are following
statistically valid sampling techniques and that the measurement methods have small enough tolerances to detect
variation within control limits.
Because projects are temporary, there are fewer opportunities to learn and improve within a project, especially if
it has a short duration. But even in short projects, the quality manager should have a way to learn from experience
and change the process for the next project of a similar complexity profile.
Example:Example: Analyzing Quality Processes in Safety TrainingAnalyzing Quality Processes in Safety Training
A technical college responsible for training employees in safe plant practices evaluates its instructor selection
process at the end of the training to see if it had the best criteria for selection. For example, it required the instruc-
tors to have master’s degrees in manufacturing to qualify as college instructors. The college used an exit survey of
the students to ask what they thought would improve the instruction of future classes on this topic. Some students
felt that it would be more important to require that the instructors have more years of training experience, while
others recommended that instructors seek certification at a training center. The college considered these sugges-
tions and decided to retain its requirement of a master’s degree but add a requirement that instructors be certified
in plant safety.
The purpose of quality assurance is to build confidence in the client that quality standards and procedures are
being followed. This is done by an internal review of the plan, testing, and revisions policies or by an audit of the
same items performed by an external group or agency.
This chapter of Project Management is a derivative copy of Project Management for Instructional Designers by
Amado, M., Ashton, K., Ashton, S., Bostwick, J., Clements, G., Drysdale, J., Francis, J., Harrison, B., Nan, V.,
Nisse, A., Randall, D., Rino, J., Robinson, J., Snyder, A., Wiley, D., & Anonymous. (DATE). Project Management
for Instructional Designers. Retrieved from under Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported.
1 4 . Q U A L I T Y P L A N N I N G • 1 4 7
15. Communication Planning
Communications management is about keeping everybody in the loop. The communications planning process
concerns defining the types of information you will deliver, who will receive it, the format for communicating it,
and the timing of its release and distribution. It turns out that 90% of a project manager’s job is spent on commu-
nication so it’s important to make sure everybody gets the right message at the right time.
The first step in defining your communication plan is figuring out what kind of communication your stakeholders
need from the project so they can make good decisions. This is called the communications requirements analysis.
Your project will produce a lot of information; you don’t want to overwhelm your stakeholders with all of it. Your
job is to figure out what they feel is valuable. Communicating valuable information doesn’t mean you always
paint a rosy picture. Communications to stakeholders may consist of either good news or bad news. The point is
that you don’t want to bury stakeholders in too much information but you do want to give them enough so that
they’re informed and can make appropriate decisions.
Communications technology has a major impact on how you keep people in the loop. Methods of communicating
can take many forms, such as written reports, conversations, email, formal status reports, meetings, online data-
bases, online schedules, and project websites. You should consider several factors before deciding what methods
you’ll choose to transfer information. The timing of the information exchange or need for updates is the first fac-
tor. Do you need to procure new technology or systems, or are there systems already in place that will work?
The technologies available to you should figure into your plan of how you will keep everyone notified of pro-
ject status and issues. Staff experience with the technology is another factor. Are there project team members and
stakeholders experienced at using this technology, or will you need to train them? Finally, consider the duration
of the project and the project environment. Will the technology you’re choosing work throughout the life of the
project or will it have to be upgraded or updated at some point? And how does the project team function? Are
they located together or spread out across several campuses or locations?
The answers to these questions should be documented in the communication plan.
All projects require a sound communication plan, but not all projects will have the same types of communication
or the same methods for distributing the information. The communication plan documents the types of information
needs the stakeholders have, when the information should be distributed, and how the information will be deliv-
The types of information you will communicate typically include project status, project scope statements and
updates, project baseline information, risks, action items, performance measures, project acceptance, and so on.
It’s important that the information needs of the stakeholders be determined as early in the planning phase of the
project management life cycle as possible so that as you and your team develop project planning documents, you
already know who should receive copies of them and how they should be delivered.
Types of CommunicationTypes of Communication
Completing a complex project successfully requires good communication among team members. If those team
members work in the same building, they can arrange regular meetings, simply stop by each other’s office space to
get a quick answer, or even discuss a project informally at other office functions. Many projects are performed by
teams that interact primarily through electronic communication and are, therefore, called virtual teams. To avoid
miscommunication that can harm trust and to include team members in a project culture, the project team needs
a plan for communicating reliably and in a timely manner. This planning begins with understanding two major
categories of communication.
Synchronous CommunicationsSynchronous Communications
If all the parties to the communication are taking part in the exchange at the same time, the communication is
synchronous. A telephone or Skype conference call is an example of synchronous communication. The following
are examples of synchronous communications:
• Live meeting: Gathering of team members at the same location
• Conference call: A telephone call in which several people participate
• Audio conference: Like a conference call, but conducted online using software like Skype
• Computer-assisted conference: Audio conference with a connection between computers that can display a
document or spreadsheet that can be edited by both parties
• Video conference: Similar to an audio conference but with live video of the participants. Some laptop com-
puters have built-in cameras to facilitate video conferencing
• IM (instant messaging): Exchange of text or voice messages using pop-up windows on the participants’
computer screens
• Texting: Exchange of text messages between mobile phones, pagers, or personal digital assistants
(PDAs)—devices that hold a calendar, a contact list, a task list, and other support programs
Modern communication technologies make it possible to assemble project teams from anywhere in the world.
Most people work during daylight hours, which can make synchronous meetings difficult if the participants are in
different time zones. However, it can be an advantage in some circumstances; for example, if something must be
done by the start of business tomorrow, team members in Asia can work on the problem during their normal work
hours while team members in North America get some sleep.
1 5 . C O M M U N I C A T I O N P L A N N I N G • 1 4 9
Remember Time ZonesRemember Time Zones
It is important to remember time zones and calculate the difference between yours and your associates’ zones
correctly so as not to miss important meetings or deadlines. Cities and countries to the north or south of each
other all observe the same local time. Be aware that many well-educated people in the United States and Canada
think of South America as directly south of North America. As you can see, South American countries can
be up to five time zones east of North America. A helpful site to convert local time to another time zone is
Figure 15.1: World Time Zones. Standard time zones of the world by TimeZonesBoy ( File:Standard_time_zones_of_the_world.png) under the Public Domain
Time zones are calculated in reference to the time zone of the Royal Observatory in Greenwich, England. The
time at that location is Greenwich Mean Time (GMT). More recent references designate it as Coordinated Univer-
sal Time (UTC) instead of GMT. The time zones advance from Greenwich in an easterly direction (Figure 15.1).
However, at the international dateline (about the midpoint around the world from Greenwich), you subtract the
time zone from GMT. To prevent confusion between a.m. and p.m., times are often given using a 24-hour clock.
For example, midnight is indicated as 00:00, noon is 12:00 and 1 p.m. is 13:00.
Example: Conference Call between Toronto and ParisExample: Conference Call between Toronto and Paris
A project manager for a software development project in Toronto is five time zones west of the reference zone,
so the time is given as UTC–5 (or GMT–5). If it is noon in the reference zone, it is 7 a.m. (five hours earlier) in
Toronto. The manager would like to contact a project team member in Paris, France. Paris is one time zone east
of the reference zone (UTC+1 or GMT+1). If it is noon (12:00) in the reference zone, it is 1 p.m. (13:00) in Paris.
This means that there is a six-hour difference between Toronto and Paris. If the project manager waits until after
lunch to place the call (1 p.m. in Toronto), it will be too late in the day in Paris (7 p.m.) to reach someone.
Asynchronous CommunicationsAsynchronous Communications
Getting a team together at the same time can be a challenge—especially if they are spread out across time zones.
Many types of communication do not require that the parties are present at the same time. This type of communi-
cation is asynchronous. There are several choices of asynchronous communications.
Mail and Package DeliveryMail and Package Delivery
Many companies prefer that final contracts are personally signed by an authorized representative of each party
to the agreement. If several signatures are required, this can take weeks to get all the signatures if the contracts
are transferred by a postal service. If this process is holding up the start of the project, you can use an overnight
delivery service to minimize the time spent transferring the documents.
1 5 0 • P R O J E C T M A N A G E M E N T
Fax machines have been around a long time and enjoy a high level of trust for transmitting documents accurately.
Although it might seem archaic to still use fax transmissions, in many countries a fax of a signed contract is legal,
but a computer-scanned image is not.
Electronic mail (email) is widely used to coordinate projects and to communicate between team members. It has
several valuable characteristics for project management:
• Information can be sent to a list of team members.
• Messages can be saved to document the process in case of a misunderstanding or miscommunication.
• Files can be attached and distributed.
Project BlogProject Blog
A blog is an online journal that can be private, shared by invitation, or made available to the world. Some project
managers keep a journal in which they summarize the day’s challenges and triumphs and the decisions they made.
They return to this journal at a later date to review their decision-making process after the results of those deci-
sions are known to see if they can learn from their mistakes. Many decisions in project management are made with
incomplete knowledge, and reflecting on previous decisions to develop this decision-making skill is important to
growth as a project manager.
Really Simple Syndication (RSS)Really Simple Syndication (RSS)
Some projects are directly affected by external factors such as political elections, economic trends, corporate
mergers, technological or scientific breakthroughs, or weather. To keep informed about these factors, you can sub-
scribe to online news sources. A technology that facilitates this process is Really Simple Syndication (RSS). Web
pages with RSS news feeds have labeled links.
If the user clicks on the RSS feed, news from the website is automatically sent to the user’s news reader, such as
Google Reader. The news reader can be set to filter the news for key words to limit the stories to those that are
relevant to the project.
Assessing New Communication TechnologiesAssessing New Communication Technologies
New technologies for communicating electronically appear with increasing frequency. Using a new technology
that is unfamiliar to the team increases the technology complexity, which can cause delays and increase costs. To
decide if a new technology should be included in a communications plan, seek answers to the following questions
(Business Dictionary):
• Does the new communication technology provide a competitive advantage for the project by reducing cost,
saving time, or preventing mistakes?
• Does the project team have the expertise to learn the new technology quickly?
1 5 . C O M M U N I C A T I O N P L A N N I N G • 1 5 1
• Does the company offer support such as a help desk and equipment service for new communication tech-
• What is the cost of training and implementation in terms of time as well as money
Communication Plan TemplateCommunication Plan Template
So how do you create a communication plan?
1. Identify your stakeholders (to whom)
2. Identify stakeholder expectations (why)
3. Identify communication necessary to satisfy stakeholder expectations and keep them informed (what)
4. Identify time-frame and/or frequency of communication messages (when)
5. Identify how the message will be communicated (the stakeholder’s preferred method) (how)
6. Identify who will communication each message (who)
7. Document items – templates, formats, or documents the project must use for communicating.
Figure 15.2 shows a communication plan template.
Figure 15.2 Communications Plan Template ( used under CC-BY-SA license ( by-sa/3.0/)
This chapter of Project Management is a derivative copy of Project Management for Instructional Designers by
Amado, M., Ashton, K., Ashton, S., Bostwick, J., Clements, G., Drysdale, J., Francis, J., Harrison, B., Nan, V.,
Nisse, A., Randall, D., Rino, J., Robinson, J., Snyder, A., Wiley, D., & Anonymous. (DATE). Project Manage-
ment for Instructional Designers. Retrieved from licensed under Creative Commons Attribu-
tion 3.0 Unported and Communication Plans by Inte6160 Wiki licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 3.0
1 5 2 • P R O J E C T M A N A G E M E N T
16. Risk Management Planning
Even the most carefully planned project can run into trouble. No matter how well you plan, your project can
always encounter unexpected problems. Team members get sick or quit, resources that you were depending on
turn out to be unavailable, even the weather can throw you for a loop (e.g., a snowstorm). So does that mean
that you’re helpless against unknown problems? No! You can use risk planning to identify potential problems that
could cause trouble for your project, analyze how likely they are to occur, take action to prevent the risks you can
avoid, and minimize the ones that you can’t.
A risk is any uncertain event or condition that might affect your project. Not all risks are negative. Some events
(like finding an easier way to do an activity) or conditions (like lower prices for certain materials) can help your
project. When this happens, we call it an opportunity; but it’s still handled just like a risk.
There are no guarantees on any project. Even the simplest activity can turn into unexpected problems. Anything
that might occur to change the outcome of a project activity, we call that a risk. A risk can be an event (like a
snowstorm) or it can be a condition (like an important part being unavailable). Either way, it’s something that
may or may not happen …but if it does, then it will force you to change the way you and your team work on the
If your project requires that you stand on the edge of a cliff, then there’s a risk that you could fall. If it’s very
windy out or if the ground is slippery and uneven, then falling is more likely (Figure 16.1).
Figure 16.1 Risk Management Options Illustration from Barron & Barron Project Management for Scientists and Engineers,
When you’re planning your project, risks are still uncertain: they haven’t happened yet. But eventually, some of
the risks that you plan for do happen, and that’s when you have to deal with them. There are four basic ways to
handle a risk.
1. Avoid: The best thing you can do with a risk is avoid it. If you can prevent it from happening, it defi-
nitely won’t hurt your project. The easiest way to avoid this risk is to walk away from the cliff, but that may
not be an option on this project.
2. Mitigate: If you can’t avoid the risk, you can mitigate it. This means taking some sort of action that will
cause it to do as little damage to your project as possible.
3. Transfer: One effective way to deal with a risk is to pay someone else to accept it for you. The most com-
mon way to do this is to buy insurance.
4. Accept: When you can’t avoid, mitigate, or transfer a risk, then you have to accept it. But even when you
accept a risk, at least you’ve looked at the alternatives and you know what will happen if it occurs. If you
can’t avoid the risk, and there’s nothing you can do to reduce its impact, then accepting it is your only
By the time a risk actually occurs on your project, it’s too late to do anything about it. That’s why you need to
plan for risks from the beginning and keep coming back to do more planning throughout the project.
The risk management plan tells you how you’re going to handle risk in your project. It documents how you’ll
assess risk, who is responsible for doing it, and how often you’ll do risk planning (since you’ll have to meet about
risk planning with your team throughout the project).
Some risks are technical, like a component that might turn out to be difficult to use. Others are external, like
changes in the market or even problems with the weather.
It’s important to come up with guidelines to help you figure out how big a risk’s potential impact could be. The
impact tells you how much damage the risk would cause to your project. Many projects classify impact on a scale
from minimal to severe, or from very low to very high. Your risk management plan should give you a scale to
help figure out the probability of the risk. Some risks are very likely; others aren’t.
Risk Management ProcessRisk Management Process
Managing risks on projects is a process that includes risk assessment and a mitigation strategy for those risks. Risk
assessment includes both the identification of potential risk and the evaluation of the potential impact of the risk.
A risk mitigation plan is designed to eliminate or minimize the impact of the risk events—occurrences that have
a negative impact on the project. Identifying risk is both a creative and a disciplined process. The creative process
includes brainstorming sessions where the team is asked to create a list of everything that could go wrong. All
ideas are welcome at this stage with the evaluation of the ideas coming later.
Risk IdentificationRisk Identification
A more disciplined process involves using checklists of potential risks and evaluating the likelihood that those
events might happen on the project. Some companies and industries develop risk checklists based on experience
from past projects. These checklists can be helpful to the project manager and project team in identifying both spe-
cific risks on the checklist and expanding the thinking of the team. The past experience of the project team, project
experience within the company, and experts in the industry can be valuable resources for identifying potential risk
on a project.
1 5 4 • P R O J E C T M A N A G E M E N T
Identifying the sources of risk by category is another method for exploring potential risk on a project. Some exam-
ples of categories for potential risks include the following:
• Technical
• Cost
• Schedule
• Client
• Contractual
• Weather
• Financial
• Political
• Environmental
• People
You can use the same framework as the work breakdown structure (WBS) for developing a risk breakdown
structure (RBS). A risk breakdown structure organizes the risks that have been identified into categories using
a table with increasing levels of detail to the right. The people category can be subdivided into different types of
risks associated with the people. Examples of people risks include the risk of not finding people with the skills
needed to execute the project or the sudden unavailability of key people on the project.
Example: Risks in John’s MoveExample: Risks in John’s Move
In John’s move, John makes a list of things that might go wrong with his project and uses his work breakdown
structure as a guide. A partial list for the planning portion of the RBS is shown in Figure 16.2.
Figure 16.2 Risk Breakdown Structure (RBS) Source:
The result is a clearer understanding of where risks are most concentrated. This approach helps the project team
identify known risks, but can be restrictive and less creative in identifying unknown risks and risks not easily
found inside the WBS.
Risk EvaluationRisk Evaluation
After the potential risks have been identified, the project team then evaluates each risk based on the probability
that a risk event will occur and the potential loss associated with it. Not all risks are equal. Some risk events are
more likely to happen than others, and the cost of a risk can vary greatly. Evaluating the risk for probability of
occurrence and the severity or the potential loss to the project is the next step in the risk management process.
1 6 . R I S K M A N A G E M E N T P L A N N I N G • 1 5 5
Having criteria to determine high-impact risks can help narrow the focus on a few critical risks that require miti-
gation. For example, suppose high-impact risks are those that could increase the project costs by 5% of the con-
ceptual budget or 2% of the detailed budget. Only a few potential risk events meet these criteria. These are the
critical few potential risk events that the project management team should focus on when developing a project risk
mitigation or management plan. Risk evaluation is about developing an understanding of which potential risks
have the greatest possibility of occurring and can have the greatest negative impact on the project (Figure 16.3).
These become the critical few.
Figure 16.3 Risk and Impact Source:
There is a positive correlation—both increase or decrease together—between project risk and project complexity.
A project with new and emerging technology will have a high-complexity rating and a correspondingly high risk.
The project management team will assign the appropriate resources to the technology managers to ensure the
accomplishment of project goals. The more complex the technology, the more resources the technology manager
typically needs to meet project goals, and each of those resources could face unexpected problems.
Risk evaluation often occurs in a workshop setting. Building on the identification of the risks, each risk event is
analyzed to determine the likelihood of occurrence and the potential cost if it did occur. The likelihood and impact
are both rated as high, medium, or low. A risk mitigation plan addresses the items that have high ratings on both
factors—likelihood and impact.
Example: Risk Analysis of Equipment DeliveryExample: Risk Analysis of Equipment Delivery
A project team analyzed the risk of some important equipment not arriving at the project on time. The team iden-
tified three pieces of equipment that were critical to the project and would significantly increase costs if they were
late in arriving. One of the vendors, who was selected to deliver an important piece of equipment, had a history
of being late on other projects. The vendor was good and often took on more work than it could deliver on time.
This risk event (the identified equipment arriving late) was rated as high likelihood with a high impact. The other
two pieces of equipment were potentially a high impact on the project but with a low probability of occurring.
Not all project managers conduct a formal risk assessment on a project. One reason, as found by David Parker
and Alison Mobey in their phenomenological study of project managers, was a low understanding of the tools
and benefits of a structured analysis of project risks (2004). The lack of formal risk management tools was also
seen as a barrier to implementing a risk management program. Additionally, the project manager’s personality
and management style play into risk preparation levels. Some project managers are more proactive and develop
elaborate risk management programs for their projects. Other managers are reactive and are more confident in
their ability to handle unexpected events when they occur. Yet others are risk averse, and prefer to be optimistic
and not consider risks or avoid taking risks whenever possible.
On projects with a low-complexity profile, the project manager may informally track items that may be considered
1 5 6 • P R O J E C T M A N A G E M E N T
risk items. On more complex projects, the project management team may develop a list of items perceived to be
higher risk and track them during project reviews. On projects of even greater complexity, the process for eval-
uating risk is more formal with a risk assessment meeting or series of meetings during the life of the project to
assess risks at different phases of the project. On highly complex projects, an outside expert may be included in
the risk assessment process, and the risk assessment plan may take a more prominent place in the project imple-
mentation plan.
On complex projects, statistical models are sometimes used to evaluate risk because there are too many different
possible combinations of risks to calculate them one at a time. One example of the statistical model used on pro-
jects is the Monte Carlo simulation, which simulates a possible range of outcomes by trying many different com-
binations of risks based on their likelihood. The output from a Monte Carlo simulation provides the project team
with the probability of an event occurring within a range and for combinations of events. For example, the typical
output from a Monte Carlo simulation may indicate a 10% chance that one of the three important pieces of equip-
ment will be late and that the weather will also be unusually bad after the equipment arrives.
Risk MitigationRisk Mitigation
After the risk has been identified and evaluated, the project team develops a risk mitigation plan, which is a plan
to reduce the impact of an unexpected event. The project team mitigates risks in various ways:
• Risk avoidance
• Risk sharing
• Risk reduction
• Risk transfer
Each of these mitigation techniques can be an effective tool in reducing individual risks and the risk profile of
the project. The risk mitigation plan captures the risk mitigation approach for each identified risk event and the
actions the project management team will take to reduce or eliminate the risk.
Risk avoidance usually involves developing an alternative strategy that has a higher probability of success but
usually at a higher cost associated with accomplishing a project task. A common risk avoidance technique is to use
proven and existing technologies rather than adopt new techniques, even though the new techniques may show
promise of better performance or lower costs. A project team may choose a vendor with a proven track record
over a new vendor that is providing significant price incentives to avoid the risk of working with a new vendor.
The project team that requires drug testing for team members is practicing risk avoidance by avoiding damage
done by someone under the influence of drugs.
Risk sharing involves partnering with others to share responsibility for the risky activities. Many organizations
that work on international projects will reduce political, legal, labor, and others risk types associated with inter-
national projects by developing a joint venture with a company located in that country. Partnering with another
company to share the risk associated with a portion of the project is advantageous when the other company has
expertise and experience the project team does not have. If a risk event does occur, then the partnering company
absorbs some or all of the negative impact of the event. The company will also derive some of the profit or benefit
gained by a successful project.
1 6 . R I S K M A N A G E M E N T P L A N N I N G • 1 5 7
Risk reduction is an investment of funds to reduce the risk on a project. On international projects, companies
will often purchase the guarantee of a currency rate to reduce the risk associated with fluctuations in the currency
exchange rate. A project manager may hire an expert to review the technical plans or the cost estimate on a project
to increase the confidence in that plan and reduce the project risk. Assigning highly skilled project personnel to
manage the high-risk activities is another risk-reduction method. Experts managing a high-risk activity can often
predict problems and find solutions that prevent the activities from having a negative impact on the project. Some
companies reduce risk by forbidding key executives or technology experts to ride on the same airplane.
Risk transfer is a risk reduction method that shifts the risk from the project to another party. The purchase of
insurance on certain items is a risk-transfer method. The risk is transferred from the project to the insurance com-
pany. A construction project in the Caribbean may purchase hurricane insurance that would cover the cost of a
hurricane damaging the construction site. The purchase of insurance is usually in areas outside the control of the
project team. Weather, political unrest, and labor strikes are examples of events that can significantly impact the
project and that are outside the control of the project team.
Contingency PlanContingency Plan
The project risk plan balances the investment of the mitigation against the benefit for the project. The project team
often develops an alternative method for accomplishing a project goal when a risk event has been identified that
may frustrate the accomplishment of that goal. These plans are called contingency plans. The risk of a truck dri-
vers’ strike may be mitigated with a contingency plan that uses a train to transport the needed equipment for the
project. If a critical piece of equipment is late, the impact on the schedule can be mitigated by making changes to
the schedule to accommodate a late equipment delivery.
Contingency funds are funds set aside by the project team to address unforeseen events that cause the project costs
to increase. Projects with a high-risk profile will typically have a large contingency budget. Although the amount
of contingency allocated in the project budget is a function of the risks identified in the risk analysis process, con-
tingency is typically managed as one line item in the project budget.
Some project managers allocate the contingency budget to the items in the budget that have high risk rather than
developing one line item in the budget for contingencies. This approach allows the project team to track the use
of contingency against the risk plan. This approach also allocates the responsibility to manage the risk budget to
the managers responsible for those line items. The availability of contingency funds in the line item budget may
also increase the use of contingency funds to solve problems rather than finding alternative, less costly solutions.
Most project managers, especially on more complex projects, manage contingency funds at the project level, with
approval of the project manager required before contingency funds can be used.
Project Risk by PhasesProject Risk by Phases
Project risk is dealt with in different ways depending on the phase of the project.
Risk is associated with things that are unknown. More things are unknown at the beginning of a project, but risk
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must be considered in the initiation phase and weighed against the potential benefit of the project’s success in
order to decide if the project should be chosen.
Example: Risks by Phase in John’s MoveExample: Risks by Phase in John’s Move
In the initiation phase of his move, John considers the risk of events that could affect the whole project. Lets
assume that John’s move is not just about changing jobs, but also a change of cities. This would certainly incur
more risks for the project. He identifies the following risks during the initiation phase that might have a high
impact and rates the likelihood of their happening from low to high.
1. His new employer might change his mind and take back the job offer after he’s given notice at his old
job: Low.
2. The current tenants of his apartment might not move out in time for him to move in by the first day of
work at the new job: Medium.
3. The movers might lose his furniture: Low.
4. The movers might be more than a week late delivering his furniture: Medium.
5. He might get in an accident driving from Chicago to Atlanta and miss starting his job: Low.
John considers how to mitigate each of the risks.
1. During his job hunt, John had more than one offer, and he is confident that he could get another job, but
he might lose deposit money on the apartment and the mover. He would also lose wages during the time it
took to find the other job. To mitigate the risk of his new employer changing his mind, John makes sure that
he keeps his relationships with his alternate employers cordial and writes to each of them thanking for their
consideration in his recent interviews.
2. John checks the market in Atlanta to determine the weekly cost and availability of extended-stay motels.
3. John checks the mover’s contract to confirm that they carry insurance against lost items, but they require
the owner to provide a detailed list with value estimates and they limit the maximum total value. John
decides to go through his apartment with his digital camera and take pictures of all of his possessions that
will be shipped by truck and to keep the camera with him during the move so he has a visual record and
won’t have to rely on his memory to make a list. He seals and numbers the boxes so he can tell if a box is
4. If the movers are late, John can use his research on extended-stay motels to calculate how much it would
cost. He checks the moving company’s contract to see if they compensate the owner for late delivery, and
he finds that they do not.
5. John checks the estimated driving time from Chicago to Atlanta using an Internet mapping service and
gets an estimate of 11 hours of driving time. He decides that it would be too risky to attempt to make the
drive by himself in one day, especially if he didn’t leave until after the truck was packed. John plans to
spend one night on the road in a motel to reduce the risk of an accident caused by driving while too tired.
John concludes that the medium-risks can be mitigated and the costs from the mitigation would be acceptable in
order to get a new job.
1 6 . R I S K M A N A G E M E N T P L A N N I N G • 1 5 9
Planning PhasePlanning Phase
Once the project is approved and it moves into the planning stage, risks are identified with each major group of
activities. A risk breakdown structure (RBS) can be used to identify increasing levels of detailed risk analysis.
Example: Risk Breakdown Structure for John’s MoveExample: Risk Breakdown Structure for John’s Move
Figure 16.4 Risk Breakdown Structure (RBS) for Packing John’s Apartment Source:
John decides to ask Dion and Carlita for their help during their first planning meeting to identify risks, rate their
impact and likelihood, and suggest mitigation plans. They concentrate on the packing phase of the move. They
fill out a table of risks, as shown in Figure 16.4.
ImplementationImplementation PhasePhase
As the project progresses and more information becomes available to the project team, the total risk on the project
typically reduces, as activities are performed without loss. The risk plan needs to be updated with new information
and risks checked off that are related to activities that have been performed.
Understanding where the risks occur on the project is important information for managing the contingency budget
and managing cash reserves. Most organizations develop a plan for financing the project from existing organiza-
tional resources, including financing the project through a variety of financial instruments. In most cases, there is
a cost to the organization to keep these funds available to the project, including the contingency budget. As the
risks decrease over the length of the project, if the contingency is not used, then the funds set aside by the organi-
zation can be used for other purposes.
To determine the amount of contingency that can be released, the project team will conduct another risk evaluation
and determine the amount of risk remaining on the project. If the risk profile is lower, the project team may release
contingency funds back to the parent organization. If additional risks are uncovered, a new mitigation plan is
developed including the possible addition of contingency funds.
Closeout PhaseCloseout Phase
During the closeout phase, agreements for risk sharing and risk transfer need to be concluded and the risk break-
down structure examined to be sure all the risk events have been avoided or mitigated. The final estimate of loss
due to risk can be made and recorded as part of the project documentation. If a Monte Carlo simulation was done,
the result can be compared to the predicted result.
1 6 0 • P R O J E C T M A N A G E M E N T
Example: Risk Closeout on John’s MoveExample: Risk Closeout on John’s Move
To close out the risk mitigation plan for his move, John examines the risk breakdown structure and risk mitigation
plan for items that need to be finalized. He makes a checklist to be sure all the risk mitigation plans are completed,
as shown in Figure 16.5. Risk is not allocated evenly over the life of the project. On projects with a high degree
of new technology, the majority of the risks may be in the early phases of the project. On projects with a large
equipment budget, the largest amount of risk may be during the procurement of the equipment. On global projects
with a large amount of political risk, the highest portion of risk may be toward the end of the project.
Figure 16.5 Closeout of Risk Mitigation Plan for John’s Move Source:
Parker, D., & Mobey, A. (2004). Action Research to Explore Perceptions of Risk in Project Management. Inter-
national Journal of Productivity and Performance Management 53(1), 18–32.
This chapter of Project Management is a derivative copy of Project Management for Instructional Designers by
Amado, M., Ashton, K., Ashton, S., Bostwick, J., Clements, G., Drysdale, J., Francis, J., Harrison, B., Nan, V.,
Nisse, A., Randall, D., Rino, J., Robinson, J., Snyder, A., Wiley, D., & Anonymous. (DATE). Project Management
for Instructional Designers. Retrieved from licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 3.0
1 6 . R I S K M A N A G E M E N T P L A N N I N G • 1 6 1
17. Project Implementation Overview
After you have carefully planned your project, you will be ready to start the project implementation phase, the
third phase of the project management life cycle. The implementation phase involves putting the project plan into
action. It’s here that the project manager will coordinate and direct project resources to meet the objectives of the
project plan. As the project unfolds, it’s the project manager’s job to direct and manage each activity, every step
of the way. That’s what happens in the implementation phase of the project life cycle: you follow the plan you’ve
put together and handle any problems that come up.
The implementation phase is where you and your project team actually do the project work to produce the deliver-
ables. The word “deliverable” means anything your project delivers. The deliverables for your project include all
of the products or services that you and your team are performing for the client, customer, or sponsor, including
all the project management documents that you put together.
The steps undertaken to build each deliverable will vary depending on the type of project you are undertaking, and
cannot therefore be described here in any real detail. For instance engineering and telecommunications projects
will focus on using equipment, resources, and materials to construct each project deliverable, whereas computer
software projects may require the development and implementation of software code routines to produce each
project deliverable. The activities required to build each deliverable will be clearly specified within the project
requirements document and project plan.
Your job as project manager is to direct the work, but you need to do more than deliver the results. You also need
to keep track of how well your team performs. The implementation phase keeps the project plan on track with
careful monitoring and control processes to ensure the final deliverable meets the acceptance criteria set by the
customer. This phase is typically where approved changes are implemented.
Most often, changes are identified by looking at performance and quality control data. Routine performance and
quality control measurements should be evaluated on a regular basis throughout the implementation phase. Gath-
ering reports on those measurements will help you determine where the problem is and recommend changes to fix
Change ControlChange Control
When you find a problem, you can’t just make a change, because it may be too expensive or take too long to do.
You will need to look at how it affects the triple constraint (time, cost, scope) and how it impacts project quality.
You will then have to figure out if it is worth making the change. If you evaluate the impact of the change and find
that it won’t have an impact on the project triple constraint, then you can make the change without going through
change control. Change control is a set of procedures that lets you make changes in an organized way.
Any time you need to make a change to your plan, you must start with a change request. This is a document that
either you or the person making the request must complete. Any change to your project must be documented so
you can figure out what needs to be done, by when, and by whom.
Once the change request is documented, it is submitted to a change control board. A change control board is a
group of people who consider changes for approval. Not every change control system has a board but most do. The
change request could also be submitted to the project sponsor or management for review and approval. Putting
the recommended changes through change control will help you evaluate the impact and update all the necessary
documents. Not all changes are approved, but if the changes are approved, you send them back to the team to put
them in place.
The implementation phase uses the most project time and resources, and as a result, costs are usually the highest
during this phase. Project managers also experience the greatest conflicts over schedules in this phase. You may
find as you are monitoring your project that the actual time it is taking to do the scheduled work is longer than the
amount of time planned.
When you absolutely have to meet the date and you are running behind, you can sometimes find ways to do activ-
ities more quickly by adding more resources to critical path tasks. That’s called crashing. Crashing the schedule
means adding resources or moving them around to to bring the project back into line with the schedule. Crashing
always costs more and doesn’t always work. There’s no way to crash a schedule without raising the overall cost of
the project. So, if the budget is fixed and you don’t have any extra money to spend, you can’t use this technique.
Sometimes you’ve got two activities planned to occur in sequence, but you can actually do them at the same time.
This is called fast tracking the project. On a software project, you might do both your user acceptance testing
(UAT) and your functional testing at the same time, for example. This is pretty risky. There’s a good chance you
might need to redo some of the work you have done concurrently. Crashing and fast tracking are schedule com-
pression tools. Managing a schedule change means keeping all of your schedule documents up to date. That way,
you will always be comparing your results to the correct plan.
After the deliverables have been physically constructed and accepted by the customer, a phase review is carried
out to determine whether the project is complete and ready for closure.
A D R I E N N E W A T T • 1 6 3
This chapter of Project Management is a derivative copy of Project Management by Merrie Barron and Andrew
Barron licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported.
1 6 4 • P R O J E C T M A N A G E M E N T
18. Project Completion
Every project needs to end and that’s what project completion is all about in the last phase of the project life cycle.
The whole point of the project is to deliver what you promised. By delivering everything you said you would, you
make sure that all stakeholders are satisfied and all acceptance criteria have been met. Once that happens, your
project can end.
Project completion is often the most neglected phase of the project life cycle. Once the project is over, it’s easy to
pack things up, throw some files in a drawer, and start moving right into the initiation phase of the next project.
Hold on. You’re not done yet.
The key activities in project completion are gathering project records; disseminating information to formalize
acceptance of the product, service, or project; and performing project closure. As the project manager, you will
need to review project documents to make certain they are up-to-date. For example, perhaps some scope change
requests were implemented that changed some of the characteristics of the final product. The project information
you are collecting during this phase should reflect the characteristics and specifications of the final product. Don’t
forget to update your resource assignments as well. Some team members will have come and gone over the course
of the project. You need to double-check that all the resources and their roles and responsibilities are noted.
Once the project outcomes are documented, you’ll request formal acceptance from the stakeholders or customer.
They’re interested in knowing if the product or service of the project meets the objectives the project set out to
accomplish. If your documentation is up-to-date, you’ll have the project results at hand to share with them.
Contract ClosureContract Closure
Contracts come to a close just as projects come to a close. Contract closure is concerned with completing and
settling the terms of the contracts let for the project. It supports the project completion process because the con-
tract closure process determines if the work described in the contracts was completed accurately and satisfactorily.
Keep in mind that not all projects are performed under contract so not all projects require the contract closure
process. Obviously, this process applies only to those phases, deliverables, or portions of the project that were
performed under contract.
Contract closure updates the project records, detailing the final results of the work on the project. Contracts may
have specific terms or conditions for completion. You should be aware of these terms or conditions so that project
completion isn’t held up because you missed an important detail. If you are administering the contract yourself,
be sure to ask your procurement department if there are any special conditions that you should be aware of so that
your project team doesn’t inadvertently delay contract project closure.
One of the purposes of the contract closure process is to provide formal notice to the seller, usually in written
form, that the deliverables are acceptable and satisfactory or have been rejected. If the product or service does not
meet the expectations, the vendor will need to correct the problems before you issue a formal acceptance notice.
Before the contract is closed, any minor items that need to be repaired or completed are placed on a punch list,
which is a list of all the items found by the client or team or manager that still remain to be done. Hopefully,
quality audits have been performed during the course of the project, and the vendor was given the opportunity to
make corrections earlier in the process than the closing phase. It’s not a good idea to wait until the very end of
the project and then spring all the problems and issues on the vendor at once. It’s much more efficient to discuss
problems with your vendor as the project progresses because it provides the opportunity for correction when the
problems occur.
The project team will then work on all of the items on the punch list, building a small schedule to complete the
remaining work. If the number of items on the punch list is too large or the amount of work is significant, the
project team continues to work on the project. Once the punch list becomes smaller, the project manager begins
closing down the project, maintaining only enough staff and equipment to support the team that is working on the
punch list.
If the product or service does meet the project’s expectations and is acceptable, formal written notice to the seller
is required, indicating that the contract is complete. This is the formal acceptance and closure of the contract. It’s
your responsibility as the project manager to document the formal acceptance of the contract. Many times the
provisions for formalizing acceptance and closing the contract are spelled out in the contract itself.
If you have a procurement department handling the contract administration, they will expect you to inform them
when the contract is complete and will in turn follow the formal procedures to let the seller know the contract is
complete. However, you will still note the contract completion in your copy of the project records.
Releasing the Project TeamReleasing the Project Team
Releasing project team members is not an official process. However, it should be noted that at the conclusion of
the project, you will release your project team members, and they will go back to their functional managers or
get assigned to a new project. You will want to keep their managers, or other project managers, informed as you
get closer to project completion, so that they have time to adequately plan for the return of their employees. Let
them know a few months ahead of time what the schedule looks like and how soon they can plan on using their
employees on new projects. This gives the other managers the ability to start planning activities and scheduling
activity dates.
Final PaymentsFinal Payments
The final payment is usually more than a simple percentage of the work that remains to be completed. Completing
1 6 6 • P R O J E C T M A N A G E M E N T
the project might involve fixing the most difficult problems that are disproportionately expensive to solve, so the
final payment should be large enough to motivate the vendor to give the project a high priority so that the project
can be completed on time.
If the supplier has met all the contractual obligations, including fixing problems and making repairs as noted on a
punch list, the project team signs off on the contract and submits it to the accounting department for final payment.
The supplier is notified that the last payment is final and completes the contractual agreement with the project.
Post-Project EvaluationsPost-Project Evaluations
Before the team is dissolved and begins to focus on the next project, a review is conducted to capture the lessons
that can be learned from this project, often called a lessons-learned meeting or document. The team explores
what went well and captures the processes to understand why they went well. The team asks if the process is
transferable to other projects. The team also explores what did not go well and what people learned from the expe-
rience. The process is not to find blame, but to learn.
Quality management is a process of continual improvement that includes learning from past projects and making
changes to improve the next project. This process is documented as evidence that quality management practices
are in use. Some organizations have formal processes for changing work processes and integrating the lessons
learned from the project so other projects can benefit. Some organizations are less formal in the approach and
expect individuals to learn from the experience and take the experience to their next project and share what they
learned with others in an informal way. Whatever type of approach is used, the following elements should be eval-
uated and the results summarized in reports for external and internal use.
Trust and Alignment EffectivenessTrust and Alignment Effectiveness
The project leadership reviews the effect of trust—or lack of trust—on the project and the effectiveness of align-
ment meetings at building trust. The team determines which problems might have been foreseen and mitigated
and which ones could not have been reasonably predicted. What were the cues that were missed by the team that
indicated a problem was emerging? What could the team have done to better predict and prevent trust issues?
Schedule and Budget ManagementSchedule and Budget Management
The original schedule of activities and the network diagram are compared to the actual schedule of events. Events
that caused changes to the schedule are reviewed to see how the use of contingency reserves and float mitigated
the disruption caused by those events. The original estimates of contingency time are reviewed to determine if
they were adequate and if the estimates of duration and float were accurate. These activities are necessary for the
project team to develop expertise in estimating schedule elements in future projects—they are not used to place
A review of budget estimates for the cost of work scheduled is compared to the actual costs. If the estimates are
frequently different from the actual costs, the choice of estimating method is reviewed.
Risk MitigationRisk Mitigation
After the project is finished, the estimates of risk can be reviewed and compared to the events that actually took
1 8 . P R O J E C T C O M P L E T I O N • 1 6 7
place. Did events occur that were unforeseen? What cues existed that may have allowed the team to predict these
events? Was the project contingency sufficient to cover unforeseen risks? Even if nothing went wrong on this pro-
ject, it is not proof that risk mitigation was a waste of money, but it is useful to compare the cost of avoiding risk
versus the cost of unexpected events to understand how much it cost to avoid risk.
Procurement ContractsProcurement Contracts
The performance of suppliers and vendors is reviewed to determine if they should still be included in the list of
qualified suppliers or vendors. The choice of contract for each is reviewed to determine if the decision to share
risk was justified and if the choice of incentives worked.
Customer SatisfactionCustomer Satisfaction
Relationships with the client are reviewed and decisions about including the client in project decisions and align-
ment meetings are discussed. The client is given the opportunity to express satisfaction and identify areas in which
project communication and other factors could be improved. Often a senior manager from the organization inter-
views the client to develop feedback on the project team performance.
A general report that provides an overview of the project is created to provide stakeholders with a summary of the
project. The report includes the original goals and objectives and statements that show how the project met those
goals and objectives. Performance on the schedule and budget are summarized and an assessment of client satis-
faction is provided. A version of this report can be provided to the client as a stakeholder and as another means
for deriving feedback.
Senior ManagementSenior Management
The report to senior management contains all the information provided to the stakeholders in a short executive
summary. The report identifies practices and processes that could be improved or lessons that were learned that
could be useful on future projects.
Archiving of DocumentArchiving of Document
The documents associated with the project must be stored in a safe location where they can be retrieved for future
reference. Signed contracts or other documents that might be used in tax reviews or lawsuits must be stored. Orga-
nizations will have legal document storage and retrieval policies that apply to project documents and must be
followed. Some project documents can be stored electronically.
Care should be taken to store documents in a form that can be recovered easily. If the documents are stored elec-
tronically, standard naming conventions should be used so documents can be sorted and grouped by name. If
documents are stored in paper form, the expiration date of the documents should be determined so they can be
destroyed at some point in the future. The following are documents that are typically archived:
• Charter documents
• Scope statement
• Original budget
1 6 8 • P R O J E C T M A N A G E M E N T
• Change documents
• DPCI ratings
• Manager’s summary—lessons learned
• Final DPCI rating
This chapter of Project Management is a derivative copy of Project Management by Merrie Barron and Andrew
Barron licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported and Project Management for Instructional
Designers by Amado, M., Ashton, K., Ashton, S., Bostwick, J., Clements, G., Drysdale, J., Francis, J., Harrison,
B., Nan, V., Nisse, A., Randall, D., Rino, J., Robinson, J., Snyder, A., Wiley, D., & Anonymous. (DATE). Project
Management for Instructional Designers. Retrieved from Licensed under a Creative Commons
Attribution NonCommercial ShareAlike (BY-NC-SA) license.
1 8 . P R O J E C T C O M P L E T I O N • 1 6 9
19. Celebrate!
The project team should celebrate their accomplishments, and the project manager should officially recognize
their efforts, thank them for their participation, and officially close the project. A celebration helps team members
formally recognize the project’s end and brings closure to the work they’ve done. It also encourages them to
remember what they’ve learned and start thinking about how their experiences will benefit them and the organi-
zation during the next project.
Figure 19.1: Celebrate! Your project is over… at least until the next one. Photo from Barron & Barron Project Management for Scientists and Engineers,
This chapter of Project Management is a derivative copy of Project Management by Merrie Barron and Andrew
Barron licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported.
Appendix 1: Project Management PowerPoints
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Appendix 2: Chapter Questions
Chapter 2: Project Management Overview
1. Everyone has been involved in projects. What is the largest project you have been involved in? (You do not have to have been the project manager, but could have played another role.)
a. Write one sentence that describes the objective of the project.
b. Describe specifically how this project meets the definition of a project used in this textbook. (How is it unique? What were the time constraints? If it is over, how did you know it was over? If it is ongoing, how will you know when it is over?
c. What was your role? Were you the project manager, a volunteer, some other role? If you were not the project manager, who was?
d. Was the project part of a larger portfolio or program of projects?
e. Who else was involved?
f. What was the budget?
g. Did you anticipate any risks at the outset? Did the project experience any outside forces that caused a change in either the objectives or the approach to achieving those objectives?
2. In what ways can the following activities be seen as projects? In what ways do they resemble ongoing, routine business activities? Feel free to add assumptions and details to describe how the activity might be a project in one context and routine in another.
a. Reading the chapter before attending a university lecture.
b. Taking the bus to work each day.
c. Piloting an aircraft between Vancouver and Fiji.
d. Teaching a course for the first time; teaching the same course every semester.
Chapter 3: The Project Life Cycle (Phases)
1. Go online and search for project life cycle models. Identify at least two that are different from the PMI model, and compare and contrast the phases. Be sure to cite your sources.
2. How does the application of a phased approach to project management vary in different indus- tries? Do you think that the phases work the same in construction as they do in event management or software development?
Chapter 5: Stakeholder Management
1. Identify a major public infrastructure project that is either underway, complete, or proposed in your region. This could be a bridge, road, building, or something of that nature. For the project you have identified, think of as many stakeholders and stakeholder groups as you can. Create a three-col- umn table. In column 1, list the stakeholders. In column 2, list what each stakeholder wants to get from the project. In column 3, list the influence each stakeholder has over the project.
2. How can the stakeholders change over the course of a project? Give examples of changes in who the stakeholders are, and also in how their interests or influence over the project might change throughout the term of the project.
Chapter 7: Project Initiation
1. Software project decision point.
a. You need to determine an interest rate to use—select an interest rate and explain why you think this number should be used. Use it in your calculations in item 1.2.
b. Given the information below on options 1 and 2, carry out three forms of analysis: breakeven, ROI, and NPV.
c. Make a recommendation on which way to proceed, based on the TCO for each option.
• Option 1: Purchase the FunSoft package: Cost $200,000 for software and $85,000 for hardware in year one; with $50,000 to customize it and a $40,000 annual licensing fee for the life of the contract. There will be an annual saving of $61,000 due to the layoff of a clerk.
• Option 2: Purchase the SoftComm package, which will operate on the vendor’s hardware: Cost $250,000 for a five-year license, payable half up front and half during the first year of implementa- tion. The maintenance contract, at $75,000 a year, includes all currently identified modifications to
A P P E N D I X 2 : C H A P T E R Q U E S T I O N S • 1 7 3
the software for the first three years. The clerk’s hours will be cut by half, for a saving of $25,000 a year.
In both cases, sales are expected to increase from the current $1 million a year, by 10% per year each year (over each year’s previous year’s sales) after full implementation.
Assume a five-year life for the software.
Chapter 9: Scope Planning
1. A project to put on a major international sporting competition has the following major deliver- ables: Sports Venues, Athlete Accommodation, Volunteer Organization, Security, Events, and Pub- licity (which has already been broken down into pre-event publicity and post-event publicity.) Prepare a WBS for any single major deliverable on the list. Remember the 100 percent rule, and number your objectives.
Chapter 10: Project Schedule Planning
Your team has been asked to test and document enhancements to a web application that allows buyers to purchase custom-printed canvas shoes. The tasks and dependencies are as follows:
• Create a testing plan
Once the testing plan is ready, your team can:
• Test the user interfaces
• Test the database
• Test the network
• Write the documentation first draft
When the user interface tests are complete, you can:
• Perform user testing—enlist some users to test the user interface
When the database and network testing are complete, you can:
• Perform integration testing—network with the database
When the user testing of the user interface and the database testing are complete, you can:
1 7 4 • P R O J E C T M A N A G E M E N T
• Perform integration testing—database, network, and user interface
When all integration testing and user testing are complete, you can:
• Perform system testing
Then you can:
• Review and revise documentation
After all other tasks are complete, you can:
• Obtain management approval
Duration estimates for the tasks:
a. 3 days
b. 10 days
c. 6 days
d. 7 days
e. 20 days
f. 5 days
g. 3 days
h. 2 days
i. 8 days
j. 4 days
k. 5 days
1. Create a network diagram and a Gantt chart for the project tasks. Ask your instructor if you are permitted to use software such as Microsoft Project to help you prepare your diagrams.
a. What is the planned duration for the testing project?
b. What is the critical path for the testing project?
c. For each task NOT on the critical path, calculate the amount of slack available.
d. If the user testing of the user interface takes 15 days, what will the impact be on the project duration?
2. Go online and find at least two sites with definitions of fast tracking and crashing a project sched- ule.
a. Prepare proper reference citations for the sites you located, using APA style.
b. In your own words, write definitions for project fast tracking and project crashing.
A P P E N D I X 2 : C H A P T E R Q U E S T I O N S • 1 7 5
c. Consider the plan you prepared for the software system testing project in question 1 above. If you were informed by management that you must reduce the planned duration of the project by five days, describe how you, as a project manager, could crash or fast track this project. Be spe- cific in identifying exactly what could be changed in the project plan for each option.
d. (continuation of question 2.3) If the request to speed up the project occurs after day 25 of the original schedule, what is the only option available?
3. Go online and research the difference between total slack and free slack.
a. Prepare proper reference citations for the sites you located, using APA style.
b. Write definitions of total slack and free slack in your own words.
c. Why would the distinction between different forms of slack be important to a project man- ager?
Chapter 12: Budget Planning
1. Wedding cost estimation: Given the following information, calculate the estimated costs for a wedding with 250 guests and a bridal party of six, using the methods indicated. Show your work. Note that members of the bridal party are already counted as guests, you don’t need to add them twice.
a. Parametric estimate
b. Bottom-up estimate
c. Analogous cost estimate
d. You will probably notice some differences in the estimated values. Are these differences sig- nificant? What might cause the differences? If you were estimating a significant project in the future, which method(s) would you use and why?
e. Your mother points out you should probably have valet parking, which will cost $500. Which estimate(s) will change?
1 7 6 • P R O J E C T M A N A G E M E N T
Wedding Cost Estimates
Item Dollars
Groom’s brother’s wedding, last year, 175 guests, similar venue and style
Catering $65 per person
Photographer $1,500
Rental of hall $500
Clothing, bride $2,000
Clothing, groom $750
Flowers $800
Other décor items $500
Cake $500
Gifts for bridal party $80 each
Wedding planner $2,000
Wedding planner’s estimate of typical cost for this kind of wedding
$10,000 plus $75 per guest
2. Earned-value analysis. A project budget calls for the following expenditures:
Task Date Budgeted Amount
Build forms April 1 $10,000
Pour foundation April 1 $50,000
May 1 $100,000
Frame walls May 1 $30,000
June 1 $30,000
Remaining tasks July 1 and beyond $500,000
Define each term in your own words, calculate these values for the above project, and show your work:
a. Budgeted cost baseline (make a graph illustrating this one)
b. Budget at completion (BAC)
c. Planned value (PV) as of May 1
d. Earned value (EV) as of May 1 if the foundation work is only two-thirds complete. Every- thing else is on schedule.
A P P E N D I X 2 : C H A P T E R Q U E S T I O N S • 1 7 7
e. SV as of May 1.
f. Actual cost as of May 1 is $160,000. Calculate the cost variance (CV) as of May 1.
g. Schedule performance index (SPI)
h. Cost performance index (CPI)
i. Estimate to complete (ETC), assuming that the previous cost variances will not affect future costs
j. Estimate at completion (EAC)
Chapter 13: Procurement Management
1. In addition to cost, what factors should be considered in selecting a building contractor? What can go wrong if the lowest bid is selected and nothing else is considered? (Answer in your own words, maximum 70 words.)
2. What is the difference between an RFP and an RFQ? Give two specific examples where an RFQ could be used and two specific examples where it is more likely that the organization will go with an RFP. (Use examples NOT from your textbook.)
3. Cost reimbursable contract calculation.
a. A contract calls for a total payment of $800,000 with a guarantee. Essentially the contractor is guaranteed to make at least $200,000 above his costs. If the contractor can demonstrate his costs exceed $600,000, the project will pay the difference, with a $50,000 ceiling on the over- age. The contractor demonstrates he spent $623,000. How much (gross) must the project remit to the contractor?
b. Another option for the same contract has the contractor guaranteed to be paid his costs plus 20%, for costs that exceed $600,000. With the same initial assumption—guarantee of $800,000 gross payment (no requirement to itemize costs), but if the contractor can show that costs exceed $600,000, the project will pay $800,000 plus the costs that exceed $600,000, plus 20% of those excess costs, with a ceiling of $900,000 gross. The contractor demonstrates he spent $623,000. How much (gross) must the project remit to the contractor?
c. Under option 3.2, at what dollar amount of total costs would the contractor be assuming all of the excess costs beyond that point?
d. In which option did the project assume more of the risk of a cost overrun? Explain.
1 7 8 • P R O J E C T M A N A G E M E N T
Chapter 14: Quality Planning
1. Prepare a Pareto chart of the possible causes for a student to fail a final examination in a univer- sity course.
2. Vehicles are identified by RFID tags in order to collect bridge tolls. The project manager is con- sidering two different technologies for RFID readers. By sampling two different options, the follow- ing data are collected about the accuracy of the readers:
Option 1: 99, 98, 99, 94, 92, 99, 98, 99, 94, 90 Option 2: 98, 97, 97, 97, 98, 98, 97, 97, 98
Calculate the mean, mode, and standard deviation of the two options.
Chapter 16: Risk Management Planning
1. Describe the general processes that should be followed in managing risks throughout a project. Be sure to include the general sequence in which these processes are carried out.
2. Prepare a sample risk register for a project to put humans on Mars (four or five risks).
3. Prepare a probability versus impact matrix for your school’s Winter Club ski trip (at least four identifiable risks).
4. For one of the risks you have identified in question 2 or 3, describe how it could be avoided, trans- ferred, mitigated, or accepted.
5. What is the difference between qualitative and quantitative risk analysis? Which one is always done? Why is the other one not always done for every project?
A P P E N D I X 2 : C H A P T E R Q U E S T I O N S • 1 7 9
Appendix 3: Chapter Audio Files
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11 (Part 1)
Chapter 11 (Part 2)
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
A P P E N D I X 3 : C H A P T E R A U D I O F I L E S • 1 8 1
About the Author
Adrienne Watt holds a Computer Systems Diploma (BCIT), a Bachelors in Technology (BCIT) and a Master’s in
Business Administration (City University).
Since 1989, Adrienne has worked as an educator and gained extensive experience developing and delivering busi-
ness and technology curriculum to post-secondary students. During that time she ran a successful software devel-
opment business. In the business she worked as an IT Professional in a variety of senior positions including Project
Manager, Database Designer, Administrator and Business Analyst. Recently she has been exploring a wide range
of technology related tools and processes to improve delivery methods and enhance learning for her students.
Versioning History
Version Date Change Details
1.1 August 14, 2014 Book added to BCcampus collection
1.2 January 31, 2017 Replaced Figure 7.4 Image replaced with an updated version.
- Project Management
- Project Management
- Contents
- Introduction
- Preface
- About the Book
- 1. Project Management: Past and Present
- 2. Project Management Overview
- 3. The Project Life Cycle (Phases)
- 4. Framework for Project Management
- 5. Stakeholder Management
- 6. Culture and Project Management
- 7. Project Initiation
- 8. Overview of Project Planning
- 9. Scope Planning
- 10. Project Schedule Planning
- 11. Resource Planning
- 12. Budget Planning
- 13. Procurement Management
- 14. Quality Planning
- 15. Communication Planning
- 16. Risk Management Planning
- 17. Project Implementation Overview
- 18. Project Completion
- 19. Celebrate!
- Appendix 1: Project Management PowerPoints
- Appendix 2: Chapter Questions
- Appendix 3: Chapter Audio Files
- About the Author
- Versioning History
HPHA 5309
Homework 2 (material from lectures 09 and 10)
Name ____________________________________
This is a homework assignment, not an exam. Do the work individually, but you are free to ask for assistance. The goal is for you to learn and understand the material.
Unless otherwise specified, all calculations are to be typed. The use of a calculator is permitted, but do not use a statistical software package (e.g., Excel, SPSS, etc.). The purpose of this homework, using small data sets, is to give you a familiarity with the steps involved in calculating statistical parameters, so that you understand what’s going on “behind the scenes” when you do use statistical software packages on data from large data sets.
If a problem says “Show all work!”, show all work needed to arrive at the answer. That includes the formula (or a description of how to find the solution), entering the numbers into the formula, each step in the calculations, and your final answer.
Do your work on this sheet.
Do put your name on the paper
Do remember to follow the formatting instructions in the syllabus:
Use commas in numbers having four or more digits; 1,875, not 1875
Use a leading zero in decimals that lack a whole number component; 0.352, not .362
Separate binary numbers into groups of 4 (e.g., 1101 0111 1001, not 110101111001
Do round your final numerical answers to two decimal places: e.g., 0.1873 would round to 0.19,
0.1848 would round to 0.18
Do remember to use parentheses, brackets, and braces correctly when needed.
e.g., TN / (TN + FP), not TN / TN + FP
The reason for this is that there is a standard "Order of Operations" in algebra (Google it):
2 / (2 + 4) = 2 / 6 = 0.333, but
2 / 2 + 4 = 1 + 4 = 5
Do your calculations on the exam paper, not on a separate sheet.
Do *not* change the wording of questions on the exam paper.
Do *not* just submit a document with answers on it.
Do *not* do your work or have your answers in red font. I use red font for markups.
Do *not* create isolated text boxes on the exam paper for your calculations or answers. It makes it difficult to enter feedback comments.
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Do put your final answers in bold font and your bold font answer may, or may not, be highlighted in yellow.
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Smith J 5309 HW 3
I save homeworks, and that format saves them alphabetically by last name, tells me what course it’s from; and what the assignment was. Titles such as “Homework”, “HW 3”, “Stats”; “J Smith”; etc., mean that I have to re-label each of those assignments when I save them, and considering the number of students in all of my courses, that takes a considerable amount of time. So, the watchword is, “Help the professor”. It’s greatly appreciated!!
Point values for each question are indicated in parentheses following the question. Partial credit may be given for solutions that are partially correct; conversely, partial credit will be deducted for solutions that are partially incorrect, do not show all work, or are not formatted as specified.
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Do submit your homework to the Assignments Tool as an MS Word document *only* (no pdfs, no scanned sheets).
Failure to follow these rules will result in point deductions.
Let me know if you have any questions.
Do well!
1. A blood test to diagnose a disease was performed on a number of patients. Given the following data:
Number of patients = 1,561
Number of patients who had a positive test result and had the disease = 1,193
Number of patients who had a negative test, and did not have the disease = 253
Number of patients who had a positive test result, but did not have the disease = 58
Number of patients who had a negative test result, but who had the disease = 57
a. Construct, label, and completely fill in a 2 x 2 decision table that accurately reflects the data (10 points)
b. Calculate the sensitivity of the test. Show all work! (5 points)
c. Calculate the specificity of the test. Show all work! (5 points)
d. Calculate the false positive rate. Show all work! (5 points)
e. Calculate the false negative rate. Show all work! (5 points)
2. A blood test to diagnose a disease was performed on a number of patients. Given the following information:
Number of patients who have a positive test result and have the disease = 1,491
Number of patients who have a negative test result = 3,149
Number of patients who have a positive test result but don’t have the disease = 89
Number of patients who do not have the disease = 3,017
a. Construct, label, and completely fill in a 2 x 2 decision table that accurately reflects the data (10 points)
b. Calculate the sensitivity of the test. Show all work! (5 points)
c. Calculate the specificity of the test. Show all work! (5 points)
d. Calculate the False Positive Rate. Show all work! (5 points)
e. Calculate the False Negative Rate. Show all work! (5 points)
3. Two groups of patients were chosen in order to compare a new treatment with a standard treatment. One group of patients received the new treatment and one group received the standard treatment. Some patients in each group had an adverse outcome and some patients in each group had a good outcome. Given the following data:
Number of patients (total) = 4,697
Number of patients who had an adverse outcome with the new treatment = 168
Number of patients who had an adverse outcome with the standard treatment = 205
Number of patients who had a good outcome with the new treatment = 2,257
Number of patients who had a good outcome with the standard treatment = 2,067
a. Construct, label, and completely fill in a 2 x 2 decision table that accurately reflects the data (10 points)
b. Calculate the relative risk of an adverse outcome for the new treatment. Show all work! (5 points)
c. Calculate the relative risk reduction for the new treatment. Show all work! (5 points)
d. Calculate the risk difference. Show all work! (5 points)
e. Calculate the number needed to treat for the new treatment. Show all work! (5 points)
a. What is the estimated* probability of a diner having contracted food poisoning at that restaurant on that Friday night? Show all work! (5 pts)
[*Note: This is an estimated probability because it doesn’t include persons whose symptoms may not have been severe enough for them to have sought medical attention (the actual probability could be higher); nor does it exclude the possibility that some of those symptomatic people may have contracted food poisoning from some other source (the actual probability could be lower); but the estimated probability would give epidemiologists a base line figure to work from.]
5. In 2015, Texas led the nation in the percentage of people who lacked health insurance (21.6% of the population) [Ref:]. It is known that, nationally, 5% of patients account for 50% of the costs of healthcare. These are the “high cost” patients
Assume* that:
Being a high cost patient and being uninsured are independent characteristics
Insured and uninsured people become “patients” at the same rate
The uninsured and high cost patients in Texas are evenly distributed across the state, and that high cost patients are evenly distributed across insured and uninsured patient populations
a. What is the probability that a patient in a Texas healthcare facility will be a high cost patient who is uninsured? Show all work! (5 pts)
*[These are huge and unrealistic assumptions, but let’s assume them just for the purpose of this problem].
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H A R O L D K E R Z N E R , P h . D . Division of Business Administration
Baldwin–Wallace College Berea, Ohio
John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data:
Kerzner, Harold. Project management : case studies / Harold Kerzner. -- 2nd ed.
p. cm. Includes bibliographical references and index. ISBN-13: 978-0-471-75167-0 (pbk.) ISBN-10: 0-471-75167-7 (pbk.) 1. Project management--Case studies. I. Title.
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Preface xi
� Lakes Automotive 3 � Ferris HealthCare, Inc. 5 � Clark Faucet Company 7
� Kombs Engineering 13 � Williams Machine Tool Company 15 � Wynn Computer Equipment (WCE) 17 � The Reluctant Workers 20 � Hyten Corporation 22 � Macon, Inc. 35 � Continental Computer Corporation 37 � Goshe Corporation 43 � Acorn Industries 49 � MIS Project Management at First National Bank 56 � Cordova Research Group 70 � Cortez Plastics 71 � L. P. Manning Corporation 72 � Project Firecracker 74
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� Phillip Condit and Boeing 777: From Design and Development to Production and Sales 81
� AMP of Canada (A) 105 � AMP of Canada (B) (see handout provided by instructor) � AMP of Canada (C) (see handout provided by instructor) � Lipton Canada 118 � Riverview Children’s Hospital 124 � The Evolution of Project Management at Quixtar 145
� Como Tool and Die (A) 153 � Como Tool and Die (B) 157 � Apache Metals, Inc. 160 � Haller Specialty Manufacturing 162 � The NF3 Project: Managing Cultural Differences 163 � An International Project Manager’s Day (A) 172 � An International Project Manager’s Day (B)
(see handout provided by instructor) � An International Project Manager’s Day (C)
(see handout provided by instructor) � An International Project Manager’s Day (D)
(see handout provided by instructor) � Ellen Moore (A): Living and Working in Korea 177 � Ji’nan Broadcasting Corporation 196
� Quasar Communications, Inc. 207 � Jones and Shephard Accountants, Inc. 212 � Fargo Foods 216 � Government Project Management 220 � Falls Engineering 222 � White Manufacturing 227 � Martig Construction Company 229 � Mohawk National Bank 231
� Ducor Chemical 237 � American Electronics International 241 � The Carlson Project 245
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� Capital Industries 249 � Polyproducts Incorporated 251 � Small Project Cost Estimating at Percy Company 258 � Cory Electric 259 � Camden Construction Corporation 263
� Greyson Corporation 269 � Teloxy Engineering (A) 274 � Teloxy Engineering (B) 276 � Payton Corporation 277 � Spin Master Toys (A): Finding A Manufacturer for E-Chargers 279 � Spin Master Toys (B): A New E-Chargers’ Supplier
(see handout provided by instructor) � Spin Master Toys (C): Keeping E-Chargers’ Wings On
(see handout provided by instructor)
� Crosby Manufacturing Corporation 295
� The Blue Spider Project 301 � Corwin Corporation 317 � Quantum Telecom 329 � The Trophy Project 331 � Concrete Masonry Corporation 334 � Margo Company 343 � Project Overrun 345 � The Automated Evaluation Project 347 � The Rise and Fall of Iridium 351 � Missing Person—Peter Leung 369 � Zhou Jianglin, Project Manager 377
� The Two-Boss Problem 383 � The Bathtub Period 385 � Ford Motor Co.: Electrical/Electronic Systems Engineering 388
Contents vii
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� The Space Shuttle Challenger Disaster 403 � The Space Shuttle Columbia Disaster 453 � Packer Telecom 460 � Luxor Technologies 462 � Altex Corporation 466 � Acme Corporation 470
� Facilities Scheduling at Mayer Manufacturing 475 � Scheduling the Safety Lab 478 � Telestar International 480 � The Problem with Priorities 482
� The Tylenol Tragedies 487
� Denver International Airport (DIA) 517
� Photolite Corporation (A) 563 � Photolite Corporation (B) 566 � Photolite Corporation (C) 569 � Photolite Corporation (D) 574 � First Security Bank of Cleveland 580 � Jackson Industries 583
� Time Management Exercise 589
� Robert L. Frank Construction Company 615 � The Lyle Construction Project 652
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� Hong Kong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited: Hongkong Bank Headquarters (A) 635
� Hong Kong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited: Hongkong Bank Headquarters (B) (see handout provided by instructor)
� Hong Kong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited: Hongkong Bank Headquarters (C) (see handout provided by instructor)
� Hong Kong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited: Hongkong Bank Headquarters (C1) (see handout provided by instructor)
Index 655
Contents ix
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Other than on-the-job training, case studies and situations are perhaps the best way to learn project management. Case studies allow the students to apply the knowledge learned in lectures. Case studies require that the students investigate what went right in the case, what went wrong, and what recommendations should be made to prevent these problems from reoccurring in the future. The use of cases studies is applicable both to undergraduate and graduate level project man- agement courses, as well as to training programs in preparation to pass the exam to become a Certified Project Management Professional (PMP®) administered by the Project Management Institute.
Situations are smaller case studies and usually focus on one or two specific points that need to be addressed, whereas case studies focus on a multitude of problems. The table of contents identifies several broad categories for the cases and situations, but keep in mind that the larger case studies, such as Corwin Corporation and The Blue Spider Project, could have been listed under several top- ics. Several of the cases and situations have “seed” questions provided to assist the reader in the analysis of the case. An instructor’s manual is available from John Wiley & Sons, Inc., to faculty members who adopt the book for classroom use.
Almost all of the case studies are factual. In most circumstances, the cases and situations have been taken from the author’s consulting practice. Some edu- cators prefer not to use case studies dated back to the 1970s and 1980s. It would
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be easy just to change the dates but inappropriate in the eyes of the author. The circumstances surrounding these cases and situations are the same today as they were twenty years ago. Unfortunately we seem to be repeating several of the mis- takes made previously.
Recommendations for enhancements and changes to future editions of the text are always appreciated. The author can be contacted at
Phone: 216-765-8090 e-mail: [email protected]
Harold Kerzner Baldwin-Wallace College
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Part 1
As companies approach some degree of maturity in project management, it be- comes readily apparent to all that some sort of standardization approach is neces- sary for the way that projects are managed. The ideal solution might be to have a singular methodology for all projects, whether they are for new product develop- ment, information systems, or client services. Some organizations may find it nec- essary to maintain more than one methodology, however, such as one methodology for information systems and a second methodology for new product development.
The implementation and acceptance of a project management methodology can be difficult if the organization’s culture provides a great deal of resistance to- ward the change. Strong executive leadership may be necessary such that the bar- riers to change can be overcome quickly. These barriers can exist at all levels of management as well as at the worker level. The changes may require that work- ers give up their comfort zones and seek out new social groups.
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Lakes Automotive is a Detroit-based tier-one supplier to the auto industry. Between 1995 and 1999, Lakes Automotive installed a project management methodology based on nine life-cycle phases. All 60,000 employees worldwide accepted the methodology and used it. Management was pleased with the results. Also, Lakes Automotive’s customer base was pleased with the methodology and provided Lakes Automotive with quality award recognition that everyone be- lieved was attributed to how well the project management methodology was executed.
In February 2000, Lakes Automotive decided to offer additional products to its customers. Lakes Automotive bought out another tier-one supplier, Pelex Automotive Products (PAP). PAP also had a good project management reputation and also provided quality products. Many of its products were similar to those provided by Lakes Automotive.
Because the employees from both companies would be working together closely, a singular project management methodology would be required that would be acceptable to both companies. PAP had a good methodology based on five life-cycle phases. Both methodologies had advantages and disadvantages, and both were well liked by their customers.
Lakes Automotive
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1. How do companies combine methodologies? 2. How do you get employees to change work habits that have proven to be
successful? 3. What influence should a customer have in redesigning a methodology that has
proven to be successful? 4. What if the customers want the existing methodologies left intact? 5. What if the customers are unhappy with the new combined methodology?
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Ferris HealthCare, Inc.
In July of 1999, senior management at Ferris recognized that its future growth could very well be determined by how quickly and how well it implemented proj- ect management. For the past several years, line managers had been functioning as project managers while still managing their line groups. The projects came out with the short end of the stick, most often late and over budget, because managers focused on line activities rather than project work. Everyone recognized that proj- ect management needed to be an established career path position and that some structured process had to be implemented for project management.
A consultant was brought into Ferris to provide initial project management training for 50 out of the 300 employees targeted for eventual project manage- ment training. Several of the employees thus trained were then placed on a com- mittee with senior management to design a project management stage-gate model for Ferris.
After two months of meetings, the committee identified the need for three different stage-gate models: one for information systems, one for new products/ services provided, and one for bringing on board new corporate clients. There were several similarities among the three models. However, personal interests dictated the need for three methodologies, all based upon rigid policies and procedures.
After a year of using three models, the company recognized it had a problem deciding how to assign the right project manager to the right project. Project man- agers had to be familiar with all three methodologies. The alternative, considered
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impractical, was to assign only those project managers familiar with that specific methodology.
After six months of meetings, the company consolidated the three method- ologies into a single methodology, focusing more upon guidelines than on poli- cies and procedures. The entire organization appeared to support the new singu- lar methodology. A consultant was brought in to conduct the first three days of a four-day training program for employees not yet trained in project management. The fourth day was taught by internal personnel with a focus on how to use the new methodology. The success to failure ratio on projects increased dramatically.
1. Why was it so difficult to develop a singular methodology from the start? 2. Why were all three initial methodologies based on policies and procedures? 3. Why do you believe the organization later was willing to accept a singular
methodology? 4. Why was the singular methodology based on guidelines rather than policies
and procedures? 5. Did it make sense to have the fourth day of the training program devoted to the
methodology and immediately attached to the end of the three-day program? 6. Why was the consultant not allowed to teach the methodology?
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Clark Faucet Company
By 1999, Clark Faucet Company had grown into the third largest supplier of faucets for both commercial and home use. Competition was fierce. Consumers would evaluate faucets on artistic design and quality. Each faucet had to be avail- able in at least twenty-five different colors. Commercial buyers seemed more in- terested in the cost than the average consumer, who viewed the faucet as an ob- ject of art, irrespective of price.
Clark Faucet Company did not spend a great deal of money advertising on the radio or on television. Some money was allocated for ads in professional jour- nals. Most of Clark’s advertising and marketing funds were allocated to the two semiannual home and garden trade shows and the annual builders trade show. One large builder could purchase more than 5,000 components for the furnishing of one newly constructed hotel or one apartment complex. Missing an opportu- nity to display the new products at these trade shows could easily result in a six- to twelve-month window of lost revenue.
Clark Faucet had a noncooperative culture. Marketing and engineering would never talk to one another. Engineering wanted the freedom to design new products,
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whereas marketing wanted final approval to make sure that what was designed could be sold.
The conflict between marketing and engineering became so fierce that early attempts to implement project management failed. Nobody wanted to be the project manager. Functional team members refused to attend team meetings and spent most of their time working on their own “pet” projects rather than the re- quired work. Their line managers also showed little interest in supporting project management.
Project management became so disliked that the procurement manager re- fused to assign any of his employees to project teams. Instead, he mandated that all project work come through him. He eventually built up a large brick wall around his employees. He claimed that this would protect them from the contin- uous conflicts between engineering and marketing.
The executive council mandated that another attempt to implement good project management practices must occur quickly. Project management would be needed not only for new product development but also for specialty products and en- hancements. The vice presidents for marketing and engineering reluctantly agreed to try and patch up their differences, but did not appear confident that any changes would take place.
Strange as it may seem, nobody could identify the initial cause of the conflicts or how the trouble actually began. Senior management hired an external consul- tant to identify the problems, provide recommendations and alternatives, and act as a mediator. The consultant’s process would have to begin with interviews.
The following comments were made during engineering interviews:
� “We are loaded down with work. If marketing would stay out of engi- neering, we could get our job done.”
� “Marketing doesn’t understand that there’s more work for us to do other than just new product development.”
� “Marketing personnel should spend their time at the country club and in bar rooms. This will allow us in engineering to finish our work uninter- rupted!”
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� “Marketing expects everyone in engineering to stop what they are doing in order to put out marketing fires. I believe that most of the time the problem is that marketing doesn’t know what they want up front. This leads to change after change. Why can’t we get a good definition at the beginning of each project?”
� “Our livelihood rests on income generated from trade shows. Since new product development is four to six months in duration, we have to beat up on engineering to make sure that our marketing schedules are met. Why can’t engineering understand the importance of these trade shows?”
� “Because of the time required to develop new products [4 –6 months], we sometimes have to rush into projects without having a good definition of what is required. When a customer at a trade show gives us an idea for a new product, we rush to get the project underway for introduction at the next trade show. We then go back to the customer and ask for more clar- ification and/or specifications. Sometimes we must work with the cus- tomer for months to get the information we need. I know that this is a problem for engineering, but it cannot be helped.”
The consultant wrestled with the comments but was still somewhat per- plexed. “Why doesn’t engineering understand marketing’s problems?” pondered the consultant. In a follow-up interview with an engineering manager, the fol- lowing comment was made:
“We are currently working on 375 different projects in engineering, and that includes those which marketing requested. Why can’t marketing understand our problems?”
1. What is the critical issue? 2. What can be done about it? 3. Can excellence in project management still be achieved and, if so, how? What
steps would you recommend? 4. Given the current noncooperative culture, how long will it take to achieve a
good cooperative project management culture, and even excellence?
Questions 9
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5. What obstacles exist in getting marketing and engineering to agree to a singu- lar methodology for project management?
6. What might happen if benchmarking studies indicate that either marketing or engineering are at fault?
7. Should a singular methodology for project management have a process for the prioritization of projects or should some committee external to the methodol- ogy accomplish this?
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Part 2
The first step in the implementation of project management is to recognize the true benefits that can be achieved from using project management. These benefits can be recognized at all levels of the organization. However, each part of the or- ganization can focus on a different benefit and want the project management methodology to be designed for their particular benefit.
Another critical issue is that the entire organization may not end up provid- ing the same level of support for project management. This could delay the final implementation of project management. In addition, there may be some pockets within the organization that are primarily project-driven and will give immediate support to project management, whereas other pockets, which are primarily non–project-driven, may be slow in their acceptance.
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In June 1993, Kombs Engineering had grown to a company with $25 million in sales. The business base consisted of two contracts with the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE), one for $15 million and one for $8 million. The remaining $2 mil- lion consisted of a variety of smaller jobs for $15,000 to $50,000 each.
The larger contract with DOE was a five-year contract for $15 million per year. The contract was awarded in 1988 and was up for renewal in 1993. DOE had made it clear that, although they were very pleased with the technical perfor- mance of Kombs, the follow-on contract must go through competitive bidding by law. Marketing intelligence indicated that DOE intended to spend $10 million per year for five years on the follow-on contract with a tentative award date of October 1993.
On June 21, 1993, the solicitation for proposal was received at Kombs. The technical requirements of the proposal request were not considered to be a prob- lem for Kombs. There was no question in anyone’s mind that on technical merit alone, Kombs would win the contract. The more serious problem was that DOE required a separate section in the proposal on how Kombs would manage the $10 million/year project as well as a complete description of how the project man- agement system at Kombs functioned.
When Kombs won the original bid in 1988, there was no project management requirement. All projects at Kombs were accomplished through the traditional or- ganizational structure. Line managers acted as project leaders.
Kombs Engineering
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In July 1993, Kombs hired a consultant to train the entire organization in project management. The consultant also worked closely with the proposal team in responding to the DOE project management requirements. The proposal was submitted to DOE during the second week of August. In September 1993, DOE provided Kombs with a list of questions concerning its proposal. More than 95 percent of the questions involved project management. Kombs responded to all questions.
In October 1993, Kombs received notification that it would not be granted the contract. During a post-award conference, DOE stated that they had no “faith” in the Kombs project management system. Kombs Engineering is no longer in business.
1. What was the reason for the loss of the contract? 2. Could it have been averted? 3. Does it seem realistic that proposal evaluation committees could consider
project management expertise to be as important as technical ability?
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Williams Machine Tool Company
For seventy-five years, the Williams Machine Tool Company had provided qual- ity products to its clients, becoming the third largest U.S.-based machine tool company by 1980. The company was highly profitable and had an extremely low employee turnover rate. Pay and benefits were excellent.
Between 1970 and 1980, the company’s profits soared to record levels. The com- pany’s success was due to one product line of standard manufacturing machine tools. Williams spent most of its time and effort looking for ways to improve its bread-and- butter product line rather than to develop new products. The product line was so suc- cessful that companies were willing to modify their production lines around these ma- chine tools rather than asking Williams for major modifications to the machine tools.
By 1980, Williams Company was extremely complacent, expecting this phe- nomenal success with one product line to continue for twenty to twenty-five more years. The recession of 1979–1983 forced management to realign their thinking. Cutbacks in production had decreased the demand for the standard machine tools. More and more customers were asking for either major modifications to the stan- dard machine tools or a completely new product design.
The marketplace was changing and senior management recognized that a new strategic focus was necessary. However, lower-level management and the work force, especially engineering, were strongly resisting a change. The em- ployees, many of them with over twenty years of employment at Williams Company, refused to recognize the need for this change in the belief that the glory days of yore would return at the end of the recession.
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By 1985, the recession had been over for at least two years, yet Williams Company had no new product lines. Revenue was down, sales for the standard product (with and without modifications) were decreasing, and the employees were still resisting change. Layoffs were imminent.
In 1986, the company was sold to Crock Engineering. Crock had an experi- enced machine tool division of its own and understood the machine tool business. Williams Company was allowed to operate as a separate entity from 1985 to 1986. By 1986, red ink had appeared on the Williams Company balance sheet. Crock replaced all of the Williams senior managers with its own personnel. Crock then announced to all employees that Williams would become a specialty ma- chine tool manufacturer and that the “good old days” would never return. Customer demand for specialty products had increased threefold in just the last twelve months alone. Crock made it clear that employees who would not support this new direction would be replaced.
The new senior management at Williams Company recognized that eighty- five years of traditional management had come to an end for a company now committed to specialty products. The company culture was about to change, spearheaded by project management, concurrent engineering, and total quality management.
Senior management’s commitment to product management was apparent by the time and money spent in educating the employees. Unfortunately, the sea- soned twenty-year-plus veterans still would not support the new culture. Recognizing the problems, management provided continuous and visible support for project management, in addition to hiring a project management consultant to work with the people. The consultant worked with Williams from 1986 to 1991.
From 1986 to 1991, the Williams Division of Crock Engineering experienced losses in twenty-four consecutive quarters. The quarter ending March 31, 1992, was the first profitable quarter in over six years. Much of the credit was given to the performance and maturity of the project management system. In May 1992, the Williams Division was sold. More than 80 percent of the employees lost their jobs when the company was relocated over 1,500 miles away.
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Wynn Computer Equipment (WCE)
In 1965, Joseph Wynn began building computer equipment in a small garage be- hind his house. By 1982, WCE was a $1 billion a year manufacturing organiza- tion employing 900 people. The major success found by WCE has been attributed to the nondegreed workers who have stayed with WCE over the past fifteen years. The nondegreed personnel account for 80 percent of the organization. Both the salary structure and fringe benefit packages are well above the industry average.
In February 1982, the new vice president and general manager made a presenta- tion to his executive staff outlining the strategies he wished to see implemented to improve productivity:
Our objective for the next twelve months is to initiate a planning system with the focus on strategic, developmental, and operational plans that will assure continued success of WCE and support for our broad objectives. Our strategy is a four-step process:
� To better clarify expectations and responsibility � To establish cross-functional goals and objectives
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� To provide feedback and performance results to all employees in each level of management
� To develop participation through teamwork
The senior staff will merely act as a catalyst in developing long- and short- term objectives. Furthermore, the senior staff will participate and provide di- rection and leadership in formulating an integrated manufacturing strategy that is both technology- and human-resources-driven. The final result should be an integrated project plan that will:
� Push decision making down � Trust the decision of peers and people in each organization � Eliminate committee decisions
Emphasis should be on communications that will build and convey owner- ship in the organization and a we approach to surfacing issues and solving problems.
In April 1982, a team of consultants interviewed a cross section of Wynn per- sonnel to determine the “pulse” of the organization. The following information was provided:
� “We have a terrible problem in telling our personnel (both project and functional) exactly what is expected on the project. It is embarrassing to say that we are a computer manufacturer and we do not have any com- puterized planning and control tools.”
� “Our functional groups are very poor planners. We, in the project office, must do the planning for them. They appear to have more confidence in and pay more attention to our project office schedules than to their own.”
� “We have recently purchased a $65,000 computerized package for plan- ning and controlling. It is going to take us quite a while to educate our peo- ple. In order to interface with the computer package, we must use a work breakdown structure. This is an entirely new concept for our people.”
� “We have a lack of team spirit in the organization. I’m not sure if it is sim- ply the result of poor communications. I think it goes further than that. Our priorities get shifted on a weekly basis, and this produces a demor- alizing effect. As a result, we cannot get our people to live up to either their old or new commitments.”
� “We have a very strong mix of degreed and nondegreed personnel. All new, degreed personnel must ‘prove’ themselves before being officially accepted by the nondegreed personnel. We seem to be splitting the orga- nization down the middle. Technology has become more important than loyalty and tradition and, as a result, the nondegreed personnel, who be- lieve themselves to be the backbone of the organization, now feel cheated. What is a proper balance between experience and new blood?”
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� “The emphasis on education shifts with each new executive. Our nonde- greed personnel obviously are paying the price. I wish I knew what di- rection the storm is coming from.”
� “My department does not have a database to use for estimating. Therefore, we have to rely heavily on the project office for good estimat- ing. Anyway, the project office never gives us sufficient time for good es- timating so we have to ask other groups to do our scheduling for us.”
� “As line manager, I am caught between the rock and the hard spot. Quite often, I have to act as the project manager and line manager at the same time. When I act as the project manager I have trouble spending enough time with my people. In addition, my duties also include supervising out- side vendors at the same time.”
� “My departmental personnel have a continuous time management prob- lem because they are never full-time on any one project, and all of our projects never have 100 percent of the resources they need. How can our people ever claim ownership?”
� “We have trouble in conducting up-front feasibility studies to see if we have a viable product. Our manufacturing personnel have poor interfac- ing with advanced design.”
� “If we accept full project management, I’m not sure where the project managers should report. Should we have one group of project managers for new processes/products and a second group for continuous (or old) processes/products? Can both groups report to the same person?”
CEO Presentation 19
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Tim Aston had changed employers three months ago. His new position was proj- ect manager. At first he had stars in his eyes about becoming the best project man- ager that his company had ever seen. Now, he wasn’t sure if project management was worth the effort. He made an appointment to see Phil Davies, director of project management.
Tim Aston: “Phil, I’m a little unhappy about the way things are going. I just can’t seem to motivate my people. Every day, at 4:30 P.M., all of my people clean off their desks and go home. I’ve had people walk out of late afternoon team meetings because they were afraid that they’d miss their car pool. I have to schedule morn- ing team meetings.”
Phil Davies: “Look, Tim. You’re going to have to realize that in a project envi- ronment, people think that they come first and that the project is second. This is a way of life in our organizational form.”
Tim Aston: “I’ve continually asked my people to come to me if they have prob- lems. I find that the people do not think that they need help and, therefore, do not want it. I just can’t get my people to communicate more.”
Phil Davies: “The average age of our employees is about forty-six. Most of our people have been here for twenty years. They’re set in their ways. You’re the first person that we’ve hired in the past three years. Some of our people may just re- sent seeing a thirty-year-old project manager.”
The Reluctant Workers
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Tim Aston: “I found one guy in the accounting department who has an excellent head on his shoulders. He’s very interested in project management. I asked his boss if he’d release him for a position in project management, and his boss just laughed at me, saying something to the effect that as long as that guy is doing a good job for him, he’ll never be released for an assignment elsewhere in the com- pany. His boss seems more worried about his personal empire than he does in what’s best for the company.
“We had a test scheduled for last week. The customer’s top management was planning on flying in for firsthand observations. Two of my people said that they had programmed vacation days coming, and that they would not change, under any conditions. One guy was going fishing and the other guy was planning to spend a few days working with fatherless children in our community. Surely, these guys could change their plans for the test.”
Phil Davies: “Many of our people have social responsibilities and outside inter- ests. We encourage social responsibilities and only hope that the outside interests do not interfere with their jobs.
“There’s one thing you should understand about our people. With an average age of forty-six, many of our people are at the top of their pay grades and have no place to go. They must look elsewhere for interests. These are the people you have to work with and motivate. Perhaps you should do some reading on human behavior.”
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On June 5, 1998, a meeting was held at Hyten Corporation, between Bill Knapp, director of sales, and John Rich, director of engineering. The purpose of the meet- ing was to discuss the development of a new product for a special customer ap- plication. The requirements included a very difficult, tight-time schedule. The key to the success of the project would depend on timely completion of individual tasks by various departments.
Bill Knapp: “The Business Development Department was established to provide coordination between departments, but they have not really helped. They just stick their nose in when things are going good and mess everything up. They have been out to see several customers, giving them information and delivery dates that we can’t possibly meet.”
John Rich: “I have several engineers who have MBA degrees and are pushing hard for better positions within engineering or management. They keep talking that formal project management is what we should have at Hyten. The informal approach we use just doesn’t work all the time. But I’m not sure that just any type of project management will work in our division.”
Knapp: “Well, I wonder who Business Development will tap to coordinate this project? It would be better to get the manager from inside the organization instead of hiring someone from outside.”
Hyten Corporation
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Hyten Company was founded in 1982 as a manufacturer of automotive compo- nents. During the Gulf War, the company began manufacturing electronic com- ponents for the military. After the war, Hyten continued to prosper.
Hyten became one of the major component suppliers for the Space Program, but did not allow itself to become specialized. When the Space Program declined, Hyten developed other product lines, including energy management, building products, and machine tools, to complement their automotive components and electronics fields.
Hyten has been a leader in the development of new products and processes. Annual sales are in excess of $600 million. The Automotive Components Division is one of Hyten’s rapidly expanding business areas (see the organiza- tional chart in Exhibit I).
The management of both the Automotive Components Division and the Corporation itself is young and involved. Hyten has enjoyed a period of continuous growth over the past fifteen years as a result of careful planning and having the right people in the right positions at the right time. This is emphasized by the fact that within five years of joining Hyten, every major manager and division head has been
The Automotive Components Division 23
Exhibit I. Organizational chart of the automotive division, Hyten Corporation
Comptroller Director
Director of
Business Development
Manager of
Quality and Reliability
Manager of
Manufacturing Engineering
Plant Manager
Plant A
Plant Manager
Plant B
Plant Manager
Plant C
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promoted to more responsibility within the corporation. The management staff of the Automotive Components Division has an average age of forty and no one is over fifty. Most of the middle managers have MBA degrees and a few have Ph.D.s. Currently, the Automotive Components Division has three manufacturing plants at various locations throughout the country. Central offices and most of the nonpro- duction functions are located at the main plant. There has been some effort by past presidents to give each separate plant some minimal level of purchasing, quality, manufacturing engineering and personnel functions.
The Automotive Components Division of Hyten Corporation has an informal sys- tem of project management. It revolves around each department handling their own functional area of a given product development or project. Projects have been frequent enough that a sequence of operations has been developed to take a new product from concept to market. Each department knows its responsibilities and what it must contribute to a project.
A manager within the Business Development Department assumes informal project coordination responsibility and calls periodic meetings of the department heads involved. These meetings keep everyone advised of work status, changes to the project, and any problem areas. Budgeting of the project is based on the cost analysis developed after the initial design, while funding is allocated to each functional department based on the degree of its involvement. Funding for the ini- tial design phase is controlled through business development. The customer has very little control over the funding, manpower, or work to be done. The customer, however, dictates when the new product design must be available for integration into the vehicle design, and when the product must be available in production quantities.
The Business Development Department, separate from Marketing/Sales, func- tions as a steering group for deciding which new products or customer requests are to be pursued and which are to be dropped. Factors which they consider in making these decisions are: (1) the company’s long- and short-term business plans, (2) current sales forecasts, (3) economic and industry indicators, (4) profit potential, (5) internal capabilities (both volume and technology), and (6) what the customer is willing to pay versus estimated cost.
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The duties of Business Development also include the coordination of a proj- ect or new product from initial design through market availability. In this capac- ity, they have no formal authority over either functional managers or functional employees. They act strictly on an informal basis to keep the project moving, give status reports, and report on potential problems. They are also responsible for the selection of the plant that will be used to manufacture the product.
The functions of Business Development were formerly handled as a joint staff function where all the directors would periodically meet to formulate short- range plans and solve problems associated with new products. The department was formally organized three years ago by the then-38-year-old president as a recognition of the need for project management within the Automotive Components Division.
Manpower for the Business Development Department was taken from both outside the company and from within the division. This was done to honor the Corporation’s commitment to hire people from the outside only after it was de- termined that there were no qualified people internally (an area that for years has been a sore spot to the younger managers and engineers).
When the Business Development Department was organized, its level of au- thority and responsibility was limited. However, the Department’s authority and responsibility have subsequently expanded, though at a slow rate. This was done so as not to alienate the functional managers who were concerned that project management would undermine their “empire.”
On July 10, 1998, Wilbur Donley was hired into the Business Development Department to direct new product development efforts. Prior to joining Hyten, he worked as project manager with a company that supplied aircraft hardware to the government. He had worked both as an assistant project manager and as a project manager for five years prior to joining Hyten.
Shortly after his arrival, he convinced upper management to examine the idea of expanding the Business Development group and giving them responsibility for formal project management. An outside consulting firm was hired to give an in- depth seminar on project management to all management and supervisor em- ployees in the Division.
Prior to the seminar, Donley talked to Frank Harrel, manager of quality and reliability, and George Hub, manager of manufacturing engineering, about their problems and what they thought of project management.
Frank Harrel is thirty-seven years old, has an MBA degree, and has been with Hyten for five years. He was hired as an industrial engineer and three years ago
Introduction of Formal Project Management at Hyten Corporation 25
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was promoted to manager of quality and reliability. George Hub is forty-five years old and has been with Hyten for twelve years as manager of manufacturing engineering.
Wilbur Donley: “Well, Frank, what do you see as potential problems to the timely completion of projects within the Automotive Components Division?”
Frank Harrel: “The usual material movement problems we always have. We monitor all incoming materials in samples and production quantities, as well as in-process checking of production and finished goods on a sampling basis. We then move to 100 percent inspection if any discrepancies are found. Marketing and Manufacturing people don’t realize how much time is required to inspect for either internal or customer deviations. Our current manpower requires that sched- ules be juggled to accommodate 100 percent inspection levels on ‘hot items.’ We seem to be getting more and more items at the last minute that must be done on overtime.”
Donley: “What are you suggesting? A coordination of effort with marketing, purchasing, production scheduling, and the manufacturing function to allow your department to perform their routine work and still be able to accommodate a lim- ited amount of high-level work on ‘hot’ jobs?”
Harrel: “Precisely, but we have no formal contact with these people. More open lines of communication would be of benefit to everyone.”
Donley: “We are going to introduce a more formal type of project management than has been used in the past so that all departments who are involved will ac- tively participate in the planning cycle of the project. That way they will remain aware of how they affect the function of other departments and prevent overlap- ping of work. We should be able to stay on schedule and get better cooperation.”
Harrel: “Good, I’ll be looking forward to the departure from the usual method of handling a new project. Hopefully, it will work much better and result in fewer problems.”
Donley: “How do you feel, George, about improving the coordination of work among various departments through a formal project manager?”
George Hub: “Frankly, if it improves communication between departments, I’m all in favor of the change. Under our present system, I am asked to make es- timates of cost and lead times to implement a new product. When the project be- gins, the Product Design group starts making changes that require new cost fig- ures and lead times. These changes result in cost overruns and in not meeting schedule dates. Typically, these changes continue right up to the production start date. Manufacturing appears to be the bad guy for not meeting the scheduled start date. We need someone to coordinate the work of various departments to prevent
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this continuous redoing of various jobs. We will at least have a chance at meeting the schedule, reducing cost, and improving the attitude of my people.”
After the seminar on project management, a discussion was held between Sue Lyons, director of personnel, and Jason Finney, assistant director of personnel. The discussion was about changing the organization structure from informal project management to formal project management.
Sue Lyons: “Changing over would not be an easy road. There are several matters to be taken under consideration.”
Jason Finney: “I think we should stop going to outside sources for competent people to manage new projects that are established within Business Development. There are several competent people at Hyten who have MBA’s in Systems/Project Management. With that background and their familiarity with company opera- tions, it would be to the company’s advantage if we selected personnel from within our organization.”
Lyons: “Problems will develop whether we choose someone form inside the company or from an outside source.”
Finney: “However, if the company continues to hire outsiders into Business Development to head new projects, competent people at Hyten are going to start filtering to places of new employment.”
Lyons: “You are right about the filtration. Whoever is chosen to be a project manager must have qualifications that will get the job done. He or she should not only know the technical aspect behind the project, but should also be able to work with people and understand their needs. Project managers have to show concern for team members and provide them with work challenge. Project managers must work in a dynamic environment. This often requires the implementation of change. Project managers must be able to live with change and provide necessary leader- ship to implement the change. It is the project manager’s responsibility to develop an atmosphere to allow people to adapt to the changing work environment.
“In our department alone, the changes to be made will be very crucial to the happiness of the employees and the success of projects. They must feel they are being given a square deal, especially in the evaluation procedure. Who will do the evaluation? Will the functional manager be solely responsible for the evaluation when, in fact, he or she might never see the functional employee for the duration
Personnel Department’s View of Project Management 27
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of a project? A functional manager cannot possibly keep tabs on all the functional employees who are working on different projects.”
Finney: “Then the functional manager will have to ask the project managers for evaluation information.”
Lyons: “I can see how that could result in many unwanted situations. To begin with, say the project manager and the functional manager don’t see eye to eye on things. Granted, both should be at the same grade level and neither one has au- thority over the other, but let’s say there is a situation where the two of them dis- agree as to either direction or quality of work. That puts the functional employee in an awkward position. Any employee will have the tendency of bending toward the individual who signs his or her promotion and evaluation form. This can in- fluence the project manager into recommending an evaluation below par regard- less of how the functional employee performs. There is also the situation where the employee is on the project for only a couple of weeks, and spends most of his or her time working alone, never getting a chance to know the project manager. The project manager will probably give the functional employee an average rat- ing, even though the employee has done an excellent job. This results from very little contact. Then what do you do when the project manager allows personal feelings to influence his or her evaluation of a functional employee? A project manager who knows the functional employee personally might be tempted to give a strong or weak recommendation, regardless of performance.”
Finney: “You seem to be aware of many difficulties that project management might bring.”
Lyons: “Not really, but I’ve been doing a lot of homework since I attended that seminar on project management. It was a good seminar, and since there is not much written on the topic, I’ve been making a few phone calls to other colleagues for their opinions on project management.”
Finney: “What have you learned from these phone calls?”
Lyons: “That there are more personnel problems involved. What do you do in this situation? The project manager makes an excellent recommendation to the functional manager. The functional employee is aware of the appraisal and feels he or she should be given an above average pay increase to match the excellent job appraisal, but the functional manager fails to do so. One personnel manager from another company in- corporating project management ran into problems when the project manager gave an employee of one grade level responsibilities of a higher grade level. The employee did an outstanding job taking on the responsibilities of a higher grade level and expected a large salary increase or a promotion.”
Finney: “Well, that’s fair, isn’t it?”
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Lyons: “Yes, it seems fair enough, but that’s not what happened. The functional manager gave an average evaluation and argued that the project manager had no business giving the functional employee added responsibility without first check- ing with him. So, then what you have is a disgruntled employee ready to seek em- ployment elsewhere. Also, there are some functional managers who will only give above-average pay increases to those employees who stay in the functional de- partment and make that manager look good.”
Lyons: “Right now I can see several changes that would need to take place. The first major change would have to be attitudes toward formal project management and hiring procedures. We do have project management here at Hyten but on an informal basis. If we could administer it formally, I feel we could do the company a great service. If we seek project managers from within, we could save on time and money. I could devote more time and effort on wage and salary grades and job descriptions. We would need to revise our evaluation forms—presently they are not adequate. Maybe we should develop more than one evaluation form: one for the project manager to fill out and give to the functional manager, and a sec- ond form to be completed by the functional manager for submission to Personnel.”
Finney: “That might cause new problems. Should the project manager fill out his or her evaluation during or after project completion?”
Lyons: “It would have go be after project completion. That way an employee who felt unfairly evaluated would not feel tempted to screw up the project. If an employee felt the work wasn’t justly evaluated, that employee might decide not to show up for a few days—these few days of absence could be most crucial for timely project completion.”
Finney: “How will you handle evaluation of employees who work on several projects at the same time? This could be a problem if employees are really enthusi- astic about one project over another. They could do a terrific job on the project they are interested in and slack off on other projects. You could also have functional peo- ple working on departmental jobs but charging their time to the project overhead. Don’t we have exempt and nonexempt people charging to projects?”
Lyons: “See what I mean? We can’t just jump into project management and ex- pect a bed of roses. There will have to be changes. We can’t put the cart before the horse.”
Finney: “I realize that, Sue, but we do have several MBA people working here at Hyten who have been exposed to project management. I think that if we start putting our heads together and take a systematic approach to this matter, we will be able to pull this project together nicely.”
Personnel Department’s View of Project Management 29
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Lyons: “Well, Jason, I’m glad to see that you are for formal project management. We will have to approach top management on the topic. I would like you to help coordinate an equitable way of evaluating our people and to help develop the ap- propriate evaluation forms.”
The general manager arranged through the personnel department to interview var- ious managers on a confidential basis. The purpose of the interview was to eval- uate the overall acceptance of the concept of formal project management. The an- swers to the question, “How will project management affect your department?” were as follows:
Frank Harrel, quality and reliability manager
Project management is the actual coordination of the resources of functional departments to achieve the time, cost, and performance goals of the project. As a consequence, personnel interfacing is an important component toward the success of the project. In terms of quality control, it means less of the at- titude of the structured workplace where quality is viewed as having the function of finding defects and, as a result, is looked upon as a hindrance to production. It means that the attitude toward quality control will change to one of interacting with other departments to minimize manufacturing prob- lems. Project management reduces suboptimization among functional areas and induces cooperation. Both company and department goals can be achieved. It puts an end to the “can’t see the forest for the trees” syndrome.
Harold Grimes, plant manager
I think that formal project management will give us more work than long- term benefits. History indicates that we hire more outside people for new po- sitions than we promote from within. Who will be hired into these new project management jobs? We are experiencing a lot of backlash from people who are required to teach new people the ropes. In my opinion, we should assign inside MBA graduates with project management training to head up projects and not hire an outsider as a formal project manager. Our present system would work fine if inside people were made the new managers in the Business Development Department.
Herman Hall, director of MIS
I have no objections to the implementation of formal project management in our company. I do not believe, however, that it will be possible to provide the reports needed by this management structure for several years. This is
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due to the fact that most of my staff are deeply involved in current projects. We are currently working on the installation of minicomputers and on-line terminals throughout the plant. These projects have been delayed by the late arrival of new equipment, employee sabotage, and various start-up prob- lems. As a result of these problems, one group admits to being six months behind schedule and the other group, although on schedule, is 18 months from their scheduled completion date. The rest of the staff currently as- signed to maintenance projects consists of two systems analysts who are nearing retirement and two relatively inexperienced programmers. So, as you can readily see, unless we break up the current project teams and let those projects fall further behind schedule, it will be difficult at this time to put together another project team
The second problem is that even if I could put together a staff for the project, it might take up to two years to complete an adequate information system. Problems arise from the fact that it will take time to design a system that will draw data from all the functional areas. This design work will have to be done before the actual programming and testing could be accomplished. Finally, there would be a debugging period when we receive feedback from the user on any flaws in the system or enhancements that might be needed. We could not provide computer support to an “overnight” change to project management.
Bob Gustwell, scheduling manager
I am happy with the idea of formal project management, but I do see some problems implementing it. Some people around here like the way we do things now. It is a natural reaction for employees to fight against any changes in management style.
But don’t worry about the scheduling department. My people will like the change to formal project management. I see this form of management as a way to minimize, of not eliminate, schedule changes. Better planning on the part of both department and project managers will be required, and the priorities will be set at corporate level. You can count on our support because I’m tired of be- ing caught between production and sales.
John Rich, director of engineering
It seems to me that project management will only mess things up. We now have a good flowing chain of command in our organization. This new ma- trix will only create problems. The engineering department, being very tech- nical, just can’t take direction from anyone outside the department. The project office will start to skimp on specifications just to save time and dollars. Our products are too technical to allow schedules and project costs to affect engineering results.
Bringing in someone from the outside to be the project manager will make things worse. I feel that formal project management should not be im- plemented at Hyten. Engineering has always directed the projects, and we should keep it that way. We shouldn’t change a winning combination.
Project Management as Seen by the Various Departments 31
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Fred Kuncl, plant engineering
I’ve thought about the trade-offs involved in implementing formal project management at Hyten and feel that plant engineering cannot live with them. Our departmental activities are centered around highly unpredictable cir- cumstances, which sometimes involve rapidly changing priorities related to the production function. We in plant engineering must be able to respond quickly and appropriately to maintenance activities directly related to manu- facturing activities. Plant engineering is also responsible for carrying out crit- ical preventive maintenance and plant construction projects.
Project management would hinder our activities because project manage- ment responsibilities would burden our manpower with additional tasks. I am against project management because I feel that it is not in the best inter- est of Hyten. Project management would weaken our department’s func- tional specialization because it would require cross-utilization of resources, manpower, and negotiation for the services critical to plant engineering.
Bill Knapp, director of marketing
I feel that the seminar on formal project management was a good one. Formal project management could benefit Hyten. Our organization needs to focus in more than one direction at all times. In order to be successful in to- day’s market, we must concentrate on giving all our products sharp focus. Formal project management could be a good way of placing individual em- phasis on each of the products of our company. Project management would be especially advantageous to us because of our highly diversified product lines. The organization needs to efficiently allocate resources to projects, products, and markets. We cannot afford to have expensive resources sitting idle. Cross-utilization and the consequent need for negotiation ensures that resources are used efficiently and in the organization’s best overall interest.
We can’t afford to continue to carry on informal project management in our business. We are so diversified that all of our products can’t be treated alike. Each product has different needs. Besides, the nature of a team effort would strengthen our organization.
Stanley Grant, comptroller
In my opinion, formal project management can be profitably applied in our organization. Management should not, however, expect that project man- agement would gain instant acceptance by the functional managers and functional employees, including the finance department personnel.
The implementation of formal project management in our organization would have an impact on our cost control system and internal control sys- tem, as well.
In the area of cost control, project cost control techniques have to be for- malized and installed. This would require the accounting staff to: (1) break comprehensive cost summaries into work packages, (2) prepare commit- ment reports for “technical decision makers,” (3) approximate report data
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and (4) concentrate talent on major problems and opportunities. In project management, cost commitments on a project are made when various func- tional departments, such as engineering, manufacturing and marketing, make technical decisions to take some kind of action. Conventional ac- counting reports do not show the cost effects of these technical decisions un- til it is too late to reconsider. We would need to provide the project manager with cost commitment reports at each decision state to enable him or her to judge when costs are getting out of control. Only by receiving such timely cost commitment reports, could the project manager take needed corrective actions and be able to approximate the cost effect of each technical decision. Providing all these reports, however, would require additional personnel and expertise in our department.
In addition, I feel that the implementation of formal project management would increase our responsibilities in finance department. We would need to conduct project audits, prepare periodic comparisons of actual versus projected costs and actual versus programmed manpower allocation, update projection reports and funding schedules, and sponsor cost improvement programs.
In the area of internal control, we will need to review and modify our ex- isting internal control system to effectively meet our organization’s goals re- lated to project management. A careful and proper study and evaluation of existing internal control procedures should be conducted to determine the extent of the tests to which our internal auditing procedures are to be re- stricted. A thorough understanding of each project we undertake must be re- quired at all times.
I’m all in favor of formal project management, provided management would allocate more resources to our department so we could maintain the personnel necessary to perform the added duties, responsibilities, and ex- pertise required.
After the interviews, Sue Lyons talked to Wilbur Donley about the possibil- ity of adopting formal project management. As she put it,
You realize that regardless of how much support there is for formal project management, the general manager will probably not allow us to implement it for fear it will affect the performance of the Automotive Components Division.
1. What are some of the major problems facing the management of Hyten in ac- cepting formalized project management? (Include attitude problems/person- ality problems.)
2. Do any of the managers appear to have valid arguments for their beliefs as to why formal project management should not be considered?
Questions 33
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3. Are there any good reasons why Hyten should go to formal project manage- ment?
4. Has Hyten taken a reasonable approach toward implementing formal project management?
5. Has Hyten done anything wrong? 6. Should formal project management give employees more room for personal
growth? 7. Will formalized project management make it appear as though business de-
velopment has taken power away from other groups? 8. Were the MBAs exposed to project management? 9. Were the organizational personnel focusing more on the problems (disad-
vantages) or advantages of project management? 10. What basic fears do employees have in considering organizational change to
formal project management? 11. Must management be sold on project management prior to implementation? 12. Is it possible that some of the support groups cannot give immediate atten-
tion to such an organizational change? 13. Do functional managers risk a loss of employee loyalty with the new change? 14. What recommendations would you make to Hyten Corporation? 15. Is it easier or more difficult to implement a singular methodology for project
management after the company has adopted formal project management rather than informal project management?
16. Is strategic planning for project management easier or more difficult to per- form with formal project management in place?
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Macon was a fifty-year-old company in the business of developing test equipment for the tire industry. The company had a history of segregated departments with very focused functional line managers. The company had two major technical de- partments: mechanical engineering and electrical engineering. Both departments reported to a vice president for engineering, whose background was always me- chanical engineering. For this reason, the company focused all projects from a me- chanical engineering perspective. The significance of the test equipment’s electri- cal control system was often minimized when, in reality, the electrical control systems were what made Macon’s equipment outperform that of the competition.
Because of the strong autonomy of the departments, internal competition ex- isted. Line managers were frequently competing with one another rather than fo- cusing on the best interest of Macon. Each would hope the other would be the cause for project delays instead of working together to avoid project delays alto- gether. Once dates slipped, fingers were pointed and the problem would worsen over time.
One of Macon’s customers had a service department that always blamed en- gineering for all of their problems. If the machine was not assembled correctly, it was engineering’s fault for not documenting it clearly enough. If a component failed, it was engineering’s fault for not designing it correctly. No matter what problem occurred in the field, customer service would always put the blame on engineering.
Macon, Inc.
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As might be expected, engineering would blame most problems on produc- tion claiming that production did not assemble the equipment correctly and did not maintain the proper level of quality. Engineering would design a product and then throw it over the fence to production without ever going down to the manu- facturing floor to help with its assembly. Errors or suggestions reported from pro- duction to engineering were being ignored. Engineers often perceived the assem- blers as incapable of improving the design.
Production ultimately assembled the product and shipped it out to the cus- tomer. Oftentimes during assembly the production people would change the design as they saw fit without involving engineering. This would cause severe problems with documentation. Customer service would later inform engineering that the doc- umentation was incorrect, once again causing conflict among all departments.
The president of Macon was a strong believer in project management. Unfortunately, his preaching fell upon deaf ears. The culture was just too strong. Projects were failing miserably. Some failures were attributed to the lack of spon- sorship or commitment from line managers. One project failed as the result of a project leader who failed to control scope. Each day the project would fall further behind because work was being added with very little regard for the project’s com- pletion date. Project estimates were based upon a “gut feel” rather than upon sound quantitative data.
The delay in shipping dates was creating more and more frustration for the customers. The customers began assigning their own project managers as “watch- dogs” to look out for their companies’ best interests. The primary function of these “watchdog” project managers was to ensure that the equipment purchased would be delivered on time and complete. This involvement by the customers was becoming more prominent than ever before.
The president decided that action was needed to achieve some degree of ex- cellence in project management. The question was what action to take, and when.
1. Where will the greatest resistance for excellence in project management come from?
2. What plan should be developed for achieving excellence in project manage- ment?
3. How long will it take to achieve some degree of excellence? 4. Explain the potential risks to Macon if the customer’s experience with project
management increases while Macon’s knowledge remains stagnant.
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“We have a unique situation here at Continental,” remarked Ed White, Vice President for Engineering.
We have three divisions within throwing distance of one another, and each one operates differently. This poses a problem for us at corporate headquarters be- cause career opportunities and administrative policies are different in each di- vision. Now that we are looking at project management as a profession, how do we establish uniform career path opportunities across all divisions?
Continental Computer Corporation (CCC) was a $9 billion a year corpora- tion with worldwide operations encompassing just about every aspect of the com- puter field. The growth rate of CCC had exceeded 13 percent per year for the last eight years, primarily due to the advanced technology developed by their Eton Division, which produces disk drives. Continental is considered one of the “gi- ants” in computer technology development, and supplies equipment to other com- puter manufacturers.
World headquarters for CCC is in Concord, Illinois, a large suburb northwest of Chicago in the heart of Illinois’s technology center. In addition to corporate head- quarters, there are three other divisions: the Eton Division, which manufactures disk drives, the Lampco Division, which is responsible for Department of Defense (DoD) contracts such as for military application, satellites, and so on, and the Ridge Division, which is the primary research center for peripherals and terminals.
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According to Ed White:
Our major problems first began to surface during the early nineties. When we restructured our organization, we assumed that each division would op- erate as a separate entity (i.e., strategic business unit) without having to communicate with one another except through corporate headquarters. Therefore, we permitted each of our division vice presidents and general managers to set up whatever organizational structure they so desired in or- der to get the work accomplished. Unfortunately, we hadn’t considered the problem of coordinating efforts between sister divisions because some of our large projects demanded this.
The Lampco Division is by far the oldest, having been formed in 1989. The Lampco Division produces about $2 billion worth of revenue each year from DoD funding. Lampco utilizes a pure matrix structure. Our reason for permitting the divisions to operate independently was cost reporting. In the Lampco Division, we must keep two sets of books: one for government us- age and one for internal control. This was a necessity because of DoD’s re- quirement for earned value reporting on our large, cost-reimbursable con- tracts. It has taken us about five years or so to get used to this idea of multiple information systems, but now we have it well under control.
We have never had to lay people off in the Lampco Division. Yet, our computer engineers still feel that a reduction in DoD spending may cause massive layoffs here. Personally, I’m not worried. We’ve been through lean and fat times without having to terminate people.
The big problem with the Lampco Division is that because of the technol- ogy developed in some of our other divisions, Lampco must subcontract out a good portion of the work (to our other divisions). Not that Lampco can’t do it themselves, but we do have outstanding R&D specialists in our other divisions.
We have been somewhat limited in the salary structure that we can provide to our engineers. Our computer engineers in the Lampco Division used to consider themselves as aerospace engineers, not computer engineers, and were thankful for employment and reasonable salaries. But now the Lampco engineers are communicating more readily with our other divisions and think that the grass is greener in these other divisions. Frankly, they’re right. We’ve tried to institute the same wage and salary program corporate-wide, but came up with problems. Our engineers, especially the younger ones who have been with us five or six years, are looking for management positions. Almost all of our management positions in engineering are filled with people between thirty-five and forty years of age. This poses a problem in that there is no place for these younger engineers to go. So, they seek employment elsewhere.
We’ve recently developed a technical performance ladder that is compat- ible to our management ladder. At the top of the technical ladder we have our consultant grade. Here our engineers can earn just about any salary based, of course, on their performance. The consultant position came about because of a problem in our Eton Division. I would venture to say that in the entire computer world, the most difficult job is designing disk drives. These
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people are specialists in a world of their own. There are probably only twenty-five people in the world who possess this expertise. We have five of them here at Continental. If one of our competitors would come in here and lure away just two of these guys, we would literally have to close down the Eton Division. So we’ve developed a consultant category. Now the word has spread and all of our engineers are applying for transfer to the Eton Division so as to become eligible for this new pay grade. In the Lampco Division alone I have had over fifty requests for transfer from engineers who now consider themselves as computer engineers. To make matters worse, the job market in computer technology is so good today that these people could eas- ily leave us for more money elsewhere.
We’ve been lucky in the Lampco Division. Most of our contracts are large, and we can afford to maintain a project office staffed with three or four project engineers. These project engineers consider themselves as managers, not engi- neers. Actually they’re right in doing so because theoretically they are engineer- ing managers, not doers. Many of our people in Lamco are title-oriented and would prefer to be a project engineer as opposed to any other position. Good project engineers have been promoted, or laterally transferred, to project man- agement so that we can pay them more. Actually, they do the same work.
In our Eton Division, we have a somewhat weird project management structure. We’re organized on a product form rather than a project form of management. The engineers are considered to be strictly support for the business development function, and are not permitted to speak to the cus- tomers except under special circumstances. Business development manages both the product lines and R&D projects going on at one time. The project leader is selected by the director of engineering and can be a functional man- ager or just a functional employee. The project leader reports to his normal supervisor. The project leader must also report informally to one of the busi- ness development managers who is also tracking this project. This poses a problem in that when a conflict occurs, we sometimes have to take it up two or three levels before it can be resolved. Some conflicts have been so intense that they’ve had to be resolved at the corporate level.
The Eton Division happens to be our biggest money maker. We’re turning out disk drives at an incredible rate and are backlogged with orders for at least six months. Many of our top R&D engineers are working in production support capacities because we cannot get qualified people fast enough. Furthermore, we have a yearly turnover rate in excess of 10 percent among our engineers below thirty years of age. We have several engineers who are earning more than their department managers. We also have five consultant engineers who are earning more than the department managers. We also have four consultant engineers who are earning as much as division managers.
We’ve had the greatest amount of problems in this division. Conflicts con- tinuously arise due to interdependencies and misunderstandings. Our product line managers are the only people permitted to see the customers. This often alienates our engineering and manufacturing people, who are often called upon to respond to customer requests.
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Planning is another major problem that we’re trying to improve upon. We have trouble getting our functional mangers to make commitments. Perhaps this is a result of our inability to develop a uniform procedure for starting up a program. We always argue about when to anchor down the work. Our new, younger employees want to anchor everything down at once, whereas the poor project managers say not to anchor down anything. We, therefore, op- erate at all levels of the spectrum.
We can carry this problem one step further. How do we get an adequate set of objectives defined initially? We failed several times before because we couldn’t get corporate agreement or understanding. We’re trying to establish a policy for development of an architectural design document that will give good front-end definition.
Generally we’re O.K. if we’re simply modifying an existing product line. But with new product lines we have a problem in convincing people, especially our old customers.
The Ridge Division was originally developed to handle all corporate R&D activities. Unfortunately, our growth rate became so large and diversi- fied that this became impractical. We, therefore, had to decentralize the R&D activities. This meant that each division could do their own R&D work. Corporate then had the responsibility for resolving conflicts, estab- lishing priorities, and ensuring that all division are well-informed of the to- tal R&D picture. Corporate must develop good communication channels be- tween the divisions so that duplication of effort does not occur.
Almost all of our technical specialists have advanced degrees in engi- neering disciplines. This poses a severe problem for us, especially since we have a pure traditional structure. When a new project comes up, the project is assigned to the functional department that has the majority of the respon- sibility. One of the functional employees is then designated as the project manager. We realize that the new project manager has no authority to con- trol resources that are assigned to other departments. Fortunately, our de- partment managers realize this also, and usually put forth a concerted effort to provide whatever resources are needed. Most of the conflicts that do oc- cur are resolved at the department manager level.
When a project is completed, the project manager returns to his or her for- mer position as an engineering member of a functional organization. We’ve been quite concerned about these people that continuously go back and forth between project management and functional project engineering. This type of relationship is a must in our environment because our project managers must have a command of technology. We continuously hold in-house semi- nars on project management so as to provide our people with training in management skills, cost control, planning, and scheduling. We feel that we’ve been successful in this regard. We are always afraid that if we con- tinue to grow, we’ll have to change our structure and throw the company into chaos. Last time when we began to grow, corporate reassigned some of our R&D activities to other divisions. I often wonder what would have happened if this had not been done.
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For R&D projects that are funded out of house, we generally have no ma- jor management problems for our project managers or project engineers. For corporate funded projects, however, life becomes more complex mainly be- cause we have a tough time distinguishing when to kill a project or to pour money into it. Our project managers always argue that with just a little more corporate funding they can solve the world’s greatest problems.
From the point of view of R&D, our biggest problems are in “grass roots projects.” Let me explain what I mean by this. An engineer comes up with an idea and wants some money to pursue it. Unfortunately, our division managers are not budgeted for “seed monies” whenever an employee comes up with an idea for research or new product development. Each person must have a charge number to bill his time against. I know of virtually no project manager who would out-and-out permit someone to do independent re- search on a budgeted project.
So the engineer comes to us at corporate looking for seed money. Occasionally, we at corporate provide up to $50,000 for short-term seed money. That $50,000 might last for three to four months if the engineer is lucky. Unfortunately, obtaining the money is the lesser of the guy’s prob- lems. If the engineer needs support from another department, he’s not going to get it because his project is just an informal “grass roots” effort, whereas everything else is a clearly definable, well-established project. People are re- luctant to attach themselves to a “grass roots” effort because history has shown that the majority of them will be failures.
The researcher now has the difficult job of trying to convince people to give him support while continuously competing with other projects that are clearly defined and have established priorities. If the guy is persistent, how- ever, he has a good chance to succeed. If he succeeds, he gets a good evalu- ation. But if he fails, he’s at the mercy of his functional manager. If the func- tional manager felt that this guy could have been of more value to the company on a project basis, the he’s liable to grade him down. But even with these risks, we still have several “seed money” requests each month by em- ployees looking for glory.
Everyone sat around the gable listening to Ed White’ comments. What had started out as a meeting to professionalize project management as a career path position, uniformly applied across all divisions seemed to have turned into a complaint session. The problems identified by Ed White now left people with the notion that there may be more pressing problems.
1. Is it common for companies to maintain two or more sets of books for cost accounting?
Questions 41
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2. Is the matrix structure well suited for the solution to the above question? 3. Why do most project management structures find the necessity for a dual lad-
der system? 4. Should companies with several different types of projects have a uniform
procedure for planning projects? 5. Is it beneficial to have to take conflicts up two or three levels for resolution? 6. Should project managers be permitted to talk to the customer even if the
project is in support of a product line? 7. Should corporate R&D be decentralized? 8. What is meant by seed money? 9. How does control of seed money differ in a decentralized versus a centralized
R&D environment? 10. Should the failure of a “grass roots” project affect an employee’s opportunity
for promotion? 11. If you were the vice president of either engineering or R&D, would you pre-
fer centralized or decentralized control? 12. In either case, how would you handle each of the previously defined problems?
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“I’ve called this meeting to try to find out why we’re having a difficult time up- grading our EDP [Electronic Data Processing] Department to an MIS [Managment Information Systems] Division,” remarked Herb Banyon, executive vice president of Goshe Corporation.
Last year we decided to give the EDP Department a chance to show that it could contribute to corporate profits by removing the department from un- der the control of the Finance Division and establishing an MIS Division. The MIS Division should be a project-driven division using a project man- agement methodology. I expected great results. I continuously get reports stating that we’re having major conflicts and personality clashes among the departments involved in these MIS projects and that we’re between one month to three months behind on almost all projects. If we don’t resolve this problem right now, the MIS Division will be demoted to a department and once again find itself under the jurisdiction of the finance director.
In June 1987, Herb Banyon announced that Goshe Corporation would be giving salary increases amounting to an average of 7 percent companywide, with the
Goshe Corporation
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percent distribution as shown in Exhibit I. The EDP Department, especially the scientific programmers, were furious because this was the third straight year they had received below-average salary increases. The scientific programmers felt that they were performing engineering-type work and, therefore, should be paid ac- cording to the engineering pay scale. In addition, the software that was developed by the scientific programs was shortening schedules and lowering manufacturing costs. The scientific programmers were contributing to corporate profitability.
The year before, the scientific programmers had tried to convince manage- ment that engineering needed its own computer and that there should be estab- lished a separate engineering computer programming department within the Engineering Division. This suggestion had strong support form the engineering community because they would benefit by having complete control of their own computer. Unfortunately, management rejected the idea, fearing that competition and conflict would develop by having two data processing units, and that one cen- tralized unit was the only viable solution.
As a result of management’s decision to keep the EDP Department intact and not give them a chance to demonstrate that they can and do contribute to profits, the EDP personnel created a closed shop environment and developed a very hostile at- titude toward all other departments, even those within their own Finance Division.
In January 1988, Banyon announced the organizational restructuring that would upgrade the EDP Department. Al Grandy, the EDP Department manager, was given a promotion to division manager, provided that he could adequately man- age the MIS project activities. By December 1988, it became apparent that some- thing must be done to remedy the deteriorating relationship between the func- tional departments and the MIS personnel. Banyon called a meeting of all functional and divisional managers in hopes that some of the problems could be identified and worked out.
Herb Banyon: “For the past ten months I’ve watched you people continuously arguing back and forth about the MIS problems, with both sides always giving me the BS about how we’ll work it out. Now, before it’s too late, let’s try to get at the root cause of the problem. Anyone want to start the ball rolling?”
Cost accounting manager: “The major problem, as I see it, is the lack of inter- personal skills employed by the MIS people. Our MIS personnel have received only on-the-job training. The Human Resources Department has never provided us with any project management training, especially in the behavioral areas of project management. Our organization here is, or should I say has been up to now,
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purely traditional, with each person reporting to and working for and with one manager. Now we have horizontal projects in which the MIS project leaders must work with several functional managers, all of whom have different management styles, different personalities, and different dispositions. The MIS group just can’t turn around in one or two weeks and develop these necessary skills. It takes time and training.”
Training manager: “I agree with your comments. There are two types of situations that literally demand immediate personnel development training. The first situation is when personnel are required to perform in an organizational structure that has gone from the relatively simple, pure structure to a complex, partial matrix struc- ture. This is what has happened to us. The second situation is when the task changes from simple to complex.
“With either situation by itself, there is usually some slack time. But when both occur almost instantaneously, as is our case, immediate training should be un- dertaken. I told this to Grandy several times, but it was like talking to deaf ears. All he kept saying was that we don’t have time now because we’re loaded down with priority projects.”
Al Grandy: “I can see from the start that we’re headed for a rake-Grandy-over- the-coals meeting. So let me defend each accusation as it comes up. The day Banyon announced the organizational change, I was handed a list of fifteen MIS projects that had to be completed within unrealistic time schedules. I performed a manpower requirements projection and found that we were understaffed by 35 percent. Now I’m not stupid. I understand the importance of training my people. But how am I supposed to release my people for these training sessions when I have been given specific instructions that each of these fifteen projects had a high priority? I can just see myself walking into your office, Herb, telling you that I want to utilize my people only half-time so that they can undergo professional de- velopment training.”
Banyon: “Somehow I feel that the buck just got passed back to me. Those schedules that I gave you appeared totally realistic to me. I just can’t imagine any simple computer program requiring more time than my original estimates. And had you come to me with a request for training, I would have checked with per- sonnel and then probably would give you the time to train your people.”
Engineering manager: “I wish to make a comment or two about schedules. I’m not happy when an MIS guy walks into my office and tells me, or should I say demands, that certain resources be given to him so that he can meet a sched- ule or milestone date that I’ve had no input into establishing. My people are just not going to become pawns in the power struggle for MIS supremacy. My peo- ple become very defensive if they’re not permitted to participate in the planning activities, and I have to agree with them.”
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Manufacturing manager: “The Manufacturing Division has a project with the MIS group for purchasing a hardware system that will satisfy our scheduling and material handling system requirements. My people wanted to be involved in the hardware selection process. Instead, the MIS group came to us with proposal in hand identifying a system that was not a practical extension of the state of the art and that did not fall within our cost and time constraints.
“We in manufacturing, being nice guys, modified our schedules to be com- patible with the MIS project leaders’ proposal. We then tried to provide more de- tailed information for the MIS team so that . . .”
Grandy: “Just a minute here! Your use of the word we is somewhat misleading. Project management is designed and structured so that sufficient definition of work to be performed can be obtained in order that a more uniform implementation can result. My people requested a lot of detailed information from your staff and were told to do the work ourselves and find our own information. After all, as one of the functional employees put it, if we’re going to pass all of the responsibility over to you guys in project management; you people can just do it all.
“Therefore, because my people had insufficient data, between us we ended up creating a problem, which was further intensified by a lack of formal commu- nication between the MIS group and the functional departments, as well as be- tween the functional departments themselves. I hold functional management re- sponsible for this problem because some of the managers did not seem to have understood that they are responsible for the project work under their cognizance. Furthermore, I consider you, the manufacturing manager, as being remiss in your duties by not reviewing the performance of our personnel assigned to the project.”
Manufacturing manager: “Your people designed a system that was way too complex for our needs. Your people consider this project as a chance for glory. It is going to take us ten years to grow into this complex system you’ve created.”
Grandy: “Let me make a few comments about our delays in the schedule. One of our projects was a six-month effort. After the third month, there was a new de- partment manager assigned in the department that was to be the prime user of this project. We were then given a change in user requirements and incurred addi- tional delays in waiting for new user authorization.
“Of course, people problems always affect schedules. One of my most expe- rienced people became sick and had to be replaced by a rookie. In addition, I’ve tried to be a ‘good guy’ by letting my people help out some of the functional man- agers when non-MIS problems occur. This other work ended up encroaching on staff time to a degree where it impacted the schedules.
“Even though the MIS group regulates computer activities, we have no con- trol over computer downtime or slow turnabout time. Turnabout time is directly proportional to our priority lists, and we all know that these lists are established from above.
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Questions 47
Executive VP Herb Banyon
Director Engineering
Director Production
EDP Al Grandy
Director Finance (5.5%)
Director Marketing
Director Administration
Scientific Programmers
Business Programmers
Systems Analysts
“And last, we have to consider both company and project politics. All the MIS group wanted to do was to show that we can contribute to company profits. Top management consistently tries to give us unwanted direction and functional management tries to sabotage our projects for fear that if we’re successful, then it will be less money for their departments during promotion time.”
Banyon: “Well, I guess we’ve identified the major problem areas. The question remaining is: What are we going to do about it?”
1. What are the major problems in the case study? 2. What are the user group’s perceptions of the problem? 3. Was the company committed to project management? 4. Was project management forced upon the organization? 5. Did Goshe jump blindly into project management, or was there a gradual in-
troduction? 6. Did the company consider the problems that could manifest themselves with
the implementation of change (i.e., morale)? 7. Did the company have a good definition of project management?
Exhibit I. Goshe organizational chart. Note: Percentages indicate 1987 salary increases
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8. Should there have been a new set of company policies and procedures when the MIS group was developed?
9. How were project deadlines established? 10. Who established responsibilities for resource management? 11. Was there an integrated planning and control system? 12. Was there any training for division or project managers 13. Should Grandy have been promoted to his current position, or should some-
one have been brought in from outside? 14. Can Grandy function effectively as both a project manager and a division man-
ager? 15. Do you feel that Banyon understands computer programming? 16. Did anyone consider employee performance evaluations? 17. Did the company have good vertical communications? 18. Can a company without good vertical communications still have (or develop)
good horizontal communications? 19. With the development of the MIS group, should each division be given 7 per-
cent in the future? 20. What are the alternatives that are available? 21. What additional recommendations would you make?
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Acorn Industries, prior to July of 1996, was a relatively small midwestern corporation dealing with a single product line. The company dealt solely with commercial con- tracts and rarely, if ever, considered submitting proposals for government contracts. The corporation at that time functioned under a traditional form of organizational structure, although it did possess a somewhat decentralized managerial philosophy within each division. In 1993, upper management decided that the direction of the company must change. To compete with other manufacturers, the company initiated a strong acquisition program whereby smaller firms were bought out and brought into the organization. The company believed that an intensive acquisition program would solidify future growth and development. Furthermore, due to their reputation for pos- sessing a superior technical product and strong marketing department, the acquisition of other companies would allow them to diversify into other fields, especially within the area of government contracts. However, the company did acknowledge one short- coming that possibly could hurt their efforts—it had never fully adopted, nor imple- mented, any form of project management.
In July of 1996, the company was awarded a major defense contract after four years of research and development and intensive competition from a major defense organization. The company once again relied on their superior techno- logical capabilities, combined with strong marketing efforts, to obtain the con- tract. According to Chris Banks, the current marketing manager at Acorn Industries, the successful proposal for the government contract was submitted
Acorn Industries
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solely through the efforts of the marketing division. Acorn’s successful marketing strategy relied on three factors when submitting a proposal:
1. Know exactly what the customer wants. 2. Know exactly what the market will bear. 3. Know exactly what the competition is doing and where they are going.
The contract awarded in July 1996 led to subsequent successful government contracts and, in fact, eight more were awarded amounting to $80 million each. These contracts were to last anywhere from seven to ten years, taking the company into early 2009 before expiration would occur. Due to their extensive growth, es- pecially with the area of government contracts as they pertained to weapon sys- tems, the company was forced in 1997 to change general managers. The company brought in an individual who had an extensive background in program manage- ment and who previously had been heavily involved in research and development.
The problems facing the new general manager were numerous. Prior to his ar- rival, the company was virtually a decentralized manufacturing organization. Each division within the company was somewhat autonomous, and the functional managers operated under a Key Management Incentive Program (KMIP). The prior general manager had left it up to each division manager to do what was re- quired. Performance had been measured against attainment of goals. If the annual objective was met under the KMIP program, each division manager could expect to receive a year-end bonus. These bonuses were computed on a percentage of the manager’s base pay, and were directly correlated to the ability to exceed the an- nual objective. Accordingly, future planning within each division was somewhat stagnant, and most managers did not concern themselves with any aspect of or- ganizational growth other than what was required by the annual objective.
Because the company had previously dealt with a single product line and in- teracted solely with commercial contractors, little, if any, production planning had occurred. Interactions between research and development and the production engineering departments were virtually nonexistent. Research and Development was either way behind or way ahead of the other departments at any particular time. Due to the effects of the KMIP program, this aspect was likely to continue.
To compound the aforementioned problems, the general manager faced the unique task of changing corporate philosophy. Previously, corporate management
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was concerned with a single product with a short term production cycle. Now, however, the corporation was faced with long-term government contracts, long cycles, and diversified products. Add to this the fact that the company was almost void of any individuals who had operated under any aspect of program manage- ment, and the tasks appeared insurmountable.
The prime motivating factor for the new general manager during the period from 1997 to 1999 was to retain profitability and maximize return on investment. In order to do this, the general manager decided to maintain the company’s com- mercial product line, operating it at full capacity. This decision was made because the company was based in solid financial management and the commercial product line had been extremely profitable. According to the general manager, Ken Hawks,
The concept of keeping both commercial and government contracts separate was a necessity. The commercial product line was highly competitive and maintained a good market share. If the adventure into weaponry failed, the company could always fall back on the commercial products. At any rate, the company at this time could not solely rely on the success of government contracts, which were due to expire.
In 1996, Acorn reorganized its organizational structure and created a project management office under the direct auspices of the general manager (see Exhibit I).
In late 1996, Acorn initiated a major expansion and reorganization within its various divisions. In fact, during the period between 1996 and 1997, the government contracts resulted in the acquiring of three new companies and possibly the acquisition of a fourth. As before, the expertise of the marketing department was heavily relied upon. Growth objectives for each division were set by corporate headquarters with the ad- vice and feedback of the division managers. Up to 1996, Acorn’s divisions had not had a program director. The program management functions for all divisions were performed by one program manager whose expertise was entirely within the com- mercial field. This particular program manager was concerned only with profitability and did not closely interact with the various customers. According to Chris Banks,
The program manager’s philosophy was to meet the minimum level of per- formance required by the contract. To attain this, he required only adequate performance. As Acorn began to become more involved with government contracts, the position remained that given a choice between high technol- ogy and low reliability, the company would always select an acquisition with low technology and high reliability. If we remain somewhere in be- tween, future government contracts should be assured.
Expansion and Growth 51
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At the same time, Acorn established a Chicago office headed by a group ex- ecutive. The office was mainly for monitoring for government contracts. Concurrently, an office was established in Washington to monitor the trends within the Department of Defense and to further act as a lobbyist for government contracts. A position of director of marketing was established to interact with the program office on contract proposals. Prior to the establishment of a director of program management position in 1997, the marketing division had been respon- sible for contract proposals. Acorn believed that marketing would always, as in the past, set the tone for the company. However, in 1997, and then again in 1998 (see Exhibits II and III), Acorn underwent further organizational changes. A full- time director of project management was appointed, and a program management office was set up, with further subdivisions of project managers responsible for the various government contracts. It was at this time that Acorn realized the ne- cessity of involving the program manager more extensively in contract proposals. One faction within corporate management wanted to keep marketing responsible for contract proposals. Another decided that a combination between the market- ing input and the expertise of the program director must be utilized. According to Chris Banks,
We began to realize that marketing no longer could exclude other factors within the organization when preparing contract proposals. As project man- agement became a reality, we realized that the project manager must be in- cluded in all phases of contract proposals.
Prior to 1996, the marketing department controlled most aspects of contract proposals. With the establishment of the program office, interface between the marketing department and the program office began to increase.
In 1997, Acorn, for the first time, identified a director of project management. This individual reported directly to the general manager and had under his control:
1. The project managers 2. The operations group 3. The contracts group
Under this reorganization, the director of project management, along with the project managers, possessed greater responsibility relative to contract proposals. These new responsibilities included:
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1. Research and development 2. Preparation of contract proposals 3. Interaction with marketing on submittal of proposals 4. Responsibility for all government contracts
a. Trade-off analysis b. Cost analysis
5. Interface with engineering department to insure satisfaction of customer’s desires
Due to the expansion of government contracts, Acorn was now faced with the problem of bringing in new talent to direct ongoing projects. The previous proj- ect manager had had virtual autonomy over operations and maintained a singular philosophy. Under his tenure, many bright individuals left Acorn because future growth and career patterns were questionable. Now that the company is diversi- fying into other product lines, the need for young talent is crucial. Project man- agement is still in the infancy stage.
Acorn’s approach to selecting a project manager was dependent upon the size of the contract. If the particular contract was between $2 and $3 billion, the com- pany would go with the most experienced individual. Smaller contracts would be assigned to whoever was available.
Due to the relative newness of project management, little data was available to the company to fully assess whether operations were successful. The project man- agers were required to negotiate with the functional departments for talent. This aspect has presented some problems due to the long-term cycle of most govern- ment contracts. Young talent within the organization saw involvement with proj- ects as an opportunity to move up within the organization. Functional managers, on the other hand, apparently did not want to let go of young talent and were ex- tremely reluctant to lose any form of autonomy.
Performance of individuals assigned to projects was mutually discussed be- tween the project manager and the functional manager. Problems arose, however, due to length of projects. In some instances, if an individual had been assigned longer to the project manager than to the functional manager, the final evaluation of performance rested with the project manager. Further problems thus occurred when performance evaluations were submitted. In some instances, adequate per- formance was rated high in order to maintain an individual within the project scheme. According to some project managers, this aspect was a reality that must be faced, due to the shortage of abundant talent.
Interaction with Functional Departments 53
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In early 1998, Acorn began to realize that a production shortage relative to gov- ernment contracts would possibly occur in late 2001 or early 2003. Acorn initi- ated a three-pronged attack to fill an apparent void:
1. Do what you do best. 2. Look for similar product lines. 3. Look for products that do not require extensive R&D.
To facilitate these objectives, each division within the corporation estab- lished its own separate marketing department. The prime objective was to seek more federal funds through successful contract proposals and utilize these funds to increase investment into R&D. The company had finally realized that the suc- cess of the corporation was primarily attributed to the selection of the proper gen- eral manager. However, this had been accomplished at the exclusion of proper control over R&D efforts. A more lasting problem still existed, however. Program management was still less developed than in most other corporations.
Exhibit I. 1996 organizational structure
General Manager
Engineering Personnel Contracts Program
Management Operations
Quality Control
Exhibit II. 1997 organizational structure
General Manager
Engineering Personnel Quality Control
Director Program
Project Manager I
Project Manager II
Program Management
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Exhibit III. 1998 organizational structure (10/1/98)
Questions 55
General Manager VP Business
Engineering Personnel Director Program
Project Managers
Project Managers
Ongoing Projects
Contracts Ongoing Projects
Ongoing Projects
Ongoing Projects
1. What are the strengths of Acorn? 2. What are the weaknesses of Acorn? 3. What are your recommendations? 4. Additional questions:
A. Why was project management so slow in getting off the ground? B. Can marketing continue to prepare proposals without functional input? C. What should be the working relationship between the product manager and
the proposal? D. Does KMIP benefit project management? E. Should KMIP be eliminated?
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During the last five years, First National Bank (FNB) has been one of the fastest- growing banks in the Midwest. The holding company of the bank has been actively involved in purchasing small banks thoughout the state of Ohio. This expansion and the resulting increase of operations had been attended by considerable growth in numbers of employees and in the complexity of the organizational structure. In five years the staff of the bank has increased by 35 percent, and total assets have grown by 70 percent. FNB management is eagerly looking forward to a change in the Ohio banking laws that will allow statewide branch banking.
Data processing at FNB has grown at a much faster pace than the rest of the bank. The systems and programming staff grew from twelve in 1970 to more than seventy-five during the first part of 1977. Because of several future projects, the staff was expected to increase by 50 percent during the next two years.
Prior to 1972, the Information Services Department reported to the executive vice president of the Consumer Banking and Operations Division. As a result, the first banking applications to be computerized were in the demand deposit, sav- ings, and consumer credit banking areas. The computer was seen as a tool to
MIS Project Management at First National Bank
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speed up the processing of consumer transactions. Little effort was expended to meet the informational requirements of the rest of the bank. This caused a high- level conflict, since each major operating organization of the bank did not have equal access to systems and programming resources. The management of FNB became increasingly aware of the benefits that could accrue from a realignment of the bank’s organization into one that would be better attuned to the total infor- mation requirements of the corporation.
In 1982 the Information Services Division (ISD) was created. ISD was re- moved from the Consumer Banking and Operations Division to become a sepa- rate division reporting directly to the president. An organizational chart depicting the Information Services Division is shown in Exhibit I.
During 1982 the Priorities Committee was formed. It consists of the chief execu- tive officer of each of the major operating organizations whose activities are
Priorities Committee 57
ISD President
Systems Research
Production Control
Operations General Manager
Corporate Systems General Manager
Retail Systems General Manager
Retail Development
Retail Support
Corporate Development
Corporate Support
Technical Support
Computer Operations
Exhibit I. Information Services Division organizational chart
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directly affected by the need for new or revised information systems. The Priorities Committee was established to ensure that the resources of systems and programming personnel and computer hardware would be used only on those in- formation systems that can best be cost justified. Divisions represented on the committee are included in Exhibit II.
The Priorities Committee meets monthly to reaffirm previously set priorities and rank new projects introduced since the last meeting. Bank policy states that the only way to obtain funds for an information development project is to submit a request to the Priorities Committee and have it approved and ranked in overall priority order for the bank. Placing potential projects in ranked sequence is done by the senior executives. The primary document used for Priorities Committee review is called the project proposal.
When a user department determines a need for the development or enhancement of an information system, it is required to prepare a draft containing a statement of the problem from its functional perspective. The problem statement is sent[jy[bnto the president of ISD, who authorizes Systems Research (see Exhibit I) to prepare an impact statement. This impact statement will include a general overview from ISD’s perspective of:
FNS President
Bank Operations
Branch Administration
Administration and Trust Division
Consumer Banking and Operations Division (P)
Financial Division
Bank Investment Division
Credit Division
Corporate Banking Division
ISD Division
Contact Officers
National International
Contact Officers
Contact OfficersSouth
Region East
Region West
Region North
(P) = Priorities Committee Membership Branch Contact Officers
Branch Contact Officers
Branch Contact Officers
Branch Contact Officers
Exhibit II. First National Bank organizational chart
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� Project feasibility � Project complexity � Conformity with long-range ISD plans � Estimated ISD resource commitment � Review of similar requests � Unique characteristics/problems � Broad estimate of total costs
The problem and impact statements are then presented to the members of the Priorities Committee for their review. The proposals are preliminary in nature, but they permit the broad concept (with a very approximate cost attached to it) to be reviewed by the executive group to see if there is serious interest in pursuing the idea. If the interest level of the committee is low, then the idea is rejected. However, if the Priorities Committee members feel the concept has merit, they authorize the Systems Research Group of ISD to prepare a full-scale project pro- posal that contains:
� A detailed statement of the problem � Identification of alternative solutions � Impact of request on:
� User division � ISD � Other operating divisions
� Estimated costs of solutions � Schedule of approximate task duration � Cost-benefit analysis of solutions � Long-range implications � Recommended course of action
After the project proposal is prepared by systems research, the user sponsor must review the proposal and appear at the next Priorities Committee meeting to speak in favor of the approval and priority level of the proposed work. The proj- ect proposal is evaluated by the committee and either dropped, tabled for further review, or assigned a priority relative to ongoing projects and available resources.
The final output of a Priorities Committee meeting is an updated list of project proposals in priority order with an accompanying milestone schedule that indicates the approximate time span required to implement each of the proposed projects.
The net result of this process is that the priority-setting for systems develop- ment is done by a cross section of executive management; it does not revert by de- fault to data processing management. Priority-setting, if done by data processing, can lead to misunderstanding and dissatisfaction by sponsors of the projects that did not get ranked high enough to be funded in the near future. The project pro- posal cycle at FNB is diagrammed in Exhibit III. Once a project has risen to the
The Project Proposal Life Cycle 59
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Project Priority
Project Proposal
Impact Statement
Priorities Committee
Problem Statement
End No
Priorities Committee
? End
Exhibit III. The project proposal cycle
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top of the ranked priority list, it is assigned to the appropriate systems group for systems definition, system design and development, and system implementation.
The time spent by systems research in producing impact statements and proj- ect proposals is considered to be overhead by ISD. No systems research time is directly charged to the development of information systems.
As noted before, the systems and programming staff of ISD has increased in size rapidly and was expected to expand by another 50 percent over the next two years. As a rule, most new employees have previous data processing experience and training in various systems methodologies. ISD management recently imple- mented a project management system dedicated to providing a uniform step-by- step methodology for the development of management information systems. All project work is covered by tasks that make up the information project develop- ment life cycle at FNB. The subphases used by ISD in the project life cycle are:
1. Systems definition a. Project plan b. User requirements c. Systems definition d. Advisability study
2. Systems design and development a. Preliminary systems design b. Subsystems design c. Program design d. Programming and testing
3. System implementation a. System implementation b. System test c. Production control turnover d. User training e. System acceptance
The project management system contains a list of all normal tasks and subtasks (over 400) to be performed during the life cycle of a development project. The project manager must examine all the tasks to determine if they apply to a given
Project Estimating 61
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project. The manager must insert additional tasks if required and delete tasks that do not apply. The project manager next estimates the amount of time (in hours) to complete each task of each subphase of the project life cycle.
The estimating process of the project management system uses a “moving window” concept. ISD management feels that detailed cost estimating and time schedules are only meaningful for the next subphase of a project, where the visibility of the tasks to be performed is quite clear. Beyond that subphase, a more summary method of estimating is relied on. As the project progresses, new segments of the project gain visibility. Detailed estimates are made for the next major portion of the project, and summary estimates are done beyond that until the end of the project.
Estimates are performed at five intervals during the project life cycle. When the project is first initiated, the funding is based on the original estimates, which are derived from the list of normal tasks and subtasks. At this time, the subphases through the advisability study are estimated in detail, and summary estimates are prepared for the rest of the tasks in the project. Once the project has progressed through the advisability study, the preliminary systems design is estimated in de- tail, and the balance of the project is estimated in a more summary fashion. Estimates are conducted in this manner until the systems implementation plan is completed and the scope of the remaining subphases of the project is known. This multiple estimating process is used because it is almost impossible at the begin- ning of many projects to be certain of what the magnitude of effort will be later on in the project life cycle.
The project plan is the official document for securing funding from the sponsor in the user organization. The project plan must be completed and approved by the project manager before activity can begin on the user requirements subphase (1b). An initial stage in developing a project plan includes the drawing of a net- work that identifies each of the tasks to be done in the appropriate sequence for their execution. The project plan must include a milestone schedule, a cost esti- mate, and a budget request. It is submitted to the appropriate general manager of systems and programming for review so that an understanding can be reached of how the estimates were prepared and why the costs and schedules are as shown. At this time the general manager can get an idea of the quantity of systems and programming resources required by the project. The general manager next sets up a meeting with the project manager and the user sponsor to review the proj- ect plan and obtain funding from the user organization.
The initial project funding is based on an estimate that includes a number of assumptions concerning the scope of the project. Once certain key milestones in
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the project have been achieved, the visibility on the balance of the project be- comes much clearer, and reestimates are performed. The reestimates may result in refunding if there has been a significant change in the project. The normal milestone refunding points are as follows:
1. After the advisability study (1d) 2. After the preliminary systems design (2a) 3. After the program design (2c) 4. After system implementation (3a)
The refunding process is similar to the initial funding with the exception that progress information is presented on the status of the work and reasons are given to explain deviations from project expenditure projections. A revised project plan is prepared for each milestone refunding meeting.
During the systems design and development stage, design freezes are issued by the project manager to users announcing that no additional changes will be accepted to the project beyond that point. The presence of these design freezes is outlined at the beginning of the project. Following the design freeze, no additional changes will be accepted unless the project is reestimated at a new level and approved by the user sponsor.
The key element in ensuring user involvement in the new system is the conduct- ing of quality reviews. In the normal system cycles at FNB, there are ten quality reviews, seven of which are participated in jointly by users and data processing personnel, and three of which are technical reviews by data processing (DP) per- sonnel only. An important side benefit of this review process is that users of a new system are forced to become involved in and are permitted to make a contribution to the systems design.
Each of the quality review points coincides with the end of a subphase in the project life cycle. The review must be held at the completion of one subphase to obtain authorization to begin work on the tasks of the next subphase of the project.
All tasks and subtasks assigned to members of the project team should end in some “deliverable” for the project documentation. The first step in conducting a quality review is to assemble the documentation produced during the subphase for distribution to the Quality Review Board. The Quality Review Board consists of between two and eight people who are appointed by the project manager with the approval of the project sponsor and the general manager of systems and pro- gramming. The minutes of the quality review meeting are written either to ex- press “concurrence” with the subsystem quality or to recommend changes to the
System Quality Reviews 63
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system that must be completed before the next subphase can be started. By this process the system is fine-tuned to the requirements of the members of the review group at the end of each subphase in the system. The members of the Quality Review Board charge their time to the project budget.
Quality review points and review board makeup are as follows:
Review Review Board
User requirements User oriented Systems definition User oriented Advisability study User oriented Preliminary systems design User oriented Subsystems design Users and DP Program design DP Programming and testing DP System implementation User oriented System test User oriented Production control turnover DP
To summarize, the quality review evaluates the quality of project subphase results, including design adequacy and proof of accomplishment in meeting proj- ect objectives. The review board authorizes work to progress based on their de- tailed knowledge that all required tasks and subtasks of each subphase have been successfully completed and documented.
Once a project has risen to the top of the priority list, the appropriate manager of systems development appoints a project manager from his or her staff of analysts. The project manager has a short time to review the project proposal created by systems research before developing a project plan. The project plan must be ap- proved by the general manager of systems and programming and the user spon- sor before the project can be funded and work started on the user requirements subphase.
The project manager is “free” to spend as much time as required in review- ing the project proposal and creating the project plan; however, this time is “charged” to the project at a rate of $26 per hour. The project manager must ne- gotiate with a “supervisor,” the manager of systems development, to obtain the re- quired systems analysts for the project, starting with the user requirements sub- phase. The project manager must obtain programming resources from the manager of systems support. Schedule delays caused by a lack of systems or pro-
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gramming resources are to be communicated to the general manager by the proj- ect manager. All ISD personnel working on a project charge their time at a rate of $26 per hour. All computer time is billed at a rate of $64 per hour.
There are no user personnel on the project team; all team members are from ISD.
John Hart had for several years seen the need to use the computer to support the corporate marketing effort of the bank. Despite the fact that the majority of the bank’s profits were from corporate customers, most information systems effort was directed at speeding up transactions handling for small unprofitable accounts.
Mr. Hart had extensive experience in the Corporate Banking Division of the bank. He realized the need to consolidate information about corporate customers from many areas of the bank into one corporate database. From this information corporate banking services could be developed not only to better serve the cor- porate customers, but also to contribute heavily to the profit structure of the bank through repricing of services.
The absence of a corporate database meant that no one individual knew what total banking services a corporate customer was using, because corporate services were provided by many banking departments. It was also impossible to determine how profitable a corporate customer was to the bank. Contact officers did not have regularly scheduled calls. They serviced corporate customers al- most on a hit-or-miss basis. Unfortunately, many customers were “sold” on a service because they walked in the door and requested it. Mr. Hart felt that there was a vast market of untapped corporate customers in Ohio who would purchase services from the bank if they were contacted and “sold” in a professional man- ner. A corporate database could be used to develop corporate profiles to help contact officers sell likely services to corporations.
Mr. Hart knew that data about corporate customers was being processed in many departments of the bank, but mainly in the following divisions:
� Corporate banking � Corporate trust � Consumer banking
He also realized that much of the information was processed in manual systems, some was processed by time-sharing at various vendors, and other information was computerized in many internal information systems.
The upper management of FNB must have agreed with Mr. Hart because in December of 1986 the Corporate Marketing Division was formed with John Hart
Corporate Database 65
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as its executive vice president. Mr. Hart was due to retire within the year but was honored to be selected for the new position. He agreed to stay with the bank un- til “his” new system was “off the ground.” He immediately composed a problem statement and sent it to the ISD. Systems Research compiled a preliminary im- pact statement. At the next Priorities Committee meeting, a project proposal was authorized to be done by Systems Research.
The project proposal was completed by Systems Research in record time. Most information was obtained from Mr. Hart. He had been thinking about the systems requirements for years and possessed vast experience in almost all areas of the bank. Other user divisions and departments were often “too busy” when ap- proached for information. A common reply to a request for information was, “That project is John’s baby; he knows what we need.”
The project proposal as prepared by Systems Research recommended the following:
� Interfaces should be designed to extract information from existing com- puterized systems for the corporate database (CDB).
� Time-sharing systems should be brought in-house to be interfaced with the CDB.
� Information should be collected from manual systems to be integrated into the CDB on a temporary basis.
� Manual systems should be consolidated and computerized, potentially causing a reorganization of some departments.
� Information analysis and flow for all departments and divisions having contact with corporate customers should be coordinated by the Corporate Marketing Division.
� All corporate database analysis should be done by the Corporate Marketing Division staff, using either a user-controlled report writer or interactive inquiry.
The project proposal was presented at the next Priorities Committee meeting where it was approved and rated as the highest priority MIS development project in the bank. Mr. Hart became the user sponsor for the CDB project.
The project proposal was sent to the manager of corporate development, who appointed Jim Gunn as project manager from the staff of analysts in corporate de- velopment. Jim Gunn was the most experienced project manager available. His prior experience consisted of successful projects in the Financial Division of the bank.
Jim reviewed the project proposal and started to work on his project plan. He was aware that the corporate analyst group was presently understaffed but was as- sured by his manager, the manager of corporate development, that resources would be available for the user requirements subphase. He had many questions concerning the scope of the project and the interrelationship between the
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Corporate Marketing Division and the other users of corporate marketing data. But each meeting with Mr. Hart ended with the same comment: “This is a waste of time. I’ve already been over this with Systems Research. Let’s get moving.” Jim also was receiving pressure from the general manager to “hurry up” with the project plan. Jim therefore quickly prepared his project plan, which included a general milestone schedule for subphase completion, a general cost estimate, and a request for funding. The project plan was reviewed by the general manager and signed by Mr. Hart.
Jim Gunn anticipated the need to have four analysts assigned to the project and went to his manager to see who was available. He was told that two junior analysts were available now and another analyst should be free next week. No se- nior analysts were available. Jim notified the general manager that the CDB schedule would probably be delayed because of a lack of resources, but received no response.
Jim assigned tasks to the members of the team and explained the assignments and the schedule. Since the project was understaffed, Jim assigned a heavy load of tasks to himself.
During the next two weeks the majority of the meetings set up to document user requirements were canceled by the user departments. Jim notified Mr. Hart of the problem and was assured that steps would be taken to correct the problem. Future meetings with the users in the Consumer Banking and Corporate Banking Divisions became very hostile. Jim soon discovered that many individuals in these divisions did not see the need for the corporate database. They resented spending their time in meetings documenting the CDB requirements. They were afraid that the CDB project would lead to a shift of many of their responsibilities and functions to the Corporate Marketing Division.
Mr. Hart was also unhappy. The CDB team was spending more time than was budgeted in documenting user requirements. If this trend continued, a revised budget would have to be submitted to the Priorities Committee for approval. He was also growing tired of ordering individuals in the user departments to keep ap- pointments with the CDB team. Mr. Hart could not understand the resistance to his project.
Jim Gunn kept trying to obtain analysts for his project but was told by his manager that none were available. Jim explained that the quality of work done by the junior analysts was not “up to par” because of lack of experience. Jim com- plained that he could not adequately supervise the work quality because he was forced to complete many of the analysis tasks himself. He also noted that the quality review of the user requirements subphase was scheduled for next month, making it extremely critical that experienced analysts be assigned to the project. No new personnel were assigned to the project. Jim thought about contacting the general manager again to explain his need for more experienced analysts, but did not. He was due for a semiyearly evaluation from his manager in two weeks.
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Even though he knew the quality of the work was below standards, Jim was determined to get the project done on schedule with the resources available to him. He drove both himself and the team very hard during the next few weeks. The quality review of the user requirement subphase was held on schedule. Over 90 percent of the assigned tasks had to be redone before the Quality Review Board would sign-off on the review. Jim Gunn was removed as project manager.
Three senior analysts and a new project manager were assigned to the CDB project. The project received additional funding from the Priorities Committee. The user requirements subphase was completely redone despite vigorous protests from the Consumer Banking and Corporate Banking divisions.
Within the next three months the following events happened:
� The new project manager resigned to accept a position with another firm. � John Hart took early retirement. � The CDB project was tabled.
All projects at First National Bank (FNB) have project managers assigned and are handled through the Information Services Division (ISD). The organizational structure is not a matrix, although some people think that it is. The case describes one particular project, the development of a corporate database, and the resulting failure. The problem at hand is to investigate why the project failed.
1. What are the strengths of FNB? 2. What are the major weaknesses? 3. What is the major problem mentioned above? Defend your answer. 4. How many people did the project manager have to report to? 5. Did the PM remain within vertical structure of the organization? 6. Is there anything wrong if a PM is a previous co-worker of some team mem-
bers before the team is formed? 7. Who made up the project team? 8. Was there any resistance to the project by company management? 9. Was there an unnecessary duplication of work?
10. Was there an increased resistance to change? 11. Was the communication process slow or fast?
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12. Was there an increased amount of paperwork? 13. What are reasonable recommendations? 14. Does the company have any type of project management methodology? 15. Could the existence of a methodology have alleviated any of the above
problems? 16. Did the bank perform strategic planning for project management or did it
simply rush into the project? 17. Why do organizations rush into project management without first performing
strategic planning for project management or, at least, some form of bench- marking against other organizations?
Questions 69
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Cordova Research Group spent more than thirty years conducting pure and ap- plied research for a variety of external customers. With the reduction, however, in R&D funding, Cordova decided that the survival of the firm would be based upon becoming a manufacturing firm as well as performing R&D. The R&D culture was close to informal project management with the majority of the personnel holding advanced degrees in technical disciplines. To enter the manufacturing arena would require hiring hundreds of new employees, mostly nondegreed.
1. What strategic problems must be solved? 2. What project management problems must be solved? 3. What time frame is reasonable? 4. If excellence can be achieved, would it occur most likely using formal or in-
formal project management?
Cordova Research Group
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Cortez Plastics was having growing pains. As the business base of the company began to increase, more and more paperwork began to flow through the organi- zation. The “informal” project management culture that had worked so well in the past was beginning to deteriorate and was being replaced by a more formal proj- ect management approach. Recognizing the cost implications of a more formal project management approach, senior management at Cortez Plastics decided to take some action.
1. How can a company maintain informal project management during periods of corporate growth?
2. If the organization persists in creeping toward formal project management, what can be done to return to a more informal approach?
3. How would you handle a situation where only a few managers or employees are promoting the more formal approach?
Cortez Plastics
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In March 1991, the Marketing Division of the L. P. Manning Corporation per- formed a national survey to test the public’s reaction to a new type of toaster. Manning had achieved success in the past and established itself as a leader in the home appliance industry.
Although the new toaster was just an idea, the public responded favorably. In April of the same year, the vice presidents for planning, marketing, engineering, and manufacturing all met to formulate plans for the development and ultimately the production of the new toaster. Marketing asserted that the manufacturing cost must remain below $70 per unit or else Manning Corporation would not be com- petitive. Based on the specifications drawn up in the meeting, manufacturing as- sured marketing that this cost could be met.
The engineering division was given six months to develop the product. Manning’s executives were eager to introduce the product for the Christmas rush. This might give them an early foothold on a strong market share.
During the R&D phase, marketing continually “pestered” engineering with new designs and changes in specifications that would make the new product eas- ier to market. The ultimate result was a one-month slip in the schedule.
Pushing the schedule to the right greatly displeased manufacturing person- nel. According to the vice president for manufacturing, speaking to the marketing manager: “I’ve just received the final specifications and designs from engineer- ing. This is not what we had agreed on last March. These changes will cause us
L. P. Manning Corporation
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to lose at least one additional month to change our manufacturing planning. And because we’re already one month behind, I don’t see any way that we could reschedule our Christmas production facilities to accommodate this new product. Our established lines must come first. Furthermore, our estimating department says that these changes will increase the cost of the product by at least 25 to 35 percent. And, of course, we must include the quality control section, which has some questions as to whether we can actually live with these specifications. Why don’t we just cancel this project or at least postpone it until next year?”
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“Don, project management is the only way to handle this type of project. With $40 million at stake we can’t afford not to use this approach.”
“Listen, Jeff, your problem is you take seminars given by these ivory tower professors and you think you’re an expert. I’ve been in this business for forty years and I know how to handle this job—and it isn’t through project management.”
Jeff Pankoff, a registered professional engineer, came to work for National Corporation after receiving a mechanical engineering degree. After he arrived at National, he was assigned to the engineering department. Soon thereafter, Jeff re- alized that he needed to know more about statistics, and he enrolled in the grad- uate school of a local university. When he was near completion of his master of science degree, National transferred Jeff to one of its subsidiaries in Ireland to set up an engineering department. After a successful three years, Jeff returned to National’s home office and was promoted to chief engineer. Jeff’s department in- creased to eighty engineers and technicians. Spending a considerable time in ad- ministration, Jeff decided an MBA would be useful, so he enrolled in a program at a nearby university. At the time when this project began, Jeff was near the end of the MBA program.
Project Firecracker
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National Corporation, a large international corporation with annual sales of about $600 million, employs 8,000 people worldwide and is a specialty machine, component, and tool producer catering to automotive and aircraft manufacturers. The company is over a hundred years old and has a successful and profitable record.
National is organized in divisions according to machine, component, and tool production facilities. Each division is operated as a profit center (see Exhibit I). Jeff was assigned to the Tool Division.
National’s Tool Division produces a broad line of regular tools as well as spe- cials. Specials amounted to only about 10 percent of the regular business, but over the last five years had increased from 5 percent to the current 10 percent. Only specials that were similar to the regular tools were accepted as orders.
National sells all its products through about 3,000 industrial distributors lo- cated throughout the United States. In addition, National employs 200 sales rep- resentatives who work with the various distributors to provide product seminars.
The traditional approach to project assignments is used. The engineering de- partment, headed by Jeff, is basically responsible for the purchase of capital equipment and the selection of production methods used in the manufacture of the product. Project assignments to evaluate and purchase a new machine tool or to determine the production routing for a new product are assigned to the engi- neering department. Jeff assigns the project to the appropriate section, and, under the direction of a project engineer, the project is completed.
History and Background 75
Exhibit I. The Tool Division of National Corporation
( (
President–National Corporation
President (Machines)
President (Tools)
President (Components)
Organization not shown ( (Organizationnot shownVice PresidentFinance Vice PresidentManufacturing & Engineering Vice PresidentSales
Satellite Plants
Time Study Manager
Chief Engineer
Production Manager
Personnel Manager
Plant Engineer
Product Design Manager
Supervisor Design
Supervisor Mechanical Engineering
Supervisor Metallurgical Engineering
Supervisor Project
Supervisor Quality Control
Supervisor Subsidiary
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The project engineer works with all the departments reporting to the vice president, including production, personnel, plant engineering, product design (the project engineer’s link to sales), and time study. As an example of the working re- lationship, the project engineer selects the location of the new machine and de- vises instructions for its operation with production. With personnel the engineer establishes the job descriptions for the new jobs as well as for the selection of people to work on the new machine. The project engineer works with plant engi- neering on the moving of the machine to the proper location and instructs plant engineering on the installation and services required (air, water, electricity, gas, etc.). It is very important that the project engineer work very closely with the product design department, which develops the design of the product to be sold. Many times the product designed is too ambitious an undertaking or cannot be economically produced. Interaction between departments is essential in working out such problems.
After the new machine is installed, an operator is selected and the machine is ready for production. Time study, with the project engineer’s help, then estab- lishes the incentive system for the job.
Often a customer requests certain tolerances that cannot be adhered to by manufacturing. In such a case, the project engineer contacts the product design department, which contacts the sales department, which in turn contacts the cus- tomer. The communication process is then reversed, and the project engineer gets an answer. Based on the number of questions, the total process may take four to five weeks.
As the company is set up, the engineering department has no authority over time study, production, product design, or other areas. The only way that the proj- ect engineer can get these departments to make commitments is through persua- sion or through the chief engineer, who could go to the vice president of manu- facturing and engineering. If the engineer is convincing, the vice president will dictate to the appropriate manager what must be done.
Salaries in all departments of the company are a closely guarded secret. Only the vice president, the appropriate department manager, and the individual know the exact salary. Don Wolinski, the vice president of manufacturing and engi- neering, pointed out that this approach was the “professional way” and an essen- tial aspect of smooth business operations.
Jeff Pankoff, the chief engineer for National, flew to Southern California to one of National’s (tool) plants. Ben Ehlke, manager of the Southern California plant, wanted to purchase a computer numerical controlled (CNC) machining center for
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$250,000. When the request came to Jeff for approval, he had many questions and wanted some face-to-face communication.
The Southern California plant supplied the aircraft industry, and one airplane company provided 90 percent of the Southern California plant’s sales. Jeff was mainly concerned about the sales projections used by Ehlke in justifying the ma- chining center. Ehkle pointed out that his projections were based on what the air- plane company had told him they expected to buy out the next five years. Since this estimate was crucial to the justification, Jeff suggested that a meeting be arranged with the appropriate people at the airplane company to explore these projections. Since the local National sales representative was ill, the distributor salesman, Jack White, accompanied Jeff and Ben. While at the airplane company (APC), the chief tool buyer of APC, Tom Kelly, was informed that Jeff was there. Jeff received a message from the receptionist that Tom Kelly wanted to see him before he left the building. After the sales projections were reviewed and Jeff was convinced that they were as accurate and as reliable as they possibly could be, he asked the receptionist to set up an appointment with Tom Kelly.
When Jeff walked into Kelly’s office the fireworks began. He was greeted with, “What’s wrong with National? They refused to quote on this special part. We sent them a print and asked National for their price and delivery, indicating it could turn into a sizable order. They turned me down flat saying that they were not tooled up for this business. Now I know that National is tops in the field and that National can provide this part. What’s wrong with your sales department?”
All this came as a complete surprise to Jeff. The distributor salesman knew about it but never thought to mention it to him. Jeff looked at the part print and asked, “What kind of business are you talking about?” Kelly said, without batting an eye, “$40 million per year.”
Jeff realized that National had the expertise to produce the part and would re- quire only one added machine (a special press costing $20,000) to have the total manufacturing capability. Jeff also realized he was in an awkward situation. The National sales representative was not there, and he certainly could not speak for sales. However, a $40 million order could not be passed over lightly. Kelly indi- cated that he would like to see National get 90 percent of the order if they would only quote on the job. Jeff told Kelly that he would take the information back and discuss it with the vice presidents of sales, manufacturing, and engineering and that most likely the sales vice president would contact him next.
On the return flight, Jeff reviewed in his mind his meeting with Kelly. Why did Bob Jones, National’s sales vice president, refuse to quote? Did he know about the possible $40 million order? Although Jeff wasn’t in sales, he decided that he would do whatever possible to land this order for National. That evening Jack White called from California. Jack said he had talked to Kelly after Jeff left and told Kelly that if anybody could make this project work, it would be Jeff Pankoff. Jeff suggested that Jack White call Bob Jones with future reports con- cerning this project.
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The next morning, before Jeff had a chance to review his mail, Bob Jones came storming into his office. “Who do you think you are committing National to accept an order on your own without even a sales representative present? You know that all communication with a customer is through sales.”
Jeff replied, “Let me explain what happened.” After Jeff’s explanation, Jones said, “Jeff, I hear what you’re saying, but no
matter what the circumstances, all communications with any customer must go through proper channels.”
Following the meeting with Jones, Jeff went to see Wolinski, his boss. He filled Wolinski in on what had happened. Then he said, “Don, I’ve given this project considerable thought. Jones is agreeable to quoting this job. However, if we follow our normal channels, we will experience too many time delays and problems. Through the various stages of this project, the customer will have many questions and changes and will require continuous updating. Our current system will not allow this to happen. It will take work from all departments to implement this project, and unless all departments work under the same priority system, we won’t have a chance. What we need, Don, is project management. Without this approach where one man heads the project with authority from the top, we just can’t make it work.”
Wolinski looked out the window and said, “We have been successful for many years using our conventional approach to project work. I grant you that we have not had an order of this magnitude to worry about, but I see no reason why we should change even if the order were for $100 million.”
“Don, project management is the only way to handle this type of project. With $40 million at stake we can’t afford not to use this approach.”
“Listen Jeff, your problem is you take seminars given by these ivory tower professors and you think you’re an expert. I’ve been in this business for forty years and I know how to handle this job—and it isn’t through project management. I’ll call a meeting of all concerned department managers so we can get started on quot- ing this job.”
That afternoon, Jeff and the other five department managers were summoned to a meeting in Wolinski’s office. Wolinski summarized the situation and in- formed the assembled group that Jeff would be responsible for the determination of the methods of manufacture and the associated manufacturing costs that would be used in the quotation. The method of manufacture, of course, would be based on the design of the part provided by product design. Wolinski appointed Jeff and Waldo Novak, manager of product design, as coheads of the project. He further advised that the normal channels of communication with sales through the prod- uct design manager would continue as usual on this project.
The project began. Jeff spent considerable time requesting clarification of the drawings submitted by the customer. All these communications went through Waldo. Before the manufacturing routing could be established for quotation purposes, ques- tions concerning the drawings had to be answered. The customer was getting anx-
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ious to receive the quotation because its management had to select a supplier within eight weeks. One week was already lost owing to communication delay. Wolinski decided that to speed up the quoting process he would send Jeff and Waldo along with Jones, the sales vice president, to see the customer. This meeting at APC helped clarify many questions. After Jeff returned, he began laying out the alternative rout- ing for the parts. He assigned two of his most creative technicians and an engineer to run isolated tests on the various methods of manufacturing. From the results he would then finalize the routing that would be used for quoting. Two weeks of the eight were gone, but Jeff was generally pleased until the phone rang. It was Waldo.
“Say, Jeff, I think if we change the design on the back side of the part, it will add to its strength. In fact, I’ve assigned one of my men to review this and make this change, and it looks good.”
While this conversation was going on, Wolinski popped into Jeff’s office and said that sales had promised that National would ship APC a test order of 100 pieces in two weeks. Jeff was irate. Product design was changing the product. Sales was promising delivery of a test order that no one could even describe yet.
Needless to say, the next few days were long and difficult. It took three days for Jeff and Waldo to resolve the design routing problem. Wolinski stayed in the background and would not make any position statement except that he wanted everything “yesterday.” By the end of the third week the design problem was re- solved, and the quotation was prepared and sent out to the customer. The quota- tion was acceptable to APC pending the performance of the 100 test parts.
At the start of the fourth week, Jeff, with the routing in hand, went to Charlie Henry, the production manager, and said he needed 100 parts by Friday. Charlie looked at the routing and said, “The best I can do is a two-week delivery.”
After discussing the subject for an hour, the two men agreed to see Wolinski. Wolinski said he’d check with sales and attempt to get an extension of one week. Sales asked the distributor salesman to request an extension. Jack White was sure it would be okay so he replied to Bob Jones without checking that the added week was in fact acceptable.
The 100 pieces went out in three weeks rather than two. That meant the proj- ect was at the end of the sixth week and only two remained. Inspection received the test pieces on Monday of the seventh week and immediately reported them not to be in specification. Kelly was upset. He was counting heavily on National to provide these parts. Kelly had received four other quotations and test orders from National’s competitors. The prices were similar, and the test parts were to specification. However, National’s parts, although out of specification, looked better than their competitors’. Kelly reminded Jones that the customer now had only nine days left before the contract would be let. That meant the 100 test parts had to be made in nine days. Jones immediately called Wolinski, who agreed to talk to his people to try to accomplish this.
The tools were shipped in eleven days, two days after the customer had awarded orders to three of National’s competitors. Kelly was disappointed in
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National’s performance but told Jones that National would be considered for next year’s contract, at least a part of it.
Jeff, hearing from Waldo that National lost the order, returned to his office, shut the door, and thought of the hours, nearly round the clock, that were spent on this job. Hours were wasted because of poor communications, nonuniform pri- orities, and the fact that there was no project manager. “I wonder if Wolinski learned his lesson; probably not. This one cost the company at least $6 million in profits, all because project management was not used.” Jeff concluded that his work was really cut out for him. He decided that he must convince Wolinski and others of the advantages of using project management. Although Wolinski had attended a one-day seminar on project management two years ago, Jeff decided that one of his objectives during the coming year would be to get Wolinski to the point where he would, on his own, suggest becoming more knowledgeable con- cerning project management. Jeff’s thought was that if the company was to con- tinue to be profitable it must use project management.
The phone rang, it was Wolinski. He said, “Jeff, do you have a moment to come down to my office? I’d like to talk about the possibility of using, on a trial basis, this project management concept you mentioned to me a few months ago.”
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Following his promotion to Boeing CEO in 1988, Frank Shrontz looked for ways to stretch and upgrade the Boeing 767—an eight-year-old wide-body twin jet— in order to meet Airbus competition. Airbus had just launched two new 300-seat wide-body models, the two-engine A330 and the four-engine A340. Boeing had no 300-seat jetliner in service, nor did the company plan to develop such a jet.
To find out whether Boeing’s customers were interested in a double-decker 767, Philip Condit, Boeing Executive Vice President and future CEO (1996) met with United Airlines Vice President Jim Guyette. Guyette rejected the idea out- right, claiming that an upgraded 767 was no match to Airbus’s new model trans- ports. Instead, Guyette urged Boeing to develop a brand new commercial jet, the most advanced airplane of its generation.1 Shrontz had heard similar suggestions from other airline carriers. He reconsidered Boeing’s options, and decided to abandon the 767 idea in favor of a new aircraft program. In December 1989, ac- cordingly, he announced the 777 project and put Philip Condit in charge of its management. Boeing had launched the 777 in 1990, delivered the first jet in 1995, and by February 2001, 325 B-777s were flying in the services of the major inter- national and U.S. airlines.2
Philip Condit and the Boeing 777: From Design and Development to Producton and Sales*
*This case was presented by Isaac Cohen, San Jose State University, at the 2000 North American Case Research Association (NACRA) workshop. Reprinted by permission from the Case Research Journal. Copyright 2000 by Isaac Cohen and the North American Case Research Association.
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Condit faced a significant challenge in managing the 777 project. He wanted to create an airplane that was preferred by the airlines at a price that was truly competitive. He sought to attract airline customers as well as cut production costs, and he did so by introducing several innovations—both technological and man- agerial—in aircraft design, manufacturing, and assembly. He looked for ways to revitalize Boeing’s outmoded engineering production system, and update Boeing’s manufacturing strategies. And to achieve these goals, Condit made con- tinual efforts to spread the 777 program-innovations companywide.
Looking back at the 777 program, this case focuses on Condit’s efforts. Was the 777 project successful, and was it cost effective? Would the development of the 777 allow Boeing to diffuse the innovations in airplane design and production beyond the 777 program? Would the development of the 777’s permit Boeing to revamp and modernize its aircraft manufacturing system? Would the making and selling of the 777 enhance Boeing competitive position relative to Airbus, its only remaining rival?
Commercial aircraft manufacturing was an industry of enormous risks where fail- ure was the norm, not the exception. The number of large commercial jet makers had been reduced from four in the early 1980s—Boeing, McDonnell Douglas, Airbus, and Lockheed—to two in late 1990s, turning the industry into a duopoly, and pitting the two survivors—Boeing and Airbus—one against the other. One reason why aircraft manufacturers so often failed was the huge cost of product development.
Developing a new jetliner required an up-front investment of up to $15 bil- lion (2001 dollars), a lead time of five to six years from launch to first delivery, and the ability to sustain a negative cash flow throughout the development phase. Typically, to break even on an entirely new jetliner, aircraft manufacturers needed to sell a minimum of 300 to 400 planes and at least 50 planes per year.3 Only a few commercial airplane programs had ever made money.
The price of an aircraft reflected its high development costs. New model prices were based on the average cost of producing 300 to 400 planes, not a single plane. Aircraft pricing embodied the principle of learning by doing, the so called learning curve4: workers steadily improved their skills during the assembly process, and as a result, labor cost fell as the number of planes produced rose.
The high and increasing cost of product development prompted aircraft man- ufacturers to utilize subcontracting as a risk-sharing strategy. For the 747, the 767, and the 777, the Boeing Company required subcontractors to share a substantial part of the airplane’s development costs. Airbus did the same with its own latest models. Risk sharing subcontractors performed detailed design work and assem-
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bled major subsections of the new plane while airframe integrators (i.e., aircraft manufacturers) designed the aircraft, integrated its systems and equipment, as- sembled the entire plane, marketed it, and provided customer support for twenty to thirty years. Both the airframe integrators and their subcontractors were sup- plied by thousands of domestic and foreign aircraft components manufacturers.5
Neither Boeing, nor Airbus, nor any other post-war commercial aircraft man- ufacturer produced jet engines. A risky and costly venture, engine building had become a highly specialized business. Aircraft manufacturers worked closely with engine makers—General Electric, Pratt and Whitney, and Rolls Royce—to set engine performance standards. In most cases, new airplanes were offered with a choice of engines. Over time, the technology of engine building had become so complex and demanding that it took longer to develop an engine than an aircraft. During the life of a jetliner, the price of the engines and their replacement parts was equal to the entire price of the airplane.6
A new model aircraft was normally designed around an engine, not the other way around. As engine performance improved, airframes were redesigned to exploit the engine’s new capabilities. The most practical way to do so was to stretch the fuse- lage and add more seats in the cabin. Aircraft manufacturers deliberately designed flexibility into the airplane so that future engine improvements could facilitate later stretching. Hence the importance of the “family concept” in aircraft design, and hence the reason why aircraft manufacturers introduced families of planes made up of derivative jetliners built around a basic model, not single, standardized models.7
The commercial aircraft industry, finally, gained from technological innova- tions in two other industries. More than any other manufacturing industry, aircraft construction benefited from advances in material applications and electronics. The development of metallic and nonmetallic composite materials played a key role in improving airframe and engine performance. On the one hand, composite materials that combined light weight and great strength were utilized by aircraft manufacturers; on the other, heat-resisting alloys that could tolerate temperatures of up to 3,000 degrees were used by engine makers. Similarly, advances in elec- tronics revolutionized avionics. The increasing use of semiconductors by aircraft manufacturers facilitated the miniaturization of cockpit instruments, and more important, it enhanced the use of computers for aircraft communication, naviga- tion, instrumentation, and testing.8 The use of computers contributed, in addition, to the design, manufacture, and assembly of new model aircraft.
The history of the Boeing company may be divided into two distinct periods: the piston era and the jet age. Throughout the piston era, Boeing was essentially a military contractor producing fighter aircraft in the 1920s and 1930s, and
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bombers during World War II. During the jet age, beginning in the 1950s, Boeing had become the world’s largest manufacturer of commercial aircraft, deriving most of its revenues from selling jetliners.
Boeing’s first jet was the 707. The introduction of the 707 in 1958 repre- sented a major breakthrough in the history of commercial aviation; it allowed Boeing to gain a critical technological lead over the Douglas Aircraft Company, its closer competitor. To benefit from government assistance in developing the 707, Boeing produced the first jet in two versions: a military tanker for the Air Force (k-135) and a commercial aircraft for the airlines (707-120). The company, however, did not recoup its own investment until 1964, six years after it delivered the first 707, and twelve years after it had launched the program. In the end, the 707 was quite profitable, selling 25 percent above its average cost.9 Boeing re- tained the essential design of the 707 for all its subsequent narrow-body single- aisle models (the 727, 737, and 757), introducing incremental design improve- ments, one at a time.10 One reason why Boeing used shared design for future models was the constant pressure experienced by the company to move down the learning curve and reduce overall development costs.
Boeing introduced the 747 in 1970. The development of the 747 represented another breakthrough; the 747 wide body design was one of a kind; it had no real competition anywhere in the industry. Boeing bet the entire company on the suc- cess of the 747, spending on the project almost as much as the company’s total net worth in 1965, the year the project started.11 In the short-run, the outcome was dis- astrous. As Boeing began delivering its 747s, the company was struggling to avoid bankruptcy. Cutbacks in orders as a result of a deep recession, coupled with pro- duction inefficiencies and escalating costs, created a severe cash shortage that pushed the company to the brink. As sales dropped, the 747’s break-even point moved further and further into the future.
Yet, in the long run, the 747 program was a triumph. The Jumbo Jet had be- come Boeing’s most profitable aircraft and the industry’s most efficient jetliner. The plane helped Boeing solidify its position as the industry leader for years to come, leaving McDonnell Douglas far behind, and forcing the Lockheed Corporation to exit the market. The new plane, furthermore, contributed to Boeing’s manufacturing strategy in two ways. First, as Boeing increased its re- liance on outsourcing, six major subcontractors fabricated 70 percent of the value of the 747 airplane,12 thereby helping Boeing reduce the project’s risks. Second, for the first time, Boeing applied the family concept in aircraft design to a wide- body jet, building the 747 with wings large enough to support a stretched fuselage with bigger engines, and offering a variety of other modifications in the 747’s ba- sic design. The 747-400 (1989) is a case in point. In 1997, Boeing sold the stretched and upgraded 747-400 in three versions, a standard jet, a freighter, and a “combi” (a jetliner whose main cabin was divided between passenger and cargo compartments).13
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Boeing developed other successful models. In 1969, Boeing introduced the 737, the company’s narrow-body flagship, and in 1982 Boeing put into service two additional jetliners, the 757 (narrow-body) and the 767 (wide-body). By the early 1990s, the 737, 757, and 767 were all selling profitably. Following the in- troduction of the 777 in 1995, Boeing’s families of planes included the 737 for short-range travel, the 757 and 767 for medium-range travel, and the 747 and 777 for medium- to long-range travel (Exhibit I).
In addition to building jetliners, Boeing also expanded its defense, space, and information businesses. In 1997, the Boeing Company took a strategic gamble, buying the McDonnell Douglas Company in a $14 billion stock deal. As a result of the merger, Boeing had become the world’s largest manufacturer of military aircraft, NASA’S largest supplier, and the Pentagon’s second largest contractor (after Lockheed). Nevertheless, despite the growth in its defense and space busi- nesses, Boeing still derived most of its revenues from selling jetliners. Commercial aircraft revenues accounted for 59 percent of Boeing’s $49 billion sales in 1997 and 63 percent of Boeing’s $56 billion sales in 1998.14
Following its merger with McDonnell, Boeing had one remaining rival: Airbus Industrie.15 In 1997, Airbus booked 45 percent of the worldwide orders for commercial jetliners16 and delivered close to 1/3 of the worldwide industry output. In 2000, Airbus shipped nearly 2/5 of the worldwide industry output (Exhibit II).
Airbus’s success was based on a strategy that combined cost leadership with technological leadership. First, Airbus distinguished itself from Boeing by incor- porating the most advanced technologies into its planes. Second, Airbus managed to cut costs by utilizing a flexible, lean production manufacturing system that stood in a stark contrast to Boeing’s mass production system.17
The Boeing Company 85
Exhibit I. Total number of commercial jetliners delivered by the Boeing Company, 1958–2/2001a
Model No. Delivered First Delivery
B-707 1,010 (retired) 1958 B-727 1,831 (retired) 1963 B-737 3,901 1967 B-747 1,264 1970 B-757 953 1982 B-767 825 1982 B-777 325 1995 B-717 49 2000 Total: 10,158
aMcDonnell Douglas commercial jetliners (the MD-11, MD-80, and MD-90) are excluded. Sources: Boeing Commercial Airplane Group, Announced Orders and Deliveries as of 12/31/97; The Boeing Company 1998 Annual Report, p. 35. “Commercial Airplanes: Order and Delivery Summary,” http://www.Boeing com/commercial/orders/index.html. Retrieved from Web, March 20, 2001.
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As Airbus prospered, the Boeing company was struggling with rising costs, declining productivity, delays in deliveries, and production inefficiencies. Boeing Commercial Aircraft Group lost $1.8 billion in 1997 and barely generated any profits in 1998.18 All through the 1990s, the Boeing Company looked for ways to revitalize its outdated production manufacturing system on the one hand, and to introduce leading edge technologies into its jetliners on the other. The develop- ment and production of the 777, first conceived of in 1989, was an early step un- dertaken by Boeing managers to address both problems.
The 777 program was Boeing’s single largest project since the completion of the 747. The total development cost of the 777 was estimated at $6.3 billion and the total number of employees assigned to the project peaked at nearly 10,000. The 777’s twin-engines were the largest and most powerful ever built (the diameter of the 777’s engine equaled the 737’s fuselage), the 777’s construction required 132,000 uniquely engineered parts (compared to 70,000 for the 767), the 777’s seat capacity was identical to that of the first 747 that had gone into service in 1970, and its manufacturer empty weight was 57 percent greater than the 767’s. Building the 777 alongside the 747 and 767 at its Everett plant near Seattle, Washington, Boeing enlarged the plant to cover an area of seventy-six football fields.19
Boeing’s financial position in 1990 was unusually strong. With a 21 percent rate of return on stockholder equity, a long-term debt of just 15 percent of capi- talization, and a cash surplus of $3.6 billion, Boeing could gamble comfortably.20
There was no need to bet the company on the new project as had been the case with the 747, or to borrow heavily, as had been the case with the 767. Still, the decision to develop the 777 was definitely risky; a failure of the new jet might have triggered an irreversible decline of the Boeing Company and threatened its future survival.
Exhibit II. Market share of shipments of commercial aircraft, Boeing, McDonnell Douglas (MD), Airbus, 1992–2000
1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000
Boeing 61% 61% 63% 54% 55% 67% 71% 68% 61% MD 17 14 9 13 13 Airbus 22 25 28 33 32 33 29 32 39
Source: Aerospace Facts and Figures, 1997–98, p. 34; Wall Street Journal (December 3, 1998, and January 12, 1999); The Boeing Company 1997 Annual Report, p. 19; data supplied by Mark Luginbill, Airbus Communication Director (November 16, 1998, February 1, 2000, and March 20, 2001).
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The decision to develop the 777 was based on market assessment—the esti- mated future needs of the airlines. During the fourteen-year period, 1991–2005, Boeing market analysts forecasted a +100 percent increase in the number of passenger miles traveled worldwide, and a need for about 9,000 new commercial jets. Of the total value of the jetliners needed in 1991–2005, Boeing analysts fore- casted a $260 billion market for wide body jets smaller than the 747. An increas- ing number of these wide-body jets were expected to be larger than the 767.21
To manage the risk of developing a new jetliner, aircraft manufacturers had first sought to obtain a minimum number of firm orders from interested carriers, and only then commit to the project. Boeing CEO Frank Shrontz had expected to ob- tain one hundred initial orders of the 777 before asking the Boeing board to launch the project, but as a result of Boeing’s financial strength on the one hand, and the increasing competitiveness of Airbus on the other, Schrontz decided to seek the board’s approval earlier. He did so after securing only one customer: United Airlines. On October 12, 1990, United had placed an order for thirty-four 777s and an option for an additional thirty-four aircraft, and two weeks later, Boeing’s board of directors approved the project.22 Negotiating the sale, Boeing and United drafted a handwritten agreement (signed by Philip Condit and Richard Albrecht, Boeing’s executive vice presidents, and Jim Guyette, United’s executive vice president) that granted United a larger role in designing the 777 than the role played by any airline before. The two companies pledged to cooperate closely in developing an aircraft with the “best dispatch reliability in the industry” and the “greatest customer appeal in the industry.” “We will endeavor to do it right the first time with the highest degree of professionalism” and with “candor, honesty, and respect” [the agreement read]. Asked to comment on the agreement, Philip Condit, said: “We are going to listen to our customers and understand what they want. Everybody on the program has that attitude.”23 Gordon McKinzie, United’s 777 pro- gram director agreed: “In the past we’d get brochures on a new airplane and its op- tions. . . wait four years for delivery, and hope we’d get what we ordered. This time Boeing really listened to us.”24
Condit invited other airline carriers to participate in the design and develop- ment phase of the 777. Altogether, eight carriers from around the world (United, Delta, American, British Airways, Qantas, Japan Airlines, All Nippon Airways, and Japan Air System) sent full-time representatives to Seattle; British Airways alone assigned seventy-five people at one time. To facilitate interaction between its design engineers and representatives of the eight carriers, Boeing introduced an initiative called “Working Together.” “If we have a problem,” a British Airways production manager explained, “we go to the source—design engineers
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on the IPT [Integrated Product Teams], not service engineer(s). One of the frus- trations on the 747 was that we rarely got to talk to the engineers who were do- ing the work.”25
“We have definitely influenced the design of the aircraft,” a United 777 man- ager said, mentioning changes in the design of the wing panels that made it eas- ier for airline mechanics to access the slats (slats, like flaps, increased lift on take- offs and landings), and new features in the cabin that made the plane more attractive to passengers.26 Of the 1,500 design features examined by representa- tives of the airlines, Boeing engineers modified 300 (see Exhibit III). Among changes made by Boeing was a redesigned overhead bin that left more stand-up headroom for passengers (allowing a six-foot-three tall passenger to walk from aisle to aisle), “flattened” side walls that provided the occupant of the window seat with more room, overhead bin doors that opened down and made it possible for shorter passengers to lift baggage into the overhead compartment, a re- designed reading lamp that enabled flight attendants to replace light bulbs, a task formerly performed by mechanics, and a computerized flight deck management
External identification, access panel
Passenger reading light replaceability
Increased maximum landing weight capability
Passenger seat weight allowables
On-board engine trim balance
Passenger system gaseous oxygen option
Electronic bay access hatch
Ceiling stowage compartment at
Doors 1 and 4
Cockpit dimmer module location,
improved accessibility
More flight deck stowage
Rain repellent- hydrophobic coating
“Towbarless” tractor nose gear design
Low priority messages inhibit during takeoff
Refueling inclinometer location
Dual external power
Quieter toilet seat cover operation
Options for straight or folding wing design
Improved pneumatic duct leak detection system
Flat cabin aisle floors
Crew rest with small cargo door
Fuselage size optimization
Improved fatigue life
Engine/APU file sensor connector
Longitudinal galley option
Door 3 galley capability
Translating ceiling stowage bins
Nickel-plated fuel tank wiring
Cargo restraint design
Improved hydraulic tubing corrosion protection
Interior architectural design
Cabin management and in-flight entertainment system
Portable maintenance access terminal addition
Oxygen cylinder, commonality- composite and steel
Airborne vibration monitoring functionality
LRU access for maintainability
Refueling panel location
Tire pressure indication system (primary)
Radial ply tires and carbon brakes (suppliers selection)
Carbon brake, dual supply source
Improved hydraulic and wiring systems separation
Exhibit III. The 777: Selected design features proposed by Boeing airline cus- tomers and adapted by the Boeing Company
Source: The Boeing Company.
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system that adjusted cabin temperature, controlled the volume of the public ad- dress system, and monitored food and drink inventories.27
More important were changes in the interior configuration (layout plan) of the aircraft. To be able to reconfigure the plane quickly for different markets of varying travel ranges and passenger loads, Boeing’s customers sought a flexible plan of the interior. On a standard commercial jet, kitchen galleys, closets, lava- tories, and bars were all removable in the past, but were limited to fixed positions where the interior floor structure was reinforced to accommodate the “wet” load. On the 777, by contrast, such components as galleys and lavatories could be po- sitioned anywhere within several “flexible zones” designed into the cabin by the joint efforts of Boeing engineers and representatives of the eight airlines. Similarly, the flexible design of the 777’s seat tracks made it possible for carriers to increase the number of seat combinations as well as reconfigure the seating arrangement quickly. Flexible configuration resulted, in turn, in significant cost savings; airlines no longer needed to take the aircraft out of service for an ex- tended period of time in order to reconfigure the interior.28
The airline carriers also influenced the way in which Boeing designed the 777 cockpit. During the program definition phase, representatives of United Airlines, British Airways, and Qantas—three of Boeing’s clients whose fleets in- cluded a large number of 747-400s—asked Boeing engineers to model the 777 cockpit on the 747-400s. In response to these requests, Boeing introduced a shared 747/777 cockpit design that enabled its airline customers to use a single pool of pilots for both aircraft types at a significant cost savings.29
Additionally, the airline carriers urged Boeing to increase its use of avionics for in-flight entertainment. The 777, as a consequence, was equipped with a fully computerized cabin. Facing each seat on the 777, and placed on the back of the seat in front, was a combined computer and video monitor that featured movies, video programs, and interactive computer games. Passengers were also provided with a digital sound system comparable to the most advanced home stereo avail- able, and a telephone. About 40 percent of the 777’s total computer capacity was reserved for passengers in the cabin.30
The 777 was Boeing’s first fly by wire (FBW) aircraft, an aircraft controlled by a pilot transmitting commands to the moveable surfaces (rudder, flaps, etc.) electrically, not mechanically. Boeing installed a state of the art FBW system on the 777 partly to satisfy its airline customers, and partly to challenge Airbus’ lead- ership in flight control technology, a position Airbus had held since it introduced the world’s first FBW aircraft, the A-320, in 1988.
Lastly, Boeing customers were invited to contribute to the design of the 777’s engine. Both United Airlines and All Nippon Airlines assigned service engineers to work with representatives of Pratt and Whitney (P&W) on problems associated with engine maintenance. P&W held three specially scheduled “airline confer- ences.” At each conference, some forty airline representatives clustered around a
A Consumer-Driven Product 89
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Exhibit IV. 777 supplier contracts
U.S. Suppliers of Structural Components Astech/MCI Santa Ana, CA Primary exhaust cowl assembly (plug
and nozzle) Grumman Aerospace Bethpage, NY Spoilers, inboard flaps Kaman Bloomfield, CT Fixed training edge Rockwell Tulsa, OK Floor beams, wing leading edge slats
International Suppliers of Structural Components AeroSpace Technologies of Australia Rudder
Australia Alenia Italy Wing outboard flaps, radome Embrace-Empresa Brasiera Brazil Dorsal fin, wingtip assembly
de Aeronautica Hawker de Havilland Australia Elevators Korean Air Korea Flap support fairings, wingtip assembly Menasco Aerospace/ Canada/France Main and nose landing gears
Messier-Bugatti Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Japan Fuselage panels and doors, wing center
Kawasaki Heavy Industries, section wing-to-body fairing, and and Fuji Heavy Industriesa wing in-spar ribs
Short Brothers Ireland Nose landing gear doors Singapore Aerospace Singapore Nose landing gear doors
U.S. Suppliers of Systems and Equipment AlliedSignal Aerospace Torrance, CA Cabin pressure control system, air
Company, AiResearch supply control system, integrated Divisions system controller, ram air turbine Bendix Wheels and South Bend, IN Wheel and brakes Garrett Divisions Phoenix/Tempe, AZ Auxillary power unit (APU),
air-driven unit BFGoodrich Troy, OH Wheel and brakes Dowly Aerospace Los Angeles, CA Thrust reverser actuator system Eldec Lynnwood, WA Power supply electronics E-Systems, Montek Division Salt Lake City, UT Stabilizer trim control module,
secondary hydraulic brake, optional folding wingtip system
Honeywell Phoenix, AZ Airplane information management Coon Rapid, MN system (AIMS), air data/inertial
reference system (ADIRS) Rockwell, Collins Division Cedar Rapids, IA Autopilot flight director system,
electronic library system (ELS) displays
Sundstrand Corporation Rockford, IL Primary and backup electrical power systems
Teijin Seiki America Redmond, WA Power control units, actuator control electronics
United Technologies, Windsor Lock, CT Cabin air-conditioning and temperature Hamilton Standard control systems, ice protection Division system
International Suppliers of Systems and Equipment General Electric Company United Kingdom Primary flight computers
(GEC) Avionics Smiths Industries United Kingdom Integrated electrical management system
(ELMS), throttle control system actuator, fuel quantityindicating system (FQIS)
aProgram partners Source: James Woolsey, “777, Boeing’s New Large Twinjet,” Air Transport World (April 1994), p. 24.
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A Family of Planes 91
full scale mock-up of the 777 engine and showed Pratt and Whitney engineers gaps in the design, hard-to-reach points, visible but inaccessible parts, and accessible but invisible components. At the initial conference, Pratt and Whitney picked up 150 airline suggestions, at the second, fifty, and at the third, ten more suggestions.31
Twelve international companies located in ten countries, and eighteen more U.S. companies located in twelve states, were contracted by Boeing to help manufac- ture the 777. Together, they supplied structural components as well as systems and equipment. Among the foreign suppliers were companies based in Japan, Britain, Australia, Italy, Korea, Brazil, Singapore, and Ireland; among the major U.S. sub- contractors were the Grumman Corporation, Rockwell (later merged with Boeing), Honeywell, United Technologies, Bendix, and the Sunstrand Corporation (Exhibits IV and V). Of all foreign participants, the Japanese played the largest role. A consortium made up of Fuji Heavy Industries, Kawasaki Heavy Industries, and Mitsubishi Heavy Industries had worked with Boeing on its wide-body mod- els since the early days of the 747. Together, the three Japanese subcontractors pro- duced 20 percent of the value of the 777’s airframe (up from 15 percent of the 767s). A group of 250 Japanese engineers had spent a year in Seattle working on the 777 alongside Boeing engineers before most of its members went back home to begin production. The fuselage was built in sections in Japan and then shipped to Boeing’s huge plant at Everett, Washington for assembly.32
Boeing used global subcontracting as a marketing tool as well. Sharing design work and production with overseas firms, Boeing required overseas carriers to buy the new aircraft. Again, Japan is a case in point. In return for the contract signed with the Mitsubishi, Fuji, and Kawasaki consortium—which was heavily subsidized by the Japanese government—Boeing sold forty-six 777 jetliners to three Japanese air carriers: All Nippon Airways, Japan Airlines, and Japan Air System.33
From the outset, the design of the 777 was flexible enough to accommodate de- rivative jetliners. Because all derivatives of a given model shared maintenance, training, and operating procedures, as well as replacement parts and components, and because such derivatives enabled carriers to serve different markets at lower costs, Boeing’s clients were seeking a family of planes built around a basic model, not a single 777. Condit and his management team, accordingly, urged Boeing’s engineers to incorporate the maximum flexibility into the design of the 777.
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The 777’s design flexibility helped Boeing manage the project’s risks. Offering a family of planes based on a single design to accommodate future changes in cus- tomers’ preferences, Boeing spread the 777 project’s risks among a number of mod- els all belonging to the same family.
The key to the 777’s design efficiency was the wing. The 777 wings, excep- tionally long and thin, were strong enough to support vastly enlarged models. The first model to go into service, the 777-200, had a 209-foot-long fuselage, was de- signed to carry 305 passengers in three class configurations, and had a travel range of 5,900 miles in its original version (1995), and up to 8,900 miles in its ex- tended version (1997). The second model to be introduced (1998), the 777-300,
Exhibit V. The builders of the Boeing 777
Source: Jeremy Main, “Corporate Performance: Betting on the 21st Century Jet,” Fortune (April 20, 1992), p. 104.
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had a stretched fuselage of 242 feet (ten feet longer than the 747), was configured for 379 passengers (three-class), and flew to destinations of up to 6,800 miles away. In all-tourist class configuration, the stretched 777-300 could carry as many as 550 passengers.34
The 777 was the first Boeing jetliner designed entirely by computers. Historically, Boeing had designed new planes in two ways: paper drawings and full-size mod- els called mock-ups. Paper drawings were two dimensional and therefore insuffi- cient to account for the complex construction of the three dimensional airplane. Full-scale mock-ups served as a backup to drawings.
Boeing engineers used three classes of mock-ups. Made up of plywood or foam, class 1 mock-ups were used to construct the plane’s large components in three dimensions, refine the design of these components by carving into the wood or foam, and feed the results back into the drawings. Made partly of metal, class 2 mock-ups addressed more complex problems such as the wiring and tubing of the airframe, and the design of the machine tools necessary to cut and shape the large components. Class 3 mock-ups gave the engineers one final opportunity to refine the model and thereby reduce the need to keep on changing the design dur- ing the actual assembly process or after delivery.35
Despite the engineers’ efforts, many parts and components did not fit to- gether on the final assembly line but rather “interfered” with each other, that is, overlapped in space. The problem was both pervasive and costly, Boeing engi- neers needed to rework and realign all overlapping parts in order to join them together.
A partial solution to the problem was provided by the computer. In the last quarter of the twentieth century, computer aided design was used successfully in car manufacture, building construction, machine production, and several other in- dustries; its application to commercial aircraft manufacturing came later, both in the United States and in Europe. Speaking of the 777, Dick Johnson, Boeing chief engineer for digital design, noted the “tremendous advantage” of computer application:
With mock-ups, the . . . engineer had three opportunities at three levels of detail to check his parts, and nothing in between. With Catia [Computer aided three dimensional, interactive application] he can do it day in and day out over the whole development of the airplane.36
Catia was a sophisticated computer program that Boeing bought from Dassault Aviation, a French fighter planes builder. IBM enhanced the program to improve image manipulation, supplied Boeing with eight of its largest mainframe
Digital Design 93
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computers, and connected the mainframes to 2,200 computer terminals that Boeing distributed among its 777 design teams. The software program showed on a screen exactly how parts and components fit together before the actual manu- facturing process took place.37
A digital design system, Catia had five distinctive advantages. First, it pro- vided the engineers with 100 percent visualization, allowing them to rotate, zoom, and “interrogate” parts geometrically in order to spotlight interferences. Second, Catia assigned a numerical value to each drawing on the screen and thereby helped engineers locate related drawings of parts and components, merge them together, and check for incompatibilities. Third, to help Boeing’s customers service the 777, the digital design system created a computer simulated human— a Catia figure playing the role of the service mechanic—who climbed into the three dimensional images and showed the engineers whether parts were service- able and entry accessible. Fourth, the use of Catia by all 777 design teams in the United States, Japan, Europe, and elsewhere facilitated instantaneous communi- cation between Boeing and its subcontractors and ensured the frequent updating of the design. And fifth, Catia provided the 777 assembly line workers with graphics that enhanced the narrative work instructions they received, showing ex- plicitly on a screen how a given task should be performed.38
Teaming was another feature of the 777 program. About thirty integrated-level teams at the top and more than 230 design-build teams at the bottom worked to- gether on the 777.39 All team members were connected by Catia. The integrated- level teams were organized around large sections of the aircraft; the DBTs around small parts and components. In both cases, teams were cross-functional, as Philip Condit observed:
If you go back . . . to earlier planes that Boeing built, the factory was on the bottom floor, and Engineering was on the upper floor. Both Manufacturing and Engineering went back and forth. When there was a problem in the fac- tory, the engineer went down and looked at it. . . .
With 10,000 people [working on the 777], that turns out to be really hard. So you start devising other tools to allow you to achieve that—the de- sign-build team. You break the airplane down and bring Manufacturing, Tooling, Planning, Engineering, Finance, and Materials all together [in small teams].40
Under the design-build approach, many of the design decisions were driven by manufacturing concerns. As manufacturing specialists worked alongside engi- neers, engineers were less likely to design parts that were difficult to produce and needed to be redesigned. Similarly, under the design-build approach, customers’ expectations as well as safety and weight considerations were all incorporated
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into the design of the aircraft; engineers no longer needed to “chain saw”41 struc- tural components and systems in order to replace parts that did not meet cus- tomers expectations, were unsafe, or were too heavy.
The design of the 777’s wing provides an example. The wing was divided into two integration-level teams, the leading-edge (the forward part of the wing) and the trailing-edge (the back of the wing) team. Next, the trailing-edge team was further divided into ten design-build teams, each named after a piece of the wing’s trailing edge (Exhibit VI). Membership in these DBTs extended to two groups of outsiders: representatives of the customer airlines and engineers em- ployed by the foreign subcontractors. Made up of up to twenty members, each DBT decided its own mix of insiders and outsiders, and each was led by a team leader. Each DBT included representatives from six functional disciplines: engi- neering, manufacturing, materials, customer support, finance, and quality assur- ance. The DBTs met twice a week for two hours to hear reports from team mem- bers, discuss immediate goals and plans, divide responsibilities, set time lines, and take specific notes of all decisions taken.42 Described by a Boeing official as little companies, the DBTs enjoyed a high degree of autonomy from management supervision; team members designed their own tools, developed their own man- ufacturing plans, and wrote their own contracts with the program management, specifying deliverables, resources, and schedules. John Monroe, a Boeing 777 se- nior project manager remarked:
The team is totally responsible. We give them a lump of money to go and do th[eir] job. They decide whether to hire a lot of inexpensive people or to trade numbers for resources. It’s unprecedented. We have some $100 million plus activities led by non-managers.43
Design-Build Teams (DBT) 95
Exhibit VI. The ten DBTs (“little companies”) responsible for the wing’s trail- ing edge
� Flap Supports Team � Inboard Flap Team � Outboard Flap Team � Flaperona Team � Ailerona Team � Inboard Fixed Wing and Gear Support Team � Main Landing Gear Doors Team � Spoilersb Team � Fairingsc Team
aThe flaperon and aileron were movable hinged sections of the trailing edge that helped the plane roll in flight. The flaperon was used at high speed, the aileron at low speed. bThe spoilers were the flat surfaces that lay on top of the trailing edge and extended during landing to slow down the plane. cThe fairing were the smooth parts attached to the outline of the wing’s trailing edge. They helped reduce drag. Source: Karl Sabbagh, 21st Century Jet: The Making and Marketing of the Boeing 777 (New York: Scribner, 1996), p. 73.
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An additional aspect of the 777 program was the empowering of assembly line workers. Boeing managers encouraged factory workers at all levels to speak up, offer suggestions, and participate in decision making. Boeing managers also paid attention to a variety of “human relations” problems faced by workers, problems ranging from childcare and parking to occupational hazards and safety concerns.44
All employees entering the 777 program—managers, engineers, assembly line workers, and others—were expected to attend a special orientation session devoted to the themes of team work and quality control. Once a quarter, the en- tire “777 team” of up to 10,000 employees met offsite to hear briefings on the aircraft status. Dressed casually, the employees were urged to raise questions, voice complaints, and propose improvements. Under the 777 program, managers met frequently to discuss ways to promote communication with workers. Managers, for example, “fire fought” problems by bringing workers together and empowering them to offer solutions. In a typical firefight session, Boeing 777 project managers learned from assembly line workers how to improve the process of wiring and tubing the airframe’s interior: “staffing” fuselage sections with wires, ducts, tubs, and insulation materials before joining the sections to- gether was easier than installing the interior parts all at once in a preassembled fuselage.45
Under the 777 program, in addition, Boeing assembly line workers also were empowered to appeal management decisions. In a case involving middle man- agers, a group of Boeing machinists sought to replace a nonretractable jig (a large device used to hold parts) with a retractable one in order to ease and simplify their jobs. Otherwise they had to carry heavy equipment loads up and down stairs. Again and again, their supervisors refused to implement the change. When the machinists eventually approached a factory manager, he inspected the jig person- ally, and immediately ordered the change.46
Under the 777 program, work on the shop floor was ruled by the Bar Chart. A large display panel placed at different work areas, the Bar Chart listed the name of each worker, his or her daily job description, and the time available to com- plete specific tasks. Boeing had utilized the Bar Chart system as a “management visibility system” in the past, but only under the 777 program was the system fully computerized. The chart showed whether assembly line workers were meet- ing or missing their production goals. Boeing industrial engineers estimated the time it took to complete a given task and fed the information back to the system’s computer. Workers ran a scanner across their ID badges and supplied the com- puter with the data necessary to log their job progress. Each employee “sold” his/her completed job to an inspector, and no job was declared acceptable unless “bought” by an inspector.47
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The team in charge of the 777 program was led by a group of five vice presidents, headed by Philip Condit, a gifted engineer who was described by one Wall Street an- alyst as “a cross between a grizzly bear and a teddy bear. Good people skills, but fu- rious in the marketplace.”48 Each of the five vice presidents rose through the ranks, and each had a twenty-five to thirty years experience with Boeing. All were men.49
During the 777 design phase, the five VPs met regularly every Tuesday morning in a small conference room at Boeing’s headquarters in Seattle in what was called the “Muffin Meeting.” There were no agendas drafted, no minutes drawn, no overhead projectors used, and no votes taken. The homemade muffins served during the meeting symbolized the informal tone of the forum. Few peo- ple outside the circle of five had ever attended these weekly sessions. Acting as an informal chair, Condit led a freewheeling discussion of the 777 project, asking each VP to say anything he had on his mind.50
The weekly session reflected Boeing’s sweeping new approach to manage- ment. Traditionally, Boeing had been a highly structured company governed by en- gineers. Its culture was secretive, formal, and stiff. Managers seldom interacted, sharing was rare, divisions kept to themselves, and engineers competed with each other. Under the 777 program, Boeing made serious efforts to abandon its secre- tive management style. Condit firmly believed that open communication among top executives, middle managers, and assembly line workers was indispensable for improving morale and raising productivity. He urged employees to talk to each other and share information, and he used a variety of management tools to do so: information sheets, orientation sessions, question and answer sessions, leadership meetings, regular workers as well as middle managers, Condit introduced a three- way performance review procedure whereby managers were evaluated by their su- pervisors, their peers, and their subordinates.51 Most important, Condit made teamwork the hallmark of the 777 project. In an address titled “Working Together: The 777 Story” and delivered in December 1992 to members of the Royal Aeronautics Society in London,52 Condit summed up his team approach:
[T]eam building is . . . very difficult to do well but when it works the results are dramatic. Teaming fosters the excitement of a shared endeavor and cre- ates an atmosphere that stimulates creativity and problem solving. But build- ing team[s] . . . is hard work. It doesn’t come naturally. Most of us are taught from an early age to compete and excel as individuals. Performance in school and performance on the job are usually measured by individual achievement. Sharing your ideas with others, or helping others to enhance their perfor- mance, is often viewed as contrary to one’s self interest.
This individualistic mentality has its place, but . . . it is no longer the most useful attitude for a workplace to possess in today’s world. To create a high per- formance organization, you need employees who can work together in a way that promotes continual learning and the free flow of ideas and information.
Leadership and Management Style 97
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The 777 entered revenue service in June 1995. Since many of the features incor- porated into the 777’s design reflected suggestions made by the airline carriers, pilots, mechanics, and flight attendants were quite enthusiastic about the new jet. Three achievements of the program, in airplane interior, aircraft design, and air- craft manufacturing, stood out.
Configuration Flexibility
The 777 offered carriers enhanced configuration flexibility. A typical configura- tion change took only seventy-two hours on the 777 compared to three weeks in competing aircraft. In 1992, the Industrial Design Society of America granted Boeing its Excellence Award for building the 777 passenger cabin, honoring an airplane interior for the first time.53
Digital Design
The original goal of the program was to reduce “change, error, and rework” by 50 percent, but engineers building the first three 777s managed to reduce such modifi- cation by 60 percent to 90 percent. Catia helped engineers identify more than 10,000 interferences that would have otherwise remained undetected until assembly, or un- til after delivery. The first 777 was only 0.023 inch short of perfect alignment, com- pared to as much as 0.5 inch on previous programs.54 Assembly line workers con- firmed the beneficial effects of the digital design system. “The parts snap together like Lego blocks,” said one mechanics.55 Reducing the need for reengineering, re- planning, retooling, and retrofitting, Boeing’s innovative efforts were recognized yet again. In 1993, the Smithsonian Institution honored the Boeing 777 division with its Annual Computerworld Award for the manufacturing category.56
Boeing 777 assembly line workers expressed a high level of job satisfaction un- der the new program. “It’s a whole new world,” a fourteen-year Boeing veteran mechanic said, “I even like going to work. It’s bubbly. It’s clean. Everyone has confidence.”57 “We never used to speak up,” said another employee, “didn’t dare. Now factory workers are treated better and are encouraged to offer ideas.”58
Although the Bar Chart system required Boeing 777 mechanics to work harder and faster as they moved down the learning curve, their principal union organi- zation, the International Association of Machinists, was pleased with Boeing’s new approach to labor–management relations. A union spokesman reported that under the 777 program, managers were more likely to treat problems as opportu-
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nities from which to learn rather than mistakes for which to blame. Under the 777 program, the union representative added, managers were more respectful of workers’ rights under the collective bargaining agreement.59
Notwithstanding Boeing’s success with the 777 project, the cost of the program was very high. Boeing did not publish figures pertaining to the total cost of Catia. But a company official reported that under the 777 program, the 3D digital design process required 60 percent more engineering resources than the older, 2D drawing-based design process. One reason for the high cost of using digital design was slow computing tools: Catia’s response time often lasted minutes. Another was the need to update the design software repeatedly. Boeing revised Catia’s de- sign software four times between 1990 and 1996, making the system easier to learn and use. Still, Catia continued to experience frequent software problems. Moreover, several of Boeing’s outside suppliers were unable to utilize Catia’s dig- ital data in their manufacturing process.60
Boeing faced training problems as well. One challenging problem, according to Ron Ostrowski, director of 777 engineering, was “to convert people’s thinking from 2D to 3D. It took more time than we thought it would. I came from a paper world and now I am managing a digital program.”61 Converting people’s thinking required what another manager called an “unending communication” coupled with training and retraining. Under the 777 program, Ostrowski recalled, “engi- neers had to learn to interact. Some couldn’t, and they left. The young ones caught on” and stayed.62
Learning to work together was a challenge to managers, too. Some managers were reluctant to embrace Condit’s open management style, fearing a decline in their authority. Others were reluctant to share their mistakes with their superiors, fearing reprisals. Some other managers, realizing that the new approach would end many managerial jobs, resisted change when they could, and did not pursue it wholeheart- edly when they could not. Even top executives were sometimes uncomfortable with Boeing’s open management style, believing that sharing information with employ- ees was likely to help Boeing’s competitors obtain confidential 777 data.63
Teamwork was another problem area. Working under pressure, some team members did not function well within teams and had to be moved. Others took advantage of their newborn freedom to offer suggestions, but were disillusioned and frustrated when management either ignored these suggestions, or did not act upon them. Managers experienced different team-related problems. In several cases, managers kept on meeting with their team members repeatedly until they arrived at a solution desired by their bosses. They were unwilling to challenge senior executives, nor did they trust Boeing’s new approach to teaming. In other cases, managers distrusted the new digital technology. One engineering manager
Unresolved Problems and Lessons Learned 99
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instructed his team members to draft paper drawings alongside Catia’s digital de- signs. When Catia experienced a problem, he followed the drawing, ignoring the computerized design, and causing unnecessary and costly delays in his team’s part of the project.64
Extending the 777 Revolution
Boeing’s learning pains played a key role in the company’s decision not to imple- ment the 777 program companywide. Boeing officials recognized the importance of team work and Catia in reducing change, error, and rework, but they also real- ized that teaming required frequent training, continuous reinforcement, and ongo- ing monitoring, and that the use of Catia was still too expensive, though its cost was going down (in 1997, Catia’s “penalty” was down to 10 percent). Three of Boeing’s derivative programs, the 737 Next Generation, the 757-300, and the 767- 400, had the option of implementing the 777’s program innovations, and only one, the 737, did so, adopting a modified version of the 777’s cross-functional teams.65
Yet the 777’s culture was spreading in other ways. Senior executives took broader roles as the 777 entered service, and their impact was felt through the company. Larry Olson, director of information systems for the 747/767/777 divi- sion, was a former 777 manager who believed that Boeing 777 employees “won’t tolerate going back to the old ways.” He expected to fill new positions on Boeing’s next program—the 747X—with former 777 employees in their for- ties.66 Philip Condit, Boeing CEO, implemented several of his own 777’s inno- vations, intensifying the use of meeting among Boeing’s managers, and promot- ing the free flow of ideas throughout the company. Under Condit’s leadership, all mid-level managers assigned to Boeing Commercial Airplane Group, about sixty people, met once a week to discuss costs, revenues, and production schedules, product by product. By the end of the meeting—which sometimes ran into the evening—each manager had to draft a detailed plan of action dealing with prob- lems in his/her department.67 Under Condit’s leadership, more important, Boeing developed a new “vision” that grew out of the 777 project. Articulating the com- pany’s vision for the next two decades (1996–2016), Condit singled out “Customer satisfaction,” “Team leadership,” and “A participatory workplace,” as Boeing’s core corporate values.68
Looking back at the 777 program twelve years after the launch and seven years after first delivery, it is now (2002) clear that Boeing produced the most success- ful commercial jetliner of its kind. Airbus launched the A330 and A340 in 1987,
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and McDonnell Douglas launched a new 300-seat wide body jet in the mid 1980s, the three-engine MD11. Coming late to market, the Boeing 777 soon outsold both models. The 777 had entered service in 1995, and within a year Boeing delivered more than twice as many 777s as the number of MD11s delivered by McDonnell Douglas. In 1997, 1998, 1999, and 2001, Boeing delivered a larger number of 777s than the combined number of A330s and A340s delivered by Airbus (Exhibit VII). A survey of nearly 6,000 European airline passengers who had flown both the 777 and the A330/A340 found that the 777 was preferred by more than three out of four passengers.69 In the end, a key element in the 777’s triumph was its popularity with the traveling public.
1. Rodgers, Eugene. Flying High: The Story of Boeing (New York: Atlantic Monthly Press, 1996), 415–416; Michael Dornheim, “777 Twinjet Will Grow to Replace 747-200,” Aviation Week and Space Technology (June 3, 1991): 43.
2. “Commercial Airplanes: Order and Delivery, Summary,” http/www. Retrieved from Web, February 2, 2000.
3. Donlon, P. “Boeing’s Big Bet” (an interview with CEO Frank Shrontz), Chief Executive (November/December 1994): 42; Dertouzos, Michael, Richard Lester, and Robert Solow, Made in America: Regaining the Productive Edge (New York: Harper Perennial, 1990), 203.
4. John Newhouse, The Sporty Game (New York: Alfred Knopf, 1982), 21, but see also 10–20.
5. Mowery, David C., and Nathan Rosenberg. “The Commercial Aircraft Industry,” in Richard R. Nelson, ed., Government and Technological Progress:
Notes 101
Exhibit VII. Total number of MD11, A330, A340, and 777 airplanes delivered during 1995–2001
1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001
McDonnell Douglas/ 18 15 12 12 8 4 2 Boeing MD11
Airbus A330 30 10 14 23 44 43 35 Airbus A340 19 28 33 24 20 19 20 Boeing 777 13 32 59 74 83 55 61
Source: For Airbus, Mark Luginbill Airbus Communication Director, February 1, 2000, and March 11, 2002. For Boeing, The Boeing Company Annual Report, 1997, p. 35, 1998, p. 35; “Commerical Airplanes: Order and Delivery, Summary,” http// Retreived from Web, February 2, 2000, and March 9, 2002.
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A Cross Industry Analysis (New York: Pergamon Press, 1982), 116; Dertouzos et al., Made in America, 200.
6. Dertouzos et al., Made in America, 200. 7. Newhouse, Sporty Game, 188. Mowery and Rosenberg, “The Commercial
Aircraft Industry,” 124–125. 8. Mowery and Rosenberg, “The Commercial Aircraft Industry,” 102–103,
126–128. 9. Rae, John B. Climb to Greatness: The American Aircraft Industry,
1920–1960 (Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press, 1968), 206–207; Rodgers, Flying High, 197–198.
10. Spadaro, Frank. “A Transatlantic Perspective,” Design Quarterly (Winter 1992): 23.
11. Rodgers, Flying High, 279; Newhouse, Sporty Game, Ch. 7. 12. Hochmuth, M. S. “Aerospace,” in Raymond Vernon, ed., Big Business and
the State (Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1974), 149. 13. Boeing Commercial Airplane Group, Announced Orders and Deliveries as of
12/31/97, Section A 1. 14. The Boeing Company 1998 Annual Report, 76. 15. Formed in 1970 by several European aerospacc firms, the Airbus Consortium
had received generous assistance from the French, British, German, and Spanish governments for a period of over two decades. In 1992, Airbus had signed an agreement with Boeing that limited the amount of government funds each aircraft manufacturer could receive, and in 1995, at long last, Airbus had become profitable. “Airbus 25 Years Old,” Le Figaro, October 1997 (reprinted in English by Airbus Industrie); Rodgers, Flying High, Ch. 12; Business Week (30 December 1996): 40.
16. Charles Goldsmith, “Re-engineering, After Trailing Boeing for Years, Airbus Aims for 50% of the Market,” Wall Street Journal (March 16, 1998).
17. “Hubris at Airbus, Boeing Rebuild,” Economist, 28 (November 1998). 18. The Boeing Company 1997 Annual Report, 19; The Boeing Company 1998
Annual Report, 51. 19. Donlon, “Boeing’s Big Bet,” 40; John Mintz, “Betting It All on 777”
Washington Post (March 26, 1995); James Woolsey, “777: A Program of New Concepts,” Air Transport World (April 1991): 62; Jeremy Main, “Corporate Performance: Betting on the 21st Century Jet,” Fortune (April 20, 1992), 104; James Woolsey, “Crossing New Transport Frontiers,” Air Transport World (March 1991): 21; James Woolsey, “777: Boeing’s New Large Twinjet,” Air Transport World (April 1994): 23; Michael Dornheim, “Computerized Design System Allows Boeing to Skip Building 777 Mockup,” Aviation Week and Space Technology (June 3, 1991): 51; Richard O’Lone, “Final Assembly of 777 Nears,” Aviation Week and Space Technology (October 2, 1992): 48.
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20. Rodgers, Flying High, 42. 21. Air Transport World (March 1991): 20; Fortune (April 20, 1992), 102–103. 22. Rodgers, Flying High, 416, 420–424. 23. Richard O’Lone and James McKenna, “Quality Assurance Role was Factor
in United’s 777 Launch Order,” Aviation Week and Space Technology (October 29, 1990): 28–29; Air Transport World (March 1991): 20.
24. Quoted in the Washington Post (March 25, 1995). 25. Quoted in Bill Swectman, “As Smooth as Silk: 777 Customers Applaud the
Aircraft’s First 12 Months in Service,” Air Transport World (August 1996): 71, but see also Air Transport World (April 1994): 24, 27.
26. Quoted in Fortune (April 20, 1992), 112. 27. Rodgers, Flying High, 426; Design Quarterly (Winter 1992): 22; Polly Lane,
“Boeing Used 777 to Make Production Changes,” Seattle Times (May 7, 1995).
28. Design Quarterly (Winter 1992): 22; The Boeing Company, Backgrounder: Pace Setting Design Value-Added Features Boost Boeing 777 Family (May 15, 1998).
29. Boeing, Backgrounder, (May 15, 1998); Sabbagh, 21st Century Jet, p. 49. 30. Karl Sabbagh, 21st Century Jet: The Making and Marketing of the Boeing
777 (New York: Scribner, 1996), 264, 266. 31. Sabbagh, 21st Century Jet, 131–132 32. Air Transport World (April 1994): 23; Fortune (April 20, 1992), 116. 33. Washington Post (March 26, 1995); Boeing Commercial Airplane Group,
777 Announced Order and Delivery Summary...As of 9/30/99. 34. Rodgers, Flying High, 420–426; Air Transport World (April 1994): 27, 31;
“Leading Families of Passenger Jet Airplanes,” Boeing Commercial Airplane Group, 1998.
35. Sabbagh, 21st Century Jet, 58. 36. Quoted in Sabbagh, 21st Century Jet, 63. 37. Aviation Week and Space Technology (June 3, 1991): 50, (October 12, 1992),
p. 49; Sabbagh 21st Century Jet, p. 62. 38. George Taninecz, “Blue Sky Meets Blue Sky,” Industry Week (December 18,
1995); 49–52; Paul Proctor, “Boeing Rolls Out 777 to Tentative Market,” Aviation Week and Space Technology (October 12, 1992): 49.
39. Aviation Week and Space Technology (April 11, 1994): 37; Aviation Week and Space Technology (June 3, 1991): 35.
40. Quoted in Sabbagh, 21st Century Jet, 68–69. 41. This was the phrase used by Boeing project managers working on the 777.
See Sabbagh, 21st Century Jet, Ch. 4. 42. Fortune (April 20, 1992), 116; Sabbagh, 2lst Century Jet, 69–73; Wolf L.
Glende, “The Boeing 777: A Look Back,” The Boeing Company, 1997, 4. 43. Quoted in Air Transport World (August 1996): 78.
Notes 103
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44. Richard O’Lone, “777 Revolutionizes Boeing Aircraft Development Process,” Aviation Week and Space Technology (June 3, 1992): 34.
45. O. Casey Corr. “Boeing’s Future on the Line: Company’s Betting its Fortunes Not Just on a New Jet, But on a New Way of Making Jets,” Seattle Times (August 29, 1993); Polly Lane, “Boeing Used 777 to Make Production Changes, Meet Desires of Its Customers,” Seattle Times (May 7, 1995); Aviation Week and Space Technology (June 3, 1991): 34.
46. Seattle Times (August 29, 1993). 47. Seattle Times (May 7, 1995, and August 29, 1993). 48. Quoted in Rodgers, Flying High, 419–420. 49. Sabbagh, 21st Century Jet, 33. 50. Sabbagh, 21st Century Jet, 99. 51. Dori Jones Young, “When the Going Gets Tough, Boeing Gets Touchy-Feely,
Business Week (January 17, 1994): 65–67; Fortune (April 20, 1992), 117. 52. Reprinted by The Boeing Company, Executive Communications, 1992. 53. Boeing, Backgrounder (May 15, 1998). 54. Industry Week (December 18, 1995): 50–51; Air Transport World (April
1994). 55. Aviation Week and Space Technology (April 11, 1994): 37. 56. Boeing, Backgrounder, “Computing & Design/Build Process Help Develop
the 777.” Undated. 57. Seattle Times (August 29, 1993). 58. Seattle Times (May 7, 1995). 59. Seattle Times (August 29, 1993). 60. Glende, “The Boeing 777: A Look Back,” 1997, 10; Air Transport World
(August 1996): 78. 61. Air Transport World (April 1994): 23. 62. Washington Post (March 26, 1995). 63. Seattle Times (May 7, 1995); Rodgers, Flying High, 441. 64. Seattle Times (May 7, 1995); Rodgers, Flying High, 441–442. 65. Glende, “The Boeing 777: A Look Back,” 1997, 10. 66. Air Transport World (August 1996), 78. 67. “A New Kind of Boeing,” Economist (January 22, 2000), 63. 68. “Vision 2016,” The Boeing Company 1997. 69. “Study: Passengers Voice Overwhelming Preference for Boeing 777,
http/ Retrieved from Web 11/23/99.
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Stéphane Marchak prepared this case under the supervision of Professor E.F. Peter Newson solely to provide material for class discussion. The authors do not intend to illustrate either effective or ineffective handling of a managerial situation. The au- thors may have disguised certain names and other identifying information to protect confidentiality.
Ivey Management Services prohibits any form of reproduction, storage, or transmit- tal without its written permission. This material is not covered under authorization from CanCopy or any reproduction rights organization. To order copies or request permission to reproduce materials, contact Ivey Publishing, Ivey Management Services, c/o Richard Ivey School of Business, The University of Western Ontario, London, Ontario, Canada, N6A 3K7; phone (519) 661-3208; fax (519) 661-3882; e-mail [email protected].
Copyright © 1999, Ivey Management Services Version: (A) 1999-12-10
Perplexed, Doris Puddington pondered the most important decision she had to make in the year since she had become controller at AMP of Canada. In April 1996 she had joined AMP with assurances that the existing transactional pro- cessing system JBA did not require major rework. However, in the summer of 1997, she had learned that JBA was not year 2000 compliant. To solve this prob- lem, she had to choose from three alternatives: upgrading JBA, implementing
AMP of Canada (A)
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AMPICS, or implementing SAP. She knew that Canadian management preferred to implement the very popular SAP system, but her IS manager did not think that users were ready for SAP and preferred an option involving JBA. AMP’s head- quarters management preferred the software package that many AMP companies already used, called AMPICS. Doris now wondered which solution to choose and how to persuade Canadian management, the Canadian IS department, and head- quarters management to support this decision.
AMP was founded in 1941 to support the war effort by selling electrical connec- tors to the U.S. government. AMP commercialized the technique of crimping, whereby an electrical contact is quickly attached to a wire using a hand tool in- stead of being slowly soldered. After WWII, AMP enjoyed rapid growth from the expanding computer electronics industry. In 1955, AMP changed its name from Aero-Marine Products to AMP. Since then, AMP had become the world’s leading manufacturer of electrical and electronic connectors (see Exhibit I for examples of connectors). Global revenue in 1996 was U.S.$5.5 billion (see Exhibits II to III). AMP had 48,000 employees in 53 countries in North America, Europe, and Asia. Nearly half of those employees worked in the world headquarters of Harrisburg, Pennsylvania.
AMP served more than 200,000 customers around the world, including Siemens, Sony, Intel, Apple, Motorola, Boeing, and Ford (see Exhibit IV). AMP offered more than 800,000 part numbers in more than 470 product lines. AMP’s principal products were still electrical and electronic connectors, but AMP now sold cable and cable assemblies, printed wiring boards, panel assemblies, net- working and premise wiring systems, optical fiber and electro-optical products, and components for wireless communications systems (see Exhibit V). AMP had many competitors who offered smaller product lines than AMP and operated in far fewer industries. Companies such as Molex, Thomas and Betts, Berg, Robinson Nugent, Panduit, Amphenol, and Foxconn were all major competitors to AMP. AMP earned about 20 percent of market share in the approximately $27 billion electrical and electronic connection devices market.
AMP of Canada was a wholly owned subsidiary of AMP Incorporated. AMP of Canada was responsible for sales and manufacturing in Canada. AMP first opened a sales office in Toronto, Ontario, in 1952. A manufacturing facility was
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Exhibit I. Sample AMP products
An automotive connector A communications connector
An integrated circuit (PC) connector A utility connector (tap)
Exhibit II. AMP Incorporated consolidated statement of income year ended December 31
1994 1995 1996
Net Sales 4,369,067 5,227,226 5,468,028 Cost of Sales 2,884,185 3,539,715 3,902,733
Gross Income 1,484,882 1,687,511 1,565,295 Selling, General and Administrative Expenses 824,945 969,512 964,589 Restructuring and One-time Charges — — 98,000 Income from Operations 659,937 717,999 502,706 Interest Expense (29,153) (36,847) (31,156) Other Deductions, net (31,972) (13,418) (33,242)
Income before Income Taxes 598,812 667,734 438,308 Income Taxes 225,022 240,400 151,324
Net Income 373,790 427,334 286,984
Net Income per Share 1.72 1.96 1.31
Note: All figures except per share data are in thousands of U.S. dollars. Source:, March 1999
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Exhibit III. AMP Incorporated consolidated balance sheets, year ended December 31
1994 1995 1996
Assets Current Assets:
Cash and cash equivalents 244,568 212,538 223,779 Securities available for sale 156,708 58,197 27,971 Receivables 908,390 1,011,460 1,025,850 Inventories 641,953 762,803 786,623 Deferred income taxes 135,498 137,043 184,273 Other current assets 87,183 95,867 107,684
Total current assets 2,174,300 2,277,908 2,356,180 Property, Plant and Equipment 3,713,660 4,352,026 4,690,819
Less—Accumulated depreciation 2,138,978 2,413,760 2,663,211 Property, plant and equipment, net 1,574,682 1,938,266 2,027,608 Investments and other assets 343,564 288,565 301,917
Total Assets 4,092,546 4,504,739 4,685,705 Liabilities and Shareholders’ Equity Current Liabilities:
Short-term debt 182,338 318,169 419,411 Payables, trade and other 403,947 460,892 463,261 Accrued payrolls and employee benefits 156,322 168,667 164,842 Accrued income taxes 247,997 196,417 201,169 Other accrued liabilities 116,318 121,948 196,212
Total current liabilities 1,106,922 1,266,093 1,444,895 Long-term debt 278,843 212,485 181,599 Deferred income taxes 34,249 45,768 48,037 Other liabilities 176,777 212,365 221,276 Total liabilities 1,596,791 1,736,711 1,895,807 Shareholders’ Equity:
Common stock, without par value—Authorized 70,135 79,580 80,866 700,000,000 shares
Other capital 80,105 83,454 85,325 Deferred compensation �4,568 �2,489 �6,896 Cumulative translation adjustments 129,612 156,837 112,179 Net unrealized investment gains 21,585 19,423 6134 Retained earnings 2,442,317 2,667,755 2,695,990 Treasury stock, at cost �243,431 �236,532 �183,700
Total shareholders’ equity 2,495,755 2,768,028 2,789,898 Total Liabilities and Shareholders’ Equity 4,092,546 4,504,739 4,685,705
Note: All figures except per share data are in thousands of U.S. dollars. Source:, March 1999
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opened in 1969. By 1997 AMP of Canada had 326 full-time employees, many of whom had worked at AMP for years. The average length of service was about ten years. Everyone operated on a first-name basis, from the employee on the factory floor to the general manager. AMP of Canada still purchased most of the product it sold in the Canadian market from AMP Incorporated in the United States, but had a strategy to grow the manufacturing portion of its business to 50 percent of sales by 2000. AMP of Canada also operated manufacturing facilities in Ottawa and Montreal to broaden the product offering made from the Markham plant.
AMP of Canada 109
Exhibit IV. AMP business segments
The operations of AMP are worldwide and can be grouped into several geographic segments. Operations outside the United States are conducted through wholly owned subsidiary companies that function within assigned, principally national, markets. The subsidiaries manufacture locally where required by market conditions and/or customer demands, where cost beneficial, and where permitted by economies of scale. Most are also self-financed. However, while they operate fairly au- tonomously, there are substantial intersegment and intrasegment sales.
Pertinent financial data are given by major geographic segments for the year ended December 31:
1994 1995 1996
Net sales to trade customers: United States 1,955,329 2,238,594 2,414,652 Europe 1,308,604 1,698,407 1,725,377 Asia/Pacific 892,085 1,059,095 1,054,027 Americas 213,049 231,130 273,972 Total 4,369,067 5,227,226 5,468,028
Intersegment sales: United States 399,968 482,962 559,361 Europe 49,274 64,688 79,265 Asia/Pacific 73,706 95,443 94,254 Americas 15,301 11,222 13,160 Eliminations (538,249) (654,315) (746,040) Total — — —
Pretax income: United States 300,173 398,826 264,715 Europe 184,666 192,807 141,884 Asia/Pacific 112,302 74,305 21,308 Americas 21,797 11,096 15,401 Eliminations (20,126) (9,300) (5,000) Total 598,812 667,734 438,308
Identifiable assets: United States 2,495,379 2,676,394 2,778,391 Europe 956,351 1,135,606 1,221,972 Asia/Pacific 905,289 1,022,667 1,081,335 Americas 107,874 121,489 170,755 Eliminations (372,347) (451,417) (566,748)
Total 4,092,546 4,504,739 4,685,705
Note: All figures are in thousands of U.S. dollars. Source: AMP 1996 Annual Report from, March 1999.
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The Markham manufacturing plant was located just outside Toronto, Ontario. Most of AMP of Canada’s manufacturing and engineering was done at Markham. Purchasing, accounting, information systems, and other functions were centralized in Markham. AMP of Canada opened a manufacturing facility near Ottawa, Ontario, in 1991. Ottawa manufactured fiber-optic connectors used in communications applications for customers like Northern Telecom. AMP of Canada inherited the manufacturing plant in Montreal, Quebec, from AMP’s 1994 purchase of the French company, Simel. The Montreal plant manufactured specialized utility connectors, mostly for the Hydro Quebec utility company. To maintain AMP’s global strategy of country-level operations, after the purchase of Simel the Montreal plant was assigned to AMP of Canada.
AMP of Canada also had sales offices throughout the country. Sales offices were used to take orders for local customers and to support the local field sales- people. Offices were located in Dartmouth, Montreal, Ottawa, Markham, Windsor, Guelph, Winnipeg, Calgary, and Burnaby.
Sales orders were taken from all locations and entered into AMP of Canada’s transactional processing system JBA. A few large customers transmitted sales or- ders directly to AMP of Canada using electronic data interchange (EDI). Most smaller customers phoned or faxed AMP of Canada’s main order-entry depart- ment, called inside sales. An inside sales representative (ISR) would enter the customer’s requested part numbers and quantities, and quote pricing and delivery information. This information included the unit price at the quantity the customer wanted (AMP’s pricing used quantity scales), the minimum order quantity, the minimum packaging quantity (applicable for orders with multiple shipment
Exhibit V. AMP’s percentage of sales by market categories
1986 1996
Transportation 28% 28% Communications 11% 23% Computer & office 28% 20% Industrial & commercial 11% 13% Consumer goods 11% 8% Aerospace & military 5% 5% Power & utility, construction, misc. 6% 3%
Source: AMP Web site, March 1999.
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dates), the lead time, and so on. Most of this information was loaded from AMP Inc.’s SS40 data transmissions. See Exhibit VI for a list of terms.
AMP collected and redistributed data around the world using a series of transmissions called SS40s, which stood for Systems Services specification # 40. Their two main functions were supporting business analysis and transactional processing. Certain SS40s were used to collect information globally for analysis in Harrisburg. For example, the SS40-05 collected sales information at the cus- tomer/part level, and the SS40-10 collected standard cost information. The SS40s were also used to supply local countries with information necessary to interact with related AMP companies. For example, the weekly SS40-01 data transmis- sion collected part number information (including intercompany pricing, lead times, minimum order quantities, etc.) from all AMP companies around the world. This information was then retransmitted to those companies, who loaded
AMP of Canada’s Order Process 111
Exhibit VI. List of terms
AMP Used to stand for Aero-Marine Products, but was changed in 1955 to one word pro- nounced the same way as the electrical current measurement. Although AMP is a word instead of an acronym, it is always spelled with capitalized letters.
AMPICS Version of BPCS software modified for AMP. ASAP An implementation methodology for SAP called accelerated SAP (ASAP). BPCS An ERP software system sold by IBM. BPP Business process procedure. CO Controlling module of SAP. ERP Enterprise Resource Planning software. It integrates major organizational functions
like accounting, manufacturing, sales, and human resources. FI Financial Accounting module of SAP. ISR An inside sales representative at AMP who places customer orders into the transac-
tional processing system. JBA An ERP vendor with headquarters in Studley, UK. MM Materials Management module of SAP. MRP The Material Requirements Planning algorithm used to drive manufacturing and
purchasing activity. The program takes customer and manufacturing part number quantity requirements and generates purchase orders and / or manufacturing orders to fulfill these requirements.
PM Plant maintenance module of SAP. PP Production planning module of SAP. PS Project systems module of SAP. QM Quality management module of SAP. SAP German software company standing for systems, applications, and products (SAP)
in data processing. SD Sales and distribution module of SAP. SS40 AMP’s Systems Services specification number 40, which defines how data were
transmitted between related-AMP companies. WF Workflow module of SAP. WINS AMP’s worldwide inventory system used to track availability of inventory from
each related-AMP organization around the world. WM Warehouse management module of SAP.
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the data into their local systems. In total, there were more than twenty SS40 data feeds, and the number was growing. During 1996, at least one of AMP’s nine pro- grammers was 100 percent dedicated to programming new SS40 interfaces. Although customers did not use these interfaces, they saw much of the data they supplied.
If the customer was satisfied with the pricing and delivery information pro- duced by JBA, the ISR would complete the order. Every night an MRP run was carried out in JBA, where new customer requirements were turned into purchase requisitions. AMP of Canada’s Material Control department analyzed new re- quirements and turned the purchase requisitions into purchase orders. Purchase orders were transmitted to related-AMP companies using EDI. Most purchase or- ders were sent to AMP Inc. in the United States. Every day AMP Inc. transmitted the list of parts it was shipping on the daily truck. AMP of Canada used that transmission to load inventory information into the warehouse module of JBA. After the truck was loaded, packing slips were run to tell the shippers in the ware- house what part numbers and quantities to pick for customer shipments. For cer- tain customers, AMP of Canada transmitted Advance Shipping Notices (ASNs) to alert them to the pending shipment. The warehouse picked, packed, and shipped parts to customers.
This process took longer if the customer was not satisfied with the pricing and delivery information. For example, if a customer wanted a shorter lead time, the ISR would check AMP’s global inventory system, called WINS. The WINS system was updated daily to display on-hand quantities by plant, but did not al- low orders to be placed. If there was stock in another plant, the ISR would create a special sales order that also created a purchase order. The ISR then expedited the purchase order to make sure the related-AMP company shipped the stock al- ready on hand instead of creating a new production order. This process had more manual intervention and took longer, but not as long as other situations.
If a customer wanted inventory of frequently purchased parts to be continu- ously available, AMP of Canada would create a stocking program for the cus- tomer. Stocking programs required AMP of Canada to buy and warehouse a customer-specified inventory level. AMP of Canada had stocking programs with several large customers for hundreds of parts. Because parts in customer stock- ing programs were in high demand, these parts were sometimes shipped to other customers. If the original customer wanted to buy a part that AMP stocked for it, it would contact inside sales to place an order. The ISR would check JBA for inventory in the Markham plant, and sometimes would not find enough to meet the requirement. The ISR would contact material control to ask them to find in- ventory and expedite the shipment. Material control would contact planners around the world to find stock. Sometimes a planner would have to contact a lo- cal vendor to make sure the raw material would be available for a production or- der. Eventually, material control found stock, received a delivery date, and re-
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layed the information to the ISR. The ISR contacted the customer to ask if the lead time was acceptable. If the customer was satisfied, the ISR would place the order in JBA.
AMP of Canada started implementing JBA version 2.0 in late 1992 to replace MAPICS as the transactional processing system. MAPICS was a basic transac- tional processing system sold by IBM. JBA was selected to replace MAPICS over software from J. D. Edwards and AMPICS because of its strong distribution func- tionality. Most of JBA’s customers were located in Great Britain and operated in retail industries.
A part-time and cross-functional project team of ten people was employed for system design, testing, and training. Consultants were also hired to assist with the design and testing. Because the project team still worked at their old jobs, the design and testing of the system were late, and users spent little or no time in training. After five months, the financial modules were the first to be imple- mented in late 1992. The sales and materials modules took eight months to im- plement, and went live in April 1993.
After JBA was implemented, there were many problems that took months to resolve. Employees who remembered the JBA implementation were determined not to duplicate the mistakes made in that project. Apart from go-live issues, users also began requesting that the IS department change the coding of the base soft- ware package to accommodate new requirements, such as the customer price and delivery screen. The sales organization asked IS to reprogram JBA to display pricing and delivery information on one screen because they were unhappy with the number of screens they had to access to find all the information that customers wanted. In addition to the price and delivery screen, the entire order entry system was rewritten to accommodate sales requirements.
Because users in manufacturing had expressed interest in putting manufac- turing transactions in JBA, in 1995 release 2.6 of JBA was implemented. This version was selected instead of release 3 because release 3 did not work with re- lease 2 modules. Release 2.6 was a special version of JBA written for a few cus- tomers that supported manufacturing and worked with release 2 modules. It was also less expensive than release 3. There were many coding problems with the manufacturing module of release 2.6, such as the lack of integration between manufacturing and finance. In 1995, AMP of Canada rewrote the product-costing module of JBA to accommodate corporate costing standards. In 1996, AMP spent $100,000 to rewrite JBA’s invoice-matching program to accommodate three-way invoice matching.
The JBA Implementation and Experience 113
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By 1997, IS manager Richard Stoveld estimated there were one million lines of custom code in JBA. To upgrade JBA, each custom program would have to be examined to determine whether the program’s functionality was included in the new version of the software, or whether the program would have to be completely rewritten. At a cost of $1 per line of code, Richard estimated that it would cost $1 million to upgrade JBA.
AMP of Canada had many problems with both the JBA software and the imple- mentation. For example, in manufacturing planning, manual forecasts could be entered for manufactured parts, but were always overwritten by the MRP pro- gram. This MRP feature caused all manufacturing forecasting and planning to be done manually without the aid of MRP.
Finance also had many problems with JBA. For example, all inventory, cost of sales, and manufacturing general ledger postings were done manually at month-end. Although JBA supported integrated financials, there were so many problems in testing that this functionality was never activated. The sheer volume of manual postings Finance made required thousands of pages of reports which IS had to write and maintain.
There were many lessons learned from the JBA experience:
� The most important lesson AMP learned was that there should be no modifications made to the base system. AMP of Canada had learned the hard way that modifying the system made support much more difficult to obtain from the vendor. Software upgrades also became nearly impossi- ble. Modifying the system also put design knowledge in the hands of con- tracted consultants, who could leave for other projects more easily than full-time AMP employees.
� The project team should be full-time instead of part-time. AMP had learned that it was impossible for one person to do both a functional job and a systems job, especially the implementation of a complex and inte- grated ERP system. It was also important for the project to be led by users instead of IS, which was how the JBA project was run.
� There should be more and better end-user training. Too many users did not learn basic functions, such as entering a customer order, until AMP was already live with JBA.
� The data would have to be cleaned up before conversion. Not enough time was spent fixing data problems before the data were loaded into JBA. This caused massive problems after go-live trying to correct both the data and transactions produced with those data.
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By early 1997, the manufacturing and costing modules had been stabilized. Doris had declared that 1997 would be a quiet year for the IS department after the ma- jor work of 1996. It was ironic for Doris to learn in the summer that JBA was not year 2000 compliant. She now faced a difficult decision about how to provide a system to support AMP of Canada’s business requirements beyond 2000.
The IS manager, Richard Stoveld, had informed Doris that there were two ways the existing system could be changed to meet the year 2000 problem. First, the source code of JBA could be rewritten to accommodate the extra two digits for the year. The technological risk of this option was relatively low, because the IS department and user community already had a great deal of experience rewriting JBA. However, this option would cause AMP of Canada to lose all support from the vendor. Alternatively, AMP of Canada could implement the new version of JBA that was year 2000 compliant. The new version also offered an attractive Windows-based interface, instead of the mainframe terminal displays that the cur- rent version featured.
Richard thought AMP of Canada should implement “vanilla” JBA (i.e., the new version without extensive modifications). He was hired as AS/400 team leader a few months earlier because of his knowledge of the IBM mainframe. Richard had experience with BPCS, and like many IT professionals had heard horror stories about SAP implementations being late and over budget. Richard was not strongly opposed to implementing SAP, but didn’t think users were ready for that system because of all the modifications they had come to expect.
There were several disadvantages to upgrading JBA. The most important problem was that the user community was very dissatisfied with the software. Users across all functions routinely complained about the system and its prob- lems. There was a running joke that JBA stood for “Just Bloody Awful.” JBA was also hinting that the new version with Canadian tax settings would only be avail- able in the summer of 1998. Assuming a year for implementation, that left very little time before the year 2000.
AMPICS was a version of IBM’s BPCS software modified for AMP’s business processes. AMPICS was a corporate standard targeted for AMP’s small- to medium-sized businesses. Harrisburg strongly favored this option because there was a great deal of AMPICS experience in the United States that could be drawn
Option 2: Implement AMPICS 115
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upon to implement this system. These existing resources made AMPICS the least expensive alternative to AMP as a whole. Harrisburg also thought that AMPICS could be used as a transition to meet the year 2000 problem until the global SAP project was rolled out. Harrisburg committed that if AMP of Canada implemented AMPICS, AMP of Canada would be one of the early units that would be migrated to SAP. Harrisburg’s target for AMP of Canada to switch to SAP was 2001.
The users’ perception of AMPICS was even worse than their perception of JBA. Users believed AMPICS would be a step backward from JBA, since JBA was selected over J. D. Edwards and AMPICS. Furthermore, because AMPICS was used mostly in small countries with sales offices only, the manufacturing ca- pabilities of AMPICS were very limited. This functionality was critical to support the Canadian strategy of growing manufacturing. Some important functionality developed for JBA would also have to be rewritten for AMPICS, including the customer price and delivery screen.
SAP was the largest ERP vendor in the world and fourth-largest software com- pany, with 1997 revenues of approximately U.S.$3.4 billion (6.0 billion DM), up 60 percent from the prior year. By comparison, JBA’s 1997 revenue was approx- imately U.S.$370 million (£221 million). An ERP system supports enterprise resource planning, where all major functions such as sales, manufacturing, pur- chasing, and accounting are integrated in the same system. This integration saves time and money by reducing or eliminating data transfers between functional sys- tems and allowing enterprise-level planning of resources such as inventory, fixed assets, personnel, etc.
Canadian management strongly favored implementing SAP. Harrisburg had evaluated several ERP packages and selected SAP as the standard for larger man- ufacturing business units. AMP was in the process of designing one global infor- mation systems architecture, with SAP as its core ERP software. AMP Inc. and several countries in Europe were implementing the financial modules of SAP (FI and CO) effective January 1, 1998. The global design of the sales (SD), materials (MM), and manufacturing (PP) modules would proceed after the financial mod- ules were implemented. Doris thought that Canada could “piggy-back” on AMP’s decision to use SAP and implement all modules of the system immediately to sat- isfy the year 2000 problem. Once all major AMP companies were using SAP, in- ventory could be planned and tracked worldwide. This promised significant im- provements in customer service and cost savings from inventory reduction. In addition, many existing SS40 data transmissions would no longer be required, be- cause the information would all be in the same system.
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Unfortunately, AMP of Canada did not meet Harrisburg’s size criteria for an immediate implementation. Doris thought it would be very difficult to convince Harrisburg that Canada should be allowed to implement a software application that was recommended only for AMP’s larger businesses. Other hurdles to over- come were cost and time. Most SAP implementations cost between $5 and $10 million and took well over a year to implement. Because year 2000 problems were already appearing in JBA, Doris thought Canada had roughly one year to complete the implementation. Because of AMP of Canada’s size, Doris believed an acceptable implementation cost target would be between $1 and $2 million.
There were other disadvantages to SAP. First, Harrisburg’s recommendation was to use consultants from SAP itself instead of local business partners, which would significantly increase the cost. Second, Harrisburg wanted the system box to be located in the United States instead of Canada, which represented a signif- icant loss of system control. Third, Harrisburg wanted the project team to consist of Americans from the global SAP team. These people would have to learn about how the Canadian business worked, which would take extra time, and then design a system to meet those needs. Fourth, retaining people from the project team would be difficult because market demand for SAP consultants was very high. AMP had already started to lose people to consulting because of market demand.
Only a week earlier, Doris had accepted an invitation to attend a special SAP sales presentation. At the meeting, a local SAP business partner named Opti- mum presented the story of how they helped a Montreal company implement SAP in one year at a cost of under $1 million using SAP’s new ASAP rapid- implementation methodology. The inexpensive project had taken a short time be- cause the project did not try to reengineer business processes, but rather imple- mented only “vanilla” functionality, which would be customized and improved later. Doris was excited by this possibility of a low cost and rapid SAP imple- mentation. As she prepared for several conference calls with IS management in Harrisburg, she wondered which option to recommend and how to argue the case.
Option 3: Implemetn SAP 117
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Olga Volkoff prepared this case under the supervision of E. F. Peter Newson solely to provide material for class discussion. The authors do not intend to illustrate either effective or ineffective handling of a managerial situation. The authors may have dis- guised certain names and other identifying information to protect confidentiality.
Ivey Management Services prohibits any form of reproduction, storage, or transmit- tal without its written permission. This material is not covered under authorization from CanCopy or any reproduction rights organization. To order copies or request permission to reproduce materials, contact Ivey Publishing, Ivey Management Services, c/o Richard Ivey School of Business, The University of Western Ontario, London, Ontario, Canada, N6A 3K7; phone (519) 661-3208; fax (519) 661-3882; e-mail [email protected].
Copyright © 1999, Ivey Management Services Version: (A) 1999-05-04
August 1997: Five months into a ten-month timeline, and Tim Pallant knew the January 1, 1998, project deadline was in jeopardy. The team had been unable to
Lipton Canada
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find a practical way to configure SAP R/31 to handle trade spending in the flexi- ble manner the company required. As project leader of Lipton Canada’s SAP R/3 implementation team, he had to make a decision very soon on what to do next. The basic functionality required to support this process had been identified dur- ing the system evaluation, but prototyping had revealed that, in general usage, it would become a maintenance nightmare. Now, despite the many possibilities he and his team had explored, he could see no easy way to make it work.
At this point he had identified three alternatives, and he didn’t particularly like any of them. One option would be to rewrite a section of the SAP R/3 soft- ware—without the appropriate functionality, the company wasn’t going to get the benefits it had anticipated. Alternatively, the company could give up on the way trade spending was handled. The final alternative would be to keep searching for a configured solution within SAP R/3 for a little while longer. Given SAP’s com- plexity, Tim wasn’t fully convinced that all possibilities had been exhausted. He didn’t even want to think about the ultimate alternative—abandon SAP R/3 alto- gether and quickly tackle year 2000 compliance some other way.
Lipton Canada was a division within Unilever Canada that manufactured and sold packaged food products, predominantly to the retail trade. Becel, Red Rose, Lipton Sidedishes, Soupworks, and Ragu were a few of its main brands. Its head office was located in Toronto, and it operated four manufacturing plants and three sales offices located across the country.
The business case to implement SAP R/3 for handling order management had been developed in the fall of 1996. Up to then, Lipton had been using a highly tailored order management system (OMAR) that had been developed in-house fifteen years earlier. By 1996 the company knew it had to either update the exist- ing system to make it year 2000 compliant, or replace it. While the straight cost of updating OMAR was expected to be less than purchasing and implementing SAP R/3, other considerations made the SAP proposal attractive.
OMAR had been continuously enhanced over the years and was finely tuned to provide excellent support for the business needs of the day, but it was based on older technology and would need considerable modification to support future
Background 119
1SAP are the initials of the German corporate name. The company has chosen to be known through- out the world as SAP (like IBM). An English equivalent is Standard Application Packages. R/3 stands for Release 3 and uses client server architecture. R/2 ran on mainframes.
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needs. As the system aged, integration with other, more recently acquired systems became increasingly difficult. In addition, support and maintenance depended on the knowledge of a small number of Lipton employees, making the company vul- nerable to normal turnover of personnel.
Unilever as a whole had also adopted a policy of moving to common open systems across the company. Not only was this expected to alleviate IT manage- ment problems such as those mentioned, but it would also support the parent company’s desire to integrate its global operations. SAP R/3 software had been recommended by Unilever and it was already in use in over thirty Unilever oper- ating companies worldwide, including Lipton United States.
Even so, Lipton Canada wanted to ensure that SAP R/3 would meet the com- pany’s specific needs in the extended order management process. During the fall of 1996 an assessment was conducted. (Only order management was under con- sideration, although other SAP R/3 modules, particularly finance, were candi- dates for future implementation.) The first step was to ensure that SAP R/3 would support current practices in order management. A high level analysis of existing processes was conducted, and compared with SAP R/3 functionality. Several gaps were identified, specifically for certain payment processes related to distribution, and for many EDI transactions, but by and large SAP R/3 appeared to be a good substitute for OMAR, and offered significant additional functionality in some key areas. It was judged that the gaps could be handled by add-on modules, imple- mented at designated “user exits” in the software.
The second step was to identify strategic initiatives in order management that were planned for the near future, and that would require either new systems or en- hancements to OMAR. If these initiatives were already supported by SAP R/3, the cost to develop the capabilities could be avoided. The assessment determined that in addition to providing year 2000 compliance, SAP R/3 offered flexibility in pricing, apparent improvements to the planning and execution of trade spending, and the ability to track contribution by customer. Further, it would enable migra- tion from the current AS/400 platform to a UNIX environment.
By the end of 1996 the assessment was completed. SAP R/3 appeared to match about 80 to 90 percent of Lipton’s requirements, and a plan was in place to ad- dress the gaps. A budget and timeline were established, based both on some con- sulting advice and on the experience of other organizations. Ten months, while an aggressive target, was considered feasible. In February 1997, the business case was presented to the executive committee, and the proposal was approved. Eleven people, six from the business and five from IT, were selected to be on the project team, with Tim Pallant as the leader.
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The users chosen for the team were selected on the basis of their competence and knowledge of their particular functional area. In Tim’s words:
The argument I used with the various departments to get the right people is that these are the people who are going to design how your department works for the next five years. You need to release your best people to work full-time on the project, and back-fill their positions. By and large I got the people I wanted—it was a very strong team. But that’s what you need, the senior people—a team of leaders.
Tim himself, coming from the sales and trade marketing area, was well versed in the business processes being affected, and he also had considerable ex- perience working with IT on various aspects of the company’s systems.
To support the team members from Lipton and add specific SAP R/3 knowl- edge, a well-established systems implementation consulting practice was hired. The consulting firm assigned six consultants to the Lipton project, although this number would vary over the life of the project. The consultants were expected to lead the implementation, but also to provide sufficient knowledge transfer for Lipton to be self-sufficient by the end of the project. Tim expected three things from the consultants:
1. Leadership/mentoring. Lipton had no experience with SAP R/3, and needed the expertise of the consultants.
2. Depth of knowledge. Whether specific individuals on the team personally knew all the details or not, a big consulting practice had the capacity to leverage both its special knowledge of the product and corporate experi- ence from previous implementations.
3. Workmanship. In addition to providing knowledge and leadership, the in- dividual consultants were expected to be able to execute the mechanics of implementation—i.e., configure the software.
The project team reported to the executive committee, which had overall proj- ect oversight, and met biweekly with the Business Review Group (BRG), senior managers who had line responsibility for the business processes being affected.
In accordance with the SAP R/3 implementation methodology, the first six weeks were spent developing a blueprint of existing organizational processes. Unlike the high-level analysis of processes conducted during the assessment phase, this analysis was detailed, and provided not only a documented starting point, but was also intended to help educate the consulting team on Lipton’s way of doing business. As the Lipton users worked on developing the blueprint, the consultants explained how SAP R/3 handled the same processes, and indicated where Lipton might have to alter the way it handled certain operations. In fact, to the frustration of the team members, the consultants seemed to respond to most issues with the phrase “SAP doesn’t work that way.” Before long, Lipton team
The Implementation 121
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members found they weren’t willing to accept this response without pushing back, demanding a fuller explanation and more research.
Once the blueprint was complete, configuration began. For most areas, SAP R/3 processes, even where different from existing practices, were acceptable. Because the users on the team were fairly senior, they had the mandate to make process changes in their areas. If changes had a significant business impact (such as altering the level of service to customers, or requiring additional resources), they were taken to the BRG for discussion. In accordance with recommended practice, this group was expected to provide rapid (forty-eight hour) turnaround on issues brought to them by the project team.
In general, issues were presented to the BRG with the team’s proposed solu- tion, and for the most part they were resolved in a timely fashion. On those occa- sions where the BRG delayed making a decision or changed its mind, the team would have to reconfigure the software, which put pressure on the completion date.
By August decisions had been made on how to handle most business processes. The major exception turned out to be trade spending, where the team had run into a brick wall. From the beginning they had known that existing processes would have to change, but they had expected that SAP’s built-in functionality would be an im- provement. For trade spending, the SAP R/3 solution appeared to be an unaccept- able step backward in terms of both the information provided and the ease of use.
Trade spending was the process through which Lipton supported cooperative promotional work with its customers. Lipton agreed to set aside a certain amount of money; when the customer promoted a product through flyers or special dis- plays, Lipton covered some of the cost. Apart from managing the mechanics of the approval process and payment to customers, the software was expected to support analysis of return on trade spending, both by promotional program and by customer.
Ironically, the initial assessment of the software had suggested that SAP R/3 would address inefficiencies in the existing process. Lipton wanted to plan and execute trade spending by individual customer. The original system had been de- signed on the basis of regional planning. Numerous work-arounds plus great flex- ibility in allowance type and payment had resulted in a system that provided the desired customer-specific functionality, but not efficiently. SAP R/3 offered customer-specific planning and execution as part of the base system, and pro- vided the opportunity to simplify the overall trade spending processes. With im- proved process efficiency and more effective tracking of trade spending, the ex- pectation was that SAP R/3 would be an improvement.
That said, there was general recognition that the approach in SAP R/3 was quite different from what the company had been used to, and would have a sig-
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nificant effect on the way that customer agreements were set up and the flow of funds tracked. For example, decisions would have to be made on whether account managers would now be responsible for setting up and maintaining their own agreements, and how this would affect overall control. However, because of the overall potential that SAP R/3 offered for the customer management process, these changes were considered worth implementing.
Unfortunately, when the team encountered the details of configuration, they realized that instead of an improvement over the existing system, they might end up with something worse. The original expectation was that the customer rebate agreement process in SAP R/3 could easily handle the functionality required for trade spending. Unfortunately, to do what Lipton required increased the clerical workload dramatically. Rather than improving efficiency, following this route would slow the process down and require increased staff to handle the process. Part of the increase in workload came from the required complicated, multiscreen data entry, which not only meant the process took longer, but invited errors and update difficulties. This was particularly problematic because the new system would operate in real-time, so errors could have widespread ripple effects be- fore—and after—being corrected.
After trying many different ways to configure the software without success, a proposal was made to create custom screens to make data entry easier. However, the implications for long-term maintenance were not acceptable. Members of the BRG were also unwilling to forgo some of the functionality that they felt added value both for Lipton and for customers, but which also added to the complexity of the process.
By August, Tim felt he was facing a brick wall. The team had been working flat out, desperately trying to come up with a solution, and stress was mounting. Deep down, he couldn’t believe that SAP R/3 was unable to handle the process in the way the company wanted to operate. Trade marketing was not, after all, unique to Lipton, and with all SAP R/3’s built-in functionality, he felt sure there was a way to make it work. Hadn’t other companies faced the same problem? He was irritated that the consultants had provided little help on this. While they were competent enough at straight configuration, they hadn’t been able to provide much leadership on helping him assess his options, nor had they been able to find any answers within their own organization or through SAP. Their pat response was to change the process to fit with the software, but that meant SAP R/3 would reduce rather than add value—not what Lipton expected from its investment.
Unfortunately, time was growing short. The team was already behind sched- ule for going live on January 1, and he didn’t know how much longer he should ask them to keep trying to solve the problem. Since the fiscal year ended in December, missing the January deadline would require a much more complicated cut-over. Tim had to sort out his options, and take a proposal to the Business Review Group and the executive committee within the next few days.
Trade Spending 123
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Bradley J. Dixon prepared this case under the supervision of Professors James A. Erskine and Duncan G. Copeland solely to provide material for class discussion. The authors do not intend to illustrate either effective or ineffective handling of a man- agerial situation. The authors may have disguised certain names and other identify- ing information to protect confidentiality.
Ivey Management Services prohibits any form of reproduction, storage, or transmit- tal without its written permission. This material is not covered under authorization from CanCopy or any reproduction rights organization. To order copies or request permission to reproduce materials, contact Ivey Publishing, Ivey Management Services, c/o Richard Ivey School of Business, The University of Western Ontario, London, Ontario, Canada, N6A 3K7; phone (519) 661-3208; fax (519) 661-3882; e-mail [email protected].
Copyright © 1991, Ivey Management Services Version: (A) 2003-06-18
On Thursday, February 15, 1990, Louis Bernard, the assistant executive director of finance at Riverview Children’s Hospital in Toronto, reviewed the latest finan- cial statements from the new computerized financial system. His fears of a slower-than-expected implementation were confirmed. The fiscal year-end of March 30 was fast approaching, and the new system was not ready for the exter- nal auditors who would begin their audit in mid-April. Even though the imple-
Riverview Children’s Hospital
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mentation was already eight months late, Louis was tempted to delay the system implementation until after the audit.
Founded in 1899 as a Home for Incurable Children, Riverview Children’s Hospital had developed over the years into a modern eighty-seven-bed children’s facility providing long-term care and rehabilitation for infants, children, and young adults. Riverview patients were chronically ill, physically handicapped children who were educable. The most common afflictions were cerebral palsy, spina bifida, and muscular dystrophy. Officially classified as a chronic care hos- pital, it had become one of the most respected pediatric facilities in Canada. Riverview currently enjoyed a three-year accreditation status, the highest award granted by the Canadian Council on Hospital Accreditation. (See Mission Statement—Exhibit I.)
Since his arrival in 1987, Mark Thompson, the executive director, had guided Riverview toward enhancing its leadership role in providing services to its target population.
Recently, Riverview had expanded into providing long-term acute care for eight ventilator-dependent children. This program required special approval from the Ministry of Health to fund the additional staffing and specialized equipment requirements. Additionally, many other programs had been expanded or enhanced
Riverview Hospital Background 125
Exhibit I. A statement of mission
Philosophy Riverview Children’s Hospital is committed to providing high-quality inpatient and outpatient ser- vices for physically disabled children and young adults through ongoing programs of rehabilitation, health care, education, and research. This care involves the family or guardian, and is provided in an environment serving the whole person to promote optimum individual growth, development and in- tegration into the community.
Structure and Role Riverview Children’s Hospital, an eighty-seven-bed Chronic Care facility, shall operate within the requirements of the Ontario Public Hospitals Act and strive to:
� Assess and meet each patient’s physical, mental, spiritual, social, recreational and educa- tional needs.
� Promote an atmosphere of caring support to patients, their families, staff and volunteers. � Liaise with other health services to fulfil its role in providing a continuum of care to the com-
munity. � Encourage research and scholarly works to enhance the quality of life for the disabled. � Provide education and training for health care personnel and the public. � Exclude service for the management of those conditions, which primarily require ongoing
critical and/or diagnostic services of an Acute Care Hospital.
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since Mark Thompson’s arrival at Riverview to replace the previous executive di- rector, who was removed by the board of trustees.
More than 95 percent of the operating budget of $10 million came from the Ontario Ministry of Health. The 1989 fiscal operating deficit of $200,000 was funded by the Riverview foundation, which had grown into a sizable ($20 million in assets) foundation that supported disabled children through grants to Riverview and other institutions.
Riverview, like all public hospitals, was run by a board of trustees. The board had always consisted of a large majority of women, as women had started Riverview when they were driven from the board of a major children’s hospital more than ninety years ago. The board took an active role in the administration of the hospital and met regularly with the hospital executive management group.
The board had several committees that also met regularly to set policy and review management decisions: the executive committee, the joint planning com- mittee, and the finance and audit committee. The finance and audit committee met every month and comprised nine board members, three of whom were Chartered Accountants.
In April 1987, Riverview had been given the responsibility for managing the eventual closing down of another chronic-care children’s hospital twenty kilometers north of Riverview in Thornhill, Ontario. The Thornhill Heights Hospital had been privately owned, and the physical condition was deemed too inadequate by the Ministry of Health to warrant continued operation. The Ministry purchased the facility and gave the management team at Riverview the responsibility for managing the Thornhill Heights facility until it was closed. The phase-out period was estimated to be at least five to seven years.
Louis Bernard
Louis obtained an undergraduate degree in business administration in 1982, joined a major accounting firm, and received his Chartered Accountant designa- tion in 1985. At the accounting firm, Louis had the opportunity to learn about healthcare accounting as an external auditor of hospitals and medical supply com- panies. Through his accounting firm’s consultancy practice, he was given the op- portunity to become the interim finance director at Riverview in April 1987. The opening at Riverview had arisen from the recent dismissal, by the hospital board, of the previous assistant executive director of finance, who had held the position for less than nine months. In August 1987, Louis was offered the position of as- sistant executive director (AED) of finance.
The assistant executive director of finance was responsible for all facets of the finance function at Riverview: treasury, accounting, auditing, and office man- agement (see Exhibit II). When Thornhill Heights was acquired in April 1987, a part-time AED of Finance was hired. In the fall of 1987, the part-time contract
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was not renewed and Louis was given the finance responsibility for both facili- ties. Louis spent between one and two days per week at Thornhill.
Finance and Computer Departments
As the assistant executive director of finance, Louis Bernard was responsible for all aspects of financial management at Riverview and Thornhill. At Riverview, his staff consisted of seven people organized into two departments, accounting and materials management (see Exhibit III). Three Thornhill staff reported to Louis; the accounting clerk, the payroll clerk, and the receptionist. Job responsibilities, educational background, employment history, and Louis’ comments on the staff are detailed in Exhibit IV.
The computer and communications department was formed in January 1989 at the same time that a computer room was being constructed to house the new computer hardware. Wilma Lo was promoted to computer coordinator, reporting to Mark Thompson, who was overseeing the new system implementation. Previously, Wilma was the word-processing coordinator and reported to Louis Bernard. The computer vendor’s technical staff were favorably impressed with Wilma Lo’s enthusiasm and felt that she could manage the computer operations. As the computer coordinator, Wilma was responsible for the operations and the
Riverview Hospital Background 127
Exhibit II. Assistant executive director of finance job responsibilities
The assistant executive director of finance is responsible for all facets of the finance function at Riverview and Thornhill: Treasury, Accounting and Auditing, and Office Management.
Treasury responsibilities include:
� Negotiate revenue from the Ministry of Health. � Manage the cash and investments of the Riverview Hospital and Foundation. � Prepare capital assets budgeting. � Advise the board of the financial implication of decisions. � Oversee all donations, bequests, and estate matters.
Accounting and audit responsibilities include:
� Submit financial statements of board of trustees. � Produce quarterly reports to the Ministry of Health. � Ensure the accounting system is current and accurate. � Establish policies and procedures to prevent errors and fraud.
Office management responsibilities include:
� Ensure smooth functioning of all financial procedures. � Respond to questions and requests from the departments. � Manage the telephone system and photocopiers. � Supervise office staff.
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Riverview Hospital Background 129
Exhibit IV. Biographical details of employees and Louis Bernard’s comments on employees
Louis Bernard’s comments on the performance of selected employees are shown in italics.
Riverview Children’s Hospital
Sarah King—Payroll clerk
� Five years at Riverview � High school education � Previous experience in payroll department in industry:
Poor management skills, non detail-oriented, weak comprehension skills, learned by copying proce- dures; good worker, but progressively poor attendance record; increasingly becoming flustered and missing details. Part-time Assistant was necessary because of workload.
Rita Wu—Senior accounting clerk
� Six years at Riverview � High school education � Runs the current microcomputer accounting system:
Relatively independent: did not need much direction Learned the new system well Responsible for general ledger and management reports
Pam Smythe—Accounts payable clerk
� Six years at Riverview � High school education:
Recently received Hospital Accounting Course Certificate Not too confident—tends to hesitate Procrastinates—somewhat insecure about the system
Peter Silver—Materials management supervisor
� Fifteen years at Riverview � College in Portugal � Community College—high marks—transcript posted on wall:
Not a delegator—runs the department very tightly Workaholic—tries to do everything Never used computer before but learns quickly
Tim Withers—Stores inventory clerk
� 10 years at Riverview � Educated in Ireland:
Very laid back—likes to visit with the sales representatives Prompt—arrives and leaves on time Recent heart attack
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technical management of the new computer system, in addition to her current word-processing support and telephone system management responsibilities. Wilma felt overextended by her new responsibilities:
I feel I am so busy all the time, there is so much going on. I never have the time to do anything right. There is so much to learn about the new computer; I have never worked with such a large system before. Working with the new computer is enjoyable; there wasn’t much challenge in my job of providing support for all the word-processing users. Now the word processor users al- ways phone, often at awkward times, and expect me to come running to solve their problems. Mark tells me to not worry about them too much, but I used to be a word-processing clerk; they are my friends.
Wilma Lo also maintained the telephone system and reported to Louis Bernard, who had overall responsibility for the telephone system. The telephone system was not a big part of Wilma’s job, but Louis felt that her priorities were not always logical.
Exhibit IV. Biographical details of employees and Louis Bernard’s comments on employees (Continued)
Wilma Lo—Coordinator of computer and communication department
� Seven years at Riverview � Diploma in computers from DeVry Institute � Formerly supported the secretaries with their word processors � Chosen (based on recommendations from ICS personnel) to head computer department:
Very busy worker, but poorly organized Writes copious notes, but takes time for her to comprehend Management skills are lacking—does not prioritize well
Thornhill Heights Hospital
Val Richards—Senior accounting clerk
� Nineteen years at Thornhill � Bookkeeping training � High school education:
Knows everyone, friendly No computer experience
Susan Green—Payroll clerk
� Five years at Thornhill � High school education � Was junior clerk in payroll department at large employer:
Intelligent, learns quickly
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Whenever I asked Wilma to make a minor change to the telephone system, it would be done immediately, even if I specifically mentioned that this could wait. I thought her service was great, until my staff complained about Wilma’s service. I realized she was doing everything I asked because I was the assistant executive director and her former supervisor.
The computer department at Riverview should logically have reported to the AED finance, but Louis had no time or desire to manage it at that stage. In Canada, hospital computer departments usually report to the AED finance, except the largest (500-plus beds) hospitals, where a chief information officer would manage the computer department. Louis felt that Wilma Lo was in over her head, and Mark Thompson was having to spend more time than he would like manag- ing her and the computer problems. Louis remarked that he would need an ac- counting supervisor to look after the office and the day-to-day accounting issues before he could even consider managing the computer department.
Louis was concerned that the organizational structure of the administration departments did not make sense. Louis felt that the payroll department should not report to the same manager as the personnel department. More than 70 percent of a hospital’s costs are salary expense. Proper audit and control practices dictate that the person who enters the hours worked into the system should work in the accounting department.
However, I am not sure I would want Sarah King, the payroll clerk, report- ing to me anyway. I have had numerous incidents with her and I do not have much confidence in her abilities. Once I even pushed to have her fired, but the AED of human resources, Margaret Scheaffer, protects her staff and sup- ported Sarah.
Louis had been involved in the process of purchasing a new computer system soon after his arrival in 1987. Even though he did not have any experience in- stalling computer systems, Louis was interested in introducing a hospital finan- cial system into Riverview.
A computer evaluation committee had been formed to decide which com- puter system to purchase. The committee consisted of Mark Thompson, the three assistant executive directors, the director of Medical Records, and Wilma Lo.
There were six reasons for purchasing a system to replace the existing micro- computer–based accounting system and to automate other areas of the hospital. First, the existing system was inadequate and could not provide the department managers with anything beyond basic reports outlining the departmental ex- penses. Because the system had not been designed for hospitals, it could not pro- duce the necessary statistical and budgeting reports that the department managers
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needed in an increasingly cost-conscious health care environment. Good man- agement reports are important to enable managers to control costs.
Second, the Canadian Hospital Association had just finished the management information systems (MIS) guidelines. These guidelines covered how manage- ment information should be recorded, managed and disseminated in hospitals. While the guidelines were just recommendations, it would only be a matter of time until adherence to MIS guidelines would become a prerequisite of receiving hospital accreditation.
Third, the payroll deposits and earning statements had been processed by an off-site computer service bureau, which cost $1,300 a month. To update payroll and personnel information involved filling out forms that were couriered to the service bureau, where they were entered into the computer. The entire process was slow, error-prone, and cumbersome.
Fourth, the existing microcomputer system, purchased in 1982, was running out of capacity and was increasingly breaking down. The computer would have to be replaced or upgraded soon.
Fifth, the executive director realized that proper financial systems were an important factor that the Ontario Ministry of Health would consider before al- lowing Riverview to expand programs. The Ministry of Health encouraged all hospitals to install financial systems that would support the management of a hos- pital, in addition to simply maintaining the accounting ledgers. Louis felt that Riverview’s installation of a new system had been a consideration in the recent approval of the new program for ventilator-dependent children.
Finally, the management of patient information was entirely manual. The pa- tient record, a binder that contained a record of all treatments, diagnoses, and progress reports for a patient, was located in a central records room. Computerized patient care information would enhance productivity, reduce er- rors, and move Riverview into the 1990s by providing greater analysis of treat- ment outcomes, faster access to medical histories by medical staff, and the auto- matic output of the mandatory statistical reports for various governments.
In late autumn 1987, a consultancy firm specializing in Hospital Systems had been retained to prepare a needs analysis report of Riverview’s systems require- ments. After much discussion with the computer committee, the report was the basis of a Request For Proposal (RFP), which was sent to several computer sys- tems vendors in May 1988. The 195-page RFP was analyzed by the vendors, who responded with elaborate proposals, addressing each question in the RFP. The proposals were reviewed by the committee with assistance from the consultants. A short list of three vendors was selected in June 1988. After numerous visits to other sites and further analysis of the proposals submitted by the vendors, a sys- tem was selected in August. A contract for purchasing the hardware, software and implementation services for $499,000 was finally signed in November 1988 with a major computer hardware vendor, Integrated Computer Systems (ICS).
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ICS proudly advertised that it was the only single-source healthcare systems vendor in Canada. ICS was responsible in the contract for managing the training, hardware installation, software implementation, and hardware support for Riverview. Louis was impressed that the training and implementation costs were lower than other vendors’ proposals. The hardware to be installed at Riverview was an ICS-A1 mainframe computer with twenty-five terminals connected to the computer.
The software comprised two parts: the first part was the patient-care system, which automated the patient information flow and computerized the Medical Records department. The patient-care software was developed by ICS in its Winnipeg office, and the software trainers were ICS employees. The second part was the financial system, which automated the materials management, payroll, and accounting departments. The financial system consisted of many interrelated subsystems, or modules (see Exhibit V), that had to be implemented in a coordi- nated fashion. There were few connections between the financial and patient-care systems; each system could be implemented independently of the other. The fi- nancial software was sold by ICS but written by Dovetail Software, a London, Ontario-based software firm, under contract to provide hospital financial software exclusively to ICS. The Dovetail financial software was one of the most advanced hospital financial systems in Canada. The software’s many features, coupled with the fiscal control from the disciplined procedures the software required, made Dovetail software popular with larger, 400-plus-bed hospitals.
Implementing the System
A schedule for implementing the financial modules was agreed upon in the con- tract between the computer vendor and Riverview’s computer committee (see Exhibit VI). The computer hardware was installed in the computer room during January and February 1989. A project manager was appointed in March 1989, and the ten-week implementation schedule was initiated. As executive director, Mark Thompson would oversee the entire project and liaise with ICS. Louis would direct the financial system portion, and the director of medical records would manage the patient-care system portion. The expected date for the finan- cial system to be fully operational, or Live, was early July. The patient account- ing system would be implemented after the financial system. The entire imple- mentation was expected to take six to seven months.
The implementation budget, to cover project management and miscellaneous technical support expenses to get the system live, was $64,000. This amount was included in the negotiated contract price and was estimated to cover a six- to eight-month implementation. Riverview relied on ICS to employ the appropriate project management candidate. ICS, in turn, subcontracted Sharon Picalle from a computer consultancy firm in March 1989. Sharon had worked extensively with
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Exhibit V. Financial system modules
General Ledger and Budgeting The purpose of this application is to maintain and report the financial data arising from the opera- tion of the hospital and its various departmental units. This system assists in cost control through more timely financial reports, prepared with less clerical effort.
The system provides an online auditing capability that allows the user and auditors to easily track the movements of data to and from the general ledger accounts.
The general ledger system accepts input transactions automatically from other applications, such as accounts payable, accounts receivable, payroll, purchasing and inventory control. Users can also input transactions manually, and inquire about the status of any general ledger account. The system allows use of the new chart of accounts described in the MIS Guidelines for Canadian Hospitals. A user-defined chart of accounts is also allowed.
The system generates financial reports as specified by the user. It can provide comparative re- porting by period, by departmental unit or any other desired basis. The system also provides consol- idated financial statements for the hospital.
The system monitors actual expenditures against the budget for the hospital and all depart- ments. It generates monthly budget variance reports for each department and cost centre.
Accounts Payable The purpose of this application is to assure the proper receipt of goods, to support the orderly pay- ment of supplier accounts and to assure authorization of payments. This system allows the hospital staff to have current information on volume of purchases and minimizes the time required to find the status of a supplier order. It also helps the hospital staff avoid missing supplier discount dates.
The system regularly prints a list of invoices or accounts, which should be paid. The user can make modifications to this prepayment register. When a user is satisfied, the system prints the re- quired checks.
The user can, at any time, request the printing of a single check, which is charged against a specified general ledger account (e.g., an expense account). The user could also write checks manu- ally and enter the details, which the system uses to keep all account balances up to date. The system keeps track of outstanding checks and performs reconciliation with the monthly bank statements.
The system generates purchase analysis reports by department, product type, and supplier. It can also produce other useful reports such as product price histories and supplier delivery perfor- mance. On-line inquiry to all accounts payable information is available.
Payroll The purpose of this application is to maintain time and attendance data for all hospital personnel and calculate the payroll. This system minimizes the clerical effort required to produce the payroll and other labor statistics. The system can generate a report of payroll costs and full-time equivalents used by department, cost center, and job description. It can produce consolidated reports for the hospital. It can also produce reports that monitor vacation days, sick leave, overtime hours, etc. by employee.
Time and attendance data for all full-time and permanent part-time staff are entered from time sheets. The system can handle multiple pay cycles. Some employees are paid on a weekly basis; others can be paid biweekly, semimonthly, etc. The hospital is a multi-union environment. The sys- tem should be flexible, allowing changes to union contracts and pay scales to be made with a mini- mum amount of effort.
In most cases, employees are paid through an automatic funds transfer to their bank accounts. The system can also issue cheques for those employees not on automatic deposit.
The system automatically prints records of employment forms for terminated employees. The system retains certain information on terminated employees for retroactive and reference purposes.
The system has the capability to calculate vacation pay, sick pay, bonuses, etc.
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ICS computers and had project management experience in the banking industry. This was her first project working with patient-care and hospital financial soft- ware. Sharon reported to both Venkat Halambi, the support manager at ICS, and Mark Thompson at Riverview. Venkat actually employed Sharon, but any major decisions that Sharon referred to him were made after consultations with the ICS marketing account manager for Riverview.
After a few days on the job, Sharon realized that Wilma Lo, the computer co- ordinator, was not understanding the computer system and would require extra training and technical support. Sharon asked Venkat to provide an ICS technical
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Exhibit V. Financial system modules (Continued)
Purchasing The purpose of this application is to oversee the acquisition of commodities, parts, supplies, and any other material goods required by the hospital. The system captures requisition data from multiple departments, assists in the preparation of purchase orders and monitors the receipt of goods received.
The normal flow of operations within the purchasing application is:
1. A purchase requisition is created within a hospital department. This requisition is sent to the purchasing department for approval and creation of a purchase order.
2. The purchasing department will review the requisition. They will, when necessary, select the appropriate vendor. They may negotiate prices and discounts. They will ensure that de- livery is for the required date. Once they approve the requisition, they will enter it into the computer.
3. The computer will generate the purchase order. A copy of this purchase order will be sent to the supplier. The system also automatically produces stock purchase orders based on in- ventory reorder points and economic order quantities.
4. The supplier will deliver the goods. 5. The receiving department will count the items received. Their receipt will update the inven-
tory control and open purchase order records.
Inventory Control The purpose of this application is to control the issue and stocking levels of most hospital stock items, including medical and surgical supplies, sterile supplies for nursing units, reusable linen items, dietary material and utensils, pharmaceutical supplies and paper supplies. The system at- tempts to prevent stockouts, while minimizing inventory carrying costs.
The inventory control system maintains a file of all stock items, including newly purchased, reusable and manufactured items. The system records all requisitions and issues. Details of supplier orders and receipt of goods are automatically received from the purchasing system. It assists in physical inventory taking and upon authorized clearance makes any necessary adjustments to the file.
The system calculates order points and quantities for all items. It regularly generates a report of all items near their order level.
The system prints product item catalogs for departments to use when requisitioning items from stores or nonstores.
The system allows for multiple stores locations. It maintains cart profiles for the multiple sup- ply carts found throughout the hospital. It also provides information for charging supplies usage to the various cost centers.
The system allows on-line inquiry for inventory item status and purchase order status.
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Exhibit VI. Implementation schedule: Financial modules
Task # 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1. a) Initiate Team Formation x 1. b) Identify Dovetail Modifications
Define Modifications for: a) Accounts payable x b) General ledger x c) Financial reports x
2. Analysis of Modifications Requested a) Develop specifications x b) Provide cost estimates x c) Provide implementation estimates x
3. Acceptance of Modifications a) Priorities x b) Approval x c) Signoff/acceptance x
4. Revise Implementation Plan Revise Due to Modifications x
5. Consultation for User Training a) Core trainers assigned x b) Develop training plan x
6. Customization & Programming a) Programming commences x x x b) Testing x x x c) Incorporate in system x x x d) Documentation changes made x x
7. User Training Implement Training Plan x x x x
8. Determine Conversion Methodology Manual vs. tape-to-disk x Internal vs. contracted x
9. Prepare Conversion Data a) Define conversion specs. x b) Review & cost conversion specs. x
10. Perform Conversion a) Write conversion programs x b) Test validity of programs x x
11. Test Accounts Payable a) Test for integrity of data x b) Test scripts x
12. A/P Acceptance Evaluate and accept A/P x
13. Test General Ledger Test for integrity of data x Test scripts x
14. G/L Acceptance Evaluate and accept G/L x
15. Test Financial Reporting Test For integrity of data x Test scripts x
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support person to spend extra time with Wilma Lo to help her understand the sys- tem and enable her to solve the minor technical problems that invariably arose. The technical support person was billed to the project at $480 per day for time spent solving problems where ICS had determined they were not at fault or re- sponsible. Fortunately for Riverview, there was not another system being in- stalled at the same time. The technical support person was available to spend the extra time Wilma needed to learn the system.
Training for the first financial module (general ledger) started in April. The users complained to Sharon that the training was too rushed. After talking to the Dovetail trainers, Sharon realized that the days allocated for training in the con- tract had been cut roughly in half. Sharon learned from ICS’s marketing depart- ment that the training days had been reduced because Riverview, at eighty-seven beds, was less than half the size of all the hospitals that had purchased the sys- tems to date. Sharon reviewed the training days’ shortfall with Mark Thompson and Louis. Louis felt that the training he attended for the general ledger module did not seem rushed. He wondered if days recommended by Dovetail were actu- ally needed. Louis felt that Sharon should be able to help the staff with imple- menting the system. Sharon, Mark, and Louis agreed to keep to the original train- ing plan rather than incur costs of $650 per day for a Dovetail trainer for the extra thirty days that were cut.
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Exhibit VI. Implementation schedule: Financial modules (Continued)
Task # 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
16. Financial Reporting Acceptance Evaluate & Accept Financial Reporting x
17. Test Payroll Test integrity of data x Test scripts x
18. Payroll Acceptance Evaluate & accept payroll x
19. Live Implementation a) Provide conversion coverage x b) Prepare for operations x c) Implement plan (see 4) x
20. System Shakedown Allow time post-implementation to resolve any problems x x
21. Post-Implementation Review a) A/P b) G/L c) F/R d) Payroll/personnel
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In May it became apparent to Sharon that the frequency of computer prob- lems was not decreasing. Wilma Lo was still having trouble with the computer system, although the technical support person was spending two to three days per week at Riverview assisting Wilma. The computer was constantly going down, inconveniencing the users. Louis was not surprised when Sharon mentioned to him that she was postponing the second training sessions until the end of May to correct the hardware problems. The system Live date was delayed by one month to July.
Many difficulties were created for Sharon by Riverview staff’s lack of fa- miliarity with computers. Although Sharon was spending extra time working with the staff, the users still complained that there was not enough time to learn the system. Sharon found that she had to be increasingly assertive and persistent to ensure that users completed any assigned project tasks. Payroll was the most complicated of all financial systems, and it become apparent to Margaret and Louis that the payroll clerk, Sarah King, would not be able to handle going live until some time in the fall. Louis was disappointed that Riverview would not be able to realize the monthly savings from implementing payroll earlier.
During June, several of Louis’s staff mentioned that they felt increasingly un- comfortable working with Sharon. Louis saw Sharon only a couple of times per week and always asked how things were going. Sharon was positive about the system, the staff, and the prospects for going live with everything but payroll in August. Louis increasingly wondered why Sharon was spending so much time managing this project. Louis knew that the $64,000 budget was based on a part- time project manager.
Shortly after completion of the training session in June, Tim Withers, the stores inventory clerk, suffered a major heart attack. Tim would be off work, re- covering until October. Peter Silver, the director of materials management, was taking holidays in September. Louis realized that the materials management mod- ule implementation would be delayed until November. Summer holidays inter- fered with the implementation plans of the other financial modules as well. Louis agreed with Sharon that the live dates for the other financial modules would have to be pushed back to October.
Louis’s concerns about the amount of time Sharon was spending were real- ized in early July when he received an invoice from ICS for $59,000 for the im- plementation costs to date. The invoice did not provide a breakdown of the hours spent, and Louis requested, through Mark Thompson, that a breakdown be pro- vided. Eventually, the hour totals revealed that over 400 hours, or 50 days, of bill- able technical support were charged between March and June. Louis and Mark met with Sharon and representatives from ICS and expressed their concern with the amount of the bill. Sharon felt confident that the implementation would not be delayed further.
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Louis noticed that Sharon’s style was becoming more controlling, demand- ing, and aggressive. Sharon annoyed Margaret, the AED of Human Resources, by her manner during meetings to discuss the payroll implementation. Louis learned that Wilma felt she was being treated like a child by Sharon. The situation reached a crisis in late August when ICS submitted an invoice for $20,000, which in- cluded an additional $15,000 charge over the remaining budget to cover extra im- plementation costs. Louis refused to pay the $15,000. Louis, Margaret, and Mark Thompson met to discuss the project and Sharon’s role. They felt Sharon’s han- dling of the project was inadequate, and Mark Thompson told ICS not to renew Sharon’s contract, effective September 1.
The New Project Manager
At the end of August, Louis approached John Deans, the Dovetail trainer for the accounts payable and general ledger modules, about assuming the project man- agement responsibilities. Louis and John had developed a good relationship from working together on the general ledger module over the past several months. Dovetail prepared a proposal that outlined the implementation dates, the project management days, and the extra training required (see Exhibit VII).
The Riverview board was very concerned about cost overruns. Louis was concerned how the board would react to a request for an additional $32,000 to cover project management costs. After discussions with Mark, Louis rearranged the computer budget by deferring a software purchase for a year. Louis was able to find enough funds to pay for the extra project management costs without re- questing additional funds from the board. John Deans was appointed project man- ager in mid-September.
John realized how concerned Riverview was with its expenses. Riverview had a strict policy regarding overtime, and employees mentioned that several years back people had been asked to take unpaid leave in order to meet the bud- get. John submitted status reports every week detailing the days spent to date and was careful not to spend any unnecessary time at Riverview.
During October, John’s visits focused on getting the general ledger and pay- roll system live. The payroll system live date of December 1 was delayed until January 1, 1990, because of problems in obtaining the specialized forms and making custom modifications to the software. Delaying the implementation of payroll past January 1 would cause more complications from converting tax and benefit deductions that were based on a calendar year.
The implementation of the general ledger went smoothly, and by the middle of November the closing balances from the old system were transferred to the new system and reconciled, and financial reports were prepared in time to be in- cluded in the 1990 budget packages for distribution to department managers by
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Exhibit VII. Proposal for project management and training
This proposal is for the balance of training required, the implementation assistance, and the project management required to implement the system successfully to meet the target dates.
Based on our daily rate of $525, the cost would be $32,025, excluding travel and lodging costs. We estimate our travel and lodging expenses to be approximately $150 per day. We look forward to discussing the details with you to ensure that we mutually understand the project requirements.
TRAINING REQUIREMENTS Training required to implement Dovetail is outlined by the following module:
Materials Management: 6 to 9 days Refresher training at both Thornhill and Riverview is highly recommended due to the delays be- tween the original training and the implementation date. Recommended training is two to three days per site.
Implementation support is recommended when system goes live. This support is usually re- quested by hospitals and has proven extremely valuable to eliminate implementation problems and minimize future system issues. Suggested support is two to three days when system is going live.
Management Information: 2 to 3 days Outstanding training in management information will cover payroll and other complex reporting. This training would be scheduled over the next few months as data become available on the system.
General Ledger and Accounts Payable: 1 to 2 days Implementation support and review are recommended for these modules. This time would be sched- uled concurrently with the implementation date.
Payroll and Personnel Training: 19 days There are five outstanding tasks before the payroll system can go live. The major items and their as- sociated training days include:
Test with subset of 25 employees 5 days (Riverview only) 4 days (Thornhill only)
Department head training 1 day Parallel payroll 5 days Miscellaneous payroll functions 3 days Review outstanding issues 1 day
Operations Training: 5 days Consideration should be given to scheduling of operations training, two to three days when the sys- tem goes live and the remainder after several months of operation.
Schedule In order to project the number of days required of project management, a summary schedule was developed based on conversations with hospital personnel coupled with past experience at other hospitals.
Key Milestone Dates G/L, A/P implementation: 1-Oct-89 Material management live: 1-Nov-89 Conversion of payroll data: ?-Nov-89 Payroll/personnel: 1-Dec-89
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the end of November. The managers would review their results and prepare a budget that was to be submitted to finance by mid-January. Then the entire fi- nance department faced four to five very busy weeks to consolidate the data, re- view, and prepare preliminary pro forma statements for budget meetings, then re- vise the statements and prepare final reports, meanwhile performing the required daily duties.
Each time John visited the hospital, he would check with the accounting and materials management staff to inquire about how the implementation was going and was always told that everything was going as planned. John’s schedule of training and consulting at three other hospitals prevented him from traveling to Riverview during most of November and early December.
After an absence of five weeks, John arrived at Riverview on December 18. Louis told John that it appeared that everything was progressing as planned and the accounting and materials management staff were not having any major prob- lems. Louis acknowledged, however, that he was not confident that everything was going as well as his staff let on. Louis remarked that he had been too busy to spend time down in Materials Management to learn what was really happening. John spent the morning investigating the status of the system and generating com- puter reports. After analyzing the computer output, John realized things were not going as planned and arranged a meeting with Louis.
Louis, there are three concerns that I have with the system. First, the ac- counts payable invoices for November are not entered into the new system. Pam assured me the last time we talked that she was right on schedule. She has not spent any overtime doing this. Second, the materials management
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Exhibit VII. Proposal for project management and training (Continued)
Projected Days Required The days required for project management are listed below. These days are based on the above schedule and our previous experience with implementing Dovetail. These days are our best estimate and are, therefore, subject to mutually agreed revisions as the project progresses.
September 5 days October 9 days November 5 days December 3 days January 1 day
TOTAL: 23 days
Project Management Approach Dovetail is committed to working with our customers toward the common goal of a smooth imple- mentation of the Dovetail system. We believe that communication among all people involved in the implementation is vital. We will strive to keep communication open and as up-to-date as possible.
Successful projects are implemented in an environment of cooperation, communication, and teamwork. We believe that Dovetail’s project management skill will be a positive addition to this implementation.
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department is not looking at their daily computer reports, and I believe the inventory balances are not accurate; they blame the delays in entering pur- chase orders into the system. This leads me to believe that they are not man- aging their inventory or their module well. Third, payroll will not be able to go live January 1, because the programmer who was writing the software to convert the files from the service centre to the new computer is very sick with pneumonia and nobody else will be able to finish the job in time.
Louis and John discussed the problems and arrived at an action plan to cor- rect the problem. Louis agreed to encourage Pam Smythe, the accounts payable clerk, to spend time entering November’s invoices into the system and to speak with Peter, the materials management manager, about his module. John men- tioned that he would arrange for the Dovetail materials management trainer to come and review the system with the materials management staff as soon as possible.
In January, John worked with Pam to enter the November invoices into the system. Louis talked with Pam and realized that his earlier requests for working overtime went largely ignored because the staff thought they would not get paid for overtime. Louis assured them that they would get paid overtime.
Entering the invoices was complicated by the elapsed time since the goods had arrived and the many errors in purchase orders. Invoices could only be en- tered against a purchase order previously entered into the system, and then only when the order was marked by the receiver as having been received. When the system was notified that the goods had been received, a liability was created for the value of the goods, as per the purchase order. The invoice was entered into the system, and if it matched the liability exactly, a check was produced. In the con- version, all the purchase orders, receipts, and invoices were entered for one month as a parallel to ensure that the old and the new systems were matched, and this also provided an accounting trail for the auditors to follow.
By Monday, February 12, all the November invoices were entered and matched to the purchase orders. The system was ready for the first month-end to be run overnight. The month-end failed because material management had not run its month-end first. After investigating further, John found that the materials man- agement manager did not know how to run a month-end and thought that ac- counting was responsible for starting the run.
After both the inventory and accounts payable month-ends had been run on Tuesday evening, Louis requested the computer to generate the first set of finan- cial statements Wednesday morning. The financial statements were worse than Louis imagined. First, the accounts payable liabilities for November were $1.4
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million, not even close to the current system’s liability of $50,000. Additionally, the inventory value was shown as over $1 million when it should have been about $70,000. Finally, three months of inventory issues had been entered into November’s expenses.
After a long discussion with John, Louis realized he could either parallel the system for four months from November to February or start fresh after the audit and the year-end stock count sometime in April.
Louis spent most of Wednesday and Thursday working with the statements trying to understand the magnitude of the errors. His main concern was inventory, where there were some obvious mistakes, like photocopier paper inventoried at about $1 per sheet. With 200 items in inventory, correcting errors would require at least a half hour per item just to investigate the problems. Some of the dis- crepancies arose from mistakes on purchase orders or the corresponding goods receipts. With about 800 to 900 purchase orders generated over the past four months, it could take a couple of weeks of analysis to sort out the purchase order problems. If all accounts payable invoices were entered, the program to match in- voices to purchase orders would help materials management to find a lot of prob- lems. To date, only November invoices had been entered into the system; it could take Pam Smythe forty to fifty hours to enter a month’s invoices.
Louis felt that his odds were 50–50 of being able to balance the statements to the old system in time. Louis did not feel confident that even with all invoices, purchase orders and receipts entered and checked that all errors could be found before the audit started in April. Louis wondered how the work would get done. Should he attempt to utilize temporary employees who would know nothing about the system, or spend the money and utilize the Dovetail trainers, at $650 per day, or should he rely on his staff to work enough overtime at an overtime rate of about $20 per hour?
Louis was concerned that delaying the implementation would prolong the frustration until next May or June. Louis knew the morale of the staff working with the new system was not good. The accounting staff had just finished work- ing on the budget, a very busy time of the year. Wilma Lo was in especially bad shape; she was irritable, constantly blaming everyone else for each petty incident, and Louis noticed during one coffee break that she was shaking when she held her cup. The system was constantly going down; Louis believed that Wilma was too preoccupied to schedule preventive maintenance to catch problems in time. Pam Smythe was frustrated with all obstacles in both the new and the old systems. Louis was also worried about how much longer Tim Withers would be able to handle the stress, given his heart condition.
Louis wondered if the current microcomputer system would be able to last much longer. During the last month, the microcomputer had been broken for six days, and there were a number of corrupt files on the disk, which was overloaded. To work around the problems, Pam Smythe was having to trick the system into producing accounts payable checks.
The Decision 143
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Louis knew that the audit would keep his accounting staff very busy during the month of April, and it would be a messy and difficult audit if based on the old system. Louis could not imagine which was worse, trying to implement the sys- tem during April while doing an audit or implementing the system now. If he con- tinued to implement the new system, and the system did not balance by March 30, his audit would become extremely complicated; the fees could double from the typical bill of $15,000. The auditors would not regard a botched implementa- tion lightly. They could cast Louis in a most unfavorable light in the management report that was prepared by the auditors for the finance and audit committee.
Louis questioned why he had not known about the problems earlier, and wondered what changes were necessary to prevent this lack of communication from recurring.
The finance and audit committee would not be pleased with another delay in the system implementation. Implementing in April would push computer imple- mentation expenses into another fiscal year, something Louis was sure the board would want to avoid.
Louis had to make a decision soon; the finance and audit committee of the board of directors was to meet on Tuesday, February 20. They expected an update on the status of the system implementation.
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Quixtar is a business opportunity company, offering entrepreneurs the ability to have a business of their own through Quixtar’s I-commerce business model. I-commerce empowers individuals to market products and manage their own business via the Internet, while being compensated by the low-cost, low-risk Independent Business Ownership Plan, and supported by the full-service infra- structure of Quixtar.
Since 1999, independent business owners (IBOs) powered by Quixtar have generated more than $4.2 billion in sales at plus nearly $320 million for Partner Stores, earning in excess of $1.37 billion in bonuses and other incentives. Their efforts have propelled Quixtar to be named the number-one on- line retailer in the drug/health & beauty category based on sales, and twelfth among all e-commerce sites, according to Internet Retailer’s “Top 300 Guide.”
Based near Grand Rapids, Michigan, Quixtar currently supports independent businesses in the United States, Canada, Puerto Rico, and various trust territories and independent island nations in the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans and Caribbean Sea. Quixtar Canada Corp. headquarters are located in London, Ontario, Canada.
The Evolution of Project Management at Quixtar
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A change in leadership can often bring about a change in the way that organiza- tions get things done. Such was the case with the Quixtar communications de- partment’s adoption of project management (PM).
A new communications director, Beth Dornan, oversaw the department’s shift from an internal service agency implementing mass communication vehicles to a strategic partner delivering more specific communications to targeted audi- ences. This change in philosophy meant that, rather than merely fulfilling the communication needs of other departments, Communications would now work closely with other areas to create strategies and implement communications tac- tics that would best help achieve Quixtar’s business goals.
“Communications is the gateway by which Quixtar disseminates information and news to all its audiences, including independent business owners (IBOs), cus- tomers, and news media,” says Beth. “We view our department’s evolution as a shift from being all things to all people all the time to delivering the right mes- sage to the right audience at the right time.”
This philosophical change led to a reevaluation of the role of the account ex- ecutive (AE) in communications. The position of AE had existed to implement the direction set by other Quixtar departments. Now that communications played a part in setting that direction, would there be more value in having people re- sponsible for planning, project managers, rather than people largely responsible for doing, account executives?
Beth asked a member of her management team, Gilann Vail-Boisvenue, to in- vestigate the PM profession. Previously unfamiliar with the field, Gil discovered that it was exactly what Communications needed. The department had always excelled at executing but had fallen short at planning. Project management, Gil learned, could help manage budgets, schedules, project scope, workload, and resources.
In addition, PM seemed to support three of the company’s core values of partnership, achievement, and personal responsibility. It also supported a Quixtar strategic goal to achieve initiatives on time and on budget to successfully impact business drivers like IBO productivity, recruiting. and retention.
Gil promptly earned her certification as a PM professional and applied the prin- ciples she’d learned to crafting a three- to five-year plan for transitioning AEs to project managers.
The plan proved to be successful for a number of reasons. First, management and senior management immediately understood the value of PM and supported it. Second, the plan was all about transitioning gradually through step-by-step
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phases into this new way of operating, rather than forcing the entire concept of PM on the communications group at once.
The plan included the following phases:
Year 1: Control budgets by aligning the department’s operating budget with projects and individual teams, develop annual work plans for teams, offer broad-based PM training, and create formal PM job descriptions with salary standards.
Year 2: Control schedules by meeting deadlines, controlling scope, and managing resources; offer focused study groups for PMP certification; develop PM methodology.
Year 3: Communicate by building reports for upper management. Also, continue to manage resources and finalize a professional procurement group. (This is the current year.)
Year 4: Use risk planning and apply lessons learned to new projects. Year 5: Use quality planning and refine components of the five-year
plan as needed.
All aspects of the plan are based on the PMBOK® Guide, or project man- agement body of knowledge. This plan has brought the PM discipline to a Level 3 on the PM Maturity Model within communications, while PM throughout the rest of Quixtar is at Level 1.
Communications is currently bringing PM to all of Quixtar through a training program designed to educate participants on standard PM processes and docu- mentation. Approximately 140 people completed the program last year, including employees of Quixtar Canada and a sister company’s Japanese affiliate.
“In just three short years we’ve gone from virtually no one at Quixtar know- ing anything about PM to hearing many people say things like ‘we need to get this project scoped’ and ‘do we have the money and time?’” says Gil. “Broad- based training helps everyone understand the concepts and the fact that a com- mon language has really taken hold is proof of that understanding.”
The project management professionals (PMPS) in communications also are hosting independent study groups to help other Quixtar employees who want to become certified. The study groups have a 100 percent success rate when it comes to participants passing the certification test, and are a major reason that Quixtar now boasts 25 PMPs across communications, IT, and finance. The 13 PMPs in communications have full job descriptions and a salary structure built around PM. The PMPs in other areas, such as IT, have other primary responsibilities like software development, and PM is secondary.
Adopting Project Management Across the Company 147
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A result of the PM expertise within Quixtar communications is the creation of a seven-step project management methodology that can be used by any PMP across the company to effectively manage projects.
The methodology is laid out on the PM Web site on the corporate intranet and begins with a needs assessment—does the project in question relate to the com- pany’s strategic plan? The methodology takes the project through the charter and scope phases, execution and control, and closure.
“We can pair any new PMP with our seven-step methodology and they can manage projects effectively at Quixtar,” says Gil. “There is about a two-month learning curve, but that’s mostly to become familiar with our company culture. As long as they know PMBOK® Guide, they can do projects.”
The methodology has been so effective in part because it’s very streamlined. “Many people dislike process, and with these seven steps, they don’t even
know they’re in a process,” says Gil. “Management often wants to see things get done, and how those things get done is up to us. The how is very important be- cause that’s where you spend time and money.”
The seven-step methodology is also simple and flexible. “You can use as many or as few of the steps as you like, depending on the com-
plexity of the project,” says Gil. “Some projects could be as simple as a scope state- ment defining the project and the assumptions and constraints. Others could be com- plicated enough to require a full project plan, including a risk mitigation plan, communication management plan, and tons of other components to ensure success.”
The success of introducing PM across Quixtar hasn’t been without a few bumps along the road. Gil found that those implementing PM practices were at first too rigid, trying to wedge people into static processes and documentation methods.
“It’s important to have standards but still be flexible. You don’t want people to be so focused on the process that they think they can’t do something that makes sense just because it’s not the next step in their methodology,” says Gil. “It’s im- portant to tailor the PM process to each individual project and the people work- ing on it.”
In addition to flexibility, reporting has been a success of PM at Quixtar. The PMs use a standard best practices reporting method to communicate project sta- tus to management:
� Red ligh—trouble � Yellow light—jeopardy � Green light— all clear
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Such simple and effective reporting has helped Communications success- fully manage all projects within budget for the past two years.
An aspect of PM at Quixtar that’s currently under review is the control of scope creep. “Without a working scope management plan, many teams are inca- pable of meeting their schedules,” says Gil. “It’s part of the culture around here to always say yes to scope changes, so we’ve asked management to step in and assess changes to control scope creep.”
Lessons Learned 149
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Part 3
Project management methodologies, regardless how good, are simply pieces of paper. What converts these pieces of paper into a world-class methodology is the culture of the organization and how quickly project management is accepted and used. Superior project management is attained when the organization has a cul- ture based upon effective trust, communication, cooperation, and teamwork.
Creating a good culture cannot be done overnight. It may take years and strong executive leadership. Good project management cultures are leadership by example. Senior management must provide effective leadership in the same man- ner that they wish to see implemented by the corporate culture. If roadblocks ex- ist, then senior management must take the initiative in overcoming these barriers.
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Como Tool and Die was a second-tier component supplier to the auto industry. Their largest customer was Ford Motor Company. Como had a reputation for de- livering a quality product. During the 1980s and the early 1990s, Como’s busi- ness grew because of its commitment to quality. Emphasis was on manufacturing operations, and few attempts were made to use project management. All work was controlled by line managers who, more often than not, were overburdened with work.
The culture at Como underwent a rude awakening in 1996. In the summer of 1996, Ford Motor Company established four product development objectives for both tier one and tier two suppliers:
� Lead time: 25–35 percent reduction � Internal resources: 30–40 percent reduction � Prototypes: 30–35 percent reduction (time and cost) � Continuous process improvement and cost reductions
The objectives were aimed at consolidation of the supply base with larger commitments to tier one suppliers, who would now have greater responsibility in vehicle development, launch, process improvement, and cost reduction. Ford had
Como Tool and Die (A)1
1Fictitious case.
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established a time frame of twenty-four months for achievement of the objectives. The ultimate goal for Ford would be the creation of one global, decentralized ve- hicle development system that would benefit from the efficiency and technical ca- pabilities of the original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) and the subsupplier infrastructure.
Como realized that it could no longer compete on quality alone. The marketplace had changed. The strategic plan for Como was now based upon maintaining an industry leadership position well into the twenty-first century. The four basic el- ements of the strategic plan included:
� First to market (faster development and tooling of the right products) � Flexible processes (quickly adaptable to model changes) � Flexible products (multiple niche products from shared platforms and a
quick-to-change methodology) � Lean manufacturing (low cost, high quality, speed, and global economies
of scale)
The implementation of the strategy mandated superior project management performance, but changing a sixty-year culture to support project management would not be an easy task.
The president of the company established a task force to identify the cultural issues of converting over to an informal project management system. The presi- dent believed that project management would eventually become the culture and, therefore, that the cultural issues must be addressed first. The following list of cultural issues was identified by the task force:
� Existing technical, functional departments currently do not adequately support the systemic nature of projects as departmental and individual objectives are not consistent with those of the project and the customer.
� Senior management must acknowledge the movement away from tradi- tional, “over the fence,” management and openly endorse the significance of project management, teamwork, and delegation of authority as the future.
� The company must establish a system of project sponsorship to support project managers by trusting them with the responsibility and then em- powering them to be successful.
� The company must educate managers in project and risk management and the cultural changes of cross-functional project support; it is in the manager’s self interest to support the project manager by providing nec- essary resources and negotiating for adequate time to complete the work.
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� The company must enhance information systems to provide cost and sched- ule performance information for decision-making and problem resolution.
� Existing informal culture can be maintained while utilizing project man- agement to monitor progress and review costs. Bureaucracy, red tape, and lost time must be eliminated through project management’s enhanced communications, standard practices, and goal congruence.
The task force, as a whole, supported the idea of informal project manage- ment and believed that all of the cultural issues could be overcome. The task force identified four critical risks and the method of resolution:
1. Trusting others and the system. � Resolution: Training in the process of project management and under-
standing of the benefits. Interpersonal training to learn to trust in each other and in keeping commitments will begin the cultural change.
2. Transforming sixty years of tradition in vertical reporting into horizontal project management. � Resolution: Senior management sponsor the implementation pro-
gram, participate in training, and fully support efforts to implement project management across functional lines with encouragement and patience as new organizational relationships are forged.
3. Capacity constraints and competition for resources. � Resolution: Work with managers to understand constraints and to de-
velop alternative plans for success. Develop alternative external ca- pacity to support projects.
4. Inconsistency in application after introduction. � Resolution: Set the clear expectation that project management is the
operational culture and the responsibility of each manager. Set the im- plementation of project management as a key measurable for man- agement incentive plans. Establish a model project and recognize the efforts and successes as they occur.
The president realized that project management and strategic planning were related. The president wondered what would happen if the business base would grow as anticipated. Could project management excellence enhance the business base even further? To answer this question, the president prepared a list of com- petitive advantages that could be achieved through superior project management performance:
� Project management techniques and skills must be enhanced, especially for the larger, complex projects.
� Development of broader component and tooling supply bases would pro- vide for additional capacity.
Strategic Redirection: 1996 155
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� Enhanced profitability would be possible through economies of scale to utilize project managers and skilled trades resources more efficiently through balanced workloads and level production.
� Greater purchasing leverage would be possible through larger purchasing volume and sourcing opportunities.
� Disciplined coordination, reporting of project status and proactive project management problem-solving must exist to meet timing schedules, bud- gets, and customer expectations.
� Effective project management of multitiered supply base will support sales growth beyond existing, capital intensive, internal tooling, and pro- duction capacities.
The wheels were set in motion. The president and his senior staff met with all of the employees of Como Tool and Die to discuss the implementation of project management. The president made it clear that he wanted a mature project management system in place within thirty-six months.
1. Does Como have a choice in whether to accept project management as a culture?
2. How much influence should a customer be able to exert on how the contrac- tors manage projects?
3. Was Como correct in attacking the cultural issues first? 4. Does the time frame of thirty-six months seem practical? 5. What chance of success do you give Como? 6. What dangers exist when your customers are more knowledgeable than you
are concerning project management? 7. Is it possible for your customers’ knowledge of project management to influ-
ence the way that your organization performs strategic planning for project management?
8. Should your customer, especially if a powerful customer, have an input in the way that your organization performs strategic planning for project manage- ment? If so, what type of input should the customer have and on what subject matter?
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By 1997, Como had achieved partial success in implementing project manage- ment. Lead times were reduced by 10 percent rather than the target of 25–35 per- cent. Internal resources were reduced by only 5 percent. The reduction in proto- type time and cost was 15 percent rather than the expected 30–35 percent.
Como’s automotive customers were not pleased with the slow progress and relatively immature performance of Como’s project management system. Change was taking place, but not fast enough to placate the customers. Como was on tar- get according to its thirty-six month schedule to achieve some degree of excel- lence in project management, but would its customers be willing to wait another two years for completion, or should Como try to accelerate the schedule?
In the summer of 1997, Ford announced to its suppliers that it was establishing a “chunk” management system. All new vehicle metal structures would be divided into three or four major portions with each chosen supplier (i.e., chunk manager)
Como Tool and Die (B)1
1Fictitious case.
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responsible for all components within that portion of the vehicle. To reduce lead time at Ford and to gain supplier commitment, Ford announced that advanced placement of new work (i.e., chunk managers) would take place without compet- itive bidding. Target agreements on piece price, tooling cost, and lead time would be established and equitably negotiated later with value engineering work acknowledged.
Chunk managers would be selected based on superior project management capability, including program management skills, coordination responsibility, de- sign feasibility, prototypes, tooling, testing, process sampling, and start of pro- duction for components and subassemblies. Chunk managers would function as the second-tier component suppliers and coordinate vehicle build for multiple, different vehicle projects at varied stages in the development–tool–launch process.
Ford Motor Company stated that the selection of the chunk managers would not take place for another year. Unfortunately, Como’s plan to achieve excellence would not have been completed by then, and its chances to be awarded a chunk management slot were slim.
The automotive division of Como was now at a critical junction. Como’s management believed that the company could survive as a low-level supplier of parts, but its growth potential would be questionable. Chunk managers might find it cost-effective to become vertically integrated and produce for themselves the same components that Como manufactured. This could have devastating results for Como. This alternative was unacceptable.
The second alternative required that Como make it clear to Ford Motor Company that Como wished to be considered for a chunk manager contract. If Como were to be selected, then Como’s project management systems would have to:
� Provide greater coordination activities than previously anticipated � Integrate concurrent engineering practices into the company’s existing
methodology for project management � Decentralize the organization so as to enhance the working relationship
with the customers � Plan for better resource allocation so as to achieve a higher level of effi-
ciency � Force proactive planning and decision-making � Drive out waste and lower cost while improving on-time delivery
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There were also serious risks if Como were to become a chunk manager. The company would be under substantially more pressure to meet cost and delivery targets. Most of its resources would have to be committed to complex coordina- tion activities rather than new product development. Therefore, value-added ac- tivities for its customers would be diminished. Finally, if Como failed to live up to its customers’ expectations as a chunk manager, it might end up losing all au- tomotive work.
The decision was made to inform Ford of Como’s interest in chunk manage- ment. Now Como realized that its original three-year plan for excellence in proj- ect management would have to be completed in eighteen months. The question on everyone’s mind was: “How?”
1. What was the driving force for excellence before the announcement of chunk management, and what is it now?
2. How can Como accelerate the learning process to achieve excellence in project management? What steps should management take based on its learn- ing so far?
3. What are their chances for success? Justify your answer. 4. Should Como compete to become a chunk manager? 5. Can the decision to become a chunk supplier change the way Como performs
strategic planning for project management? 6. Can the decision to become a chunk supplier cause an immediate change in
Como’s singular methodology for project management? 7. If a singular methodology for project management already exists, then how
difficult will it be to make major changes to the methodology and what type of resistance, if any, should management expect?
Questions 159
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Apache Metals is an original equipment manufacturer of metal working equip- ment. The majority of Apache’s business is as a supplier to the automotive, ap- pliance, and building products industries. Each production line is custom- designed according to application, industry, and customer requirements.
Project managers are assigned to each purchase order only after the sales de- partment has a signed contract. The project managers can come from anywhere within the company. Basically, anyone can be assigned as a project leader. The as- signed project leaders can be responsible for as many as ten purchase orders at one time.
In the past, there has not been enough emphasis on project management. At one time, Apache even assigned trainees to perform project coordination. All failed miserably. At one point, sales dropped to an all-time low, and cost overruns averaged 20–25 percent per production line.
In January 1997, the board of directors appointed a new senior management team that would drive the organization to excellence in project management. Project man- agers were added through recruitment efforts and a close examination of existing per- sonnel. Emphasis was on individuals with good people and communication skills.
The following steps were implemented to improve the quality and effective- ness of the project management system:
� Outside formal training for project managers � Development of an apprenticeship program for future project managers
Apache Metals, Inc.
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� Modification of the current methodology to put the project manager at the focal point
� Involvement of project managers to a greater extent with the customer
1. What problems can you see in the way project managers were assigned in the past?
2. Will the new approach taken in 1997 put the company on a path to excellence in project management?
3. What skill set would be ideal for the future project managers at Apache Metals?
4. What overall cultural issues must be considered in striving for excellence in project management?
5. What time frame would be appropriate to achieve excellence in project man- agement? What assumptions must be made?
Questions 161
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For the past several years, Haller has been marginally successful as a specialty manufacturer of metal components. Sales would quote a price to the customer. Upon contract award, engineering would design the product. Manufacturing had the responsibility to produce the product as well as shipping the product to the customer. Manufacturing often changed the engineering design package to fit manufacturing capabilities.
The vice president of manufacturing was perhaps the most powerful position in the company next to the president. Manufacturing was considered to be the main contributor to corporate profits. Strategic planning was dominated by manufacturing.
To get closer to the customer, Haller implemented project management. Unfortunately, the vice president for manufacturing would not support project management for fear of a loss of power and authority.
1. If the vice president for manufacturing is a hindrance to excellence, how should this situation be handled?
2. Would your answer to the above question be different if the resistance came from middle or lower level management?
Haller Specialty Manufacturing
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Mitsui Chemicals is one of the largest chemical companies in Japan and is among the largest twenty-five chemical companies in the world. Headquartered in Japan, Mitsui Chemicals has more than seventy-nine consolidated subsidiaries and ninety-seven companies in which it holds equity. Working with so many global companies making up the Mitsui Chemicals Group, the organization has been forced to address how it conducts project management and how it will overcome cultural differences.
A good example has been the global nitrogen trifluoride business. Nitrogen trifluoride (NF3) is a gas used for etching computer chips, cleaning CVD cham- bers, and making LCD panels. In 1990, the Shimonoseki Works began production at its facility in Shimonoseki, Japan. Due to tremendous growth and the need for production in the United States, a decision was made to conduct a technology transfer and build a new plant at its affiliate, Anderson Development Company, located in Adrian, Michigan. This project started in 1996 and was completed in
The NF3 Project: Managing Cultural Differences1
1© 2005 by Scott Tatro, PMP, NF3 Plant Manager & Responsible Care Coordinator, and Jessica Chen, PMP, NF3 Technical Manager & Special Projects Manager, Anderson Development Company; repro- duced by permission
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1997. Along the way, the two organizations had to learn how to adapt their dif- ferent project management styles to complete the project.
There are many differences between American and Japanese culture as it re- lates to project management. The differences in project management practices and company values were vast and can be summarized in Exhibit I.
Anderson Development Company started out as an entrepreneurial company and still maintains some of that company culture today with a relatively flat hier- archy and medium level of formalization to promote quick decisions. The orga- nization has around 150 employees, and 6 of them were assigned to the NF3 proj- ect. In contrast, the Shimonoseki Works project team was embedded with years of large Japanese business practices involving centralized authority with multiple levels of hierarchy. Every decision had to travel the proper hierarchical path and decisions were made by group consensus. Project management was conducted through a very rigid and formalized process, which often meant having many meetings to win support and approval of the initial ideas or project changes at each hierarchy level. Because it was a global project, there were shared account- abilities and multiple reporting requirements. Since it was also a technology transfer, the project was driven by the parent company.
During the initial construction of the Anderson Development Company NF3 plant, early clashes of these two project management styles hampered the overall schedule of the project. The Mitsui Chemical project manager required the ADC project manager to have frequent meetings, up to four per day, to update the proj- ect schedule. There was so much time spent in formal reporting that little progress was being made on the project. A review of the project GANTT chart revealed that the project was falling further behind schedule and budget. To get the project back on track, the companies eventually agreed to create a hybrid of the two pro- ject management styles.
The Mitsui and Anderson Development Company needed to find a way to use project management to overcome cultural differences while still satisfying each other’s needs. Time was spent listening to and understanding the rigid project management reporting requirements of Mitsui’s Project Management
Exhibit I. American vs. Japanese project management
ADC-American MCI Shimonoseki-Japanese
Practices Centralized Decentralized authority Centralized authority Formalized Medium level of High level of formalization
formalization Hierarchy Flatter hierarchy Multiple level hierarchy
Values Decision making Individual decision making Consensual decision making Communication Individually-based Group-based
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system while also understanding the limited resources assigned to the project. With this understanding in place, a hybrid system was developed, as shown in Exhibit II.
To deal with these multinational cultural issues, guidelines had to be created and discussed. They addressed the following:
Integration Management � Clearly defined roles of project sponsor(s), project manager, team
members � Agreement on project management methodology
Scope Management � Well documented assumptions � Well documented charter and scope statement
Time Management � Agreement on working hours (8, 10, 12 hour days, weekends, holidays,
etc.) � Local understanding and determination of varying education, experience,
and skill level as it relates to assignment of activities � Understanding of missed milestones and consequences � Agreement on format for reporting project progress (MS Project, MS
Excel, etc.)
Cost Management � Agreement on yen versus dollar currency exchange values and inflation
Procurement Management � Negotiation of local and global procurements items � Global Customs/shipping issues for declaration and transportation of
goods/services � Authority over specification interpretation
Creating Best Practices out of Cultural Clashes 165
Exhibit II. Hybrid system for NF3 plant
Practices Centralized Decentralized authority Formalized High level of formalization include project management templates
and detailed roles and responsibility manuals Hierarchy Flatter hierarchy
Values Decision making Consensual decision making in design phase. Individual decision making during implementation phase.
Communication Group/individually
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Risk Management � Understanding of global procurement issues � Understanding of language barriers � Understanding of engineering unit conversion and materials of con-
Quality Management � Understanding of different codes and laws and impact on risks and design
requirements � Differing view of quality and development of agreed-upon quality
Human Resource Management � Differing value/policy systems and skill level sets. Union (Japan) versus
Nonunion (America) issues � Understanding different customs/holidays � Understanding quantity and quality of resource capabilities internally and
Communications Management � Agreed-upon project management communication templates and report
timing � Formal versus informal communication requirements � Time zone differences � Preferred method(s) of communicating (phone, fax, e-mail) � Overcoming language differences � Establishing trust
Based on the global project management framework started in 1997, the Anderson Development Company has gone through several additional projects involving expansion of the plant by more than 500 percent in the last five years. Mitsui Chemicals and Anderson Development Company continue to share best practices in project management and continuously improve the formalized project management template manuals.
As trust and communication improved between the management teams of Mitsui Chemicals and Anderson Development Company, the groundwork was set to bring the practices and culture of the operational workforce from Mitsui Chemicals to Anderson Development Company and see what practices, if any, would survive the cultural filter.
Mitsui Chemical’s commitment to the development of its operational work- force is one of its best practices, and one that was brought to Anderson Development Company (ADC) as part of the technology transfer for its nitrogen trifluoride facility starting 1997. This was not, however, without significant effort
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on the part of all involved. There were several barriers to the integration of this best practice in conjunction with project management principles on an operations level. These barriers had to be gradually overcome in order to achieve the level of success currently seen, namely educational differences, union versus nonunion mentalities, and traditional manufacturing roles.
As is common in manufacturing facilities, many of the operators have a high school diploma at best, with typically no education or training beyond the manda- tory requirements for OSHA and HAZMAT. Mitsui Chemicals Inc., however, has an exemplary training program that requires extensive training in math and chem- istry. The requirements are no less for contractors, who must also be trained and pass certification exams to work in specific areas of the facility.
Japanese manufacturing facilities are historically union, as are Mitsui Chemical’s facilities. Although the main ADC manufacturing facility in Adrian, Michigan, is located near the heart of automotive (and strongly union) manufac- turing bases in Detroit, ADC is actually nonunion. The nearby and adjacent man- ufacturing facilities are also unionized, and ADC itself has shaken off a couple of union movements within its hourly personnel. A general characteristic of unions is that they can promote a separation between the “white hats” and the hourly work force, drawing a distinct line between what union employees should be em- powered or allowed to do versus salaried personnel. Though this delineation can certainly serve a purpose for maintaining rules and regulations, it can be prohib- itive to a team-based atmosphere, particularly when management is very hands- on. Japanese culture promotes a very strong respect for titles and the roles inher- ent to them, particularly uniformity—the phrase “the nail that sticks out will be hammered down” is quite applicable. ADC hourly employees were caught be- tween the union mentality and the sudden requirement to empower themselves to make decisions and take on accountability that would have normally been given only to management.
Most significant among the barriers to a successful integration of Mitsui’s operational style is the prevalent and accepted tradition of plant management, which ties in both of the issues just raised: that “blue collar” employees cannot be given the accountability, authority, and responsibility to make decisions that impact production and growth. Operators are usually limited to the basics in train- ing, with the notion that a highly skilled operator is one who is experienced in the process and sticks tightly to the rules. The daily role of an operator can remain fairly unchanged except for the rare upgrade and update of a process, with scant training other than the requirements. Getting involvement from an operator usu- ally comes in the form of process hazard analyses. Otherwise, from a project standpoint the only other objective is to complete the project and pass it off to the manufacturing group as soon as possible. Asking operators not only to be active participants, but to take on the work breakdown structures or even direct projects, is almost unheard of. Even more unusual is the thought that operators with a
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minimal level of education can take on what is thought to be fairly exclusive even in the engineering field—for example, software programming. Investment in training can be difficult to obtain among the salaried ranks, let alone the idea of sending an operator out of the plant for two weeks. The expense can be greater than that of a salaried person, as overtime coverage must also be arranged. Many will justifiably consider this to be a flight risk scenario, as the more highly trained personnel can either request higher pay or find a job elsewhere and take the train- ing with them. All in all, a significant change in the mindset of both management and operations is necessary.
The approach to overcoming these barriers was certainly not an overnight process. The technology transfer from Mitsui to Anderson Development Co. at the NF3 plant was a wake-up call to the operators and engineers in terms of ex- pectations and training requirements. Though the primary goal was to have a self- directed work force, this could not be done without proper long-term and contin- uous training, the provision of necessary tools, rewards, and, most critically, ownership of the process by the operators. The operators must understand the principles of scope planning, sorting out time, cost and quality constraints, re- source planning, developing and carrying out work breakdown structures, and setting goals and milestones.
Establishing ownership is not just a matter of saying, “Run this plant or else.” It means reinforcing the concept that there is a direct correlation on the plant’s performance, daily work activities, and bonus structure tied in to how safely and efficiently the operators perform, and that they have direct impact on their own workload and pay. This shifts away from the attitude that only management or en- gineering can influence change or improvements, and instead focuses on putting the control and accountability in the hands of the operators.
The operators and contractors at the Mitsui facility must undergo rigorous training and develop a good background in engineering, chemistry, and math- related topics. At ADC, this was not typically a prerequisite. However, as part of the NF3 operator certification program, math, chemistry, and computer-based skills were integrated into the training and examinations. Additional formal train- ing on math was also conducted at the plant. Oral and written exams are period- ically administered during the four- to five-month training session which cumu- lates in a major written exam; the trainee has two chances to get a passing grade. Beyond standard HAZMAT and OSHA-required training, additional on-the-job training includes typical maintenance functions such as valve and instrumentation repair and replacement, quality control/SPC, root-cause analysis methodologies such as Kepner-Tregoe™, and troubleshooting, reading and understanding piping and instrument diagrams and project scheduling. With this foundation, areas in which the operators showed talent and the long-term need had value by the com- pany proved to be ideal targets for further training and education. This included specialty welding courses, DCS programming, and obtaining and completing de-
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grees. The operators themselves must initially express the interest and desire to receive the extra training, which places the onus upon them to declare their long- term goals and needs and take action to fulfill them. Note that the operators must be given opportunities to use their skills as frequently as possible; not only to maintain those skills but also to prevent frustration or boredom.
Management and engineering also had to undergo changes in appearance, at- titude, and behavior. The NF3 plant adopted the same principle as that of the Mitsui sister plant in that all personnel wear uniforms, irregardless of position. This enables everyone to jump in and participate in all activities, whether it is tak- ing out the trash, running the process, or packaging cylinders. This reinforces the attitude that everyone must be flexible and willing to take on whatever tasks in need of completion, and that rank or title should not be a barrier, nor should it be a buffer to accomplishments. The plant manager can just as easily be found in the control room temporarily substituting for an operator as he can be in a budget re- view meeting. The plant manager and technical manager also had to be willing to turn over activities in an increasing volume and scope, and to show trust in the ca- pabilities of operations to handle issues. Among the most difficult activities was authorizing operators to proceed with additional training, which required funding and cooperation with other operators in order to provide coverage during their absence.
So, have the diligence, effort, and cost for additional training pay off? Absolutely! A company that shows interest and invests in its employees provides more incentive for people to stay with the company, thus retaining their skills and knowledge about the facility and eliminating costs for hiring and developing new people. On a major project level, operators have been able to present anywhere from 10 percent to 20 percent cost savings by taking over and managing specific work breakdown structures, including design, programming, installation, and fab- rication. Overall manpower efficiency is increased by taking knowledgeable op- erators and putting them in charge, while reducing the risk of scope changes or errors. In terms of employee retention, none of the operators who received the ad- ditional training have left the company. The operators who received DCS pro- gramming are now charged with all programming activities, and one of the oper- ators has moved into an instrumentation tech position. Some operators who have earned an associate or technical degree have moved into quality control roles. The savings on conducting these activities in-house versus the high cost of obtaining an outside programmer has already paid for all of the costs of training. The sense of pride in developing a program or graphic which will be used by the rest of the team, combined with the knowledge of how operators would like to have pro- grams arranged rather than an engineer’s or contractor’s view of what is accept- able, is also invaluable. Operators with skills in certain types of welding have been able to take over segments or entire work breakdown structures in projects and pre-planned shutdowns. As the operators will ultimately be the ones forced
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to deal with workmanship, they are more apt to be vocal about poor quality, mon- itoring designs as they are installed, and offering suggestions for improvements in order to make designs more operator-friendly.
Furthermore, in situations of preplanned maintenance shutdowns, the need for engineering and plant management involvement has been nearly eliminated. The team coordinator sets up meetings with the necessary parties and establishes daily milestones and objectives for the operators. Better communication between maintenance and operations means there is less confusion on the prioritization and timing on work orders, better preparation on the details of the work to be done, and clarification on the roles each group will be performing. In preplanned maintenance shutdowns as well as in projects, there are often large numbers of re- sources trying to accomplish multiple tasks—usually in a limited space and time frame. Failure to appropriately plan and coordinate all of these resources and ac- tivities results in wasted time and therefore additional cost. Integrating project planning principles in top-to-bottom uniformity improves the consistency in plan- ning and again transfers ownership to the operators while reducing man-hours from engineering and management in such activities. In so doing, the operations team has been able to successfully reduce the duration of downtime required for preplanned maintenance shutdowns by more than 50 percent.
The benefits to the company in terms of operator development and cost re- duction in projects and shutdowns extend beyond original targets. In smaller, resource-constricted facilities such as this nitrogen trifluoride plant, management and engineers often wear multiple hats, particularly when it comes to projects. By freeing these resources up to focus on long-term or other projects and goals, it similarly provides new opportunities and areas for growth that simply would not have been possible before due to time constrictions. The plant manager and the NF3 Technical Manager have been able to take on additional responsibilities and projects outside of the immediate NF3 facility and expand our roles in the company.
Still under development is a systematic way of rewarding people for ongoing improvements in daily activities and projects. Mitsui has a system that provides a monetary reward for suggestions that are related to improvements in safety, envi- ronmental, quality, and efficiency. If the suggestions are implemented and show actual improvement, additional rewards are provided. On a day-to-day level, op- erators at Anderson Development Company can freely make suggestions, but must also provide the scope of work, cost and time estimates along with the in- tended benefits as part of an informal project request. If approved, they often manage the project themselves including ordering materials and doing the actual work. Typically the reward is not a direct monetary bonus, but alternatives such as show or game tickets, gift certificates, or having special meals brought in to the facility for a team luncheon. Obtaining equipment or tools that can make a job more efficient or improve quality is also a good team-based reward.
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The bottom line is that by dismissing the notion that only white-collar/ management employees can be entrusted with the skills and accountability re- quired for leading projects and endowing blue-collar employees with the training and tools, companies can benefit considerably by involving them and literally handing over the reigns in projects and preplanned maintenance shutdowns. Providing the incentives in terms of the training, bonuses, and—most impor- tantly—the opportunity for growth will only increase the likelihood of success in projects.
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Lorna Wright prepared this case under the supervision of Professor Henry W. Lane solely to provide material for class discussion. The authors do not intend to illus- trate either effective or ineffective handling of a managerial situation. The authors may have disguised certain names and other identifying information to protect confidentiality.
Ivey Management Services prohibits any form of reproduction, storage, or transmit- tal without its written permission. This material is not covered under authorization from CanCopy or any reproduction rights organization. To order copies or request permission to reproduce materials, contact Ivey Publishing, Ivey Management Services, c/o Richard Ivey School of Business, The University of Western Ontario, London, Ontario, Canada, N6A 3K7; phone (519) 661-3208; fax (519) 661-3882; e-mail [email protected].
Copyright © 1986, Ivey Management Services Version: (A) 2000-03-23
The Maralinga–Ladawan Highway Project consists of fourteen expatriate fami- lies and the Sorongan counterpart personnel. Half expatriates are engineers from Hazelton. The other expatriates are mechanics, engineers, and other technical per-
An International Project Manager’s Day (A)
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sonnel from Beauval and MBI, the other two firms in the consortium. All expa- triate personnel are under Hazelton’s authority. This is the fifth largest project Hazelton has ever undertaken, with a fee of $1.63 million.
You arrived in Maralinga late on March 28 with your spouse. There was no chance for a briefing before you left. Head office had said John Anderson, the out- going project manager, would fill you in on all you needed to know.1 They had also arranged for you to meet people connected with the project in Kildona.
On March 29, you visited the project office briefly and met the accoun- tant/administrative assistant, Tawi, the secretary, Julip, and the office messen- ger/driver, Satun. You then left immediately on a three-day site check of the 245- kilometer highway with John. Meanwhile, your spouse has started settling in and investigating job prospects in Maralinga.
On your trip you stopped at the field office in Corong. Chris Williams, sec- ond mechanic, and his wife, Beth, were living there. Chris was out at the timber company site to get help in recovering a grader that had toppled over the side of a ravine the night before, so you weren’t able to see him. However, you met his Sorongan counterpart, and he advised you that everything was going well, al- though they could use more manpower.
You noted that Corong did not have any telephone facilities. The only com- munication link, a single side-band radio, had been unserviceable for the past few weeks. If you needed to contact Chris, it would involve a five-hour jeep ride to Corong to deliver the message.
You were able to see the haphazard way the work on the road was proceed- ing and witnessed the difficulty in finding appropriate gravel sites. Inspecting some of the bridges you had crossed made you shiver, too. Doing something about those would have to be a priority, before there was a fatality.
You returned to Maralinga on April 1 and met some of the staff and their fam- ilies. Their comments made it clear that living conditions were less than ideal, the banking system make it difficult to get money transferred and converted into lo- cal currency (their salaries, paid in dollars, were deposited to their accounts at home), and the only school it was possible to send their children to was not ap- propriate for children who would have to return to the North American educa- tional system.
That evening John left for another project on another continent. It is now Tuesday morning, April 2. This morning, while preparing breakfast with your spouse, the propane gas for your stove ran out. You have tried, unsuccessfully, on your way to work to get the gas cylinder filled, and have only now arrived at the office. It is 10 A.M. You have planned to have lunch with your spouse at noon and you are leaving for the airport at 2 P.M. for a week in Kildona to visit the Beauval office, the Sorongan Highway Department (SHD) people, and the International
Situation 173
1See Hazelton International Limited, 9A84C040.
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Aid Agency (IAA) representative for discussions concerning the history and fu- ture of this project (it takes about one-half hour to drive to the airport). This trip has been planned as part of your orientation to the job (see Exhibit I). Since the IAA representative and the senior man in the Beauval office were both leaving for other postings at the end of the month, this may be the only opportunity you will have to spend time with them.
On your arrival at the office, Julip tells you that Jim, one of the surveyors, and his wife, Joyce, are arriving at 10:30 A.M. to discuss Joyce’s medical prob- lems with you. This is the first opportunity you have had to get into your office and do some work. You have about thirty minutes to go through the contents of your in-basket and take whatever action you feel is appropriate.
Exhibit I. Scheduling calendar
24 25 26 27 28
Arrival in
29 30
31 April 1
3 4 5 6
7 8 9
Return to
10 11 12 13
14 15 16 17 18 19 20
21 22 23 24 25 26 27
28 29 30 May 1 2 3 4
Visit to Kildona
Site check with John
Note: You are in a Muslim area. People do not work Friday afternoons. Saturday morning usually is a workday
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For the purpose of this exercise, you are to assume the position of Dan Simpson, the new project manager for the Maralinga-Ladawan Highway Project (see Exhibit II).
Please write out the action you choose. Your action may include writing let- ters, memos, telexes, or making phone calls. You may want to have meetings with certain individuals or receive reports from the office staff.
Instructions 175
NOTES * These people travel to Corong and other locations frequently. ** Stationed in Corong. *** Located on the floor above Dan Simpson in the same building. Note: The 2 expatriates responsible for the training component had been sent home. The
remaining 6 expatriates called for under the contract had not yet arrived in Soronga and the 2 construction supervisors recently requested by SHD would be in addition to these 6 people.
TRANSPORTATION AVAILABILITY: (1) PROJECT OWNED— a) 1 Land Rover for administrative use by HQ staff, b) 1 car shared by all the families, c) most trucks are in Corong, however there usually are some around Maralinga (2) PUBLIC— a) peddle-cabs are available for short distances (like getting to work), b) local “taxis” are mini-van type vehicles which are usually very overcrowded and which expatriates usually avoid, c) there are a few flights to Kildona each week.
Project Manager * John Anderson * (Dan Simpson)
SHD Project Manager Tintoro ***
Costing and Budgeting Harry Hamilton
Office Administration Paul Smith
Administrative Staff
Design Staff
Maintenance Staff
Counterpart Staff **
Julip Tawi
* Bridge Design Engineer
(Jerry) * Design Engineer * Design Engineer
(Don Barker)
* Equipment Manager (Craig Holmes)
* Chief Mechanic (Joe Golder)
** 2nd Mechanic (Chris Williams)
* Construction Supervisor
* Soils & Materials Engineer
* Surveyors (3) (Jim)
Exhibit II. Organizational chart for Maralinga–Ladawan highway project
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For example, if you decide to make a phone call, write out the purpose and content of the call on the action form. If you decide to have a meeting with one of the office staff or another individual, make a note of the basic agenda of things to be discussed and the date and time of the meeting. You also need to think about establishing priorities for the various issues.
To help you think of the time dimension, refer to Exhibit I. Also, Maralinga is twelve hours ahead of Eastern Standard Time.
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Chantell Nicholls and Gail Ellement prepared this case under the supervision of Professor Harry Lane solely to provide material for class discussion. The authors do not intend to illustrate either effective or ineffective handling of a managerial situa- tion. The authors may have disguised certain names and other identifying informa- tion to protect confidentiality.
Ivey Management Services prohibits any form of reproduction, storage, or transmit- tal without its written permission. This material is not covered under authorization from CanCopy or any reproduction rights organization. To order copies or request permission to reproduce materials, contact Ivey Publishing, Ivey Management Services c/o Richard Ivey School of Business, The University of Western Ontario, London, Ontario, Canada, N6A 3K7; phone (519) 661-3208; fax (519) 661-3882; e-mail [email protected].
Copyright © 1997, Ivey Management Services Version: (A) 2000-01-10
Ellen Moore, a Systems Consulting Group (SCG) consultant, was increasingly concerned as she heard Andrew’s voice grow louder through the paper-thin walls of the office next to her. Andrew Kilpatrick, the senior consultant on a joint North American and Korean consulting project for a government agency in Seoul, South Korea, was meeting with Mr. Song, the senior Korean project director, to discuss several issues, including the abilities of the Korean consultants. After four months
Ellen Moore (A): Living and Working in Korea
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on this Korean project, Ellen’s evaluation of the assigned consultants suggested that they did not have the experience, background, or knowledge to complete the project within the allocated time. Additional resources would be required:
I remember thinking, “I can’t believe they are shouting at each other.” I was trying to understand how their meeting had reached such a state. Andrew raised his voice and I could hear him saying, “I don’t think you understand at all.” Then, he shouted, “Ellen is not the problem!”
In 1990, Joint Venture Inc. (JVI) was formed as a joint venture between a Korean company, Korean Conglomerate Inc. (KCI), and a North American company, Western Systems Inc. (WSI) (Exhibit I). WSI, a significant information technol- ogy company with offices worldwide employing over 50,000 employees, in- cluded the Systems Consulting Group (SCG). KCI, one of the largest Korean chaebols (industrial groups), consisted of over forty companies, with sales in ex- cess of U.S.$3.5 billion. The joint venture, in its eighth year, was managed by two regional directors—Mr. Cho, a Korean from KCI, and Robert Brown, an American from WSI.
The team working on Ellen’s project was led by Mr. Park and consisted of approximately forty Korean consultants further divided into teams working on different areas of the project. The systems implementation (SI) team consisted of five Korean consultants, one translator, and three North American SCG consul- tants: Andrew Kilpatrick, Ellen Moore, and Scott Adams (see Exhibit II).
This consulting project was estimated to be one of the largest undertaken in South Korea to date. Implementation of the recommended systems into over one- hundred local offices was expected to take seven to ten years. The SCG consul- tants would be involved for the first seven months, to assist the Korean consul- tants with the system design and in creating recommendations for system implementation, an area in which the Korean consultants admitted they had lim- ited expertise.
Andrew Kilpatrick became involved because of his experience with a similar systems implementation project in North America. Andrew had been a manage- ment consultant for nearly thirteen years. He had a broad and successful back- ground in organizational development, information technology, and productivity improvement, and he was an early and successful practitioner of business process reengineering. Although Andrew had little international consulting experience, he was adept at change management and was viewed by both peers and clients as a flexible and effective consultant.
The degree of SCG’s involvement had not been anticipated. Initially, Andrew had been asked by SCG’s parent company, WSI, to assist JVI with the proposal
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WSI in Korea 179
Exhibit I. Organizational structure—Functional view
Joint Venture Inc. (JVI)
Mr. Cho Co-Managing Director
Joint Venture Inc. (JVI)
Mr. Song Director
Joint Venture Inc. (JVI)
Mr. Park Manager
Joint Venture Inc. (JVI)
Jack Kim Consultant
Joint Venture Inc. (JVI)
Robert Brown Co-Managing Director
Joint Venture Inc. (JVI)
Bob Stewart President—Region A Western Systems Inc.
George Peterson Senior VP
Systems Consulting Group (SCG)
Brian McKenna Vice-President
Systems Consulting Group (SCG)
Andrew Kilpatrick Principal
Systems Consulting Group (SCG)
Ellen Moore Senior Consultant
Systems Consulting Group (SCG)
Scott Adams Senior Consultant
Systems Consulting Group (SCG)
Korean Conglomerate Inc. (KSI) Korea
Western Systems Inc. (WSI) U.S.A.
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Exhibit II. Organizational structure—SI project team
Joint Venture Inc. (JVI)
Mr. Cho Co-Managing Director
Joint Venture Inc. (JVI)
Mr. Song Director
Joint Venture Inc. (JVI)
Mr. Park Director
Joint Venture Inc. (JVI)
Jack Kim Consultant
Joint Venture Inc. (JVI)
Robert Brown Co-Managing Director
Joint Venture Inc. (JVI)
Bob Stewart President—Region A Western Systems Inc.
George Peterson Senior VP
Systems Consulting Group (SCG)
Andrew Kilpatrick Principal
Systems Consulting Group (SCG)
Ellen Moore Senior Consultant
Systems Consulting Group (SCG)
Scott Adams Senior Consultant
Systems Consulting Group (SCG)
Korean Consultants (4) Joint Venture Inc.
Korean Conglomerate Inc. (KSI) Korea
Western Systems Inc. (WSI) U.S.A.
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development. Andrew and his SCG managers viewed his assistance as a favor to WSI since SCG did not have plans to develop business in Korea. Andrew’s work on the proposal in North America led to a request for his involvement in Korea to gather additional information for the proposal:
When I arrived in Korea, I requested interviews with members of the prospective client’s management team to obtain more information about their business environment. The Korean team at JVI was very reluctant to set up these meetings. However, I generally meet with client management prior to preparing a proposal. I also knew it would be difficult to obtain a good understanding of their business environment from a translated document. The material provided to me had been translated into English and was diffi- cult to understand. The Korean and English languages are so different that conveying abstract concepts is very difficult.
I convinced the Koreans at JVI that these meetings would help demon- strate our expertise. The meetings did not turn out exactly as planned. We met with the same management team at three different locations where we asked the same set of questions three times and got the same answers three times. We did not obtain the information normally provided at these fact- gathering meetings. However, they were tremendously impressed by our line of questioning because it reflected a deep interest and understanding of their business. They also were very impressed with my background. As a re- sult, we were successful in convincing the government agency that we had a deep understanding of the nature and complexity of the agency’s work and strong capabilities in systems development and implementation—key cor- nerstones of their project. The client wanted us to handle the project and wanted me to lead it.
JVI had not expected to get the contract, because its competitor for this work was a long-time supplier to the client. As a result, winning the government con- tract had important competitive and strategic implications for JVI. Essentially, JVI had dislodged an incumbent supplier to the client, one who had lobbied very heav- ily for this prominent contract. By winning the bid, JVI became the largest system implementer in Korea and received tremendous coverage in the public press.
The project was to begin in June 1995. However, the Korean project team convened in early May in order to prepare the team members. Although JVI re- quested Andrew to join the project on a full-time basis, he already had significant commitments to projects in North America. There was a great deal of discussion back and forth between WSI in North America, and JVI and the client in Korea. Eventually it was agreed that Andrew would manage the SI work on a part-time basis from North America, and he would send a qualified project management representative on a full-time basis. That person was Ellen Moore.
At that time, Andrew received immediate feedback from the American con- sultants with WSI in Korea that it would be impossible to send a woman to work in Korea. Andrew insisted that the Korean consultants be asked if they would
WSI in Korea 181
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accept a woman in the position. They responded that a woman would be accept- able if she were qualified. Andrew also requested that the client be consulted on this issue. He was again told that a woman would be acceptable if she were qual- ified. Andrew knew that Ellen had the skills required to manage the project:
I chose Ellen because I was very impressed with her capability, creativity, and project management skills, and I knew she had worked successfully in Bahrain, a culture where one would have to be attuned to very different cul- tural rules from those prevalent in North America. Ellen lacked experience with government agencies, but I felt that I could provide the required exper- tise in this area.
After graduating as the top female student from her high school, Ellen worked in the banking industry, achieving the position of corporate accounts officer respon- sible for over twenty major accounts and earning a fellowship in the Institute of Bankers. Ellen went on to work for a former corporate client in banking and in- surance, where she became the first female and youngest person to manage their financial reporting department. During this time, Ellen took university courses to- wards a Bachelor’s degree at night. In 1983, she decided to stop working for two years, and completed her degree on a full-time basis. She graduated with a major in accounting and minors in marketing and management and decided to continue her studies for an MBA.
Two years later, armed with an MBA from a leading business school, Ellen Moore joined her husband in Manama, Bahrain, where she accepted a position as an expatriate manager for a large American financial institution.1 Starting as a special projects coordinator, within one year Ellen was promoted to manager of business planning and development, a challenging position that she was able to design herself. In this role, she managed the quality assurance department, coor- dinated a product launch, developed a senior management information system, and participated actively in all senior management decisions. Ellen’s position re- quired her to interact daily with managers and staff from a wide range of cultures, including Arab nationals.
In March 1995, Ellen joined WSI working for SCG. After the highly suc- cessful completion of two projects with SCG in North America, Ellen was ap- proached for the Korea project:
1For an account of Ellen’s experience in Bahrain, see Ellen Moore (A): Living and Working in Bahrain, 9A90C019, and Ellen Moore (B), 9A90C020; Ivey Publishing, Ivey Management Services, c/o Richard Ivey School of Business, University of Western Ontario, London, Ontario, Canada, N6A 3K7.
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I had never worked in Korea or East Asia before. My only experience in Asia had been a one-week trip to Hong Kong for job interviews. I had limited knowledge of Korea and received no formal training from my company. I was provided a twenty-page document on Korea. However, the information was quite basic and not entirely accurate.
After arriving in Korea, Ellen immediately began to familiarize herself with the language and proper business etiquette. She found that English was rarely spoken other than in some hotels and restaurants that catered to Western clientele. As a re- sult, Ellen took advantage of every opportunity to teach herself the language basics:
When Andrew and I were in the car on the way back to our hotel in the evening, we would be stuck in traffic for hours. I would use the time to learn how to read the Korean store signs. I had copied the Hangul symbols which form the Korean language onto a small piece of paper, and I kept this with me at all times. So, while sitting back in the car, exhausted at the end of each day, I would go over the symbols and read the signs.
The third SCG consultant on the project, Scott Adams, arrived as planned three months after Ellen’s start date. Upon graduation, Scott had begun his consulting career working on several international engagements (including Mexico, Puerto Rico, and Venezuela), and he enjoyed the challenges of working with different cultures. He felt that with international consulting projects the technical aspects of consulting came easy. What he really enjoyed was the challenge of communi- cating in a different language and determining how to modify Western manage- ment techniques to fit into the local business culture. Scott first met Ellen at a sys- tems consulting seminar, unaware at the time that their paths would cross again. A few months later, he was asked to consider the Korea assignment. Scott had never travelled or worked in Asia, but he believed that the assignment would pre- sent a challenging opportunity that would advance his career.
Scott was scheduled to start work on the project in August 1995. Prior to ar- riving in Seoul, Scott prepared himself by frequently discussing the work being conducted with Ellen. Ellen also provided him with information on the culture and business etiquette aspects of the work:
It was very fortunate for me that Ellen had arrived first in Korea. Ellen tried to learn as much as she could about the Korean language, the culture, man- nerisms, and the business etiquette. She was able to interpret many of the subtleties and to prepare me for both business and social situations, right down to how to exchange a business card appropriately with a Korean, how to read behavior, and what to wear.
Scott Adams 183
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Korea is a 600-mile-long peninsula stretching southward into the waters of the western Pacific, away from Manchuria and Siberia to the north on the Asian mainland. Facing eastward across the Sea of Japan, known to Koreans as the East Sea, Korea lies 120 miles from Japan. The Republic of Korea, or South Korea, consists of approximately 38,000 square miles, comparable in size to Virginia or Portugal. According to the 1990 census, the South Korean population is about 43 million, with almost 10 million residing in the capital city, Seoul.
Korea has an ancient heritage spanning 5,000 years. The most recent great historical era, the Yi Dynasty or Choson Dynasty, enlisted tremendous changes in which progress in science, technology, and the arts were achieved. Although Confucianism had been influential for centuries in Korea, it was during this time that Confucian principles permeated the culture as a code of morals and as a guide for ethical behavior. Confucian thought was designated as the state religion in 1392 and came to underpin education, civil administration, and daily conduct. During this time, Korean rulers began to avoid foreign contact and the monarchy was referred to as the Hermit Kingdom by outsiders. Lasting over 500 years and including twenty-seven rulers, the Yi Dynasty came to a close at the end of the nineteenth century. Today, in Korea’s modern era, the nation is quickly modern- izing and traditional Confucian values mix with Western lifestyle habits and busi- ness methods.
Although many Korean people, particularly in Seoul, have become quite Westernized, they often follow traditional customs. Confucianism dictates strict rules of social behavior and etiquette. The basic values of the Confucian culture are: (1) complete loyalty to a hierarchical structure of authority, whether based in the family, the company, or the nation; (2) duty to parents, expressed through loy- alty, love, and gratitude; and (3) strict rules of conduct, involving complete obe- dience and respectful behavior within superiors–subordinate relationships, such as parents–children, old–young, male–female, and teacher–student. These values affect both social and work environments substantially.
Business etiquette in Korea was extremely important. Ellen found that everyday activities, such as exchanging business cards or replenishing a colleague’s drink
2Some of the information in the “About Korea” and “Women in Korea” sections was obtained from Fodor’s Korea, (New York: Fodor’s Travel Publications, Inc., 1993) and Chris Taylor, Seoul—City Guide, (Hong Kong: Lonely Planet Publications: Colorcraft Ltd.,1993).
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at dinner, involved formal rituals. For example, Ellen learned it was important to provide and to receive business cards in an appropriate manner, which included carefully examining a business card when received and commenting on it. If one just accepted the card without reading it, this behavior would be considered very rude. In addition, Ellen also found it important to know how to address a Korean by name. If a Korean’s name was Y. H. Kim, non-Koreans would generally ad- dress him as either Y. H. or as Mr. Kim. Koreans would likely call him by his full name or by his title and name, such as Manager Kim. A limited number of Koreans, generally those who had lived overseas, took on Western names, such as Jack Kim.
Teams were an integral part of the work environment in Korea. Ellen noted that the Korean consultants organized some special team building activities to bring together the Korean and North American team members:
On one occasion, the Korean consulting team invited the Western consul- tants to a baseball game on a Saturday afternoon followed by a trip to the Olympic Park for a tour after the game, and dinner at a Korean restaurant that evening. An event of this nature is unusual and was very special. On an- other occasion, the Korean consultants gave up a day off with their families and spent it with the Western consultants. We toured a Korean palace and the palace grounds, and we were then invited to Park’s home for dinner. It was very unusual that we, as Western folks, were invited to his home, and it was a very gracious event.
Ellen also found team-building activities took place on a regular basis, and that these events were normally conducted outside of the work environment. For example, lunch with the team was an important daily team event that everyone was expected to attend:
You just couldn’t work at your desk every day for lunch. It was important for everyone to attend lunch together in order to share in this social activity, as one of the means for team bonding.
Additionally, the male team members would go out together for food, drink, and song after work. Scott found these drinking activities to be an important part of his interaction with both the team and the client:
Unless you had a medical reason, you would be expected to drink with the team members, sometimes to excess. A popular drink, soju, which is similar to vodka, would be poured into a small glass. Our glasses were never empty,
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as someone would always ensure that an empty glass was quickly filled. For example, if my glass was empty, I learned that I should pass it to the person on my right and fill it for him as a gesture of friendship. He would quickly drink the contents of the glass, pass the glass back to me, and fill it for me to quickly drink. You simply had to do it. I recall one night when I really did not want to drink as I had a headache. We were sitting at dinner, and Mr. Song handed me his glass and filled it. I said to him “I really can’t drink tonight. I have a terrible headache.” He looked at me and said, “Mr. Scott, I have as- pirin in my briefcase.” I had about three or four small drinks that night.
Ellen found she was included in many of the team-building dinners, and soon after she arrived in Seoul, she was invited to a team dinner, which included client team members. Ellen was informed that although women were not normally in- vited to these social events, an exception was made because she was a senior team member.
During the dinner, there were many toasts and drinking challenges. During one such challenge, the senior client representative prepared a drink that consisted of one highball glass filled with beer and one shot glass filled to the top with whiskey. He dropped the whiskey glass into the beer glass and passed the drink to the man on his left. This team member quickly drank the cocktail in one swoop, and held the glass over his head, clicking the glasses to show both were empty. Everyone cheered and applauded. This man then mixed the same drink, and passed the glass to the man on his left, who also drank the cocktail in one swallow. It was clear this challenge was going around the table and would eventually get to me.
I don’t generally drink beer and never drink whiskey. But it was clear, even without my translator present to assist my understanding, that this activ- ity was an integral part of the team building for the project. As the man on my right mixed the drink for me, he whispered that he would help me. He poured the beer to the halfway point in the highball glass, filled the shot glass to the top with whiskey, and dropped the shotglass in the beer. Unfortunately, I could see that the beer didn’t cover the top of the shot glass, which would likely move too quickly if not covered. I announced, “One moment, please, we are having technical difficulties.” And to the amazement of all in attendance, I asked the man on my right to pour more beer in the glass. When I drank the concoction in one swallow, everyone cheered, and the senior client represen- tative stood up and shouted, “You are now Korean. You are now Korean.”
The norms for team management were also considerably different from the North American style of management. Ellen was quite surprised to find that the concept of saving face did not mean avoiding negative feedback or sharing failures:
It is important in Korea to ensure that team members do not lose face. However, when leading a team, it appeared just as important for a manager
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to demonstrate leadership. If a team member provided work that did not meet the stated requirements, a leader was expected to express disappoint- ment in the individual’s efforts in front of all team members. A strong leader was considered to be someone who engaged in this type of public demon- stration when required.
In North America, a team leader often compliments and rewards team members for work done well. In Korea, leaders expressed disappointment in substandard work, or said nothing for work completed in a satisfactory man- ner. A leader was considered weak if he or she continuously provided com- pliments for work completed as required.
The Koreans’ respect for position and status was another element of the Korean culture that both Ellen and Scott found to have a significant influence over how the project was structured and how people behaved. The emphasis placed on hi- erarchy had an important impact upon the relationship between consultant and client that was quite different from their experience in North America. As a result, the North Americans’ understanding of the role of a consultant differed vastly from their Korean counterparts.
Specifically, the North American consultants were familiar with managing client expectations. This activity involved informing the client of the best means to achieve their goals and included frequent communication with the client. Generally, a client’s customer was also interviewed in order to understand how the client’s system could better integrate with its customer’s requirements. Ellen recalled, however, that the procedures were necessarily different in Korea:
The client team members did not permit our team members to go to their of- fices unannounced. We had to book appointments ahead of time to obtain permission to see them. In part, this situation was a result of the formalities we needed to observe due to their rank in society, but I believe it was also because they wanted to be prepared for the topics we wanted to discuss.
The Korean consultants refused to interview the customers, because they did not want to disturb them. Furthermore, the client team members frequently came into the project office and asked the Korean consultants to work on activities not scheduled for that week or that were beyond the project scope. The Korean con- sultants accepted the work without question. Ellen and Scott found themselves powerless to stop this activity.
Shortly after arriving, Scott had a very confrontational meeting with one of the Korean consultants concerning this issue:
I had been in Korea for about a week, and I was still suffering from jet lag. I was alone with one of the Korean consultants, and we were talking about
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how organizational processes should be flowcharted. He was saying the client understands the process in a particular manner, so we should show it in that way. I responded that, from a technical standpoint, it was not correct. I explained that as a consultant, we couldn’t simply do what the client re- quests if it is incorrect. We must provide value by showing why a different method may be taken by educating the client of the options and the reasons for selecting a specific method. There are times when you have to tell the client something different than he believes. That’s what we’re paid for. He said, “No, no, you don’t understand. They’re paying our fee.” At that point I raised my voice: “You don’t know what you are talking about. I have much more experience than you.” Afterwards, I realized that it was wrong to shout at him. I pulled him aside and apologized. He said, “Well, I know you were tired.” I replied that it was no excuse, and I should not have shouted. After that, we managed to get along just fine.
The behavior of subordinates and superiors also reflected the Korean’s re- spect for status and position. Scott observed that it was very unusual for a subor- dinate to leave the office for the day unless his superior had already left:
I remember one day, a Saturday, when one of the young Korean consultants who had been ill for some time, was still at his desk. I made a comment: “Why don’t you go home, Mr. Choi?” Although he was not working for me, I knew his work on the other team was done. He said, “I can’t go home be- cause several other team members have taken the day off. I have to stay.” I repeated my observation that his work was done. He replied: “If I do not stay, I will be fired. My boss is still here, I have to stay.” He would stay and work until his boss left, until late in the evening if necessary.
Furthermore, Scott found that the Korean consultants tended not to ask ques- tions. Even when Scott asked the Korean consultants if they understood his in- structions or explanation, they generally responded affirmatively, which made it dif- ficult to confirm their understanding. He was advised that responding in a positive manner demonstrated respect for teachers or superiors. Asking a question would be viewed as inferring that the teacher or superior had not done a good job of explain- ing the material. As a result, achieving a coaching role was difficult for the North American consultants even though passing on their knowledge of SI to the Korean consultants was considered an important part of their function on this project.
Historically, Confucian values have dictated a strict code of behavior between men and women and husband and wife in Korea. Traditionally, there has been a clear delineation in the respective responsibilities of men and women. The male preserve can be defined as that which is public, whereas women are expected to
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cater to the private, personal world of the home. These values have lingered into the 1990s, with Korean public life very much dominated by men.
Nevertheless, compared to the Yi dynasty era, the position of women in so- ciety has changed considerably. There is now virtual equality in access to educa- tion for men and women, and a few women have embarked on political careers. As in many other areas of the world, the business world has until recently been accessible only to men. However, this is changing as Korean women are begin- ning to seek equality in the workplace. Young Korean men and women now often participate together in social activities such as evenings out and hikes, something that was extremely rare even ten years ago.
Dual-income families are becoming more common in South Korea, particu- larly in Seoul, although women generally hold lower-paid, more menial positions. Furthermore, working women often retain their traditional household responsi- bilities, while men are expected to join their male colleagues for late night drink- ing and eating events that exclude women. When guests visit a Korean home, the men traditionally sit and eat together separately from the women, who are ex- pected to eat together while preparing the food.
Although the younger generation are breaking from such traditions, Scott felt that the gender differences were quite apparent in the work place. He commented:
The business population was primarily male. Generally, the only women we saw were young women who were clerks, wearing uniforms. I suspected that these women were in the work force for only a few years, until they were mar- ried and left to have a family. We did have a few professional Korean women working with us. However, because we are a professional services firm, I be- lieve it may have been more progressive than the typical Korean company.
Upon her arrival in Korea, Ellen dove into her work confident that the Korean consultants she would be working with had the skills necessary to complete the job in the time frame allocated. The project work was divided up among several work groups, each having distinct deliverables and due dates. The deliverables for the SI team were required as a major input to the other work groups on the pro- ject (see Exhibit III). As a result, delays with deliverables would impact the ef- fectiveness of the entire project:
JVI told us they had assigned experienced management consultants to work on the project. Given their stated skill level, Andrew’s resource plan had him making periodic visits to Korea; I would be on the project on a full-time ba- sis starting in May, and Scott would join the team about three to four months after the project start. We were informed that five Korean consultants were assigned. We believed that we had the resources needed to complete the proj- ect by December.
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J.T. Kim, whose Western name was Jack, was the lead Korean consultant report- ing to Mr. Park. Jack had recently achieved a Ph.D. in computer systems from a reputable American university and he spoke English fluently. When Andrew initially discussed the organizational structure of the SI team with Mr. Park and Jack, it was agreed that Jack and Ellen would be co-managers of the SI project.
Three weeks after her arrival, Jack informed Ellen, much to her surprise, that he had never worked on a systems implementation project. Additionally, Ellen soon learned that Jack had never worked on a consulting project:
Apparently, Jack had been made the lead consultant of SI upon completing his Ph.D. in the United States. I believe Jack was told he was going to be the sole project manager for SI on a daily basis. However, I was informed I was going to be the co-project manager with Jack. It was confusing, particularly
Exhibit III. Project time frame
Mr. Park, Manager Joint Venture Inc. (JVI)
Team 1 (SI Project Team)
Team 2
Team 3
Team 4
Team 5
__________________ 7 months ___________________10 years
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for Jack, when I took on coaching and leading the team. We had a lot of con- troversy—not in the form of fights or heated discussions, but we had defi- nite issues during the first few weeks because we were clearly stepping on each other’s territory.
Given Jack’s position as the lead Korean consultant, it was quite difficult for Ellen to redirect team members’ activities. The Korean team members always fol- lowed Jack’s instructions. Scott recalled:
There were frequent meetings with the team to discuss the work to be com- pleted. Often, following these meetings the Korean consultants would meet alone with Jack, and it appeared that he would instruct them to carry out dif- ferent work. On one occasion, when both Andrew and Ellen were traveling away from the office, Andrew prepared specific instructions for the team to follow outlined in a memo.
Andrew sent the memo to me so I could hand the memo to Jack directly, thereby ensuring he did receive these instructions. Upon his return, Andrew found the team had not followed his instructions. We were provided with the following line of reasoning: you told us to do A, B, and C, but you did not mention D. And, we did D. They had followed Jack’s instructions. We had a very difficult time convincing them to carry out work as we requested, even though we had been brought onto the project to provide our expertise.
In July, a trip was planned for the Korean client team and some of the Korean consulting team to visit other project sites in North America. The trip would per- mit the Koreans to find out more about the capabilities of WSI and to discuss is- sues with other clients involved with similar projects. Jack was sent on the trip, leaving Ellen in charge of the SI project team in Korea. While Jack was away on the North American trip, Ellen had her first opportunity to work with and to lead the Korean consultants on a daily basis. She was very pleased that she was able to coach them directly, without interference, and advise them on how to best carry out the required work. Ellen felt that everyone worked together in a very positive manner, in complete alignment. When Jack returned, he saw that Ellen was lead- ing the team and that they were accepting Ellen’s directions. Ellen recalled the tensions that arose as a result:
On the first day he returned, Jack instructed someone to do some work for him, and the person responded, “I cannot because I am doing something for Ellen.” Jack did not say anything, but he looked very angry. He could not un- derstand why anyone on the team would refuse his order’s.
A few days after Jack returned from the North American trip, the project team re- alized they did not have sufficient information about their client’s customer. Jack
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decided a market research study should be conducted to determine the market re- quirements. However, this type of study, which is generally a large undertaking on a project, was not within the scope of the contracted work. Ellen found out about the proposed market research project at a meeting held on a Saturday, which involved everyone from the entire project—about 40 people. The only per- son not at the meeting was Mr. Park. Jack was presenting the current work plans for SI, and he continued to describe a market research study:
I thought to myself, “What market research study is he talking about?” I asked him to put aside his presentation of the proposed study until he and I had an opportunity to discuss the plans. I did not want to interrupt his pre- sentation or disagree with him publicly, but I felt I had no choice.
Two hours following the presentation, Ellen’s translator, Susan Lim, informed her that there was a dinner planned for that evening and Jack wanted everyone on the SI team to attend. Ellen was surprised that Jack would want her present at the din- ner. However, Susan insisted that Jack specifically said Ellen must be there. They went to a small Korean restaurant, where everyone talked about a variety of sub- jects in English and Korean, with Susan translating for Ellen as needed. After about one hour, Jack began a speech to the team, speaking solely in Korean. Ellen thought it was unusual for him to speak Korean when she was present, as every- one at the dinner also spoke English:
Through the limited translations I received, I understood he was humbling himself to the team, saying, “I am very disappointed in my performance. I have clearly not been the project leader needed for this team.” The team members were responding “No, no, don’t say that.” While Jack was talking to the team, he was consuming large quantities of beer. The pitchers were coming and coming. He was quite clearly becoming intoxicated. All at once, Susan stopped translating. I asked her what was wrong. She whispered that she would tell me later. Five minutes went by and I turned to her and spoke emphatically, “Susan, what is going on? I want to know now.” She realized I was getting angry. She told me, “Jack asked me to stop translating. Please don’t say anything, I will lose my job.”
I waited a couple of minutes before speaking, then I interrupted Jack’s speech. I said, “Susan is having difficulty hearing you and isn’t able to trans- late for me. I guess it is too noisy in this restaurant. Would it be possible for you to speak in English?” Jack did not say anything for about thirty seconds and then he started speaking in English. His first words were, “Ellen, I would like to apologize. I didn’t realize you couldn’t understand what I was saying.
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Another thirty minutes of his speech and drinking continued. The Korean team members appeared to be consoling Jack, by saying: “Jack, we do respect you and the work you have done for our team. You have done your best.” While they were talking, Jack leaned back, and appeared to pass out. Ellen turned to Susan and asked if they should help him to a taxi. Susan insisted it would not be appropriate. During the next hour, Jack appeared to be passed out or sleeping. Finally, one of the team members left to go home. Ellen asked Susan, “Is it im- portant for me to stay, or is it important for me to go?” She said Ellen should go.
When Ellen returned to her hotel, it was approximately 11 p.m. on Saturday night. She felt the situation had reached a point where it was necessary to request assistance from senior management in North America. Andrew was on a wilder- ness camping vacation in the United States with his family, and could not be reached. Ellen decided to call the North American project sponsor, the senior vice president, George Peterson:
I called George that Saturday night at his house and said: “We have a prob- lem. They’re trying to change the scope of the project. We don’t have the available time, and we don’t have the resources. It is impossible to do a mar- ket research study in conjunction with all the contracted work to be completed with the same limited resources. The proposed plan is to use our project team to handle this additional work. Our team is already falling behind the sched- ule, but due to their inexperience they don’t realize it yet.” George said he would find Andrew and send him to Korea to further assess the situation.
When Andrew arrived in August, he conducted a very quick assessment of the sit- uation. The project was a month behind schedule. It appeared to Andrew that the SI team had made limited progress since his previous visit:
It was clear to me that the Korean team members weren’t taking direction from Ellen. Ellen was a seasoned consultant and knew what to do. However, Jack was giving direction to the team which was leading them down differ- ent paths. Jack was requesting that the team work on tasks that were not re- quired for the project deliverables, and he was not appropriately managing the client’s expectations.
Andrew held several discussions with Mr. Park concerning these issues. Mr. Park insisted the problem was Ellen. He argued that Ellen was not effective, she did not assign work properly, and she did not give credible instructions to the team. However, Andrew believed the Korean consultants’ lack of experience was the main problem.
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Initially, we were told the Korean team consisted of experienced consultants, al- though they had not completed any SI projects. I felt we could work around it. I had previously taught consultants to do SI. We were also told that one of the Korean con- sultants had taught SI. This consultant was actually the most junior person on the team. She had researched SI by reading some texts and had given a presentation on her understanding of SI to a group of consultants.
Meanwhile, Andrew solicited advice from the WSI co-managing director, Robert Brown, who had over ten years’ experience working in Korea. Robert sug- gested that Andrew approach Mr. Park’s superior, Mr. Song, directly. He further directed Andrew to present his case to the Joint Venture committee if an agree- ment was not reached with Mr. Song. Andrew had discussed the issues with George Peterson and Robert Brown, and they agreed that there was no reason for Ellen to leave the project:
However, Robert’s message to me was that I had been too compliant with the Koreans. It was very important for the project to be completed on time, and I would be the one held accountable for any delays. Addressing issues before the Joint Venture committee was the accepted dispute resolution process at JVI when an internal conflict could not be resolved. However, in most cases, the last thing a manager wants is to be defending his position be- fore the Joint Venture committee. Mr. Song was in line to move into senior executive management. Taking the problem to the Joint Venture committee would be a way to force the issue with him.
Andrew attempted to come to a resolution with Mr. Park once again, but he refused to compromise. Andrew then tried to contact Mr. Song and was told he was out of the office. Coincidentally, Mr. Song visited the project site to see Mr. Park just as Ellen and Andrew were completing a meeting. Ellen recalls Mr. Song’s arrival:
Mr. Song walked into the project office expecting to find Mr. Park. However, Mr. Park was out visiting another project that morning. Mr. Song looked around the project office for a senior manager, and he saw Andrew. Mr. Song approached Andrew and asked if Mr. Park was in the office. Andrew re- sponded that he was not. Mr. Song proceeded to comment that he under- stood there were some concerns about the project work, and suggested that perhaps, sometime, they could talk about it. Andrew replied that they needed to talk about it immediately.
Andrew met with Mr. Song in Mr. Park’s office, a makeshift set of thin walls that enclosed a small office area in one corner of the large open project office. Ellen was working in an area just outside the office when she heard Andrew’s voice rise. She heard him shout, “Well, I don’t think you’re listening to what I am
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saying.” Ellen was surprised to hear Andrew shouting. She knew Andrew was very sensitive to what should and should not be done in the Korean environment:
Andrew’s behavior seemed so confrontational. I believed this behavior was unacceptable in Korea. For a while, I heard a lot of murmuring, after which I heard Andrew speak adamantly, “No, I’m very serious. It doesn’t matter what has been agreed and what has not been agreed because most of our agreements were based on inaccurate information. We can start from scratch.” Mr. Song insisted that I was the problem.
Last 1 Head 195
The Richard Ivey School of Business gratefully acknowledges the generous support of The Richard and Jean Ivey Fund in the development of this case as part of the RICHARD AND JEAN IVEY FUND ASIAN CASE SERIES.
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Ken Mark prepared this case under the supervision of Professor Michael Parent solely to provide material for class discussion. The authors do not intend to illustrate either effective or ineffective handling of a managerial situation. The authors may have disguised certain names and other identifying information to protect confidentiality.
Ivey Management Services prohibits any form of reproduction, storage, or transmit- tal without its written permission. This material is not covered under authorization from CanCopy or any reproduction rights organization. To order copies or request permission to reproduce materials, contact Ivey Publishing, Ivey Management Services, c/o Richard Ivey School of Business, The University of Western Ontario, London, Ontario, Canada, N6A 3K7; phone (519) 661-3208; fax (519) 661-3882; e-mail [email protected].
Copyright © 2002, Ivey Management Services Version: (A) 2002-10-10
It was June 3, 2001. Zhou Jianglin, project manager for Ji’nan Broadcasting Corporation (JBC), was waiting for a meeting with Nortel Network’s account sales
Ji’nan Broadcasting Corporation
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manager, Frank Kang. There were many questions that Zhou intended to ask Kang regarding JBC’s data and voice project (DVP): Could Nortel work in conjunction with Alcatel or Lucent to complete the project? Should the network be centrally controlled, or should adjustments be allowed remotely? How could JBC be as- sured that the project would be completed on time, as specified, and on budget?
Headquartered in Ji’nan, the capital of Shandong province in China, JBC planned to provide data and voice services to thousands of residential and busi- ness customers in sixty sites throughout the province. JBC had planned to go into competition with the national data and voice carriers in anticipation of liberaliza- tion of state-owned telecommunications markets. These services were scheduled to commence in January 2002, six months away. Based on the request of his man- aging director of Data and Voice Services, Han Xiaowei, Zhou had arranged an initial meeting with Eastern Postel (Postel) in late May 2001. Postel was a na- tional manufacturer and installer of, among other products, data transmission equipment. To meet the requirement of the DVP, Postel had contacted Nortel for its Passport data and Meridian voice products. Nortel assured Postel that they could meet JBC’s project goals, and a Nortel pre-sales team was dispatched from Hong Kong to perform a project scope.
In the meantime, however, Zhou had heard rumors of conflict between JBC’s departments regarding the DVP. The managing director of radio and television programming, Liu Zhongshi was said to have voiced his objection to the project, insisting that providing telephone and Internet service was the domain of China Post & Telecom, the government-owned national provider. Shao Yangwei, man- aging director of corporate services had mentioned that after consulting col- leagues in Beijing, he believed that Alcatel voice products “were more robust” than Nortel products. Perhaps, Shao insisted, Nortel and Alcatel products could be tested head-to-head to determine superiority. The president of JBC, Guang Chengmen, had listened to these comments and, expressing that he had little time to deal with them at the present, passed the suggestions on to Han in Internet Services. Guang requested that these suggestions be taken into consideration and expected answers within the week. Zhou, as Han’s project manager, was subse- quently given the task of finding answers.
Created after WWII, JBC was Shandong province’s public broadcaster. It oper- ated one high-powered broadcast station and two low-powered broadcast stations, providing three television channels and seven radio channels for the province. Television and radio content were created in-house and purchased from national government-run networks. At the start of 2001, JBC had four business depart- ments: television and radio programming, television and radio broadcasting,
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corporate services (human resources, publicity, business advertisement sales) and the newly created department of data and voice services. It employed 850 people in four locations, serving a population base of nine million people.
Currently, JBC received revenues of RMB108 million from the government for operational expenses.1 Exhibit I is a breakdown of 2000 expenditures:
Exhibit I. JBC expenditures, 2000 (in RMBs)
Internal program production costs 25 million Purchased programming 25 million Broadcasting costs 15 million Salaries and wages 25 million Capital expenditures and other expenses 18 million
1RMB8 � U.S.$1.
In response to anticipated competition from selected foreign companies, the Chinese government announced publicly in February 2001 that JBC would be privatized before 2005, with shares listed on the Shenzhen Stock Exchange. This energized everyone at JBC—it was expected that employees would be granted stock options based on several factors, including department efficiency and seniority. Although the reward structure seemed straightforward, it was noted by JBC insiders that during similar privatization efforts in Beijing, re- sponsibility for the division of employee stock options had been left to the com- pany president.
The Growth Plan: Focus on Serving the Business Market
In early April 2001, Guang sat down with his three managing directors to lay out his new strategic growth plan. Central to JBC’s growth was its focus on the under-served Shandong business market. There were estimates of more than 5,000 companies of all sizes operating within 250 kilometers of Ji’nan, and that number was expected to grow rapidly if China gained acceptance into the World Trade Organization. Many of these customers were exporters or export-ready firms awaiting the chance to conduct business with international customers. JBC, Guang proclaimed, would provide provincial and national advertising services, telephone, and Internet services. In addition to announcing the creation of a fourth department, Internet services, Guang laid out a reorganization plan and new department targets for the next four years (see Exhibit II).
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Zhou Jianglin 199
Guang ended the meeting by announcing that JBC had been granted an ad- ditional lump sum of RMB150 million to prepare for its initial public offering (IPO), scheduled January 3, 2005.
In 1997, Zhou joined JBC as a production assistant in the television and radio programming department. This was his first job after graduating from Tsinghua University, where he completed an undergraduate degree in electrical engineer- ing. For his last year of university, because of his good grades and his fluency in English, Zhou was selected to be an exchange student in London, England. There, he was introduced to global television programming, and he marveled at the vast selection of programs available to Londoners. In addition, he encountered the Internet for the first time, using it to converse with contacts around the world. Convinced that his ideal career lay in the broadcast industry, Zhou relied on his network of contacts to secure an interview at JBC. A year later, he landed the job and moved to Ji’nan. During his spare time, he visited the local university to use the Internet for basic functions such as e-mail, news, and games. On May 15, 2001, Zhou was promoted to project manager. Because he was the only person in the company with both Internet and electrical engineering experience, he was as- signed the task of managing the data and voice project implementation.
Exhibit II. JBC targets (in RMBs)
Department Metric 2001 2002 2003 2004
Corporate Broadcast 1 million 10 million 20 million 40 million services advertising
revenue Data and Data and na* 5 million 15 million 30 million
voice voice services revenue
Television & Total 48 million 42 million 38 million 35 million radio programming programming costs
Television & General and 48 million 42 million 38 million 35 million radio administrative broadcasting costs
*na � not available
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Intended to cover an area roughly 200 square kilometers, DVP could provide voice and data services to 90 percent of Shandong’s businesses and inhabitants. No data services existed in the province, and telephone services—local and long- distance—were provided by China Post & Telecom.
Zhou had been informed that there existed a budget of RMB110 million to spend on this project. Han wanted this project to yield the following results by January 1, 2002:
� Capacity to provide up to 5,000 high-speed (10 megabits per second) data lines, and up to 3 million voice lines.
� Ensure that the equipment was evergreen—meaning that it could be used in conjunction with next generation equipment—and scalable.
JBC aimed to purchase blocks of long-distance and data capacity from the state-owned national carrier, China Post & Telecom, via China Unicom (a new national carrier), reselling it to Shangdong’s businesses and general populace. With its new network, JBC would be able to service and bill customers for out- going data and voice, while incoming data and voice would continue to be han- dled by China Post & Telecom.
At this point, Zhou was still unsure if reselling long-distance capacity from China Post & Telecom was permitted under current government rules. Zhou was certain that Han had checked this detail—after all, no mention of this restriction had been made to Zhou. Another issue related to in-house telecommunications engineering expertise: JBC had none. Zhou wondered whether he should request a team be hired, retain an outside engineering firm, or rely on Postel. With many questions on his mind, he made his first telephone call to Postel.
Originally named Eastern Telecom Equipment Factory (ETEF) under the Ministry of Post & Telecommunications, Postel was one of the leading manu- facturers of telecommunications equipment in China. In 1997, China Post & Telecom privatized Postel, issuing 100 million common shares on the Shenzhen Stock Exchange. In the three years following privatization, Postel had grown to 1,800 employees, including 700 senior- and middle-management staff. At the end of 2000, it had RMB1 billion in assets and income of more than RMB600 million.
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Postel focused on the design, manufacturing, and marketing of telecommu- nications equipment, breaking its businesses into five categories:
l . Data communications 2. Wireless communications 3. Distribution equipment 4. Electrical equipment 5. Cabling systems
Postel stated that it would remain dedicated to serving China’s telecommu- nications industry, supplying equipment to national and regional carriers. In ad- dition, Postel exported its products to many countries, including Russia, Vietnam, Korea, Nepal, Cuba, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Colombia, Singapore and China’s Hong Kong region.
A Postel Business Category: Data Communications and Transmission
To provide data services, networks required data communications and transmis- sion equipment. Postel had a history of working with Nortel. In 1992, Postel had collaborated with Northern Telcom (Nortel’s previous name) to produce DPN- 100 packet switching equipment for data communications. This had resulted in Postel garnering more than 80 percent of China’s packet switching network. In 1996, Postel continued to provide customers with multi-service integrated data solutions by constructing integrated information networks (internal, dedicated networks) for companies in both the broadcast and television industry and the broadband multimedia industry.
In addition, Postel had designed in-house products for data transmission, in- cluding plesiochronous digital hierarchy/synchronous digital hierarchy (PDH/SDH) equipment, PCM multiservice access equipment, E1 cross-connect equipment, converters and power distributors.
After exchanging pleasantries, Zhou requested a face-to-face meeting with Postel’s network sales manager, Chin Anshang. To build the DVP, Chin explained to Zhou, Postel would have to use a combination of the latest generation of Nortel Passport data equipment, Nortel Meridian voice equipment and Postel data trans- mission equipment. Chin noted Zhou’s other questions, promising to address them in a few days. The first move was to allow Postel’s preferred supplier, Nortel, to perform a project scope. Zhou agreed, emphasizing that it was imper- ative they move quickly in order to meet the completion date.
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Zhou was informed that a project scope was necessary before Nortel could sub- mit a bid to provide equipment. Chin had added that he was considering allowing Alcatel and Lucent to bid, but was unsure if this would delay the project further. After all, Chin had estimated that preparing a network of the DVP’s size required a lead time of eight to nine months. If Nortel was the sole supplier, Chin ex- plained, the project would move much more smoothly than if two or three man- ufacturers were involved.
On June 3, 2001, Nortel’s five-member team, headed by Enterprise Manager John Kang, arrived at JBC’s headquarters and were allowed to inspect current equipment and gather information. They were informed that JBC had purchased Fujitsu data equipment for use between its offices. Nortel’s team confirmed that the Fujitsu equipment could be integrated into the system with some engineering work. This integration required a specific connection and about two weeks of test- ing, with both Fujitsu and Nortel personnel present.
Nortel completed the scope in a day and presented general results to Postel and JBC. To meet JBC’s requirements, Nortel would provide Passport and Meridian equipment for sixty nodes. Some of these nodes were as far as 90 kilo- meters from the central station. Kang added that he was confident Nortel and Postel would be able to provide the network equipment for the price at which JBC budgeted. Chin announced at the meeting that he would not ask Alcatel to per- form a project scope. Instead, he would inquire about the price of voice equip- ment necessary to complement Nortel Passport data equipment.
Zhou’s Questions
During a break in the meeting, Zhou presented his questions to Kang. Could Nortel work in conjunction with Alcatel or Lucent to complete the project? Should the network be centrally controlled or should adjustments be allowed re- motely? How could JBC be assured that the project would be executed on time, as specified, and on budget?
First, Kang explained that Nortel would be willing to work with Alcatel or Lucent as long as demarcation points were identified. Demarcation points indi- cated where the work of one manufacturer stopped and another started. For ex- ample, a telephone service provider’s demarcation point with a consumer ended at the phone jack installed into the consumer’s house wall. From that point, the consumer was responsible for the function of his or her telephone equipment. Therefore, it would be possible for Nortel to provide data and Lucent to provide voice products as long as all four stakeholders (Nortel, Lucent, Postel, JBC) could
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agree on the demarcation point. In this scenario, Nortel would be responsible for testing its own equipment up to the agreed-upon demarcation point.
Kang continued by saying that the network could be centrally or remotely controlled. It was just a matter of whether JBC had the expertise to monitor the network remotely. Last, he assured Zhou that a project team consisting of JBC, Postel, and Nortel stakeholders would be struck, and timelines for the completion of the project would be set. In addition, Nortel could provide all the engineering support necessary to complete the project. Satisfied with these responses, Kang ended the meeting by stating that he looked forward to the start of the DVP.
Han, Zhou’s managing director, was pleased that the project was underway. He indicated to Zhou that he had consulted with his colleagues and that they contin- ued to harbor some objections to the DVP. Han promised to keep his colleagues informed about the latest developments on the DVP, emphasizing to Zhou that this project carried significant political weight. Regarding the programming man- aging director’s objection (that JBC had no right to provide data and voice ser- vices), Han informed Zhou that he would look into it personally. Since Shao Yangwei, managing director of corporate services, had requested that Alcatel products be used in place of Nortel products, Han asked if Zhou could develop a comparison between the rival products. Zhou diligently took notes.
On June 5, 2001, Zhou had his second meeting with Postel. He received a pro- posal from Postel. Here was the summary page:
� Recommended option: Sixty nodes in broadcasting and TV centers lo- cated in various towns and villages. Trunk equipment would run standard Nortel Passport. Three first-degree nodes (Passport 15000 VSS), 528 sets, 14 second-degree nodes (Passport 7480 equipment, 148 sets), and 43 third-degree nodes (Passport 7440 equipment, 148 sets.) Each node would be equipped with a Postel 350 Ethernet exchange. 155M single module optical fiber would be applied between trunk nodes to connect re- lay chain. Nortel Meridian voice equipment matched with Passport throughout. Cost � RMB 109 million. Products had life spans of ap- proximately eight years each. Engineering and installation extra. Delivery date, January 1, 2002.
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� Alternative: Exchange Meridian voice equipment with Alcatel voice equipment. Reduces total equipment cost by RMB950,000. Note: Newest generation Alcatel voice product not yet ‘Type Approved.2
� Incorporating current equipment: RMB850,000 for engineering work to link Fujitsu voice equipment to network. Reduces cost of Nortel-sourced equipment by RMB400,000.
� Engineering and installation: (managed by Postel) provided by Nortel, estimated at RMB22 million.
� Routine maintenance support: (managed by Postel) estimated at RMB15.4 million in the first year, full-cost (includes salaries, building, training, other expenses).
Zhou was at a loss for words. Yes, his budget was sufficient—but only for the equipment. He knew that he would have to explain the current situation to Han. He began to prepare his response.
2Type approval allowed a company to import equipment into a country. The only way to get approval for new products was to pay the testing fees and submit the new equipment to a government testing facility for compatibility. Depending on the nature of the tests required, this process could take up to three months.
The Richard Ivey School of Business gratefully acknowledges the generous support of Canada Life in the development of these learning materials.
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Part 4
In the early days of project management, there existed a common belief that proj- ect management had to be accompanied by organizational restructuring. Project management practitioners argued that some organizational structures, such as a matrix structure, were more conducive to good project management, while others were not quite effective. Every organizational structure comes with both advan- tages and disadvantages.
Today, we question whether organizational restructuring is necessary. Is it possible that project management can be implemented effectively in any organi- zational structure if we have a cooperative culture? Restructuring is often accom- panied by a shift in authority and the balance of power. Can effective project man- agement occur at the same time that the organization undergoes restructuring?
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Quasar Communications, Inc. (QCI), is a thirty-year-old, $350 million division of Communication Systems International, the world’s largest communications com- pany. QCI employs about 340 people of which more than 200 are engineers. Ever since the company was founded thirty years ago, engineers have held every ma- jor position within the company, including president and vice president. The vice president for accounting and finance, for example, has an electrical engineering degree from Purdue and a master’s degree in business administration from Harvard.
QCI, up until 1986, was a traditional organization where everything flowed up and down. In 1986, QCI hired a major consulting company to come in and train all of their personnel in project management. Because of the reluctance of the line managers to accept formalized project management, QCI adopted an in- formal, fragmented project management structure where the project managers had lots of responsibility but very little authority. The line managers were still running the show.
In 1989, QCI had grown to a point where the majority of their business base re- volved around twelve large customers and thirty to forty small customers. The time had come to create a separate line organization for project managers, where each in- dividual could be shown a career path in the company and the company could ben- efit by creating a body of planners and managers dedicated to the completion of a
Quasar Communications, Inc.
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project. The project management group was headed up by a vice president and in- cluded the following full-time personnel:
� Four individuals to handle the twelve large customers � Five individuals for the thirty to forty small customers � Three individuals for R&D projects � One individual for capital equipment projects
The nine customer project managers were expected to handle two to three projects at one time if necessary. Because the customer requests usually did not come in at the same time, it was anticipated that each project manager would han- dle only one project at a time. The R&D and capital equipment project managers were expected to handle several projects at once.
In addition to the above personnel, the company also maintained a staff of four product managers who controlled the profitable off-the-shelf product lines. The product managers reported to the vice president of marketing and sales.
In October 1989, the vice president for project management decided to take a more active role in the problems that project managers were having and held counseling sessions for each project manager. The following major problem ar- eas were discovered.
Project manager: “My biggest problem is working with these diverse groups that aren’t sure what they want. My job is to develop new products that can be introduced into the marketplace. I have to work with engineering, marketing, product manage- ment, manufacturing, quality assurance, finance, and accounting. Everyone wants a detailed schedule and product cost breakdown. How can I do that when we aren’t even sure what the end-item will look like or what materials are needed? Last month I prepared a detailed schedule for the development of a new product, assuming that everything would go according to the plan. I worked with the R&D engineering group to establish what we considered to be a realistic milestone. Marketing pushed the milestone to the left because they wanted the product to be introduced into the marketplace earlier. Manufacturing then pushed the milestone to the right, claiming that they would need more time to verify the engineering specifications. Finance and accounting then pushed the milestone to the left asserting that management wanted a quicker return on investment. Now, how can I make all of the groups happy?”
Vice president: “Whom do you have the biggest problems with?”
Project manager: “That’s easy—marketing! Every week marketing gets a copy of the project status report and decides whether to cancel the project. Several
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times marketing has canceled projects without even discussing it with me, and I’m supposed to be the project leader.”
Vice president: “Marketing is in the best position to cancel the project because they have the inside information on the profitability, risk, return on investment, and competitive environment.”
Project manager: “The situation that we’re in now makes it impossible for the project manager to be dedicated to a project where he does not have all of the in- formation at hand. Perhaps we should either have the R&D project managers re- port to someone in marketing or have the marketing group provide additional in- formation to the project managers.”
Project manager: “I find it virtually impossible to be dedicated to and effec- tively manage three projects that have priorities that are not reasonably close. My low-priority customer always suffers. And even if I try to give all of my customers equal status, I do not know how to organize myself and have effective time man- agement on several projects.”
Project manager: “Why is it that the big projects carry all of the weight and the smaller ones suffer?”
Project manager: “Several of my projects are so small that they stay in one functional department. When that happens, the line manager feels that he is the true project manager operating in a vertical environment. On one of my projects I found that a line manager had promised the customer that additional tests would be run. This additional testing was not priced out as part of the original statement of work. On another project the line manager made certain remarks about the technical requirements of the project. The customer assumed that the line man- agers’s remarks reflected company policy. Our line managers don’t realize that only the project manager can make commitments (on resources) to the customer as well as on company policy. I know this can happen on large projects as well, but it is more pronounced on small projects.”
Project manager: “Those of us who manage the large projects are also market- ing personnel, and occasionally, we are the ones who bring in the work. Yet, every- one appears to be our superior. Marketing always looks down on us, and when we
Large Customer Project Management 209
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bring in a large contract, marketing just looks down on us as if we’re riding their coattails or as if we were just lucky. The engineering group outranks us because all managers and executives are promoted from there. Those guys never live up to commitments. Last month I sent an inflammatory memo to a line manager be- cause of his poor response to my requests. Now, I get no support at all from him. This doesn’t happen all of the time, but when it does, it’s frustrating.”
Project manager: “On large projects, how do we, the project managers, know when the project is in trouble? How do we decide when the project will fail? Some of our large projects are total disasters and should fail, but management comes to the rescue and pulls the best resources off of the good projects to cure the ailing projects. We then end up with six marginal projects and one partial cat- astrophe as opposed to six excellent projects and one failure. Why don’t we just let the bad projects fail?”
Vice president: “We have to keep up our image for our customers. In most other companies, performance is sacrificed in order to meet time and cost. Here at QCI, with our professional integrity at stake, our engineers are willing to sacrifice time and cost in order to meet specifications. Several of our customers come to us be- cause of this. Last year we had a project where, at the scheduled project termina- tion date, engineering was able to satisfy only 75 percent of the customer’s per- formance specifications. The project manager showed the results to the customer, and the customer decided to change his specification requirements to agree with the product that we designed. Our engineering people thought that this was a ‘slap in the face’ and refused to sign off the engineering drawings. The problem went all the way up to the president for resolution. The final result was that the cus- tomer would give us an additional few months if we would spend our own money to try to meet the original specification. It cost us a bundle, but we did it because our integrity and professional reputation were at stake.”
Project manager: “My biggest complaint is with this new priority scheduling computer package we’re supposedly considering to install. The way I understand it, the computer program will establish priorities for all of the projects in-house, based on the feasibility study, cost-benefit analysis, and return on investment. Somehow I feel as though my projects will always be the lowest priority, and I’ll never be able to get sufficient functional resources.”
Project manager: “Every time I lay out a reasonable schedule for one of our capital equipment projects, a problem occurs in the manufacturing area and the functional employees are always pulled off of my project to assist manufacturing.
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And now I have to explain to everyone why I’m behind schedule. Why am I al- ways the one to suffer?”
The vice president carefully weighed the remarks of his project managers. Now came the difficult part. What, if anything, could the vice president do to amend the situation given the current organizational environment?
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By 1970, Jones and Shephard Accountants, Inc. (J&S) was ranked eighteenth in size by the American Association of Accountants. In order to compete with the larger firms, J&S formed an Information Services Division designed primarily for studies and analyses. By 1975, the Information Services Division (ISD) had fifteen employees.
In 1977, the ISD purchased three minicomputers. With this increased capac- ity, J&S expanded its services to help satisfy the needs of outside customers. By September 1978, the internal and external work loads had increased to a point where the ISD now employed over fifty people.
The director of the division was very disappointed in the way that activities were being handled. There was no single person assigned to push through a proj- ect, and outside customers did not know who to call to get answers regarding project status. The director found that most of his time was being spent on day- to-day activities such as conflict resolution instead of strategic planning and pol- icy formulation.
The biggest problems facing the director were the two continuous internal projects (called Project X and Project Y, for simplicity) that required month-end data collation and reporting. The director felt that these two projects were impor- tant enough to require a full-time project manager on each effort.
In October 1978, corporate management announced that the ISD director would be reassigned on February 1, 1979, and that the announcement of his re-
Jones and Shephard Accountants, Inc.
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placement would not be made until the middle of January. The same week that the announcement was made, two individuals were hired from outside the com- pany to take charge of Project X and Project Y. Exhibit I shows the organizational structure of the ISD.
Within the next thirty days, rumors spread throughout the organization about who would become the new director. Most people felt that the position would be filled from within the division and that the most likely candidates would be the two new project managers. In addition, the associate director was due to retire in December, thus creating two openings.
On January 3, 1979, a confidential meeting was held between the ISD direc- tor and the systems manager.
ISD director: “Corporate has approved my request to promote you to division di- rector. Unfortunately, your job will not be an easy one. You’re going to have to re- structure the organization somehow so that our employees will not have as many conflicts as they are now faced with. My secretary is typing up a confidential memo for you explaining my observations on the problems within our division.
“Remember, your promotion should be held in the strictest confidence until the final announcement later this month. I’m telling you this now so that you can
Exhibit I. ISD organizational chart
*Denotes The Number of Additional Functional Employees
Director, ISD
Associate Director
Sup., Tech. Writing
Supervisor, Procedures Secretary
Secretary Pool
Project X
Project Y
Manager, Operations
Mgr., Admin. Services
Mgr., Comp. Systems
Sup., Internal Audit
Sup., Acct. Services
Sup., Gen. Ledger
Sup., Cost Accounting
2* 2
6 8 7
Jones and Shephard Accountants, Inc. 213
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begin planning the restructuring. My memo should help you.” (See Exhibit II for the memo.)
The systems manager read the memo and, after due consideration, decided that some form of matrix would be best. To help him structure the organization properly, an outside consultant was hired to help identify the potential problems with changing over to a matrix. Six problem areas were identified by the consultant:
1. The operations manager controls more than 50 percent of the people re- sources. You might want to break up his empire. This will have to be done very carefully.
2. The secretary pool is placed too high in the organization. 3. The supervisors who now report to the associate director will have to be
Exhibit II. Confidential memo
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reassigned lower in the organization if the associate director’s position is abolished.
4. One of the major problem areas will be trying to convince corporate man- agement that their change will be beneficial. You’ll have to convince them that this change can be accomplished without having to increase division manpower.
5. You might wish to set up a separate department or a separate project for customer relations.
6. Introducing your employees to the matrix will be a problem. Each em- ployee will look at the change differently. Most people have the tendency of looking first at the shift in the balance of power—have I gained or have I lost power and status?
The systems manager evaluated the consultant’s comments and then pre- pared a list of questions to ask the consultant at their next meeting.
1. What should the new organizational structure look like? Where should I put each person, specifically the managers?
2. When should I announce the new organizational change? Should it be at the same time as my appointment or at a later date?
3. Should I invite any of my people to provide input to the organizational re- structuring? Can this be used as a technique to ease power plays?
4. Should I provide inside or outside seminars to train my people for the new or- ganizational structure? How soon should they be held?
Questions 215
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Fargo Foods is a $2 billion a year international food manufacturer with canning fa- cilities in twenty-two countries. Fargo products include meats, poultry, fish, veg- etables, vitamins, and cat and dog foods. Fargo Foods has enjoyed a 12.5 percent growth rate each of the past eight years primarily due to the low overhead rates in the foreign companies.
During the past five years, Fargo had spent a large portion of retained earn- ings on capital equipment projects in order to increase productivity without in- creasing labor. An average of three new production plants have been constructed in each of the last five years. In addition, almost every plant has undergone ma- jor modifications each year in order to increase productivity.
In 2000, the president of Fargo Foods implemented formal project manage- ment for all construction projects using a matrix. By 2004, it became obvious that the matrix was not operating effectively or efficiently. In December 2004, the au- thor consulted for Fargo Foods by interviewing several of the key managers and a multitude of functional personnel. What follows are the several key questions and responses addressed to Fargo Foods:
Fargo Foods1
1Disguised case.
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Q. Give me an example of one of your projects.
A. “The project begins with an idea. The idea can originate anywhere in the com- pany. The planning group picks up the idea and determines the feasibility. The planning group then works ‘informally’ with the various line organizations to de- termine rough estimates for time and cost. The results are then fed back to the planning group and to the top management planning and steering committees. If top management decides to undertake the project, then top management selects the project manager and we’re off and running.”
Q. Do you have any problems with this arrangement?
A. “You bet! Our executives have the tendency of equating rough estimates as de- tailed budgets and rough schedules as detailed schedules. Then, they want to know why the line managers won’t commit their best resources. We almost always end up with cost overruns and schedule slippages. To make matters even worse, the project managers do not appear to be dedicated to the projects. I really can’t blame them. After all, they’re not involved in planning the project, laying out the sched- ule, and establishing the budget. I don’t see how any project manager can become dedicated to a plan in which the project manager has no input and may not even know the assumptions or considerations that were included. Recently, some of our more experienced project managers have taken a stand on this and are virtually re- fusing to accept a project assignment unless they can do their own detailed plan- ning at the beginning of the project in order to verify the constraints established by the planning group. If the project managers come up with different costs and schedules (and you know that they will), the planning group feels that they have just gotten slapped in the face. If the costs and schedules are the same, then the planning group runs upstairs to top management asserting that the project man- agers are wasting money by continuously wanting to replan.”
Q. Do you feel that replanning is necessary?
A. “Definitely! The planning group begins their planning with a very crude state- ment of work, expecting our line managers (the true experts) to read in between the lines and fill in the details. The project managers develop a detailed statement of work and a work breakdown structure, thus minimizing the chance that anything would fall through the crack. Another reason for replanning is that the ground rules have changed between the time that the project was originally adopted by the plan- ning group and the time that the project begins implementation. Another possibil- ity, of course, is that technology may have changed or people can be smarter now and can perform at a higher position on the learning curve.”
Q. Do you have any problems with executive meddling?
A. “Not during the project, but initially. Sometimes executives want to keep the end date fixed but take their time in approving the project. As a result, the project
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manager may find himself a month or two behind scheduling before he even begins the project. The second problem is when the executive decides to arbitrarily change the end date milestone but keep the front end milestone fixed. On one of our proj- ects it was necessary to complete the project in half the time. Our line managers worked like dogs to get the job done. On the next project, the same thing happened, and, once again, the line managers came to the rescue. Now, management feels that line managers cannot make good estimates and that they (the executives) can arbi- trarily change the milestones on any project. I wish that they would realize what they’re doing to us. When we put forth all of our efforts on one project, then all of the other projects suffer. I don’t think our executives realize this.”
Q. Do you have any problems selecting good project managers and project engineers?
A. “We made a terrible mistake for several years by selecting our best technical experts as the project managers. Today, our project managers are doers, not man- agers. The project managers do not appear to have any confidence in our line people and often try to do all of the work themselves. Functional employees are taking technical direction from the project managers and project engineers in- stead of the line managers. I’ve heard one functional employee say, ‘Here come those project managers again to beat me up. Why can’t they leave me alone and let me do my job?’ Our line employees now feel that this is the way that project management is supposed to work. Somehow, I don’t think so.”
Q. Do you have any problems with the line manager–project manager interface?
A. “Our project managers are technical experts and therefore feel qualified to do all of the engineering estimates without consulting with the line managers. Sometimes this occurs because not enough time or money is allocated for proper estimating. This is understandable. But when the project managers have enough time and money and refuse to get off their ivory towers and talk to the line man- agers, then the line managers will always find fault with the project manager’s es- timate even if it is correct. Sometimes I just can’t feel any sympathy for the proj- ect managers. There is one special case that I should mention. Many of our project managers do the estimating themselves but have courtesy enough to ask the line manager for his blessing. I’ve seen line managers who were so loaded with work that they look the estimate over for two seconds and say, ‘It looks fine to me. Let’s do it.’ Then when the cost overrun appears, the project manager gets blamed.”
Q. Where are your project engineers located in the organization?
A. “We’re having trouble deciding that. Our project engineers are primarily re- sponsible for coordinating the design efforts (i.e., electrical, civil, HVAC, etc).
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Fargo Foods 219
The design manager wants these people reporting to him if they are responsible for coordinating efforts in his shop. The design manager wants control of these people even if they have their name changed to assistant project managers. The project managers, on the other hand, want the project engineers to report to them with the argument that they must be dedicated to the project and must be willing to complete the effort within time, cost, and performance. Furthermore, the project managers argue that project engineers will be more likely to get the job done within the constraints if they are not under the pressure of being evaluated by the design manager. If I were the design manager, I would be a little reluctant to let someone from outside of my shop integrate activities that utilize the re- sources under my control. But I guess this gets back to interpersonal skills and the attitudes of the people. I do not want to see a brick wall set up between project management and design.”
Q. I understand that you’ve created a new estimating group. Why was that done?
A. “In the past we have had several different types of estimates such as first guess, detailed, 10 percent complete, etc. Our project managers are usually the first peo- ple at the job site and give a shoot-from-the-hip estimate. Our line managers do estimating as do some of our executives and functional employees. Because we’re in a relatively slowly changing environment, we should have well-established standards, and the estimating department can maintain uniformity in our estimat- ing policies. Since most of our work is approved based on first-guess estimates, the question is, ‘Who should give the first-guess estimate?’ Should it be the esti- mator, who does not understand the processes but knows the estimating criteria, or the project engineer, who understands the processes but does not know the es- timates, or the project manager, who is an expert in project management? Right now, we are not sure where to place the estimating group. The vice president of engineering has three operating groups beneath him—project management, de- sign, and procurement. We’re contemplating putting estimating under procure- ment, but I’m not sure how this will work.”
Q. How can we resolve these problems that you’ve mentioned?
A. “I wish I knew!”
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A major government agency is organized to monitor government subcontractors as shown in Exhibit I. Below are the vital characteristics of certain project office team members:
� Project manager: Directs all project activities and acts as the information focal point for the subcontractor.
� Assistant project manager: Acts as chairman of the steering committee and interfaces with both in-house functional groups and contractor.
� Department managers: Act as members of the steering committee for any projects that utilize their resources. These slots on the steering committee must be filled by the department managers themselves, not by functional employees.
� Contracts officer: Authorizes all work directed by the project office to in- house functional groups and to the customer, and ensures that all work re- quested is authorized by the contract. The contracts officer acts as the fo- cal point for all contractor cost and contractual information.
1. Explain how this structure should work. 2. Explain how this structure actually works. 3. Can the project manager be a military type who is reassigned after a given
tour of duty? 4. What are the advantages and disadvantages of this structure? 5. Could this be used in industry?
Government Project Management
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Government Project Management 221
Exhibit I. Project team organizational structure
Project Manager
Project Office
Assistant Project Manager
Manager Department X
Manager Department Y
Manager Department Z
S te
e ri
n g
C o
m m
it te
Manager Department X
Manager Department Y
Manager Department Z
Functional Department
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Located in New York, Falls Engineering is a $250-million chemical and materi- als operation employing 900 people. The plant has two distinct manufacturing product lines: industrial chemicals and computer materials. Both divisions are controlled by one plant manager, but direction, strategic planning, and priorities are established by corporate vice presidents in Chicago. Each division has its own corporate vice president, list of projects, list of priorities, and manpower control. The chemical division has been at this location for the past twenty years. The ma- terials division is, you might say, the tenant in the landlord–tenant relationship, with the materials division manager reporting dotted to the plant manager and solid to the corporate vice president (see Exhibit I).
The chemical division employed 3,000 people in 1968. By 1983, there were only 600 employees. In 1984, the materials division was formed and located on the chemical division site with a landlord–tenant relationship. The materials divi- sion has grown from $50 million in 1985 to $120 million in 1989. Today, the ma- terials division employs 350 people.
All projects originate in construction or engineering but usually are designed to support production. The engineering and construction departments have proj- ects that span the entire organization directed by a project coordinator. The project coordinator is a line employee who is temporarily assigned to coordinate a project in his line organization in addition to performing his line responsibilities. Assignments are made by the division managers (who report to the plant manager)
Falls Engineering
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and are based on technical expertise. The coordinators have monitoring authority only and are not noted for being good planners or negotiators. The coordinators re- port to their respective line managers.
Basically, a project can start in either division with the project coordinators. The coordinators draw up a large scope of work and submit it to the project engineering group, who arrange for design contractors, depending on the size of the project. Project engineering places it on their design schedule according to priority and pro- duces prints and specifications, and receives quotes. A construction cost estimate is then produced following 60–75 percent design completion. The estimate and project papers are prepared, and the project is circulated through the plant and in Chicago for approval and authorization. Following authorization, the design is completed, and materials are ordered. Following design, the project is transferred to either of two plant construction groups for construction. The project coordinators than arrange for the work to be accomplished in their areas with minimum interference from manu- facturing forces. In all cases, the coordinators act as project managers and must take the usual constraints of time, money, and performance into account.
Falls Engineering has 300 projects listed for completion between 1993 and 1995. In the last two years, less than 10 percent of the projects were completed within time, cost, and performance constraints. Line managers find it increasingly difficult to make resource commitments because crises always seem to develop, including a number of fires.
Profits are made in manufacturing, and everyone knows it. Whenever a man- ufacturing crisis occurs, line managers pull resources off the projects, and, of course, the projects suffer. Project coordinators are trying, but with very little suc- cess, to put some slack onto the schedules to allow for contingencies.
The breakdown of the 300 plant projects is shown below:
Number of Projects $ Range
120 less than $50,000 80 50,000–200,000 70 250,000–750,000 20 1–3 million 10 4–8 million
Corporate realized the necessity for changing the organizational structure. A meeting was set up between the plant manager, plant executives, and corporate executives to resolve these problems once and for all. The plant manager decided to survey his employees concerning their feelings about the present organiza- tional structure. Below are their comments:
� “The projects we have the most trouble with are the small ones under $200,000. Can we use informal project management for the small ones and formal project management on the large ones?”
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Falls Engineering 225
� Why do we persist in using computer programming to control our re- sources? These sophisticated packages are useless because they do not account for firefighting.”
� “Project coordinators need access to various levels of management, in both divisions.”
� “Our line managers do not realize the necessity for effective planning of resources. Resources are assigned based on emotions and not need.”
� “Sometimes a line manager gives a commitment but the project coordi- nator cannot force him to keep it.”
� “Line managers always find fault with project coordinators who try to de- velop detailed schedules themselves.”
� “If we continuously have to ‘crash’ project time, doesn’t that indicate poor planning?”
� “We need a career path in project coordination so that we can develop a body of good planners, communicators, and integrators.”
� “I’ve seen project coordinators we have no interest in the job, cannot work with diverse functional disciplines, and cannot communicate. Yet, someone assigned them as a project coordinator.”
� “Any organizational system we come up with has to be better than the one we have now.”
� “Somebody has to have total accountability. Our people are working on projects and, at the same time, do not know the project status, the current cost, the risks, and the end date.”
� “One of these days I’m going to kill an executive while he’s meddling in my project.”
� “Recently, management made changes requiring more paperwork for the project coordinators. How many hours a week do they expect me to work?”
� “I’ve yet to see any documentation describing the job description of the project coordinator.”
� “I have absolutely no knowledge about who is assigned as the project co- ordinator until work has to be coordinated in my group. Somehow, I’m not sure that this is the way the system should work.”
� “I know that we line managers are supposed to be flexible, but changing the priorities every week isn’t exactly my idea of fun.”
� “If the projects start out with poor planning, then management does not have the right to expect the line managers always to come to the rescue.”
� “Why is it the line managers always get blamed for schedule delays, even if it’s the result of poor planning up front?”
� “If management doesn’t want to hire additional resources, then why should the line managers be made to suffer? Perhaps we should cut out some of these useless projects. Sometimes I think management dreams up some of these projects simply to spend the allocated funds.”
� “I have yet to see a project I felt had a realistic deadline.”
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After preparing alternatives and recommendations as plant manager, try to do some role playing by putting yourself in the shoes of the corporate executives. Would you, as a corporate executive, approve the recommendation? Where does profitability, sales, return on investment, and so on enter in your decision?
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In 1985, White Manufacturing realized the necessity for project management in the manufacturing group. A three-man project management staff was formed. Although the staff was shown on the organizational chart as reporting to the man- ufacturing operations manager, they actually worked for the vice president and had sufficient authority to integrate work across all departments and divisions. As in the past, the vice president’s position was filled by the manufacturing opera- tions manager. Manufacturing operations was directed by the former manufac- turing manager who came from manufacturing engineering (see Exhibit I).
In 1988, the manufacturing manager created a matrix in the manufacturing department with the manufacturing engineers acting as departmental project man- agers. This benefited both the manufacturing manager and the group project man- agers since all information could be obtained from one source. Work was flowing very smoothly.
In January 1989, the manufacturing manager resigned his position effective March, and the manufacturing engineering manager began packing his bags ready to move up to the vacated position. In February, the vice president announced that the position would be filled from outside. He said also that there would be an orga- nizational restructuring and that the three project managers would now be staff to the manufacturing manager. When the three project managers confronted the man- ufacturing operations manager, he said, “We’ve hired the new man in at a very high salary. In order to justify this salary, we have to give him more responsibility.”
White Manufacturing
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In March 1989, the new manager took over and immediately made two declarations:
1. The project managers will never go “upstairs” without first going through him.
2. The departmental matrix will be dissolved and the department manager will handle all of the integration.
1. How do you account for the actions of the new department manager? 2. What would you do if you were one of the project managers?
Exhibit I. White Manufacturing organizational structure
Project Managers
Tooling Planning/
Scheduling Estimating Manufacturing Engineering
MIS Accounting Manufacturing
Operations Quality Control
Manufacturing Manager
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Martig Construction was a family-owned mechanical subcontractor business that had grown from $5 million in 1986 to $25 million in 1988. Although the gross profit had increased sharply, the profit as a percentage of sales declined drastically. The question was, “Why the decline?” The following observations were made:
1. Since Martig senior died in July of 1988, Martig junior has tried unsuc- cessfully to convince the family to let him sell the business. Martig junior, as company president, has taken an average of eight days of vacation per month for the past year. Although the project managers are supposed to re- port to Martig, they appear to be calling their own shots and are in a con- tinuous struggle for power.
2. The estimating department consists of one man, John, who estimates all jobs. Martig wins one job in seven. Once a job is won, a project manager is selected and is told that he must perform the job within the proposal es- timates. Project managers are not involved in proposal estimates. They are required, however, to provide feedback to the estimator so that standards can be updated. This very seldom happens because of the struggle for power. The project managers are afraid that the estimator might be next in line for executive promotion since he is a good friend of Martig.
3. The procurement function reports to Martig. Once the items are ordered, the project manager assumes procurement responsibility. Several times in
Martig Construction Company
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the past, the project manager has been forced to spend hour after hour try- ing to overcome shortages or simply to track down raw materials. Most project managers estimate that approximately 35 percent of their time in- volves procurement.
4. Site superintendents believe they are the true project managers, or at least at the same level. The superintendents are very unhappy about not being involved in the procurement function and, therefore, look for ways to an- noy the project managers. It appears that the more time the project man- ager spends at the site, the longer the work takes; the feedback of infor- mation to the home office is also distorted.
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“You’re really going to have your work cut out for you, Randy,” remarked Pat Coleman, vice president for operations. “It’s not going to be easy establishing a project management organizational structure on top of our traditional structure. We’re going to have to absorb the lumps and bruises and literally ‘force’ the sys- tem to work.”
Between 1978 and 1988, Mohawk National matured into one of Maine’s largest full-service banks, employing a full-time staff of some 1,200 employees. Of the 1,200 employees, approximately 700 were located in the main offices in down- town Augusta.
Mohawk matured along with other banks in the establishment of computer- ized information processing and decision-making. Mohawk leased the most up- to-date computer equipment in order to satisfy customer demands. By 1984, al- most all departments were utilizing the computer.
By 1985, the bureaucracy of the traditional management structure was creat- ing severe administrative problems. Mohawk’s management had established many complex projects to be pursued, each one requiring the involvement of
Mohawk National Bank
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several departments. Each department manager was setting his or her own priorities for the work that had to be performed. The traditional organization was too weak structurally to handle problems that required integration across multiple depart- ments. Work from department to department could not be tracked because there was no project manager who could act as focal point for the integration of work.
It was a difficult decision for Mohawk National to consider a new organizational structure, such as a matrix. Randy Gardner, director of personnel, commented on the decision:
Banks, in general, thrive on traditionalism and regimentation. When a per- son accepts a position in our bank, he or she understands the strict rules, policies, and procedures that have been established during the last 30 years.
We know that it’s not going to be easy. We’ve tried to anticipate the prob- lems that we’re going to have. I’ve spent a great deal of time with our vice president of operations and two consultants trying to predict the actions of our employees.
The first major problem we see is with our department managers. In most traditional organizations, the biggest functional department emerges as the strongest. In a matrix organization, or almost any other project form for that matter, there is a shift in the balance of power. Some managers become more important in their new roles and others not so important. We think our de- partment managers are good workers and that they will be able to adapt.
Our biggest concern is with the functional employees. Many of our func- tional people have been with us between twenty and thirty years. They’re seasoned veterans. You must know that they’re going to resist change. These people will fight us all the way. They won’t accept the new system until they see it work. That’ll be our biggest challenge: to convince the functional team members that the system will work.
Pat Coleman, the vice president for operations, commented on the problems that he would be facing with the new structure:
Under the new structure, all project managers will be reporting to me. To be truthful, I’m a little scared. This changeover is like a project in itself. As with any project, the beginning is the most important phase. If the project starts out on the right track, people might give it a chance. But if we have trouble, people will be quick to revert back to the old system. Our people hate change. We cannot wait one and a half to two years for people to get
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familiar with the new system. We have to hit them all at once and then go all out to convince them of the possibilities that can be achieved.
This presents a problem in that the first group of project managers must be highly capable individuals with the ability to motivate the functional team members. I’m still not sure whether we should promote from within or hire from the outside. Hiring from the outside may cause severe problems in that our employees like to work with people they know and trust. Outside peo- ple may not know our people. If they make a mistake and aggravate our peo- ple, the system will be doomed to failure.
Promoting from within is the only logical way to go, as long as we can find qualified personnel. I would prefer to take the qualified individuals and give them a lateral promotion to a project management position. These people would be on trial for about six months. If they perform well, they will be promoted and permanently assigned to project management. If they can’t perform or have trouble enduring the pressure, they’ll be returned to their former functional po- sitions. I sure hope we don’t have any inter- or intramatrix power struggles.
Implementation of the new organizational form will require good com- munications channels. We must provide all of our people with complete and timely information. I plan on holding weekly meetings with all of the project and functional managers. Good communications channels must be established between all resource managers. These team meetings will give people a chance to see each other’s mistakes. They should be able to resolve their own problems and conflicts. I’ll be there if they need me. I do antici- pate several conflicts because our functional managers are not going to be happy in the role of a support group for a project manager. That’s the bal- ance of power problem I mentioned previously.
I have asked Randy Gardner to identify from within our ranks the four most likely individuals who would make good project managers and drive the projects to success. I expect Randy’s report to be quite positive. His re- port will be available next week.
Two weeks later, Randy Gardner presented his report to Pat Coleman and made the following observations:
I have interviewed the four most competent employees who would be suit- able for project management. The following results were found:
Andrew Medina, department manager for cost accounting, stated that he would refuse a promotion to project management. He has been in cost ac- counting for twenty years and does not want to make a change into a new career field.
Larry Foster, special assistant to the vice president of commercial loans, stated that he enjoyed the people he was working with and was afraid that a new job in project management would cause him to lose his contacts with upper level management. Larry considers his present position more power- ful than any project management position.
Understanding the Changeover Problem 233
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Chuck Folson, personal loan officer stated that in the fifteen years he’s been with Mohawk National, he has built up strong interpersonal ties with many members of the bank. He enjoys being an active member of the infor- mal organization and does not believe in the applications of project man- agement for our bank.
Jane Pauley, assistant credit manager, stated that she would like the posi- tion, but would need time to study up on project management. She feels a little unsure about herself. She’s worried about the cost of failure.
Now Pat Coleman had a problem. Should he look for other bank employees who might be suitable to staff the project management functions or should he look externally to other industries for consultants and experienced project managers?
1. How do you implement change in a bank? 2. What are some of the major reasons why employees do not want to become
project managers? 3. Should the first group of project managers be laterally assigned? 4. Should the need for project management first be identified from within the
organization? 5. Can project management be forced upon an organization? 6. Does the bank appear to understand project management? 7. Should you start out with permanent or temporary project management
positions? 8. Should the first group of project managers be found from within the organi-
zation? 9. Will people be inclined to support the matrix if they see that the project
managers are promoted from within? 10. Suppose that the bank goes to a matrix, but without the support of top
management. Will the system fail? 11. How do you feel about in-house workshops to soften the impact of project
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Part 5
In most organizations, project management is viewed as multiple-boss reporting. It is possible for the employees to report to one line manager and several project managers at the same time. This multiple boss reporting problem can greatly in- fluence the way that the project manager negotiates for resources. Project man- agers must understand the skill level needed to perform the work, whether the resource would be needed on a part-time or full-time basis, and the duration of the effort for this worker.
Some people argue that today’s project managers no longer have a command of technology but possess more of an understanding of technology. If this is, in fact, the case, then the project managers might be better off negotiating for deliv- erables than for people. The argument is whether a project manager should man- age people or manage deliverables.
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In the fall of 2000, Ducor Chemical received a research and development contract from one of their most important clients. The client had awarded Ducor with a twelve-month, sole-source contract for the R&D effort to create a new chemical that the client required for one of its future products. If Ducor could develop the product, the long-term production contract that would follow could generate sig- nificant profits over the next several years.
In addition to various lab personnel who would be used as needed, the con- tract mandated that a senior chemist be assigned for the duration of the project. In the past, the senior chemists had been used mainly for internal rather than ex- ternal customer projects. This would be the first time a senior chemist had been assigned to this client. With only four senior chemists on staff, the project man- ager expected the resource negotiation process with the lab manager to be an easy undertaking.
Project manager: “I understand you’ve already looked over the technical re- quirements, so you should understand the necessity for assigning your best senior scientist.”
Lab manager: “All of my senior scientists are good. Any one of them can do the job. Based upon the timing of your project, I have decided to assign John Thornton.”
Ducor Chemical
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Project manager: “Just my luck! You assigned the only one I cannot work with effectively. I have had the misfortune of working with him before. He’s extremely arrogant and unpleasant to work with.”
Lab manager: “Perhaps so, but he got the job done, didn’t he?”
Project manager: “Yes, he did. Technically, he is capable. However, his arrogant attitude and sarcasm produced a demoralizing atmosphere for my team. That project was about three months in length. This project is at least a year. Also, if follow-on work is generated, as I expect it to be, I’ll be stuck with him for a long time. That’s unacceptable to me.”
Lab manager: “I’ll talk to John and see if I can put a gag in his mouth. Anyway, you’re a good project manager and you should know how to work with these technical and scientific prima donnas.”
Project manager: “I’ll never be able to maintain my sanity having to work with him full-time for at least one year. Surely you can assign one of the other three senior chemists instead.”
Lab manager: “Because of the nature of the other projects I have, John is the only senior chemist I can release for one full year. If your project were two or three months, then I might be able to give you one of the other senior chemists.”
Project manager: “I feel like you are dumping Thornton on me without consid- ering what is in the best interest of the project. Perhaps we should have the spon- sor resolve this conflict.”
Lab manager: “First of all, this is not a conflict. Second, threatening me with sponsor intervention will not help your case. Do you plan on asking for my re- sources or support ever again in the future? I’m like an elephant. I have a long memory. Third, my responsibility is to meet your deliverable in a manner that is in the best interest of the company.
“Try to look at resource assignments through my eyes. You’re worried about the best interest of your project. I have to support some twenty projects and must make decisions in the best interest of the entire company. Benefiting one project at the expense of several other projects is not a good company decision. And I am paid to make sound company decisions, whereas you are paid to make a project decision.”
Project manager: “My salary, promotion, and future opportunities rest solely on the success of this one project, not twenty.”
Lab manager: “Our relationship must be a partnership based upon trust if project management is to succeed. You must trust me when I tell you that your deliverables will be accomplished within time, cost, and quality. It’s my job to make that promise and to see that it is kept.”
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Project manager: “But what about morale? That should also be a factor. There is also another important consideration. The customer wants monthly team meet- ings, at our location, to assess progress.”
Lab manager: “I know that. I read the requirements document. Why are the monthly meetings a problem?”
Project manager: “I have worked with this customer before. At the team meet- ings, they want to hear the technical status from the people doing the work rather than from the project manager. That means that John Thornton would be directly interfacing with the customer at least once a month. Thornton is a ‘loose cannon,’ and there’s no telling what words will come out of his mouth. If it were not for the interface meetings, I might be agreeable to accept Thornton. But based upon previous experience, he simply does not know when to shut up! He could cause irrevocable damage to our project.”
Lab manager: “I will take care of John Thornton. And to appease you, I will also attend each one of the customer interface meetings to keep Thornton in line. As far as I’m concerned, Thornton will be assigned and the subject is officially closed!”
John Thornton was assigned to the project team. During the second interface meeting, Thornton stood up and complained to the customer that some of the tests that the customer had requested were worthless, serving no viable purpose. Furthermore, Thornton asserted that if he were left alone, he could develop a product far superior to what the customer had requested.
The customer was furious over Thornton’s remarks and asserted that they would now evaluate the project performance to date, as well as Ducor’s commit- ment to the project. After the evaluation they would consider whether the project should be terminated, or perhaps assigned to one of Ducor’s competitors. The lab manager had not been present during either of the first two customer interface meetings.
1. How do we create a partnership between the project manager and line man- agers when project manager focuses only on the best interest of his/her project and the line manager is expected to make impartial company decisions?
Questions 239
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2. Who should have more of a say during negotiations for resources: the project manager or the line manager?
3. How should irresolvable conflicts over staffing between the project and line managers be handled?
4. Should an external customer have a say in project staffing? 5. How do we remove an employee who is not performing as expected? 6. Should project managers negotiate for people or deliverables?
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On February 13, 1994, American Electronics International (AEI) was awarded a $30 million contract for R&D and production qualification for an advanced type of guidance system. During an experimental program that preceded this award and was funded by the same agency, AEI identified new materials with advanced capabilities, which could easily replace existing field units. The program, entitled The Mask Project, would be thirty months in length, requiring the testing of fif- teen units. The Mask Project was longer than any other project that AEI had ever encountered. AEI personnel were now concerned about what kind of staffing problems there would be.
In June 1992, AEI won a one-year research project for new material development. Blen Carty was chosen as project manager. He had twenty-five years of experience with the company in both project management and project engineering positions. During the past five years Blen had successfully performed as the project manager on R&D projects.
AEI used the matrix approach to structuring project management. Blen was well aware of the problems that can be encountered with this organizational form.
American Electronics International
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When it became apparent that a follow-on contract would be available, Blen felt that functional managers would be reluctant to assign key personnel full-time to his project and lose their services for thirty months. Likewise, difficulties could be expected in staffing the project office.
During the proposal stage of the Mask Project, a meeting was held with Blen Carty, John Wallace, the director of project management, and Dr. Albert Runnels, the director of engineering. The purpose of the meeting was to satisfy a customer requirement that all key project members be identified in the management volume of the proposal.
John Wallace: “I’m a little reluctant to make any firm commitment. By the time your program gets off the ground, four of our other projects are terminating, as well as several new projects starting up. I think it’s a little early to make firm selections.”
Blen Carty: “But we have a proposal requirement. Thirty months is a long time to assign personnel for. We should consider this problem now.”
Dr. Runnels: “Let’s put the names of our top people into the proposal. We’ll add several Ph.D.s from our engineering community. That should beef up our man- agement volume. As soon as we’re notified of contract go-ahead, we’ll see who’s available and make the necessary assignments. This is a common practice in the industry.”
The material development program was a total success. From its inception, every- thing went smoothly. Blen staffed the project office with Richard Flag, a Ph.D. in engineering, to serve as project engineer. This was a risky move at first, because Richard had been a research scientist during his previous four years with the com- pany. During the development project, however, Richard demonstrated that he could divorce himself from R&D and perform the necessary functions of a project engineer assigned to the project office. Blen was pleased with the way that Richard controlled project costs and directed activities.
Richard had developed excellent working relations with development lab personnel and managers. Richard permitted lab personnel to work at their own rate of speed provided that schedule dates were kept. Richard spent ten minutes each week with each of the department managers informing them of the status of the project. The department managers liked this approach because they received firsthand (nonfiltered) information concerning the total picture, not necessarily on their own activities, and because they did not have to spend “wasted hours” in team meetings.
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When it became evident that a follow-up contract might be available, Blen spent a large percentage of his time traveling to the customer, working out the de- tails for future business. Richard then served as both project manager and project engineer.
The customer’s project office was quite pleased with Richard’s work. Information, both good and bad, was transmitted as soon as it became available. Nothing was hidden or disguised. Richard became familiar with all of the customer’s project office personnel through the monthly technical interchange meetings.
At completion of the material development project, Blen and John decided to search for project office personnel and make recommendations to upper-level management. Blen wanted to keep Richard on board as chief project engineer. He would be assigned six engineers and would have to control all engineering activ- ities within time, cost, and performance. Although this would be a new experi- ence for him, Blen felt that he could easily handle it.
Unfortunately, the grapevine was saying that Larry Gilbert was going to be assigned as chief project engineer for the Mask Project.
On November 15, Dr. Runnels and Blen Carty had a meeting to select the key members of the project team.
Dr. Runnels: “Well, Blen, the time has come to decide on your staff. I want to assign Larry Gilbert as chief engineer. He’s a good man and has fifteen years’ ex- perience. What are your feelings on that?”
Blen Carty: “I was hoping to keep Richard Flag on. He has performed well, and the customer likes working with him.”
Dr. Runnels: “Richard does not have the experience necessary for that position. We can still assign him to Larry Gilbert and keep him in the project office.”
Blen Carty: “I’d like to have Larry Gilbert working for Richard Flag, but I don’t suppose that we’d ever get approval to have a grade-9 engineer working for a grade-7 engineer. Personally, I’m worried about Gilbert’s ability to work with people. He has been so regimented in his ways that our people in the functional units have refused to work with him. He treats them as kids, always walking around with a big stick. One department manager said that if Gilbert becomes the boss, then it will probably result in cutting the umbilical cord between the project office and his department. His people refuse to work for a dictator. I have heard the same from other managers.”
Selection Problems 243
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Dr. Runnels: “Gilbert gets the job done. You’ll have to teach him how to be a Theory Y manager. You know, Blen, we don’t have very many grade-9 engineer- ing positions in this company. I think we should have a responsibility to our em- ployees. I can’t demote Gilbert into a lower slot. If I were to promote Flag, and the project gets canceled, where would I reassign him? He can’t go back to func- tional engineering. That would be a step down.”
Blen Carty: “But Gilbert is so set in his ways. He’s just totally inflexible. In ad- dition, thirty months is a long time to maintain a project office. If he screws up we’ll never be able to replace positions in time without totally upsetting the cus- tomer. There seem to be an awful lot of people volunteering to work on the Mask Project. Is there anyone else available?”
Dr. Runnels: “People always volunteer for long-duration projects because it gives them a feeling of security. This even occurs among our dedicated person- nel. Unfortunately we have no other grade-9 engineers available. We could reas- sign one from another program, but I hate to do it. Our engineers like to carry a project through from start to finish. I think you had better spend some time with the functional managers making sure that you get good people.”
Blen Carty: “I’ve tried that and am having trouble. The functional managers will not surrender their key people full-time for thirty months. One manager wants to assign two employees to our project so that they can get on-the-job training. I told him that this project is considered as strategic by our management and that we must have good people. The manager just laughed at me and walked away.”
Dr. Runnels: “You know, Blen, you cannot have all top people. Our other projects must be manned. Also, if you were to use all seasoned veterans, the cost would ex- ceed what we put into the proposal. You’re just going to have to make do with what you can get. Prepare a list of the people you want and I’ll see what I can do.”
As Blen left the office, he wondered if Dr. Runnels would help him in obtaining key personnel.
1. Whose responsibility is it to staff the office? 2. What should be Blen Carty’s role, as well as that of Dr. Runnels? 3. Should Larry Gilbert be assigned? 4. How would you negotiate with the functional managers?
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“I sympathize with your problems, Frank,” stated Joe McGee, manager of project managers. “You know as well as I do that I’m supposed to resolve conflicts and coordinate efforts among all projects. Staffing problems are your responsibility.”
Frank: “Royce Williams has a resume that would choke a horse. I don’t under- stand why he performs with a lazy, I-don’t-care attitude. He has fifteen years of experience in a project organizational structure, with ten of those years being in project offices. He knows the work that has to be done.”
McGee: “I don’t think that it has anything to do with you personally. This happens to some of our best workers sooner or later. You can’t expect guys to give 120 per- cent all of the time. Royce is at the top of his pay grade, and being an exempt em- ployee, he doesn’t get paid for overtime. He’ll snap out of it sooner or later.”
Frank: “I have deadlines to meet on the Carlson Project. Fortunately, the Carlson Project is big enough that I can maintain a full-time project office staff of eight employees, not counting myself.
“I like to have all project office employees assigned full-time and qualified in two or three project office areas. It’s a good thing that I have someone else checked out in Royce’s area. But I just can’t keep asking this other guy to do his own work and that of Royce’s. This poor guy has been working sixty to seventy hours a week and Royce has been doing only forty. That seems unfair to me.”
The Carlson Project
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McGee: “Look, Frank, I have the authority to fire him, but I’m not going to. It doesn’t look good if we fire somebody because they won’t work free overtime. Last year we had a case similar to this, where an employee refused to work on Monday and Wednesday evenings because it interfered with his MBA classes. Everyone knew he was going to resign the instant he finished his degree, and yet there was nothing that I could do.”
Frank: “There must be other alternatives for Royce Williams. I’ve talked to him as well as to other project office members. Royce’s attitude doesn’t appear to be demoralizing the other members, but it easily could in a short period of time.”
McGee: “We can reassign him to another project, as soon as one comes along. I’m not going to put him on my overhead budget. Your project can support him for the time being. You know, Frank, the grapevine will know the reason for his transfer. This might affect your ability to get qualified people to volunteer to work with you on future projects. Give Royce a little time and see if you can work it out with him. What about this guy, Harlan Green, from one of the functional groups?”
Frank: “Two months ago, we hired Gus Johnson, a man with ten years of ex- perience. For the first two weeks that he was assigned to my project, he worked like hell and got the work done ahead of schedule. His work was flawless. That was the main reason why I wanted him. I know him personally, and he’s one great worker.
“During weeks three and four, his work slowed down considerably. I chatted with him and he said that Harlan Green refused to work with him if he kept up that pace.”
McGee: “Did you ask him why?”
Frank: “Yes. First of all, you should know that for safety reasons, all men in that department must work in two- or three-men crews. Therefore, Gus was not allowed to work alone. Harlan did not want to change the standards of perfor- mance for fear that some of the other employees would be laid off.
“By the end of the first week, nobody in the department would talk to Gus. As a matter of fact, they wouldn’t even sit with him in the cafeteria. So, Gus had to either conform to the group or remain an outcast. I feel partially responsible for what has happened, since I’m the one who brought him here.
“I know that has happened before, in the same department. I haven’t had a chance to talk to the department manager as yet. I have an appointment to see him next week.”
McGee: “There are solutions to the problem, simple ones at that. But, again, it’s not my responsibility. You can work it out with the department manager.”
“Yeah,” thought Frank. “But what if we can’t agree?”
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Part 6
Some people believe the primary critical factor for project success is the quality of the estimate. Unfortunately, not all companies have estimating databases, nor do all companies have good estimates. Some companies are successful estimat- ing at the top levels of the work breakdown structure, while others are willing to spend the time and money estimating at the lower levels of the work breakdown structure.
In organizations that are project-driven and survive on competitive bidding, good estimates are often “massaged” and then changed based on the belief by management that the job cannot be won without a lower bid. This built-in process can and does severely impact the project manager’s ability to get people to be dedicated to the project’s financial baseline.
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In the summer of 1976, Capital Industries undertook a material development pro- gram to see if a hard plastic bumper could be developed for medium-sized cars. By January 1977, Project Bumper (as it was called by management) had devel- oped a material that endured all preliminary laboratory testing.
One more step was required before full-scale laboratory testing: a three- dimensional stress analysis on bumper impact collisions. The decision to perform the stress analysis was the result of a concern on the part of the technical com- munity that the bumper might not perform correctly under certain conditions. The cost of the analysis would require corporate funding over and above the original estimates. Since the current costs were identical to what was budgeted, the addi- tional funding was a necessity.
Frank Allen, the project engineer in the Bumper Project Office, was assigned control of the stress analysis. Frank met with the functional manager of the engi- neering analysis section to discuss the assignment of personnel to the task.
Functional manager: “I’m going to assign Paul Troy to this project. He’s a new man with a Ph.D. in structural analysis. I’m sure he’ll do well.”
Frank Allen: “This is a priority project. We need seasoned veterans, not new people, regardless of whether or not they have Ph.D.s. Why not use some other project as a testing ground for your new employee?”
Capital Industries
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Functional manager: “You project people must accept part of the responsibil- ity for on-the-job training. I might agree with you if we were talking about blue- collar workers on an assembly line. But this is a college graduate, coming to us with a good technical background.”
Frank Allen: “He may have a good background, but he has no experience. He needs supervision. This is a one-man task. The responsibility will be yours if he fouls up.”
Functional manager: “I’ve already given him our book for cost estimates. I’m sure he’ll do fine. I’ll keep in close communication with him during the project.”
Frank Allen met with Paul Troy to get an estimate for the job.
Paul Troy: “I estimate that 800 hours will be required.”
Frank Allen: “Your estimate seems low. Most three-dimensional analyses re- quire at least 1,000 hours. Why is your number so low?”
Paul Troy: “Three-dimensional analysis? I thought that it would be a two- dimensional analysis. But no difference; the procedures are the same. I can handle it.”
Frank Allen: “O.K. I’ll give you 1,100 hours. But if you overrun it, we’ll both be sorry.”
Frank Allen followed the project closely. By the time the costs were 50 per- cent completed, performance was only 40 percent. A cost overrun seemed in- evitable. The functional manager still asserted that he was tracking the job and that the difficulties were a result of the new material properties. His section had never worked with materials like these before.
Six months later Troy announced that the work would be completed in one week, two months later than planned. The two-month delay caused major prob- lems in facility and equipment utilization. Project Bumper was still paying for employees who were “waiting” to begin full-scale testing.
On Monday mornings, the project office would receive the weekly labor monitor report for the previous week. This week the report indicated that the pub- lications and graphics art department had spent over 200 man-hours (last week) in preparation of the final report. Frank Allen was furious. He called a meeting with Paul Troy and the functional manager.
Frank Allen: “Who told you to prepare a formal report? All we wanted was a go or no-go decision as to structural failure.”
Paul Troy: “I don’t turn in any work unless it’s professional. This report will be documented as a masterpiece.”
Frank Allen: “Your 50 percent cost overrun will also be a masterpiece. I guess your estimating was a little off!”
Paul Troy: “Well, this was the first time that I had performed a three-dimensional stress analysis. And what’s the big deal? I got the job done, didn’t I?”
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Polyproducts Incorporated, a major producer of rubber components, employs 800 people and is organized with a matrix structure. Exhibit I shows the salary struc- ture for the company, and Exhibit II identifies the overhead rate projections for the next two years.
Polyproducts has been very successful at maintaining its current business base with approximately 10 percent overtime. Both exempt and nonexempt em- ployees are paid overtime at the rate of time and a half. All overtime hours are burdened at an overhead rate of 30 percent.
On April 16, Polyproducts received a request for proposal from Capital Corporation (see Exhibit III). Polyproducts had an established policy for com- petitive bidding. First, they would analyze the marketplace to see whether it would be advantageous for them to compete. This task was normally assigned to the marketing group (which operated on overhead). If the marketing group re- sponded favorably, then Polyproducts would go through the necessary pricing procedures to determine a bid price.
On April 24, the marketing group displayed a prospectus on the four compa- nies that would most likely be competing with Polyproducts for the Capital con- tract. This is shown in Exhibit IV.
Polyproducts Incorporated
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At the same time, top management of Polyproducts made the following pro- jections concerning the future business over the next eighteen months:
1. Salary increases would be given to all employees at the beginning of the thirteenth month.
2. If the Capital contract was won, then the overhead rates would go down 0.5 percent each quarter (assuming no strike by employees).
3. There was a possibility that the union would go out on strike if the salary increases were not satisfactory. Based on previous experience, the strike would last between one and two months. It was possible that, due to union demands, the overhead rates would increase by 1 percent per quarter for each quarter after the strike (due to increased fringe benefit packages).
Exhibit I. Salary structure
Pay Scale
Grade Hourly Rate
1 8.00 2 9.00 3 11.00 4 12.00 5 14.00 6 18.00 7 21.00 8 24.00 9 28.00
Number of Employees per Grade
Department 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Total
R&D 5 40 20 10 12 8 5 100 Design 3 5 40 30 10 10 2 100 Project engineering 30 15 10 5 60 Project management 10 10 10 30 Cost accounting 20 10 10 10 10 60 Contracts 3 4 2 1 10 Publications 3 5 3 3 3 3 20 Computers 2 3 3 1 1 10 Manufacturing engineering 2 7 7 3 1 20 Industrial engineering 4 3 2 1 10 Facilities 8 9 10 7 1 35 Quality control 3 4 5 5 2 1 20 Production line 55 50 50 30 10 5 200 Traffic 2 2 1 5 Procurement 2 2 2 2 1 1 10 Safety 2 2 1 5 Inventory control 2 2 2 2 1 1 10
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4. With the current work force, the new project would probably have to be done on overtime. (At least 75 percent of all man-hours were estimated to be performed on overtime). The alternative would be to hire additional employees.
5. All materials could be obtained from one vendor. It can be assumed that raw materials cost $200/unit (without scrap factors) and that these raw materials are new to Polyproducts.
On May 1, Roger Henning was selected by Jim Grimm, the director of project management, to head the project.
Grimm: “Roger, we’ve got a problem on this one. When you determine your final bid, see if you can account for the fact that we may lose our union. I’m not sure ex- actly how that will impact our bid. I’ll leave that up to you. All I know is that a lot of our people are getting unhappy with the union. See what numbers you can generate.”
Polyproducts Incorporated 253
Exhibit II. Overhead structure
General Manager
Director Program
Director Engineering
Director Finance
Director Production
Program Management
R&D Design Project Engineering
Cost Accounting Contracts Publications Computers
Manufacturing Engineering Industrial Engineering Facilities Quality Control Production Line Traffic Procurement Safety Inventory Control
Engineering Program management Finance Production Overhead rates per quarter, %.
75 100 50
75 100 50
76 100 50
76 100 52
76 100 54
76 100 54
77 100 55
78 100 55
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Henning: “I’ve read the RFP and have a question about inventory control. Should I look at quantity discount buying for raw materials?”
Grimm: “Yes. But be careful about your assumptions. I want to know all of the assumptions you make.”
Henning: “How stable is our business base over the next eighteen months?”
Grimm: “You had better consider both an increase and a decrease of 10 percent. Get me the costs for all cases. Incidentally, the grapevine says that there might be follow-on contracts if we perform well. You know what that means.”
Henning: “Okay. I get the costs for each case and then we’ll determine what our best bid will be.”
On May 15, Roger Henning received a memo from the pricing department summing up the base case man-hour estimates. (This is shown in Exhibits V and VI.) Now Roger Henning wondered what people he could obtain from the func- tional departments and what would be a reasonable bid to make.
Exhibit III. Request for proposal
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1321.ch06 11/3/05 9:15 AM Page 255
Exhibit V
To: Roger Henning From: Pricing Department
Subject: Rubber Components Production
1. All man-hours in the Exhibit (14–12) are based upon performance standards for a grade-7 employee. For each grade below 7, add 10 percent of the grade-7 standard and subtract 10 percent of the grade standard for each employee above grade 7. This applies to all departments as long as they are direct labor hours (i.e., not ad- ministrative support as in project 1).
2. Time duration is fixed at 18 months. 3. Each production run normally requires four months. The company has enough raw
materials on hand for R&D, but must allow two months lead time for purchases that would be needed for a production run. Unfortunately, the vendors cannot com- mit large purchases, but will commit to monthly deliveries up to a maximum of 1,000 units of raw materials per month. Furthermore, the vendors will guarantee a fixed cost of $200 per raw material unit during the first 12 months of the project only. Material escalation factors are expected at month 13 due to renegotiation of the United Rubber Workers contracts.
4. Use the following work breakdown structure:
Program: Rubber Components Production Project 1: Support
TASK 1: Project office TASK 2: Functional support
Project 2: Preproduction TASK 1: R&D TASK 2: Qualification
Project 3: Production TASK 1: Setup TASK 2: Production
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Paul graduated from college in June 1970 with a degree in industrial engineering. He accepted a job as a manufacturing engineer in the Manufacturing Division of Percy Company. His prime responsibility was performing estimates for the Manufacturing Division. Each estimate was then given to the appropriate project office for consideration. The estimation procedure history had shown the esti- mates to be valid.
In 1975, Paul was promoted to project engineer. His prime responsibility was the coordination of all estimates for work to be completed by all of the divisions. For one full year Paul went by the book and did not do any estimating except for project office personnel manager. After all, he was now in the project management division, which contained job descriptions including such words as “coordinating and integrating.”
In 1976, Paul was transferred to small program project management. This was a new organization designed to perform low-cost projects. The problem was that these projects could not withstand the expenses needed for formal divisional cost estimates. For five projects, Paul’s estimates were “right on the money.” But the sixth project incurred a cost overrun of $20,000 in the Manufacturing Division.
In November 1977, a meeting was called to resolve the question of “Why did the overrun occur?” The attendees included the general manager, all division managers and directors, the project manager, and Paul. Paul now began to worry about what he should say in his defense.
Small Project Cost Estimating at Percy Company
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“Frankly speaking, Jeff, I didn’t think that we would stand a chance in winning this $20 million program. I was really surprised when they said that they’d like to accept our bid and begin contract negotiations. As chief contract administrator, you’ll head up the negotiating team,” remarked Gus Bell, vice president and gen- eral manager of Cory Electric. “You have two weeks to prepare your data and line up your team. I want to see you when you’re ready to go.”
Jeff Stokes was chief contract negotiator for Cory Electric, a $250-million-a- year electrical components manufacturer serving virtually every major U.S. in- dustry. Cory Electric had a well-established matrix structure that had withstood fifteen years of testing. Job casting standards were well established, but did in- clude some “fat” upon the discretion of the functional manager.
Two weeks later, Jeff met with Gus Bell to discuss the negotiation process:
Gus Bell: “Have you selected an appropriate team? You had better make sure that you’re covered on all sides.”
Jeff: “There will be four, plus myself, at the negotiating table; the program man- ager, the chief project engineer who developed the engineering labor package; the chief manufacturing engineer who developed the production labor package; and a pricing specialist who has been on the proposal since the kickoff meeting. We have a strong team and should be able to handle any questions.”
Cory Electric
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Gus Bell: “Okay, I’ll take your word for it. I have my own checklist for contract negotiations. I want you to come back with a guaranteed fee of $1.6 million for our stockholders. Have you worked out the possible situations based on the ne- gotiated costs?”
Jeff: “Yes! Our minimum position is $20 million plus an 8 percent profit. Of course, this profit percentage will vary depending on the negotiated cost. We can bid the program at a $15 million cost; that’s $5 million below our target, and still book a $1.6 million profit by overrunning the cost-plus-incentive-fee contract. Here is a list of the possible cases.” (See Exhibit I.)
Gus Bell: “If we negotiate a cost overrun fee, make sure that cost accounting knows about it. I don’t want the total fee to be booked as profit if we’re going to need it later to cover the overrun. Can we justify our overhead rates, general and administrative costs, and our salary structure?”
Jeff: “That’s a problem. You know that 20 percent of our business comes from Mitre Corporation. If they fail to renew our contract for another two-year follow-on effort, then our overhead rates will jump drastically. Which overhead rates should I use?”
Gus Bell: “Let’s put in a renegotiation clause to protect us against a drastic change in our business base. Make sure that the customer understands that as part of the terms and conditions. Are there any unusual terms and conditions?”
Exhibit I. Cost positions
Negotiated Fee
Negotiated Target Overrun Total Cost % Fee Fee Total Fee Package
15,000,000 14.00 1,600,000 500,000 2,100,000 17,100,000 16,000,000 12.50 1,600,000 400,000 2,000,000 18,000,000 17,000,000 11.18 1,600,000 300,000 1,900,000 18,900,000 18,000,000 10.00 1,600,000 200,000 1,800,000 19,800,000 19,000,000 8.95 1,600,000 100,000 1,700,000 20,700,000 20,000,000 8.00 1,600,000 0 1,600,000 21,600,000 21,000,000 7.14 1,600,000 –100,000 1,500,000 *22,500,000 22,000,000 6.36 1,600,000 –200,000 1,400,000 23,400,000 23,000,000 5.65 1,600,000 –300,000 1,300,000 24,300,000 24,000,000 5.00 1,600,000 –400,000 1,200,000 25,200,000
Assume total cost will be spent:
21,000,000 7.61 22,000,000 7.27 Minimum position = $20,000,000 23,000,000 6.96 Minimum fee = 1,600,000 = 8% of minimum position 24,000,000 6.67 Sharing ratio = 90/10 %
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Jeff: “I’ve read over all terms and conditions, and so have all of the project of- fice personnel as well as the key functional managers. The only major item is that the customer wants us to qualify some new vendors as sources for raw material procurement. We have included in the package the cost of qualifying two new raw material suppliers.”
Gus Bell: “Where are the weak points in our proposal? I’m sure we have some.”
Jeff: “Last month, the customer sent in a fact-finding team to go over all of our labor justifications. The impression that I get from our people is that we’re cov- ered all the way around. The only major problem might be where we’ll be per- forming on our learning curve. We put into the proposal a 45 percent learning curve efficiency. The customer has indicated that we should be up around 50 to 55 percent efficiency, based on our previous contracts with him. Unfortunately, those contracts the customer referred to were four years old. Several of the em- ployees who worked on those programs have left the company. Others are as- signed to ongoing projects here at Cory. I estimate that we could put together about 10 percent of the people we used previously. That learning curve percent- age will be a big point for disagreements. We finished off the previous programs with the customer at a 35 percent learning curve position. I don’t see how they can expect us to be smarter, given these circumstances.”
Gus Bell: “If that’s the only weakness, then we’re in good shape. It sounds like we have a foolproof audit trail. That’s good! What’s your negotiation sequence go- ing to be?”
Jeff: “I’d like to negotiate the bottom line only, but that’s a dream. We’ll prob- ably negotiate the raw materials, the man-hours and the learning curve, the over- head rate, and, finally, the profit percentage. Hopefully, we can do it in that order.”
Gus Bell: “Do you think that we’ll be able to negotiate a cost above our mini- mum position?”
Jeff: “Our proposal was for $22.2 million. I don’t foresee any problem that will prevent us from coming out ahead of the minimum position. The 5 percent change in learning curve efficiency amounts to approximately $1 million. We should be well covered.
“The first move will be up to them. I expect that they’ll come in with an of- fer of $18 to $19 million. Using the binary chop procedure, that’ll give us our guaranteed minimum position.”
Gus Bell: “Do you know the guys who you’ll be negotiating with?”
Jeff: “Yes, I’ve dealt with them before. The last time, the negotiations took three days. I think we both got what we wanted. I expect this one to go just as smoothly.”
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Gus Bell: “Okay, Jeff. I’m convinced we’re prepared for negotiations. Have a good trip.”
The negotiations began at 9:00 A.M. on Monday morning. The customer countered the original proposal of $22.2 million with an offer of $15 million. After six solid hours of arguments, Jeff and his team adjourned. Jeff immediately called Gus Bell at Cory Electric:
Jeff: “Their counteroffer to our bid is absurd. They’ve asked us to make a coun- teroffer to their offer. We can’t do that. The instant we give them a counteroffer, we are in fact giving credibility to their absurd bid. Now, they’re claiming that, if we don’t give them a counteroffer, then we’re not bargaining in good faith. I think we’re in trouble.”
Gus Bell: “Has the customer done their homework to justify their bid?”
Jeff: “Yes. Very well. Tomorrow we’re going to discuss every element of the pro- posal, task by task. Unless something drastically changes in their position within the next day or two, contract negotiations will probably take up to a month.”
Gus Bell: “Perhaps this is one program that should be negotiated at the top lev- els of management. Find out if the person that you’re negotiating with reports to a vice president and general manager, as you do. If not, break off contract negotia- tions until the customer gives us someone at your level. We’ll negotiate this at my level, if necessary.”
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“For five years I’ve heard nothing but flimsy excuses from you people as to why the competition was beating us out in the downtown industrial building construc- tion business,” remarked Joseph Camden, president. “Excuses, excuses, excuses; that’s all I ever hear! Only 15 percent of our business over the past five years has been in this area, and virtually all of that was with our established customers. Our growth rate is terrible. Everyone seems to just barely outbid us. Maybe our bid- ding process leaves something to be desired. If you three vice presidents don’t come up with the answers then we’ll have three positions to fill by midyear.
“We have a proposal request coming in next week, and I want to win it. Do you guys understand that?”
Camden Construction Corporation matured from a $1 million to a $26 million construction company between 1969 and 1979. Camden’s strength was in its abil- ity to work well with the customer. Its reputation for quality work far exceeded the local competitor’s reputation.
Most of Camden’s contracts in the early 1970s were with long-time cus- tomers who were willing to go sole-source procurement and pay the extra price
Camden Construction Corporation
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for quality and service. With the recession of 1975, Camden found that, unless it penetrated the competitive bidding market, its business base would decline.
In 1976, Camden was “forced” to go union in order to bid government proj- ects. Unionization drastically reduced Camden’s profit margin, but offered a greater promise for increased business. Camden had avoided the major downtown industrial construction market. But with the availability of multimillion-dollar skyscraper projects, Camden wanted its share of the pot of gold at the base of the rainbow.
On January 17, 1979, the three vice presidents met to consider ways of improv- ing Camden’s bidding technique.
V.P. finance: “You know, fellas, I hate to say it, but we haven’t done a good job in developing a bid. I don’t think that we’ve been paying enough attention to the competition. Now’s the time to begin.”
V.P. operations: “What we really need is a list of who our competitors have been on each project over the last five years. Perhaps we can find some bidding trends.”
V.P. engineering: “I think the big number we need is to find out the overhead rates of each of the companies. After all, union contracts specify the rate at which the employees will work. Therefore, except for the engineering design packages, all of the companies should be almost identical in direct labor man-hours and union labor wages for similar jobs.”
V.P. finance: “I think I can hunt down past bids by our competitors. Many of them are in public records. That’ll get us started.”
V.P. operations: “What good will it do? The past is past. Why not just look to- ward the future?”
V.P. finance: “What we want to do is to maximize our chances for success and maximize profits at the same time. Unfortunately, these two cannot be met at the same time. We must find a compromise.”
V.P. engineering: “Do you think that the competition looks at our past bids?”
V.P. finance: “They’re stupid if they don’t. What we have to do is to determine their target profit and target cost. I know many of the competitors personally and have a good feel for what their target profits are. We’ll have to assume that their target direct costs equals ours; otherwise we will have a difficult time making a comparison.”
V.P. engineering: “What can we do to help you?”
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V.P. Finance: “You’ll have to tell me how long it takes to develop the engineer- ing design packages, and how our personnel in engineering design stack up against the competition’s salary structure. See if you can make some contacts and find out how much money the competition put into some of their proposals for engineering design activities. That’ll be a big help.
“We’ll also need good estimates from engineering and operations for this new project we’re suppose to bid. Let me pull my data together, and we’ll meet again in two days, if that’s all right with you two.”
The executives met two days later to review the data. The vice president for fi- nance presented the data on the three most likely competitors (see Exhibit I). These companies were Ajax, Acme, and Pioneer. The vice president for finance made the following comments:
1. In 1973, Acme was contract-rich and had a difficult time staffing all of its projects.
Reviewing the Data 265
Exhibit I. Proposal data summary (cost in tens of thousands)
Year Acme Ajax Pioneer Camden Bid Camden Cost
1970 270 244 260 283 260 1970 260 250 233 243 220 1970 355 340 280 355 300 1971 836 830 838 866 800 1971 300 288 286 281 240 1971 570 560 540 547 500 1972 240* 375 378 362 322 1972 100* 190 180 188 160 1972 880 874 883 866 800 1973 410 318 320 312 280 1973 220 170 182 175 151 1973 400 300 307 316 283 1974 408 300* 433 449 400 1975 338 330 342 333 300 1975 817 808 800 811 700 1975 886 884 880 904 800 1976 384 385 380 376 325 1976 140 148 158 153 130 1977 197 193 188 200 165 1977 750 763 760 744 640
*Buy-in contracts
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2. In 1970, Pioneer was in danger of bankruptcy. It was estimated that it needed to win one or two in order to hold its organization together.
3. Two of the 1972 companies were probably buy-ins based on the potential for follow-on work.
4. The 1974 contract was for an advanced state-of-the-art project. It is esti- mated that Ajax bought in so that it could break into a new field.
The vice presidents for engineering and operations presented data indicating that the total project cost (fully burdened) was approximately $5 million. “Well,” thought the vice president of finance, “I wonder what we should bid so it we will have at least a reasonable chance of winning the contract?”
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Part 7
Perhaps the most important phase of any project is planning. If the planning is performed effectively, and the workers participate in the development of the plan, the chances of success are greatly enhanced. Yet even with the best-prepared plan, changes will occur.
Good project planning begins with a definition of the requirements, such as the statement of work, work breakdown structure, specifications, timing, and spending curve. Effective planning also assumes that the project manager under- stands the business case and the accompanying assumptions and constraints.
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Greyson Corporation was formed in 1940 by three scientists from the University of California. The major purpose of the company was research and development for advanced military weaponry. Following World War II, Greyson became a leader in the field of research and development. By the mid-1950s, Greyson em- ployed over 200 scientists and engineers.
The fact that Greyson handled only R&D contracts was advantageous. First of all, all of the scientists and engineers were dedicated to R&D activities, not having to share their loyalties with production programs. Second, a strong func- tional organization was established. The project management function was the re- sponsibility of the functional manager whose department would perform the ma- jority of the work. Working relationships between departments were excellent.
By the late 1950s Greyson was under new management. Almost all R&D programs called for establishment of qualification and production planning as well. As a result, Greyson decided to enter into the production of military weapons as well, and capture some of the windfall profits of the production mar- ket. This required a major reorganization from a functional to a matrix structure. Personnel problems occurred, but none that proved major catastrophes.
In 1964 Greyson entered into the aerospace market with the acquisition of a subcontract for the propulsion unit of the Hercules missile. The contract was pro- jected at $200 million over a five-year period, with excellent possibilities for fol- low-on work. Between 1964 and 1968 Greyson developed a competent technical
Greyson Corporation
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staff composed mainly of young, untested college graduates. The majority of the original employees who were still there were in managerial positions. Greyson never had any layoffs. In addition, Greyson had excellent career development pro- grams for almost all employees.
Between 1967 and 1971 the Department of Defense procurement for new weapons systems was on the decline. Greyson relied heavily on their two major production programs, Hercules and Condor II, both of which gave great promise for continued procurement. Greyson also had some thirty smaller R&D contracts as well as two smaller production contracts for hand weapons.
Because R&D money was becoming scarce, Greyson’s management decided to phase out many of the R&D activities and replace them with lucrative produc- tion contracts. Greyson believed that they could compete with anyone in regard to low-cost production. Under this philosophy, the R&D community was reduced to minimum levels necessary to support in-house activities. The director of engi- neering froze all hiring except for job-shoppers with special talents. All nonessen- tial engineering personnel were transferred to production units.
In 1972, Greyson entered into competition with Cameron Aerospace Corporation for development, qualification, and testing of the Navy’s new Neptune missile. The competition was an eight-motor shoot-off during the last ten months of 1973. Cameron Corporation won the contract owing to technical merit. Greyson Corporation, however, had gained valuable technical information in rocket motor development and testing. The loss of the Neptune Program made it clear to Greyson’s management that aerospace technology was changing too fast for Greyson to maintain a passive position. Even though funding was limited, Greyson increased the technical staff and soon found great success in winning re- search and development contracts.
By 1975, Greyson had developed a solid aerospace business base. Profits had increased by 30 percent. Greyson Corporation expanded from a company with 200 employees in 1964 to 1,800 employees in 1975. The Hercules Program, which began in 1964, was providing yearly follow-on contracts. All indications projected a continuation of the Hercules Program through 1982.
Cameron Corporation, on the other hand, had found 1975 a difficult year. The Neptune Program was the only major contract that Cameron Corporation main- tained. The current production buy for the Neptune missile was scheduled for com- pletion in August 1975 with no follow-on work earlier than January 1976. Cameron Corporation anticipated that overhead rates would increase sharply prior to next buy. The cost per motor would increase from $55,000 to $75,000 for a January procure- ment, $85,000 for a March procurement, and $125,000 for an August procurement.
In February 1975, the Navy asked Greyson Corporation if they would be in- terested in submitting a sole-source bid for production and qualification of the Neptune missile. The Navy considered Cameron’s position as uncertain, and wanted to maintain a qualified vendor should Cameron Corporation decide to get out of the aerospace business.
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Greyson submitted a bid of $30 million for qualification and testing of thirty Neptune motors over a thirty-month period beginning in January 1976. Current testing of the Neptune missile indicated that the minimum motor age life would extend through January 1979. This meant that production funds over the next thirty months could be diverted toward requalification of a new vendor and still meet production requirements for 1979.
In August 1975, on delivery of the last Neptune rocket to the Navy, Cameron Corporation announced that without an immediate production contract for Neptune follow-on work it would close its doors and get out of the aerospace business. Cameron Corporation invited Greyson Corporation to interview all of their key employees for possible work on the Neptune Requalification Program.
Greyson hired thirty-five of Cameron’s key people to begin work in October 1975. The key people would be assigned to ongoing Greyson programs to become familiar with Greyson methods. Greyson’s lower-level management was very un- happy about bringing in these thirty-five employees for fear that they would be placed in slots that could have resulted in promotions for some of Greyson’s peo- ple. Management then decreed that these thirty-five people would work solely on the Neptune Program, and other vacancies would be filled, as required, from the Hercules and Condor II programs. Greyson estimated that the cost of employing these thirty-five people was approximately $150,000 per month, almost all of which was being absorbed through overhead. Without these thirty-five people, Greyson did not believe that they would have won the contract as sole-source pro- curement. Other competitors could have “grabbed” these key people and forced an open-bidding situation.
Because of the increased overhead rate, Greyson maintained a minimum staff to prepare for contract negotiations and document preparation. To minimize costs, the directors of engineering and program management gave the Neptune program office the authority to make decisions for departments and divisions that were without representation in the program office. Top management had complete con- fidence in the program office personnel because of their past performances on other programs and years of experience.
In December 1975, the Department of Defense announced that spending was being curtailed sharply and that funding limitations made it impossible to begin the qualification program before July 1976. To make matters worse, consideration was being made for a compression of the requalification program to twenty-five motors in a twenty-month period. However, long-lead funding for raw materials would be available.
After lengthy consideration, Greyson decided to maintain its present position and retain the thirty-five Cameron employees by assigning them to in-house pro- grams. The Neptune program office was still maintained for preparations to sup- port contract negotiations, rescheduling of activities for a shorter program, and long-lead procurement.
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In May 1976, contract negotiations began between the Navy and Greyson. At the beginning of contract negotiations, the Navy stated the three key elements for negotiations:
1. Maximum funding was limited to the 1975 quote for a thirty-motor/thirty- month program.
2. The amount of money available for the last six months of 1976 was lim- ited to $3.7 million.
3. The contract would be cost plus incentive fee (CPIF).
After three weeks of negotiations there appeared a stalemate. The Navy con- tended that the production man-hours in the proposal were at the wrong level on the learning curves. It was further argued that Greyson should be a lot “smarter” now because of the thirty-five Cameron employees and because of experience learned during the 1971 shoot-off with Cameron Corporation during the initial stages of the Neptune Program.
Since the negotiation teams could not agree, top-level management of the Navy and Greyson Corporation met to iron out the differences. An agreement was finally reached on a figure of $28.5 million. This was $1.5 million below Greyson’s original estimate to do the work. Management, however, felt that, by “tightening our belts,” the work could be accomplished within budget.
The program began on July 1, 1976, with the distribution of the department budgets by the program office. Almost all of the department managers were furi- ous. Not only were the budgets below their original estimates, but the thirty-five Cameron employees were earning salaries above the department mean salary, thus reducing total man-hours even further. Almost all department managers as- serted that cost overruns would be the responsibility of the program office and not the individual departments.
By November 1976, Greyson was in trouble. The Neptune Program was on target for cost but 35 percent behind for work completion. Department managers refused to take responsibility for certain tasks that were usually considered to be joint department responsibilities. Poor communication between program office and department managers provided additional discouragement. Department man- agers refused to have their employees work on Sunday.
Even with all this, program management felt that catch-up was still possible. The thirty-five former Cameron employees were performing commendable work equal to their counterparts on other programs. Management considered that the potential cost overrun situation was not in the critical stage, and that more time should be permitted before considering corporate funding.
In December 1976, the Department of Defense announced that there would be no further buys of the Hercules missile. This announcement was a severe blow to Greyson’s management. Not only were they in danger of having to lay off 500
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employees, but overhead rates would rise considerably. There was an indication last year that there would be no further buys, but management did not consider the indications positive enough to require corporate strategy changes.
Although Greyson was not unionized, there was a possibility of a massive strike if Greyson career employees were not given seniority over the thirty-five former Cameron employees in the case of layoffs.
By February 1977, the cost situation was clear:
1. The higher overhead rates threatened to increase total program costs by $1 million on the Neptune Program.
2. Because the activities were behind schedule, the catch-up phases would have to be made in a higher salary and overhead rate quarter, thus in- creasing total costs further.
3. Inventory costs were increasing. Items purchased during long-lead fund- ing were approaching shelf-life limits. Cost impact might be as high as $1 million.
The vice president and general manager considered the Neptune Program critical to the success and survival of Greyson Corporation. The directors and division heads were ordered to take charge of the program. The following options were considered:
1. Perform overtime work to get back on schedule. 2. Delay program activities in hopes that the Navy can come up with addi-
tional funding. 3. Review current material specifications in order to increase material shelf
life, thus lowering inventory and procurement costs. 4. Begin laying off noncritical employees. 5. Purchase additional tooling and equipment (at corporate expense) so that
schedule requirements can be met on target.
On March 1, 1977, Greyson gave merit salary increases to the key employees on all in-house programs. At the same time, Greyson laid off 700 employees, some of whom were seasoned veterans. By March 15, Greyson employees formed a union and went out on strike.
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Teloxy Engineering has received a onetime contract to design and build 10,000 units of a new product. During the proposal process, management felt that the new prod- uct could be designed and manufactured at a low cost. One of the ingredients neces- sary to build the product was a small component that could be purchased for $60 in the marketplace, including quantity discounts. Accordingly, management budgeted $650,000 for the purchasing and handling of 10,000 components plus scrap.
During the design stage, your engineering team informs you that the final de- sign will require a somewhat higher-grade component that sells for $72 with quantity discounts. The new price is substantially higher than you had budgeted for. This will create a cost overrun.
You meet with your manufacturing team to see if they can manufacture the component at a cheaper price than buying it from the outside. Your manufactur- ing team informs you that they can produce a maximum of 10,000 units, just enough to fulfill your contract. The setup cost will be $100,000 and the raw ma- terial cost is $40 per component. Since Teloxy has never manufactured this prod- uct before, manufacturing expects the following defects:
% defective 0 10 20 30 40 probability of 10 20 30 25 15
occurrence (%)
All defective parts must be removed and repaired at a cost of $120 per part.
Teloxy Engineering (A)
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1. Using expected value, is it economically better to make or buy the component? 2. Strategically thinking, why might management opt for other than the most
economical choice?
Questions 275
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Your manufacturing team informs you that they have found a way to increase the size of the manufacturing run from 10,000 to 18,000 units, in increments of 2,000 units. However, the setup cost will be $150,000 and defects will cost the same $120 for removal and repair.
1. Calculate the economic feasibility of make or buy. 2. Should the probability of defects change if we produce 18,000 units as
opposed to 10,000 units? 3. Would your answer to question 1 change if Teloxy management believes that
follow-on contracts will be forthcoming? What would happen if the proba- bility of defects changes to 15 percent, 25 percent, 40 percent, 15 percent, and 5 percent due to learning-curve efficiencies?
Teloxy Engineering (B)
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Payton Corporation had decided to respond to a government RFP for the R&D phase on a new project. The statement of work specified that the project must be completed within ninety days after go-ahead, and that the contract would be at a fixed cost and fee.
The majority of the work would be accomplished by the development lab. According to government regulations, the estimated cost must be based on the av- erage cost of the entire department, which was $19.00 per hour (unburdened).
Payton won the contract for a total package (cost plus fee) of $305,000. After the first weekly labor report was analyzed, it became evident that the develop- ment lab was spending $28.50 per hour. The project manager decided to discuss the problem with the manager of the development lab.
Project manager: “Obviously you know why I’m here. At the rate that you’re spending money, we’ll overrun our budget by 50 percent.”
Lab manager: “That’s your problem, not mine. When I estimate the cost to do a job, I submit only the hours necessary based on historical standards. The pric- ing department converts the hours to dollars based on department averages.”
Project manager: “Well, why are we using the most expensive people? Obviously there must be lower-salaried people capable of performing the work.”
Payton Corporation
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Lab manager: “Yes, I do have lower-salaried people, but none who can com- plete the job within the two months required by the contract. I have to use people high on the learning curve, and they’re not cheap. You should have told the pric- ing department to increase the average cost for the department.”
Project manager: “I wish I could, but government regulations forbid this. If we were ever audited, or if this proposal were compared to other salary structures in other proposals, we would be in deep trouble. The only legal way to accomplish this would be to set up a new department for those higher-paid employees work- ing on this project. Then the average department salary would be correct.
“Unfortunately the administrative costs of setting up a temporary unit for only two months is prohibitive. For long-duration projects, this technique is often employed.
“Why couldn’t you have increased the hours to compensate for the increased dollars required?”
Lab manager: “I have to submit labor justifications for all hours I estimate. If I were to get audited, my job would be on the line. Remember, we had to submit labor justification for all work as part of the proposal.
“Perhaps next time management might think twice before bidding on a short- duration project. You might try talking to the customer to get his opinion.”
Project manager: “His response would probably be the same regardless of whether I explained the situation to him before we submitted the proposal or now, after we have negotiated it. There’s a good chance that I’ve just lost my Christmas bonus.”
1. What is the basis for the problem? 2. Who is at fault? 3. How can the present situation be corrected? 4. Is there any way this situation can be prevented from recurring? 5. How would you handle this situation on a longer-duration project, say one
year, assuming that multiple departments are involved and that no new de- partments were established other than possibly the project office?
6. Should a customer be willing to accept monetary responsibility for this type of situation, possibly by permitting established standards to be deviated from? If so, then how many months should be considered as a short-duration project?
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Ken Mark prepared this case under the supervision of Professor John Haywood- Farmer solely to provide material for class discussion. The authors do not intend to illustrate either effective or ineffective handling of a managerial situation. The au- thors may have disguised certain names and other identifying information to protect confidentiality.
Ivey Management Services prohibits any form of reproduction, storage, or transmit- tal without its written permission. This material is not covered under authorization from CanCopy or any reproduction rights organization. To order copies or request permission to reproduce materials, contact Ivey Publishing, Ivey Management Services, c/o Richard Ivey School of Business, The University of Western Ontario, London, Ontario, Canada, N6A 3K7; phone (519) 661-3208; fax (519) 661-3882; e-mail [email protected].
Copyright © 2001, Ivey Management Services Version: (A) 2001-02-02
In mid-July 1999, Alex Perez, operations manager of Spin Master Toys of Toronto, Ontario, was trying to decide from which supplier to purchase the de- sign and production of the company’s latest toy, an electrically powered airplane named E-Chargers. He had investigated a number of potential suppliers in south- ern China and had settled on two finalists, Wah Shing Electronics Co. Ltd. (Wah Shing) and Wai Lung Plastics Mfy. Ltd. (Wai Lung). With the anticipated date for
Spin Master Toys (A): Finding a Manufacturer for E-Chargers
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the launch of this product just a few short months away, Perez had to make his choice quickly.
In April 1994, Anton Rabie, Ronnen Harary, and Ben Varadi graduated from The University of Western Ontario, Rabie and Varadi from the Ivey Business School and Harary from political science. The three decided to forgo opportunities in the corpo- rate world and strike out on their own. They were soon making Earth Buddy, a ny- lon stocking filled with sawdust and grass seed moulded into a head. After immer- sion in water, the grass seed would sprout to give the head a crop of grass—hair. Although Earth Buddy was clearly a fad item, the company managed to sell 1.5 mil- lion of them in just six months, making it one of the most popular gift items that year.
In February 1995, the company followed this success with the launch of Spin Master Devil Sticks, which consisted of two hand-held sticks used to manipulate a third. This product also became a resounding success. Eventually the company incorporated Spin Master into its name. The company’s principals believed they had achieved their success through avant-garde, grassroots marketing savvy and a two-tier distribution network, which covered both the major and independent re- tail segments in North America.
In the following three years, Spin Master Toys produced an array of rela- tively low-technology, high-margin toys for the Canadian market. The product list included:
� Spin-A-Blo, spinning toys � Radical Reptiles, foam reptiles attached to a metal leash � Top-No-Sis, spinning board � My First Kite, a starter kite for children � Grow-Things, water-absorbent play animals
Although Spin Master Toys achieved notable success with these fad items, none reached the unit sales that Earth Buddy had produced. Following its success with Spin Master Devil Sticks, Spin Master Toys spent six months moving from being project-focused to building relationships with retailers and investors and creating a research and development department.
At a major 1996 toy show, two inventors approached Rabie and Harary, and many other toy companies, with the concept for a compressed-air-powered toy plane. Their initial design was a plastic soft-drink bottle with wings attached. Rabie and Harary and the major toy companies rejected the idea as being too am- bitious. However, the inventors were persistent, and after the original prototype had been revised several times, Spin Master Toys decided to purchase the rights
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to the concept. After a frustrating two years and $500,000 in development, Spin Master Toys rolled out its Air Hogs line of compressed-air-powered planes, and, with outside engineering expertise, proceeded to manufacture them in China. The company used an innovative marketing campaign to generate a groundswell of excitement. Air Hogs became a top-selling toy for the 1998 North American Christmas season and was hailed by Popular Science as one of the 100 greatest inventions of the year, creating, as it did, a new category—compressed-air- powered planes. Spin Master Toys had to double production of Air Hogs just to keep up with demand, which was increased by the product shortage in the first few months after the initial shipments.
Following the success of Air Hogs, Spin Master Toys decided to develop a line of toys driven by compressed air. It subsequently launched a compressed-air- powered water rocket called the Vector, a car named the Road Ripper, and two new compressed-air-powered product-flanking planes, the V-Wing Avenger and the Renegade.
With over 50 people working in its Toronto head office, and a recently opened office in Hong Kong staffed by two project managers, Spin Master Toys was enjoying rapid expansion through its combination of speed to market and in- novative marketing. Revenue had grown from nearly $525,000 in 1994 to a pro- jected $45.8 million in 1999, earning it the tenth spot on the Profit 100 Canada’s Fastest-Growing Companies list.
The toy market included both hard and soft goods, as well as combinations. Hard goods included plastic and metal toys—water guns, construction toys, action fig- ures, etc. Soft goods included plush toys, fabrics, and dolls. Either hard or soft toys increasingly used embedded electronic components as differentiators.
Southern China in and near Hong Kong accounted for a large percentage of the world’s toy manufacturing industry; many manufacturers there had over 50 years of toy-making experience. Beginning with low-technology plastic and metal toys in the early years, toy makers in the area had developed sophisticated design, engineering, and manufacturing skills. Such factors could be important. Perez, who used to work for a large toy company, remembered a competitor that sourced from Thailand because production costs were slightly lower. Despite this advantage, the project was a dismal failure, in part because of the lack of toy- making expertise in that country.
Aside from experience, the Hong Kong market had English-speaking work- ers, a Western-style banking system, easy access to low-cost production facilities and workers in China, an entrepreneurial spirit, and major port facilities. Deciding to source toys from this region was relatively easy.
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E-Chargers were Spin Master Toy’s next foray into the powered toy airplane mar- ket. Unlike the traditional toy airplane powered by a stretched rubber band, gaso- line engine, or compressed air, E-Chargers were driven by electricity. The prod- uct came in two parts: a battery pack holding four AA dry-cell batteries, and a plastic foam airplane containing a small capacitor1 connected to an electric mo- tor. By inserting the battery pack into a special port on the airplane, the user both started the electric motor driving the plane’s propeller and charged the capacitor. The user then disconnected the plane from the battery pack and launched it into the air. Spin Master Toys touted E-Chargers as being capable of flights of up to 90 meters and as “high performing, easy-to-use rechargeable planes that come with their own chargers—kids just have to let them charge for 10 seconds and then let them fly.” In the company’s view, the product line allowed it to extend the magic of real flight to children as young as five—younger than the user of Air Hogs. To encourage users to collect E-Chargers, the company planned to produce six different styles and promised high performance at a low price.
Spin Master Toys had sold the E-Chargers concept to retailers who subse- quently placed endcap2 orders for a December 7, 1999, delivery date to meet the spring planogram3 shelving period. This was the first time that Spin Master Toys would ship products for a planogram. In the past, the company had been able to obtain special shelf space only because of its products’ uniqueness. The main ad- vantage in shipping to a set deadline was the guarantee of shelf space. Spin Master Toys now had to design and make the E-Chargers in time to meet the or- der date.
Working back from December 7, 1999, Perez developed a somewhat accelerated schedule that would allow delivery of the E-Chargers plane. Exhibit I shows the development schedule, delay in any step of which would make the project late.
1A capacitor is an electronic device used to store charge—in essence, it is like a rechargeable battery. It consists of an arrangement of conductors, separated by an insulator. 2Endcaps are the attractive, highly visible end spaces on shopping aisles. Executives of Spin Master Toys expected that an E-Chargers endcap order from a large retail customer would result in sales of about 150,000 units. 3Retailers took three weeks after Christmas to clear out old stock and put in new toys for the spring period. The layout of toys by aisle and shelf, known as a planogram, was determined in advance.
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Preliminary E-Charger Production Estimates 283
Exhibit I. Projected development schedule and current progress
Item# 40004 Spin Master Toys Engineer: Alex Item Name: E-Chargers Flying Machines (6 styles) Pack: 12 Project Manager: Tammy Target FOB HK (U.S.$) 1.75 FOB HK (U.S.$) Date: June 30, 1999 Landed Cost (Estimated in U.S.$)
Description Responsible Planned Current
Quote Package Alex July 1 � General product profile Tammy June 23 June 30 � Product electronic schematics Tammy June 25 July 2 � Preliminary parts drawings Tammy June 25 July 2 � Assembly-exploded view drawings Tammy June 25 July 2 � Bill of materials/parts list Tammy June 25 July 2 � Rough engineering model Tammy June 15 June 22
Vendor Preliminary Quotes Alex July 10 July 17 � Final vendor decision Ronnen July 11 � First engineering model Tammy July 1 � Second engineering model Tammy July 3 � Third engineering model Tammy July 5
Final Design Release Alex July 1 � Model ready (propeller) Factory July 10 � Decision on gear Factory July 10 � Recommend foam type Factory July 19 � Approval on foam type Alex July 20 � Samples of the motor and capacitor Factory July 22 � Plastic housing evaluation Alex July 27 � Verify motor specification is compatible Factory July 31 � with Mabuchi � Plastic housing resubmission Factory July 31
Models Available Factory July 22 Approved product quote (purchase order,
material authorization release) Tammy/Ronnen July 26 Tooling purchase order for airplane James July 22 Tooling purchasing order release (all others) James August 4 Tool start (35 days lead time) Factory August 4 First test shot Factory September 8 First engineering pilot Factory September 18 Sales samples ready (from 1st shot) Factory September 23 Second test shot Factory September 28 Second engineering pilot Factory October 3 Final shot Factory October 8 Final engineering pilot Factory October 14 Production pilot Factory October 21
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Rough Engineering Model
This stage involved the engineering work needed to craft a design to meet the de- sired specifications provided by the manufacturer. These specifications included, for example, that the toy would be capable of high-speed production while main- taining acceptable finished-product quality, that it was within the weight and size required, and that any electronic components involved would function within tol- erances provided. Although design work normally took about eight weeks, Spin Master Toys allowed less than three weeks for E-Chargers; the design work would have to be completed no later than the middle of June.
Exhibit I. Projected development schedule and current progress (Continued)
Description Responsible Planned Current
Production pilot tests completed Factory October 29 Final production pilot approval Ronnen November 2 Final quote approval Ronnen November 2 Production start Factory November 22
First on-board shipment Factory November 28
Packaging Timeline English film and disk send to Hong Kong Selene July 20 Packaging approval (7 days) Tammy July 27 English package arrival (3 weeks) Factory August 17 Bilingual package disk to Hong Kong Selene August 3 Bilingual package approval in Hong Kong Willy August 10 Bilingual package arrival Factory August 31
TV commercial sample (quantity) TV commercial sample (date) Estimated sales forecast Jennifer July 17 Consigned materials N/A Motor and capacitor Material authorization or purchase order Heather/James August 3
Ramp-up Schedule Date Produce Cumulative Changes
First week: Day 1 November 8 50 50 First week: Day 2 November 9 50 100 Ramp-up First week: Day 3 November 10 100 200 not yet First week: Day 4 November 11 150 350 confirmed First week: Day 5 November 12 250 600 First week: Day 6 November 13 400 1,000 First on-board shipment November 15 600 1,600 Second week November 22 9,000 10,600 Third week November 29 12,000 22,600 Fourth week December 6 18,000 40,600 Fifth and subsequent weeks 18,000
Source: Company files.
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On June 22, K-Development of Erie, Pennsylvania, the company to which Spin Master Toys had contracted the development engineering, transferred the completed engineering designs to Reh Kemper, a prototype designer based in Chicago, Illinois. Reh Kemper completed its work on July 2. According to Perez’s timeline, the project was already a week behind schedule for the start of production.
Engineering Models
After one week of examination, study, and discussion of the prototype, Perez and his team approved it and issued a final design release. Spin Master Toys then re- turned it to K-Development, which had five days to improve the rough engineer- ing model and produce three initial prototypes to ensure that the design was en- gineered correctly to the specified tolerances. This preliminary work showed that the weight of the plane would be of great concern. Initial tests showed that to achieve the expected flight times, E-Chargers had to weigh 17 grams. Once the third engineering model was ready, Perez released it to vendors, requesting pre- liminary quotes within five days.
From this stage on, all work would be performed at the factory, with regular up- dates sent to Perez by phone or fax. The tool start involved creating the molds and other tooling required to produce the toy in mass quantity. Plastic parts such as those used in E-Chargers were normally made by injection molding in which a molten plastic was injected into the carefully machined cavity inside a two-piece block of metal (the mold). After applying pressure and cooling, the mold was opened to remove the part. In practice, molders might use large molds capable of making several parts simultaneously. This crucial step usually took four weeks; the time required was usually factored into the design component. Perez esti- mated that Spin Master Toys would need the first test samples by September 8.
Engineering Pilots
The next step was testing the molds and other tools, ideally with two engineer- ing pilots. At least one engineering pilot had to be performed before the next stage, as it was almost inevitable that the molds would need some adjustments. A factory would count on three weeks to run both engineering pilots. The first and second engineering pilots and the shots from them had to be completed by October 8.
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Final Engineering Pilot
In this two-week process, the final molds and other tools were finished. To have the product ready for the production pilot date of October 21, this step had to be completed in one week.
Production Pilot
This step tested whether the molds and other tools would withstand high-speed production while delivering product within the required tolerances. The produc- tion pilot tests and the final quote had to be approved by November 22.
Production Start
In the case of E-Chargers, Perez estimated that production would have to start at least two weeks before the shipping date to allow production of enough units to meet retailer demand. Thus, production would have to start on November 22 to just make the December 7 ship date.
In the past, Spin Master Toys had obtained its products from various Chinese manufacturers. Because of the large differences between its previous toys, the company had treated each product separately. Consequently, Spin Master Toys had gained considerable experience with several suppliers, as each toy had been manufactured by a different factory. Spin Master Toys believed that its product closest in design to E-Chargers was Air Hogs. In May 1999, while working on Water Rocket, one of its second generation compressed-air-powered toys, Spin Master Toys had visited Kin Seng Ltd., the Air Hogs manufacturer. During a fac- tory tour, Spin Master Toys discovered that the Kin-Seng factory was at capacity. Because of the tightness of its E-Chargers schedule, Spin Master Toys decided not to consider Kin Seng as a potential supplier.
Spin Master Toys thus searched for an alternative manufacturer, eventually creating a short list of two, Wai Lung and Wah Shing.
In early 1999, Harary had been introduced to the owner of privately owned Wai Lung Manufacturing Co. Harary believed that Spin Master Toys would receive more attention from an owner-operated factory than from a subsidiary of a pub-
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lic corporation. Reassuring Harary that he would provide personal attention to this project, Eric Lee, Wai Lung’s owner seemed eager to strike a deal with Spin Master Toys. Harary subsequently initiated a toy project, Flick Trix Finger Bikes, with Wai Lung. Finger Bikes were miniature die-cast replicas of brand-name BMX bikes with fully functional parts. Already in a rushed situation, Harary had asked Wai Lung if it could engineer the Finger Bikes, produce and ship them in six weeks—it normally took other manufacturers six to ten weeks to perform these tasks. With Finger Bikes already engineered by Reh Kemper, Spin Master Toys would rely on Wai Lung’s staff to beat a competitor to the market. Working at a break-neck pace, Wai Lung had been able not only to build the tools in the allotted time, but also to increase production very quickly with little lead time. Although Wai Lung had initially built tools to support a production rate of 10,000 bikes a day, once it was evident that demand was strong, the company was able to build additional tools in four weeks versus the previous six weeks, boosting Finger Bikes production to 40,000 bikes a day.
Not only had Wai Lung come through for Spin Master Toys, but it went on to produce a high-quality toy and increased production more steeply than Harary had thought possible. Perez expressed his thoughts:
Wai Lung is highly committed and has put us at the top of its priority list. During our early experience with Finger Bikes, they returned calls promptly and answered all questions during the critical production period.
Wai Lung’s performance with Finger Bikes allowed us to beat a major competitor to the market. This prompted our competitor to drop the project in mid-design. We should look at Wai Lung as a supplier for E-Chargers be- cause of our positive experience with them. However, its engineering work- force is fairly small and it hasn’t produced toys with electronic components. It has focused on die-casting and plastic action figures. E-Chargers have to be designed and produced to much more stringent tolerances than die-cast or plastic toys. To put it bluntly, flying toys would take a paradigm shift in Wai Lung’s engineering expertise.
We did plan to use a vendor survey report, but we don’t have any engi- neering expertise at our Hong Kong office. And, in Canada, our manufac- turing team includes me and Ronnen—with this in mind, I wonder if we can gather this information for Wai Lung and Wah Shing in time. We are already behind schedule as it stands.
Harary returned to visit Wai Lung in May 1999 and, while walking through the factory, estimated by observation that Wai Lung was at 40 percent of capac- ity. He also found out that Wai Lung had excess capacity to utilize because it had just lost a significant portion of its business during a disagreement with a large toy company. Harary was impressed by its size: It had 2,000 workers in its 100,000-square-foot factory in Shenzhen, about a one-hour journey by train and car from Hong Kong. Typical toy factories in this area averaged about 600
Wai Lung 287
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workers. He casually asked the owner of Wai Lung for a quick overview of the projects currently in progress. Wai Lung was working on plastic play sets and ac- tion figures for Hasbro. Another company with which Wai Lung had a contract had gone bankrupt. Pressing further on a different subject, Harary got the sense that Wai Lung would not begin many projects in the near future.
Lee, 48, had always been very accommodating to Harary and considered himself to be a self-made man, building up a successful factory. Still hungry to grow his business, he had recently hired three engineers. He was willing to ex- tend favorable credit terms to Spin Master Toys, allowing for Finger Bikes pro- duction to commence with a simple wire transfer of funds versus a more formal letter of credit. Otherwise, a letter of credit from the bank, along with the requi- site documentation, meant that up to 30 percent of the total invoice amount needed to be securely transferred before the start of production. Once production was started, payments would immediately be taken out of cash flow. With a wire transfer, however, funds would be wired to the supplier’s bank account twenty- one days after the goods were shipped.
Wah Shing was a subsidiary of a Hong Kong public toy manufacturer. It was a company with annual revenues of U.S.$40 million (the average Hong Kong toy company with product line similar to Wah Shing’s earned about U.S.$30 million in revenues per year). While at his previous employer, Perez had worked with Wah Shing. Wah Shing had been one of the suppliers of choice for major toy com- panies such as Tiger and Hasbro, which needed electronic toys. These companies wanted to maintain their track record of successful electronic toy engineering de- velopment and manufacture in the electronic hand-held, feature electronic plush, radio control and IR interactive categories, including toys such as Shotgun and Skidzo, Furby, Laser Light Tennis, and Galactic Battle.
Wah Shing employed 3,500 people in its 100,000-square-foot factory, count- ing six engineers on its staff. Although Harary had toured the factory, during his visit, he had been unable to meet the owner, who was traveling. By observation, Harary estimated that Wah Shing was at 70 to 80 percent of capacity at its Chinese factory, which was located five hours away from Hong Kong. Perez ex- pressed his thoughts:
Before coming to Spin Master, I worked for a major toy company and got some experience with Wah Shing. Its upper and lower management are very committed. They are a nonhierarchial, action-oriented company. I have a personal friendship with the general manager.
In my experience, Wah Shing provides products on time and within quality specifications. But it has been four years since my last contact.
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During a visit a few weeks ago, I found out that the lower management had been changed. Also, there seemed to be less communication between upper and lower management than there used to be. However, they still have a good reputation in electronic toys, and their costs are comparable to similar companies.
Ronnen, who was with me on the tour, noted that they had put their North American account manager in charge of the tour. Ronnen is used to dealing directly with factory owners and wonders if we could expect the same commitment as we have had with our previous projects.
Harary discussed the decision he faced:
We believe that retail sales for toy airplanes will peak from March to mid- May, after which water toys will dominate. For E-Chargers, we’ve been for- tunate to have secured a sizable amount of shelf space in retail stores for this period and also have been awarded several large feature endcap orders! To meet this demand, we have to have 20,000 units ready to ship by December 1999 as shown in this schedule [see Exhibit I]. On top of the fact that the re- tailers need time to move our product through their distribution system, we’ve heard that a major competitor, a large toy company, is also working on the same E-Chargers concept. We have to beat them to market at all costs because, in this industry, it is hard to overcome the first mover advantage. While we would like to have a five- to six-month design-to-delivery win- dow, we have four months, max.
But we also have to consider the tight tolerances we require. Our initial work revealed that we have to be very careful to balance weight shaving and structural integrity. Ideally, an E-Charger should weigh 17 grams. An in- crease of only one gram decreases the flying time by 15 seconds. Just paint- ing the plane adds enough weight to affect the performance significantly. According to our preliminary tests, the plane will weigh 18 grams, and we have to work tremendously hard to reduce that figure. At 18.5 grams, this thing won’t even fly.
We have to find a supplier who can deliver on engineering expertise. Not many manufacturers in Hong Kong had experience with flying toys and, to add to the complexity of this project, we are using materials that are not commonly available.
This is an unprecedented toy requiring design work for the engine and to accommodate the capacitor, not to mention the separate battery box. Our rough design calls for about fifty different parts! How should we compare the quality of work between the Wai Lung and Wah Shing factories? Although both have done projects for us in the past, this product is totally
Ronnen Harary’s Choice 289
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new. Price might play a factor in the decision, but it will not override our most pressing concern of getting to market quickly.
A concern is the quality of the suppliers’ sources of raw materials and prefabricated components, most of which are based in mainland China. A large number of small- and mid-sized competitors vie for the world toy busi- ness—no one factory controls a significant portion of toy manufacturing.
Exhibit II. Quote from Wai Lung Plastic Mfy., Ltd.
Quotation Submission Form (Summary) Spin Master Toys
Attention: Ronnen Harary Item: 4004 Description: E-Chargers Reference: Quotation Submission From: Wai Lung Plastics Mfy., Ltd
Cost in HK$ Description Per 1,000 Toys1
1 Plastic $540.50 2. Other parts 4,670.00 3. Packaging 3,620.00 4. Shipping carton 295.00
Total material cost $9,125.50
Total labor cost $2,380.00
Total materials plus labor $11,505.50
Overhead and markup @ 16% (of materials and labor) $1,840.88 Scrap allowance @ 1.5% (of materials) 136.88 Capacitor handling charge @ 3% (of capacitor cost) 150.74 Motor handling charge @ 3% (of motor cost) 197.12
Total $13,831.12
Transportation FCL,2 Hong Kong, FOB3 Hong Kong, 40-foot FCL container $487.00
Total $14,318.12
Transportation LCL,4 Hong Kong, FOB Hong Kong, 40-foot LCL container $1,607.50
Total $15,438.625
Source: Company files. 1The Hong Kong dollar was pegged against the United States dollar at the rate of HK$7.75 = U.S.$1. In July 1999, a Canadian dollar was worth about HK$5.21. 2FCL: Full container load. 3FOB: Free on board. In essence, the location signifies the point at which the customer takes ownership, and thus fi- nancial responsibility. 4LCL: Less than container load. 5This price does not include the capacitor or the motor.
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Clients like us have to be extra careful, because machinery and worker train- ing in mainland China are generally inferior to those in Hong Kong.
We should consider many factors in making this decision: reputation, capacity, quality levels, capability in engineering, the capability of the fac- tories’ Chinese suppliers, speed to market, costs, tooling time needed (criti- cal in this project), attention to your company. In the past, due to our small size and limited engineering expertise, we prioritized a close working rela- tionship with the owner of the factory in question. Because the owner took a personal interest in our projects, it reassured us that our needs would be top priority, and he would do whatever it took to produce results. With E- Chargers, I still strongly believe that this is necessary to ensure we meet the December 7 deadline. A personal relationship is key. What could make that difficult is the fact that the owners of these private toy manufacturers, like many in Hong Kong, all seem to have several businesses going on at once.
We are very pressed. We might not have enough time to do proper due diligence on Wai Lung or Wah Shing. We just got these quotes from each of them [see Exhibits II and III]. Although we would like to have more time to qualify more suppliers in the Hong Kong area, we simply can’t afford the time. We need engineering development work to start almost immediately!
Ronnen Harary’s Choice 291
Exhibit III. Quote from Wah Shing Electronic Co., Ltd.
Wah Shing Electronic Co., Ltd. To: Alex Perez From: John Yi Subject: E-Flyer Quote: Ref “0” vs. Mattel
Cost Summary Sheet
Product Name: E-Flyer
Item Cost description FCL (HK$) LCL (HK$)
1 Electronic parts (includes motor and capacitor) 15.7998 15.7998 2 Plastic material 0.2396 0.2396 3 Metal parts 0.8976 0.8976 4 Packaging material 2.5805 2.5805 5 Miscellaneous 4.2534 4.2534 6 Bonding 0.0000 0.0000 7 Labor cost 0.8000 0.8000 8 Decoration cost 0.0000 0.0000 9 Injection cost 0.5313 0.5313
10 Overhead and markup 3.3523 3.3523 11 Transportation 0.2914 1.0238
Ex-factory price FOB Hong Kong 28.7459 29.4783
Source: Company files.
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We need a factory to develop the wings and fuselage for E-Chargers, the rest of the fifty parts, prototype moulds, then sample shots for our inspection. We do not have the luxury of extra time. We’re not even sure what our competi- tors are up to. Which factory should we choose?
The Richard Ivey School of Business gratefully acknowledges the generous support of the MBA 1989 class in the development of these learning materials.
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Part 8
Once project planning is completed, the next step is to schedule the project ac- cording to some timeline. This requires knowledge of the activities, the necessary depth of the activities, the dependencies between the activities, and the duration of the activities.
Effective scheduling allows us to perform what-if exercises, develop contin- gency plans, determine the risks in the schedule, perform trade-offs, and mini- mize paperwork during customer review meetings. Although there are four basic scheduling techniques, they all utilize the same basic principles and common terminology.
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“I’ve called this meeting to resolve a major problem with our management cost and control system (MCCS),” remarked Wilfred Livingston, president. “We’re having one hell of a time trying to meet competition with our antiquated MCCS reporting procedures. Last year we were considered nonresponsive to three large government contracts because we could not adhere to the customer’s financial re- porting requirements. The government has recently shown a renewed interest in Crosby Manufacturing Corporation. If we can computerize our project financial reporting procedure, we’ll be in great shape to meet the competition head-on. The customer might even waive the financial reporting requirements if we show our immediate intent to convert.”
Crosby Manufacturing was a $50-million-a-year electronics component manufacturing firm in 1985, at which time Wilfred “Willy” Livingston became president. His first major act was to reorganize the 700 employees into a modi- fied matrix structure. This reorganization was the first step in Livingston’s long- range plan to obtain large government contracts. The matrix provided the cus- tomer focal point policy that government agencies prefer. After three years, the matrix seemed to be working. Now they could begin the second phase, an im- proved MCCS policy.
On October 20, 1988, Livingston called a meeting with department managers from project management, cost accounting, MIS, data processing, and planning.
Crosby Manufacturing Corporation
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Livingston: “We have to replace our present computer with a more advanced model so as to update our MCCS reporting procedures. In order for us to grow, we’ll have to develop capabilities for keeping two or even three different sets of books for our customers. Our present computer does not have this capability. We’re talking about a sizable cash outlay, not necessarily to impress our customers, but to increase our business base and grow. We need weekly, or even daily, cost data so as to better control our projects.”
MIS manager: “I guess the first step in the design, development, and implemen- tation process would be the feasibility study. I have prepared a list of the major top- ics which are normally included in a feasibility study of this sort” (see Exhibit I).
Livingston: “What kind of costs are you considering in the feasibility study?”
MIS manager: “The major cost items include input–output demands; processing; storage capacity; rental, purchase or lease of a system; nonrecurring expenditures; recurring expenditures; cost of supplies; facility requirements; and training require- ments. We’ll have to get a lot of this information from the EDP department.”
EDP manager: “You must remember that, for a short period of time, we’ll end up with two computer systems in operation at the same time. This cannot be helped. However, I have prepared a typical (abbreviated) schedule of my own (see Exhibit II). You’ll notice from the right-hand column that I’m somewhat opti- mistic as to how long it should take us.”
Livingston: “Have we prepared a checklist on how to evaluate a vendor?”
EDP manager: “Besides the benchmark test, I have prepared a list of topics that we must include in evaluation of any vendor (see Exhibit III). We should plan to call on or visit other installations that have purchased the same equipment and see the system in action. Unfortunately, we may have to commit real early and begin
Exhibit I. Feasibility study
• Objectives of the study • Costs • Benefits • Manual or computer-based solution? • Objectives of the system • Input requirements • Output requirements • Processing requirements • Preliminary system description • Evaluation of bids from vendors • Financial analysis • Conclusions
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developing software packages. As a matter of fact, using the principle of concur- rency, we should begin developing our software packages right now.”
Livingston: “Because of the importance of this project, I’m going to violate our normal structure and appoint Tim Emary from our planning group as project leader. He’s not as knowledgeable as you people are in regard to computers, but he does know how to lay out a schedule and get the job done. I’m sure your peo- ple will give him all the necessary support he needs. Remember, I’ll be behind this project all the way. We’re going to convene again one week from today, at which time I expect to see a detailed schedule with all major milestones, team meetings, design review meetings, etc., shown and identified. I’d like the project to be complete in eighteen months, if possible. If there are risks in the schedule, identify them. Any questions?”
Crosby Manufacturing Corporation 297
Exhibit II. Typical schedule (in months)
Normal Time to Crash Time
Activity Complete to Complete
Management go-ahead 0 0 Release of preliminary system specs. 6 2 Receipt of bids on specs. 2 1 Order hardware and systems software 2 1 Flow charts completed 2 2 Applications programs completed 3 6 Receipt of hardware and systems software 3 3 Testing and debugging done 2 2 Documentation, if required 2 2
Changeover completed 22 15*
*This assumes that some of the activities can be run in parallel, instead of series.
Exhibit III. Vendor support evaluation factors
• Availability of hardware and software packages • Hardware performance, delivery, and past track record • Vendor proximity and service-and-support record • Emergency backup procedure • Availability of applications programs and their compatibility with our other systems • Capacity for expansion • Documentation • Availability of consultants for systems programming and general training • Who burdens training cost? • Risk of obsolescence • Ease of use
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Part 9
The best prepared plans can result in a project failure because of poor execution. Project execution involves the working relationships among the participants and whether or not they support project management. There are two critical working relationships: the project–line manager interface and the project–executive man- agement interface.
There are other factors that can affect the execution of a project. These in- clude open communications, honesty, and integrity in dealing with customers, truth in negotiations, and factual status reporting. Execution can also be influ- enced by the quality of the original project plan. A project plan based on faulty or erroneous assumptions can destroy morale and impact execution.
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“This is impossible! Just totally impossible! Ten months ago I was sitting on top of the world. Upper-level management considered me one of the best, if not the best, engineer in the plant. Now look at me! I have bags under my eyes, I haven’t slept soundly in the last six months, and here I am, cleaning out my desk. I’m sure glad they gave me back my old job in engineering. I guess I could have saved my- self a lot of grief and aggravation had I not accepted the promotion to project manager.”
Gary Anderson had accepted a position with Parks Corporation right out of college. With a Ph.D. in mechanical engineering, Gary was ready to solve the world’s most traumatic problems. At first, Parks Corporation offered Gary little opportunity to do the pure research that he eagerly wanted to undertake. However, things soon changed. Parks grew into a major electronics and structural design corporation dur- ing the big boom of the late 1950s and early 1960s when Department of Defense (DoD) contracts were plentiful.
Parks Corporation grew from a handful of engineers to a major DoD con- tractor, employing some 6,500 people. During the recession of the late 1960s,
The Blue Spider Project
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money became scarce and major layoffs resulted in lowering the employment level to 2,200 employees. At that time, Parks decided to get out of the R&D busi- ness and compete as a low-cost production facility while maintaining an engi- neering organization solely to support production requirements.
After attempts at virtually every project management organizational structure, Parks Corporation selected the matrix form. Each project had a program manager who reported to the director of program management. Each project also main- tained an assistant project manager—normally a project engineer—who reported directly to the project manager and indirectly to the director of engineering. The program manager spent most of his time worrying about cost and time, whereas the assistant program manager worried more about technical performance.
With the poor job market for engineers, Gary and his colleagues began tak- ing coursework toward MBA degrees in case the job market deteriorated further.
In 1975, with the upturn in DoD spending, Parks had to change its corporate strategy. Parks had spent the last seven years bidding on the production phase of large programs. Now, however, with the new evaluation criteria set forth for con- tract awards, those companies winning the R&D and qualification phases had a definite edge on being awarded the production contract. The production contract was where the big profits could be found. In keeping with this new strategy, Parks began to beef up its R&D engineering staff. By 1978, Parks had increased in size to 2,700 employees. The increase was mostly in engineering. Experienced R&D personnel were difficult to find for the salaries that Parks was offering. Parks was, however, able to lure some employees away from the competitors, but relied mostly upon the younger, inexperienced engineers fresh out of college.
With the adoption of this corporate strategy, Parks Corporation administered a new wage and salary program that included job upgrading. Gary was promoted to senior scientist, responsible for all R&D activities performed in the mechani- cal engineering department. Gary had distinguished himself as an outstanding production engineer during the past several years, and management felt that his contribution could be extended to R&D as well.
In January 1978, Parks Corporation decided to compete for Phase I of the Blue Spider Project, an R&D effort that, if successful, could lead into a $500 mil- lion program spread out over 20 years. The Blue Spider Project was an attempt to improve the structural capabilities of the Spartan missile, a short-range tactical missile used by the Army. The Spartan missile was exhibiting fatigue failure af- ter six years in the field. This was three years less than what the original design specifications called for. The Army wanted new materials that could result in a longer life for the Spartan missile.
Lord Industries was the prime contractor for the Army’s Spartan Program. Parks Corporation would be a subcontractor to Lord if they could successfully bid and win the project. The criteria for subcontractor selection were based not only on low bid, but also on technical expertise as well as management performance
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on other projects. Park’s management felt that it had a distinct advantage over most of the other competitors because they had successfully worked on other projects for Lord Industries.
On November 3, 1977, Henry Gable, the director of engineering, called Gary Anderson into his office.
Henry Gable: “Gary, I’ve just been notified through the grapevine that Lord will be issuing the RFP for the Blue Spider Project by the end of this month, with a 30-day response period. I’ve been waiting a long time for a project like this to come along so that I can experiment with some new ideas that I have. This proj- ect is going to be my baby all the way! I want you to head up the proposal team. I think it must be an engineer. I’ll make sure that you get a good proposal man- ager to help you. If we start working now, we can get close to two months of re- search in before proposal submittal. That will give us a one-month’s edge on our competitors.”
Gary was pleased to be involved in such an effort. He had absolutely no trou- ble in getting functional support for the R&D effort necessary to put together a technical proposal. All of the functional managers continually remarked to Gary, “This must be a biggy. The director of engineering has thrown all of his support behind you.”
On December 2, the RFP was received. The only trouble area that Gary could see was that the technical specifications stated that all components must be able to operate normally and successfully through a temperature range of �65 �F to 145 �F. Current testing indicated the Parks Corporation’s design would not func- tion above 130 �F. An intensive R&D effort was conducted over the next three weeks. Everywhere Gary looked, it appeared that the entire organization was working on his technical proposal.
A week before the final proposal was to be submitted, Gary and Henry Gable met to develop a company position concerning the inability of the preliminary de- sign material to be operated above 130 �F.
Gary Anderson: “Henry, I don’t think it is going to be possible to meet specifi- cation requirements unless we change our design material or incorporate new ma- terials. Everything I’ve tried indicates we’re in trouble.”
Gable: “We’re in trouble only if the customer knows about it. Let the proposal state that we expect our design to be operative up to 155 �F. That’ll please the customer.”
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Anderson: “That seems unethical to me. Why don’t we just tell them the truth?”
Gable: “The truth doesn’t always win proposals. I picked you to head up this effort because I thought that you’d understand. I could have just as easily selected one of our many moral project managers. I’m considering you for program man- ager after we win the program. If you’re going to pull this conscientious crap on me like the other project managers do, I’ll find someone else. Look at it this way; later we can convince the customer to change the specifications. After all, we’ll be so far downstream that he’ll have no choice.”
After two solid months of sixteen-hour days for Gary, the proposal was sub- mitted. On February 10, 1978, Lord Industries announced that Parks Corporation would be awarded the Blue Spider Project. The contract called for a ten-month effort, negotiated at $2.2 million at a firm-fixed price.
Following contract award, Henry Gable called Gary in for a conference.
Gable: “Congratulations, Gary! You did a fine job. The Blue Spider Project has great potential for ongoing business over the next ten years, provided that we per- form well during the R&D phase. Obviously you’re the most qualified person in the plant to head up the project. How would you feel about a transfer to program management?”
Anderson: “I think it would be a real challenge. I could make maximum use of the MBA degree I earned last year. I’ve always wanted to be in program management.”
Gable: “Having several masters’ degrees, or even doctorates for that matter, does not guarantee that you’ll be a successful project manager. There are three re- quirements for effective program management: You must be able to communicate both in writing and orally; you must know how to motivate people; and you must be willing to give up your car pool. The last one is extremely important in that program managers must be totally committed and dedicated to the program, re- gardless of how much time is involved.
“But this is not the reason why I asked you to come here. Going from project en- gineer to program management is a big step. There are only two places you can go from program management—up the organization or out the door. I know of very, very few engineers who failed in program management and were permitted to return.”
Anderson: “Why is that? If I’m considered to be the best engineer in the plant, why can’t I return to engineering?”
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Gable: “Program management is a world of its own. It has its own formal and informal organizational ties. Program managers are outsiders. You’ll find out. You might not be able to keep the strong personal ties you now have with your fellow employees. You’ll have to force even your best friends to comply with your stan- dards. Program managers can go from program to program, but functional depart- ments remain intact.
“I’m telling you all this for a reason. We’ve worked well together the past several years. But if I sign the release so that you can work for Grey in program management, you’ll be on your own, like hiring into a new company. I’ve already signed the release. You still have some time to think about it.”
Anderson: “One thing I don’t understand. With all of the good program man- agers we have here, why am I given this opportunity?”
Gable: “Almost all of our program managers are over forty-five years old. This resulted from our massive layoffs several years ago when we were forced to lay off the younger, inexperienced program managers. You were selected because of your age and because all of our other program managers have worked only on production-type programs. We need someone at the reins who knows R&D. Your counterpart at Lord Industries will be an R&D type. You have to fight fire with fire.
“I have an ulterior reason for wanting you to accept this position. Because of the division of authority between program management and project engineering, I need someone in program management whom I can communicate with concerning R&D work. The program managers we have now are interested only in time and cost. We need a manager who will bend over backwards to get performance also. I think you’re that man. You know the commitment we made to Lord when we submitted that proposal. You have to try to achieve that. Remember, this program is my baby. You’ll get all the support you need. I’m tied up on another project now. But when it’s over, I’ll be following your work like a hawk. We’ll have to get together occasion- ally and discuss new techniques.
“Take a day or two to think it over. If you want the position, make an ap- pointment to see Elliot Grey, the director of program management. He’ll give you the same speech I did. I’ll assign Paul Evans to you as chief project engineer. He’s a seasoned veteran and you should have no trouble working with him. He’ll give you good advice. He’s a good man.”
Gary accepted the new challenge. His first major hurdle occurred in staffing the project. The top priority given to him to bid the program did not follow through for staffing. The survival of Parks Corporation depended on the profits received
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from the production programs. In keeping with this philosophy Gary found that engineering managers (even his former boss) were reluctant to give up their key people to the Blue Spider Program. However, with a little support from Henry Gable, Gary formed an adequate staff for the program.
Right from the start Gary was worried that the test matrix called out in the technical volume of the proposal would not produce results that could satisfy specifications. Gary had ninety days after go-ahead during which to identify the raw materials that could satisfy specification requirements. Gary and Paul Evans held a meeting to map out their strategy for the first few months.
Anderson: “Well, Paul, we’re starting out with our backs against the wall on this one. Any recommendations?”
Paul Evans: “I also have my doubts about the validity of this test matrix. Fortunately, I’ve been through this before. Gable thinks this is his project and he’ll sure as hell try to manipulate us. I have to report to him every morning at 7:30 A.M. with the raw data results of the previous day’s testing. He wants to see it before you do. He also stated that he wants to meet with me alone.
“Lord will be the big problem. If the test matrix proves to be a failure, we’re going to have to change the scope of effort. Remember, this is an FFP contract. If we change the scope of work and do additional work in the earlier phases of the program, then we should prepare a trade-off analysis to see what we can delete downstream so as to not overrun the budget.”
Anderson: “I’m going to let the other project office personnel handle the admin- istrating work. You and I are going to live in the research labs until we get some results. We’ll let the other project office personnel run the weekly team meetings.”
For the next three weeks Gary and Paul spent virtually twelve hours per day, seven days a week, in the research and development lab. None of the results showed any promise. Gary kept trying to set up a meeting with Henry Gable but always found him unavailable.
During the fourth week, Gary, Paul, and the key functional department man- agers met to develop an alternate test matrix. The new test matrix looked good. Gary and his team worked frantically to develop a new workable schedule that would not have impact on the second milestone, which was to occur at the end of 180 days. The second milestone was the final acceptance of the raw materials and preparation of production runs of the raw materials to verify that there would be no scale-up differences between lab development and full-scale production.
Gary personally prepared all of the technical handouts for the interchange meeting. After all, he would be the one presenting all of the data. The technical interchange meeting was scheduled for two days. On the first day, Gary presented all of the data, including test results, and the new test matrix. The customer ap- peared displeased with the progress to date and decided to have its own in-house caucus that evening to go over the material that was presented.
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The following morning the customer stated its position: “First of all, Gary, we’re quite pleased to have a project manager who has such a command of tech- nology. That’s good. But every time we’ve tried to contact you last month, you were unavailable or had to be paged in the research laboratories. You did an ac- ceptable job presenting the technical data, but the administrative data was pre- sented by your project office personnel. We, at Lord, do not think that you’re main- taining the proper balance between your technical and administrative responsibilities. We prefer that you personally give the administrative data and your chief project engineer present the technical data.
“We did not receive any agenda. Our people like to know what will be dis- cussed, and when. We also want a copy of all handouts to be presented at least three days in advance. We need time to scrutinize the data. You can’t expect us to walk in here blind and make decisions after seeing the data for ten minutes.
“To be frank, we feel that the data to date is totally unacceptable. If the data does not improve, we will have no choice but to issue a work stoppage order and look for a new contractor. The new test matrix looks good, especially since this is a firm-fixed-price contract. Your company will bear the burden of all costs for the additional work. A trade-off with later work may be possible, but this will depend on the results presented at the second design review meeting, 90 days from now.
“We have decided to establish a customer office at Parks to follow your work more closely. Our people feel that monthly meetings are insufficient during R&D activities. We would like our customer representative to have daily verbal meet- ings with you or your staff. He will then keep us posted. Obviously, we had ex- pected to review much more experimental data than you have given us.
“Many of our top-quality engineers would like to talk directly to your engi- neering community, without having to continually waste time by having to go through the project office. We must insist on this last point. Remember, your ef- fort may be only $2.2 million, but our total package is $100 million. We have a lot more at stake than you people do. Our engineers do not like to get informa- tion that has been filtered by the project office. They want to help you.
“And last, don’t forget that you people have a contractual requirement to pre- pare complete minutes for all interchange meetings. Send us the original for sig- nature before going to publication.”
Although Gary was unhappy with the first team meeting, especially with the requests made by Lord Industries, he felt that they had sufficient justification for their comments. Following the team meeting, Gary personally prepared the com- plete minutes. “This is absurd,” thought Gary. “I’ve wasted almost one entire week doing nothing more than administrative paperwork. Why do we need such detailed minutes? Can’t a rough summary suffice? Why is it that customers want everything documented? That’s like an indication of fear. We’ve been completely cooperative with them. There has been no hostility between us. If we’ve gotten this much paperwork to do now, I hate to imagine what it will be like if we get into trouble.”
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Gary completed and distributed the minutes to the customer as well as to all key team members.
For the next five weeks testing went according to plan, or at least Gary thought that it had. The results were still poor. Gary was so caught up in admin- istrative paperwork that he hadn’t found time to visit the research labs in over a month. On a Wednesday morning, Gary entered the lab to observe the morning testing. Upon arriving in the lab, Gary found Paul Evans, Henry Gable, and two technicians testing a new material, JXB-3.
Gable: “Gary, your problems will soon be over. This new material, JXB-3, will permit you to satisfy specification requirements. Paul and I have been testing it for two weeks. We wanted to let you know, but were afraid that if the word leaked out to the customer that we were spending their money for testing materials that were not called out in the program plan, they would probably go crazy and might cancel the contract. Look at these results. They’re super!”
Anderson: “Am I supposed to be the one to tell the customer now? This could cause a big wave.”
Gable: “There won’t be any wave. Just tell them that we did it with our own IR&D funds. That’ll please them because they’ll think we’re spending our own money to support their program.”
Before presenting the information to Lord, Gary called a team meeting to present the new data to the project personnel. At the team meeting, one functional manager spoke out: “This is a hell of a way to run a program. I like to be kept in- formed about everything that’s happening here at Parks. How can the project of- fice expect to get support out of the functional departments if we’re kept in the dark until the very last minute? My people have been working with the existing materials for the last two months and you’re telling us that it was all for nothing. Now you’re giving us a material that’s so new that we have no information on it whatsoever. We’re now going to have to play catch-up, and that’s going to cost you plenty.”
One week before the 180-day milestone meeting, Gary submitted the handout package to Lord Industries for preliminary review. An hour later the phone rang.
Customer: “We’ve just read your handout. Where did this new material come from? How come we were not informed that this work was going on? You know, of course, that our customer, the Army, will be at this meeting. How can we ex- plain this to them? We’re postponing the review meeting until all of our people have analyzed the data and are prepared to make a decision.
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“The purpose of a review or interchange meeting is to exchange information when both parties have familiarity with the topic. Normally, we (Lord Industries) require almost weekly interchange meetings with our other customers because we don’t trust them. We disregard this policy with Parks Corporation based on past working relationships. But with the new state of developments, you have forced us to revert to our previous position, since we now question Parks Corporation’s integrity in communicating with us. At first we believed this was due to an inex- perienced program manager. Now, we’re not sure.”
Anderson: “I wonder if the real reason we have these interchange meetings isn’t to show our people that Lord Industries doesn’t trust us. You’re creating a hell of a lot of work for us, you know.”
Customer: “You people put yourself in this position. Now you have to live with it.”
Two weeks later Lord reluctantly agreed that the new material offered the greatest promise. Three weeks later the design review meeting was held. The Army was definitely not pleased with the prime contractor’s recommendation to put a new, untested material into a multimillion-dollar effort.
During the week following the design review meeting Gary planned to make the first verification mix in order to establish final specifications for selection of the raw materials. Unfortunately, the manufacturing plans were a week behind sched- ule, primarily because of Gary, since he had decided to reduce costs by accepting the responsibility for developing the bill of materials himself.
A meeting was called by Gary to consider rescheduling of the mix.
Anderson: “As you know we’re about a week to ten days behind schedule. We’ll have to reschedule the verification mix for late next week.”
Production manager: “Our resources are committed until a month from now. You can’t expect to simply call a meeting and have everything reshuffled for the Blue Spider Program. We should have been notified earlier. Engineering has the responsibility for preparing the bill of materials. Why aren’t they ready?”
Engineering integration: “We were never asked to prepare the bill of materials. But I’m sure that we could get it out if we work our people overtime for the next two days.”
Anderson: “When can we remake the mix?”
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Production manager: “We have to redo at least 500 sheets of paper every time we reschedule mixes. Not only that, we have to reschedule people on all three shifts. If we are to reschedule your mix, it will have to be performed on overtime. That’s go- ing to increase your costs. If that’s agreeable with you, we’ll try it. But this will be the first and last time that production will bail you out. There are procedures that have to be followed.”
Testing engineer: “I’ve been coming to these meetings since we kicked off this program. I think I speak for the entire engineering division when I say that the role that the director of engineering is playing in this program is suppressing individu- ality among our highly competent personnel. In new projects, especially those in- volving R&D, our people are not apt to stick their necks out. Now our people are becoming ostriches. If they’re impeded from contributing, even in their own slight way, then you’ll probably lose them before the project gets completed. Right now I feel that I’m wasting my time here. All I need are minutes of the team meetings and I’ll be happy. Then I won’t have to come to these pretend meetings anymore.”
The purpose of the verification mix was to make a full-scale production run of the material to verify that there would be no material property changes in scale- up from the small mixes made in the R&D laboratories. After testing, it became obvious that the wrong lots of raw materials were used in the production verifi- cation mix.
A meeting was called by Lord Industries for an explanation of why the mis- take had occurred and what the alternatives were.
Lord: “Why did the problem occur?”
Anderson: “Well, we had a problem with the bill of materials. The result was that the mix had to be made on overtime. And when you work people on overtime, you have to be willing to accept mistakes as being a way of life. The energy cy- cles of our people are slow during the overtime hours.”
Lord: “The ultimate responsibility has to be with you, the program manager. We, at Lord, think that you’re spending too much time doing and not enough time managing. As the prime contractor, we have a hell of a lot more at stake than you do. From now on we want documented weekly technical interchange meetings and closer interaction by our quality control section with yours.”
Anderson: “These additional team meetings are going to tie up our key people. I can’t spare people to prepare handouts for weekly meetings with your people.”
Lord: “Team meetings are a management responsibility. If Parks does not want the Blue Spider Program, I’m sure we can find another subcontractor. All you (Gary) have to do is give up taking the material vendors to lunch and you’ll have plenty of time for handout preparation.”
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Gary left the meeting feeling as though he had just gotten raked over the coals. For the next two months, Gary worked sixteen hours a day, almost every day. Gary did not want to burden his staff with the responsibility of the handouts, so he began preparing them himself. He could have hired additional staff, but with such a tight budget, and having to remake verification mix, cost overruns ap- peared inevitable.
As the end of the seventh month approached, Gary was feeling pressure from within Parks Corporation. The decision-making process appeared to be slowing down, and Gary found it more and more difficult to motivate his people. In fact, the grapevine was referring to the Blue Spider Project as a loser, and some of his key people acted as though they were on a sinking ship.
By the time the eighth month rolled around, the budget had nearly been ex- pended. Gary was tired of doing everything himself. “Perhaps I should have stayed an engineer,” thought Gary. Elliot Grey and Gary Anderson had a meeting to see what could be salvaged. Grey agreed to get Gary additional corporate funding to complete the project. “But performance must be met, since there is a lot riding on the Blue Spider Project,” asserted Grey. He called a team meeting to identify the program status.
Anderson: “It’s time to map out our strategy for the remainder of the program. Can engineering and production adhere to the schedule that I have laid out before you?”
Team member, engineering: “This is the first time that I’ve seen this schedule. You can’t expect me to make a decision in the next ten minutes and commit the resources of my department. We’re getting a little unhappy being kept in the dark until the last minute. What happened to effective planning?”
Anderson: “We still have effective planning. We must adhere to the original schedule, or at least try to adhere to it. This revised schedule will do that.”
Team member, engineering: “Look, Gary! When a project gets in trouble it is usually the functional departments that come to the rescue. But if we’re kept in the dark, then how can you expect us to come to your rescue? My boss wants to know, well in advance, every decision that you’re contemplating with regard to our departmental resources. Right now, we . . .”
Anderson: “Granted, we may have had a communications problem. But now we’re in trouble and have to unite forces. What is your impression as to whether your department can meet the new schedule?”
Team member, engineering: “When the Blue Spider Program first got in trouble, my boss exercised his authority to make all departmental decisions regarding the program himself. I’m just a puppet. I have to check with him on everything.”
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Team member, production: “I’m in the same boat, Gary. You know we’re not happy having to reschedule our facilities and people. We went through this once before. I also have to check with my boss before giving you an answer about the new schedule.”
The following week the verification mix was made. Testing proceeded ac- cording to the revised schedule, and it looked as though the total schedule mile- stones could be met, provided that specifications could be adhered to.
Because of the revised schedule, some of the testing had to be performed on holidays. Gary wasn’t pleased with asking people to work on Sundays and holi- days, but he had no choice, since the test matrix called for testing to be accom- plished at specific times after end-of-mix.
A team meeting was called on Wednesday to resolve the problem of who would work on the holiday, which would occur on Friday, as well as staffing Saturday and Sunday. During the team meeting Gary became quite disappointed. Phil Rodgers, who had been Gary’s test engineer since the project started, was as- signed to a new project that the grapevine called Gable’s new adventure. His re- placement was a relatively new man, only eight months with the company. For an hour and a half, the team members argued about the little problems and continu- ally avoided the major question, stating that they would first have to coordinate commitments with their bosses. It was obvious to Gary that his team members were afraid to make major decisions and therefore “ate up” a lot of time on triv- ial problems.
On the following day, Thursday, Gary went to see the department manager responsible for testing, in hopes that he could use Phil Rodgers this weekend.
Department manager: “I have specific instructions from the boss (director of engineering) to use Phil Rodgers on the new project. You’ll have to see the boss if you want him back.”
Anderson: “But we have testing that must be accomplished this weekend. Where’s the new man you assigned yesterday?”
Department manager: “Nobody told me you had testing scheduled for this weekend. Half of my department is already on an extended weekend vacation, in- cluding Phil Rodgers and the new man. How come I’m always the last to know when we have a problem?”
Anderson: “The customer is flying down his best people to observe this week- end’s tests. It’s too late to change anything. You and I can do the testing.”
Department manager: “Not on your life. I’m staying as far away as possible from the Blue Spider Project. I’ll get you someone, but it won’t be me. That’s for sure!”
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The weekend’s testing went according to schedule. The raw data was made available to the customer under the stipulation that the final company position would be announced at the end of the next month, after the functional depart- ments had a chance to analyze it.
Final testing was completed during the second week of the ninth month. The initial results looked excellent. The materials were within contract specifications, and although they were new, both Gary and Lord’s management felt that there would be little difficulty in convincing the Army that this was the way to go. Henry Gable visited Gary and congratulated him on a job well done.
All that now remained was the making of four additional full-scale verifica- tion mixes in order to determine how much deviation there would be in material properties between full-sized production-run mixes. Gary tried to get the cus- tomer to concur (as part of the original trade-off analysis) that two of the four pro- duction runs could be deleted. Lord’s management refused, insisting that con- tractual requirements must be met at the expense of the contractor.
The following week, Elliot Grey called Gary in for an emergency meeting concerning expenditures to date.
Elliot Grey: “Gary, I just received a copy of the financial planning report for last quarter in which you stated that both the cost and performance of the Blue Spider Project were 75 percent complete. I don’t think you realize what you’ve done. The target profit on the program was $200,000. Your memo authorized the vice president and general manager to book 75 percent of that, or $150,000, for cor- porate profit spending for stockholders. I was planning on using all $200,000 to- gether with the additional $300,000 I personally requested from corporate head- quarters to bail you out. Now I have to go back to the vice president and general manager and tell them that we’ve made a mistake and that we’ll need an addi- tional $150,000.”
Anderson: “Perhaps I should go with you and explain my error. Obviously, I take all responsibility.”
Grey: “No, Gary. It’s our error, not yours. I really don’t think you want to be around the general manager when he sees red at the bottom of the page. It takes an act of God to get money back once corporate books it as profit. Perhaps you should reconsider project engineering as a career instead of program manage- ment. Your performance hasn’t exactly been sparkling, you know.”
Gary returned to his office quite disappointed. No matter how hard he worked, the bureaucratic red tape of project management seemed always to do him in. But late that afternoon, Gary’s disposition improved. Lord Industries called to say that, after consultation with the Army, Parks Corporation would be awarded a sole-source contract for qualification and production of Spartan
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missile components using the new longer-life raw materials. Both Lord and the Army felt that the sole-source contract was justified, provided that continued test- ing showed the same results, since Parks Corporation had all of the technical ex- perience with the new materials.
Gary received a letter of congratulations from corporate headquarters, but no additional pay increase. The grapevine said that a substantial bonus was given to the director of engineering.
During the tenth month, results were coming back from the accelerated ag- ing tests performed on the new materials. The results indicated that although the new materials would meet specifications, the age life would probably be less than five years. These numbers came as a shock to Gary. Gary and Paul Evans had a conference to determine the best strategy to follow.
Anderson: “Well, I guess we’re now in the fire instead of the frying pan. Obviously, we can’t tell Lord Industries about these tests. We ran them on our own. Could the results be wrong?”
Evans: “Sure, but I doubt it. There’s always margin for error when you perform ac- celerated aging tests on new materials. There can be reactions taking place that we know nothing about. Furthermore, the accelerated aging tests may not even correlate well with actual aging. We must form a company position on this as soon as possible.”
Anderson: “I’m not going to tell anyone about this, especially Henry Gable. You and I will handle this. It will be my throat if word of this leaks out. Let’s wait until we have the production contract in hand.”
Evans: “That’s dangerous. This has to be a company position, not a project of- fice position. We had better let them know upstairs.”
Anderson: “I can’t do that. I’ll take all responsibility. Are you with me on this?”
Evans: “I’ll go along. I’m sure I can find employment elsewhere when we open Pandora’s box. You had better tell the department managers to be quiet also.”
Two weeks later, as the program was winding down into the testing for the final verification mix and final report development, Gary received an urgent phone call asking him to report immediately to Henry Gable’s office.
Gable: “When this project is over, you’re through. You’ll never hack it as a pro- gram manager, or possibly a good project engineer. We can’t run projects around here without honesty and open communications. How the hell do you expect top management to support you when you start censoring bad news to the top? I don’t like surprises. I like to get the bad news from the program manager and project engineers, not secondhand from the customer. And of course, we cannot forget the cost overrun. Why didn’t you take some precautionary measures?”
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Anderson: “How could I when you were asking our people to do work such as accelerated aging tests that would be charged to my project and was not part of program plan? I don’t think I’m totally to blame for what’s happened.”
Gable: “Gary, I don’t think it’s necessary to argue the point any further. I’m willing to give you back your old job, in engineering. I hope you didn’t lose too many friends while working in program management. Finish up final testing and the program report. Then I’ll reassign you.”
Gary returned to his office and put his feet up on the desk. “Well,” thought Gary, “perhaps I’m better off in engineering. At least I can see my wife and kids once in a while.” As Gary began writing the final report, the phone rang:
Functional manager: “Hello, Gary. I just thought I’d call to find out what charge number you want us to use for experimenting with this new procedure to determine accelerated age life.”
Anderson: “Don’t call me! Call Gable. After all, the Blue Spider Project is his baby.”
1. If you were Gary Anderson, would you have accepted this position after the director stated that this project would be his baby all the way?
2. Do engineers with MBA degrees aspire to high positions in management? 3. Was Gary qualified to be a project manager? 4. What are the moral and ethical issues facing Gary? 5. What authority does Gary Anderson have and to whom does he report? 6. Is it true when you enter project management, you either go up the organiza-
tion or out the door? 7. Is it possible for an executive to take too much of an interest in an R&D project? 8. Should Paul Evans have been permitted to report information to Gable before
reporting it to the project manager? 9. Is it customary for the project manager to prepare all of the handouts for a
customer interchange meeting? 10. What happens when a situation of mistrust occurs between the customer and
contractor? 11. Should functional employees of the customer and contractor be permitted to
communicate with one another without going through the project office? 12. Did Gary demonstrate effective time management? 13. Did Gary understand production operations?
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14. Are functional employees authorized to make project decisions? 15. On R&D projects, should profits be booked periodically or at project termi-
nation? 16. Should a project manager ever censor bad news? 17. Could the above-mentioned problems have been resolved if there had been a
singular methodology for project management in place? 18. Can a singular methodology for project management specify morality and
ethics in dealing with customers? If so, how do we then handle situations where the project manager violates protocol?
19. Could the lessons learned on success and failure during project debriefings cause a major change in the project management methodology?
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By June 1983, Corwin Corporation had grown into a $150 million per year corpora- tion with an international reputation for manufacturing low-cost, high-quality rubber components. Corwin maintained more than a dozen different product lines, all of which were sold as off-the-shelf items in department stores, hardware stores, and au- tomotive parts distributors. The name Corwin was now synonymous with “quality.” This provided management with the luxury of having products that maintained ex- tremely long life cycles.
Organizationally, Corwin had maintained the same structure for more than fifteen years (see Exhibit I). The top management of Corwin Corporation was highly conservative and believed in using a marketing approach to find new mar- kets for existing product lines rather than exploring for new products. Under this philosophy, Corwin maintained a small R&D group whose mission was simply to evaluate state-of-the-art technology and its application to existing product lines.
Corwin’s reputation was so good that it continually received inquiries about the manufacturing of specialty products. Unfortunately, the conservative nature of Corwin’s management created a “do not rock the boat” atmosphere opposed to tak- ing any type of risks. A management policy was established to evaluate all specialty- product requests. The policy required answering yes to the following questions:
� Will the specialty product provide the same profit margin (20 percent) as existing product lines?
Corwin Corporation
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� What is the total projected profitability to the company in terms of fol- low-on contracts?
� Can the specialty product be developed into a product line? � Can the specialty product be produced with minimum disruption to ex-
isting product lines and manufacturing operations?
These stringent requirements forced Corwin to no-bid more than 90 percent of all specialty-product inquiries.
Corwin Corporation was a marketing-driven organization, although manu- facturing often had different ideas. Almost all decisions were made by marketing with the exception of product pricing and estimating, which was a joint under- taking between manufacturing and marketing. Engineering was considered as merely a support group to marketing and manufacturing.
For specialty products, the project managers would always come out of mar- keting even during the R&D phase of development. The company’s approach was that if the specialty product should mature into a full product line, then there should be a product line manager assigned right at the onset.
In 1980, Corwin accepted a specialty-product assignment from Peters Company because of the potential for follow-on work. In 1981 and 1982, and again in 1983, profitable follow-on contracts were received, and a good working relationship de- veloped, despite Peters’ reputation for being a difficult customer to work with.
Market Support Contracts
Project Management
Dick Potts Dan West
R&D Dr. Reddy
Engineering Support
VP Marketing Gene Frimel
VP Engineering Dr. Royce VP Manufacturing
Exhibit I. Organizational chart for Corwin Corporation
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On December 7, 1982, Gene Frimel, the vice president of marketing at Corwin, received a rather unusual phone call from Dr. Frank Delia, the market- ing vice president at Peters Company.
Frank Delia: “Gene, I have a rather strange problem on my hands. Our R&D group has $250,000 committed for research toward development of a new rubber product material, and we simply do not have the available personnel or talent to undertake the project. We have to go outside. We’d like your company to do the work. Our testing and R&D facilities are already overburdened.”
Gene Frimel: “Well, as you know, Frank, we are not a research group even though we’ve done this once before for you. And furthermore, I would never be able to sell our management on such an undertaking. Let some other company do the R&D work and then we’ll take over on the production end.”
Delia: “Let me explain our position on this. We’ve been burned several times in the past. Projects like this generate several patents, and the R&D company almost always requires that our contracts give them royalties or first refusal for manu- facturing rights.”
Frimel: “I understand your problem, but it’s not within our capabilities. This project, if undertaken, could disrupt parts of our organization. We’re already oper- ating lean in engineering.”
Delia: “Look, Gene! The bottom line is this: We have complete confidence in your manufacturing ability to such a point that we’re willing to commit to a five-year pro- duction contract if the product can be developed. That makes it extremely profitable for you.”
Frimel: “You’ve just gotten me interested. What additional details can you give me?”
Delia: “All I can give you is a rough set of performance specifications that we’d like to meet. Obviously, some trade-offs are possible.”
Frimel: “When can you get the specification sheet to me?”
Delia: “You’ll have it tomorrow morning. I’ll ship it overnight express.”
Frimel: “Good! I’ll have my people look at it, but we won’t be able to get you an answer until after the first of the year. As you know, our plant is closed down for the last two weeks in December, and most of our people have already left for extended vacations.”
Delia: “That’s not acceptable! My management wants a signed, sealed, and de- livered contract by the end of this month. If this is not done, corporate will reduce
The Peters Company Project 319
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our budget for 1983 by $250,000, thinking that we’ve bitten off more than we can chew. Actually, I need your answer within 48 hours so that I’ll have some time to find another source.”
Frimel: “You know, Frank, today is December 7, Pearl Harbor Day. Why do I feel as though the sky is about to fall in?”
Delia: “Don’t worry, Gene! I’m not going to drop any bombs on you. Just re- member, all that we have available is $250,000, and the contract must be a firm- fixed-price effort. We anticipate a six-month project with $125,000 paid on con- tract signing and the balance at project termination.”
Frimel: “I still have that ominous feeling, but I’ll talk to my people. You’ll hear from us with a go or no-go decision within 48 hours. I’m scheduled to go on a cruise in the Caribbean, and my wife and I are leaving this evening. One of my people will get back to you on this matter.”
Gene Frimel had a problem. All bid and no-bid decisions were made by a four-man committee composed of the president and the three vice presidents. The president and the vice president for manufacturing were on vacation. Frimel met with Dr. Royce, the vice president of engineering, and explained the situation.
Royce: “You know, Gene, I totally support projects like this because it would help our technical people grow intellectually. Unfortunately, my vote never ap- pears to carry any weight.”
Frimel: “The profitability potential as well as the development of good customer relations makes this attractive, but I’m not sure we want to accept such a risk. A failure could easily destroy our good working relationship with Peters Company.”
Royce: “I’d have to look at the specification sheets before assessing the risks, but I would like to give it a shot.”
Frimel: “I’ll try to reach our president by phone.”
By late afternoon, Frimel was fortunate enough to be able to contact the pres- ident and received a reluctant authorization to proceed. The problem now was how to prepare a proposal within the next two or three days and be prepared to make an oral presentation to Peters Company.
Frimel: “The Boss gave his blessing, Royce, and the ball is in your hands. I’m leaving for vacation, and you’ll have total responsibility for the proposal and pre- sentation. Delia wants the presentation this weekend. You should have his speci- fication sheets tomorrow morning.”
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Royce: “Our R&D director, Dr. Reddy, left for vacation this morning. I wish he were here to help me price out the work and select the project manager. I assume that, in this case, the project manager will come out of engineering rather than marketing.”
Frimel: “Yes, I agree. Marketing should not have any role in this effort. It’s your baby all the way. And as for the pricing effort, you know our bid will be for $250,000. Just work backwards to justify the numbers. I’ll assign one of our con- tracting people to assist you in the pricing. I hope I can find someone who has ex- perience in this type of effort. I’ll call Delia and tell him we’ll bid it with an un- solicited proposal.”
Royce selected Dan West, one of the R&D scientists, to act as the project leader. Royce had severe reservations about doing this without the R&D director, Dr. Reddy, being actively involved. With Reddy on vacation, Royce had to make an immediate decision.
On the following morning, the specification sheets arrived and Royce, West, and Dick Potts, a contracts man, began preparing the proposal. West prepared the direct labor man-hours, and Royce provided the costing data and pricing rates. Potts, being completely unfamiliar with this type of effort, simply acted as an ob- server and provided legal advice when necessary. Potts allowed Royce to make all decisions even though the contracts man was considered the official represen- tative of the president.
Finally completed two days later, the proposal was actually a ten-page letter that simply contained the cost summaries (see Exhibit II) and the engineering in- tent. West estimated that 30 tests would be required. The test matrix described the test conditions only for the first five tests. The remaining 25 test conditions would be determined at a later date, jointly by Peters and Corwin personnel.
On Sunday morning, a meeting was held at Peters Company, and the pro- posal was accepted. Delia gave Royce a letter of intent authorizing Corwin
The Peters Company Project 321
Exhibit II. Proposal cost summaries
Direct labor and support $ 30,000 Testing (30 tests at $2,000 each) 60,000 Overhead at 100% 90,000 Materials 30,000 G&A (general and administrative, 10%) 21,000
Total $231,000 Profit 19,000
Total $250,000
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Corporation to begin working on the project immediately. The final contract would not be available for signing until late January, and the letter of intent sim- ply stated that Peters Company would assume all costs until such time that the contract was signed or the effort terminated.
West was truly excited about being selected as the project manager and be- ing able to interface with the customer, a luxury that was usually given only to the marketing personnel. Although Corwin Corporation was closed for two weeks over Christmas, West still went into the office to prepare the project schedules and to identify the support he would need in the other areas, thinking that if he pre- sented this information to management on the first day back to work, they would be convinced that he had everything under control.
On the first working day in January 1983, a meeting was held with the three vice presidents and Dr. Reddy to discuss the support needed for the project. (West was not in attendance at this meeting, although all participants had a copy of his memo.)
Reddy: “I think we’re heading for trouble in accepting this project. I’ve worked with Peters Company previously on R&D efforts, and they’re tough to get along with. West is a good man, but I would never have assigned him as the project leader. His expertise is in managing internal rather than external projects. But, no matter what happens, I’ll support West the best I can.”
Royce: “You’re too pessimistic. You have good people in your group and I’m sure you’ll be able to give him the support he needs. I’ll try to look in on the project every so often. West will still be reporting to you for this project. Try not to burden him too much with other work. This project is important to the company.”
West spent the first few days after vacation soliciting the support that he needed from the other line groups. Many of the other groups were upset that they had not been informed earlier and were unsure as to what support they could pro- vide. West met with Reddy to discuss the final schedules.
Reddy: “Your schedules look pretty good, Dan. I think you have a good grasp on the problem. You won’t need very much help from me. I have a lot of work to do on other activities, so I’m just going to be in the background on this project. Just drop me a note every once in a while telling me what’s going on. I don’t need anything formal. Just a paragraph or two will suffice.”
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By the end of the third week, all of the raw materials had been purchased, and initial formulations and testing were ready to begin. In addition, the contract was ready for signature. The contract contained a clause specifying that Peters Company had the right to send an in-house representative into Corwin Corporation for the duration of the project. Peters Company informed Corwin that Patrick Ray would be the in-house representative, reporting to Delia, and would assume his responsibilities on or about February 15.
By the time Pat Ray appeared at Corwin Corporation, West had completed the first three tests. The results were not what was expected, but gave promise that Corwin was heading in the right direction. Pat Ray’s interpretation of the tests was completely opposite to that of West. Ray thought that Corwin was “way off base,” and that redirection was needed.
Pat Ray: “Look, Dan! We have only six months to do this effort and we shouldn’t waste our time on marginally acceptable data. These are the next five tests I’d like to see performed.”
Dan West: “Let me look over your request and review it with my people. That will take a couple of days, and, in the meanwhile, I’m going to run the other two tests as planned.”
Ray’s arrogant attitude bothered West. However, West decided that the project was too important to “knock heads” with Ray and simply decided to cater to Ray the best he could. This was not exactly the working relationship that West expected to have with the in-house representative.
West reviewed the test data and the new test matrix with engineering per- sonnel, who felt that the test data was inconclusive as yet and preferred to with- hold their opinion until the results of the fourth and fifth tests were made avail- able. Although this displeased Ray, he agreed to wait a few more days if it meant getting Corwin Corporation on the right track.
The fourth and fifth tests appeared to be marginally acceptable just as the first three had been. Corwin’s engineering people analyzed the data and made their recommendations.
West: “Pat, my people feel that we’re going in the right direction and that our path has greater promise than your test matrix.”
Ray: “As long as we’re paying the bills, we’re going to have a say in what tests are conducted. Your proposal stated that we would work together in developing the other test conditions. Let’s go with my test matrix. I’ve already reported back to my boss that the first five tests were failures and that we’re changing the direction of the project.”
The Work Begins 323
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West: “I’ve already purchased $30,000 worth of raw materials. Your matrix uses other materials and will require additional expenditures of $12,000.”
Ray: “That’s your problem. Perhaps you shouldn’t have purchased all of the raw materials until we agreed on the complete test matrix.”
During the month of February, West conducted 15 tests, all under Ray’s direc- tion. The tests were scattered over such a wide range that no valid conclusions could be drawn. Ray continued sending reports back to Delia confirming that Corwin was not producing beneficial results and there was no indication that the situation would reverse itself. Delia ordered Ray to take any steps necessary to ensure a successful completion of the project.
Ray and West met again as they had done for each of the past 45 days to dis- cuss the status and direction of the project.
Ray: “Dan, my boss is putting tremendous pressure on me for results, and thus far I’ve given him nothing. I’m up for promotion in a couple of months and I can’t let this project stand in my way. It’s time to completely redirect the project.”
West: “Your redirection of the activities is playing havoc with my scheduling. I have people in other departments who just cannot commit to this continual rescheduling. They blame me for not communicating with them when, in fact, I’m embarrassed to.”
Ray: “Everybody has their problems. We’ll get this problem solved. I spent this morning working with some of your lab people in designing the next 15 tests. Here are the test conditions.”
West: “I certainly would have liked to be involved with this. After all, I thought I was the project manager. Shouldn’t I have been at the meeting?”
Ray: “Look, Dan! I really like you, but I’m not sure that you can handle this project. We need some good results immediately, or my neck will be stuck out for the next four months. I don’t want that. Just have your lab personnel start on these tests, and we’ll get along fine. Also, I’m planning on spending a great deal of time in your lab area. I want to observe the testing personally and talk to your lab personnel.”
West: “We’ve already conducted 20 tests, and you’re scheduling another 15 tests. I priced out only 30 tests in the proposal. We’re heading for a cost overrun condition.”
Ray: “Our contract is a firm-fixed-price effort. Therefore, the cost overrun is your problem.”
West met with Dr. Reddy to discuss the new direction of the project and po- tential cost overruns. West brought along a memo projecting the costs through the end of the third month of the project (see Exhibit III).
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Reddy: “I’m already overburdened on other projects and won’t be able to help you out. Royce picked you to be the project manager because he felt that you could do the job. Now, don’t let him down. Send me a brief memo next month ex- plaining the situation, and I’ll see what I can do. Perhaps the situation will cor- rect itself.”
During the month of March, the third month of the project, West received al- most daily phone calls from the people in the lab stating that Pat Ray was inter- fering with their job. In fact, one phone call stated that Ray had changed the test conditions from what was agreed on in the latest test matrix. When West con- fronted Ray on his meddling, Ray asserted that Corwin personnel were very un- professional in their attitude and that he thought this was being carried down to the testing as well. Furthermore, Ray demanded that one of the functional em- ployees be removed immediately from the project because of incompetence. West stated that he would talk to the employee’s department manager. Ray, however, felt that this would be useless and said, “Remove him or else!” The functional employee was removed from the project.
By the end of the third month, most Corwin employees were becoming dis- enchanted with the project and were looking for other assignments. West attrib- uted this to Ray’s harassment of the employees. To aggravate the situation even further, Ray met with Royce and Reddy, and demanded that West be removed and a new project manager be assigned.
Royce refused to remove West as project manager, and ordered Reddy to take charge and help West get the project back on track.
Reddy: “You’ve kept me in the dark concerning this project, West. If you want me to help you, as Royce requested, I’ll need all the information tomorrow, es- pecially the cost data. I’ll expect you in my office tomorrow morning at 8:00 A.M. I’ll bail you out of this mess.”
The Work Begins 325
Exhibit III. Projected cost summary at the end of the third month
Original Proposal Cost Total Project Costs Summary for Six- Projected at End of Month Project Third Month
Direct labor/support $ 30,000 $ 15,000 Testing 60,000 (30 tests) 70,000 (35 tests) Overhead 90,000 (100%) 92,000 (120%)* Materials 30,000 50,000 G&A 21,000 (10%) 22,700 (10%)
Totals $231,000 $249,700
*Total engineering overhead was estimated at 100 percent, whereas the R&D overhead was 120 percent.
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West prepared the projected cost data for the remainder of the work and pre- sented the results to Dr. Reddy (see Exhibit IV). Both West and Reddy agreed that the project was now out of control, and severe measures would be required to cor- rect the situation, in addition to more than $250,000 in corporate funding.
Reddy: “Dan, I’ve called a meeting for 10:00 A.M. with several of our R&D peo- ple to completely construct a new test matrix. This is what we should have done right from the start.”
West: “Shouldn’t we invite Ray to attend this meeting? I’m sure he’d want to be involved in designing the new test matrix.”
Reddy: “I’m running this show now, not Ray!! Tell Ray that I’m instituting new policies and procedures for in-house representatives. He’s no longer authorized to visit the labs at his own discretion. He must be accompanied by either you or me. If he doesn’t like these rules, he can get out. I’m not going to allow that guy to disrupt our organization. We’re spending our money now, not his.”
West met with Ray and informed him of the new test matrix as well as the new policies and procedures for in-house representatives. Ray was furious over the new turn of events and stated that he was returning to Peters Company for a meeting with Delia.
On the following Monday, Frimel received a letter from Delia stating that Peters Company was officially canceling the contract. The reasons given by Delia were as follows:
1. Corwin had produced absolutely no data that looked promising. 2. Corwin continually changed the direction of the project and did not
appear to have a systematic plan of attack. 3. Corwin did not provide a project manager capable of handling such a
Exhibit IV. Estimate of total project completion costs
Direct labor/support $ 47,000* Testing (60 tests) 120,000* Overhead (120%) 200,000* Materials 103,000* G&A 47,000*
$517,000* Peters contract 250,000*
Overrun $267,000*
*Includes Dr. Reddy.
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4. Corwin did not provide sufficient support for the in-house representative. 5. Corwin’s top management did not appear to be sincerely interested in the
project and did not provide sufficient executive-level support.
Royce and Frimel met to decide on a course of action in order to sustain good working relations with Peters Company. Frimel wrote a strong letter refuting all of the accusations in the Peters letter, but to no avail. Even the fact that Corwin was willing to spend $250,000 of their own funds had no bearing on Delia’s de- cision. The damage was done. Frimel was now thoroughly convinced that a con- tract should not be accepted on “Pearl Harbor Day.”
1. What were the major mistakes made by Corwin? 2. Should Corwin have accepted the assignment? 3. Should companies risk bidding on projects based upon rough draft specifica-
tions? 4. Should the shortness of the proposal preparation time have required more ac-
tive top management involvement before the proposal went out-of-house? 5. Are there any risks in not having the vice president for manufacturing avail-
able during the go or no-go bidding decision? 6. Explain the attitude of Dick Potts during the proposal activities. 7. None of the executives expressed concern when Dr. Reddy said, “I would
never have assigned him (West) as project leader.” How do you account for the executives’ lack of concern?
8. How important is it to inform line managers of proposal activities even if the line managers are not required to provide proposal support?
9. Explain Dr. Reddy’s attitude after go-ahead. 10. How should West have handled the situation where Pat Ray’s opinion of the
test data was contrary to that of Corwin’s engineering personnel? 11. How should West have reacted to the remarks made by Ray that he informed
Delia that the first five tests were failures? 12. Is immediate procurement of all materials a mistake? 13. Should Pat Ray have been given the freedom to visit laboratory personnel at
any time? 14. Should an in-house representative have the right to remove a functional em-
ployee from the project? 15. Financially, how should the extra tests have been handled? 16. Explain Dr. Reddy’s attitude when told to assume control of the project. 17. Delia’s letter, stating the five reasons for canceling the project, was refuted
by Frimel, but with no success. Could Frimel’s early involvement as a proj- ect sponsor have prevented this?
Questions 327
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18. In retrospect, would it have been better to assign a marketing person as proj- ect manager?
19. Your company has a singular methodology for project management. You are offered a special project from a powerful customer that does not fit into your methodology. Should a project be refused simply because it is not a good fit with your methodology?
20. Should a customer be informed that only projects that fit your methodology would be accepted?
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In June of 1998, the executive committee of Quantum Telecom reluctantly ap- proved two R&D projects that required technical breakthroughs. To make matters worse, the two products had to be developed by the summer of 1999 and intro- duced into the marketplace quickly. The life expectancy of both products was es- timated to be less than one year because of the rate of change in technology. Yet, despite these risks, the two projects were fully funded. Two senior executives were assigned as the project sponsors, one for each project.
Quantum Telecom had a world-class project management methodology with five life cycle phases and five gate review meetings. The gate review meetings were go/no-go decision points based upon present performance and future risks. Each sponsor was authorized and empowered to make any and all decisions rela- tive to projects, including termination.
Company politics always played an active role in decisions to terminate a project. Termination of a project often impacted the executive sponsor’s ad- vancement opportunities because the projects were promoted by the sponsors and funded through the sponsor’s organization.
During the first two gate review meetings, virtually everyone recommended the termination of both projects. Technical breakthroughs seemed unlikely, and the schedule appeared unduely optimistic. But terminating the projects this early would certainly not reflect favorably upon the sponsors. Reluctantly, both spon- sors agreed to continue the projects to the third gate in hopes of a “miracle.”
Quantum Telecom
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During the third gate review, the projects were still in peril. Although the technical breakthrough opportunity now seemed plausible, the launch date would have to be slipped, thus giving Quantum Telecom a window of only six months to sell the products before obsolescence would occur.
By the fourth gate review, the technical breakthrough had not yet occurred but did still seem plausible. Both project managers were still advocating the can- cellation of the projects, and the situation was getting worse. Yet, in order to “save face” within the corporation, both sponsors allowed the projects to continue to completion. They asserted that, “If the new products could not be sold in suffi- cient quantity to recover the R&D costs, then the fault lies with marketing and sales, not with us.” The sponsors were now off the hook, so to speak.
Both projects were completed six months late. The salesforce could not sell as much as one unit, and obsolescence occurred quickly. Marketing and sales were blamed for the failures, not the project sponsors.
1. How do we eliminate politics from gate review meetings? 2. How can we develop a methodology where termination of a project is not
viewed as a failure? 3. Were the wrong people assigned as sponsors? 4. What options are available to a project manager when there exists a disagree-
ment between the sponsor and the project manager? 5. Can your answer to the above question be outlined as part of the project man-
agement methodology?
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The ill-fated Trophy Project was in trouble right from the start. Reichart, who had been an assistant project manager, was involved with the project from its con- ception. When the Trophy Project was accepted by the company, Reichart was as- signed as the project manager. The program schedules started to slip from day one, and expenditures were excessive. Reichart found that the functional man- agers were charging direct labor time to his project but working on their own pet projects. When Reichart complained of this, he was told not to meddle in the functional manager’s allocation of resources and budgeted expenditures. After ap- proximately six months, Reichart was requested to make a progress report di- rectly to corporate and division staffs.
Reichart took this opportunity to bare his soul. The report substantiated that the project was forecasted to be one complete year behind schedule. Reichart’s staff, as supplied by the line managers, was inadequate to stay at the required pace, let alone make up any time that had already been lost. The estimated cost at com- pletion at this interval showed a cost overrun of at least 20 percent. This was Reichart’s first opportunity to tell his story to people who were in a position to cor- rect the situation. The result of Reichart’s frank, candid evaluation of the Trophy Project was very predictable. Nonbelievers finally saw the light, and the line man- agers realized that they had a role to play in the completion of the project. Most of the problems were now out in the open and could be corrected by providing ade- quate staffing and resources. Corporate staff ordered immediate remedial action and staff support to provide Reichart a chance to bail out his program.
The Trophy Project
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The results were not at all what Reichart had expected. He no longer reported to the project office; he now reported directly to the operations manager. Corporate staff’s interest in the project became very intense, requiring a 7:00 A.M. meeting every Monday morning for complete review of the project status and plans for re- covery. Reichart found himself spending more time preparing paperwork, reports, and projections for his Monday morning meetings than he did administering the Trophy Project. The main concern of corporate was to get the project back on schedule. Reichart spent many hours preparing the recovery plan and establishing manpower requirements to bring the program back onto the original schedule.
Group staff, in order to closely track the progress of the Trophy Project, as- signed an assistant program manager. The assistant program manager determined that a sure cure for the Trophy Project would be to computerize the various prob- lems and track the progress through a very complex computer program. Corporate provided Reichart with twelve additional staff members to work on the computer program. In the meantime, nothing changed. The functional managers still did not provide adequate staff for recovery, assuming that the additional man- power Reichart had received from corporate would accomplish that task.
After approximately $50,000 was spent on the computer program to track the problems, it was found that the program objectives could not be handled by the computer. Reichart discussed this problem with a computer supplier and found that $15,000 more was required for programming and additional storage capac- ity. It would take two months for installation of the additional storage capacity and the completion of the programming. At this point, the decision was made to abandon the computer program.
Reichart was now a year and a half into the program with no prototype units completed. The program was still nine months behind schedule with the overrun projected at 40 percent of budget. The customer had been receiving his reports on a timely basis and was well aware of the fact that the Trophy Project was behind schedule. Reichart had spent a great deal of time with the customer explaining the problems and the plan for recovery. Another problem that Reichart had to contend with was that the vendors who were supplying components for the project were also running behind schedule.
One Sunday morning, while Reichart was in his office putting together a re- port for the client, a corporate vice president came into his office. “Reichart,” he said, “in any project I look at the top sheet of paper and the man whose name ap- pears at the top of the sheet is the one I hold responsible. For this project your name appears at the top of the sheet. If you cannot bail this thing out, you are in serious trouble in this corporation.” Reichart did not know which way to turn or what to say. He had no control over the functional managers who were creating the problems, but he was the person who was being held responsible.
After another three months the customer, becoming impatient, realized that the Trophy Project was in serious trouble and requested that the division general
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manager and his entire staff visit the customer’s plant to give a progress and “get well” report within a week. The division general manager called Reichart into his office and said, “Reichart, go visit our customer. Take three or four functional line people with you and try to placate him with whatever you feel is necessary.” Reichart and four functional line people visited the customer and gave a four-and- a-half-hour presentation defining the problems and the progress to that point. The customer was very polite and even commented that it was an excellent presenta- tion, but the content was totally unacceptable. The program was still six to eight months late, and the customer demanded progress reports on a weekly basis. The customer made arrangements to assign a representative in Reichart’s department to be “on-site” at the project on a daily basis and to interface with Reichart and his staff as required. After this turn of events, the program became very hectic.
The customer representative demanded constant updates and problem identi- fication and then became involved in attempting to solve these problems. This in- volvement created many changes in the program and the product in order to elim- inate some of the problems. Reichart had trouble with the customer and did not agree with the changes in the program. He expressed his disagreement vocally when, in many cases, the customer felt the changes were at no cost. This caused a deterioration of the relationship between client and producer.
One morning Reichart was called into the division general manager’s office and introduced to Mr. “Red” Baron. Reichart was told to turn over the reins of the Trophy Project to Red immediately. “Reichart, you will be temporarily reassigned to some other division within the corporation. I suggest you start looking outside the company for another job.” Reichart looked at Red and asked, “Who did this? Who shot me down?”
Red was program manager on the Trophy Project for approximately six months, after which, by mutual agreement, he was replaced by a third project manager. The customer reassigned his local program manager to another project. With the new team the Trophy Project was finally completed one year behind schedule and at a 40 percent cost overrun.
1. Did the project appear to be planned correctly? 2. Did functional management seem to be committed to the project? 3. Did senior management appear supportive and committed? 4. Can a singular methodology for project management be designed to “force”
cooperation to occur between groups? 5. Is it possible or even desirable for strategic planning for project management
to include ways to improve cooperation and working relationships, or is this beyond the scope of strategic planning for project management?
Questions 333
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The Concrete Masonry Corporation (CMC), after being a leader in the industry for over twenty-five years, decided to get out of the prestressed concrete business. Although there had been a boom in residential construction in recent years, com- mercial work was on the decline. As a result, all the prestressed concrete manufac- turers were going farther afield to big jobs. In order to survive, CMC was forced to bid on jobs previously thought to be out of their geographical area. Survival de- pended upon staying competitive.
In 1975, the average selling price of a cubic foot of concrete was $8.35, and in 1977, the average selling price had declined to $6.85. As CMC was producing at a rate of a million cubic feet a year, not much mathematics was needed to cal- culate they were receiving one-and-a-half million dollars per year less than they had received a short two years before for the same product.
Product management was used by CMC in a matrix organizational form. CMC’s project manager had total responsibility from the design to the comple- tion of the construction project. However, with the declining conditions of the market and the evolution that had drastically changed the character of the mar- ketplace, CMC’s previously successful approach was in question.
Concrete Masonry Corporation
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CMC started in the concrete block business in 1946. At the beginning, CMC be- came a leader in the marketplace for two reasons: (1) advanced technology of manufacturing and (2) an innovative delivery system. With modern equipment, specifically the flat pallet block machine, CMC was able to make different shapes of block without having to make major changes in the machinery. This change, along with the pioneering of the self-unloading boom truck, which permitted ef- ficient, cost-saving delivery, contributed to the success of CMC’s block business. Consequently, the block business success provided the capital needed for CMC to enter the prestressed concrete business.
Prestressed concrete is made by casting concrete around steel cables that are stretched by hydraulic jacks. After the concrete hardens, the cables are releasd, thus compressing the concrete. Concrete is strongest when it is compressed. Steel is strongest when it is stretched, or in tension. In this way, CMC combined the two strongest qualities of the two materials. The effectiveness of the technique can be readily demonstrated by lifting a horizontal row of books by applying pressure at each end of the row at a point below the center of gravity.
Originally, the concrete block manufacturing business was a natural base from which to enter the prestressed concrete business because the very first pre- stressed concrete beams were made of a row of concrete block, prestressed by us- ing high tension strength wires through the cores of the block. The wire was pulled at a high tension, and the ends of the beams were grouted. After the grout held the wires or cables in place, the tension was released on the cables, with re- sultant compression on the bottom portion of the beams. Thus the force on the bottom of the beam would tend to counteract the downward weight put on the top of the beam. By this process, these prestressed concrete beams could cover three to four times the spans possible with conventional reinforced concrete.
In 1951, after many trips to Washington, DC, and an excellent selling job by CMC’s founder, T. L. Goudvis, CMC was able to land their first large-volume prestressed concrete project with the Corps of Engineers. The contract authorized the use of prestressed concrete beams, as described, with concrete block for the roofs of warehouses in the large Air Force depot complex being built in Shelby, Ohio. The buildings were a success, and CMC immediately received prestige and notoriety as a leader in the prestressed concrete business.
Wet-cast beams were developed next. For wet-cast beams, instead of concrete block, the cables were placed in long forms and pulled to the desired tension,
History—The Prestressed Concrete Business 335
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after which concrete was poured in the forms to make beams. As a result of wet- cast beams, prestressed concrete was no longer dependent on concrete block.
At first, prestressed concrete was primarily for floors and roofs, but, in the early 1960s, precasters became involved in more complicated structures. CMC started designing and making not only beams, but columns and whatever other components it took to put together a whole structure. Parking garages became a natural application for prestressed concrete structures. Eventually an entire build- ing could be precast out of prestressed concrete.
Constructing the entire building, as in the case of a parking garage, meant that jobs were becoming more complex with respect to interdependence of detailed task accomplishment. Accordingly, in 1967, project management was established at CMC. The functional departments did the work, but the project managers saw to it that the assigned projects were completed on schedule and within budget and specifications. A matrix organization, as illustrated in Exhibit I, was adopted and used effectively by CMC. The concept of a matrix organization, as applied at CMC, entailed an organizational system designed as “web of relationships” rather than a line and staff relationship for work performance.
Each project manager was assigned a number of personnel with the required qualification from the functional departments for the duration of the project. Thus the project organization was composed of the project manager and functional per- sonnel groups. The project manager had not only the responsibility and account- ability for the successful completion of the contract, but also the delegated au- thority for work design, assignments of functional group personnel, and the determination of procedural relationships.
The most important functional area for the project manager was the engi- neering department, since prestressed concrete is a highly engineered product. A great deal of coordination and interaction was required between the project man- ager and the engineering department just to make certain that everything fit to- gether and was structurally sound. A registered engineer did the design. The project manager’s job was to see that the designing was done correctly and effi- ciently. Production schedules were made up by the project manager subject, of course, to minor modifications by the plant. The project manager was also re- quired to do all the coordination with the customer, architect, general contractor, and the erection force. The project manager was also required to have interaction with the distribution manager to be certain that the product designed could be shipped by trucks. Finally, there had to be interaction between the project man- ager and the sales department to determine that the product the project manager was making was what the sales department had sold.
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At one time or another during CMC’s history, the estimating function had been assigned to nearly every functional area of the organization, including sales, en- gineering, manufacturing, and administration. Determining which functional area estimating was to be under was a real problem for CMC. There was a short time when estimating was on its own, reporting directly to the general manager.
Assignment of this function to any one department carried with it some in- herent problems, not peculiar to CMC, but simply related to human nature. For example, when the estimating was supervised in the sales department, estimated costs would tend to be low. In sales, the estimator knows the boss wants to be the low bidder on the job and therefore believes he or she is right to say, “It is not go- ing to take us ten days to cast this thing; we could run three at a time.”
When estimating was performed by production, the estimate would tend to be high. This was so because the estimator did not want the boss, the production man- ager, coming back and saying, “How come you estimated this thing at $5 a cubic foot and it’s costing us $6? It’s not the cost of production that’s wrong, it’s the estimate.”
W. S. Lasch, general manager of CMC, had this comment about estimating in a project management situation:
It is very difficult to get accountability for estimating a project. When many of your projects are new ballgames, a lot of your information has to come
Estimating—Which Department? 337
General Manager
Assistant General Manager
Sales Manager
Sales Collection
• •
Estimating Erection
• •
Financial and Cash Administration Office Administration
Manufacturing and Distribution
Plant Maintenance
• • Trucking
Vehicle Maintenance Industrial Relations
• •
Assistant Manufacturing
and Distribution ManagerManufacturing
Project A
Project B
Project C
Exhibit I. Matrix organization of Concrete Masonry Corporation
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from . . . well, let’s just say there is a lot of art to it as well as science. You never can say with 100 percent certainty that costs were high because you could have just as easily said the estimate was too low.
So, as a compromise, most of the time we had our estimating done by en- gineering. While it solved some problems, it also created others. Engineers would tend to be more fair; they would call the shots as they saw them. However, one problem was that they still had to answer to sales as far as their workload was concerned. For example, an engineer is in the middle of estimating a parking garage, a task that might take several days. All of a sud- den, the sales department wants him to stop and estimate another job. The sales department had to be the one to really make that decision because they are the ones that know what the priorities are on the bidding. So even though the estimator was working in engineering, he was really answering to the sales manager as far as his workload was concerned.
Estimating was accomplished through continual monitoring and comparison of actual versus planned performance, as shown in Exhibit II.
The actual costing process was not a problem for CMC. In recent years, CMC had eliminated as much as possible the actual dollars and cents from the es- timator’s control. A great deal of the “drudge work” was done on the computer. The estimator, for example, would predict how much the prestressed concrete
Bid Documents
Estimating Project
Engineering Manufacturing Trucking Erection
Business Result
• Historic labor • Projected material costs • Annual planning • Experience • Judgment
CMC Drawings & Contract
• Payroll • Vendor invoices • Actual overhead allocations
Exhibit II. Actual versus planned performance
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must span, and how many cubic feet of concrete was needed. Once that informa- tion was in hand, the estimator entered it in the computer. The computer would then come up with the cost. This became an effective method because the esti- mator would not be influenced by either sales or production personnel.
During the twenty or more years since prestressing achieved wide acceptance in the construction industry, an evolution has been taking place that has drastically changed the character of the marketplace and thus greatly modified the role of the prestresser.
Lasch had the following comments about these changes that occurred in the marketplace:
In the early days, designers of buildings looked to prestressers for the ex- pertise required to successfully incorporate the techniques and available pre- stressed products into their structures. A major thrust of our business in those days was to introduce design professionals, architects, and engineers to our fledgling industry and to assist them in making use of the many ad- vantages that we could offer over other construction methods. These advan- tages included fire resistance, long spans, permanence, factory-controlled quality, speed of erection, aesthetic desirability, virtual elimination of main- tenance costs, and, last but of prime importance, the fact that we were equipped to provide the expertise and coordination necessary to successfully integrate our product into the building. Many of our early jobs were bid from sketches. It was then up to our in-house experts, working closely with the owner’s engineer and architect, to develop an appropriate, efficient structure that satisfied the aesthetic and functional requirements and hopefully maxi- mized production and erection efficiency, thereby providing maximum fi- nancial return to CMC. It should be noted that, although our contract was normally with the project’s general contractor, most of our design coordina- tion was through the owner’s architect or engineer and, more often than not, it was our relationship with the owner and his design professional that de- termined our involvement in the project in the first place. It should be read- ily seen that, in such an environment, only organizations with a high degree of engineering background and a well-organized efficient team of profes- sionals, could compete successfully. CMC was such an organization.
There are, however, few, if any, proprietary secrets in the prestressing indus- try, and it was inevitable that this would in later years be largely responsible for a dramatic change in the marketplace. The widespread acceptance of the prod- uct, which had been achieved through the success of companies like CMC, carried with it a proliferation of the technical knowledge and production
The Evolution of the Prestressed Concrete Marketplace 339
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techniques which design professionals had previously relied upon the pro- ducer to provide. In the later 1960s, some colleges and universities began to include prestressed concrete design as a part of their structural engineering programs. Organizations, such as the Portland Cement Association, offered seminars for architects and engineers to promote the prestressing concept. As a result, it is now common for architects and engineers to incorporate prestressed concrete products in bid drawings for their projects, detailing all connections, reinforcement, mix designs, and so on. This, obviously, makes it possible for any organization capable of reading drawings and filling forms to bid on the project. We have found ourselves bidding against com- panies with a few molds in an open field and, in several cases, a broker with no equipment or organization at all! The result of all this, of course, is a mar- ket price so low as to prohibit the involvement of professional prestressing firms with the depth of organization described earlier.
The author believes the following example demonstrates the change in market con- ditions and best illustrates one of the reasons CMC decided not to remain in the pre- stressed concrete business. A large insurance company in Columbus, Ohio, was plan- ning a parking garage for 2,500 cars. CMC talked to the owner and owner’s representative (a construction management firm) about using prestressed concrete in the design of their project rather than the poured-in-place concrete, steel, or whatever options they had. Just by doing this, CMC had to give away some knowledge. You just cannot walk in and say, “Hey, how about using prestressed concrete?” You have to tell them what is going to be saved and how, because the architect has to make the drawings. Once CMC felt there was an open door, and that the architect and owner would possibly incorporate their product, then sales would consult engineering to come up with a proposal. A proposal in the early stages was simply to identify what the costs were going to be, and to show the owner and architect photographs or sketches of previous jobs. As time went by, CMC had to go into more detail and pro- vide more and more information, including detailed drawings of several proposed layouts. CMC illustrated connection details, reinforcing details, and even computer design of some of the pieces for the parking garage. Receiving all this engineering information, the owner and the construction management firm became convinced that using this product was the most inexpensive way for them to go. In fact, CMC demonstrated to the insurance company that they could save over $1 million over any other product. At this point, CMC had spent thousands of dollars to come up with the solution for the problem of designing the parking garage.
Months and years passed until the contract manager chose to seek bids from other precasters, who, up to this time, had little or no investment in the project. CMC had made available an abundance of free information that could be used by
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the competition. The competition only had to put the information together, make a material takeoff, calculate the cost, and put a price on it. Without the costly depth of organization required to support the extensive promotional program con- ducted by CMC, the competition could naturally bid the job lower.
Lasch felt that, as a result of present-day market conditions, there were only two ways that one survives in the prestressed concrete business:
Face the fact that you are going to be subservient to a general contractor and that you are going to sell not your expertise but your function as a `job shop’ manufacturer producing concrete products according to someone else’s drawings and specifications. If you do that, then you no longer need, for ex- ample, an engineering department or a technically qualified sales organiza- tion. All you are going to do is look at drawings, have an estimator who can read the drawings, put a price tag on them, and give a bid. It is going to be a low bid because you have eliminated much of your overhead. We simply do not choose to be in business in this manner.
The other way to be in the business is that you are not going to be sub- servient to a general contractor, or owner’s architect, or engineer. What you are going to do is to deal with owners or users. That way a general contrac- tor may end up as a subcontractor to the prestresser. We might go out and build a parking garage or other structure and assume the role of developer or builder or even owner/leaser. In that way, we would control the whole job. After all, in most cases the precast contract on a garage represents more than half the total cost. It could be argued with great justification that the con- ventional approach (i.e., precaster working for general contractor) could be compared to the tail wagging the dog.
With complete control of design, aesthetics, and construction schedule, it would be possible to achieve maximum efficiency of design, plant usage, and field coordination which, when combined, would allow us to achieve that most important requirement—that of providing the eventual user with maxi- mum value for a minimum investment. Unless this can be achieved, the ven- ture would not be making a meaningful contribution to society, and there would be no justification for being in business.
Concrete Masonry Corporation’s (CMC) difficulties do not arise from the fact that the organization employs a matrix structure, but rather from the failure of the corporation’s top management to recognize, in due time, the changing nature (with respect to the learning curve of the competition and user of the product and services of CMC) of the prestressed concrete business.
At the point in time when prestressed concrete gained wide industry accep- tance, and technical schools and societies began offering courses in the techniques
Synopsis 341
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for utilizing this process, CMC should have begun reorganizing its prestressed concrete business activities in two separate functional costing groups. Marketing and selling CMC’s prestressed concrete business services and utilizing the com- pany’s experience, technical expertise, judgment, and job estimating abilities should satisfy the responsibilities of one of these groups, to perform the actual prestressed concrete engineering and implementation of the other.
With the responsibilities and functions separated as noted above, the com- pany is able to determine more precisely how competitive they really are and which (if either) phase of the concrete business to divest themselves of.
Project management activities are best performed when complex tasks are of a limited life. Such is not the case in securing new or continuing business in the prestressed concrete business but rather is an effort or activity that should con- tinue as long as CMC is in the business. This phase of the business should there- fore be assigned to a functional group. However, it may be advantageous at times to form or utilize a project management structure in order to assist the functional group in satisfying a task’s requirements when the size of the task is large and complex.
The engineering and implementation phase of the business should continue to be performed through the project management–matrix structure because of the limited life of such tasks and the need for concentrated attention to time, cost, and performance constraints inherent in these activities.
1. Did CMC have long-range planning? 2. What are the problems facing CMC? 3. Did CMC utilize the matrix effectively? 4. Where should project estimating be located? 5. Does the shifting of the estimating function violate the ground rules of the
matrix? 6. What are the alternatives for CMC? 7. Will they be successful as a job shop? 8. Should companies like CMC utilize a matrix? 9. How does the company plan to recover R&D and bid and proposal costs?
10. Has CMC correctly evaluated the marketplace? 11. Do they respond to changes in the marketplace? 12. With what speed is monitoring done? (Exhibit II). How many projects must
be estimated, bid, and sold before actuals catch up to and become historical data?
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“I’ve called this meeting, gentlemen, because that paper factory we call a com- puter organization is driving up our overhead rates,” snorted Richard Margo, pres- ident, as he looked around the table at the vice presidents of project management, engineering, manufacturing, marketing, administration, and information systems. “We seem to be developing reports faster than we can update our computer facil- ity. Just one year ago, we updated our computer and now we’re operating three shifts a day, seven days a week. Where do we go from here?”
V.P. information: “As you all know, Richard asked me, about two months ago, to investigate this gigantic increase in the flow of paperwork. There’s no question that we’re getting too many reports. The question is, are we paying too much money for the information that we get? I’ve surveyed all of our departments and their key personnel. Most of the survey questionnaires indicate that we’re getting too much information. Only a small percentage of each report appears to be nec- essary. In addition, many of the reports arrive too late. I’m talking about sched- uled reports, not planning, demand, or exception reports.”
V.P. project management: “Every report people may receive is necessary for us to make decisions effectively with regard to planning, organizing, and controlling each project. My people are the biggest users and we can’t live with fewer reports.”
Margo Company
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V.P. information: “Can your people live with less information in each report? Can some of the reports be received less frequently?”
V.P. project management: “Some of our reports have too much information in them. But we need them at the frequency we have now.”
V.P. engineering: “My people utilize about 20 percent of the information in most of our reports. Once our people find the information they want, the report is discarded. That’s because we know that each project manager will retain a copy. Also, only the department managers and section supervisors read the reports.”
V.P. information: “Can engineering and manufacturing get the information they need from other sources, such as the project office?”
V.P. project management: “Wait a minute! My people don’t have time to act as paper pushers for each department manager. We all know that the departments can’t function without these reports. Why should we assume the burden?”
V.P. information: “All I’m trying to say is that many of our reports can be com- bined into smaller ones and possibly made more concise. Most of our reports are flexible enough to meet changes in our operating business. We have two sets of reports: one for the customer and one for us. If the customer wants the report in a specific fashion, he pays for it. Why can’t we act as our own customer and try to make a reporting system that we can all use?”
V.P. engineering: “Many of the reports obviously don’t justify the cost. Can we generate the minimum number of reports and pass it on to someone higher or lower in the organization?”
V.P. project management: “We need weekly reports, and we need them on Monday mornings. I know our computer people don’t like to work on Sunday evenings, but we have no choice. If we don’t have those reports on Monday morn- ings, we can’t control time, cost, and performance.”
V.P. information: “There are no reports generated from the pertinent data in our original computer runs. This looks to me like every report is a one-shot deal. There has to be room for improvement.
“I have prepared a checklist for each of you with four major questions. Do you want summary or detailed information? How do you want the output to look? How many copies do you need? How often do you need these reports?”
Richard Margo: “In project organizational forms, the project exists as a separate entity except for administrative purposes. These reports are part of that administra- tive purpose. Combining this with the high cost of administration in our project structure, we’ll never remain competitive unless we lower our overhead. I’m going to leave it up to you guys. Try to reduce the number of reports, but don’t sacrifice the necessary information you need to control the projects and your resources.”
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The Green Company production project was completed three months behind schedule and at a cost overrun of approximately 60 percent. Following submittal of the final report, Phil Graham, the director of project management, called a meeting to discuss the problems encountered on the Green Project.
Phil Graham: “We’re not here to point the finger at anyone. We’re here to ana- lyze what went wrong and to see if we can develop any policies and/or procedures that will prevent this from happening in the future. What went wrong?”
Project manager: “When we accepted the contract, Green did not have a fixed delivery schedule for us to go by because they weren’t sure when their new pro- duction plant would be ready to begin production activities. So, we estimated 3,000 units per month for months five through twelve of the project. When they found that the production plant would be available two months ahead of sched- ule, they asked us to accelerate our production activities. So, we put all of our pro- duction people on overtime in order to satisfy their schedule. This was our mis- take, because we accepted a fixed delivery date and budget before we understood everything.”
Functional manager: “Our problem was that the customer could not provide us with a fixed set of specifications, because the final set of specifications depended on OSHA and EPA requirements, which could not be confirmed until initial
Project Overrun
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testing of the new plant. Our people, therefore, were asked to commit to man- hours before specifications could be reviewed.
“Six months after project go-ahead, Green Company issued the final specifi- cations. We had to remake 6,000 production units because they did not live up to the new specifications.”
Project manager: “The customer was willing to pay for the remake units. This was established in the contract. Unfortunately, our contract people didn’t tell me that we were still liable for the penalty payments if we didn’t adhere to the orig- inal schedule.”
Phil Graham: “Don’t you feel that misinterpretation of the terms and condi- tions is your responsibility?”
Project manager: “I guess I’ll have to take some of the blame.”
Functional manager: “We need specific documentation on what to do in case of specification changes. I don’t think that our people realize that user approval of specification is not a contract agreed to in blood. Specifications can change, even in the middle of a project. Our people must understand that, as well as the necessary procedures for implementing change.”
Phil Graham: “I’ve heard that the functional employees on the assembly line are grumbling about the Green Project. What’s their gripe?”
Functional manager: “We were directed to cut out all overtime on all projects. But when the Green Project got into trouble, overtime became a way of life. For nine months, the functional employees on the Green Project had as much over- time as they wanted. This made the functional employees on other projects very unhappy.
“To make matters worse, the functional employees got used to a big take- home paycheck and started living beyond their means. When the project ended, so did their overtime. Now, they claim that we should give them the opportunity for more overtime. Everybody hates us.”
Phil Graham: “Well, now we know the causes of the problem. Any recommen- dations for cures and future prevention activities?”
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“No deal!” said the union. “The current method of evaluating government em- ployees at this agency is terrible, and if a change doesn’t occur, we’ll be in court seeking damages.”
In 1984, a government agency approved and initiated an ambitious project, part of which was to develop an updated, automated evaluation system for the 50,000 employees located throughout the United States. The existing evaluation system was antiquated. Although there were forms used for employee evaluation, standardization was still lacking. Not all promotions were based on performance. Often, it was based on time in grade, the personal whims of management, or friendships. Some divisions seemed to promote employees faster than others. The success or failure of a project could also seriously impact performance opportu- nities. Some type of standardization was essential.
In June 1985, a project manager was finally assigned and brought on board. The assignment of the project manager was based upon rank and availability at that time rather than the requirements of the project. Team members often pos- sessed a much better understanding of the project than did the project manager.
The Automated Evaluation Project1
1Copyright © 2005 by Harold Kerzner. This case study is fictitious and was prepared as the basis for classroom discussion rather than to illustrate an effective or ineffective handling of an administrative situation.
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The project manager, together with his team, quickly developed an action plan. The action plan did not contain a work breakdown structure, but did contain a statement of work which called out high-level deliverables that would be es- sential for structured analyses, design and programming. The statement of work and deliverables were more so in compliance with agency requirements for struc- tured analyses, design, and programming than for the project’s requirement. The entire action plan was prepared by the project office, which was composed of eight employees.
Bids from outside vendors were solicited for the software packages, with the constraint that all deliverables must be operational on existing agency hardware. In October 1985, the award was made by the project office to Primco Corporation with work scheduled to begin in December 1985.
In the spring of 1986, it became apparent that the project was running into trouble and disaster was imminent. There were three major problems facing the project manager. As stated by the project manager:
1. The requirements for the project had to be changed because of new regu- lations for government worker employee evaluation.
2. Primco did not have highly skilled personnel assigned to the project. 3. The agency did not have highly skilled personnel from the functional ar-
eas assigned to the project.
The last item was argumentative. The line managers at the agency contended that they had assigned some of their best people and that the real problem was that the project manager was trying to make all of the decisions himself without any input from the assigned personnel. The employees contended that proper project management practices were not being used. The project was being run like a dic- tatorship rather than a democracy. Several employees felt as though they were not treated as part of the project team.
According to one of the team members,
The project manager keeps making technical decisions without any solid foundation to support his views. Several of us in the line organization have significantly more knowledge than does the project manager, yet he keeps overriding our recommendations and decisions. Perhaps he has that right, but I dislike being treated as a second-class citizen. If the project manager has all of this technical knowledge, then why does he need us?
In June 1986, the decision was made by the project manager to ask one of the assistant agency directors to tell the union that the original commitment date of January 1987 would not be met. A stop workage order was issued to Primco, thus canceling the contract.
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The original action plan called for the use of existing agency hardware. However, because of unfavorable publicity about hardware and software prob- lems at the agency during the spring of 1986, the agency felt that the UNIVAC System would not support the additional requirements, and system overload might occur. Now hardware, as well as software, would be needed.
To help maintain morale, the project manager decided to perform as much of the work as possible in-house, even though the project lacked critical resources and was already more than one year late. The project office took what was de- veloped thus far and tried to redefine the requirements.
With the support of senior management at the agency, the original statement of work was thrown away and a new statement of work was prepared. “It was like starting over right from the beginning,” remarked one of the employees. “We never looked back at what was accomplished thus far. It was a whole new pro- ject!” With the support of the agency’s personnel office, the new requirements were finally completed in February of 1987.
The union, furious over the schedule slippage, refused to communicate with the project office and senior management. The union’s contention was that an “il- legal” evaluation system was in place, and the current system could not properly validate performance review requirements. The union initiated a lawsuit against the agency seeking damages in excess of $21 million.
In November 1986, procurement went out for bids for both hardware and a database management system. The procurement process continued until June 1987, when it was canceled by another government agency responsible for pro- curement. No reason was ever provided for the cancellation.
Seeking alternatives, the following decisions were made:
1. Use rented equipment to perform the programming. 2. Purchase a database management system from ITEKO Corporation, pro-
vided that some customization could be accomplished. The new database management system was scheduled to be released to the general public in about two months.
The database management system was actually in the final stages of devel- opment and ITEKO Corporation promised the agency that a fully operational ver- sion, with the necessary customization, could be provided quickly. Difficulties arose with the use of the ITEKO package. After hiring a consultant from ITEKO, it was found that the ITEKO package was a beta rather than a production version. Despite these setbacks, personnel kept programming on the leased equipment with the hope of eventually purchasing a Micronet Hardware System. ITEKO convinced the agency that the Micronet hardware system was the best system available to support the database management system. The Micronet hardware
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was then added to the agency’s equipment contract but later disallowed on September 29, 1987, because it was not standard agency equipment.
On October 10, 1987, the project office decided to outsource some of the work using a small/minority business procurement strategy for hardware to sup- port the ITEKO package. The final award was made in November 1987, subject to software certification by the one of the agency’s logistics centers. Installation in all of the centers was completed between November and December 1987.
1. Is there anything in the case that indicates the maturity level of project man- agement at the agency around 1985–1986?
2. What are the major problems in the case? 3. Who was at fault? 4. How do you prevent this from occurring on other projects?
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The Global Village just got a whole lot smaller. “After eleven years of hard work, we are proud to announce that we are open for business,” said Edward F. Staiano, Iridium LLC vice chairman and CEO. “Iridium will open up the world of business, commerce, disaster relief and humanitarian assistance with our first-of-its-kind global communications service. . . . The potential uses of Iridium products is boundless,” continued Staiano. “Business people who travel the globe and want to stay in touch with home and office, industries that operate in remote areas, disaster and relief organizations that require instant communications in troubled areas—all will find Iridium to be the answer to their communications needs.” Using its constellation of sixty-six low-earth- orbit satellites, the Iridium system provides reliable communications from virtually any point on the globe. From ships at sea, to the highest mountains to remote locations, Iridium customers will be able to make and receive phone calls on their Iridium phone. For people traveling to urban areas in the devel- oped world, Iridium offers a cellular roaming service featuring dual-mode phones that can be switched to operate with terrestrial wireless services.
Excerpts from Iridium press release, November 1, 1998
On November 1, 1998, Iridium began commercial telephone service. Satellite paging service began two weeks later. To build the satellite network, Iridium spent $5 billion, which was raised from a combination of debt, an IPO, and eq- uity investments by various corporate shareholders, including Motorola Inc.
The Rise and Fall of Iridium
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(Motorola), Kyocera Corporation (Kyocera), and Sprint Corporation (Sprint). Motorola also served as the project’s prime contractor.
The estimated number of subscribers needed for Iridium to break even was 400,000, and Iridium hoped to add 50,000 subscribers per month in 1999. However, a variety of problems plagued the company, and by May 1999 Iridium had only 10,000 subscribers. In August 1999 Iridium defaulted on its debt and filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection. In March 2000, with only 50,000 subscribers, Iridium terminated its services and announced that it would soon finalize a deorbit- ing plan for the sixty-six satellites. Motorola announced that it was “extremely dis- appointed” that Iridium did not emerge from bankruptcy protection. Motorola’s es- timated financial exposure to the bankruptcy of Iridium was $2.2 billion.
Various different systems could be utilized to provide mobile satellite services (MSS). The oldest technology utilized geostationary earth orbit designs. Geostationary satellites were positioned 22,300 miles above the earth’s surface and rotated with the earth in a geosynchronous orbit. From the earth’s surface, the satellite appears to be fixed above a particular point and a global system using geostationary satellites can be built using as few as three such satellites. However, these satellites were expensive, costing approximately $100 million apiece to build and another $10 million each to launch. In addition, the distance from the earth’s surface to the satellite can cause a quarter of a second delay between send- ing and receiving, which can be annoying to callers.
Low-earth-orbit (the system utilized by Iridium) and medium-earth-orbit satellites did not have a time-delay problem and were much less expensive to pro- duce and launch. However, instead of appearing stationary over a particular point on the earth’s surface, these satellites flew overhead at speeds of more than 15,000 miles per hour. Tracking them from the ground and handing off calls from satellite to satellite was complicated and expensive. The expected failure rate of such satellites was around 10 percent and life expectancy ranged from five to seven years once the satellite was in orbit.
Iridium was designed to be a satellite-based, wireless personal communications network that would permit any type of telephone transmission, including voice,
Copyright © 2000 Thunderbird, The American Graduate School of International Management. All rights reserved. This case was prepared by Professor Andrew Inkpen with research assistance from Meredith Martin and Ileana Fas-Pacheco for the purpose of classroom discussion only, and not to in- dicate either effective or ineffective management.
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data, fax, and paging to reach its destination at any time, at any location in the world. The genesis for Iridium was in 1986, when the general manager of Motorola’s Strategic Electronics Division (which was involved primarily in space-related business) formed a small R&D group within his division. Motorola’s previous space-related experience had been as a subcontractor for de- fense contracts. Firms such as Lockheed Corporation were the prime contractors, and they outsourced the electronics work to Motorola and other companies. However, there was a belief in Motorola’s space division that advances in elec- tronics would allow Motorola to change the rules of space competition and be- come a prime contractor. The R&D group was asked to look for opportunities that could leverage Motorola’s distinctive competence in high-density electronics. In addition, the group was asked to consider commercial and defense applications.
In 1987 the Strategic Electronics Division R&D group invented a satellite communication system (see Exhibit I for the timing of key events). The system, named Iridium, derived its name from the element Iridium, whose atomic num- ber, 77, matched the number of low-earth-orbit satellites that the company had originally intended to launch. According to a senior Motorola manager:
The space industry was almost entirely focused on defense business. The emphasis was on fail-safe systems, redundancy, and space-qualified parts. The result was always gigantic costs overruns. We took all the conventions of building a spacecraft and changed them. Iridium was designed as a sta- tistically based system in which a single satellite failure would not be a
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Exhibit I. Significant events
1987: Iridium idea is invented and patents applications made. 1990: Iridium system is formally announced by Motorola. 1994: Second round of equity financing is closed; financing reaches $1.6 billion. 1996: Edward Staiano appointed Iridium CEO. 1997: Iridium IPO on Nasdaq—$240 million is raised at $20 per share. 1998: Satellite launches are completed. 1998 November: Commercial telephone and paging services is launched. 1999 March: Iridium announces first quarter targets for subscribers and revenues will be missed,
violating loan covenants; Iridium CFO resigns. 1999 April: CEO Edward Staiano resigns. 1999 May: Iridium announces 10,294 first quarter subscribers, much less than the 27,000 target. 1999 June: Prices are reduced and 15 percent of Iridium staff laid off. 1999 August 3: Iridium defaults on its debt. 1999 August 13: Iridium files for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection. 1999 September: Consulting firm hired to develop restructuring plan. 2000 March: Craig McCaw announced that he would not invest in Iridium. 2000 March: Iridium notified the U.S. Bankruptcy Court that the company would terminate its
commercial services on March 17, 2000. 2000 November: Iridium assets are acquired for $25 million. 2000 December: U.S. Defense Department signs $72 million contract for services using Iridium
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catastrophic failure. We designed satellites with little redundancy and low- ered the cost of building a satellite by a factor of ten. We did not need space qualified parts, which were incredibly expensive and not very reliable be- cause of their low volumes. We went to the Motorola automotive division to learn about components for high-volume manufacturing.
From late 1987 through 1988, Motorola analyzed the technological and com- mercial viability of Iridium. In the fall of 1989, Motorola’s CEO, Robert Galvin, announced internally that the company would develop the Iridium project. In early 1990 an Iridium business unit was formed with about twenty people. Motorola announced the project in June 1990 with simultaneous press confer- ences in Beijing, London, Melbourne, and New York.
Radio spectrum was allocated to Iridium in 1992. Obtaining the spectrum re- quired overcoming substantial resistance from INMARSAT, a global satellite communications company owned by about eighty governments. INMARSAT, whose principal service was emergency communications for ocean-going ships, waged an unsuccessful battle to keep Iridium from obtaining an operating license.
At the time Iridium was conceived, cellular or mobile phones were of limited use when users crossed international borders. Europe, for example, had many dif- ferent mobile standards, which meant a German phone would usually not work in France or Italy. Motorola management saw an opportunity to build a communica- tions network that had a common standard and allowed users to use their phones anywhere in the world. At the time, it was believed that the potential demand for such a service was enormous, especially for voice telephony from the business and military community. Prior to the system’s launch, the company predicted a market of 12 million satellite phone users by 2002 and a 40 percent share for Iridium. The company also predicted 100 million cellular phone users by 2000.
Ownership Structure
Iridium, Inc. was incorporated in June 1991 and operated as a wholly owned sub- sidiary of Motorola. However, Motorola’s intent was never to operate as a service provider. In July 1999 Iridium privately sold shares of common stock to various U.S. and foreign investors. By 1994 Iridium had $1.6 billion of equity financing in place. A further $315 million of equity was secured during the first quarter of 1996. In June 1997 Iridium shares went public at $20, raising $225 million. Investor demand for Iridium shares was strong.
As a result of three private placements of equity, five supplemental private placements with additional equity investors, and proceeds received from the ini- tial public offering of Iridium common stock, Motorola’s interest in Iridium was reduced to approximately 19 percent, for which it had paid $365 million. The Japanese components maker, Kyocera, and affiliates held an 11 percent stake in the company. Other investors included Sprint, Vebacom (Germany), Lockheed
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(United States), Raytheon (United States), Telecom Italia, a consortium built around the Japanese carrier, DDI, a consortia of Middle East, African, and South American companies, and companies from China, Canada, Thailand, South Korea, Russia, Taiwan, and India. Most of the companies involved in the consor- tia and equity placements were new telecom entrants or second carriers in the telecommunications field.
Background on Motorola
In 1928 Paul Galvin and his brother, Joseph Galvin, purchased a bankrupt battery-eliminator business in Chicago and formed the Galvin Manufacturing Corporation. The company’s first product, a battery eliminator, enabled battery- operated home radios to operate on ordinary household current. In 1930 the com- pany introduced the first practical and affordable car radio. Paul Galvin used the name Motorola for the company’s new products, linking the ideas of motion and radio. The company’s share of the car radio business increased rapidly and estab- lished the company as a leader in the U.S. market by 1936. In 1940 a communi- cations division was established. Shortly after, this division developed the first handheld two-way radio for the U.S. Army and the first commercial line of two- way FM radio communications products. By 1947 the Motorola trademark was so widely recognized that the Galvin Manufacturing Corporation changed its name to Motorola, Inc. Over the next five decades, Motorola developed a diverse mix of products that lead to the company becoming a global leader in providing integrated communications and electronic solutions. Over the years, in addition to car and two-way radios, Motorola developed televisions, pagers, transponders, cellular phones and systems, and semiconductors. In 1999, Motorola’s communi- cations and electronic businesses focused on software-enhanced communications products and systems, networking and Internet-access products, digital and ana- log systems for broadband cable television, and semiconductors. Motorola was composed of three business units: Integrated Electronic Systems, Semiconductor Products, and the Communications Enterprise. Motorola was headquartered in Schaumburg, Illinois, and had a sales presence in almost every country. Sales for 1999 were $30.9 billion.
Background on Kyocera
Founded in 1959 by Dr. Kazuo Inamori and seven colleagues as a manufacturer of a new advanced ceramic technology they had developed, Japan-based Kyocera diversified from electronic packages and components into optical and electronic systems. After more than four decades, Kyocera had grown into a global producer of high-technology solutions in many areas, such as telecommunications, elec- tronics, metal processing, automotive components, and solar energy. Kyocera
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operated with two fundamental objectives. The first was to continually improve its product offerings through the technological integration of its advanced mate- rials into existing and emerging businesses. The second objective was to develop products responsive to marketplace needs through vertical integration. Kyocera management believed that production and marketing activities should be man- aged locally because of each country’s unique culture. This belief made Kyocera one of the first Japanese companies with overseas facilities and marketing orga- nizations. Kyocera was divided into three business segments: Ceramics and Related Products, Electronic Equipment, and Optical Instruments. In 1999, Kyocera was one of the world’s leading producers of telecommunications equip- ment, including wireless phones. During 1999 Kyocera introduced the world’s lightest CDMA cellular handset, the world’s smallest satellite phone, and the world’s first wireless, handheld videophone with color display. Kyocera’s con- solidated total net sales and operating revenue for fiscal year 1999 totaled ¥725 billion (yen), or $6.14 billion (at an exchange rate of ¥118/$).
Iridium Costs and Financing
The initial estimated cost of building the Iridium network was $3.5 billion. Based on the initial design, Motorola, as prime contractor, completed the project on time and on budget and above specifications. The capital cost consisted of two com- ponents: (1) the Space System contract for the design, development, production, and delivery of the satellites into orbit; and (2) the Terrestrial Network Development contract to design the gateway hardware and software. The $1.8 bil- lion Operations and Maintenance (O&M) contract dealt with the day-to-day man- agement of the satellites after deployment. The contract provided for monitoring, upgrading, and replacing hardware and software as necessary to maintain perfor- mance specifications. Motorola’s Satellite Communications Division was general contractor for the space system and terrestrial network components and also had the contract to provide O&M.
Lockheed Corporation designed and constructed the satellite bus, and Raytheon Corporation designed the antenna for communication between the satellites and Iridium telephones. The Canadian firm, COMDEV, was responsible for the antennas for intersatellite and gateway links. Telesat, Siemens, Telespazio, and Bechtel were other key suppliers. Three suppliers from around the world were used to launch the satellites: Khrunichev Enterprise of the Russian Federation, China Great Wall Industry Corporation, and McDonnell Douglas (subsequently Boeing Corp).
Substantially all of the initial capital raised by Iridium was used to make pay- ments to Motorola under the Space System contract, the Terrestrial Network Development contract, and the O&M contract. The Space System contract pro- vided for a fixed price (subject to certain adjustments), scheduled to be paid by
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Iridium to Motorola over approximately a five-year period as milestones under the contract were completed. As of March 1, 1999, Iridium had incurred all of the $3.435 billion estimated cost of the Space System contract, and all but $5 million had been paid. As of March 1, 1999, Iridium had incurred $302 million of the $356 million estimated cost of the Terrestrial Network Development contract. According to the contract, Iridium was supposed to pay $120 million under the Terrestrial Network Development contract in 1999 and the remaining $10 million in 2000.
From July 1993 to December 1998, Iridium spent $4.8 billion. The expendi- ture was funded with (1) $500 million in secured bank debt; (2) $625 million in bank debt guaranteed by Motorola; (3) $1.62 billion from the issuance of debt se- curities; (4) $2.26 billion from the issuance of stock (private placement and IPO); and (5) $86 million of vendor financing. By March 1999 the amount of secured bank debt had increased to $800 million. The target leverage ratio was 60 percent, based on the theory that Iridium, once built, would resemble a utility with high margins, high fixed costs, and steady cash flows.
Motorola agreed to permit Iridium to defer its O&M obligations up to a to- tal of $400 million until December 29, 2000. Total O&M payments were ex- pected to be $2.89 billion over the initial five-year term of the contract between Motorola and Iridium. In addition to deferring O&M payments, Motorola guar- anteed a significant amount of the bank financing and provided a guarantee in the event that additional bank financing up to $400 million was necessary.
Iridium Service
Motorola eventually launched sixty-six satellites into low-earth-orbit, approxi- mately 485 miles above the earth’s surface, and Iridium initiated service on November 1, 1998. Although a 10 to 15 percent failure rate for satellite deploy- ment was normal, Motorola had a perfect record in satellite deployment. The satellites were mainly constructed and tested in Motorola’s Satellite Communications Group facility in Chandler, Arizona. Because of the number of satellites, Motorola had to design a much more efficient production process than had been used previously by satellite manufacturers. Motorola developed an assembly-line production process that allowed up to ten satellites to be under assembly at one time. Each satellite carried its own phone switching system, and the network used complex satellite-to-satellite links that permitted phone calls to be switched in the sky. Although this feature substantially improved coverage and performance, the weight of the satellite increased very little because of advances in electronics. Based on statistical analysis, the satellites were expected to last about six years before they would burn up in the earth’s atmosphere, although sufficient fuel was provided for eight years.
Because of the nature of low- to medium-orbit satellites and the need to hand off calls from satellite to base station anywhere in the world, Iridium had to
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register user-link frequencies in every country around the world and obtain addi- tional necessary operating permits. Nineteen strategic partners from around the world supported the Iridium system (Exhibit II). Seventeen of the partners also participated in the operation and maintenance of twelve ground station “gate- ways” that linked the satellite system to terrestrial networks. The gateways, pri- marily telecom authorities and service providers in different countries, provided the terrestrial switching and call routing and served as regional distributors of Iridium services. The gateway partners shared in the revenue generated by Iridium calls. Although a few countries chose not to participate in the Iridium net- work, the countries that did participate made it possible to service most of the world’s population.
The handsets were manufactured by Motorola and Kyocera and were seven inches long (plus antenna), weighed approximately one pound (Iridium promo- tional material described the handsets as “small, lightweight, handheld tele- phones”), and retailed between $2,200 and $3,400. When Iridium service began, Iridium announced that Motorola and Kyocera, the manufacturers of Iridium satellite telephones and pagers, were expected to produce more than 100,000 satellite telephones in 1998. Service fees ranged from just under $2 per minute to as much as $7 per minute for some international calls.
Edward Staiano, formerly the head of Motorola’s cellular phone division, was ap- pointed Iridium’s CEO and vice chairman in 1996. Staiano became head of the cell phone division in 1984. By 1996, division revenue was $11 billion. Staiano “personified the hardball, controlling leadership that got Motorola into trouble earlier in the year.”1 According to Forbes, one of Staiano’s first major decisions was to ban all vacations at Iridium. The Iridium board comprised twenty-eight
Exhibit II. Iridium strategic partners
AIG Affiliated Companies, Iridium Africa Corporation, Iridium SudAmerica Corporation, Iridium Middle East Corporation, Khrunichev State Research and Production Space Center, Lockheed Martin Corporation, Iridium Canada, Inc., Iridium China (Hong Kong) Ltd., Iridium India Telecom Limited, Iridium Italia S.p.A., Raytheon Company, SK Telecom, South Pacific Iridium Holdings Limited, Sprint Iridium, Inc., Thai Satellite Telecommunications Co., Ltd., Motorola, Inc., Nippon Iridium (Bermuda) Limited, Vebacom Holdings, Inc., Pacific Asia Communications Ltd.
1Quentin Hardy, “Surviving Iridium,” Forbes, September 6: 216–217.
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telecom executives and investor representatives from around the world. Except for two independent directors who received $20,000 per year and 1,000 options, none of the other directors received compensation from Iridium. Iridium operat- ing companies were set up around the world (Exhibit III).
In the mid-1990s, various experts and industry analysts were predicting that mo- bile satellite telephones would experience huge growth rates over the subsequent decade. In a 1995 speech,2 Steven Dorfman, president of Hughes Telecommuni- cations and Space Company, one of the leading suppliers to the satellite industry, predicted that by the first years of the twenty-first century there would be 25 mil- lion satellite mobile telephones in use. Dorfman also predicted that the global satellite phone would be compatible for both terrestrial and satellite systems and would be used for voice, data, fax, and e-mail communications. Because satellites were not linked with borders, Dorfman argued that the traditional distinction be- tween national and international telecom would soon disappear.
Largely in response to glowing predictions like that from Steven Dorfman, Iridium faced significant competition from MSS companies. The largest MSS competitors included Globalstar, Teledesic, and ICO Global Communications. Iridium had an eighteen-month lead over its MSS competition. As well, ground- based mobile networks were rapidly exploiting new technologies and building scale throughout the 1990s.
Globalstar had its roots in a 1989 plan at Ford Motor Company to use satellites to aid motorists. However, Ford’s satellite unit was acquired by Loral Corporation
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Exhibit III. Iridium operating companies
Iridium Africa Services, (South Africa) Iridium Central America and Mexico, Iridium China, Iridium Communication Germany, Iridium Eurasia (Moscow), Iridium India Telecom Limited, Iridium Italia, Iridium Korea Corporation, Iridium Middle East Corporation (Dubai), Iridium North America, Iridium Canada, Nippon Iridium Corporation, Pacific Iridium Telecom Corporation (Taiwan), Iridium Southeast Asia (Thailand), Iridium South Pacific (Australia), Iridium Brasil, Iridium Cono Sur (Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Paraguay, Uruguay), Iridium SudAmerica North (Venezuela)
2Steven D. Dorfman, “Satellite Communications in the 21st Century,” Speech to the Strategies Summit, Telecom ‘95 (ITU), Geneva, Switzerland, October 10, 1995.
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in 1990, and Globalstar emerged in its present form through an alliance that Loral struck with several engineering firms and large wireless providers. The invest- ment in Globalstar totaled $3.8 billion and Loral owned 45% of the company. Other investors included Qualcomm, France Telecom, and AirTouch (now part of Vodaphone). The system began limited commercial service in late 1999.
The Globalstar network was built with fifty-two low-earth-orbit satellites. Unlike Iridium’s satellites which had their own phone switching systems, Globalstar’s satellites were like flying antennas, carrying calls to switching sys- tems on the ground, which were simple to operate and were linked into local net- works. Globalstar’s satellites, although simpler and cheaper than Iridium satel- lites, required ground switching systems. Therefore, coverage was restricted to land locations. Globalstar suffered a setback in September 1998 when twelve satellites were lost in a single failed launch on a Ukrainian/Russian rocket. Globalstar handsets weighed approximately 11 ounces and cost about $1,500. The price of calls was about $1.50 per minute, and “get-acquainted” promotions offered Globalstar time for as little as $0.49 (U.S.) per minute. As of April 2000, Globalstar was available in twenty-seven countries with plans to increase to eighty nations by the middle of 2000.
Globalstar targeted wealthy business executives who required a service to cover areas where their cell phones did not work. It also focused on providing do- mestic service in developing countries and unwired regions, rather than on inter- national traffic, as Iridium had. The company hoped that such customers would comprise approximately 15 percent of its total customers. In addition, by June of 2000, the company would spend $40 million in advertising aimed at customers in narrow markets, such as fishing fleets and oil rigs. The system required one mil- lion subscribers to break even on an operating basis. According to Bernard Schwartz in 2000, “there is an addressable market of 40 million MSS users.”3
Teledesic planned to launch 288 satellites in order to construct a web of two-way connections that could send data as quickly as 64 megabits-per-second through a global, broadband network. Teledesic was conceived by telecommunications pi- oneer, Craig McCaw, the company’s chairman. The system was expected to cost in excess of $9 billion. Besides McCaw, investors included Bill Gates, Saudi Prince Alwaleed Bin Talal, the Abu Dhabi Investment Company, Boeing, and Motorola. Motorola was selected as Teldesic’s prime contractor, responsible for
Switzerland, October 10, 1995. 3Geoffrey Nairn, “Globalstar Optimistic Over Plan to Win Subscribers,” Financial Times (March 15, 2000): XXVII.
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engineering and constructing the network. Prices were expected to be compara- ble to those of fixed line services and service was planned to begin in late 2003 or early 2004. Teledesic had cleared all major regulatory hurdles. Many analysts were skeptical and questioned whether there was a market for high-speed data communications to remote areas that fixed lines did not reach.
ICO Global Communications
London-based ICO Global Communications (ICO), with a system cost of $4.5 billion, was originally designed to use an array of twelve satellites to deliver global telecom service. ICO was a partnership of various companies, including British Telecom, Hughes Electronics, and TRW. ICO’s initial public offering in the summer of 1998 fell well below expectations. In late July 1999, the company withdrew a $500 million rights offering and instead raised the money from large investors. Although the company attempted to save money by reducing the num- ber of satellites in its system to ten and then to eight, it was expected that the com- pany would fall short in its attempt to raise the necessary funds to launch its ser- vice in late 2000.
After ICO’s shares plummeted from $16 in January to less than $5 in September 1999 as investors began to question the company’s viability, ICO filed for bankruptcy protection. In November 1999, Craig McCaw, who also held a large stake in Teledesic, announced plans to invest in ICO, which was to be re- named New ICO. New ICO intended to focus on both voice and data communi- cations and would be linked with Teledesic to provide Internet-in-the-Sky satel- lite communications services. Services were expected to begin in 2003.
Other Satellite Companies
Several other satellite projects were being developed, including ORBCOMM, a partnership between Orbital Sciences Corp. and Canada’s Teleglobe. ORB- COMM launched 130 satellites for a messaging (not voice) network and had about $75 million in revenue in 1999. The system was primarily used by trans- portation companies. Several other systems were proposed but never developed. Hughes Electronics proposed a three-satellite project called Spaceway. Another proposed system project called Ellipso involved a $1.5 billion project for tele- phone service using seventeen satellites in elliptical orbits.
Ground-Based Wireless Services
Throughout the 1990s, while Iridium was being designed, ground-based wireless phone service grew rapidly around the world. A key factor in the growth of wire- less phones was the adoption of a single standard, known as GSM, in Europe and
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parts of Asia. In the early 1980s, analog cellular telephone systems were growing rapidly in Europe. Each European country had developed its own cellular system, which was incompatible with equipment used in other countries. In 1982 the Conference of European Posts and Telegraphs (CEPT) formed a study group called the Groupe Spécial Mobile (GSM) to study and develop a pan-European public land mobile system. The proposed system had to meet certain criteria, in- cluding good subjective speech quality, low terminal and service cost, support for international roaming, and support for a range of new (unidentified) services and facilities that would presumably be developed.
In 1989, GSM responsibility was transferred to the European Telecommunication Standards Institute and GSM specifications were made pub- lic in 1990. Commercial GSM service began in 1991 and by 1993, there were thirty-six GSM networks in twenty-two countries, with twenty-five additional countries having already selected or considering GSM. This would eventually grow to more than 200 GSM networks in 110 countries. By the beginning of 1994 there were 1.3 million GSM subscribers worldwide; by February 1999 the num- ber was 150 million. Including all cellular subscribers (analog and digital), there were more than 480 million subscribers worldwide by January 2000 and in a few years the number was expected to reach one billion. According to some observers, the rapid evolution to a single European standard took Motorola by surprise (al- though Iridium incorporated a GSM-based telephony architecture).
By 1999, Internet access via mobile phones had become commercially viable and the major telecom firms were moving rapidly to develop new technologies and standards. For example, in early 1999 Motorola introduced its Motorola’s iDEN i1000plus phone with a built-in microbrowser to send and receive Internet e-mail and view Web pages.
The Iridium company and board relied extensively on outside consultants for as- sistance in developing a marketing strategy. Iridium launched a $140 million global advertising campaign to create brand awareness two months before the phones were ready for sale. The campaign, using the slogan “Freedom to Communicate,” emphasized that Iridium was the first truly global, personal telecommunications system. According to the ads, Iridium would allow voice, data, fax, and paging messages to be transmitted to anyone from virtually any- where at any time. The target market was anyone who might require wireless telecommunications, which meant a target market of many millions. The ads, ac- cording to some observers, were “schmoozy and generic” and failed to distin- guish Iridium from other wireless companies. Some time later, analysts specu- lated that too much emphasis on the technology was the root cause for the lack of focus in the marketing campaign.
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In particular, the advertising message did not make it clear that Iridium’s abil- ity to communicate anytime, anywhere had some specific limitations. Without a spe- cial oversized antenna to boost signal strength, Iridium phones were not designed to work in dense urban locations. In order to function, an Iridium phone had to be within a line of sight of one of the system’s sixty-six satellites, which meant that the phones often would not function inside buildings. To design a satellite system with sufficient signal strength to penetrate buildings would have increased the Iridium cost by a factor of ten, according to a Motorola executive. Unfortunately, a common misconception in the business press was that Motorola changed the project specifi- cations without complete communication to investors and potential users. In reality, the original specifications called for a design that allowed an Iridium phone to work in any location in the world but not necessarily inside a building. Testing was done from inside cars; using this as a baseline, the system actually built exceeded project specifications. From the beginning, the target market was:
International travelers who wanted to communicate with people in other countries from cars, airports, and other open areas. Anywhere meant any lo- cation on the globe, not anywhere on the globe from inside a building.
Nevertheless, as the Wall Street Journal reported, the advertising generated a large amount of potential interest in Iridium:
Over a matter of weeks, more than one million sales inquiries poured into Iridium’s sales offices. They were forwarded to Iridium’s partners—and many of them promptly disappeared, say several Iridium insiders. With no marketing channels and precious few salespeople in place, most global partners were un- able to follow up on the inquiries. A mountain of hot sales tips soon went cold.4
In addition, each Iridium satellite could handle only 1,100 simultaneous calls, limiting the company from achieving the economies of scale needed to of- fer its customers lower prices. In addition, sales personnel were not properly trained with Iridium, and a shortage of telephones meant prospective customers were unable to try the product prior to purchase.
Iridium’s subscriber base in the initial months of service fell far short of pro- jections. In Iridium’s 1998 annual report, management provided the following ex- planation for the slower-than-expected subscriber base and revenue:
Iridium believes that its slower than expected subscriber ramp-up and revenue generation have been primarily the result of problems with the initial distri-
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4Leslie Cauley, “Losses in Space—Iridium’s Downfall: The Marketing Took a Back Seat to Science— Motorola and Partners Spent Billions on Satellite Links for a Phone Few Wanted,” Wall Street Journal (August 18, 1999): A1.
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bution of subscriber equipment, a shortage of fully trained service providers and sales personnel and a lack of effective marketing coordination among Iridium, its gateways and its service providers. During the initial roll-out of Iridium World Services, (i) Kyocera experienced significant difficulties in achieving Iridium’s quality control standards and was unable to ship signif- icant quantities of phones until early March of 1999, (ii) there were sub- stantial difficulties in distributing phones and pagers to various markets around the world, (iii) although Motorola’s satellite phones and pagers have been available since the commencement of commercial operations, the pro- duction of cellular cassettes for its dual mode satellite/cellular phones and some other accessories was delayed, and (iv) Iridium and its gateway oper- ators had difficulty identifying and training service providers and their sales staffs. Iridium believes that Motorola and Kyocera have addressed most of these initial production and distribution problems. However, Iridium be- lieves that it may take more time and effort to appropriately address the problems that have arisen in connection with the marketing and distribution of Iridium World Services.
Iridium left distribution up to its regional partners, but companies such as Sprint, which owned 3.5 percent of Iridium, were not selling the phones or ser- vice before the launch of the new system. Sprint’s sales force did not push the ser- vice and its stores did not stock the handset. Therefore, Sprint, Motorola, and other partners, such as Telecom Italia, had to train their sales teams to sell the Iridium service. Moreover, business travelers, the primary target market, were re- luctant to replace even a handful of small cellular phones with a large handset which weighed a pound, cost over $3,000 to purchase, was expensive to use, and could barely fit into a briefcase.
Service Problems
As prime contractor, Motorola’s contract required delivery of the system by December 1998. Motorola met the deadline, and in doing so, successfully created a new system for satellite design, manufacturing, and deployment. However, the completion of the contract should have been followed by a longer testing phase. The software had about 20 million lines of software code, which inevitably re- quired debugging. Iridium starting selling the service before all testing and de- bugging was completed. When service problems resulted because of the lack of testing, the publicity was devastating, leading some observers to conclude that the system was prematurely turned on.
Financial Market Reaction
At year-end 1998 most financial analysts had buy recommendations for Iridium. Credit Suisse First Boston had a revenue projection for 2005 of $6.9 billion.
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Merrill Lynch, the firm that underwrote Iridium’s initial public offering, was pre- dicting about $6 billion. An investment analyst at Salomon Smith Barney wrote in February 1999: “Iridium presents a clear investment opportunity. . . . Accordingly, we reiterate our Buy rating, maintain our $60 price target, and offer ten reasons to buy the stock immediately.”5 Iridium’s market capitalization was $5.6 billion at year-end 1998, down from almost $10 billion in May 1998.
Iridium’s secured bank loan contained various covenants. One group of covenants required Iridium to satisfy certain minimum revenue and subscriber levels, in- cluding conditions that at March 31, 1999, Iridium would have cumulative cash revenues of at least $4 million, cumulative accrued revenues of at least $30 mil- lion, at least 27,000 Iridium World Satellite Service subscribers and at least 52,000 total subscribers. In March 1999, Iridium announced that first-quarter rev- enue and customer targets dictated in its loan agreements would be missed, and analysts predicted losses of more than $1.68 billion for 1999. The company’s to- tal revenue of $1.45 million had fallen far short of operating expenses, and the company owed more than $100 million to creditors quarterly on its $3.4 billion debt. Iridium’s shares sank from a high of $72 in 1998 to $9 in 1999, and its bonds traded at 19 cents on the dollar. Iridium also became the third most heav- ily shorted small-cap U.S. stock, with short-sellers holding 23 percent of its shares. Because of not meeting the revenue and subscriber targets, Iridium re- quested and received a waiver of compliance from lenders. Unfortunately, vari- ous events, including the financial crisis in Russia, continuing uncertainty in Asia, and the near collapse of Long Term Capital Management, meant that early 1999 was not a good time to seek concessions from lenders.
In April 1999, Staiano resigned as Iridium CEO and John Richardson, for- merly head of Iridium’s Africa unit, became interim CEO. Richardson immedi- ately took action in an attempt to save the company. He revamped Iridium’s mar- keting strategy and slashed prices. The company would no longer market itself as a rival to cellular services, but instead, position itself as a supplemental satellite service available where traditional cellular services were not. The focus would be on specialized markets, such as shipping and oil rigs. One new ad showed a North Atlantic fishing boat captain using an Iridium phone to find the port with the highest price for a catch of swordfish. According to Richardson:
We have to do better than in past in terms of managing expectations of the consumer. Giving people the impression that you can use the phone in a nu- clear bunker is clearly not the right way to go. . . . The message about what
The Initial Market Response to Iridium 365
5John B. Coates, “Iridium World Communications,” Salomon Smith Barney Equity Research Report (February 1, 1999): 2.
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this product was and where it was supposed to go changed from meeting to meeting. . . . One day we’d talk about cellular applications, the next day it was a satellite product. When we launched in November, I’m not sure we had a clear idea of what we wanted to be. . . . We did all the really difficult stuff, like building the network, and did all the nobrainer stuff at the end poorly.”6
As to the possibility of liquidation publicly raised by Motorola, Richardson denied that liquidation was an option and offered this view:
What Motorola said about the alternatives [i.e., liquidation and bankruptcy] was, from an academic perspective, absolutely correct, but from our per- spective, it’s simply not on the radar screen.7
By May 1999, Iridium was still being used by only about 10,000 people— just one-fifth of what the company had promised. Many of these users, on off- shore oil rigs or fishing boats or in remote locations such as northern Canada, were very satisfied with Iridium service. In a testimonial provided by Iridium, John Varty, producer of animal films in Africa, described the various ways that Iridium had become indispensable. For example, a lens broke while shooting a migration of over one million wildebeest—the largest migration in fourteen years. Using his Iridium phone, Varty was able to phone a Johannesburg company for guidance on how to repair the lens temporarily in the field.
Iridium announced on May 13 that it would be in technical default on $800 million of debt, and the company’s chief financial officer and top marketing ex- ecutive resigned. On June 21, 1999, Iridium announced a new price-cutting strat- egy. In addition, the company attempted to sell its phones as a Y2K insurance pol- icy, since the network orbited above the earth and would not be affected by any problems on the earth’s surface. The company hoped to be able to create a new financial plan with investors and lenders by early July. In response to questions about a possible bankruptcy, Iridium’s CFO said that a bankruptcy-court filing was not a realistic alternative bceause although such filings were relatively com- mon in the United States, there was a significant stigma attached to them in other parts of the world. He went on to say:
We’d spend so much time explaining ourselves [to non-U.S. investors] that it could cost us a year’s time in the market. . . . Our investors, partners and distributors do not feel that Iridium will quickly, if ever, recover from a bankruptcy.8
6Ibid.; Carleen Hawn, “High Wireless Act,” Forbes (June 14, 1999): 60–62. 7Ibid. 8Leslie Cauley, “Iridium Official Sys Chapter 11 Isn’t a Viable Option,” Wall Street Journal (July 19, 1999): A4.
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Business over the next few months did not improve. On August 5, 1999, Iridium shares dropped below $6, down from almost $50 earlier in the year year. Prices for Iridium’s bonds plummeted. On August 13, Iridium defaulted on its debt and filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection after failing to meet bond payments and revenue targets promised to bankers. On September 1, Iridium announced that it had hired New York turnaround firm Alvarez & Marsal to help prepare a restructuring plan for the company. Iridium also announced that the firm was still in business and would emerge from the bankruptcy process as a stronger and more vibrant company.
Iridium continued to look for new investors to help rescue the company. Craig McCaw, one of Teledesic’s major investors, had already saved ICO Global Communications from bankruptcy and appeared to be Iridium’s greatest hope. By December, the talks between Iridium and McCaw appeared to be a failure, but ne- gotiations were reopened in February of 2000. Iridium’s bondholders were op- posed to any deal because under McCaw’s plan, the interests of unsecured debt holders and holders of existing Iridium common stock would likely be worthless.
McCaw’s Eagle River Investments agreed to provide Iridium with $5 million, enough to finance the continued operation of the company through March 6, 2000. However, on March 20, McCaw announced that he would not rescue Iridium. By this time, the company had 55,000 subscribers and debts of $4.4 billion.
With the largest equity position in Iridium and its financial guarantees, Motorola stood to lose as much as $2.5 billion from its involvement as an investor and partner in Iridium. In 1999 Motorola wrote off its $365 million equity in- vestment. Motorola’s nonequity exposure included its guarantee of a $750 mil- lion bank loan, about $760 million in assets committed to Iridium, its holdings of $157 million of Iridium bonds, and vendor financing of $355 million.
In March of 2000, Iridium LLC notified the U.S. Bankruptcy Court that it had not been able to attract a qualified buyer for the service before the deadline set by the court and that the company would terminate its provisional commercial services after 11:59 P.M. on March 17, 2000. It was determined that the sixty-six satellites would be moved down, four at a time, into the earth’s atmosphere where they would burn up. It was estimated that this process would take two years and cost between $30 million and $50 million.
Meanwhile, another satellite company, Orbitcall, offered a “911 rescue pack- age” for Iridium’s 50,000 subscribers, who otherwise would have been left with- out service after Motorola withdrew from the project. The trade-in offer included
Aftermath 367
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an Orbitcall M satellite phone and pre-paid airtime in exchange for the Motorola or Kyocera Iridium handsets.
In November 2000, a new company, headed by former Iridium CEO Ed Staino and former Pan Am airlines CEO Dan Colussy, won bankruptcy court ap- proval to buy Iridium assets for $25 million. In December 2000, the U.S. Department of Defense awarded Iridium LLC a two-year communications deal worth $72 million. The Defense Department said that it chose Iridium because its state-of-the-art technology could provide cryptographically secure communica- tions to any open area on the planet.
Art Brothers, “Long Distance: Phone Service Via Spacecraft Switches,” America’s Network (June 15, 1996): 118–. Peter Brunt, “Iridium—Overview and Status,” Space Communications, no. 2 (1996): 61–. Roger Crockett, “Why Motorola Should Hang Up on Iridium,” Business Week (August 30, 1999): 46. Daniel Fisher, “Iridium for Truck Trailers,” Forbes (October 4, 1999): 64–66. Henry Goldblatt, “Just a Few Customers Shy of a Business Plan,” Fortune (March 29, 1999): 40. Quentin Hardy, “Surviving Iridium,” Forbes (September 6): 216–217. Paul Krugman, “When Did the Future Get So Boring,” Fortune (September 27, 1999): 42–46. Andy Reinhardt and Catherine Yang, “Risks Soar, The Rockets Don’t,” Business Week, May 31, 1999: 44. Daniel Roth, “Motorola Lives!,” Fortune (September 27, 1999): 305–306. Gary Samuels, “Crowded Skies,” Forbes (May 22, 1995): 98–. Jonathon Sidener, “Iridium Ahead of, Then Behind Time,” The Arizona Republic (March 26, 2000): D1, D5. Debra Spark, “The Default Dilemma,” Business Week (September 9, 1999): 76. Catherine Yang and Roger Crockett, “Getting Iridium of the Ground,” Business Week (October 5, 1998): 76–80. Joel Dreyfuss, “Calling Anywhere on Earth for Just $3,400,” Fortune (March 1, 1999): 212.
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Monica Kumar prepared this case under the supervision of Professor Lyn Purdy solely to provide material for class discussion. The authors do not intend to illustrate either effective or ineffective handling of a managerial situation. The authors may have disguised certain names and other identifying information to protect confiden- tiality.
Ivey Management Services prohibits any form of reproduction, storage, or transmit- tal without its written permission. This material is not covered under authorization from CanCopy or any reproduction rights organization. To order copies or request permission to reproduce materials, contact Ivey Publishing, Ivey Management Services, c/o Richard Ivey School of Business, The University of Western Ontario, London, Ontario, Canada, N6A 3K7; phone (519) 661-3208; fax (519) 661-3882; e-mail [email protected].
Copyright © 2002, Ivey Management Services Version: (A) 2002-12-09
On April 8, 2001, Mark Armstrong, angry and in a state of disbelief, sat at his desk and stared at the closed office door in front him. Moments before, he had finished a meeting with Melissa Cartwright, the testing team lead, who informed him of some disturbing news regarding his lead developer, Peter Leung. Melissa and other team members had been trying to contact Peter for the past few days to help them with some critical system testing and nobody had been able to find
Missing Person— Peter Leung
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him. They would see Peter for an hour or two in the late morning and then wouldn’t be able to find him until late afternoon, or sometimes not at all. Melissa was afraid that Peter’s absenteeism was putting the system testing, and ultimately the whole project, at risk. She was very surprised when she learned that Peter’s absence had not been approved and that Mark wasn’t even aware of the problem.
Mark couldn’t believe what he had just heard from Melissa. Peter was one of the top performers on his team and he had always been very dependable, always keeping Mark informed of any reasons he needed to be away from the office. Mark knew he had to act quickly to rectify the situation with Peter if he wanted to save the project. The testing phase was one of the most critical of the project, and Peter’s knowledge was essential to successfully complete the system testing, within the already constrained project timelines.
Mark, Peter, and Melissa all worked for the Toronto office of Excel Consulting, a leading, global provider of management and technology services and solutions. With more than 35,000 employees, a global reach including over fifty-five offices in twenty countries and serving mainly Fortune 100 and Fortune 500 companies, Excel was one of the world’s largest and most reputable consulting firms.
Excel’s primary focuses were delivering innovative solutions to clients and providing exceptional client service. Excel delivered its services and solutions by organizing its professionals into focused industry groups. This industry focus al- lowed the firm’s professionals to develop a thorough understanding of the client’s industry, business issues, and applicable technologies to deliver tailored solutions to each client. Each professional was further aligned to a specific service func- tion, such as strategy, human performance, or technology. This alignment allowed an individual to develop specialized skills and knowledge in an area of expertise. The organizational structure encouraged a collaborative and team-based atmo- sphere. Most client teams included professionals from a similar industry focus, but from several different service function specialties.
Excel’s professionals had a variety of educational, cultural, and geographical backgrounds, but most shared similar skills and attributes, including leadership, intelligence, innovation, integrity, and dedication. Many professionals began their careers with Excel directly after completing an undergraduate degree; however, Excel hired experienced professionals, as well. The career path at Excel generally made the following progression: analyst, consultant, manager, associate partner, and partner. A new hire, directly after graduating with a university undergraduate degree, would begin as an analyst, and then, typically after two years, would be promoted to consultant. After consultant, it would typically take another three years before a promotion to a manager position within the firm.
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Along with its focus on client service, Excel emphasized employee satisfac- tion. It conducted regular satisfaction surveys and had many corporate policies in place to help ensure work–life balance. These policies included flexible working hours and the assignment of professionals in the city of their home office to limit their travel. Partners and managers had the flexibility and discretion to implement these policies on their individual projects. In practice, most projects were unable to effectively implement these policies due to constrained project timelines and budgets. Balancing client service and employee satisfaction was a challenge at the firm, and one that it shared with most consulting companies.
Nayacom, a telecommunications provider for the corporate customer, offered cost-effective, next-generation services across Canada, throughout the United States, and around the world. Nayacom owned and operated a coast-to-coast Internet protocol (IP) broadband network that had more than 100 points of pres- ence in key locations throughout Canada and the United States. Nayacom was a subsidiary of a leading Canadian telecommunications company, Vextel, head- quartered in Montreal. Nayacom was headquartered in Toronto and employed more than 1,600 people.
Excel Consulting and Vextel had been working together on several projects since the early 1980s. This specific project relationship with Nayacom began in August 1999. Together, Excel and Nayacom were developing a new process and technology solution to increase operational efficiencies in Nayacom’s order- management process. This solution would eventually enable several Nayacom systems, each holding various pieces of data for a customer order, to share infor- mation through Enterprise Application Integration (EAI) technology. Since EAI would enable the order to automatically distribute to work positions, several steps in the order process would be carried out simultaneously instead of moving one position at a time. Any keyed information would automatically update (or auto- populate) all related systems, eliminating rekeying and improving data accuracy. The solution would also offer many valuable tracking and measurement capabil- ities to enable more thorough order management and analysis.
The project consisted of several smaller-phased business requirement–driven projects, each delivering information technology (IT) and associated business ca- pabilities. Program development began in June 2000, and the first phase was tar- geted for implementation on May 1, 2001.
The Excel and Nayacom team worked together in Nayacom’s head office in downtown Toronto. The team included approximately forty-seven Excel professionals and twenty-two Nayacom employees. All members were distrib- uted among several smaller teams, including process design, technical design,
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development, testing, and training/deployment. Each of these teams included an Excel manager, several Excel consultants and analysts, and Nayacom employ- ees. The entire project was overseen by Dave Fisher, an Excel associate partner, who worked directly with, and reported to, the Nayacom project manager and executives.
Due to the long-term potential of this project (the entire project could take from four to six years) and the number of Excel professionals this project em- ployed locally in Toronto, Excel Consulting had negotiated a fixed-fee contract with Nayacom. Instead of the usual contracts, where clients are billed per con- sulting hour, Nayacom was paying Excel a fixed amount regardless of the num- ber of consulting personnel and hours. The May 1, 2001, target date for imple- mentation was very important to Excel for two reasons: the project was already over-budget, and as the first phase of the project, Excel wanted it delivered on time to ensure the project’s continuation. Additionally, Excel highly valued its long-term relationship with Vextel, Nayacom’s parent company. Excel had done a lot of work with Vextel over the years and it was one of Excel’s largest clients in Canada. As a consequence, this project was very closely managed; there were regular Excel partner visits to the site and all project details were closely scruti- nized by all the team managers and Dave Fisher.
Peter Leung
Peter was a consultant with Excel in the telecommunications industry group, within the technology service function area. Peter was about to celebrate his third-year anniversary with the firm. He had begun working with Excel in May 1997, after graduating from the University of Waterloo with a degree in computer science. Peter married his classmate and university sweetheart, Cynthia, in July 1999. They had recently purchased a condominium in downtown Toronto and were anxiously waiting for its expected completion date of March 2002.
Peter was one of the first employees staffed on the Nayacom project; he be- gan working for the technical design team in June 2000. Peter became involved in all aspects of the technical designs and developed knowledge about all of the Nayacom systems and data. In order to leverage his design knowledge, in October 2000, he was transferred to the development team managed by Mark Armstrong and was promoted to lead developer.
The development team consisted of three analysts and one consultant, in ad- dition to Peter. All of the team members reported to Mark Armstrong. As lead de- veloper, Peter was responsible for developing parts of the system, integrating all development efforts, and assisting his team members with any technical design and development questions. Although, there were no formal supervisory responsi- bilities for Peter or his fellow consultant, Trent Gartner, Peter was often regarded as an informal mentor by the team. He had been on the project the longest and
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could contribute from his extensive design knowledge. Peter worked closely with the client and with other teams to ensure that any pertinent information was shared across the teams. He was also responsible for creating weekly status reports for Mark and updating him on any problems or issues that the team was facing.
Peter enjoyed his work and he was very good at it. He was considered by oth- ers to be very knowledgeable about technology and conscientious about his work. He also had more specific knowledge about the Nayacom system design and de- tails than anyone else. Therefore, he was a valued and important team member. Socially, Peter was considered by his co-workers to be a very quiet person who kept to himself. The Excel team was very close and often went out socially after work and on weekends. Peter was always invited; however, he had never gone out with the team. As a result, although he was liked by his co-workers, he had not established any friendships or close relationships with his colleagues.
Mark Armstrong
Mark was a manager with Excel in the telecommunications industry group, in the technology service function area. He was married and had two young children, Dave and Theresa. Mark had begun working with Excel in April 1996, after he had been laid off from Excel’s main competitor, Alta Consulting.
Mark began working on the Nayacom project in August 2000, as manager of the development team. His responsibilities included managing all development efforts for the project, including managing a team of five professionals and en- suring project deadlines and deliverables were met. In addition, Mark was re- sponsible for communicating with all team managers and ensuring the dissemi- nation of appropriate project information across all of the teams. He spent most of his time in client and cross-team strategy meetings; therefore, he had little time to help the team with detailed development of the system. Mark relied on the strength of his team members and expected them to bring any concerns promptly to him. He usually called development team meetings once a week, every Monday morning at 8 A.M., to disseminate important project information and to answer any questions. These meetings normally lasted fifteen to twenty minutes. Aside from this formal meeting, Mark was involved very little in the team’s day- to-day affairs. He asked for weekly status reports to be completed by all mem- bers. Mark used these status reports to create a report for Dave Fisher and the other Excel team managers, in order to inform them of his team’s progress.
Peter joined Mark’s team in October 2000, a few months after Mark had started. Mark saw Peter as dependable and very intelligent, and he felt comfort- able with Peter on his team. He knew that Peter was also available to help the team with their questions. Mark trusted that Peter and the other members would bring any questions or concerns promptly to him. He liked all the people on his team, and knew he had some of the best developers within Excel. So far, Mark
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had not had any problems with any of his team members since they had been meeting the appropriate deadlines and deliverables.
Design and development of the system had been completed and the first phase of the project was currently in the testing portion of the project development cycle. Testing is the process by which the technical system/solution is checked, in de- tail, against expected scenarios and outcomes. During this process any bugs or er- rors within the system are recorded and rectified before the system can “go live” and be launched for the actual client users. Testing is usually a very busy and stressful time since managers often budget too little time for this process. Testing is also one of the most important periods on a project and it requires all members of the project team to be available to help the testing team quickly fix any errors or bugs that are detected. With only three weeks left until the expected launch date of May 1, 2001, the testing team was detecting many bugs that needed to be fixed. Specifically, there were many problems in the areas of data integration where the Nayacom systems were pulling or pushing out inaccurate or different data compared to the data that was expected in the technical designs.
The team really needed Peter Leung’s help to resolve most of the issues since he knew the designs and development better than most members on the team. Unfortunately, Melissa Cartwright, the testing team lead, and many of her other team members had been unable to locate Peter recently. His laptop was on his desk and his papers were all out, but Peter was never there. Occasionally, some- one would spot him for an hour in the morning or in the evening, but there was never enough time to really work through the system problems with him.
Melissa and her testing team were getting very frustrated and worried about being able to make the deadline that was only three weeks away. Melissa decided to approach Mark and talk to him about Peter’s absenteeism. Mark was shocked to find out about this problem. He had not approved Peter’s absences and he had not heard anything from his other development team members either. Melissa was angry that Mark had no idea about the situation on his team. She told him that she would be unable to meet the testing deadline unless she had Peter’s help. Mark told her that he would find out what was going on and try to rectify the situation within the next twenty-four hours.
Minutes after Melissa left his office, Mark stormed out towards Peter’s desk. When he got there he saw Peter’s laptop on and a pile of papers spread out across
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the desk. It definitely looked like he was there; however, when he asked the other development team members if they had seen Peter, they mentioned that he had not been in yet that day. Supposedly, he left his desk this way all the time to look like he was in the office.
Mark immediately called an emergency development team meeting. All of the members were present except for Peter. He asked if anyone knew where Peter was. Trent responded that he did not know, and that Peter had not been coming to the office regularly for the past three weeks. Usually, he came in for an hour in the morning and then left, returning later for another hour in the afternoon. Rumors were that Peter was having personal problems and that he and his wife were on the verge of a divorce; however, since Peter kept to himself, nobody on the team had asked him about his personal issues.
When Mark asked why the team had not mentioned anything to him before, they said they assumed both that he was aware of the absences and that Peter had probably asked Mark for time off. They also felt uncomfortable approaching Mark about a colleague who was going through personal difficulties. In addition, since development was complete, the team had little work besides helping the testing team, and they had not noticed the team’s performance being affected by Peter’s absence.
Mark knew that he had to rectify this situation promptly, in order to avoid it de- veloping into an even bigger issue. Melissa and the testing team needed Peter, and it was Peter’s responsibility to be there to help with the project. Mark wondered how he would deal with Peter’s personal issues. He sympathized that Peter was having problems with his marriage, but at the same time, the project’s success was in jeopardy. How would he approach the first meeting with Peter? He did not want to drive Peter away since he was too important to the project and was irre- placeable, especially due to the short timeframes, but he also felt angry that Peter had betrayed his trust. Why did Peter not come and talk to him about his personal problems and indicate that he needed time off?
Mark also wondered how to handle the situation with his development team. He understood the reasons that Trent and the others had given for not coming to speak to him, but he had hoped that they would have approached him about this situation. He wondered what he could do to make sure that the team felt com- fortable talking to him about other issues in the future.
Finally, Mark was concerned about his own performance as a manager. It had taken another manager’s inquiries for him to find out about the situation. He ques- tioned what he could have done to avoid this. How was he supposed to balance his client obligations and manager meetings with the day-to-day detailed man- agement of his team? Also, he wondered how many other people on the project
Next Steps 375
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team knew about the situation. How would he communicate and rectify the situ- ation with the other project team members and managers? How would he ap- proach this situation with Dave Fischer? Should Mark talk to Dave, or should he just resolve it quickly and quietly, hoping that he wouldn’t hear about it from someone else?
Mark had given Melissa his word that he would rectify this situation within twenty-four hours. He quickly reached toward the phone directory to look for Peter’s home number. The first thing that Mark needed to do was to locate Peter. He hoped he would be able to find him soon.
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Ken Mark prepared this case under the supervision of Professor Michael Parent solely to provide material for class discussion. The authors do not intend to illustrate either effective or ineffective handling of a managerial situation. The authors may have disguised certain names and other identifying information to protect confiden- tiality.
Ivey Management Services prohibits any form of reproduction, storage, or transmit- tal without its written permission. This material is not covered under authorization from CanCopy or any reproduction rights organization. To order copies or request permission to reproduce materials, contact Ivey Publishing, Ivey Management Services, c/o Richard Ivey School of Business, The University of Western Ontario, London, Ontario, Canada, N6A 3K7; phone (519) 661-3208; fax (519) 661-3882; e-mail [email protected].
Copyright © 2002, Ivey Management Services Version: (A) 2002-08-12
“The Data and Voice Project (DVP) is behind schedule, over budget, and under specification,” explained Zhou Jianglin, project manager for Ji’nan Broadcasting Corporation (JBC). It was November 3, 2001, in Ji’nan, China, and Zhou’s determination was fading. He still had two months to go before the DVP was set
Zhou Jianglin, Project Manager
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to go live. Looking back, he tried to determine what went wrong and what could be done to save the project.
Intended to cover a 200-square-kilometers area, DVP could provide voice and data services to 90 percent of Shandong’s businesses and inhabitants. Currently, no data services existed in the province, and voice telephone services (local and long-distance), were provided by China Post & Telecom.
Zhou had been given a budget of RMB110 million1 to spend on this project. Its goals were:
� To provide up to 5,000 high-speed (100 megabits per second) data lines, and up to three million voice lines.
� Ensure that the equipment is evergreen and scalable. � To complete the project by January 1, 2002.
There was a menu of choices that was presented to JBC by Eastern Postel (Postel), the telecommunications manufacturer and lead contractor chosen for DVP. Han Xiaowei, managing director of data and voice services for JBC (and Zhou’s superior) intervened and insisted on this set:
� Use Nortel Passport data equipment and Alcatel’s new VIT voice equip- ment to go with Postel’s locally manufactured data communications equipment.
� Incorporate current Fujitsu voice equipment. Make the change cost- neutral to JBC.
� Implement a centrally controlled network � Engineer and install services with a capacity to serve two million
customers. � Provide routine maintenance and monitoring for twelve weeks. Include in
the price the training of new hires to maintain the equipment.
Postel and its supplier Nortel were surprised at the choices made. They in- sisted that it would not be possible to include Alcatel and Fujitsu equipment and still be cost-neutral. In addition, they objected to the training of non-technical people to maintain the network. Han countered by reiterating that other contrac- tors could be chosen. Besides, he offered, the new hires would be computer sci- ence or engineering graduates.
1RMB8 � US$1.
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After a week of protracted negotiating, both Postel and JBC agreed to a scaled-down version of the DVP. With the agreement signed, Zhou returned to leading the project. The project would be able to serve only 2,500 business clients and one million residential customers, a compromise from the original goals. It was the June 20, 2001.
Five weeks later, Zhou encountered the first of his problems: Type Approval was taking longer than the four weeks needed by the government-run testing agency. Located in Shanghai, China Standards Approval Agency (CSAA) had received Alcatel’s new voice equipment on the June 25, 2001. Along with the equipment was a note that indicated Alcatel was willing to pay the posted rate of RMB30,000 for CSAA to test the entire batch of VIT equipment. On August 1, 2001, Zhou was informed by Postel that CSAA had not even begun to test the equipment. CSAA had insisted that Alcatel pay the fee for each piece of equip- ment to be tested, RMB150,000 in total. Alcatel refused.
Fujitsu equipment was taking longer to engineer into the system than previ- ously estimated. It was taking up too much of Nortel’s engineering time, John Lian, enterprise sales manager for Nortel, explained. Nortel would honor its end of the deal—to provide cost-neutral inclusion of Fujitsu equipment—but Nortel engineers would work on it “as time constraints allowed.” Further, they estimated that inclusion of Fujitsu equipment might cause network outages up to three per- cent of the time. Lian also mentioned that the go live date would be pushed back, to approximately February 5, 2002.
At JBC, Zhou’s request for additional funds to hire a trained project manager had been rejected. In addition, no extra staff members would be assigned to DVP. Han insisted that Zhou complete this “simple” project on his own.
Through his personal network of friends, Zhou requested the help of a project manager, Paul Scott, who worked for an English telecommunications equipment manufacturer. Scott offered this view:
Nortel has been going through a transition to formalize project management as a proper discipline in order to achieve consistent application of project management skills worldwide. If project management approaches were con- sistent across companies worldwide, less misunderstanding and conflict would occur.
Another Point of View 379
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The official text explaining the need for type approval testing for telecommunications equipment involves ensuring that the equipment proto- cols work as stated; ensuring the ISO layers are adhered to; for safety pur- poses to reduce possibility of unexpected electrical damage or danger to per- sonnel working on the equipment; and for legitimate customs income.
There are three unofficial explanations: First, this is a way for un- scrupulous officials to receive bribes. This is more overt in some countries (a facilitating charge), can be more creative (a manufacturer would have to take equipment to a testing company owned by a relative of the government customs official overseeing Type Approval), and nonexistent in others. Second, forcing a company to subject its equipment for testing delays the entry of this equipment into a market, possibly forcing time-strapped com- panies to use locally produced products. Last, testing is a way to conduct re- search. One government testing agency had been known to the telecommu- nications industry to have taken apart and cloned new data or voice equipment in as little as three months. Shortly thereafter, one could find a strikingly similar national version (of a company’s latest generation equip- ment) on the international market.
With the issues facing the inclusion of Fujitsu equipment, I would term that scope creep, and lay the blame on JBC. Making equipment from two manufacturers function together is akin to taking parts from two different cars in an attempt to create a third—something will go wrong. Frankly, in- tegrating existing equipment with new equipment causes more problems than it solves.
Thanking Scott, Zhou took a few minutes to think about his own organization. Was political infighting at fault? In the drive toward an initial public offering, managing directors were certainly positioning themselves in the eyes of the pres- ident. Could Zhou avoid being the scapegoat if this project failed? Was JBC com- mitted to create a data and voice network from scratch? After all, though they were skilled broadcasters and programmers, experienced with creating and airing content, JBC had no previous experience with data or voice products. The DVP was important to many stakeholders. Zhou believed that he could navigate his way through the obstacles that had arisen. He needed the DVP to be a success.
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Part 10
Controlling projects is a necessity such that meaningful and timely information can be obtained to satisfy the needs of the project’s stakeholders. This includes measuring resources consumed, measuring status and accomplishments, compar- ing measurements to projections and standards, and providing effective diagnosis and replanning.
For cost control to be effective, both the scheduling and estimating systems must be somewhat disciplined in order to prevent arbitrary and inadvertent bud- get or schedule changes. Changes must be disciplined and result only from a de- liberate management action. This includes distribution of allocated funds and re- distribution of funds held in reserve.
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On May 15, 1991, Brian Richards was assigned full-time to Project Turnbolt by Fred Taylor, manager of the thermodynamics department. All work went smoothly for four and one-half of the five months necessary to complete this ef- fort. During this period of successful performance Brian Richards had good working relations with Edward Compton (the Project Turnbolt engineer) and Fred Taylor.
Fred treated Brian as a Theory Y employee. Once a week Fred and Brian would chat about the status of Brian’s work. Fred would always conclude their brief meeting with, “You’re doing a fine job, Brian. Keep it up. Do anything you have to do to finish the project.”
During the last month of the project Brian began receiving conflicting re- quests from the project office and the department manager as to the preparation of the final report. Compton told Brian Richards that the final report was to be as- sembled in viewgraph format (i.e., “bullet” charts) for presentation to the cus- tomer at the next technical interchange meeting. The project did not have the funding necessary for a comprehensive engineering report.
The thermodynamics department, on the other hand, had a policy that all en- gineering work done on new projects would be documented in a full and com- prehensive report. This new policy had been implemented about one year ago when Fred Taylor became department manager. Rumor had it that Fred wanted formal reports so that he could put his name on them and either publish or
The Two-Boss Problem
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present them at technical meetings. All work performed in the thermodynamics department required Taylor’s signature before it could be released to the project office as an official company position. Upper-level management did not want its people to publish and therefore did not maintain a large editorial or graphic arts department. Personnel desiring to publish had to get the department manager’s approval and, on approval, had to prepare the entire report themselves, without any “overhead” help. Since Taylor had taken over the reins as department head, he had presented three papers at technical meetings.
A meeting was held between Brian Richards, Fred Taylor, and Edward Compton.
Edward: “I don’t understand why we have a problem. All the project office wants is a simple summary of the results. Why should we have to pay for a report that we don’t want or need?”
Fred: “We have professional standards in this department. All work that goes out must be fully documented for future use. I purposely require that my signature be attached to all communications leaving this department. This way we obtain uni- formity and standarization. You project people must understand that, although you can institute or own project policies and procedures (within the constraints and lim- itations of company policies and procedures), we department personnel also have standards. Your work must be prepared within our standards and specifications.”
Edward: “The project office controls the purse strings. We (the project office) specified that only a survey report was necessary. Furthermore, if you want a more comprehensive report, then you had best do it on your own overhead ac- count. The project office isn’t going to foot the bill for your publications.”
Fred: “The customary procedure is to specify in the program plan the type of report requested from the departments. Inasmuch as your program plan does not specify this, I used my own discretion as to what I thought you meant.”
Edward: “But I told Brian Richards what type of report I wanted. Didn’t he tell you?”
Fred: “I guess I interpreted the request a little differently from what you had in- tended. Perhaps we should establish a new policy that all program plans must spec- ify reporting requirements. This would alleviate some of the misunderstandings, es- pecially since my department has several projects going on at one time. In addition, I am going to establish a policy for my department that all requests for interim, sta- tus, or final reports be given to me directly. I’ll take personal charge of all reports.”
Edward: “That’s fine with me! And for your first request I’m giving you an or- der that I want a survey report, not a detailed effort.”
Brian: “Well, since the meeting is over, I guess I’ll return to my office (and be- gin updating my résumé just in case).”
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The award of the Scott contract on January 3, 1987, left Park Industries elated. The Scott Project, if managed correctly, offered tremendous opportunities for fol- low-on work over the next several years. Park’s management considered the Scott Project as strategic in nature.
The Scott Project was a ten-month endeavor to develop a new product for Scott Corporation. Scott informed Park Industries that sole-source production contracts would follow, for at least five years, assuming that the initial R&D ef- fort proved satisfactory. All follow-on contracts were to be negotiated on a year- to-year basis.
Jerry Dunlap was selected as project manager. Although he was young and eager, he understood the importance of the effort for future growth of the com- pany. Dunlap was given some of the best employees to fill out his project office as part of Park’s matrix organization. The Scott Project maintained a project of- fice of seven full-time people, including Dunlap, throughout the duration of the project. In addition, eight people from the functional department were selected for representation as functional project team members, four full-time and four half-time.
Although the workload fluctuated, the manpower level for the project office and team members was constant for the duration of the project at 2,080 hours per month. The company assumed that each hour worked incurred a cost of $60.00 per person, fully burdened.
The Bathtub Period
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At the end of June, with four months remaining on the project, Scott Corporation informed Park Industries that, owing to a projected cash flow prob- lem, follow-on work would not be awarded until the first week in March (1988). This posed a tremendous problem for Jerry Dunlap because he did not wish to break up the project office. If he permitted his key people to be assigned to other projects, there would be no guarantee that he could get them back at the begin- ning of the follow-on work. Good project office personnel are always in demand.
Jerry estimated that he needed $40,000 per month during the “bathtub” period to support and maintain his key people. Fortunately, the bathtub period fell over Christmas and New Year’s, a time when the plant would be shut down for seven- teen days. Between the vacation days that his key employees would be taking, and the small special projects that this people could be temporarily assigned to on other programs, Jerry revised his estimate to $125,000 for the entire bathtub period.
At the weekly team meeting, Jerry told the program team members that they would have to “tighten their belts” in order to establish a management reserve of $125,000. The project team understood the necessity for this action and began rescheduling and replanning until a management reserve of this size could be re- alized. Because the contract was firm-fixed-price, all schedules for administrative support (i.e., project office and project team members) were extended through February 28 on the supposition that this additional time was needed for final cost data accountability and program report documentation.
Jerry informed his boss, Frank Howard, the division head for project man- agement, as to the problems with the bathtub period. Frank was the intermediary between Jerry and the general manager. Frank agreed with Jerry’s approach to the problem and requested to be kept informed.
On September 15, Frank told Jerry that he wanted to “book” the management reserve of $125,000 as excess profit since it would influence his (Frank’s) Christmas bonus. Frank and Jerry argued for a while, with Frank constantly say- ing, “Don’t worry! You’ll get your key people back. I’ll see to that. But I want those uncommitted funds recorded as profit and the program closed out by November 1.”
Jerry was furious with Frank’s lack of interest in maintaining the current or- ganizational membership.
1. Should Jerry go to the general manager? 2. Should the key people be supported on overhead? 3. If this were a cost-plus program, would you consider approaching the cus-
tomer with your problem in hopes of relief?
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4. If you were the customer of this cost-plus program, what would your response be for additional funds for the bathtub period, assuming cost overrun?
5. Would your previous answer change if the program had the money available as a result of an underrun?
6. How do you prevent this situation from recurring on all yearly follow-on contracts?
Questions 387
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Ford Motor Co. has revenues of $164.196 billion and 327,531 employees world- wide. The Electrical/Electronic Systems Engineering department develops elec- trical systems valued at $800 to $1,000 at cost to more than eighty vehicle pro- grams. The department consists of approximately 740 staff resources, with electrical program management teams comprising about twenty-five engineering resources each.
The Electrical/Electronic Systems Engineering department has four func- tional engineering areas, each with its own chief engineer:
1. North America Truck 2. North America Car 3. Commodity and Application Engineering 4. E/E Software and Modeling
This department is aligned with the product creation mission of Ford— “Great Products . . . More Products . . . Faster”—that outlines the priorities for the department:
� Improve quality. � Improve quality (intentionally repeated). � Develop exciting products.
Ford Motor Co.: Electrical/Electronic Systems Engineering
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� Achieve competitive cost and revenue. � Build relationships.
Additionally, Ford’s Electrical/Electronic Systems Engineering department has aligned with the company’s key focus areas for department communication and processes. To “intensify communications,” the department stresses the following:
� Communicate consistently. � Focus on vital few priorities. � Keep the message simple. � Help people prioritize. � Remove barriers.
The department also emphasizes that each team member should improve working processes by simplifying, stabilizing, standardizing, setting cadence, and sustaining.
By using these principles across all product development commodities, the department has achieved a reduction in engineering errors, as well as higher en- gineer engagement.
Examining project management at Ford revealed three best practices. First is Ford’s executive sponsorship of an Electrical/Electronic Systems Engineering project management office. This office standardizes project management and en- gineering processes across its internal functional areas and the electrical program management team. It also acts as a single governance board for the project man- agement office framework. The department’s directors, chiefs, and the electrical business planning and technology office participate in the governance board through weekly project management meetings to provide support and shift prior- ities as required.
Second, professional project managers consult on the implementation, exe- cution, and maintenance of the project management office, as well as assisting with the transfer of project management knowledge for the organization.
Additionally, the Electrical/Electronic Systems Engineering department has internalized project management as a discipline in engineering and provided training to the entire organization, with follow-up auditing processes in place for implemented projects. It has always been Ford’s intent for engineers to develop competencies in the area and build an in-house project management discipline.
Overall Best Practices 389
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Managing Resistance
Transferring the leadership and ownership of project management from profes- sional project managers to the engineering division has allowed further entrench- ing of the organization’s goal of increasing project management maturity and has produced positive results.
Senior-level managers in the organization expect 100 percent compliance with the project management tools and methodologies developed by the project management office and approved by the governance board. They approached the changes as sustained continuous improvement and took the time to listen to com- ments and criticism from the people in the framework, which resulted in less overall resistance than was expected.
Another method used by the Electrical/Electronic Systems Engineering de- partment to counter resistance was to design the project management office framework around stakeholder participation. All organization personnel can par- ticipate in the project management office tools and methodology discussions at the management level, as well as the project management office working level meetings. This level of participation in the organization helps build the best prac- tice process.
Project Definition
The Electrical/Electronic Systems Engineering project management office acts as the central project manager to standardize projects. The office engages defined projects that usually have a short time frame with a clearly defined scope and a clear allocation of resources. Long-term technical or business planning projects are handled outside of the project management office. Although these projects may interact with the office, it does not directly manage them.
Project Management Organization/Methodology
The Electrical/Electronic Systems Engineering department’s project management office comprises three levels.
1. The governance board of executive directors and engineering chiefs. This small body prioritizes projects according to the corporate scorecard. The group includes two executive directors and four engineering chiefs and sets the tone for the department’s overall level of project management excellence.
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2. Stakeholders. This group includes members of the department that partic- ipate either regularly or sporadically in approved projects, usually as sub- ject matter experts. These resources provide technical knowledge regard- ing the various engineering disciplines and tools.
3. Professional project managers. These staff members are from the project management-consulting firm retained by the department. Their duties in- clude participating in cascaded/prioritized projects, developing project execution plans and work plans, performing audit processes, and facili- tating team formation and execution of deliverables in a specified timeline and scope as approved by the governance board. The professional project managers also developed a change management process for updating ex- isting project management tools on an as-needed basis.
The professional firm of Pcubed Inc. is considered the owner of the project management methodology employed at Ford Motor Company. This methodology is aligned with the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK® Guide), PMI, and PM Berkeley Maturity models, which are the recognized industry stan- dards. The approach comprises three phases.
1. Discover and define. The objective during this phase is to assess the over- all health and baseline project management process.
2. Develop and deliver. The Phase 2 objective is to develop and pilot the rec- ommended solutions to address the needs identified in Phase 1.
3. Deploy and drive. The last objective is to ensure solutions are fully im- plemented across the department.
Project Managers/Teams
Five to eight full-time professional project managers staff the Electrical/ Electronic Systems Engineering project management office per quarter, depend- ing on the project needs. The project management office reports its general project scope recommendations or issues to the Electrical/Electronic Systems Engineering department business office manager prior to those recommenda- tions/issues being elevated to the governance board review process, where they are then reviewed by directors and engineering chiefs.
The relationship between the project management office and the functional areas is clearly structured, with the project management office as the focal point for all project management processes. The functional teams do not have the au- thority to influence or overrule the directives managed by the project manage- ment office. In 2004, the project management office began to work with the Electrical/Electronic Systems Engineering department to identify resources that will participate in an increased capacity based on the job families for engineers with project management responsibilities.
Driving Consistency in Project Management 391
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The composition of a typical Electrical/Electronic Systems Engineering de- partment project team and the corresponding roles and responsibilities include the following:
� The project manager. This person leads the project execution plan devel- opment. This also includes gathering the necessary resources, as well as defining the scope, deliverables and time line for the project.
� The stakeholders. Usually, they are subject-matter experts who provide feedback about the project deliverables.
� The governance board. The board reviews the progress of the project and gives the necessary approval or rejections for recommendations.
In some instances, the stakeholders take the lead role, and the project man- agement office acts as coordinator or facilitator.
Currently, the Electrical/Electronic Systems Engineering department identi- fies resources and potential leaders using the individual development plan, a tool completed by the department’s engineers. Resources identified for advance train- ing take on permanent leadership roles in the organization. Some of these re- sources will have only part-time responsibilities for project management, and oth- ers will be used full-time to manage the project management office.
To maintain the structure necessary for consistent project delivery while al- lowing for changing circumstances, the project management office and the gov- ernance board review projects’ status monthly and make any necessary recom- mendations. Stakeholders also meet monthly for change control of project management tools and processes. This is the formal change control process for any methodology improvements to existing projects. The project scope can be modified as necessary to manage changes to the original project assumptions. The suggested revisions are always reviewed by the top two levels of the project man- agement structure (governance board and stakeholder team), and any revisions are taken from their directions.
Ford used the Berkeley Project Management Maturity Model to quantify the needs assessment results across the project management disciplines and the project life cycle. Level one of the Berkeley Maturity Model is the ad hoc stage, where no formal procedures or plans to execute exist and where project manage- ment techniques are applied inconsistently, if at all. Level two is the planned stage, where informal and incomplete processes are used, and planning and man- agement of projects depend primarily on individuals. Level three is the managed stage, where project management processes demonstrate systematic planning and control and where cross-functional teams are becoming integrated. Level four of the model is the integrated stage. Here, project management processes are formal, integrated, and fully implemented. Lastly, level five is the sustained stage, which involves continuous improvement of the project management processes. At the
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project management office launch in 2003, the Electrical/Electronic Systems Engineering department had a maturity level rating of 1.85, aligning with the av- erage maturity level of most organizations, which is between level one and two.
At the end of 2003, after the implementation of the project management of- fice and the achievement of an organized approach, an informal review of the or- ganization’s processes moved the rating to 3.0. To continue increasing its matu- rity level in 2004, the department’s governance board began internalizing the effort to transfer project management knowledge by using technical maturity models, which provide training models, individual development plans, and core training and education online courses in department project management processes. The goal of the department is to internalize competency and to ap- proach project management internally.
Project Management Strategy
The Electrical/Electronic Systems Engineering department has two primary strategies for selecting project management office projects:
1. Base selection on the corporate scorecard objectives for the given calen- dar year.
2. Base selection on the underlying goal of increasing the department’s project management maturity.
The project management strategy aligns with the corporate strategic plan by placing top priority on selecting a project based on its ability to meet the corpo- rate scorecard objectives (i.e., improving the product creation process and engi- neering disciplines). Other criteria can also include the ability to improve work- related efficiency, standardize reports and processes to improve clarity of data for decision making at the senior level, and realign the organization cross-function- ally to increase project synergies.
The department’s approach to project management has been used to achieve the strategic objectives of the organization in the following ways:
� The project management office had input into the corporate-level devel- opment of the engineering quality operating system. The office also had responsibility for building electrical assessment health charts by system and commodity levels, training the Electrical/Electronic Systems Engineering organization to integrate new corporate reporting tools, im- plementing an auditing process to ensure proper compliance with proce- dure, and reporting the efficiency of the organization to senior leadership.
� The department worked toward realigning the sourcing process with the finance department, cataloged issues via the engineering quality
Driving Consistency in Project Management 393
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operating system reporting system, and gained the support of the finance department in a joint partnership to improve the supplier sourcing process.
� The department also maintained continuous improvement projects in product development, such as participating in corporate objectives as they pertain to the processes to improve product creation (e.g., improving time to market and the quality of the product launch).
Resource Assignment
Electrical/Electronic Systems Engineering ensures that adequate project re- sources are devoted to the upfront project phases (project initiation and planning) by defining project execution plans one month prior to the project kick-off. This plan details the scope, timeline, and required resources. Once the governance board approves this plan, it ensures that sufficient organization resources are en- abled, and the project management office matches projects to the skill sets of in- dividual project managers.
To effectively manage geographically dispersed or global project teams, the department uses a clearly defined communication plan, including the scope, time- line, resources, and the necessary communication tools that can facilitate a global meeting such as eRoom or Pictel. It is also important to form the project team early and clearly define the objectives, as well as outline regular status-reporting meetings. Cultural differences that might arise during the project are managed by best practices training. For example, the project leader might make recommenda- tions to the team for specific communication plans, the formality of meetings, or conduct, and might negotiate work-related differences and scope disagreements.
Project Management Professionalism/Training
As discussed previously, advanced project managers in the Electrical/Electronic Systems Engineering department are identified through individual development plans as part of the technical maturity model for project management. Resources identified for advanced training will take on permanent leadership roles in the de- partment, which usually consists of managing projects or the project management office.
Training needs for project managers are also identified by comparing the re- sults of the completed individual personal development plans to the technical ma- turity model for project management. Resources requiring user/expert level skills will be trained by a variety of sources:
� Current professional project managers assigned to train them on project management office operations
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� Web-based training or seminar training provided by Ford on core project management disciplines
� Specialized courses developed by the department along with Ford Motor Co. on project management processes, tools, and methodologies
Structuring and Negotiating Project Scope
Professional project managers in the project management office initially prepare the project scope based on a discovery phase approach. The scope is outlined in a project execution plan against the project requirements, timeline, and resources required. Process changes must go through the formal change control process, as outlined earlier, that begins at the monthly stakeholder meeting. Scope changes related to resources are first reviewed with the manager of electrical technology and operations. The governance board must then review the proposed changes be- fore giving its approval or rejection. An adjustment of resources is then made as necessary to meet the approved changes to the scope.
Maintaining Consistency in Project Management Delivery
Overall, the department identifies a number of important ways that it maintains consistency in project management delivery:
� Project management tools, processes, and methods in the department are standardized.
� The project management office institutionalizes approved new processes through training of the organization.
� The project management office audits the correct use of new tools and processes.
� Monthly change control actions are taken to improve gaps. � Processes are available to the organization through the use of eRoom doc-
umentation storage. � Ongoing organization training and project management pocket cards for
engineers are provided.
In Ford’s portfolio management approach, projects are ranked based on the pri- orities identified by the governance board using the corporate scorecard. Initially, the scopes of the various projects are high level, and the project managers review
Building Project Portfolios by Prioritizing Projects 395
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all requested projects and define the scope with the department’s business opera- tions manager. In 2004 the organization performed an assessment of this ap- proach and plans to make assessments a biannual process.
Allocation of Resources
As previously outlined, the Electrical/Electronic Systems Engineering department allocates resources to projects based on the project priority, scope, and available re- sources. If reassignment of resources is necessary because of changes to the project or the personnel, then proposed changes are reviewed and approved by the gover- nance board and department’s business office manager. However, the final decision on the prioritization of projects lies with the department’s governance board.
The allocation of development funds or resources to different project types, business areas, market sectors, or product lines again depends on the corporate scorecard objectives, areas requiring process improvements, and an increase in the organization’s project management maturity level. Organization objectives are cascaded by the governance board to the project management office, which develops high-level project plans that the governance board then reviews for ap- proval. To ensure sufficient resources are available for projects, the governance board conducts monthly reviews to monitor strict adherence to the scope man- agement of projects, as well as manage any over-allocation of resources.
The job of ensuring that low-value projects are terminated before consuming resources is primarily that of the project management office’s project manager, governance board, and the Electrical/Electronic Systems Engineering depart- ment’s business manager. The feedback on value achievement from these sources is provided monthly. Additionally, a periodic formal project management office survey is administered by the Electrical/Electronic Systems Engineering depart- ment’s business operations planning group to the department to rank the effective- ness and use of project management office tools, processes, and project outcomes. The results of the survey are reviewed with the project management office and the governance board to identify areas of improvement and capture lessons learned.
To enhance ongoing management decisions using the project portfolio, Ford uses the engineering quality operating system reporting system to quantitatively measure the success of program delivery across the North American engineering community, including electrical/electronic commodity and deliverables to the program level. This measurement system is designed to review the history and also present the status of progress across the vehicle programs. The project man- agement office has worked on various projects that have facilitated the commu- nication of these status results in a more streamlined manner to help decision- making capabilities. For example, the Electrical/Electronic Systems Engineering department will prioritize “red issues” and track any red issue closures in a data- base. These progress reports against the closure of red issues are reviewed as high as the vice president level.
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Ford uses the engineering quality operating system to measure the success of its projects in the engineering community. Its integrator reporting system captures the status of projects and can report these findings up to the system and program levels.
Additionally, the metrics or measures used by the project management office are mostly qualitative and can include completed deliverables assigned to the project or feedback by the user community or other outside sources.
The department’s business operations planning department manages all fi- nancial aspects of the Electrical/Electronic Systems Engineering project cost. The department’s business operations planning manager found the project manage- ment approach the most cost effective for managing projects in a large organiza- tion. This approach has driven 5 percent efficiency in the operating costs for the electrical area of the company.
The collection of project data is managed by the project management office and can come from various sources, such as the engineering quality operating system health charts (project status reports) or work plans. Data integrity is man- aged by periodic auditing of the functional engineering team’s adherence to the organization’s tools and processes. The results of the audit are reported to the chief engineers and also posted in the team’s specific eRoom for team feedback. The chief engineers examine the auditing reports to drive 100 percent compliance through the organization.
To make data informational and useful, the organization analyzes various types of data with the following frequency:
� Trend analysis of engineering quality operating system health charts is done twice monthly.
� Timing analysis on work plans is conducted monthly and reported to the electrical program management team.
� Updates to the engineering quality operating system integrator are con- ducted monthly, but tracking of red issues is conducted on a weekly basis.
Additionally, the following reporting methods or mechanisms are used in the organization:
� The Web-based engineering quality operating system assessment pro- vides red/yellow/green health charts for the commodity and system-level teams.
� Work plans are maintained on eRooms for easy access to project timing data and deliverables.
� Tracking of red issues conducted via a tracking database and a trend analysis is performed on this data.
Measuring Project Delivery and End Results 397
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Decision makers in the organization act on the reported metric data in dif- ferent ways. The governance board conducts reviews of the engineering quality operating system red-status items across the organization for two hours every week and provides feedback to the managers on action items. The timing reviews are held bimonthly at the system level to review commodity development and testing status. Issues arising from these reviews are elevated to the chief engi- neers, who actively manage the red issues to green status.
To ensure that the project-related measures add value to the organization, the Electrical/Electronic Systems Engineering department can point to improvements in performance. The quality of the red/yellow/green status at various vehicle pro- gram milestones has been steadily improving since 2003. The organization ac- knowledges an effort to minimize projects in the yellow status. Corrective action plans are for the purpose of changing a commodity status to green, not to merely improve it from red to yellow. The Web-based engineering quality operating sys- tem assesses milestone deliverables using the red/yellow/green status and pro- vides managers with immediate issue elevation.
Because project managers execute governance-board-approved projects, team members know they are expected to participate and meet project objectives. Project managers are given the authority to elevate issues or roadblocks that arise during the life of the project to the governance board for any needed feedback or assistance. The overall authority granted to project managers is commensurate with their level of accountability.
The roles and responsibilities for project managers are in the process of be- ing mapped into the Ford Electrical/Electronic Systems Engineering job families. At the manager level, however, achievement and technical excellence is recog- nized and rewarded by senior management.
In terms of future objectives, the project management office has outlined the following effort to continue to improve the Electrical/Electronic Systems Engineering department’s project management maturity:
� Develop a technical maturity model for project management to provide training and organizational structure to transfer project management roles and responsibilities and/or competencies.
� Migrate commodity engineering quality operating system assessment summaries to the integrator and audit/coach/mentor commodity teams on the integrator.
� Continue to expand electrical program management teams and commod- ity-in-a-box tools and processes.
� Lead electrical work stream development in new product development system.
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Greatest Measurement Challenges
The primary measurement challenge for Ford’s Electrical/Electronic Systems Engineering department was the length of time it took managers to realize that the project management office approach was necessary for project management processes to improve.
As discussed previously, the current auditing processes used by the project management office to measure project delivery typically address quality issues, whereas the project management change control process in the department allows for ongoing improvement to tools and processes, as well as the management of scope changes. Flexibility in these measurement systems has been important in achieving a higher rate of successful project outcomes. Additionally, process- training surveys are conducted with team members after the rolling out of a new process or tool to gather feedback and to identify areas of improvement.
Learning from Project Management Missteps
Even with a strong effort to engage personnel, the objectives of the project man- agement office were not initially clearly understood in the Electrical/Electronic Systems Engineering organization. Because most personnel had not previously experienced a working project management office, incorrect assumptions were sometimes made regarding its scope, roles, and responsibilities. It took the project management office some time to get the entire organization aligned on its value and the most effective method for execution of projects. The participation of the stakeholder board was key to the eventual acceptance of the project man- agement office, along with constant communication.
To summarize, the Electrical/Electronic Systems Engineering department’s project manage office’s project execution plans were developed and reviewed and then approved by the governance board to clearly define the quarterly project management office objectives, scope, and resource allocation. These plans were made available to the organization via the eRoom and also reviewed at the man- ager level. Any overextending of project management resources or changes in project scope are routinely reviewed by the governance board at the monthly sta- tus review. After one year, the department had developed an effective working re- lationship with the project management office and had accepted the accompany- ing project management tools and methodologies.
Final Comments and Thoughts 399
Excerpted from APQC’s Best-practice Report Project Management, which is available for purchase at APQC is an international non- profit research organization.
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Part 11
In today’s world of project management, perhaps the single most important skill that a project manager can possess is risk management. This includes identifying the risks, assessing the risks either quantitatively or qualitatively, choosing the ap- propriate method for handling the risks, and then monitoring and documenting the risks.
Effective risk management requires that the project manager be proactive and demonstrate a willingness to develop contingency plans, actively monitor the project, and be willing to respond quickly when a serious risk event occurs. Time and money is required for effective risk management to take place.
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On January 28, 1986, the space shuttle Challenger lifted off the launch pad at 11:38 A.M., beginning the flight of mission 51-L.1 Approximately seventy-four seconds into the flight, the Challenger was engulfed in an explosive burn and all communi- cation and telemetry ceased. Seven brave crewmembers lost their lives. On board the Challenger were Francis R. (Dick) Scobee (commander), Michael John Smith (pilot), Ellison S. Onizuka (mission specialist one), Judith Arlene Resnik (mission specialist two), Ronald Erwin McNair (mission specialist three), S. Christa McAuliffe (payload specialist one), and Gregory Bruce Jarvis (payload specialist two). A faulty seal, or O-ring, on one of the two solid rocket boosters caused the accident.
Following the accident, significant energy was expended trying to ascertain whether the accident had been predictable. Controversy arose from the desire to assign, or to avoid, blame. Some publications called it a management failure, specifically in risk management, while others called it a technical failure.
Whenever accidents had occurred in the past at the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), an internal investigation team had been formed.
The Space Shuttle Challenger Disaster
1The first digit indicates the fiscal year of the launch (i.e., “5” means 1985). The second number in- dicates the launch site (i.e., “1” is the Kennedy Space Center in Florida, “2” is Vandenberg Air Force Base in California). The letter represents the mission number (i.e., “C” would be the third mission scheduled). This designation system was implemented after Space Shuttle flights one through nine, which were designated STS-X. STS is the Space Transportation System and X would indicate the flight number.
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But in this case, perhaps because of the visibility, the White House took the ini- tiative in appointing an independent commission. There did exist significant jus- tification for the commission. NASA was in a state of disarray, especially in the management ranks. The agency had been without a permanent administrator for almost four months. The turnover rate at the upper echelons of management was significantly high, and there seemed to be a lack of direction from the top down.
Another reason for appointing a Presidential Commission was the visibility of this mission. This mission had been known as the Teacher in Space mission, and Christa McAuliffe, a Concord, New Hampshire, schoolteacher, had been se- lected from a list of over 10,000 applicants. The nation knew the names of all of the crewmembers on board Challenger. The mission had been highly publicized for months, stating that Christa McAuliffe would be teaching students from aboard the Challenger on day four of the mission.
The Presidential Commission consisted of the following members:
� William P. Rogers, chairman: Former secretary of state under President Nixon and attorney general under President Eisenhower.
� Neil A. Armstrong, vice chairman: Former astronaut and spacecraft commander for Apollo 11.
� David C. Acheson: Former senior vice president and general counsel, Communications Satellite Corporation (1967–1974), and a partner in the law firm of Drinker Biddle & Reath.
� Dr. Eugene E. Covert: Professor and head, Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics at Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
� Dr. Richard P. Feynman: Physicist and professor of theoretical physics at California Institute of Technology; Nobel Prize winner in Physics, 1965.
� Robert B. Hotz: Editor-in-chief of Aviation Week & Space Technology magazine (1953–1980).
� Major General Donald J. Kutyna, USAF: Director of Space Systems and Command, Control, Communications.
� Dr. Sally K. Ride: Astronaut and mission specialist on STS-7, launched on June 18, 1983, making her the first American woman in space. She also flew on mission 41-G, launched October 5, 1984. She holds a Doctorate in Physics from Stanford University (1978) and was still an active astronaut.
� Robert W. Rummel: Vice president of Trans World Airlines and president of Robert W. Rummel Associates, Inc., of Mesa, Arizona.
� Joseph F. Sutter: Executive vice president of the Boeing Commercial Airplane Company.
� Dr. Arthur B. C. Walker, Jr.: Astronomer and professor of Applied Physics; formerly associate dean of the Graduate Division at Stanford
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University, and consultant to Aerospace Corporation, Rand Corporation, and the National Science Foundation.
� Dr. Albert D. Wheelon: Executive vice president, Hughes Aircraft Company.
� Brigadier General Charles Yeager, USAF (retired): Former experi- mental test pilot. He was the first person to break the sound barrier and the first to fly at a speed of more than 1,600 miles an hour.
� Dr. Alton G. Keel, Jr., Executive Director: Detailed to the Commission from his position in the Executive Office of the President, Office of Management and Budget, as associate director for National Security and International Affairs; formerly assistant secretary of the Air Force for Research, Development and Logistics, and Senate Staff.
The Commission interviewed more than 160 individuals, and more than thirty-five formal panel investigative sessions were held generating almost 12,000 pages of transcript. Almost 6,300 documents totaling more than 122,000 pages, along with hundreds of photographs, were examined and made a part of the Commission’s permanent database and archives. These sessions and all the data gathered added to the 2,800 pages of hearing transcript generated by the Commission in both closed and open sessions. Unless otherwise stated, all of the quotations and memos in this case study come from the direct testimony cited in the Report by the Presidential Commission (RPC).
During the early 1960s, NASA’s strategic plans for post-Apollo manned space ex- ploration rested upon a three-legged stool. The first leg was a reusable space transportation system, the space shuttle, which could transport people and equip- ment to low earth orbits and then return to earth in preparation for the next mis- sion. The second leg was a manned space station that would be resupplied by the space shuttle and serve as a launch platform for space research and planetary ex- ploration. The third leg would be planetary exploration to Mars. But by the late 1960s, the United States was involved in the Vietnam War, which was becoming costly. In addition, confidence in the government was eroding because of civil un- rest and assassinations. With limited funding due to budgetary cuts, and with the lunar landing missions coming to an end, prioritization of projects was necessary. With a Democratic Congress continuously attacking the cost of space explo- ration, and minimal support from President Nixon, the space program was left standing on one leg only, the space shuttle.
Background to the Space Transportation System 405
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President Nixon made it clear that funding all the programs NASA envisioned would be impossible, and that funding for even one program on the order of the Apollo Program was likewise not possible. President Nixon seemed to favor the space station concept, but this required the development of a reusable space shut- tle. Thus NASA’s Space Shuttle Program became the near-term priority.
One of the reasons for the high priority given to the Space Shuttle Program was a 1972 study completed by Dr. Oskar Morgenstern and Dr. Klaus Heiss of the Princeton-based Mathematica organization. The study showed that the space shuttle would be able to orbit payloads for as little as $100 per pound based on sixty launches per year with payloads of 65,000 pounds. This provided tremen- dous promise for military applications such as reconnaissance and weather satel- lites, as well as for scientific research.
Unfortunately, the pricing data were somewhat tainted. Much of the cost data were provided by companies who hoped to become NASA contractors and who therefore provided unrealistically low cost estimates in hopes of winning future bids. The actual cost per pound would prove to be more than twenty times the original estimate. Furthermore, the main engines never achieved the 109 percent of thrust that NASA desired, thus limiting the payloads to 47,000 pounds instead of the predicted 65,000 pounds. In addition, the European Space Agency began successfully developing the capability to place satellites into orbit and began competing with NASA for the commercial satellite business.
To retain shuttle funding, NASA was forced to make a series of major conces- sions. First, facing a highly constrained budget, NASA sacrificed the research and development necessary to produce a truly reusable shuttle, and instead accepted a design that was only partially reusable, eliminating one of the features that had made the shuttle attractive in the first place. Solid rocket boosters (SRBs) were used instead of safer liquid-fueled boosters because they required a much smaller research and development effort. Numerous other design changes were made to reduce the level of research and development required.
Second, to increase its political clout and to guarantee a steady customer base, NASA enlisted the support of the United States Air Force. The Air Force could provide the considerable political clout of the Department of Defense and it used many satellites, which required launching. However, Air Force support did not come without a price. The shuttle payload bay was required to meet Air Force size and shape requirements, which placed key constraints on the ultimate design. Even more important was the Air Force requirement that the shuttle be able to launch from Vandenburg Air Force Base in California. This constraint required a
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larger cross range than the Florida site, which, in turn, decreased the total allow- able vehicle weight. The weight reduction required the elimination of the design’s air breathing engines, resulting in a single-pass unpowered landing. This greatly limited the safety and landing versatility of the vehicle.2
As the year 1986 began, there was extreme pressure on NASA to “Fly out the Manifest.” From its inception, the Space Shuttle Program had been plagued by exaggerated expectations, funding inconsistencies, and political pressure. The ul- timate vehicle and mission design were shaped almost as much by politics as by physics. President Kennedy’s declaration that the United States would land a man on the moon before the end of the decade (the 1960s) had provided NASA’s Apollo Program with high visibility, a clear direction, and powerful political backing. The Space Shuttle Program was not as fortunate; it had neither a clear direction nor consistent political backing.
Cost containment became a critical issue for NASA. In order to minimize cost, NASA designed a space shuttle system that utilized both liquid and solid propellants. Liquid propellant engines are more easily controllable than solid pro- pellant engines. Flow of liquid propellant from the storage tanks to the engine can be throttled and even shut down in case of an emergency. Unfortunately, an all- liquid-fuel design was prohibitive because a liquid fuel system is significantly more expensive to maintain than a solid fuel system.
Solid fuel systems are less costly to maintain. However, once a solid propel- lant system is ignited, it cannot be easily throttled or shut down. Solid propellant rocket motors burn until all of the propellant is consumed. This could have a sig- nificant impact on safety, especially during launch, at which time the solid rocket boosters are ignited and have maximum propellant loads. Also, solid rocket boosters can be designed for reusability, whereas liquid engines are generally used only once.
The final design that NASA selected was a compromise of both solid and liq- uid fuel engines. The space shuttle would be a three-element system composed of the orbiter vehicle, an expendable external liquid fuel tank carrying liquid fuel for the orbiter’s engines, and two recoverable solid rocket boosters.3 The orbiter’s en- gines were liquid fuel because of the necessity for throttle capability. The two solid rocket boosters would provide the added thrust necessary to launch the space shuttle into its orbiting altitude.
In 1972, NASA selected Rockwell as the prime contractor for building the or- biter. Many industry leaders believed that other competitors who had actively par- ticipated in the Apollo Program had a competitive advantage. Rockwell, however,
NASA Succumbs to Politics and Pressure 407
2Kurt Hoover and Wallace T. Fowler (The University of Texas at Austin and The Texas Space Grant Consortium), “Studies in Ethics, Safety and Liability for Engineers” (Web site: http://www.tsgc.utexas. edu/archive/general/ethics/shuttle.html page 2). 3The terms solid rocket booster (SRB) and solid rocket motor (SRM) will be used interchangeably.
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was awarded the contract. Rockwell’s proposal did not include an escape system. NASA officials decided against the launch escape system since it would have added too much weight to the shuttle at launch and was very expensive. There was also some concern on how effective an escape system would be if an acci- dent occurred during launch while all of the engines were ignited. Thus, the Space Shuttle Program became the first U.S. manned spacecraft without a launch escape system for the crew.
In 1973, NASA went out for competitive bidding for the solid rocket boost- ers. The competitors were Morton-Thiokol, Inc. (MTI) (henceforth called Thiokol), Aerojet General, Lockheed, and United Technologies. The contract was eventually awarded to Thiokol because of its low cost, $100 million lower than the nearest competitor. Some believed that other competitors, who ranked higher in technical design and safety, should have been given the contract. NASA be- lieved that Thiokol-built solid rocket motors would provide the lowest cost per flight.
Thiokol’s solid rocket boosters had a height of approximately 150 feet and a di- ameter of 12 feet. The empty weight of each booster was 192,000 pounds and the full weight was 1,300,000 pounds. Once ignited, each booster provided 2.65 mil- lion pounds of thrust, which is more than 70 percent of the thrust needed to lift off the launch pad.
Thiokol’s design for the boosters was criticized by some of the competitors, and even by some NASA personnel. The boosters were to be manufactured in four segments and then shipped from Utah to the launch site, where the segments would be assembled into a single unit. The Thiokol design was largely based upon the segmented design of the Titan III solid rocket motor produced by United Technologies in the 1950s for Air Force satellite programs. Satellite programs were unmanned efforts.
The four solid rocket sections made up the case of the booster, which essen- tially encased the rocket fuel and directed the flow of the exhaust gases. This is shown in Exhibit I. The cylindrical shell of the case is protected from the propel- lant by a layer of insulation. The mating sections of the field joint are called the tang and the clevis. One hundred and seventy-seven pins spaced around the cir- cumference of each joint hold the tang and the clevis together. The joint is sealed in three ways. First, zinc chromate putty is placed in the gap between the mating segments and their insulation. This putty protects the second and third seals, which are rubber-like rings, called O-rings. The first O-ring is called the primary
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O-ring and is lodged in the gap between the tang and the clevis. The last seal is called the secondary O-ring, which is identical to the primary O-ring except it is positioned further downstream in the gap. Each O-ring is 0.280 inches in diame- ter. The placement of each O-ring can be seen in Exhibit II. Another component of the field joint is called the leak check port, which is shown in Exhibit III. The leak check port is designed to allow technicians to check the status of the two O-ring seals. Pressurized air is inserted through the leak check port into the gap
The Solid Rocket Boosters 409
Solid Rocket Booster
Forward Assembly
Aft Assembly
Factory Joint
Field Joint
Field Joint
Solid Propellant
Nozzle Joint
Aft Skirt
Field Joint
Aft Segment With Nozzle
Aft Mid Segment
Forward Mid Segment
Forward Segment
Forward Skirt
Nose Cap
Exhibit I. Solid rocket booster (SRB)
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between the two O-rings. If the O-rings maintain the pressure, and do not let the pressurized air past the seal, the technicians know the seal is operating properly.4
In the Titan III assembly process, the joints between the segmented sections contained one O-ring. Thiokol’s design had two O-rings instead of one. The sec- ond O-ring was initially considered as redundant, but included to improve safety. The purpose of the O-rings was to seal the space in the joints such that the hot ex- haust gases could not escape and damage the case of the boosters.
Both the Titan III and Shuttle O-rings were made of Viton rubber, which is an elastomeric material. For comparison, rubber is also an elastomer. The elas- tomeric material used is a fluoroelastomer, which is an elastomer that contains fluorine. This material was chosen because of its resistance to high temperatures and its compatibility with the surrounding materials. The Titan III O-rings were
Upper Segment of Rocket
Motor Casing
Primary O-Ring
Secondary O-Ring
Exterior Wall
Lower Segment of Rocket
Motor Casing
Interior Wall
Exhibit II. Location of the O-rings
4“The Challenger Accident: Mechanical Causes of the Challenger Accident”; University of Texas (web site: pages 1–2).
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molded in one piece, whereas the shuttle’s SRB O-rings would be manufactured in five sections and then glued together. Routinely, repairs would be necessary for inclusions and voids in the rubber received from the material suppliers.
The primary purpose of the zinc chromate putty was to act as a thermal barrier that protected the O-rings from the hot exhaust. As mentioned before, the O-ring seals were tested using the leak check port to pressurize the gap between the seals. During the test, the secondary seal was pushed down into the same, seated position as it occupied during ignition pressurization. However, because the leak
Blowholes 411
Leak Test Port
Grease Bead
Primary O-Ring
Secondary O-Ring
Zinc Chromate Putty
Exhibit III. Cross section showing the leak test port
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check port was between the two O-ring seals, the primary O-ring was pushed up and seated against the putty. The position of the O-rings during flight and their position during the leak check test is shown in Exhibit III.
During early flights, engineers worried that, because the putty above the pri- mary seal could withstand high pressures, the presence of the putty would prevent the leak test from identifying problems with the primary seal. They contended that the putty would seal the gap during testing regardless of the condition of the primary seal. Since the proper operation of the primary seal was essential, engi- neers decided to increase the pressure used during the test to above the pressure that the putty could withstand. This would ensure that the primary O-ring was properly sealing the gap without the aid of the putty. Unfortunately, during this new procedure, the high-test pressures blew holes through the putty before the primary O-ring could seal the gap.
Since the putty was on the interior of the assembled solid rocket booster, technicians could not mend the blowholes in the putty. As a result, this procedure left small, tunneled holes in the putty. These holes would allow focused exhaust gases to contact a small segment of the primary O-ring during launch. Engineers realized that this was a problem, but decided to test the seals at the high pressure despite the formation of blowholes, rather than risking a launch with a faulty pri- mary seal.
The purpose of the putty was to prevent the hot exhaust gases from reaching the O-rings. For the first nine successful shuttle launches, NASA and Thiokol used asbestos-bearing putty manufactured by the Fuller-O’Brien Company of San Francisco. However, because of the notoriety of products containing asbestos, and the fear of potential lawsuits, Fuller-O’Brien stopped manufacturing the putty that had served the shuttle so well. This created a problem for NASA and Thiokol.
The new putty selected came from Randolph Products of Carlstadt, New Jersey. Unfortunately, with the new putty, blowholes and O-ring erosion were be- coming more common to a point where the shuttle engineers became worried. Yet the new putty was still used on the boosters. Following the Challenger disaster, testing showed that, at low temperatures, the Randolph putty became much stiffer than the Fuller-O’Brien putty and lost much of its stickiness.5
If the hot exhaust gases penetrated the putty and contacted the primary O-ring, the extreme temperatures would break down the O-ring material. Because engi-
5Ibid., p. 3.
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neers were aware of the possibility of O-ring erosion, the joints were checked af- ter each flight for evidence of erosion. The amount of O-ring erosion found on flights before the new high-pressure leak check procedure was around 12 percent. After the new high-pressure leak test procedure, the percentage of O-ring erosion was found to increase by 88 percent. High percentages of O-ring erosion in some cases allowed the exhaust gases to pass the primary O-ring and begin eroding the secondary O-ring. Some managers argued that some O-ring erosion was “accept- able” because the O-rings were found to seal the gap even if they were eroded by as much as one-third their original diameter.6 The engineers believed that the de- sign and operation of the joints were an acceptable risk because a safety margin could be identified quantitatively. This numerical boundary would become an im- portant precedent for future risk assessment.
During ignition, the internal pressure from the burning fuel applies approximately 1000 pounds per square inch on the case wall, causing the walls to expand. Because the joints are generally stiffer than the case walls, each section tends to bulge out. The swelling of the solid rocket sections causes the tang and the clevis to become misaligned; this misalignment is called joint rotation. A diagram show- ing a field joint before and after joint rotation is seen in Exhibit IV. The problem with joint rotation is that it increases the gap size near the O-rings. This increase in size is extremely fast, which makes it difficult for the O-rings to follow the in- creasing gap and keep the seal.7
Prior to ignition, the gap between the tang and the clevis is approximately 0.004 inches. At ignition, the gap will enlarge to between 0.042 and 0.060 inches, but for a maximum of 0.60 second, and then return to its original position.
The term O-ring resilience refers to the ability of the O-ring to return to its orig- inal shape after it has been deformed. This property is analogous to the ability of a rubber band to return to its original shape after it has been stretched. As with a rubber band, the resiliency of an O-ring is directly related to its temperature. As the temperature of the O-ring gets lower, the O-ring material becomes stiffer.
O-Ring Resilience 413
6Ibid., p. 4. 7Ibid., p. 4.
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Tests have shown that an O-ring at 75°F is five times more responsive in return- ing to its original shape than an O-ring at 30°F. This decrease in O-ring resiliency during a cold weather launch would make the O-ring much less likely to follow the increasing gap size during joint rotation. As a result of poor O-ring resiliency, the O-ring would not seal properly.8
The solid rockets are each joined forward and aft to the external liquid fuel tank. They are not connected to the orbiter vehicle. The solid rocket motors are mounted first, and the external liquid fuel tank is put between them and con- nected. Then the orbiter is mounted to the external tank at two places in the back and one place forward, and those connections carry all of the structural loads for
Primary O-Ring
Unpressurized JointUnpressurized Joint
Secondary O-Ring
No Joint Rotation and Internal Pressure of 0 psig
Pressurized JointPressurized Joint
The Joint Rotation Effect, Somewhat Exaggerated, due to Ignition Pressure
of 1000 psig
Gap Opening (0.042 in. – 0.060 in.)
Exhibit IV. Field joint rotation
8Ibid., pp. 4–5.
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the entire system at liftoff and through the ascent phase of flight. Also connected to the orbiter, under the orbiter’s wing, are two large propellant lines 17 inches in diameter. The one on the port side carries liquid hydrogen from the hydrogen tank in the back part of the external tank. The line on the right side carries liquid oxy- gen from the oxygen tank at the forward end, inside the external tank.9
The external tank contains about 1.6 million pounds of propellant, or about 526,000 gallons. The orbiter’s three engines burn the liquid hydrogen and liquid oxygen at a ratio of 6:1 and at a rate equivalent to emptying out a family swim- ming pool every 10 seconds! Once ignited, the exhaust gases leave the orbiter’s three engines at approximately 6,000 miles per hour. After the fuel is consumed, the external tank separates from the orbiter, falls to earth, and disintegrates in the atmosphere on reentry.
In March 1985, NASA’s administrator, James Beggs, announced that there would be one shuttle flight per month for all of fiscal year 1985. In actuality, there were only six flights. Repairs became a problem. Continuous repairs were needed on the heat tiles required for reentry, the braking system, and the main engines’ hy- draulic pumps. Parts were routinely borrowed from other shuttles. The cost of spare parts was excessively high, and NASA was looking for cost containment.
The necessity for risk management was apparent right from the start. Prior to the launch of the first shuttle in April of 1981, hazards were analyzed and subjected to a formalized hazard reduction process as described in NASA Handbook, NHB5300.4. The process required that the credibility and probability of the haz- ards be determined. A Senior Safety Review Board was established for oversee- ing the risk assessment process. For the most part, the risks assessment process was qualitative. The conclusion reached was that no single hazard or combination of hazards should prevent the launch of the first shuttle as long as the aggregate risk remained acceptable.
NASA used a rather simplistic Safety (Risk) Classification System. A quan- titative method for risk assessment was not in place at NASA because gathering
Risk Identification Procedures 415
9RPC, page 50.
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the data needed to generate statistical models would be expensive and labor- intensive. If the risk identification procedures were overly complex, NASA would have been buried in paperwork due to the number of components on the space shuttle. The risk classification system selected by NASA is shown in Exhibit V.
From 1982 on, the O-ring seal was labeled Criticality 1. By 1985, there were 700 components identified as Criticality 1.
The Space Shuttle Program involves a vast number of people at both NASA and the contractors. Because of the geographical separation between NASA and the contractors, it became impractical to have continuous meetings. Travel between Thiokol in Utah and the Cape in Florida took one day each way. Therefore, tele- conferencing became the primary method of communication and a way of life. Interface meetings were still held, but the emphasis was on teleconferencing. All locations could be linked together in one teleconference and data could be faxed back and forth as needed.
With the rather optimistic flight schedule provided to the news media, NASA was under scrutiny and pressure to deliver. For fiscal 1986, the mission manifest called for sixteen flights. The pressure to meet schedule was about to take its toll. Safety problems had to be resolved quickly.
As the number of flights scheduled began to increase, so did the require- ments for additional paperwork. The majority of the paperwork had to be com- pleted prior to NASA’s Flight Readiness Review (FRR) meetings. Approximately
Exhibit V. Risk classification system
Level Description
Criticality 1 (C1) Loss of life and/or vehicle if the component fails. Criticality 2 (C2) Loss of mission if the component fails. Criticality 3 (C3) All others. Criticality 1R (C1R) Redundant components exist. The failure of both
could cause loss of life and/or vehicle. Criticality 2R (C2R) Redundant components exist. The failure of both
could cause loss of mission.
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one week, prior to every flight, flight operations and cargo managers were re- quired to endorse the commitment of flight readiness to the NASA associate ad- ministrator for space flight at the FRR meeting. The responsible project/element managers would conduct pre-FRR meetings with their contractors, center man- agers, and the NASA Level II manager. The content of the FRR meetings included the following:
� Determine overall status, as well as establish the baseline in terms of significant changes since the last mission.
� Review significant problems resolved since the last review, and signifi- cant anomalies from the previous flight.
� Review all open items and constraints remaining to be resolved before the mission.
� Present all new waivers since the last flight.
NASA personnel were working excessive overtime, including weekends, to fulfill the paperwork requirements and prepare for the required meetings. As the number of space flights increased, so did the paperwork and overtime.
The paperwork constraints were affecting the contractors as well. Additional paperwork requirements existed for problem solving and investigations. On October 1, 1985, an interoffice memo was sent from Scott Stein, space booster project engineer at Thiokol, to Bob Lund, vice president for engineering at Thiokol, and to other selected managers concerning the O-Ring Investigation Task Force:
We are currently being hog-tied by paperwork every time we try to accom- plish anything. I understand that for production programs, the paperwork is necessary. However, for a priority, short schedule investigation, it makes ac- complishment of our goals in a timely manner extremely difficult, if not impossible. We need the authority to bypass some of the paperwork jungle. As a representative example of problems and time that could easily be elim- inated, consider assembly or disassembly of test hardware by manufacturing personnel. . . . I know the established paperwork procedures can be violated if someone with enough authority dictates it. We did that with the DR sys- tem when the FWC hardware “Tiger Team” was established. If changes are not made to allow us to accomplish work in a reasonable amount of time, then the O-ring investigation task force will never have the potency neces- sary to resolve problems in a timely manner.
Both NASA and the contractors were now feeling the pressure caused by the paperwork constraints.
Paperwork Constraints 417
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One quick way of reducing paperwork and meetings was to issue a waiver. Historically, a waiver was a formalized process that allowed an exception to either a rule, a specification, a technical criterion, or a risk. Waivers were ways to reduce excessive paperwork requirements. Project managers and contract administrators had the authority to issue waivers, often with the intent of bypassing standard pro- tocols in order to maintain a schedule. The use of waivers had been in place well before the manned space program even began. What is important here was not NASA’s use of the waiver, but the justification for the waiver given the risks.
NASA had issued waivers on both Criticality 1 status designations and launch constraints. In 1982, the solid rocket boosters were designated C1 by the Marshall Space Flight Center because failure of the O-rings could have caused loss of crew and the shuttle. This meant that the secondary O-rings were not con- sidered redundant. The SRB project manager at Marshall, Larry Malloy, issued a waiver just in time for the next shuttle launch to take place as planned. Later, the O-rings designation went from C1 to C1R (i.e., a redundant process), thus par- tially avoiding the need for a waiver. The waiver was a necessity to keep the shut- tle flying according to the original manifest.
Having a risk identification of C1 was not regarded as a sufficient reason to cancel a launch. It simply meant that component failure could be disastrous. It im- plied that this might be a potential problem that needed attention. If the risks were acceptable, NASA could still launch. A more serious condition was the issuing of launch constraints. Launch constraints were official NASA designations for situa- tions in which mission safety was a serious enough problem to justify a decision not to launch. But once again, a launch constraint did not imply that the launch should be delayed. It meant that this was an important problem and needed to be addressed.
Following the 1985 mission that showed O-ring erosion and exhaust gas blow-by, a launch constraint was imposed. Yet on each of the next five shuttle missions, NASA’s Malloy issued a launch constraint waiver allowing the flights to take place on schedule without any changes to the O-rings.
Were the waivers a violation of serious safety rules just to keep the shuttle flying? The answer is no! NASA had protocols such as policies, procedures, and rules for adherence to safety. Waivers were also protocols but for the purpose of deviating from other existing protocols. Larry Malloy, his colleagues at NASA, and the contractors had no intentions of doing evil. Waivers were simply a way of saying that we believe that the risk is an acceptable risk.
The lifting of launch constraints and the issuance of waivers became the norm—standard operating procedure. Waivers became a way of life. If waivers were issued and the mission was completed successfully, then the same waivers would exist for the next flight and did not have to be brought up for discussion at the Flight Readiness Review meeting. The justification for the waivers seemed to
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be the similarity between flight launch conditions, temperature, and so on. Launching under similar conditions seemed to be important for the engineers at NASA and Thiokol because it meant that the forces acting on the O-rings were within their region of experience and could be correlated to existing data. The launch temperature effect on the O-rings was considered predictable, and there- fore constituted an acceptable risk to both NASA and Thiokol, thus perhaps elim- inating costly program delays that would have resulted from having to redesign the O-rings. The completion of each shuttle mission added another data point to the region of experience, thus guaranteeing the same waivers on the next launch. Flying with acceptable risk became the norm in NASA’s culture.
During the countdown to liftoff, the launch team closely monitors weather con- ditions, not only at the launch site, but also at touchdown sites should the mission need to be prematurely aborted.
Dr. Feynman: “Would you explain why we are so sensitive to the weather?”
Mr. Moore (NASA’s deputy administrator for space flight): “Yes, there are sev- eral reasons. I mentioned the return to the landing site. We need to have visibility if we get into a situation where we need to return to the landing site after launch, and the pilots and the commanders need to be able to see the runway and so forth. So, you need a ceiling limitation on it [i.e., weather].
“We also need to maintain specifications on wind velocity so we don’t exceed crosswinds. Landing on a runway and getting too high of a crosswind may cause us to deviate off of the runway and so forth, so we have a crosswind limit. During ascent, assuming a normal flight, a chief concern is damage to tiles due to rain. We have had experiences in seeing what the effects of a brief shower can do in terms of the tiles. The tiles are thermal insulation blocks, very thick. A lot of them are very thick on the bottom of the orbiter. But if you have a raindrop and you are going at a very high velocity, it tends to erode the tiles, pock the tiles, and that causes us a grave concern regarding the thermal protection.
“In addition to that, you are worried about the turnaround time of the orbiters as well, because with the kind of tile damage that one could get in rain, you have an awful lot of work to do to go back and replace tiles back on the system. So, there are a number of concerns that weather enters into, and it is a major factor in our assessment of whether or not we are ready to launch.”10
Launch Liftoff Sequence Profile: Possible Aborts 419
10Ibid., p. 18.
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Approximately six to seven seconds prior to the liftoff, the Shuttle’s main engines (liquid fuel) ignite. These engines consume one-half million gallons of liquid fuel. It takes nine hours prior to launch to fill the liquid fuel tanks. At ig- nition, the engines are throttled up to 104 percent of rated power. Redundancy checks on the engines’ systems are then made. The launch site ground complex and the orbiter’s onboard computer complex check a large number of details and parameters about the main engines to make sure that everything is proper and that the main engines are performing as planned.
If a malfunction is detected, the system automatically goes into a shutdown sequence, and the mission is scrubbed. The primary concern at this point is to make the vehicle “safe.” The crew remains on board and performs a number of functions to get the vehicle into a safe mode. These functions include making sure that all propellant and electrical systems are properly safed. Ground crews at the launch pad begin servicing the launch pad. Once the launch pad is in a safe con- dition, the hazard and safety teams begin draining the remaining liquid fuel out of the external tank.
If no malfunction is detected during this six-second period of liquid fuel burn, then a signal is sent to ignite the two solid rocket boosters, and liftoff oc- curs. For the next two minutes, with all engines ignited, the shuttle goes through a Max Q, or high dynamic pressure phase, that exerts maximum pressure loads on the orbiter vehicle. Based upon the launch profile, the main engines may be throttled down slightly during the Max Q phase to lower the loads.
After 128 seconds into the launch sequence, all of the solid fuel is expended and the solid rocket boosters (SRBs) staging occurs. The SRB parachutes are de- ployed. The SRBs then fall back to earth 162 miles from the launch site and are recovered for examination, cleaning, and reuse on future missions. The main liq- uid fuel engines are then throttled up to maximum power. After 523 seconds into the liftoff, the external liquid fuel tanks are essentially expended of fuel. The main engines are shut down. Ten to eighteen seconds later, the external tank is sepa- rated from the orbiter and disintegrates on reentry into the atmosphere.
From a safety perspective, the most hazardous period is the first 128 seconds when the SRBs are ignited. Here’s what Arnold Aldrich, manager of NASA’s STS Program, Johnson Space Center, had to say:
Mr. Aldrich: “Once the shuttle system starts off the launch pad, there is no ca- pability in the system to separate these [solid propellant] rockets until they reach burnout. They will burn for two minutes and eight or nine seconds, and the sys- tem must stay together. There is not a capability built into the vehicle that would allow these to separate. There is a capability available to the flight crew to sepa- rate at this interface the orbiter from the tank, but that is thought to be unaccept- able during the first stage when the booster rockets are on and thrusting. So, es- sentially the first two minutes and a little more of flight, the stack is intended and designed to stay together, and it must stay together to fly successfully.”
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Mr. Hotz: “Mr. Aldrich, why is it unacceptable to separate the orbiter at that stage?”
Mr. Aldrich: “It is unacceptable because of the separation dynamics and the rupture of the propellant lines. You cannot perform the kind of a clean separation required for safety in the proximity of these vehicles at the velocities and the thrust levels they are undergoing, [and] the atmosphere they are flying through. In that regime, it is the design characteristic of the total system.”11
If an abort is deemed necessary during the first 128 seconds, the actual abort will not begin until after SRB staging has occurred, which is after 128 seconds into the launch sequence. Based on the reason and timing of an abort, options include those listed in Exhibit VI.
Arnold Aldrich commented on different abort profiles:
Chairman Rogers: “During the two-minute period, is it possible to abort through the orbiter?”
Mr. Aldrich: “You can abort for certain conditions. You can start an abort, but the vehicle won’t do anything yet, and the intended aborts are built around failures in the main engine system, the liquid propellant systems and their controls. If you have a failure of a main engine, it is well detected by the crew and by the ground sup- port, and you can call for a return-to-launch-site abort. That would be logged in the computer. The computer would be set up to execute it, but everything waits until the solids take you to altitude. At that time, the solids will separate in the sequence I de- scribed, and then the vehicle flies downrange some 400 miles, maybe 10 to 15 ad- ditional minutes, while all of the tank propellant is expelled through these engines.
“As a precursor to setting up the conditions for this return-to-launch-site abort to be successful towards the end of that burn downrange, using the propellants and the thrust of the main engines, the vehicle turns and actually points heads up back towards Florida. When the tank is essentially depleted, automatic signals are sent to close off the [liquid] propellant lines and to separate the orbiter, and the orbiter then does a similar approach to the one we are familiar with with orbit back to the Kennedy Space Center for approach and landing.”
Launch Liftoff Sequence Profile: Possible Aborts 421
11Ibid., p. 51.
Exhibit VI. Abort options for shuttle
Type of Abort Landing Site
Once-around abort Edwards Air Force Base Trans-Atlantic abort DaKar Trans-Atlantic abort Casablanca Return-to-landing-site (RTLS) Kennedy Space Center
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Dr. Walker: “So, the propellant is expelled but not burned?”
Mr. Aldrich: “No, it is burned. You burn the system on two engines all the way down-range until it is gone, and then you turn around and come back because you don’t have enough to burn to orbit. That is the return-to-launch-site abort, and it applies during the first 240 seconds of—no, 240 is not right. It is longer than that—the first four minutes, either before or after separation you can set that abort up, but it will occur after the solids separate, and if you have a main engine anom- aly after the solids separate, at that time you can start the RTLS, and it will go through that same sequence and come back.”
Dr. Ride: “And you can also only do an RTLS if you have lost just one main en- gine. So if you lose all three main engines, RTLS isn’t a viable abort mode.”
Mr. Aldrich: “Once you get through the four minutes, there’s a period where you now don’t have the energy conditions right to come back, and you have a forward abort, and Jesse mentioned the sites in Spain and on the coast of Africa. We have what is called a trans-Atlantic abort, and where you can use a very similar se- quence to the one I just described. You still separate the solids, you still burn all the propellant out of the tanks, but you fly across and land across the ocean.”
Mr. Hotz: “Mr. Aldrich, could you recapitulate just a bit here? Is what you are telling us that for two minutes of flight, until the solids separate, there is no prac- tical abort mode?”
Mr. Aldrich: “Yes, sir.”
Mr. Hotz: “Thank you.”
Mr. Aldrich: “A trans-Atlantic abort can cover a range of just a few seconds up to about a minute in the middle where the across-the-ocean sites are effective, and then you reach this abort once-around capability where you go all the way around and land in California or back to Kennedy by going around the earth. And finally, you have abort-to-orbit where you have enough propulsion to make orbit but not enough to achieve the exact orbital parameters that you desire. That is the way that the abort profiles are executed.
“There are many, many nuances of crew procedure and different conditions and combinations of sequences of failures that make it much more complicated than I have described it.”12
There were two kinds of joints on the shuttle—field joints that were assembled at the launch site connecting together the SRB’s cylindrical cases, and nozzle joints
12Ibid., pp. 51–52.
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that connected the aft end of the case to the nozzle. During the pressure of igni- tion, the field joints could become bent such that the secondary O-ring could lose contact within an estimated 0.17 to 0.33 seconds after ignition. If the primary O-ring failed to seal properly before the gap within the joints opened up and the secondary seal failed, the results could be disastrous.
When the solid propellant boosters are recovered after separation, they are disassembled and checked for damage. The O-rings could show evidence of com- ing into contact with heat. Hot gases from the ignition sequence could blow by the primary O-ring briefly before sealing. This “blow-by” phenomenon could last for only a few milliseconds before sealing and result in no heat damage to the O-ring. If the actual sealing process takes longer than expected, then charring and erosion of the O-rings can occur. This would be evidenced by gray or black soot and erosion to the O-rings. The terms used are impingement erosion and “by- pass” erosion, with the latter identified also as sooted “blow-by.”
Roger Boisjoly of Thiokol describes blow-by erosion and joint rotation as follows:
O-ring material gets removed from the cross section of the O-ring much, much faster than when you have bypass erosion or blow-by, as people have been terming it. We usually use the characteristic blow-by to define gas past it, and we use the other term [bypass erosion] to indicate that we are erod- ing at the same time. And so you can have blow-by without erosion, [and] you [can] have blow-by with erosion.13
At the beginning of the transient cycle [initial ignition rotation, up to 0.17 seconds] . . . [the primary O-ring] is still being attacked by hot gas, and it is eroding at the same time it is trying to seal, and it is a race between, will it erode more than the time allowed to have it seal.14
On January 24, 1985, STS 51-C [Flight No. 15] was launched at 51°F, which was the lowest temperature of any launch up to that time. Analyses of the joints showed evidence of damage. Black soot appeared between the primary and secondary O- rings. The engineers concluded that the cold weather had caused the O-rings to harden and move more slowly. This allowed the hot gases to blow by and erode the O-rings. This scorching effect indicated that low temperature launches could be disastrous.
On July 31, 1985, Roger Boisjoly of Thiokol sent an interoffice memo to R. K. Lund, vice president for engineering at Thiokol:
This letter is written to insure that management is fully aware of the seri- ousness of the current O-ring erosion problem in the SRM joints from an en- gineering standpoint.
The O-Ring Problem 423
13Ibid., pp. 784–785. 14Ibid., p. 136.
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The mistakenly accepted position on the joint problem was to fly without fear of failure and to run a series of design evaluations which would ulti- mately lead to a solution or at least a significant reduction of the erosion problem. This position is now drastically changed as a result of the SRM 16A nozzle joint erosion which eroded a secondary O-ring with the primary O-ring never sealing.
If the same scenario should occur in a field joint (and it could), then it is a jump ball as to the success or failure of the joint because the secondary O-ring cannot respond to the clevis opening rate and may not be capable of pressurization. The result would be a catastrophe of the highest order—loss of human life.
An unofficial team (a memo defining the team and its purpose was never published) with [a] leader was formed on 19 July 1985 and was tasked with solving the problem for both the short and long term. This unofficial team is essentially nonexistent at this time. In my opinion, the team must be offi- cially given the responsibility and the authority to execute the work that needs to be done on a non-interference basis (full time assignment until completed).
It is my honest and very real fear that if we do not take immediate action to dedicate a team to solve the problem with the field joint having the num- ber one priority, then we stand in jeopardy of losing a flight along with all the launch pad facilities.15
On August 9, 1985, a letter was sent from Brian Russell, manager of the SRM Ignition System, to James Thomas at the Marshall Space Flight Center. The memo addressed the following:
Per your request, this letter contains the answers to the two questions you asked at the July Problem Review Board telecon.
1. Question: If the field joint secondary seal lifts off the metal mating sur- faces during motor pressurization, how soon will it return to a position where contact is re-established?
Answer: Bench test data indicate that the O-ring resiliency (its capabil- ity to follow the metal) is a function of temperature and rate of case ex- pansion. MTI [Thiokol] measured the force of the O-ring against Instron plattens, which simulated the nominal squeeze on the O-ring and ap- proximated the case expansion distance and rate.
At 100°F, the O-ring maintained contact. At 75°F, the O-ring lost con- tact for 2.4 seconds. At 50°F, the O-ring did not re-establish contact in 10 minutes at which time the test was terminated.
The conclusion is that secondary sealing capability in the SRM field joint cannot be guaranteed.
15Ibid., pp. 691–692.
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2. Question: If the primary O-ring does not seal, will the secondary seal seat in sufficient time to prevent joint leakage?
Answer: MTI has no reason to suspect that the primary seal would ever fail after pressure equilibrium is reached; i.e., after the ignition transient. If the primary O-ring were to fail from 0 to 170 milliseconds, there is a very high probability that the secondary O-ring would hold pressure since the case has not expanded appreciably at this point. If the primary seal were to fail from 170 to 330 milliseconds, the probability of the secondary seal holding is reduced. From 330 to 600 milliseconds the chance of the secondary seal holding is small. This is a direct result of the O-ring’s slow response compared to the metal case segments as the joint rotates.16
At NASA, the concern for a solution to the O-ring problem became not only a technical crisis, but also a budgetary crisis. In a July 23, 1985, memorandum from Richard Cook, program analyst, to Michael Mann, chief of the STS Resource Analysis Branch, the impact of the problem was noted:
Earlier this week you asked me to investigate reported problems with the charring of seals between SRB motor segments during flight operations. Discussions with program engineers show this to be a potentially major problem affecting both flight safety and program costs.
Presently three seals between SRB segments use double O-rings sealed with putty. In recent Shuttle flights, charring of these rings has occurred. The O-rings are designed so that if one fails, the other will hold against the pressure of firing. However, at least in the joint between the nozzle and the aft segment, not only has the first O-ring been destroyed, but the second has been partially eaten away.
Engineers have not yet determined the cause of the problem. Candidates include the use of a new type of putty (the putty formerly in use was removed from the market by EPA because it contained asbestos), failure of the second ring to slip into the groove which must engage it for it to work properly, or new, and as yet unidentified, assembly procedures at Thiokol. MSC is trying to identify the cause of the problem, including on-site investigation at Thiokol, and OSF hopes to have some results from their analysis within thirty days. There is little question, however, that flight safety has been and is still being compromised by potential failure of the seals, and it is acknowledged that failure during launch would certainly be catastrophic. There is also indi- cation that staff personnel knew of this problem sometime in advance of man- agement’s becoming apprised of what was going on.
The potential impact of the problem depends on the as yet undiscovered cause. If the cause is minor, there should be little or no impact on budget or flight rate. A worst case scenario, however, would lead to the suspension of
The O-Ring Problem 425
16Ibid., pp. 1568–1569.
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Shuttle flights, redesign of the SRB, and scrapping of existing stockpiled hardware. The impact on the FY 1987-8 budget could be immense.
It should be pointed out that Code M management [NASA’s associate administrator for space flight] is viewing the situation with the utmost seri- ousness. From a budgetary standpoint, I would think that any NASA budget submitted this year for FY 1987 and beyond should certainly be based on a reliable judgment as to the cause of the SRB seal problem and a correspond- ing decision as to budgetary action needed to provide for its solution.17
On October 30, 1985, NASA launched Flight STS 61-A [Flight no. 22] at 75°F. This flight also showed signs of sooted blow-by, but the color was signifi- cantly blacker. Although there was some heat effect, there was no measurable ero- sion observed on the secondary O-ring. Since blow-by and erosion had now oc- curred at a higher launch temperature, the original premise that launches under cold temperatures were a problem was now being questioned. Exhibit VII shows the temperature at launch of all the shuttle flights up to this time and the O-ring damage, if any.
Management at both NASA and Thiokol wanted concrete evidence that launch temperature was directly correlated to blow-by and erosion. Other than simply a “gut feel,” engineers were now stymied on how to show the direct cor- relation. NASA was not ready to cancel a launch simply due to an engineer’s “gut feel.”
William Lucas, director of the Marshall Space Center, made it clear that NASA’s manifest for launches would be adhered to. Managers at NASA were pressured to resolve problems internally rather than to escalate them up the chain of command. Managers became afraid to inform anyone higher up that they had problems, even though they knew that one existed.
Richard Feynman, Nobel laureate and member of the Rogers Commission, concluded that a NASA official altered the safety criteria so that flights could be certified on time under pressure imposed by the leadership of William Lucas. Feynman commented:
. . . They, therefore, fly in a relatively unsafe condition with a chance of fail- ure of the order of one percent. Official management claims to believe that the probability of failure is a thousand times less.
Without concrete evidence of the temperature effect on the O-rings, the sec- ondary O-ring was regarded as a redundant safety constraint and the criticality factor was changed from C1 to C1R. Potentially serious problems were treated as anomalies peculiar to a given flight. Under the guise of anomalies, NASA began
17Ibid., pp. 391–392.
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issuing waivers to maintain the flight schedules. Pressure was placed upon con- tractors to issue closure reports. On December 24, 1985, L. O. Wear, NASA’s SRM Program Office manager, sent a letter to Joe Kilminster, Thiokol’s vice president for the Space Booster Program:
During a recent review of the SRM Problem Review Board open problem list I found that we have 20 open problems, 11 opened during the past 6 months, 13 open over 6 months, 1 three years old, 2 two years old, and 1 closed during the past six months. As you can see our closure record is very poor. You are requested to initiate the required effort to assure more timely closures and the MTI personnel shall coordinate directly with the S&E per- sonnel the contents of the closure reports.18
The O-Ring Problem 427
18Ibid., p. 1554.
Exhibit VII. Erosion and blow-by history (temperature in ascending order from coldest to warmest)
Temperature Erosion Blow-by Flight Date (�F ) Incidents Incidents Comments
51-C 01/24/85 53 3 2 Most erosion any flight; blow-by; secondary O-rings heated up
41-B 02/03/84 57 1 Deep, extensive erosion 61-C 01/12/86 58 1 O-rings erosion 41-C 04/06/84 63 1 O-rings heated but no damage 1 04/12/81 66 Coolest launch without problems 6 04/04/83 67 51-A 11/08/84 67 51-D 04/12/85 67 5 11/11/82 68 3 03/22/82 69 2 11/12/81 70 1 Extent of erosion unknown 9 11/28/83 70 41-D 08/30/84 70 1 51-G 06/17/85 70 7 06/18/83 72 8 08/30/83 73 51-B 04/29/85 75 61-A 10/20/85 75 2 No erosion but soot between
O-rings 51-1 08/27/85 76 61 11/26/85 76 41-G 10/05/84 78 51-J 10/03/85 79 4 06/27/82 80 No data; casing lost at sea 51-F 07/29/85 81
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To maintain the flight schedule, critical issues such as launch constraints had to be resolved or waived. This would require extensive documentation. During the Rogers Commission investigation, it seemed that there had been a total lack of co- ordination between NASA’s Marshall Space Center and Thiokol prior to the Challenger disaster. Joe Kilminster, Thiokol’s vice president for the Space Booster Program, testified:
Mr. Kilminster: “Mr. Chairman, if I could, I would like to respond to that. In re- sponse to the concern that was expressed—and I had discussions with the team leader, the task force team leader, Mr. Don Kettner, and Mr. Russell and Mr. Ebeling. We held a meeting in my office and that was done in the October time period where we called the people who were in a support role to the task team, as well as the task force members themselves.
“In that discussion, some of the task force members were looking to circum- vent some of our established systems. In some cases, that was acceptable; in other cases, it was not. For example, some of the work that they had recommended to be done was involved with full-scale hardware, putting some of these joints to- gether with various putty layup configurations; for instance, taking them apart and finding out what we could from that inspection process.”
Dr. Sutter: “Was that one of these things that was outside of the normal work, or was that accepted as a good idea or a bad idea?”
Mr. Kilminster: “A good idea, but outside the normal work, if you will.”
Dr. Sutter: “Why not do it?”
Mr. Kilminster: “Well, we were doing it. But the question was, can we circum- vent the system, the paper system that requires, for instance, the handling con- straints on those flight hardware items? And I said no, we can’t do that. We have to maintain our handling system, for instance, so that we don’t stand the possi- bility of injuring or damaging a piece of flight hardware.
“I asked at that time if adding some more people, for instance, a safety engi- neer—that was one of the things we discussed in there. The consensus was no, we really didn’t need a safety engineer. We had the manufacturing engineer in atten- dance who was in support of that role, and I persuaded him that, typical of the way we normally worked, that he should be calling on the resources from his own organization, that is, in Manufacturing, in order to get this work done and get it done in a timely fashion.
“And I also suggested that if they ran across a problem in doing that, they should bubble that up in their management chain to get help in getting the re- sources to get that done. Now, after that session, it was my impression that there
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was improvement based on some of the concerns that had been expressed, and we did get quite a bit of work done. For your evaluation, I would like to talk a little bit about the sequence of events for this task force.”
Chairman Rogers: “Can I interrupt? Did you know at that time it was a launch constraint, a formal launch constraint?”
Mr. Kilminster: “Not an overall launch constraint as such. Similar to the words that have been said before, each Flight Readiness Review had to address any anomalies or concerns that were identified at previous launches and in that sense, each of those anomalies or concerns were established in my mind as launch con- straints unless they were properly reviewed and agreed upon by all parties.”
Chairman Rogers: “You didn’t know there was a difference between the launch constraint and just considering it an anomaly? You thought they were the same thing?”
Mr. Kilminster: “No, sir. I did not think they were the same thing.”
Chairman Rogers: “My question is: Did you know that this launch constraint was placed on the flights in July 1985?”
Mr. Kilminster: “Until we resolved the O-ring problem on that nozzle joint, yes. We had to resolve that in a fashion for the subsequent flight before we would be okay to fly again.”
Chairman Rogers: “So you did know there was a constraint on that?”
Mr. Kilminster: “On a one flight per one flight basis; yes, sir.”
Chairman Rogers: “What else would a constraint mean?”
Mr. Kilminster: “Well, I get the feeling that there’s a perception here that a launch constraint means all launches, whereas we were addressing each launch through the Flight Readiness Review process as we went.”
Chairman Rogers: “No, I don’t think—the testimony that we’ve had is that a launch constraint is put on because it is a very serious problem and the constraint means don’t fly unless it’s fixed or taken care of, but somebody has the authority to waive it for a particular flight. And in this case, Mr. Mulloy was authorized to waive it, which he did, for a number of flights before 51-L. Just prior to 51-L, the papers showed the launch constraint was closed out, which I guess means no longer existed. And that was done on January 23, 1986. Now, did you know that sequence of events?”
Mr. Kilminster: “Again, my understanding of closing out, as the term has been used here, was to close it out on the problem actions list, but not as an overall standard requirement. We had to address these at subsequent Flight Readiness Reviews to ensure that we were all satisfied with the proceeding to launch.”
Pressure, Paperwork, and Waivers 429
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Chairman Rogers: “Did you understand the waiver process, that once a con- straint was placed on this kind of a problem, that a flight could not occur unless there was a formal waiver?”
Mr. Kilminster: “Not in the sense of a formal waiver, no, sir.”
Chairman Rogers: “Did any of you? Didn’t you get the documents saying that?”
Mr. McDonald: “I don’t recall seeing any documents for a formal waiver.”19
On January 25, 1986, questionable weather caused a delay of Mission 51-L to January 27. On January 26, the launch was reconfirmed for 9:37 A.M. on the 27th. However, on the morning of January 27, a malfunction with the hatch, combined with high crosswinds, caused another delay. All preliminary procedures had been completed and the crew had just boarded when the first problem appeared. A mi- crosensor on the hatch indicated that the hatch was not shut securely. It turned out that the hatch was shut securely but the sensor had malfunctioned. Valuable time was lost in determining the problem.
After the hatch was finally closed, the external handle could not be removed. The threads on the connecting bolt were stripped and instead of cleanly disengaging when turned, simply spun around. Attempts to use a portable drill to remove the han- dle failed. Technicians on the scene asked Mission Control for permission to saw off the bolt. Fearing some form of structural stress to the hatch, engineers made numer- ous time-consuming calculations before giving the go-ahead to cut off the bolt. The entire process consumed almost two hours before the countdown resumed.
However, the misfortunes continued. During the attempts to verify the in- tegrity of the hatch and remove the handle, the wind had been steadily rising. Chief Astronaut John Young flew a series of approaches in the shuttle training air- craft and confirmed the worst fears of mission control. The crosswinds at the Cape were in excess of the level allowed for the abort contingency. The opportu- nity had been missed. The mission was then reset to launch the next day, January 28, at 9:38 A.M. Everyone was quite discouraged since extremely cold weather was forecast for Tuesday that could further postpone the launch.20
Weather conditions indicated that the temperature at launch could be as low as 26°F. This would be much colder and well below the temperature range that the O-rings were designed to operate in. The components of the solid rocket mo- tors were qualified only to 40°F at the lower limit. Undoubtedly, when the sun
19Ibid., pp. 1577–1578. 20Hoover and Wallace, pp. 3–4.
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came up and launch time approached, both the air temperature and vehicle would warm up, but there was still concern. Would the ambient temperature be high enough to meet the launch requirements? NASA’s Launch Commit Criteria stated that no launch should occur at temperatures below 31°F. There were also worries over any permanent effects on the shuttle due to the cold overnight temperatures. NASA became concerned and asked Thiokol for their recommendation on whether or not to launch. NASA admitted under testimony that if Thiokol had recommended not launching, then the launch would not have taken place.
At 5:45 P.M. eastern standard time, a teleconference was held between the Kennedy Space Center, Marshall Space Flight Center, and Thiokol. Bob Lund, vice president for engineering, summarized the concerns of the Thiokol engineers that in Thiokol’s opinion, the launch should be delayed until noontime or even later such that a launch temperature of at least 53°F could be achieved. Thiokol’s engineers were concerned that no data were available for launches at this tem- perature of 26°F. This was the first time in fourteen years that Thiokol had rec- ommended not to launch.
The design validation tests originally done by Thiokol covered only a narrow temperature range. The temperature data did not include any temperatures below 53°F. The O-rings from Flight 51-C, which had been launched under cold condi- tions the previous year, showed very significant erosion. These were the only data available on the effects of cold, but all of the Thiokol engineers agreed that the cold weather would decrease the elasticity of the synthetic rubber O-rings, which in turn might cause them to seal slowly and allow hot gases to surge through the joint.21
Another teleconference was set up for 8:45 P.M. to invite more parties to be involved in the decision. Meanwhile, Thiokol was asked to fax all relevant and supporting charts to all parties involved in the 8:45 P.M. teleconference.
The following information was included in the pages that were faxed:
Blow-by History:
SRM-15 Worst Blow-by � Two case joints (80°), (110°) Arc � Much worse visually than SRM-22
SRM-22 Blow-by � Two case joints (30–40°)
SRM-13A, 15, 16A, 18, 23A, 24A � Nozzle blow-by
Field Joint Primary Concerns—SRM-25 � A temperature lower than the current database results in changing pri-
mary O-ring sealing timing function
Mission 51-L 431
21Ibid., p. 4.
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� SRM-15A—80° arc black grease between O-rings SRM-15B—110° arc black grease between O-rings
� Lower O-ring squeeze due to lower temp � Higher O-ring shore hardness � Thicker grease viscosity � Higher O-ring pressure activation time � If actuation time increases, threshold of secondary seal pressurization
capability is approached. � If threshold is reached then secondary seal may not be capable of
being pressurized.
Conclusions: � Temperature of O-ring is not only parameter controlling blow-by:
SRM-15 with blow-by had an O-ring temp at 53°F. SRM-22 with blow-by had an O-ring temp at 75°F. Four development motors with no blow-by were tested at O-ring temp
of 47° to 52°F. Development motors had putty packing which resulted in better
performance. � At about 50°F blow-by could be experienced in case joints. � Temp for SRM-25 on 1-28-86 launch will be: 29°F 9 A.M.
38°F 2 P.M. � Have no data that would indicate SRM-25 is different than SRM-15
other than temp.
Recommendations: � O-ring temp must be ≥ 53°F at launch.
Development motors at 47° to 52°F with putty packing had no blow-by.
SRM-15 (the best simulation) worked at 53°F. � Project ambient conditions (temp & wind) to determine launch time.
From NASA’s perspective, the launch window was from 9:30 A.M. to 12:30 P.M. on January 28. This was based on weather conditions and visibility, not only at the launch site but also at the landing sites should an abort be necessary. An additional consideration was the fact that the temperature might not reach 53°F prior to the launch window closing. Actually, the temperature at the Kennedy Space Center was not expected to reach 50°F until two days later. NASA was hop- ing that Thiokol would change its mind and recommend launch.
At the second teleconference, Bob Lund once again asserted Thiokol’s recom- mendation not to launch below 53°F. NASA’s Mulloy then burst out over the tele- conference network:
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My God, Morton Thiokol! When do you want me to launch—next April?
NASA challenged Thiokol’s interpretation of the data and argued that Thiokol was inappropriately attempting to establish a new Launch Commit Criterion just prior to launch. NASA asked Thiokol to reevaluate its conclusions. Crediting NASA’s comments with some validity, Thiokol then requested a five- minute off-line caucus. In the room at Thiokol were fourteen engineers, namely:
1. Jerald Mason, senior vice president, Wasatch Operations 2. Calvin Wiggins, vice president and general manager, Space Division 3. Joe C. Kilminster, vice president, Space Booster Programs 4. Robert K. Lund, vice president, Engineering 5. Larry H. Sayer, director, Engineering and Design 6. William Macbeth, manager, Case Projects, Space Booster Project 7. Donald M. Ketner, supervisor, Gas Dynamics Section and head Seal
Task Force 8. Roger Boisjoly, member, Seal Task Force 9. Arnold R. Thompson, supervisor, Rocket Motor Cases
10. Jack R. Kapp, manager, Applied Mechanics Department 11. Jerry Burn, associate engineer, Applied Mechanics 12. Joel Maw, associate scientist, Heat Transfer Section 13. Brian Russell, manager, Special Projects, SRM Project 14. Robert Ebeling, manager, Ignition System and Final Assembly, SRB
There were no safety personnel in the room because nobody thought to in- vite them. The caucus lasted some thirty minutes. Thiokol (specifically Joe Kilminster) then returned to the teleconference stating that they were unable to sustain a valid argument that temperature affects O-ring blow-by and erosion. Thiokol then reversed its position and was now recommending launch.
NASA stated that the launch of the Challenger would not take place without Thiokol’s approval. But when Thiokol reversed its position following the caucus and agreed to launch, NASA interpreted this as an acceptable risk. The launch would now take place.
Mr. McDonald (Thiokol): “The assessment of the data was that the data was not totally conclusive, that the temperature could affect everything relative to the seal. But there was data that indicated that there were things going in the wrong direc- tion, and this was far from our experience base.
“The conclusion being that Thiokol was directed to reassess all the data be- cause the recommendation was not considered acceptable at that time of [waiting for] the 53 degrees [to occur]. NASA asked us for a reassessment and some more data to show that the temperature in itself can cause this to be a more serious con- cern than we had said it would be. At that time Thiokol in Utah said that they
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would like to go off-line and caucus for about five minutes and reassess what data they had there or any other additional data.
“And that caucus lasted for, I think, a half hour before they were ready to go back on. When they came back on they said they had reassessed all the data and had come to the conclusions that the temperature influence, based on the data they had available to them, was inconclusive and therefore they recommended a launch.”22
During the Rogers Commission testimony, NASA’s Mulloy stated his thought process in requesting Thiokol to rethink their position:
General Kutyna: “You said the temperature had little effect?”
Mr. Mulloy: “I didn’t say that. I said I can’t get a correlation between O-ring erosion, blow-by and O-ring, and temperature.”
General Kutyna: “51-C was a pretty cool launch. That was January of last year.”
Mr. Mulloy: “It was cold before then but it was not that much colder than other launches.”
General Kutyna: “So it didn’t approximate this particular one?”
Mr. Mulloy: “Unfortunately, that is one you look at and say, aha, is it related to a temperature gradient and the cold. The temperature of the O-ring on 51-C, I be- lieve, was 53 degrees. We have fired motors at 48 degrees.”23
Mulloy asserted he had not pressured Thiokol into changing their position. Yet, the testimony of Thiokol’s engineers stated they believed they were being pressured.
Roger Boisjoly, one of Thiokol’s experts on O-rings, was present during the caucus and vehemently opposed the launch. During testimony, Boisjoly described his impressions of what occurred during the caucus:
“The caucus was started by Mr. Mason stating that a management decision was necessary. Those of us who were opposed to the launch continued to speak out, and I am specifically speaking of Mr. Thompson and myself because in my recollection, he and I were the only ones who vigorously continued to oppose the launch. And we were attempting to go back and rereview and try to make clear what we were trying to get across, and we couldn’t understand why it was going to be reversed.
22RPC, p. 300. 23Ibid., p. 290.
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“So, we spoke out and tried to explain again the effects of low temperature. Arnie actually got up from his position which was down the table and walked up the table and put a quad pad down in front of the table, in front of the manage- ment folks, and tried to sketch out once again what his concern was with the joint, and when he realized he wasn’t getting through, he just stopped.
“I tried one more time with the photos. I grabbed the photos and I went up and discussed the photos once again and tried to make the point that it was my opinion from actual observations that temperature was indeed a discriminator, and we should not ignore the physical evidence that we had observed.
“And again, I brought up the point that SRM-15 had a 110 degree arc of black grease, while SRM-22 had a relatively different amount, which was less and wasn’t quite as black. I also stopped when it was apparent that I could not get any- body to listen.”
Dr. Walker: “At this point did anyone else [i.e., engineers] speak up in favor of the launch?”
Mr. Boisjoly: “No, sir. No one said anything, in my recollection. Nobody said a word. It was then being discussed amongst the management folks. After Arnie and I had our last say, Mr. Mason said we have to make a management decision. He turned to Bob Lund and asked him to take off his engineering hat and put on his management hat. From this point on, management formulated the points to base their decision on. There was never one comment in favor, as I have said, of launching by any engineer or other nonmanagement person in the room before or after the caucus. I was not even asked to participate in giving any input to the fi- nal decision charts.
“I went back on the net with the final charts or final chart, which was the ra- tionale for launching, and that was presented by Mr. Kilminster. It was handwrit- ten on a notepad, and he read from that notepad. I did not agree with some of the statements that were being made to support the decision. I was never asked nor polled, and it was clearly a management decision from that point.
“I must emphasize, I had my say, and I never take any management right to take the input of an engineer and then make a decision based upon that input, and I truly believe that. I have worked at a lot of companies, and that has been done from time to time, and I truly believe that, and so there was no point in me doing anything any further [other] than [what] I had already attempted to do.
“I did not see the final version of the chart until the next day. I just heard it read. I left the room feeling badly defeated, but I felt I really did all I could to stop the launch. I felt personally that management was under a lot of pressure to launch, and they made a very tough decision, but I didn’t agree with it.
“One of my colleagues who was in the meeting summed it up best. This was a meeting where the determination was to launch, and it was up to us to prove be- yond a shadow of a doubt that it was not safe to do so. This is in total reverse to
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what the position usually is in a preflight conversation or a Flight Readiness Review. It is usually exactly opposite that.”
Dr. Walker: “Do you know the source of the pressure on management that you alluded to?”
Mr. Boisjoly: “Well, the comments made over the net are what I felt. I can’t speak for them, but I felt it. I felt the tone of the meeting exactly as I summed up, that we were being put in a position to prove that we should not launch rather than being put in the position and prove that we had enough data to launch.”24
General Kutyna: “What was the motivation driving those who were trying to overturn your opposition?”
Mr. Boisjoly: “They felt that we had not demonstrated, or I had not demonstrated, because I was the prime mover in SRM-15. Because of my personal observations and involvement in the Flight Readiness Reviews, they felt that I had not conclu- sively demonstrated that there was a tie-in between temperature and blow-by.
“My main concern was if the timing function changed and that seal took longer to get there, then you might not have any seal left because it might be eroded before it seats. And then, if that timing function is such that it pushes you from the 170 millisecond region into the 330 second region, you might not have a secondary seal to pick up if the primary is gone. That was my major concern.
“I can’t quantify it. I just don’t know how to quantify that. But I felt that the observations made were telling us that there was a message there telling us that temperature was a discriminator, and I couldn’t get that point across. I basically had no direct input into the final recommendation to launch, and I was not polled.
“I think Astronaut Crippin hit the tone of the meeting exactly right on the head when he said that the opposite was true of the way the meetings were nor- mally conducted. We normally have to absolutely prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that we have the ability to fly, and it seemed like we were trying to prove, have proved that we had data to prove that we couldn’t fly at this time, instead of the reverse. That was the tone of the meeting, in my opinion.”25
Jerald Mason, senior vice president at Thiokol’s Wasatch Division, directed the caucus at Thiokol. Mason continuously asserted that a management decision was needed and instructed Bob Lund, vice president for engineering, to take off his engineering hat and put on his management hat. During testimony, Mason commented on his interpretation of the data:
Dr. Ride [a member of the Commission]: “You know, what we’ve seen in the charts so far is that the data was inconclusive and so you said go ahead.”
24Ibid., pp. 793–794. 25Ibid., p. 676.
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Mr. Mason: “. . . I hope I didn’t convey that. But the reason for the discussion was the fact that we didn’t have enough data to quantify the effect of the cold, and that was the heart of our discussion . . . We have had blow-by on earlier flights. We had not had any reason to believe that we couldn’t experience it again at any temperature. . . .”26
At the end of the second teleconference, NASA’s Hardy at Marshall Space Flight Center requested that Thiokol put their recommendation to launch in writ- ing and fax it to both Marshall Space Flight Center and Kennedy Space Center. The memo that follows was signed by Joe Kilminster, vice president for Thiokol’s Space Booster Program, and faxed at 11:45 P.M. the night before the launch.
� Calculations show that SRM-25 O-rings will be 20° colder than SRM- 15 O-rings.
� Temperature data not conclusive on predicting primary O-ring blow-by. � Engineering assessment is that:
� Colder O-rings will have increased effective durometer (“harder”). � “Harder” O-rings will take longer to “seat.”
� More gas may pass primary O-ring before the primary seal seats (relative to SRM-15).
� Demonstrated sealing threshold is three times greater than 0.038" erosion experienced on SRM-15.
� If the primary seal does not seat, the secondary seal will seat. � Pressure will get to secondary seal before the metal parts
rotate. � O-ring pressure leak check places secondary seal in outboard
position, which minimizes sealing time. � MTI recommends STS-51L launch proceed on 28 January 1986.
� SRM-25 will not be significantly different from SRM-15.27
At 1:30 A.M. on the day of the launch, NASA’s Gene Thomas, launch director, ordered a complete inspection of the launch site due to cold weather and severe ice conditions. The prelaunch inspection of the Challenger and the launch pad by the ice-team was unusual, to say the least. The ice-team’s responsibility was to remove any frost or ice on the vehicle or launch structure. What they found dur- ing their inspection looked like something out of a science fiction movie. The
The Ice Problem 437
26Ibid., p. 764. 27Ibid., p. 764.
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freeze-protection plan implemented by Kennedy personnel had gone very wrong. Hundreds of icicles, some up to 16 inches long, clung to the launch structure. The handrails and walkways near the shuttle entrance were covered in ice, making them extremely dangerous if the crew had to make an emergency evacuation. One solid sheet of ice stretched from the 195 foot level to the 235 foot level on the gantry. However, NASA continued to cling to its calculations that there would be no damage due to flying ice shaken loose during the launch.28 A decision was then made to delay the launch from 9:38 A.M. to 11:30 A.M. so that the ice on the launch pad could melt. The delay was still within the launch window of 9:30 A.M.–12:30 P.M.
At 8:30 A.M., a second ice inspection was made. Ice was still significantly present at the launch site. Robert Glaysher, vice president for orbital operations at Rockwell, stated that the launch was unsafe. Rockwell’s concern was that falling ice could damage the heat tiles on the orbiter. This could have a serious impact during reentry.
At 10:30 A.M., a third ice inspection was made. Though some of the ice was beginning to melt, there was still significant ice on the launch pad. The tempera- ture of the left solid rocket booster was measured at 33°F and the right booster was measured at 19°F. Even though the right booster was 34 degrees colder than Thiokol’s original recommendation for a launch temperature (i.e., 53°F), no one seemed alarmed. Rockwell also agreed to launch, even though its earlier state- ment had been that the launch was unsafe.
Arnold Aldrich, manager of the STS Program at the Johnson Space Center, testified on the concern over the ice problem:
Mr. Aldrich: “Kennedy facility people at that meeting, everyone in that meeting, voted strongly to proceed and said they had no concern, except for Rockwell. The comment to me from Rockwell, which was not written specifically to the exact words, and either recorded or logged, was that they had some concern about the possibility of ice damage to the orbiter. Although it was a minor concern, they felt that we had no experience base launching in this exact configuration before, and therefore they thought we had some additional risk of orbiter damage from ice than we had on previous meetings, or from previous missions.”
Chairman Rogers: “Did they sign off on it or not?”
Mr. Aldrich: “We don’t have a sign-off at that point. It was not—it was not maybe 20 minutes, but it was close to that. It was within the last hour of launch.”
Chairman Rogers: “But they still objected?”
28Hoover and Wallace, page 5.
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Mr. Aldrich: “They issued what I would call a concern, a less than 100 percent concurrence in the launch. They did not say we do not want to launch, and the rest of the team overruled them. They issued a more conservative concern. They did not say don’t launch.”
General Kutyna: “I can’t recall a launch that I have had where there was 100 percent certainty that everything was perfect, and everyone around the table would agree to that. It is the job of the launch director to listen to everyone, and it’s our job around the table to listen and say there is this element of risk, and you characterize this as 90 percent, or 95, and then you get a consensus that that risk is an acceptable risk, and then you launch.
“So I think this gentleman is characterizing the degree of risk, and he’s hon- est, and he had to say something.”
Dr. Ride: “But one point is that their concern is a specific concern, and they weren’t concerned about the overall temperature or damage to the solid rockets or damage to the external tank. They were worried about pieces of ice coming off and denting the tile.”29
Following the accident, the Rogers Commission identified three major con- cerns about the ice-on-the-pad issue:
1. An analysis of all of the testimony and interviews established that Rockwell’s recommendation on launch was ambiguous. The Commission found it difficult, as did Mr. Aldrich, to conclude that there was a no- launch recommendation. Moreover, all parties were asked specifically to contact Aldrich or Moore about launch objections due to weather. Rockwell made no phone calls or further objections to Aldrich or other NASA officials after the 9:00 A.M. Mission Management Team meeting and subsequent to the resumption of the countdown.
2. The Commission was also concerned about the NASA response to the Rockwell position at the 9:00 A.M. meeting. While it was understood that decisions have to be made in launching a Shuttle, the Commission was not convinced Levels I and II [of NASA’s management] appropriately considered Rockwell’s concern about the ice. However ambiguous Rockwell’s position was, it was clear that they did tell NASA that the ice was an unknown condition. Given the extent of the ice on the pad, the ad- mitted unknown effect of the Solid Rocket Motor and Space Shuttle Main Engines ignition on the ice, as well as the fact that debris striking the or- biter was a potential flight safety hazard, the Commission found the deci- sion to launch questionable under those circumstances. In this situation,
The Ice Problem 439
29Ibid., pp. 237–238.
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NASA appeared to be requiring a contractor to prove that it was not safe to launch, rather than proving it was safe. Nevertheless, the Commission had determined that the ice was not a cause of the 51-L accident and does not conclude that NASA’s decision to launch specifically overrode a no- launch recommendation by an element contractor.
3. The Commission concluded that the freeze protection plan for launch pad 39B was inadequate. The Commission believed that the severe cold and presence of so much ice on the fixed service structure made it inadvisable to launch on the morning of January 28, and that margins of safety were whittled down too far.
It became obvious that NASA’s management knew of the ice problem, but did they know of Thiokol’s original recommendation not to launch and then their reversal? Larry Malloy, the SRB Project manager for NASA, and Stanley Reinartz, NASA’s manager of the Shuttle Office, both admitted that they told Arnold Aldrich, manager of the STS program, Johnson Space Center, about their concern for the ice problem but there was no discussion about the teleconferences with Thiokol over the O-rings. It appeared that Malloy and Reinartz considered the ice as a potential problem whereas the O-rings constituted an acceptable risk. Therefore, only potential problems went up the chain of command, not the com- ponents of the “aggregate acceptable launch risk.” It became common practice in Flight Readiness Review documentation to use the term acceptable risk. This be- came the norm at NASA and resulted in insulating senior management from cer- tain potential problems. It was the culture that had developed at NASA that cre- ated the flawed decision-making process rather than an intent by individuals to withhold information and jeopardize safety.
Just after liftoff at 0.678 seconds into the flight, photographic data showed a strong puff of gray smoke spurting from the vicinity of the aft field joint on the right solid rocket booster. The two pad 39B cameras that would have recorded the precise lo- cation of the puff were inoperative. Computer graphic analysis of film from other cameras indicated the initial smoke came from the 270- to 310-degree sector of the circumference of the aft field joint of the right solid rocket booster. This area of the solid booster faced the external tank. The vaporized material streaming from the joint indicated there was incomplete sealing action within the joint.
Eight more distinctive puffs of increasingly blacker smoke were recorded be- tween 0.836 and 2.500 seconds. The smoke appeared to puff upward from the joint. While each smoke puff was being left behind by the upward flight of the
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Shuttle, the next fresh puff could be seen near the level of the joint. The multiple smoke puffs in this sequence occurred about four times per second, approximat- ing the frequency of the structural load dynamics and resultant joint flexing. Computer graphics applied to NASA photos from a variety of cameras in this se- quence again placed the smoke puffs’ origin in the same 270- to 310-degree sec- tor of the circumference as the original smoke spurt.
As the shuttle Challenger increased its upward velocity, it flew past the emerging and expanding smoke puffs. The last smoke was seen above the field joint at 2.733 seconds.
The black color and dense composition of the smoke puffs suggested that the grease, joint insulation, and rubber O-rings in the joint seal were being burned and eroded by the hot propellant gases.
At approximately 37 seconds, Challenger encountered the first of several high altitude wind shear conditions that lasted about 64 seconds. The wind shear created forces of relatively large fluctuations on the vehicle itself. These were im- mediately sensed and countered by the guidance, navigation, and control systems.
The steering system (thrust vector control) of the solid rocket booster re- sponded to all commands and wind shear effects. The wind shear caused the steering system to be more active than on any previous flight.
Both the Challenger’s main engines and the solid rockets operated at reduced thrust approaching and passing through the area of maximum dynamic pressure of 720 pounds per square foot. Main engines had been throttled up to 104 percent thrust, and the solid rocket boosters were increasing their thrust when the first flickering flame appeared on the right solid rocket booster in the area of the aft field joint. This first very small flame was detected on image-enhanced film at 58.788 seconds into the flight. It appeared to originate at about 305 degrees around the booster circumference at or near the aft field joint.
One film frame later from the same camera, the flame was visible without image enhancement. It grew into a continuous, well-defined plume at 59.262 sec- onds. At approximately the same time (60 seconds), telemetry showed a pressure differential between the chamber pressures in the right and left boosters. The right booster chamber pressure was lower, confirming the growing leak in the area of the field joint.
As the flame plume increased in size, it was deflected rearward by the aero- dynamic slipstream and circumferentially by the protruding structure of the up- per ring attaching the booster to the external tank. These deflections directed the flame plume onto the surface of the external tank. This sequence of flame spread- ing is confirmed by analysis of the recovered wreckage. The growing flame also impinged on the strut attaching the solid rocket booster to the external tank.
The first visual indication that swirling flame from the right solid rocket booster breached the external tank was at 64.660 seconds, when there was an abrupt change in the shape and color of the plume. This indicated that it was
The Accident 441
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mixing with leaking hydrogen from the external tank. Telemetered changes in the hydrogen tank pressurization confirmed the leak. Within 45 milliseconds of the breach of the external tank, a bright, sustained glow developed on the black tiled underside of the Challenger between it and the external tank.
Beginning around 72 seconds, a series of events occurred extremely rapidly that terminated the flight. Telemetered data indicated a wide variety of flight sys- tem actions that supported the visual evidence of the photos as the shuttle strug- gled futilely against the forces that were destroying it.
At about 72.20 seconds, the lower strut linking the solid rocket booster and the external tank was severed or pulled away from the weakened hydrogen tank, permitting the right solid rocket booster to rotate around the upper attachment strut. This rotation was indicated by divergent yaw and pitch rates between the left and right solid rocket boosters.
At 73.124 seconds, a circumferential white vapor pattern was observed blooming from the side of the external tank bottom dome. This was the beginning of the structural failure of the hydrogen tank that culminated in the entire aft dome dropping away. This released massive amounts of liquid hydrogen from the tank and created a sudden forward thrust of about 2.8 million pounds, pushing the hydrogen tank upward into the intertank structure. About the same time, the ro- tating right solid rocket booster impacted the intertank structure and the lower part of the liquid oxygen tank. These structures failed at 73.137 seconds, as evi- denced by the white vapors appearing in the intertank region.
Within milliseconds there was massive, almost explosive, burning of the hy- drogen streaming from the failed tank bottom and the liquid oxygen breach in the area of the intertank.
At this point in its trajectory, while traveling at a Mach number of 1.92 at an altitude of 46,000 feet, the Challenger was totally enveloped in the explosive burn. The Challenger’s reaction control system ruptured, and a hypergolic burn of its propellants occurred, producing the oxygen-hydrogen flames. The reddish brown colors of the hypergolic fuel burn were visible on the edge of the main fire- ball. The orbiter, under severe aerodynamic loads, broke into several large sec- tions, which emerged from the fireball. Separate sections that can be identified on film include the main engine/tail section with the engines still burning, one wing of the orbiter, and the forward fuselage trailing a mass of umbilical lines pulled loose from the payload bay.
The consensus of the Commission and participating investigative agencies was that the loss of the space shuttle Challenger was caused by a failure in the joint between the two lower segments of the right solid rocket motor. The specific failure was the destruction of the seals that were intended to prevent hot gases from leaking through the joint during the propellant burn of the rocket motor. The evidence assembled by the Commission indicates that no other element of the space shuttle system contributed to this failure.
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In arriving at this conclusion, the Commission reviewed in detail all available data, reports, and records; directed and supervised numerous tests, analyses, and experiments by NASA, civilian contractors, and various government agencies; and then developed specific failure scenarios and the range of most probably causative factors.
The failure was due to a faulty design unacceptably sensitive to a number of factors. These factors were the effects of temperature, physical dimensions, the character of materials, the effects of reusability, processing, and the reaction of the joint to dynamic loading.
Following the tragedy, many believed that NASA’s decision to launch had been an attempt to minimize further ridicule by the media. Successful shuttle flights were no longer news because they were almost ordinary. However, launch aborts and delayed landings were more newsworthy because they were less common. The Columbia launch, which had immediately preceded the Challenger mission, had been delayed seven times. The Challenger launch had gone through four de- lays already. News anchor personnel were criticizing NASA. Some believed that NASA felt it had to do something quickly to dispel its poor public image.
The Challenger mission had had more media coverage and political ramifica- tions than other recent missions. This would be the launch of the Teacher in Space Project. The original launch date of the Challenger had been scheduled just before President Reagan’s State of the Union message, that was to be delivered the evening of January 28. Some believed that the president had intended to publicly praise NASA for the Teacher in Space Project and possibly even talk to Ms. McAuliffe live during his address. This would certainly have enhanced NASA’s image. Following the tragedy, there were questions as to whether the White House had pressured NASA into launching the Shuttle because of President Reagan’s (and NASA’s) love of favorable publicity. The commission, however, found no ev- idence of White House intervention in the decision to launch.
Determining the cause of an engineering disaster can take years of investigation. The Challenger disaster arose from many factors, including launch conditions, me- chanical failure, faulty communication, and poor decision making. In the end, the last-minute decision to launch combined all possible factors into a lethal action.
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The Commission concluded that the accident was rooted in history. The space shuttle’s solid rocket booster problem began with the faulty design of its joint and increased as both NASA and contractor management first failed to rec- ognize that they had a problem, then failed to fix it, and finally treated it as an ac- ceptable flight risk.
Morton Thiokol, Inc., the contractor, did not accept the implication of tests early in the program that the design had a serious and unanticipated flaw. NASA did not accept the judgment of its engineers that the design was unacceptable, and as the joint problems grew in number and severity, NASA minimized them in management briefings and reports. Thiokol’s stated position was that “the condi- tion is not desirable but is acceptable.”
Neither Thiokol nor NASA expected the rubber O-rings sealing the joints to be touched by hot gases of motor ignition, much less to be partially burned. However, as tests and then flights confirmed damage to the sealing rings, the re- action by both NASA and Thiokol was to increase the amount of damage con- sidered “acceptable.” At no time did management either recommend a redesign of the joint or call for the shuttle’s grounding until the problem was solved.
The genesis of the Challenger accident—the failure of the joint of the right solid rocket motor—lay in decisions made in the design of the joint and in the failure by both Thiokol and NASA’s Solid Rocket Booster project office to un- derstand and respond to facts obtained during testing.
The Commission concluded that neither Thiokol nor NASA had responded adequately to internal warnings about the faulty seal design. Furthermore, Thiokol and NASA did not make a timely attempt to develop and verify a new seal after the initial design was shown to be deficient. Neither organization developed a so- lution to the unexpected occurrences of O-ring erosion and blow-by, even though this problem was experienced frequently during the shuttle flight history. Instead, Thiokol and NASA management came to accept erosion and blow-by as unavoid- able and an acceptable flight risk. Specifically, the Commission found six things:
1. The joint test and certification program was inadequate. There was no re- quirement to configure the qualifications test motor as it would be in flight, and the motors were static tested in a horizontal position, not in the vertical flight position.
2. Prior to the accident, neither NASA nor Thiokol fully understood the mechanism by which the joint sealing action took place.
3. NASA and Thiokol accepted escalating risk apparently because they “got away with it last time.” As Commissioner Feynman observed, the decision- making was:
A kind of Russian roulette. . . . [The Shuttle] flies [with O-ring ero- sion] and nothing happens. Then it is suggested, therefore, that the risk is no longer so high for the next flights. We can lower our stan-
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dards a little bit because we got away with it last time. . . . You got away with it, but it shouldn’t be done over and over again like that.
4. NASA’s system for tracking anomalies for Flight Readiness Reviews failed in that, despite a history of persistent O-ring erosion and blow-by, flight was still permitted. It failed again in the strange sequence of six consecutive launch constraint waivers prior to 51-L, permitting it to fly without any record of a waiver, or even of an explicit constraint. Tracking and continuing only anomalies that are outside the database of prior flight allowed major problems to be removed from, and lost by, the reporting system.
5. The O-ring erosion history presented to Level I at NASA Headquarters in August 1985 was sufficiently detailed to require corrective action prior to the next flight.
6. A careful analysis of the flight history of O-ring performance would have revealed the correlation of O-ring damage and low temperature. Neither NASA nor Thiokol carried out such an analysis; consequently, they were unprepared to properly evaluate the risks of launching the 51-L mission in conditions more extreme than they had encountered before.
The Commission also identified a concern for the “silent” safety program. The Commission was surprised to realize after many hours of testimony that NASA’s safety staff was never mentioned. No witness related the approval or dis- approval of the reliability engineers, and none expressed the satisfaction or dis- satisfaction of the quality assurance staff. No one thought to invite a safety rep- resentative or a reliability and quality assurance engineer to the January 27, 1986, teleconference between Marshall and Thiokol. Similarly, there was no safety rep- resentative on the Mission Management Team that made key decisions during the countdown on January 28, 1986.
The unrelenting pressure to meet the demands of an accelerating flight schedule might have been adequately handled by NASA if it had insisted on the exactingly thorough procedures that had been its hallmark during the Apollo program. An extensive and redundant safety program comprising interdependent safety, reliability, and quality assurance functions had existed during the lunar program to discover any potential safety problems. Between that period and 1986, however, the safety program had become ineffective. This loss of effectiveness seriously degraded the checks and balances essential for maintaining flight safety.
On April 3, 1986, Arnold Aldrich, the Space Shuttle Program manager, ap- peared before the Commission at a public hearing in Washington, D.C. He de- scribed five different communication or organization failures that affected the launch decision on January 28, 1986. Four of those failures related directly to faults within the safety program. These faults included a lack of problem reporting
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requirements, inadequate trend analysis, misrepresentation of criticality, and lack of involvement in critical discussions. A robust safety organization that was prop- erly staffed and supported might well have avoided these faults, and thus elimi- nated the communication failures.
NASA had a safety program to ensure that the communication failures to which Mr. Aldrich referred did not occur. In the case of mission 51-L, however, that program fell short.
The Commission concluded that there were severe pressures placed on the launch decision-making system to maintain a flight schedule. These pressures caused rational men to make irrational decisions.
With the 1982 completion of the orbital flight test series, NASA began a planned acceleration of the space shuttle launch schedule. One early plan contem- plated an eventual rate of a mission a week, but realism forced several downward re- visions. In 1985, NASA published a projection calling for an annual rate of twenty- four flights by 1990. Long before the Challenger accident, however, it was becoming obvious that even the modified goal of two flights a month was overambitious.
In establishing the schedule, NASA had not provided adequate resources. As a result, the capabilities of the launch decision-making system were strained by the modest nine-mission rate of 1985, and the evidence suggested that NASA would not have been able to accomplish the fifteen flights scheduled for 1986. These were the major conclusions of a Commission examination of the pressures and problems attendant upon the accelerated launch schedule:
1. The capabilities of the launch decision-making system were stretched to the limit to support the flight rate in winter 1985/1986. Projections into the spring and summer of 1986 showed a clear trend; the system, as it existed, would have been unable to deliver crew training software for scheduled flights by the designated dates. The result would have been an unacceptable compression of the time available for the crews to accomplish their required training.
2. Spare parts were in critically short supply. The shuttle program made a conscious decision to postpone spare parts procurements in favor of bud- get items of perceived higher priority. Lack of spare parts would likely have limited flight operations in 1986.
3. Stated manifesting policies were not enforced. Numerous late manifest changes (after the cargo integration review) had been made to both major payloads and minor payloads throughout the shuttle program � Late changes to major payloads or program requirements required ex-
tensive resources (money, manpower, facilities) to implement. � If many late changes to “minor” payloads occurred, resources were
quickly absorbed. � Payload specialists frequently were added to a flight well after an-
nounced deadlines.
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� Late changes to a mission adversely affected the training and devel- opment of procedures for subsequent missions.
4. The scheduled flight rate did not accurately reflect the capabilities and resources. � The flight rate was not reduced to accommodate periods of adjustment
in the capacity of the work force. There was no margin for error in the system to accommodate unforeseen hardware problems.
� Resources were primarily directed toward supporting the flights and thus not enough were available to improve and expand facilities needed to support a higher flight rate.
5. Training simulators may have been the limiting factor on the flight rate: the two simulators available at that time could not train crews for more than twelve to fifteen flights per year.
6. When flights came in rapid succession, the requirements then current did not ensure that critical anomalies occurring during one flight would be identified and addressed appropriately before the next flight.
The Commission also identified a communication failure within the reporting structure at both NASA and Thiokol. Part of the problem with the chain of com- mand structure was the idea of the proper reporting channel. Engineers report only to their immediate managers, while those managers report only to their direct su- pervisors. Engineers and managers believed in the chain of command structure; they felt reluctant to go above their superiors with their concerns. Boisjoly at Thiokol and Powers at Marshall felt that they had done all that they could as far as voicing their concerns. Anything more could have cost them their jobs. When questioned at the Rogers Commission hearing about why he did not voice his con- cerns to others, Powers replied, “That would not be my reporting channel.” The chain of command structure dictated the only path that information could travel at both NASA and Thiokol. If information was modified or silenced at the bottom of the chain, there was not an alternate path for it to take to reach high-level officials at NASA. The Rogers Commission concluded that there was a breakdown in com- munication between Thiokol engineers and top NASA officials and faulted the management structure for not allowing important information about the SRBs to flow to the people who needed to know it. The Commission reported that the “fun- damental problem was poor technical decision-making over a period of several years by top NASA and contractor personnel.”
Bad news does not travel well in organizations like NASA and Thiokol. When the early signs of problems with the SRBs appeared, Thiokol managers did
Chain-of-Command Communication Failure 447
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not believe that the problems were serious. Thiokol did not want to accept the fact that there could be a problem with its boosters. When Marshall received news of the problems, it considered it Thiokol’s problem and did not pass the bad news upward to NASA headquarters. At Thiokol, Boisjoly described his managers as shutting out the bad news. He claims that he argued about the importance of the O-ring seal problems until he was convinced that “no one wanted to hear what he had to say.” When Lund finally decided to recommend delay of the launch to Marshall, managers at Marshall rejected the bad news and refused to accept the recommendation not to launch. As with any information going up the chain of command at these two organizations, bad news was often modified so that it had less impact, perhaps skewing its importance.30
On January 31, 1986, President Ronald Reagan stated:
The future is not free: the story of all human progress is one of a struggle against all odds. We learned again that this America, which Abraham Lincoln called the last, best hope of man on Earth, was built on heroism and noble sacrifice. It was built by men and women like our seven star voyagers, who answered a call beyond duty, who gave more than was expected or re- quired and who gave it with little thought of worldly reward.
Following the tragic accident, virtually every senior manager that was involved in the space shuttle Challenger decision-making processes, at both NASA and Thiokol, accepted early retirement. Whether this was the result of media pressure, peer pressure, fatigue, or stress we can only postulate. The only true failures are the ones from which nothing is learned. Lessons on how to improve the risk man- agement process were learned, unfortunately at the expense of human life.
On January 27, 1967, Astronauts Gus Grissom, Edward White, and Roger Chaffee were killed on board a test on Apollo-Saturn 204. James Webb, NASA’s Administrator at that time, was allowed by President Johnson to conduct an in- ternal investigation of the cause. The investigation was primarily a technical in- vestigation. NASA was fairly open with the media during the investigation. As a result of the openness, the credibility of the agency was maintained.
With the Challenger accident, confusion arose as to whether it had been a technical failure or a management failure. There was no question in anyone’s mind that the decision-making process was flawed. NASA and Thiokol acted in- dependently in their response to criticism. Critical information was withheld, at
30“The Challenger Accident: Administrative Causes of the Challenger Accident” (Web site: pages 8–9).
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least temporarily, and this undermined people’s confidence in NASA. The media, as might have been expected, began vengeful attacks on NASA and Thiokol.
Following the Apollo-Saturn 204 fire, there were few changes made in man- agement positions at NASA. Those changes that did occur were the result of a ne- cessity for improvement and where change was definitely warranted. Following the Challenger accident, almost every top management position at NASA under- went a change of personnel.
How an organization fares after an accident is often measured by how well it interfaces with the media. Situations such as the Tylenol tragedy (subject of an- other case study in this volume) and the Apollo-Saturn 204 fire bore this out.
Following the accident, and after critical data were released, papers were published showing that the O-ring data correlation was indeed possible. In one such paper, Lighthall31 showed that not only was a correlation possible, but the real problem may be a professional weakness shared by many people, but espe- cially engineers, who have been required to analyze technical data. Lighthall’s ar- gument was that engineering curriculums might not provide engineers with strong enough statistical education, especially in covariance analysis. The Rogers Commission also identified this conclusion when they found that there were no engineers at NASA trained in statistical sciences.
Almost all scientific achievements require the taking of risks. The hard part is deciding which risk is worth taking and which is not. Every person who has ever flown in space, whether military or civilian, was a volunteer. They were all risk-takers who understood that safety in space can never be guaranteed with 100 percent accuracy.
Following are a series of questions categorized according to the principles of risk management. There may not be any single right or wrong answer to these questions.
Risk Management Plan
1. Does it appear, from the data provided in the case, that a risk management plan was in existence?
2. If such a plan did exist, then why wasn’t it followed—or was it followed?
Questions 449
31Frederick F. Lighthall, “Launching The Space Shuttle Challenger: Disciplinary Deficiencies in the Analysis of Engineering Data,” IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, vol. 38, no. 1, (February 1991), pp. 63–74.
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3. Is there a difference between a risk management plan, a quality assurance plan, and a safety plan, or are they the same?
4. Would there have been a better way to handle risk management planning at NASA assuming sixteen flights per year, twenty-five flights per year, or as originally planned, sixty flights per year? Why is the number of flights per year critical in designing a formalized risk management plan?
Risk Identification
5. What is the difference between a risk and an anomaly? Who determines the difference?
6. Does there appear to have been a structured process in place for risk identi- fication at either NASA or Thiokol?
7. How should problems with risk identification be resolved if there exist dif- ferences of opinion between the customer and the contractors?
8. Should senior management or sponsors be informed about all risks identified or just the overall “aggregate” risk?
9. How should one identify or classify the risks associated with using solid rocket boosters on manned spacecraft rather than the conventional liquid fuel boosters?
10. How should one identify or classify trade-off risks such as trading off safety for political acceptability?
11. How should one identify or classify the risks associated with pressure result- ing from making promises that may be hard to keep?
12. Suppose that a risk identification plan had been established at the beginning of the space program when the shuttle was still considered an experimental design. If the shuttle is now considered as an operational vehicle rather than as an experimental design, could that affect the way that risks were identified to the point where the risk identification plan would need to be changed?
Risk Quantification
13. Given the complexity of the Space Shuttle Program, is it feasible and/or prac- tical to develop a methodology for quantifying risks, or should each situation be addressed individually? Can we have both a quantitative and qualitative risk evaluation system in place at the same time?
14. How does one quantify the dangers associated with the ice problem? 15. How should risk quantification problems be resolved if there exist differ-
ences of opinion between the customer and the contractors? 16. If a critical risk is discovered, what is the proper way for the project manager to
present to senior management the impact of the risk? How do you as a project manager make sure that senior management understand the ramifications?
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17. How were the identified risks quantified at NASA? Is the quantification sys- tem truly quantitative or is it a qualitative system?
18. Were probabilities assigned to any of the risks? Why or why not?
Risk Response (Risk Handling)
19. How does an organization decide what is or is not an acceptable risk? 20. Who should have final say in deciding upon the appropriate response mech-
anism for a risk? 21. What methods of risk response were used at NASA? 22. Did it appear that the risk response method selected was dependent on the
risk or on other factors? 23. How should an organization decide whether or not to accept a risk and launch
if the risks cannot be quantified? 24. What should be the determining factors in deciding which risks are brought
upstairs to the executive levels for review before selecting the appropriate risk response mechanism?
25. Why weren’t the astronauts involved in the launch decision (i.e., the accep- tance of the risk)? Should they have been involved?
26. What risk response mechanism did NASA administrators use when they is- sued waivers for the Launch Commit Criteria?
27. Are waivers a type of risk response mechanism? 28. Did the need to maintain a flight schedule compromise the risk response
mechanism that would otherwise have been taken? 29. What risk response mechanism were managers at Thiokol and NASA using
when they ignored the recommendations of their engineers? 30. Did the engineers at Thiokol and NASA do all they could to convince their own
management that the wrong risk response mechanism was about to be taken? 31. When NASA pressed its contractors to recommend a launch, did NASA’s
risk response mechanism violate their responsibility to ensure crew safety? 32. When NASA discounted the effects of the weather, did NASA’s risk response
mechanism violate their responsibility to ensure crew safety?
Risk Control
33. How much documentation should be necessary for the tracking of a risk man- agement plan? Can this documentation become overexcessive and create decision-making problems?
34. Risk management includes the documentation of lessons-learned. In the case study, was there an audit trail of lessons learned or was that audit trail sim- ply protection memos?
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35. How might Thiokol engineers have convinced both their own management and NASA to postpone the launch?
36. Should someone have stopped the Challenger launch and, if so, how could this have been accomplished without risking one’s job and career?
37. How might an engineer deal with pressure from above to follow a course of action that the engineer knows to be wrong?
38. How could the chains of communication and responsibility for the Space Shuttle Program have been made to function better?
39. Because of the ice problem, Rockwell could not guarantee the shuttle’s safety, but did nothing to veto the launch. Is there a better way for situations as this to be handled in the future?
40. What level of risk should have been acceptable for launch? 41. How should we handle situations where people in authority believe that the
potential rewards justify what they believe to be relatively minor risks? 42. If you were on a jury attempting to place liability, whom would you say was
responsible for the Challenger disaster?
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Few projects start with an explosion. Even fewer start with a deliberate explosion. Yet every time the space shuttle is launched into space, five tremendous explo- sions in the rocket engines are needed to hurl the orbiter into orbit around the earth. In just over ten minutes, the orbiter vehicle goes from zero miles an hour to more than 17,500 miles per hour as it circles the Earth.
Shuttle launches are a very dangerous business. The loss of the second shut- tle on February 1, 2003, shocked everyone. It is apparent now that some fuel-tank insulation dislodged during liftoff and struck the orbiter during its powered ascent to earth orbit, and that the insulation punched a fatal hole in the leading edge of the left wing. This hole allowed superheated gases, about 10,000°F, to melt the left wing during the re-entry phase of the mission. The loss of the orbiter was the result of the loss of the left wing.
Reading through the results of the disaster, one cannot help but conclude how simple and straightforward the project risks can be that are handled by most project managers. As an example, we can consider the writing of software. Writing and delivering computer software has its challenges, but the risks are not on the same scale of a space shuttle launch. Even the standard risk response
The Space Shuttle Columbia Disaster1
1© 2005 by Randall R. Kline, MBA, PMP, Qualtek Software Development, Inc. Reproduced by per- mission of Randall R. Kline.
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strategies (avoidance, transference, mitigation and acceptance) take on new meanings when accelerating to achieve speeds of more than 15,000 mph. For example:
� Avoidance is not possible. � Acceptance has to be active, not passive. � Transference is not possible. � Mitigation entails a lot of work, and under massive constraints.
For the space shuttle, risk analysis is nonlinear, but for most software projects, a simple, linear impact analysis may be sufficient. The equation for lin- ear impact analysis can be written as follows:2
Risk impact � (Risk probability) � (Risk consequence)
For a given risk event, there is a probability of the risk occurring and a con- sequence expressed in some numerical units of the damage done to the project cost, timeline, or quality. This is a simple linear equation. If one of the factors on the right side of the equation doubles, the risk impact doubles. For a given set of factors on the right, there is one answer, regardless of when the risk occurs. So, based on the equation, impact can be understood and planned for.
Most of the computer software projects have relatively simple functions that either happened or did not happen. The vendor either delivered on time or did not deliver on time. If a particular risk event trigger appeared, then there usually ex- isted a time period, usually in days, when the risk response could be initiated. There might be dozens of risks, but each one could be defined and explained with only two or three variables.
This linear approach to risk management had several advantages for com- puter software projects:
� The risks were understandable and could be explained quite easily. � Management could understand the process from which a probability and
a consequence were obtained. � There was usually one risk impact for a given risk event. � No one was aware that one risk event may require dozens of strategies to
anticipate all the possible consequences.
One valid argument is that the risk of external collisions with the space ve- hicle as it accelerates to make orbital speed results in a multivariant, multidimen-
2Kerzner, H., Project Management: A Systems Approach to Planning, Scheduling and Controlling, 8th ed. (New York: John Wiley & Sons, 2003), p. 653.
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sional, nonlinear risk function that is very difficult to comprehend, much less manage. This is orders of magnitude more complex than the project risks en- countered when managing computer software development projects.
For this case study, risks and related terms will be defined according to the Project Management Institute’s PMBOK® Guide (Project Management Body of Knowledge).
� Risk: An uncertain event or condition that, if it occurs, has a positive or negative effect on a project’s objectives.
For this discussion, the focus will be on negative risks. This family of nega- tive risks can have detrimental consequences to the successful completion of the project. These risks may not happen, but if they do, we know the consequences will make it difficult to complete the project successfully. The consequences may range from a minor change in the timeline to total project failure. The key here is that for each risk, two variables are needed: probability of occurrence and a measurement.
� Risk triggers: These are indicators that a risk event has happened or is about to happen.
� Risk consequence(s): What could happen if the risk is triggered? Are we going to lose a few dollars, lose our job, or lose an entire business?
To analyze these standard terms, additional terms can be included. These terms are needed to adequately support managing risks that are multivariant, mul- tidimensional, and nonlinear risk functions:
� Risk scope: What parts of the project are affected if the risk is triggered? Does this risk jeopardize a task, a phase, or the entire project? Is the risk confined to one project or an entire portfolio of projects?
� Risk response rules: Given that the event occurred, and based on avail- able information, what is the best response? Can we derive rules to make intelligent decisions based on the information acquired when the risk event triggers or even the risk events occur?
� Risk response levels: Based on the variables and the response rules, the level of concern may range from not a problem to total destruction.
� Risk timeline: If the risk event or risk trigger occurs, how much time is available to make a decision about the best response to the risk? Are there two days to make a decision, or two seconds?
Risk Definitions and Some Terms 455
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All we know is that if the risk event is “triggered” or occurs, bad things can and will happen. Our goal is to minimize the consequences. Our plan is that by early identification and rigorous analysis of the risks, we will have time to de- velop a portfolio of responses to minimize the consequences from a risk event.
The three liquid fuel motors consume an amazing quantity of super cooled fuel. The main fuel tank is insulated to ensure that the fuel stays hundreds of degrees below the freezing point of water. It is this insulation that had a history of com- ing off the fuel tank and hitting the orbiter. It most cases, it caused very minor damage to the orbiter because the foam was usually the size of popcorn. In one or two previous launches, the foam was able to knock a tile off the orbiter. Fortunately, the orbiter was able to return safely. So for most of the launch team, the news that Columbia had been struck by foam was of minor concern.
After all, if the risk was not a major problem in one hundred previous launches, then it could not be a problem in this launch. Reviewing, our linear im- pact equation:
Risk impact � (Risk probability) � (Risk consequence)
The risk probability was very high, but the consequences were always ac- ceptable. Therefore, the conclusion was that it would always be an acceptable risk. This is what happens when there is only one risk consequence for the life of the risk event. People want to believe that the future is just the same history wait- ing to happen.
If getting the orbiter into space is one problem, then getting the orbiter back is an- other problem. Re-entry is a complex set of computer-guided maneuvers to change the speed of the vehicle into heat. And as the heat grows, the speed de- creases. Since the metal components of the shuttle melt around 2,000°F, the lead- ing edges of the orbiter are covered in ceramic tiles that melt at about 3,000°F. The tiles keep the 10,000°F re-entry heat from penetrating the vehicle. If all goes well, the computers bring the orbiter to a slow enough speed that a human being can land the vehicle.
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In Columbia’s launch, the foam knocked several of the tiles off the leading edge of the left wing and created a hole where the tiles had been attached. Upon re-entry, the hot gases entered Columbia’s left wing and melted the internal struc- ture. When enough of the wing melted, the wing collapsed and the orbiter blew apart.
What are some of the variables needed to understand the risk of foreign objects colliding with the vehicle from the time the rocket engines start until the rocket engines are jettisoned from the orbiter some ten minutes later?
Since the linear risk-impact equation may not be applicable, what kind of questions should we ask if we are to find a risk impact equation that could work?
Exhibit I examines what you need to measure and/or track if an object strikes the shuttle:
The Risk Function 457
Exhibit I. Concerns if an object strikes a space shuttle
1. What are the attributes of the foreign object? � What was it that you collided with? � What is the length, width, thickness? � What is the mass of the object? � What is the density of the object? � How hard is the object? � How is the mass of the object distributed? � Is it like a cannon ball, or dumbbells, or sheet of paper?
2. What are the attributes of the collision? � Where did it hit? � Were there multiple impact points? � How much damage was done? � Can the damage be verified and examined? � Is this an isolated event, or the first of many? � What was the angle of the collision? Was it a glancing blow or a direct contact? � Did the object hit and leave the area, or is it imbedded in the vehicle? � Why did the shuttle collide with it? Are you off course? Is something coming apart?
3. What are the attributes of the vehicle? � How fast was it going at the time of the collision? � Was it in the middle of a complex maneuver? � Did the collision damage a component needed in the current phase of the mission? � Did the collision damage a component needed later in the mission?
This is certainly not an exhaustive list, but it is already orders of magnitude more complex compared to most project managers’ experiences in risk manage- ment. Unfortunately, the problem is even more complex.
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The acceleration of the vehicles adds another dimension to the risk function. A collision with an object at 100 mph is not the same as that which occurs when the vehicle is going 200 mph. The damage will not be twice as much as with a linear equation (i.e., if you are going twice as fast, then there will be twice the damage). These risk functions have now become nonlinear. The damage caused when the speed doubles may be sixteen times more, not just twice as much. This has a significant impact on how often you track and record the ongoing events.
Time is also a critical issue. Time is not on your side in a project that moves this fast. It is not just the fact that the risks are nonlinear, but the response enve- lope is constantly changing. In a vehicle going from 0 to 15,000 mph, a lot can happen in a very short time.
Now let’s look at what happens to the simple risk–impact equation:
Risk impact � (Risk probability) � (Risk consequence)
One probability for a risk event may be sufficient, but the risk consequences are now a function of many variables that have to be measured before an impact can be computed. Also, the risk consequence may be a non-linear function. This is a much more complex problem than trying to identify one probability and one consequence per risk event.
It may be necessary to compress the risk consequence function into some rela- tively simple equations and then combine the simple equations into a much more complex mathematical statement. For example, consider the variables of dimen- sions, weight, and speed. What type of rules can we define to make the risk im- pact easily derived and of value in making responses to the risk? We might apply the following parameters:
Rule 1: If the sum of the three dimensions (length � width � height) is less than 30, then the risk level is “10.”
Rule 1: If the sum of the three dimensions (length � width � height) is more than 30, the risk level is “20.”
Rule 2: If the weight is more than 500 grams, then the Risk-Level is multi- plied by 1.5.
Rule 3: For every 5 seconds of flight, the risk level doubles.
This process can be continued for all relevant variables. Risk response level (RRL) is the sum of the individual risk levels computed.
If the RRL is less than 50, the event is taken as noncritical. If the RRL is less than 100, procedures A, B, and C should be initiated, and so on.
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This exercise provides us with “rules” to initiate action. There is no discus- sion or guessing as to the proper response to a hazardous event. There is no ne- cessity to contact management for approval to start further actions. There are no stare downs with management to minimize the event for political or other considerations.
The more complicated things get, the more important rules and preplanned responses become to successfully managing project risk.
In reviewing articles on the space shuttle events before and after its destruction, several things were learned:
� Debris had hit the shuttle during its powered ascent in previous launches. Management believed that because there were few problems in the past, the risk impact was known and would not change in the future.
� The lesson learned is not to make the same mistake. � Risks can be very complex. � The lesson learned is to study more about risk and how to document
the impact so even managers unfamiliar with risk management concepts can grasp complex impact functions.
� The shuttle crew never knew the spacecraft was doomed. By the time they were aware of the danger, the shuttle disintegrated.
� The lesson learned is that life is like that, and probably more often than you realize.
1. Peter Sprent, Taking Risks—The Science of Uncertainty (Penguin Books, 1988).
2. Daniel Kehrer, The Art of Taking Intelligent Risks (Times Books, 1989). 3. William Langewiesche, “Columbia’s Last Flight,” The Atlantic Monthly
(November, 2003).
References 459
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The rapid growth of the telecom industry made it apparent to Packer’s executives that risk management must be performed on all development projects. If Packer were late in the introduction of a new product, then market share would be lost. Furthermore, Packer could lose valuable opportunities to “partner” with other companies if Packer were regarded as being behind the learning curve with regard to new product development.
Another problem facing Packer was the amount of money being committed to R&D. Typical companies spend 8 to 10 percent of earnings on R&D, whereas in the telecom industry, the number may be as high as 15 to 18 percent. Packer was spending 20 percent on R&D, and only a small percentage of the projects that started out in the conceptual phase ever reached the commercialization phase, where Packer could expect to recover its R&D costs. Management attributed the problem to a lack of effective risk management.
PM: “I have spent a great deal of time trying to benchmark best practices in risk management. I was amazed to find that most companies are in the same boat as
Packer Telecom
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us, with very little knowledge in risk management. From the limited results I have found from other companies, I have been able to develop a risk management tem- plate for us to use.”
Sponsor: “I’ve read over your report and looked at your templates. You have words and expressions in the templates that we don’t use here at Packer. This con- cerns me greatly. Do we have to change the way we manage projects to use these templates? Are we expected to make major changes to our existing project man- agement methodology?”
PM: “I was hoping we could use these templates in their existing format. If the other companies are using these templates, then we should also. These templates also have the same probability distributions that other companies are using. I con- sider these facts equivalent to a validation of the templates.”
Sponsor: “Shouldn’t the templates be tailored to our methodology for managing projects and our life cycle phases? These templates may have undergone valida- tion, but not at Packer. The probability distributions are also based upon someone else’s history, not our history. I cannot see anything in your report that talks about the justification of the probabilities.
“The final problem I have is that the templates are based upon history. It is my understanding that risk management should be forward looking, with an at- tempt at predicting the possible future outcomes. I cannot see any of this in your templates.”
PM: “I understand your concerns, but I don’t believe they are a problem. I would prefer to use the next project as a ‘breakthrough project’ using these tem- plates. This will give us a good basis to validate the templates.”
Sponsor: “I will need to think about your request. I am not sure that we can use these templates without some type of risk management training for our employees.”
1. Can templates be transferred from one company to another, or should tailor- ing be mandatory?
2. Can probability distributions be transferred from one company to another? If not, then how do we develop a probability distribution?
3. How do you validate a risk management template? 4. Should a risk management template be forward looking? 5. Can employees begin using a risk management template without some form of
specialized training?
Questions 461
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Between 1992 and 1996, Luxor Technologies had seen their business almost quadruple in the wireless communications area. Luxor’s success was attributed largely to the strength of its technical community, which was regarded as second to none. The technical community was paid very well and given the freedom to innovate. Even though Luxor’s revenue came from manufacturing, Luxor was re- garded by Wall Street as being a technology-driven company.
The majority of Luxor’s products were based upon low cost, high quality appli- cations of the state-of-the-art technology, rather than advanced state-of-the-art tech- nological breakthroughs. Applications engineering and process improvement were major strengths at Luxor. Luxor possessed patents in technology breakthrough, ap- plications engineering, and even process improvement. Luxor refused to license their technology to other firms, even if the applicant was not a major competitor.
Patent protection and design secrecy were of paramount importance to Luxor. In this regard, Luxor became vertically integrated, manufacturing and assembling all components of their products internally. Only off-the-shelf components were purchased. Luxor believed that if they were to use outside vendors for sensitive component procurement, they would have to release critical and proprietary data to the vendors. Since these vendors most likely also serviced Luxor’s competitors, Luxor maintained the approach of vertical integration to maintain secrecy.
Being the market leader technically afforded Luxor certain luxuries. Luxor saw no need for expertise in technical risk management. In cases where the technical
Luxor Technologies
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Luxor Technologies 463
community was only able to achieve 75–80 percent of the desired specification limit, the product was released as it stood, accompanied by an announcement that there would be an upgrade the following year to achieve the remaining 20–25 per- cent of the specification limit, together with other features. Enhancements and upgrades were made on a yearly basis.
By the fall of 1996, however, Luxor’s fortunes were diminishing. The com- petition was catching up quickly, thanks to major technological breakthroughs. Marketing estimated that by 1998, Luxor would be a “follower” rather than a market leader. Luxor realized that something must be done, and quickly.
In January 1999, Luxor hired an expert in risk analysis and risk management to help Luxor assess the potential damage to the firm and to assist in development of a mitigation plan. The consultant reviewed project histories and lessons learned on all projects undertaken from 1992 through 1998. The consultant concluded that the major risk to Luxor would be the technical risk and prepared Exhibits I and II.
Exhibit I shows the likelihood of a technical risk event occurring. The con- sultant identified the six most common technical risk events that could occur at
Exhibit I. Likelihood of a technical risk
Event Likelihood Rating
• State-of-the-art advance needed 0.95 • Scientific research required 0.80 • (without advancements) • Concept formulation 0.40 • Prototype development 0.20 • Prototype testing 0.15 • Critical performance demonstrated 0.10
Exhibit II. Impact of a technical risk event
Impact Rating
With State-of- Without State-of- Event the-Art Changes the-Art Changes
• Product performance not at 0.95 0.80 • 100 percent of specification • Product performance not at 0.75 0.30 • 75–80 percent of specification • Abandonment of project 0.70 0.10 • Need for further enhancements 0.60 0.25 • Reduced profit margins 0.45 0.10 • Potential systems 0.20 0.05 • performance degradation
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Luxor over the next several years, based upon the extrapolation of past and present data into the future. Exhibit II shows the impact that a technical risk event could have on each project. Because of the high probability of state-of-the-art ad- vancements needed in the future (i.e., 95 percent from Exhibit I), the consultant identified the impact probabilities in Exhibit II for both with and without state- of-the-art advancement needed.
Exhibits I and II confirmed management’s fear that Luxor was in trouble. A strategic decision had to be made concerning the technical risks identified in Exhibit I, specifically the first two risks. The competition had caught up to Luxor in applications engineering and was now surpassing Luxor in patents involving state-of-the-art advancements. From 1992 to 1998, time was considered as a lux- ury for the technical community at Luxor. Now time was a serious constraint.
The strategic decision facing management was whether Luxor should strug- gle to remain a technical leader in wireless communications technology or sim- ply console itself with a future as a “follower.” Marketing was given the task of determining the potential impact of a change in strategy from a market leader to a market follower. The following list was prepared and presented to management by marketing:
1. The company’s future growth rate will be limited. 2. Luxor will still remain strong in applications engineering but will need to
outsource state-of-the-art development work. 3. Luxor will be required to provide outside vendors with proprietary infor-
mation. 4. Luxor may no longer be vertically integrated (i.e., have backward integration). 5. Final product costs may be heavily influenced by the costs of subcontractors. 6. Luxor may not be able to remain a low cost supplier. 7. Layoffs will be inevitable, but perhaps not in the near term. 8. The marketing and selling of products may need to change. Can Luxor still
market products as a low-cost, high quality, state-of-the-art manufacturer? 9. Price-cutting by Luxor’s competitors could have a serious impact on
Luxor’s future ability to survive.
The list presented by marketing demonstrated that there was a serious threat to Luxor’s growth and even survival. Engineering then prepared a list of alterna- tive courses of action that would enable Luxor to maintain its technical leadership position:
1. Luxor could hire (away from the competition) more staff personnel with pure and applied R&D skills. This would be a costly effort.
2. Luxor could slowly retrain part of its existing labor force using existing, experienced R&D personnel to conduct the training.
3. Luxor could fund seminars and university courses on general R&D meth- ods, as well as R&D methods for telecommunications projects. These programs were available locally.
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4. Luxor could use tuition reimbursement funds to pay for distance learning courses (conducted over the Internet). These were full semester programs.
5. Luxor could outsource technical development. 6. Luxor could purchase or license technology from other firms, including
competitors. This assumed that competitors would agree to this at a rea- sonable price.
7. Luxor could develop joint ventures/mergers with other companies which, in turn, would probably require Luxor to disclose much of its proprietary knowledge.
With marketing’s and engineering’s lists before them, Luxor’s management had to decide which path would be best for the long term.
1. Can the impact of one specific risk event, such as a technical risk event, cre- ate additional risks, which may or may not be technical risks? Can risk events be interrelated?
2. Does the list provided by marketing demonstrate the likelihood of a risk event or the impact of a risk event?
3. How does one assign probabilities to the marketing list? 4. The seven items in the list provided by engineering are all ways of mitigating
certain risk events. If the company follows these suggestions, is it adopting a risk response mode of avoidance, assumption, reduction, or deflection?
5. Would you side with marketing or engineering? What should Luxor do at this point?
Questions 465
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Following World War II, the United States entered into a Cold War with Russia. To win this Cold War, the United States had to develop sophisticated weapon sys- tems with such destructive power that any aggressor knew that the retaliatory ca- pability of the United States could and would inflict vast destruction.
Hundreds of millions of dollars were committed to ideas concerning tech- nology that had not been developed as yet. Aerospace and defense contractors were growing without bounds, thanks to cost-plus-percentage-of-cost contract awards. Speed and technological capability were judged to be significantly more important than cost. To make matters worse, contracts were often awarded to the second or third most qualified bidder for the sole purpose of maintaining compe- tition and maximizing the total number of defense contractors.
During this period Altex Corporation was elated when it learned that it had just been awarded the R&D phase of the Advanced Tactical Missile Program (ATMP). The terms of the contract specified that Altex had to submit to the Army, within
Altex Corporation
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Contract Award 467
60 days after contract award, a formal project plan for the two-year ATMP effort. Contracts at that time did not require that a risk management plan be developed. A meeting was held with the project manager of R&D to assess the risks in the ATMP effort.
PM: “I’m in the process of developing the project plan. Should I also develop a risk management plan as part of the project plan?”
Sponsor: “Absolutely not! Most new weapon systems requirements are estab- lished by military personnel who have no sense of reality about what it takes to develop a weapon system based upon technology that doesn’t even exist yet. We’ll be lucky if we can deliver 60–70 percent of the specification imposed upon us.”
PM: “But that’s not what we stated in our proposal. I wasn’t brought on board until after we won the award, so I wasn’t privileged to know the thought process that went into the proposal. The proposal even went so far as to imply that we might be able to exceed the specification limits, and now you’re saying that we should be happy with 60–70 percent.”
Sponsor: “We say what we have to say to win the bid. Everyone does it. It is common practice. Whoever wins the R&D portion of the contract will also be first in line for the manufacturing effort and that’s where the megabucks come from! If we can achieve 60–70 percent of specifications, it should placate the Army enough to give us a follow-on contract. If we told the Army the true cost of developing the technology to meet the specification limits, we would never get the contract. The program might even be canceled. The military people want this weapon system. They’re not stupid! They know what is happening and they do not want to go to their superiors for more money until later on, downstream, af- ter approval by DoD and project kickoff. The government wants the lowest cost and we want long-term, follow-on production contracts, which can generate huge profits.”
PM: “Aren’t we simply telling lies in our proposal?”
Sponsor: “My engineers and scientists are highly optimistic and believe they can do the impossible. This is how technological breakthroughs are made. I prefer to call it ‘over-optimism of technical capability’ rather than ‘telling lies.’ If my en- gineers and scientists have to develop a risk management plan, they may become pessimistic, and that’s not good for us!”
PM: “The problem with letting your engineers and scientists be optimistic is that they become reactive rather than proactive thinkers. Without proactive thinkers, we end up with virtually no risk management or contingency plans. When prob- lems surface that require significantly more in the way of resources than we
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budgeted for, we will be forced to accept crisis management as a way of life. Our costs will increase and that’s not going to make the Army happy.”
Sponsor: “But the Army won’t penalize us for failing to meet cost or for allow- ing the schedule to slip. If we fail to meet at least 60–70 percent of the specifica- tion limits, however, then we may well be in trouble. The Army knows there will be a follow-on contract request if we cannot meet specification limits. I consider 60–70 percent of the specifications to be the minimum acceptable limits for the Army. The Army wants the program kicked off right now.
“Another important point is that long-term contracts and follow-on production contracts allow us to build up a good working relationship with the Army. This is critical. Once we get the initial contract, as we did, the Army will always work with us for follow-on efforts. Whoever gets the R&D effort will almost always get the lucrative production contract. Military officers are under pressure to work with us because their careers may be in jeopardy if they have to tell their superi- ors that millions of dollars were awarded to the wrong defense contractor. From a career standpoint, the military officers are better off allowing us to downgrade the requirements than admitting that a mistake was made.”
PM: “I’m just a little nervous managing a project that is so optimistic that major advances in the state of the art must occur to meet specifications. This is why I want to prepare a risk management plan.”
Sponsor: “You don’t need a risk management plan when you know you can spend as much as you want and also let the schedule slip. If you prepare a risk management plan, you will end up exposing a multitude of risks, especially tech- nical risks. The Army might not know about many of these risks, so why expose them and open up Pandora’s box? Personally, I believe that the Army does al- ready know many of these risks, but does not want them publicized to their superiors.
“If you want to develop a risk management plan, then do it by yourself, and I really mean by yourself. Past experience has shown that our employees will be talking informally to Army personnel at least two to three times a week. I don’t want anyone telling the customer that we have a risk management plan. The cus- tomer will obviously want to see it, and that’s not good for us.
“If you are so incensed that you feel obligated to tell the customer what you’re doing, then wait about a year and a half. By that time, the Army will have made a considerable investment in both us and the project, and they’ll be locked into us for follow-on work. Because of the strategic timing and additional costs, they will never want to qualify a second supplier so late in the game. Just keep the risk management plan to yourself for now.
“If it looks like the Army might cancel the program, then we’ll show them the risk management plan, and perhaps that will keep the program alive.”
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1. Why was a risk management plan considered unnecessary? 2. Should risk management planning be performed in the proposal stage or af-
ter contract award, assuming that it must be done? 3. Does the customer have the right to expect the contractor to perform risk
analysis and develop a risk management plan if it is not called out as part of the contractual statement of work?
4. Would Altex have been more interested in developing a risk management plan if the project were funded entirely from within?
5. How effective will the risk management plan be if developed by the project manager in seclusion?
6. Should the customer be allowed to participate in or assist the contractor in developing a risk management plan?
7. How might the Army have responded if it were presented with a risk man- agement plan early during the R&D activities?
8. How effective is a risk management plan if cost overruns and schedule slip- pages are always allowed?
9. How can severe optimism or severe pessimism influence the development of a risk management plan?
10. How does one develop a risk management plan predicated upon needed ad- vances in the state of the art?
11. Can the sudden disclosure of a risk management plan be used as a stopgap measure to prevent termination of a potentially failing project?
12. Can risk management planning be justified on almost all programs and projects?
Questions 469
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Acme Corporation embarked upon an optimistic project to develop a new prod- uct for the marketplace. Acme’s scientific community made a technical break- through and now the project appears to be in the development stage, more than being pure or applied research.
The product is considered to be high tech. If the product can be launched within the next four months, Acme expects to dominate the market for at least a year or so until the competition catches up. Marketing has stated that the product must sell for not more than $150 to $160 per unit to be the cost-focused market leader.
Acme uses a project management methodology for all multifunctional projects. The methodology has six life cycle phases:
1. Preliminary planning 2. Detailed planning 3. Execution/design selection 4. Prototyping 5. Testing/buyoff 6. Production
At the end of each life cycle phase a gate/phase review meeting is held with the project sponsor and other appropriate stakeholders. Gate review meetings are
Acme Corporation
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formal meetings. The company has demonstrated success following this method- ology for managing projects.
At the end of the second life cycle stage of this project, detailed planning, a meeting is held with just the project manager and the project sponsor. The pur- pose of the meeting is to review the detailed plan and identify any future problem areas that will require involvement by the project sponsor.
Sponsor: “I simply do not understand this document you sent me entitled ‘Risk Management Plan.’ All I see is a work breakdown structure with work packages at level 5 of the WBS accompanied by almost 100 risk events. Why am I looking at more than 100 risk events? Furthermore, they’re not categorized in any man- ner. Doesn’t our project management methodology provide any guidance on how to do this?”
PM: “All of these risk events can and will impact the design of the final product. We must be sure we select the right design at the lowest risk. Unfortunately, our project management methodology does not include any provisions or guidance on how to develop a risk management plan. Perhaps it should.”
Sponsor: “I see no reason for an in-depth analysis of 100 or so risk events. That’s too many. Where are the probabilities and expected outcomes or damages?”
PM: “My team will not be assigning probabilities or damages until we get closer to prototype development. Some of these risk events may go away altogether.”
Sponsor: “Why spend all of this time and money on risk identification if the risks can go away next month? You’ve spent too much money doing this. If you spend the same amount of money on all of the risk management steps, then we’ll be way over budget.”
PM: “We haven’t looked at the other risk management steps yet, but I believe all of the remaining steps will require less than 10 percent of the budget we used for risk identification. We’ll stay on budget.”
1. Was the document given to the sponsor a risk management plan? 2. Did the project manager actually perform effective risk management?
Questions 471
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3. Was the appropriate amount of time and money spent identifying the risk events?
4. Should one step be allowed to “dominate” the entire risk management process?
5. Are there any significant benefits to the amount of work already done for risk identification?
6. Should the 100 or so risk events identified have been categorized? If so, how? 7. Can probabilities of occurrence and expected outcomes (i.e., damage) be ac-
curately assigned to 100 risk events? 8. Should a project management methodology provide guidance for the devel-
opment of a risk management plan? 9. Given the life cycle phases in the case study, in which phase would it be ap-
propriate to identify the risk management plan? 10. What are your feelings on the project manager’s comments that he must wait
until the prototyping phase to assign probabilities and outcomes?
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Part 12
Conflicts can occur anywhere in the project and with anyone. Some conflicts are severe, while others are easily solvable. In the past, we avoided conflicts when possible. Today, we believe that conflicts can produce beneficial results if the conflicts are managed correctly.
There are numerous methods available to project managers for the resolution of conflicts. The methods selected may vary depending on the severity of the con- flict, the person with whom the conflict exists and his/her level of authority, the life-cycle phase of the project, the priority of the project, and the relative impor- tance of the project as seen by senior management.
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Eddie Turner was elated with the good news that he was being promoted to sec- tion supervisor in charge of scheduling all activities in the new engineering re- search laboratory. The new laboratory was a necessity for Mayer Manufacturing. The engineering, manufacturing, and quality control directorates were all in des- perate need of a new testing facility. Upper-level management felt that this new facility would alleviate many of the problems that previously existed.
The new organizational structure (as shown in Exhibit I) required a change in policy over use of the laboratory. The new section supervisor, on approval from his department manager, would have full authority for establishing priorities for the use of the new facility. The new policy change was a necessity because upper- level management felt that there would be inevitable conflict between manufac- turing, engineering, and quality control.
After one month of operations, Eddie Turner was finding his job impossible, so Eddie has a meeting with Gary Whitehead, his department manager.
Eddie: “I’m having a hell of a time trying to satisfy all of the department man- agers. If I give engineering prime-time use of the facility, then quality control and manufacturing say that I’m playing favorites. Imagine that! Even my own people say that I’m playing favorites with other directorates. I just can’t satisfy everyone.”
Facilities Scheduling at Mayer Manufacturing
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Gary: “Well, Eddie, you know that this problem comes with the job. You’ll get the job done.”
Eddie: “The problem is that I’m a section supervisor and have to work with de- partment managers. These department managers look down on me like I’m their servant. If I were a department manager, then they’d show me some respect. What I’m really trying to say is that I would like you to send out the weekly memos to these department managers telling them of the new priorities. They wouldn’t ar- gue with you like they do with me. I can supply you with all the necessary infor- mation. All you’ll have to do is to sign your name.”
Gary: “Determining the priorities and scheduling the facilities is your job, not mine. This is a new position and I want you to handle it. I know you can because I selected you. I do not intend to interfere.”
During the next two weeks, the conflicts got progressively worse. Eddie felt that he was unable to cope with the situation by himself. The department man- agers did not respect the authority delegated to him by his superiors. For the next two weeks, Eddie sent memos to Gary in the early part of the week asking whether Gary agreed with the priority list. There was no response to the two memos. Eddie then met with Gary to discuss the deteriorating situation.
Eddie: “Gary, I’ve sent you two memos to see if I’m doing anything wrong in establishing the weekly priorities and schedules. Did you get my memos?”
Exhibit I. Mayer Manufacturing organizational structure
Others Engineering Manufacturing Quality Control
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Gary: “Yes, I received your memos. But as I told you before, I have enough problems to worry about without doing your job for you. If you can’t handle the work, let me know and I’ll find someone who can.”
Eddie returned to his desk and contemplated his situation. Finally, he made a decision. Next week he was going to put a signature block under his for Gary to sign, with carbon copies for all division managers. “Now, let’s see what hap- pens,” remarked Eddie.
Facilities Scheduling at Mayer Manufacturing 477
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“Now see here, Tom, I understand your problem well,” remarked Dr. Polly, di- rector of the Research Laboratories. “I pay you a good salary to run the safety labs. That salary also includes doing the necessary scheduling to match our pri- orities. Now, if you can’t handle the job, I’ll get someone who can.”
Tom: “Every Friday morning your secretary hands me a sheet with the listing of priorities for the following week. Once, just once, I’d like to sit in on the direc- tor’s meeting and tell you people what you do to us in the safety lab when you continually shuffle around the priorities from week to week.
“On Friday afternoons, my people and I meet with representatives from each project to establish the following week’s schedules.”
Dr. Polly: “Can’t you people come to an agreement?”
Tom: “I don’t think you appreciate my problem. Two months ago, we all sat down to work out the lab schedule. Project X-13 had signed up to use the lab last week. Now, mind you, they had been scheduled for the past two months. But the Friday before they were to use it, your new priority list forced them to resched- ule the lab at a later date, so that we could give the use of the lab to a higher- priority project. We’re paying an awful lot of money for idle time and the redo- ing of network schedules. Only the project managers on the top-priority projects end up smiling after our Friday meetings.”
Scheduling the Safety Lab
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Dr. Polly: “As I see your problem, you can’t match long-range planning with the current priority list. I agree that it does create conflicts for you. But you have to remember that we, upstairs, have many other conflicts to resolve. I want that one solved at your level, not mine.”
Tom: “Every project we have requires use of the safety lab. This is the basis for our problem. Would you consider letting us modify your priority list with regard to the safety lab?”
Dr. Polly: “Yes, but you had better have the agreement of all of the project man- agers. I don’t want them coming to see me about your scheduling problems.”
Tom: “How about if I let people do long-range scheduling for the lab, for three out of four weeks each month? The fourth week will be for the priority projects.”
Dr. Polly: “That might work. You had better make sure that each project man- ager informs you immediately of any schedule slippages so that you can resched- ule accordingly. From what I’ve heard, some of the project managers don’t let you know until the last minute.”
Tom: “That has been part of the problem. Just to give you an example, Project VX-161 was a top-priority effort and had the lab scheduled for the first week in March. I was never informed that they had accelerated their schedule by two weeks. They walked into my office and demanded use of the lab for the third week in February. Since they had the top priority, I had to grant them their re- quest. However, Project BP-3 was planning on using the lab during that week and was bumped back three weeks. That cost them a pile of bucks in idle time pay and, of course, they’re blaming me.”
Dr. Polly: “Well Tom, I’m sure you’ll find a solution to your problem.”
Scheduling the Safety Lab 479
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On November 15, 1978, the Department of Energy Resources awarded Telestar a $475,000 contract for the developing and testing of two waste treatment plants. Telestar had spent the better part of the last two years developing waste treatment technology under its own R&D activities. This new contract would give Telestar the opportunity to “break into a new field”—that of waste treatment.
The contract was negotiated at a firm-fixed price. Any cost overruns would have to be incurred by Telestar. The original bid was priced out at $847,000. Telestar’s management, however, wanted to win this one. The decision was made that Telestar would “buy in” at $475,000 so that they could at least get their foot into the new marketplace.
The original estimate of $847,000 was very “rough” because Telestar did not have any good man-hour standards, in the area of waste treatment, on which to base their man-hour projections. Corporate management was willing to spend up to $400,000 of their own funds in order to compensate the bid of $475,000.
By February 15, 1979, costs were increasing to such a point where overrun would be occurring well ahead of schedule. Anticipated costs to completion were now $943,000. The project manager decided to stop all activities in certain func- tional departments, one of which was structural analysis. The manager of the struc- tural analysis department strongly opposed the closing out of the work order prior to the testing of the first plant’s high-pressure pneumatic and electrical systems.
Telestar International
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Structures manager: “You’re running a risk if you close out this work order. How will you know if the hardware can withstand the stresses that will be im- posed during the test? After all, the test is scheduled for next month and I can probably finish the analysis by then.”
Project manager: “I understand your concern, but I cannot risk a cost overrun. My boss expects me to do the work within cost. The plant design is similar to one that we have tested before, without any structural problems being detected. On this basis I consider your analysis unnecessary.”
Structures manager: “Just because two plants are similar does not mean that they will be identical in performance. There can be major structural deficiencies.”
Project manager: “I guess the risk is mine.”
Structures manager: “Yes, but I get concerned when a failure can reflect on the integrity of my department. You know, we’re performing on schedule and within the time and money budgeted. You’re setting a bad example by cutting off our budget without any real justification.”
Project manager: “I understand your concern, but we must pull out all the stops when overrun costs are inevitable.”
Structures manager: “There’s no question in my mind that this analysis should be completed. However, I’m not going to complete it on my overhead budget. I’ll reassign my people tomorrow. Incidentally, you had better be careful; my people are not very happy to work for a project that can be canceled immediately. I may have trouble getting volunteers next time.”
Project manager: “Well, I’m sure you’ll be able to adequately handle any fu- ture work. I’ll report to my boss that I have issued a work stoppage order to your department.”
During the next month’s test, the plant exploded. Postanalysis indicated that the failure was due to a structural deficiency.
1. Who is at fault? 2. Should the structures manager have been dedicated enough to continue the
work on his own? 3. Can a functional manager, who considers his organization as strictly support,
still be dedicated to total project success?
Questions 481
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For the past several years, Kent Corporation had achieved remarkable success in winning R&D contracts. The customers were pleased with the analytical capabil- ities of the R&D staff at Kent Corporation. Theoretical and experimental results were usually within 95 percent agreement. But many customers still felt that 95 percent was too low. They wanted 98–99 percent.
In 1989, Kent updated their computer facility by purchasing a large com- puter. The increased performance with the new computer encouraged the R&D group to attempt to convert from two-dimensional to three-dimensional solutions to their theoretical problems. Almost everyone except the director of R&D thought that this would give better comparison between experimental and theo- retical data.
Kent Corporation had tried to develop the computer program for three- dimensional solutions with their own internal R&D programs, but the cost was too great. Finally, after a year of writing proposals, Kent Corporation convinced the federal government to sponsor the project. The project was estimated at $750,000, to begin January 2, 1991, and to be completed by December 20, 1991. Dan McCord was selected as project manager. Dan had worked with the EDP de- partment on other projects and knew the people and the man-hour standards.
Kent Corporation was big enough to support 100 simultaneous projects. With so many projects in existence at one time, continual reshuffling of resources was necessary. The corporation directors met every Monday morning to establish
The Problem with Priorities
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project priorities. Priorities were not enforced unless project and functional man- agers could not agree on the allocation and distribution of resources.
Because of the R&D director’s persistence, the computer project was given a low priority. This posed a problem for Dan McCord. The computer department manager refused to staff the project with his best people. As a result, Dan had se- vere skepticism about the success of the project.
In July, two other project managers held a meeting with Dan to discuss the availability of the new computer model.
“We have two proposals that we’re favored to win, providing that we can state in our proposal that we have this new computer model available for use,” re- marked one of the project managers.
“We have a low priority and, even if we finish the job on time, I’m not sure of the quality of work because of the people we have assigned,” said Dan.
“How do you propose we improve our position?” asked a project manager. “Let’s try to get in to see the director of R&D,” asserted Dan. “And what are we going to say in our defense?” asked one of the project
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Part 13
When the survival of the firm is at stake, workers often make decisions that may violate moral and ethical principles. Some may view an action as a violation whereas others may view it as an acceptable practice. Every day, people are placed in situations that may require a moral or ethical decision.
Some companies have found a solution to this problem by creating a standard practice manual or corporate credo that provides guidelines for how these deci- sions should be made. The guidelines identify the order in which certain stake- holders’ interests should be satisfied.
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Both the academic community that teaches project management and practitioners of project management appear to be in agreement that the most critical phase of any project is planning. But what if a major crisis happens, especially one that could have an extremely serious consequence upon the financial health, image or reputation of the company? Based upon the seriousness of the crisis, there may not be sufficient time to prepare a statement of work, work breakdown structure, detailed schedules, a budget, or even any semblance of a project plan. Yet action must be taken as quickly as possible.
During the last week of September and the first week of October in 1982, seven people died ingesting Extra-Strength Tylenol capsules laced with cyanide. Four years later in 1986, the same situation of product tampering of Tylenol occurred again, this time with the death of only one person. During both crises, Johnson & Johnson set the standard on how crises should be managed. Academia has been teaching the Tylenol case study for over nineteen years as an example of morality and ethics in business and what constitutes effective corporate responsibility.
This case study focuses more on the project management decisions than on the business decisions. The case also identifies the lessons learned in project man- agement and crisis project management.
The Tylenol Tragedies
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For some time, corporations in specific industries have found it necessary to sim- ulate and analyze worst-case scenarios for their products and services. These worst-case scenarios have been referred to as contingency plans, emergency plans, or disaster plans. These scenarios are designed around “known unknowns” where at least partial information exists on what events could happen.
Crisis management focuses on the “unknown unknowns,” which are tragedies without precedent. Crisis management requires a heads-up approach with a very quick reaction time combined with a concerted effort on the part of possibly all employees. In crisis management, decisions have to be made often without even partial information and perhaps before the full extent of the damage is known.
In a crisis, events happen so quickly and so unpredictably that it may be im- possible to perform any kind of planning. Statements of work, work breakdown structures, and detailed scheduling are nonexistent. Roles and responsibilities of key individuals may change on a daily basis. There may be very active involve- ment by a majority of the stakeholders. Company survival could rest entirely on how well a company manages the crisis.
In 1982, Johnson & Johnson was a health care giant with annual sales of over $5.4 billion. Johnson & Johnson owned 150 companies, one of which was McNeil Consumer Products, the maker of Tylenol.
Beginning in 1960, McNeil had carefully promoted Tylenol to physicians, hos- pitals, and pharmacies as an alternative pain reliever for people who suffered from the side effects of aspirin. By 1976, McNeil began aggressively advertising Tylenol to the general public, building on its reputation as a “professional product.”
With a massive advertising budget, Tylenol’s market share dominated other nonprescription painkillers such as Anacin, Bayer aspirin, Bufferin, and Excedrin. By 1982, Tylenol commanded an astounding 37 percent share of the $1 billion plus analgesic market. So much advertising and marketing money was poured into Tylenol that none of the other makers of acetominophen pain reliev- ers could threaten its dominance. Surprisingly enough, acetominophen is the only active ingredient in Tylenol, and any drug company could produce the product.
Tylenol accounted for 7 percent of Johnson & Johnson’s worldwide sales and 15 to 20 percent of its 1981 profits. Even though the U.S. economy was in the midst of a recession in 1981, Johnson & Johnson’s earnings were up 16.7 percent, and 1982 looked even better. McNeil executives were predicting that Tylenol could achieve a 50 percent market share within the next few years. Within the
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previous years (during the recession), the stock had climbed from the low 20s to 46 the night before the poisonings. McNeil and Johnson & Johnson were cer- tainly in an enviable position.
In September 1982, seven people died after taking Extra-Strength Tylenol laced with cyanide. All of the victims were relatively young. These deaths were the first ever to result from what came to be known as product tampering. All seven indi- viduals died within a one-week time period. The symptoms of cyanide poisoning are rapid collapse and coma and are difficult to treat.
On the morning of September 30, 1982, reporters began calling the head- quarters of Johnson & Johnson asking about information on Tylenol and Johnson & Johnson’s reaction to the deaths. This was the first that Johnson & Johnson had heard about the deaths and the possible link to Tylenol.
The news quickly spread to the fifth floor of Johnson & Johnson’s head- quarters building in New Brunswick, New Jersey. The chairman of Johnson & Johnson was James Burke, 57, a thirty-year veteran of Johnson & Johnson. The news came as a shock to Chairman Burke. Despite the company’s size, the news could have a huge, damaging impact on earnings.
Chairman Burke assigned David Collins, 48, to take charge of coordinating the company’s response to the Tylenol crisis. Collins was a former general coun- sel and company group chairman. A month earlier he had been named to Johnson & Johnson’s twelve-man executive committee and given the additional job of chairman of McNeil Consumer Products.
In addition to the personal qualifications of David Collins, there were several reasons why Burke asked him to take charge. First, Burke was a strong propo- nent of decentralized decision-making. Second, Tylenol was a McNeil product and Burke was hoping to insulate the parent company, Johnson & Johnson, from bad publicity. Third, Collins was the chairman of McNeil and, therefore, had the authority to commit McNeil resources to the crisis.
The Tylenol Poisonings 489
Lessons Learned: The project manager assigned to manage the cri- sis must be high enough in the organization to possess the authority for the immediate commitment of corporate resources. Approval processes that must follow the chain of command can rob the project manager of valuable time and prolong the crisis.
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Collins was asked by Burke to take a lawyer, a public relations aide, and a security person and fly immediately to McNeil, 60 miles away in Fort Washington, Pennsylvania, to handle things from there. It was important to Burke to isolate the parent company as much as possible from the potentially bad news that could possibly affect other Johnson & Johnson products. Burke was hoping that the news media would view Tylenol as a McNeil product, rather than a Johnson & Johnson product. Having the crisis managed from McNeil rather than Johnson & Johnson corporate certainly seemed the right thing to do at the time.
With very little information available at that time, and very little time to act, the crisis project was managed using three phases. The first phase was discovery, which included the gathering of any and all information from every possible source. The full complexity of the problem had to be known, as well as the asso- ciated risks. The second phase was the assessment and quantification of the risks and the containment of potential damage. The third phase was the establishment of a recovery plan and risk mitigation. Unlike traditional “life-cycle” phases, which could be months or years in duration, these phases would be in hours or days.
Lessons Learned: Because of the potential lack of information available at the beginning of the crisis, an abbreviated life-cycle phase approach is often more appropriate to use. This provides at least some initial guidance for crisis management. It is highly un- likely that during crisis management, sufficient time will exist for formal planning, scheduling, and WBS construction.
By the time Collins arrived at McNeil, the switchboards were lighting up at both McNeil and Johnson & Johnson. At first the calls came from the newspapers, TV, and radio stations, some as far away as Honolulu and Ireland. But as the story started to break, even more calls began to pour in from pharmacies, doctors, hos- pitals, poison control centers, and hundreds of panicked consumers, many asking for clarifications (which Johnson & Johnson couldn’t give), and many others making what turned out to be false reports of possible poisonings.
“It looked like the plague,” remarked Collins. “We had no idea where it would end. And the only information we had was that we didn’t know what was going on.” Collins’s first move was to call an old roommate of his from Notre Dame, a lawyer who handled some of Johnson & Johnson’s business in Chicago, and ask him to get down to the Cook County Medical Examiner’s Office, find out as much as he could, and call him back at McNeil. “I needed my own eyes and ears on the scene,” he said.
However serene the impeccably landscaped McNeil plant grounds appeared to Collins as his helicopter touched down on the pad, inside, the natural order of
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things was in turmoil. Harried managers were running back and forth between telephone banks and the office of McNeil President Joseph Chiesa, bringing in new reports of fatalities and other supposed poisonings. Each bit of information was scribbled with a laundry marker on drawing paper held by a big easel. As the reports accumulated, the sheets were ripped from the easel and pinned up on the walls. Soon the room was papered with a confusing mass of information with ar- rows drawn between them: victims, causes of deaths, lot numbers on the poisoned Tylenol bottles, the outlets where they had been purchased, dates when they had been manufactured, and the route they had taken through the distribution sys- tem—all the way back to the fourteen stainless steel machines in Fort Washington that encapsulated and spewed out pills at the rate of over 1,000 a minute.
From the start, the company found itself entering a closer relationship with the press than it was accustomed to. Johnson & Johnson bitterly recalled an inci- dent nine years earlier in which the media had circulated a misleading report sug- gesting that some baby powder had been contaminated by asbestos. But in the Tylenol case, Johnson & Johnson opened its doors. For one thing, the company was getting some of its most accurate and up-to-date information about what was going on around the country from the reporters calling in for comment. For an- other, Johnson & Johnson needed the media to get out as much information to the public as quickly as possible and prevent a panic.
The dangers of trying to manage the news were firmly in mind when the com- pany had to reverse itself on whether any cyanide was used on the premises. It was Collins’s first question to McNeil executives when he got off the helicopter. He was told no, but later in the day he learned to his dismay that cyanide was in fact used in the quality assurance facility next to the manufacturing plant to test the purity of raw materials. The public relations department released this startling bit of infor- mation to the press the next morning. While the reversal embarrassed the company briefly, Johnson & Johnson’s openness made up for any damage to its credibility— the last thing the company could afford to lose under the circumstances.
By the end of the first day, a Thursday spent largely sorting out facts from false alarms, Collins and the other McNeil executives felt strongly that the poi- sonings did not occur at their plant, either accidentally or intentionally. If some- one had dumped a dose of cyanide small enough to escape detection into one of the drug mixing machines, the mixture would have been so diluted as to be nearly harmless, and the contaminated pills would have ended up all around the country, not simply on Chicago’s West Side. Moreover, all the samples tested from the lot reported to have poisoned the first five Chicago victims turned out to be normal.
Regardless, the company couldn’t take the chance that the whole lot had not been poisoned and recalled all 93,000 bottles scattered across the country, an ex- pensive process for which the telegrams to doctors, hospitals, and distributors alone cost a half million dollars. McNeil also suspended all advertising for Tylenol.
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The first phase of the crisis ended early Friday morning when the company learned that the sixth victim had been poisoned with Tylenol capsules from a lot manufactured at McNeil’s other plant in Round Rock, Texas. That proved the tampering had to have taken place in Chicago and not in the manufacturing process, because poisoning at both plants would have been almost impossible. The discovery was important for the company because it signaled the end of its initial helter-skelter involvement with fact gathering and the beginning of its ef- fort to assess the impact the poisonings would have on its product. Also, Johnson & Johnson had to figure out what to do about it. But for Collins, who had gone to bed exhausted at a nearby motel at 2 A.M. only to be reawakened an hour later by a phone call reporting the Round Rock development, its significance—like so much else that first day—was not immediately apparent. “The fact the second batch came from Round Rock didn’t say a damn thing to me,” he admitted, “ex- cept that, oh Jesus, now I’ve got two lots to recall instead of one.”1 This was both bad and good news for Collins. The bad news, obviously, was that two lots had to be recalled. The good news, however, was that it now seemed unlikely that the tampering had occurred at McNeil.
Had the incident not been so extraordinary, Johnson & Johnson, ardent in its commitment to decentralization, would have expected McNeil Consumer Products to cope with the problem on its own. Reassuring as it was to have the resources of Johnson & Johnson at its disposal, McNeil executives didn’t seem altogether thrilled by the new scrutiny they were getting from above. “Managing a crisis is one thing,” said McNeil President Chiesa, “but managing all the help- ful advice is another.”
In Johnson & Johnson’s eyes, the Tylenol crisis was a major public health problem—and a major threat to the company. Johnson & Johnson carefully re- stricts the company name to relatively few items, such as baby products and Band- Aids. “One of the things that was bothering me,” said Burke, “is the extent to which Johnson & Johnson was becoming deeply involved in the affair. The public was learning that Tylenol was a Johnson & Johnson product, and the dilemma was how to protect the name and not incite whoever did this to attack other Johnson & Johnson products.” According to company surveys, less than 1 percent of con- sumers knew before the poisonings that Johnson & Johnson was the parent com- pany behind Tylenol; now more than 47 percent were aware of that fact.2
On the weekend of October 9th, Lawrence G. Foster, Johnson & Johnson’s vice president for corporate public relations, told the chairman that the crisis had
1Adapted from Thomas Moore, “The Fight to Save Tylenol,” Fortune, November 29, 1982, pages 44–49, ©1982 Time Inc. All rights reserved. 2“The Fight to Save Tylenol,” pages 44–49.
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unquestionably become a Johnson & Johnson problem. The company was at risk. Financially it wouldn’t topple—Tylenol accounted for only a small fraction of the profits—but there was an international reputation at stake.
On October 10th, Mr. Burke made up his mind. All 150 sister companies would pitch in; there would be no new name or second “fighting” brand. Tylenol would fight under its own flag. It was hell or high water.
The next morning, Monday, Mr. Burke and Mr. Clare, Johnson & Johnson’s president, huddled for three hours and concurred on the strategy. Other top exec- utives were notified that afternoon. “It would almost be an admission of some kind of guilt in my opinion to walk away from that name,” Mr. Nelson agreed. “We’d be very foolish. And even if a third of this business never came back, we’d still have the top-selling pain reliever in the world. . . . It’s better than a sharp stick in the eye.”
On Tuesday morning, October 12th, at a meeting of fifty company presidents and corporate staffers, Mr. Burke declared, “This is an unequivocal decision.”
Suddenly the corporation had some direction. Bleary eyes got a little brighter; snippy impatience was leavened with occasional humor. The executives even knit- ted themselves together with shared bromides, such as, “We’re the guy who got hit by the truck,” or, “Is there more upside than downside if we make this move?”3
Burke quickly decided to elevate the management of the crisis to the corpo- rate level, personally taking charge of the company’s response and delegating re- sponsibility for running the rest of the company to other members of the execu- tive committee.
The members of the executive committee responsible for developing strate- gies for the crisis project, as well as crisis decision making, were:
� James Burke, Johnson & Johnson chairman � David Clare, Johnson & Johnson president � George Frazza, general counsel � Lawrence Foster, vice president of public relations � David Collins, McNeil Consumer Products chairman � Wayne Nelson, group chairman � Arthur Quilty, executive committee member
An Important Discovery 493
3Adapted from Rick Atkinson, “The Tylenol Nightmare: How a Corporate Giant Fought Back,” The Kansas City Times, November 12, 1982, page 3.
Lessons Learned: Based on the seriousness of the crisis, there could be multiple committees with the overseeing or strategy com- mittee made up entirely of senior corporate executives.
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There were several reasons why Burke decided to take control of the situa- tion himself. First, Burke believed that the crisis could become a national crisis with the future of self-medication at stake. Second, Burke recognized that the reputation of Johnson & Johnson was now at stake, even though all of the spokes- people up to this point had carefully been labeled as McNeil employees. Third, and perhaps the toughest decision of all, was Burke’s belief that McNeil may not be able to battle the crisis alone.
The fourth reason was the need for a Johnson & Johnson corporate spokesper- son. James Burke was about to become that corporate spokesperson. This was one of the few times that a CEO had appeared on television. Burke’s first decision was to completely cooperate with the news media. The general public, medical com- munity, and Food and Drug Administration were immediately notified.
There was some concern that pulling the capsules off of the shelves would provide instant gratification to the killer, resulting in the tampering of other Johnson & Johnson products. Also, there could be a whole series of “copycat” tamperings that could affect the entire industry.
There was also a discussion over offering a reward for information leading to prosecution of the killer. At first, they settled for a $1 million reward leading to the culprit’s conviction. However, the FBI feared that this would result in more blind leads than the agency could handle. The reward was then reduced to $100,000 and announced at a news conference.
Lessons Learned: When managing a crisis project, especially dur- ing the early phases, effective communication is critical. All commu- nication channels must remain open, free of political intervention, and hopefully based upon trust and honesty. Failing to do this could result in "burning bridges" with information sources such that repairs cannot be made prior to the closure of the crisis. The project manager assigned to the project must possess strong communication skills and foster a culture of trust with all of the stakeholders.
Lessons Learned: The company spokesperson must be a profes- sional communicator who understands how to represent both the cri- sis project and the company.
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Instead of providing incomplete information or only the most critical pieces and stonewalling the media, Burke provided all information available. He quickly and honestly answered all questions from anyone. This was the first time that a corporate CEO had become so visible to the media and the public. James Burke spoke with an aura of trust.
Tylenol quickly captured the nation’s attention. Queries from the press on the Tylenol story exceeded 2,500. Two news clipping services generated in excess of 125,000 clippings. One of them said the Tylenol story had resulted in the widest domestic coverage of any story since the assassination of President John F. Kennedy. Associated Press and United Press International gave it second place as the impact story of 1982—only coverage of the nation’s economy ranked higher. The television and radio coverage was staggering.4
Before the first week came to an end, more than 100 state and federal agents were spread across the Chicago area in a painstaking effort to reconstruct the route of the poisoned capsules. The route of the contaminated Tylenol capsules was as follows:
� The capsules were manufactured in Fort Washington, Pennsylvania, and Round Rock, Texas.
� From the plants, McNeil then shipped the capsules to thirty-five states, including Illinois.
� In Chicago, McNeil delivered the capsules to almost a hundred whole- salers, some of whom would keep them in the warehouse for a few days.
� Sometime in August, the wholesalers sold the Tylenol capsules to retail outlets.
The investigators believed that the tampering occurred after the capsules reached Illinois. This was based upon the theory that potassium cyanide is corro- sive and would eventually destroy the gelatin shell. Investigators began experi- menting with potassium cyanide and its decomposition to see if they could pin- point the precise point in time when the tampering occurred.
Other investigative teams were focusing on possible disgruntled workers or former employees in one of a number of companies that physically handled the product along its route. The initial conclusion was that the poisoning was a will- ful act and not a manufacturing accident.
While the first phase had been one of problem identification and contain- ment, the second phase was one of communication. Burke allotted the next week
An Important Discovery 495
4Lawrence G. Foster, “The Johnson & Johnson Credo and The Tylenol Crisis,” New Jersey Bell Journal, Vol. 6, No. 1 (Spring 1983), page 3.
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to establishing a good working relationship between the company and the police and health authorities investigating the crime. On Monday, he went to Washington to meet with the FBI and the Food and Drug Administration. Burke had begun to advocate a recall of all Extra-Strength Tylenol capsules but—in a surprising role reversal—both the FBI and the FDA counseled him against recalling the drug precipitously. “The FBI didn’t want us to do it,” explained Burke, “because it would say to whoever did this: Hey, I’m winning. I can bring a major corporation to its knees.’ And the FDA argued a recall might cause more public anxiety than it would relieve.”
On Tuesday, however, following what appeared to be a copycat strychnine poisoning with Tylenol capsules in California, the FDA agreed with Burke that he had to recall all Tylenol capsules—31 million bottles with a retail value of over $100 million. “Often our society rails against bigness,” Burke said, “but this has been an example where size helps. If Tylenol had been a separate company, the decisions would have been much tougher. As it was, it was hard to convince the McNeil people that we didn’t care what it cost to fix the problem.”5
There were several options available to Burke and the strategy committee. Some of the options included:
� Tell the Johnson & Johnson story in hopes that the public would be sym- pathetic and Tylenol could recover quickly.
� Take aggressive action in a search for the killer, placing all blame else- where.
� Replace the capsules with another type of product (i.e., caplets). � Recall only those batches that were contaminated. � Recall all Extra-Strength Tylenol capsules. � After recall, relaunch the product under the same name but different
packaging. � After recall, relaunch the product under a different name and different
Deciding which option to select would certainly be a difficult decision. Looking over Burke’s shoulder were the stakeholders who would be affected by Johnson & Johnson’s decision. Among the stakeholders were stockholders, lend- ing institutions, employees, managers, suppliers, government agencies, and the consumers.
Consumers: The consumers had the greatest stake in the crisis because their lives were on the line. The consumers must have confidence in the products they purchase and believe that they are safe to use as directed.
5“The Fight to Save Tylenol,” page 48.
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Stockholders: The stockholders had a financial interest in the selling price of the stock and the dividends. If the cost of removal and replacement, or in the worst-case scenario of product redesign, were substantial, it could lead to a financial hardship for some investors who were relying on the income.
Lending institutions: Lending institutions provide loans and lines of credit. If the present and/or future revenue stream is impaired, then the funds available might be reduced and the interest rate charge could increase. The future revenue stream of its products could affect the quality rating of its debt.
Government: The primary concern of the government was in protecting public health. In this regard, government law enforcement agencies were committed to apprehending the murderer. Other government agencies would provide assistance in promoting and designing tamper-resistant packages in an effort to restore consumer confidence.
Management: Company management had the responsibility to protect the image of the company, as well as its profitability. To do this, management must convince the public that management will take whatever steps are necessary to protect the consumer.
Employees: Employees have the same concerns as management but are also somewhat worried about possible loss of income, or even employment.
Whatever decision Johnson & Johnson selected was certain to displease at least some of the stakeholders. Therefore, how does a company decide which stakehold- ers’ needs are more important? How does a company prioritize stakeholders?
For Jim Burke and the entire strategy committee, the decision was not very difficult—just follow the corporate credo.
For more than forty-five years, Johnson & Johnson had a corporate credo, shown in Appendix A, which clearly stated that the company’s first priority is to the users of Johnson & Johnson’s products and services. Everyone knew the credo, what it stood for, and the fact that it must be followed. The corporate credo guided the decision-making process, and everyone knew it without having to be told.
When the crisis had ended, Burke recalled that no meeting had been con- vened for the first critical decision: to be open with the press and put the con- sumer’s interest first. “Every one of us knew what we had to do,” Mr. Burke
An Important Discovery 497
Lessons Learned: Some sort of structured decision-making process should be in place during crisis management. Whatever process is used should be readily understood and acceptable to all parties in- volved in the crisis. Corporate credos or corporate standard practice manuals can make the decision-making process easier.
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commented. “There was no need to meet. We had the credo philosophy to guide us.”
By mid-week, an extortion note threatening a second wave of poisonings turned up at McNeil. “Imagine our reaction,” explained Collins. “We get this note that says send $1 million to a bank account number at Continental Bank in Illinois. We had to laugh. This guy’s gotta be an idiot. We’re still not convinced he did it.”
Through advertisements promising to exchange capsules for tablets, through thousands of letters to the trade, and through statements to the media, the com- pany was hoping to demystify the incident. “There was a lot of noise out there, most of it associating Tylenol with death,” said Chiesa. “We wanted to clear up any misunderstanding, to make sure everyone had all the facts we did, that the problem was limited to one area of the country, and only a few bottles of Tylenol capsules were contaminated.”6
Advice was pouring in by the sackful. A Pittsburgh man offered some new names for Tylenol—perhaps Lespane or Apamin or Painex. There was a sugges- tion from Atlantic City that Tylenol be canned like chili. An Ontario couple sent $10—which was returned—as a contribution to the reward.
A psychic in Schenectady, New York, breezily notified the company that the killer was a Chicago pharmacist “dressed in a white smock, buttoned up to the neck, and white trousers.” A boy sent a $5 billion extortion note, carefully com- posed of letters clipped from the newspaper, and included his home address. The Colorado School of Mines offered to extract cyanide from any contaminated cap- sules so thoroughly that they could still be marketed. Thanks anyway, the com- pany politely replied.
Mr. Burke argued that:
There are some very real problems with all the suggestions put forth. “Tylenol II: Change the color from red to green because red is stop, green is go; change the name.
The public collectively just isn’t easy to fool. When the public is watch- ing carefully, they make incredibly smart decisions. They’re just so much smarter collectively than we are individually.”7
From the start, Burke squelched one obvious option: abandoning Tylenol and reintroducing the pain reliever under a new name. Despite the long odds many outside marketing experts gave against a complete comeback, and despite the fact
6“The Fight to Save Tylenol,” page 48. 7“The Tylenol Nightmare,” page 3.
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that sales of Tylenol products initially dropped 80 percent, company executives said they never had any question about whether to bring back Tylenol. Said Wayne Nelson, Collins’s predecessor at McNeil, who was now a company group chairman, “Even in our worst-case scenarios where we get back only half the base we had before, it would still be the market leader.”
By the second weekend, Burke had moved on to the third phase: rebuilding the brand. “We were still in a state of shock,” explained Burke. “It’s like going through a death in the family. But the urgency of bringing about Tylenol’s recov- ery makes it important we move out of the mourning stage faster than usual.”
It seemed clear that the company would have to come up with a new tamper- resistant package, as would the rest of the drug industry. But how consumers ultimately felt about the product—and what conflicts the poisonings posed in their minds—would be the determining factor in the comeback. Burke called in Young & Rubicam, Johnson & Johnson’s oldest advertising agency, to begin polling con- sumer attitudes. Initially he wanted to know how the public was reacting to the crisis, but he also knew the surveys would be indispensable in building a database for what was obviously going to be, as he put it, “a very complicated communi- cations problem.”
One of the more astonishing things learned from the first surveys was that an overwhelming number of people—94 percent of the consumers surveyed— were aware that Tylenol had been involved with the poisonings. The implications of that figure, when coupled with other data, were both good and bad.
The good news, said Burke, was that 87 percent of the Tylenol users surveyed said they realized the maker of Tylenol was not responsible for the deaths. The bad news was that although a high percentage didn’t blame Tylenol, 61 percent still said they were not likely to buy Extra-Strength capsules in the future. Worse, 50 percent felt that way about Tylenol tablets as well as capsules. In short, many consumers knew it wasn’t Tylenol’s fault but said they were not going to buy it anyway, revealing a fear associated with the name that was not likely to dissipate soon.
The most heartening piece of information in the surveys—and the one on which the company based its comeback strategy—was that the frequent Tylenol user seemed much more inclined to go back to the product than the infrequent user. The message: the company can forget about making new converts in the next year or two. Instead, it would concentrate on bringing back to the fold the loyal customers of the past.
Good News, Bad News 499
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“People forget how we built up such a big and important franchise,” said Burke. “It was based on trust. People started taking Tylenol in hospitals or be- cause their doctors recommended it. In other words, they were not well and in a highly emotional state.” The contrary view, it can be argued, is that those same people who originally bought Tylenol because they didn’t want to take a chance on aspirin’s side effects are the last people who would want to take a chance now with the emotionally charged brand name.
The competition was not standing idly by. American Home Products had in- creased production of its acetaminophen, Anacin-3, at both its plants from two to three shifts on a round-the-clock basis. Bristol-Myers did not discuss any mar- keting plans it had for its acetaminophen, Datril, except to say that demand was up considerably and the company was looking into new packaging for all its anal- gesic products.8
It would not be easy designing a new tamper-resistant package. There were a thou- sand tasks, and each time one was completed, two others seemed to spring up in its stead. Nothing was more crucial than the new packaging, and the chairman headed the task force on tamper resistance himself. Everyone in the industry real- ized that the first product on the market to be sheathed in some kind of anti- tampering protection would reap enormous psychological benefits. And that meant dollars—each share of the analgesic market was worth $15 million to retail sales.
A small team was formed at McNeil, quickly christened Machiavelli & Co., which tried to outwit the dozen or so tamper-resistant methods available. “Tylenol had been on TV right alongside a skull and crossbones.” Mr. Clare said, “so we knew whatever the rest of industry was going to do, we had to do more.”
After a mad scramble among the drug companies for machines and material, McNeil settled on a triple seal: A glued carton; a shrink sleeve on the bottle neck; and foil covering beneath the cap. It was decided that the first “put ups,” or ship- ments, would be Extra-Strength Tylenol capsules in bottles of 50, the most pop- ular size.
By this time, the engineers and executives were beginning to think of the whole ordeal as a kind of over-the-counter space race. Production went to three shifts, seven days a week. There were agonizing logistical roadblocks—the shrink sleeve, for instance, had to be mounted by hand, despite a search through Asia and Europe for enough machinery.
Carton machinery had to be reconfigured to glue rather than fold boxes. New graphics had to be designed. They wanted to call the anti-tampering device the
8“The Fight to Save Tylenol,” page 49.
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Tylenol “safety seal,” but first they had to hunt down the man who owned the trademark to that phrase and license it from him for $2,000 a year.9
The Race Begins 501
9“The Tylenol Nightmare,” page 4. 10“The Johnson & Johnson Credo and the Tylenol Crisis,” page 2.
Lessons Learned: Under the pressure of the crisis, very little time existed for planning. The only viable way to plan effectively, if at all possible, is with rolling wave planning. Hopefully, this can be achieved with minimal risk and minimal scope changes.
David R. Clare, president of Johnson & Johnson and chairman of its execu- tive committee had these comments:
There probably are as many emergency plans worked out and ready to go within the Johnson & Johnson organization as there are in any other com- pany that tries to prepare for unforeseen emergencies. But the events sur- rounding the Tylenol crisis were so atypical that we found ourselves impro- vising every step of the way.
I doubt that even now we could devise a plan of action to deal with all as- pects of the Tylenol situation. Events happened so quickly and so unpre- dictably that it would be impossible to anticipate the critical decisions that had to be made.10
Estimates on the extra cost ranged from a penny to 4 cents a bottle. But somehow no one had thought about whether to pass it along to the customer un- til Joe Chiesa, the McNeil president, suddenly announced on a television talk show late one night that the company would eat the price increase. The Johnson & Johnson executives were stunned. Of course! Brilliant!
“If he hadn’t made that judgment, I think we would have horsewhipped him,” Mr. Burke quipped.
The packaging frenzy came to a climax on Thursday afternoon, November 4th. Mr. Burke, Mr. Frazza, and Mr. Collins swooped down to Washington in the company chopper for an emergency meeting with Richard Schweiker, secretary of Health and Human Services, and Dr. Hayes of the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). In mid-meeting, the chairman pulled out samples of the newly packaged capsules.
Both Mr. Schweiker and Dr. Hayes had trouble getting the bottles open. The secretary turned to Mr. Burke and said, “Everybody else is going to have a pack- age. You’ve got an armored tank.”
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Amid this small triumph there were dozens of other critical decisions to make. No mine field was more hazardous than advertising. If the product wasn’t aggres- sively peddled, the market would wither away permanently. But if the company was perceived as pushy or manipulative, consumers would balk at returning to the fold.
Mr. Burke and his executives watched nearly six hours of taped consumer re- actions to Tylenol. They commissioned survey after survey of public sentiment. The polls showed that one American in five still didn’t know the tampering had occurred outside the plant, but they also showed that millions would be willing to take Tylenol capsules again if the bottles were made tamper-proof.
The campaign began to take shape. Three commercials were filmed, all geared at luring back former users since the surveys indicated that consumers who had never taken Tylenol before were a hopeless cause for now. A print ad was drafted for release November 21st that said, “The Makers of Tylenol want to say ‘THANK YOU, AMERICA’ for your continuing confidence and support.”11
The makers of Tylenol embarked on an extremely delicate mission of psycholog- ical warfare. Timing was crucial. If Johnson & Johnson brought Tylenol back be- fore the hysteria had subsided, the product could die on the shelves. If the com- pany waited too long, the competition could gain an enormous lead.
Sophisticated though the consumer surveys were, they didn’t give a clear an- swer on timing. “The problem with consumer research,” said an impatient Joe Chiesa, “is that it reflects attitudes and not behavior. The best way to know what consumers are really going to do is put the product back on the shelves and let them vote with their hands.”
With carefully measured public-service-like ads vowing to regain consumer trust, the company had set a discreet tone for its new campaign. Said Collins, “We’re coming back against a tragedy, so there’s no way we can come riding in on elephants, blowing horns and saying here we are.”
Perhaps even more important was the effort that most of the public would never see. At the end of October, a month to the day after the crisis began, Burke mobilized 2,259 salespeople from all of Johnson & Johnson’s domestic sub- sidiaries to persuade doctors and pharmacists to begin recommending Tylenol tablets to patients and customers. It was the same road the makers of Tylenol had taken when they began marketing the product twenty-two years earlier. Tylenol was not out of the game, but it was back at square one.12
11“The Tylenol Nightmare,” page 4. 12“The Fight to Save Tylenol,” page 49.
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Everything was in place. Return to the marketplace would be announced in a New York news conference on Thursday, November 11th, and transmitted by satellite to thirty cities. Then Mr. Burke would fly to San Diego for a “high road” speech to a convention of editors, stressing that “We don’t want to let the bastard (the killer) win.”
The rest would be up to the consumer. And the courts would decide whether Johnson & Johnson should have foreseen the lunatic in Chicago. The question persisted: Should the packages have been tamper-resistant?13
From the day the deaths were linked to the poisoned Tylenol until the recall on Thursday, November 11th, Johnson & Johnson had succeeded in portraying it- self to the public as a company willing to do what was right, regardless of cost.
Serving the public interest had simultaneously saved the company’s reputa- tion. That lesson in public responsibility—the public relations—would survive at Johnson & Johnson, regardless of what happened to Tylenol.
From crisis to comeback, the following is just a partial list of activities undertaken by the company:
� McNeil established toll-free consumer hot lines in the first week of the crisis to respond to inquiries related to the safety of Tylenol. Through November, more than 30,000 phone calls were handled through this medium.
� A full-page ad was placed in major newspapers across the country on October 12th, offering consumers the opportunity to exchange capsules for tablets.
� In October, Johnson & Johnson communicated by letter on two separate occasions with its domestic employees and retirees, keeping them up- dated on important information and expressing thanks for continued sup- port and assistance. In part, the communication urged employees and friends of Johnson & Johnson to request that Tylenol tablets be returned to those local drug stores and retail outlets where they had been removed.
� A sixty-second spot was broadcast in October and November featuring Dr. Thomas Gates, medical director for McNeil, alerting consumers to the im- pending return of the Tylenol capsules in tamper-resistant packaging. An estimated 85 percent of all TV households in the United States saw the commercial an average of 2.5 times during the first week of airing.
� Members of the Corporate Relations Department of Johnson & Johnson visited more than 160 congressional offices in Washington to accomplish a
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13“The Tylenol Nightmare,” page 4.
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number of goals related to the Tylenol comeback. These included voicing support for federal criminal legislation making product tampering a felony and endorsing public service announcements by the Food & Drug Administration on tamper-resistant packaging. Resolutions were under consideration in Congress to commend the FDA, the industry, and Johnson & Johnson for the prompt and effective response to the Tylenol crisis.
� Johnson & Johnson executives made personal appearances or were inter- viewed for such print and video feature presentations as Fortune, The Wall Street Journal, 60 Minutes, The Phil Donahue Show, ABC Nightline, and Live at Five (New York). A number of additional executives were briefed for interviews on Tylenol that were being requested by TV and ra- dio talk shows.
� Four videotaped special reports on the Tylenol crisis and comeback were prepared and distributed or shown to employees and retirees. The tapes, which lasted more than three hours, covered all important aspects of the evolving Tylenol story and treated at length the November 11 teleconfer- ence and the appearance of James E. Burke, chairman of the board, on The Phil Donahue Show.
� The Johnson & Johnson quarterly report in October informed stockhold- ers of the impact of the Tylenol capsule withdrawal.
� A four-minute videotape was prepared for use by television programs covering tamper-resistant packaging. The footage depicted the produc- tion of Tylenol in the new tamper-resistant packaging and established the important triple-seal features as the standard for the industry.
� As a matter of policy, all letters directed to Johnson & Johnson and McNeil on Tylenol from consumers were answered. By late November, the company had responded to more than 3,000 inquiries and letters of support.14
By Christmas week, 1982, Tylenol had recovered 67 percent of its original market. The product was coming back faster and stronger than the company had anticipated.
Among the key components of the McNeil/Johnson & Johnson Tylenol comeback campaign were the following:
� Tylenol capsules were reintroduced in November in triple-seal, tamper- resistant packaging, with the new packages beginning to appear on retail shelves in December. Despite the unsettled conditions at McNeil caused
14“The Tylenol Comeback,” A Special Report from the Editors of Worldwide, A Publication of Johnson & Johnson Corporate Public Relations, undated. Reprinted from Johnson & Johnson Worldwide, Vol. 17, No. 5 (December 1982).
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by the withdrawal of the Tylenol capsules in October, the company, with its new triple-sealed package, was the first in the industry to respond to the national mandate for tamper-resistant packaging and the new regula- tions from the Food & Drug Administration.
� In an effort to encourage the American consumer to become reaccus- tomed to using Tylenol, McNeil Consumer Products Company provided the opportunity of obtaining free $2.50-off coupons good toward the pur- chase of any Tylenol product. Consumers simply phoned a special toll- free number to be placed on the list of those receiving the coupons. The same offer was made on two separate occasions in November and December through high-circulation newspapers containing the $2.50 coupon. McNeil estimated that these two programs would stimulate mil- lions of trials of Tylenol before the end of the year.
� McNeil sales people were working to recover former stock levels for Tylenol by implementing an off-invoice pricing program that provided the buyer with discounts linked to wholesale purchasing patterns estab- lished prior to October. Discounts went as high as 25 percent.15
Three years later, by 1985, the company had recovered virtually its entire market share, outselling the next four analgesics combined. The company had spent more than $175 million to survive and conquer what was potentially one of the biggest disasters in the drug industry. This included more than $60 million in one year’s advertising to reintroduce its new Tylenol. The Tylenol disaster had far-reaching effects in that virtually all nonprescription drugs, as well as many other products, are now packaged in tamper-resistant packages.
Some people believed that James Burke almost single-handedly saved Tylenol, especially when Wall Street believed that the Tylenol name was dead. Burke courageously made some decisions against the advice of government agents and some of his own colleagues. He appeared on a variety of talk shows, such as The Phil Donahue Show and 60 Minutes. His open and honest approach to the crisis convinced people that Johnson & Johnson was also a victim. According to Johnson & Johnson spokesman, Bob Andrews, “The American pub- lic saw this company was also the victim of an unfortunate incident and gave us our market back.”
Both Johnson & Johnson and James Burke received nothing but accolades and support from the media and general public for the way the crisis was handled. A sampling of opinion from newspapers across the United States includes:
� Wall Street Journal: “Johnson & Johnson, the parent company that makes Tylenol, set the pattern of industry response. Without being asked,
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15“The Tylenol Comeback.”
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it quickly withdrew Extra-Strength Tylenol from the market at a very considerable expense . . . the company chose to take a large loss rather than expose anyone to further risk. The anti-corporation movement may have trouble squaring that with the devil theories it purveys.”
� Washington Post: “Though the hysteria and frustration generated by random murder have often obscured the company’s actions, Johnson & Johnson has effectively demonstrated how a major business ought to han- dle a disaster. From the day the deaths were linked to the poisoned Tylenol . . . Johnson & Johnson has succeeded in portraying itself to the public as a company willing to do what’s right regardless of cost.”
� Express and News (San Antonio, Texas): “In spite of the $100 million loss it was facing, the company . . . never put its interests ahead of solv- ing the murders and protecting the public. Such corporate responsibility deserves support.”
� Evening Independent (St. Petersburg, Florida): “The company has been straightforward and honest since the first news of the possible Tylenol link in the Chicago-area deaths. Some firms would have tried to cover up, lie or say ‘no comment.’ Johnson & Johnson knows better. Its first con- cern was to safeguard the public from further contamination, and the best way to do that was to let people know what had occurred by speaking frankly with the news media.”
� Morning News (Savannah, Georgia): “Tylenol’s makers deserve ap- plause for their valiant attempt to recover from the terrible blow they have suffered. . . .”16
Federal and local law enforcement agencies had logged into the computer some 20,000 names of potential Tylenol killers, and 400 of them were scrutinized extensively. Two of them were eventually convicted. James Lewis, forty years old, admitted writing a letter to Johnson & Johnson threatening more deaths un- less he was paid $1 million. He was found guilty of extortion and received a ten- year sentence in federal prison.
Six weeks after the murders, after receiving a tip, police questioned Roger Arnold, forty-eight years old, a laborer in the Jewel Food Stores warehouse. He was released due to lack of evidence. The next June, according to the police, he shot and killed a man he believed to be a tipster. He was convicted of second- degree murder. Neither Lewis, Arnold, nor anyone else was convicted for the original Tylenol deaths.
16“The Tylenol Comeback.”
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The speed with which a company can react to a crisis is often dependent upon the corporate culture. If the culture of the firm promotes individualism and internal competition, employees will feel threatened by the crisis, become nonsupportive, and refuse to help even if it is in their own best interest. Such was not the case at Johnson & Johnson. The culture at Johnson & Johnson was one of cooperation. Employees were volunteering to assist in any way possible to help Johnson & Johnson and McNeil out of the crisis.
On November 11, 1982, Mr. Burke announced that Johnson & Johnson would give consumers a free $2.50 coupon good toward the purchase of any Tylenol product. The free coupon could be obtained by calling an 800 number, which Mr. Burke gave out at a teleconference for the media, portions of which were rebroadcast on local TV and radio news shows.
Within minutes after the conference closed, a telephone center that had been set up at McNeil headquarters in Fort Washington, Pennsylvania, was swamped with calls—and would continue to be inundated for the next two weeks.
In fact, the number of calls proved to be much more than McNeil manage- ment had anticipated. The day after the teleconference, Peter Scarperi, vice pres- ident of finance and a member of the management board, appealed to McNeil em- ployees to pitch in and handle the phones on a volunteer basis—on the weekend. How fast was the response? “Within an hour we had all the people we needed for nearly the entire weekend,” said Mr. Scarperi.17 During the eleven-day period fol- lowing the announcement, McNeil received 136,000 calls. By the first week of December, there were over 210,000 calls by consumers.
Emblematic of the responsiveness, determination, and spirit characterizing the manner in which the crisis and the recovery program had been handled—both inside and outside the company—is the story of McNeil’s employee buttons. The following is reprinted from TYLINE, a McNeil employee publication:
Like everyone, (McNeil employee) Tony McGeorge wanted to be of help any way he could. “It was so frustrating not to be able to do more,” he said. “So I headed up an ad hoc employee morale committee (with Logan P. Hottle, director, professional sales staff), and we came up with a suggestion for the button.”
The button, of course, is the thumbs-up “We’re coming back” badge worn all over McNeil. The committee received approval for the idea late one Friday afternoon. They called an outside manufacturer and described how the button should look. . . . The manufacturer called his production facility in California at 5:30 P.M. Eastern time.
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17“The Tylenol Comeback.”
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The finished buttons were delivered to McNeil by that Sunday noon—free of charge, a gift from the manufacturer.18
Lessons Learned: Project management works exceptionally well when the organization has a cooperative culture. Decision-making is rapid and full organizational support exists. Employees make deci- sions in the best interest of the company (and consumers) rather than their own self-interest.
On Monday afternoon, February 10, 1986, Johnson & Johnson was informed that Diane Elsroth, a young woman in Westchester County, New York, had died of cyanide poisoning after ingesting Extra-Strength Tylenol capsules. Johnson & Johnson immediately sent representatives to Yonkers to attempt to learn more and to assist in the investigation. Johnson & Johnson also began conferring by tele- phone with the FDA and the FBI, both in Washington and at the respective field offices.
Johnson & Johnson endorsed the recommendation of the FDA and local au- thorities that people in the Bronxville/Yonkers, New York area not take any of these capsules until the investigation was completed. Although from the outset Johnson & Johnson had no reason to believe that this was more than an isolated event, Johnson & Johnson concurred with the FDA recommendation that nation- ally no one take any capsules from the affected lot number ADF 916 until further notice. The consumers were asked to return products from this lot for credit or ex- change. The tainted bottle was part of a batch of 200,000 packages shipped to re- tailers during the previous August, 95 percent of which had already been sold to consumers. Johnson & Johnson believed other people would have reported prob- lems months ago if the batch had been tainted either at the manufacturing plant or at distribution sites.
Once again Johnson & Johnson made its CEO, James Burke, its lead spokesperson. And once again the media treated Johnson & Johnson fairly be- cause of the openness and availability of James Burke and other Johnson & Johnson personnel. Johnson & Johnson responded rapidly and honestly to all in-
18“The Tylenol Comeback.” 19This entire section has been adapted from James E. Burke’s speech to the U.S. Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources, February 28, 1986.
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formation requests by the media, a lesson remembered from the 1982 Tylenol tragedy.
Johnson & Johnson responded to hundreds of news media inquiries, provid- ing up-to-the minute information, and also held three major press conferences in a week’s time at its headquarters. It established a free, 800 telephone hotline through which consumers and retailers could contact McNeil Consumer Products Company to receive the latest information and advisories. And it suspended all television advertisements as of the evening of February 10th.
On February 11th, Johnson & Johnson initiated a pick-up of the entire Tylenol capsule inventory from all retail outlets in a three-mile radius of the store where it is believed the bottle of poisoned capsules had been purchased. Laboratories of the FDA and McNeil Consumer Products Company began chem- ical analyses of capsules retrieved from the Westchester County area. Additionally, as they did in 1982, Johnson & Johnson began polling consumers through independent research organizations to track their awareness and under- standing of the extent of the problem and attitudes toward their products.
On the afternoon of February 11th, Johnson & Johnson called a major news conference to aid in communicating accurate information to the public and to make certain that the public was aware of the nature of the problem. The FDA also picked up and analyzed thousands of Tylenol capsules from the Westchester County area, which led to the finding of a second bottle that contained five cap- sules of cyanide on February 13th.
The second bottle confirmed to be tainted came from the shelves of a Woolworth’s store in the New York City suburb of Bronxville, about two blocks from an A&P Food Store that was the source of the capsules taken by Diane Elsroth. The second bottle apparently was manufactured at a different plant than the first.
Within minutes of notification that the FDA had found a second bottle of contaminated capsules, Johnson & Johnson issued a nationwide release to the news media urging consumers not to use Tylenol capsules until further notice. On the evening of the 13th, Johnson & Johnson initiated a withdrawal of all capsule put-ups from wholesalers, retailers, and consumers in the Westchester County area. Johnson & Johnson also began urging the trade nationwide to remove all capsule put-ups from their shelves.
At the second news conference on February 14th, Johnson & Johnson again requested retailers to remove Tylenol capsule products from their shelves. All con- sumers were advised to return those products to Johnson & Johnson. A reward of $100,000 was offered for information leading to the identification of the person or persons responsible for the poisoned Tylenol capsules in Westchester County.
During exhaustive deliberations over the weekend of February 15th and 16th, Johnson & Johnson concluded that the company could no longer guarantee the safety of capsules to a degree consistent with Johnson & Johnson’s standards of responsibility to its consumers. The packaged capsules were tamper-resistant, not tamper-proof. Thus on Monday, February 17th, Johnson & Johnson announced at
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the third press conference that Johnson & Johnson would no longer manufacture or sell any capsule products made directly available to the consumer, and that they have no plans to reenter this business in the foreseeable future. “We were aided in this judgment by the knowledge that we had the caplet available, a solid dosage form that all our research showed was an acceptable alternative to the majority of our capsule users,” remarked Burke. “We also announced on February 17th that we would replace all capsules in the hands of consumers and the trade with caplets or tablets. We issued a toll-free 800 number consumers could call for a product ex- change or a full refund, and we announced a Tylenol capsule exchange address.”
After the tamperings in the Chicago area in the fall of 1982, the over-the-counter medications and the packaging industries examined a broad range of technologies designed to protect the consumer against product tamperings. Johnson & Johnson had conducted an exhaustive review of virtually every viable technology. Ultimately, they had selected for Tylenol capsules a triple-safety-sealed system that consisted of glued flaps on the outer box, a tight printed plastic seal over the cap and neck of the bottle, and a strong foil seal over the mouth of the bottle.
The decision to reintroduce capsules had been based on marketing research done during that time. This research indicated that the capsules remained the dosage form of choice for many consumers. Many felt they were easier to swallow, and some felt that they provided more potent pain relief. While there was no basis in fact for the latter perception—tablets, caplets, and capsules are all equally effective—it was not an irrelevant consideration. “To the extent that some people think a pain re- liever may be more powerful, a better result can often be achieved,” said Burke. “This is due to a placebo effect but is nonetheless beneficial to the consumer.”
Given these findings and Johnson & Johnson’s confidence in the new triple- seal packaging system, the decision had been made to reintroduce Extra-Strength Tylenol pain relievers in capsule form.
Clearly, circumstances were different in 1986. In light of the Westchester events, Johnson & Johnson no longer believed that it could provide an adequate level of assurance of the safety of hollow capsule products sold direct to consumers. For this reason, management made the decision to go out of that business. “We take
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this action with great reluctance and a heavy heart,” Burke said in announcing the action. “But we cannot control random tampering with capsules after they leave our plant. Therefore, we feel our obligation to consumers is to remove capsules from the market to protect the public.” The company, Burke said, had “fought our way back” after the deaths of seven people who ingested cyanide-laced Tylenol capsules in 1982. He went on to say:
We will do it again. We will encourage consumers to use either the solid tablets or caplets. The caplet is especially well-suited to serve the needs of capsule users. It is oval-shaped like a capsule, 35 percent smaller and coated to facilitate swallowing. It is also hard like a tablet and thus extremely diffi- cult to violate without leaving clearly visible signs. We developed this dosage form as an alternative to the capsule. Since its introduction in 1984, it has become the analgesic dosage form of choice for many consumers.
Burke noted further that, “while this decision is a financial burden to us, it does not begin to compare to the loss suffered by the family and friends of Diane Elsroth.” His voice quavered as he referred to the woman who died. He said he had expressed, on behalf of the company, “our heartfelt sympathy to Diane’s fam- ily and loved ones.”
In abandoning the capsule business, Johnson & Johnson had taken the bold- est option open to it in dealing with an attack on its prized Tylenol line. At the same time, the company used the publicity generated by the latest Tylenol scare as an opportunity to promote other forms of the drug, particularly its so-called caplets. Johnson & Johnson initially balked at leaving the Tylenol capsule busi- ness, which represented about one-third of the $525 million in Tylenol sales in 1985. Mr. Burke said he was loath to take such a step, noting that if “we get out of the capsule business, others will get into it.” Also, he said, pulling the capsules would be a “victory for terrorism.”
In Washington, Food and Drug Administration Commissioner Frank Young said the agency respected Johnson & Johnson’s decision. “This is a matter of Johnson & Johnson’s own business judgment and represents responsible actions under tough circumstances,” the agency said in a statement, adding that it “didn’t suggest, direct or pressure Johnson & Johnson into this action.” Meanwhile, other over-the-counter drug makers said Johnson & Johnson’s decision was premature, and some indicated that they wouldn’t abandon capsules.
People had thought that the 1982 tampering incident would mean an end to Tylenol. Now the same people believed that Tylenol would survive because it had already demonstrated once that it could do so. If survival would be in caplets, then industry would eventually follow. The FDA was planning to meet with in- dustry officials to discuss what technological changes might be necessary to re- spond effectively to this problem. At stake was a re-examination of over-the- counter capsules, which included dozens of products ranging from Contac decongestant to Dexatrim diet formula.
Withdrawal from the Direct-to-Consumer Capsule Business 511
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During congressional testimony, Burke said,
I have been deeply impressed by the commitment and performance of gov- ernment agencies, especially the FDA and the FBI. I cannot imagine how any organizations could have been more professional, more energetic or more rational in exercising their responsibilities to the American public.
In addition, the media performed a critical role in telling the public what it needed to know in order to provide for its own protection. In the vast ma- jority of instances, this was accomplished in a timely and accurate fashion. Within the first week following the Westchester incidents, polling revealed nearly 100 percent of consumers in the New York area were aware of the problem. I believe this is an example of how a responsible press can serve the public well being.
The wide availability of self-medications through the open market in the United States is part of our unparalleled health care delivery system. We must work together to maintain the advantages of this system. For industry and government, this means doing what is appropriate to provide for the safety of consumer products. At the same time, we must maximize the free- dom and accessibility needed for maintaining full advantage of an open mar- ketplace—not the least of which is enlightened product selection. For the consumer, this means continued education and awareness. As has often been noted, no system yet designed can absolutely guarantee freedom from prod- uct tampering; the careful consumer must always be the most important sin- gle element in providing for his or her own safety.
Once again, Johnson & Johnson received high marks, this time for the way it han- dled the second Tylenol tragedy. This was evident from the remarks of Mr. Simonds, McNeil’s vice president of marketing. “There’s a real unity of purpose and positive attitude here at McNeil. Any reservations people had about the effect of removing capsules from the company’s product line are long since resolved. We realized there was no good alternative” to the action announced by Johnson & Johnson Chairman James E. Burke because, Mr. Simonds went on to say, “as we simply could not guarantee the safety of the capsule form.”
20Adapted from Burke, 1986.
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As in the aftermath of the 1982 tragedies, Mr. Simonds adds, everybody at McNeil “pulled together.” More than 300 McNeil employees manned the con- sumer phone lines, with four of them even fielding calls in Spanish.
The employees were buoyed by unsolicited testimonials from consumers. One man in Savannah, Georgia, wrote Mr. Burke that “You and your people de- serve the right to walk with pride!” Members of a fifth-grade class in Manchester, Missouri, wrote that they “will continue to support and buy your products.”
Many of the correspondents did not know what they could do to help but clearly wanted to do something. A man in Yonkers, New York (near where the tampering occurred), for example, wrote, “In my small way I am donating a check in the amount of $10 to offset some of the cost of this kind of terrorism. I would like to donate it in the names of my two children, Candice and Jennifer. Now it (the capsule recall and discontinuation) will only cost Johnson & Johnson $149,999,990.” (The check was returned with thanks.)
Nor were the testimonials and words of thanks just from consumers. The New York Times said that in dealing with a public crisis “in a forthright way and with his decision to stop selling Tylenol in capsule form, Mr. Burke is receiving praise from analysts, marketing experts and from consumers themselves.”
The Cleveland Plain Dealer said “the decision to withdraw all over-the- counter capsule medications, in the face of growing public concern about the vul- nerability of such products, was sadly but wisely arrived at.”
The magazine U.S. News and World Report wrote, “No company likes bad news, and too few prepare for it. For dealing with the unexpected, they could take lessons from Johnson & Johnson.”
And columnist Tom Blackburn in the Miami News put it this way: “Johnson & Johnson is in business to make money. It has done that very well. But when the going gets tough, the corporation gets human, and that makes it something spe- cial in the bloodless business world.”
Perhaps most significantly, President Reagan, opening a meeting of the Business Council (comprised of corporate chief executives) in Washington, D.C., said, “Let me congratulate one of your members, someone who in recent days has lived up to the highest ideals of corporate responsibility and grace under pressure. Jim Burke of Johnson & Johnson, you have our deepest admiration.”
That kind of support from many sources has spurred McNeil, and the results are evident. “There is absolutely no doubt about it. We’re coming back— again!”21
Accolades and Support 513
21 “Tylenol Begins Making a Solid Recovery,” Worldwide, A Publication of Johnson & Johnson Corporate Public Relations, 1986.
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We believe our first responsibility is to the doctors, nurses and patients, to mothers and all others who use our products and services. In meeting their needs everything we do must be of high quality. We must constantly strive to reduce our costs in order to maintain reasonable prices. Customers’ orders must be serviced promptly and accurately. Our suppliers and distributors must have an opportunity to make a fair profit.
We are responsible to our employees, the men and women who work with us throughout the world. Everyone must be considered as an individual. We must respect their dignity and recognize their merit. They must have a sense of security in their jobs. Compensation must be fair and adequate, and work- ing conditions clean, orderly and safe. Employees must feel free to make suggestions and complaints. There must be equal opportunity for employ- ment, development and advancement for those qualified. We must provide competent management, and their actions must be just and ethical.
We are responsible to the communities in which we live and work and to the world community as well. We must be good citizens—support good works and charities and bear our fair share of taxes. We must encourage civic improvements and better health and education. We must maintain in good order the property we are privileged to use, protecting the environment and natural resources.
Our final responsibility is to our stockholders. Business must make a sound profit. We must experiment with new ideas. Research must be carried on, innovative programs developed and mistakes paid for. New equipment must be purchased, new facilities provided and new products launched. Reserves must be created to provide for adverse times. When we operate ac- cording to these principles, the stockholders should realize a fair return.
*Reproduced by permission of Johnson & Johnson. This is the 1979–1989 version of the Credo. Small changes were made to the Credo in 1989.
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Part 14
Scope changes on a project can occur regardless of how well the project is planned or executed. Scope changes can be the result of something that was omit- ted during the planning stage, because the customer’s requirements have changed, or because changes in technology have taken place.
The two most commonly used methods for scope change control are (1) allow- ing continuous scope changes to occur but under the guidance of the configuration management process and (2) clustering all scope changes together to be accom- plished later as an enhancement project. In each of these two methods there are risks and rewards. The decision of when to select one over the other is not always black or white, but more so a gray area.
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How does one convert a $1.2 billion project into a $5.0 billion project? It’s easy. Just build a new airport in Denver. The decision to replace Denver’s Stapleton Airport with Denver International Airport (DIA) was made by well-intentioned city officials. The city of Denver would need a new airport eventually, and it seemed like the right time to build an airport that would satisfy Denver’s needs for at least fifty to sixty years. DIA could become the benchmark for other airports to follow.
A summary of the critical events is listed below:
1985: Denver Mayor Federico Pena and Adams County officials agree to build a replacement for Stapleton International Airport. Project estimate: $1.2 billion
1986: Peat Marwick, a consulting firm, is hired to perform a feasibility study in- cluding projected traffic. Their results indicate that, depending on the sea- son, as many as 50 percent of the passengers would change planes. The new airport would have to handle this smoothly. United and Continental object to the idea of building a new airport, fearing the added cost burden.
May 1989: Denver voters pass an airport referendum. Project estimate: $1.7 billion
Denver International Airport (DIA)
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March 1993: Denver Mayor Wellington Webb announces the first delay. Opening day would be postponed from October, 1993 to December 1993. (Federico Pena becomes Secretary of Transportation under Clinton). Project estimate: $2.7 billion
October 1993: Opening day is to be delayed to March 1994. There are problems with the fire and security systems in addition to the inoperable baggage han- dling system. Project estimate: $3.1 billion
December 1993: The airport is ready to open, but without an operational baggage handling system. Another delay is announced.
February 1994: Opening day is to be delayed to May 15, 1994 because of bag- gage handling system.
May 1994: Airport misses the fourth deadline.
August 1994: DIA finances a backup baggage handling system. Opening day is delayed indefinitely. Project estimate: $4 billion plus.
December 1994: Denver announces that DIA was built on top of an old Native American burial ground. An agreement is reached to lift the curse.
Prior to the Airline Deregulation Act of 1978, airline routes and airfare were es- tablished by the Civil Aeronautics Board (CAB). Airlines were allowed to charge whatever they wanted for airfare, based on CAB approval. The cost of additional aircraft was eventually passed on to the consumer. Initially, the high cost for air- fare restricted travel to the businessperson and the elite who could afford it.
Increases in passenger travel were moderate. Most airports were already un- derutilized and growth was achieved by adding terminals or runways on existing airport sites. The need for new airports was not deemed critical for the near term.
Following deregulation, the airline industry had to prepare for open market competition. This meant that airfares were expected to decrease dramatically. Airlines began purchasing hoards of planes, and most routes were “free game.” Airlines had to purchase more planes and fly more routes in order to remain prof- itable. The increase in passenger traffic was expected to come from the average per- son who could finally afford air travel.
Deregulation made it clear that airport expansion would be necessary. While airport management conducted feasibility studies, the recession of 1979–1983
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occurred. Several airlines, such as Braniff, filed for bankruptcy protection under Chapter 11 and the airline industry headed for consolidation through mergers and leveraged buyouts.
Cities took a wait-and-see attitude rather than risk billions in new airport de- velopment. Noise abatement policies, environmental protection acts, and land ac- quisition were viewed as headaches. The only major airport built in the last twenty years was Dallas–Ft. Worth, which was completed in 1974.
In 1974, even prior to deregulation, Denver’s Stapleton Airport was experiencing such rapid growth that Denver’s Regional Council of Governments concluded that Stapleton would not be able to handle the necessary traffic expected by the year 2000. Modernization of Stapleton could have extended the inevitable problem to 2005. But were the headaches with Stapleton better cured through modernization or
Does Denver Need a New Airport? 519
Exhibit I. Current service characteristics: United Airlines and Continental Airlines, December 1993 and April 1994
Average Enplaned Scheduled Boarding Scheduled Seats per passengersa Seatsb Load Factor Departuresb Departure
December 1993________________
United Airlines 641,209 1,080,210 59% 7,734 140 United Express 57,867 108,554 53% 3,582 30 Continental Airlines 355,667 624,325 57% 4,376 143 Continental Express 52,680 105,800 50% 3,190 33 Other 236,751 357,214 66% 2,851 125________ ________ ______
Total 1,344,174 2,276,103 59% 21,733 105
April 1994________________
United Airlines 717,093 1,049,613 68% 7,743 136 United Express 44,451 92,880 48% 3,395 27 Continental Airlines 275,948 461,168 60% 3,127 147 Continental Express 24,809 92,733 27% 2,838 33 Other 234,091 354,950 66% 2,833 125________ ________ ______
Total 1,296,392 2,051,344 63% 19,936 103
a Airport management records. b Official Airline Guides, Inc. (on-line database), for periods noted.
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by building a new airport? There was no question that insufficient airport capacity would cause Denver to lose valuable business. Being 500 miles from other major cities placed enormous pressure upon the need for air travel in and out of Denver.
In 1988, Denver’s Stapleton International Airport ranked as the fifth busiest in the country, with 30 million passengers. The busiest airports were Chicago, Atlanta, Los Angeles, and Dallas–Ft. Worth. By the year 2000, Denver antici- pated 66 million passengers, just below Dallas–Ft. Worth’s 70 million and Chicago’s 83 million estimates.
Delays at Denver’s Stapleton Airport caused major delays at all other airports. By one estimate, bad weather in Denver caused up to $100 million in lost income to the airlines each year because of delays, rerouting, canceled flights, putting travelers into hotels overnight, employee overtime pay, and passengers switching to other air-
Exhibit II. Airlines serving Denver, June 1994
Major/National Airlines Regional/Commuter Airlines
America West Airlines Air Wisconsin (United Express)b
American Airlines Continental Express Continental Airlines GP Express Airlines Delta Air Lines Great Lakes Aviation (United Express) Markair Mesa Airlines (United Express) Midway Airlines Midwest Expressb
Morris Aira
Northwest Airlines Cargo Airlines TransWorld Airlines United Airlines Airborne Express USAir Air Vantage
Alpine Air Charter Airlines American International Airways
Ameriflight Aero Mexico Bighorn Airways American Trans Air Burlington Air Express Casino Express Casper Air Express One Corporate Air Great American DHL Worldwide Express Private Jet Emery Worldwide Sun Country Airlines Evergreen International Airlines
EWW Airline/Air Train Foreign Flag Airlines (scheduled) Federal Express
Kitty Hawk Martinair Holland Majestic Airlines Mexicana de Aviacion Reliant Airlines
United Parcel Service Western Aviators
a Morris Air was purchased by Southwest Airlines in December 1993. The airline announced that it would no longer serve Denver as of October 3, 1994.
b Air Wisconsin and Midwest Express have both achieved the level of operating revenues needed to qualify as a national airline as defined by the FAA. However, for purposes of this report, these airlines are referred to as regional airlines.
Source: Airport management, June 1994.
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lines. Denver’s United Airlines and Continental comprised 80 percent of all flights in and out of Denver. Exhibit I shows the service characteristics of United and Continental between December 1993 and April 1994. Exhibit II shows all of the air- lines serving Denver as of June 1994. Exhibit III shows the cities that are serviced from Denver. It should be obvious that delays in Denver could cause delays in each of these cities. Exhibit IV shows the top ten domestic passenger origin-destination markets from Denver Stapleton.
Stapleton was ranked as one of the ten worst air traffic bottlenecks in the United States. Even low clouds at Denver Stapleton could bring delays of 30 to 60 minutes.
Stapleton has two parallel north-south runways that are close together. During bad weather where instrument landing conditions exist, the two runways are con- sidered as only one. This drastically reduces the takeoffs and landings each hour.
The new airport would have three north-south runways initially with a mas- ter plan calling for eight eventually. This would triple or quadruple instrument flights occurring at the same time to 104 aircraft per hour. Currently, Stapleton can handle only thirty landings per hour under instrument conditions with a max- imum of eighty aircraft per hour during clear weather.
The runway master plan called for ten 12,000 foot and two 16,000 foot run- ways. By opening day, three north-south and one east-west 12,000 foot runways would be in operation and one of the 16,000 foot north-south runways would be operational shortly thereafter.
Does Denver Need a New Airport? 521
Source: Official Airline Guides, Inc. (On-line Database), June 1994.
Served by major national airlines
Served by regional/ commuter airlines
Served by both major/national and regional/commuter airlines
Exhibit III. U.S. airports served nonstop from Denver
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The airfield facilities also included a 327-foot FAA air traffic control tower (the nation’s tallest) and base building structures. The tower’s height allowed controllers to visually monitor runway thresholds as much as three miles away. The runway/taxiway lighting system, with lights imbedded in the concrete pavement to form centerlines and stopbars at intersections, would allow air traffic controllers to signal pilots to wait on taxiways and cross active runways, and to lead them through the airfield in poor visibility.
Due to shifting winds, runway operations were shifted from one direction to another. At the new airport, the changeover would require four minutes as op- posed to the 45 minutes at Stapleton.
Sufficient spacing was provided for in the concourse design such that two FAA Class 6 aircraft (i.e. 747-XX) could operate back-to-back without impeding each other.
Exhibit IV. Top ten domestic passenger origin-destination markets and airline service, Stapleton International Airport (for the 12 months ended September 30, 1993)
Percentage of Certificated Average Daily
City of Orgin or Air Miles Airline Nonstop Destinationa from Denver Passengers Departuresb
1. Los Angelesc 849 6.8 34 2. New Yorkd 1,630 6.2 19 3. Chicagoe 908 5.6 26 4. San Franciscof 957 5.6 29 5. Washington, D.C.g 1,476 4.9 12 6. Dallas–Forth Worth 644 3.5 26 7. Houstonh 864 3.2 15 8. Phoenix 589 3.1 19 9. Seattle 1,019 2.6 14
10. Minneapolis 693 2.3 16_____ ___
Cities listed 43.8 210
All others 56.2 241_____ ___
Total 100.0 451
a Top ten cities based on total inbound and outbound passengers (on large certificated airlines) at Stapleton International Airport in 10 percent sample for the 12 months ended September 30, 1993.
b Official Airline Guides, Inc.(on-line database), April 1994. Includes domestic flights operated at least four days per week by major/national airlines and excludes the activity of foreign-flag and commuter/regional airlines.
c Los Angeles International, Burbank–Glendale–Pasadena, John Wayne (Orange County), Ontario International, and Long Beach Municipal Airports.
d John F. Kennedy International, LaGuardia, and Newark International Airports. e Chicago-O’Hare International and Midway Airports. f San Franciscio, Metropolitan Oakland, and San Jose International Airports. g Washington Dulles International, Washington National, and Baltimore/Washington International Airports. h Houston Intercontinental and William P. Hobby Airports. Sources: U.S. Department of Transportation/Air Transport Association of America, “Origin-Destination Survey of Airline Passenger Traffic, Domestic,” third quarter 1993, except as noted.
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Even when two aircraft (one from each concourse) have pushed back at the same time, there could still exist room for a third FAA Class 6 aircraft to pass between them.
City officials believed that Denver’s location, being equidistant from Japan and Germany, would allow twin-engine, extended range transports to reach both countries nonstop. The international opportunities were there. Between late 1990 and early 1991, Denver was entertaining four groups of leaders per month from Pacific Rim countries to look at DIA’s planned capabilities.
In the long term, Denver saw the new airport as a potential hub for Northwest or USAir. This would certainly bring more business to Denver. Very few airports in the world can boast of multiple hubs.
Perhaps the most critical parameter that illustrates the necessity for a new airport is the enplaned passenger market. (An enplaned passenger is one who gets on a flight, either an origination flight or connecting flight.)
Exhibit V identifies the enplaned passengers for individual airlines servicing Denver Stapleton for 1992 and 1993.
The Enplaned Passenger Market 523
Exhibit V. Enplaned passengers by airline, 1992–1993, Stapleton International Airport
Enplaned Passengers 1992 1993
United 6,887,936 7,793,246 United Expressa 470,841 578,619_________ _________
7,358,777 8,371,865
Continental 5,162,812 4,870,861 Continental Express 514,293 532,046_________ _________
5,677,105 5,402,907
American Airlines 599,705 563,119 America West Airlines 176,963 156,032 Delta Air Lines 643,644 634,341 MarkAir 2,739 93,648 Northwest Airlines 317,507 320,527 TransWorld Airlines 203,096 182,502 USAir 201,949 197,095 Other 256,226 398,436_________ _________
2,401,829 2,545,700_________ _________
Total 15,437,711 16,320,472_________ _________
a Includes Mesa Airlines, Air Wisconsin, Great Lakes Aviation, and Westair Airlines. Source: Department of Aviation management records.
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Connecting passengers were forecast to decrease about 1 million between 1993 and 1995 before returning to a steady 3.0 percent per year growth, totaling 8,285,500 in 2000. As a result, the number of connecting passengers is forecast to represent a smaller share (46 percent) of total enplaned passengers at the Airport in 2000 than in 1993 (50 percent). Total enplaned passengers at Denver are forecast to increase from 16,320,472 in 1993 to 18,161,000 in 2000—an average increase of 1.5 percent per year (decreasing slightly from 1993 through 1995, then increasing 2.7 percent per year after 1995).
The increase in enplaned passengers will necessitate an increase in the num- ber of aircraft departures. Since landing fees are based upon aircraft landed weight, more parrivals and departures will generate more landing fee revenue. Since air- port revenue is derived from cargo operations as well as passenger activities, it is important to recognize that enplaned cargo is also expected to increase.
The site selected was a 53-square-mile area 18 miles northeast of Denver’s business district. The site would be larger than the Chicago O’Hare and Dallas–Ft. Worth air- ports combined. Unfortunately, a state law took effect prohibiting political entities from annexing land without the consent of its residents. The land was in Adams County. Before the vote was taken, Adams County and Denver negotiated an agree- ment limiting noise and requiring the creation of a buffer zone to protect surround- ing residents. The agreement also included continuous noise monitoring, as well as limits on such businesses as airport hotels that could be in direct competition with existing services provided in Adams County. The final part of the agreement limited DIA to such businesses as airline maintenance, cargo, small package delivery, and other such airport-related activities.
With those agreements in place, Denver annexed 45 square miles and pur- chased an additional 8 square miles for noise buffer zones. Denver rezoned the buffer area to prohibit residential development within a 65 LDN (Level Day/Night) noise level. LDN is a weighted noise measurement intended to deter- mine perceived noise in both day and night conditions. Adams County enacted even stiffer zoning regulations, calling for no residential development with an LDN noise level of 60.
Most of the airport land embodied two ranches. About 550 people were re- located. The site had overhead power lines and gas wells, which were relocated
1Adapted from David A. Brown, “Denver Aims for Global Hub Status with New Airport Under Construction,” Aviation Week and Space Technology, March 11, 1991, p. 44.
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or abandoned. The site lacked infrastructure development and there were no fa- cilities for providing water, power, sewage disposal, or other such services.
Located 2.5 miles southeast of DIA is Front Range Airport, which had been de- veloped to relieve Denver’s Stapleton Airport of most nonairline traffic opera- tions. As a satellite airport to DIA, Front Range Airport had been offering six avi- ation business services by 1991:
� Air cargo and air freight, including small package services. (This is direct competition for DIA.)
� Aircraft manufacturing. � Aircraft repair. (This is direct competition for DIA.) � Fixed base operators to service general (and corporate) aviation. � Flight training. � Military maintenance and training.
The airport was located on a 4,800-acre site and was surrounded by a 12,000- acre industrial park. The airport was owned and operated by Adams County, which had completely different ownership than DIA. By 1991, Front Range Airport had two east-west runways: a 700-foot runway for general aviation use and an 8,000-foot runway to be extended to 10,000 feet. By 1992, the general plans called for two more runways to be built, both north-south. The first runway would be 10,000 feet initially with expansion capability to 16,000 feet to support wide body aircraft. The second runway would be 7,000 feet to service general aviation.
Opponents of DIA contended that Front Range Airport could be enlarged sig- nificantly, thus reducing pressure on Denver’s Stapleton Airport, and that DIA would not be necessary at that time. Proponents of DIA argued that Front Range should be used to relieve pressure on DIA if and when DIA became a major in- ternational airport as all expected. Both sides were in agreement that initially, Front Range Airport would be a competitor to DIA.
The Denver International Airport was based upon a “Home-on-the-Range” de- sign. The city wanted a wide open entry point for visitors. In spring of 1991, the city began soliciting bids.
Airport Design 525
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To maintain a distinctive look that would be easily identified by travelers, a translucent tent-like roof was selected. The roof was made of two thicknesses of translucent, Teflon-coated glass fiber material suspended from steel cables hang- ing from the structural supports. The original plans for the roof called for a con- ventional design using 800,000 tons of structural steel. The glass fiber roof would require only 30,000 tons of structural steel, thus providing substantial savings on construction costs. The entire roof would permit about 10 percent of the sunlight to shine through, thus providing an open, outdoors-like atmosphere.
The master plan for the airport called for four concourses, each with a max- imum of sixty gates. However, only three concourses would be built initially, and none would be full size. The first, Concourse A, would have thirty-two airline gates and six commuter gates. This concourse would be shared by Continental and any future international carriers. Continental had agreed to give up certain gate positions if requested to do so in order to accommodate future international operations. Continental was the only long-haul international carrier, with one daily flight to London. Shorter international flights were to Canada and Mexico.
Concourses B and C would each have twenty gates initially for airline use plus six commuter gates. Concourse B would be the United Concourse. Concourse C would be for all carriers other than Continental or United.
All three concourses would provide a total of seventy-two airline gates and eighteen commuter gates. This would be substantially less than what the original master plan called for.
Although the master plan identified sixty departure gates for each concourse, cost became an issue. The first set of plans identified 106 departure gates (not counting commuter gates) and was then scaled down to 72 gates. United Airlines originally wanted forty-five departure gates, but settled for twenty. The recession was having its effect.
The original plans called for a train running through a tunnel beneath the ter- minal building and the concourses. The train would carry 6,000 passengers per hour. Road construction on and adjacent to the airport was planned to take one year. Runway construction was planned to take one year but was deliberately scheduled for two years in order to save on construction costs.
The principal benefits of the new airport compared to Stapleton were:
� A significantly improved airfield configuration that allowed for triple si- multaneous instrument landings in all weather conditions, improved effi- ciency and safety of airfield operations, and reduced taxiway congestion
� Improved efficiency in the operation of the regional airspace, which, cou- pled with the increased capacity of the airfield, was supposed to signifi- cantly reduce aircraft delays and airline operating costs both at Denver and system-wide
� Reduced noise impacts resulting from a large site that was situated in a relatively unpopulated area
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� A more efficient terminal/concourse/apron layout that minimized passen- ger walking distance, maximized the exposure of concessions to passen- ger flows, provided significantly greater curbside capacity, and allowed for the efficient maneuvering of aircraft in and out of gates
� Improved international facilities including longer runway lengths for im- proved stage length capability for international flights and larger Federal Inspection Services (FIS) facilities for greater passenger processing capa- bility
� Significant expansion capability of each major functional element of the airport
� Enhanced efficiency of airline operations as a result of new baggage han- dling, communications, deicing, fueling, mail sorting, and other specialty systems
One of the problems with the airport design related to the high wind shears that would exist where the runways were placed. This could eventually become a serious issue.
The city of Denver selected two companies to assist in the project management process. The first was Greiner Engineering, an engineering, architecture, and airport planning firm. The second company was Morrison-Knudsen Engineering (MKE) which is a design-construct firm. The city of Denver and Greiner/MKE would func- tion as the project management team (PMT) responsible for schedule coordination, cost control, information management, and administration of approximately 100 design contracts, 160 general contractors, and more than 2000 subcontractors.
In the selection of architects, it became obvious that there would be a split between those who would operate the airport and the city’s aspirations. Airport personnel were more interested in an “easy-to-clean” airport and convinced the city to hire a New Orleans-based architectural firm with whom Stapleton per- sonnel had worked previously. The city wanted a “thing of beauty” rather than an easy-to-clean venture.
In an unusual split of responsibilities, the New Orleans firm was contracted to create standards that would unify the entire airport and to take the design of the main terminal only through schematics and design development, at which point it would be handed off to another firm. This sharing of the wealth with several firms would later prove more detrimental than beneficial.
The New Orleans architectural firm complained that the direction given by airport personnel focused on operational issues rather than aesthetic values. Furthermore, almost all decisions seemed to be made in reaction to maintenance
Project Management 527
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or technical issues. This created a problem for the design team because the project’s requirements specified that the design reflect a signature image for the airport, one that would capture the uniqueness of Denver and Colorado.
The New Orleans team designed a stepped-roof profile supported by an ex- posed truss system over a large central atrium, thus resembling the structure of train sheds. The intent was to bring the image of railroading, which was respon- sible for Denver’s early growth, into the jet age.
The mayor, city council, and others were concerned that the design did not express a $2 billion project. A blue-ribbon commission was formed to study the matter. The city council eventually approved the design.
Financial analysis of the terminal indicated that the roof design would in- crease the cost of the project by $48 million and would push the project off sched- ule. A second architectural firm was hired. The final design was a peaked roof with Teflon-coated fabric designed to bring out the image of the Rocky Mountains. The second architectural firm had the additional responsibility to take the project from design development through to construction. The cost savings from the new design was so substantial that the city upgraded the floor finish in the terminal and doubled the size of the parking structure to 12,000 spaces.
The effectiveness of the project management team was being questioned. The PMT failed to sort out the differences between the city’s aspirations and the maintenance orientation of the operators. It failed to detect the cost and con- structability issues with the first design even though both PMT partners had vast in-house expertise. The burden of responsibility was falling on the shoulders of the architects. The PMT also did not appear to be aware that the first design may not have met the project’s standards.
Throughout the design battle, no one heard from the airlines. Continental and United controlled 80 percent of the flights at Stapleton. Yet the airlines refused to participate in the design effort, hoping the project would be canceled. The city or- dered the design teams to proceed for bids without any formal input from the users.
With a recession looming in the wings and Contentinal fighting for survival, the city needed the airlines to sign on. To entice the airlines to participate, the city agreed to a stunning range of design changes while assuring the bond rating agencies that the 1993 opening date would be kept. Continental convinced Denver to move the in- ternational gates away from the north side of the main terminal to terminal A, and to build a bridge from the main terminal to terminal A. This duplicated the function of a below-ground people-mover system. A basement was added the full length of the concourses. Service cores, located between gates, received a second level.
United’s changes were more significant. It widened concourse B by 8 feet to accommodate two moving walkways in each direction. It added a second level of service cores, and had the roof redesigned to provide a clerestory of natural light. Most important, United wanted a destination-coded vehicle (DCV) baggage han-
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dling system where bags could be transferred between gates in less than 10 min- utes, thus supporting short turnaround times. The DCV was to be on Concourse B (United) only. Within a few weeks thereafter, DIA proposed that the baggage handling system be extended to the entire airport. Yet even with these changes in place, United and Continental still did not sign a firm agreement with DIA, thus keeping bond interest expense at a higher than anticipated level. Some people contended that United and Continental were holding DIA hostage.
From a project management perspective, there was no question that disaster was on the horizon. Nobody knew what to do about the DCV system. The risks were unknown. Nobody realized the complexity of the system, especially the software requirements. By one account, the launch date should have been delayed by at least two years. The contract for DCV hadn’t been awarded yet, and termi- nal construction was already under way. Everyone wanted to know why the de- sign (and construction) was not delayed until after the airlines had signed on. How could DIA install and maintain the terminal’s baseline design without hav- ing a design for the baggage handling system? Everyone felt that what they were now building would have to be ripped apart.
There were going to be massive scope changes. DIA management persisted in its belief that the airport would open on time. Work in process was now $130 million per month. Acceleration costs, because of the scope changes, would be $30–$40 million. Three shifts were running at DIA with massive overtime. People were getting burned out to the point where they couldn’t continue.
To reduce paperwork and maintain the schedule, architects became heavily in- volved during the construction phase, which was highly unusual. The PMT seemed to be abdicating control to the architects who would be responsible for coordina- tion. The trust that had developed during the early phases began evaporating.
Even the car rental companies got into the act. They balked at the fees for their in-terminal location and said that servicing within the parking structures was in- convenient. They demanded and finally received a separate campus. Passengers would now be forced to take shuttle buses out of the terminal complex to rent or return vehicles.
DIA’s $200 million baggage handling system was designed to be state of the art. Conventional baggage handling systems are manual. Each airline operates its own system. DIA opted to buy a single system and lease it back to the airlines. In ef- fect, it would be a one-baggage-system-fits-all configuration.
The system would contain 100 computers, 56 laser scanners, conveyor belts, and thousands of motors. As designed, the system would contain 400 fiberglass
The Baggage Handling System 529
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carts, each carrying a single suitcase through 22 miles of steel tracks. Operating at 20 miles per hour, the system could deliver 60,000 bags per hour from dozens of gates. United was worried that passengers would have to wait for luggage since several of their gates were more than a mile from the main terminal. The system design was for the luggage to go from the plane to the carousel in 8–10 minutes. The luggage would reach the carousel before the passengers.
The baggage handling system would be centered on track-mounted cars pro- pelled by linear induction motors. The cars slow down, but don’t stop, as a con- veyor ejects bags onto their platform. During the induction process, a scanner reads the bar-coded label and transmits the data through a programmable logic controller to a radio frequency identification tag on a passing car. At this point, the car knows the destination of the bag it is carrying, as does the computer software that routes the car to its destination. To illustrate the complexity of the situation, consider 4,000 taxicabs in a major city, all without drivers, being controlled by a computer through the streets of a city.
Construction began in 1989 without a signed agreement from Continental and United. By March 1991, the bidding process was in full swing for the main ter- minal, concourses, and tunnel. Preliminary risk analysis involved three areas: cost, human resources, and weather.
� Cost: The grading of the terminal area was completed at about $5 million under budget and the grading of the first runway was completed at about $1.8 million under budget. This led management to believe that the orig- inal construction cost estimates were accurate. Also, many of the con- struction bids being received were below the city’s own estimates.
� Human resources: The economic recession hit Denver a lot harder than the rest of the nation. DIA was at that time employing about 500 con- struction workers. By late 1992, it was anticipated that 6,000 construction workers would be needed. Although more than 3,000 applications were on file, there remained the question of available, qualified labor. If the reces- sion were to be prolonged, then the lack of qualified suppliers could be an issue as well.
� Bad weather: Bad weather, particularly in the winter, was considered as the greatest risk to the schedule. Fortunately, the winters of 1989–1990 and 1990–1991 were relatively mild, which gave promise to future mild winters. Actually, more time was lost due to bad weather in the summer of 1990 than in either of the two previous winters.
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MARCH 1991
By early March 1991, Denver had already issued more than $900 million in bonds to begin construction of the new airport. Denver planned to issue another $500 million in bonds the following month. Standard & Poor’s Corporation lowered the rating on the DIA bonds from BBB to BBB�, just a notch above the junk grade rating. This could prove to be extremely costly to DIA because any down- grading in bond quality ratings would force DIA to offer higher yields on their new bond offerings, thus increasing their yearly interest expense.
Denver was in the midst of an upcoming mayoral race. Candidates were call- ing for the postponement of the construction, not only because of the lower ratings, but also because Denver still did not have a firm agreement with either Continental or United Airlines that they would use the new airport. The situation became more intense because three months earlier, in December of 1990, Continental had filed for bankruptcy protection under Chapter 11. Fears existed that Continental might drastically reduce the size of its hub at DIA or even pull out altogether.
Denver estimated that cancelation or postponement of the new airport would be costly. The city had $521 million in contracts that could not be canceled. Approximately $22 million had been spent in debt service for the land, and $38 million in interest on the $470 million in bond money was already spent. The city would have to default on more than $900 million in bonds if it could not col- lect landing fees from the new airport. The study also showed that a two year de- lay would increase the total cost by $2 billion to $3 billion and increase debt ser- vice to $340 million per year. It now appeared that the point of no return was at hand.
Fortunately for DIA, Moody’s Investors Service, Inc. did not lower their rat- ing on the $1 billion outstanding of airport bonds. Moody’s confirmed their con- ditional Baa1 rating, which was slightly higher than the S & P rating of BBB�. Moody’s believed that the DIA effort was a strong one and that even at depressed airline traffic levels, DIA would be able to service its debt for the scaled-back air- port. Had both Moody’s and S & P lowered their ratings together, DIA’s future might have been in jeopardy.
APRIL 1991
Denver issued $500 million in serial revenue bonds with a maximum yield of 9.185 percent for bonds maturing in 2023. A report by Fitch Investors Service es- timated that the airport was ahead of schedule and 7 percent below budget. The concerns of the investor community seemed to have been tempered despite the bankruptcy filing of Continental Airlines. However, there was still concern that
April 1991 531
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no formal agreement existed between DIA and either United Airlines or Continental Airlines.
MAY 1991
The city of Denver and United Airlines finally reached a tentative agreement. United would use 45 of the potential 90–100 gates at Concourse B. This would be a substantial increase from the 26 gates DIA had originally thought that United would require. The 50 percent increase in gates would also add 2,000 reservations jobs. United also expressed an interest in building a $1 billion maintenance facil- ity at DIA employing 6,000 people.
United stated later that the agreement did not constitute a firm commitment but was contingent upon legislative approval of a tax incentive package of $360 million over 30 years plus $185 million in financing and $23 million in tax ex- emptions. United would decide by the summer in which city the maintenance fa- cility would be located. United reserved the right to renegotiate the hub agree- ment if DIA was not chosen as the site for the maintenance facility.
Some people believed that United had delayed signing a formal agreement un- til it was in a strong bargaining position. With Continental in bankruptcy and DIA beyond the point of no return, United was in a favorable position to demand tax in- centives of $200 million in order to keep its hub in Denver and build a maintenance facility. The state legislature would have to be involved in approving the incen- tives. United Airlines ultimately located the $1 billion maintenance facility at the Indianapolis Airport.
Hotel developers expressed concern about building at DIA, which is 26 miles from downtown compared to 8 miles from Stapleton to downtown Denver. DIA officials initially planned for a 1,000-room hotel attached to the airport terminal, with another 300–500 rooms adjacent to the terminal. The 1,000-room hotel had been scaled back to 500–700 rooms and was not likely to be ready when the air- port was scheduled to open in October 1993. Developers had expressed resistance to building close to DIA unless industrial and office parks were also built near the airport. Even though ample land existed, developers were putting hotel develop- ment on the back burner until after 1993.
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Federal Express and United Parcel Service (UPS) planned to move cargo opera- tions to the smaller Front Range Airport rather than to DIA. The master plan for DIA called for cargo operations to be at the northern edge of DIA, thus increas- ing the time and cost for deliveries to Denver. Shifting operations to Front Range Airport would certainly have been closer to Denver but would have alienated northern Adams County cities that counted on an economic boost in their areas. Moving cargo operations would have been in violation of the original agreement between Adams County and Denver for the annexation of the land for DIA.
The cost of renting at DIA was estimated at $0.75 per square foot, compared to $0.25 per square foot at Front Range. DIA would have higher landing fees of $2.68 per 1000 pounds compared to $2.15 for Front Range. UPS demanded a cap on landing fees at DIA if another carrier were to go out of business. Under the UPS proposal, area landholders and businesses would set up a fund to compen- sate DIA if landing fees were to exceed the cap. Cargo carriers at Stapleton were currently paying $2 million in landing fees and rental of facilities per year.
As the “dog fight” over cargo operations continued, the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) issued a report calling for cargo operations to be collocated with passenger operations at the busier metropolitan airports. This included both full cargo carriers as well as passenger cargo (i.e., “belly cargo”) carriers. Proponents of Front Range argued that the report didn’t preclude the use of Front Range because of its proximity to DIA.
United Airlines formally agreed to a 30-year lease for forty-five gates at Concourse B. With the firm agreement in place, the DIA revenue bonds shot up in price almost $30 per $1000 bond. Earlier in the year, Continental signed a five-year lease agreement.
Other airlines also agreed to service DIA. Exhibit VI sets forth the airlines that either executed use and lease agreements for, or indicated an interest in leas- ing, the 20 gates on Concourse C on a first-preferential-use basis.
BAE was selected to design and build the baggage handling system. The airport had been under construction for three years before BAE was brought on board. BAE agreed to do eight years of work in two years to meet the October 1993 opening date.
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JUNE 1992
DIA officials awarded a $24.4 million conract for the new airport’s telephone ser- vices to U.S. West Communication Services. The officials of DIA had considered controlling its own operations through shared tenant service, which would allow the airport to act as its own telephone company. All calls would be routed through an airport-owned computer switch. By grouping tenants together into a single shared entity, the airport would be in a position to negotiate discounts with long distance providers, thus enabling cost savings to be passed on to the tenants.
By one estimate, the city would generate $3 million to $8 million annually in new, nontax net revenue by owning and operating its own telecommunication net- work. Unfortunately, DIA officials did not feel that sufficient time existed for them to operate their own system. The city of Denver was unhappy over this lost income.
By September 1992, the city had received $501 million in Federal Aviation Administration grants and $2.3 billion in bonds with interest rates of 9.0–9.5 per- cent in the first issue to 6 percent in the latest issue. The decrease in interest rates due to the recession was helpful to DIA. The rating agencies also increased the city’s bond rating one notch.
The FAA permitted Denver to charge a $3 departure tax at Stapleton with the income earmarked for construction of DIA. Denver officials estimated that over 34 years, the tax would generate $2.3 billion.
The cities bordering the northern edge of DIA (where the cargo operations were to be located) teamed up with Adams County to file lawsuits against DIA in
Exhibit VI. Airline agreements
Term Number of Airline (Years) Gates
American Airlines 5 3 Delta Air Linesa 5 4 Frontier Airlines 10 2 MarkAir 10 5 Northwest Airlines 10 2 TransWorld Airlines 10 2 USAira 5 2__
Total 20
a The city has entered into Use and Lease Agreements with these airlines. The USAir lease is for one gate on Concourse C and USAir has indicated its interest in leasing a second gate on Concourse C.
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its attempt to relocate cargo operations to the southern perimeter of DIA. This re- location would appease the cargo carriers and hopefully end the year-long battle with Front Range Airport. The Adams County Commissioner contended that relo- cation would violate the Clean Air Act and the National Environmental Policy Act and would be a major deviation from the original airport plan approved by the FAA.
The city issued $261 million of Airport Revenue Bonds for the construction of fa- cilities for United Airlines. (See Appendix A at the end of this case.)
MARCH 1993
The city of Denver announced that the launch date for DIA would be pushed back to December 18 rather than the original October 30 date in order to install and test all of the new equipment. The city wanted to delay the opening until late in the first quarter of 1994 but deemed it too costly because the airport’s debt would have to be paid without an adequate stream of revenue. The interest on the bond debt was now at $500,000 per day.
The delay to December 18 angered the cargo carriers. This would be their busiest time of the year, usually twice their normal cargo levels, and a complete revamping of their delivery service would be needed. The Washington-based Air Freight Association urged the city to allow the cargo carriers to fly out of Stapleton through the holiday period.
By March 1993, Federal Express, Airborne Express, and UPS (reluctantly) had agreed to house operations at DIA after the city pledged to build facilities for them at the south end of the airport. Negotiations were also underway with Emery Worldwide and Burlington Air Express. The “belly” carriers, Continental and United, had already signed on.
UPS had wanted to create a hub at Front Range Airport. If Front Range Airport were a cargo-only facility, it would free up UPS from competing with passenger traffic for runway access even though both Front Range and DIA were in the same air traffic control pattern. UPS stated that it would not locate a re- gional hub at DIA. This would mean the loss of a major development project that would have attracted other businesses that relied on UPS delivery.
For UPS to build a regional hub at Front Range would have required the con- struction of a control tower and enlargement of the runways, both requiring fed- eral funds. The FAA refused to free up funds for Front Range, largely due to a lawsuit by United Airlines and environmental groups.
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United’s lawsuit had an ulterior motive. Adams County officials repeatedly stated that they had no intention of building passenger terminals at Front Range. However, once federal funds were given to Front Range, a commercial passenger plane could not be prevented from setting up shop in Front Range. The threat to United was the low-cost carriers such as Southwest Airlines. Because costs were fixed, fewer passengers traveling through DIA meant less profits for the airlines. United simply did not want any airline activities removed from DIA!
Plans for a train to connect downtown Denver to DIA were underway. A $450,000 feasibility study and federal environmental assessment were being conducted, with the results due November 30, 1993. Union Pacific had spent $350,000 preparing a design for the new track, which could be constructed in thirteen to sixteen months.
The major hurdle would be the financing, which was estimated between $70 million and $120 million, based upon hourly trips or twenty-minute trips. The more frequent the trips, the higher the cost.
The feasibility study also considered the possibility of baggage check-in at each of the stops. This would require financial support and management assis- tance from the airlines.
Denver officials disclosed plans for transfering airport facilities and personnel from Stapleton to DIA. The move would be stage-managed by Larry Sweat, a re- tired military officer who had coordinated troop movements for Operation Desert Shield. Bechtel Corporation would be responsible for directing the transport and setup of machinery, computer systems, furniture, and service equipment, all of which had to be accomplished overnight since the airport had to be operational again in the morning.
DIA, which was already $1.1 billion over budget, was to be delayed again. The new opening date would be March 1994. The city blamed the airlines for the de- lays, citing the numerous scope changes required. Even the fire safety system hadn’t been completed.
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Financial estimates became troublesome. Airlines would have to charge a $15 per person tax, the largest in the nation. Fees and rent charged the airlines would triple from $74 million at Stapleton to $247 million at DIA.
Front Range Airport and DIA were considering the idea of being designated as one system by the FAA. Front Range could legally be limited to cargo only. This would also prevent low-cost carriers from paying lower landing fees and rental space at Front Range.
Southwest Airlines, being a low-cost no-frills carrier, said that it would not ser- vice DIA. Southwest wanted to keep its airport fees below $3 a passenger. Current projections indicated that DIA would have to charge between $15 and $20 per passenger in order to service its debt. This was based on a March 9 open- ing day.
Continental announced that it would provide a limited number of low-frill service flights in and out of Denver. Furthermore, Continental said that because of the high landing fees, it would cancel 23 percent of its flights through Denver and relocate some of its maintenance facilities.
United Airlines expected its operating cost to be $100 million more per year at DIA than at Stapleton. With the low-cost carriers either pulling out or reducing service to Denver, United was under less pressure to lower airfares.
MARCH 1994
The city of Denver announced the fourth delay in opening DIA, from March 9 to May 15. The cost of the delay, $100 million, would be paid mostly by United and Continental. As of March, only Concourse C, which housed the carriers other than United and Continental, was granted a temporary certificate of occupancy (TCO) by the city.
As the finger-pointing began, blame for this delay was given to the baggage handling system, which was experiencing late changes, restricted access flow, and a slowdown in installation and testing. A test by Continental Airlines indicated that
March 1994 537
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only 39 percent of baggage was delivered to the correct location. Other problems also existed. As of December 31, 1993, there were 2,100 design changes. The city of Denver had taken out insurance for construction errors and omissions. The city’s insurance claims cited failure to coordinate design of the ductwork with ceil- ing and structure, failure to properly design the storm draining systems for the ter- minal to prevent freezing, failure to coordinate mechanical and structural designs of the terminal, and failure to design an adequate subfloor support system.
Consultants began identifying potential estimating errors in DIA’s operations. The runways at DIA were six times longer than the runways at Stapleton, but DIA had purchased only 25 percent more equipment. DIA’s cost projections would be $280 million for debt service and $130 million for operating costs, for a total of $410 million per year. The total cost at Stapleton was $120 million per year.
APRIL 1994
Denver International Airport began having personnel problems. According to DIA’s personnel officer, Linda Rubin Royer, moving seventeen miles away from its present site was creating serious problems. One of the biggest issues was the addi- tional twenty-minute drive that employees had to bear. To resolve this problem, she proposed a car/van pooling scheme and tried to get the city bus company to trans- port people to and from the new airport. There was also the problem of transfering employees to similar jobs elsewhere if they truly disliked working at DIA. The scarcity of applicants wanting to work at DIA was creating a problem as well.
MAY 1994
Standard and Poor’s Corporation lowered the rating on DIA’s outstanding debt to the noninvestment grade of BB, citing the problems with the baggage handling system and no immediate cure in sight. Denver was currently paying $33.3 mil- lion per month to service debt. Stapleton was generating $17 million per month and United Airlines had agreed to pay $8.8 million in cash for the next three months only. That left a current shortfall of $7.5 million each month that the city would have to fund. Beginning in August 1994, the city would be burdened with $16.3 million each month.
BAE Automated Systems personnel began to complain that they were pres- sured into doing the impossible. The only other system of this type in the world was in Frankfurt, Germany. That system required six years to install and two years to debug. BAE was asked to do it all in two years.
BAE underestimated the complexity of the routing problems. During trials, cars crashed into one another, luggage was dropped at the wrong location, cars
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that were needed to carry luggage were routed to empty waiting pens, and some cars traveled in the wrong direction. Sensors became coated with dirt, throwing the system out of alignment, and luggage was dumped prematurely because of faulty latches, jamming cars against the side of a tunnel. By the end of May, BAE was conducting a worldwide search for consultants who could determine what was going wrong and how long it would take to repair the system.
BAE conducted an end-of-month test with 600 bags. Outbound (terminal to plane), the sort accuracy was 94 percent and inbound the accuracy was 98 per- cent. The system had a zero downtime for both inbound and outbound testing. The specification requirements called for 99.5 percent accuracy.
BAE hired three technicians from Germany’s Logplan, which helped solve similar problems with the automated system at Frankfurt, Germany. With no open- ing date set, DIA contemplated opening the east side of the airport for general avi- ation and air cargo flights. That would begin generating at least some revenue.
JUNE 1994
The cost for DIA was now approaching $3.7 billion and the jokes about DIA ap- peared everywhere. One common joke as that when you fly to Denver, you will have to stop in Chicago to pick up your luggage. Other common jokes included the abbreviation, DIA. Appendix B provides a listing of some 152 of the jokes.
The people who did not appear to be laughing at these jokes were the con- cessionaires, including about fifty food service operators, who had been forced to rehire, retrain, and reequip, at considerable expense. Several small businesses were forced to call it quits because of the eight-month delay. Red ink was flowing de- spite the fact that the $45-a-square-foot rent would not have to be paid until DIA officially opened. Several of the concessionaires had requested that the rent be cut by $10 a square foot for the first six months or so, after the airport opened. A mer- chant’s association was formed at DIA to fight for financial compensation.
The city had managed the design and construction of the project by grouping de- sign and construction activities into seven categories, or areas:
Area #0 Program management/preliminary design Area #1 Site development Area #2 Roadways and on-grade parking Area #3 Airfield Area #4 Terminal complex
The Project’s Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) 539
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Area #5 Utilites and specialty systems Area #6 Other
Since the fall of 1992, the project budget had increased by $224 million (from $2,700 million to $2,924 million), principally as a result of scope changes.
� Structural modifications to the terminal buildings (primarily in the Landside Terminal and Concourse B) to accommodate the automated bag- gage system
� Changes in the interior configuration of Concourse B � Increases in the scope of various airline tenant finished, equipment, and
systems, particularly in Concourse B � Grading, drainage, utilities, and access costs associated with the reloca-
tion of air cargo facilities to the south side of the airport � Increases in the scope and costs of communication and control systems,
particularly premises wiring � Increases in the costs of runway, taxiway, and apron paving and change or-
ders as a result of changing specifications for the runway lighting system � Increased program management costs because of schedule delays
Yet even with all of these design changes, the airport was ready to open except for the baggage handling system.
JULY 1994
The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) disclosed that DIA was one of thirty municipal bond issuers that were under investigation for improper contributions to the political campaigns of Pena and his successor, Mayor Wellington Webb. Citing pub- lic records, Pena was said to have received $13,900 and Webb’s campaign fund in- creased by $96,000. The SEC said that the contributions may have been in exchange for the right to underwrite DIA’s muncipal bond offerings. Those under investigation included Merrill Lynch, Goldman Sachs & Co., and Lehman Brothers, Inc.
Continental confirmed that as of November 1, 1994, it would reduce its flights out of Denver from eighty to twenty-three. At one time, Continental had 200 flights out of Denver.
Denver announced that it expected to sell $200 million in new bonds. Approximately $150 million would be used to cover future interest payments on
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existing DIA debt and to replenish interest and other money paid due to the de- layed opening.
Approximately $50 million would be used to fund the construction of an in- terim baggage handling system of the more conventional tug-and-conveyor type. The interim system would require 500 to 600 people rather than the 150 to 160 people needed for the computerized system. Early estimates said that the con- veyor belt/tug-and-cart system would be at least as fast as the system at Stapleton and would be built using proven technology and off-the-shelf parts. However, modifications would have to be made to both the terminal and the concourses.
United Airlines asked for a thirty-day delay in approving the interim system for fear that it would not be able to satisfy their requirements. The original lease agreement with DIA and United stipulated that on opening day there would be a fully operational automated baggage handling system in place. United had 284 flights a day out of Denver and had to be certain that the interim system would support a twenty-five-minute turnaround time for passenger aircraft.
The city’s District Attorney’s Office said it was investigating accusations of falsified test data and shoddy workmanship at DIA. Reports had come in regard- ing fraudulent construction and contracting practices. No charges were filed at that time.
DIA began repairing cracks, holes, and fissures that had emerged in the run- ways, ramps, and taxiways. Officials said that the cracks were part of the normal settling problems and might require maintenance for years to come.
United Airlines agreed to invest $20 million and act as the project manager to the baggage handling system at Concourse B. DIA picked February 28, 1995, as the new opening date as long as either the primary or secondary baggage han- dling systems was operational.
United had been building up its Denver hub since 1991, increasing its total de- partures 9 percent in 1992, 22 percent in 1993, and 9 percent in the first six months of 1994. Stapleton is United’s second largest connecting hub after Chicago O’Hare (ORD), ahead of San Francisco (SFO), Los Angeles (LAX), and Washington Dulles (IAD) International Airports, as shown in Exhibit VII.
In response to the downsizing by Continental, United is expected to absorb a significant portion of Continental’s Denver traffic by means of increased load fac- tors and increased service (i.e. capacity), particularly in larger markets where sig- nificant voids in service might be left by Continental. United served twenty-four of the twenty-eight cities served by Continental from Stapleton in June, 1994, with about 79 percent more total available seats to those cities—23,937 seats
United Benefits from Continental’s Downsizing 541
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provided by United compared with 13,400 seats provided by Continental. During 1993, United’s average load factor from Denver was 63 percent, indicating that, with its existing service and available capacity, United had the ability to absorb many of the passengers abandoned by Continental. In addition, United had an- nounced plans to increase service at Denver to 300 daily flights by the end of the calendar year.
As a result of its downsizing in Denver, Continental was forecasted to lose more than 3.9 million enplaned passengers from 1993 to 1995—a total decrease of 80 per- cent. However, this decrease was expected to be largely offset by the forecasted 2.2 million increase in enplaned passengers by United and 1.0 million by the other air- lines, resulting in a total of 15,877,000 enplaned passengers at Denver in 1995. As discussed earlier, it was assumed that, in addition to a continuation of historical growth, United and the other airlines would pick up much of the traffic abandoned by Continental through a combination of added service, larger average aircraft size, and increased load factors.
From 1995 to 2000, the increase in total enplaned passengers is based on growth rates of 2.5 percent per year in originating passengers and 3.0 percent per year in connecting passengers. Between 1995 and 2000, United’s emerging dom- inance at the airport (with almost twice the number of passengers of all other air-
Exhibit VII. Comparative United Airlines service at hub airports, June 1983 and June 1994
Average Daily Jet Aircraft Departures
424 409
253 277
180 189
117 113 86
June 1993 June 1994
Note: Does not include activity by United Express.
Source: Official Airline Guides, Inc. (On-line Database), for periods shown.
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lines combined) should result in somewhat higher fare levels in the Denver mar- kets, and therefore may dampen traffic growth. As shown in Exhibit VIII, of the 18.2 million forecasted enplaned passengers in 2000, United and United Express together are forecasted to account for 70 percent of total passengers at the air- port—up from about 51 percent in 1993—while Continental’s share, including GP Express, is forecasted to be less than 8 percent—down from about 33 percent in 1993.
Total connecting passengers at Stapleton increased from about 6.1 million in 1990 to about 8.2 million in 1993—an average increase of about 10 percent per year. The number of connecting passengers was forecast to decrease in 1994 and 1995, as a result of the downsizing by Continental, and then return to steady growth of 3.0 percent per year through 2000, reflecting expected growth in pas- senger traffic nationally and a stable market share by United in Denver. Airline market share of connecting passengers in 1993 and 1995 are shown in Exhibit IX.
United Benefits from Continental’s Downsizing 543
Continental Express 3.3%
33.1% Continental
7.7% Continental
United 47.8%
United 63.0%
51.3% United System
70.2% United System
United Express
United Express
15.6% Other
22.1% Other
GP Express 1.7%
Continental 6.0%
Continental 29.8%
1993 (Historical)
2000 (Forecast)
United System
Source: 1993: Airport Management Records.
Continental System
Exhibit VIII. Enplaned passenger market shares at Denver Airports
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Denver began discussions with cash-strapped MarkAir of Alaska to begin service at DIA. For an undercapitalized carrier, the prospects of tax breaks, favorable rents, and a $30 million guaranteed city loan were enticing.
DIA officials estimated an $18 per person charge on opening day. Plans to allow only cargo carriers and general aviation to begin operations at DIA were canceled.
Total construction cost for the main terminal exceeded $455 million (includ- ing the parking structure and the airport office building). See Exhibit X.
Exhibit IX. Connecting passenger market shares at Denver Airports
Continental Express 4.4%
41.2% Continental
7.9% Continental
Continental 36.8%
United 52.5%
United 79.8%
57.2% United System 90.0%
United System
United Express
United Express 10.2%
1.6% Other
2.1% Other
GP Express (CO Connection)
Continental 5.4%
1993 (Historical)
1995 (Forecast)
United System
Source: 1993: Airport Management Records and U.S. Department of Transportation
Continental System
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A federal grand jury convened to investigate faulty workmanship and falsified records at DIA. The faulty workmanship had resulted in falling ceilings, buckling walls, and collapsing floors.
The baggage handling system was working, but only in segments. Frustration still existed in not being able to get the whole system to work at the same time. The problem appeared to be with the software required to get computers to talk to computers. The fact that a mere software failure could hold up Denver’s new air- port for more than a year put in question the project’s risk management program.
Jerry Waddles was the risk manager for Denver. He left that post to become risk manager for the State of Colorado. Eventually the city found an acting risk manager, Molly Austin Flaherty, to replace Mr. Waddles, but for the most part, DIA construc- tion over the past several months had continued without a full-time risk manager.
The failure of the baggage handling system had propelled DIA into newspa- per headlines around the country. The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission
November 1994 545
Exhibit X. Total construction costs for Denver Airport
General site expenses, commission $ 38,667,967 Sitework, building excavations 15,064,817 Concrete 89,238,296 Masonry 5,501,608 Metals 40,889,411 Carpentry 3,727,408 Thermal, moisture protection 8,120,907 Doors and windows 13,829,336 Finishes 37,025,019 Specialties 2,312,691 Building equipment 227,720 Furnishings 3,283,852 Special construction 39,370,072 Conveying systems 23,741,336 Mechanical 60,836,566 Electrical 73,436,575
Total $455,273,581
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had launched a probe into whether Denver officials had deliberately deceived bondholders about how equipment malfunctions would affect the December 19, 1993 opening. The allegations were made by Denver’s KCNC-TV. Internal memos indicated that in the summer of 1993 city engineers believed it would take at least until March, 1994 to get the system working. However, Mayor Wellington Webb did not announce the delayed opening until October 1993. The SEC was investigating whether the last postponement misled investors holding $3 billion in airport bonds.
Under a new agreement, the city agreed to pay BAE an additional $35 mil- lion for modifications if the system was working for United Airlines by February 28, 1995. BAE would then have until August 1995 to complete the rest of the sys- tem for the other tenants. If the system was not operational by February 28, the city could withhold payment of the $35 million.
BAE lodged a $40 million claim against the city, alleging that the city caused the delay by changing the system’s baseline configuration after the April 1, 1992, deadline. The city filed a $90 million counterclaim, blaming BAE for the delays.
The lawsuits were settled out of court when BAE agreed to pay $12,000 a day in liquidated damages dating from December 19, 1993, to February 28, 1995, or approximately $5 million. The city agreed to pay BAE $6.5 million to cover some invoices submitted by BAE for work already done to repair the system.
Under its DIA construction contract, BAE’s risks were limited. BAE’s lia- bility for consequential damages resulting from its failure to complete the bag- gage handling system on time was capped at $5 million. BAE had no intention of being held liable for changes to the system. The system as it was at the time was not the system that BAE had been hired to install.
Additional insurance policies also existed. Builder’s risk policies generally pay damages caused by defective parts or materials, but so far none of the parts used to construct the system had been defective. BAE was also covered for de- sign errors or omissions. The unknown risk at that point was who would be re- sponsible if the system worked for Concourse B (i.e., United) but then failed when it was expanded to cover all concourses.
A study was underway to determine the source of respiratory problems suf- fered by workers at the construction site. The biggest culprit appeared to be the use of concrete in a confined space.
The city and DIA were also protected from claims filed by vendors whose businesses were put on hold because of the delays under a hold-harmless agree- ment in the contracts. However, the city had offered to permit the concessionaires to charge higher fees and also to extend their leases for no charge to make up for lost income due to the delays.
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The designer of the baggage handling system was asked to reexamine the num- ber of bags per minute that the BAE system was required to accommodate as per the specifications. The contract called for departing luggage to Concourse A to be delivered at a peak rate of 90 bags per minute. The designer estimated peak demand at 25 bags per minute. Luggage from Concourse A was contracted for at 223 bags per minute but again, the designer calculated peak demand at a lower rate of 44 bags per minute.
By December 1994, DIA was more than $3.4 billion in debt, as shown in Exhibit XI.
Airports generally have two types of contracts with their tenants. The first type is the residual contract where the carriers guarantee that the airport will remain sol- vent. Under this contract, the carriers absorb the majority of the risk. The airport maintains the right to increase rents and landing fees to cover operating expenses and debt coverage. The second type of contract is the compensatory contract where the airport is at risk. DIA has a residual contract with its carriers.
Airports generate revenue from several sources. The most common breakdown includes landing fees and rent from the following entities: airline carriers, passenger
Airport Revenue 547
Exhibit XI. Outstanding debt at Denver Airport
Series 1984 Bonds $ 103,875,000 Series 1985 Bonds 175,930,000 Series 1990A Bonds 700,003,843 Series 1991A Bonds 500,003,523 Series 1991D Bonds 600,001,391 Series 1992A Bonds 253,180,000 Series 1992B Bonds 315,000,000 Series 1992C Bonds 392,160,000 Series 1992D–G Bonds 135,000,000 Series 1994A Bonds 257,000,000
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facilities, rental car agencies, concessionary stores, food and beverage services, retail shops, and parking garages. Retail shops and other concessionary stores also pay a percent of sales.
Revenues derived from the airlines are often expressed on a per enplaned pas- senger basis. The average airline cost per enplaned passenger at Stapleton in 1993 was $5.02. However, this amount excludes costs related to major investments in terminal facilities made by United Airlines in the mid-1980s and, therefore, un- derstates the true historical airline cost per passenger.
Average airline costs per enplaned passenger at the airport in 1995 and 2000 are forecast to be as shown in Exhibit XII.
The forecasted airline costs per enplaned passenger at the airport are consid- erably higher than costs at Stapleton today and the highest of any major airport in the United States. (The cost per enplaned passenger at Cleveland Hopkins is $7.50). The relatively high airline cost per passenger is attributable, in part, to (1) the unusually large amount of tenant finishes, equipment, and systems costs being financed as part of the project relative to other airport projects and (2) delayed costs incurred since the original opening date for purposes of the Plan of Financing (January 1, 1994).
The City estimates that, as a result of the increased capacity and efficiency of the airfield, operation of the airport will result in annual delay savings to the airlines of $50 million to $100 million per year (equivalent to about $3 to $6 per enplaned passenger), and that other advanced technology and systems incorpo- rated into the design of the airport will result in further operational savings. In the final analysis, the cost effectiveness of operating at the airport is a judgment that must be made by the individual airlines in deciding to serve the Denver market.
It is assumed for the purposes of this analysis that the city and the airlines will resolve the current disputes regarding cost allocation procedures and respon- sibility for delay costs, and that the airlines will pay rates generally in accordance with the procedures of the use and lease agreements as followed by the city and as summarized in the accompanying exhibits.
Exhibit XII. Total average airline costs per enplaned passenger
Year Current Dollars 1990 Dollars
1995 $18.15 $14.92 2000 17.20 11.62
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FEBRUARY 28, 1995
The airline opened as planned on February 28, 1995. However, several problems be- came apparent. First, the baggage handling system did have “bad days.” Passengers traveling to and from Denver felt more comfortable carrying bags than having them transfered by the computerized baggage handling system. Large queues began to form at the end of the escalators in the main terminal going down to the concourse trains. The trains were not running frequently enough, and the number of cars in each train did not appear to be sufficient to handle the necessary passenger traffic.
The author flew from Dallas–Ft. Worth to Denver in one hour and 45 minutes. It then took one hour and 40 minutes to catch the airport shuttles (which stop at all the hotels) and arrive at the appropriate hotel in downtown Denver. Passengers be- gan to balk at the discomfort of the remote rental car facilities, the additional $3 tax per day for each rental car, and the fact that the nearest gas station was fifteen miles away. How does one return a rental car with a full tank of gas?
Departing passengers estimated it would take two hours to drive to the air- port from downtown Denver, unload luggage, park their automobile, check in, and take the train to the concourse.
Faults in the concourse construction were becoming apparent. Tiles that were supposed to be 5/8 inches thick were found to be 1/2 inch thick. Tiles began to crack. During rainy weather, rain began seeping in through the ceiling.
Appendix A* Municipal Bond Prospectus
$261,415,000 City and County Of Denver, Colorado
6.875% Special Facilities Airport Revenue Bonds (United Airlines Project)
Series 1992A Date: October 1, 1992 Due: October 1, 2032
Rating: Standard & Poor’s BBB� Moody’s Baa2
This official statement is provided to furnish information in connection with the sale by the City and County of Denver, Colorado (the “City”) of 6.875% Special Facilities Airport Revenue Bonds (United Airlines Project) series 1992A in the aggregate
Introduction 549
*Only excerpts from the prospectus are included here.
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principle amount of $261,415,000 (the “Bonds”). The bonds will be dated, mature, bear interest, and be subject to redemption prior to maturity as described herein.
The Bonds will be issued pursuant to an Ordinance of the City and County of Denver, Colorado (the “Ordinance”).
The proceeds received by the City from the sale of the Bonds will be used to acquire, construct, equip, or improve (or a reimbursement of payments for the ac- quisition, construction, equipping, or improvement of) certain terminals, Concourse B, aircraft maintenance, ground equipment maintenance, flight kitchen, and air freight facilities (the “Facilities”) at the new Denver International Airport (the “New Airport”).
The City will cause such proceeds to be deposited, distributed, and applied in accordance with the terms of a Special Facilities and Ground Lease, dated as of October 1, 1992 (the “Lease”) between United Airlines and the City. Under the Lease, United has agreed to make payments sufficient to pay the principal, pre- mium, if any, and interest on the Bonds. Neither the Facilities nor the ground rental payments under the Lease are pledged as security for the payment of prin- cipal, premium, if any, and interest on the bonds.
On June 26, 1991, United and the City entered into an agreement followed by a sec- ond agreement on December 12, 1991, which, among other things, collectively pro- vide for the use and lease by United of certain premises and facilities at the New Airport. In the United Agreement, United agrees among other things, to (1) support the construction of the New Airport, (2) relocate its present air carrier operations from Stapleton to the New Airport, (3) occupy and lease certain facilities at the New Airport, including no less than 45 gates on Concourse B within two years of the date of beneficial occupancy as described in the United Agreement, and (4) construct prior to the date of beneficial occupancy, a regional reservation center at a site at Stapleton.
In conjunction with the execution of the United Agreement, United also exe- cutes a 30-year use and lease agreement. United has agreed to lease, on a preferen- tial use basis, Concourse B, which is expected to support 42 jet aircraft with up to 24 commuter aircraft parking positions at the date of beneficial occupancy, and, on an exclusive use basis, certain ticket counters and other areas in the terminal com- plex of the New Airport.
The proceeds of the bonds will be used to finance the acquisition, construction, and equipping of the Facilities, as provided under the Lease. The Facilities will be lo- cated on approximately 100 acres of improved land located within the New Airport,
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which United will lease from the City. The Facilities will include an aircraft main- tenance facility capable of housing ten jet aircraft, a ground equipment support fa- cility with 26 maintenance bays, an approximately 55,500-square-foot air freight facility, and an approximately 155,000-square-foot flight kitchen. Additionally, the proceeds of the Bonds will be used to furnish, equip, and install certain facilities to be used by United in Concourse B and in the terminal of the New Airport.
The Bonds will be subject to optional and mandatory redemption prior to matu- rity in the amounts, at the times, at the prices, and in the manner as provided in the Ordinance. If less than all of the Bonds are to be redeemed, the particular Bonds to be called for redemption will be selected by lot by the Paying Agent in any manner deemed fair and reasonable by the Paying Agent.
The bonds are subject to redemption prior to maturity by the City at the re- quest of United, in whole or in part, by lot, on any date on or after October 1, 2002, from an account created pursuant to the Ordinance used to pay the princi- pal, premium, if any, and interest on the Bonds (the “Bond Fund”) and from monies otherwise available for such purpose. Such redemptions are to be made at the applicable redemption price shown below as a percentage of the principal amount thereof, plus interest accrued to the redemption date:
Optional Redemption Period Redemption Price
October 1, 2002 through September 30, 2003 102% October 1, 2003 through September 30, 2004 101% October 1, 2004 and thereafter 100%
The Bonds are subject to optional redemption prior to maturity, in whole or in part by lot, on any date, upon the exercise by United of its option to prepay Facilities Rentals under the Lease at a redemption price equal to 100% of the principal amount thereof plus interest accrued to the redemption date, if one or more of the following events occurs with respect to one or more of the units of the Leased Property:
(a) the damage or destruction of all or substantially all of such unit or units of the Leased Property to such extent that, in the reasonable opinion of United, repair and restoration would not be economical and United elects not to restore or replace such unit or units of the Leased Property; or,
(b) the condemnation of any part, use, or control of so much of such unit or units of the Leased Property that such unit or units cannot be reasonably
Redemption of Bonds 551
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used by United for carrying on, at substantially the same level or scope, the business theretofore conducted by United on such unit or units.
In the event of a partial extraordinary redemption, the amount of the Bonds to be redeemed for any unit of the Leased Property with respect to which such prepayment is made shall be determined as set forth below (expressed as a per- centage of the original principal amount of the Bonds) plus accrued interest on the Bonds to be redeemed to the redemption date of such Bonds provided that the amount of Bonds to be redeemed may be reduced by the aggregate principal amount (valued at par) of any Bonds purchased by or on behalf of United and de- livered to the Paying Agent for cancelation:
Terminal Aircraft Ground Equipment Air Concourse B Maintenance Maintenance Flight Freight
Facility Facility Facility Kitchen Facility
20% 50% 10% 15% 5%
The Bonds shall be subject to mandatory redemption in whole prior to ma- turity, on October 1, 2023, at a redemption price equal to 100% of the principal amount thereof, plus accrued interest to the redemption date if the term of the Lease is not extended to October 1, 2032, in accordance with the provisions of the Lease and subject to the conditions in the Ordinance.
Pursuant to the United Use and Lease Agreement, if costs at the New Airport ex- ceed $20 per revenue enplaned passenger, in 1990 dollars, for the preceding cal- endar year, calculated in accordance with such agreement, United can elect to ter- minate its Use and Lease Agreement. Such termination by United would not, however, be an event of default under the Lease.
If United causes an event of default under the Lease and the City exercises its remedies thereunder and accelerates Facilities Rentals, the City is not obligated to relet the Facilities. If the City relets the Facilities, it is not obligated to use any of the payments received to pay principal, premium, if any, or interest on the Bonds.
It is estimated that the proceeds of the sale of the Bonds will be applied as follows:
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Cost of Construction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $226,002,433 Interest on Bonds During Construction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22,319,740 Cost of Issuance Including Underwriters’ Discount . . . . . . . . . 1,980,075 Original Issue Discount . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11,112,742 Principal Amount of the Bonds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $261,415,000
Under the terms of the lease, United has agreed that it will not take or omit to take any action with respect to the Facilities or the proceeds of the bonds (including any investment earnings thereon), insurance, condemnation, or any other pro- ceeds derived in connection with the Facilities, which would cause the interest on the Bonds to become included in the gross income of the Bondholder for federal income tax purposes.
United has agreed to acquire, construct, and install the Facilities to completion pursuant to the terms of the Lease. If monies in the Construction Fund are insuf- ficient to pay the cost of such acquisition, construction, and installation in full, then United shall pay the excess cost without reimbursement from the City, the Paying Agent, or any Bondholder.
United has agreed to indemnify the City and the Paying Agent for damages incurred in connection with the occurrence of certain events, including without limitation, the construction of the Facilities, occupancy by United of the land on which the Facilities are located, and violation by United of any of the terms of the Lease or other agreements related to the Leased Property.
During the Lease Term, United has agreed to maintain its corporate existence and its qualifications to do business in the state. United will not dissolve or oth- erwise dispose of its assets and will not consolidate with or merge into another corporation provided, however, that United may, without violating the Lease, consolidate or merge into another corporation.
At the request of United, the City may, at its option, issue additional bonds to fi- nance the cost of special Facilities for United upon the terms and conditions in the Lease and the Ordinance.
Additional Bonds 553
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Under the Guaranty, United will unconditionally guarantee to the Paying Agent, for the benefit of the Bondholders, the full and prompt payment of the principal, premium, if any, and interest on the Bonds, when and as the same shall become due whether at the stated maturity, by redemption, acceleration, or otherwise. The obligations of United under the Guaranty are unsecured, but are stated to be ab- solute and unconditional, and the Guaranty will remain in effect until the entire principal, premium, if any, and interest on the Bonds has been paid in full or pro- vision for the payment thereof has been made in accordance with the Ordinance.
DENVER—The Denver Inter- national Airport, whose open- ing has been delayed indefi- nitely because of snafus, has borne the brunt of joke writers
Punsters in the aviation and travel community have done their share of work on one par- ticular genre, coming up with new variations on the theme of DIA, the star-crossed airport’s new and as-yet-unused city code.
Here’s what’s making the rounds on electronic bulletin boards; it originated in the May 15 issue of the Boulder (Colo.) Camera newspaper.
1. Dis Is Awful 2. Doing It Again 3. Dumbest International
Airport 4. Dinosaur In Action 5. Debt In Arrival 6. Denver’s Intense
Adventure 7. Darn It All 8. Dollar Investment
Astounding 9. Delay It Again
10. Denver International Antique
11. Date Is AWOL 12. Denver Intellects Awry 13. Dance Is Autumn 14. Dopes In Authority
15. Don’t Ice Attendance 16. Drop In Asylum 17. Don’t Immediately
Assume 18. Don’t Ignore Aspirin 19. Dittohead Idle Again 20. Doubtful If Atall 21. Denver In Action 22. Deces, l’Inaugural
Arrivage (means “dead on arrival” in French)
23. Dummies In Action 24. Dexterity In Action 25. Display In Arrogance 26. Denver Incomplete Act 27. D’luggage Is A’coming 28. Defect In Automation 29. Dysfunctional Itinerary
Apparatus 30. Dis Is Absurd 31. Delays In Abundance 32. Did It Arrive? 33. Denver’s Infamous Air-
or-port (sounds like “error”)
34. Dopes In Action 35. Doubtful Intermittent
Access 36. Don’t Intend Atall 37. Damned Inconvenient
Airport 38. Duped In Anticipation 39. Delay In Action 40. Delirious In Accounting 41. Date Indeterminate, Ah? 42. Denver’s Indisposed
Access 43. Detained Interphase
Ahead 44. Denver’s Interminably
Aground 45. Deceit In Action 46. Delay Institute America 47. Denver’s Intractable
Airport 48. Delayed Indefinitely
Again 49. Delayed Introduction
Again 50. Disaster In Arrears 51. Denver International
Amusementpark 52. Debacle In Action 53. Deadline (of)
Incomprehensible Attainment
54. Duffel Improbable Arrival
55. Delay In America 56. Dying In Anticipation 57. Dazzling Inaccessible
Absurdity 58. Damned Intractable
Automation 59. Da Infamous Annoyance 60. Dare I Ask? 61. Done In Arrears 62. Done In Ancestral 63. Denver International
Accident 64. Dumb Idea Anyway 65. Diversion In Accounting
Appendix B Jokes about the Abbreviation DIA
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66. Doesn’t Include Airlines 67. Disparate Instruments in
Action 68. Delay International
Airport 69. Dumb Idea Askew 70. Delayed Indefinitely
Airport 71. Delays In Arrival 72. Deja In Absentee 73. Done In Aminute 74. Done In August 75. Denver’s Inordinate
Airport 76. Denver’s Imaginary
Airport 77. Debentures In Arrears 78. Denver Isn’t Airborne 79. Descend Into Abyss 80. Done In April 2000 81. Disaster In Aviation 82. Denver’s Interminable
Airport 83. Denver In Arrears 84. Dallying Is Aggravating 85. Don’t In Angst 86. Distress Is Acute 87. Development Is Arrested 88. Darned Inevitable
Atrocity 89. Debt In Airport 90. Devastation In Aviation 91. Debacle in Automation 92. Denver’s Inconstructable
Airport 93. Denver Is Awaitin’ 94. DIsAster 95. Denver’s Inoperable
96. Delay, Impede, Await 97. Date Isn’t Available 98. Delayed International
Airport 99. Denver Irrational Airport
100. Denver Irate Association 101. Denver’s Ignominious
Atrocity 102. Daytrippers Invitational
Airport 103. Delay Is Anticipated 104. Doofis, Interruptness,
Accidentalis 105. Denver International
Arrival 106. Denver’s Interminable
Apparition 107. Distance Is Astronomical 108. Doubtful It’s Able 109. Dreadfully Ineffective
Automation 110. Do It Again 111. Did it, Installed it, Ate it 112. Drowned In Apoplexy 113. Dodo International
Airport (the dodo is an extinct, flightless bird)
114. Dead In the Air 115. Denouncement In
Ambiguity 116. Deserted, Inactive Airport 117. Definitely Incapable of
Activation 118. Democracy In Action 119. Dysfunction Imitating Art 120. Design In Alabaster 121. Desperately In Arrears 122. Dazzling, If Anything 123. Delays In Aeternum
124. Delighted If Actualized 125. Destination: Imagine
Arabia 126. Dumb Idea: Abandoned? 127. Deem It Apiary 128. Dollars In Action 129. Definitely Iffy
Achievement 130. Dreadfully Incompetent
Architects 131. Denver International
Ain’t 132. Delayed In Automation 133. Dragging Its Ass 134. Driving Is
Advantageous 135. Dang It All 136. Druggies Installing
Automation 137. Dumb Idea Approved 138. Didn’t Invite Airplanes 139. Died In April 140. Deplane In Albuquerque 141. Departure Is Agonizing 142. Denver’s Infuriating
Abscess 143. Denver’s Ill-fated Airport 144. Domestic International
Aggravation 145. Duffels In Anchorage 146. Denver’s Indeterminate
Abomination 147. Damn It All 148. Darn Idiotic Airport 149. Delay Is Acceptable 150. Denver’s Idle Airport 151. Does It Arrive? 152. Damned Inconvenient
Appendix B (continued). Jokes about the Abbreviation DIA
Source: Reprinted from Boulder (Colorado) Camera newspaper (May 15, 1991).
The Guaranty 555
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David A. Brown, “Denver Aims for Global Hub Status with New Airport Under Construction,” Aviation Week & Space Technology (March 11, 1991), pp. 42–45
“Satellite Airport to Handle Corporate, General Aviation for Denver Area,” Aviation Week & Space Technology (March 11, 1991), pp. 44–45.
“Denver to Seek Bids This Spring for Wide-Open Terminal Building,” Aviation Week & Space Technology (March 11, 1991), p. 50.
“Denver City Council Supports Airport Despite Downgrade,” The Wall Street Journal (March 20, 1991), p. A1D.
“Denver Airport Bonds’ Rating Is Confirmed by Moody’s Investors,” The Wall Street Journal (March 22, 1991), p. C14.
“Bonds for Denver Airport Priced to Yield up to 9.185%,” New York Times (April 10, 1991), p. D16.
Marj Charlier, “Denver Reports a Tentative Agreement with United over Hub at New Airport,” The Wall Street Journal (May 3, 1991), p. B2.
Brad Smith, “New Airport Has Its Ups and Downs,” Los Angeles Times (July 9, 1991), p. A5.
Christopher Wood, “Hotel Development at New Airport Not Likely Until After ‘93,” Denver Business Journal (August 2, 1991), p. 8S.
Christopher Wood, “FAA: Link Air Cargo, Passengers,” Denver Business Journal (November 1–7, 1991), p. 3.
Christopher Wood, “Airport May Move Cargo Operations, Offer Reserve Funds,” Denver Business Journal (December 6–12, 1991), pp. 1, 34.
“UAL in Accord on Denver,” The New York Times (December 7, 1991), p. 39L. Thomas Fisher, “Projects Flights of Fantasy,” Progressive Architecture (March 1992),
p. 103. Tom Locke, “Disconnected,” Denver Business Journal (June 12–18, 1992),
p. 19. “Big Ain’t Hardly the Word for It,” ENR (September 7, 1992), pp. 28–29. Christopher Wood, “Adams Seeks Action,” Denver Business Journal (September
4–10, 1992), pp. 1, 13. “Denver Airport Rises under Gossamer Roof,” The Wall Street Journal
(November 17, 1992), p. B1. Mark B. Solomon, “Denver Airport Delay Angers Cargo Carriers,” Journal of
Commerce (March 17, 1993), p. 3B. “Denver Airport Opening Delayed Until December,” Aviation Week & Space
Technology (May 10, 1993), p. 39. Aldo Svaldi, “DIA Air Train Gathering Steam as Planners Shift Possible Route,”
Denver Business Journal (August 27–September 2, 1993), p. 74. Dirk Johnson, “Opening of New Denver Airport is Delayed Again,” The New York
Times (October 26, 1993), p. A19.
1321.ch14 11/3/05 9:28 AM Page 556
“Denver’s Mayor Webb Postpones Opening International Airport,” The Wall Street Journal (October 26, 1993), p. A9.
“An Airport Comes to Denver,” Skiing (December 1993), p. 66. Ellis Booker, “Airport Prepares for Takeoff,” Computerworld (January 10, 1994). Aldo Svaldi, “Front Range, DIA Weigh Merging Airport Systems,” Denver
Business Journal (January 21–27, 1994), p. 3. Don Phillips, “$3.1 Billion Airport at Denver Preparing for a Rough Takeoff,” The
Washington Post (February 13, 1994), p. A10. “New Denver Airport Combines Several State-of-the-Art Systems,” Travel
Weekly (February 21, 1994) p. 20. Steve Munford, “Options in Hard Surface Flooring,” Buildings (March 1994), p. 58. Mars Charles, “Denver’s New Airport, Already Mixed in Controversy, Won’t
Open Next Week,” The Wall Street Journal (March 2, 1994), pp. B1, B7. “Denver Grounded for Third Time,” ENR (March 7, 1994), p. 6. Shannon Peters, “Denver’s New Airport Creates HR Challenges,” Personnel
Journal (April 1994), p. 21. Laura Del Rosso, “Denver Airport Delayed Indefinitely,” Travel Weekly (May 5,
1994), p. 37. “DIA Bond Rating Cut,” Aviation Week & Space Technology (May 16, 1994),
p. 33. Robert Scheler, “Software Snafu Grounds Denver’s High-Tech Airport,” PC Week
(May 16, 1994), p. 1. John Dodge, “Architects Take a Page from Book on Denver Airport-Bag System,”
PC Week (May 16, 1994), p. 3. Jean S. Bozman, “Denver Airport Hits Systems Layover,” Computerworld (May
16, 1994), p. 30. Richard Woodbury, “The Bag Stops Here,” Time (May 16, 1994), p. 52. “Consultants Review Denver Baggage Problems,” Aviation Week & Space
Technology (June 6, 1994), p. 38. “Doesn’t It Amaze? The Delay that Launched a Thousand Gags,” Travel Weekly
(June 6, 1994), p. 16. Michael Romano, “This Delay Is Costing Business a Lot of Money,” Restaurant
Business (June 10, 1994), p. 26. Scott Armstrong, “Denver Builds New Airport, Asks `Will Planes Come?’ ” The
Christian Science Monitor (June 21, 1994), p. 1. Benjamin Weiser, “SEC Turns Investigation to Denver Airport Financing,” The
Washington Post (July 13, 1994), p. D1. Bernie Knill, “Flying Blind at Denver International Airport,” Material Handling
Engineering (July 1994), p. 47. Keith Dubay, “Denver Airport Seeks Compromise on Baggage Handling,”
American Banker Washington Watch (July 25, 1994), p. 10. Dirk Johnson, “Denver May Open Airport in Spite of Glitches,” The New York
Times (July 27, 1994), p. A14.
References 557
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Jeffrey Leib, “Investors Want a Plan,” The Denver Post (August 2, 1994), p. A1. Marj Charlier, “Denver Plans Backup Baggage System for Airport’s Troubled
Automated One,” The Wall Street Journal (August 5, 1994), p. B2. Louis Sahagun, “Denver Airport to Bypass Balky Baggage Mover,” Los Angeles
Times (August 5, 1994), p. A1. Len Morgan, “Airports Have Growing Pains,” Flying (August 1994), p. 104. Adam Bryant, “Denver Goes Back to Basics for Baggage,” The New York Times
(August 6, 1994), pp. 5N, 6L. “Prosecutors Scrutinize New Denver Airport,” The New York Times (August 21,
1994), p. 36L. Kevin Flynn, “Panic Drove New DIA Plan,” Rocky Mountain News (August 7,
1994), p. 5A. David Hughes, “Denver Airport Still Months from Opening,” Aviation Week &
Space Technology (August 8, 1994), p. 30. “Airport May Open in Early ‘95,” Travel Weekly (August 8, 1994), p. 57. Michael Meyer, and Daniel Glick, “Still Late for Arrival,” Newsweek (August 22,
1994), p. 38. Andrew Bary, “A $3 Billion Joke,” Barron’s (August 22, 1994), p. MW10. Jean Bozman, “Baggage System Woes Costing Denver Airport Millions,”
Computerworld (August 22, 1994), p. 28. Edward Phillips, “Denver, United Agree on Baggage System Fixes,” Aviation
Week & Space Technology (August 29, 1994). Glenn Rifkin, “What Really Happened at Denver’s Airport,” Forbes (August 29,
1994), p. 110. Andrew Bary, “New Denver Airport Bond Issue Could Face Turbulence from
Investors,” Barron’s (August 29, 1994), p. MW9. Andrew Bary, “Denver Airport Bonds Take Off as Investors Line Up for Higher
Yields,” Barron’s (August 29, 1994), p. MW9. Susan Carey, “Alaska’s Cash-Strapped MarkAir Is Wooed by Denver,” The Wall
Street Journal (September 1, 1994), p. B6. Dana K. Henderson, “It’s in the Bag(s),” Air Transport World (September 1994),
p. 54. Dirk Johnson, “Late Already, Denver Airport Faces More Delays,” The New York
Times (September 25, 1994), p. 26L. Gordon Wright, “Denver Builds a Field of Dreams,” Building Design and
Construction (September 1994), p. 52. Alan Jabez, “Airport of the Future Stays Grounded,” Sunday Times (October 9,
1994), Features Section. Jean Bozman, “United to Simplify Denver’s Troubled Baggage Project,”
Computerworld (October 10, 1994), p. 76. “Denver Aide Tells of Laxity in Airport Job,” The New York Times (October 17,
1994), p. A12. Brendan Murray, “In the Bags: Local Company to Rescue Befuddled Denver
Airport,” Marietta Daily Journal (October 21, 1994), p. C1.
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Joanne Wojcik, “Airport in Holding Pattern, Project Is Insured, but Denver to Retain Brunt of Delay Costs,” Business Insurance (November 7, 1994), p. 1.
James S. Russell, “Is This Any Way to Build an Airport?,” Architectural Record (November 1994), p. 30.
1. Is the decision to build a new airport at Denver strategically a sound decision?
2. Perform an analysis for strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats (SWOT) on the decision to build DIA.
3. Who are the stakeholders and what are their interests or objectives? 4. Did the airlines support the decision to build DIA? 5. Why was United Opposed to expansion at Front Range Airport? 6. Why was the new baggage handling system so important to United? 7. Is DIA a good strategic fit for Continental? 8. What appears to be the single greatest risk in the decision to build DIA? 9. United is a corporation in business to make money. How can United issue
tax-free municipal bonds? 10. What impact do the rating agencies (i.e., Moody’s and Standard & Poor’s)
have in the financing of the airport? 11. According to the prospectus, the DIA bonds were rated as BBB� by
Standard & Poor’s Corporation. Yet, at the same time, the City of Denver was given a rating of AA. How can this be?
12. On October 1, 1992, the United bonds were issued at an interest rate of 6.875 percent. Was this an appropriate coupon for the bonds?
13. There are numerous scenarios that can occur once the airport opens. The fol- lowing questions are “what if” exercises and may not have a right or wrong answer. The questions are used to stimulate classroom discussion. The stu- dents must use the prospectus excerpts in the exhibit at the end of the case study. For each situation, what will be the possible outcome and what impact is there upon the bondholders?
14. Assume that DIA finally opens and with a debt of $3 billion. Is the revenue stream sufficient to pay interest each year and pay the principal at maturity?
15. What options are available to DIA if the coverage falls below 100 percent? 16. If the debt coverage were actually this good, why would the ratings on the
bonds be BB? 17. One of the critical parameters that airlines use is the cost per enplaned passen-
ger. Using Exhibit V, determine whether the cost per enplaned passenger can be lowered.
18. Is there additional revenue space available (i.e., unused capacity)?
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19. What is the function of the project management team (PMT) and why were two companies involved?
20. When did the effectiveness of the project management team begin to be ques- tioned?
21. Did it sound as though the statement of work/specifications provided by the city to the PMT was “vague” for the design phase?
22. During the design phase, contractors were submitting reestimates for work, 30 days after their original estimates, and the new estimates were up to $50 million larger than the prior estimate. Does this reflect upon the capabilities of the PMT?
23. Should the PMT be qualified to perform risk analyses? 24. Why were the architects coordinating the changes at the construction site? 25. Should the PMT have been replaced? 26. Do scope changes reflect upon the ineffectiveness of a project management
team? 27. Why did United Airlines decide to act as the project manager for the baggage
handling system on Concourse B?
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Part 15
It is very difficult for the true benefits of project management to be realized un- less project management is integrated into the wage and salary administration program. Some companies view project management as a career path position while others view it simply as a part time profession.
The situation becomes even more complex when dealing with functional em- ployees who report to multiple bosses. When employees are notified that they are be- ing assigned to a new project, their first concern is what is in it for them? How will they be evaluated? How will their boss know whether or not they did a good job? Project managers must have either a formal or informal input into the employee’s performance review.
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Photolite Corporation is engaged in the sale and manufacture of cameras and pho- tographic accessories. The company was founded in Baltimore in 1980 by John Benet. After a few rough years, the company began to flourish, with the majority of its sales coming from the military. By 1985, sales had risen to $5 million.
By 1995, sales had increased to almost $55 million. However, in 1996 competi- tion from larger manufacturers and from some Japanese and German imports made itself felt on Photolite’s sales. The company did what it could to improve its product line, but due to lack of funds, it could not meet the competition head-on. The com- pany was slowly losing its market share and was approached by several larger manu- facturers as to the possibility of a merger or acquisition. Each offer was turned down.
During this time period, several meetings took place with department heads and product managers regarding the financial health of Photolite. At one of the more recent meetings, John Benet expressed his feelings in this manner:
I have been offered some very attractive buyouts, but frankly the companies that want to acquire us are just after our patents and processes. We have a good business, even though we are experiencing some tough times. I want our new camera lens project intensified. The new lens is just about complete, and I want it in full-scale production as soon as possible! Harry Munson will be in charge of this project as of today, and I expect everyone’s full cooper- ation. This may be our last chance for survival.
With that, the meeting was adjourned.
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The new lens project was an innovation that was sure to succeed if followed through properly. The innovation was a lens that could be used in connection with sophisti- cated camera equipment. It was more intense than the wide-angle lens and had no distortion. The lens was to be manufactured in three different sizes, enabling the lens to be used with the top selling cameras already on the market. The lens would not only be operable with the camera equipment manufactured by Photolite, but also that of their competitors.
Management was certain that if the manufactured lens proved to be as pre- cise as the prototypes, the CIA and possibly government satellite manufacturers would be their largest potential customers.
Harry Munson was a young project manager, twenty-nine years of age, who had both sales and engineering experience, in addition to an MBA degree. He had handled relatively small projects in the past and realized that this was the most critical, not only to his career but also for the company’s future.
Project management was still relatively new at Photolite, having been initi- ated only fifteen months earlier. Some of the older department heads were very much against letting go of their subordinates for any length of time, even though it was only a sharing arrangement. This was especially true of Herb Wallace, head of the manufacturing division. He felt his division would suffer in the long run if any of his people were to spend much time on projects and reporting to another manager or project leader.
Harry Munson went directly to the personnel office to review the personnel files of available people from the manufacturing division. There were nine fold- ers available for review. Harry had expected to see at least twenty folders, but de- cided to make the best of the situation. Harry was afraid that it was Herb Wallace’s influence that had reduced the number of files down to nine.
Harry Munson had several decisions to make before looking at the folders. He felt that it was important to have a manufacturing project engineer assigned full-time to the project, rather than having to negotiate for part-time specialists who would have to be shared with other projects. The ideal manufacturing project engineer would have to coordinate activity in production scheduling, quality control, manu- facturing engineering, procurement, and inventory control. Because project manage- ment had only recently been adopted, there were no individuals qualified for this po- sition. This project would have to become the training ground for development of a manufacturing project engineer.
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Due to the critical nature of the project, Harry realized that he must have the most competent people on his team. He could always obtain specialists on a part- time basis, but his choice for the project engineering slot would have to be not only the best person available, but someone who would be willing to give as much extra time as the project demanded for at least the next 18 months. After all, the project engineer would also be the assistant project manager since only the project manager and project engineer would be working full-time on the project. Now, Harry Munson was faced with the problem of trying to select the individual who would be best qual- ified for this slot. Harry decided to interview each of the potential candidates, in ad- dition to analyzing their personnel files.
1. What would be the ideal qualifications for the project engineering slot? 2. What information should Harry look for in the personnel files? 3. Harry decided to interview potential candidates after reviewing the files. This
is usually a good idea, because the files may not address all of Harry’s con- cerns. What questions should Harry ask during the interviews? Why is Harry interviewing candidates? What critical information may not appear in the per- sonnel files?
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On October 3, 1998, a meeting was held between Jesse Jaimeson, the director of personnel, and Ronald Ward, the wage and salary administrator. The purpose of the meeting was to discuss the grievances by the functional employees that Photolite’s present employee evaluation procedures are inadequate for an organi- zation that supports a project management structure.
Jesse Jaimeson: “Ron, we’re having a lot of trouble with our functional employ- ees over their evaluation procedures. The majority of the complaints stem from situations where the functional employee works closely with the project manager. If the functional manager does not track the work of this employee closely, then the functional manager must rely heavily upon the project manager for informa- tion during employee evaluation.”
Ron Ward: “There aren’t enough hours in a day for a functional manager to keep close tabs on all of his or her people, especially if those people are working in a project environment. Therefore, the functional manager will ask the project man- ager for evaluation information. This poses several problems. First, there are al- ways situations where functional and project management disagree as to either di- rection or quality of work. The functional employee has a tendency of bending toward the individual who signs his or her promotion and evaluation form. This can alienate the project manager into recommending a poor evaluation regardless of how well the functional employee performs.”
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In the second situation, the functional employee will spend most of this time working by her or himself, with very little contact with the project manager. In this case, the project manager tends to give an average evaluation, even if the em- ployee’s performance is superb. This could result from a situation where the em- ployee has perhaps only a one to two week effort on a given project. This doesn’t give that employee enough time to get to know anybody.
In the third situation, the project manager allows personal feelings to influence his or her decision. A project manager who knows an employee personally might be tempted to give a strong or weak recommendation, regardless of the performance. When personalities influence the evaluation procedure, chaos usually results.
Jaimeson: “There’s also a problem if the project manager makes an overly good recommendation to a functional manager. If the employee knows that he or she has received a good appraisal for work done on a given project, that employee feels that he or she should be given an above average pay increase or possibly a promotion. Many times this puts severe pressure upon the functional manager. We have one functional manager here at Photolite who gives only average salary in- creases to employees who work a great deal of time on one project, perhaps away from view of the functional manager. In this case, the functional manager claims that he cannot give the individual an above average evaluation because he hasn’t seen him enough. Of course, this is the responsibility of the functional manager.
“We have another manager who refuses to give employees adequate compen- sation if they are attached to a project that could eventually grow into a product line. His rationale is that if the project grows big enough to become a product line, then the project will have its own cost center account and the employee will then be transferred to the new cost center. The functional manager thus reserves the best salary increases for those employees who he feels will stay in his department and make him look good.”
Ward: “Last year we had a major confrontation on the Coral Project. The Coral Project Manager took a grade 5 employee and gave him the responsibilities of a grade 7 employee. The grade 5 employee did an outstanding job and naturally ex- pected a large salary increase or even a promotion. Unfortunately, the functional manager gave the employee an average evaluation and argued that the project manager had no right to give the employee this added responsibility without first checking with the functional manager. We’re still trying to work this problem out. It could very easily happen again.”
Jaimeson: “Ron, we have to develop a good procedure for evaluating our em- ployees. I’m not sure if our present evaluation form is sufficient. Can we develop multiple evaluation forms, one for project personnel and another one for non- project personnel?”
Ward: “That might really get us in trouble. Suppose we let each project manager fill out a project evaluation form for each functional employee who works more
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than, say, 60 hours on a given project. The forms are then given to the functional manager. Should the project manager fill out these forms at project termination or when the employee is up for evaluation?”
Jaimeson: “It would have to be at project termination. If the evaluation were made when the employee is up for promotion and the employee is not promoted, then that employee might slack off on the job if he or she felt that the project man- ager rated him or her down. Of course, we could always show the employee the project evaluation sheets, but I’m not sure that this would be the wise thing to do. This could easily lead into a situation where every project manager would want to see these forms before staffing a project. Perhaps these forms should be solely for the functional manager’s use.”
Ward: “There are several problems with this form of evaluation. First, some of our functional employees work on three or four projects at the same time. This could be a problem if some of the evaluations are good while others are not. Some functional people are working on departmental projects and, therefore, would re- ceive only one type of evaluation. And, of course, we have the people who charge to our overhead structure. They also would have one evaluation form.”
Jaimeson: “You know, Ron, we have both exempt and nonexempt people charg- ing to our projects. Should we have different evaluation forms for these people?”
Ward: “Probably so. Unfortunately, we’re now using just one form for our ex- empt, nonexempt, technical, and managerial personnel. We’re definitely going to have to change. The question is how to do it without disrupting the organization.”
Jaimeson: “I’m dumping this problem into your lap, Ron. I want you to develop an equitable way of evaluating our people here at Photolite Corporation, and I want you to develop the appropriate evaluation forms. Just remember one thing—I do not want to open Pandora’s Box. We’re having enough personnel problems as it is.”
1. Can a company effectively utilize multiple performance evaluation forms within an organization? What are the advantages and disadvantages?
2. If we use only one form, what information should be evaluated so as to be eq- uitable to everyone?
3. If multiple evaluation forms are used, what information should go into the form filled out by the project manager?
4. What information can and cannot a project manager effectively evaluate? Could it depend upon the project manager’s educational background and experience?
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On December 11, 1998, after more than two months of effort, Ron Ward (the wage and salary administrator for Photolite Corporation) was ready to present his findings on the most equitable means of evaluating personnel who are required to perform in a project management organizational structure. Jesse Jaimeson (the di- rector of personnel) was eagerly awaiting the results.
Ron Ward: “Well, Jesse, after two months of research and analysis we’ve come to some reasonable possibilities. My staff looked at the nine basic performance appraisal techniques. They are:
1. Essay appraisal 2. Graphic rating scale 3. Field review 4. Forced choice rating 5. Critical incident appraisal 6. Management by objectives 7. Work-standards approach 8. Ranking methods 9. Assessment centers
(Exhibit I contains a brief description of each technique.)
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We tried to look at each technique objectively. Unfortunately, many of my people are not familiar with project management and, therefore, had some difficulties. We had no so-called ‘standards of performance’ against which we could evaluate each technique. We, therefore, listed the advantages and disadvantages that each technique would have if utilized in a project management structure.”
Jesse Jaimeson: “I’m not sure of what value your results are in this case because they might not directly apply to our project management organization.”
Ward: “In order to select the technique most applicable to a project management structure, I met with several functional and project managers as to the establish- ment of a selection criteria. The functional managers felt that conflicts were pre- dominant in a project organization, and that these conflicts could be used as a comparison. I, therefore, decided to compare each of the appraisal techniques to the seven most commonly mentioned conflicts that exist in project management organizational forms. The comparison is shown in Exhibit II.
“Analysis of Exhibit II shows the management by objectives technique to be the most applicable system. Factors supporting this conclusion are as follows:
Essay Appraisal: This technique appears in most performance appraisals and is characterized by a lack of standards. As a result, it tend to be subjective and inconsistent.
Graphic Rating Scale: This technique is marked by checking boxes and does not have the flexibility required by the constantly changing dynamic structure re- quired in project management.
Field Review: This system would probably account for the majority of per- formance appraisal problems. However, it is costly and provides for an- other management overlay, as well as an additional cost (time) factor.
Forced-Choice Rating: This technique has the same problems as the essay technique with the added problem of being inflexible.
Critical Incident Appraisal: This technique centers on the individual’s perfor- mance and does not take into account decisions made by one’s superiors or the problems beyond the individual’s control. Again, it is time-consuming.
Management by Objectives (MBO): This technique allows all parties, the project manager, the functional manager, and the employee, to share and to participate in the appraisal. It epitomizes the systems approach since it al- lows for objectives modification without undue or undeserved penalty to the employee. Finally, it uses objective data and downplays subjective data.
Work-Standards Approach: This technique lends itself easily to technical projects. Though not usually recognized formally, it is probably the most common project management performance appraisal technique. However, it is not flexible and downplays the effect of personality conflicts with lit- tle employee input.
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Ranking Method: This method allows for little individual input. Most con- flict possibilities are maximized with this technique.
Assessment Centers: This method is not utilizable on site and is very costly. It is probably most applicable (if not the best technique) for selecting proj- ect management human resources.
“In summary, MBO appears to be the best technique for performance ap- praisal in a project management organization.”
Jaimeson: “Your conclusions lead me to believe that the MBO appraisal tech- nique is applicable to all project management appraisal situations and should be recommended. However, I do have a few reservations. A key point is that the MBO approach does not eliminate, or even minimize, the problems inherent in project and matrix management organizations. MBO provides the technique through which human resources can be fairly appraised (and, of course, rewarded and punished). MBO has the weakness that it prohibits individual input and sys- tems that employ poorly trained appraisers and faulty follow-up techniques. Of course, such weaknesses would kill any performance appraisal system. The MBO technique most exemplifies the systems approach and, even with its inherent weaknesses, should be considered when the systems approach to management is being employed.”
Ward: “There is another major weakness that you have omitted. What about those situations where the employee has no say in setting the objectives? I’m sure we have project managers, as well as functional managers, who will do all of the objective-setting themselves.”
Jaimeson: “I’m sure this situation either exists now or will eventually exist. But that’s not what worries me. If we go to an MBO approach, how will it affect our present evaluation forms? We began this study to determine the best appraisal method for our organization. I’ve yet to see any kind of MBO evaluation form that can be used in a project management environment. This should be our next mile- stone.”
Exhibit I. Basic appraisal techniques
Essay Appraisal This technique asks raters to write a short statement covering a particular em- ployee’s strengths, weaknesses, areas for improvement, potential, and so on. This method is often used in the selection of employees when written recommenda- tions are solicited from former employers, teachers, or supervisors. The major problem with this type of appraisal is the extreme variability in length and con- tent, which makes comparisons difficult.
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Graphic Rating Scale A typical graphic rating scale assesses a person on the quality and quantity of his or her work and on a variety of other factors that vary with the specific job. Usually included are personal traits such as flexibility, cooperation, level of self- motivation, and organizational ability. The graphic rating scale results in more consistent and quantifiable data, though it does not provide the depth of the essay appraisal.
Field Review As a check on reliability of the standards used among raters, a systematic review process may be utilized. A member of the personnel or central administrative staff meets with small groups of raters from each supervisory unit to go over ratings for each employee to identify areas of dispute and to arrive at an agreement on the standards to be utilized. This group judgment technique tends to be more fair and valid than individual ratings, but is considerably more time-consuming.
Forced-Choice Rating There are many variations of this method, but the most common version asks raters to choose from among groups of statements those that best fit the person being evaluated and those that least fit. The statements are then weighted and scored in much the same way psychological tests are scored. The theory behind this type of appraisal is that since the rater does not know what the scoring weight of each statement is, he or she cannot play favorites.
Critical Incident Appraisal Supervisors are asked to keep a record on each employee and to record actual in- cidents of positive and negative behavior. While this method is beneficial in that it deals with actual behavior rather than abstractions, it is time-consuming for the supervisor, and the standards of recording are set by the supervisor.
Management by Objectives In this approach, employees are asked to set, or help set, their own performance goals. This approach has considerable merit in its involvement of the individual in setting the standards by which he or she will be judged, and the emphasis on results rather than on abstract personality characteristics.
Work-Standards Approach Instead of asking each employee to set his or her own performance standards, many organizations set measured daily work standards. The work-standards tech- nique establishes work and staffing targets aimed at increasing productivity. When realistically used and when standards are fair and visible, it can be an ef- fective type of performance appraisal. The most serious problem is that of com- parability. With different standards for different people, it is difficult to make comparisons for the purposes of promotion.
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Ranking Methods For purposes of comparing people in different units, the best approach appears to be a ranking technique involving pooled judgment. The two most effective rank- ing methods include alternation-ranking and paired-comparison ranking. Essentially, supervisors are asked to rank who is “most valuable.”
Assessment Centers Assessment centers are coming into use more for the prediction and assessment of future potential. Typically, individuals from different areas are brought together to spend two or three days working on individual and group assignments. The pooled judgment of observers leads to an order-of-merit ranking of participants. The greatest drawback to this system is that it is very time-consuming and costly.
1. Do you agree with the results in Exhibit II? Why or why not? Defend your answers.
2. Are there any other techniques that may be better?
Questions 573
Exhibit II. Rating evaluation techniques against types of conflict
Rating Evaluation Technique
Graphic Forced- Critical Manage- Work Assess- Type of Essay Rating Field Choice Incident ment by Standards Ranking ment Conflict Appraisal Scale Review Review Appraisal Objectives Approach Medthods Center
Conflict over schedules � � � � � �
Conflict over priorities � � � � � �
Conflict over technical issues � � �
Conflict over administra- tion � � � � � � �
Personality conflict � � � �
Conflict over cost � � � � � � �
Note: Shaded circles indicate areas of difficulty.
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On June 12, 1999, Ron Ward (the wage and salary administrator for Photolite Corporation) met with Jesse Jaimeson (the director of personnel) to discuss their presentation to senior management for new evaluation techniques in the recently established matrix organization.
Jesse Jaimeson: “I’ve read your handout on what you’re planning to present to senior management, and I feel a brief introduction should also be included (see Exhibit I). Some of these guys have been divorced from lower-level appraisals for over 20 years. How do you propose to convince these guys?”
Ron Ward: “We do have guidelines for employee evaluation and appraisal. These include:
A. To record an individual’s specific accomplishments for a given period of time. B. To formally communicate to the individual on four basic issues:
1. What is expected of him/her (in specifics). 2. How he/she is performing (in specifics). 3. What his/her manager thinks of his/her performance (in specifics). 4. Where he/she could progress within the present framework.
C. To improve performance. D. To serve as a basis for salary determination. E. To provide a constructive channel for upward communication.
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“Linked to the objectives of the performance appraisal, we must also consider some of the possible negative influences impacting on a manager involved in this process. Some of these factors could be:
� A manager’s inability to control the work climate. � A normal dislike to criticize a subordinate � A lack of communication skills needed to handle the employee interview. � A dislike for the general mode in the operation of the business. � A mistrust of the validity of the appraisal instrument.
“To determine the magnitude of management problems inherent in the appraisal of employees working under the matrix concept, the above-mentioned factors could be increased four or five times, the multiplier effect being caused by the fact that an employee working under the project/matrix concept could be working on as many as four or five projects during the appraisal period, thereby requiring all the project managers and the functional manager to input their evaluation regard- ing a subordinate’s performance and the appraisal system itself.”
Jaimeson: “Of course, managers cannot escape making judgments about subor- dinates. Without these evaluations, Photolite would be unable to adequately ad- minister its promotion and salary policies. But in no instance can a performance appraisal be a simple accept or reject concept involving individuals. Unlike the quality appraisal systems used in accepting or rejecting manufactured units, our personnel appraisal systems must include a human factor. This human factor must take us beyond the scope of job objectives into the values of an individual’s worth, human personality, and dignity. It is in this vein that any effective person- nel appraisal system must allow the subordinate to participate fully in the ap- praisal activities.”
Ward: “Prior to 1998, this was a major problem within Photolite. Up to that time, all appraisals were based on the manager or managers assessing an individual’s progress toward goals that had been established and passed on to subordinates. Although an employee meeting was held to discuss the outcome of an employee’s appraisal, in many instances it was one-sided, without meaningful participation by the person being reviewed. Because of such a system, many employees began to view the appraisal concept as inconsistent and without true concern for the de- velopment of the individual. This also led many to believe that promotions and salary increases were based on favoritism rather than merit.
“Problems inherent in these situations are compounded in the matrix organi- zation when an individual is assigned to several projects with varying degrees of importance placed on each project, but knowing that each project manager will contribute to the performance appraisal based on the success of their individual projects. Such dilemmas can only be overcome when the individual is considered as the primary participating party in the appraisal process and the functional
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manager coordinates and places prime responsibility of the subordinate contribu- tor in the project for which prime interest has been focused by the company. Other project contributions are then considered, but on a secondary basis.”
Jaimeson: “Although we have discussed problems that are inherent in a matrix or- ganization and can be compounded by the multiple performance determination, a number of positives can also be drawn from such a work environment. It is obvious, based on its design, that a project/matrix organization demands new attitudes, be- havior, knowledge, and skills. This in turn has substantial implications for employee selection, development, and career progression. The ultimate success of the individ- ual and the project depends largely on the ability of the organization to help people learn how to function in new ways.
“The matrix organization provides an opportunity for people to develop and grow in ways and rates not normally possible in the more traditional functional organizational setting. Although the project/matrix organization is considered to be high tension in nature, it places greater demands on people but offers greater development and career opportunities than does the functional organization.
“Because of the interdependencies of projects in a matrix, increased communi- cations and contact between people is necessary. This does not mean that in a functional organization interdependency and communication are not necessary. What it does say, however, is that in a functional setting, roles are structured so that individuals can usually resolve conflicting demands by talking to their func- tional manager. In a matrix, such differences would be resolved by people from different functions who have different attitudes and orientations.”
Ward: “From the very outset, organizations such as Photolite ran into conflict between projects involving such items as:
� Assignment of personnel to projects � Manpower costs � Project priority � Project management status (as related to functional managers) � Overlap of authority and power in the matrix
If not adequately planned for in advance, these factors could be significant factors in the performance appraisal of matrix/project members. However, where proce- dures exist to resolve authority and evaluation conflicts, a more equitable perfor- mance appraisal climate exists. Unfortunately, such a climate rarely exists in any functioning organization.
“With the hope of alleviating such problems, my group has redefined its ap- proach to Exempt Performance Appraisals (see Exhibits I and II). This approach is based on the management by objectives technique. This approach allows both management and employees to work together in establishing performance goals.
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Beyond this point of involvement, employees also perform a self-evaluation of their performance, which is considered a vital portion of the performance ap- praisal. Utilization of this system also opens up communication between man- agement and the employee, thereby allowing two-way communication to become a natural item. Although it is hoped that differences can be reconciled, if this can- not occur, the parties involved have at least established firm grounds on which to disagree. These grounds are not hidden to either and the employee knows exactly how his/her performance appraisal was determined.”
Jaimeson: “O.K. I’m convinced we’re talking the same language. We won’t have any problem convincing these people of what we’re trying to do.”
Exhibit I. Recommended approach
I. Prework � Employee and manager record work to be done using goals, work plans,
position guide. � Employee and manager record measurements to be used. Note: This may not be possible at this time since we are in the middle of a
cycle. For 1999 only, the process will start with the employees sub- mitting a list of their key tasks (i.e., job description) as they see it. Manager will review that list with the employee.
II. Self-Appraisal � Employee submits self-appraisal for key tasks. � It becomes part of the record.
III. Managerial Appraisal � Manager evaluates each task. � Manager evaluates total effort. � Skills displayed are recorded. � Development effort required is identified. Note: Appraisals should describe what happened, both good and bad.
IV. Objective Review � Employee relations reviews the appraisal.
� Assure consistent application of ratings. � Assist in preparation, if needed. � Be a sounding board.
V. One-over-One Review � Managerial perspective is obtained. � A consistent point of view should be presented.
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VI. Appraisal Discussion � Discussion should be participative. � Differences should be reconciled. If this is not possible, participants must
agree to disagree. � Work plans are recycled. � Career discussion is teed-up. � Employee and manager commit to development actions.
VII. Follow-up � Checkpoints on development plan allow for this follow-up.
Exhibit II. Performance summary
When writing the overall statement of performance: � Consider the degree of difficulty of the work package undertaken in addi-
tion to the actual results. � Reinforce performance outcomes that you would like to see in the future
by highlighting them here. � Communicate importance of missed targets by listing them here. � Let employees know the direction that performance is taking so that they
can make decisions about effort levels, skill training emphasis, future placement possibilities, and so on.
When determining the overall rating number: � Choose the paragraph that best describes performance in total, then
choose the number that shades the direction it leans. � Use the individual task measurements plus some weighting factor—real-
istically some projects are worth more than others and should carry more weight.
� Again, consider the degree of difficulty of the work package undertaken.
Strong points are: � Demonstrated in the accomplishment of the work. � Found in the completion of more than one project. � Relevant—avoid trivia. � Usually not heard well by employees. � Good subjects for sharpening and growing.
Areas requiring improvement usually: � Show up in more than one project. � Are known by subordinate. � Limit employee effectiveness. � Can be improved to some degree.
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Areas of disagreement: � Can be manager or subordinate initiated. � Need not be prepared in advance. � Require some effort on both parts before recording. � Are designed to keep problems from hiding beneath the surface.
Your review of the self-appraisal may surface some disagreement. Discuss this with the employee before formally committing it to writing.
1. If you were an executive attending this briefing, how would you react? 2. Are there any additional questions that need to be addressed?
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The growth rate of First Security of Cleveland had caused several executives to do some serious thinking about whether the present organizational structure was adequate for future operations. The big question was whether the banking com- munity could adapt to a project management structure.
Tom Hood had been the president of First Security for the past ten years. He had been a pioneer in bringing computer technology into the banking industry. Unfortunately, the size and complexity of the new computer project created se- vere integration problems, problems with which the present traditional organiza- tion was unable to cope. What was needed was a project manager who could drive the project to success and handle the integration of work across functional lines.
Tom Hood met with Ray Dallas, one of the bank’s vice presidents, to discuss possible organizational restructuring:
Tom Hood: “I’ve looked at the size and complexity of some twenty projects that First Security did last year. Over 50 percent of these projects required interaction between four or more departments.”
Ray Dallas: “What’s wrong with that? We’re growing and our problems are like- wise becoming more complex.”
Hood: “It’s the other 50 percent that worry me. We can change our organiza- tional structure to adapt to complex problem-solving and integration. But what
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happens when we have a project that stays in one functional department? Who’s going to drive it home? I don’t see how we can tell a functional manager that he or she is a support group in one organizational form and a project manager in the other and have both organizational forms going on at the same time.
“We can have either large, complex projects or small ones. The small ones will be the problem. They can exist in one department or be special projects assigned to one person or a task force team. This means that if we incorporate project manage- ment, we’ll have to live with a variety of structures. This can become a bad situation. I’m not sure that our people will be able to adapt to this changing environment.”
Dallas: “I don’t think it will be as bad as you make it. As long as we clearly de- fine each person’s authority and responsibility, we’ll be all right. Other industries have done this successfully. Why can’t we?”
Hood: “There are several questions that need answering. Should each project head be called a project manager, even if the project requires only one person? I can see our people suddenly becoming title-oriented. Should all project managers report to the same boss, even if one manager has thirty people working on the project and the other manager has none? This could lead to power struggles. I want to avoid that because it can easily disrupt our organization.”
Dallas: “The problem you mentioned earlier concerns me. If we have a project that belongs in one functional department, the ideal solution is to let the depart- ment manager wear two hats, the second one being project manager. Disregarding for the moment the problem that this manager will have in determining priorities, to whom should he or she report to as to the status of the work? Obviously, not to the director of project management.”
Hood: “I think the solution must be that all project managers report to one per- son. Therefore, even if the project stays in one functional department, we’ll still have to assign a project manager Under project management organizational forms, functional managers become synonymous with resource managers. It is very dangerous to permit a resource manager to act also as a project manager. The resource manager might consider the project as being so important that he or she will commit all the department’s best people to it and make it into a success at the expense of all the department’s other work. That would be like winning a battle but losing the war.”
Dallas: “You realize that we’ll need to revamp our wage and salary administra- tion program if we go to project management. Evaluating project managers might prove difficult. Regardless of what policies we establish, there are still going to be project managers who try to build empires, thinking that their progress is de- pendent upon the number of people they control. Project management will defi- nitely give some people the opportunity to build a empire. We’ll have to watch that closely.”
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Hood: “Ray, I’m a little worried that we might not be able to get good project managers. We can’t compete with the salaries the project managers get in other industries such as engineering, construction, or computers. Project management cannot be successful unless we have good managers at the controls. What’s your feeling on this?”
Dallas: “We’ll have to promote from within. That’s the only viable solution. If we try to make project management salaries overly attractive, we’ll end up throwing the organization into chaos. We must maintain an adequate salary structure so that peo- ple feel that they have the same opportunities in both project management and the functional organization. Of course, we’ll still have some people who will be more title-oriented than money-oriented, but at least each person will have the same oppor- tunity for salary advancement.”
Hood: “See if you can get some information from our personnel people on how we could modify our salary structure and what salary levels we can pay our project managers. Also, check with other banks and see what they’re paying their project managers. I don’t want to go into this blind and then find out that we’re setting the trend for project management salaries. Everyone would hate us. I’d rather be a follower than a leader in this regard.”
1. What are the major problems identified in the case? 2. What are your solutions to the above question and problems?
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“I wish the hell that they had never invented computers,” remarked Tom Ford, president of Jackson Industries. “This damn computer has been nothing but a thorn in our side for the past ten years. We’re gonna resolve this problem now. I’m through watching our people fight with one another. We must find a solution to this problem.”
In 1982, Jackson Industries decided to purchase a mainframe computer, pri- marily to handle the large, repetitive tasks found in the accounting and finance func- tions of the organization. It was only fitting, therefore, that control of the computer came under the director of finance, Al Moody. For two years, operations went smoothly. In 1984, the computer department was reorganized in three sections: sci- entific computer programming, business computer programming, and systems pro- gramming. The reorganization was necessary because the computer department had grown into the fifth largest department, employing some thirty people, and was ex- periencing some severe problems working with other departments.
After the reorganization, Ralph Gregg, the computer department manager, made the following remarks in a memo distributed to all personnel:
The Computer Department has found it increasingly difficult to work with engi- neering and operations functional departments, which continue to permit their personnel to write and document their own computer programs. In order to maintain some degree of consistency, the Computer Department will now
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assume the responsibility for writing all computer programs. All requests should be directed to the department manager. My people are under explicit instructions that they are to provide absolutely no assistance to any functional personnel at- tempting to write their own programs without authorization from me. Company directives in this regard will be forthcoming.
The memo caused concern among the functional departments. If engineering wanted a computer program written, they would now have to submit a formal re- quest and then have the person requesting the program spend a great deal of time explaining the problem to the scientific programmer assigned to this effort. The department managers were reluctant to have their people “waste time” in training the scientific programmers to be engineers. The computer department manager countered this argument by stating that once the programmer was fully familiar with the engineering problem, then the engineer’s time could be spent more fruit- fully on other activities until the computer program was ready for implementation.
This same problem generated more concern by department managers when they were involved in computer projects that required integration among several departments. Although Jackson Industries operated on a traditional structure, the new directive implied that the computer department would be responsible for managing all projects involving computer programming even if they crossed into other departments. Many people looked on this as a “baby” project management structure within the traditional organization.
In June 1992, Al Moody and Ralph Gregg met to discuss the deterioration of working relationships between the computer department and other organizations.
Al Moody: “I’m getting complaints from the engineering and operations de- partments that they can’t get any priorities established on the work to be done in your group. What can we do about it?”
Ralph Gregg: “I set the priorities as I see fit, for what’s best for the company. Those guys in the engineering and operations have absolutely no idea how long it takes to write, debug, and document a computer program. Then they keep feed- ing me this crap about how their projects will slip if this computer program isn’t ready on time. I’ve told them what problems I have, and yet they still refuse to let me participate in the planning phase of their activities.”
Al Moody: “Well, you may have a valid gripe there. I’m more concerned about this closed shop you’ve developed for your department. You’ve built a little em- pire down there and it looks like your people are unionized where the rest of us are not. Furthermore, I’ve noticed that your people have their own informal orga- nization and tend to avoid socializing with the other employees. We’re supposed to be one big, happy family, you know. Can’t you do something about that?”
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Ralph Gregg: “The problem belongs to you and Tom Ford. For the last three years, the average salary increase for the entire company has been 7.5 percent and our department has averaged a mere 5 percent because you people upstairs do not feel as though we contribute anything to company profits. My scientific pro- grammers feel that they’re doing engineering work and that they’re making the same contribution to profits as is the engineer. Therefore, they should be on the engineering pay structure and receive an 8 percent salary increase.”
Al Moody: “You could have given your scientific programmers more money. You had a budget for salary increases, the same as everyone else.”
Ralph Gregg: “Sure I did. But my budget was less than everyone else’s. I could have given the scientific people 7 percent and everyone else 3 percent. That would be an easy way to tell people that we think they should look for another job. My people do good work and do, in fact, contribute to profits. If Tom Ford doesn’t change his impression of us, then I expect to lose some of my key people. Maybe you should tell him that.”
Al Moody: “Between you and me, all of your comments are correct. I agree with your concerns. But my hands are tied, as you know.
“We are contemplating the installation of a management information system for all departments and, especially, for executive decision making. Tom is contem- plating creating a new position, Director of Information Services. This would move the computer out of a department under finance and up to the directorate level. I’m sure this would have an impact on yearly salary increases for your people.
“The problem that we’re facing involves the managing of projects under the new directorate. It looks like we’ll have to create a project management organi- zation just for this new directorate. Tom likes the traditional structure and wants to leave all other directorates intact. We know that this new directorate will have to integrate the new computer projects across multiple departments and divisions. Once we solve the organizational structure problem, we’ll begin looking at im- plementation. Got any good ideas about the organizational structure?”
Ralph Gregg: “You bet I do. Make me director and I’ll see that the work gets done.”
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Part 16
Managing projects within time, cost, and performance is easier said than done. The project management environment is extremely turbulent and is composed of numerous meetings, report writing, conflict resolution, continuous planning and replanning, customer communications, and crisis management.
To manage all of these activities requires that the project manager and team members effectively manage their time each day. Some people are morning people and soon learn they are more productive in the morning than afternoon. Others are afternoon people. Knowing your own energy cycle is important. Also, good project managers realize that not all of the activities that they are asked to do are their responsibility.
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Effective time management is one of the most difficult chores facing even the most experienced managers. For a manager who manages well-planned repetitive tasks, effective time management can be accomplished without very much pain. But for a project manager who must plan, schedule, and control resources and ac- tivities on unique, one-of-a-kind projects or tasks, effective time management may not be possible because of the continuous stream of unexpected problems that develop.
This exercise is designed to make you aware of the difficulties of time man- agement both in a traditional organization and in a project environment. Before beginning the exercise, you must make the following assumptions concerning the nature of the project:
� You are the project manager on a project for an outside customer. � The project is estimated at $3.5 million with a time span of two years. � The two-year time span is broken down into three phases: Phase I—one
year, beginning February 1; Phase II—six months; Phase III—six months. You are now at the end of Phase I. (Phases I and II overlap by approxi- mately two weeks. You are now in the Monday of the next to the last week of Phase I.) Almost all of the work has been completed.
� Your project employs thirty-five to sixty people, depending on the phase that you are in.
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� You, as the project manager, have three full-time assistant project man- agers that report directly to you in the project office; an assistant project manager each for engineering, cost control, and manufacturing. (Material procurement is included as part of the responsibilities of the manufactur- ing assistant project manager.)
� Phase I appears to be proceeding within the time, cost, and performance constraints.
� You have a scheduled team meeting for each Wednesday from 10 A.M. to 12 noon. The meeting will be attended by all project office team members and the functional team members from all participating line organizations. Line managers are not team members and therefore do not show up at team meetings. It would be impossible for them to show up at the team meetings for all projects and still be able to function as a line manager. Even when requested, they may not show up at the team meeting because it is not effective time management for them to show up for a two-hour meeting simply to discuss ten minutes of business. (Disregard the possi- bility that a team meeting agenda could resolve this problem.)
It is now Monday morning and you are home eating breakfast, waiting for your car pool to pick you up. As soon as you enter your office, you will be in- formed about problems, situations, tasks, and activities that have to be investi- gated. Your problem will be to accomplish effective time management for this en- tire week based on the problems and situations that occur.
You will take each day one at a time. You will be given ten problems and/or situations that will occur for each day, and the time necessary for resolution. You must try to optimize your time for each of the next five days and get the maximum amount of productive work accomplished. Obviously, the word “productive” can take on several meanings. You must determine what is meant by productive work. For the sake of simplicity, let us assume that your energy cycle is such that you can do eight hours of productive work in an eight-hour day. You do not have to sched- ule idle time, except for lunch. However, you must be aware that in a project en- vironment, the project manager occasionally becomes the catchall for all work that line managers, line personnel, and even executives do not feel like accomplishing.
Following the ten tasks for each day, you will find a worksheet that breaks down each day into half-hour blocks between 9:00 A.M. and 5:00 P.M. Your job will be to determine which of the tasks you wish to accomplish during each half- hour block. The following assumptions are made in scheduling work:
� Because of car pool requirements, overtime is not permitted. � Family commitments for the next week prevent work at home. Therefore,
you will not schedule any work after 5:00 P.M. � The project manager is advised of the ten tasks as soon as he arrives at work.
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The first step in the solution to the exercise is to establish the priorities for each activity based on:
� Priority A: This activity is urgent and must be completed today. (However, some A priorities can be withheld until the team meeting.)
� Priority B: This activity is important but not necessarily urgent. � Priority C: This activity can be delayed, perhaps indefinitely.
Fill in the space after each activity as to the appropriate priority. Next, you must determine which of the activities you have time to accomplish for this day. You have either seven or seven and one-half hours to use for effective time man- agement, depending on whether you want a half-hour or a full hour for lunch.
You have choices as to how to accomplish each of the activities. These choices are shown below:
� You can do the activity yourself (Symbol � Y). � You can delegate the responsibility to one of your assistant project man-
agers (Symbol � D). If you use this technique, you can delegate only one hour’s worth of your work to each of your assistants without incurring a penalty. The key word here is that you are delegating your work. If the task that you wish to delegate is one that the assistant project manager would normally perform, then it does not count toward the one hour’s worth of your work. This type of work is transmittal work and will be dis- cussed below. For example, if you wish to delegate five hours of work to one of your assistant project managers and four of those hours are activi- ties that would normally be his responsibility, then no penalty will be as- sessed. You are actually transmitting four hours and delegating one. You may assume that whatever work you assign to an assistant project man- ager will be completed on the day it is assigned, regardless of the priority.
� Many times, the project manager and his team are asked to perform work that is normally the responsibility of someone else, say, an executive or a line manager. As an example, a line employee states that he doesn’t have sufficient time to write a report and he wants you to do it, since you are the project manager. These types of requests can be returned to the requestor since they normally do not fall within the project manager’s responsibili- ties. You may, therefore, select one of the following four choices: � You can return the activity request back to the originator, whether line
manager, executive, or subordinate, since it is not your responsibility (Symbol � R). Of course, you might want to do this activity, if you have time, in order to build up good will with the requestor.
� Many times, work that should be requested of an assistant project man- ager is automatically sent to the project manager. In this case, the project
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manager will automatically transmit this work to the appropriate assis- tant project manager (Symbol � T). As before, if the project manager feels that he has sufficient time available or if his assistants are bur- dened, he may wish to do the work himself. Work that is normally the responsibility of an assistant project manager is transmitted, not dele- gated. Thus the project manager can transmit four hours of work (T) and still delegate one hour of work (D) to the same assistant project manager without incurring any penalty.
� You can postpone work from one day to the next (Symbol � P). As an example, you decide that you want to accomplish a given Monday ac- tivity but do not have sufficient time. You can postpone the activity un- til Tuesday. If you do not have sufficient time on Tuesday, you may then decide to transmit (T) the activity to one of your assistants, dele- gate (D) the activity to one of your assistants, return (R) the activity to the requestor, or postpone (P) the activity another day. Postponing ac- tivities can be a trap. On Monday you decide to postpone a category B priority. On Tuesday, the activity may become a category A priority and you have no time to accomplish it. If you make a decision to post- pone an activity from Monday to Tuesday and find that you have made a mistake by not performing this activity on Monday, you cannot go back in time and correct the situation.
� You can simply consider the activity as unnecessary and avoid doing it (Symbol � A).
After you have decided which activities you will perform each day, place them in the appropriate time slot based on your own energy cycle. Later we will discuss energy cycles and the order of the activities accomplished each day. You will find one worksheet for each day. The worksheets follow the ten daily situa- tions and/or problems.
Repeat the procedure for each of the five days. Remember to keep track of the activities that are carried over from the previous days. Several of the problems can be resolved by more than one method. If you are thoroughly trapped between two or more choices on setting priorities or modes of resolution, then write a note or two to justify your answer in space beneath each activity.
Briefly look at the work plan for one of the days. Under the column labeled “pri- ority,” the ten activities for each day are listed. You must first identify the priori- ties for each activity. Next, under the column labeled “method,” you must select
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the method of accomplishment according to the legend at the bottom of the page. At the same time, you must fill in the activities you wish to perform yourself un- der the “accomplishment” column in the appropriate time slot because your method for accomplishment may be dependent on whether you have sufficient time to accomplish the activity.
Notice that there is a space provided for you to keep track of activities that have been carried over. This means that if you have three activities on Monday’s list that you wish to carry over until Tuesday, then you must turn to Tuesday’s work plan and record these activities so that you will not forget.
You will not score any points until you complete Friday’s work plan. Using the scoring sheets that follow Friday’s work plan, you can return to the daily work plans and fill in the appropriate points. You will receive either positive points or negative points for each decision that you make. Negative points should be sub- tracted when calculating totals.
After completing the work plans for all five days, fill in the summary work plan that follows and be prepared to answer the summary questions.
You will not be told at this time how the scoring points will be awarded be- cause it may affect your answers.
Monday’s Activities
Activity Description Priority
1. The detailed schedules for Phase II must be updated prior _____ to Thursday’s meeting with the customer. (Time � 1 hr)
2. The manufacturing manager calls you and states that he _____ cannot find a certain piece of equipment for tomorrow’s production run test. (Time � 1⁄2 hr)
3. The local university has a monthly distinguished lecturer _____ series scheduled for 3–5 P.M. today. You have been directed by the vice president to attend and hear the lecture. The company will give you a car. Driving time to the university is one hour. (Time � 3 hrs)
4. A manufacturer’s representative wants to call on you _____ today to show you why his product is superior to the one that you are now using. (Time � 1⁄2 hr)
5. You must write a two-page weekly status report for the _____ vice president. Report is due on his desk by 1:00 P.M. Wednesday. (Time � 1 hr)
6. A vice president calls you and suggests that you contact _____ one of the other project managers about obtaining a uniform structure for the weekly progress reports. (Time � 1⁄2 hr)
7. A functional manager calls to inform you that, due to a _____
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Priority Method
Method of Activity Priority Points Accomplishment Points
Total Total
Time Activity Points
Activities Postponed Until Today Today’s Priority
Priority Points
Method Points
Accomplishment Points
Today’s Points
Method of Accomplishment:
Y = you D = delegate T = transmit R = return A = avoid P = postpone
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Activity Description Priority schedule slippage on another project, your beginning milestones on Phase II may slip to the right because his people will not be available. He wants to know if you can look at the detailed schedules and modify them. (Time � 2 hr)
8. The director of personnel wants to know if you have _____ reviewed the three resumes that he sent you last week. He would like your written comments by quitting time today. (Time � 1 hr)
9. One of your assistant project managers asks you to _____ review a detailed Phase III schedule that appears to have errors. (Time � 1 hr)
10. The procurement department calls with a request that you _____ tell them approximately how much money you plan to spend on raw materials for Phase III. (Time � 1⁄2 hr)
Tuesday’s Activities
Activity Description Priority
11. A functional manager calls you wanting to know if his _____ people should be scheduled for overtime next week. (Time � 1⁄2 hr)
12. You have a safety board meeting today from 1–3 P.M. and _____ must review the agenda. (Time � 21⁄2 hrs)
13. Because of an impending company cash flow problem, _____ your boss has asked you for the detailed monthly labor expenses for the next three months. (Time � 2 hrs)
14. The vice president has just called to inform you that two _____ congressmen will be visiting the plant today and you are requested to conduct the tour of the facility from 3–5 P.M. (Time � 2 hrs)
15. You have developed a new policy for controlling _____ overtime costs on Phase II. You must inform your people either by memo, phone, or team meeting. (Time � 1⁄2 hr)
16. You must sign and review twenty-five purchase order _____ requisitions for Phase III raw materials. It is company policy that the project manager sign all forms. Almost all of the items require a three-month lead time. (Time � 1 hr)
17. The engineering division manager has asked you to assist _____ one of his people this afternoon in the solution of a technical problem. You are not required to do this. It would be as a personal favor for the engineering
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Priority Method
Method of Activity Priority Points Accomplishment Points
Total Total
Time Activity Points
Total Activities Postponed
Until Today Today’s Priority
Priority Points
Method Points
Accomplishment Points
Today’s Points
Method of Accomplishment:
Y = you D = delegate T = transmit R = return A = avoid P = postpone
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Activity Description Priority manager, a man to whom you reported for the six years that you were an engineering functional manager. (Time � 2 hrs)
18. The data processing department manager informs you that _____ the company is trying to eliminate unnecessary reports. He would like you to tell him which reports you can do without. (Time � 1⁄2 hr)
19. The assistant project manager for cost informs you that _____ he does not know how to fill out the revised corporate project review form. (Time � 1⁄2 hr)
20. One of the functional managers wants an immediate _____ explanation of why the scope of effort for Phase II was changed this late into the project and why he wasn’t informed. (Time � 1 hr)
Wednesday’s Activities
Activity Description Priority
21. A vice president calls you stating that he has just read the _____ rough draft of your Phase I report and wants to discuss some of the conclusions with you before the report is submitted to the customer on Thursday. (Time � 2 hrs)
22. The reproduction department informs you that they are _____ expecting the final version of the in-house quarterly report for your project by noon today. The report is on your desk waiting for final review. (Time � 1 hr)
23. The manufacturing department manager calls to say that _____ they may have to do more work than initially defined in Phase II. A meeting is requested. (Time � 1 hr)
24. Quality control sends you a memo stating that, unless _____ changes are made, they will not be able to work with the engineering specifications developed for Phase III. A meeting will be required with all assistant project managers in attendance. (Time � 1 hr)
25. A functional manager calls to tell you that the raw data _____ from yesterday’s tests are terrific and invites you to come up to the laboratory and see the results yourself. (Time � 1 hr)
26. Your assistant project manager is having trouble resolving _____ a technical problem. The functional manager wants to deal with you directly. This problem must be resolved by Friday or else a major Phase II milestone might slip. (Time � 1 hr)
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Priority Method
Method of Activity Priority Points Accomplishment Points
Total Total
Time Activity Points
Activities Postponed Until Today Today’s Priority
Priority Points
Method Points
Accomplishment Points
Today’s Points
Method of Accomplishment:
Y = you D = delegate T = transmit R = return A = avoid P = postpone
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Activity Description Priority 27. You have a technical interchange meeting with the _____
customer scheduled for 1–3 P.M. on Thursday, and must review the handout before it goes to publication. The reproduction department has requested at least twelve hours’ notice. (Time � 1 hr)
28. You have a weekly team meeting from 10 A.M. to 12 noon _____ (Time � 2 hrs)
29. You must dictate minutes to your secretary concerning _____ your weekly team meeting which is held on Wednesday 10 A.M. to 12 noon (Time � 1⁄2 hr)
30. A new project problem has occurred in the manufacturing _____ area and your manufacturing functional team members are reluctant to make a decision. (Time � 1 hr)
Thursday’s Activities
Activity Description Priority
31 The electrical engineering department informs you that _____ they have completed some Phase II activities ahead of schedule and want to know if you wish to push any other activities to the left. (Time � 1 hr)
32. The assistant project manager for cost informs you that _____ the corporate overhead rate is increasing faster than anticipated. If this continues, severe cost overruns will occur in Phases II and III. A schedule and cost review is necessary. (Time � 2 hrs)
33. Your insurance man is calling to see if you wish to _____ increase your life insurance. (Time � 1⁄2 hr)
34. You cannot find one of last week’s manufacturing line _____ manager’s technical reports as to departmental project status. You’ll need it for the customer technical interchange meeting. (Time � 1⁄2 hr)
35. One of your car pool members wants to talk to you _____ concerning next Saturday’s golf tournament. (Time � 1⁄2 hr)
36. A functional manager calls to inform you that, due to a _____ change in his division’s workload priorities, people with the necessary technical expertise may not be available for next week’s Phase II tasks. (Time � 2 hrs)
37. An employee calls you stating that he is receiving _____ conflicting instructions from one of your assistant project managers and his line manager. (Time � 1 hr)
Scoring System 599
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Priority Method
Method of Activity Priority Points Accomplishment Points
Total Total
Time Activity Points
Activities Postponed Until Today Today’s Priority
Priority Points
Method Points
Accomplishment Points
Today’s Points
Method of Accomplishment:
Y = you D = delegate T = transmit R = return A = avoid P = postpone
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Activity Description Priority 38. The customer has requested bimonthly instead of monthly _____
team meetings for Phase II. You must decide whether to add an additional project office team member to support the added workload. (Time � 1⁄2 hr)
39. Your secretary reminds you that you must make a _____ presentation to the Rotary Club tonight on how your project will affect the local economy. You must prepare your speech. (Time � 2 hrs)
40. The bank has just called you concerning your personal _____ loan. The information is urgent to get loan approval in time. (Time � 1⁄2 hr)
Friday’s Activities
Activity Description Priority
41. An assistant project manager has asked for your solution _____ to a recurring problem. (Time � 1⁄2 hr)
42. A functional employee is up for a merit review. You must _____ fill out a brief checklist form and discuss it with the employee. The form must be on the functional manager’s desk by next Tuesday. (Time � 1⁄2 hr)
43. The personnel department wants you to review the _____ summer vacation schedule for your project office personnel. (Time � 1⁄2 hr)
44. The vice president calls you into his office stating that he _____ has seen the excellent test results from this week’s work, and feels that a follow-on contract should be considered. He wants to know if you can develop reasonable justification for requesting a follow-on contract at this early date. (Time � 1 hr)
45. The travel department says that you’ll have to make your _____ own travel arrangements for next month’s trip to one of the customers, since you are taking a planned vacation trip in conjunction with the customer visit. (Time � 1⁄2 hr)
46. The personnel manager has asked if you would be willing _____ to conduct a screening interview for an applicant who wants to be an assistant project manager. The applicant will be available this afternoon 1–2 P.M. (Time � 1 hr)
47. Your assistant project manager wants to know why you _____ haven’t approved his request to take MBA courses this quarter. (Time � 1⁄2 hr)
Scoring System 601
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Priority Method
Method of Activity Priority Points Accomplishment Points
Total Total
Time Activity Points
Activities Postponed Until Today Today’s Priority
Priority Points
Method Points
Accomplishment Points
Today’s Points
Method of Accomplishment:
Y = you D = delegate T = transmit R = return A = avoid P = postpone
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Activity Description Priority 48. Your assistant project manager wants to know if he has _____
the authority to visit vendors without informing procurement. (Time � 1⁄2 hr)
49. You have just received your copy of Engineering Review _____ Quarterly and would like to look it over. (Time � 1⁄2 hr)
50. You have been asked to make a statement before the _____ grievance committee (this Friday, 10 A.M. to 12 noon) because one of the functional employees has complained about working overtime on Sunday mornings. You’ll have to be in attendance for the entire meeting. (Time � 2 hrs)
In the answers that follow, your recommendations may differ from those of the author because of the type of industry or the nature of the project. You will be given the opportunity to defend your answers at a later time.
a. If you selected the correct priority according to the table on pages 375–376, then the following system should be employed for awarding points:
Priority Points
A 10 B 5 C 3
b. If you selected the correct accomplishment mode according to the table on pages 375–376, then the following system should be employed for as- signing points:
Method of Accomplishment Points
Y 10 T 10 P 8 D 8 A 6
c. You will receive 10 bonus points for each correctly postponed or delayed activity accomplished during the team meeting.
d. You will receive 5 points for each half-hour time slot in which you per- form a priority A activity (one that is correctly identified as priority A).
Rationale and Point Awards 603
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e. You will receive a 10-point penalty for any activity that is split. f. You will receive a 20-point penalty for each priority A or B activity not
accomplished by you or your team by Friday at 5:00 P.M.
Activity Rationale
1. The updating of schedules, especially for Phase II, should be of prime importance because of the impact on functional resources. These schedules can be delegated to assistant project managers. However, with a team meeting scheduled for Wednesday, it should be an easy task to update the schedules when all of the players are present. The updating of the schedules should not be delayed until Thursday. Sufficient time must be allocated for close analysis and reproduction services.
2. This must be done immediately. Your assistant project manager for manufacturing should be able to handle this activity.
3. You must handle this yourself. 4. Here, we assume that the representative is available only today. The
assistant project managers can handle this activity. This activity may be important if you were unaware of this vendor’s product.
5. This could be delegated to your assistants provided that you allow sufficient time for personal review on Wednesday.
6. Delaying this activity for one more week should not cause any problems. This activity can be delegated.
7. You must take charge at once. 8. Even though your main concern is the project, you still must fulfill
your company’s administrative requirements. 9. This can be delayed until Wednesday’s team meeting, especially
since these are Phase III schedules. However, there is no guarantee that line people will be ready or knowledgeable to discuss Phase III this early. You will probably have to do this yourself.
10. The procurement request must be answered. Your assistant project manager for manufacturing should have this information available.
11. This is urgent and should not be postponed until the team meeting. Good project managers will give functional managers as much information as possible as early as possible for resource control. This task can be delegated to the assistant project managers, but it is not recommended.
12. This belongs to the project manager. The agenda review and the meeting can be split, but it is not recommended.
13. This must be done immediately. The results could severely limit your resources (especially if overtime would normally be required). Although your assistant project managers will probably be involved, the majority of the work is yours.
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Activity Rationale
14. Most project managers hate a request like this but know that situations such as this are inevitable.
15. Project policies should be told by the project manager himself. Policy changes should be announced as early as possible. Team meetings are appropriate for such actions.
16. Obviously, the project manager must do this task himself. Fortunately, there is sufficient time if the lead times are accurate.
17. The priority of this activity is actually your choice, but an A priority is preferred if you have time. This activity cannot be delegated.
18. This activity must be done, but the question is when. Parts of this task can be delegated, but the final decision must be made by the project manager.
19. Obviously you must do this yourself. Your priority, of course, depends on the deadline on the corporate project review form.
20. The project manager must perform this activity immediately. 21. Top-level executives from both the customer and contractor often
communicate project status among themselves. Therefore, since the conclusions in the report reflect corporate policy, this activity should be accomplished immediately.
22. The reproduction department considers each job as a project and therefore you should try not to violate their milestones. This activity can be delegated, depending on the nature of the report.
23. This could have a severe impact on your program. Although you could delegate this to one of your assistants, you should do this yourself because of the ramifications.
24. This must be done, and the team meeting is the ideal place. 25. You, personally, should give the functional manager the courtesy of
showing you his outstanding results. However, it is not a high priority and could even be delegated or postponed since you’ll see the data eventually.
26. The question here is the importance of the problem. The problem must be resolved by Thursday in case an executive meeting needs to be scheduled to establish company direction. Waiting until the last minute can be catastrophic here.
27. The project manager should personally review all data presented to the customer. Check Thursday’s schedule. Did you forget the interchange meeting?
28. This is your show. 29. This should be done immediately. Nonparticipants need to know the
project status. The longer you wait, the greater the risk that you will neglect something important. This activity can be delegated, but it is not recommended.
Rationale and Point Awards 605
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Activity Rationale
30. You may have to solve this yourself even though you have an assistant project manager for manufacturing. The decision may affect the schedule and miletones.
31. Activities such as this do not happen very often. But when they do, the project manager should make the most of them, as fast as he can. These are gold mine activities. They can be delegated, but not postponed.
32. If this activity is not accomplished immediately, the results can be catastrophic. Regardless of the project manager’s first inclination to delegate, this activity should be done by the project manager himself.
33. This activity can be postponed or even avoided, if necessary. 34. Obviously, if the report is that important, then your assistant project
managers should have copies of the report and the activity can be delegated.
35. This activity should be discussed in the car pool, not on company time.
36. This is extremely serious. The line manager would probably prefer to work directly with the project manager on this problem.
37. This is an activity that you should handle. Transmitting this to one of your assistants may aggravate the situation further. Although it is possible that this activity could be postponed, it is highly unlikely that time would smooth out the conflict.
38. This is a decision for the project manager. Extreme urgency may not be necessary.
39. Project managers also have a social responsibility. 40. The solution to this activity is up for grabs. Most companies realize
that employees occasionally need company time to complete personal business.
41. Why is he asking you about a recurring problem? How did he solve it last time? Let him do it again.
42. You must do this personally, but it can wait until Monday. 43. This activity is not urgent and can be accomplished by your
assistant project managers. 44. This could be your lucky day. 45. Although most managers would prefer to delegate this activity to
their secretaries, it is really the responsibility of the project manager since it involves personal business.
46. This is an example of an administrative responsibility that is required of all personnel regardless of the job title or management level. This activity must be accomplished today, if time permits.
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/A C
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,P A
D ,Y
6 B
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,P B
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,P B
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,P B
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8 A
9 B
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,P A
10 B
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,P B
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,P B
Y ,T
,P B
Y ,T
,P B
Y ,T
11 A
D ,Y
12 A
13 A
Y ,P
14 A
15 B
P, Y
16 B
Y ,P
,P B
Y ,P
17 C
A ,Y
18 B
/C D
,Y ,P
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1321.ch16 11/3/05 9:29 AM Page 607
/A C
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19 A
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20 A
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22 A
D ,Y
23 A
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24 A
25 B
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Y ,T
,P ,R
26 B
27 A
28 A
29 A
Y ,D
30 A
Y ,T
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32 A
33 C
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Y ,T
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/A C
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40 A
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42 B
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Y ,P
46 A
Y ,T
47 A
48 B
Y ,T
,P ,D
49 C
Y ,P
50 A
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47. Although you might consider this as a B priority or one that can be postponed, you must remember that your assistant project manager considers this as an A priority and would like an answer today. You are morally obligated to give him the answer today.
48. Why can’t he get the answer himself? Whether or not you handle this activity might depend on the priority and how much time you have available.
49. How important is it for you to review the publication? 50. This is mandatory attendance on your behalf. You have total
responsibility for all overtime scheduled on your project. You may wish to bring one of your assistant project managers with you for moral support.
Now take the total points for each day and complete the following table:
Summary Work Plan
Day Points
1. Project managers have a tendency to want to carry the load themselves, even if it means working sixty hours a week. You were told to do everything within your normal working day. But, as a potentially good project manager, you probably have the natural tendency of wanting to postpone some work until a later date so that you can do it yourself. Doing the activities, when they occur, even through transmittal or delegation, is probably the best policy. You might wish to do the same again at a later time and see if you can beat your present score. Only this time, try to do as many tasks as possible on each day, even if it means delegation.
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2. Several of the activities were company, not project, requests. Project managers have a tendency to avoid administrative responsibilities unless it deals directly with their project. This process of project management “tunnel vision” can lead to antagonism and conflicts if the proper attitude is not developed on the part of the project manager. This can easily carry down to his assistants as well.
3. Several of the activities could have been returned to the requestor. However, in a project environment where the project manager cannot be successful with- out the functional manager’s support, most project managers would never turn away a line employee’s request for assistance.
4. Make a list of the activities where your answers differ from those of the an- swer key and where you feel that there exists sufficient justification for your interpretation.
5. Quite often self-productivity can be increased by knowing one’s own energy cycle. Are your more important meetings in the mornings or afternoons? What time of day do you perform your most productive work? When do you do your best writing? Does your energy cycle vary according to the day of the week?
Conclusions and Summary Questions 611
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Part 17
Many project management situations or problems are somewhat complex and in- volve many interacting factors, all contributing to a common situation. For ex- ample, poor planning on a project may appear on the surface to be a planning is- sue, whereas the real problem may be the corporate culture, lack of line management support, or poor employee morale. The case studies in this chapter involve interacting factors.
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It was Friday afternoon, a late November day in 2003, and Ron Katz, a purchas- ing agent for Robert L. Frank Construction, poured over the latest earned value measurement reports. The results kept pointing out the same fact; the Lewis project was seriously over budget. Man-hours expended to date were running 30 percent over the projection and, despite this fact, the project was not progressing sufficiently to satisfy the customer. Material deliveries had experienced several slippages, and the unofficial indication from the project scheduler was that, due to delivery delays on several of the project’s key items, the completion date of the coal liquefaction pilot plant was no longer possible.
Katz was completely baffled. Each day for the past few months as he re- viewed the daily printout of project time charges, he would note that the pur- chasing and expediting departments were working on the Lewis project, even though it was not an unusually large project, dollarwise, for Frank. Two years ear- lier, Frank was working on a $300 million contract, a $100 million contract and a $50 million contract concurrently with the Frank Chicago purchasing depart- ment responsible for all the purchasing, inspection, and expediting on all three contracts. The Lewis project was the largest project in house and was valued at only $90 million. What made this project so different from previous contracts and caused such problems? There was little Katz felt that he could do to correct the situation. All that could be done was to understand what had occurred in an effort
Robert L. Frank Construction Company
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to prevent a recurrence. He began to write his man-hour report for requested by the project manager the next day.
Robert L. Frank Construction Company was an engineering and construction firm serving the petroleum, petrochemical, chemical, iron and steel, mining, pharma- ceutical, and food-processing industries from its corporate headquarters in Chicago, Illinois, and its worldwide offices. Its services include engineering, pur- chasing, inspection, expediting, construction, and consultation.
Frank’s history began in 1947 when Robert L. Frank opened his office. In 1955, a corporation was formed, and by 1960 the company had completed con- tracts for the majority of the American producers of iron and steel. In 1962, an event occurred that was to have a large impact on Frank’s future. This was the merger of Wilson Engineering Company, a successful refinery concern, with Robert L. Frank, now a highly successful iron and steel concern. This merger greatly expanded Frank’s scope of operations and brought with it a strong period of growth. Several offices were opened in the United States in an effort to better handle the increase in business. Future expansions and mergers enlarged the Frank organization to the point where it had fifteen offices or subsidiaries located throughout the United States and twenty offices worldwide. Through its first twenty years of operations, Frank had more than 2,500 contracts for projects hav- ing an erected value of over $1 billion.
Frank’s organizational structure has been well suited to the type of work un- dertaken. The projects Frank contracted for typically had a time constraint, a bud- get constraint, and a performance constraint. They all involved an outside cus- tomer such as a major petroleum company or a steel manufacturer. Upon acceptance of a project, a project manager was chosen (and usually identified in the proposal). The project manager would head up the project office, typically consisting of the project manager, one to three project engineers, a project con- trol manager, and the project secretaries. The project team also included the nec- essary functional personnel from the engineering, purchasing, estimating, cost control, and scheduling areas. Exhibit I is a simplified depiction. Of the func- tional areas, the purchasing department is somewhat unique in its organizational structure. The purchasing department is organized on a project management ba- sis much as the project as a whole would be organized. Within the purchasing de- partment, each project had a project office that included a project purchasing agent, one or more project expeditors and a project purchasing secretary. Within the purchasing department the project purchasing agent had line authority over only the project expeditor(s) and project secretary. However, for the project pur- chasing agent to accomplish his goals, the various functions within the purchas-
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Company Background 617
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1321.ch17 11/3/05 9:30 AM Page 617
ing department had to commit sufficient resources. Exhibit II illustrates the orga- nization within the purchasing department.
Since 1998, the work backlog at Frank has been steadily declining. The Rovery Project, valued at $600 million, had increased company employment sharply since its inception in 1997. In fact, the engineering on the Rovery project was such a large undertaking that in addition to the Chicago office’s participation, two other U.S. offices, the Canadian office, and the Italian subsidiary were heavily in- volved. However, since the Rovery project completion in 2001, not enough new
Exhibit II. Frank purchasing organization
Mgr. Procurement
Mgr. Buying, Esp., Insp.
Project A
Project B
Project C
Admin. Assistant
Chief Inspector
InspectionMgr. Buying Mgr. Traffic Chief Expediter
Buying Traffic Expediting
Project D
Project E
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work was received to support the work force thus necessitating recent lay-offs of engineers, including a few project engineers.
Company officials were very disturbed with the situation. Frank’s company policy was to “maintain an efficient organization of sufficient size and resources, and staffed by people with the necessary qualifications, to execute projects in any location for the industries served by Frank.” However, the recent downturn in business meant that there was not enough work even with the reduction in em- ployees. Further cutbacks would jeopardize Frank’s prospects of obtaining future large projects as prospective clients look to contractors with a sufficient staff of qualified people to accomplish their work. By contrast, supporting employees out of overhead was not the way to do business, either. It became increasingly im- portant to “cut the fat out” of the proposals being submitted for possible projects. Despite this, new projects were few and far between, and the projects that were received were small in scope and dollar value and therefore did not provide work for very many employees.
When rumors of a possible construction project for a new coal liquefaction pilot plant started circulating, Frank officials were extremely interested in bidding for the work. It was an excellent prospect for two reasons. Besides Frank’s des- perate need for work, the Lewis chemical process used in the pilot plant would benefit Frank in the long run by the development of state-of-the-art technology. If the pilot plant project could be successfully executed, when it came time to construct the full-scale facility, Frank would have the inside track as they had al- ready worked with the technology. The full-scale facility offered prospects ex- ceeding the Rovery project, Frank’s largest project to date. Top priority was there- fore put on obtaining the Lewis project. It was felt that Frank had a slight edge due to successful completion of a Lewis project six years ago. The proposal sub- mitted to Lewis contained estimates for material costs, man-hours, and the fee. Any changes in scope after contract award would be handled by change order to the contract. Both Lewis and Frank had excellent scope change control processes as part of their configuration management plans. The functional department af- fected would submit an estimate of extra man-hours involved to the project man- ager, who would review the request and submit it to the client for approval. Frank’s preference was for cost-plus-fixed-fee contracts.
One of the unique aspects stated in the Lewis proposal was the requirement for participation by both of Frank Chicago’s operating divisions. Previous Frank contracts were well suited to either Frank’s Petroleum and Chemical Division (P & C) or the Iron and Steel Division (I & S). However, due to the unusual chem- ical process, one that starts with coal and ends up with a liquid energy form, one of the plant’s three units was well suited to the P & C Division and one was well suited to the I & S Division. The third unit was an off-site unit and was not of par- ticular engineering significance.
History of the Lewis Project 619
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The award of the contract six weeks later led to expectations by most Frank personnel that the company’s future was back on track again. The project began inauspiciously. The project manager was a well-liked, easy-going sort who had been manager of several Frank projects. The project office included three of Frank’s most qualified project engineers.
In the purchasing department, the project purchasing agent (PPA) assigned to the project was Frank’s most experienced PPA. Bill Hall had just completed his assignment on the Rovery Project and had done well, considering the magnitude of the job. The project had its problems, but they were small in comparison to the achievements. He had alienated some of the departments slightly but that was to be expected. Purchasing upper management was somewhat dissatisfied with him in that, due to the size of the project, he didn’t always use the normal Frank pur- chasing methods; rather, he used whatever method he felt was in the best interest of the project. Also, after the Rovery project, a purchasing upper management reshuffling left him in the same position but with less power and authority rather than receiving a promotion he had felt he had earned. As a result, he began to sub- tly criticize the purchasing management. This action caused upper management to hold him in less than high regard but, at the time of the Lewis Project, Hall was the best person available.
Due to the lack of float in the schedule and the early field start date, it was necessary to fast start the Lewis Project. All major equipment was to be pur- chased within the first three months. This, with few exceptions, was accom- plished. The usual problems occurred such as late receipt of requisition from en- gineering and late receipt of bids from suppliers.
One of the unique aspects of the Lewis project was the requirement for pur- chase order award meetings with vendors. Typically, Frank would hold award meetings with vendors of major equipment such as reactors, compressors, large process towers, or large pumps. However, almost each time Lewis approved pur- chase of a mechanical item or vessel, it requested that the vendor come in for a meeting. Even if the order was for an on-the-shelf stock pump or small drum or tank, a meeting was held. Initially, the purchasing department meeting attendees included the project purchasing agent, the buyer, the manager of the traffic de- partment, the chief expeditor, and the chief Inspector. Engineering representatives included the responsible engineer and one or two of the project engineers. Other Frank attendees were the project control manager and the scheduler. Quite often, these meetings would accomplish nothing except the reiteration of what had been included in the proposal or what could have been resolved with a phone call or even e-mail. The project purchasing agent was responsible for issuing meeting notes after each meeting.
One day at the end of the first three-month period, the top-ranking Lewis rep- resentative met with Larry Broyles, the Frank project manager.
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Lewis rep: Larry, the project is progressing but I’m a little concerned. We don’t feel like we have our finger on the pulse of the project. The information we are getting is sketchy and untimely. What we would like to do is meet with Frank every Wednesday to review progress and resolve problems.
Larry: I’d be more than happy to meet with any of the Lewis people because I think your request has a lot of merit.
Lewis rep: Well, Larry, what I had in mind was a meeting between all the Lewis people, yourself, your project office, the project purchasing agent, his as- sistant, and your scheduling and cost control people.
Larry: This sounds like a pretty involved meeting. We’re going to tie up a lot of our people for one full day a week. I’d like to scale this thing down. Our pro- posal took into consideration meetings, but not to the magnitude we’re talking about.
Lewis rep: Larry, I’m sorry but we’re footing the bill on this project and we’ve got to know what’s going on.
Larry: I’ll set it up for this coming Wednesday. Lewis rep: Good.
The required personnel were informed by the project manager that effective immediately, meetings with the client would be held weekly. However, Lewis was dissatisfied with the results of the meetings, so the Frank project manager in- formed his people that a premeeting would be held each Tuesday to prepare the Frank portion of the Wednesday meeting. All of the Wednesday participants at- tended the Tuesday premeetings.
Lewis requests for additional special reports from the purchasing department were given into without comment. The project purchasing agent and his assistants (project started with one and expanded to four) were devoting a great majority of their time to special reports and putting out fires instead of being able to track progress and prevent problems. For example, recommended spare parts lists were normally required from vendors on all Frank projects. Lewis was no exception. However, after the project began, Lewis decided it wanted the spare parts recom- mendations early into the job. Usually, spare parts lists are left for the end of an order. For example, on a pump with fifteen-week delivery, normally Frank would pursue the recommended spare parts list three to four weeks prior to shipment, as it would tend to be more accurate. This improved accuracy was due to the fact that at this point in the order, all changes probably had been made. In the case of the Lewis project, spare parts recommendations had to be expedited from the day the material was released for fabrication. Changes could still be made that could dramatically affect the design of the pump. Thus, a change in the pump after re- ceipt of the spare parts list would necessitate a new spare parts list. The time in- volved in this method of expediting the spare parts list was much greater than the
History of the Lewis Project 621
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time involved in the normal Frank method. Added to this situation was Lewis’s request for a fairly involved biweekly report on the status of spare parts lists on all the orders. In addition, a full time spare parts coordinator was assigned to the project.
The initial lines of communication between Frank and Lewis were initially well defined. The seven in-house Lewis representatives occupied the area adja- cent to the Frank project office (see Exhibit III). Initially, all communications from Lewis were channeled through the Frank project office to the applicable functional employee. In the case of the purchasing department, the Frank project office would channel Lewis requests through the purchasing project office. Responses or return communications followed the reverse route. Soon the volume of communications increased to the point where response time was becoming un- acceptable. In several special cases, an effort was made to cut this response time. Larry Broyles told the Lewis team members to call or go see the functional per- son (i.e., buyer or engineer) for the answer. However, this practice soon became the rule rather than the exception. Initially, the project office was kept informed
Exhibit III. Floor plan—Lewis project teams
Project Manager
Assistant to Project
Procurement Advisor
Inspection Coordinator
Vacant Project Control
Chief Project Engineer
Project Manager
Project Engineer
Project Engineer
Project Engineer
Assistant Project
Engineer Engineer
Cost Control
Grey boxed text indicates Lewis Personnel
Normal text indicates Frank Personnel
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of these conversations, but this soon stopped. The Lewis personnel had integrated themselves into the Frank organization to the point where they became part of the organization.
The project continued on, and numerous problems cropped up. Vendors’ ma- terial delays occurred, companies with Frank purchase orders went bankrupt, and progress was not to Lewis’s satisfaction. Upper management soon became aware the problems on this project due to its sensitive nature, and the Lewis project was now receiving much more intense involvement by senior management than it had previously. Upper management sat in on the weekly meetings in an attempt to pacify Lewis. Further problems plagued the project. Purchasing management, in an attempt to placate Lewis, replaced the project purchasing agent. Ron Katz, a promising young MBA graduate, had five years of experience as an assistant to several of the project purchasing agents. He was most recently a project purchas- ing agent on a fairly small project that had been very successful. It was thought by purchasing upper management that this move was a good one, for two reasons. First, it would remove Bill Hall from the project as PPA. Second, by appointing Ron Katz, Lewis would be pacified, as Katz was a promising talent with a suc- cessful project under his belt.
However, the project under direction of Katz still experienced problems in the purchasing area. Revisions by engineering to material already on order caused serious delivery delays. Recently requisitioned material could not be located with an acceptable delivery promise. Katz and purchasing upper management, in an at- tempt to improve the situation, assigned more personnel to the project, personnel that were more qualified than the positions dictated. Buyers and upper-level pur- chasing officials were sent on trips to vendors’ facilities that were normally han- dled by traveling expediters. In the last week the Lewis representative met with the project manager, Broyles:
Lewis rep: Larry, I’ve been reviewing these man-hour expenditures, and I’m disturbed by them.
Larry: Why’s that? Lewis rep: The man-hour expenditures are far outrunning project progress.
Three months ago, you reported that the project completion percentage was 30 percent, but according to my calculations, we’ve used 47 percent of the man hours. Last month you reported 40 percent project completion and I show a 60 percent expenditure of man-hours.
Larry: Well, as you know, due to problems with vendors’ deliveries, we’ve really had to expedite intensively to try to bring them back in line.
Lewis rep: Larry, I’m being closely watched by my people on this project, and a cost or schedule overrun not only makes Frank look bad, it makes me look bad.
Larry: Where do we go from here?
History of the Lewis Project 623
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Lewis rep: What I want is an estimate from your people on what is left, man- hour wise. Then I can sit down with my people and see where we are.
Larry: I’ll have something for you the day after tomorrow. Lewis rep: Good.
The functional areas were requested to provide this information, which was reviewed and combined by the project manager and submitted to Lewis for ap- proval. Lewis’s reaction was unpleasant, to say the least. The estimated man- hours in the proposal were now insufficient. The revised estimate was for almost 40 percent over the proposal. The Lewis representative immediately demanded an extensive report on the requested increase. In response to this, the project man- ager requested man-hour breakdowns from the functional areas. Purchasing was told to do a purchase order by purchase order breakdown of expediting and in- spection man-hours. The buying section had to break down the estimate of the man-hours needed to purchase each requisition, many of which were not even is- sued. Things appeared to have gone from bad to worse.
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At 6:00 P.M. on Thursday in late October 1998, Don Jung, an Atlay Company project manager (assigned to the Lyle contract) sat in his office thinking about the comments brought up during a meeting with his immediate superior earlier that afternoon. During that meeting Fred Franks, the supervisor of project managers, criticized Don for not promoting a cooperative attitude between him and the func- tional managers. Fred Franks had a high-level meeting with the vice presidents in charge of the various functional departments (i.e., engineering, construction, cost control, scheduling, and purchasing) earlier that day. One of these vice presidents, John Mabby (head of the purchasing department) had indicated that his depart- ment, according to his latest projections, would overrun their man-hour allocation by 6,000 hours. This fact had been relayed to Don by Bob Stewart (the project purchasing agent assigned to the Lyle Project) twice in the past, but Don had not seriously considered the request because some of the purchasing was now going to be done by the subcontractor at the job site (who had enough man-hours to cover this additional work). John Mabby complained that, even though the sub- contractor was doing some of the purchasing in the field, his department still would overrun its man-hour allocation. He also indicated to Fred Franks that Don Jung had better do something about this man-hour problem now. At this point in the meeting, the vice president of engineering, Harold Mont, stated that he had experienced the same problem in that Don Jung seemed to ignore their requests for additional man-hours. Also at this meeting the various vice presidents indi-
The Lyle Construction Project
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cated that Don Jung had not been operating within the established standard com- pany procedures. In an effort to make up for time lost due to initial delays that oc- curred in the process development stage of this project, Don and his project team had been getting the various functional people working on the contract to “cut corners” and in many cases to buck the standard operating procedures of their re- spective functional departments in an effort to save time. His actions and the ac- tions of his project team were alienating the vice presidents in charge of the func- tional departments. During this meeting, Fred Franks received a good deal of criticism due to this fact. He was also told that Don Jung had better shape up, be- cause it was the consensus opinion of these vice presidents that his method of op- erating might seriously hamper the project’s ability to finish on time and within budget. It was very important that this job be completed in accordance with the Lyle requirements since they would be building two more similar plants within the next ten years. A good effort on this job could further enhance Atlay’s chances for being awarded the next two jobs.
Fred Franks related these comments and a few of his own to Don Jung. Fred seriously questioned Don’s ability to manage the project effectively and told him so. However, Fred was willing to allow Don to remain on the job if he would be- gin to operate in accordance with the various functional departments’ standard operating procedures and if he would listen and be more attentive to the com- ments from the various functional departments and do his best to cooperate with them in the best interests of the company and the project itself.
In April of 1978, Bob Briggs, Atlay’s vice president of sales, was notified by Lyle’s vice president of operations (Fred Wilson) that Atlay had been awarded the $600 million contract to design, engineer, and construct a polypropylene plant in Louisiana. Bob Briggs immediately notified Atlay’s president and other high- level officials in the organization (see Exhibit I). He then contacted Fred Franks in order to finalize the members of the project team. Briggs wanted George Fitz, who was involved in developing the initial proposal, to be the project manager. However, Fitz was in the hospital and would be essentially out of action for an- other three months. Atlay then had to scramble to appoint a project manager, since Lyle wanted to conduct a kickoff meeting in a week with all the principals present.
One of the persons most available for the position of project manager was Don Jung. Don had been with the company for about fifteen years. He had started with the company as a project engineer, and then was promoted to the position of manager of computer services. He was in charge of computer services for six months until he had a confrontation with Atlay’s upper management regarding the
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Inception of the Lyle Project 627
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policies under which the computer department was operating. He had served the company in two other functions since—the most recent position, that of being a senior project engineer on a small project that was handled out of the Houston of- fice. One big plus was the fact that Don knew Lyle’s Fred Wilson personally since they belonged to many of the same community organizations. It was decided that Don Jung would be the project manager and John Neber (an experienced project engineer) would be assigned as the senior project engineer. The next week was spent advising Don Jung regarding the contents of the proposal and determining the rest of the members to be assigned to the project team.
A week later, Lyle’s contingent arrived at Atlay’s headquarters (see Exhibit II). Atlay was informed that Steve Zorn would be the assistant project manager on this job for Lyle. The position of project manager would be left vacant for the time being. The rest of Lyle’s project team was then introduced. Lyle’s project team consisted of individuals from various Lyle divisions around the country, in- cluding Texas, West Virginia, and Philadelphia. Many of the Lyle project team members had met each other for the first time only two weeks ago.
During this initial meeting, Fred Wilson emphasized that it was essential that this plant be completed on time since their competitor was also in the process of preparing to build a similar facility in the same general location. The first plant finished would most likely be the one that would establish control over the southwestern United States market for polypropylene material. Mr. Wilson felt that Lyle had a six-week head start over its competitor at the moment and would
Exhibit II. Lyle project team organizational chart
VP of Operations F. Wilson
Project Mgr.
Asst. Project Mgr. S. Zorn
Sr. Project Eng. B. Dradfy
Const. Eng. D. Able
Instru. Eng. C. Short
Mech. Eng. B. Henny
Elect. Eng. J. Stert
Process Eng. J. Tomkan
Procure. Rep. J. Bost
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like to increase that difference, if at all possible. He then introduced Lyle’s assis- tant project manager who completed the rest of the presentation.
At this initial meeting the design package was handed over to Atlay’s Don Jung so that the process engineering stage of this project could begin. This pack- age was, according to their inquiry letter, so complete that all material require- ments for this job could be placed within three months after project award (since very little additional design work was required by Atlay on this project). Two weeks later, Don contacted the lead process engineer on the project, Raphael Begen. He wanted to get Raphael’s opinion regarding the condition of the design package.
Begen: Don, I think you have been sold a bill of goods. This package is in bad shape.
Jung: What do you mean this package is in bad shape? Lyle told us that we would be able to have all the material on order within three months since this package was in such good shape.
Begen: Well in my opinion, it will take at least six weeks to straighten out the design package. Within three months from that point you will be able to have all the material on order.
Jung: What you are telling me then is that I am faced with a six-week sched- ule delay right off the bat due to the condition of the package.
Begen: Exactly.
Don Jung went back to his office after his conversation with the lead process engineer. He thought about the status of his project. He felt that Begen was being overly pessimistic and that the package wasn’t really all that bad. Besides, a month shouldn’t be too hard to make up if the engineering section would do its work quicker than normal and if purchasing would cut down on the amount of time it takes to purchase materials and equipment needed for this plant.
The project began on a high note. Two months after contract award, Lyle sent in a contingent of their representatives. These representatives would be located at Atlay’s headquarters for the next eight to ten months. Don Jung had arranged to have the Lyle offices set up on the other side of the building away from his project team. At first there were complaints from Lyle’s assistant project manager regarding the physical distance that separated Lyle’s project team and Atlay’s project team. However, Don Jung assured him that there just wasn’t any available space that was closer to the Atlay project team other than the one they were now occupying.
Conduct of the Project 629
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The Atlay project team operating within a matrix organizational structure plunged right into the project (see Exhibit III). They were made aware of the de- lay that was incurred at the onset of the job (due to the poor design package) by Don Jung. His instructions to them were to cut corners whenever doing so might result in time savings. They were also to suggest to members of the functional de- partments that were working on this project methods that could possibly result in quicker turnaround of the work required of them. The project team coerced the various engineering departments into operating outside of their normal proce- dures due to the special circumstances surrounding this job. For example, the civil engineering section prepared a special preliminary structural steel package, and the piping engineering section prepared preliminary piping packages so that the purchasing department could go out on inquiry immediately. Normally, the pur- chasing department would have to wait for formal take-offs from both of these de- partments before they could send out inquiries to potential vendors. Operating in
VP of Procurement J. Mabby
Project (Lyle) R. Stewart
Administrative Asst.
Mgr. of Projects Mgr. of Buying,
Expediting, Traffic Chief Inspector
Chief Expeditor and
Traffic Personnel
Exhibit III. Atlay Company procurement department organizational chart
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this manner could result in some problems, however. For example, the purchas- ing department might arrange for discounts from the vendors based on the quan- tity of structural steel estimated during the preliminary take-off. After the formal take-off has been done by the civil engineering section (which would take about a month), they might find out that they underestimated the quantity of structural steel required on the project by 50 tons. This was damaging, because knowing that there was an additional 50 tons of structural steel might have aided the pur- chasing department in securing an additional discount of $.20 per pound (or $160,000 discount for 400 tons of steel).
In an effort to make up for lost time, the project team convinced the func- tional engineering departments to use catalog drawings or quotation information whenever they lacked engineering data on a particular piece of equipment. The engineering section leaders pointed out that this procedure could be very danger- ous and could result in additional work and further delays to the project. If, for example, the dimensions for the scale model being built are based on this project on preliminary information without the benefit of having certified vendor draw- ings in house, then the scale for that section of the model might be off. When the certified data prints are later received and it is apparent that the dimensions are incorrect, that portion of the model might have to be rebuilt entirely. This would further delay the project. However, if the information does not change substan- tially, the company could save approximately a month in engineering time. Lyle was advised in regards to the risks and potential benefits involved when Atlay op- erates outside of their normal operating procedure. Steve Zorn informed Don Jung that Lyle was willing to take these risks in an effort to make up for lost time. The Atlay project team then proceeded accordingly.
The method that the project team was utilizing appeared to be working. It seemed as if the work was being accomplished at a much quicker rate than what was initially anticipated. The only snag in this operation occurred when Lyle had to review/approve something. Drawings, engineering requisitions, and purchase orders would sit in the Lyle area for about two weeks before Lyle personnel would review them. Half of the time these documents were returned two weeks later with a request for additional information or with changes noted by some of Lyle’s engineers. Then the Atlay project team would have to review the comments/changes, incorporate them into the documents, and resubmit them to Lyle for review/approval. They would then sit for another week in that area be- fore finally being reviewed and eventually returned to Atlay with final approval. It should be pointed out that the contract procedures stated that Lyle would have only five days to review/approve the various documents being submitted to it. Don Jung felt that part of the reason for this delay had to do with the fact that all the Lyle team members went back to their homes for the weekends. Their routine was to leave around 10:00 A.M. on Friday and return around 3:00 P.M. on the fol- lowing Monday. Therefore, essentially two days of work by the Lyle project team
Conduct of the Project 631
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out of the week were lost. Don reminded Steve Zorn that according to the con- tract, Lyle was to return documents that needed approval within five days after re- ceiving them. He also suggested that if the Lyle project team would work a full day on Monday and Friday, it would probably increase the speed at which docu- ments were being returned. However, neither corrective action was undertaken by Lyle’s assistant project manager, and the situation failed to improve. All the time the project team had saved by cutting corners was now being wasted, and further project delays seemed inevitable. In addition, other problems were being en- countered during the interface process between the Lyle and Atlay project team members. It seems that the Lyle project team members (who were on temporary loan to Steve Zorn from various functional departments within the Lyle organi- zation) were more concerned with producing a perfect end product. They did not seem to realize that their actions, as well as the actions of the Atlay project team, had a significant impact on this particular project. They did not seem to be aware of the fact that they were also constrained by time and cost, as well as perfor- mance. Instead, they had a very relaxed and informal operating procedure. Many of the changes made by Lyle were given to Atlay verbally. They explained to the Atlay project team members that written confirmation of the changes were un- necessary because “we are all working on the same team.” Many significant changes in the project were made when a Lyle engineer was talking directly to an Atlay engineer. The Atlay engineer would then incorporate the changes into the drawings he was working on, and sometimes failed to inform his project engineer about the changes. Because of this informal way of operating, there were in- stances in which Lyle was dissatisfied with Atlay because changes were not be- ing incorporated or were not made in strict accordance with their requests. Steve Zorn called Don Jung into his office to discuss this problem:
Steve: Don, I’ve received complaints from my personnel regarding your teams inability to follow through and incorporate Lyle’s comments/changes ac- curately into the P & ID drawings.
Don: Steve, I think my staff has been doing a fairly good job of incorporat- ing your team’s comments/changes. You know the whole process would work a lot better, however, if you would send us a letter detailing each change. Sometimes my engineers are given two different instructions regarding the scope of the change recommended by your people. For example, one of your people will tell our process engineer to add a check valve to a specific process line and an- other would tell him that check valves are not required in that service.
Steve: Don, you know that if we documented everything that was discussed between our two project teams we would be buried in paperwork. Nothing would ever get accomplished. Now, if you get two different instructions from my proj- ect team, you should advise me accordingly so that I can resolve the discrepancy. I’ve decided that since we seem to have a communication problem regarding en-
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gineering changes, I want to set up a weekly engineering meeting for every Thursday. These meetings should help to cut down on the misunderstandings, as well as keeping us advised of your progress in the engineering area of this con- tract without the need of a formal status report. I would like all members of your project staff present at these meetings.
Don: Will this meeting be in addition to our overall progress meetings that are held on Wednesdays?
Steve: Yes. We will now have two joint Atlay/Lyle meetings a week—one discussing overall progress on the job and one specifically aimed at engineering.
On the way back to his office Don thought about the request for an additional meeting. That meeting will be a waste of time, he thought, just as the Wednesday meeting currently is. It will just take away another day from the Lyle project team’s available time for approving drawings, engineering, requisitions, and pur- chase orders. Now there are three days during the week where at least a good part of the day is taken up by meetings, in addition to a meeting with his project team on Mondays in order to freely discuss the progress and problems of the job with- out intervention by Lyle personnel. A good part of his project team’s time, there- fore, was now being spent preparing for and attending meetings during the course of the week. “ Well,” Don rationalized, “they are the client, and if they desire a meeting, then I have no alternative but to accommodate them.”
When Don returned to his desk he saw a message stating that John Mabby (vice- president of procurement) had called. Don returned his call and found out that John requested a meeting. A meeting was set up for the following day. At 9:00 A.M. the next day Don was in Mabby’s office. Mabby was concerned about the unusual procedures that were being utilized on this project. It seems as though he had a rather lengthy discussion with Bob Stewart, the project purchasing agent assigned to the Lyle project. During the course of that conversation it became very apparent that this particular project was not operating within the normal pro- cedures established for the purchasing department. This deviation from normal procedures was the result of instructions given by Don Jung to Bob Stewart. This upset John Mabby, since he felt that Don Jung should have discussed these devi- ations with him prior to his instructing Bob Stewart to proceed in this manner:
Mabby: Don, I understand that you advised my project purchasing agent to work around the procedures that I established for this department so that you could possibly save time on your project.
Jung’s Confrontation 633
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Jung: That’s right, John. We ran into a little trouble early in the project and started running behind schedule, but by cutting corners here and there we’ve been able to make up some of the time.
Mabby: Well I wish you had contacted me first regarding this situation. I have to tell you, however, that if I had known about some of these actions I would never have allowed Bob Stewart to proceed. I’ve instructed Stewart that from now on he is to check with me prior to going against our standard operating procedure.
Jung: But John Stewart has been assigned to me for this project. Therefore, I feel that he should operate in accordance with my requests, whether they are within your procedures or not.
Mabby: That’s not true. Stewart is in my department and works for me. I am the one who reviews him, approves the size of his raise, and decides if and when he gets a promotion. I have made that fact very clear to Stewart, and I hope I’ve made it very clear to you, also. In addition, I hear that Stewart has been predict- ing a 6,000 man-hour overrun for the purchasing department on your project. Why haven’t you submitted an additional change request to the client?
Jung: Well, if what Stewart tells me is true the main reason that your depart- ment is short man-hours is because the project manager who was handling the ini- tial proposal (George Fitz) underestimated your requirements by 7,000 man- hours. Therefore, from the very beginning you were short man-hours. Why should I be the one that goes to the client and tells him that we blew our estimate when I wasn’t even involved in the proposal stage of this contract? Besides, we are taking away some of your duties on this job, and I personally feel that you won’t even need those additional 6,000 man-hours.
Mabby: Well, I have to attend a meeting with your boss Fred Franks tomor- row, and I think I’ll talk to him about these matters.
Jung: Go right ahead. I’m sure you’ll find out that Fred stands behind me 100 percent.
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Margot Huddart prepared this case under the supervision of Professor Jean-Louis Schaan solely to provide material for class discussion. The authors do not intend to illustrate either effective or ineffective handling of a managerial situation. The au- thors may have disguised certain names and other identifying information to protect confidentiality.
Ivey Management Services prohibits any form of reproduction, storage, or transmit- tal without its written permission. This material is not covered under authorization from CanCopy or any reproduction rights organization. To order copies or request permission to reproduce materials, contact Ivey Publishing, Ivey Management Services c/o Richard Ivey School of Business, The University of Western Ontario, London, Ontario, Canada, N6A 3K7; phone (519) 661-3208; fax (519) 661-3882; e-mail [email protected].
Copyright © 1998, Ivey Management Services Version: (A) 1998-10-07
Roy Munden, assistant general manager of the Hong Kong and Shanghai Bank’s (HSBC) Management Services, considered his options for managing the design and construction of the Hong Kong Bank’s new headquarters in Central District, Hong Kong. Munden had been appointed by the chairman of the bank, Michael Sandberg, to resolve the problem of providing accommodation for the bank in the future. Two months ago, in November 1979, in his capacity as project director for
Hong Kong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited: Hong Kong Bank Headquarters (A)
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the development of the new headquarters, Munden had formally engaged the team of building designers for the project. A formal meeting of the board was scheduled two weeks hence on Wednesday, January 22, 1980. Munden needed to assess the options for managing the project and make a recommendation to the board of the bank.
The HSBC, founded in 1865, was one of the first British overseas banks to be opened in the Far East. The merchants of the British colony of Hong Kong founded the bank to finance their trade in China, Japan, and the Philippines. Over time, the western hongs, British trade and warehousing companies established in the early days of Hong Kong colonialism, grew into major commercial conglom- erates with interests in cargo handling, manufacturing, real estate, and retailing. The powers that ran business in Hong Kong resided in the hongs; they were the engine of Hong Kong’s economy. Historically, the board of directors of the bank was made up of representatives of the hongs.
By 1900, the Hong Kong and Shanghai Bank had become the leading foreign bank in Asia. By 1945, it was the most powerful banking organization of foreign interests in China. In addition to having strong relationships with each of the ma- jor hongs, the HSBC was the principal banker to the government of Hong Kong. The bank acted for the government in the foreign exchange and money markets and issued 80 percent of the local currency notes. In Hong Kong society, the bank was extremely important: the power structure in Hong Kong was described as the Hong Kong Bank, the Jockey Club, and the Hong Kong government, in that or- der. Between 1949 and 1979, the profits of the bank rose from HK$17.8 million to HK$2.49 billion, a compounded growth rate of approximately 15 percent per year (see Exhibit I).
In 1977, Michael Sandberg, an Australian by birth, became the bank’s chief executive officer and chairman of the board. His aspiration was to lift the bank from its regional roots to be a more multinational and global operation. In 1979, Sandberg was aware of a change in the politics of China, especially with regard to Deng Xiaoping’s introduction of new economic policies. To Sandberg, China’s move to a market economy meant that the Chinese of Hong Kong would play an increasingly important role in the business affairs of the colony. The bank needed to acquire new allies and associates accessible to Beijing, an av- enue to Chinese clients in the People’s Republic of China. To this end, the HSBC sold a majority share position in one of the pre-opium war hongs, Hutchison Whampoa, to Li Ka-shing in 1979. Li Ka-shing became the third Chinese on the
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board, following shipping magnate YK Pao and the chief executive of the Hang Seng Bank, QW Lee.
The Hong Kong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited: Symbolism
The image used to denote the bank since 1955 was the bank’s headquarters, a monumental building located on the prestigious Statue Square. The square was owned by the bank and dedicated to public use. The square enhanced the bank’s visibility and presence in the heart of Hong Kong. In addition, the building’s pro- file was featured on the back of banknotes and on the sign of every branch bank in the colony (see Exhibit II).
The Hong Kong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited 637
Exhibit I. Profit and less statement, HSBC
The Hong Kong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Consolidated Profit and Loss Account
for the Years Ending 31 December, 1977, 1978 and 1979
1977 1978 1979 HK$000s HK$000s HK$000s
Combined Net Profit of The Hong Kong and Shanghai Banking Corporation and its subsidiaries $582,021 $810,225 $1,130,572
Deduct: Profit attributable to outside shareholders of The Hong Kong and Shanghai Banking Corp. 59,977 81,779 116,866
Profit attributable to shareholders of The Hong Kong and Shanghai Banking Corp. $522,044 $728,446 $1,013,706
Deduct: Transfers to reserves and dividends paid and proposed to parent company and subsidiary companies 415,063 571,111 790,259
$106,981 $157,335 $223,447 Balance brought forward from previous year less transfer to reserve fund 128,945 137,895 117,801
Retained Profits Parent Company $157,343 $280,186 $309,548 Subsidiary Companies (78,583) 15,044 31,700
Total: Retained Profits $235,926 $295,230 $ 341,248
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Exhibit II. 1979 Hong Kong and Shanghai Bank logo
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January 1978 to November 1978: The Need for New Headquarters for the Bank By early 1978, it was clear that the bank had outgrown the existing headquarters. Projections for future growth were at least equal to the growth experienced by the bank in the previous five years. Munden estimated that in five to ten years the bank would need at least another 4,185 square meters (45,000 square feet) of working space.
To accommodate the recent growth of the bank, individual departments had been located throughout central Hong Kong. The total amount of office space out- side of the main building amounted to one-third of the floor area of the head- quarters. The bank’s board of directors had decided that the ad hoc dispersal of offices and staff could no longer continue, especially in view of the planned ma- jor international expansion.
Complicating the problem created by the sheer volume of space required by the bank was the need to update the original building’s systems and fire safety provisions. The existing building required extensive renovations to provide elec- trical service for telecommunication systems and to accommodate modern devel- opments in fire precautions.
The board was aware that moving away from Statue Square, while simplify- ing the problem of office consolidation, could appear to threaten the stability and prosperity of the whole colony by upsetting the fung shui1 of the bank. The fung shui of the existing building was considered excellent, and early studies on relo- cating the bank had been unable to come up with a site that matched Statue Square. To maintain the prestigious location on Statue Square, the board decided to redevelop the existing building site.
“Best Bank Building in the World” Michael Sandberg wanted the new building to be an architectural landmark in the tradition of fine buildings built for the bank. In addition, the new building would be required to support the bank in carrying out its business into the twenty-first century: It would need to accommodate the rapidly growing bank, be built of the very best materials, and be composed of the most up-to-date systems.
Sandberg had entrusted the management of the project to Roy Munden in ad- dition to his function as assistant general manager of the bank’s Management Services. Munden had worked his way up in the bank, after a brief career in the army. During his banking career, Munden had maintained a relationship with Michael Sandberg, who shared with Munden an army background. Both Munden and Sandberg were committed to developing a fine building for the bank. In addi- tion to commissioning a building of high architectural quality, the project was to
The Hong Kong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited 639
1Fung shui is the ancient Chinese method of interpreting the effect that the surrounding landscape and predominant physical features might have on the fortunes of those who lived in the vicinity.
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be five years in advance of any building built at the time and provide twenty-first century technological capacities to enable the bank to leapfrog its competition.
Defining the Problem
Munden hired PA management consultants to refine space calculations for the bank’s future needs and to develop a solution for a temporary headquarters. In the fall of 1978, PA produced a 220-page report, which concluded that a phased re- development of the bank’s existing site was the option the bank should investigate in greater detail.
Subsequent to the presentation of PA management consultants’ report, the board initiated a HK$1.2 million feasibility study. The board directed Munden to engage highly qualified building consultants from the design disciplines. PA man- agement consultants recommended Ove Arup & Partners, Structural Engineers, because of their worldwide reputation. Other participants were Levett & Bailey, quantity surveyors who had practiced in Hong Kong since 1962 and J. Roger Preston & Partners, the Hong Kong office of a London mechanical and electrical engineering firm. Although the board wanted to appoint an architect “with an in- ternational reputation for outstanding quality of design” for the final building de- sign, for the purposes of the feasibility study it was decided to engage an archi- tect with good local knowledge and experience. As a result, the local Hong Kong architects, Palmer & Turner, were appointed for the study.
Building Consultants’ Feasibility Study: January 1979 to April 1979 The feasibility study began in mid-January 1979. In mid-February the consultants produced fifty variations that showed different ways of addressing the problem of phased redevelopment and new construction on the Statue Square site. In early April 1979, two main options for the future use of the site were presented to the board: one was to retain part of the existing building and build a new tower and the other was to rebuild the entire site in phases. The time estimate for the first option was 6.5 years with a projected completion date at the end of 1986 and an estimated cost of HK$600 million (in 1979 prices). The board decided that it wanted still more investigation of the options and that the “additional creative contributions . . . from several firms of architects of international repute” should be incorporated. To keep options for the future as wide open as possible, the board directed Munden to lease any suitable alternative office accommodation “to allow both possibilities to go forward.”
Selection of an Architect: June 1979 to November 1979
In response to the board’s directive that international architects be invited to pro- vide creative solutions to the bank’s design problem, John Scott, from PA
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Management Consultants, went to visit a recently completed multistorey bank in London, England to find out how the owner, Lloyd’s of London, had selected their architect.
Scott learned that Lloyd’s had followed the advice of Gordon Graham, pres- ident of the Royal Institute of British Architecture (RIBA). As president of the RIBA, Graham’s role was to promote the profession of architecture and the build- ing of fine buildings. Graham had advised Lloyd’s to brief a short-listed group of architects on the client’s needs and then request a submission from the firms de- scribing the approach they would take in designing a building for the bank’s con- sideration. The board decided to follow Lloyd’s example and asked Graham to as- sist in preparing the terms of reference for the architects, to comment on their suitability and to help assess the aesthetic and practical aspects of each architect’s submission.
In the course of the feasibility study, dozens of architectural firms were con- sidered by the consultants, and a shortlist was developed of mainstream corpora- tion architects with branch offices in Hong Kong. In addition to these architects, Graham recommended to Munden that Norman Foster & Associates, a small British architectural firm, be included on the bank’s shortlist.
In June 1979, the board was presented with information detailing the selected architectural firms (see Exhibit III). The board formally adopted Graham’s propo- sition of issuing a request for proposals and the shortlist of firms.
The Request for Proposals (RFP) The Request for Proposals, “Redevelopment of 1 Queen’s Road Central, Hong Kong,” set out the following goals for the design solutions:
� To help the bank decide on an approach to solving the problems of whether a full-phased scheme or a south tower scheme is better
� To help the bank decide whether the best scheme is better than doing nothing
� To select and appoint an architect
The seven short-listed firms attended a joint briefing meeting on July 11, 1979. At the meeting, the architects were told that important criteria for judgment would lie in the way in which they showed an appreciation of the bank’s prob- lems and local conditions and clarified the issues on which the bank’s decision depended. The bank did not request detailed proposals for structural engineering, foundations, building services, construction methods, costs, or program. The RFP stated that “the bank is determined that the building should be one of consider- able architectural merit.” A stringent requirement was the need to keep the bank in operation from the site throughout the redevelopment period.
The seven firms were requested to submit their proposals by October 6, 1979. The firms were told that they might be asked to do a live presentation subsequent
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Exhibit III. Information presented to the board in June 1979 regarding recently constructed banks and other buildings relevant to the bank project and their height
U.S.A.: Year Height
Skidmore, Owings & Merrill (Chicago) —Chase Manhattan, New York 1960 60 stories —Bank of America HQ, San Francisco 1969 52 stories —Sears Tower, Chicago 1974 110 stories —John Hancock, Chicago 1970 100 stories Hong Kong experience
Hugh Stubbins & Associates Inc. (Boston) —Citicorp Center, New York 1977 59 stories —Federal Reserve Bank, Boston 1977 33 stories
Australia: Harry Seidler & Associates (Sydney) —MLC Centre, Sydney 1977 58 stories —Australia Square, Sydney 1967 50 stories —Australian Embassy, Paris 1978 —Conzinc Riotinto HQ, Melbourne 1975 50 stories
Yuncken Freeman Pty Ltd (Melbourne) —BHP HQ, Melbourne 40 stories Hong Kong experience
Britain: Gollins, Melvin & Ward Partnership (London) —P & O Building London 1969 14 stories —Commercial Union, London 1969 26 stories —Banque Belge, London 1978 15? stories —Barings Bank, London in progress Hong Kong experience
Foster & Associates (London) —Sainsbury Centre for Visual Arts, Norwich 3 awards —Willis Faber HQ, Ipswich 3 awards —IBM Office, Cosham 2 awards
Hong Kong: Palmer & Turner
Reserves: Minour Yamasaki (U.S.A.) World Trade Centre, New York 1974 100� stories
Harry Rosenberg Mardall (London) Hong Kong experience
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to the submission. Each firm was paid HK$150,000 for their participation in the request for proposals.
Visits to Offices of Short-listed Architects In September 1979, Munden visited the short-listed architectural firms. He met with the architects, toured buildings of their design and visited their previous clients. Munden discovered wide variances in the level of attention and interest that the different offices paid to him as a potential new client. In one office, he was left to wait in the lobby and served sandwiches for lunch. At another, he was taken for a ride in a helicopter and wined and dined. Munden returned to Hong Kong with a kaleidoscope of impressions with respect to the services provided by architectural firms and the quality of the buildings they designed.
Receipt of Architects’ Submissions On October 6, 1979, the architects’ submissions were received by the bank. Each submission was unique. The submissions were assessed by Munden, Graham, David Thornburrow, a partner with the Hong Kong architectural firm Spence Robinson, and five people from PA Management and the bank. After a review of the submissions, Munden invited Norman Foster to Hong Kong for an interview on October 11. Munden told Graham of his decision and advised Sandberg.
To clarify the status of the first stage of the architectural selection process, Munden issued a circular to the directors of the bank on October 12, which stated that the design options would be placed before the board on November 13 and that in the meantime, further talks would take place with Norman Foster. Munden then invited Foster to Hong Kong to present his proposal.
Norman Foster & Associates
Norman Foster’s office, a firm of twenty architects and designers, was recognized in the United Kingdom as an innovative, aggressive design firm. Foster designed buildings using up-to-date materials and technologies. He had implemented a unique design strategy for the development of innovative buildings, “developing design with industry,” on small-scale projects in the United Kingdom. The tech- nologically advanced designs prepared by his firm required the implementation of close working arrangements between the architectural designers and the man- ufacturers of building components. The innovative buildings resulting from the close collaboration had earned the firm several prestigious awards for buildings of architectural merit.
Developing Design with Industry After the design of a project was initiated, Foster & Associates developed a list of qualified manufacturers with whom they could pursue their “developing design
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with industry” strategy. After the firm had researched companies capable of man- ufacturing the required components for a project and selected companies capable of doing the work, a call for tenders based on performance specifications2 and for a detailed description of what the architect wanted the particular component to do was issued. Once a contract was agreed upon, the architect worked with the man- ufacturer to fine-tune the particular component. The result was the development of a kit of parts for the fabrication of a building that could be site-assembled to a greater degree than was possible in conventionally designed structures. Foster’s procedure of developing design with industry had been exercised by his firm on projects comprising up to thirty subcontracts. Foster’s goal in the design of the Hong Kong and Shanghai Bank was to design a building that could be assembled on site from premanufactured pieces and to implement a phased construction ap- proach on a large project (Exhibit IV).
In addition to proposing innovative building designs and construction processes, Foster promoted to the owner the idea of assessing the costs of a build- ing over the course of the building’s useful life. With respect to material selection, Foster proposed to clients that a building’s projected capital and operating costs should be looked at together when decisions regarding building materials were being made. Foster maintained that clients were best served by building high- quality, highly flexible, durable structures, which allowed for significant changes in use and work methods, without incurring significant costs or causing disrup- tion to employees’ work.
Preparation of a Submission to the RFP, “Redevelopment of 1 Queen’s Road Central” Foster & Associates experienced a lull in the workload of the office in the fall of 1979. A major contract to build a transportation interchange at Hammersmith in west London, which had been anticipated by the firm, had not materialized, and the remaining projects in the office were nearing completion. Foster took advan- tage of the downtime to prepare the competition proposal for the bank. In general, effort expended on design submissions was matched by the firm in the prepara- tion of oral presentations. Foster practiced presentations to a high degree of pol- ish. He even rehearsed what would be discussed during the coffee break of an ac- tual presentation. His staff likened his presentations to theater—although highly rehearsed, the actual presentation appeared to be ad lib.
2Performance specifications were specifications written to detail the final parameters that a building component had to meet. The exact quality and details of a building element were left to the discretion of the manufacturer.
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Exhibit IV. Traditional design-then-build approach
Historically, the traditional design-then-build approach has been the most prevalent form used for construction projects. In this method, the design is completed by a design firm before contractors are invited to bid on the work and before construction begins. Obviously, this requires ample time for a design to be developed and then time for the actual construction to occur. If the design re- quires a year and the construction two years, then the process would be as shown:
Fast-Track, or Phased Construction Approach Owners use the fast-track, or phased construction, approach in an attempt to have the project com- pleted in a shorter timeframe than the traditional approach would require. For instance, in the exam- ple above, the project would take three years from the start of design to the completion of construc- tion. This may not be acceptable to an owner in terms of its needs for the project. So a method must be employed to decrease the duration for the job. In a fast-track job, the design and construction are integrated or overlapped so that the total time for the project is reduced. This is accomplished by breaking the project into specific phases and following the design of each phase with its construc- tion. While construction is occurring for the first phase, the design is being accomplished for the second. This process continues for the entire project. Taking the previous example, the project may be divided into the following phases:
1. Site work and foundations 2. Structural steel 3. Mechanical and electrical 4. Building enclosure 5. Interior finishes
The design would begin with the first phase, site work and foundations. As soon as that phase is complete, bids are solicited for construction. While the site work and foundations are being con- structed, the design is being completed for the structural steel for the building. If properly timed, the structural steel package goes out for bid such that construction can begin approximately at the end of the construction of the foundations. The process continues as shown:
Reprinted by permission of John Wiley & Sons, Inc. from Managing the construction project: a practical guide for the project manager by Theodore J. Trauner, Jr., © 1993, New York; Toronto: Wiley.
Design One Year Construct
Two Years
Phase 1 Design
Phase 1 Construct Phase 2 Design
Phase 2 Construct Phase 3 Design
Phase 3 Construct
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Presentation to the Board
Gordon Graham, the bank’s architectural adviser, attended the November 13, 1979, board meeting with Roy Munden. Although Munden had anticipated a quick hearing of his recommendation by the board, the board members discussed the submissions by the various architects and their qualifications for several hours. After the general discussion, Norman Foster was invited into the meeting. The board adopted the recommendation, put forward by Munden, and Norman Foster & Associates were appointed.
The day after the board meeting, Michael Sandberg, Roy Munden, and Norman Foster met to discuss the project. Foster’s estimated completion date for the project was December 1985. In another submission to the RFP, the American firm, Skidmore, Owings and Merrill, Architects & Engineers, had identified June 1984 as its projected completion date. The bank was interested to know if Foster’s schedule could be contracted. The bank was concerned with respect to schedule; cost was a lessor priority. Later that month the board advised Munden:
In view of the prestigious and special nature of the building and having em- ployed one of the world’s leading architects it (is) not appropriate to place any particular ceiling on the price to be paid for the building.3
Contract Award and Project Design: November 1979 to January 1980 The award of the contract to Foster & Associates from an international field of competitors, along with the expressed mandate of the bank “to produce the best bank building in the world,” had tremendous impact on the designers in Foster’s office. The designers, young architectural graduates who had been handpicked by Norman Foster for their commitment to modern buildings, were eager to exercise the ideas of popism that they had already begun to explore in some of the firm’s projects.4
It was like being mercilessly overpaid,” said one designer. “The award boosted the egos of everyone in the office even higher. It was like we had never left school, like writing a manifesto.
With the award of the contract, the practice suddenly became fluid. The de- signers recognized the tremendous opportunity to implement ideas they had pre- viously explored on small projects. Norman Foster provided the inspiration—he put confidence into the designers and challenged them by pitting one against an-
3November 25, 1979, board paper. 4Popism was an architectural style.
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other in design teams. The atmosphere in the office was described as highly com- petitive “like a training ground for pedigree race horses.”5
The Project Team
For the preparation of the submission to the RFP, Norman Foster had chosen to work with Ove Arup & Partners, Structural Engineers. The London headquarters of Ove Arup & Partners was next door to Foster’s office on Fitzroy Street. Subsequent to the award, the bank formally engaged Ove Arup’s for the detailed structural design of the building, J. Roger Preston, a London-based firm for the mechanical and electrical design and Levitt &Bailey, quantity surveyors. Under the terms of the agreements, the consultants were employed directly by the bank. The architect was responsible for the direction, management and coordination of all consultants (see Exhibit V, project organization chart). Upon contract award, the design teams in the architect’s and structural engineer’s offices were mobilized.
Ove Arup & Partners Ove Arup & Partners had offices in twenty-two countries and 3,000 staff. They were the largest firm of consulting engineers in the United Kingdom and had de- signed the structure for the Center Pompidou in Paris and the Sydney Opera House. Although the firm was renowned for the structural design of landmark buildings, the challenge of building the best bank building in the world was an uncommon request from a client. Large industrial clients of the firm usually pro- ceeded along an organized path, according to program. The bank, a client viewed within the firm as perhaps one of the last “patrons of the arts,” was focused on de- veloping a building of high architectural quality and on keeping the bank in op- eration throughout the project.
At Ove Arup, from very early on, there was a sense that this project would be unique and would not follow the structured path that the firm had grown ac- customed to with its traditional industrial projects. To establish a team capable of rising to the challenge, Jack Zunz, senior partner, assembled a small team of the best and brightest in the London office and located them in an office in a nearby building. There was an understanding amongst the team members that they were being offered the opportunity of their careers. The team divided itself into design area groups that mirrored the design divisions in the architect’s office.
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5Conversation with Tony Hackett, one of the designers in Foster’s office.
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Foster’s Team The bank job was the largest, most prestigious job ever to be undertaken by Foster & Associates. The design team for the bank was broken up into three primary work areas: client relations, programming, and design. Client relations were han- dled by Norman Foster who flew to Hong Kong to meet with Munden and Sandberg as required. Spencer de Grey, an associate with the firm, was put in charge of developing the program for the building in conjunction with the bank’s staff and was located in Hong Kong. Design was handled by a team of eight in London, led by Roy Fleetwood. Fleetwood had seven years of experience at Foster. Also on the team were Ken Shuttleworth, who had worked with Foster since 1976 and had joined the firm formally in 1977, and David Nelson and Tony Hackett, recent graduates.
The design of the project at Foster was “like fire fighting element by ele- ment.”6 Design meetings held within the office lasted between one and four hours and were intense and collaborative. The abstract concepts, which would inform the design of the building, were discussed in depth. Weaknesses in the design schemes were identified and jobs were reallocated. Team members would volun- teer to take on the design of new elements of the building as new problems came up. The high energy and intensity expended during the design phase of the build- ing were interspersed with emotionally difficult periods for the architects. The
Exhibit V. Project organization chart
Foster & Associates
Ove Arup & Partners
J. Roger Preston & Partners
Levett & Bailey
Communication path Contractual relationship Supervisory relationship
6Conversation with Tony Hackett.
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major difficulty stemmed from the highly ambiguous deliverables of the project. The only certainty was that the HSBC building would be significantly different from any other building in the world. This knowledge raised the team’s excite- ment and commitment even higher.
Fluid Working Relationship between the Offices of the Engineer and the Architect The conceptual design of the building necessitated a fluid relationship between Ove Arup’s office and Foster—it was not unusual for a member of one team to call up another and ask for help to fix a problem or make a correction to a design. If designers at Foster were meeting about an element of the building and needed engineering input, a telephone call would be made to Ove Arup’s to summon an engineer to attend the meeting. One engineer described the project environment as one in which “there was a lot of honesty.” The interdependence of the mem- bers of the design team was understood—the project required them to work to- gether, no matter what problem arose.
Managing the Project: January 22, 1980
Munden reviewed the remaining areas of work that needed to be further defined: the overall responsibility for the project, management of the construction process, and the synthesis of the Bank’s spatial and functional requirements. He wondered who should take on these areas of work and what their roles and responsibilities should be.
Overall Management of the Project The first area of work, the overall management of the project, was becoming a con- cern to board members of the bank. At the moment, the bank held the contracts with the individual consultants. The architect was responsible for the direction, management and co-ordination of the consultants (see Exhibit V). Norman Thompson, one of the bank’s board members, believed that the bank should have a co-ordinator for the entire project. To this end, he was highly supportive of the proposal made by one of his employees, Ron Mead, project director of the Hong Kong Mass Transit Railway (MTR). Mead was credited with being responsible for the under-budget, early completion of the MTR. In mid-December 1979, Munden received a proposal from Ron Mead. In his proposal, Mead advised the bank to create a position of control over the entire project. Mead suggested that he be en- gaged as construction coordinator for the project. As construction coordinator, he would be responsible for transmitting the bank’s instructions to the architect, run- ning the subcontracts, and overseeing construction. This description was very close to that of a full-fledged project manager (see Exhibit VI).
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In discussing the concept with the architect, however, Munden recognized that Norman Foster was not in favor of the bank hiring Mead. As architect to the bank, Foster wanted complete authority for the project and direct access to bank personnel. Foster’s concern was that a construction coordinator, as described by Mead, would impede his direct line of authority from the bank. De facto, the construction coordinator would act as a filter between the architects and the owner, thus eliminating direct access to the bank and reducing the architect’s con- trol over the project. In addition, Foster felt that there was no need for a con- struction coordinator to oversee the consultants. Instead, Foster suggested to Munden that the bank consider engaging a project coordinator and a management contractor.
The project coordinator envisioned by Foster was more limited in scope than the construction coordinator proposed by Mead. Foster recommended that the project coordinator be someone with experience in construction management, cost control, and project planning. Foster proposed that the project coordinator act as a focal interface between the bank and the architects. As such, the project
Exhibit VI. Project organization proposed by Mead
Foster & Associates
Ove Arup & Partners
J. Roger Preston &
Levett & Bailey
Communication path
Contractual and supervisory relationship
Construction Coordinator (Mead)
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coordinator would provide direct access to the owner and be the sole source of bank instruction to the architects. A second component of Foster’s recommenda- tion was his proposal for a management contractor who would participate with the consultants in the design of the building, hold and manage the subcontracts and oversee the construction process (see Exhibit VII).
Building Program The second area of work, which needed further definition, was the establishment of a spatial program and definition of the functional interrelationships that re- flected the organization of the bank.
The architects had requested input from the bank on the size of the depart- ments to be accommodated in the new building. The bank had experienced diffi- culty in synthesizing this information because of the tremendous growth and changes in business practices it was undergoing. Munden had approached Sandberg about appointing a special program committee made up of representa- tives of the different areas within the bank to direct the architects on the bank’s
The Hong Kong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited 651
Exhibit VII. Project organization proposed by Foster
Communication path Contractual relationship Supervisory relationship
Foster & Associates
Ove Arup & Partners
J. Roger Preston & Partners
Levett & Bailey
Program Committee Project Co-ordinator
Management Contractor
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needs (see Exhibit VIII). Sandberg had rejected Munden’s proposal on the basis that the architect had been contracted to provide the bank with a flexible building that would incorporate changes as they were required. With regard to the bank’s special needs, Sandberg reminded Munden that the bank had selected Foster, in part, because of the understanding he had illustrated of the workings of the bank. In addition, Foster’s previous clients had verified how Foster’s office had worked with their staff to develop a program for the building. Sandberg advised Munden that any decisions Munden felt ill-equipped to make could be referred directly to him (see Exhibit IX).
Preparing for the Board Meeting
As Munden considered the presentation he would make at the upcoming board meeting, he reviewed the project arrangements established to date: The feasibil- ity study was complete, the architect had been selected, the consultants were un- der contract and the design team was brainstorming concept proposals for the de- sign of the building. He recognized that the organization of the project team, both internal to the bank and the external design team was as challenging as the as- signment facing the architects and engineers: to build “the best bank building in the world.” Munden knew that the structure set up by the relationships between the consultants would have a strong impact on innovation in the project and the final building. Strong opinions were being expressed within the bank and by the
Exhibit VIII. Special committee for program development
Project Coordinator
Foster & Associates
Communication path
P ro
g ra
m C
o m
m itte
e Note: The proposed program committee was to be made up of representatives from different areas within the bank to direct the architect on the bank’s needs.
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design team with respect to the overall management of the project. Munden con- sidered the motivations of Sandberg, the members of the board and the consul- tants as he prepared his recommendation to the board for the management of the project. He knew that the outcome of the project had to be an innovative building composed of the most up-to-date systems and highest quality materials.
The Hong Kong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited 653
Exhibit IX. Reporting structure for building program
Munden HSBC
Foster & Associates
Communication path
The Richard Ivey School of Business gratefully acknowledges the generous support of The Richard and Jean Ivey Fund in the development of this case as part of the RICHARD AND JEAN IVEY FUND ASIAN CASE SERIES.
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Acme Corporation, 470–472 Acorn Industries, 49–55 Altex Corporation, 466–469 American Electronics International,
241–244 AMP of Canada (A), 105–117 Apache Metals, Inc., 160–161 Automated Evaluation Project,
Bathtub Period (case study), 385–387 Blue Spider Project, 301–316 Boeing 777 project, 81–104
and aircraft industry, 82–83 and Boeing as company, 83–86 as consumer-driven product, 87–91 design-build teams, use of, 94–95 digital design in, 93–94 and employee empowerment/culture,
96 and leadership/management, 97 lessons of, 99–100 results of, 98–99
Camden Construction Corporation, 263–266
Capital Industries, 249–250 Carlson Project, 245–246 Challenger disaster, see Space Shuttle
Challenger disaster Change, scope, see Managing scope
change Clark Faucet Company, 7–10 Como Tool and Die (A), 153–156 Como Tool and Die (B), 157–159 Concrete Masonry Corporation, 334–342 Conflict management, 473
facilities scheduling at Mayer Manufacturing, 475–477
problem with priorities, 482–483 scheduling the safety lab, 478–479 Telestar International, 480–481
Construction, 613 Continental Computer Corporation,
37–42 Controlling projects, 381
bathtub period, 385–387
1321.INDEX 11/3/05 9:31 AM Page 655
Controlling projects (Continued) Ford Motor Company, 388–399 two-boss problem, 383–384
Cordova Research Group, 70 Cortez Plastics, 71 Corwin Corporation, 317–328 Cory Electric, 259–262 Crosby Manufacturing Corporation,
295–297 Cultures, see Project management
Denver International Airport (DIA), 517–560
and airline deregulation, 518–519 background, 517–518 baggage handling system at,
529–530 chronology, 530–547 debt, 547 design of, 525–527 and enplaned passenger market,
523–524, 548 land selection for, 524–525 and need for new airport, 519–523 PM firms chosen for, 527–529
Ducor Chemical, 237–240
Estimating, see Project estimating Ethics, see Morality and ethics Excel Consulting, 369–376 Execution, project, see Project execution
Facilities scheduling at Mayer Manufacturing, 475–477
Falls Engineering, 222–226 Fargo Foods, 216–219 Ferris HealthCare, Inc., 5–6 First National Bank, 56–69 First Security Bank of Cleveland,
580–582 Ford Motor Company, 388–399
Goshe Corporation, 43–48 Government Project Management,
220–221 Greyson Corporation, 269–273
Haller Specialty Manufacturing, 162 Hongkong and Shanghai Banking
Corporation Limited (A), 635–653 Hyten Corporation, 22–34
Implementation of project management, 11
Acorn Industries, 49–55 AMP of Canada, 105–117 Continental Computer Corporation,
37–42 Cordova Research Group, 70 Cortez Plastics, 71 Goshe Corporation, 43–48 Hyten Corporation, 22–34 Kombs Engineering, 13–14 Lipton Canada, 118–123 L.P. Manning Corporation, 72–73 Macon, Inc., 35–36 MIS Project Management at First
National Bank, 56–69 Philip Condit and the Boeing 777,
81–104 Quixtar, 145–148 The Reluctant Workers, 20–21 Riverview Children’s Hospital,
124–144 Williams Machine Tool Company,
15–16 Wynn Computer Equipment, 17–19
Industry specific: Hongkong and Shanghai Banking
Corporation Limited (A), 635–653 The Lyle Construction Project, 625–634 Robert L. Frank Construction
Company, 615–624 Iridium, 351–368
Jackson Industries, 583–585 Ji’nan Broadcasting Corporation,
196–204 Jones and Shepard Accountants, Inc.,
Kent Corporation, 482–483 Kombs Engineering, 13–14 Korea, living and working in, 177–195
1321.INDEX 11/3/05 9:31 AM Page 656
L. P. Manning Corporation, 72–73 Lakes Automotive, 3–4 Lipton Canada, 118–123 Luxor Technologies, 462–465 Lyle Construction Project, 625–634
Macon, Inc., 35–36 Managing scope change, 515
Denver International Airport, 517–560 Maralinga-Ladawan Highway Project,
172–176 Margo Corporation, 343–344 Martig Construction Company, 229–230 Mayer Manufacturing, 475–477 Methodologies, see Project management
methodologies MIS Project Management at First
National Bank, 56–69 Mohawk National Bank, 231–234 Morality and ethics, 485
The Tylenol tragedies, 487–514
Negotiating for resources, 235 American Electronics International,
241–244 The Carlson Project, 245–246 Ducor Chemical, 237–240
The NF3 Project, 163–171
Organizational structures, see Project management organizational structures
Packer Telecom, 460–461 Payton Corporation, 277–278 Percy Company, 258 Philip Condit and the Boeing 777, 81–104 Photolite Corporation (A), 563–565 Photolite Corporation (B), 566–568 Photolite Corporation (C), 569–573 Photolite Corporation (D), 574–579 Planning, see Project planning Polyproducts Incorporated, 251–257 Priorities, problem with, 482–483 Project estimating, 247
Camden Construction Corporation, 263–266
Capital Industries, 249–250 Cory Electric, 259–262 Polyproducts Incorporated, 251–257 small project cost estimating at Percy
Company, 258 Project execution, 299
The Automated Evaluation Project, 347–350
The Blue Spider Project, 301–316 Concrete Masonry Corporation,
334–342 Corwin Corporation, 317–328 Excel Consulting, 369–376 Iridium, 351–368 Margo Corporation, 343–344 Project Manager, 377–380 Project Overrun, 345–346 Quantum Telecom, 329–330 The Trophy Project, 331–333
Project Firecracker, 74–80 Project management cultures, 151
Apache Metals, Inc., 160–161 Como Tool and Die (A), 153–156 Como Tool and Die (B), 157–159 Haller Specialty Manufacturing, 162 Ji’nan Broadcasting Corporation,
196–204 Korea, living and working in, 177–195 Maralinga-Ladawan Highway Project,
172–176 The NF3 Project, 163–171
Project management methodologies, 1 Clark Faucet Company, 7–10 Ferris HealthCare, Inc., 5–6 Lakes Automotive, 3–4
Project management organizational structures, 205
Falls Engineering, 222–226 Fargo Foods, 216–219 Government Project Management,
220–221 Jones and Shepard Accountants, Inc.,
212–215 Martig Construction Company,
229–230 Mohawk National Bank, 231–234 Quasar Communications, Inc., 207–211
Index 657
1321.INDEX 11/3/05 9:31 AM Page 657
Project management organizational structures (Continued)
White Manufacturing, 227–228 Project Manager, 377–380 Project Overrun, 345–346 Project planning, 267
Greyson Corporation, 269–273 Payton Corporation, 277–278 Spin Master Toys (A), 279–292 Teloxy Engineering (A), 274–275 Teloxy Engineering (B), 276
Project risk management, 401 Acme Corporation, 470–472 Altex Corporation, 466–469 Luxor Technologies, 462–465 Packer Telecom, 460–461 The Space Shuttle Challenger disaster,
403–452 The Space Shuttle Columbia disaster,
453–459 Project scheduling, 293
Crosby Manufacturing Corporation, 295–297
Quantum Telecom, 329–330 Quasar Communications, Inc.,
207–211 Quixtar, 145–148
Reluctant Workers, 20–21 Resource negotiation, see Negotiating
for resources Risk management, see Project risk
management Riverview Children’s Hospital,
124–144 background, 125–131 and decision to continue or delay,
142–144 hiring of new project manager, 139,
141–142 implementation of new computer
system, 133, 135–139 purchase of new computer system,
131–133 Robert L. Frank Construction Company,
Safety Lab, 478–479 Salary, see Wage and salary
administration Scheduling, see Project scheduling Scheduling the safety lab, 478–479 Scope change, see Managing scope
change Small project cost estimating at Percy
Company, 258 Space Shuttle Challenger disaster,
403–452 accident, 440–443 commission findings, 443–447 and communication, 416, 432–437,
447–448 and ice problem, 437–440 launch liftoff sequence profile,
419–422 and Mission 51–L, 430–432 and NASA-media relations, 443 and paperwork/waivers, 416–419,
428–430 and pressures facing NASA, 406–408 questions resulting from, 449–452 and risk classification, 415–416 and space transportation system,
405–406 and spare parts problem, 415 and technology, 408–415, 422–427
Space Shuttle Columbia disaster, 453–459
Spin Master Toys (A), 279–292 Structures, organizational, see Project
management organizational structures
Telestar International, 480–481 Teloxy Engineering (A), 274–275 Teloxy Engineering (B), 276 Time management, 587 Time management exercise, 589–611 Trophy Project, 331–333 Two-Boss Problem, 383–384 Tylenol, 487–514
background history, 488–489 beginning of crisis, 489–491 and corporate culture, 507–508
1321.INDEX 11/3/05 9:31 AM Page 658
and nature of crisis management, 488 recovery activities, 503–506 second poisoning tragedy (1986),
508–510 tamper-resistant packaging, 499–501,
510 timing factors in re-introducing,
Wage and salary administration, 561 First Security Bank of Cleveland,
Jackson Industries, 583–585 Photolite Corporation (A), 563–565 Photolite Corporation (B), 566–568 Photolite Corporation (C), 569–573 Photolite Corporation (D), 574–579
WCE, see Wynn Computer Equipment White Manufacturing, 227–228 Williams Machine Tool Company,
15–16 Wynn Computer Equipment (WCE),
Index 659
1321.INDEX 11/3/05 9:31 AM Page 659
- Project Management Case Studies, Second Edition
- Contents
- Preface
- Lakes Automotive
- Ferris HealthCare, Inc.
- Clark Faucet Company
- Kombs Engineering
- Williams Machine Tool Company
- Wynn Computer Equipment (WCE)
- The Reluctant Workers
- Hyten Corporation
- Macon, Inc.
- Continental Computer Corporation
- Goshe Corporation
- Acorn Industries
- MIS Project Management at First National Bank
- Cordova Research Group
- Cortez Plastics
- L. P. Manning Corporation
- Project Firecracker
- Philip Condit and the Boeing 777: From Design and Development to Producton and Sales*
- AMP of Canada (A)
- Lipton Canada
- Riverview Children’s Hospital
- The Evolution of Project Management at Quixtar
- Como Tool and Die (A)
- Como Tool and Die (B)
- Apache Metals, Inc.
- Haller Specialty Manufacturing
- The NF3 Project: Managing Cultural Differences1
- An International Project Manager’s Day (A)
- Ellen Moore (A): Living and Working in Korea
- Ji’nan Broadcasting Corporation
- Quasar Communications, Inc.
- Jones and Shephard Accountants, Inc.
- Fargo Foods
- Government Project Management
- Falls Engineering
- White Manufacturing
- Martig Construction Company
- Mohawk National Bank
- Ducor Chemical
- American Electronics International
- The Carlson Project
- Capital Industries
- Polyproducts Incorporated
- Small Project Cost Estimating at Percy Company
- Cory Electric
- Camden Construction Corporation
- Greyson Corporation
- Teloxy Engineering (A)
- Teloxy Engineering (B)
- Payton Corporation
- Spin Master Toys (A): Finding a Manufacturer for E-Chargers
- Crosby Manufacturing Corporation
- The Blue Spider Project
- Corwin Corporation
- Quantum Telecom
- The Trophy Project
- Concrete Masonry Corporation
- Margo Company
- Project Overrun
- The Automated Evaluation Project1
- The Rise and Fall of Iridium
- Missing Person—Peter Leung
- Zhou Jianglin, Project Manager
- The Two-Boss Problem
- The Bathtub Period
- Ford Motor Co.: Electrical/Electronic Systems Engineering
- The Space Shuttle Challenger Disaster
- The Space Shuttle Columbia Disaster
- Packer Telecom
- Luxor Technologies
- Altex Corporation
- Acme Corporation
- Facilities Scheduling at Mayer Manufacturing
- Scheduling the Safety Lab
- Telestar International
- The Problem with Priorities
- The Tylenol Tragedies
- Denver International Airport (DIA)
- Photolite Corporation (A)
- Photolite Corporation (B)
- Photolite Corporation (C)
- Photolite Corporation (D)
- First Security Bank of Cleveland
- Jackson Industries
- Time Management Exercise
- Robert L. Frank Construction Company
- The Lyle Construction Project
- Hong Kong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited: Hong Kong Bank Headquarters (A)
- Index

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