Samantha Evans:


Yes, I can testify that Apple has organized representation by unions. However, in the United States, Apple does not recognize any trade unions. In some regions like Europe and Japan, their employees recognize unions. Apple workers have voted against unionization in fear of losing their jobs.


As a company involved in technology and e-commerce and works internationally, Apple hires expatriates in the quest for computer engineering and technology development in such fields. There's a very short talent, forcing the company to hire outside the US(Böttcher and Weking, 2020). The training that Apple provides to its foreign employees, general information, and general information (Li, 2021). One fundamental thing is remembering to consider employee family.


Apple as a company uses the internet for a prominent position of its training to expand the expertise. Online training seminars are conducted here through digital platforms (Li, 2021).


There is no difference in the products sold in Apple's international markets. The only difference that might exist is the regulation existing between importing and exporting goods from different countries that could have its law. A good example is certain restrictions on the importation of batteries.


Apple emphasizes the same promotions worldwide except in certain countries with different rules. Sometimes Apple does have some promotion codes, although nowadays, they are rare.


The current distribution channels employed at international markets are variable the capabilities in terms of fracture. Apple takes advantage of many channels such as independent contractors, air transport, and ground transport from established postal addresses.


Apple practices global procurement as part of its business model, connecting globally through the internet and other international activities. Here, people can buy and sell Apple items (Li, 2021). The procurement starts from the production and manufacturing sector to various sellers hence stocking their fulfillment centers to meet high demands for faster services and goods from Apple.


Apple has been diversifying its global production for their brand of products in the last several years. The company has taken its production out of the US due to cheap production elsewhere, like China. Currently assembles most of Apple's iPhones in its Shenzen, China, location, although Foxconn maintains factories in countries across the world, in other countries like Thailand (Böttcher and Weking, 2020).


When I speak of Apple’s Manufacturing being outsourced, it is evident that they get parts and resources that are somehow difficult to procure in the US due to accessibility of lower cost. Such things are like microprocessors.


From a technical point of view, Apple has a vast supply chain network. There are many companies in the tech industry. According to the latest research Apple has 735 suppliers in 31 countries worldwide (Li, 2021).


Apple conducts business in almost every country globally with imports and exports in countries like Canada, China, Singapore, Saidi Arabia, Italy, Germany. In fact, generally speaking, China is a critical global region for Apple. When the values of these countries' currencies change, this action will affect profits received by Apple in a significant manner (Li, 2021). However, when the currency valuation increases to a certain level higher than that of the US dollar, the drop in the exchange rate can be offset by the consistent exchange of goods and services.


Böttcher, T. P., & Weking, J. (2020). Identifying Antecedents and Outcomes of Digital Business Model Innovation. In ECIS.

Li, Y. (2021). Apple Inc. Analysis and Forecast Evaluation. Proceedings of Business and Economic Studies4(4), 71-78.



Samantha Evans



Samantha Evans:

Table of contents:

Company’s background information

Potential countries

PEST analysis of both countries

Comparison of alternative foreign countries

Final country selection

Assessment of market entry strategies

Final market strategy


Company’s Background:

It was established in Saudi Arabia in 2003, by the group of United Electronic Company. They become the leading international brand in all electronic devices like cameras, video recording devices, laptops, and other electronic mobile accessories. They also deal with the personal IT projects that are based on the legal aspects and termination depends on the trend and pattern of innovative techniques. Home appliances and personal products are also available and being sold all over the world. They have developed the marketing stores having more than 2000 workers working in dispersed stores with the most popular brand intervention in the Saudi kingdom. They are now emerging in the national and international market for selling most electronic devices and these are the most acceptable products with verified authentication kinetics.

Their vision and goals:

To survive in the international and national market there was very harsh situations and more relying capabilities to retain one’s identity. The recent era for extra electronics was the toughest to compete for local and international market values with distinctive figures and discount offers. It is working with the legislative tenure of United Nations organizations that opened its first branch in Saudi Arabia. The 43 stores across the kingdom and 2 stores in Oman and 1 in Bahrain.

Potential countries:

United Kingdom:

The highly efficient system in the United Kingdom has taken the 12 million market evaluation that has depicted to resolve the profit funding into its account. After calculating the math there are people in the United Kingdom who are conscious about purchasing a good quality product. And for that purpose, they may not pay heed to low price products with inferior quality. The luxury products are being sold out to incorporate the financial support and as well as the popularity growth. The global market for the brands is now diverted towards the United Kingdom for effective selling and popular marketing strategies. People are more aware of the quality and rely on top quality brands rather than move on for hit and trial methods. Their industries have launched the smartest, economic, and less energy-consuming products to restrain the dimensional effect all over the world. The precise calculation for the statistical approach they have settled for offering other companies and electronic diversity to optimize the current situation and impress the whole community. This will induce offers across the whole world and appropriate measures for brand counseling will be done.


The electronic population of Canada has to group and grow in receiving the radiation of development form either countries like China, Australia, India, and America. The number of brands is not restricted but the innovative capacity to build up the economy by busting the electronic market. Optimized devices are being used in Canada but the import ration for that purpose is intimately high than having the opportunity to avail retained power. The flexible and hybrid electronics by Extra group of electronics have made it far clear to incorporate the path of new modern technology. Global perspectives for Canada are to compete in the technical and financial markets for ordering the bestselling products organizations. They have allowed indulging business strategies and other supportive kinetics for Extra electronics. The cost-efficient products lower the market evaluation and guide the products to be sold by a trusted retailer. The consumption value for Canada for this 2020 is 6.2 million dollars.

PEST analysis of both countries:

United Kingdom:

The economic reliability depends not on eh import and export of the restraining statistical utilization of their resources. Most of the global cost for the United Kingdom's approach in electronics is about more than12 million dollars. This was expected to be the least assumptive budget and more social and financial support is enhanced for uniting kingdom. Extra has invested the retailers in the stock market for manipulation and evaluation of distinctive features. Profit loss benefit statements will retry to assume the market popularity with advertising the brand as well. The political aspect of the United Kingdom is the hierarchical dignity that conquers from one person to the other by level of indulging the government. The social aspects of operative strategies for United Kingdom electronic legislation there will be more affection for extra electronic stores. Being able to restrict the bad quality and graded inferior products there will be more dimensions in statistical graphs.

The environmental factor for this electronic store having a competitive scenario to indulge other companies in the race for growth and selling at the marketed level. From a technical perspective, there are operative and legislative regulations in the upper and lower electronic market.


The intervention of the electronic department in Canada and the political approach for rendering the cost management and financial cost benefits will utilize the restoring of social and economic perspectives. In Canada, there are several big markets and other interventions to control the optimized launching and corporative indulgence in the stock market. Innovative operations will depict he graded social and environmental aspects.The government of Canada will allow the legislatures to form the legal termination of brands forming the inferior and damp quality management department processing will be done. The market value for electronic and innovative products will emerge and incorporate the statistical stock value for developing better communication and social interaction. The cost-effective market strategies and economic guidance will depict the ground reality based selling of products.

Comparison of alternative foreign countries:

The advantage of offering Extra Saudi Company will come across legal and global benefits. Due to rich natural sources, there are many other neighboring countries for Saudi to indulge in the partnership in the functioning of the materialistic environment. Electronic innovation projects are being kept at the top priority level for registration into headcount for profit analysis and political control. Major military cops are using advanced technology-based information transformation to communicate privately and manage to keep up the good work. The license and ministry of commerce for electronic interventions there are several countries like Pakistan, India, Australia, and the United Nations. These countries already have a good relationship with Saudi Arabia and they are indulging in the import of natural resources like petroleum other products. This will create a statistical approach for Saudi company Extra to improvise the best quality selling and programming based products to localize the intervention of achieving mutual goals.

PEST Analysis outcome:

Some of the companies in Saudi Arabia are privatizing most of the technology-based utilization of cultural aspects. But the term to understand the graded environment for populated countries like the United Kingdom and Canada. The economy of Saudi Arabia depends on petroleum products and less on the minority stakeholders for the electronic market. After the realization of less effective and more beneficial innovative techniques, there are several major brands in Saudi Arabia working all over the world.

Economic aspects:

The economy of Saudi and other Persian Gulf countries due to the same locality has resemblance but the hour of need for Saudi Arabia is to indulge in the emerging electronic market. The capability to sustain the benefits and loss statements in legal perspective join the optimized rules and laws for retaining their cultural and religious assumptions taking into count.

Final country selection:

The final country selection for Extra Electronic will not be the last and least assumption to be made into the legal propagation for the electronic market. For the latter purpose, they can accommodate the number of stores in other countries as well. But the final country according to their economic, global environmental, legislative, social, and technology-based amendment will of United Kingdom. The reason for competition in the UK is to sustain the identity and compete for quality management in that optimized environment. It will be much easy for Extra to enter but to sustain and survive for that living benefits and dealing with the stock exchange that would be a tough choice. The entry strategies for Extra are to indulge in the transaction approach through online selling with verified consumer products. Operating at a distinctive level and dominating the identity for selling good products with security and authentication. Based on the economic and justifying truth of migrating products through trading off and stock market perspectives. Dimensions for operating in the diverse environment of the electronic market.

Investment & subsidiary:

The shipping percent of the country’s tax and management assessment was 45 percent. Foreign investment and supporting documentation will ultimately indulge in the service of investor service programs in the United Kingdom and for Saudi Arabia. The core relation of investment operation there will be licensing and investigation about the investment management and dimensions of trading opportunities. The advanced and legal steps for investment in stock electronic productions will manage to assist the appropriate contractual and beneficial procedures. The selection of employees and interventions will be made from the headquarters; this will direct the innovative research for finding the space to indulge advertisement with associated sponsors.

Assessment of market entry strategies:

Calculations according to the national and global legislature assumptions there are diverse ways to indulge emerging electronic companies in the United Kingdom. For assessment in retaining the identity of personal features of the company which will demonstrate the graphs of dealing with precise marketing customers. The first approach for the legislative amendment then acquiring the license will depict the rapid growth of the company. It will allow making a trade with achievable terms and sales profit. Understanding the psychology of customers will be the major task to visualize what they need to become faster in technology.

Economic and technology perspectives:

Determining the global aspects and intervention of the Extra organization they have vast and immense worlds to explore and due to this reason they can develop direct contact with customers with desires to be published. Making devices with personal features and optimization accordingly with the future world will help the user to engage the friendly interface of modern technology. Based on the entry strategies there should be a valid giveaway and discount interventions to achieve the desired sale. Recognition with advertisements and informing the whole community to indulge in future benefits and features.

Exporting techniques:

The major aspect of transportation and licensing is to incorporate user-friendly and restricted third party interaction. Due to this trust development and save security functions there will be more instructive and constructive tropical basis. Larger industries and passive transportation with less tax investment apologies will lead towards the mutual benefits both for the United Kingdom and the Saudi government.

Prosecution and licensing:

The order for judgment in incorporating the devised perception for modern technology and electronic devices must be checked and verified by company users. Individual product licensing and judgment presumption for allowing the opening of the stores with multiple branches spreading across the whole country may demonstrate the basic concept of legalization. The intention to operate the company will be from the headquarters which is in Saudi Arabia.

Final market strategy:

The most effective and functional strategy will guide for the less tax holding perspective with improving the legislative assumptions. Dealing with advertisements and international websites dealing with the stock market may optimize the rule for Extra.co. In between the real-time analysis and justification for the mean value of profit, there will be much profit and gain in doing so. Trading off the passive transport with legal benefits to ensure connective operation. Offering less consumption of electricity reducing power load over the devices will manage to keep good skills for recognition.


This will allow more job opportunities and technology-based research for less consumption of power and more efficient work by user-friendly devices. After installing the plants in the United Kingdom they will be allowed to incorporate the increment of profit gaining analysis. Best quality products will blend the whole scenario with less cost-effective trials. Dealing with these technology-based products will be updated accordingly with time.


Final Research Project / Includes Presentation

International Business


Select a Saudi company (manufacturing or service) that is willing to enter an international

market. The company is considering two potential countries to select one best. As a Business

Development Executive, you have been asked to prepare an official report suggesting the best

country to enter with the best entry strategy/mode.

The report should include the following two essential steps:

1. Evaluate two potential countries (any two of your choice)

2. Select the best strategy to enter the selected market.

As an EMBA student, a high standard of written English is expected. Your project report should

be clear, concise, neatly presented, and easy to read. The project is expected to be a creative

piece of work written.


1. The written report should not be less than 2000 words and more than 3000 words

(Including title page, table of content, references, and any appendices).

2. Writing Guidelines: Paper size: A4, Line spacing: 1.15, Margins: 1” (inch) all sides,

Font: Times New Roman, Font Size: 12 for text, 14 for headings and 13 for subheadings.

3. The project should have a nice title page containing all the required information such as;

the title of the project, university logo, course name, name and ID of student.

4. Project Grading:

i) The project report will be graded based on the rubric attached at the end of this




Plagiarism will not be accepted. If proved, the student will not get any grades for the project and

will be subject to disciplinary action as per the university policy.

Plagiarism may take several forms, for example:

 Copying, in whole or in part, from printed or other sources without acknowledgment

 Paraphrasing material (stating something in different words) without acknowledging the


 Not acknowledging the source of ideas, even when they are put in your own words.

 Copying materials from internet sites or other electronic media without acknowledgment.

 Directly quoting another’s work without acknowledgment.

 Submitting work written in whole or in part by others

 Submitting statistical information or other facts reported by another without due


 Taking phrases or terms from some source and placing them in your own work without


 Self-plagiarism’ - submitting work that has already been submitted in another course

 Using unpublished materials or summarizing another person’s work without appropriate


 Copying from another student’s work.

 Cutting and pasting from sources without acknowledgment.



Executive summary (Maximum one page; Briefly describe the 1. The purpose of the report-why

you are doing this project? 2. Method- how did you do it? 3. The result- what was findings 4.

Conclusion & recommendation)

1. Company’s background (Introduce your selected Saudi company: a brief history,

mission, vision, corporate goals).

2. Alternative foreign countries (Provide a brief introduction to each potential country in

one medium-sized paragraph.)

3. Assessment of Alternative Foreign Countries [For each country, provide a PEST

Analysis (Political, Economic, Social, Technological, environments) and other relevant

factors such as demand of your product, transportation cost, trade barriers, level of

competition, first-mover advantage and any other factors as discussed in the course]

4. Comparison of alternative foreign countries (Provide a comparison between the

potential foreign countries based on PEST analysis outcomes and other relevant factors;

the comparison can be presented in tabular form).

5. Final foreign country selection (Summarize, finally chosen country and justify your

choice based on the comparison provided in the previous section.)

6. Assessment of alternative market entry strategies (In the context of your company,

explain each possible entry mode such as exporting, licensing, joint venture, wholly

owned subsidiary-greenfield or acquisition, etc.)

7. Final market entry strategy selection (Explain what entry mode is best for your

company. Justify your selected entry mode).

8. Conclusion (Briefly summarize the results of your assessment sections 4-8. Briefly

describe the finding and provide recommendations to the company based on your


9. References (Harvard Referencing method should be used for citations)


Project Evaluation Rubric

Marking Criterion Assigned



Obtained Comments

1. Project Report Presentation

-Fulfilled the required structure, cover sheet, words limit, etc.


2. Executive Summary

- Background to report.

- Statement of purpose.

-Outline of the report.


3. Body

-Paragraph structure (topic sentences etc.).

-Main points are debated

-Cohesion (logic sequence, links between paragraphs).


4. Conclusion

-Restate the report & relates to its purpose.

-Summarize main points.

-Consistency between the arguments provided in the body section

and the statement of conclusion


5. Academic English

-Grammar, spelling, syntax, punctuation, expression, tone,

vocabulary, flow.


6. Critical analysis and use of evidence

-Critical approach.

-Appropriate & sufficient evidence.

-Integration of evidence & depth of analysis.


7. Overall the quality of the report

-Represents an excellent report and provides a significant


-Engages with the environmental analysis elements & the degree

of success in doing so.


Total Grades 100



Samantha Evans


Apple is a company known to be running in different parts of the world, but mainly in the United Kingdom, Canada, and the United States of America. They are all located in Europe and the continent of North America.

These countries have been dealing with the WTO, the World Bank, and the IMF for many years. As a result of the research that has been conducted, it is much clear that all of these countries always act following the guidelines of the IMF, World Bank, and the WTO since they have been under these institutions for the past century. If these countries were not that committed and showed their interest in following the guidelines provided, they would have been eliminated from these institutions a very long time ago.

As a result of the transparency that the united states' government has proven under its political institutions, this is a clear confirmation that the United States embrace globalization. Some years back, the US government took the initiative of implementing a global democratic reform. The British government also possesses great experience when it comes to globalization, and most of its operations are all related to economic extension (Gifford, 2019). Also, the UK is known for having a well-operating judiciary system, and courts hold the responsibility of dealing with all the civil and other different kind of cases. On the other hand, Canada is also almost equivalent to the united states. It ensures well that it embraces clean international dealings and promotes globalization greatly. It is also known to be one of the best-governed nations globally (Glenn, 2017). 

From the research, I think that the United Kingdom, the United States, and Canada all support the practice of globalization in one way or the other. From my research, I can confirm that these three nations have done a lot to the point of implementing a wide range of changes, all for the sake of supporting globalization. These nations took the initiative to influence the government, came up with procedures on eliminating corruption, and concentrated the most on supporting democracy. The property rights seem to exist for a long period already, and they seem to have been already supported by the law. The organizations are also passing their best performance for growth globally and to remain competitive.

Apple company mostly concentrates on the production of goods, especially on personal computers, music and video players, and communication gadgets. These items are sold domestically and are exported and distributed worldwide.

Since Apple’s company operates worldwide and has a lot of stores all over and can produce their products in different places, this company ensures that its products get to avoid tariff barriers.

Apple company runs on a geographic basis where its trading bloc comprises Europe, Japan, and America. Doing all of these provided the company with the privilege of sustaining most of its income in its native nation and avoiding any kind of influence that the situation in other nations might record.

Since Apple is a well-established company, I believe that it can do better when in any other system, just like it does with WTO. By doing this, the company will hold greater chances of acquiring support from different experts, bringing about lesser wrangles.


Gifford, D. C. (2019). The making of Eurosceptic Britain. Ashgate Publishing.

Glenn, J. (2017). Globalization: North-south perspectives. Routledge.




amantha Evans



Samantha Evans

Project portfolio


Project portfolio

Project portfolio

Samantha Evans

January 30, 2022

1. Apple Company does businesses in various countries such as United States, United Kingdom and China. According to their rank on the Hofstede cultural dimensions, U.S scores low in power and uncertainty avoidance and high on individualism and masculinity. UK scores high on masculinity and individualism and low on uncertainty avoidance and power distance while china scores high on individualism, medium in both uncertainty avoidance and masculinity and low on power distance.

2. U.S manager would need to modify their behavior through being diverse and communicating across cultural barriers, communicating effectively and practicing active listening when communicating with associates from various foreign countries.

3. Apple Company operates in countries that are politically and economically risk such as U.S and UK.

4. It operates in civil law countries like US, which influence how the company conduct its business in terms of taxation law and compliance issues.

5. As of today, Apple Corporation has not purchased any insurance from DFC.

6. Apple possesses intellectual property protection such as trademarks, patents and copyrights, which expire depending on the intellectual property. For instance, patents expire after almost 20 years.

7. CPI score of US and China is 67 and 45 respectively. China and U.S have had several cooperation financial scandals. For instance in china, TAL education group scandal and U.S the Enron scandal in 2001. Both these scandals affected a lot of people including other listing in foreign nations and it deterred several overseas investors. In these countries, apple might face corruption risk such as market distortion, damage reputation and shareholder loss and damage od the share price.

8. Apple foreign market entry mode, licensing, importing and exporting strategy. For instance, licensing strategy is used by the corporation due to its positive features, which are not present in other marketing strategy such as strategic alliance.

9. Apple has an exit strategy, which is broad differentiation through innovation.

10. Apple conducts its global operation ethically, in full law compliance and honestly, which is in compliance with their policies. It has been named among top ten best corporate citizen by the ethic business, since it prioritizes in making a positive social effects. For example, they insist on providing a safe working condition and using manufacturing processes that are environmentally responsible.

11. Apple mission statement is to bring the best user experience to their consumers through their services and innovative software and hardware. There action such as bring best and great user friendly products, adhere to this mission.

12. Apple is a stakeholder orientation based on its strategy formulation because it prioritizes its stakeholders including the organizational and individual buyers.

13. Apple is not a stateless company neither is it on its way to become one. It has a hierarchical organizational structure.

14. Yes, apple can benefit from hybrid or matrix structure because it is a centralized company and it will helps increase efficiency, flexibility, collaboration and productivity.

Project portfolio

Project portfolio

Samantha Evans

January 30, 2022

Project portfolio

Project portfolio

Samantha Evans

January 30, 2022

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