NRS 493


Capstone Project Change: Adverse Drug Reactions among Older Adults


ADEs results to 1.3 million emergency visits annually

Older adults (65 + years) at higher risk of ADEs

ADEs causes include wrong prescription, cognitive and sensory impairment etc.

ADEs have many negative repercussions on the healthcare system and patients. They increase financial costs in health due to increased LOS and patient readmissions. Also, ADEs result to reduced patient safety.



Two methods were proposed: electronic medication and educational training for healthcare practitioners

The best approach between the two is electronic medication

Therefore, the change project focuses on introducing electronic medication to deal with ADEs

N.B: Educational training for healthcare practitioners and patients on prescriptions and medications can also reduce Adverse Drug Events. However, the most suitable method is electronic medication.

Electronic medication- automatically documents the administration of medication into certified EHR technology using electronic tracking sensors


Evidence-Based Literature

Search Strategy

Articles to support intervention were searched on Google Scholar and PubMed

All articles published within five years

Key search word was electronic medication and Adverse Drug Events

Articles published within five years have current information on electronic medication. The Boolean operator (and) was used to limit the number of results


Evidence-Based Literature


Electronic medication can reduce time nurses spend with patients (Gregory et al., 2021)

Electronic medication is a better intervention in reducing ADEs (Li et al., 2019)

Patients are more optimistic about e-prescribing (Lau et al., 2018)

Electronic medication improves patient safety (Wang et al., 2019) and workflow (Kinlay et al., 2021)

The study by Li et al., (2019) compared different interventions including education and training. On the other hand, Gregory et al., (2021) recommends for more research because electronic medication reduce the time nurses spend with their patients. Electronic medication enhances collaboration between healthcare practitioners in improving patient outcomes.


Change Objectives

Enhance workflow at hospital facilities (Kinlay et al., 2021)

Improve patient safety (Wang et al., 2019)

Lower healthcare costs

Improve clinical practice and reduce medication errors (Bugnon et al., 2021)

The change objectives are derived from the literature findings on the selected intervention (electronic medication). These objectives will address the current problems experienced hospital facilities due to high number of ADEs. They include advanced workflow, improved patient safety, and reduced healthcare expenditures.


Resources Needed

Tools to facilitate electronic medication include: digital displays, audiovisual reminders real-time monitors and recording tools (Checchi et al., 2014)

Trained personnel who can efficiently these tools to undertake electronic medication

Electronic Health Record (EHR) database

The five Electronic Medication Practice (EMP) characteristics include recording dosing events and storing a record of adherence, audiovisual reminders to cue dosing, digital displays, real-time monitoring, and providing patients with adherence performance feedback (Checchi et al., 2014). A successful electronic medication system must incorporate these characteristics.


Expected Outcomes

Reduced readmissions at the facility

Reduced Length of Hospital Stay (LOS) for targeted patient population

Reduced operational costs/treatment expenditures

Increased patient safety/low infection risks

Reduced number of ambulatory visits to hospitals

Evaluating Electronic Medication Effectiveness

Reviewing patients’ opinions on the intervention through interviews

Assessing healthcare expenditures after implementing the change and compare them to previous expenditures (quasi-experiments)

Analysis of the budgetary needs to sustain the intervention

Assessing infection rate, ambulatory visits and LOS using hospital records

The evaluation of the intervention will be outcome-based. Evaluation data will be obtained through interviews with the patients and healthcare practitioners, hospital documents and quasi experiments. The aim will be to determine whether the change objectives of promoting patient safety, workflow, advancing clinical practice and a reduction of healthcare costs are met.



Bugnon, B., Geissbuhler, A., Bischoff, T., Bonnabry, P., & von Plessen, C. (2021). Improving primary care medication processes by using shared electronic medication plans in Switzerland: Lessons learned from a participatory action research study. JMIR Formative Research, 5(1).

Checchi, K. D., Huybrechts, K. F., Avorn, J., & Kesselheim, A. S. (2014). Electronic medication packaging devices and medication adherence. JAMA, 312(12), 1237.

Gregory, L. R., Lim, R., MacCullagh, L., Riley, T., Tuqiri, K., Heiler, J., & Peters, K. (2021). Intensive Care Nurses' experiences with the new electronic medication administration record. Nursing Open, 9(3), 1895–1901.

Kinlay, M., Ho, L. M., Zheng, W. Y., Burke, R., Juraskova, I., Moles, R., & Baysari, M. (2021). Electronic Medication Management Systems: Analysis of enhancements to reduce errors and improve workflow. Applied Clinical Informatics, 12(05), 1049–1060.


Lau, G., Ho, J., Lin, S., Yeoh, K., Wan, T., & Hodgkinson, M. (2018). Patient and clinician perspectives of an integrated electronic medication prescribing and dispensing system: A qualitative study at a multisite Australian Hospital Network. Health Information Management Journal, 48(1), 12–23.

Li, R., Zaidi, S. T., Chen, T., & Castelino, R. (2019). Effectiveness of interventions to improve adverse drug reaction reporting by healthcare professionals over the last decade: A systematic review. Pharmacoepidemiology and Drug Safety, 29(1), 1–8.

Wang, H., Meng, L., Song, J., Yang, J., Li, J., & Qiu, F. (2018). Electronic medication reconciliation in hospitals: A systematic review and meta-analysis. European Journal of Hospital Pharmacy, 25(5), 245–250.

BA 637 ITM Capstone Business Intelligence and Big Data 

Submitted to Dr. Danielle Babb

Submitted by Group K



Business Intelligence & Big Data 


Key Benefits of BI and Big Data 


Key Benefits of BI and Big Data 


Key Benefits of BI and Big Data 


BI and Big Data Best Practices 


BI and Big Data Best Practices 


BI and Big Data Best Practices 


BI and Big Data Best Practices 


Real World BI with Big Data Dashboard 

Fig. Web Analytics Dashboard


Real time website Performance .

Varied Metrics tracking .

Used for different context.

Efficient Dashboard elevate Business and Client relationship.

(Friedman, 2021)

Web Analytics Marketing Dashboard is particularly focused on the performance of the Website with respect to its marketing Objective.

Various Metric Tracking like Pageviews, Number of Visitors per day, week, conversion, etc. is carried out.

Several metrics including Bounce rate, website visitors, duration of the visit, referral traffic, traffic, sources. can be tracked using this Dashboard.


Real World BI with Big Data Dashboard 

Provides Team Performance for given time.

Critical insights can be obtained.

New selling strategies built based on insights.

Significant improvements made based on Sales Dashboard.

Support frontline in efficient future sales.



Fig. Sales Performance Dashboard

Sales Performance Dashboard can be helpful to track several KPIs like New Customers, Average sales per week, Customer Lifetime Value, Customer Acquisition Cost and contribute to derive meaningful decisions to improve its sales performance. For the given dashboard, high target with low acquisition cost signifies not enough money is being spent to attract new customers.

Dynamic sales KPI Dashboard makes the Company valuable as well as efficient.


Real World BI with Big Data Dashboard 

Tracks right metrics from available data.

Monitor the overall Operations of the Team.

Suggests improvements based on gained Insights.

Improved Decision Making.



Fig. Call Center KPI Dashboard

Call Center KPI Dashboard helps to track the entire team's performance with respect to different KPIs like Average Call Resolution Percentage, Wait time, top performing Agents/Team Members, total call durations, total calls vs calls answered ,etc. It indicates the peak time wherein the volume of incoming calls is high which can further help to decide the Agents needed at that time. Important Decisions can be taken based on these KPI like Customer Satisfaction, etc.


Conclusion & Guidance


Conclusion & Guidance



Kruglov, A., Strugar, D., & Succi, G. (2021). Tailored performance dashboards-an evaluation of the state of the art. PeerJ. Computer science, 7, e625.

Friedman, H. (2021, Feb). 12 Best Marketing Dashboard Examples and Templates. Retrieved from

Tan, P. (2021, Dec). 5 Powerful Types of Sales Dashboards All Sales Leaders Need. Retrieved from

Varadharajan, R. (2019, Nov). Track your team performance with Call Center KPIs. Retrieved from https: //


PowerPoint Presentation: Business intelligence and big data

- Use APA style correctly throughout the presentation

- Use correct grammar and punctuation

- Format correctly and consistently

- Use the 7 x 7 rule: No more than 7 bullets per slide, and no more than 7 words per bullet. If you wish to explain further in your presentation, please use the Notes Pane at the bottom of the slides

- Utilize references from scholarly sources…do NOT use Wikipedia or Patents

- Cite references within the presentation using correct APA format

The presentation has multiple topics. Please work on only 1) and 2). You may either create a new ppt file or add information to the attached ppt file.

1) Introduction (min 1 Slide) ---> Me

2) What is a business intelligence and big data? (min 2 Slide) ---> Me

3) What are the key benefits of a BI and big data? (min 3 Slide) ---> My team member

4) Top 7 BI and big data best practices (min 4 Slide) ---> My team member

5) Real world BI with big data dashboard with best practices examples (min 3 Slide) ---> My team member

6) Conclusion & Guidance (min 2 Slide) ---> My team member

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