NMIMS Global Access

School for Continuing Education (NGA-SCE)

Course: Insurance & Risk Management

Internal Assignment Applicable for June 2021 Examination

Assignment Marks: 30


 All Questions carry equal marks.

 All Questions are compulsory.

 All answers to be explained in not more than 1000 words for question 1 and 2 and for

question 3 in not more than 500 words for each subsection. Use relevant examples,

illustrations as far as possible.

 All answers to be written individually. Discussion and group work is not advisable.

 Students are free to refer to any books/reference material/website/internet for attempting

their assignments but are not allowed to copy the matter as it is from the source of


 Students should write the assignment in their own words. Copying of assignments from

other students is not allowed.

 Students should follow the following parameter for answering the assignment questions.

1. The Indian regulator of Insurance Business IRDAI, has been very instrumental to

innovate the insurance products, sales along with the regulatory control. Please describe

the IRDAI’s duties and responsibilities in context with the given statement. (10 Marks)

For Theoretical Answer

Assessment Parameter Weightage

Introduction 20%

Concepts and Application related to the question


Conclusion 20%

For Numerical Answer

Assessment Parameter Weightage

Understanding and usage of the formula


Procedure / Steps 50%

Correct Answer & Interpretation


NMIMS Global Access

School for Continuing Education (NGA-SCE)

Course: Insurance & Risk Management

Internal Assignment Applicable for June 2021 Examination

2. Insurance is given on the trust, basis the facts mentioned in the proposal form. What is

your understanding of this statement with reference to the basic principals of Insurance?

(10 Marks)

3. Simran a seasoned professional working with a well-known IT company, earning around

Rs. 1.50 Lacs per month. Her husband Samarjeet Singh is a Doctor and a successful

practicing surgeon earning around Rs. 5.00 Lacs per month. They have a daughter, 3-

year-old Simarpreet Kaur. Simran and Samarjeet are planning to buy a house for a price

of Rs. 5.00 Cr. in next 2-3 months and taking a loan from a Bank. While having a

conversation with them you got to know that the total Insurance Cover is only Rs 5.00

lacs in the family put to gather all the insurance and only a Health Insurance of Rs. 2 Lacs

given by Simran’s company.

As a consultant to Dr. Samarjeet and Simran you are expected to:

a. Do a comprehensive calculation of Human Life Value and identify the exact amount of

the Insurance Cover to be given. (5 Marks)

b. As per your understanding what all Insurance Products would you like to suggest them

as a complete financial protection for the family. (5 Marks)


Student Assessment Agreement Make sure you read through the assessments in this booklet before you fill out and sign the agreement below. If there is anything that you are unsure of, consult your assessor prior to signing this agreement. Have you read the assessment requirements for this unit? Yes No Do you understand the requirements of the assessments for this unit? Yes No Do you agree to the way in which you are being assessed? Yes No Do you have any specific needs that should be considered? Yes No If so, explain these in the space below. Do you understand your rights to re-assessment? Yes No Do you understand your right to appeal the decisions made in an assessment? Yes No Student name Student number Student signature Date Qualification Code and Title CPC30211: Certificate III in Carpentry Unit Code and Title CPCCCM1015A: Carry Out Measurements And Calculations Assessor name Assessor signature Date Assessment Task Cover Sheet Student Declaration To be filled out and submitted with assessment responses I declare that this task is all my own work and I have not cheated or plagiarised the work or colluded with any other student(s). I understand that if I If I am found to have plagiarised, cheated or colluded, action will be taken against me according to the process explained to me. I have correctly referenced all resources and reference texts throughout these assessment tasks. Student name Student ID number Student signature Date Assessor declaration I hereby certify that this student has been assessed by me and that the assessment has been carried out according to the required assessment procedures. Assessor name Assessor signature Date Assessment outcome S NS DNS Resubmission Y N Feedback Student result response My performance in this assessment task has been discussed and explained to me. I would like to appeal this assessment decision. Student signature Date A copy of this page must be supplied to the office and kept in the student’s file with the evidence

Document Title: Final Assessment THEORY

Document Subtitle: CPCCCM1015A Carry out measurements and calculations



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Universal Training Solutions does not give warranty or accept any legal liability in relation to the content of this work.

Licenced to:

RTO Name: Trinity Institute (Australia)

RTO NO: 41310


RTO Address: Level 7, 16-18 Wentworth Street Parramatta NSW 2150


Universal Training Solutions

Developed by:

Universal Training Solutions and validated by Trinity Institute (Australia)


Thanks to Universal Training Solutions and Trinity Institute (Australia) staff for their consultation and development work.


Trinity Institute (Australia) V1


Please complete this declaration with the student

Unit of competency:

Unit Code


Unit Title

Carry out measurements and calculations

Trainer/Assessor Name:

Student Name:

Student ID:

Time Allocation

Refer to Training Plan

Due date:

Refer to you student program guide (training plan). Please insert the due date as confirmed by your assessor below:

Due Date: ……………/……………. /…………….






Task 1 Knowledge Questionnaire

I confirm that I have read and understood the instructions, my responsibilities and requirements for this assessment

Task 2 project

I confirm that I have read and understood the instructions, my responsibilities and requirements for this assessment

Task 3 Simulated Practical and/or workplace observation

I confirm that I have read and understood the instructions, my responsibilities and requirements for this assessment

Assessor declaration

The assessor is to complete this declaration with the student.

I have acknowledged the underpinning knowledge and skills may be assessed on or off the job.



I confirm that I am a qualified workplace assessor and will be conducting the assessment for this unit and student



Have all aspects of the student agreement been explained and understood?



Does the student understand they have three attempts to complete each task satisfactorily? If after the third attempt the student is deemed ‘Not Yet Competent’, they will be required to do further training before reattempting this unit.



I have explained the requirements for reasonable adjustment as a result of workplace constraints



I confirm that I have explained and confirmed all of the above items with the student.

Assessor Signature



Student declaration

Agreement by the student: Please sign below to demonstrate that you understand what is required of you in relation to this assessment.

Do you have any special needs or considerations to be made for this assessment? If yes, what are they?



Do you understand your rights to appeal the decisions made in an assessment?



I understand I have three attempts to complete each task satisfactorily. If after the third attempt I am deemed ‘Not Yet Competent’, I will be required to do further training before reattempting this unit



Reasonable adjustment: If you require any adjustments to accommodate a need in order to complete this assessment, please talk to your assessor. Arrangements will be put in place to ensure a fair and flexible approach is undertaken for this assessment. Please note that the range or nature of the adjustment will ensure that the outcomes of the unit are not compromised.



I agree to comply with all rules, regulations, policies and procedures provided as part of the simulated environment.



I give permission for the RTO to use my assignment at the workplace for assessment moderation / validation purposes.



I confirm that I have read and understood my responsibilities and requirements for assessment.

Student Signature



Submission evidence







Safe Work Method Statement (SWMS), Safety Data Sheets (SDS), and Job Safety Analysis (JSA), are documents related to what, in your industry?


Accidents happen when on site. If you or a colleague suffered an accident or injury during your working day (aside from receiving medical attention and correct completion of the necessary forms) should the site safety plan be reviewed? If so, why and when is the review necessary?


What are the 2 main functions of a site emergency plan?


What are the important steps when using tools and equipment, and managing potential faults in equipment?


SWMS are a mandatory reporting process on all sites. Explain in a sentence, the purpose of the detail on the SWMS, and how it is useful for day to day job tasks.


True or false. A SWMS needs to be completed in relation to every work site job that is required to complete a high risk task, or for job planning and workplace environmental requirements.


You must choose 2 relevant steps from the list below, that you would undertake if you come across faulty tools, equipment or materials, in your role.

Tag the faulty equipment or tools

Put the faulty tool aside and notify your supervisor of the problem

Throw the tool in the bin

Do nothing, the site safety officer will handle it

Continuous improvement form


Using the conversion examples shown, convert the measurements in the exercise from millimetres to metres, and metres to millimetres respectively.

Conversion examples

100s of mm in m

10s of mm in m

Individual mm in m

900mm = 0.9m

800mm = 0.8m

700mm = 0.7m

600mm = 0.6m

500mm = 0.5m

400mm = 0.4m

300mm = 0.3m

200mm = 0.2m

100mm = 0.1m

80mm = 0.08m

70mm = 0.07m

60mm = 0.06m

50mm = 0.05m

45mm = 0.045m

40mm = 0.04m

35mm = 0.035m

30mm = 0.03m

25mm = 0.025m

8mm = 0.008m

7mm = 0.007m

6mm = 0.006m

5mm = 0.005m

4mm = 0.004m

3mm = 0.003m

2mm = 0.002m

1mm = 0.001m

0.5mm = 0.0005m






































What measurement is the arrow pointing towards?


Use a scale rule to measure each line below, in accordance with the relevant scale. Write down the length of each line in mm.










Calculate the perimeter of the bathroom (not including the width of the wall studs).


What is the circumference of a circle with a radius of 2.3 metres? Use a calculator.


A sewer slopes at 22 mm per metre. Calculate the total fall in 6 metres.


How much concrete is needed to fill a round post hole which is 400mm in diameter (diameter = the radius x 2), and 2400mm deep? The answer will be in cubic metres (m3).

To calculate the volume of a cylinder, (for example, to calculate the amount of concrete to fill a round hole made by a post hole digger), the following formula is used.

= the symbol for Pi, which is 3.142

r = the radius of the circle

h = the depth of the hole


Name 2 measuring tools most tradespeople carry on-site?


The cost of materials to be purchased is $4,582.50. Add 10% GST to calculate the total cost.


What will be the total cost of fence rail material, if 75 x 50 hardwood is $2.85/m, and you require 43.2m of fence rail? What technology would you use to record this calculation?


In a back garden, how many panels of fencing 2.4 m x 1.2 m would be required to build a fence 32.0 m long by 1.2 m high, to keep an area with safety hazards, sectioned off?


The flat surface of a skillion roof is 24.0 m long with a rafter length of 12.0 m. If a 12.0 m length of corrugated iron roof sheeting covers a width of 762 mm, how many sheets are required to cover the roof?


How do we confirm the required materials and/or quantities for the site plan? When confirmed how and where are they recorded?


To be completed by the assessor

Learner details

Assessor details



Unit Code


Unit Title

Carry out measurements and calculations

Record of assessment results (please tick appropriate box).

ASSESSORS NOTE: Before making a final judgement on this assessment task, you must determine if the student is able to satisfactorily apply and perform the following criteria. Review the performance criteria by clicking on the link https://training.gov.au/Training/Details/CPCCCM1015A. Marking should be in line with the model answers required as the performance criteria (PCs) is underpinned by this assessment task. All questions must be deemed satisfactory to achieve a satisfactory outcome for this task. If a NS is provided for any section or questions relating to this task, then the task outcome should be treated as NS and the reassessment process should be applied. If a NS (not satisfactory) outcome is applied, then you must inform the student in detail as to “why” this outcome was provided. Record your reasons in the section labelled “Not satisfactory (NS) outcomes”. See below for recording appropriate information

Assessment activity - The learner has completed all the assessments requirements for this unit of competency and has been deemed


Date of outcome

Task 1– Knowledge Questionnaire

☐Satisfactory ☐ Not satisfactory

Attempts -

Attempt 1


Attempt 2


Attempt 3


Not satisfactory (NS) Outcomes

Question number

Record in detail the reason for the NS outcome applied

Appeals – refer to the complaints and appeals policy and procedure

If you receive a Not Satisfactory assessment result you have the right to appeal. You have three assessment attempts. After the third attempt arrangements for payment will be made for reassessment purposes. Refer to your student hand book for more details on the complaints and appeals process.

Assessor Feedback to learner:

The assessor must write full feedback to the learner that is constructive and not generic

Reasonable Adjustment

(if applicable) explain why reasonable adjustment has been applied and the tasks it was applied to

Assessor Intervention

(if applicable) - did you need to assist the student in this assessment. If so please explain:

Assessor Name

Assessor Signature


Student declaration - I hereby certify that this assessment is my own work, based on my personal study and/or research. I have acknowledged all material and resources used in the presentation of this assessment whether they are books, articles, reports, internet searched or any other document or personal communication. I also certify that the assessment has not previously been submitted for assessment in any other subject or any other time in the same subject and that I have not copied in part or whole or otherwise plagiarised the work of other learning and/or other persons. I confirm that I understand that I must complete this assessment on my own. I confirm that I will not cheat or plagiarise, or copy from another student during the completion of this assessment.

Student name

Student signature


Name of document: Final Assessment THEORY Version 1 Page 1 of 2

Name of the RTO: Trinity Institute (Australia) RTO No: # 41310 CRICOS: #03556F Document uncontrolled when printed

©Universal Training Solutions All rights reserved. No part of this work may be produced, published, communicated to the public or adapted without permission

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