Mia Lee
Writing a Quality Prospectus
Premise Paper
Premise Paper
African American Male Juvenile Rehabilitation versus Incarceration Punishment
Problem Statement:
The problem that will be addressed is how African American Male Juveniles do not get offered rehabilitation methods but they get punished to serve incarceration time. This leads to higher recidivism rates because they do not have alternative resources.
Theoretical Framework: Social Bond Theory
The social bond theory shows support that a juvenile who has attachment to something are less likely to commit delinquent acts. This is a faith-based initiative that provides informal relationships that postulated positive feelings of attachment while making it important to not commitment delinquent acts.
There are also theories that prove what contributes to delinquent behavior. One of those theories is the differential association theory which states that those juveniles who are affiliated with criminals have a higher propensity to become criminal themselves. On the other hand there is the strain theory, which offers a different perspective that people tend to respond to the different stressors that life brings differently. One of which could include criminal behavior. These theories support Travis Hirchi's social bond theory which is a theoretical framework model.
Martin, D. C. (2020). The Effectiveness of African American Male Faith-Based Juvenile Delinquency. Walden University. https://scholarworks.waldenu.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=10021&context=dissertations
Introduction to Counseling
Guidelines for Research Paper
General Information
The assignment is to write a 7-10 page typed research paper using APA style. The paper must contain at least 6 sources, no more than two of which can be Internet sources. If you are using an online version of a published journal, you do not have to count that as an Internet source.
For those of you unfamiliar with APA style there are online tutorials that may assist you. The site: Purdue OWL , is very helpful and easy to use. This site includes links to other references to APA style and sample APA papers. There are also copies of the APA Publication Manual in the library. For those of you who are Psychology majors, it would be in your best interest to purchase the publication manual – you will be using it a lot!
A Complete Paper Should Include
Title Page (includes header, p.#, running head, title, author and class)
Abstract (a one-paragraph summary [150-250 words] of what your paper is
Body or Text (this is what I count in the 7-10 pages)
Reference Page (an alphabetized list of all the sources you used for the paper)
The topic of the paper must cover some aspect of counseling theory or its application. Do not merely write a biographical sketch of the founder of a theory or an overview of a theory we have discussed in class. A suggestion is to choose an approach or an issue and apply it to a particular situation. Some examples of this would be:
Using Reality Therapy with Adolescent Substance Abusers
Group Therapy Approaches to Helping Children of Divorce
Ethical Conflicts in Applying Confidentiality Guidelines
When to Refer, When Not To
Counseling Children with ADHD
Grief Counseling with Victims of “Downsizing”
These are some examples – this does not represent a total list of topics from which you can choose. Use your imagination and analytical skills, as well as your interests to develop a topic. If you get stuck and can not seem to find something to write about, or you have a topic but do not know if it is acceptable, consult with me and I will help you refine your choice.
The grading rubric can be found in iLearn. I DO count off for errors of grammar, style, spelling, sentence structure, etc., so write carefully and proof your paper well. I also know the content, many of the sources, and check the sources I do not know; so do not turn in inaccurate material and expect a good grade. It is in your best interest to familiarize yourself with the grading rubric and ask for clarification on any point you do not understand.
General Guidelines
Some general guidelines for APA style research papers are as follow:
· Paper should be typed in 12-point serif font (such as Courier, Palatino or Times New Roman)
· Paper should have one-inch margins on all sides
· Each page should have a header (which is the first couple of words from your title – not your name!) placed ½ inch from the top of the page, starting at the left margin; the page number should appear in the header at the right margin. You will need to use your Header Function in order to make this work properly.
· EVERY source you use for the paper should be cited in the text using the (Author, Date) format
· The page number will be included in the citation if it is a direct quote
· If you state an idea or provide information that is not common knowledge you MUST cite where it came from (otherwise it is plagiarism!)
· Quotes of 40 or more words need to be set apart as a block quote with the left margin indented 5-7 spaces
· Terms that are abbreviated are written out completely the first time they are used, followed by the abbreviation in parentheses, then always abbreviated thereafter
· For example: Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder (ADHD)
· There should be no one-sentence paragraphs
· Each and every citation used in the manuscript should be correctly noted in the References section
Chapter 1: Introduction to the Study
· The criminal justice system provides services that ensure offenders do not participate in criminal activities when released into society.
· The system offers both direct punishment and rehabilitation services to the offenders (Donaldson, 2020).
· Rehabilitation provides a chance for individuals to learn about the cause of their problems, learn changes in behaviors, and eliminate the risk of committing a crime.
· Incarceration includes punishment as a way of correcting the offenders.
· Often, individuals taken through rehabilitation seem to show improved behaviors when released than those from incarceration.
Research Problem
My dissertation topic is Juvenile justice and rehabilitation versus punishment to reduce re-offending. This means that when juveniles offenders are introduced into the criminal justice system, the debate is whether or not they should automatically be sent to serve their punishment or should there be rehabilitative methods that can be taken to help keep them from re-offending. When juvenile offenders are introduced to the criminal justice system or have their first run-in with law enforcement, this is when they make their mark with law enforcement. This means that law enforcement officers have now determined how they are going to react to them and interact with them from here on out. Unfortunately, all juveniles do not have positive interactions with law enforcement which leads to my interest in this topic. For punishment, I plan to narrow this down to specific punishment such as juvenile incarceration. My problem statement would be that juvenile offenders are being punished to serve incarceration time as a juvenile instead of being offered rehabilitation methods.
Purpose Statement
· The research aims at identifying the difference that exists between juvenile rehabilitation and incarceration punishment among African-American offenders.
· African male youths face brutal incarnation punishment that includes spending a long time in correctional services (González, 2017).
· When the individuals are released back into society from incarceration punishment, most of them get involved in other criminal activities
· It is not enough to provide punishment to the offenders to prevent them from getting involved in criminal activities.
· To help prevent the offenders' recurrent situation, it is critical to introduce rehabilitative programs among the offenders than providing direct punishment.
Research Questions
1. What youth programs focus on deterring criminal behaviors of juvenile offenders?
2. What was the recidivism rate for juveniles that faced immediate punishment, compared to those that received delayed punishment?
3. What are the risk levels on recidivism with juvenile offenders? Which juveniles risk levels are more likely to recidivism?
My choice of interviewing as the data collection comes from having access to my study (African American Males and Juveniles). I would not ask them any embarrassing questions but more so questions that would address the reasoning behind their actions and their delinquent choices.
Conceptual or Theoretical Framework
· According to the punishment theories, offenders are taken through the incarceration process to discourage them from getting involved in criminal activities.
· Incarceration exists to punish the offenders because they deserve the punishment (Donaldson, 2020).
· When considering the impacts of punishment, it does not reflect its purpose in offenders' lives but introducing rehabilitative programs proves to be more beneficial.
Chapter 2: Research Plan
Research Design:
The research will mainly utilize the descriptive research design that mainly focuses on helping to find and answer the how, what, where and when the issue takes place. The research is focusing to identify such questions before moving on to try and find out the why at the end. The descriptive research design is appropriate because it will help make a right judgment that establishes a plan that will make sure that they do interact and make sure that they do come up with the proper plans. It is important to use the descriptive research design because it focuses on trying to understand the reasons between the juvenile rehabilitation and incarceration punishment among the African-American offenders. The design helps in building a proper plan that helps in getting the right answers that will help make sure that there is a direction of the research helping make sure that there are interactions and variances in the society which is vital for the research. The research will be focusing on the differences between the juvenile rehabilitation and incarceration whereby there is a major difference but there is something that is creating some inconsistencies in the society leading to major issues in the society.
It is evident that the descriptive research depicts research methods such as surveys, observation and case studies to help with the collection of information. The research question is wide and it involves a social issue affecting or influencing the whole society in terms of social differences. The fact that the African Americans are at a disadvantage implies that the issue runs deep and thus it will be important to make sure that it is productive. The descriptive research is involving and it helps in getting to the bottom of the research question that makes it easier to improve their interactions. It is important to make sure that there is a direction of the research and it helps in focusing on the interactions which are vital in making sure that they do come up with the right plan which will help depict their interactions. It is important to come up with a right plan especially because it is focusing on a wider scale of research. According to Anastas (2019), the descriptive research focuses on answering the when, what, how and where questions in a research which establishes some form of interactions that are wide and help answer numerous aspects of the research. The focusing on the juvenile rehabilitation and the incarceration of the African Americans is dependent on the how, when, where, and what to help get the right insights into how it is become prevalent in the society.
The descriptive research is limited to the theoretical approaches and not the statistical approach which might have to change the direction of the research. It is evident that the qualitative research method is tied to the theory part of the interactions and will only help to come up with the theory processes of the work and this limits the theory to that specific strategy and thus if the research is incorporating some features of statistics, it will stall the entire project. The absence of the statistical applications implies that there will be some biasness of the research that might not become evident since there is not right way to help prove it (Johnson, 2015). The research will stick to the simple justifications such as African Americans do not benefit from incarceration since they end up committing crimes but cannot be compared to the numbers or the frequency of the same problems among other communities in the country. Johnson explained that it is difficult to explain the causes of the phenomenon in the descriptive research design because it mostly does not handle the question why in the research (2015). The aspect is a major problem since understanding a problem might help in establishing a proper plan on how to outdo or get back to their previous strategies thus making it a major challenge in the utilizing of the research design.
The rationale behind the descriptive research design is because the design helps in the proper exhaustion of the information to help get to the bottom of the issue at hand. It will be easier to apply and understand the differences between the two perspectives that include the juvenile rehabilitation and incarceration and then it becomes easier to establish a proper plan that will help make sure that they do lead to their right explanation. It is important to make the right decision which is vital to make sure that it is fitting the needs and social interactions of the research. The research question is in a social setting thus the utilization of the method is beneficial since it helps allows making phenomenon and methods in relation to the society instead of justification from numerical and hypothesis that might not be applicable or be involving to the actual interactions in the target population. The method allows the use of the surveys, case studies and observations that are all round methods especially when handling a wide research question. The research question is seeking to fit the problems of the African Americans in relation to committing crimes, the impacts of the incarceration and how the option of using the juvenile rehabilitation will be more relevant which is mainly dependent on the surveys and observations to help explain the way the problem is profound how to come to a solution.
The descriptive research design is aligned to the research question because it is a social question and thus it is easier to integrate the research methods to get to the bottom of the question. It is important to make sure that there is a proper plan and strategy that is beneficial to the way that they do collect data. The utilization of the surveys will help collect a wider array of data covering all the needs of the consumers that are beneficial to the way that they do connect. It is important to understand that the advantage of the case studies also do help in provision of different cracks at the case study and helps make sure that there is a strategy that is beneficial to the way that they do communicate. It is important to understand that the investment in the descriptive design, it is easier to focus on the how, when, what, where part of the question which is wide and makes it easier to establish a proper plan towards collecting detailed information. The research question is relative to the way that the African Americans are leading their lives in a system that is not sufficiently addressing the issues of solving the criminal problem and thus the utilization of the descriptive design helps in proper detailing of the problem and the potential solutions.
Role of the Researcher
For my topic, African American male juveniles can be a very sensitive and touchy topic. This is a topic that still has ongoing issues and events happening till this day which is why I had to choose wisely with who I selected to do the interview on. I chose an individual in which I knew would not give a biased answer, would listen to the questions and give their honest feedback. I made sure that they understood the purpose of this interview and the reasoning behind my topic and where it stemmed from for me.
Since everything has happened with COVID-19, having in person interviews is a lot harder especially when people have different scheduled and they are adjusting to what can be a new life for some. Some people are working from home permanently which made facetime a lot easier as the option to conduct the interview on. In order to make this interview process go smoothly, I ensured that we stayed on tasks to what the topic was about. By doing this, this allowed us to be able to have room to elaborate more on the questions if we wanted to.
Participant Selection
Issues of Trustworthiness
Interview Guide
Mia Lee
Walden University
Interview Guide
Juvenile Interview Guide
1. To start off with this interview, I am going to ask you to state your current age, race and location of where you reside?
2. What is the highest level of formal education you have completed?
3. What was your household environment like when you were growing up?
4. Were you involved in any extracurricular activities outside of school?
5. Why do you feel like African American male Juveniles are targeted in the criminal justice system?
My interview questions came from working directly with juveniles at the detention center. I know that I will be able to get truthful and nonbiased answers from these juveniles. My research questions stem from recidivism rates from juveniles.
Outline of Prospectus Draft
Mia Lee
Walden University
Dr. Brooker
Outline of Prospectus Draft
· African American Male Juvenile Rehabilitation versus Incarceration Punishment.
Problem Statement
· African male youths face brutal incarnation punishment that includes spending a long time in correctional services (González, 2017).
· When the individuals are released back into society from incarceration punishment, most of them get involved in other criminal activities
· It is not enough to provide punishment to the offenders to prevent them from getting involved in criminal activities.
· To help prevent the offenders' recurrent situation, it is critical to introduce rehabilitative programs among the offenders than providing direct punishment.
Overall Purpose
· The research aims at identifying the difference that exists between juvenile rehabilitation and incarceration punishment among African-American offenders.
· The criminal justice system provides services that ensure offenders do not participate in criminal activities when released into society.
· The system offers both direct punishment and rehabilitation services to the offenders (Donaldson, 2020).
· Rehabilitation provides a chance for individuals to learn about the cause of their problems, learn changes in behaviors, and eliminate the risk of committing a crime.
· Incarceration includes punishment as a way of correcting the offenders.
· Often, individuals taken through rehabilitation seem to show improved behaviors when released than those from incarceration.
· According to the punishment theories, offenders are taken through the incarceration process to discourage them from getting involved in criminal activities.
· Incarceration exists to punish the offenders because they deserve the punishment (Donaldson, 2020).
· When considering the impacts of punishment, it does not reflect its purpose in offenders' lives but introducing rehabilitative programs proves to be more beneficial.
Donaldson-Richard, K. (2020). Effects of Laws, Policies, and Rehabilitation Programs on African American Male Juvenile Recidivism in Southwest Georgia.
González, T. (2017). Youth incarceration, health, and length of stay. Fordham Urb. LJ, 45, 45.
Juvenile Justice Rehabilitation Versus Punishment
Mia Lee
Writing a Quality Prospectus
Dr. Brooker
Dissertation Topic Interest
My topic of interest is Juvenile justice and rehabilitation versus punishment to reduce reoffending. This means that when juveniles offenders are introduced into the criminal justice system, the debate is whether or not they should automatically be sent to serve their punishment or should there be rehabilitative methods that can be taken to help keep them from reoffending. When juvenile offenders are introduced to the criminal justice system or have their first run in with law enforcement, this is when they make their mark with law enforcement. This means that law enforcement officers have now determined how they are going to react to them and interact with them from here on out. Unfortunately, all juveniles do not have positive interactions with law enforcement which leads my interest on this topic.
My interest in this topic started when I was getting my bachelor’s degree at Norfolk State University. I had to complete an internship as part of my graduation requirements, and I chose the Juvenile Detention Center in Chesapeake. I had the opportunity to work alongside with the juvenile counselors who guided and molded me as I worked from August to December. I had the opportunity to be the actual counselor while I was at my work shift from seven to three p.m. I took on duties such as getting the juveniles up every morning and preparing them for head count for breakfast and then getting them ready to start their school day. I had to monitor them throughout the school day and make sure the daily operations of the detention center were being ran properly. There were even times when I had the opportunity to go on transportation runs with the transportation counselor which included things such as taking the juveniles to doctors’ appointments, therapy appointments and any other visits they were supposed to attend. This process and internship allowed me look deeper into the juvenile justice process and how these offenders in which many of them were children, had an outlook on life. Many of them did not have the family support nor the resources to make a change in their life which is why some of them were in the predicament they were in. Some of them hung around the wrong crowd in hopes of finding the support from their peers and those were older than them because of what they lacked from their elders. There was were three females in my unit that confided in me and often talked to me about the life changes that they wanted and how they did not have the support back at home. This is another thing that sparked my interest in this topic because I do think it is important to offer rehabilitative methods where direct punishment may not be necessary. Punishment only may not help the situation out rather than make them keep reoffending and keep hanging around those who put them in a bad place to begin with.
This problem is worth studying because there are juvenile offenders who were offered rehabilitative methods after their detention center time and ended up in a better situation afterwards than those who only had direct punishment and were released to the streets to no resources. Juvenile Justice is a direct part of the criminal justice system and law enforcement. Studying rehabilitative programs and the different therapeutic methods which helps assist juvenile with re-entering society.
Darbouze, K. (2008). Rehabilitative Methods and the Affect on Juvenile Delinquents. https://drum.lib.umd.edu/bitstream/handle/1903/10097/Darbouze,%20Kelie.pdf;jsessionid=D327EFD192FA0504038F14A5BEBFDEFA?sequence=1
Comment by Laureate Online Education: RSCH 8360 STUDENTS: Before submitting your final paper, please REMOVE ALL OF THE TEMPLATE INSTRUCTIONS! When working with the template, be sure to have the formatting marks showing so that you can see where the character spaces, paragraph returns, and page and section breaks are. It is important when typing in your own text that you do not delete or copy over any of the breaks (page breaks or section breaks) that are set in the template. This is important because it affects the page numbering, which is set up in the template per guidelines. Removing template breaks will throw off the correct pagination. In Microsoft Word 2007 or 2010, click on the Home tab, then in the Paragraph area, click on the Show/Hide icon ¶. In Word 2003, click on the Show/Hide icon ¶ on the standard toolbar.
[Project Title] Comment by Laureate Online Education: Double space the title if it goes over one line.
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BS, [university], 20XX
Project Submitted in Partial Fulfillment Comment by Laureate Online Education: Use this template for the proposal, too. In place of Project, type Proposal.
of the Requirements for the Degree of
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[name of program]
Walden University Comment by Eliesh O'Neil Lane: RSCH 8360 STUDENTS: This document is a modified version of Walden’s APA writing template. I have adapted the template for you so that the chapters in this template correspond exactly with the 3 chapters that are required in your Final Project. If you have questions, just ask! Thank you, Dr. Lane
[last month of quarter you plan to graduate] 20XX
Insert abstract here; it should be no more than one page. Abstract text must be double-spaced with no paragraph breaks. Describe the overall research problem being addressed in the first couple of sentences and indicate why it is important (e.g., who would care if the problem is solved). You can include a general introduction of the issue in the first sentence, but you need to move to a clear statement of the research problem being addressed. Identify the purpose and theoretical foundations, if appropriate, summarize the key research question(s), and briefly describe the overall research design, methods and data analytic procedures. Conclude with a (a) statement of reflection on what was learned and (b) statement on the implications for positive social change. Here are some form and style tips: (a) limit the abstract to one typed page; (b) maintain the scholarly language used throughout the Project; (c) keep the abstract concise, accurate, and readable; (d) use correct English; (e) ensure each sentence adds value to the reader’s understanding of the research; and (f) use the full name of any acronym and include the acronym in parentheses. Do not include references or citations in the abstract. Per APA style, unless at the start of a sentence, use numerals in the abstract, not written out numbers. For more guidance on writing this paragraph, consult the Abstract Primer (available at http://researchcenter.waldenu.edu/).
[Project Title] Comment by Laureate Online Education: This title page is exactly the same as the Abstract title page, without the word Abstract at the top.
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Project Submitted in Partial Fulfillment
of the Requirements for the Degree of
Doctor of Philosophy
[name of program]
Walden University
[last month of quarter you plan to graduate] 20XX
Table of Contents Comment by Eliesh O'Neil Lane: RSCH 8360 STUDENTS: You must follow the APA instructions for properly creating your TOC, i.e., do not try to create it with tabs, periods, the space bar, etc. The resulting formatting will be incorrect and visually messy and you will be unable to automatically update the TOC when you make revisions in the main body of the paper. For additional guidance, please take the time to visit: Correcting Common Errors in the Template TOC Home - Programs - Academic Guides at Walden University (then scroll down to Doctoral Template Guidance section)
Chapter 1: Introduction to the Study (Level 0 Heading) 1
Chapter 3: Summary and Reflections 4
Appendix A: Title of Appendix 7
Use this table of contents (TOC) as an example of what one looks like. When it comes time for creating your own TOC, RIGHT CLICK anywhere in the Table of Contents, select UPDATE FIELD, then select UPDATE ENTIRE TABLE or UPDATE PAGE NUMBERS ONLY, and click OK.
The table of contents will be generated using the style tags from the template; you will also be able to automatically update the TOC, both added headings and page numbers.
Chapter 1: Introduction to the Study (Level 0 Heading) Comment by Laureate Online Education: This heading is tagged with the style Level 0.
Begin text here.
APA Level 2 Heading Comment by Laureate Online Education: This heading is tagged with the style APA Level 2. If you click on the title, you will see that style appear in the style list on the formatting toolbar. When you add more Level 2 headings, type them in title case and apply the style to the new title.
Place your text here; when placing your cursor on this text, you will see in the style menu that this paragraph is tagged “Body Text.” That means it will automatically appear double-spaced with the first line indented, per Walden style. The sixth edition of the APA manual advises two character spaces between sentences. Walden accepts either one or two spaces; either is acceptable, just be consistent. The text in this template has one character space between sentences.
You can find the style menu in Microsoft Word 2007 or 2010 by clicking on the Home tab on the standard toolbar; Styles is one of the choices you will see. Click on the arrow icon on the right side of the Styles bar, and the drop-down menu of styles will appear. In Word 2003, look in the upper left corner of your screen, on the formatting toolbar, for the drop-down style menu.
To apply this template’s formatting to the text of your paper, simply highlight the paragraph(s) or heading you want to format, and choose the appropriate tag from the style menu. The list of style tags includes all levels of headings, block quotes, table and figure captions, references, and body text.
APA level 3 heading. Text begins here. Comment by Laureate Online Education: This heading level is not listed in the Table of Contents so there is no style tag associated with it. To apply the correct style to this heading, indent it 0.5 in., use sentence case, and bold type. The heading ends with a period, and the text follows the period, on the same line as the heading title.
APA level 4 heading . Text begins here. The following is an example of a block quote: Comment by Laureate Online Education: To apply the correct style to this heading, indent it 0.5 in., use sentence case and bold, italic type. The heading ends with a period, and the text follows the period, on the same line as the heading title.
This is an example of a block quote. Now is the time to do the work that needs to be done. This is an example of a block quote. Now is the time to do the work that needs to be done. This is an example of a block quote. Now is the time to do the work that needs to be done. This is an example of a block quote. Now is the time to do the work that needs to be done. (Author, date, p. #)
If you make a mistake and something changes that you did not want to change, in Word 2007 or 2010, either type Ctrl (Control key) z or, on the Quick Access toolbar, next to Save, click on the arrow icon for Undo. In Word 2003, go to Edit, Undo Typing.
As you continue to develop your proposal and Project in this template, use the instructions in Comments 9 to11 to add new headings and new text.
For guidance on the content of sections of a proposal or Project, go to the Center for Research Quality website and look under the Project Evaluation Tools documents, then choose the appropriate checklist, which outlines the contents of each chapter of the Project.
For guidance on APA style rules, go to the Writing Center website, or consult the Form and Style sections of the Proposal and Project Guidebook at http://catalog.waldenu.edu/index.php or on the Center for Research Quality website.
Insert the text of your research plan here. Report the literature in past tense, as in Jones (2003) argued, not Jones (2003) argues. Refer to the rubric for guidance on the content of sections in this chapter.
Chapter 3: Summary and Reflections
Discuss your summary and reflections here. Refer to the final project rubric and the final project outline for guidance on the content of sections in this chapter.
References Comment by Eliesh O'Neil Lane: RSCH 8360 students: Please make sure your reference list entries fully comply with APA 7th Edition requirements. Please take the time to double check all of your references. See Home - References - Academic Guides at Walden University
Insert References here. Examples of some common types of references follow; see APA 6.22 and Chapter 7 for more details.
These sample entries are tagged with the “APA Reference” style tag, which means the line spacing and hanging indent are automatic. Apply the “APA Reference” style tag to your entries.
Pay special attention to italics, capitalization, and punctuation. The style tag does not govern those aspects of the entry.
Periodical (journal)
Author, A. A., Author, B. B., & Author, C. C. (1994). Title of article. Title of Periodical, xx(x), xxx-xxx.
Online periodical (journal)
Author, A. A., Author, B. B., & Author, C. C. (1994). Title of article. Title of Periodical, xx(x), xxx-xxx. doi: xxxxxx
Nonperiodical (book)
Author, A. A. (1994). Title of work. Publisher.
Chapter in a book
Author, A. A., & Author, B. B. (1994). Title of chapter. In A. Editor, B. Editor, & C. Editor (Eds.), Title of book (pp. xxx-xxx). Publisher.
The Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, Seventh Edition includes numerous examples of reference list entries. For more information on references or APA style, consult the APA website or the Walden Writing Center website.
Insert appendix here. Appendices are ordered with letters rather than numbers.
The appendices must adhere to the same margin specifications as the body of the Project. Photocopied or previously printed material may have to be shifted on the page or reduced in size to fit within the area bounded by the margins.
If the only thing in an appendix is a table, the table title serves as the title of the appendix; no label is needed for the table itself. If you have text in addition to a table or tables in an appendix, label the table with the letter of the appendix (e.g., Table A1, Table A2, Table B1, and so on). These tables would be listed in the List of Tables at the end of the Table of Contents.
If you include in an appendix any prepublished materials that are not in the public domain, you must also include permission to do so.
I. Abstract Title page (USE the MODIFIED writing template to compose the following paper. Distributed to you via email and the course announcements section. Follow all of the writing template requirements, please!)
II. Abstract
III. Title Page
IV. Table of Contents
V. Chapter 1: Introduction to the Study
a. Background
i. Synthesize the literature from your prospectus, annotated bibliography and at least 10 articles you found in this course that points to a gap in the research that is worthy of further study. Please do not provide an annotated bibliography here. Synthesize (not summarize) your literature sources.
b. Research Problem
i. State the research problem in terms of the gap in the research literature, i.e., support your problem statement with evidence from 3-5 of the 10 articles referenced above.
ii. Frame the problem in terms of how further research could be of benefit, i.e., how further research could add to or enhance the current state of knowledge about your topic..
c. Purpose Statement
i. Use the template to present your statement that includes
1. Target group/individual/organization/event of interest
2. Phenomenon of interest
3. Terminology that indicates the approach to be used
The purpose statement (“template”) must clearly include the following:
· The purpose of this study is...
· The central phenomenon is...
· A statement identifying the type of qualitative design (include words such as explore, understand, etc.)
d. Research Questions (Make sure RQ(s) are aligned with problem and purpose, and use terminology appropriate to the proposed research approach. Only the RQ(s) should be stated in this section, i.e., no other text).
e. Conceptual or Theoretical Framework
i. Present the framework that you have revised from your prospectus (clearly explain and justify your choice of theoretical frameworks; align with purpose and RQ)
VI. Chapter 2: Research Plan
a. Research Design: Choice of Approach (refer to qualitative research matrix in Week 4; explain and justify your choice using correct terminology; demonstrate why it is clearly a good fit for the purpose and RQs). (see required reading listed below)
Required Readings
Patton, M. Q. (2015). Qualitative research & evaluation methods: Integrating theory and practice (4th ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE.
· Chapter 4, “Practical and Actionable Qualitative Applications” (pp. 169–242)
Grant, C., & Osanloo, A. (2014). Understanding, selecting, and integrating a theoretical framework in dissertation research: Creating the blueprint for your “house.” Administrative Issues Journal: Education, Practice, and Research, 4(2), 12–26. doi:10.5929/2014.4.2.9. Retrieved from http://files.eric.ed.gov/fulltext/EJ1058505.pdf
Wu, J. M., Viswanathan, M., & Ivy, J. S. (2012). A conceptual framework for future research on mode of delivery. Maternal and Child Health Journal, 16(7), 1447-1454.
i. Describe the Phenomenon of Interest
ii. Description of Approach
iii. Rationale for Chosen Approach
b. Role of the Researcher (presented in a manner consistent with qualitative research, the chosen approach, and relevance to the research topic).
i. Reveal any personal and professional relationships you have with the participants
ii. State how biases will be managed
c. Participant Selection (Parts i-iii refer to your proposed study; part iv refers to how you recruited participants for the practice interviews. Do your best to integrate the four parts into a cohesive discussion of participant selection. Use terminology consistent with qualitative research and with the research approach you chose.)
i. Describe the target group of interest
ii. Describe the sampling strategy and ideal sample size (if you were to conduct this as a real study)
iii. Describe the criterion for sample selection (if you were to conduct this as a real study)
iv. Describe how participants were contacted and invited for this effort (integrate your recruitment protocol that includes the invitation, informed consent (verbatim document from the Walden IRB), closing statement, and peer debrief paragraph). You may include the protocol information as an Appendix, if you prefer.
d. Instrumentation (Content and language of the interview guide incorporates all revisions based on the feedback provided by instructor and classmates).
i. The Interview Guide (Also include a copy of the complete interview guide as an Appendix.)
1. Describe the basis for development (literature, theory, personal experience) of the interview questions
2. Describe efforts to insure content validity and credibility, e.g., peer debriefing, member checking, etc.
ii. Describe other data sources (e.g., journal, notes, video)
1. Describe how other data sources were created and how they could be used to support analysis and interpretation of interview data
e. Procedures for Data Collection.
i. Please include a narrative of
1. Where/how the data were collected
2. Duration of data collection events
3. How data were recorded
4. How the participants were debriefed (this is not the same as your peer debrief)
5. Ethical procedures to protect the participants during the recruiting, data collection and debriefing process. (Use specific terminology that is consistent with ethical research principles.)
f. Data Analysis Plan (based on your work in Week 10)
i. Repeat the purpose and research question exactly as written in Chapter 1 above.
ii. Describe the data analysis plan that best fits your chosen research approach
iii. Describe examples of codes and categories you developed, i.e., summarize the coding experience, presenting detailed examples of codes and categories developed from transcripts.
iv. Describe considerations for choosing QDA software (in detail; and summarize the comparison of hand-coding experience with what was researched on QDA software).
g. Issues of Trustworthiness
i. For each dimension of trustworthiness describe (a) what you did; and (b) what other strategies could be considered if this was your dissertation (and not just a course assignment) (Provide enough detail to convince me that you understand these concepts!)
ii. Credibility
iii. Transferability
iv. Dependability
v. Confirmability
VII. Chapter 3: Summary and Reflections
a. Introduction
i. Restate research purpose and RQ exactly as written in Chapter 1 above.
b. Reflection on Social Change
i. Discuss the relevance of your proposed research to Walden’s mission of social change, i.e., present a thoughtful reflection representing substantive understanding of course concepts and Walden's social change mission. (Think about how qualitative research and your proposed research align with Walden's mission of social change.)
c. Reflection on Course Learning
i. Reflect on what was learned about conducting qualitative research
d. Next Steps
i. Consider your next steps in preparation for the dissertation (Your preparation and next steps should reflect an accurate understanding of Walden's dissertation process).
VIII. References (Double space and follow APA requirements! Please make sure your reference list entries fully comply with APA 7th Edition requirements. Need help? See References - Academic Guides at Walden University)
Tips for satisfying the Written Expression and Formatting rubric criterion:
· Assessment is based on the extent to which scholarly, critical, analytical writing is presented in correct APA format throughout entire paper.
· Work represents scholarly writing in correct APA format; effective sentence variety; and clear, concise, powerful expression. Citations to relevant scholarly literature and course resources are integrated throughout the paper, not just in the Background and Research Problem sections. The entire piece is well organized.
· Work is unified around a central purpose with well-developed ideas, logically organized in paragraph structures with clear transitions and proper grammar.
· Take advantage of the many writing support resources that Walden provides to you:
· Check grammar and ease of reading via Grammarly.
· One-on-one paper reviews (plan well ahead if you wish to request this Writing Center service)
· Be extra cautious about unintentional (or any) plagiarism. Watch the Plagiarism Prevention module.
· Browse the Writing Webinars archive, especially the Scholarly Writing webinars.
Adapted 11/18/2020 Eliesh O’Neil Lane, PhD

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