Internet Of Things (IOT) Cybersecurity based on the

Hybrid Cryptosystem

Ming-Shen Jian*, Yu-En Cheng, Chen-Han Shen

Cloud Computing and Intelligent System Lab., Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering

National Formosa University, Taiwan

[email protected]* , [email protected]

Abstract— Since the Internet Of Things (IOT) are generally used,

the data or information transferred between IOT devices and

servers should be secured. In this research, hybrid cryptosystem

based on the shared-key and asymmetric cryptography (or called

Public-key cryptography) is proposed. According to the network

communication, MAC address information of the IOT device is

used for public-key querying and exchanging. Via asymmetric

cryptography, the shared key can be automatically exchanged

between IOT device and server. The implementation shows the

feasibility of the proposed hybrid cryptosystem which could

secure the data.

Keywords—Internet Of Things, Information Security, Network, Identity, Cryptography


Internet Of Things (IOT) today is popular and generally

used today [6]. By using various sensors with the network

connection, the intelligent services, customized services,

environment data collection, even the indoor location

detection for the augmented reality [3,10] can be enhanced

and developed. Due to the collected data from the various IOT

sensors, all the corresponding information or data can be

evaluated and further managed by the intelligent systems.

Suppose that the IOT elements can be divided into two

partitions: sensor component and network component. The

sensor component can be used to detect and collect the value

of the environment parameters. The network component is

used to transmit and exchange the data between the server and

IOT element via network. Therefore, considering the various

types of the sensors and the configuration of the network, to

develop and implement the IOT system with network is not

easy for general public. In other words, the cost and human

resource will be needed and increased when the IOT system is

deployed. It also means that the professional IT knowledge

required for deploying the IOT system should be reduced then

the IOT system can be more generally used.

Currently, the various types of sensor components which

embedded with Arduino, Raspberry Pi, etc., are generally used.

By programming the code of the tiny embedded system,

different sensors such as ultrasonic sensor, infrared sensor,

photosensitive sensor, etc., can be connected to the embedded

system (ex. Arduino)[3]. The detected data or information can

be transmitted to the embedded system based on the on

demand defined program. Then, based on the network

component, this IOT element can be connected to the network.

According to the framework of the network, each network

component will equip the unique media access control (MAC)

address. As people all know, the MAC address is the unique

identifier assigned to individual network interface controllers.

Therefore, based on this unique ID number (MAC address)

which is similar to the Electronic Product Code (EPC), each

IOT element can be identified [2] individually. According to

the concept of the EPC Global, all the trade items or objects

will be assigned the individual and unique ID number. Via the

EPC network, this unique ID number can be used as the

network URL link address. By tracing the unique ID number,

the corresponding factory or manufacture of the object can be

found. In other words, similar to the driver downloading or

updating, by using the unique ID number, the driver or

function can be found for each IOT element through querying

the driver database of the manufacture. In other words, each

IOT element can be identified. Individual IOT elements can

be differentiated from each other.

However, considering the real implementation of the IOT

systems, most IOT elements exchange or transmit the data by

using the wireless network such as ZigBee, Bluetooth, Wi-Fi,

LoRA, etc. All the detected data of the environment from the

IOT elements will be sent via network. In other words, the

data related to the privacy, local environment, even the secret,

may be dangerous during the transmission. Furthermore, the

IOT elements may be removed or re-located from one location

to another. Not only the network transmission but also the

valid network accessing should be considered [5,8]. One IOT

element can access the network in one area but not in another.

Therefore, to manage the corresponding area of IOT elements

which are valid or not for the network accessing is also

important for cybersecurity.

However, the IOT elements may connect to the network

wirelessly. The security of wireless signal is not easy to

maintain. The ―eavesdrop,‖ ―spoofing,‖ and ―falsification‖

may happen when transmit the message via network [9].

In the past, various cryptosystems were proposed the secure

and encrypt the wireless signal and data packets. Some

cryptosystems require the assistance of complex computing.

Currently, the IOT elements can only provide the embedded

computing system with low power consumption and limited

computing performance. In other words, to implement

complex cryptosystems for IOT elements is difficult. To

embed the same cryptosystem into various IOT elements for

different users is not safe, either. Hence, considering the

differentiation of IOT elements, the cryptosystem or encrypt

method based on the information of individual IOT element

can be the possible. Since there is the network component of

each IOT element, the cryptosystem based on the MAC

address [4] of the network component and the information of

sensor component can be the solution.

The contributions of this research are:

Based on the components of IOT element, the unique MAC

address and the IOT sensor information can be used to

implement the cryptosystem for the wireless or wire data

transmission. Each IOT element can be identified and

differentiated. Therefore,

1) Even the same type of IOT elements can be differentiated and distinguished according to the

corresponding network MAC address and the

information from the manufacture. The IOT element

related information can be traced also based on the

MAC address. In other words, the identification of

individual IOT device and corresponding information

obtaining can be achieved.

2) According to the identification information of individual IOT element, the encryption method of the

cryptosystem can be defined independently and

individually. In other words, different IOT elements

can be assigned different encryption key based on the

same cryptosystem. The security of data transmission

can be enhanced.

3) Due to the unique MAC address, the information exchanging between the local IOT element

management server and remote manufacture can be

done automatically similar to the EPC Global network.

Hence, the network managers or system users only

need to decide the valid network accessing area of the

IOT elements. The workload and cost for managing the

IOT elements and maintaining the cryptosystem can be


The rest of this research is organized as follows. Chapter 2

will introduce the related technologies used in this research.

The whole proposed infrastructure and system is presented in

Chapter 3. The conclusion will be given in Chapter 4.


A. Identification for Internet Of Things (IOT) elements

Today, most IOT elements equip two components: sensor

component and network component. Network component is

used for the network connection. Then, the data or information

can be exchanged between IOT elements and hosts [6].

However, the network configuration such as IP address should

be on demand given to the individual equipment before

connecting to the network.

In the past, the network administrator or manager should

identify individual equipment first. Then, according to the

identification results, network manager can configure and

arrange each network equipment or device individually such

as IP address assignment, network environment configuration,

etc. Considering the real implementation of IOT system, there

will be huge amount of various IOT elements deployed in the

environment. The cost and time consumption will be increased

very quickly. Therefore, to automatically identify individual

IOT element when arranging the network configuration is


Suppose that the IOT elements are connected to the

embedded system such as Raspberry Pi. The sensor

component of the IOT element with the limited memory may

provide the device description similar to the description of

USB device. In other words, according to the device

description, the IOT element can be the ―Plug & Play‖ device

for the IOT systems or services. However, considering the

physical system implement, to deploy the IOT elements and

systems with the wire line including USB connection [2],

power line connection, network connection, etc., is not easy.

In other words, the network will be the wireless connection.

To obtain the corresponding information from the IOT

elements automatically for identification becomes an

important issue.

Today, electronic product code (EPC) is generally used in

supply chain application [1]. By assigning the unique EPC

number to individual object or trade item, this unique EPC

number can be used instead of the object itself. The EPC

number includes the manufacture number (EPC manager

number), classification number, and serial number to indicate

individual object. In other words, according to the EPC

number, the manufacture or type of each object can be

differentiated. In addition, based on the EPC number, the

corresponding information can be traced and tracked through

the EPC network. In other words, by using the EPC

identification number, the object can be identified according

to the information through the EPC network. Therefore,

different members of the supply chain can share the

information with each other.

Figure 1. EPCGlobal Architecture Franework [1]

Since the IOT element includes the network component

with the unique MAC address, if the network component is

not separable, this unique MAC address of the network

component can be used similar to the EPC number to indicate

the individual IOT element itself.

In addition to the MAC address, the sensor component of

IOT device can record the device information such as device

description file. Currently, the Universal Serial Bus (USB) is

also a world popular connection standard for the

communications between devices. Different devices can

exchange the device related information and obtain power via

USB connection. Therefore, the plug-in USB electronic

devices can provide the corresponding information such as

device description driver, data, etc., to the connected master

host or device. Finally, the master host or device can identify

individual USB device and active (control) the corresponding


B. Security

Today, considering the information protection, many

security algorithm and methods are proposed. To secure the

information, the content of the message can be encrypted

when the information sender and receiver use the same

security code (key) to encrypt and decrypt the same message

or information, the content can be secured and obtained

between sender and receiver. Considering the implementation

and using of IOT, huge amount of information will be

exchanged between sensors through the Internet [8]. To secure

the messages with less computing power or less power

consumption of each IOT device becomes an important issue


If the information is exchanged and transmitted directly

through the network, the malicious third party can eavesdrop

the packet or message transmitted. Without encryption, all the

content of the message can be known by the malicious third

party. Therefore, to encrypt the information or content of the

message packer is needed. Hash functions such as Message

Digest Algorithm 5 (MD5), Secure Hash Algorithm (SHA-2),

etc., for encryption are the generally used. By using the same

hash function, different terminals with the same input value

can obtain the same hash code. In addition, the malicious third

party cannot recover the original content according to the hash


Considering the real implementation, the most types of

network used IOT environment is wireless network. In other

words, the spoofing and falsification security issues may

happen. Therefore, digital signature was proposed for the

information exchanging related to the spoofing and

falsification security issues. Shared-key encryption such as

advanced encryption standard (AES), or data encryption

standard (DES) can be the possible to secure the data content

of the message packet. However, using the shared-key

encryption, the encryption key should be exchanged between

sender and receiver. It means that the shared key may be

peeked by the malicious third party. To enhance the security,

the public-key cryptosystem, also called asymmetric

cryptosystem, was proposed. By using the public key for

message packet encryption, receiver can use the secret-key to

decrypt. For example, the RAS cryptosystem is the popular

encryption method. However, if the malicious third party can

send the malicious third party made public key instead of the

original public key of receiver. Then, the sender would use the

wrong public key to encrypt the message packet. In other

words, by ―man-in-the-middle attack‖ method, the malicious

third party can peek all the content from the data sender.

Today, to quickly obtain the content of message packet

with better security is important. By using the shared-key

cryptosystem, sender and receiver would use the same

encryption key for message packet security. In addition, the

performance of the message decryption can be faster. To

transfer the shared key, the public key cryptosystem can be

used to protect the information of shared key.


According to the Internet of Things implementation, most

sensors would be located at the fixed positions or area and

exchange the messages wirelessly. However, the wireless

signal would be transmitted in all directions. In other words,

other invalid receivers may have the messages sent from the

IOT devices. Therefore, secure the messages and transmit the

data through the valid network via configuring the network is

an important issue. Considering the real verification, the

Internet Of Things (IOT) Cybersecurity Based on the

integration of Self-identification with Cryptosystem and

Software Defined Network is proposed which includes Self-

identification Procedure and Cryptosystem and Cybersecurity

of IOT. The flowchart of initial configuration corresponding

to individual IOT device can be shown as follows.

A. Self-identification Procedure

In the beginning, each IOT device will check its network

configuration. If there is no network configuration information,

it means that the IOT device may be new connected to the

local area network. Therefore, this new added IOT device

should registered itself. First, considering the development of

IOT device, the network module will be embedded as the part

of IOT component. In other words, there will be a MAC

address assigned to the network module. Since the MAC

address should not be repeatedly used, it means that this MAC

address can be used to identify the IOT device itself. Similar

to the EPCglobal network, this MAC address can be also used

to find and trace the original manufacture. Considering the

possible tapping, in this research, two different MAC

addresses are assumed and supposed to be assigned to one

IOT device: broadcasted MAC address and network address.

The broadcasted MAC address will be used during

initialization for network configuration exchanging and the


If the broadcasted MAC address received from the IOT

device is correct, the proposed local service server or system

can query the public key from the database of the manufacture.

In opposition, the unique private key is already recorded in

individual IOT device.

When the client management system or third party system

queries the public key related to the broadcasted MAC address

of the IOT device, the information server of manufacture can

reply the corresponding public key to the client management

system or third party system. Furthermore, since the

broadcasted MAC address of the IOT device (or the

corresponding public key) is queried, the server of

manufacture will mark the public key as used. In other words,

the public key cannot be repeatedly used.

In other words, according to the broadcasted MAC address,

each IOT device can be individually identified. The

administrator can differentiate each IOT device according to

the individual broadcasted MAC address. It also means that

every IOT device can be also identified due to the broadcasted

MAC address. Furthermore, the corresponding public key can

be also managed according to the query which comes from the

client system.

In addition to the corresponding public key, the type and

function of the specific IOT device can be also identified. The

driver or configuration data can be also exchanged between

the client management system or third party system and the

manufacture server. Therefore, the information updating or

upgrading corresponding to the individual IOT device can be

achieved according to the result of self-identification.

B. Cryptosystem and Cybersecurity of IOT

Considering the cybersecurity of each IOT device, two step

security methods, same encryption key (Shared Key

Cybersecurity) and public-key cryptosystem (Asymmetric

Cryptosystem), are both used in this research. According to

the self-identification procedure result, the public key from the

manufacture server can be obtained. In addition, each IOT

device was already assigned a private key by the manufacture.

In other words,

Therefore, in the beginning, the service server cannot

obtain the information except the MAC address. Based on the

Asymmetric Cryptosystem, the on demand embedded private

key of the individual IOT device can be used to transmit the

encrypted ―shared key‖ between IOT device and the service

server. In other words, without the public key, the ―shared

key‖ cannot be obtained at the client side. Therefore, based on

the self-identification result, the public key can be obtained

for the IOT device. Therefore, the ―shared key‖ which is

encrypted by the private key can be transmitted to the service

server with security. In opposition, the invalid users cannot

obtain the public key since the information packet is secured.

To reduce the risk of tapping, the time limitation of the MAC

address broadcasting and network configuration can be on

demand given. In other words, the network administrator

should assign the IP related information to the IOT device

within the limited time. Otherwise, additional time period

delay will be required for another MAC address broadcasting

and network configuration. Since additional time period delay

can be assigned randomly or manually (presented in the guide

book, etc.), the risk of tapping can be reduced.

After the configuration of network and the public key

querying, the ―shared key‖ which is on demand embedded in

the IOT device can be exchanged to the service server. At last,

all the information can be secured and exchanged based on the

―shared key‖. In other words, based on the proposed

Cryptosystem and Cybersecurity of IOT, the Shared Key

Cybersecurity and Asymmetric Cryptosystem are both used

for security. Only the MAC address information in the

beginning will be transmitted without encryption. Therefore,

all the information packets exchanged between the IOT

devices and service server will be secured according to the

corresponding ―shared key‖. The security of the IOT

implementation can be enhanced.

Instead of the Asymmetric Cryptosystem based on the

private key and public key, the common ―shared key‖ is used

to transmit the data between IOT device and the service server.

Based on the Shared Key Cybersecurity, the same encryption

key can be both used in IOT device and service server.

Without the private and public key pair, the encryption and

decryption of the transmitted packet can be faster. In other

words, the time delayed can be reduced.

The proposed Cryptosystem and Cybersecurity of IOT can

be shown as follows. During the Self-identification procedure,

the local service server can obtain the on demand defined

public key stored in remote manufacture server. Based on this

obtained public key, the secured ―shared key‖ can be

decrypted and recorded in the local service server. In addition,

since the network of the IOT device is also configured, the

MAC address and the encrypted ―shared key‖ will be no

longer transmitted. In opposition, only the data which is

secured and encrypted by the shared key will be transmitted

through the network.

In other words, there will be three steps of security method

for the IOT devices: 1) Asymmetric Cryptosystem based on

the private key and public key will be used to protect the

common ―shared key‖. In addition, only the broadcasted MAC

address can be used to find the corresponding public key. 2)

Shared Key Cybersecurity based on the individual ―shared

key‖ will be used to secure the information or data transmitted

between IOT devices and service server. In other words, each

IOT device can be assigned an individual ―shared key‖ for

enhancing the security. Especially, this ―shared key‖ is

already secured and not public due to the symmetric

Cryptosystem. 3) Manual operation of the network

configuration. When an IOT device is new added into the

local network, the IP corresponding to the correct sub-network

will be assigned. In other words, the broadcasted MAC

address will be only transmitted within the manual operation

time. After network configuration, the broadcasted MAC

address will no longer broadcasted. It means that the invalid

user cannot have the chance to gain the public key.

Figure 2 presents the sequence between IOT device, service

server, and manufacture server. In the beginning, the IOT

device should broadcast its own MAC address to the local

area network manager (such as router or service server). By

receiving the MAC address, the service server can query the

related data from the manufacture server through the Internet

similar to the EPCIS and object name service (ONS) defined

by the EPC Global [1]. In addition to querying the

corresponding information, the IP can be assigned to the IOT

device via local area network (LAN). The time for MAC

address broadcasting can IP assignment will be on demand

limited. After querying, the service server and obtain the

public-key from the manufacture server based on the Internet.

Therefore, when the IOT device send the shared-key which is

secured by the private key through the local areas network, the

service server can obtained the shared key. Finally, the data

encrypted by the shared key can be transferred to service

server via local network with less encryption time delay.

IOT Device Service Server Manufacture


Self-Identification Related Data QureyingIP a

ddre ss

Ass ignm

ent (TC

P/IP )

“shared key” Encrypted by

Asymmetric Cryptography

Private Key (Network Packet)

“shared key”

Obtained Data Encrypted by

“shared key” (Network Packet)

Self-Identification MAC address

Asy mm

etric Cry

ptog raph


Pub lic-K


Obta ined

thro ugh

Inte rnet

Figure 2. Sequence between IOT device, service server, and manufacture


C. Implementation

To verify the Cryptosystem and Cybersecurity of IOT

device, Arduino with sensors and Raspberry Pi are used.

There will be two on demand given security keys: private key

and the shared key. After receiving the MAC address from the

Arduino, the corresponding public key can be obtained from

third server (emulating the server of manufacture). Then, the

encrypted common key can be obtained at the service server.

Finally, the data exchanging between the IOT device and local

service server can be secured.

In addition, to enhance the security of the data exchanging

between IOT devices and local service server, additional

procedures for data encryption will be needed. In the

beginning, the Asymmetric Cryptosystem based on private

key for the shared key encryption will require about 0.198

seconds for public key decryption. This time delay will

happen only once when IOT device and local service server

exchange the shared key. In other words, by using the

Asymmetric Cryptosystem for the shared key (command key)

protection, only the addition time delay will be needed once.

In the implementation, the private key of Asymmetric

Cryptosystem is 751 Bytes. The public key of Asymmetric

Cryptosystem is 498 Bytes. The length of the shared key is


Figure 3. A example of Asymmetric Cryptosystem for encrypting Shared

Key Cybersecurity


According to the proposed system, the exchanged data from

the IOT devices can be hiding and secured by the two steps of

Cryptosystem methods. Although the addition tiny time will

be required for encryption, the information can be secured

with less manual operation. By using the self-identification

method, the security and key can be automatically exchanged.

Only the corresponding network address will be assigned by

the router or according to the manual operation. The IOT

devices and service system can be managed with higher



Thanks for the support of Cloud Computing and Intelligent

System Lad. of National Formosa University.


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EHAC’15, Sept. 2015.

Ming-Shen Jian was born in Kaohsiung City,

Taiwan in 1978. He received the B.S. from the

National Chiao Tung University, HsinChu, and Ph.D

degrees in Computer Science and Engineering from the National Sun Yat-sen University, Kaohsiung,

Taiwan in 2007.

From 2009, he was a Assistant Professor and director with the National Formosa University Cloud

Computing and Intelligent System Laboratory. Since 2009, he has been an Assistant Professor with the Computer Science and

Information Engineering Department, National Formosa University. He is the

author of four books, more than 50 articles, and at least 15 invention patents. His research interests include IOT development and application, Big Data,

Optimal Solution, Intelligent System, and Cloud Computing. He was a

Secretary of the Taiwan Association of Cloud Computing. Dr. Jian was a recipient of the IEEE sponsored international conference Paper

Award in 2016, 2017, and 2018.

Yu-En Cheng is a master degree student of Dept.

Computer Science and Information Engineering at National Formosa University. Her current research interests are in the area related to IOT and Information

security. She received B.S. degree at Computer Science and Information Engineering at I-Shou

University, 2017. Her current research interests include

Internet Of Things and Cryptography.

Chen-Han Shen is a master degree student of Dept. Computer Science and Information Engineering at

National Formosa University. His current research interests are in the area related to the integration of IOT

system and Cloud Computing. He received B.S. degree at Computer Science and Information Engineering at

National Formosa University, 2018. His current research

interests include Cloud Computing, and Intelligent


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