Faculty of Computing Engineering and Media – Coursework Specification 2020/21 Module name: Advanced Thermodynamics & Heat Transfer Module code: ENGT 5141 Title of the Assignment: CFD analysis in Heat transfer & combustion This coursework item is: Summative This summative coursework will be marked anonymously No The learning outcomes that are assessed by this coursework are:
1 Demonstrate proficiency in analysing advanced thermal cycles and heat transfer modes and their applications 2 Design and model heat and mass transfer on complex geometries using commercial or in-house computational codes and critically evaluate the results
This coursework is: Individual This coursework constitutes 50 % of the overall module mark. Date Set: 02/03/2021 Date & Time Due: 17:00 on Thursday 29th April 2021 Your marked coursework and feedback will be available to you on 28th May 2021 If for any reason this is not forthcoming by the due date your module leader will let you know why and when it can be expected. The Head of Studies ([email protected]) should be informed of any issues relating to the return of marked coursework and feedback. Note that you should normally receive feedback on your coursework by no later than 20 University working days after the formal hand-in date, provided that you have met the submission deadline.
When completed you are required to submit your coursework via: Turnitin Late submission of coursework policy: Late submissions will be processed in accordance with current University regulations which state: “the time period during which a student may submit a piece of work late without authorisation and have the work capped at 40% [50% at PG level] if passed is 14 calendar days. Work submitted unauthorised more than 14 calendar days after the original submission date will receive a mark of 0%. These regulations apply to a student’s first attempt at coursework. Work submitted late without authorisation which constitutes reassessment of a previously failed piece of coursework will always receive a mark of 0%.” Academic Offences and Bad Academic Practices: These include plagiarism, cheating, collusion, copying work and reuse of your own work, poor referencing or the passing off of somebody else's ideas as your own. If you are in any doubt about what constitutes an academic offence or bad academic practice you must check with your tutor. Further information and details of how DSU can support you, if needed, is available at: http://www.dmu.ac.uk/dmu-students/the-student-gateway/academic-support-office/academic- offences.aspx and http://www.dmu.ac.uk/dmu-students/the-student-gateway/academic-support-office/bad-academic- practice.aspx
Tasks to be undertaken: AIM The overall aim of this assignment is to demonstrate that you have a clear understanding of Thermal Analysis and Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) Methods, and the role these techniques play in development of heat and mass transfer systems, the benefits associated with their use and the problems and limitations encountered when using these methods. The above aim is to be achieved through a written report, not exceeding 3000 words. CASE STUDY 1 In a heat recovery system, Cold water enters the counter-flow helical heat exchanger at Tc,in oC at a rate of Am kg/s, where it is used to recover heat from engine oil that enters the heat exchanger at Th,in oC at a rate of Bm kg/s. For the bench mark case use a pitch distance of 100mm for the helical coil. Each student will generate 2 case studies - A bench mark case which corresponds to the boundary conditions in the table below – ( Use the row that matches the last ID of your student P No). And another case where you optimise the design and operation of the heat exchanger. The objective is to optimise the rate of heat transfer, within the constraints of 1m length and a fixed outer shell diameter of 250mm. Flow rates must be realistic!
Figure 1: Schematic of Heat exchanger
Each student will use the following details for a base case and then optimise the heat transfer Last Digit of Student ID
Tc,in oC Th,in oC Am kg/s Bm kg/s
0-1 5 120 4 8 2-3 7 110 4 9 4-5 10 100 4 10 6-7 12 90 4 11 8-9 15 80 4 12
Penultimate Digit of Student ID
Tube diameter (mm)
Shell diameter (mm)
Interface thickness (mm)
0-1 20 250 5 2-3 22.5 250 10 4-5 25 250 15 6-7 27.5 250 20 8-9 30 250 25
You will need to work through the following steps
1. Geometry Creation: using Ansys Design Modeller or importing from other CAD software such as Creo, Solidworks. etc
2. Meshing the geometry: (Mesh) 3. Setting the boundary conditions: (setup) 4. Performing the simulation (Solution): Ansys fluent solver (steady state calculation) 5. Post processing the results:
CASE STUDY 2 The burner with the dimensions below should be built on meshed and solved in Ansys workbench using a basic combustion model (for methane-air mixture or any other mixture the student may opt to go for should be set in .
Figure 2: Burner Geometry
Last Digit of Student ID D(mm) 0-1 55 2-3 60 4-5 63.5 6-7 65 8-9 70
Figure 3: Burner Geometry 3D Deliverables to be submitted for assessment: Written report How the work will be marked: Item Possible
Marks Presentation/structure Aims/Objectives should be stated clearly and concisely Report should have clearly defined sections such as: Introduction, Review, Methodology, Results/ Discussion, Conclusions, References, etc.
Introduction/background Role of CFD and Computational Heat Transfer methods in modelling and design of thermo-fluid systems
Review The numerical methods used for convective heat transfer, combustion and fluid flow (CFD) and the latest development in these fields the basic theoretical principles underpinning modern computational Heat Transfer and CFD. Role of CFD and Computational Heat Transfer methods in modelling and design of thermo-fluid systems
Methodology Mesh convergence and boundary conditions Calculations to make decision and check results
Air inflow
Fuel inflow
Combustion chamber
Results and Discussion Discussing results of your case study: briefly interpreting and discussing the results and comparing it to the bench mark. General visualisation of the flow and temperature field may include:
Contours of velocity, temperature, pressure and any other relevant parameter. Vertical and axial profiles for velocity and temperature at specific location of interest Horizontal as well as cross-sectional images of velocity profiles coloured with other variables.
You should demonstrate understanding of theory of Navier-Stokes equation of motion and the various turbulence modelling used in CFD and in solving the 3D convective heat transfer equation (steady state only). Discuss the benefits that can be gained from using modern CFD and Computational Heat Transfer methods Discuss the limitations and problems associated with the use of CFD and Computational Heat Transfer methods.
Conclusion 5
References/Appendices At least 7 academic references
Total 100
Module leader/tutor name: Dr. Muyiwa Oyinlola Contact details: [email protected]. Ext. 7162
- Individual
- This coursework is:
Week 8 Assignment
Yunesh Shrestha
University of the Cumberlands
Spring 2021 - Security Architecture & Design (ISOL-536-M40)
Processes to develop a balanced cybersecurity portfolio of Vestige International Corporation.
In the current era, (Doorasamy, 2015) staying cyber secure is a task that is becoming very difficult
day by day due to diverse and disparate technology touchpoints in today's enterprise data centers,
workspaces both physical and virtual, and the networks connecting them. CIOs are left confused as
they strive to secure each of these, some opting for standalone security applications which are a
nightmare to integrate. The key is to understand deeply, the technical and business application
architecture and to build a security portfolio to suit each need.
There are five steps vestige Inc. has to follow to create a balanced cybersecurity portfolio. First
step 1: determine the company’s unique assets and cybersecurity needs
In the first step, the vestige international corporation is supposed to look beyond border defense
and identify the kind of attacks that they are most prone to face. Identifying an organization's assets
and requirements is very crucial for cybersecurity. The company requires vetting on how their
clients are utilizing and accessing their database and system and identifying what differentiates
their requirements for security from other companies in various industries. In the case of Vestige
Corporation, the most valuable is the database, which the corporation should prioritize above
anything else and needs to be secured from any kind of destruction. The company should
understand that if their valuable asset goes down, even for a minute, it can lead to serious
destruction to the business (Doorasamy, 2015).
Step 2: assigning spending according to risks
In this step vestige company should face the reality and not overspending on prevention that
means, it’s required to assign its finance wisely without overspending on prevention. Even though
businesses can never be completely secured, Vestige Company should understand that no single
product will provide 100% protection, therefore its strategies should entail of a balanced approach
to spending that will not over-prioritize protection alone. The corporation will (Doorasamy, 2015)
compromise threats slips by their defenses, so investing in detection, reply, and recovery will be
very crucial. The company should be realistic and need to be aware of what threats exist, where the
company could be vulnerable, and what aspects of your organization are most vital and this should
protect vestige corporate on its strategy.
Step 3: Design Your Portfolio
On this step, (Scarfone, Souppaya, Cody & Orebaugh, 2008) vestige corporate can use the NIST
framework to better understand the kind of capabilities they need to have. During the crafting of
the portfolio, Vestige Corporation will face two questions. One, what are its needs in each of the
categories, two, how will it select the right products to deliver what they require. Vestige
Corporation should determine where they need to focus most on investing and where they can be
just good enough. First, it can prioritize its prime assets and its investment strategy has to seek
solutions that can offer the greatest amount of these assets This is where it's required to put the
bulk of its spending, with its remaining resources then distributed as best as possible over your
other assets.
Step 4: Choose the right
During assessment in this step, vestige corporate should find products that will ensure delivery of
required capabilities for the best prices has been done (Scarfone, Souppaya, Cody & Orebaugh,
Step 5: rebalance as needed
In this step vestige corporation should keep track of changes of its business, to the threat landscape
and product innovation and rebalance accordingly.
Doorasamy, M. (2015). Product Portfolio Management: An Important Business Strategy.
Retrieved 1 March 2021, from
Scarfone, K., Souppaya, M., Cody, A., & Orebaugh, A. (2008). Technical Guide to Information
Security Testing and Assessment. Retrieved 1 March 2021, from

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