Experiments with duckweed–moth systems suggest that global warming may reduce rather than promote herbivory
Department of Environmental Sciences, Aquatic Ecology and Water Quality Management group, Wageningen University,
Wageningen, The Netherlands
1. Wilf & Labandeira (1999) suggested that increased temperatures because of global
warming will cause an increase in herbivory by insects. This conclusion was based on the
supposed effect of temperature on herbivores but did not consider an effect of temperature
on plant growth.
2. We studied the effect of temperature on grazing pressure by the small China-mark moth
(Cataclysta lemnata L.) on Lemna minor L. in laboratory experiments.
3. Between temperatures of 15 and 24 �C we found a sigmoidal increase in C. lemnata grazing rates, and an approximately linear increase in L. minor growth rates. Therefore, an
increase in temperature did not always result in higher grazing pressure by this insect as
the regrowth of Lemna changes also.
4. At temperatures below 18.7 �C, Lemna benefited more than Cataclysta from an increase in temperature, causing a decrease in grazing pressure.
5. In the context of global warming, we conclude that rising temperatures will not
necessarily increase grazing pressure by herbivorous insects.
Keywords: Cataclysta, grazing, herbivory, Lemna, temperature
Duckweeds (Lemnaceae) are often abundant in dit-
ches and ponds (Landolt, 1986). Especially when
nitrogen and phosphorus concentrations in the water
column are high, the surface area can become covered
with dense floating mats of duckweed (Lüönd, 1980,
1983; Portielje & Roijackers, 1995). These mats have
large impacts on freshwater ecosystems, restricting
oxygen supply (Pokorny & Rejmánková, 1983), light
availability of algae and submerged macrophytes
(Wolek, 1974) and temperature fluxes (Dale &
Gillespie, 1976; Landolt, 1986; Goldsborough, 1993).
These changed conditions often have a negative effect
on the biodiversity of the ecosystem (Janse & van
Puijenbroek, 1998). Other free-floating plants such as
red water fern (Azolla filiculoides), water hyacinth
(Eichhornia crassipes) and water lettuce (Pistia stratiotes)
often cause serious problems in tropical and sub-
tropical regions (Mehra et al., 1999; Hill, 2003).
Various species of herbivorous insects consume
free-floating macrophytes. Several species of weevils
(Coleoptera: Curculionidae) are able to consume large
amounts of red water fern, water hyacinth and water
lettuce (Cilliers, 1991; Hill & Cilliers, 1999; Aguilar
et al., 2003), while the larvae of the semi-aquatic Small
China-mark moth (Cataclysta lemnata) are capable of
removing large parts of floating cover of Lemnaceae
covers (Wesenberg-Lund, 1943). Duckweed is not
only used as food source, but also as building material
Correspondence: Rudi M. M. Roijackers, Department of
Environmental Sciences, Aquatic Ecology and Water Quality
Management group, Wageningen University, PO Box 8080,
NL-6700 DD Wageningen, The Netherlands.
E-mail: [email protected]
Freshwater Biology (2006) 51, 110–116 doi:10.1111/j.1365-2427.2005.01479.x
110 � 2005 Blackwell Publishing Ltd
for the cases for the larvae and pupae (Petrischak,
2000). The moth lays eggs on the undersides of
duckweeds. After approximately 1 week caterpillars
hatch and they immediately start building cases to
protect their bodies. After a few weeks pupation takes
place in floating cases of duckweed fronds.
In the last century the earth’s climate has warmed
by 0.6 �C (Houghton et al., 2001). As temperature is one of the most important factors controlling biologi-
cal rates (Cossins & Bowler, 1987; Gillooly et al., 2002)
and especially the development of insects (Saunders,
1982; Huffaker & Gutierrez, 1999; Bale et al., 2002), it
can be expected that these changes will also influence
the grazing pressure of herbivorous insects on floating
macrophytes. In general, the diversity of herbivorous
insects and their grazing pressure on plant hosts
increases with decreasing latitude, suggesting a high-
er grazing pressure with rising temperatures (Wilf &
Labandeira, 1999). As the grazing pressure of modern
terrestrial insects generally increases with decreasing
latitude, Wilf & Labandeira (1999) hypothesised that
at a constant latitude grazing pressure of these insects
also increases with rising temperatures. This hypo-
thesis was confirmed in their study of the fossil record
in south-western Wyoming. However, the effect of
rising temperatures on the grazing pressure of a single
aquatic insect species on its plant host has never been
thoroughly investigated.
We tested the hypothesis that rising temperature
increases the grazing pressure of C. lemnata L. on
L. minor L. by conducting grazing experiments in the
laboratory at different temperatures.
Materials and methods
In the laboratory, a population of C. lemnata, collected
for the field near Wageningen (The Netherlands),
was bred for several generations in 20-L aquaria
under controlled conditions (temperature 25 ± 1 �C, day–night cycle 14–10 h, light intensity of
180 lmol m)2 s)1). Larvae of C. lemnata were fed with L. minor, grown in the laboratory at 25 �C and a constant irradiation of 180 lmol m)2 s)1. Both L. minor and C. lemnata larvae were cultivated on the medium
described by Szabo, Roijackers & Scheffer (2003).
To determine the consumption rate and biomass
increase in larvae of C. lemnata a laboratory experi-
ment was conducted in climate chambers at five
different water temperatures (15, 19, 24, 28 and 33 �C). In the climate chambers, a day–night cycle of 14–10 h
and a light-intensity of 85 lmol m)2 s)1 was main- tained.
The dry weights (g DW; 24 h at 60 �C) of 10 randomly-selected third stage larvae (according to
Petrischak, 2000) and their cases were determined at
the start of the experiment. The remaining larvae
(approximately 500) were randomly divided between
the five different temperature regimes in 20-L
aquaria. After an acclimatisation period of 24 h at
each temperature, 14 round enclosures (surface area
of 25 cm2) were filled with 0.300 g (0.021 g dry
weight) of L. minor, covering about 75% of the
surface area. The enclosures were placed in 2-L
aquaria with acclimatised medium. Ten randomly
selected larvae were then moved to 10 of the
enclosures, while the remaining four enclosures were
used as controls to determine the growth rate of
L. minor at the different temperatures. After 2 days
the dry weight of L. minor, the larvae and the cases
was determined again.
Statistical analysis
Data sets smaller than 50 samples were tested for
normality using the Shapiro-Wilk test; larger datasets
were analysed with the Kolmogorov–Smirnov test.
Normally distributed datasets (P ‡ 0.05) were tested using one-way analysis of variance (ANOVAANOVA) and
further analysed with either Tukey’s HSD post hoc test
(equal variances; P ‡ 0.05) or Tamhane’s T2 post hoc test (variances not equal; P < 0.05). For the post hoc
tests a significance level of 0.05 was used. When data
sets were not normally distributed (P < 0.05), they
were analysed using Kruskal–Wallis and Mann–
Whitney U-tests, for the latter using a significance
level of 0.005 (0.05/10).
Increase in the larval biomass as well as in the dry
weight of the cases was estimated by calculating the
difference between the mean values at the start of
the experiment and the mean values at the end of the
The consumption rate of the larvae in the experiment
was assessed using the following simple equation
Duckweed–moth interactions and global warming 111
� 2005 Blackwell Publishing Ltd, Freshwater Biology, 51, 110–116
(eqn 1). As the time scale in the experiments was
relatively short (2 days), we assumed that the con-
sumption rate of the larvae (C in g DW day)1) was
approximately constant. Furthermore, we assumed
that L. minor (Y in g DW) grew exponentially during
the period of the experiment:
dt ¼ lY � C ð1Þ
This model can be solved as:
Y1 ¼ C
l þ Y0 �
� � elt ð2Þ
in which Y0 is the initial amount of L. minor (g DW), l is the relative growth rate per day and t time in days.
The relative growth rate (l) at the different temper- atures was estimated by calculating the mean growth
rates for the controls, where the consumption rate C
was zero.
The fraction of the consumed L. minor used for the
cases was obtained by dividing the mean weight
increase in the cases (g DW day)1) by the mean total
consumption of the larvae. Efficiency of the larvae
was calculated by dividing the mean biomass
increase in the larvae by the mean total consumption
rate (C) of Lemna minus the mean weight increase in
the cases.
Using regression, the effect of temperature on the
consumption rate and the larval biomass increase
were modelled, using two different functions.
For describing the effect of temperature on the
consumption rate (C), the sigmoid-shaped Hill-func-
tion was used (Hill, 1910):
CðTÞ ¼ CmaxT
Tnh þ Tn ð3Þ
where Cmax is maximum consumption rate (g
DW day)1), T is the rearing temperature (�C), Th is the temperature where 50% of the maximum con-
sumption is reached (�C) and n is an empirical constant determining the shape of the curve.
To describe the temperature effect on the larval
biomass increase, the Brière-1-function (Brière et al.,
1999) was used. While this function is most often used
for describing the temperature-dependent develop-
ment rate of insects (day)1), it is here used to describe
the temperature-dependent biomass increase (B)
(g DW day)1):
BðTÞ ¼ aTðT � T0ÞðTL � TÞ1=2 ð4Þ
Here T is the rearing temperature (�C), T0 is the low temperature development threshold (�C), TL is the lethal temperature threshold (�C) and a is an empirical (scaling) constant.
In order to explore changes in grazing pressure
with temperature, the sensitivity of both the larval
consumption rate and the growth rate of L. minor to
changes in temperature were determined.
Sensitivity of the larval consumption rate is des-
cribed by the first derivative of eqn 3, scaled to
percentages of the maximum performance. Based on
Landolt & Kandeler (1987) the growth capacity of
L. minor can be described by a linear equation in a
wide range of temperatures (from the minimum
temperature, 5 �C, to the optimum temperature, 26 �C). The slope of this equation is the sensitivity of L. minor to changing temperatures.
Experimental results
The growth rate of L. minor (Fig. 1) was highest at
24 �C. ANOVAANOVA showed significant differences among the temperatures (F4,15 ¼ 10.96, P < 0.001). Tukey’s post hoc test demonstrated that the growth rate of
L. minor differed significantly for the two lowest
temperatures in comparison with 24 �C. Differences between the temperatures were signifi-
cant for C. lemnata larval biomass increase (Kruskal–
Wallis test: v2 ¼ 39.809, d.f. ¼ 4, P < 0.001). Mann–
Water temperature (ºC)
10 15 20 25 30 35
R e
la tiv
e g
ro w
th r
a te
( d
a y–
1 )
b bc
Fig. 1 Effect of temperature on the relative growth rate of
L. minor. Error bars ±1 SD. Different letters indicate significant
differences (P < 0.05).
112 T. van der Heide et al.
� 2005 Blackwell Publishing Ltd, Freshwater Biology, 51, 110–116
Whitney U-tests demonstrated that the two lowest
temperatures differed significantly from the three
highest temperatures as well as from each other
(Fig. 2, top).
The increase in weight of larval cases was higher for
the three highest temperatures compared with 15 and
19 �C (Fig. 2, bottom). ANOVAANOVA indicated significant differences between the temperatures (F4,55 ¼ 9.96, P < 0.001) and Tukey’s post hoc test separated 15 and
19 �C from 24 and 33 �C. ANOVAANOVA showed that the estimated consumption
rate differed significantly between the temperatures
(F4,65 ¼ 32.03, P < 0.001). Tamhane’s post hoc test divided the data into three groups, with the two
lowest temperatures in the first group, 24 �C as a standalone and the two highest temperatures in the
latter group. The particularly high variance at 33 �C suggests that tolerance of individual larvae to this
temperature varied substantially (Fig. 3, top).
The fraction of L. minor used for the cases dropped
rapidly with rising temperatures, from 28% at 15 �C to approximately 8% at 28 and 33 �C (Fig. 3, bottom). At 15 �C the efficiency of the larvae proved to be extremely high (Fig. 5), with over 71% of the ingested
L. minor was converted into body weight. However, at
28 and 33 �C the efficiency dropped to 18–20%, indicating an increase in metabolic rate of the larvae
with rising temperatures.
The Brière-1-function described the relation between
larval growth and temperature quite well (Fig. 2, top).
The function fitted the minimum temperature thresh-
old (T0) at 13.4 �C and the lethal temperature thresh- old (TL) at 36.3 �C. Maximum performance of the larvae was estimated at 28.7 �C. The fitted Hill- function predicted a maximum consumption rate
(Cmax) of 0.0103 g DW day )1 (Fig. 3, top). At 23.2 �C
Water temperature (ºC)
10 15 20 25 30 35
D ry
w e ig
h t in
cr e a se
( 1 0
– 3 g
d a y–
1 )
G ro
w th
r a te
( 1 0
– 3 g
d a y–
1 )
bc b
Larval biomass increase Fitted Briere-1-function
c c
Fig. 2 Effect of temperature on the growth rate of C. lemnata
larvae (top graph) and on the weight increase in the C. lemnata
larval cases (bottom graph). Error bars ±1 SD. R2 of the fitted
Brière-1-function: 0.62. Fitted parameters: a ¼ 1.465 10)6; T0 ¼ 13.4 �C; TL ¼ 36.3 �C; optimum at 28.7 �C. Different letters indicate significant differences (P < 0.05).
Water temperature (ºC)
10 15 20 25 30 35
P e
rc e
n ta
g e
s (%
Efficiency of the larvae Part of Lemna from the total consumption used for the cases
C o
n su
m p
tio n
r a
te (
1 0
– 3 g
d a
y– 1 ) Larval consumption
Fitted Hill-function
Fig. 3 Effect of temperature on the consumption rate of C. lem-
nata larvae (top graph) and on the efficiency of C. lemnata larvae
and the fraction of total consumption of L. minor used for the
cases (bottom graph). Error bars ±1 SD. R2 of the fitted Hill-
function: 0.67. Fitted parameters: Cmax ¼ 0.0103; Th ¼ 23.2; n ¼ 10,76. Different letters indicate significant differences (P < 0.05).
Duckweed–moth interactions and global warming 113
� 2005 Blackwell Publishing Ltd, Freshwater Biology, 51, 110–116
the consumption rate of the larvae was at 50% of the
maximum performance (Th).
The functions plotted in Fig. 4 show the sensitivities
of the L. minor growth rate and C. lemnata consump-
tion rate to changes in temperature. According to
Landolt & Kandeler (1987), the slope of the linear
equation of L. minor was 4.76 �C)1 day)1, which is comparable with the value we obtained from our own
data (4.67 �C)1 day)1). The intersection of the two functions is at 18.7 �C. This means that for tempera- tures higher than 18.7 �C, the advantage of an increase in temperature is higher for the C. lemnata larvae than
for L. minor.
Based on a palaeontological survey of two climatolog-
ically different eras, Wilf & Labandeira (1999) con-
cluded that grazing pressure by insects on their plant
hosts generally increases with rising temperatures
induced by global warming or decreasing latitude.
We showed that the consumption rate of the C. lemnata
larvae indeed increased with rising temperatures.
However, as the growth of L. minor increased also, we
showed that at lower temperatures (below 18.7 �C) the plant host benefited more from an increase in tempera-
ture than the herbivorous insect. Hence our results
suggested that at least for L. minor and C. lemnata, the
general conclusion of Wilf & Labandeira (1999) does
not hold. Whether grazing pressure increases or
decreases seems to be dependent on the conditions, as
the plant host and the herbivorous insect may benefit
differently from rising temperatures.
As for most other species of Lemnaceae the growth
rate also increases linearly with temperature (Landolt
& Kandeler, 1987), this phenomenon will not be
restricted to grazing on L. minor. In Europe, the
distribution of C. lemnata extends across the continent
from Scandinavia and Russia to Spain and Italy (Illies,
1978), and covers the isotherm of 19 �C. Therefore, rising temperatures will not necessarily mean that
grazing pressure of C. lemnata on Lemnaceae will
increase. Predictions by climate scenarios of warming
vary per region from 0.1 to 0.4 �C by decade (McCar- thy et al., 2001) and for summer periods from 0.08 to
0.6 �C per decade. Thus changes in grazing pressure of C. lemnata on Lemnaceae will differ per region,
depending upon the prevailing temperatures and on
how much these temperatures will rise in the future.
Our study showed that L. minor is able to develop at
much lower temperatures than C. lemnata, indicating
that L. minor can start its development earlier and
extend it further into the season. The same is true when
comparing other Lemnaceae to the temperature thresh-
old of C. lemnata. Rejmánková (1973) reported growth
of L. minor in the field from April to November, whereas
C. lemnata was active from May till September (Petris-
chak, 2000). From an evolutionary perspective, the
suggestion that development of C. lemnata starts later in
the season compared with most Lemnaceae is very
plausible. By starting their development later, their
primary food source will most probably not be limiting.
Possibly, rising temperatures because of global warm-
ing will also affect this balance. The rising temperatures
will cause larvae of C. lemnata to start developing earlier
in the season, but the same will be true for most Lemna
species. How this balance will change with rising
temperatures is currently hard to predict.
In our experiments temperature was kept constant,
but in the field it fluctuates strongly, especially within
mats of Lemnaceae. Vertical temperature gradients
are observed within the mats (Dale & Gillespie, 1976;
Goldsborough, 1993). This will affect both the growth
of Lemnaceae and the development of the larvae of C.
lemnata. While temperature is the main factor control-
ling growth of Lemnaceae in the field (Rejmánková,
1973), it is not the only factor. Nutrient supply
(Lüönd, 1980, 1983; Portielje & Roijackers, 1995),
light-conditions (Wolek, 1974), currents (Landolt,
1986) and competition with other macrophytes
Water temperature (ºC)
5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
S e n si
tiv ity
( g
ºC – 1 d
a y–
1 )
Consumption rate Lemna growth
Fig. 4 Sensitivity of C. lemnata larvae and L. minor to rising
temperatures, as described by the scaled derivatives of the L.
minor growth rate and larval consumption capacity. Intersection
of the two functions at 18.7 �C.
114 T. van der Heide et al.
� 2005 Blackwell Publishing Ltd, Freshwater Biology, 51, 110–116
(Landolt, 1986; Scheffer et al., 2003) all influence the
growth rate of Lemnaceae in the field.
In summary, we showed that rising temperatures
will not necessarily cause an increase in grazing
pressure, as predicted by Wilf & Labandeira (1999).
The impact of grazing is not only dependent on the
grazing rate of the herbivorous insect, but also on the
growth rate of the plants, and both can be affected
differently by temperature. In the case of the interac-
tion between Lemnacea and C. lemnata, this implies
that at low latitudes the effect of global warming is the
opposite of the effect at higher latitudes.
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