Discussion 2

The trolley problem introduces two scenarios

· Scenario 1- There is a runaway trolley barreling down the railway tracks. Ahead, on the tracks, there are five people tied up and unable to move. The trolley is headed straight for them. You are standing some distance off in the train yard, next to a lever. If you pull this lever, the trolley will switch to a different set of tracks. However, you notice that there is one person on the sidetrack. You have two options:


A. Do nothing and allow the trolley to kill the five people on the main track.

B. Pull the lever, diverting the trolley onto the sidetrack where it will kill one person.

· Question 1: Would you pull the lever or do nothing? Why do you think it is the right decision comparing to the other option?


· Scenario 2- The same trolley is heading straight to the five people. You are standing on the bridge with a large man. If you push him off the bridge, the trolley will be blocked. You have two options:


A. Do nothing and allow the trolley to kill the five people on the main track.

B. Push him off the bridge to stop the trolley. 

· Question 2: Would you push him off or do nothing? Why do you think it is the right decision comparing to the other option?

· Question 3: Killing one person by pulling the lever vs. pushing off the bridge: Are these two options different? Why?

 Answer these three questions in your original discussion.

The approximate length of an original post should be between 200-300 words

Please use APA in-text citations of the articles read or websites to strengthen your opinion/ argument. 



Summary of NIH Research Plan On Rehabilitation.

Students Name:

Professors Name:


Millions of Americans have been found to have been with different forms of disabilities, which seem so severe that they face many challenges when conducting their daily duties, especially when going to work or taking care of themselves (Jackson & Cernich, 2020). many research has found that many people living with disabilities have been injured in accidents, born with disabilities, deployed disabilities over time, or while they have been affected during wars. Rehabilitation research conducted by NIH focused on exploring the intricate biology of disabilities. It perhaps sought to find lasting solutions in restoring some of the lost functions and helping people living with disabilities reach their full potential.

NIH's 5-year plan's main focus is to layout priorities in medical rehabilitation and guides rehabilitation medicine that will benefit many people. NIH research was based on qualitative evidence-based approaches that aimed to address challenges and perhaps generate consistent clinical data from various disability conditions where data sharing and translation will be encouraged (Jackson & Cernich, 2020). The main purpose of the NIH on research plan on rehabilitation includes studying the mechanisms, methods to improve disability challenges, establishing appropriate interventions to help most affected individual and families, provide the most applicable methods of improving, restoring, or even replacing underdeveloped, lost, and deteriorating functions among individuals living with disabilities within the context of their environment.

Additionally, the research also aimed to formulate ways in which disabled people in the community can be helped to participate in society building fully and perhaps be made feel oaky and satisfied with the quality of their life (Jackson & Cernich, 2020). The research deployed several questions focused on collecting data and other relevant details on the history of the families of people living with disabilities and symptoms and secondary challenges associated with disabilities.


Jackson, J. N., & Cernich, A. N. (2020). National Institutes of Health Research Plan on Rehabilitation: Analysis and Progress. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation101(8), 1313-1321. doi:10.1016/j.apmr.2020.04.005

Readings & Videos for Disussion #2

Discussion 2: Decision-making dilemma: killing one to save five? 


This discussion is about the Decision-making dilemma.

Sometimes, making decisions is pretty easy. You don’t even realize that you are making decisions.  For example, “Trust your gut: Intuitive decision-making based on expertise ...”

However, in some case, making decisions are very difficult, particularly when it comes to human lives. Some philosophers worked extremely hard on the dilemma.

Here, I introduce a classic case of the decision-making dilemma: the trolley problem. You will be required to make discussion posts about this case. 

Please watch the following video about Trolly Problem: 

The Trolley Problem (Links to an external site.) The Trolley Problem

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