Company Name | Ticker Symbol | Number Of Shares Purchased | Closing Price Of Stock on 1/22/2021 | ||||
Expedia Inc | EXPE | 1500 | 124.10 | ||||
Tripadvisor Inc | TRIP | 2000 | 33.19 | ||||
Lyft Inc | LYFT | 2000 | 47.81 | ||||
Moderna Inc | MRNA | 2000 | 109.06 | ||||
Netflix | NFLX | 400 | 565.17 | ||||
7900 | 879.33 | ||||||
Expedia | |||||
Last Dividend | $0.34 | ||||
Next Dividend | $1.36 | ||||
Date | Closing Price | Open Price | |||
1/22/21 | 124.10 | 135.69 | -11.59 | ||
1/29/21 | 141.40 | 126.15 | 15.25 | ||
2/5/21 | 146.52 | 142.41 | 4.11 | ||
2/12/21 | 158.92 | 146.41 | 12.51 | ||
2/19/21 | 161.00 | 158.5 | 2.50 | ||
2/26/21 | 166.45 | 164 | 2.45 | ||
3/5/21 | 174.59 | 166.54 | 8.05 | ||
3/12/21 | 175.63 | 178.9 | -3.27 | ||
3/19/21 | 176.79 | 177.56 | -0.77 | ||
3/26/21 | |||||
4/2/21 | |||||
4/9/21 | |||||
Tripadvisor | |||||
Last Dividend | $3.50 | ||||
Next Dividend | $N/A | ||||
Date | Closing Price | Open Price | |||
1/22/21 | 33.19 | 33.40 | -0.21 | ||
1/29/21 | 30.97 | 33.47 | -2.50 | ||
2/5/21 | 35.90 | 31.43 | 4.47 | ||
2/12/21 | 37.38 | 36.85 | 0.53 | ||
2/19/21 | 39.92 | 37.52 | 2.40 | ||
2/26/21 | 49.62 | 40.13 | 9.49 | ||
3/5/21 | 51.50 | 52.27 | -0.77 | ||
3/12/21 | 59.79 | 51.69 | 8.10 | ||
3/19/21 | 58.95 | 60.25 | -1.30 | ||
3/26/21 | |||||
4/2/21 | |||||
4/9/21 |
Lyft | |||||
Last Dividend | N/A | ||||
Next Dividend | N/A | ||||
Date | Closing Price | Open Price | |||
1/22/21 | 47.81 | 49.09 | -1.28 | ||
1/29/21 | 44.46 | 47.76 | -3.30 | ||
2/5/21 | 53.12 | 45.56 | 7.56 | ||
2/12/21 | 57.65 | 53.31 | 4.34 | ||
2/19/21 | 58.93 | 58.15 | 0.78 | ||
2/26/21 | 55.70 | 58.14 | -2.44 | ||
3/5/21 | 64.12 | 56.96 | 7.16 | ||
3/12/21 | 66.37 | 65.34 | 1.03 | ||
3/19/21 | 64.71 | 67.34 | -2.63 | ||
3/26/21 | |||||
4/2/21 | |||||
4/9/21 |
Moderna | |||||
Last Dividend | $0.00 | ||||
Next Dividend | $0.00 | ||||
Date | Closing Price | Open Price | |||
1/22/21 | 109.06 | 109.00 | 0.06 | ||
1/29/21 | 143.00 | 107.12 | 35.88 | ||
2/5/21 | 146.26 | 142.00 | 4.26 | ||
2/12/21 | 150.20 | 144.30 | 5.90 | ||
2/19/21 | 143.50 | 151.00 | -7.50 | ||
2/26/21 | 126.60 | 143.78 | -17.18 | ||
3/5/21 | 110.16 | 130.00 | -19.84 | ||
3/12/21 | 113.38 | 111.00 | 2.38 | ||
3/19/21 | 130.04 | 120.98 | 9.06 | ||
3/26/21 | |||||
4/2/21 | |||||
4/9/21 |
Netflix | |||||
Last Dividend | $0.00 | ||||
Next Dividend | $0.00 | ||||
Date | Closing Price | Open Price | |||
1/22/21 | 565.17 | 582.45 | -17.28 | ||
1/29/21 | 532.39 | 567.00 | -34.61 | ||
2/5/21 | 550.90 | 536.79 | 14.11 | ||
2/12/21 | 556.52 | 555.00 | 1.52 | ||
2/19/21 | 540.22 | 557.29 | -17.07 | ||
2/26/21 | 538.85 | 534.99 | 3.86 | ||
3/5/21 | 516.39 | 545.57 | -29.18 | ||
3/12/21 | 518.02 | 514.46 | 3.56 | ||
3/19/21 | 528.37 | 524.47 | 3.90 | ||
3/26/21 | |||||
4/2/21 | |||||
4/9/21 |
S&P 500
Closing Price 44218 44225 44232 44239 44246 44253 44260 44267 44274 124.1 141.4 146.52000000000001 158.91999999999999 161 166.45 174.59 175.63 176.79 Open Price 44218 44225 44232 44239 44246 44253 44260 44267 44274 135.69 126.15 142.41 146.41 158.5 164 166.54 178.9 177.56 44218 44225 44232 44239 44246 44253 44260 44267 44274 44218 44225 44232 44239 44246 44253 44260 44267 44274
Closin g Price 44218 44225 44232 44239 44246 44253 44260 44267 44274 33.19 30.97 35.9 37.380000000000003 39.92 49.62 51.5 59.79 58.95 Open Price 44218 44225 44232 4423 9 44246 44253 44260 44267 44274 33.4 33.47 31.43 36.85 37.520000000000003 40.130000000000003 52.27 51.69 60.25 44218 44225 44232 44239 44246 44253 44260 44267 44274 44218 44225 44232 44239 44246 44253 44260 44267 44274
Closing Price 44218 44225 44232 44239 44246 44253 44260 44267 44274 47.81 44.46 53.12 57.65 58.93 55.7 64.12 66.37 64.709999999999994 Open Price 44218 44225 44232 44239 44246 44253 44260 44267 44274 49.09 47.76 45.56 53.31 58.15 58.14 56.96 65.34 67.34 44218 442 25 44232 44239 44246 44253 44260 44267 44274 44218 44225 44232 44239 44246 44253 44260 44267 44274
Closing Price 44218 44225 44232 44239 44246 44253 44260 44267 44274 109.06 143 146.26 150.19999999999999 143.5 126.6 110.16 113.38 130.04 Open Price 44218 44225 44232 44239 44246 44253 44260 44267 44274 109 107.12 142 144.30000000000001 151 143.78 130 111 120.98 44218 44225 44232 44239 44246 44253 44260 44267 44274 44218 44225 44232 44239 44246 44253 44260 44267 44274
Closing Price 44218 44225 44232 44239 44246 44253 44260 44267 44274 565.16999999999996 532.39 550.9 556.52 540.22 538.85 516.39 518.02 528.37 Open Price 44218 44225 44232 44239 44246 44253 44260 44267 44274 582.45000000000005 567 536.79 555 557.29 534.99 545.57000000000005 514.46 524.47 442 18 44225 44232 44239 44246 44253 44260 44267 44274 44218 44225 44232 44239 44246 44253 44260 44267 44274
Expedia | |||||||||||
Last Dividend | $0.34 | Beta | 1.75 | ||||||||
Next Dividend | $1.36 | ||||||||||
Date | Closing Price | Open Price | 8% | 12% | Closing price -opening price | (Closing price-opening price)/Beta | Expected return | Return on Investment | |||
1/22/21 | 124.10 | 135.69 | 146.55 | 151.97 | -11.59 | -6.6228571429 | 129.0671428571 | 8% | 12% | ||
1/29/21 | 141.40 | 126.15 | 136.24 | 141.29 | 15.25 | 8.7142857143 | 134.8642857143 | 1.08 | 1.12 | ||
2/5/21 | 146.52 | 142.41 | 153.80 | 159.50 | 4.11 | 2.3485714286 | 144.7585714286 | 1.08 | 1.12 | ||
2/12/21 | 158.92 | 146.41 | 158.12 | 163.98 | 12.51 | 7.1485714286 | 153.5585714286 | 1.08 | 1.12 | ||
2/19/21 | 161.00 | 158.5 | 171.18 | 177.52 | 2.50 | 1.4285714286 | 159.9285714286 | 1.08 | 1.12 | ||
2/26/21 | 166.45 | 164 | 177.12 | 183.68 | 2.45 | 1.4 | 165.4 | 1.08 | 1.12 | ||
3/5/21 | 174.59 | 166.54 | 179.86 | 186.52 | 8.05 | 4.6 | 171.14 | 1.08 | 1.12 | ||
3/12/21 | 175.63 | 178.9 | 193.21 | 200.37 | -3.27 | -1.8685714286 | 177.0314285714 | 1.08 | 1.12 | ||
3/19/21 | 176.79 | 177.56 | 191.76 | 198.87 | -0.77 | -0.44 | 177.12 | 1.08 | 1.12 | ||
3/26/21 | |||||||||||
4/2/21 | |||||||||||
4/9/21 | |||||||||||
Tripadvisor (2)
Tripadvisor | |||||||||||||
Last Dividend | $3.50 | ||||||||||||
Next Dividend | $N/A | Beta | 1.45 | ||||||||||
Date | Closing Price | Open Price | 8% | 12% | Closing price -opening price | (Closing price-opening price)/Beta | Expected return | Return on Investment | |||||
1/22/21 | 33.19 | 33.40 | 36.07 | 37.41 | -0.21 | -0.1448275862 | 33.26 | 8% | 12% | ||||
1/29/21 | 30.97 | 33.47 | 36.15 | 37.49 | -2.50 | -1.724137931 | 31.75 | 1.08 | 1.12 | ||||
2/5/21 | 35.90 | 31.43 | 33.94 | 35.20 | 4.47 | 3.0827586207 | 34.51 | 1.08 | 1.12 | ||||
2/12/21 | 37.38 | 36.85 | 39.80 | 41.27 | 0.53 | 0.3655172414 | 37.22 | 1.08 | 1.12 | ||||
2/19/21 | 39.92 | 37.52 | 40.52 | 42.02 | 2.40 | 1.6551724138 | 39.18 | 1.08 | 1.12 | ||||
2/26/21 | 49.62 | 40.13 | 43.34 | 44.95 | 9.49 | 6.5448275862 | 46.67 | 1.08 | 1.12 | ||||
3/5/21 | 51.50 | 52.27 | 56.45 | 58.54 | -0.77 | -0.5310344828 | 51.74 | 1.08 | 1.12 | ||||
3/12/21 | 59.79 | 51.69 | 55.83 | 57.89 | 8.10 | 5.5862068966 | 57.28 | 1.08 | 1.12 | ||||
3/19/21 | 58.95 | 60.25 | 65.07 | 67.48 | -1.30 | -0.8965517241 | 59.35 | 1.08 | 1.12 | ||||
3/26/21 | |||||||||||||
4/2/21 | |||||||||||||
4/9/21 | |||||||||||||
Lyft (2)
Lyft | |||||||||||||
Last Dividend | N/A | ||||||||||||
Next Dividend | N/A | Return on Investment | Beta | 1.44 | |||||||||
Date | Closing Price | Open Price | 8% | 12% | Lyft Expected return | 8% | 12% | ||||||
1/22/21 | 47.81 | 49.09 | 53.02 | 54.98 | 48.2011111111 | 1.08 | 1.12 | ||||||
1/29/21 | 44.46 | 47.76 | 51.58 | 53.49 | 45.4683333333 | 1.08 | 1.12 | ||||||
2/5/21 | 53.12 | 45.56 | 49.20 | 51.03 | 50.81 | 1.08 | 1.12 | ||||||
2/12/21 | 57.65 | 53.31 | 57.57 | 59.71 | 56.3238888889 | 1.08 | 1.12 | ||||||
2/19/21 | 58.93 | 58.15 | 62.80 | 65.13 | 58.6916666667 | 1.08 | 1.12 | ||||||
2/26/21 | 55.70 | 58.14 | 62.79 | 65.12 | 56.4455555556 | 1.08 | 1.12 | ||||||
3/5/21 | 64.12 | 56.96 | 61.52 | 63.80 | 61.9322222222 | 1.08 | 1.12 | ||||||
3/12/21 | 66.37 | 65.34 | 70.57 | 73.18 | 66.0552777778 | 1.08 | 1.12 | ||||||
3/19/21 | 64.71 | 67.34 | 72.73 | 75.42 | 65.5136111111 | 1.08 | 1.12 | ||||||
3/26/21 | |||||||||||||
4/2/21 | |||||||||||||
4/9/21 |
Moderna (2)
Moderna | |||||||||||
Last Dividend | $0.00 | ||||||||||
Next Dividend | $0.00 | Return on Investment | Beta | 1.47 | |||||||
Date | Closing Price | Open Price | 8% | 12% | Moderna Expected return | 8% | 12% | ||||
1/22/21 | 109.06 | 109.00 | 117.72 | 122.08 | 109.0408163265 | 1.08 | 1.12 | ||||
1/29/21 | 143.00 | 107.12 | 115.69 | 119.97 | 131.5281632653 | 1.08 | 1.12 | ||||
2/5/21 | 146.26 | 142.00 | 153.36 | 159.04 | 144.8979591837 | 1.08 | 1.12 | ||||
2/12/21 | 150.20 | 144.30 | 155.84 | 161.62 | 148.3136054422 | 1.08 | 1.12 | ||||
2/19/21 | 143.50 | 151.00 | 163.08 | 169.12 | 145.8979591837 | 1.08 | 1.12 | ||||
2/26/21 | 126.60 | 143.78 | 155.28 | 161.03 | 132.0929251701 | 1.08 | 1.12 | ||||
3/5/21 | 110.16 | 130.00 | 140.40 | 145.60 | 116.5034013605 | 1.08 | 1.12 | ||||
3/12/21 | 113.38 | 111.00 | 119.88 | 124.32 | 112.619047619 | 1.08 | 1.12 | ||||
3/19/21 | 130.04 | 120.98 | 130.66 | 135.50 | 127.1432653061 | 1.08 | 1.12 | ||||
3/26/21 | |||||||||||
4/2/21 | |||||||||||
4/9/21 |
Netflix (2)
Netflix | |||||||||||
Last Dividend | $0.00 | ||||||||||
Next Dividend | $0.00 | Return on Investment | Beta | 0.83 | |||||||
Date | Closing Price | Open Price | 8% | 12% | Netflix Expected return | 8% | 12% | ||||
1/22/21 | 565.17 | 582.45 | 629.05 | 652.34 | 561.63 | 1.08 | 1.12 | ||||
1/29/21 | 532.39 | 567.00 | 612.36 | 635.04 | 525.30 | 1.08 | 1.12 | ||||
2/5/21 | 550.90 | 536.79 | 579.73 | 601.20 | 553.79 | 1.08 | 1.12 | ||||
2/12/21 | 556.52 | 555.00 | 599.40 | 621.60 | 556.83 | 1.08 | 1.12 | ||||
2/19/21 | 540.22 | 557.29 | 601.87 | 624.16 | 536.72 | 1.08 | 1.12 | ||||
2/26/21 | 538.85 | 534.99 | 577.79 | 599.19 | 539.64 | 1.08 | 1.12 | ||||
3/5/21 | 516.39 | 545.57 | 589.22 | 611.04 | 510.41 | 1.08 | 1.12 | ||||
3/12/21 | 518.02 | 514.46 | 555.62 | 576.20 | 518.75 | 1.08 | 1.12 | ||||
3/19/21 | 528.37 | 524.47 | 566.43 | 587.41 | 529.17 | 1.08 | 1.12 | ||||
3/26/21 | |||||||||||
4/2/21 | |||||||||||
4/9/21 |
Time Series analysis
44218 44225 44232 44239 44246 44253 44260 44267 44274 124.1 141.4 146.52000000000001 158.91999999999999 161 166.45 174.59 175.63 176.79 44218 44225 44232 44239 44246 44253 44260 44267 44274 146.54519999999999 136.24200000000002 153.80279999999999 158.12279999999998 171.18 177.12 179.86320000000001 193.21200000000002 191.76480000000001 44218 44225 44232 44239 44246 44253 44260 44267 44274 151.97280000000001 141.28800000000001 159.4992 163.97919999999999 177.52 183.68 186.5248 200.36799999999999 198.8672 44218 44225 44232 44239 44246 44253 44260 44267 44274
44218 44225 44232 44239 44246 44253 44260 44267 44274 33.19 30.97 35.9 37.380000000000003 39.92 49.62 51.5 59.79 58.95 44218 44225 44232 44239 44246 44253 44260 44267 44274 36.071999999999996 36.147599999999997 33.944400000000002 39.798000000000002 40.521600000000007 43.340400000000002 56.451600000000006 55.825199999999995 65.069999999999993 44218 44225 44232 44239 44246 44253 44260 44267 44274 37.408000000000001 37.486399999999996 35.201599999999999 41.271999999999998 42.022400000000005 44.945599999999999 58.542400000000001 57.892799999999994 67.48 44218 44225 44232 44239 44246 44253 44260 44267 44274 44218 44225 44232 44239 44246 44253 44260 44267 44274 44218 44225 44232 44239 44246 44253 44260 44267 44274
44218 44225 44232 44239 44246 44253 44260 44267 44274 47.81 44.46 53.12 57.65 58.93 55.7 64.12 66.37 64.709999999999994 44218 44225 44232 44239 44246 44253 44260 44267 44274 53.017200000000003 51.580799999999996 49.204800000000006 57.574800000000003 62.802 62.791200000000003 61.516800000000003 70.5672 72.727200000000011 44218 44225 44232 44239 44246 44253 44260 44267 44274 54.980800000000002 53.491199999999999 51.027200000000001 59.7072 65.128 65.116799999999998 63.795200000000001 73.180800000000005 75.4208 44218 44225 44232 44239 44246 44253 44260 44267 44274 44218 44225 44232 44239 44246 44253 44260 44267 44274 44218 44225 44232 44239 44246 44253 44260 44267 44274
44218 44225 44232 44239 44246 44253 44260 44267 44274 109.06 143 146.26 150.19999999999999 143.5 126.6 110.16 113.38 130.04 44218 44225 44232 44239 44246 44253 44260 44267 44274 117.72 115.68960000000001 153.36000000000001 155.84400000000002 163.08000000000001 155.2824 140.4 119.88 130.6584 44218 44225 44232 44239 44246 44253 44260 44267 44274 122.08 119.9744 159.04 161.61600000000001 169.12 161.03360000000001 145.6 124.32 135.49760000000001 44218 44225 44232 44239 44246 44253 44260 44267 44274
44218 44225 44232 44239 44246 44253 44260 44267 44274 565.16999999999996 532.39 550.9 556.52 540.22 538.85 516.39 518.02 528.37 44218 44225 44232 44239 44246 44253 44260 44267 44274 629.04600000000005 612.36 579.73320000000001 599.4 601.8732 577.78920000000005 589.21559999999999 555.61680000000001 566.42759999999998 44218 44225 44232 44239 44246 44253 44260 44267 44274 652.34400000000005 635.04 601.20479999999998 621.6 624.16480000000001 599.18880000000001 611.03840000000002 576.1952 587.40640000000008 44218 44225 44232 44239 44246 44253 44260 44267 44274
series 1- Closing Price series 3- 8% series 4- 12%
Kristen Discussion:
After completing the activity, I scored a 58. The feedback I received was to “concentrate on developing a process that allows you to work on each of the elements of change one after the other” (Mind Tools Content Team, n.d., p.3). The results have specified that I understand and can plan change, but still need to strengthen managing resistance to change. I find these results to be very true about my strengths and weakness to change. Being a Department Chair in higher education, I can accept, plan, and implement for change within my department. I do lack the comfortableness in resistance of change from the department. I feel this is caused from previous resistance from change and morale decreasing because the change was very sudden.
The Thinking Style Tool can evaluate the team’s willingness for change and allow for training on change. Not everyone will be the same with data and the tool activity permits the change agent to handle appropriately. The tool informs the person on areas to work towards in accepting, planning, and managing change. By assessing the data from the activity, the team’s abilities to work towards change is strengthened overall.
A key point from the activity to apply to the team is “talk about why change is necessary, and share your vision of change with everyone” (Mind Tools Content Team, n.d., p. 5). This includes my staff, college higher ups, and external stakeholders that support the program. By incorporating information gained from the activity, effective communication and involvement assist in implementing the change and creates a positive situation for the team to accept change.
Mind Tools Content Team. (n.d.). How good are your change management skills. Retrieved from
Michael Discussion:
I took the quiz and scored a 49. The feedback I received was to “Concentrate on developing a process that allows you to work on each of the elements of change one after the other” (MTCT, 2021). The results indicate that I am able to administrate change but I often have just as many successes as I have failures. If I were to apply the lesson learned here moving forward, I would think about the individual processes that make up change and the engagement of the individual stakeholders. I need to focus more on the details of each step; who is involved, what they need, what their hesitations might be, how they determine success. Going over each of these steps in detail would form a more successful plan.
As an administrator, a tool such as this would be extremely helpful in preparing a team that will oversee change. Author Tim Creasey points out that at the beginning of a project, two assessments are needed: one of the change itself, and one of the team that will be administering the change (Creasey, n.d.). Using an assessment for the team allows you to understand each person’s strengths, and any potential obstacles. For example, those that are less detail oriented might be best suited to the larger picture while those very detail oriented would be better at administering the detail level information. Also, those with excellent social skills would help with the “politics” of the change, while those less skilled would be more suitable for the data analysis. Assessing and utilizing a team’s abilities works to provide a more successful rate of change.
Creasey, T. (n.d.). When should you use a change management readiness assessment? Blog. Retrieved from:
Mind Tools Content Team (MTCT). (2021). How good are your change management skills? Change Management. Retrieved from:

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